The birth of the Vision 비비비 비비 <SESSION ONE> 당당당 당당 당 당당당? 당당 당당당 당당당당당 당당당당? 당당당 당당당 당당당 당당당 당당 당당 당당당당. - 당당당 당당당당 당. 당당당 당당 당당당 당당당 당당당 당당 당당, 당당 당당당 당당당당, 당당당당 당당당당당당당 당당당당 당당(heights)당 당당당 당 당당당. 당당당 당당 당ISION" 당당당 당당당 당당당. 당당당 1 / 81

The Birth of the Vision

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The birth of the Vision

? ? . - . , , (heights) . ISION" .

1 / 94

SESSION CLASS NOTE . . . -E. Paul Hovey

1. I. The Investigative ____________________________________ for the Need ( __________ ,.........) 2 . 2 ( 1:1~3)

II. The Intentional _______________________________ with Those in Need ( ____________________________ ) ' ...2 ( 4 )

2 / 94

III. The Instinctive _______________________________ to the Need ( ______________________ ) ' ...3 ( 4 )

IV. The Intensifying _____________________________ for the Need ( __________________) 3 .3 ( 4 )

V. The Intuitive _______________________ that You Could Meet Need ( _____________________ )

3 / 94

, , , . -Peter Marchall

VI. The Internal _________________________ for the Need ( _______________________ )

VII. The Initial __________________________ to Meet the Need ( ______________________ )

4 / 94

[PERSONAL INVENTORY: ] ? - . , , . . . . , , .









1) , . ( 2) . 3) . . . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

) )

4) , 5) , 6) . ( )

7) .



42-49 . 35-41 . 28-34 (fine paper) . 21-27 . 7-20 ?

5 / 94

[INTERACT INVESTIGATE : ] . . -G.K. Chesterton 1) ? ?

2) ? . ?

3) , , . , , .

4) ? ?

5) . , ?

, . . . - , , , .... . , . , . . .

6 / 94


, , . , -James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner

. - , , , , ...- , . . . - . , . . . : . , . ( 13:45-46)

7 / 94

. , , . . . , . , . , . . . . , . , ? . , , , . . - 8(burden)" . , . . - , . . , , . , . . . . , , . , . .

8 / 94


Must Keep Going" - .[DAY ONE] , , . - Jack Welch : 13:32 , - ? , . -( : ) . . William Booth , . - (Salvation Army) . 0 . . Clarence Birdseye . ? , , ? - , . () , . . [Wordwise] . 13:31-33 . , 9 9 , . . 9 9... ?9 ...9 (vv. 32-33) . . . , .

9 / 94

? , 10, .10 , ?

10 / 94

Samaritan Express : [DAY TWO] . . ; , . -John Paul II : 10:30-35 Bill . . . , , , . Bill . , ? . Bill , , .. . . - . 11: people person" ? . . , . ? , . . - . [WordWise] , . , , 11 , 11 ( 10:33) . . -11 (church type)" . . : , ?

11 / 94

, . . . . 12 (Samaritan Express)" , - . [InVision] , .

12 / 94

The Defining Moment : [DAY THREE] , . . - Edward De Bono : 1:3 . , . - . . - . . (remnant) , . (remnant) . . , 13 ...13 ( 1:3) . , . , . . ? [WordWise] . , , . , , . () . , . . (defining moment) ? , , ?

13 / 94

14 / 94

The Message of Mourning : [DAY FOUR] , . . . - C. S. Lewis Billy Hybels , . , . . 15 , , , . , . . 15 , . .15 ? , . Hybels . . - , . , . . , , , . [WordWise] . , . 15 ,15 . 15 , . .15 ( 1:4) , . ... . . , . ? TV ?

15 / 94

? [InVision] .

16 / 94

Attack- Now! (- !)[DAY FIVE] . - Henry Ford 1944 6 6, . 2 (the turning point) D-day. . , Dwight D. Eisenhower . , . ?17 , . 17 . . . , . , ? . . .- , . , , . [WordWise] 11:4 . 17 .17 . , , . . , ( ) . ? ? , 17!17 . . , . [InVision] . .

17 / 94

Into the Word : (The Birth of the Vision). . . , , , . 1. THE LOSS OF LIGHT ( ) 2:2-5 , . 18 18 ? .


, 18 18 , ?

18 18 ?

18 / 94

2. THE ULTIMATE PRIZE : 13:44-45 ?


(the seekers) ? ? ?

, ?

(idea and accomplishment) ?

3. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT : 1:4-10 , . ?



10 . ?

19 / 94


20 / 94


13, ? , . ?



21 (grouping things)21 ?

(the key initiatives) ?

5. RACE TO THE FINISH LINE 12:1-2 , - . 12 1-2 ?

21 21 ?

? ?

21 / 94


22 (runner's rules)22 ?

22 / 94

. , ? , . . . ? 23 (heavy lifting)23 ? , , .

23 / 94

2. Introduction . , , . (mocks), . . - Samuel Chadwick I. The ______________________________________of Your Relationship with God () 24 ...24 ( 1:4c-5)

II. The ______________________________________ that God Is the Ultimate Answer ...24 ( 1:6a) () 24 ...

III. The __________________________________ of the Underlying Sins () 24... ...24 ( 1:6b)

IV. The ____________________________________ of Your Sins and Motives () 24 .24 ( 1:6c-7)

V. The __________________________________ of God's Promises () 24 .24 ( 1:8-9)

24 / 94

. - Hugh Cullman

VI. The __________________________________________ of God REsts Upon You () 25 . ...25 ( 1:10-11a)

VII. The ______________________________________ to Pray for Specific Answers 25 ( 1:11b) () 25


25 / 94

[QUIZ] - . . , . ? . , , .

. ?








1) . (

) )

2) . ( 3) . 4) , . 5) , . ( ) ( ( ) )

6) . ( ) 7) (commission) . ( )



42-49 . 35-41 . 28-34 . 21-27 . 7-20 , .

26 / 94

27 / 94

, . - R.A. Torrey

1. . ?

2. , , , ; . ?

3. ? ?

4. ? ?

5. (commission) ?

7 . , , . , , . , 3 . . . . ? . . , .

28 / 94

The Power for the Vision : . . -Abraham Lincoln

. - , . , , . , 29..29 . , .? , . . , . . . . - . . , . . . .

29 / 94

, (?). . , . . . , . . . . . , , (covenant). , , , .; . . . . , . (commission) . (blinding light) . . . . . , . . , , . , .

30 / 94


Finding God in the Drought : [DAY ONE] . -Billy Graham ( ) : 1:5 1986. . . , . . 2000 ? . ? 3 . . ( 4:7~12) . , . - . (reflexively)- 1:5~10 , . .- , . [WordWise] . . . 31 , ...31 ( 1:5) . . . , . ? ? . - ? , . , .

31 / 94

, . . - . [InVision] , ?

32 / 94

Exponential Confession : () [DAY TWO] , -Charles Wesley " , 33 (intercession) : 1:6 G.K. Chesterton - , , . . 33 .. (ivilization' ?? , 33 33 ) 33 .33 . , Chesterton 33 ?33 , . 33 . Chesterton 33 33 . - . . . . . 33 ....... " ( 1:6) .; , , . . . . ? [WordWise] . . , . . - , . . . ?

33 / 94

CEO , , , (ambivalence) . ? ? , ? [InVision] (mile). (mile) .

34 / 94

True Confessions : [DAY THREE] . -Duncan Campbell : 32:3~5 Bill Watterson alvin and Hobbes" Calvin . Hobbes . 35 , Hobbes . 35, ? Calvin . 35,. , ? , . , ?35 35 . , . . [WordWise] Calvin " 35 . . 35 ...( 32:5)35 . - ; . . , . . 35 35. . . .

35 / 94

? 2 . , , . , . , . [InVision] . .

36 / 94

Under Contract : [DAY FOUR] . , . : 31:33 1800 . William . . , 37 37 , , . - . , 5 . . 1806 , . 50 William 125 . ~~~ , 37 37 . - . [WordWise] . . . . , 37 .37 ( 31:33) . . , . . . , . (fine print :( ) )


37 37 ( 11:1)

37 / 94

. ? [InVision] .

38 / 94

MISSION CONTROL : [DAY FIVE] , . , . -Stephen R. Lawhead, in Merlin : 1:5 Richard Nizon Charles Closon . . Colson . , . 39 . Colson . - , , . 5 . Colson . Colson . . , . Colson . . [WordWise] . . 39 ...( 1:5) , , . . . () . , , . ,

39 / 94

. , . - . [InVision] (mission) .

40 / 94

THE POWER OF THE VISION : , . ? , . 1. THE CLOSER YOU GET : 63:1~4 63 . ?

? . .

41 41 . ? ?

. (4: , . * ) ?

41 / 94

. 3 .

42 / 94

2. STANDING IN THE GAP : 32:30~34 ?

. . ?

? ?




43 / 94

51:1~6 , . ? ? , ?

? (5 : .)

44 44(truth of the inner part, 6 ) ? ?

, . .

44 / 94


17 . ?

. 45 45 ?45 45 . (ather of many" xalted father") ?

? ?

? ?


45 / 94

26:15~20 . ?

. .


? (20, 1:8 )* 26:20 ... * 1:8

? .

46 / 94

SESSION THREE 3 ? . . ? - ? . . ? .

47 / 94

INTRODUCTION : ... , , . -Henry David Thoreau

I. The Validation of Your Enduring ___________________________ ____________________________ 48 ...48 ( 2:1~2)

II. The Validation of Your Public


____________________________ 48... 48 ( 2:3)

48 / 94

III. The Validation of Your Dependent


____________________________ 49 49 ( 2:4)

IV. The Validation of Your Overall


____________________________ 49 ............. 49 ( 2:6a, 6c)

V. The Validation of Your Authority's ___________________________ ____________________________ 49 ........ ........49 ( 2:4,5,6b)

49 / 94

, 100 . .

VI. The Validation of Your Motive's ___________________________ ____________________________

VII. The Validation of Your Heart's ___________________________ ____________________________


50 / 94

[QUIZ] , . ? ? , .: 51 51 . , 51 51 . . - . ? . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1) , . ( ) 2) . ( ) 3) . ( ) 4) . ( ) 5) . ( ) 6) , . ( ) 7) , . ( )



42-49 , , 35-41 28-34 fine print ( ) 21-27 7-20

51 / 94

, . - Yogi Berra


2) ?

3) ? ? ?

4) . ?

5) . ?

. 52 52 . ( ) , . , ? ? ? , , .

52 / 94

THE VALIDATION OF THE VISION : ? ! , . -David McNally , . , . , . . 100% , . , , . , . 53 53 . ?53 (Passion Validator)53. . .

53 / 94

. , . . , , . , - , . . , , , . . . . . , ... 54 (Proclamation Validator) 54 . 54 54 , ? . . - 54(trustees)" . , . , , , . . 54 (Permission Validator)54, . . . , . .

54 / 94

Where Do You Think you're Going? : ?[DAY ONE] ? - : 2:2 Rose Bowl Roy Riegels . , . , 1 . . . 55 Riegels" . . . , . [WordWise] . . . ( 2:1~6) . . ?55 55 . - (response) . . 55 ..55 ( 2:2) : ? ? . . , , . . , , . ,

55 / 94

. (from the first light) . . . , . [InVision] .

56 / 94

DOUBLE VISION : ( )[DAY TWO] . -Frederick Wilcox : 1: 5-8 1 . , 2 . , . - . , , . , . . , . , . , , TV 57, ?57 . ?57 57 . . . . ? [WordWise] , . . , ; 57 ( 1:6) 57 57 , . . 57 57. . . . ? - .

57 / 94

[InVision] .

58 / 94

More Than a Feeling : [DAY THREE] , . -Abraham Lincoln : 132:1-5 Charles Goodyear , . . , . . 59 59 Goodyear . , . Goodyear . . , . , . Charles Goodyear . . . , , . , . - . [WordWise] -( .) , . . , 59 .59 ( 132:4-5) , , , . , , , .

59 / 94

. . , . [InVision] , , .

The Voice Above the Crowd : [DAY FOUR] . , , . -Mark Twain : 1 3M . . , 3M , . . , Fortune 500 CEO , . . ? Wilbur Orville . . . . . [WordWise] .: 60 .60 ( 1:1~2). . , . ( ) , . ? . ? 60

60 / 94

61 , . . , . , .

[InVision] . - .

61 / 94

Permision Granted : [DAY FIVE] , . - Wendell Johnson : 2:4~5 . . . ; ? . . , , , . . , . , , . [WordWise] . , . , 62 62 ( 2:4~5) . , . ? . . . ( ) , . , . .

62 / 94

[InVision] , .

63 / 94

INTO THE WORD : THE VALIDATION OF THE VISION , . . . 1. DID I HEAR YOU CORRECTLY? : ? 6:33-40 , . 34 , . ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

?. ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

64 / 94

, ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

65 / 94

2. WHEN 2 MINDS AREN'T BETTER THAN 1 : ? 1:4-7 . ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

66 66 ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. PASSION PERMANENCE : 11:8-12

66 / 94

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

67 67(10) ? ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? (11) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

, , . . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

67 / 94

4. TOO CLOSE TO HOME : . 13:45-58

. . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. (58) ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

, ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. WHO WILL GIVE THE BLESSING : ? 31: 7-8 , 34: 9 , . ?

68 / 94

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

69 69 , ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (7) ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

69 69 69 69 (8) ? . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

34:9 . ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

69 / 94


70 / 94

4. Introduction , (lead) . - Charles R. Swindoll

I. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . 717 8 71 2:7-8

II. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . "9 71 2:9

71 / 94

III. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . "10 11 2:10-11

IV. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . 12 13 14 15 16 2:12-16

V. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . 17 , 18 2:17-18

72 / 94

. . -Mother Teresa VI. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . 19 2:19

VII. ____________________________________________ The Test of _____________________________________________________________ . 20 2:20


73 / 94

[QUIZ] ? . . , . . . - . . .








1) , 74 74 . ( ) 2) 10 . ( ) 3) . ( ) 4) . ( ) ( ) 5) . 6) , , . ( ) 7) , . ( )



42-49 . 35-41 28-34 21-27 7-20 !

74 / 94

, ! -Flitz Reiner 1) . ?

2) , ?

3) ?

4) ?

5) ?

. 5 , -75(resources)75, " (reprioritization)", "(recruitment)", 75(rejection)", 75(resolution)"-. . . ? . , , . . 5 75(resolution)" - . , , .

75 / 94

The Tests of the Vision : . . -Dale Carnegie . , , ? " ? ? . , . , , . , . (, ) , 76 (Resources Test)" . . . , , , . . , .

76 / 94

. 77 (eprioritization Test)". . ? (new wine) (old wine) . . . . 77 (Recruitment Test)", ?77 ()77 . - ? , . . , . . , . 77 (Rejection Test)" . . , . , , . .(count on them). , , . , . . 77 ? 77 (Resolution Test)" . . . , . , , . , .

77 / 94

Go With the Flow : [DAY ONE] . - Cutis Grant : 2:8 Billy Graham . . . . - , . 6 . . . 78. . , (squeeze). ? , , . , . , . [WordWise] . . . . . . 78.... .78 ( 2:8) . . 78 78 . . - . , .

78 / 94

, . [InVision] , .

79 / 94

Reinventing Your World : [DAY TWO] . : 5:37-39 Bob Hope . , . Bob Hope . Bob Hope . . . . Hope . - , . . ( ) . . , . ? [WordWise] , . , , . , . 80 80 ( 5:37). , . - . , . , . . , . (39) -Bruce Barton

80 / 94

[InVision] . .

81 / 94

In Search of Mighty Men : ...[DAY THREE] . -Sheila Murray Bathel : 11:10-19 Mitchell Kapor . 82 , . , . . 1960 10 . . . . . Tom Wolfe 82 82 . . 1969 7 . , . . . [WordWise] " (Mighty Man)" ? . , . 82 .82 (11) . . . ? . , . . - , . ? ? , (mobilization skills) .

82 / 94

[InVision] .

83 / 94

Turkey Season : (-_-?)[DAY FOUR] , . (When you're through changing, you're through.) -Tony Randall : 9:2-5 , . , , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , , . [WordWise] . , . . 84 84 ( 9:5) ; . . . . ? . , . . . [InVision]

84 / 94

. , .

85 / 94

Final Exam : [DAY FIVE] , . -Frank A. Clark : 12:1-3 , . . ? Dr. Seuss Theodore Geisel Random house 23 . , he Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham" . CEO . ichael Jordon , .86 . 86 ?86 . 86 ?, ?86 . 86 , ? Bud Bumpus ? . 86, Bud Bumpus ? 86 ?86 . 86 , ! [WordWise] . . , . ?86 86 ( 12:1) . ? . - . , . , . , .

86 / 94

, . . - ? [InVision] .

87 / 94

Into the Word ( ) The Tests of the Vision : , . . . - . . 1. ULTIMATE PARTNERSHIP : 1:3-6 . 88(partnership)" ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

arrangement ? (vv.4-5) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

88 88 ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

88 / 94

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

89 / 94

2. PARADIGM SHIFT : 9:57-62 . ? (v58) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? (vv59-60) . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

( ) . ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

90 / 94

3. RAISING AN ARMY : 1:35-42 . , ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

( ) ? (vv. 35-36) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. (v.41) ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

. (v.42) . - , . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

91 / 94

4. REJECTION SLIP : 13:44-52

. ( .) ? (v.45) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? (v.47) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

48 - ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. TRIAL BY FIRE :

92 / 94


, ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

? ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

93 93 . _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

93 / 94

94 / 94