The Conjugate Gradient Method Tom Lyche Centre of Mathematics for Applications, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo October 21, 2010

The Conjugate Gradient Method - Universitetet i oslo · I So the conjugate gradient method nds the exact solution in at most n iterations. I The convergence analysis shows that x

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The Conjugate Gradient Method

Tom Lyche

Centre of Mathematics for Applications,Department of Informatics,

University of Oslo

October 21, 2010

The Conjugate gradient method

I Restricted to symmetric positive definite n × n systemsAx = b.

I Start with x(0) ∈ Rn. Generate {x(k)} byx(k+1) = x(k) + αkp(k),

I p(k) ∈ Rn is the search direction,

I αk ∈ R determines the step length.

I In general we find the exact solution in at most niterations.

I For many problems the error becomes small after a fewiterations.

I Both a direct method and an iterative method.

I Rate of convergence depends on the square root of thecondition number of A.

The name of the game

I Conjugate is another word for orthogonal; orthogonalgradients.

I But why gradients?

I Consider minimizing the quadratic function Q : Rn → Rgiven by Q(x) := 1

2xTAx− xTb.

I The minimum is obtained by setting the gradient equal tozero.

I ∇Q(x) = Ax− b = 0 linear system Ax = b

I Find the solution by solving r = b− Ax = 0.

I The sequence {x(k)} in CG is such that{r(k)} := {b− Ax(k)} is orthogonal with respect to theusual inner product in Rn.

I The search directions {p(k)} are also orthogonal, but withrespect to a different inner product.

The method

Choose x(0), r(0) = p(0) = b− Ax(0), (1)

For k = 0,1, 2, . . .

x(k+1) := x(k) + αkp(k), αk :=

(r(k), r(k))

(p(k),Ap(k)), (2)

r(k+1) := r(k) − αkAp(k), (3)

p(k+1) := r(k+1) + βkp(k), βk :=

(r(k+1), r(k+1))

(r(k), r(k)). (4)

Here (u, v) := uTv is the usual inner product of two vectors.

r(k) is the residual

I r(0) := b− Ax(0).

I Suppose by induction on k that r(k) = b− Ax(k).

I Since x(k+1) := x(k) + αkp(k) we find


r(k+1) := r(k) − αkAp(k)

= b− Ax(k) − αkAp(k)

= b− A(x(k) + αkp(k))

= b− Ax(k+1).

Example[2 −1−1 2

][ x1x2 ] = [ 10 ]

I Start with x(0) = 0, p(0) = r(0) = b = [1, 0]T ,I First iteration:I Ap(0) = [2,−1]T , α0 = (r(0),r(0))

(p(0),Ap(0))= 1


x(1) = x(0) + α0p(0) = [ 00 ] + 12

[ 10 ] =[1/20


I r(1) = r(0) − α0Ap(0) = [ 10 ]− 12

[ 2−1 ] =




I β0 = (r(1),r(1))(r(0),r(0))

= 14,

p(1) = r(1) + β0p(0) =[


]+ 1

4[ 10 ] =



I Second iteration:I Ap(1) = [0, 3/4]T , α1 = (r(1),r(1))

(p(1),Ap(1))= 2


x(2) = x(1) + α1p(1) =[1/20

]+ 2





I r(2) = r(1) − α1Ap(1) = 0, β1 = (r(2),r(2))

(r(1),r(1))= 0,

p(2) = r(2) + β1p(1) = 0,I x(2) exact solution. (r(1), r(0)) = 0.

Exact method and iterative method

I Orthogonality of the residuals implies that x(m) is equal tothe solution x of Ax = b for some m ≤ n.

I For if x(k) 6= x for all k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 then r(k) 6= 0 fork = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 is an orthogonal basis for Rn. Butthen r(n) ∈ Rn is orthogonal to all vectors in Rn sor(n) = 0 and hence x(n) = x.

I So the conjugate gradient method finds the exact solutionin at most n iterations.

I The convergence analysis shows that x− x(k) typicallybecomes small quite rapidly and we can stop the iterationwith k much smaller that n.

I It is this rapid convergence which makes the methodinteresting and in practice an iterative method.

Conjugate Gradient Algorithm

Algorithm (Conjugate Gradient Iteration)

1. function [x,K]=cg(A,b,x,tol,itmax) r=b-A*x; p=r;rho=r’*r;

2. rho0=rho;

3. for k=0:itmax

4. if sqrt(rho/rho0)<= tol

5. K=k; return

6. end

7. t=A*p; a=rho/(p’*t);

8. x=x+a*p; r=r-a*t;

9. rhos=rho; rho=r’*r;

10. p=r+(rho/rhos)*p;

11. end

12. K=itmax+1;


The work involved in each iteration is

1. one matrix times vector (t = Ap),

2. two inner products (pT t and rT r),

3. three vector-plus-scalar-times-vector (x = x + ap,r = r − at and p = r + (rho/rhos)p),

4. O(n), if t = Ap can be computed in O(n) operations.

A family of test problems

I T1 := tridiag(a, d , a) ∈ Rm,m.

I T2 := T1 ⊗ I + I⊗ T1 ∈ Rn,n, n = m2.

I f = [1, 1, . . . , 1]T ∈ Rn, h = 1/(m + 1),

I Solve T2x = h2f =: b.

I T1 symmetric ⇒ T2 symmetric.

I T2 positive definite if d > 0 and d ≥ 2|a|.I Can use CG

I T2x can be computed in O(n) flops.

I Each iteration in CG requires O(n) flops.

m = 3, n = 9

A =

2d a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0a 2d a 0 a 0 0 0 00 a 2d 0 0 a 0 0 0a 0 0 2d a 0 a 0 00 a 0 a 2d a 0 a 00 0 a 0 a 2d 0 0 a0 0 0 a 0 0 2d a 00 0 0 0 a 0 a 2d a0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 2d

I a = −1, d = 2: Poisson matrix

I a = 1/9, d = 5/18: Averaging matrix

2D formulation of test problems

I T2x = h2f ⇐⇒ T1V + VT1 = B,

I Define V,R,P,T ∈ Rm,m

I x = vec(V), r = vec(R), p = vec(P), and t = vec(T).

I r′ ∗ r = norm(R ,′ fro ′)2 = sum(sum(R. ∗ R)).

I t = T2p⇐⇒ T = T1P + PT1.

I a = r′∗rp′∗t = sum(sum(R.∗R))

sum(sum(P.∗T)) .

Algorithm (Testing Conjugate Gradient )

1. function [V,K]=cgtest(m,a,d,tol,itmax)

2. R=ones(m)/(m + 1)2; rho=sum(sum(R.*R));rho0=rho; P=R;

3. V=zeros(m,m); T1=sparse(tridiagonal(a,d,a,m));

4. for k=1:itmax

5. if sqrt(rho/rho0)<= tol

6. K=k; return

7. end

8. T=T1*P+P*T1; a=rho/sum(sum(P.*T));V=V+a*P; R=R-a*T;

9. rhos=rho; rho=sum(sum(R.*R));P=R+(rho/rhos)*P;

10. end;

11. K=itmax+1;

The Poisson problemtol = 10−8, x(0) = 0

n 2 500 10 000 40 000 160 000K 80 160 321 647K/√

n 1.6 1.6 1.61 1.62

Table: The number of iterations K for the Poisson problem on a√n ×√n grid for various n

I K ≈ 1.6√


I Each iteration O(n) flops.

I Work is O(n3/2).

I Same speed as for SOR with optimal accelerationparameter.

I No estimation of acceleration parameter necessary.

Relation to condition number


cond2(T2) =λmax


1 + cos(πh)

1− cos(πh)=



) ≈ 4


I K = O(√

n) = O(√


The Averaging Problem

n 2 500 10 000 40 000 1 000 000 4 000 000K 13 12 11 9 8

Table: The number of iterations K for the averaging problem on a√n ×√n grid for various n

I The number of iterations are independent of the size ofthe problem

I Solve problem in O(n) operations.

Averaging problem; Relation to Condition number

I λjk = 2d + 2a cos (jπh) + 2a cos (kπh), j , k = 1, 2, . . . ,m.

I a = 1/9, d = 5/18

I λmax = 59

+ 49

cos (πh), λmin = 59− 4

9cos (πh)

I cond2(A) = λmax

λmin= 5+4 cos(πh)

5−4 cos(πh) ≤ 9.

I Independent of n.

I Number of iterations independent of n.

More Complexity

I How many flops do we need to solve the test problems bythe conjugate gradient method to within a giventolerance?

I Average problem. O(n) flops. Optimal for a problem withn unknowns.

I Same as SOR and better than the fast method based onFFT.

I Discrete Poisson problem: O(n3/2) flops.

I same as SOR and fast method.

I Cholesky Algorithm: O(n2) flops both for averaging andPoisson.

Analysis of CG

I Show that the residuals {r(k)} are orthogonal with respectto the usual inner product.

I Show that the search directions {p(k)} are orthogonalwith respect to a different inner product.

I Show that each x(k) satisfies a best approximationproperty.

Two Inner Products on Rn

I Given A ∈ Rn,n symmetric positive definite.

I For all x, y ∈ Rn:

I (x, y) := xTy, (usual inner product)

I 〈x, y〉 := xTAy (A-inner product)

I 1. 〈x, x〉 ≥ 0 with equality if and only if x = 0. (positivity)2. 〈x, y〉 = 〈y, x〉 (symmetry)3. 〈ax+ by, z〉 = a〈x, z〉+ b〈y, z〉. (linearity)

I ‖x‖A :=√〈x, x〉 =

√xTAx. the A-norm

Krylov Subspaces

I W0 = {0},I W1 = span{r(0)},I W2 = span{r(0),Ar(0)},I Wk = span(r(0),Ar(0),A2r(0), . . . ,Ak−1r(0)), k ∈ N,I W0 ⊂W1 ⊂W2 ⊂Wk ⊂ · · · ,I dim(Wk) ≤ k ,

I w ∈Wk ⇒ Aw ∈Wk+1.

r(k−1),p(k−1), x(k) − x(0) ∈Wk , k = 1, 2, . . . ,

I Show the above using induction on k .

I k = 1: p(0) = r(0) and x(1) − x(0) = α0p(0) ∈W1.

I Suppose r(k−1),p(k−1), x(k) − x(0) ∈Wk .

I r(k) = r(k−1) − αk−1Ap(k−1) ∈Wk+1.

I p(k) = r(k) + βk−1p(k−1) ∈Wk+1.

I x(k+1) − x(0) = x(k) − x(0) + αkp(k) ∈Wk+1.


TheoremSuppose r(j) 6= 0 for j = 0, 1, . . . , k. Then

1. {r(0), r(1), . . . , r(k)} is an orthogonal basis for Wk+1.

2. {p(0),p(1), . . . ,p(k)} is an A-orthogonal basis for Wk+1.



(r , w)=0k



<r , w>=0k

r k


<p , w>=0



Figure: Orthogonality in the conjugate gradient algorithm.

ProofI Show by induction on k that

1. {r(0), r(1), . . . , r(k)} is an orthogonal basis for Wk+1.

2. p(j) = r(j) −∑j−1


(i) 6= 0, j ≤ k.

I Claims hold for k = 0. Suppose it holds for some k ≥ 0and that r(k+1) 6= 0.

I Then (r(k), r(i)) = 0.I Gram-Schmidt ⇒ {p(0),p(1), . . . ,p(k)} A-orthogonal

basis for Wk+1.I For j = 0, 1, . . . , k − 1

(r(k+1), r(j)) = (r(k) − αkAp(k), r(j))

= (r(k), r(j))− αk〈p(k),p(j) − βj−1p(j−1)〉 = 0.

I Since αk = (r(k),r(j))

〈p(k),p(j)〉 this also holds for j = k .

I Since r(j) is nonzero and r(j) ∈Wj+1 ⊂Wk+2 forj ≤ k + 1 Claim 1. follows for k + 1.

Proof Claim 2I Enough to show Claim 2 for j = k + 1.

I 〈r(k+1),w〉 = 0 for w ∈Wk ⇒ 〈r(k+1),p(i)〉 = 0 fori ≤ k − 1.


r(k+1) −k∑



p(i) = r(k+1) − 〈r(k+1),p(k)〉〈p(k),p(k)〉


= r(k+1) − (r(k+1),Ap(k))


= r(k+1) − (r(k+1), r(k) − r(k+1))


= r(k+1) + βkp(k) = p(k+1).

I {r(0), . . . , r(k+1)} orthogonal basis for Wk+2

⇒ p(k+1) 6= 0.

Best Approximation Property of x(k)

CorollarySuppose Ax = b, where A ∈ Rn,n is symmetric positivedefinite and {x(k)} is generate by the conjugate gradientalgorithm. Then x(k) − x(0) is the best approximation tox− x(0) in the A-norm

‖x− x(k)‖A = minw∈Wk

‖x− x(0) −w‖A. (5)

In particular, if x(0) = 0 then x(k) is the best approximation tox in the A-norm.

Proof x(0) = 0



(r , w)=0k

I For any w ∈Wk .

I 〈x− x(k),w〉 = (Ax− Ax(k),w) = (r(k),w) = 0.

I x(k) is the A-orthogonal projection of x into Wk .

I ‖x−w‖2A = ‖x− x(k) + x(k) −w‖2A =‖x− x(k)‖2A + ‖x(k) −w‖2A ≥ ‖x− x(k)‖2A.

The main convergence result

TheoremSuppose we apply the conjugate gradient method to asymmetric positive definite system Ax = b. Then the A-normsof the errors satisfy

||x− x(k)||A||x− x(0)||A

≤ 2

(√κ− 1√κ + 1


≤ 2e−2k/√κ, for k ≥ 0,

where κ = cond2(A) = λmax/λmin is the 2-norm conditionnumber of A.

I The number of iterations is linked to√κ, the square root

of the condition number of A.