Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

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Three spheres of a landscape is what I called a connection between three different forms of emotion but with a sense of continuity.

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Page 4: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Quadern Després d'haver passat les vacances a Escòcia durant més de vint anys, des de la meva primera estada em vaig rendir a la seva aura. Aquell paisatge vaporós, aquells silencis de perfums lleugers i d'atmosfera impalpable, es van transformar addictius per sempre. El retorn any rere any als mateixos espais, m'ha permès la contemplació amb el coneixement obtingut de tot allò ja explorat i absorbir la realitat de les diferents experiències viscudes. Tres esferes d'un paisatge és el que he qualificat com una connexió entre tres formes d'emoció diferents però que tenen un sentit de continuïtat. En primer lloc exploro les expectatives d’un camí, la seqüència abstracta extretes de textos i de mapes; després és la trobada amb l'emoció del moment, de la percepció directa d'allò imaginat, el que es pot experimentar amb la mirada i contemplar amb l'esperit. I finalment el record que, intuïtivament, et fa recuperar la memòria del lloc, de la seva essència i vibració. La imatge representada és el reflex d'aquest món especial i magnètic on s'uneix la concordança entre l'interior i l'exterior.

Page 5: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Notebook After having spent the holidays in Scotland for over twenty years, from my first stay I surrendered to his aura. That landscape vaporous, those silences of light fragrance and impalpable atmosphere, got addictive forever. Returning year after year to the same spaces, allowed me to contemplate with the knowledge obtained exploring and absorbing the reality of different experiences lived. Three spheres of a landscape is what I called a connection between three different forms of emotion but with a sense of continuity. First I explore the expectations of a way, the abstract sequence extracted from texts and maps; then there's the finding of the moment's emotion, the direct perception of what's been dreamed about, the thing that can be experimented by looking and admired by the spirit. And finally the memories that, intuitively, brings back your thoughts of the place, of its essence and its vibration. The image represented is a reflection of this special and magnetic world, where the interior and the exterior bond together.

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Page 7: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x65

Acrylic on canvas

Page 8: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Devil’s Staircase

Page 9: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x81

Acrylic on canvas

Page 10: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)


Page 11: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x100

Acrylic on canvas

Page 12: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Dun Beag Broch

Page 13: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x100

Acrylic on canvas

Page 14: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)


Page 15: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x73

Acrylic on canvas

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Page 17: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x65

Acrylic on canvas

Page 18: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Nan Uamh

Page 19: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 92x73

Acrylic on canvas

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Page 21: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 92x73

Acrylic on canvas

Page 22: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Rannoch Moor

Page 23: Three Spheres of a Landscape (Scotland)

Acrílic sobre tela 100x65

Acrylic on canvas