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  • 8/12/2019 Text Bahasa Inggris


    Assalamualaikum wr wb

    Good morning everybody, before we present our presentation, i will say thank you to our

    preceptor doctor Adi Setiawan Obstetri n gynecology specialis and fertility consultant for

    coming, and thank you for our beloved friends for joining in this dicussion today. My name is

    yonifa and my friends will present our refrat with the title Role of Female sex Hormone,

    estradiol, and progenterons, in mast cell behavior


    Mast cell belong to the innatecompartement of the immune system and are widely known for

    their role in allergic reactions via their binding to !g" receptor.

    Maturation and degranulation of mast cell can be stimulate by immunological and non

    immunological signals, endogenous and e#ogenous peptides, chemical, agents or physical

    stimuli, bacterial products, viruses, bacterial and viral superantigens, products of complementactivation, components of animal venoms and peptides.

    Moreover$emale se# hormon, estradiol dan progesteron have been proposed to activate M%

    &his assumption is based on the fact that'

    (. Serum !g" is higherin allergic female mice than male mice

    ). Asthma prevalence is higherin women at reproductive age

    *. *+-+of women who have asthma worsening of their symptoms during the

    perimenstrual phase

    So, in this morning we will discuss about the effect of $emale se# hormon and M%



    /efore we get down to the main discusion we have to know what the mast cell is,

    "orfolog# of "ast !ell

    Mast %ell was found by "hrlich. Mast %ell have alot of granule and are common cellular

    component of both conective and mucosal tissue.

    0iameters 1 () um, oval, irreguler, have short pseudopodia that show slow mobility. &he

    nucleus of mast cell is round, small and the color is blue covered by sitoplasma

    Mast cell belong to the innatecompartement of the immune system. &heir role are in allergic

    reactions via their binding to !g" receptor

  • 8/12/2019 Text Bahasa Inggris


    2Mast %ell can be activated by immunological and nonimmunological signals, endogenous

    and e#ogenous peptides, chemical, agents or physical stimuli, bacterial products, viruses,

    bacterial and viral superantigens, products of complement activation, components of animal

    venoms and peptides.

    Among other female se# hormon, estradiol, and progesteron have been proposed to activated

    mast cell2 3Mast cell can be activated by a lot of factor that ! have told before included

    female se# hormon4

    Mast cell have ) active biological mediator' &he mediators are

    (.Preformed mediator:3included the preformed mediators are....4

    Amine' histamine, serotonine

    5eutral protease' &riptase, protease kemotriptik

    6roteoglikan ' 7eparin

    7idrolase acid' /eta heksosaminidase and beta glukoronidase.

    &umor 5ecrosis $actor 3&5$4.

    2. Newly Generated 3included the newly Generated are....4

    Sitokines3!8(, !8*, !8-, !89, !8:4, fat mediator, angiogenik and growht factor,

    that can be the mediator of inflamasi and imunoregulation

    0uringMast cell degranulation will release that mediators with kind of the manifestation will

    performed. $or e#ample'

    (. 7istamin ' 7istamin is the primer mediator of granule mast cell. 7istamine have -reseptor, 7(, 7),7*,7-. !f histamin release and disributed in the tissued will give

    different efek based on the reseptor, for e#ample reseptor 7(' increasing of vascular

    permeability, vasodilatasion, 7)' secretion of mucosa gaster, 7*' %5S, 7-' "osinofil

    ). 6G dan 8& is the secunder mediator. "ffect of the 6G and 8& release are

    broncoconstriction increasing vaskular permeability, and increase mucus production

    *. Sitokin3!8*, !8-, !89, !8:,&5$alfa4. &hat sitokine can change micro environment

    and can stimulate inflamation cell like neutrofil and eusinofil. !8- and !8(* can

    increasing the !g" 6roduction by / %ell. !89 can activating thr eosinofil. !8: canstimulate the production of neutrofil. &5$alfa has role in cronic infection. !ncreasing

    serum of &5$ alfa can be lead the anafilactic reaction

    "ast !ell in $reast cancer

    $ew studies of stromal mast cells in invasive breast carcinomas have been done. &he studies

    have indicated thatmany stromal mast cells are correlated to a favourable prognosis.

    $urthermore in lymph nodes of women with breast cancers, a higher number of mast cellswere found in the noninvolved a#illary lymphnodes in those women with a better prognosis4

  • 8/12/2019 Text Bahasa Inggris


    &hese findings might indicate a protective effect of mast cells, possibly e#erting a cytoto#ic

    effect on the tumor cells.

    &he correlation between the presence of mast cells and a more favorable prognosis in breast

    carcinoma perhaps is the result of positive correlation between "; receptor positivity and thepresence of mast cells
