TESTING 1. Siswa yang dites biasanya merasa takut karena .... (2) 2. Sementara guru juga resah bila akan ada tes bagi siswa mereka karena .... (3) 3. Tetapi tidak satupun siswa maupun guru menolak tes karena .... 4. Tes memiliki 5 elemen pokok yaitu metoda, pengukuran, manusia, kemampuan atau pengetahuan, dan bidang tertentu. Dengan demikian definisi tes adalah .... 5. Masing-masing elemen tes tersebut mempunyai implikasi sbb. .... 6. Salah satu tujuan akhir memberi tes adalah: a. memberi tanda berakhirnya KBM c. menjuruskan siswa b. mengukur kepandaian siswa d. melengkapi tugas guru 7. Keputusan yang dibuat atas interpretasi hasil tes harus mengacu kepada: a. pengalaman dan tujuan siswa mengikuti tes c. pengalaman dan kemampuan guru b. pengalaman dan tujuan pengetes d. aturan tes yang berlaku 8. Tes (test procedure) sesungguhnya merupakan pengganti prosedur pengukuran yang lebih lengkap dan komplek tetapi lebih akurat (criterion-procedure). Maksudnya .... 9. Siapakah yang dapat memanfaatkan hasil tes bahasa (stake holder)? a. yang dites c. ahli linguistik e. pemerintah b. yang mengajar d. lembaga pendidikan 10. Jenis tes berikut ini didasarkan atas materi tes: a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. placement test d. proficiency test 11. Jenis tes berikut ini didasarkan atas tujuan tes: a. summative test b. diagnostic test c. placement test d. formative test 12. Materi tes berikut dapat digunakan untuk summative test: a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. formative test d. proficiency test 13. Materi tes berikut dapat digunakan untuk formative test: a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. summative test d. proficiency test 14. Beda summative test dengan formative test terletak pada: a. materinya b. tujuannya c. bentuknya d. waktu penyelenggaraannya 15. Pembagian menjadi subjective test dan objective test didasarkan pada: a. materinya b. tujuannya c. cara memeriksanya d. bentuknya 16. Manakah yang termasuk objective test? a. multiple-choice b. completion c. essay d. true-false 17. Manakah yang termasuk subjective test? a. multiple-choice b. completion c. essay d. true-false 18. Tes berikut didasarkan atas waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakannya. a. power test b. summative test c. speed test d. formative test 19. Discrete point test, global test, dan integrative test adalah jenis tes berdasarkan: a. bentuknya b. tujuannya c. keterkaitan antara elemen-elemennya d. cara menjawabnya 20. Communicative test menekankan pada: a. language form b. language use c. language skills d. language components 21. Syarat tes yang baik meliputi: a. reliability b. validity c. practicality d. feasibility 22. Maksud reliability adalah .... 23. Beda antara test reliability dan scorer reliability adalah .... 24. Untuk memperoleh reliability, ada 4 cara yaitu .... 25. Maksud validity adalah .... 26. Yang berkaitan erat dengan konsep bahasa dan belajar bahasa adalah: a. face validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. washback validity

TESTING - Web viewa. summative test b. diagnostic test c. placement test d. formative test. 12. Materi tes ... Choose the written word which corresponds to the spoken word. a

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1. Siswa yang dites biasanya merasa takut karena .... (2)2. Sementara guru juga resah bila akan ada tes bagi siswa mereka karena .... (3)3. Tetapi tidak satupun siswa maupun guru menolak tes karena ....4. Tes memiliki 5 elemen pokok yaitu metoda, pengukuran, manusia, kemampuan atau pengetahuan, dan bidang tertentu.

Dengan demikian definisi tes adalah ....5. Masing-masing elemen tes tersebut mempunyai implikasi sbb. ....6. Salah satu tujuan akhir memberi tes adalah:

a. memberi tanda berakhirnya KBM c. menjuruskan siswab. mengukur kepandaian siswa d. melengkapi tugas guru

7. Keputusan yang dibuat atas interpretasi hasil tes harus mengacu kepada:a. pengalaman dan tujuan siswa mengikuti tes c. pengalaman dan kemampuan gurub. pengalaman dan tujuan pengetes d. aturan tes yang berlaku

8. Tes (test procedure) sesungguhnya merupakan pengganti prosedur pengukuran yang lebih lengkap dan komplek tetapi lebih akurat (criterion-procedure). Maksudnya ....

9. Siapakah yang dapat memanfaatkan hasil tes bahasa (stake holder)?a. yang dites c. ahli linguistik e. pemerintahb. yang mengajar d. lembaga pendidikan

10. Jenis tes berikut ini didasarkan atas materi tes:a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. placement test d. proficiency test

11. Jenis tes berikut ini didasarkan atas tujuan tes:a. summative test b. diagnostic test c. placement test d. formative test

12. Materi tes berikut dapat digunakan untuk summative test:a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. formative test d. proficiency test

13. Materi tes berikut dapat digunakan untuk formative test:a. achievement test b. diagnostic test c. summative test d. proficiency test

14. Beda summative test dengan formative test terletak pada:a. materinya b. tujuannya c. bentuknya d. waktu penyelenggaraannya

15. Pembagian menjadi subjective test dan objective test didasarkan pada:a. materinya b. tujuannya c. cara memeriksanya d. bentuknya

16. Manakah yang termasuk objective test?a. multiple-choice b. completion c. essay d. true-false

17. Manakah yang termasuk subjective test?a. multiple-choice b. completion c. essay d. true-false

18. Tes berikut didasarkan atas waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakannya.a. power test b. summative test c. speed test d. formative test

19. Discrete point test, global test, dan integrative test adalah jenis tes berdasarkan:a. bentuknya b. tujuannya c. keterkaitan antara elemen-elemennya d. cara menjawabnya

20. Communicative test menekankan pada:a. language form b. language use c. language skills d. language components

21. Syarat tes yang baik meliputi:a. reliability b. validity c. practicality d. feasibility

22. Maksud reliability adalah ....23. Beda antara test reliability dan scorer reliability adalah ....24. Untuk memperoleh reliability, ada 4 cara yaitu ....25. Maksud validity adalah ....26. Yang berkaitan erat dengan konsep bahasa dan belajar bahasa adalah:

a. face validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. washback validity27. Yang berkaitan dengan pendapat awam tentang tes adalah:

a. face validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. washback validity28. Yang berkaitan erat dengan hasil tes lain atau hasil tes di masa mendatang adalah:

a. face validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. washback validity

29. Practicality berurusan dengan ....30. Perhatikan gambar papan sasaran lima panah berikut. Peringkatlah menurut reliability dan validity-nya.

What do you feel before, during and after doing the test?

Intimidated Confused Surprised Afraid Frustrated Useless Detached Embarrased Disappointment Angry Loss of confidence / demoralised / discouraged Helpless Anxious / pressurised

What may cause the feeling mentioned above?

Rubrics / instructions unclear or inadequate Purpose of the test unclear Time pressure Unfamiliarity with the test type Lack of preparation for the test: either in terms of practice

beforehand or warning that it was to take place Layout Arcane or specialised nature of subject matter Level too high Lack of interest in topics

WHAT?A test is a method of measuring a person's ability or knowledge in a given area.

WHY?1. to evaluate courses, methods, techniques,

syllabuses, and materials

2. to evaluate the effectiveness of a language teaching

3. to measure the students' progress in learning a language

4. to find out about the students' achievement5. to encourage the students to learn further 6. to find out about learning difficulties7. to place the students8. to select the students



Testing SystemLanguage Programmes




The consistency of the measurement of the testThe accuracy with which an item of a test is measuring what it is measuring

What kinds?1. Test reliability2. Scorer reliability

How to obtain?1. Administering parallel test to the same subject2. Administering test-retest3. More than one scorer or scoring4. Using split-half method


The relevance between a test and what it should measureThe extent to which the test measures what it is intended to measure

What kinds?1. Construct validity2. Content validity3. Face validity4. Empirical validity (Criterion-related validity; Pragmatic validity)

a. Concurrent validityb. Predictive validity

5. Washback validity


A test should be as economical as possible in terms of time (preparing, sitting, and marking) and of cost (materials and hidden cost of time spent).


Kinds of Tests Remarks (Content, Purpose, Structure, Treatment)

Achievement (Attainment)Proficiency



Formative (Diagnostic)






ContextualisedDecontextualised Global (Integrative)

Atomistic (Discrete)

Communicative Subjective


Criterion referenced

The content is related to what has been learned

The content is not related to what has been learnedTo identify those who are most likely to succeed in learning languageTo place students at an appropriate level in a programme or courseTo find the strengths and weaknesses of the students for future planTo rank or grade the students or to decide their positionTo find how much the students have actually mastered the languageTo find the students’ speed in using the languageTo ask the students to perform the skills being measuredTo measure the underlying ability of the real life use of languageThe tests are provided in contextThe tests are provided without contextTo measure one's ability to use combination of elements at one time To test a specific language element, e.g. grammar, or vocab at one timeFocus on language use in real life situationThe tests require expert judgment in the scoring processThe tests do not require expert judgment in the scoring processThe student’s result is compared to an

Norm referenced agreed standard or criterionThe student’s result is compared to the others’

GUIDELINES FOR WRITING TESTSA. General Guidelines (Validity, Reliability, Practicality)1.You should be clear about what you want to test.2.Tests must be purposeful, useful, and the result can be

interpreted, and believed.3.Achievement tests should relate to what has been

taught. 4.Tests should be within the reach of the intended

population (students).5.Tests should have beneficial washback effects on the

teaching and the syllabus.6.Give the tests you have written to your colleagues to

check.7.Tests should be reliable and practicable.

B. Specific Guidelines1. Rubrics should be clear, precise and simple. It is possible

to give them in the native language. Students should know what to do, how to do and how they will be judged.

2. Define the criteria for marking, if possible in advance of the testing. Unexpected but correct answers should be wisely treated.

3. Avoid decontextualised tests because language is used in context for a purpose. Provide sufficient context.

4. The context should clearly require the answer you have in mind.

5. You have to foresee all possible answers, especially in open-ended items.

6. In multiple-choice questions, the distractors should distract, and for relevant reasons.

7. Avoid cultural bias, subject or background knowledge bias, or test knowledge bias.

8. Write items whose response can be judged for adequacy.9. Encourage in your items the creative use of the language.10. Tests should be as similar as to real world

communicative use of language.11. A communicative task like writing should give the

students something to write, to someone, for a reason, and the students should be given some content to communicate.

12. The language of the comprehension tests should be easier than the language of the tests.

We teach English

English is a language

Language is a means of communication

The students are able to use the language for communication

Communication involves 4 language skills

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

Language skills involves language components

Structure, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Spelling

We teach (make the students learn) language skills & components

Materials taken from the curriculum in action (KTSP)

KTSP is based on SI and SKL

Testing is identical to teaching

The way & material to test is identical to those to teach

GRAMMARMultiple Choice

1. Tom ought not to ... (A. tell B. having told C. be telling D. have told) the secret, but he did.

2. Tom ought not to ... the secret, but he did. A. tell C. be telling B. having told D. have told

A. tellB. having toldC. be tellingD. have told

4. A. Tom ought not to tell the secret, but he did.B. Tom ought not to having told the secret, but he did.C. Tom ought not to be telling the secret, but he did.D. Tom ought not to have told the secret, but he did.

5.‘Tom ought not to have told anyone the secret.’ A. ‘So ought you.’ C. ‘Neither you oughtn’t.’ B. ‘Neither ought you.’ D. ‘So oughtn’t you.’

6. Tom ought not to have told the secret. A. Tom did not tell the secret but he should. B. Perhaps Tom may not tell the secret. C. Tom told the secret but it was wrong of him. D. It was necessary for Tom not to tell the secret.

7. ‘... was Robert late last week?’‘Three times.’

3. Tom ought not to the secret, but he did.

A. How much C. How often B. How many D. How long

Error recognition

1. I’m worried that you’ll be angry to me.A B C D

2. Sun / is shining / brightly today,/ isn’t it?A B C D


1. You can imagine how .... A. warm is it today C. is it warm today B. today it is warm D. warm it is today

2. You can imagine how ....

A. it B. today C. warm D. is3. Not only ......................

/the examination/very difficult/unfair/was/but/it/was/also

CompletionThis book belongs ... my sister.

Transformation1. I was able to leave the office early yesterday.

It was possible ....2. ‘When will you visit London?’ Mr. Brian asked me.

Mr. Brian asked me ....

Broken sentenceTake / drugs and stimulants / keep awake / while revise examination / often be very harmful. / It be far better / lead / balanced life / and get enough sleep / every night.

Pairing and matchingGoing to see a film tonight? A. Actually, I like them.Don’t you find war films too violent? B. Yes, I probably will.I can’t stand war films, can you? C. Not really. I like them.


A 72-year-old Samoan who (1) ... no English at all spent thirteen days (2) ... on buses in the San Francisco area after he had become separated (3) ... his family, police said.(4) ... said that Faaitua Logo, (5) ... moved to the United States two years ago, left his son and daughter-in-law (6) ... a few minutes in a market in San Jose (7) ... something at a nearby stall. When he tried to return to them, he could not remember where they (8) ... for him.

1. A. speaks B. is speaking C. has spoken D. was speaking2. A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. was riding3. A. with B. from C. by D. off4. A. He B. They C. One D. It5. A. which B. that C. who D. what6. A. in B. for C. since D. at7. A. to buy B. for buying C. bought D. buying8. A. waited B. wait C. were waiting D. have waited

Researchers (1) to convince that a drug they (2) to test can improve the memory and that it (3) to be the forerunner of other drugs which eventually (4) to improve mental ability.

(1) ...............(2) ...............(3) ...............(4) ...............

Students who were given the drug for a fortnight did considerably (1. well) in tests than (1) .............

others. The tests included the (2. memorise) of lists of words as well as of (3. inform) from two massages transmitted at the same time.

(2) .............(3) .............

Items to consider:

1a. Old Mr. Jones enjoys ... the children playing.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking on D. looking to

1b. Mr. Jones enjoys ... the children playing in front of him.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking on D. looking to

2a. ... sun is shining today. A. The B. A C. Some D. --

2b. ... Sun is shining today.2c. ... sun is shining today.2d. Is ... sun shining today?3a. As soon as possible the next day I sent my story ... the editor ... the magazine ... which my best work

usually appeared.3b. As soon as possible the next day I sent my story (1) ... the editor (2) ... the magazine (3) ... which my

best work usually appeared.(1) A. to B. by C. with D. at(2) A. with B. of C. in D. for(3) A. at B. about C. in D. by4a. John can sing better than you.

You cannot sing ....4b. You cannot sing as well as John.

John can sing ....

VOCABULARYMultiple Choice

1. A person who receives and pays out money in a bank.A. broker B. account C. creditor D. cashier

2. AdvocateA. advise B. contradict C. support D. damage

3. It’s rained continuously for two whole days.A. without stopping B. heavily C. regularly D. at odd moments

5. I saw a nasty ... between two cars this morning.A. danger B. happening C. accident D. damage

6. Budi : Tell me what time the doctor’s (1) ... opens.Ana : It’s open now. The (2) ... will help you.Budi : Excuse me. I just want to collect a (3) ....Ana : Is it for some (4) ... for a headache?Budi : No. It’s for some cough (5) ....Ana : Here it is. This should soon (6) ... your bad cough.

(1)A. office B. surgery C. hospital D. ward(2)A. porter B. hostess C. waitress D. receptionist

4. A. batB. butterflyC. birdD. dragonfly

(3)A. cure B. recipe C. direction D. prescription(4)A. liquid B. medicine C. solution D. prevention(5)A. drink B. mixture C. wash D. compound(6)A. cure B. treat C. refresh D. prevent

Associated words1. Put a circle around the odd word.

son father boy brother2. Write down the particular subject connected by these words.

theatre ward sister bed


1. lying lorry road talkknocked policeman injured brokenPoor Tom was (1) down by a (2) last week when he was crossing the (3). He was quite badly (4) and he had to go into hospital for a few days. His left leg was (5) and both his arms were cut. While he was (6) in bed in the hospital, a (7) came to (8) to him.

2. A. completely B. angrily C. politely D. carefully E. quickly F. busily‘Write (1) ...’ the teacher shouted (2) ..., but don’t waste time. You must get used to working (3) ....’‘Please, sir,’ a student said (4) ..., ‘I’ve finished.’‘No, you haven’t,’ answered the teacher. ‘You haven’t (5) ... finished until you’ve ruled a line at the end.’

Completion1. Snakes are one of the (1) d-m-n--t groups of (2) r-pt----; there are at least 2,000 different (3) sp-c--s of

snakes (4) sc-t----d over a wide area of the earth.

2. Anti : What’s the (1) today? (1) ..............Yuli: It’s the seventh.Anti: At what (2) does the concert start? (2) ..............Yuli: Seven o’clock. Just a moment. I made a

note of it in my (3). (3) ..............


1. now bow/not/now/how/mow2. sheep shop/shape/sleep/heap/sheep3. Tom is not going to your school.

A. Tom is not going to your pool.B. Tom is going to your school.C. Tom is not going to your school.D. Tom is not coming to your school.

4. The boy runs after the girl.

5. coil /kɔil/ vt, vi wind or twist into a continuous circular or spiral shape; curl round and round: The snake

~ed round the branch. n (C) 1 something coiled; a single turn of something coiled: the thick ~s of a python. 2 length of wire wound in a spiral to conduct electric current.

funnel /'fʌnl/ n (C) 1 tube or pipe wide at the top and narrowing at the bottom, for pouring liquids or powders through small openings. 2 outlet for smoke of a steamer, railway engine, etc. vt, vi (-ll, US -l-) (cause to) move (as if) through a funnel.

lattice /'lætis/ n (C) framework of crossed laths or metal strips as a screen, fence or door, or for climbing plants to grow over: a ~ window.

A. ......... B. ......... C. .........


5. The sun rises in the west. T F6. Fish can’t fly, but birds can. T F

7. Eye-gazing and eye-avoidance have meanings and patterns of profound significance. Gazing at others’ eyes generally signals a request for information and perhaps affection, but embarrassment can result from too long a mutual gaze. In fact, in intimate situations, there seems to be an equilibrium involving proximity, eye contact, intimacy of topic, and smiling. If one component is changed, the others tend to change in the opposite direction.

a. Looking at someone else’s eyes or looking away from them means a person is thinking very deeply.(T F)

b. We generally look at another person’s eyes when we want information or a sign of affection from that person. (T F)

c. If two people look too long at each other’s eyes, they will usually become embarrassed. (T F)

Multiple choice (The examples here have short texts)1. The eyes are wonderful teachers - even musicians, who deal with sound, learn as much as by (doing,

playing, watching, practising) as by listening.2. John is not as tall as Sally but he’s a little taller than Rick.

A. Sally is taller than John and RickB. John is not as tall as Rick.C. Sally is taller than John but not as tall as Rick.D. Rick is taller than John and Sally.



Monday, 8 January for 2 weeksMY FAT FRIEND

Charles Lawrence’s popular comedy

Wednesday, 24 January to Saturday, 27 January

Shanghai Festival Balletpresents


1. The Shanghai Festival Ballet will perform on ... evenings.2. ... will be the most amusing play.3. If you like dancing, you should see ....

RearrangementA. “Well,” said the farmer, scratching his chin, “I’ll tell you what we do.”B. The man went back to his car with a puzzled look on his face and said to his wife, “I think he must be


1. The room is likely to be a library. T F2. The men are leaving the desk. T F3. The ladies are looking at the men. T F4. The room is a no-smoking area. T F

C. “We eat what we can and what we can’t eat we can.”D. A curious tourist, after passing a huge field of carrots alongside the road, stopped and asked the farmer

what he did with his large crop.E. “He said they ate what they could and what they couldn’t they could.”

ClozeOnce upon a time a farmer had three sons. He was very rich and had many fields but his sons were lazy. When the farmer was dying, he called his three sons to him. “I have left you ... which will make you ...,” he told them. “But ... must dig in all ... fields to find the ... where the treasure is ....

WRITINGRewriting (Punctuation)1. lend me your pen please peter asked2. i took my pen out ani’s pocket

Filling boxes (Punctuation)1. What do you want, I asked Henry2. John who is speaking is my friend

Multiple choice (Punctuation)A. Tom asked me if I was going to the meeting?B. Tom asked me, if I was going to the meeting.C. Tom asked me, if I was going to the meeting?D. Tom asked me if I was going to the meeting.

Multiple choice (Spelling)1. A. thief B. belief C. seize D. decieve2. A. sitting B. writting C. setting D. getting

Completion (Spelling)1. o u ing = happening, taking place2. She is swimming in the s m g pool.

Error-recognition (Spelling)1. I want / to drink / a cup / of coffe.

A B C D2. It is / a very bed story / I have / ever heard.


Dictation (Spelling)

Dictated: penI use a pen to write a letter.pen

Sentence combining (Pre-writing)

1. He likes ice cream ... he won’t eat any.2. Some people came late. They will not get good seats.

Sentence expansion (Pre-writing)1. The ... man hurried ... to the ... boy.2. The man ... will visit us ....

Sentence reduction (Pre-writing)1. He told us about a man who had a wooden leg. (with)2. This man, who is hungry, needs some food. (one word)

(Timed) copying (Pre-writing)

Changing a passage (Guided writing)I was 9 when my parents moved here. My sister ...... (I = Anis)

Building from a paragraph outline (Guided writing)I / buy / new white swimsuit / I forget / bring / wallet .......

Writing a passage based on questions (Guided writing)

Arranging jumbled sentences (Guided writing)

Describing pictures (Guided writing)

Filling forms (Communicative writing)

Writing letters, advertisement, etc. (Communicative writing)

Writing styles (Free writing)- Narrative - Argument- Description - Comparison and Contrast- Exposition

SPEAKINGReading aloud

Conversational exchanges1. Models: Mrs. Green lives in a flat. She doesn’t like living in a flat and would like to live in a small

house with a garden. (She wishes she lived in a small house with a garden.)It’s raining heavily. Tom and Anna are waiting impatiently at home to set off on their picnic. (They wish it would stop raining.)a. Mr. Black has a small car but his neighbours all have large cars. He would like a large car, too.b. Anna hasn’t learnt how to swim yet but most of her friends can swim.c. Tom is waiting for Bill outside the cinema. The show is just about to start but Bill has not arrived

yet.2. Make an appropriate response.

a. You are trying to get to the market. Ask someone the way.b. Do you mind if I smoke?c. What about a game of tennis?

3. Follow the prompts in brackets.Receptionist : Can I help you?You : (You want to know if there is a single room available.)Receptionist : Yes, we have some.You : (Ask the price.)Receptionist : Thirty-four pounds fifty a night.You : (Ask if it includes breakfast.)

Using pictures

1. Spot the differences

2. Sequencing

3. Last summer Lucy spent a few days with her uncle and aunt in the country. When it was time for her to return home, her uncle and aunt took her to the station. Lucy had made a lot of friends and she left sad on leaving them. She got on the train and waved goodbye to them. ..... Now you continue to tell this story.

Short talk & Role play

LISTENINGPhoneme discrimination

1. A. pin B. pen C. pan D. pain

2. A. sack B. sock C. shark D. shock3. A. face B. fist C. fix D. fish

4. pin - pinA B C D

5. sock - sockA B C D

6. Circle the letters of the same sentences: A B CA. There’s a bend in the middle of the road.B. There’s a bend in the middle of the road.C. There’s a band in the middle of the road.

7. Choose the written word which corresponds to the spoken word.

a. Spoken: den A. ten B. den C. Ben D. pen

b. Spoken: I’ll thread it for you. A. threat B. dread C. thread D. tread

Stress and intonation1. Spoken : I’ve just given THREE books to Bill.

Written : I’ve just given three books to Bill.( ) ( ) ( ) (X) ( ) ( ) ( )

Statements and dialogue1. Spoken : I wish you’d done it when I told you.

Written : A. I told you and you did it then.B. I didn’t tell you but you did it then.C. I told you but you didn’t do it then.D. I didn’t tell you and you didn’t do it then.

2. Spoken : Why are you going home?Written : A. At six o’clock. C. To help my mother.

B. Yes, I am. D. By bus.

Understanding talks & lectures, and Following instructionsUsing visual materials

Spoken WrittenX: Look! What’s that inside the square?X: It’s a blue circle.

1. A B C

A. B. C.

Spoken Written1. The lorry’s on the left of the motorcyclist.2. The car’s travelling in the same direction.

1. T F 2. T F


1. A B C D2. A B C D3. A B C D

Spoken Written1. Dony can’t run as fast as Helga.2. Tom wishes his sister could play tennis with him.3. The switch is too high for Indri to reach.4. The car’s going to crash into a tree.

1. A B C 2. A B C3. A B C4. A B C

Strategi Peyusunan Soal:

1. Buat Daftar Indikator yang akan diteskan

2. Beri distribusi jumlah soal dengan tally secara proporsional3. Cari bahan untuk soal4. Buat satu soal, beri tanda indikator di belakangnya5. Lingkari tally yang terkait sampai semua indikator tercakup6. Sisa tally yang sukar dilengkapi diberikan ke indikator lainnya

Skimming / / / Soal 1 (Sk)Scanning / / Soal 2 (Sc)Detailed / / / / / / Soal 3 (Ded)Between / / / / Soal 4 (Det)Reference / / / / Soal 5 (Sk)Predicting / / Soal 6 (Ref) Deducing / / dst.