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Theory of Spin-Dependent Phonon-Assisted Optical Transitions in Silicon

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Page 1: Theory of Spin-Dependent Phonon-Assisted Optical Transitions in Silicon

Theory of Spin-Dependent Phonon-Assisted Optical Transitions in Silicon

Pengke Li (李鹏科)1,* and Hanan Dery1,2

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 14627, USA2Department of Physics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 14627, USA

(Received 5 March 2010; published 15 July 2010)

Silicon is an ideal material choice for spintronics devices due to its relatively long spin relaxation time

and mature technology. To date, however, there are no parameter-free methods to accurately determine the

degree of spin polarization of electrons in silicon. This missing link is established with a theory that

provides concise relations between the degrees of spin polarization and measured circular polarization for

each of the dominant phonon-assisted optical transitions. The phonon symmetries play a key role in

elucidating recent spin injection experiments in silicon.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.037204 PACS numbers: 85.75.�d, 71.70.Ej, 78.55.Ap

Optical orientation and luminescence polarization arewidespread techniques in studying the spin of electrons indirect gap semiconductors [1,2]. These techniques, how-ever, are not straightforward in indirect gap semiconduc-tors where optical transitions are mediated by electron-phonon interactions [3–6]. In spite of recent importantprogress in spin injection into silicon [7–15], there is notheory that enables a quantitative analysis of the lumines-cence from spin injected silicon. Such knowledge can beused to accurately determine the electrons’ spin polariza-tion from the measured circular polarization [8–11].Similarly, it can be used to infer the spin injection effi-ciency across ferromagnet-silicon interfaces [7–15].

In this Letter we study the relation between the spinpolarization of electrons in silicon and the circular polar-ization degree of the luminescence. By invoking symmetryarguments, we first provide concise selection rules for eachof the phonon-assisted optical transitions in an unstrainedbulk silicon. Then in the main part, these rules help inanalyzing the polarized luminescence spectrum calculatedby a comprehensive rigid-ion model for doped silicon. Ourtheoretical results elucidate recent experiments of spininjection from iron to silicon [8–10].

The luminescence of free carriers in bulk silicon in-volves transitions between electrons from the six equiva-lent conduction band valleys along the �-symmetry axesand heavy or light holes at the top of the valence band[Fig. 1(a)]. Because of the crystal translational symmetryand the indirect absorption edge, phonon emission or ab-sorption is required to offset a crystal momentum differ-

ence of k0 ’ 0:85� ð2�=aÞ, where a ¼ 5:43 �A is thelattice constant. The light intensity is proportional to

Ie;‘ /��������Xn


e�ijiiEi � En � @!‘

þ hfjH‘e�ijnihnjHe

RjiiEi � En � @!0




HeR and H‘

e�i related matrix elements denote, respectively,radiation-matter and electron-phonon interactions where eis the light polarization vector and ‘ is the phonon mode:

transverse-acoustic (TA), transverse-optical (TO),longitudinal-acoustic (LA), or longitudinal-optical (LO).The angular frequency of the photon is !0 and of thephonon is !‘. The initial state at the conduction band isgiven by jii and the final state at the valence band by jfi.The first and second terms involve, respectively, opticaltransition paths with intermediate states jni whose crystalmomentum is zero or k0. The dot-dashed and dashedarrows in Fig. 1(a) show the important respective pathswhere the vertical (nonvertical) arrows denote the photon(phonon) interaction. The circular polarization of the spin-

FIG. 1 (color). (a) Band structure and symmetry notations ofsilicon along the � axis. The dot-dashed and dashed arrowsrepresent the two dominant contributions for phonon-assistedoptical transitions. The lower left (upper right) inset magnifiesthe splitting of the bands due to spin-orbit coupling close to the�250 (�15) zone center region. (b) Phonon branches along the �axis and their corresponding symmetries. (c) Phonon dependentcircular polarization properties for optical transitions of spin-upelectrons from valleys whose axis lies along (�L) or perpen-dicular (�T) to the light propagation.

PRL 105, 037204 (2010) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T E R Sweek ending16 JULY 2010

0031-9007=10=105(3)=037204(4) 037204-1 � 2010 The American Physical Society

Page 2: Theory of Spin-Dependent Phonon-Assisted Optical Transitions in Silicon

dependent luminescence depends on the phonon dispersionand symmetries along the � axis. This information isshown in Fig. 1(b). The TA and TO phonons have �5

symmetry, and therefore their associated luminescencepeaks are destined to have similar polarization. However,it will be shown that the proximity of the LO and TOphonon branches around k0 changes the polarization ofthe dominant TO peak.

Using the symmetries of the electronic states and of thephonon modes, one can derive concise polarization ratiosbetween the left and right circularly polarized lumines-cence. Figure 1(c) lists the phonon-assisted circular polar-ization ratios and the ensuing total circular polarizations.These ratios correspond to transitions of spin-up electronsand they depend on whether electrons reside in valleyswhose k0 is parallel or perpendicular to the light propaga-tion axis (which is also the spin quantization axis). Figure 2shows the corresponding transverse-phonon-assisted opti-cal transition diagrams from the x valley (perpendicular tolight propagation). Details about the construction of thisand similar diagrams are found in the supplementary ma-terial [16].

The interference effects between the various interme-diate states are crucial for the analysis of the circularpolarization. We focus on the resulting opposite polariza-tion of the LO and the other phonon-assisted optical modes[Fig. 1(c)]. This suggests contributions of opposite sign tothe circular polarization of emitted photons whose energyis about Eg � @!op where Eg is the gap energy and !op �!LO � !TO (due to the nearly degenerate energies of theLO and TO phonons). These photons will have smallercircular polarization compared with photons whose energyis around Eg � @!TA in spite of the similar symmetry of

TA and TO phonons. Other effects of the interference arealso instructive for analyzing the luminescence spectrum.First, the interference of zone center and k0 intermediatestates is constructive (destructive) for transverse (longitu-dinal) phonons [17,18]. This is the reason for the negligibleintensity of the LA phonon-assisted optical transition. Thesymmetry of LO phonons, however, precludes transitionsto the �15 intermediate states [19]. Consequently, the LOphonon-assisted optical transition and its circular polariza-

tion are dominated by intermediate states below the gap.The destructive interference with symmetry allowed inter-mediate states above the gap (e.g., the �20) is not sufficientto destroy the LO phonon-assisted transition or to signifi-cantly alter its associated circular polarization.The robustness of the circular polarization and the rela-

tive intensity of the various spectral lines are calculatedusing realistic modeling of Eq. (1). The electronic statesand energies are calculated via an empirical local pseudo-potential method with spin-orbit coupling [20]. The lattergenerates the correct energy splitting between �þ

8 and �þ7

(�so ¼ 44 meV). The phonon modes and their dispersionare obtained by the adiabatic bond charge model [21]. Thecalculated energy band structure and phonon dispersioncurve along the� axis are shown, respectively, in Figs. 1(a)and 1(b). The radiation-matter matrix elements are calcu-lated using the electric dipole approximation. The electron-phonon matrix elements are calculated via the rigid-ionapproximation [22],







Þ�fq �u‘þcosð�g ��Þþq �u‘� sinð�g ��Þg: (2)

The wave functions are taken from the pseudopotentialmodel and given by ’k;m¼P


expðiðgjþkÞ �rÞ,where k, g,m, and � denote, respectively, the wave vector,reciprocal lattice wave vector, band index, and spin state.Vq is the pseudopotential of wave vector q ¼ �k��g,where �k ¼ kf � ki and �g ¼ g1 � g2. A ¼i


q, where M is the mass of a silicon atom.

The phonon displacement vectors, u‘þ and u‘�, are the ‘‘in-phase’’ and ‘‘out-of-phase’’ motion of the two silicon

atoms in the unit cell, respectively. These vectors arecalculated via the adiabatic bond charge model. The equi-librium atom positions relative to the origin (midpoint) aregiven by��, where � ¼ ða; a; aÞ=8. The effect of the spin-orbit potential during a virtual transition is negligible, andthus we consider only the local pseudopotential part inphonon-assisted transitions to intermediate states. Wehave verified that the Elliot-Yafet spin-flip mechanismsand their interference are of minor importance in ourcase of interest [23,24].

FIG. 2 (color online). Transverse-phonon-assisted optical tran-sitions of spin-up electrons from the x valley. The upper andlower diagrams correspond to different phonon modes whereasthe left and right diagrams correspond to circular polarization ofx� iy. The numbers next to the arrows denote the relativeamplitude of the corresponding transition. Note that if thereare several paths to reach the same final state, then the interfer-ence is constructive (numbers in brackets have the same sign).The relative contribution of each phonon and photon configura-tion is indicated at the top right corner of each diagram. Thecircular polarization ratio (�Tþ:�T�) is 1:2.

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Page 3: Theory of Spin-Dependent Phonon-Assisted Optical Transitions in Silicon

Table I lists numerical results of relative light intensitiesand their circular polarization due to transitions of spin-upelectrons at the bottom of the conduction band to heavyand light hole states at the top of the valence band. The left(middle) column corresponds to the contribution from eachof the four (two) conduction band valleys whose directionis perpendicular (parallel) to the light propagation direc-tion. The relative total intensities from all six valleys (rightcolumn) are consistent with the luminescence spectrum insilicon [25]. The polarization values are consistent withthose derived by symmetry arguments [Fig. 1(c)]. The non-zero polarization of the LO mode from perpendicular val-leys (�5%) is due to the small effect of transition paths viathe �20 conduction band. In addition, the small deviation ofthe TA and TO total polarizations from 20% (as predictedby symmetry arguments) generally comes from differencesin the transition intensities of zone center and k0 interme-diate paths. The pseudopotential interpolation technique[Vq in Eq. (2)] and the origin for the different intensities of

TO and TA related optical transitions are spin independentand given in the supplementary information [16].

The spectral width of the circularly polarized region isstrongly affected by doping. The previous results werederived for transitions between the extremal points of theconduction and valence bands. However, in a p-type(n-type) doped silicon one should consider all of the statesin the valence (conduction) band that can take part in thetransition as well as the ensuing larger set of intermediatestates. We have integrated the transition probability of thevarious states in the Brillouin zone weighted by Fermi dis-tribution at T ¼ 10 K. Figures 3(a)–3(c) show the resultingspectra of �þ and �� for light propagation along the þzdirection in 4� 1018 cm3 n-type silicon. Figures 3(a)–3(c)denote, respectively, the contribution from the z, x, and allsix valleys. The dominant peak just above 1065 meV ori-ginates predominately from the TO phonon-assisted tran-sitions. Their associated circular polarization signal comesfrom the four transverse valleys (�x;�y). About 15% ofthe dominant peak originates from LO associated transi-tions which are responsible for the small polarization of thelongitudinal valleys (�z). The opposite sign contributionsto the total circular polarization [Fig. 3(c)] result in anevident smaller polarization degree of the dominant peakcompared with the less intense TA associated peak (around1105 meV). Figure 3(d) shows the total spectra in cases of4� 1018 and 2� 1019 cm3 p-type silicon. We notice two

features when comparing the n-type and p-type spectra at adoping level of 4� 1018 cm3 [Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)]. First,the p-type peaks are broader due to the position of theFermi level: EF � 16 meV below the valence band edgeversus EF � 8 meV above the multivalley conductionband edge. Second, the p-type spectrum is less polarizeddue to stronger mixing of hole states away from the �point. The broadening and reduced polarization are evidentin the spectrum of the 2� 1019 cm3 p-type silicon. Finally,we identify a common rule shared by the spectra of alldoping levels above 2� 1018 cm3 (metallic regime). Thepolarization has its largest amplitude at the lower energyedge of a given phonon-assisted transition. At this photonenergy, the initial and final states are from the extremastates, whereas at higher energies the mixing of states playsa key role in lowering the polarization.The effect of spin-orbit coupling is most evident at

heavily p-type silicon where the Fermi level is close to(or below) the split-off band. The proximity of the split-offband renders the holes state mixing effective already�10 meV away from the � point. Figure 3(e) shows thepolarization values at the TA peak and TO dominated peakversus doping levels in the metallic regime. In n-typesilicon, the polarization is reduced only slightly with dop-ing concentration. The initial polarization reduction of theTO dominated peak is due to the merging with the LOpeak. This is essentially a broadening effect, and it is

effective when EF > @!TO � @!LO � 4 meV above theconduction band edge (>4� 1018 cm3). In p-type cases,the peak polarizations decrease monotonically with dopingdue to state mixing in the valence band. The latter is ageneral feature in semiconductors stating that emittingcircularly polarized photons is not possible when EF iswell below the split-off band [1].The results of Fig. 3 elucidate the measured polarized

electroluminescence (EL) from spin injected silicon [8–10]. The theory and experiment are consistent about thehigher polarization of the TA related peak as well as for thepolarization ratios between the TA and the TO dominatedpeaks. We find that the spin polarization of injected elec-trons in Refs. [8–10] is about 27% by comparing themeasured and maximal achievable circular polarizationsof the TA peak at 1105 meV. This relies on the ratiobetween the measured circular polarization of 3.5% andthe maximum attainable circular polarization of 13% at1019 cm3 p-type silicon [Fig. 3(e)] [26]. Another point of

TABLE I. Relative light intensities (Ir ¼ I�þ þ I�� ) and circular polarization degrees [P ¼ ðI�þ � I��Þ=Ir] due to transitions withspin-up electrons. The light propagates along the þz direction. The light intensities are normalized with respect to the TO intensityfrom the x or y valleys. The total intensities are the sum of contributions from all six valleys. The LA phonon results are not shown(negligible intensity).

Valley x; y z Total


Ir 1 0.115 0.086 1.41 0.23 0.092 6.82 0.92 0.53

P [%] �32:3 5.3 �36 0.01 50.1 0.7 �18:8 27.7 �23:5

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consideration in Refs. [8–10] is the&10 ns Auger lifetimeof electrons in the p-type substrate [27]. The EL measure-ments probe those electrons that recombine radiativelywithin the effective lifetime. Quantitatively, about �A=�rof the electrons that reach the substrate experience radia-tive recombination where �A and �r are, respectively, theeffective (Auger dominated) and radiative lifetimes. Therelatively short �A explains the mitigated spin relaxationeffect in these measurements.

In conclusion, we have studied the luminescence in spinpolarized silicon. Useful circular polarization degrees wereprovided for each of the phonon-assisted transitions. Theantipodal behavior of optical phonons was shown to beresponsible for the differences in the circular polarizationof the luminescence peaks. The doping was shown to affectboth the shape and polarization of the spectrum. Knowingthe theoretical circular polarization values of complete spinpolarization and comparing them with measured values areimperative in determining the spin polarization in silicon.These values are also instrumental in extracting the spinrelaxation time or the spin injection efficiency acrossferromagnet-silicon interfaces. Finally, the theory sets abasis for future studies of the circular polarization inindirect gap semiconductors due to strain (splitting thevalleys and hole states), no-phonon, and multiphonon-assisted optical transitions.

We are indebt to Dr. G. Kioseoglou and Dr. B. Jonker formany fruitful discussions. This work is supported byAFOSR Contract No. FA9550-09-1-0493 and by NSFContract No. ECCS-0824075.

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FIG. 3 (color online). Calculated polarized spectra in dopedsilicon at 10 K. Panels (a)–(c) show results of 4� 1018 cm3

n-type silicon. Panels (a) and (b) show the contribution fromvalleys whose axis is along or perpendicular to the light propa-gation direction. Panel (c) shows the contribution from all sixvalleys. Panel (d) shows the polarized spectra for 4� 1018 and2� 1019 cm3 p-type silicon. The former is magnified for clarity.The spectra in (a)–(d) consider the energy gap reduction withdoping [25]. Panel (e) shows the polarization amplitude at theTA peak and TO dominated peak versus doping level (at themetallic regime).

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