II t I R1 g3yn 1R NLS < III I I I I Ii nI Y I 11111 1 I INVERNESS located Inland ainmu inir tin1 T alii x Bunded by good fiiriniiiu tile liirinois 110 ihc tTs ninl other improved i In be farmer of tin i Imriim the iiriMiui per inn till f W- If it ulilliiic lillKVelM i tlllH- i i ii lull nil viiiii1 i uu- ki IH they lllll- n till II till III Ill it rill ihi u- llniu IMI T dllcN tiosldei 01- U Hill I1 Ml glMWill- gllMtl IlSldo till elllll- i u liplos JiOllill- ivniiitins frulU- nl In nelicral fiilin- 11U lure I loan III III llMH Oil homo til iiilinl pliiiil- In kop vr I v till mere nj It vl kciptnu it- feet Tree i mill u phase f life noisily ilnmlnently ovl- llvi lilislllliu cltlex- I Ilir el I I n inililnu beaiitleo mid MI liiuber sort in i is tb unity of- in i i bat IIICMII n lot 11 M i it no doubt fated ill ulnwih which is cell of nwil- Hi e nl Justice o- lii mil ty nllleials all have their ai in1 iist nnl we say ly r David Dieksniis Tnriii nnil Some of His Farm Maxims Solomon said Then1 Is no ntW thins under till sun This Is proven to be i nil much of tenor than people gener- ally belles Up to date farmers are advocating deep plowing slialli v cultivation nod heavy fortllilatlon it I usually sup- posed to ln a now Idea This Is II mistake his Is shown liy the Southern Ililrlviitnr in an iirlliU1 under the above title Tho maxims of a man who ninli siirh II siicross of farming as Is ascribed tn Iiavld lilikson well ho studied with care While down In Hancock throiuli the courtesy of Mr John I Walker of Sparta Its present owner w iimdt II pllirrlnmuc to the old home- stead nf Pavld IMckson tho most successful nod noted advocate of pro- gressive iiicihodi In Snutlicrn aurlciil- iiiro He probed deep preparation shallow cultivation nod hlirli fortlllza- tlon yearn airo and reaped such a reward that left an estate of live hundred thousand dollars when he died He owned over thirty thousand acres land and hull In liN vault III his own house over Sooono In lionds He made two hole of cotton per aero utter mice nuns and from fifty t viiityilve bushels corn lie practiced the threeyear rotation of wheat corn and cotton and said that It paid to sow urn In as a means of preserving and Improvim the land to raise the more protltalde crops nf corn and cotton This Is a very strut point and one very dltllciilt to iet Im- pressed upon the minds of our farmers Notation are essential to tin ralslir of main proiltaldy We Inn not say as much about this imiirnlnVont plantn tint nod its mamiLciiiont MS ve wiitild like tint will write abaci It asriiln holm tniitmgcd hy Mr Heath a gentleman who nspij In l o one of Mr- nioksniis mannaiis in his llfiiinni- Mtrlni tin winter vc read 1lck sons Sytom of Fnrinlng pub llshed liy the rnltlvntir III bunk form In 1SSI and marked thin some of ills maxims fur ropiiMUhlm in the Cultlvalo We ulvo c them helow mid nil would do well to preserve them to he read over and over niraln n iItiIIug ltWIl of t II tl I III I nr Ii lib tb till S lilt ill ix II 111 III II n I tl 01 lit Ii lil1l 01 I lit WII- r iLk I nr t III tll 11 II il 111- II t iI II 1111 I II I ill lit till 11111 I 1111 III 111111 IIIIll II ail 11111 III tulilld nut nfl h lit lit ill tint I 11 a rnut Ilniisl Ilr- Is tS tid II ni1Id rnluc- of al iii I 4L1 S a It- s t hid f Ihi nu 1- 1l1 I u nisi Id n- i nu I in Ii i n ill nhI aI Ill I rr run rgnnr iIt spry e Ills I rllhri Ile IIIri p111i1 I1Iil taunt i Ir- Is his j ¬ ¬ < + + + + + + at essentials nre ne plan of farm nu the art of controlling la- iir Mini iveeiiiliiu all work to the ailviintiiao with least roam third diimi iiiil anti success depends on- iiulcli iereepiliin wise judmont that s lost this to lie H iilcd except i y the use of hunks In eniijiiiietlnn with practice J All veircialde matter placed on yniir field will In dun time turn to Hilton corn lnnd must he well hrokeu actor IM nl In roiiiinence tn flme to do It halt tic later dmio In tTils Intltndc the liettii for tin land I There i only so miicli rnrn and cntion III any manure iml the sooner you urei It Ill heller- Ploiiiih deep eiiltlvMtc shallow and you will have no tronlde In trrowI- II1 Prop I1 Silicon onefourth your land ov Cry year i That land pays host with viiano that puts lnyf wlllioiit If lad this soil that has plenty nf vrwtiildo extent V I leepeli yolir soil to till fill alilllly- Ider iireparallnn nod 10 The pi laws Hint irove when lie dues est pfllrloiWVV r shotiM follow the ie niivi ii0 nail only should mix own the profit of tnnnlp- e vosotaldo nrntler yon land till mure nltroiron- 1lie more nitrogen you store your land the more you can nun thin atmosphere o lie siieiissfnl In aurlfiiltnro- it know where all the plaints Is art null how to control n cud soil will do no harm in any land Ki It requires till the 1st of May to hreak ynnr land rluht and thIs Is tlni enoiiuli tn ilnlsh 1 Flit your soil with liumiis to stick till sand together and to darken It This will prevent Its ivllootlnp the heat mid will cause It to receive It irradnally and to port with It the sum way IS With clay lands do the sum tliiin to make It plouclialde nt nil times 1 It Is hotter to plant late than nor at till or In halfprepared hind Io In ISiis I planted a twentyncre lot ilnlslilni the fifth day of used sun pounds of my compound acre It mide V2 hales The lint pnlrt- a dividend on one thousand dollars per acre utter paying nil expenses and the land was III much hotter condition for another crop Including the ante fur sped It paid a dividend on tour thousand dollars per acre 1 VoLotahle mould should he kept up to the slur Ptandinl as nppenrs In virgin soil 22 Cyst Is nothlne tint poverty caused hy land helntr depleted of vejp filly matter j Make Just the amount of cotton wanted at paylni prices keep out of deht he thin creditors make your sup- plies nt hum then and only then will yon have power 2i Ianrc ears of corn are more easily leathered than small ones the amo Is true of perfect holls of cot- ton 2 Compost manure should be spread on the pround anti applied Im- mediately sr that the decomposition shall take place exactly when It Is wanted 2 From ivory source opt ns much Unisphere Into till land ns possible 7 There Is no such thins as failure when man does his duty In the culti- vation 2 Save n portion of your Income very year and icy everythlnj for ash i Make nil Miippllos at home that an be made Pull your laborers how to work hurt to do It with ease and iVnloiiey and to do better and bet- ter wnrk try day 11 An over estimate of the Import mice iieep and thoniuuli lireaklnu of till fur cultivated crops can nut ln II IiI the Itlll iIinl III 111 I on In It S 1IIII1n Wlt mulls tlttll of tin If th half IIr lIoIIldlll 11 It Ihr IIlch 11 1101 llnlllll It tdtithig 1 Ill h51r 1111 illl I II tlII1 I lUll Itllh of cock oer per Iasi t tuory I Iaa II till s nlnltr lists Id1- 1Idr yam hest Ur gl renih his tlflJUirvl nine n hnV yan rlillnlnllllUh- 1t ltrtly nlInlu n nt lit year 1 I Pi Ill lauds hind > ¬ > ¬ ¬ + + i Mill IIMMI- CICVMAI lMt nthu or l IiSICII III rlsrltr ei 1t alt h wit i iinlinai in- Kieiisnn s toiii liniiinu alit Deep prepainilnii iiiiiiiurln surface culture and r crops Put Your Best Eiioi lu Your Work Without Regard nut niiiuuif in yuu- liiivu III your work bv VIJ m- 1iiitiiu or complain ni f full lUi- 1ifked lo du sumo this i which nth are snpincil tn Better pay t file Ims Iitier pay iv cumplaliiliif aiuiii rliiinnUi- 1it the work they ni iil t- lluTe is an abundiiiic rcupk whu- mi till the minor i In try linindi of trade and im i bill till world la till the time ii h ut load ris workers bii i trust and contldciio ilwst1 who iiv to duty lit duty be what it truly How uii c hour It sold of mull or women mvu b ii brought tutu sudden pp nencu by bring idaccd In a pusJtirn IIIISI furl oiiihUiicu or one iviini uruat ex- ecutive ability i i maid of- tliLin 1 Ulil not inii was such a pcwon living i all be true yet we venture that In cases out of till liwiory- nl these people Is caroln ikid Up- ibosu will be found who known tibout them known of n IU IT Integrity of their i or their fiillhfiilness to i Mnpln- yliliions It is trill the MMs where by the accidents nine are placed In Important p is ho are very poorly equipped f riy Uind- of work butt lu most rase s iino who have been faithful a ew- s who ire madi ivor man things Then iii iy workman let his position so humble should take a certIN pr i In his work which should him t put his ciy best lion ii iit any thought of the rumuiicrM ii lie receive for It No one anio- a great artist 110 one eve iiicd a treat plctnic who was thinking about the pay he for Ills work or who gradeI en lars that were III comu to result of his elVort i rent exist becausu thurt1 had Inii- srtiit artist who could not wl o limn paint mi artist masterpiece painted on tin t The twat Iris IlIllI t t I Iu iUII lit 11I ill I I fill d tiff 11 IIl1lhl hill hid Viii t rind ttltlstlc skill Iii Iii i I Inlets ill h tIll ill Pay i pay U do ill hi tot hilt hug lob tfltllllt inll rut Irs Sir hill to r sttuU thuslnsul Ill Ih tat t 6111 In < > < ° ¬ > > > + ° The Vnlue of Birds to Fruit Growers Is one of the subjects that lieu to be kept constantly before the pie think that the heading as given above should be amended o us tn Include not Itch growers only but every one who cultivates the soil In Idly way 1lie aitlele jrlvin below vtc illppei- 1iuin the liural Itlrds ore natuies check on inseu lift ISy conttolliiiK the increase 01 certain insects they prevent the de- striUllon oi ilant life lull ulioii- lIani ille animal life Including tutu of man would be Impossible Each specie of bird has Its special otlico inn hues for the leaves and twit of the icos still mount unards tiniil and limbs Irrupt attack still others hula upon the ground sceklnu their prey beneath the fallen liars anI louse soil n pea II tit Pals lire lull iiiiiula ii The stomach of cue Mob White iiuall has been found tn contain more than INI potato beetled janotlier had Lulu nn hincli hugs Ninety of the de- structive cotton bull weevils were fulfil In the stomach of three mead larks A single robin had eaten I7i caierpillais a chickadee has been known to tilt nno eggs of the canker- worm In one day a barn swallow will clued Insects every twenty four hours a pull of chipping spur rows were observed to carry then more than 21x1 liwects mostly i MUTplllais in lesi than one day n nluht hawk will consume hundreds of Injurious insects cuiitlnulii the hone ilelnl work lout after the daytlylii birds have ceased their work ainl gone- to sleep A pair of nesllnj orioles will destroy thuiiMinds of the smull green ceiplllnrs that are so destructive to foliage of deciduous fruit trees sme years In altConim The who kills one of these birds takes the life of one of Iris very bvst Illends- Illiy per cent of the fund nf tie reel hafted Ulckor consists of nuts aotm- nl these havlm been taken from till nip of a slndo bird rIll black plink destroys vnl numbers of Hies- Miid tints that annoy horses nod cat- tle Food l broiialit to the youiu of birds every two or three min- utes In California tlio lilneklifiided eros tlutll n thaustind Ills lulu lilt alt dlsiruy llwr blab call lit tmm Ill on iINI iiitsiv routs iuinMii i TO c IICIIUICK S I lInnI IlI EIi ill > > we must remember that by our loarliim the diimn irnlos and till have come to look upon ns as treatment not kicks cud culls I know an old breeder who has raised bronvht nut many good bird and yet the annually spoils about as many as be brlnus to maturity by Ills Impatience There Is scarcely a bird In his yard that he can without a ufeat effort and much strmr liir and siiiavkln on the birds part They hill simply afraid of him That chickens have a memory hued a one too l s plainly shown In this ea e lias some birds two or three years old that will simply frantic when he endeavors to handle then lint he Is Improvim fur lie has learned many an expensive lesson for some of his birds have lust In the show room because of their wlldiuw- Altlminrh most of us know It Is a ritual time how many of us can re- sist the temptation to meddle with the ecsrs when Its time true blddle to bring oil her brood i n account of too iinirli moisture or some other cause Sue is delayed a day or two Then we become Impatient and crack nn egy 01 two Likely as not we llml n live chicken but we have simply spoiled Its olniiioiU ever liy our Inustu ill Irinds tilt IOfd HlIII kind and II go I n r1 Iaa l it ltt nod pick- up l lit lot tclthig < + of his brain thud who IIIIIM needs per force of clrcnmstaucis Kt them flow off of the points of hi lingers onto the real canvas TIll great works lire dune by those who iid that woe Is me If 1 du not this tiling cud even more lull not by tbosi ubo are con- stantly saylntr Well I ini all I get It let a question whether any one earns till he gets If his In It Is not In his work It Is a inuvtimi whether it Is possible for any one t do any kind of work as it should In11 ue who meas- ures his entln by the pay he expects to net on xturday night Tile man who gro thoroughbred stuck who plants and cultivates n crop of corn wheat or potaiies who dues any kind of work on the farm must have something else in shad ns he pursues his calling besides the dollars that will tlimlly tool to hits If be ex- pects to meet with the highest possi- ble success We chin none of us work very long without some returns for our effort but If we nil true work- men we will not llnd till of our pleas- ure In the money we get There ought to be to every man md woman some compensation hi snwss gained in seeing the completion of the work in the experience of irtorles won in the triumph over iliilieiiltles in the consciousness of luring dune the best possible under the nvinnstancea and this is hill huffy one ian do No one i an read till histoiy of a work done like that of Hurbankn the plant wiz- ard In his eilort i eivute new tics of vegetable ul Improve on old niies without proud that he belongs to the ne race yet It Is Party evident ii tilt Idea ofpers- niml uaiii ha ietii a secondary thought in all In furl if It has had anything at till i with the working nit of any of IIi It all resolved itself down simple proposition liiii the null souls his effort pnsition tni urely personal gain Dial has m Iniin in hif work except Hie dollars out of It Is sure never to very prog- ress In life or in he very well remun- erated for wliu i while the la- borer who take pride In Ma work with no special reference to pay Is sure ultlnuitclv be well paid for what be does and he will also tlnd the path to prnytvss den nod many In- vitations to stop 1111 higher awaiting him along it elf a It I I I I oilS t I nl Iia lit l r buts u get Ill nclt dills ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < hal the robin and the orioles search out and feed upon the pupae of the cod- ling moth The valley partridge when Induced to visit grounds Infested by the Fuller rose beetle will soon ex- terminate that destructive intruder The tiny California bush tit Is of un- told benefit In destroying eggs grubs null Insects Injurious to trees Tn the crop of one mourning dove were found more than 7oo seeds of harmful weeds If birds take some of the farm- ers fruits nod garden crops It In be- cause they have no other vegetable food provided for them When we have learned to unlit them Into out families nod to provide something tar their sustenance In return for the good they do us as we provide tot our do- mestic fowls we shall hail the birch do little harm to our gardens No man has the moral right to sweep the land clean of the nnnral food of birds and then doily them a bit of his fruit and n few of his scattered grain Patience With Poultry We rend of the patience of lob but hens are not mentioned In the list of live stuck that constituted his riches The American Poultry Journal gives some the reaons why patience It necessary for a successful poultryman Patience Is a strong link In the chain of success In poultry raising A- very strong link Indeed Lost patience lust poultry protlts Is about the quick- est way to express a rule successful poultry raisers possess an exceedingly large amount of patience fwd If this were not true few of them would ever rise to that plane culled success Pits of the old breeders require hilly caution In ihto direction teal no great- er number of young functors would 11 they but stopped to consider that ev- ery step must be a forward and not backward- It Is nut always lack nf ambition over which we lose our patience but rather over zeal Uecause a Imtuli does not come off on schedule time up go our bristles nod the feathers fly Occasionally we meet an old breeder who falls to hold Ills temper when things go wrong wed also we note tlnr venting hi spite on the birds hilt lays another stone wall across his itli If our birds wife possessed of hu- man intelligence nod speech there might be the smallest atom of excuse lit It- s 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ we have caused It to bleed to death The process Inside that shell was not complete consequently the chick not ready to hatch Another possible prize winners chances spoiled Ke grets are useless knew we ought not yet we did An ambitious pullet mounts the fence cud herself to greener fields Can we blame her Over In the garden the grass Is green the her rips tare ripe and bugs are plentiful Why shouldnt she have a taste of the worlds good things She knows not why she Is n pris- oner Then do we have ample patience nod roux her buck with choice edibles or do we take and chase her mid thereby duke her every- where but the place wo her to- go Coaxing will lieu inch In that yard In just as condition as she left but ehaslinr out will result only iu scaring her out of a months growth retard her actions and make her just io much later lu arriving at an egg producing stage lust how often ilamaLe It done we run not tell fur wo given her a clinnce to show how good a bird she would have become Its all because we dont stop to think at the time lust think throe e hip his IiI lIt his wish hoc ¬ times before acting In these eases and spare the birds We lose our patience because the rats cuts and dogs create damage in our yards but wouldnt we accomplish much more if we went about effecting a remedy in a cool systematic way That Is where the women folks just lily It hill over ns poor illicittempered men They possess the necessary pa- tience 10 make poultry raising a suc- cess nnd who ever heard of one of those kind failing Kludnuss wins what force can not gain Nothing could be truer thou that old adage When our fowls get lousy do we hill have the patience to take tip each bird nod irefully dust It with Insect powder or louse killer or do we Just scatter a little exterminator around and say guess unit will llx em Sooner or later we must learn the lesson of patience In tic poultry yard and If we do not we will soon be out of business front a successful point- of What nil Acre of Ground Does A correspondent of the Progressive Farmer gives an Interesting account of what one man has done with one net f land Wo certainly agree with the writer that the man hail more to do with tic remarkable success recor- ded than did either seed fertilizer or soil lit o ¬ ¬ Visitors to the Charleston Hxposltlon Interested In uirrlonlturo wen attracted a large picture on exhibition In till North Carolina section This picture represented an old Confederate soldier with his wife mill two daughters III their garden gathering pins This pic- ture was made from a photmrrnph of Mr Lewis Cradys lnliie Truck iiinliii In Klnston N C A certain seed house Inis been widely ml vert Islmr this garden as a specimen be Anne when their seed urn used A fertilizer company has been announcing that the results at- tained Mr Orady were due to their fertilizers The Department of Agri- culture of North Carolina assures all visitors to the State Museum that the remarkable yield of vegetables from Mr Bradys sarden Is clearly due to tilt Kastern North Carolina Some of us who have wafchod the old man methods of cultivation have got- ten hold of the Idea Unit the man tutor to do with It than either of the above Mr fJradys garden occupies Just nn acre within the corporate limits of Klnston From the windows of the train on the A and N C Hallroad his garden may be seen about n hundred yards to the north of the railway track perhaps four yards east of the depot There Is nothing unusual about the soil The fertilizer used Is a brand commonly used by the truck growers In tills section After preparing the land In early spring about the only tool used by Mr Grady are nn ordi- nary hoe nail a smaller hoe of his own manufacture mule from n buggy spring bent at a right angle null bolted to a hickory hoe lielve Mr Jrady told me recently that he hind something In his garden to sell ivory day In the year He believes In Intensive cultivation He rents the acre of ground paying 20 per year rent nail nearly every year raises rad- ish enough In odd corners to pay the rent One year he sold 2320 worth of radishes besides having enough for his family and sending quite a number of bunches to its friends He has a great diversity of crops Till year he planted his pens January 2nd aid will continue to plant something up to next Throughout the season ns he taints one vegetable from the gar he Immediately plants another In llx place He grows In his garden rad- ishes turnips mustard pardon peas hiiitw corn okra llmabeans kale anti collards He keeps his ground highly fertilized hind works it thoroughly luring the past three years his In come from this one acre lens been ns follows 11770 JJMS1RO SfttO This strikes me as being fairly good showhiL for an old crippled Confeder- ate soldier working for a few hours In the morning on one acre of land HeI- IIN produced enough vegetables to sup- ply n family of live and then sell In throe years ll2jr worth h I I h hn I hit suntan Iii nuuty l iI ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I ll It M MiOVsoitNi Nm unnr

Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1905-08-18 [p 6].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00055/00022.pdf · wanted at paylni prices keep out of deht he thin creditors make your sup-plies

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1905-08-18 [p 6].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00055/00022.pdf · wanted at paylni prices keep out of deht he thin creditors make your sup-plies

II t I R1



III II I I Ii nI Y I 11111 1 I


located Inland ainmuinir tin1 T alii

x Bunded by good fiiriniiiutile liirinois 110 ihc

tTs ninl other improvedi In be farmer of tin

i Imriim the iiriMiui perinn till f W-

If it ulilliiiclillKVelM



i i ii lull nil viiiii1 i uu-

ki IH they lllll-

n till II till III Illit rill ihi u-

llniu IMI T dllcN tiosldei 01-

U Hill I1 Ml glMWill-gllMtl IlSldo till elllll-

i u liplos JiOllill-ivniiitins frulU-

nl In nelicral fiilin-

11U lure I loanIII III llMH Oil

homotil iiilinl pliiiil-

In kopvr I

v till merenj It vl kciptnu it-

feet Treei mill u phase f life

noisily ilnmlnently ovl-

llvi lilislllliu cltlex-I Ilir el I I

n inililnu beaiitleo midMI liiuber sort

in i is tb unity of-

in i i bat IIICMII n lot11 M i it no doubt fated

ill ulnwih which is cellof nwil-

Hi e nl Justice o-

lii mil ty nllleials all have theirai in1 iist nnl we say

ly r

David Dieksniis Tnriii nnil Some

of His Farm MaximsSolomon said Then1 Is no ntW thins

under till sun This Is proven to bei nil much of tenor than people gener-ally belles

Up to date farmers are advocatingdeep plowing slialli v cultivation nodheavy fortllilatlon it I usually sup-

posed to ln a now Idea This Is II

mistake his Is shown liy the SouthernIlilrlviitnr in an iirlliU1 under theabove title Tho maxims of a man whoninli siirh II siicross of farming as Isascribed tn Iiavld lilikson wellho studied with care

While down In Hancockthroiuli the courtesy of Mr John IWalker of Sparta Its present ownerw iimdt II pllirrlnmuc to the old home-stead nf Pavld IMckson tho mostsuccessful nod noted advocate of pro-gressive iiicihodi In Snutlicrn aurlciil-iiiro He probed deep preparationshallow cultivation nod hlirli fortlllza-tlon yearn airo and reaped sucha reward that left an estate of livehundred thousand dollars when hedied He owned over thirty thousandacres land and hull In liN vaultIII his own house over Sooono In

lionds He made two hole of cottonper aero utter mice nuns and fromfifty t viiityilve bushels corn liepracticed the threeyear rotation ofwheat corn and cotton and said thatIt paid to sow urn In as a means ofpreserving and Improvim the land toraise the more protltalde crops nf cornand cotton This Is a very strutpoint and one very dltllciilt to iet Im-

pressed upon the minds of our farmersNotation are essential to tin ralslirof main proiltaldy We Inn not sayas much about this imiirnlnVont plantntint nod its mamiLciiiont MS ve wiitildlike tint will write abaci It asriiln

holm tniitmgcd hy Mr Heath agentleman who nspij In l o one of Mr-

nioksniis mannaiis in his llfiiinni-Mtrlni tin winter vc read 1lcksons Sytom of Fnrinlng publlshed liy the rnltlvntir III bunk formIn 1SSI and marked thin some ofills maxims fur ropiiMUhlm in theCultlvalo We ulvo c them helowmid nil would do well to preserve themto he read over and over niraln

n iItiIIug ltWIl of t




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at essentials nrene plan of farm

nu the art of controlling la-

iir Mini iveeiiiliiu all work to theailviintiiao with least roam third

diimi iiiil anti success depends on-

iiulcli iereepiliin wise judmont thats lost this to

lie H iilcd except i y the use of hunksIn eniijiiiietlnn with practice

J All veircialde matter placed onyniir field will In dun time turn to

Hilton cornlnnd must he well hrokeu actor

IM nl In roiiiinence tn flme to do It

halt tic later dmio In tTils Intltndcthe liettii for tin land

I There i only so miicli rnrn andcntion III any manure iml the sooneryou urei It Ill heller-

Ploiiiih deep eiiltlvMtc shallowand you will have no tronlde In trrowI-

II1 PropI1 Silicon onefourth your land ov

Cry yeari That land pays host with viiano

that puts lnyf wlllioiit If lad thissoil that has plenty nf vrwtiildo

extentV I

leepeli yolir soil to till fillalilllly-

Ider iireparallnn nod

10 The pilaws Hint irovewhen lie duesest pfllrloiWVV

r shotiM follow theie niivi ii0 nail only

should mix ownthe profit of tnnnlp-

e vosotaldo nrntler yonland till mure nltroiron-

1lie more nitrogen you storeyour land the more you can

nun thin atmosphereo lie siieiissfnl In aurlfiiltnro-it know where all the plaintsIs art null how to control

n cud soil will do no harm in anyland

Ki It requires till the 1st of Mayto hreak ynnr land rluht and thIs Is

tlni enoiiuli tn ilnlsh1 Flit your soil with liumiis to

stick till sand together and to darkenIt This will prevent Its ivllootlnp theheat mid will cause It to receive Itirradnally and to port with It the sumway

IS With clay lands do the sumtliiin to make It plouclialde nt niltimes

1 It Is hotter to plant late than norat till or In halfprepared hind

Io In ISiis I planted a twentyncrelot ilnlslilni the fifth day ofused sun pounds of my compoundacre It mide V2 hales The lint pnlrt-

a dividend on one thousand dollars peracre utter paying nil expenses andthe land was III much hotter conditionfor another crop Including the antefur sped It paid a dividend on tourthousand dollars per acre

1 VoLotahle mould should he keptup to the slur Ptandinl as nppenrs Invirgin soil

22 Cyst Is nothlne tint povertycaused hy land helntr depleted of vejpfilly matter

j Make Just the amount of cottonwanted at paylni prices keep out ofdeht he thin creditors make your sup-plies nt hum then and only thenwill yon have power

2i Ianrc ears of corn are moreeasily leathered than small ones theamo Is true of perfect holls of cot-

ton2 Compost manure should be

spread on the pround anti applied Im-

mediately sr that the decompositionshall take place exactly when It Iswanted

2 From ivory source opt ns muchUnisphere Into till land ns possible

7 There Is no such thins as failurewhen man does his duty In the culti-vation

2 Save n portion of your Incomevery year and icy everythlnj for

ashi Make nil Miippllos at home that

an be madePull your laborers how to

work hurt to do It with ease andiVnloiiey and to do better and bet-

ter wnrk try day11 An over estimate of the Import

mice iieep and thoniuuli lireaklnuof till fur cultivated crops cannut ln

IIIiI the


iIinl III 111 I

onIn It

S 1IIII1n Wlt mullstlttllof

tin Ifth half IIr lIoIIldlll

11 It Ihr IIlch

11 1101 llnlllllIt

tdtithig1 Ill h51r





tlII1I lUll Itllh of cock oer


Iasit tuory



II till


nlnltrlists Id1-



hest Ur gl


histlflJUirvl nine n

hnV yanrlillnlnllllUh-



lit year










+ +


nthu or l IiSICII IIIrlsrltr ei 1t alt h

wit i iinlinai in-

Kieiisnn s toiii liniiinu alitDeep prepainilnii iiiiiiiurlnsurface culture and r crops

Put Your Best Eiioi lu Your WorkWithout Regardnut niiiuuif in yuu-

liiivu III your work bv VIJ m-1iiitiiu or complain ni f full lUi-1ifked lo du sumo this i which nth

are snpincil tn Better payt file Ims Iitier pay

iv cumplaliiliif aiuiii rliiinnUi-1it the work they ni iil t-

lluTe is an abundiiiic rcupk whu-

mi till the minor i In trylinindi of trade and im i bill tillworld la till the time ii h ut load

ris workers bii i

trust and contldciio ilwst1 who

iiv to duty lit duty bewhat it truly How uii c hour It

sold of mull or women mvu b iibrought tutu sudden pp nencu bybring idaccd In a pusJtirn IIIISI furloiiihUiicu or one iviini uruat ex-

ecutive ability i i maid of-

tliLin 1 Ulil not inii wassuch a pcwon living i allbe true yet we venture that In

cases out of till liwiory-nl these people Is caroln ikid Up-

ibosu will be found who knowntibout them known of n IU IT

Integrity of their i

or their fiillhfiilness to i Mnpln-

yliliions It is trill the MMswhere by the accidents nineare placed In Important p is hoare very poorly equipped f riy Uind-

of work butt lu most rase s iinowho have been faithful a ew-

s who ire madi ivorman things Then iii iyworkman let his position sohumble should take a certIN pr i Inhis work which should him tput his ciy best lion ii iitany thought of the rumuiicrM ii lie

receive for It No one anio-a great artist 110 one eve iiicd atreat plctnic who wasthinking about the pay hefor Ills work or who gradeI en

lars that were III comu toresult of his elVort i rentexist becausu thurt1 had Inii-srtiit artist who could notwl o limn paint mi artistmasterpiece painted on tin

t The twat

Iris IlIllI t



lit11I ill






11 IIl1lhl hill hid



rind ttltlstlc skill IiiIii




htIll ill


i pay




hi tot


hug lob

tfltllllt inll rut



to r


thuslnsul IllIh

tatt 6111


< >

< °







The Vnlue of Birds to FruitGrowers

Is one of the subjects that lieuto be kept constantly before thepie

think that the heading as givenabove should be amended o us tnInclude not Itch growers only butevery one who cultivates the soil InIdly way

1lie aitlele jrlvin below vtc illppei-1iuin the liural

Itlrds ore natuies check on inseulift ISy conttolliiiK the increase 01

certain insects they prevent the de-

striUllon oi ilant life lull ulioii-lIani ille animal life Including tutuof man would be Impossible Eachspecie of bird has Its special otlicoinn hues for the leaves and twitof the icos still mount unardstiniil and limbs Irrupt attack stillothers hula upon the ground sceklnutheir prey beneath the fallen liars anIlouse soil







lull iiiiiula ii

The stomach of cue Mob White iiuallhas been found tn contain more thanINI potato beetled janotlier had Lulunn hincli hugs Ninety of the de-

structive cotton bull weevils werefulfil In the stomach of three mead

larks A single robin had eatenI7i caierpillais a chickadee has beenknown to tilt nno eggs of the canker-worm In one day a barn swallow will

clued Insects every twentyfour hours a pull of chipping spurrows were observed to carry then

more than 21x1 liwects mostlyi MUTplllais in lesi than one day n

nluht hawk will consume hundreds ofInjurious insects cuiitlnulii the honeilelnl work lout after the daytlyliibirds have ceased their work ainl gone-

to sleep A pair of nesllnj orioles willdestroy thuiiMinds of the smull green

ceiplllnrs that are so destructive tofoliage of deciduous fruit trees

sme years In altConim Thewho kills one of these birds takesthe life of one of Iris very bvst Illends-Illiy per cent of the fund nf tie reel

hafted Ulckor consists of nuts aotm-

nl these havlm been taken from tillnip of a slndo bird rIll black

plink destroys vnl numbers of Hies-

Miid tints that annoy horses nod cat-

tle Food l broiialit to the youiu ofbirds every two or three min-

utesIn California tlio lilneklifiided eros

tlutll n thaustind Ills lulu



dlsiruy llwrblab


lit tmm


o n iINI iiitsiv routs iuinMii i TO c IICIIUICKS I

lInnI IlI EIiill> >

we must remember that by ourloarliim the diimn irnlos and till

have come to look upon ns as

treatment not kicks cud culls

I know an old breeder who hasraised bronvht nut many goodbird and yet the annually spoils aboutas many as be brlnus to maturity byIlls Impatience There Is scarcely abird In his yard that he can

without a ufeat effort and muchstrmr liir and siiiavkln on the birdspart They hill simply afraid of himThat chickens have a memory hued a

one too l s plainly shown In thisea e lias some birds two or threeyears old that will simply franticwhen he endeavors to handle thenlint he Is Improvim fur lie has learnedmany an expensive lesson for some ofhis birds have lust In the show roombecause of their wlldiuw-

Altlminrh most of us know It Is aritual time how many of us can re-

sist the temptation to meddle with theecsrs when Its time true blddle to bringoil her brood i n account of tooiinirli moisture or some other cause Sueis delayed a day or two Then webecome Impatient and crack nn egy01 two Likely as not we llml n livechicken but we have simply spoiled ItsolniiioiU ever liy our Inustu

ill Irinds tilt IOfd HlIII kind




n r1

Iaa lit ltt




lit lot tclthig



of his brain thud who IIIIIM needs perforce of clrcnmstaucis Kt them flowoff of the points of hi lingers ontothe real canvas TIll great workslire dune by those who iid that woeIs me If 1 du not this tiling cud evenmore lull not by tbosi ubo are con-

stantly saylntr Well I ini all I getIt let a question whether any one earnstill he gets If his In It Is not Inhis work It Is a inuvtimi whether itIs possible for any one t do any kindof work as it should In11 ue who meas-ures his entln by the payhe expects to net on xturday nightTile man who gro thoroughbredstuck who plants and cultivates n cropof corn wheat or potaiies who duesany kind of work on the farm musthave something else in shad ns hepursues his calling besides the dollarsthat will tlimlly tool to hits If be ex-

pects to meet with the highest possi-ble success We chin none of us workvery long without some returns forour effort but If we nil true work-men we will not llnd till of our pleas-ure In the money we get There oughtto be to every man md woman somecompensation hi snwss gained inseeing the completion of the work inthe experience of irtorles won inthe triumph over iliilieiiltles in theconsciousness of luring dune the bestpossible under the nvinnstancea andthis is hill huffy one ian do No onei an read till histoiy of a work donelike that of Hurbankn the plant wiz-

ard In his eilort i eivute newtics of vegetable ul Improve on oldniies without proud that hebelongs to the ne race yet It IsParty evident ii tilt Idea ofpers-niml uaiii ha ietii a secondarythought in all In furl if It has hadanything at till i with the workingnit of any of IIi It all resolved

itself down simple propositionliiii the null souls his effort

pnsition tni urely personal gainDial has m Iniin in hif work exceptHie dollars out of It Issure never to very prog-ress In life or in he very well remun-erated for wliu i while the la-

borer who take pride In Ma workwith no special reference to pay Issure ultlnuitclv be well paid forwhat be does and he will also tlnd thepath to prnytvss den nod many In-

vitations to stop 1111 higher awaitinghim along it

elfa It I





I nlIia lit





getIll nclt










hal the robin and the orioles searchout and feed upon the pupae of the cod-

ling moth The valley partridge whenInduced to visit grounds Infested bythe Fuller rose beetle will soon ex-

terminate that destructive intruderThe tiny California bush tit Is of un-

told benefit In destroying eggs grubsnull Insects Injurious to trees Tn

the crop of one mourning dove werefound more than 7oo seeds of harmfulweeds If birds take some of the farm-ers fruits nod garden crops It In be-

cause they have no other vegetablefood provided for them When wehave learned to unlit them Into outfamilies nod to provide something tartheir sustenance In return for the goodthey do us as we provide tot our do-

mestic fowls we shall hail the birchdo little harm to our gardens Noman has the moral right to sweep theland clean of the nnnral food of birdsand then doily them a bit of his fruitand n few of his scattered grain

Patience With PoultryWe rend of the patience of lob but

hens are not mentioned In the list oflive stuck that constituted his richesThe American Poultry Journal givessome the reaons why patience Itnecessary for a successful poultryman

Patience Is a strong link In thechain of success In poultry raising A-

very strong link Indeed Lost patiencelust poultry protlts Is about the quick-est way to express

a rule successful poultry raiserspossess an exceedingly large amountof patience fwd If this were not truefew of them would ever rise to thatplane culled success

Pits of the old breeders require hillycaution In ihto direction teal no great-er number of young functors would 11

they but stopped to consider that ev-

ery step must be a forward and notbackward-

It Is nut always lack nf ambitionover which we lose our patience butrather over zeal Uecause a Imtulidoes not come off on schedule time upgo our bristles nod the feathers fly

Occasionally we meet an old breederwho falls to hold Ills temper whenthings go wrong wed also we note tlnrventing hi spite on the birds hilt laysanother stone wall across his itli

If our birds wife possessed of hu-

man intelligence nod speech theremight be the smallest atom of excuse









we have caused It to bleed to deathThe process Inside that shell was notcomplete consequently the chick notready to hatch Another possibleprize winners chances spoiled Kegrets are useless knew we oughtnot yet we did

An ambitious pullet mounts thefence cud herself to greenerfields Can we blame her Over Inthe garden the grass Is green the herrips tare ripe and bugs are plentifulWhy shouldnt she have a taste of theworlds good things

She knows not why she Is n pris-oner Then do we have ample patiencenod roux her buck with choiceedibles or do we take andchase her mid thereby duke her every-where but the place wo her to-

go Coaxing will lieu inch In thatyard In just as condition as sheleft but ehaslinr out will result onlyiu scaring her out of a months growthretard her actions and make her justio much later lu arriving at an eggproducing stage lust how oftenilamaLe It done we run not tellfur wo given her a clinnceto show how good a bird she wouldhave become

Its all because we dont stop tothink at the time lust think throe



his IiI






times before acting In these eases andspare the birds

We lose our patience because therats cuts and dogs create damage inour yards but wouldnt we accomplishmuch more if we went about effectinga remedy in a cool systematicway

That Is where the women folks justlily It hill over ns poor illicittemperedmen They possess the necessary pa-

tience 10 make poultry raising a suc-cess nnd who ever heard of one ofthose kind failing

Kludnuss wins what force can notgain Nothing could be truer thou thatold adage

When our fowls get lousy do wehill have the patience to take tip eachbird nod irefully dust It with Insectpowder or louse killer or do we Justscatter a little exterminator aroundand say guess unit will llx em

Sooner or later we must learn thelesson of patience In tic poultry yardand If we do not we will soon be outof business front a successful point-of

What nil Acre of Ground DoesA correspondent of the Progressive

Farmer gives an Interesting accountof what one man has done with onenet f land Wo certainly agree withthe writer that the man hail more todo with tic remarkable success recor-ded than did either seed fertilizer orsoil




Visitors to the Charleston HxposltlonInterested In uirrlonlturo wen attracted

a large picture on exhibition In tillNorth Carolina section This picturerepresented an old Confederate soldierwith his wife mill two daughters III

their garden gathering pins This pic-

ture was made from a photmrrnph ofMr Lewis Cradys lnliie Truckiiinliii In Klnston N C

A certain seed house Inis been widelyml vert Islmr this garden as a specimen

be Anne when their seedurn used A fertilizer company hasbeen announcing that the results at-

tained Mr Orady were due to theirfertilizers The Department of Agri-

culture of North Carolina assures allvisitors to the State Museum that theremarkable yield of vegetables fromMr Bradys sarden Is clearly due totilt Kastern North CarolinaSome of us who have wafchod the oldman methods of cultivation have got-ten hold of the Idea Unit the mantutor to do with It than either of theabove

Mr fJradys garden occupies Just nnacre within the corporate limits ofKlnston From the windows of thetrain on the A and N C Hallroad hisgarden may be seen about n hundredyards to the north of the railway trackperhaps four yards east of the depotThere Is nothing unusual about thesoil The fertilizer used Is a brandcommonly used by the truck growersIn tills section After preparing theland In early spring about the onlytool used by Mr Grady are nn ordi-nary hoe nail a smaller hoe of his ownmanufacture mule from n buggyspring bent at a right angle null boltedto a hickory hoe lielve

Mr Jrady told me recently that hehind something In his garden to sellivory day In the year He believes InIntensive cultivation He rents theacre of ground paying 20 per yearrent nail nearly every year raises rad-ish enough In odd corners to pay therent One year he sold 2320 worthof radishes besides having enough forhis family and sending quite a numberof bunches to its friends He has agreat diversity of crops Till year heplanted his pens January 2nd aid willcontinue to plant something up to next

Throughout the season nshe taints one vegetable from the gar

he Immediately plants another Inllx place He grows In his garden rad-ishes turnips mustard pardon peashiiitw corn okra llmabeans kale anticollards He keeps his ground highlyfertilized hind works it thoroughly

luring the past three years his Income from this one acre lens been nsfollows 11770 JJMS1RO SfttO

This strikes me as being fairly goodshowhiL for an old crippled Confeder-ate soldier working for a few hours Inthe morning on one acre of land HeI-IIN produced enough vegetables to sup-ply n family of live and then sell Inthroe years ll2jr worth






hit suntan

Iii nuuty

l iI








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