Chwaraewch gêm gwinwydd a phontydd! Play Vines and Bridges! Her yr Ungorn The Unicorn’s Challenge www.poridrwystori.org.uk M y s u m m e r a d v e n t u r e ! F y a n t u r h a f ! Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth? Spot the difference Darllenwch am y pyllau glo yng Nghymru! R ead about mining in Wales! Mwynhewch antur yn y parc! Have a park adventure! Enw/Name:

The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

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Page 1: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Chwaraewch gêm gwinwydd a phontydd! Play Vines and Bridges!

Her yr Ungorn The

Unicorn’s Challenge


My summer adventure!Fy antur haf!

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?Spot the difference

Darllenwch am y pyllau glo yng

Nghymru! Read about

mining in Wales!

Mwynhewch antur yn y parc!

Have a park adventure!


Page 2: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Croeso i’m Her!Welcome to my Challenge!

Ymunwch â mi a 2 ffrind ar ein hantur yr haf hwn a chwblhewch yr heriau ar bob tudalen.

Join me and my 2 explorer friends on our summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page.

Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge

this summer!

Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf hwn!

This magazine is brought to you by Pori Drwy Stori to support your role as a partner in your child’s learning.

All the fun activities you do together in this magazine are linked to the Foundation Phase. All practitioners work to this to ensure your child learns and grows into a confident learner. You will find pages of fun activities to encourage your child to talk, listen and make decisions. It’s not just great fun for you and your child, it will help them become a confident and willing learner for life. Exciting, isn’t it?

Of course, life has its distractions so don’t worry about completing the magazine all in one go. Take your time and enjoy each page. Don’t let it worry you or your child if they’re unsure of something at first. It’s okay for them to get things wrong. We all make mistakes - it’s the trying and having fun that matters!

Talking to your child about the numbers and shapes they see around them every day is a great way to help your child feel confident about using them. Why not have a number and shape of the day and see how many you can spot – look out for them on front doors, buses, in

shops or on TV channels. You will see they are everywhere!

Most of all have fun with The Unicorn’s Challenge!

Pori Drwy Stori is brought to you by Booktrust Cymru and funded by Welsh Government. For more information please visit: www.poridrwystori.org.uk

Cafodd Pori Drwy Stori ei chynllunio a’i chyflwyno gan Booktrust Cymru ac fe’i hariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: www.poridrwystori.org.uk

‘Early maths is just as important as early literacy; in fact, it can improve reading and writing skills. Children who start with numerical skills even in infancy will do better with maths when they reach school. Giving your child the opportunity to get a head-start on math is one of the best things you can do for their future success.’ www.etllearning.com

1.Sawl llyfr allwch chi eu cyfrif?

1. How many books can you count?

2. Sawl llyfr coch allwch chi eu

cyfrif? 2. How many red

books can you count?

3. Sawl llyfr allwch chi eu gweld uwchben y llwybr?

3. How many books can you see to the

left of the path?

Cyflwynir y cylchgrawn hwn i chi gan Pori Drwy Stori i gefnogi eich rôl fel partner yn nysgu eich plentyn.

Mae’r holl weithgareddau llawn hwyl a wneir gennych gyda’ch gilydd yn y cylchgrawn yn gysylltiedig âr Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae pob ymarferwr yn dilyn hwn er mwyn sicrhau bod eich plentyn yn dysgu ac yn tyfu’n ddysgwr hyderus. Ceir tudalennau o weithgareddau llawn hwyl i annog eich plentyn i siarad, gwrando a gwneud penderfyniadau. Yn ogystal â bod yn llawer o hwyl i chi a’ch plentyn, bydd yn ei helpu i ddod yn ddysgwr hyderus a pharod am oes. Sôn am gyffrous!

Wrth gwrs, mae bywyd yn brysur felly peidiwch â phoeni os na allwch gwblhau’r cylchgrawn cyfan ar yr un pryd. Cymerwch eich amser a mwynhewch bob tudalen. Does dim angen i chi na’ch plentyn boeni os nad yw’n deall rhywbeth i ddechrau, mae’n iawn iddo gael pethau’n anghywir – rydym i gyd yn gwneud camgymeriadau; rhoi cynnig arni a chael hwyl sy’n bwysig!

Mae siarad â’ch plentyn am y rhifau a’r siapau y mae’n eu gweld o’i gwmpas bob dydd yn ffordd wych o fagu hyder eich plentyn wrth eu defnyddio. Beth am ddewis rhif a siap arbennig un diwrnod a gweld sawl un y gallwch ei nodi – chwiliwch amdanynt ar flaen drysau, bysiau, mewn siopau neu ar y teledu. Byddwch yn eu gweld ym mhob man!

‘Mae meithrin sgiliau mathemateg cynnar yr un mor bwysig â meithrin sgiliau llythrennedd cynnar; yn wir, gall wella sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu. Bydd plant sy’n dechrau meithrin sgiliau rhifiadol hyd yn oed pan fyddant yn fabanod yn gwneud yn well mewn mathemateg yn yr ysgol. Rhoi dechrau da i’ch plentyn mewn mathemateg yw un o’r pethau gorau y gallwch ei wneud o ran ei lwyddiant yn y dyfodol.’ www.etllearning.com

Yn fwy na dim, mwynhewch Her yr Ungorn!

Answers: Q1:10, Q2:3, Q3:6Atebion: Q1:10, Q2:3, Q3:6

2 3

Page 3: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Croeso i’m Her!Welcome to my Challenge!

Ymunwch â mi a 2 ffrind ar ein hantur yr haf hwn a chwblhewch yr heriau ar bob tudalen.

Join me and my 2 explorer friends on our summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page.

Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge

this summer!

Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf hwn!

This magazine is brought to you by Pori Drwy Stori to support your role as a partner in your child’s learning.

All the fun activities you do together in this magazine are linked to the Foundation Phase. All practitioners work to this to ensure your child learns and grows into a confident learner. You will find pages of fun activities to encourage your child to talk, listen and make decisions. It’s not just great fun for you and your child, it will help them become a confident and willing learner for life. Exciting, isn’t it?

Of course, life has its distractions so don’t worry about completing the magazine all in one go. Take your time and enjoy each page. Don’t let it worry you or your child if they’re unsure of something at first. It’s okay for them to get things wrong. We all make mistakes - it’s the trying and having fun that matters!

Talking to your child about the numbers and shapes they see around them every day is a great way to help your child feel confident about using them. Why not have a number and shape of the day and see how many you can spot – look out for them on front doors, buses, in

shops or on TV channels. You will see they are everywhere!

Most of all have fun with The Unicorn’s Challenge!

Pori Drwy Stori is brought to you by Booktrust Cymru and funded by Welsh Government. For more information please visit: www.poridrwystori.org.uk

Cafodd Pori Drwy Stori ei chynllunio a’i chyflwyno gan Booktrust Cymru ac fe’i hariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: www.poridrwystori.org.uk

‘Early maths is just as important as early literacy; in fact, it can improve reading and writing skills. Children who start with numerical skills even in infancy will do better with maths when they reach school. Giving your child the opportunity to get a head-start on math is one of the best things you can do for their future success.’ www.etllearning.com

1.Sawl llyfr allwch chi eu cyfrif?

1. How many books can you count?

2. Sawl llyfr coch allwch chi eu

cyfrif? 2. How many red

books can you count?

3. Sawl llyfr allwch chi eu gweld uwchben y llwybr?

3. How many books can you see to the

left of the path?

Cyflwynir y cylchgrawn hwn i chi gan Pori Drwy Stori i gefnogi eich rôl fel partner yn nysgu eich plentyn.

Mae’r holl weithgareddau llawn hwyl a wneir gennych gyda’ch gilydd yn y cylchgrawn yn gysylltiedig âr Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae pob ymarferwr yn dilyn hwn er mwyn sicrhau bod eich plentyn yn dysgu ac yn tyfu’n ddysgwr hyderus. Ceir tudalennau o weithgareddau llawn hwyl i annog eich plentyn i siarad, gwrando a gwneud penderfyniadau. Yn ogystal â bod yn llawer o hwyl i chi a’ch plentyn, bydd yn ei helpu i ddod yn ddysgwr hyderus a pharod am oes. Sôn am gyffrous!

Wrth gwrs, mae bywyd yn brysur felly peidiwch â phoeni os na allwch gwblhau’r cylchgrawn cyfan ar yr un pryd. Cymerwch eich amser a mwynhewch bob tudalen. Does dim angen i chi na’ch plentyn boeni os nad yw’n deall rhywbeth i ddechrau, mae’n iawn iddo gael pethau’n anghywir – rydym i gyd yn gwneud camgymeriadau; rhoi cynnig arni a chael hwyl sy’n bwysig!

Mae siarad â’ch plentyn am y rhifau a’r siapau y mae’n eu gweld o’i gwmpas bob dydd yn ffordd wych o fagu hyder eich plentyn wrth eu defnyddio. Beth am ddewis rhif a siap arbennig un diwrnod a gweld sawl un y gallwch ei nodi – chwiliwch amdanynt ar flaen drysau, bysiau, mewn siopau neu ar y teledu. Byddwch yn eu gweld ym mhob man!

‘Mae meithrin sgiliau mathemateg cynnar yr un mor bwysig â meithrin sgiliau llythrennedd cynnar; yn wir, gall wella sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu. Bydd plant sy’n dechrau meithrin sgiliau rhifiadol hyd yn oed pan fyddant yn fabanod yn gwneud yn well mewn mathemateg yn yr ysgol. Rhoi dechrau da i’ch plentyn mewn mathemateg yw un o’r pethau gorau y gallwch ei wneud o ran ei lwyddiant yn y dyfodol.’ www.etllearning.com

Yn fwy na dim, mwynhewch Her yr Ungorn!

Answers: Q1:10, Q2:3, Q3:6Atebion: Q1:10, Q2:3, Q3:6

2 3

Page 4: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Antur y ParcPark adventure

What time of the day do you think it is?What would look different in winter?

1. How many squirrels can you find?2. If 8 ducks left the pond how many would be left?

Pa amser o’r dydd ydyw yn eich barn chi?Sawl wiwer allwch chi eu gweld?

1. Beth fyddai’n edrych yn wahanol yn y gaeaf?2. Pe bai 8 hwyaden yn gadael y pwll sawl un fyddai ar ol?

Talk about:



Answers: Q1:3, Q2:0Atebion: Q1:3, Q2:0

4 5

Page 5: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Antur y ParcPark adventure

What time of the day do you think it is?What would look different in winter?

1. How many squirrels can you find?2. If 8 ducks left the pond how many would be left?

Pa amser o’r dydd ydyw yn eich barn chi?Sawl wiwer allwch chi eu gweld?

1. Beth fyddai’n edrych yn wahanol yn y gaeaf?2. Pe bai 8 hwyaden yn gadael y pwll sawl un fyddai ar ol?

Talk about:



Answers: Q1:3, Q2:0Atebion: Q1:3, Q2:0

4 5

Page 6: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Deg Mwnci BachTen Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

1.Ar ôl i’r mwnci cyntaf syrthio o’r gwely sawl mwnci sydd ar ôl?

2.Sawl gwaith mae’r fam yn galw’r meddyg?

1.After the first monkey falls off the bed, how many are left?

2.How many times does Mother call the doctor?

Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor, And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Nine little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’

Deg mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Naw mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Wyth mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Saith mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Chwe mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Pump mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep ’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Pedwar mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’

Eight little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Seven little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Six little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’One little monkey jumping on the bed,She fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!’

Tri mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Dau fwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai hwnnw, ‘Nawr!Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Un mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd hi yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘DIM MWNCI ARALL YN NEIDIO LAN A LAWR!’

Atebion: Q1:9, Q2:10 Answers: Q1:9, Q2:10

6 7

Page 7: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Deg Mwnci BachTen Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

1.Ar ôl i’r mwnci cyntaf syrthio o’r gwely sawl mwnci sydd ar ôl?

2.Sawl gwaith mae’r fam yn galw’r meddyg?

1.After the first monkey falls off the bed, how many are left?

2.How many times does Mother call the doctor?

Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor, And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Nine little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’

Deg mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Naw mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Wyth mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Saith mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Chwe mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Pump mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep ’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Pedwar mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’

Eight little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Seven little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Six little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’One little monkey jumping on the bed,She fell off and bumped her head.Mother called the doctor,And the doctor said, ‘NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!’

Tri mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘Nawr,Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Dau fwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd un yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai hwnnw, ‘Nawr!Dim mwnci arall yn neidio lan a lawr!’Un mwnci bach yn neidio lan a lawr,Syrthiodd hi yn glep i’r llawr,Aeth Mam i ffonio’r doctor,Ac meddai’r doctor, ‘DIM MWNCI ARALL YN NEIDIO LAN A LAWR!’

Atebion: Q1:9, Q2:10 Answers: Q1:9, Q2:10

6 7

Page 8: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Rheolau ar gyfer 1 chwaraewr:

1. Rhowch eich cownteri ar y man cychwyn.

2. Roliwch y dis ac adiwch y 2 rif.

3. Symudwch y cownter yr un nifer o symudiadau

4. Rhowch yr un nifer o arian i’r banc sydd yn cael ei ddynodi ar y sgwâr. Nid yw’r banc yma yn rhoi newid!

5. Does dim angen yr union rif er mwyn cwblhau’r gêm.

Rydych yn colli os:

Nid yw’r arian cywir gennych.

Nid oes arian gennych wrth gyrraedd y man gorffen.Rydych yn ennill os:

Mae gennych arian ar ôl ar ddiwedd y gêm.2 chwaraewyr neu mwy:

1. Pob chwaraewr i roi cownter ar y man cychwyn.2. Roliwch y ddau ddis - y person sydd â’r rhif mwyaf sydd yn dechrau.3. Cymerwch tro i chwarae’r gem.

Yr enillydd yw’r person sydd â’r fwyaf o arian ar ddiwedd y gêm.

Ysgrifennwch c os ydych yn cyfri yn

Gymraeg neu p os ydych yn cyfri yn Saesneg.

Write c or p next to the number in each square depending on

what language you are counting in.

1 player rules:1. Place your counters at the start.2. Roll the dice and add the 2 numbers.3. Move your counter that number of spaces.4. Give the bank the amount of money it says on the square you land on. Sorry, this bank does not give change!5. You don’t need the exact number to finish.You lose if:You can’t give the right amount of money.You run out of money.

You win if:You have money left when you get to the finish.2 or more player rules:1. All players put their counters on the start square.2. Roll both dice – the player with the highest number goes first.3. Take it in turns to play the game following the same rules as the 1 player version.

The winner is the player with the most money left at the finish.


5.... 12....
















c = ceiniogp = penny




4 x 1p

3 x 2p

4 x 5p

2 x 10p

4 x 1c

3 x 2c

4 x 5c

2 x 10c


You will need:

2 dice1 counter for each playerEach player will also need:50p in total broken down intothese amounts:


Byddwch angen:

2 ddis1 cownter i bob chwaraewr

Bydd hefyd angen y canlynol ar bob chwaraewr: Gwerth 50c mewn darnau arian fel a ganlyn:

Her 50cThe 50p Challenge

Gallwch chwarae gyda’ch gilydd neu

ar eich pen eich hun. Y nod yw gwneud eich

ffordd i’r llinell derfyn gan wario cyn lleied o arian â phosibl!Play together or play alone. The aim is to make your way to the finish line ending with the most amount of money left!


8 9

Page 9: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Rheolau ar gyfer 1 chwaraewr:

1. Rhowch eich cownteri ar y man cychwyn.

2. Roliwch y dis ac adiwch y 2 rif.

3. Symudwch y cownter yr un nifer o symudiadau

4. Rhowch yr un nifer o arian i’r banc sydd yn cael ei ddynodi ar y sgwâr. Nid yw’r banc yma yn rhoi newid!

5. Does dim angen yr union rif er mwyn cwblhau’r gêm.

Rydych yn colli os:

Nid yw’r arian cywir gennych.

Nid oes arian gennych wrth gyrraedd y man gorffen.Rydych yn ennill os:

Mae gennych arian ar ôl ar ddiwedd y gêm.2 chwaraewyr neu mwy:

1. Pob chwaraewr i roi cownter ar y man cychwyn.2. Roliwch y ddau ddis - y person sydd â’r rhif mwyaf sydd yn dechrau.3. Cymerwch tro i chwarae’r gem.

Yr enillydd yw’r person sydd â’r fwyaf o arian ar ddiwedd y gêm.

Ysgrifennwch c os ydych yn cyfri yn

Gymraeg neu p os ydych yn cyfri yn Saesneg.

Write c or p next to the number in each square depending on

what language you are counting in.

1 player rules:1. Place your counters at the start.2. Roll the dice and add the 2 numbers.3. Move your counter that number of spaces.4. Give the bank the amount of money it says on the square you land on. Sorry, this bank does not give change!5. You don’t need the exact number to finish.You lose if:You can’t give the right amount of money.You run out of money.

You win if:You have money left when you get to the finish.2 or more player rules:1. All players put their counters on the start square.2. Roll both dice – the player with the highest number goes first.3. Take it in turns to play the game following the same rules as the 1 player version.

The winner is the player with the most money left at the finish.


5.... 12....
















c = ceiniogp = penny




4 x 1p

3 x 2p

4 x 5p

2 x 10p

4 x 1c

3 x 2c

4 x 5c

2 x 10c


You will need:

2 dice1 counter for each playerEach player will also need:50p in total broken down intothese amounts:


Byddwch angen:

2 ddis1 cownter i bob chwaraewr

Bydd hefyd angen y canlynol ar bob chwaraewr: Gwerth 50c mewn darnau arian fel a ganlyn:

Her 50cThe 50p Challenge

Gallwch chwarae gyda’ch gilydd neu

ar eich pen eich hun. Y nod yw gwneud eich

ffordd i’r llinell derfyn gan wario cyn lleied o arian â phosibl!Play together or play alone. The aim is to make your way to the finish line ending with the most amount of money left!


8 9

Page 10: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gwiliwch allan am y gwinwyddau a’r pontydd gwinwydd a phontydda’r blychau gyda chyfarwyddyd. Bydd angen i chi

symud i fyny neu lawr, ymlaen neu yn ôl 2 gam, neu cholli tro!Look out for the vines and bridges and the spaces with an instruction. You have to perform the action on the square you land on such as go up or down, go forward or back 2

spaces, or miss a go!

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gwinwydd a PhontyddVines and Bridges


You will need:

2 dice

1 counter for each player

1. Place your counters at the start.

2. All players roll the dice and add both numbers to find the total.

3. The player with the highest number goes first.

4. They then roll the dice, find the total and move their counter that number of squares.

5. Take it in turns for the remaining players.

The winner is the player who gets to the finish first (you don’t need the exact number to finish).

I fyny’r bont You go

up a bridge

Byddwch angen:

2 ddis 1 cownter i bob chwaraewr

1. Rhowch eich cownteri ar y man

cychwyn. 2. Pob chwaraewr i rolio’r dis ac adio’r ddau rif i ddod i’r cyfanswm. 3. Y chwaraewr gyda’r rhif mwyaf sydd yn mynd yn gyntaf. 4. Roliwch y dis, nodwch y cyfanswm a symudwch y cownter yr un nifer o sgwariau.5. Pob un i gymryd tro.

Yr enillydd yw’r chwaraewr sydd yn cyrraedd y man gorffen yn gyntaf (nod oes angen yr union rif i orffen).


1 player – see how many rolls it takes you to get

to the finish.

1 Chwaraewr - Sawl gwaith oes angen

rolio’r dis i gyrraedd y man gorffen?





Colli tro

Colli tro

Colli tro

ymlaen 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

miss a go

miss a go

miss a go

go forwards 2

go back 2

go back 2

go back 2

go back 2

ymlaen 2

go forwards 2

Ac i lawr y gwinwydd

You go down a vine

10 11

Page 11: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gwiliwch allan am y gwinwyddau a’r pontydd gwinwydd a phontydda’r blychau gyda chyfarwyddyd. Bydd angen i chi

symud i fyny neu lawr, ymlaen neu yn ôl 2 gam, neu cholli tro!Look out for the vines and bridges and the spaces with an instruction. You have to perform the action on the square you land on such as go up or down, go forward or back 2

spaces, or miss a go!

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gwinwydd a PhontyddVines and Bridges


You will need:

2 dice

1 counter for each player

1. Place your counters at the start.

2. All players roll the dice and add both numbers to find the total.

3. The player with the highest number goes first.

4. They then roll the dice, find the total and move their counter that number of squares.

5. Take it in turns for the remaining players.

The winner is the player who gets to the finish first (you don’t need the exact number to finish).

I fyny’r bont You go

up a bridge

Byddwch angen:

2 ddis 1 cownter i bob chwaraewr

1. Rhowch eich cownteri ar y man

cychwyn. 2. Pob chwaraewr i rolio’r dis ac adio’r ddau rif i ddod i’r cyfanswm. 3. Y chwaraewr gyda’r rhif mwyaf sydd yn mynd yn gyntaf. 4. Roliwch y dis, nodwch y cyfanswm a symudwch y cownter yr un nifer o sgwariau.5. Pob un i gymryd tro.

Yr enillydd yw’r chwaraewr sydd yn cyrraedd y man gorffen yn gyntaf (nod oes angen yr union rif i orffen).


1 player – see how many rolls it takes you to get

to the finish.

1 Chwaraewr - Sawl gwaith oes angen

rolio’r dis i gyrraedd y man gorffen?





Colli tro

Colli tro

Colli tro

ymlaen 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

yn ôl 2

miss a go

miss a go

miss a go

go forwards 2

go back 2

go back 2

go back 2

go back 2

ymlaen 2

go forwards 2

Ac i lawr y gwinwydd

You go down a vine

10 11

Page 12: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

11 4

9 8



Bingo’r UngornUnicorn’s Bingo

12 7

5 10



InstructionsYou will need:

2 dice6 counters for each player

Take it in turns to roll the dice.1. Add up the numbers of both dice to 2. find the total.If the total is a number that features 3. on your board cover it with a counter.

Cyfarwyddiadau Byddwch angen:

2 ddis6 cownter i bob chwaraewr

Cymerwch eich tro i daflu’r dis. 1. Adiwch y rhifau ar y ddau ddis i 2. ddarganfod y cyfanswm. Os yw’r cyfanswm yn rhif sy’n 3. ymddangos ar eich bwrdd, rhowch gownter drosto.

Mae’r person cyntaf i orchuddio’i rifau i gyd yn gweddi ‘BINGO’R UNGORN’ yn uchel ac yn ennill y gëm.

The winner is the first player to cover all their numbers and shout ‘Unicorn’s Bingo!’

12 13

Page 13: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

11 4

9 8



Bingo’r UngornUnicorn’s Bingo

12 7

5 10



InstructionsYou will need:

2 dice6 counters for each player

Take it in turns to roll the dice.1. Add up the numbers of both dice to 2. find the total.If the total is a number that features 3. on your board cover it with a counter.

Cyfarwyddiadau Byddwch angen:

2 ddis6 cownter i bob chwaraewr

Cymerwch eich tro i daflu’r dis. 1. Adiwch y rhifau ar y ddau ddis i 2. ddarganfod y cyfanswm. Os yw’r cyfanswm yn rhif sy’n 3. ymddangos ar eich bwrdd, rhowch gownter drosto.

Mae’r person cyntaf i orchuddio’i rifau i gyd yn gweddi ‘BINGO’R UNGORN’ yn uchel ac yn ennill y gëm.

The winner is the first player to cover all their numbers and shout ‘Unicorn’s Bingo!’

12 13

Page 14: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gwneud brechdanau yn y ty:

Meddyliwch sawl brechdan sydd angen i chi 1. eu gwneud.Cyfri sawl peth rydych yn eu rhoi yn y 2. frechdan.Sawl ddarn gallwch dorri’r brechdan i fynu3. ?

Gweld pa siapau y gallwch eu gwneud4. ?

Prynu brechdanau o’r siop:

Sawl math o wahanol frechdan sydd ar gael1. ?

Faint mae eich brechdan yn costio2. ?

Pa ddarnau arian y gallech eu ddefnyddio i 3. dalu amdani.

Making sandwiches at home:

Think about how many sandwiches you will 1. need to make.Count how many fillings you are using.2. How many smaller pieces are you cutting 3. the sandwiches into?

What shapes can you make4. ?

Buying sandwiches from a shop:

How many different types of sandwiches 1. are there?

How much do the ones you’ve chosen cost2. ?

Which coins will you need to pay for them3. ?

Brechdan uno’r dotiauDot-to-dot Sandwich

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?Spot the difference

Allwch chi uno’r dotiau i’w helpu i wneud eu brechdan?

Can you join the dots to help make the sandwich?

Spot the 5 differences.Look out for things behind or in front, left to right, as well as shapes and colours – good luck!

Atebion: Siap ffenestr, amser ar y cloc, lliw gwallt y ferch, grawnwin wedi diflannu, mae’r papur newydd yn llai o faint. Answers: Window shape, time on the clock, girl’s hair colour, grapes have disappeared, the newspaper is smaller.

Mae chwarae gemau ’Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?’ yn helpu eich plentyn i feithrin ei sgiliau arsylwi wrth ddefnyddio geiriau mathemateg. Anogwch eich plentyn i chwilio am y gwahaniaethau rhwng siâp, maint, lliw a phrisoedd o bethau tra ydych allan am dro. Chwaraewch y gêm ‘Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?’ gyda’ch plentyn gyda phethau go iawn – defnyddiwch bowlen o ffrwythau a gofynnwch i’ch plentyn egluro’r siapiau a’r lliwiau gwahanol.Neu, pan fyddwch allan yn yr awyr agored, siaradwch am yr hyn sy’n wahanol am y ceir a welwch. Defnyddiwch eiriau fel: goleuach, tywyllach, mwy, llai. Siaradwch am y lliwiau neu sawl drws sydd ganddynt.

Playing spot the difference games helps your child to develop their observational skills. When you are out and about, encourage your child to see the differences in shapes, sizes, colours and prices. Discuss why they are different and for what reasons, for example. Play the ‘What’s the difference?’ game with your child with real things - get a bowl of fruit and ask your child to explain the different shapes and colours.Or, when you are out and about talk about the differences between the cars that you see. Use words like: lighter, darker, bigger, smaller. Talk about the colours or how many doors they have.

Nodwch y 5 peth sy’n wahanol.Chwiliwch am bethau y tu cefn neu’r tu blaen, i’r chwith neu i’r dde, yn ogystal â siapau a lliwiau – pob lwc!





5 6 7 89




14 15

Page 15: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gwneud brechdanau yn y ty:

Meddyliwch sawl brechdan sydd angen i chi 1. eu gwneud.Cyfri sawl peth rydych yn eu rhoi yn y 2. frechdan.Sawl ddarn gallwch dorri’r brechdan i fynu3. ?

Gweld pa siapau y gallwch eu gwneud4. ?

Prynu brechdanau o’r siop:

Sawl math o wahanol frechdan sydd ar gael1. ?

Faint mae eich brechdan yn costio2. ?

Pa ddarnau arian y gallech eu ddefnyddio i 3. dalu amdani.

Making sandwiches at home:

Think about how many sandwiches you will 1. need to make.Count how many fillings you are using.2. How many smaller pieces are you cutting 3. the sandwiches into?

What shapes can you make4. ?

Buying sandwiches from a shop:

How many different types of sandwiches 1. are there?

How much do the ones you’ve chosen cost2. ?

Which coins will you need to pay for them3. ?

Brechdan uno’r dotiauDot-to-dot Sandwich

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?Spot the difference

Allwch chi uno’r dotiau i’w helpu i wneud eu brechdan?

Can you join the dots to help make the sandwich?

Spot the 5 differences.Look out for things behind or in front, left to right, as well as shapes and colours – good luck!

Atebion: Siap ffenestr, amser ar y cloc, lliw gwallt y ferch, grawnwin wedi diflannu, mae’r papur newydd yn llai o faint. Answers: Window shape, time on the clock, girl’s hair colour, grapes have disappeared, the newspaper is smaller.

Mae chwarae gemau ’Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?’ yn helpu eich plentyn i feithrin ei sgiliau arsylwi wrth ddefnyddio geiriau mathemateg. Anogwch eich plentyn i chwilio am y gwahaniaethau rhwng siâp, maint, lliw a phrisoedd o bethau tra ydych allan am dro. Chwaraewch y gêm ‘Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?’ gyda’ch plentyn gyda phethau go iawn – defnyddiwch bowlen o ffrwythau a gofynnwch i’ch plentyn egluro’r siapiau a’r lliwiau gwahanol.Neu, pan fyddwch allan yn yr awyr agored, siaradwch am yr hyn sy’n wahanol am y ceir a welwch. Defnyddiwch eiriau fel: goleuach, tywyllach, mwy, llai. Siaradwch am y lliwiau neu sawl drws sydd ganddynt.

Playing spot the difference games helps your child to develop their observational skills. When you are out and about, encourage your child to see the differences in shapes, sizes, colours and prices. Discuss why they are different and for what reasons, for example. Play the ‘What’s the difference?’ game with your child with real things - get a bowl of fruit and ask your child to explain the different shapes and colours.Or, when you are out and about talk about the differences between the cars that you see. Use words like: lighter, darker, bigger, smaller. Talk about the colours or how many doors they have.

Nodwch y 5 peth sy’n wahanol.Chwiliwch am bethau y tu cefn neu’r tu blaen, i’r chwith neu i’r dde, yn ogystal â siapau a lliwiau – pob lwc!





5 6 7 89




14 15

Page 16: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gêm arall llawn hwyl yw OXO – beth am ddangos I’ch plentyn sut i chwarae?

Mae angen 2 chwaraewr. • Tynnwch 2 linell i fyny a 2 linell yn eu croesi ar • draws, fel bod gennych naw bloc. Bydd y chwaraewr cyntaf yn tynnu 0 neu x • mewn 1 bloc. 0s dewisodd y chwaraewr cyntaf dynnu 0 yna • mae’n rhaid i’r ail chwaraewr ddefnyddio X, neu i’r gwrthwyneb.Mae pob person yn ei dro yn rhoi cynnig • ar greu rhes o 3 0 neu X, naill ai i lawr neu ar draws, ac ar yr un pryd yn ceisio atal ei wrthwynebwr rhag gwneud yr un peth. Y person cyntaf i greu rhes o 3 Os neu Xs yw’r • enillydd.


Llenwi’r bylchau Fill in the gaps

RHIF NUMBERNodwch y rhif sydd ar goll ym mhob un o’r cyfresi hyn:Fill in the missing number in each of these sequences:

1 2 3 5 6

6 7 8 9 10

4 5 6 8 9

Ewch ati i lenwi’r bylchau fel bod un o bob rhif neu siâp ym mhob sgwâr, rhes a cholofn.Have fun filling in the gaps so each square, row and column has one of each number or shape in it.

Beth sy’n dod nesaf?What comes next?Tynnwch y siâp sy’n dod nesaf gan ddilyn y patrwm ym mhob rhes.Draw the shape that comes next to follow the pattern in the row.

Another fun shapes game is 0s and Xs – why not show your child how to play?

You need 2 players. • Draw 2 lines vertically and 2 lines crossing them • horizontally, so that you have 9 blocks. The first player will draw 0 or X in 1 block. • If the first player chose to draw 0 then the second • player has to use X, or vice versa. Each person takes a turn trying to make a row of • 3 either across, down, or diagonally, and at the same time tries to prevent their opponent from doing the same. The first person to make 3 0s or 3 Xs in a row is • the winner.

Mae hwn yn weithgaredd i’w wneud gyda’ch gilydd – bydd y posau hyn yn meithrin sgiliau meddwl a datrys problemau eich plentyn. Os gwnaeth eich plentyn fwynhau cwblhau’r gweithgareddau hyn, yna gellir eu chwarae gartref gan ddefnyddio gwrthrychau bob dydd.Beth am dynnu llun o grid ac yna’i lenwi â gwrthrychau fel teganau neu ddillad ac ati eich plentyn. Gadewch rhai sgwariau’n wag er mwyn gweld os gall eu llenwi! Gall hwn hefyd fod yn weithgaredd awyr agored. Tynnwch lun o grid ar y llawr gan ddefnyddio sialc a chasglwch ddail/concyrs ac ati i’w rhoi yn y grid – cewch hwyl gyda gwrthrychau tra byddwch allan yn yr awyr agored!

Atebion: Edrychwch ar lein neu yn yr ysgol.Answers: Check online or back at school. www.poridrwystori.org.uk/families

Rhowch cylch o gwmpas pob trionglDraw a circle around all the triangles!

This is an activity to do together – these puzzles develop your child’s thinking and problem solving skills. If your child enjoyed completing these activities then they can be played again using everyday household objects.Try drawing a grid and then filling it with objects such as your child’s toys or items of clothing. Leave some squares blank and see if they can fill them in! This can also be an outdoor activity. Draw the grid on the floor using chalk and collect leaves/conkers etc to put in the grid – have fun with objects while you are out and about!





1 4

3 4











2 1




Answers: Q1:4, 5, 7 Q2:3, Q3:Atebion: Q1:4, 5, 7 Q2:3, Q3:

Gêm OXO 0s and Xs

16 17

Page 17: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Gêm arall llawn hwyl yw OXO – beth am ddangos I’ch plentyn sut i chwarae?

Mae angen 2 chwaraewr. • Tynnwch 2 linell i fyny a 2 linell yn eu croesi ar • draws, fel bod gennych naw bloc. Bydd y chwaraewr cyntaf yn tynnu 0 neu x • mewn 1 bloc. 0s dewisodd y chwaraewr cyntaf dynnu 0 yna • mae’n rhaid i’r ail chwaraewr ddefnyddio X, neu i’r gwrthwyneb.Mae pob person yn ei dro yn rhoi cynnig • ar greu rhes o 3 0 neu X, naill ai i lawr neu ar draws, ac ar yr un pryd yn ceisio atal ei wrthwynebwr rhag gwneud yr un peth. Y person cyntaf i greu rhes o 3 Os neu Xs yw’r • enillydd.


Llenwi’r bylchau Fill in the gaps

RHIF NUMBERNodwch y rhif sydd ar goll ym mhob un o’r cyfresi hyn:Fill in the missing number in each of these sequences:

1 2 3 5 6

6 7 8 9 10

4 5 6 8 9

Ewch ati i lenwi’r bylchau fel bod un o bob rhif neu siâp ym mhob sgwâr, rhes a cholofn.Have fun filling in the gaps so each square, row and column has one of each number or shape in it.

Beth sy’n dod nesaf?What comes next?Tynnwch y siâp sy’n dod nesaf gan ddilyn y patrwm ym mhob rhes.Draw the shape that comes next to follow the pattern in the row.

Another fun shapes game is 0s and Xs – why not show your child how to play?

You need 2 players. • Draw 2 lines vertically and 2 lines crossing them • horizontally, so that you have 9 blocks. The first player will draw 0 or X in 1 block. • If the first player chose to draw 0 then the second • player has to use X, or vice versa. Each person takes a turn trying to make a row of • 3 either across, down, or diagonally, and at the same time tries to prevent their opponent from doing the same. The first person to make 3 0s or 3 Xs in a row is • the winner.

Mae hwn yn weithgaredd i’w wneud gyda’ch gilydd – bydd y posau hyn yn meithrin sgiliau meddwl a datrys problemau eich plentyn. Os gwnaeth eich plentyn fwynhau cwblhau’r gweithgareddau hyn, yna gellir eu chwarae gartref gan ddefnyddio gwrthrychau bob dydd.Beth am dynnu llun o grid ac yna’i lenwi â gwrthrychau fel teganau neu ddillad ac ati eich plentyn. Gadewch rhai sgwariau’n wag er mwyn gweld os gall eu llenwi! Gall hwn hefyd fod yn weithgaredd awyr agored. Tynnwch lun o grid ar y llawr gan ddefnyddio sialc a chasglwch ddail/concyrs ac ati i’w rhoi yn y grid – cewch hwyl gyda gwrthrychau tra byddwch allan yn yr awyr agored!

Atebion: Edrychwch ar lein neu yn yr ysgol.Answers: Check online or back at school. www.poridrwystori.org.uk/families

Rhowch cylch o gwmpas pob trionglDraw a circle around all the triangles!

This is an activity to do together – these puzzles develop your child’s thinking and problem solving skills. If your child enjoyed completing these activities then they can be played again using everyday household objects.Try drawing a grid and then filling it with objects such as your child’s toys or items of clothing. Leave some squares blank and see if they can fill them in! This can also be an outdoor activity. Draw the grid on the floor using chalk and collect leaves/conkers etc to put in the grid – have fun with objects while you are out and about!





1 4

3 4











2 1




Answers: Q1:4, 5, 7 Q2:3, Q3:Atebion: Q1:4, 5, 7 Q2:3, Q3:

Gêm OXO 0s and Xs

16 17

Page 18: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Siart wobrwyo!My reward chart!

I lawr y Pyllau GloDown the Coal Mines

Bu llawer o deuluoedd yng Nghymru wedi ennill eu harian drwy weithio yn y pyllau glo. Ers hynny, mae sawl pwll glo wedi cau ond mae’n bwysig cofio’r rhan y gwnaethant ei chwarae yn ein hanes. Defnyddiwyd glo ers miloedd o flynyddoedd i gynhyrchu ynni, ar ffurf gwres a thrydan. Byddai’n rhaid i lawer o blant mor ifanc â 5 oed weithio yn y pyllau glo gyda’r dynion. Roedd y glowyr yn dechrau gwaith yn gynnar iawn. Yn aml roeddent yn codi cyn y wawr er mwyn cerdded i’r pwll glo. Er mwyn deffro’r glowyr yn gynnar yn y bore, byddai ‘dihunwr’ yn mynd o dŷ i dŷ yn taro ar ffenestri’r ystafelloedd gwely gyda pholyn hir.Byddai’r glowyr yn cael eu gorchuddio â llwch glo ac nid oedd y fath beth â bath yn y pwll glo! Gartref, byddai’r glowyr yn eistedd mewn bath tun o flaen y tân a byddai pawb yn y teulu yn defnyddio’r un dŵr yn ei dro - ych!Byddai glowyr yn aml yn gweithio 6 diwrnod yr wythnos ac yn byw mewn adeiladau tal a chul gyda thoiled y tu allan. Byddent yn cysgu ar draws y gwely fel bod lle i bawb. Roedd yn rhaid iddynt hyd yn oed wisgo cotiau gyda’r nos er mwyn cadw’n gynnes.Defnyddiwyd anifeiliaid, gan gynnwys ceffylau, yn y pyllau glo hefyd. Byddai merlod yn tynnu wagenni o lo ar hyd y twneli. Roedd rhai glowyr hefyd yn mynd ag adar caneri mewn cewyll i lawr i’r pyllau glo. Os byddai’n anadlu nwy peryglus, byddai’r caneri’n llewygu, a byddai’r glowyr yn brysio i ddiogelwch. Edrychwch i weld os ydych yn gallu dod o hyd i 5 peth am y pyllau glo.

Lots of families in Wales earned their money by mining coal out of the ground. Since then lots of mines have closed but it is important to remember the part they played in our history. Coal has been used for thousands of years to produce energy, both in the form of heat and electricity.

Lots of children as young as 5-years-old used to have to work in the coal mines with the men. Miners started work very early. They often got up before sunrise to

walk to the mine. To wake miners early in the morning, a man called the ‘knocker-up’ went from house to house, tapping on bedroom windows with a long pole.Miners got covered in coal dust and there were no baths at the mine! At home, miners sat in a tin bath in front of the fire and everyone in the family took turns to use the same water - urgh!

Miners often worked 6 days a week and lived in tall, narrow buildings with an outside bathroom.

They would sleep in the bed horizontally to make sure that everyone fitted in. They even had to wear coats at night to stay warm.Animals, including horses, were used in the mines as well. Pit-ponies pulled wagons of coal along the tunnels. Some miners also took canary birds in cages down the mine. If it breathed in a dangerous gas, the canary passed out (fainted), and the miners hurried to safety.See if you can find out 5 things about mines.




Tudalen 3: Her yr UngornPage 3: The Unicorn’s Challenge


Tudalennau 4 a 5: Antur y ParcPages 4 and 5: Park adventure

Cyfathrebu ac arsylwiCommunicating and


Tudalennau 6 a 7: Ten Little MonkeysPage 6 and 7: Ten Little Monkeys

Llythrennedd ac odliLiteracy and rhyme

Tudalennau 8 a 9: Her 50cPages 8 and 9: The 50p Challenge


Tudalennau 10 ac 11: Gwynwydd a Phontydd

Pages 10 and 11: Vines and Bridges

Rhifau a cyfrifNumbers and counting

Tudalennau 12 a 13: Bingo’r UngornPages 12 and 13: Unicorn’s Bingo

Rhifau ac adioNumbers and adding

Tudalen 14: Brechdan uno’r dotiauPage 14: Dot-to-dot sandwich

Tynnu llun a chyfriDrawing and counting

Tudalen 15: Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?Page 15: Spot the difference


Tudalen 16: CyfresiPage 16: Sequences

Meddwl a chyfresiThinking and sequences

Tudalen 17: Llenwi’r bylchauPage 17: Fill in the gaps

Datrys problemmau/rhesymeg

Problem solving/logic

Tudalen 18: I Lawr y Pyllau GloPage 18: Down the Coal Mines

Darllen a Deall/Meddwl


Rydw i wedi cwblhau Her yr Ungorn!I’ve completed The Unicorn’s Challenge!

Questions:How many legs are there in total if there were 2 men and 1 horse down a mine?

If Angharad shared a bed with her 3 sisters, how many people all together slept in the bed?

If Bryn earned £2 a day for working in the mine, how much money did he earn in 6 days?

Cwestiynau:Sawl coes sydd i gyd os byddai 2 ddyn a cheffyl mewn pwll glo?

Os oedd Angharad yn rhannu gwely gyda’i 3 chwaer, sawl person oedd yn cysgu yn y gwely?

Os oedd Bryn yn ennill £2 y dydd am weithio yn y pwll glo, faint o arian fyddai’n ei ennill mewn 6 diwrnod?

Answers: 8, 4, £12Atebion: 8, 4, £12

Gosodwch sticer pan fyddech

wedi cwblhau’r tudalen

Add a sticker when you have completed

the page

Da iawn!Well done!

18 19

Page 19: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Siart wobrwyo!My reward chart!

I lawr y Pyllau GloDown the Coal Mines

Bu llawer o deuluoedd yng Nghymru wedi ennill eu harian drwy weithio yn y pyllau glo. Ers hynny, mae sawl pwll glo wedi cau ond mae’n bwysig cofio’r rhan y gwnaethant ei chwarae yn ein hanes. Defnyddiwyd glo ers miloedd o flynyddoedd i gynhyrchu ynni, ar ffurf gwres a thrydan. Byddai’n rhaid i lawer o blant mor ifanc â 5 oed weithio yn y pyllau glo gyda’r dynion. Roedd y glowyr yn dechrau gwaith yn gynnar iawn. Yn aml roeddent yn codi cyn y wawr er mwyn cerdded i’r pwll glo. Er mwyn deffro’r glowyr yn gynnar yn y bore, byddai ‘dihunwr’ yn mynd o dŷ i dŷ yn taro ar ffenestri’r ystafelloedd gwely gyda pholyn hir.Byddai’r glowyr yn cael eu gorchuddio â llwch glo ac nid oedd y fath beth â bath yn y pwll glo! Gartref, byddai’r glowyr yn eistedd mewn bath tun o flaen y tân a byddai pawb yn y teulu yn defnyddio’r un dŵr yn ei dro - ych!Byddai glowyr yn aml yn gweithio 6 diwrnod yr wythnos ac yn byw mewn adeiladau tal a chul gyda thoiled y tu allan. Byddent yn cysgu ar draws y gwely fel bod lle i bawb. Roedd yn rhaid iddynt hyd yn oed wisgo cotiau gyda’r nos er mwyn cadw’n gynnes.Defnyddiwyd anifeiliaid, gan gynnwys ceffylau, yn y pyllau glo hefyd. Byddai merlod yn tynnu wagenni o lo ar hyd y twneli. Roedd rhai glowyr hefyd yn mynd ag adar caneri mewn cewyll i lawr i’r pyllau glo. Os byddai’n anadlu nwy peryglus, byddai’r caneri’n llewygu, a byddai’r glowyr yn brysio i ddiogelwch. Edrychwch i weld os ydych yn gallu dod o hyd i 5 peth am y pyllau glo.

Lots of families in Wales earned their money by mining coal out of the ground. Since then lots of mines have closed but it is important to remember the part they played in our history. Coal has been used for thousands of years to produce energy, both in the form of heat and electricity.

Lots of children as young as 5-years-old used to have to work in the coal mines with the men. Miners started work very early. They often got up before sunrise to

walk to the mine. To wake miners early in the morning, a man called the ‘knocker-up’ went from house to house, tapping on bedroom windows with a long pole.Miners got covered in coal dust and there were no baths at the mine! At home, miners sat in a tin bath in front of the fire and everyone in the family took turns to use the same water - urgh!

Miners often worked 6 days a week and lived in tall, narrow buildings with an outside bathroom.

They would sleep in the bed horizontally to make sure that everyone fitted in. They even had to wear coats at night to stay warm.Animals, including horses, were used in the mines as well. Pit-ponies pulled wagons of coal along the tunnels. Some miners also took canary birds in cages down the mine. If it breathed in a dangerous gas, the canary passed out (fainted), and the miners hurried to safety.See if you can find out 5 things about mines.




Tudalen 3: Her yr UngornPage 3: The Unicorn’s Challenge


Tudalennau 4 a 5: Antur y ParcPages 4 and 5: Park adventure

Cyfathrebu ac arsylwiCommunicating and


Tudalennau 6 a 7: Ten Little MonkeysPage 6 and 7: Ten Little Monkeys

Llythrennedd ac odliLiteracy and rhyme

Tudalennau 8 a 9: Her 50cPages 8 and 9: The 50p Challenge


Tudalennau 10 ac 11: Gwynwydd a Phontydd

Pages 10 and 11: Vines and Bridges

Rhifau a cyfrifNumbers and counting

Tudalennau 12 a 13: Bingo’r UngornPages 12 and 13: Unicorn’s Bingo

Rhifau ac adioNumbers and adding

Tudalen 14: Brechdan uno’r dotiauPage 14: Dot-to-dot sandwich

Tynnu llun a chyfriDrawing and counting

Tudalen 15: Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth?Page 15: Spot the difference


Tudalen 16: CyfresiPage 16: Sequences

Meddwl a chyfresiThinking and sequences

Tudalen 17: Llenwi’r bylchauPage 17: Fill in the gaps

Datrys problemmau/rhesymeg

Problem solving/logic

Tudalen 18: I Lawr y Pyllau GloPage 18: Down the Coal Mines

Darllen a Deall/Meddwl


Rydw i wedi cwblhau Her yr Ungorn!I’ve completed The Unicorn’s Challenge!

Questions:How many legs are there in total if there were 2 men and 1 horse down a mine?

If Angharad shared a bed with her 3 sisters, how many people all together slept in the bed?

If Bryn earned £2 a day for working in the mine, how much money did he earn in 6 days?

Cwestiynau:Sawl coes sydd i gyd os byddai 2 ddyn a cheffyl mewn pwll glo?

Os oedd Angharad yn rhannu gwely gyda’i 3 chwaer, sawl person oedd yn cysgu yn y gwely?

Os oedd Bryn yn ennill £2 y dydd am weithio yn y pwll glo, faint o arian fyddai’n ei ennill mewn 6 diwrnod?

Answers: 8, 4, £12Atebion: 8, 4, £12

Gosodwch sticer pan fyddech

wedi cwblhau’r tudalen

Add a sticker when you have completed

the page

Da iawn!Well done!

18 19

Page 20: The Unicorn’sChallenge...summer adventure and complete the challenges on each page. Have fun completing The Unicorn’s Challenge this summer! Mwynhewch ateb Her yr Ungorn yr haf

Ewch i: / Visit:

www.poridrwystori.org.uk/familiesam ragor o syniadau ar sut i fwynhau rhifedd a darllen. for more ideas on how to enjoy numeracy and reading.

Efallai y cewch eich synnu faint o fathemateg rydych yn ei wneud mewn diwrnod:

Gweld pa amser y darlledir rhaglen deledu• Darllen amserlen bws neu drên• Talu bil• Mesur cynhwysion wrth goginio• Cyfrif eich newid wrth siopa.•

Felly, bydd gadael i’ch plentyn eich helpu gyda’ch gweithgareddau bob dydd yn ei helpu i ddysgu hefyd!

Gadewch iddo eich helpu i lunio rhestrau, gosod clociau, gosod y bwrdd a choginio. Beth am gael hwyl yn cyfrif briciau, chwarae gyda siapau a siarad am rifau. Byddant i gyd yn helpu eich plentyn i ddysgu tra’ch bod yn gwneud gweithgareddau bob dydd. Yn fwy na dim, gwnewch rifedd yn hwyl – dyna’r ffordd orau o ddysgu!

You may be surprised at how much maths you do in a day:

Checking the time of a TV programme• Looking at a bus or train timetable• Paying a bill• Measuring ingredients when cooking• Counting your change when out shopping.•

Letting your child help you with your everyday activities helps them learn too!Encourage them to help you with writing lists, setting the time on clocks, laying the table and cooking. Have fun counting bricks, playing with shapes and talking about numbers. They all help your child learn while you are doing everyday activities.Most of all, have fun with numeracy – everyone learns best when they are having fun!

Lluniau gan © Ali Lodge

Illustrations © Ali Lodge

Deg Mwnci Bach: Fersiwn Saesneg Atgynhyrchir trwy garedigrwydd Child’s Play Ltd. © 2001 Ten Little Monkeys: English text reproduced by kind permission of Child’s Play Ltd. © 2001Deg Mwnci Bach: addasiad gymraeg gan Sioned Lleniau, Llyfrau Gomer. © 2013Ten Little Monkeys: Welsh text adapted by Sioned lleniau, Gomer Books. © 2013.

Continue the adventure!Ymlaen â’r antur!

Gwinwydd a PhontyddA message for parent/carers

Rhybudd! Mae’r cynnyrch yma ar gyfer pwrpas addysg yn unig sydd angen goruchwyliaeth oedolyn. Nid yw’r cynnyrch yma yn addas i blant o dan 36 mis oherwydd y rhannau bach a gall achosi perygl o dagu. Peidiwch ac adlynu’r sticeri i unrhyw arwynebedd a gall cael eu difrodi. Rhif Swp: BT00. Dis a chownteri: ESPO, LE19 1ES. Sticeri: UPM, FL-00130.

Warning! This product is intended for educational use and adult supervision is recommended. Not suitable for children under 36 months due to small parts which may represent a choking hazard. Do not adhere stickers to surfaces that may be damaged by their removal. Batch No: BT001. Dice & Counters: ESPO, LE19 1ES. Sticker insert: UPM, FL-00130.