mI tJI'Il . %tWlviJP Jflvo Hss5:^£:=syg,sa tc.acNM) tb» COUNT*T rirtl li rablahm tri wMklj dunua tb«m* '. ^... itoM mt CUftHi, ud M»>huf <Mra« um n«n OMntfkJIiMliliiii/Jni VOLUME V. " L11CETT, THE UNION, AND THE CONSTITUTION." RUMEII ITS. MteiVtmhii >mi< tan ttu i;«t «U1 b* no*tr*d on HMMfiMritfcadaily, 1* ...... mm , I , ..immt. rmmhm«C»*aUU.WUXLYl MM W-rtmtmaatra, .r. mt M^r HW,, ^b, CITY OF WASHINGTON, TUESDAY HOMING, NOYEMBEB 27, 1849. ^JSSSSTJSA'JSSiiSi " U»l d<UU<w u tbajr furnith u* bacrilwn <m, |nbi. PHOPIMAU foa INDIAN UOOIM. Dcr*KTHEHT or TNI l*T*glO*, f Ornoa Impiam Arraiaa, September M, IMP. SEALED PIOPOBALH will received el the olttce of (lie Cow outMoeer or IimUaii Affair*, at Waahinghin ciur, unul 10 o'clock c W1 rtiureUoy, the let day of November next, for Airnuhini Uie fol- B < Lottini eooUe In Uie uuantitie* utnexed, or Uiereeboule, for the uee of the UiUwu, end deliverable m the city of New York, vixi Blanket*. I a 100 peire 3 point white Mncklneo blanket*, to meeiure M by 19 niche*, fiv* weigh diihl douiuI* I WO pair* *A point whE Meckiue klnnkele, to meoeure 54 by 66 inch*, ,nif w«tfU nix j 170 peire 3 point white Mackinac Mnnkete, to meoeure 49 by M niche*, and weigh Ave and a quarter pound* 0W pain 1A point white Maekiaae blanket*, to meaeure 36 by 60 . inebe», and weigh tour and a quarter pounda W0 peire 1 point white Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 361 by 46 . incite*, end weigh three and a quarter pound* 400 pair* 3 point "cartel Mackinac biankela, to meaeure 60 by 19 r inch**, and weigh eight pound* || 300 pair* OA point ecariet Mackinac blankota, to tneaaur* 54 by 66 , incbe*, and weigh *ix pound* p 1W pair* 3A point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 66 by 64 incbe*, and weigh ten pound* * 300 pain 3 point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 60 by 19 u incbe*, and weigh eight pounda SM pain OA point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 54 by 66 a incbe*, and weigh *ix pounda 160 pain 3A point gentinella blue Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure t 66 by 64 incbe*, and weigh ten pound* . 460 pain 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 60 by 19 incbe*, and weigb eight pound* 300 paln9A point gentinella bl ua Maekiaae blanket*, to meanure M by 06 incbe*, end weigh eix pound* ' Dry food*. 1,000 yard* *carlet atroud* two yard* blue *troud* 1,800 yard* fancy li«t clolh, blue T 7M vird* fancy li*l cloth, *carl*l J 350 yard* fancy liat cloth, |tccn 1^000 yard* fray hat cloth, blue 3,000 yard* saved 11*1 cloth, blut I 600 yarda aaved liat cloth, ecarlet |BOO yarda aavrdliat cloth, green S3S pound* wonted yarn, 3 fold 100 dozen cotton flag handkerchief* OHO dozen cotton Madra* handkerchief* 175 aoaen black allk handkerchief* 00 dozen 8-4 cotton ahawla 80 dozen 8-4 cotton ahaWla 65 dozen 4-4 couon ahawla 40 dozen 8-4 woollen ahawl* 06,000 yard* douiealic calico 5,000 yarda Kngliah and French calico lu.uoo yard* Merrimac calico 3,500 yarda blue drilling 8,000 yarda Oeorgia atripee 4,000 yarda blue denim* * 1,600 yard* cottonade 7,000 yard* domestic shirting, bleached 15/MO yarda domeatic ahirting, unbleached 15/100 yarda douieatie sheeting, unbleached 6,000 yard* check*, atripea, and plaid* 400 dozen woollen aocka 7,000 yarda plaid linaey 1,500 yard* flannel*, aaaorted 1,600 flannel shirta 700 calico ahiru 430 pound* linen thread 560 pounds cotton thread 400 dozen apooi cotton, No*. I to 30 M pound* a*wing allk I 700 pieca* riband, aaaorted 4,300 yarda bed ticking 1,000 yarda Kentucky Jean* 500 yard* aattineti* , 150 groaa woratad gartering J 900 pound* Chin*** vermilion 90 dozan allk bandkarchlelk, bark and Baadana 150 grata fancy and clay ptpea , ffaalh art. 1,780 ponada braaa kettles li 1/NO tin kettle* 74 aetu oi japanned kettle*, 8 la a nest 4 978 dozen butcher knlres , «/N0 gua flints I 95 greet agnaw awlai 7,000 flah booka 95 dozen flah line* i 95/100 nsadle*, aaaorted I 10 duaeo sciaeor*, amortrd t 10 ma fttn worm* IS oouD um, to weigh from <K to Sjf pound* SO doaea hall tin, to weigh Jjf pound* 1 Mdoaen batcbeu, to weigh IK pound* ' Jtcrxsultural ImplrmnU, Or. 730 aim, to weigh from *H to ajf pound* 400 bait am, to welgu 3it pound* 900 batch*!*, to weigh IK pound* 91 broad am 900 drawing knir**, 19 tnebr* in length TOO auger*, tn equal proportion* of IK 1, *, and K tact ISO pair* ban** . "SO pair* trace cbnln* 300 pound* bra** kettle* 1,900 weeding bo** ITS hand anwt 40 eroaa-eut awe, 7 fret in Iruftb 40 craaa-cut taw*, 6 feet in length 100 hnnd-aaw Ale* lOOerom cut raw Ble* 40 log chain*, to weigh 9S pound* rank 600 Vvhiuemor* card*, No. 10 700 quartan *orkei cbirela 90 ptaaa*, Ibr* and jack KwUwd Qmut. im Northwral fuaa, two-third* of which bum maaaurc 36 la cba* la length of barrel, aad one third 49 Inch**, to be dehv- erod in the dtp of New York or Philadelphia, aa map be required. I ampiaa af all lb* above article* are dapoahad la tba aSca of the Ooauaiadoaar af ladiaa Affair*; aad it map be proper to remark that ban of bardwara, agricultural implement*, aad aortfewaat gun* are mdreip new, aad of batter quality than the article* heretofore far aiabad aadar fnrmer contact*. The propotal* aaap be divided ialo bar part*, via t ltt. Blanket*. 9d. Drp good*. 3d. Hardware, to ladada agricnltarai implement*, he. 4th Northweal guaa. The lowaat competent raapomuMe bidder will receive tbe Whole w cap part of the rnntract according to Uie abort acale, the depart aeat raaarvlag to tiaelf the right to determine wliethar the bidder i* competent aad raapoambla, or not. The whole annual la money to ha applied to the parch*** of (nod* will he anout giro,000, bui the department reeerve* the right to inrreaar or dimlaiah the qaanuty of aap of the article* named or ubetitat* other* la Ilea thereof, or to require, at *imllar price*, *uch pood* u amp ha weared for present* or other parpnee*, la tha ad Bumawattoa Of tha affair* of the department Mood* of Araertcaa aauhKtara, all other thing* being equal, will be preferred ; bat a* th the ample* of hUakel* and cloth* are of Ibretga manufacture, it WW be neceaaarp whan a domoatic article la bid *w, that a ample of h foonld ninmpt*) the hid, lo enable the department to decId* Whether It la af aqaal qaalitp with the ample* to be eihthtled. The party proposing to supply the article* will make aa lavolce of II the Item* emnraCM la the above Hat. aad aflli the price*, la dollar* end real*, at which he or thep will famish thorn, deliverable in New Yavk, (or If the cootractor prefer* It, about oaa halfof be quart aty map be delivered la Hi Loala, Mimoari. he* of el pane* to the government,) oa or bdbre Ibe U*h dap of Mapaeit, aaumlnr the qauitltp of each article a* *p*nAed la thl* advertisement, nod eluding the coat, making aa aggregate af the whole lavaiaa cowMItu hag the hid. Tie geod* wlll be Inspected ip New York (and la HI. Leal*, If aap parttaa af them *honld he delivered there) hp aa agent *f die Hailed liiatee, who will be appointed bp tbe department for the parpnee, and tn weertain the rnoBirmltp of the article, purchased with the sample* eihlhited, whan the contract shall be made, and with the tana* of tbe contract Itself, which shall comma a elans* bat If the article* are not furnlahed within the time preecrlbad, or if they pre of i,,.uftrtent qualltp in the opinion of the agent nforeantd, aad If within Bee dapa after notice of each insufficiency Ibe parte mall not farnuh other* In Ilea thereof of the required qaalitp, the Hailed autre* fetal I be *nthortaed to purchase iham of other*, aad to charge aap lucre*** ot price thap map ha compelled to pay Hkeramrlo the cmtractor, who Moll pap the old difference to the IlnodtI W1H he required, In Dm amount of Dm Mde, with two food WrUee, HM nArmnri of whom to Im certMed hp 0 United HUtr. Mf 01 DMAl Aumr;, for a>* lUDAil pfrfnnnmrr of Ike contracts will he nod* after Oio contract lo completed and tka delivery of Mia fnodo < aforesaid In pa afral of Ike department, koo duplicate Invoice rertided hp Ma. fiwaanli'iWan lo ho marked " fioanoala Aw Indian goods." Tka bids will ka aakmittad with tka roUowtag handing, and aoaa Will ka recel rod tkal ara not mada la Ika fnrai and terma kara pra aartkod; a -1 (or wt) propone la fnralak Ika tha eervtce of Dm Indian Da panmani ika Mtftwiag goods, at lk« prtrao adit ad lo tkam reaper k*o»P, via ( Hrrt Inear I Ida IM a/ gaada. ) nsMveroMe la Uw rtljr of Wow York (ot At. Louie) oo or kofnee tha dap of nail; and la cksa oi the acceptance of Ma pro pnaala, ika quantity keing i reecrthed bv the department, I (opera) win eieeote a contract according to thin agreement, and give aatla Maatf errant r In ike dapartmanl wilfcla Ma daps after the acceptance of Drta kid; and la eaao of Ikllara lo enlor Man awak contract, and gtra aaek encamp, I (or wo) WW pap In tha Catted ftf*tea Dm Mi rare hat wren theanma ktdden by me mr aa) and the aomewhirh tha Catted rilater may ko obliged lo pap lor tka tame articles " Rank aad every Md man alto ka accompanied with a guaranty in fee Mlowing Iwm. lo ha algaad bp oaa or mnrm reipnaalMa pefaoaa, Whoae aiilfirioocy moat bo oarttf rd hp mar oaa who la known hi tka daparltoant, either personally ot bp hla odlrlal pooltion. "I (or wr) bar*bp gouaatp that , Mm above bidder, will "on pip With tka tonne of the advertMemanl for Propnaola for Indian Corn,' dated WhlGpteekar, 1IK», If tka rootract akonld be awarded M Mm, aad enter late kond for tka a mention of tka aama within the praaerlkad." ft- a.) I OBLAWDO BROWV. *' ( ommtaaiooar of Indian Aflhira On .StawtlatWov. MOTIC&-TIH ktaaa hr ipialad tka Mdl to #*taadad 10 the lat dap of Doermbar noil, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and tka Utoo of doftrory of Mm goods to tka lat Jane, IdM. Ilia ragnlotion forbidding etiracta tn ka taken from tka eontiacia of former poora baa harm raealndod. " ntttirggrt or tmi Ivrnaton. CMRca Indlan Alton, Oct M, 1MB. On. P.kowtP! rntP aOOM-Wl would Invite attention to the remaining V' weak of Hammer Goods on tornd, aa it ia oar Intention to clone tkam OBI at prleea to anil all tkal map Mve aa a call. Thep are WMMdooti valla Worked and etandlM colltra Do toaldo kondkarckla* .ad Jmap Ltod hahila Imaa and nelte cases, worked cadk Tbraad, allk, tad kid glovna fare and bonnet (lowers PPtoe and bonnet rape, rlkkada, ka. And a varloip of artlatoa asaallp sold la ilia store. Call and ree. 1.1 ti TATE, Aag 14.eofc Mace amort to I T. it C iting(*JuVDOMOOt. BOOK* gf irwp klad WTWjrTnr * V Hwrpw ki ttorn1I, aaar »th wreot. i>W tub aad paw at rerp low prte*| "V1* o ' « WllhlaftM University at BalUoun. Medical DiniTilUT. rUB annual Marion for IMS and 'SO will commence, with introduc lory lecturer, on the laat MondeyJn October next. 1 *1 'tie daily lecturer UiereaAer will be temporarily delivered in the ouuuudioiM building neatly flued up for the puipoee, ou Liberty treei, one door north of Baltimore. I Medical Faculty. John C. 8. Moukur, M. D.Inrtituter and Practice of Medicine; led. iurirprudence and Mental IMreanee. George (J. M. Boberu, M. D..Obetetrica and Dtrrarer of Women J ud Children. Regiuuld N. Wright, A. M. M. D.-Cheinirtry. A. Snowdcn Piggott, A. M. M. D.Anatomy and Phyeiolngy. R. N. Wrifht, X. M. M. II.Surgery. 1 A. 8. Piggott, A. M. M. D.Therapeuticr, Mat. Medica, and Hyiene. The dutiee of the demonstrator will be performed by the Professor f Anatomy. I The Faculty have el their command the moat ample meanr, appa- , atur, modelr, lie., for a courre ax thorough and complete ar U Severed in the beet regulated tnrtitutioiie in the country. The oh- letrical modela are the 1 argot and beet ever imported, and were irocured in Purie at great coat. , The Faculty Intend, aa eoon ae pneelble, to fill the vacant chain villi gentlemen thoroughly qualified to meet the responsible dutiee Hereof. They pledge them*elvea to unwearied devotion to the lntereete of II who may be diepoeed to put themselves under their tuition. Ticket* glS each | diploma $tJO; demonstrator $10; malricula- ' ion AS. Htudenu arriving in the city nre requested to call on aome Hember of the Faculty, who will give advice with regard to'the ee- clion of a boarding-boute, lie., he. 1 For further Information addreaa the Dean of the Faculty. < REGINALD N. WRIGHT, No. 103 Weet Fayrlte (treat, one door weat of Liberty street. Bept. 0.3aw4wI Concorrl Academy. [mc uv.xi seMion ui uiu insuiuuon win commence uic ibi oi \jc tober. 1 F. WM. COLEMAN, A. M-, Principal. LEWIS M. COLEMAN, A. M. tiriiMcn. ' Hon. John Y. Moon ;* Dr. E. P. Hcou,* Speaker of the Senate of Virginia; I Thoinae J. Randolph, esq.,* Albemarle; I Dr. Armistead Cook,* Portsmouth ; I Robert C. Stanard, esq., Richmond; I Wm. H. Harrison, esq.,* Prince<Jeorge ; I Wm. H. Tayloe, esq.,* Mount Airy ; I Richard Baylor, esq.,* Essex; Andrew Hunter, esq.,* Jeli'erson Clayton G. Coleman, esq.,* Louisa; . John Tabb, esq.,* Gloucester; , Wm. H. Roy, esq.,* Gloucester j Hon. Robert M. T. Hunter, Essex ; Right Rev. Nicholas Cobbe, D. D., Bishop of Alabama ; . Hon. Thomas H. Bayly, M. C.; Judge Daniel Coleman, Alabama; Hon. James A. Seddon,* M. C.; Gen. Bernard Peyton,* Richmond 1 Hon. James M. Mason,* Frederick; 1 Rev. Wm. Friendt Port Royal; < John R. Bryan, esq.,* Gloucester; 1 Thomas S. Gholson, esq.,* Petersburg ; Mien W. Fisher, qsq.,* Northampton; 1 John W. Tyler, esq.,* Warrenton ; ' George F. Wllklns, esq.,* Northampton; Francis E. Rives, esq., Petersburg. Gentlemen who either have had or at present have sons or wards aembers of the Institution. . Sep. 9.tf [Intel] Osusrel Agency at WanMissgpom, D. c. DY A. M. FARQUHAR, formerly of Hantsbuig, Pennsylvania, D for claims oo the government for services in the war with Mexi- 0, the revolutionary war, the war with Great Britain, and the Flor- (i* WIT* For peasioaa, bounty land, or scrip. < Bounty Loud. Will attend M> the purchase and sale of bounty Bud m ordci** Patent Ofiee..'The applications for patents, procuring models, Irawiags, Re., will be attended to in all their various branchesGeneral Port Ojflcr.All claims against the department will be voeecuted ; settlement of contractors' quarterly accounts; pay of Ittto facilitated, Alc. New Orleans Delta, Nashville Union, Mobile Advertiser. Louisrille Democrat, Bt Louis New Ere, Cincinnati Gaactte, Indianapolis lentinei, New York Herald, and Detroit Free Prom, will publish to he amount of g.*>, and send their bills to this ol&ce, aocompanied rith a paper. June Mtf JPLERDIU Carpeting, Curtsla Goods, dfcr..The sdberri J ben would respectfully invite the attention of cltisens and houseteepere generally, to their stock of house fiirnleliing goods, which hey Rel confidetit cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by nay other louse la the district. They name. IN CARPETING, Patent tapestry velvet do upeetry Brussels Royal Aixmiaster, English Brussels i Imperial three-ply, douMa super terrain Huperflne Ingrain, extra One, and line do Low-priced all wool ingrain, royal twilled Venetionr i Rich rfctnttHlr lod tufted rup 1 Heavy aheet oilcloths, of every width, which will be cut to Rt any IN CURTAIN MATERIALS, Rich satin de lainaa, neb flgured de lames K1C0 Qin CCMiWPU UU1UIM, ncu union usiosesT willed and plain cashmervu Enffdamaek do W«frt«l damasks, air colon Infest Idm nd laced curtains, embroidered muslin do Embroidered muslins, by the yard Tasnsl-loops, (Imps, bordering*, binding* Mind linens, all widths Tamala, cords, and Aitaraa of every kind. he. Tofeiber with a complete assortment of table and piano covers. uWecloths, and table damasks, Uaen sheetings, damask napkins and lowets, Scotch and Russia diapers, Marseilles quills, bed-blankets, he., aR of which arc Just received, are perfectly fresh, and will be ofTared upon our usual neeommodatinf terms. All art respectfully turned to see for themselves. Sep 11.Juwtwif P. H. HOOB h CO. nr AMTBD, daily, at Use BsUlmare, PMllndelphtn, Hew FT York, Boston, and New Orleans (loner*! Agency sad Commlanon (HBce, young men In wholesale sad retail lores, and oilier >e perlable business, to act as book-keepers, salesmen, porters, barkeepers, waiters, ntrmrra, coachmen, car agents, booh and map agents, eollectoes, overseers In nil branches of business, he. We have at all times a large number of good situations on hand, which pay from R3U0 In $-1,1*10 per annum. Those In want of sltuntiona of any kind would do well lo give us a call, as we have agvats la each of the above cities, which will enable as to pines every applicant la a suitable situation at the shortest notice We have a large acquaint aaev in all the above-named cities, which we trust will enable as lo give entire saiisfsctioa to all who may favor us with a call. TAYLt'R h TAYMAN, No. » Second street, between Houtb and (lay. N. B. Persons living la any port of the United *tales, and wishing to obtain s situation In Baltimore, or either of the above cities, will have their wants Immediately attended to by addressing as has (post-paid,) ss by so doing they will rsrtnil both trouble and si pease, which they otherwise would Incur by coming lo the city and seeking employment for themselves. Address, TAYLOR h TAYMAN, No. B Recowd street. May M-dlf Baltimore, ltd. Per Baltimore. j. T -n THE steamer ODCBOLA will, on Itnaday, the frhih^BTkr n( September, commence making one trip n week to aMESt^BK. dii shore place, leavtwr Wastungloa ever) Bnaday at 7 o'clock a. m Returning, Isava Baltimore evsry Taesday Si 4 o'clock p. m. Hhe will stop regularly, going and returning, at Leonardtown, Md. ; Hi Mary's river, Md. and Cone river, Vs. 1 and at the usual landing on the Potomac, lor signals or to land. PflR NORFOLK. The stiaaisr Osceola will leave for Norfolk every Thursday at I o'clock a m Reluming, leave Norfolk every Friday at 4 o'clock p. m. Passage and fare at Hhe touches, going sue returning, tt Cone river, and at the usual landings JAMEB MITCHELL, Hep UO Captain AHBICY, tVsshlsgtss. T he undersigned, late of the la spectlos branch of the Pern Ofece Department, oders his eervl eee to mail contractors generally, and lo those of the south western section particularly, with the assurance that his removal from otBce does not militate against the character he has for many years sas tataed In the deportment for honesty, capacity, and Adahty, and refers is his associate* la ogfoa of both parties, with their hearty roaaenl, lo sustain him therein, All orders to attend lo business, of every nature, at the sent of government, wMI be thaakfblly received and promptly despatched. JAMEB OWNER, Ami, July 4.dtf Into of Poet Oflkee Department. NOTHE. The subscriber hag* fence In Inform the doseas and public generally that he has Jnet employed workmen from En-1 rope, and from the northern dries, of known skill end experience, which, together with hie own knowledge and prncriee In the best nese for thirty years, eashies him to any with congdenee thai he It prepared to muQlklun line Jewelry una rootiy set gems, mm, kc., superior aad cheaper than any other cuMIMunent known in Mm In tilt. .notion of the country. Hi. cwmam nrn rmpi Willy roqueted in iMtt their order, with ROBERT KEY WORTH, P.nn itrnw, M»hi 9th and HRh streets. A of- 19.sodIf MR. a. UK VAUDRlrOTIRT Rga loosro la Infcna the public and hia frland. thai, having permanently located la Wuk Injton, he Intend, to dfroie hit ancntinn to the tuition of the French, Italian, and wpanl.h language*, and alao of the piano tort, and droning in all tie branrhee. Reference of the eery hifheat respectability will he firen by applying at hie raeidence, lath .treet, between 0 and D.) aeit door to Uibenn'e Academy, or at Da.le'a made wore, and Mr>. Anderson', atailoner\ .lore July 17.obdtf GRMKR AL Hwiaaa b^rMdall^ rs^y flouila areroetn, CLAORTT A DODhOH would moat respectfully inform all bnueekeepets, and those Intending to keep house, that they have refttnd and prepared ihelr war*room for the reception of a much more rt tenet re aeormeni of pood. In the aboee line than hae error been hitherto seen In thte rtty. C. A D wOl bo abeeal for a kw day. tor the purpose of making their purchase*, and would respectfully desire aR who may bo la want of We prettlsw, bow, and mow ettsasiv* asmtami to choose from to wail their return. They will hae* la storeBiiperh Tapestry V elect, Tape Wry BrnaaWa, aad Rrnaaela Three-ply anperllae Ingrain, low priced do Damask twilled and p.aln Venetian carpeting Together with eeatyfaag prAty aad good which may be needed In toadrltn*. Aag RA-dlRwRawif Igiary ad Ua* Raek-Pabllaklag Kamaaa taa tlaa PwKod TAYLOR a MAURY, bookseller* and stathmor*, Fenwayleunl* arena*, near 9th wteei, bating formed conneilaa* with the Cad pal book ewnkllahmenti of the country, will supply ail order, religion., mlacellaaeoua, law, medical, eclcndlle, and school books, In lota or .ingle enptea, w the lowest publication price*. eboole, In-tnation*, and Individual* Intending W order foreign or A marl«an bo.rka from th* sorthsrn cities, can see* troubts, end W7K* r&KfWI&Si caution amu. | A MAN by the name of U.UKL CLAPP baa engaged wife young man of tlie name of 8. P. Tuwiucud, and uses his name lo put I up a sarsaparilla, wbiob they call Or. Towaatlid's sarsaparilU, da- ( nominating it genuine, original, ale. This Townsand is no doctor, and never was, but was formerly a worker oa railroads, cassis, and lbs like; yet be assumes tbe title of doctor for Ibe purpose of gaiaiag credit for what be Is not. He Is sending out cards beaded " tricks of )uacks," in wbicli be says, I have sold tbe use of siy nante for f 7 a weak. 1 will five 8. P. Townaeiid f&OO if he will produce one sin[ie solitary proof of this. Tills is lo caution the public aot to he de celved, and purchase none but tbe GENUINE ORIGINAL. OLD DM. IACOB TOWNBEND'8 BAM8APAUILLA, having on it tbe old ioctor's likenaas, bis fhmiiy coat of arms/and bis signature across ibe coat of anus. JACOB TOWNS END. Principal oglct, UN AToeis Wrssf, New York city. Old Doctor Townsead Is now about seventy years of age. and has ong been known as the author and discoverer of the GENUINE, DRJU1NAL "TOWN8MND 8AHBAPAR1LLA." Being poor, he was conuelled to limit .its manufacture, by which weans it has been (ept out m market, and the sales cirrutuieribed lo those only wlw lad proved its worth ondknown its value. It had reached the eprs of XIany nevertheless, as those persons who had beeu healed af sore liaeasea, and saved from death, proclaimed its excellence and Wonierlul healing power. Thie Urmnd and unequalled prepaurwXJom is manulhctrred on the largest scale, add is called for throughout the engtli und breadth of the laud. llnUke young 8. P. Townacud'a, it improves with age, and never :bnnges, but for the better; because it Is prepared on scientific principles xv a sclentlfle man. Tlie highest knowledge of chemistry, and ibe lathst Recoveries of the art, have ail been brought into requisition in the nanufheture of tlie OLD DOCTOR'S 8AR8APAKILLA. The ear laparilla root, it is well known to medical men, contatus medicinal properties, and some properties which are inert or useless, and others which, if retained in preparing ftxr tun, produce fermentation and acid, which ia injurious to the system. Some of the properties of sarsapa rilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are loet ia the preparation, If they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in Its manulhcture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly ofl" in vapor, or as an exhalation, under heat, are tbe very essential medical properties of tbe root, which lives to it all its value. The OsaulM Old Doetor Tewawnd's Mnaparllla is so prepared, that all Uie Inert properties ol lire earaaparllla root are Unit removed, everything capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation, ie extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue >e aecured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it If rendered incapable of toeing any of lie valuable and healing properties. Prepared in thia way, it ia made the moet powerful agent in the Care off Innumerable dleeaeee. Hence the reaaon why we hear commendations on every aide In its fbvor by men, women, and children. We And it doing wonders in the cure of CONSUMPTION, DYSPF.PSIA, and LIVER COMPLAINT, and in RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA and PILES. COBriVENESS, all CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES,BLOTCHES, and all affections arising from Imparity off the blood. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from inllgestlon, from acidity of the stomach, Horn unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold reel ind cold hands, cold chills and hot flashes overthe body, it has not tad lis equal in coughs and colds, and promotes easy expectoration red gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and tvery other part. But In nothing is its excellence more manifestly teen and acknowledged than in ail kinds and stages of Female coisiplsUnts. It works wonders in cases of floor alius or whites; falling of the womb; obstructed, suppressed, or painful menses; irregularity of lbs menstrual periods and lbs like; and is effectual in curing all forms of the kidney disease. By removing obstructions, and regulating the general system. It 0vss tone and strength to the whole body, and cures all forms of fferveus diseases and debility, xnd thus prevents, or relieves a great variety of other diseases, as ipinal irritation, neuralgia, Bt. Vitus's dance, swooning, epUcptic flu, convulsions, lie. It ia not possible for this medicine to tail to do good; it has nothing in it which can ever barm; it can never sour or spoil; and, therefore, can never lose its curative properties. It cleanses the l lood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the noraach, and gives good dilation, relieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inflammation, purlfles the skin, equalises the circvlation of the Mood, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; relaxes all strictures aad tightness, removes all obstructions, and invigorates the entire nervous system. Is not ibis, then, Tbs medicine yets pre-eminently need » But can any of those things be said of S> F. Towneend'e Inferior xrticia/ This young man'e liquid ie not to be Cenptusd Willi tbe Old Doctor's, because of the grand fact, thai tbe one u incapable of deterioration sod NEVER SPOILS, while tbe other DOE8. It sours, ferments, ud blows the bottles containing u into fraginenU; the sour, acid U quid, exploding and cam aging other goods Must u<>. this horn bit compound be poisonous to the system? What! put acid into a-syelem already diseased with acid/ What cau.es d>spep»m but acid/ Do we not all know that when food sours in our stomachs, what mischief it produces.flatulence, heartbufn, palpation if the heart, liver complaint, diarlnsa, dysentery, cholic, and corruption of the Mood! What It scrofula hot an acid humor in the body / What preducaa uli the humors wbicb bring on eruption! of tbe skin, scald bead, sail rheum, erysipelas, while swellings, fever-sores, and all ulcerations, internal and vnnuu li i* iMtiiuM ur 1 kdm^an qii -s-i-* -jifc nance, which sours, and thus spoBs afl the fluids nrtM tony more or lees. What cauaee rheuiuatisin but a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself between tbe joints sad elsewhere, Irritating and inflaming die tender and delicate tissues upon which it acta / Bo of nervous diseases, of Impurity of the blood, of deranged circulations, aad pearly all tbe aliments which aflllct human nature. Now la it not hornWe to mnks and sell, and infinitely wane to use this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID COMPOUND OF S. P. TOWN8END.' And yet be would (Win have It understood that old Jacob Towaaaad'e ndelssl ssimswHHs is an IMITATION of bit inferior preparation! Heavrn forbid that we should deal In aa article which would bear the most distant re semblance to B. P. TOWNBEND'B ARTICLE! aad which should bring down upon the old doctor such a mountain-load of complaints and crunlnauoas from afaats who hare sold, and purchasers who hare used 8. P. Townsend's PERMENTIWU CtiMPtiCND Wi wM it understood, because It is the aieetal* teaI*, that S. p. Townsend"» artirls aad old Doctor Jacob Townsend' saraapartlla are bsarea wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike la every particular, havlnf not one angle thing In common. As B. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no chemist, an pharmaceutist, knows no more of medicine or disease than aay other common, uascieauflc, unprofessional man, wlnit guarantee can tke public have that they are receiving a genuine, scientific medicine, containing all the properties of the articles used la preparing It, and which are incapable of changes, which uught reader them the agents of dlaaase Instead of health f It la to arrest frauds upon lha unfortunate, to pour balm* Into wounded humanity, to kindle hope la the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vlghr Into the crushed anJ broken, and to banish infirmity, thai old Doctor Jacob Townsend has sought aad found the opportunity aad aseaaa to briar bis Uraad, wmlrersaj, tgamatralsd remedy, within lha reach, aad to the knowledge of all who need It, that they may learn and know, by )oyfol esparlanca, Its TraasMadsat power to Issol I aad thus to have the an purchasable satisfaction of having raised thousands and millions from the bed of sickness aad despondency, to hope, health, and a long Ufa of vigor and usefulnear to themselves, their fomlliea, and friends. Principal odk-e IOQ Nassau street, New York. Price one dollar per bottle, or atl bottles for five dollars. Pur aula la Washington by the following druggists Samuel Bult, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Twelfth street, opposite the Irving Hotel; Z. I). it W. H. Oilman, Pennsylvania avenue, near Brown's Hotel; J. P. (alien, corner of E and Kevcnth streets, oppo He the Oeaersl Poet liBci; M. Delsay, corner of Penaeylvsnls venae and Pour aad-a-half street; and Kldgeiy k Co Pennsylva nla avenue, sear the West Market; and by Mirbard H. Stabler, of Alexandria. Ap 18.dttawBm Led, Pension, and Ciena rati Agency. WILLIAM H. M1NNIX, late of the Oeaeral Land Office. rgtll prosecute claims of every kind against the government, nature Congress or any of the departments His aipericnra In the different branches of the departments, specially those la relation to military bounty lands, will enable Mm tu give full suiisfoetton to all who may require Ms aei ricaa. The prompt Issue of patents for lands sold or located by military warrants will ba secured, and all necessary means taken to recover Inet or dead letter warrants Claims for at rvicaa In the revolutionary war, the war of Hit sad Mritcss war, will recstrs special attention. He will also attend to the mle, real acollectlnn of reatt, aad payment of tares on real estate owned in city by nnn residents and others Befereid e is mads to Sea James Hhletds, formerly Commissioner of the Orneral l.end (HRr<f: Hon. Richard M. Young, late Commie sinner of the Oeaeral Land Office; hi all the officers of u,e Oenerai Land Offlca ; members of < 'ongreas gettgrally of the fftate of nilcola; Thomas KitrMe, Edmund Burke, Peter Pores, W. W. Beaton, P. P. Blair, J. C. Rives, Rlrherd Wallech. Offlre at Haelup It Woedon's Coach rectory, west of the Centr* Marset, Washington, D. C. Hop IIB run iuairuuk' - »!l Mfc. Tb. ateamar OSCEOLA will, on Saturday, thJ 7tb wMUSESb laly, enmmanaa making two trip* wook to tbo akoee ptaea, laaeing Washington aeery Wednesday and Saturday at 9 o'rlock a. m Returning, loam NndWk #aary Monday and Thurv day at 4 o'clock p. m. tjhe will loueb, going and returning ,al Pi nay Point, Old Point, Con* lam, and tha naaal landing* on the Potomac. Pa.ape and kn to iVorftdk %S " " Pinny Point inly 7-dtf J AM KM MITCHELL, Captain. IIRNNRTT OLMERTI, Valory faA'fr, Lond, r-Maa and (hntrnl Jf(Tm , «t U~.i*»isdfi n, pOKTINUM to pro.cnto Claim* foe raaolodonary .reicar, lav aalld, raeoletionary, kaH pay, and widowa' praa!oo«, and all rlalaw growing oat of tka wat of ISIS and tbc lata war with Mailco. Ilia long onrvlet . a dark In tha Treasury Department, and mora recant and aitanalaa etperlence aa general agent, anablea Mm to act with prompts*** and elkriency on all claim* commuted to hia cam and management Hla charge* are nntftirmly moderate. It la 01pacted tnat correspondent* will pay pnatage. aaraaaincaa. Hon. A. f Bagby, Ala. Hon. A. teamen, Oa. T Roller King, Oa. Coi. A. O Bennett, p M. army, t. B Rhett. |. C. Wen. M. Towaon, P. M. Uen J. 8. Phalpa, Mo Hon. I. La Rem, La. P. W Tnmpkin*. Mi.. M.n Dale* A Beaton, J. H. Harmanaon, La. Me.r* Corcoran A Rigga, J. O. Chapman, Md. Col. T- f- Andrew*. P Tff. A. D. 8 Kanfntttn, Tetaa, Col D. J. Rlcardo, Hew Orleana, Job Mann, Pa. MaJ Lloyd J. Raall, P. M A. A. K. Parria, comptroller of Peter Hagnar, eaq., .V audltot treasury traaattry. UNITED trr ATRJB WHOLMALE CLOTHIRQ WAREHOVBE. LEWIS A HAHFORD, No*. RM, RM, ass, and a«t, PaaH spent (between Ptrtton atraat and Rnrllng allp,) New York, heca ni band tha largaat aaaormant of CLOTHIhid In tha United Stats* adapted to all market*, la the articl- of Hhlrta and Draware, wi keep an endla. aariety. Alao the moat aitanate* mannlhetnrart o OIL CLOTH I HO AND COVERED HATS In iR* world PLAIH AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, of Ml kind*. Catalogue* of Mock cant by mail. Order* promptly filled. LEWIS A HANPORD, No*. MB, M4, Ml, and 8S» Panrt at, N. Y. Jan* *>.BewJm r»H "A.LJG.-A Migu piaatslton la lb* pariah of JBt. Juan, on the right hank of the iiver, seventy-one miles above New Orleans, and mac utiles below Uoualdsonville. 'I'hu piaalaliou contains about . two thousand arpeute of very superior land, of which wore than eight hundred an In celtivatioa and pasture, aad the mat la wood, containing an aanple supply of the beat Umber for building and plan la Uon purposes. The cleared portion of the property baa about flee buatWddarpants IB cane, plant, and ratoous- Caae enough win be n put ap to plaut two hundred and Afty arpenta next year A very large aad commodious sugar- bouae, nearl) naw, with two large seta E of kettles.one Jual reset, and the other put in com plate order.and a ' very excellent steam sugar-tnUI, of a large stxe, and la line order, are | on the pUnbUiou. An ample uumber of horaea, mules, and oxaa, ^ wagons, carta, and every necessary tool and implement, are on the . plarc. ' With he plantation, or separately, as may suit purchasers, will t he sold, one hundred NEOEOKB, of all ages, among whom are valu- g aula mechanics and sugar-makarv, all experienced and well-trained ,, in the culture of cane. Among Ibem are about sixty-three efficient hands, which, with the addiUon of twanty more, would cooatitule a ® force fully sufficient to the most advantageous culuvaUon of the plan t ration. A purchaser, either with or wlUiout such addition, will find p the property folly provided wiUi everything necessary to make large crops from the beginning, arid at very little expense. As It is sup- : posed a full provision of corn has beaa made this ysar, that sourer I of expense may be saved, and liule or none will be required for re n pairs of any kind. a It is believad thai a more desirable property la rarely offered for sale, as well In relaUon to the fertility and healthfulnesa of the plants B Hon, as to the quality of the negroes, who are not only all thoroughly v acclimated, but a large number born on the place, and having been p well taken care of, are la full vigor and strength, rurtherdeacrip- v fornix unnecessary, as those disposed to purchase will, no doubt, vIkr th^property and Judge for themselves. Fifty thousand dollnn will bd fequmed Is cmdi, and the balanss in one and two ysars, for II notes bearing ait per cent. Interest, satlsfbctorily secured. Fosses- r sion will be given on lbs 1st of January next. . Nine hundred and (Ifly-four shares of the stock of the Citixens' ! Bank will also be sold, together with the plantation. The purchaser, J in part payment of the price of purchase, will assume a mortgage I: debt due to the Clffxens' Bank, amounting to twenty-four thousand t vaventy-sig dollars twenty-lour cents, with interest at eight per cent, r from first March, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, payable In one, J. two, three, four, Ava, and etx yean; and also a stock loan, due to 11 the same hank, amounting to thirty-four thousand nine hundred and t sixty-Are dollars, payable by Instalment, and renewable on the Ant c of March, eighteen hundred and Afly, and every year thereafter until j the expiration of the Citixens' Bank charter. 8t. Jams*, Oat. Mill, lBltt. « ROBERT CARTER NICHOLAS, Not 6.tawtDeclS Ponaldsonvllle Past Ofllce. FOR talt, a very desirable three-story brick house, with back building two stories, good yaqh and stable, and running back to an alley 15 feet, situated on C street, between 4A and 6tb streets, being one of the most desirable parts of the city for private residence. Terms of sale will be made easy, as but littls money will be required on the first payments, for further particulars apply to GREEN k TA8TET, Auctioneers and CommisaionMerchants, Nov 4.9aw3wif Concert Hall. POPULAR MUSIC.WM. FISCHER has Just received a sumU bet of the moat popular songs, waltzes, polkas, kc.. among which we enumerate the following.all of which will be sold at our reduced price.(bur cents per page i Melons. Kossuth's March; by C. Lenschow. General P. F. Smith's March; by Martin. Spanish Patriots' March; by Martin. Mary Blane Quick Step. Battle of Buena Vista. polkas. Invitation a la Polka; by Max Mareuch. Tedeeco Polka; by Max kiarsuch Belle Polka; by Berg. Carnival Polka ; by Canthai. * sonas. I'm thine, only thine; by I. Benedict. The Broken-hearted i by Felice Dorego. When others strive to win thy smile. No, ne'er can thy home be mine. Jeannet and Jeannot; complete. The Knight of the Golden Crest. Oh! Sally White; a favorite song. Stop dat knocking! by Wlnnemore. Cliloe's to be my wile. Sweet Rose of Caroline; by Beckel. Emma Snow. I seen her at the window. Ole Vlrginny break-down. Ole Bull and linn Tueker. Gwlnr 'long down; by Frank Brewer. Waltsas. Invitation a la Valse; by Von Weber. Cloister Walts; by Eagelbrechl. Natilie Waltzes; by Labitxky. New Aurora Waltzes. Rcbollectiona of Strauss, a beautiful collection of waltzes ; by Hcgar. riacas WtTB VaBIATIOSS. Dearest Mae, with variations; by Grebe. Oh Susanna; " Kosa Lee; * J B< Ihuv. 11 Walta'"Le desir;" by Czerney. Tis the last rose of summer; by Hers. dindy Jim; ' Not IS i CARD. , THE subscriber fives notice thai there are eifht vacancies in his Femuy Hoarding School Jot Young Laiict, which he will be happy to have occupied by daughters of members of Confrcss, or others who are seeking a school recommended by small numbers, by parental care, and the comforts of a borne, and by ample means for improvement. 1 Parents unacquainted with the character of the school are re epectftilly referred to the senior editor of thin paper, one of whom j granddaughters is a member of It. R. W. CUSHMAN, Indiana avenue, Washington. Oct 83.eodtSthDec j UEW and elegant silks. shawls, die..In addition to our II former stock we have Just received Oom New York and Phlla- delphis a hill and complete assortment of Ute newest and most fash nhiable Ureas (loads of the season, anions which we name. , . as pieces rich changeable Matin de Chines of every color, some Hitirplv nrw ihtdfa IS pieces new styles figured Matin de Chines 88 do estra rich Brocade Hsun de Chines, of very recent importation, and not to be fbund elsewhere in the District 30 pieces rich Hgured Changeable Milks 10 do rich watered Irish Poplins 3 do Mack Tare Matins 18 do small Checked Milks, low priced I .1 do heavy Mack Oro de Rhinee 90 do colored Marcehnea, of every shade , 30 do new styles Cashmere d'Ecoeae 10 do Matin Damask Panama 96 do new styles Mouasnllaee de Laina I 30 do l.upin's best Preach Merinos, every shade 15 do high colored and low-priced Mousselines de Laina. 10 do nob Milk Velvets, of all colors . 6 do yard wide do do . Together with msay other new and beautiful Drees Materials too numerous to meation la an advertisement, but which we shall he pleased in show to those who may Ikvor us with a call. * In HHAWLM, Ac., we name. 100 KM Bcelch long Hhawls, of entirely new designs, and very oheap 73 31 Mcotch square Shawls 90 ld-4 rich real Cashmere long Hhawls, also very cheap 15 1M real cashmere square Mhawls IS 131 Hungarian plsid Mrarlb Also daily espeeted a large lot of French Cloaks, Visiter, Mantillas, he., of which notice will be given as soon as received. Nov. 8.twlf P. II. HOPE A CO. BUMOP ENGLAND'S WORKS, COMPLETE.-TAYLOR A MAt/aY, booksellers, near 8th street, have Just received from the puMisher, Bishop England's complete works, In 0 volumes octavo, which they supply to subscribers and others at Use publisher's price, rise of espouse of freight, Ac., in Washington or Georgetown. A list of Wnshingtuu subscrftws has been sent, with directions for (hem In be supplied, and Ihe cdpiet will be delivered from Taylor A Maury" her id NEW NOVELS..Archibald Werner, or the Brother's Revenge. Prtaa 5# Cta. Mary Buchanan, or Iniahsirtueh. Price 95 eta. The Plrsl Blep to Crime, or ihe Bottle, illustrated by Cruifcahank. Pries 93 rts * The Twa Loves, or Ems and Antaroa. Price 96 cta. The Dark l.ady of Donna. Price 93 cta. The Female Bloebeard, or Le-Morusau-MaMe. Price 95 i ts. Nov 14 PRANCK TAYLOR. fiCTOBER Report af Use Matfal UA lasaianee bomV pony of Naw. York. Otllce No. 33 Wall street. Net accumulated fuad August I, 1849, esceedtng $*79,000. This Institution, during the month of October, tasnnd one hundred and iwenty-drur new policies, vis To merchants and traders 37 lTo Physician 1 Mechanic* 17 Clergymen 3 MaaufheliireTS 9 Teachers 9 Fanner I Students 3 , Lawyers 9 Captains. 3 I'krKI ! nuici ntvprr Broken r 9 Officer. la lha army 93 Engineer 1 Other oceupetion. 93 Is » M Llraa In.nred 1M JOBRPH I. COLLINS, Pretedeat. I*.ao Aaa.rr, Secretary. Ca.ai a. Da Silmpo, No. II Todd". Bulldlnga, Pann.ylr.nl. .rantia, Agent. W. r- Joaa.Toa, M. D., oppotet. City Poa Office, 7th atraat, Phywiaa. p.inphlat. explanatory of tha principle, aad operation. of tha com paay can ha had on Application at tha AgenC. offida. Nor U.At Jt'«T RJM KIVKD. NO k.0 tf fttaa OMUa hatter, aalacied particularly for family naa Aim, 4 tuba of prime Ooahrn batter 94 bote. Of Onahen »nd Kngll.h dairy chilli Buck wheat In barrela aad baga. .citable ft>r (amilte. No. I mackerel, I# barrel. and kite 94 barrel, of New Vnrk and Virginia white wheat Aunily _ Boar, of the heat quality 190 bap. do do 10 doaan choice champagne, of rarion. brand. 4 eaak. .upertor eider piekllng rlnegar 9 caek. old Ltmdow dock brandy, of the primate iaror aad quality 1 pipe pure Holland fin , With a large amonrneat of ebotca wine., liqama, aad praearlaa at I all daerrlptloa., u numerou. to mention, aaiectad eipreaoly tor , family m, which I Inelte lb. public to call and etamlne Ibr theml wire, ai my old teaad ar the aorthweat comer of 1.1th aad P atreeta. f Nor k.aolw JOHN J. JOVCE. Jamwa 41. k.rnl Vri.l. attend to the pioamatloa of rlalaw baftwa Ocapin aad the rarlou. rrecallra department, of tha goreramenl. Office aad dwaUlng B atraat, hptwaaa 9th aad 10th teraate. Octf-df ^ MISCELLANEOUS. Pron the Lwodoa Quarterly Riii.tr lor Octot>«r. P*|M Mas IX. No person who has figured in these days of folly and sadness has been more misrepresented than Pius IX; lode, we believe, who ever played so conspicuous a part, vae less remarkable for emiuent qualities of any sort, iardly raised above the lowest grade of mediocrity in alent or acquirement, he was utterly unprepared to meet he difficulties of his position. With a mystical devoion, with a minute ana scrupulous observance of forms, ad with irreproachable moral conduct, he has no elevaion of ssntiment, nor any lofty conception of the duties il man. Obstinate in trifles, and immovable to reason, te readily gives way before intimidation. Soft and wellleaning, be possesses neither sensibility nor active belevolence. Selfish, from want of imagination rather ban from calculation, he is indifferent to evils he does lot witness, though inca|iable of resisting an importunate ippeal. His good nature concurred with bis vanity to ;tve him a keen delight in the applauses of the mob. Yet it vas rather from bis timidity that the greater part of his oputar concessions were extorted. Loving trifling confreation, talking of himself and his early history with arf indignified prolixity, ignorant of business, indolent and mmethodical, he can with difficulty be induced to form a eaolution; and infirm of purpose in all that does noi re;ard himself, he revokes in the evening the irrevocable lecision of the same morning. Like all feeble persons, te is frequently false, not because falsehood is congenial o bis disposition, but because his temperament shrinks rom the avowal of conviction. His weakness is gratiied by cowardly and time serving counsels. Uneasy in he presence of superior men, he naturally prefers mediicrity. Incapable of friendship, he falls easily under the lomtnion of low favorites, and is fond of being enterained with tales of gossip and the childish buffooneries hat delight the vulgar. Without being attached to the deasures of the table, he is whimsically particular in the ibaervance of all his tastes and habits; such is his devoion to them, that neither business nor distress of mind ould wean bim from them. In the midst of the dangers ind difficulties that pressed round him during the last tew veeks of his stay in Rome, neither sleep nor appetite deerted him; and so deficient is he in'aenaibility, that he duallyjgrew fat in his humiliating retreat at Gaeta. A irince ol such a character could hardly tail at any tune if exercising a sinister influence on the destinies of his ountry. Under the present circumstances of difficulty, le has been the ruin of Rome and the papacy, and a icourge to Europe. The atrocities or Haymau, the Austrian butch ta .The German correspondent of the N. Y. Courier rives the following particulars of some of the late executons of Hungarian patriots by the Austrian General daynau: " The tranquillity and the discontinuance of executions in the Holxplatz ('he Tyburn of Pesth) have already had heir effect Most people believed that justice would not In uture stride over corpses, but that it would walk on the >eths ol forgiveness and grave. But on a sudden a rumor was spread in the town of the executions wbioh were to ake pUoe to day, (Mih instant.) This ruinor found little : red it, for fffiopie would not.nay, they could not.believe t. But this morning, at 6 o'clock, a troop of horse, with tared swords, made its appearance in the Ho xplatx, thus itfoctually dispelling all doubts as to the intentions ol the nllitary authorities. Shortly afterwards, a battalion of foot tppeared and formed a sqiare, into the interior of which bey led the men who were about to suffer death. The irums were beaten. Their hollow sounds caused our hearts ,o quake. After the toll of drums the sentenoes were read, fhe reading was long, very long, and justly so, for the doctments were neither more nor less than passports to eter ilty. At length, the first of the victims was led forward, lie mounted the scaffold. He was a handsome young man )f 25 years of age. 1 was informed that be had awaited hit leath with the fortitude of a martyr. When I saw him be was pale and cast down- It was the mariner oi his deeth. it was the execution by ihe co d, which drove the Iron in'o Prince Woronleckl's rout This young man was an Aui:rian officer when the Hungarian war commenoed. He leit tie Emperor's service aed founded a Polish legion, ef which ic bees me ihe commander. Iiaynau'a troops captured lim at Szureg, near Ssegedin. "The second victim was M. Abancourt, who, afier the Polish movement, had beeu condemned to twenty years' imprisonment, and who joined the Hungarian Insurrection, ictlng as adjutant of General Dembintki. Hm was mora collected than the Prinue, end indeed he was able to address s few words to the publio. The third and last sufferer was Giron ; be leaves three :hildren behind him. He commanded the German legion, usifted in the storming of Buda, and so great were bis military talents and bit zeal, that he was said to be an[minted to the command of the garrison ol Coraorn. He was captured at Peterwardein. The dreadful scene closed with a prayer, in which the soldiers and the public joined. "On the 24th October, three more vieurns died by the "*The first that mounted the scaffold was Baron Sigmund V Perenyt, seventy-five years of age, ei-Prsndsnt of the Board of Magnates of Hungary. It was his name that figured in the celebrated ' Manifest of the Hnngarlan nation to the High Constituent Diet,' dated 10th October, 1848. The old man died bravely " Csernus and Szacsvay, the other two victims, were both le legates of the Hungarian Diet. It was the laller who lrew up the declaration of the independence of Hungary." The wages or wax..At a recent meeting held in Exeter Hall, London, Mr. Cobden made some atatements which are calculated to give dignity to the agitation in which he is embarked for the eubmieeion of aH international dieputee to arbitration. Among other thinga he stated that of the £54,000,000 of rerenue rained by the Britiah government, £17,000,000 Uftrt expended upon the interest of debt for a pott year, or (o sustain a standing army, and that only £7,000,000 were appropriated to the civil government, including the civil Iiat, the Queen's establishment, the administration of justice, and all the offices, lie. Thus six-sevenths of England's enormous revenue go to war and preparations for war, and only one-seventh to civil expenses. Relieved of that burden.how much leas misery would be suffered in England, how much easier would he the work of reform, now much leas disastrous would be the changes which her institutions require, and what a pow-1 er of enterprise would be emancipated and set in motion through the world! Again, referring^) the necessity of a standing army to prevent the rising of the people, he stated that two years ago there were 2,000,000 of soldiers enrolled among the aggregate powers of Europe; yet with these two millions of armed n en in their pay, revolution had swept over these countries, and not a tnrone but tottered to its base. Tb resist this revolutionary tendency the armed force of Europe is to be increased to four millions. What will be the effect of this but to aggravate the burdens of the people, and consequently the insecurity of their rulers t Since the war of 1815, the powers of Europe have resorted to loans instead of taxation for war money, and over one hundred millions of pounds sterling of borrowed money have been expended since that period in supporting their armaments. This resource, however, is not inexhaustible ; for Austrian bonds liavt recently gone begging both in England and in Holland, where not a shilling could be raised on them, and Mr. Cobuen thinks that Russia's responsibility is very slight, nolwithstanditg ber reputed wealth. The Czar is borrow:ng himself, while he is taking up £2,000,000 of the Austrian loan, £500,00(7 mora to the Po|>e, ami £200.000 to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. All this, Mr. Cobden thinks, is iniquitons. and says that, for an investment for his children, he would not give £25 for the Ruasian bonds, which the bulla and bears on the stock exchange are eel lias off at 108. [N. T. Ei .ning Pott. Indiana eumukncb..At the recent presentation of a flag from the iadies of Cass county, (Indiana,) to the democrats of Pnlaski, the orator of ihe occasion is reported to have made a speech, of whieh the following is a part: F»i.low-citi*«i»* i No) alone in our district la democracy with It* hfmi and »«rs erect'like a geese, bttt the wholworld It on lire with locoibcoiam, which it eight and a half peroent. wont than Millerism. In Franoe, uhere thr vary biicks of the human sidewalk were down-trodden and herring-boned he tbe cunning of whigery, they now glor. in being frea! France! glorious Franoe! where celestial soups are distilled ft -m discarded boot-soler, and the epi grastrum it titivated by the fragrenoy of froga stuffed with garlic, it now a iron republic! [Mr. O lanned himself] tjermany feels the shock to the boilom of her beet-vats ; and the ory of freedom, rousing the oolled-uu aauaauges 01 Doingna, encoinpasx-s Italy with the linka of liberty ! The time ol despots is eomel Tbe dinner-bell of tyranny hn> rung tho oppressors to ihelr last meal I Henceforth and forever our ancestors snatched the burning brand Ol regen eration from the hands of timid posterity, and planted ii deep in the bowel* of the future t Let It grow. But the end Is not rot, (the end ol his speech ) The sirocco of a moaied desolation sheds its erocedite teen over the Infuriated Instincts of toothless wretched- es throughout all England, and the cry among her thlre.y end mildewed million* la for *'Gin ! gte t and no work." Tbi is the watchword, ibit, even white 1 speak to you, rings it the years of Queen Victoria, and causes her to fa'tar in he fruitful career The despot of Prussia turns Prussian-hlui at hi* lata, and Austria gapes in dismay at the howl tha tells of the approaching knife that is raised to wrench be apart at tbe hinges And is (here no room for reform In fee* America t Ca U do a* the/ like 1 Mar some of do nothing 1 Have we any liberty of oooteienoe 1 Fellow-citizen* 7 I hope Xnew* from Fulaeki will sweep tha vagrant act and ' blank laws from Indiana.I dt f Geiutemeu, take <&» naat lair bands wrought it. aiid bold hands canted it t Cberuh to |n your beart of heart*.and should I ever die, ra*. P'fl"de»iwuh would bo, lo be iuteiiod in the meanost puddle in Fula^ri. J Am BoccMTRic Hivtu.it..A gentleman named Randall, a solicitor in Southan, ptou, was in the habit ot taking a tonr wiry year, which occupied him two or three months. He would leay* Southampton suddenly, scarcely acquainting hia couhdeuii*l clerk that be was going, and no one would know anything about htm until his clerk would receive a letter from htm, dated perhaps from St. Petersburg or Vienna. About two mouths since, he left Southampton suddenly and secretly, according to his usual practice, and no one knew of his whereabouts until his clerk received a letter, about a fortnight since, from him in Canada; since which, information oas been received that Mr. Randall was taken ill of cholera, died, and was buried in 19 hoars, in Ameriea. Had he died a day before, no one in this country would probably have ever beard anything about hie decease , but he happened to have been introduced to some one, about a day before he was taken ill, which pereon attended him ut hie illness, and has wrilteu to Southampton the particulars of his death. Mr. Randall was ons of the most talented men, in hie profession, in the south of England. He was unmarried, and about 49 years of age. He wee a great connoisseur in pictures, and bis collection is said to be worth £90,000. Mr. Randall has died wealthy, and has left a large portion of his property to charities and schools in Southampton. He was much respected in j the town, and the ttewsand particulars of bis death have caused a great sensation there..London Oiobt. The following, beautiful allegory ie translated from the ; German: Sopbronius, a wise teacher, would not suffer his grownup sons and daughters to associate with those whose conduct was not pure and upright. "Dear rather." said tba gentle Eulalia to him one day, when he forbade bet in oompauy with her brot.ter to visit the volatile Luciuda."dear father, you must think us very childish, tf you imagine that we should be exposed to danger by It." ' The father took in silence a dead coal from the hearth, ^ and reMhed it to bis daughter. "It will sot hurt you, my j child: rake it," Eulalia did so, and behold ! her delioate white hand was soiled and blaekened, and, as it chawed, her while dres# alto. t "We cannot be too caieful in handling coals," said Enlalia in vexation. "Yes, truly," said her lather. "Yon tee, my ohild, that coals, even tl they do not bnin, will Maoken. So it is ever with the company oi the vtoioue." u i i i i i osaaqesxas.<4 sCllatosh Young, ffioriuy sad Os«mslier-at-Xeo, HAVING rssignsd Us oOw af Chief Clerk of Us Treasury Department, which hs liss held for Us Isst slxtseu ysars, has reirmniHl ttit practice of Ma profotaion. Hs wUI devote bis principal attshttaa to Us prosscation of claims betore Ceagrses, the esverai departments, had eoaialeeioneTs oa tormimes MdSIOBltioa* To taeere early etteation to daima against the War, Navy, Home, and Pivu Uffice Departments, including hedaem with the raleat Office, be has mads arrangements with lbs most efficient agents la Waehiflfton IS assist hdm, by which barincu of any nature frail! sd with Use government, confided lo him, will be ctotaia to be sctsd OB In the moet prompt manner. Raraaascss.Hea. R. B. Taney, Chief Justice of toe United States, and gentlemen who nave been heads of departments or members of either house of Coogress sieca the year 1033. Office at hie residence oa F, between 19lh and 19th streets. Nov 13.dlmif ,i ARATiilUO..On Us WU tall. (Tbsaksglvta«4ay) U there will be a concert given of vocal and instrumental music, to aid la Hqaidariiig tbc debt of the new Catholic Church of St. Imis tius, near Gruuesvtlle, l'rince George'a county, Maryland. The choir of St. Mettbew'e Church of Washington have generously oObr ed their aeaieua< e on the occasion, and to thoae who have been ao fortunate as to bear them it la neediest to speak in their praise. From the arrongemeots made there ie expected a perfect galaxy of j beauty from the surrounding cilice and counties. Kefreehments will O be prepared in ahundanoe, and with a view of adding torthar attraction (after the close of the concert) the devotees of Terpsichore will adjoam to the residence of a gentleman la the neighborhood, where ample provision for their enjoyment has been made. The price of adnvieeion 50 cents, end #1 addiUonkl tor those gentlemen who attend Urn dance. , j Concert toiimnuii at»o»etaoh precisely. F. B. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the Oratorio wUI take plan «heMiihlrday or f o'clock. Nov SB rpo Oeoaqgo Fees amd Bdwtm Rhaoo. Toe an bar*by aetiA fled, that at the October term, 1048. of the circuit superior court of taw end chancery tor the county of Prince George and State of Virginia, it was decreed, amoar other things, ia substance as fallows "That R. K. Meade and Thomas H. Daniel, who are appoint- : ed commissioners for the purpose, do cease notice tor sight weehsto be published forthwith, in one of Ue newspapers published in Ue city of Washington, sad posted at the front door of the coart-hoase of this county, warning George Page and Edwin Pace (formerly of Ue county of Prince George, in Virginia) to come forward and Halm their reapechva shares of toe aetata of Joat Chievee, deceased, lew of aid county of Prince George, oa or before Ue flret day of die next form of tale court, or the court wUI pranssd lo distribute their eharrs of the same amongst their aext of kta." R. K. MRADE. THOU. H. DANIEL. Not 99.d8w CowoMoon, Ac. piOABS, ( Inn. linn l-Jucrt received, direct from Havana, V a rciy superior lot of Havana clgare, of the subscriber's own Unportation, of tha following Justly celebrated brands: 10,uOO Weraa clgare l.1,0M Fortnna 0,000 an parlor regalia 90,000 Renduo principc 10,000 La Santiago a Alao, in atorc, 800,OoO clgare, of varioua branda. All of which arlll be told on the moat reasonable reran. The undersigned would lake thta occasion to aay that, having a long experience. In lire above buaineaa, lbs public may confidently eipnct a guanine Havana. W. H. WINTER, Not 90.Jteoif No. 6, eaat of National Hotel. UNION INTKLUOMNCB AND ailERAI, kOERCT OPKIIE. IVnn avenue, south aide, between 0th aad 10th streets.E. A. PHILLIPS, proprietor..Tamines, hotels, aad Individ aala, by applying at this olgce, can be supplied with honest and obliging servants, waiters, valets, fee Good situations always on band (or those only wbo are recommended tor bouesty, eapiurity , he. Farms, houses, unimproved property, he., sotd aad rented Alao, furuuhed aad unfuratsbsd rooms rented aad supplied up- u the most reasonable terms. aaraaanoaf » Rav.Oeo W. Samson, Vary Rev. Wrn. Matthews, Rev. 1. C. Smith, Rev. J. Rr E> karri, Rev C. M. Butler, Meesre. H C. h U F. Dyer, W. W. Henoa, esq. Dr. A. M. Holfkr, Robt. F. Anderson, esq. Wm H Campbell, esq. 1 C. B. I 'luskew eeq. Z. D. Oilman, esq. Nov. 04.etxllmlf | MRS. BLAKKT Private Darning and Wnltaiam dim demy, Apollo Hall, has been thoroughly nnd tastefully rehired, I aad Is now open tor the recaption of scholars, liars of tuiuon, Tuesdays and Fridays. Privtre lessons from 10 to 4 o'chick. Evenlr< class tor genuamaa at 9 o'clock. Refers to tka Hon. Wm. Ballard Prestos, Secretary of th< Narv, J Washington 1 Col. Bllaa, United States army, Washington | Arehi bald Campbell, esq., War Department, Washington; Randall Hag net, esq., Treasury Department, Washington! Hon /. 0. Carter, Oaoraahiwn ; Mrs. Burr, Washington, In whose seminary Mre. make baa the honor oi leaching. Nor J A Endp who Is coastpa tent to teach oil the hrtuaches of an Fnglhh education, also embroidery, and all tha varieties of ornamental needlework, la desirous of obtaining tha silaaOon of a governess In either of the southern or western States. Oond reference can be given. Address *' Sana Amis." Washlar tan ctty, D. C. Nov 93- lw United Mamas Hotol. THE subscriber, having Iweed the United States Hotel, iatonna the public that ha will be aWs to open tha boose tor tha reception of guests la a Short time, aad trusts that be will receive a renewal of lire patronage heretofore so kindly attended lo the late flrai of A. ratler Cuo. Notice will be gives of the dap thwhouaawilll>e owned F.DWh H. FULLER, . 9 Survivor at the hie firm m A. Puller h Co. Wanted, eervanta of both seiea, oho can bring anerreptioniNa NsSSMMOMIMM. Nov IS.dlwif Daadng Aewdanap, UR F. R LABBR has the honor to announce to tha cltlaens of m. Washington and WMmiowi, mil lua nnnnng scuooi mil ir nntii nn Tnendnp, 'teh of Nnrsmber, II Ms riMww, on roaasptrsalaarsaae, opposite WUIvd's Hotel. Daps of mltlni: Washington-Tuesdays, Thnrsdars, «nd Mttir days: OooffoMwa.Monlip and Friday*. T. B.Mr. L. will commence in Georgetown on Mondajr, BRth November, M T**,)eraac* Hall, on Brtdg* attest. Wot. dO-dtf ' TUOHAB T. TWIITT, (/d»f* of Hnrtmt-m, N<rth Cam ut) OINIRAt COWMTBMON MERCHANT. ( % Wo. M Qrnrlsr street, N. 0. Rsraainons..Hoa. J. A J- Daniel, Hon. A. H. Venable. Nor. CI- 9m mtlJ.innw HOTEL.Wince dis stoas of the 1st hnNnas. TV acoaon this Hotal has undergone an entire ran' ration hp paper painting, Ac., and manr othsr improve , rts added fin tha com Sand ronrsnisnss of Ha guests. With parwoani aNaaUon ta boai , and with tha aid of capable assistants, I trnat tha Hoist will merit a share of tlio coin ng wl titer bnsinsas. Nor IB-dJw H. A. WILI.AKP ' mm Whirla, Ami..Ws hars Jnot opened a tew doaan Boo and F beautiful poka-nock Bhlrtv, from New York. They are wall mads and of boat material, and a good fll. Alao, woollen, merino, silk, and oonoa Whirls and Iiraners. la .l I graat variety, at low price* and no deriaiion , Yotmn at oaem, l*or. Id.Bwlf Three door* west of Brown's Hotel. ' QHUU.EY | a mow norel bp Usa Atathor of "Jane 1 O Bpre," pamphlet price rents. Also a AndodMoa of tha sanm, IBnio. Has, boaad. B Nor. 98 fBANCIC TAYLOB, < . .

tJI'Il %tWlviJP Jflvo Hss5:^£:=syg,sa · Drp good*. 3d. Hardware,to ladada agricnltarai implement*, he. 4th Northwealguaa. ... aadtocharge aap lucre*** ot price thap mapha compelled

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Page 1: tJI'Il %tWlviJP Jflvo Hss5:^£:=syg,sa · Drp good*. 3d. Hardware,to ladada agricnltarai implement*, he. 4th Northwealguaa. ... aadtocharge aap lucre*** ot price thap mapha compelled

mI tJI'Il . %tWlviJP Jflvo Hss5:^£:=syg,satc.acNM) tb» COUNT*T rirtl li rablahm tri wMklj dunua tb«m*

'. ^... itoM mt CUftHi, ud M»>huf <Mra« um n«nOMntfkJIiMliliiii/JniVOLUME V. " L11CETT, THE UNION, AND THE CONSTITUTION." RUMEII ITS. MteiVtmhii >mi< tan ttu i;«t «U1 b* no*tr*d on

HMMfiMritfcadaily,1* ...... mm, I ,..immt.

rmmhm«C»*aUU.WUXLYlMM W-rtmtmaatra, .r. mt M^r HW,, ^b,CITY OF WASHINGTON, TUESDAY HOMING, NOYEMBEB 27, 1849. ^JSSSSTJSA'JSSiiSi

" U»l d<UU<w u tbajr furnith u* bacrilwn <m, |nbi.


Dcr*KTHEHT or TNI l*T*glO*, fOrnoa Impiam Arraiaa, September M, IMP.

SEALED PIOPOBALH will b« received el the olttce of (lie CowoutMoeer or IimUaii Affair*, at Waahinghin ciur, unul 10 o'clock c

W1 rtiureUoy, the let day of November next, for Airnuhini Uie fol- B< Lottini eooUe In Uie uuantitie* utnexed, or Uiereeboule, for the uee of

the UiUwu, end deliverable m the city of New York, vixiBlanket*. I

a 100 peire 3 point white Mncklneo blanket*, to meeiure M by 19niche*, fiv* weigh diihl douiuI*

I WO pair* *A pointwhE Meckiue klnnkele, to meoeure 54 by 66inch*, ,nif w«tfU nix

j 170 peire 3 point white Mackinac Mnnkete, to meoeure 49 by Mniche*, and weigh Ave and a quarter pound*

0W pain 1A point white Maekiaae blanket*, to meaeure 36 by 60 .

inebe», and weigh tour and a quarter poundaW0 peire 1 point white Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 361 by 46 .

incite*, end weigh three and a quarter pound*400 pair* 3 point "cartel Mackinac biankela, to meaeure 60 by 19 r

inch**, and weigh eight pound* ||300 pair* OA point ecariet Mackinac blankota, to tneaaur* 54 by 66 ,

incbe*, and weigh *ix pound* p1W pair* 3A point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 66 by 64

incbe*, and weigh ten pound* *300 pain 3 point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 60 by 19 u

incbe*, and weigh eight poundaSM pain OA point green Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure 54 by 66 a

incbe*, and weigh *ix pounda160 pain 3A point gentinella blue Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure t

66 by 64 incbe*, and weigh ten pound* .460 pain 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac blanket*, to meaaure

60 by 19 incbe*, and weigb eight pound*300 paln9A point gentinella bluaMaekiaae blanket*, to meanure

M by 06 incbe*, end weigh eix pound*' Dry food*.

1,000 yard* *carlet atroud*two yard* blue *troud*

1,800 yard* fancy li«t clolh, blue T7M vird* fancy li*l cloth, *carl*l J350 yard* fancy liat cloth, |tccn

1^000 yard* fray hat cloth, blue3,000 yard* saved 11*1 cloth, blutI 600 yarda aaved liat cloth, ecarlet|BOO yarda aavrdliat cloth, greenS3S pound* wonted yarn, 3 fold100 dozen cotton flag handkerchief*OHO dozen cotton Madra* handkerchief*175 aoaen black allk handkerchief*00 dozen 8-4 cotton ahawla80 dozen 8-4 cotton ahaWla65 dozen 4-4 couon ahawla40 dozen 8-4 woollen ahawl*

06,000 yard* douiealic calico5,000 yarda Kngliah and French calicolu.uoo yard* Merrimac calico3,500 yarda blue drilling8,000 yarda Oeorgia atripee4,000 yarda blue denim**1,600 yard* cottonade7,000 yard* domestic shirting, bleached15/MO yarda domeatic ahirting, unbleached15/100 yarda douieatie sheeting, unbleached6,000 yard* check*, atripea, and plaid*400 dozen woollen aocka

7,000 yarda plaid linaey1,500 yard* flannel*, aaaorted1,600 flannel shirta700 calico ahiru430 pound* linen thread560 pounds cotton thread400 dozen apooi cotton, No*. I to 30M pound* a*wing allk I700 pieca* riband, aaaorted

4,300 yarda bed ticking1,000 yarda Kentucky Jean*500 yard* aattineti* ,150 groaa woratad gartering J900 pound* Chin*** vermilion90 dozan allk bandkarchlelk, bark and Baadana150 grata fancy and clay ptpea ,

ffaalh art.1,780 ponada braaa kettles li1/NO tin kettle*

74 aetu oi japanned kettle*, 8 la a nest 4978 dozen butcher knlres

, «/N0 gua flints I95 greet agnaw awlai

7,000 flah booka95 dozen flah line* i

95/100 nsadle*, aaaorted I

10 duaeo sciaeor*, amortrd t10ma fttn worm*IS oouD um, to weigh from <K to Sjf pound*SO doaea hall tin, to weigh Jjf pound* 1

Mdoaen batcbeu, to weigh IK pound* '

Jtcrxsultural ImplrmnU, Or.730 aim, to weigh from *H to ajf pound*400 baitam, to welgu 3it pound*900 batch*!*, to weigh IK pound*91 broad am

900 drawing knir**, 19 tnebr* in lengthTOO auger*, tn equal proportion* of IK 1, *, and K tactISO pair* ban** .

"SO pair* trace cbnln*300 pound* bra** kettle*

1,900 weeding bo**ITS hand anwt40 eroaa-eut awe, 7 fret in Iruftb40 craaa-cut taw*, 6 feet in length100 hnnd-aaw Ale*lOOerom cut raw Ble*40 log chain*, to weigh 9S pound* rank600 Vvhiuemor* card*, No. 10700 quartan *orkei cbirela90 ptaaa*, Ibr* and jack

KwUwd Qmut.im Northwral fuaa, two-third* of which bum maaaurc 36 la

cba* la length of barrel, aad one third 49 Inch**, to be dehv-erod in the dtp of New York or Philadelphia, aa map berequired. I

ampiaa af all lb* above article* are dapoahad la tba aSca of theOoauaiadoaar af ladiaa Affair*; aad it map be proper to remark thatban of bardwara, agricultural implement*, aad aortfewaat gun* are

mdreip new, aad of batter quality than the article* heretofore faraiabad aadar fnrmer contact*.The propotal* aaap be divided ialo bar part*, via tltt. Blanket*.9d. Drp good*.3d. Hardware, to ladada agricnltarai implement*, he.4th Northweal guaa.The lowaat competent raapomuMe bidder will receive tbe Whole

w cap part of the rnntract according to Uie abort acale, the departaeat raaarvlag to tiaelf the right to determine wliethar the bidder i*competent aad raapoambla, or not.The whole annual la money to ha applied to the parch*** of

(nod* will he anout giro,000, bui the department reeerve* the right toinrreaar or dimlaiah the qaanuty of aap of the article* named or

ubetitat* other* la Ilea thereof, or to require, at *imllar price*, *uchpood* u amp ha weared for present* or other parpnee*, la tha adBumawattoa Of tha affair* of the department Mood* of AraertcaaaauhKtara, all other thing* being equal, will be preferred ; bat a*

th the ample* of hUakel* and cloth* are of Ibretga manufacture, itWW be neceaaarp whan a domoatic article la bid *w, that a ample ofh foonld ninmpt*) the hid, lo enable the department to decId*Whether It la af aqaal qaalitp with the ample* to be eihthtled.The party proposing to supply the article* will make aa lavolce of

II the Item* emnraCM la the above Hat. aad aflli the price*, la dollar*end real*, at which he or thep will famish thorn, deliverable inNew Yavk, (or If the cootractor prefer* It, about oaa halfofbe quartaty map be delivered la Hi Loala, Mimoari. he* of elpane* to thegovernment,) oa or bdbre Ibe U*h dap of Mapaeit, aaumlnr the

qauitltp of each article a* *p*nAed la thl* advertisement, nod eludingthe coat, making aa aggregate af the whole lavaiaa cowMItuhag the hid. Tie geod* wlll be Inspected ip New York (and la HI.Leal*, If aap parttaa af them *honld he delivered there) hp aa agent*f die Hailed liiatee, who will be appointed bp tbe department forthe parpnee, and tn weertain the rnoBirmltp of the article, purchasedwith the sample* eihlhited, whan the contract shall be made, andwith the tana* of tbe contract Itself, which shall comma a elans*bat If the article* are not furnlahed within the time preecrlbad, or

if they pre of i,,.uftrtent qualltp in the opinion of the agent nforeantd,aad If within Bee dapa after notice of each insufficiency Ibeparte mall not farnuh other* In Ilea thereof of the required qaalitp,the Hailed autre* fetal I be *nthortaed to purchase iham of other*,aad to charge aap lucre*** ot price thap map ha compelled to payHkeramrlo the cmtractor, who Moll pap the old difference to the

IlnodtI W1H he required, In Dm amount of Dm Mde, with two foodWrUee, HM nArmnri of whom to Im certMed hp 0 United HUtr.

Mf 01 DMAl Aumr;, for a>* lUDAil pfrfnnnmrr of Ike contractswill he nod* after Oio contract lo completed andtka delivery of Mia fnodo < aforesaid In pa afral of Ike department,koo duplicate Invoice rertided hp Ma.fiwaanli'iWan lo ho marked " fioanoala Aw Indian goods."Tka bids will ka aakmittad with tka roUowtag handing, and aoaa

Will ka recel rod tkal ara not mada la Ika fnrai and terma kara praaartkod;a -1 (or wt) propone la fnralak Ika tha eervtce of Dm Indian Dapanmani ika Mtftwiag goods, at lk« prtrao adit ad lo tkam reaperk*o»P, via

( Hrrt Inear I Ida IM a/ gaada. )nsMveroMe la Uw rtljr of Wow York (ot At. Louie) oo or kofnee tha

dap of nail; and la cksa oi the acceptance of Ma propnaala, ika quantity keing i reecrthed bv the department, I (opera)win eieeote a contract according to thin agreement, and give aatlaMaatf errant r In ike dapartmanl wilfcla Ma daps after the acceptanceof Drta kid; and la eaao of Ikllara lo enlor Man awak contract, andgtra aaek encamp, I (or wo) WW pap In tha Catted ftf*tea Dm Mirare hat wren theanma ktdden by me mr aa) and the aomewhirh thaCatted ri later may ko obliged lo pap lor tka tame articles "

Rank aad every Md man alto ka accompanied with a guaranty infee Mlowing Iwm. lo ha algaad bp oaa or mnrm reipnaalMa pefaoaa,Whoae aiilfirioocy moat bo oarttf rd hp mar oaa who la known hi tkadaparltoant, either personally ot bp hla odlrlal pooltion."I (or wr) bar*bp gouaatp that , Mm above bidder, will

"onpip With tka tonne of the advertMemanl for Propnaola for IndianCorn,' dated WhlGpteekar, 1IK», If tka rootract akonld be awardedM Mm, aad enter late kond for tka a mention of tka aama within the

praaerlkad." ft- a.) I


( ommtaaiooar of Indian AflhiraOn .StawtlatWov.MOTIC&-TIH ktaaa hr ipialad tka Mdl to #*taadad10 the lat dap of Doermbar noil, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and

tka Utoo of doftrory of Mm goods to tka lat Jane, IdM. Ilia ragnlotionforbidding etiracta tn ka taken from tka eontiacia of former

poora baa harm raealndod. "

ntttirggrt or tmi Ivrnaton.CMRca Indlan Alton, Oct M, 1MB.

On. P.kowtP!

rntP aOOM-Wl would Invite attention to the remainingV' weak of Hammer Goods on tornd, aa it ia oar Intention to clone

tkam OBI at prleea to anil all tkal map Mve aa a call. Thep areWMMdootivalla

Worked and etandlM colltraDo toaldo kondkarckla* .ad Jmap Ltod hahila

Imaa and nelte cases, worked cadkTbraad, allk, tad kid glovnafare and bonnet (lowersPPtoe and bonnet rape, rlkkada, ka.

And a varloip of artlatoa asaallp sold la ilia store. Call and ree.1.1 ti TATE,

Aag 14.eofc Mace amort to I T. it C iting(*JuVDOMOOt.BOOK* gf irwp klad WTWjrTnr*V Hwrpw ki ttorn1I, aaar »th wreot.

i>W tub aad paw at rerp low prte*|"V1* o

WllhlaftM University at BalUoun.Medical DiniTilUT.

rUB annual Marion for IMS and 'SO will commence, with introduclory lecturer, on the laat MondeyJn October next. 1

*1 'tie daily lecturer UiereaAer will be temporarily delivered in theouuuudioiM building neatly flued up for the puipoee, ou Libertytreei, one door north of Baltimore. I

Medical Faculty.John C. 8. Moukur, M. D.Inrtituter and Practice of Medicine;

led. iurirprudence and Mental IMreanee.George (J. M. Boberu, M. D..Obetetrica and Dtrrarer of Women Jud Children.Regiuuld N. Wright, A. M. M. D.-Cheinirtry.A. Snowdcn Piggott, A. M. M. D.Anatomy and Phyeiolngy.R. N. Wrifht, X. M. M. II.Surgery. 1

A. 8. Piggott, A. M. M. D.Therapeuticr, Mat. Medica, and Hyiene.The dutiee of the demonstrator will be performed by the Professor

f Anatomy. IThe Faculty have el their command the moat ample meanr, appa- ,atur, modelr, lie., for a courre ax thorough and complete ar U Severedin the beet regulated tnrtitutioiie in the country. The oh-letrical modela are the 1argot and beet ever imported, and wereirocured in Purie at great coat. ,The Faculty Intend, aa eoon ae pneelble, to fill the vacant chainvilli gentlemen thoroughly qualified to meet the responsible dutieeHereof.They pledge them*elvea to unwearied devotion to the lntereete of

II who may be diepoeed to put themselves under their tuition.Ticket* glS each | diploma $tJO; demonstrator $10; malricula- '

ion AS. Htudenu arriving in the city nre requested to call on aomeHember of the Faculty, who will give advice with regard to'the ee-clion of a boarding-boute, lie., he. 1

For further Information addreaa the Dean ofthe Faculty.<REGINALD N. WRIGHT,

No. 103 Weet Fayrlte (treat, one door weat of Liberty street.Bept. 0.3aw4wI

Concorrl Academy.[mc uv.xi seMion ui uiu insuiuuon win commence uic ibi oi \jc

tober. 1F. WM. COLEMAN, A. M-, Principal.LEWIS M. COLEMAN, A. M.

tiriiMcn. 'Hon. John Y. Moon ;*Dr. E. P. Hcou,* Speaker of the Senate of Virginia; IThoinae J. Randolph, esq.,* Albemarle; IDr. Armistead Cook,* Portsmouth ; IRobert C. Stanard, esq., Richmond; IWm. H. Harrison, esq.,* Prince<Jeorge ; IWm. H. Tayloe, esq.,* Mount Airy ; IRichard Baylor, esq.,* Essex;Andrew Hunter, esq.,* Jeli'ersonClayton G. Coleman, esq.,* Louisa; .

John Tabb, esq.,* Gloucester; ,Wm. H. Roy, esq.,* Gloucester jHon. Robert M. T. Hunter, Essex ;Right Rev. Nicholas Cobbe, D. D., Bishop of Alabama ; .

Hon. Thomas H. Bayly, M. C.;Judge Daniel Coleman, Alabama;Hon. James A. Seddon,* M. C.;Gen. Bernard Peyton,* Richmond 1

Hon. James M. Mason,* Frederick; 1Rev. Wm. Friendt Port Royal; <John R. Bryan, esq.,* Gloucester; 1Thomas S. Gholson, esq.,* Petersburg ;Mien W. Fisher, qsq.,* Northampton; 1

John W. Tyler, esq.,* Warrenton ; '

George F. Wllklns, esq.,* Northampton;Francis E. Rives, esq., Petersburg.Gentlemen who either have had or at present have sons or wards

aembers of the Institution. .

Sep. 9.tf [Intel]Osusrel Agency at WanMissgpom, D. c.

DY A. M. FARQUHAR, formerly of Hantsbuig, Pennsylvania,D for claims oo the government for services in the war with Mexi-0, the revolutionary war, the war with Great Britain, and the Flor-(i* WIT*For peasioaa, bounty land, or scrip. <

Bounty Loud. Will attend M> the purchase and sale of bountyBud m ordci**Patent Ofiee..'The applications for patents, procuring models,

Irawiags, Re., will be attended to in all their various branchesGeneralPort Ojflcr.All claims against the department will bevoeecuted ; settlement of contractors' quarterly accounts; pay ofIttto facilitated, Alc.New Orleans Delta, Nashville Union, Mobile Advertiser. LouisrilleDemocrat, Bt Louis New Ere, Cincinnati Gaactte, Indianapolis

lentinei, New York Herald, and Detroit Free Prom, will publish tohe amount of g.*>, and send their bills to this ol&ce, aocompaniedrith a paper. June Mtf

JPLERDIU Carpeting, Curtsla Goods, dfcr..The sdberriJ ben would respectfully invite the attention of cltisens and houseteeperegenerally, to their stock of house fiirnleliing goods, whichhey Rel confide tit cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by nay otherlouse la the district. They name.

IN CARPETING,Patent tapestry velvet do upeetry BrusselsRoyal Aixmiaster, English Brussels i

Imperial three-ply, douMa super terrainHuperflne Ingrain, extra One, and line doLow-priced all wool ingrain, royal twilled Venetionr iRich rfctnttHlr lod tufted rup 1Heavy aheet oilcloths, of every width, which will be cut to Rt any

IN CURTAIN MATERIALS,Rich satin de lainaa, neb flgured de lamesK1C0 Qin CCMiWPU UU1UIM, ncu union usiosesTwilled and plain cashmervuEnffdamaek doW«frt«l damasks, air colonInfest Idm nd laced curtains, embroidered muslin doEmbroidered muslins, by the yardTasnsl-loops, (Imps, bordering*, binding*Mind linens, all widthsTama la, cords, and Aitaraa of every kind. he.Tofeiber with a complete assortment of table and piano covers.

uWecloths, and table damasks, Uaen sheetings, damask napkins andlowets, Scotch and Russia diapers, Marseilles quills, bed-blankets,he., aR of which arc Just received, are perfectly fresh, and will be ofTaredupon our usual neeommodatinf terms. All art respectfully turnedto see for themselves.Sep 11.Juwtwif P. H. HOOB h CO.

nrAMTBD, daily, at Use BsUlmare, PMllndelphtn, HewFT York, Boston, and New Orleans (loner*! Agency sad Commlanon(HBce, young men In wholesale sad retail lores, and oilier >eperlable business, to act as book-keepers, salesmen, porters, barkeepers,waiters, ntrmrra, coachmen, car agents, booh and mapagents, eollectoes, overseers In nil branches of business, he. Wehave at all times a large number of good situations on hand, which

pay from R3U0 In $-1,1*10 per annum. Those In want of sltuntiona ofany kind would do well lo give us a call, as we have agvats la eachof the above cities, which will enable as to pines every applicant la

a suitable situation at the shortest notice We have a large acquaintaaev in all the above-named cities, which we trust will enable as lo

give entire saiisfsctioa to all who may favor us with a call.TAYLt'R h TAYMAN, No. » Second street,

between Houtb and (lay.N. B. Persons living la any port of the United *tales, and wishing

to obtain s situation In Baltimore, or either of the above cities, willhave their wants Immediately attended to by addressing as has

(post-paid,) ss by so doing they will rsrtnil both trouble and si

pease, which they otherwise would Incur by coming lo the city andseeking employment for themselves. Address,

TAYLOR h TAYMAN,No. B Recowd street.

May M-dlf Baltimore, ltd.

Per Baltimore.

j. T -n THE steamer ODCBOLA will, on Itnaday, the

frhih^BTkr n( September, commence making one trip n week toaMESt^BK. dii shore place, leavtwr Wastungloa ever) Bnadayat 7 o'clock a. m Returning, Isava Baltimore evsry Taesday Si 4o'clock p. m. Hhe will stop regularly, going and returning, atLeonardtown, Md. ; Hi Mary's river, Md. and Cone river, Vs. 1and at the usual landing on the Potomac, lor signals or to land.

PflR NORFOLK.The stiaaisr Osceola will leave for Norfolk every Thursday at I

o'clock a m Reluming, leave Norfolk every Friday at 4 o'clockp. m. Passage and fare atHhe touches, going sue returning, tt Cone river, and at the usual

landings JAMEB MITCHELL,Hep UO Captain

AHBICY, tVsshlsgtss. T he undersigned, late of the laspectlos branch of the Pern Ofece Department, oders his eervl

eee to mail contractors generally, and lo those of the southwesternsection particularly, with the assurance that his removal from otBcedoes not militate against the character he has for many years sas

tataed In the deportment for honesty, capacity, and Adahty, andrefers is his associate* la ogfoa of both parties, with their heartyroaaenl, lo sustain him therein,

All orders to attend lo business, of every nature, at the sent ofgovernment, wMI be thaakfblly received and promptly despatched.

JAMEB OWNER, Ami,July 4.dtf Into of Poet Oflkee Department.

NOTHE. The subscriber hag* fence In Inform the doseas andpublic generally that he has Jnet employed workmen from En-1

rope, and from the northern dries, of known skill end experience,which, together with hie own knowledge and prncriee In the bestnese for thirty years, eashies him to any with congdenee thai he It

prepared to muQlklun line Jewelry una rootiy set gems, mm,kc., superior aad cheaper than any other cuMIMunent known in

Mm In tilt. .notion of the country. Hi. cwmam nrn rmpi Willyroqueted in iMtt their order, with

ROBERT KEYWORTH,P.nn itrnw, M»hi 9th and HRh streets.

A of- 19.sodIf

MR. a. UK VAUDRlrOTIRT Rga loosro la Infcna thepublic and hia frland. thai, having permanently located la Wuk

Injton, he Intend, to dfroie hit ancntinn to the tuition of the French,Italian, and wpanl.h language*, and alao of the piano tort, and droningin all tie branrhee. Reference of the eery hifheat respectabilitywill he firen by applying at hie raeidence, lath .treet, between 0 andD.) aeit door to Uibenn'e Academy, or at Da.le'a made wore, andMr>. Anderson', atailoner\ .lore

July 17.obdtf

GRMKRAL Hwiaaa b^rMdall^ rs^y flouila areroetn,

CLAORTT A DODhOH would moat respectfully inform allbnueekeepets, and those Intending to keep house, that they have refttndand prepared ihelr war*room for the reception of a much morert tenetre aeormeni of pood. In the aboee line than hae error beenhitherto seen In thte rtty. C. A D wOl bo abeeal for a kw day. torthe purpose of making their purchase*, and would respectfully desireaR who may bo la want of We prettlsw, bow, and mow ettsasiv* asmtamito choose from to wail their return. They will hae* la

storeBiiperh Tapestry V elect, TapeWry BrnaaWa, aad RrnaaelaThree-ply anperllae Ingrain, low priced doDamask twilled and p.aln Venetian carpetingTogether with eeatyfaag prAty aad good which may be needed Intoadrltn*. Aag RA-dlRwRawif

Igiary ad Ua* Raek-Pabllaklag Kamaaa taa tlaa PwKod

TAYLOR a MAURY, bookseller* and stathmor*, Fenwayleunl*arena*, near 9th wteei, bating formed conneilaa* with the

Cadpal book ewnkllahmenti of the country, will supply ail order,religion., mlacellaaeoua, law, medical, eclcndlle, and school

books, In lota or .ingle enptea, w the lowest publication price*.eboole, In-tnation*, and Individual* Intending W order foreign

or Amarl«an bo.rka from th* sorthsrn cities, can see* troubts, end


caution amu. |A MAN by the name of U.UKL CLAPP baa engaged wife young

man of tlie name of 8. P. Tuwiucud, and uses his name lo put Iup a sarsaparilla, wbiob they call Or. Towaatlid's sarsaparilU, da- (nominating it genuine, original, ale. This Townsand is no doctor,and never was, but was formerly a worker oa railroads, cassis, andlbs like; yet be assumes tbe title of doctor for Ibe purpose of gaiaiagcredit for what be Is not. He Is sending out cards beaded " tricks of)uacks," in wbicli be says, I have sold tbe use of siy nante for f7 aweak. 1 will five 8. P. Townaeiid f&OO if he will produce one sin[iesolitary proof of this. Tills is lo caution the public aot to he decelved, and purchase none but tbe GENUINE ORIGINAL. OLD DM.IACOB TOWNBEND'8 BAM8APAUILLA, having on it tbe oldioctor's likenaas, bis fhmiiy coat of arms/and bis signature acrossibe coat of anus.

JACOB TOWNSEND.Principal oglct, UN AToeis Wrssf, New York city.

Old Doctor Townsead Is now about seventy years of age. and hasong been known as the author and discoverer of the GENUINE,DRJU1NAL "TOWN8MND 8AHBAPAR1LLA." Being poor, hewas conuelled to limit .its manufacture, by which weans it has been(ept out m market, and the sales cirrutuieribed lo those only wlwlad proved its worth ondknown its value. It had reached the eprs ofXIany nevertheless, as those persons who had beeu healed af sore

liaeasea, and saved from death, proclaimed its excellence and Wonierlulhealing power. ThieUrmnd and unequalled prepaurwXJom

is manulhctrred on the largest scale, add is called for throughout theengtli und breadth of the laud.llnUke young 8. P. Townacud'a, it improves with age, and never

:bnnges, but for the better; because it Is prepared on scientific principlesxv a sclentlfle man. Tlie highest knowledge ofchemistry, and ibe lathstRecoveries of the art, have ail been brought into requisition in thenanufheture of tlie OLD DOCTOR'S 8AR8APAKILLA. The ear

laparilla root, it is well known to medical men, contatus medicinalproperties, and some properties which are inert or useless, and otherswhich, if retained in preparing ftxr tun, produce fermentation and acid,which ia injurious to the system. Some of the properties of sarsaparilla are so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are loet ia thepreparation, If they are not preserved by a scientific process, knownonly to those experienced in Its manulhcture. Moreover, these volatileprinciples, which fly ofl" in vapor, or as an exhalation, underheat, are tbe very essential medical properties of tbe root, whichlives to it all its value. The

OsaulM Old Doetor Tewawnd's Mnaparlllais so prepared, that all Uie Inert properties ol lire earaaparllla root areUnit removed, everything capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation,ie extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue>e aecured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it If renderedincapable of toeing any of lie valuable and healing properties. Preparedin thia way, it ia made the moet powerful agent in the

Care off Innumerable dleeaeee.Hence the reaaon why we hear commendations on every aide In its

fbvor by men, women, and children. We And it doing wonders inthe cure of CONSUMPTION, DYSPF.PSIA, and LIVER COMPLAINT,and in RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA and PILES. COBriVENESS,all CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS,PIMPLES,BLOTCHES,and all affections arising from

Imparity off the blood.It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from inllgestlon,from acidity of the stomach, Horn unequal circulation, determinationof blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold reel

ind cold hands, cold chills and hot flashes overthe body, it has nottad lis equal in coughs and colds, and promotes easy expectorationred gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, andtvery other part. But In nothing is its excellence more manifestlyteen and acknowledged than in ail kinds and stages of

Female coisiplsUnts.It works wonders in cases of floor alius or whites; falling of the

womb; obstructed, suppressed, or painful menses; irregularity of lbsmenstrual periods and lbs like; and is effectual in curing all forms ofthe kidney disease.By removing obstructions, and regulating the general system. It

0vss tone and strength to the whole body, and cures all forms offferveus diseases and debility,

xnd thus prevents, or relieves a great variety of other diseases, as

ipinal irritation, neuralgia, Bt. Vitus's dance, swooning, epUcptic flu,convulsions, lie.

It ia not possible for this medicine to tail to do good; it has nothingin it which can ever barm; it can never sour or spoil; and, therefore,can never lose its curative properties. It cleanses the l lood, excitesthe liver to healthy action, tones the noraach, and gives good dilation,relieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inflammation,purlfles the skin, equalises the circvlation of the Mood, producinggentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensibleperspiration; relaxes all strictures aad tightness, removes all obstructions,and invigorates the entire nervous system. Is not ibis, then,

Tbs medicine yets pre-eminently need »But can any of those things be said of S> F. Towneend'e Inferior

xrticia/ This young man'e liquid ie not to beCenptusd Willi tbe Old Doctor's,

because of the grand fact, thai tbe one u incapable of deteriorationsod NEVER SPOILS, while tbe other DOE8. It sours, ferments,ud blows the bottles containing u into fraginenU; the sour, acid Uquid, exploding and camaging other goods Must u<>. this hornbitcompound be poisonous to the system? What! put acid into a-syelemalready diseased with acid/ What cau.es d>spep»m but acid/Do we not all know that when food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefit produces.flatulence, heartbufn, palpation if the heart, livercomplaint, diarlnsa, dysentery, cholic, and corruption of the Mood!What It scrofula hot an acid humor in the body / What preducaa ulithe humors wbicb bring on eruption! of tbe skin, scald bead, sailrheum, erysipelas, while swellings, fever-sores, and all ulcerations,internal and vnnuu li i* iMtiiuM ur 1 kdm^an qii -s-i-* -jifcnance, which sours, and thus spoBs afl the fluids nrtM tony moreor lees. What cauaee rheuiuatisin but a sour acid fluid, which insinuatesitself between tbe joints sad elsewhere, Irritating and inflamingdie tender and delicate tissues upon which it acta / Bo of nervous

diseases, of Impurity of the blood, of deranged circulations, aad pearlyall tbe aliments which aflllct human nature.Now la it not hornWe to mnks and sell, and infinitely wane to use

this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID COMPOUND OF S. P.TOWN8END.' And yet be would (Win have It understood that oldJacob Towaaaad'e

ndelssl ssimswHHs

is an IMITATION of bit inferior preparation! Heavrn forbid thatwe should deal In aa article which would bear the most distant re

semblance to B. P. TOWNBEND'B ARTICLE! aad which shouldbring down upon the old doctor such a mountain-load of complaintsand crunlnauoas from afaats who hare sold, and purchasers whohare used 8. P. Townsend's PERMENTIWU CtiMPtiCNDWi wM it understood, because It is the aieetal* teaI*, that S. p.

Townsend"» artirls aad old Doctor Jacob Townsend' saraapartlla are

bsarea wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar, that they are unlike la

every particular, havlnf not one angle thing In common.As B. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no chemist, an

pharmaceutist, knows no more of medicine or disease than aay othercommon, uascieauflc, unprofessional man, wlnit guarantee can tkepublic have that they are receiving a genuine, scientific medicine,containing all the properties of the articles used la preparing It, andwhich are incapable of changes, which uught reader them the agentsof dlaaase Instead of health f

It la to arrest frauds upon lha unfortunate, to pour balm* Intowounded humanity, to kindle hope la the despairing bosom, to restorehealth and bloom and vlghr Into the crushed anJ broken, and tobanish infirmity, thai old Doctor Jacob Townsend has sought aadfound the opportunity aad aseaaa to briar bis

Uraad, wmlrersaj, tgamatralsd remedy,within lha reach, aad to the knowledge of all who need It, that theymay learn and know, by )oyfol esparlanca, Its

TraasMadsat power to Issol Iaad thus to have the anpurchasable satisfaction of having raisedthousands and millions from the bed of sickness aad despondency, to

hope, health, and a long Ufa of vigor and usefulnear to themselves,their fomlliea, and friends.

Principal odk-e IOQ Nassau street, New York.Price one dollar per bottle, or atl bottles for five dollars.Pur aula la Washington by the following druggists Samuel Bult,

corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Twelfth street, opposite the IrvingHotel; Z. I). it W. H. Oilman, Pennsylvania avenue, near

Brown's Hotel; J. P. (alien, corner of E and Kevcnth streets, oppoHe the Oeaersl Poet liBci; M. Delsay, corner of Penaeylvsnlsvenae and Pour aad-a-half street; and Kldgeiy k Co Pennsylva

nla avenue, sear the West Market; and by Mirbard H. Stabler, ofAlexandria. Ap 18.dttawBm

Led, Pension, and Ciena rati Agency.

WILLIAM H. M1NNIX, late of the Oeaeral Land Office. rgtllprosecute claims of every kind against the government, nature

Congress or any of the departments His aipericnra In the differentbranches of the departments, specially those la relation to militarybounty lands, will enable Mm tu give full suiisfoetton to all who mayrequire Ms aei ricaa. The prompt Issue of patents for lands sold or

located by military warrants will ba secured, and all necessarymeans taken to recover Inet or dead letter warrants Claims for at rvicaaIn the revolutionary war, the war of Hit sad Mritcss war,will recstrs special attention. He will also attend to the mle, real

acollectlnn of reatt, aad payment of tares on real estate owned incity by nnn residents and others

Befereid e is mads to Sea James Hhletds, formerly Commissionerof the Orneral l.end (HRr<f: Hon. Richard M. Young, late Commiesinner of the Oeaeral Land Office; hi all the officers of u,e OeneraiLand Offlca ; members of < 'ongreas gettgrally of the fftate of nilcola;Thomas KitrMe, Edmund Burke, Peter Pores, W. W. Beaton, P. P.Blair, J. C. Rives, Rlrherd Wallech.

Offlre at Haelup It Woedon's Coach rectory, west of the Centr*Marset, Washington, D. C.Hop IIB

run iuairuuk'

- »!l Mfc. Tb. ateamar OSCEOLA will, on Saturday, thJ 7tbwMUSESb laly, enmmanaa making two trip* wook to tbo akoeeptaea, laaeing Washington aeery Wednesday and Saturday at 9o'rlock a. m Returning, loam NndWk #aary Monday and Thurvday at 4 o'clock p. m.

tjhe will loueb, going and returning ,al Pinay Point, Old Point, Con*lam, and tha naaal landing* on the Potomac.

Pa.ape and kn to iVorftdk %S" " Pinny Point


Valory faA'fr, Lond, r-Maa and (hntrnlJf(Tm , «t U~.i*»isdfi n,

pOKTINUM to pro.cnto Claim* foe raaolodonary .reicar, lavaalld, raeoletionary, kaH pay, and widowa' praa!oo«, and allrlalaw growing oat of tka wat of ISIS and tbc lata war with Mailco.Ilia long onrvlet . a dark In tha Treasury Department, and morarecant and aitanalaa etperlence aa general agent, anablea Mm to actwith prompts*** and elkriency on all claim* commuted to hia camand management Hla charge* are nntftirmly moderate. It la 01pactedtnat correspondent* will pay pnatage.

aaraaaincaa.Hon. A. f Bagby, Ala. Hon. A. teamen, Oa.

T Roller King, Oa. Coi. A. O Bennett, p M. army,t. B Rhett. |. C. Wen. M. Towaon, P. M. UenJ. 8. Phalpa, Mo Hon. I. La Rem, La.P. W Tnmpkin*. Mi.. M.n Dale* A Beaton,J. H. Harmanaon, La. Me.r* Corcoran A Rigga,J. O. Chapman, Md. Col. T- f- Andrew*. P Tff. A.D. 8 Kanfntttn, Tetaa, Col D. J. Rlcardo, Hew Orleana,Job Mann, Pa. MaJ Lloyd J. Raall, P. M A.A. K. Parria, comptroller of Peter Hagnar, eaq., .V audltottreasury traaattry.


(between Ptrtton atraat and Rnrllng allp,) New York, heca niband tha largaat aaaormant of CLOTHIhid In tha United Stats*adapted to all market*, la the articl- of Hhlrta and Draware, wi

keep an endla. aariety. Alao the moat aitanate* mannlhetnrart o

OIL CLOTH IHO AND COVERED HATS In iR* world PLAIHAND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, of Ml kind*.Catalogue* of Mock cant by mail. Order* promptly filled.

LEWIS A HANPORD,No*. MB, M4, Ml, and 8S» Panrt at, N. Y.

Jan* *>.BewJm

r»H "A.LJG.-A Migu piaatslton la lb* pariah of JBt. Juan, onthe right hank of the iiver, seventy-one miles above New Orleans,

and mac utiles below Uoualdsonville. 'I'hu piaalaliou contains about .

two thousand arpeute of very superior land, of which wore thaneight hundred an In celtivatioa and pasture, aad the mat la wood,containing an aanple supply of the beat Umber for building and planlaUon purposes. The cleared portion of the property baa about fleebuatWddarpants IB cane, plant, and ratoous- Caae enough win be nput ap to plaut two hundred and Afty arpenta next year A verylarge aad commodious sugar- bouae, nearl) naw, with two large seta E

of kettles.one Jual reset, and the other put in com plate order.and a '

very excellent steam sugar-tnUI, of a large stxe, and la line order, are |on the pUnbUiou. An ample uumber of horaea, mules, and oxaa, ^wagons, carta, and every necessary tool and implement, are on the .

plarc. '

With he plantation, or separately, as may suit purchasers, will the sold, one hundred NEOEOKB, of all ages, among whom are valu- gaula mechanics and sugar-makarv, all experienced and well-trained ,,in the culture of cane. Among Ibem are about sixty-three efficienthands, which, with the addiUon of twanty more, would cooatitule a ®force fully sufficient to the most advantageous culuvaUon of the plan tration. A purchaser, either with or wlUiout such addition, will find pthe property folly provided wiUi everything necessary to make large

cropsfrom the beginning, arid at very little expense. As It is sup- :posed a full provision of corn has beaa made this ysar, that sourer Iof expense may be saved, and liule or none will be required for re npairs of any kind. a

It is believad thai a more desirable property la rarely offered forsale, as well In relaUon to the fertility and healthfulnesa of the plants BHon, as to the quality of the negroes, who are not only all thoroughly vacclimated, but a large number born on the place, and having been pwell taken care of, are la full vigor and strength, rurtherdeacrip- vfornix unnecessary, as those disposed to purchase will, no doubt,vIkr th^property and Judge for themselves. Fifty thousand dollnnwill bd fequmed Is cmdi, and the balanss in one and two ysars, for IInotes bearing ait per cent. Interest, satlsfbctorily secured. Fosses- rsion will be given on lbs 1st of January next. .Nine hundred and (Ifly-four shares of the stock of the Citixens' !Bank will also be sold, together with the plantation. The purchaser, Jin part payment of the price of purchase, will assume a mortgage I:debt due to the Clffxens' Bank, amounting to twenty-four thousand tvaventy-sig dollars twenty-lour cents, with interest at eight per cent, rfrom first March, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, payable In one, J.two, three, four, Ava, and etx yean; and also a stock loan, due to 11the same hank, amounting to thirty-four thousand nine hundred and tsixty-Are dollars, payable by Instalment, and renewable on the Ant cof March, eighteen hundred and Afly, and every year thereafter until jthe expiration of the Citixens' Bank charter.

8t. Jams*, Oat. Mill, lBltt. «ROBERT CARTER NICHOLAS,

Not 6.tawtDeclS Ponaldsonvllle Past Ofllce.

FOR talt, a very desirable three-story brick house,with back building two stories, good yaqh and stable, and runningback to an alley 15 feet, situated on C street, between 4A and

6tb streets, being one of the most desirable parts of the city for privateresidence.Terms of sale will be made easy, as but littls money will be requiredon the first payments,for further particulars apply to GREEN k TA8TET,

Auctioneers and CommisaionMerchants,Nov 4.9aw3wif Concert Hall.

POPULAR MUSIC.WM. FISCHER has Just received a sumUbet of the moat popular songs, waltzes, polkas, kc.. amongwhich we enumerate the following.all of which will be sold at ourreduced price.(bur cents per page i

Melons.Kossuth's March; by C. Lenschow.General P. F. Smith's March; by Martin.Spanish Patriots' March; by Martin.Mary Blane Quick Step.Battle of Buena Vista.

polkas.Invitation a la Polka; by Max Mareuch.Tedeeco Polka; by Max kiarsuchBelle Polka; by Berg.Carnival Polka ; by Canthai.

* sonas.I'm thine, only thine; by I. Benedict.The Broken-hearted i by Felice Dorego.When others strive to win thy smile.No, ne'er can thy home be mine.Jeannet and Jeannot; complete.The Knight of the Golden Crest.Oh! Sally White; a favorite song.Stop dat knocking! by Wlnnemore.Cliloe's to be my wile.Sweet Rose of Caroline; by Beckel.Emma Snow.I seen her at the window.Ole Vlrginny break-down.Ole Bull and linn Tueker.Gwlnr 'long down; by Frank Brewer.

Waltsas.Invitation a la Valse; by Von Weber.Cloister Walts; by Eagelbrechl.Natilie Waltzes; by Labitxky.New Aurora Waltzes.Rcbollectiona of Strauss, a beautiful collection of waltzes ; by

Hcgar.riacas WtTB VaBIATIOSS.

Dearest Mae, with variations; by Grebe.Oh Susanna; "

Kosa Lee; * JB< Ihuv. 11 Walta'"Le desir;" by Czerney.Tis the last rose of summer; by Hers.

dindy Jim;'

Not ISiCARD. ,

THE subscriber fives notice thai there are eifht vacancies in hisFemuy Hoarding School Jot Young Laiict, which he will be

happy to have occupied by daughters of members of Confrcss, or

others who are seeking a school recommended by small numbers, byparental care, and the comforts of a borne, and by ample means forimprovement.


Parents unacquainted with the character of the school are re

epectftilly referred to the senior editor of thin paper, one of whom j

granddaughters is a member of It.R. W. CUSHMAN,

Indiana avenue, Washington.Oct 83.eodtSthDec jUEW and elegant silks. shawls, die..In addition to our

II former stock we have Just received Oom New York and Phlla-delphis a hill and complete assortment of Ute newest and most fashnhiable Ureas (loads of the season, anions which we name. ,. as pieces rich changeable Matin de Chines of every color, some

Hitirplv nrw ihtdfaIS pieces new styles figured Matin de Chines88 do estra rich Brocade Hsun de Chines, of very recent importation,and not to be fbund elsewhere in the District30 pieces rich Hgured Changeable Milks10 do rich watered Irish Poplins3 do Mack Tare Matins18 do small Checked Milks, low priced I.1 do heavy Mack Oro de Rhinee

90 do colored Marcehnea, of every shade ,30 do new styles Cashmere d'Ecoeae10 do Matin Damask Panama96 do new styles Mouasnllaee de Laina I30 do l.upin's best Preach Merinos, every shade15 do high colored and low-priced Mousselines de Laina.10 do nob Milk Velvets, of all colors .

6 do yard wide do do. Together with msay other new and beautiful Drees Materials toonumerous to meation la an advertisement, but which we shallhe pleased in show to those who may Ikvor us with a call. *

In HHAWLM, Ac., we name.100 KM Bcelch long Hhawls, of entirely new designs, and very

oheap73 31 Mcotch square Shawls90 ld-4 rich real Cashmere long Hhawls, also very cheap15 1M real cashmere square MhawlsIS 131 Hungarian plsid MrarlbAlso daily espeeted a large lot of French Cloaks, Visiter, Mantillas,he., of which notice will be given as soon as received.Nov.8.twlf P. II. HOPE A CO.

BUMOP ENGLAND'S WORKS, COMPLETE.-TAYLORA MAt/aY, booksellers, near 8th street, have Just receivedfrom the puMisher, Bishop England's complete works, In 0 volumes

octavo, which they supply to subscribers and others at Use publisher'sprice, rise of espouse of freight, Ac., in Washington or Georgetown.A list of Wnshingtuu subscrftws has been sent, with directions for(hem In be supplied, and Ihe cdpiet will be delivered from Taylor AMaury" her id

NEW NOVELS..Archibald Werner, or the Brother's Revenge.Prtaa 5# Cta.

Mary Buchanan, or Iniahsirtueh. Price 95 eta.The Plrsl Blep to Crime, or ihe Bottle, illustrated by Cruifcahank.

Pries 93 rts* The Twa Loves, or Ems and Antaroa. Price 96 cta.The Dark l.ady of Donna. Price 93 cta.The Female Bloebeard, or Le-Morusau-MaMe. Price 95 i ts.


fiCTOBER Report af Use Matfal UA lasaianee bomVpony of Naw. York. Otllce No. 33 Wall street.Net accumulated fuad August I, 1849, esceedtng $*79,000.This Institution, during the month of October, tasnnd one hundred

and iwenty-drur new policies, visTo merchants and traders 37 lTo Physician 1

Mechanic* 17 Clergymen3MaaufheliireTS 9 Teachers 9Fanner I Students 3

, Lawyers 9 Captains. 3I'krKI ! nuici ntvprrBroken r 9 Officer. la lha army 93Engineer 1 Other oceupetion. 93

Is »M

Llraa In.nred 1MJOBRPH I. COLLINS, Pretedeat.

I*.ao Aaa.rr, Secretary.Ca.ai a. Da Silmpo, No. II Todd". Bulldlnga, Pann.ylr.nl.

.rantia, Agent.W. r- Joaa.Toa, M. D., oppotet. City Poa Office, 7th atraat,

Phywiaa.p.inphlat. explanatory of tha principle, aad operation. of tha com

paay can ha had on Application at tha AgenC. offida.Nor U.At

Jt'«T RJM KIVKD. NO k.0 tf fttaa OMUa hatter,aalacied particularly for family naa

Aim, 4 tuba of prime Ooahrn batter94 bote. Of Onahen »nd Kngll.h dairy chilliBuck wheat In barrela aad baga. .citable ft>r (amilte.No. I mackerel, I# barrel. and kite94 barrel, of New Vnrk and Virginia white wheat Aunily_ Boar, of the heat quality

190 bap. do do10 doaan choice champagne, of rarion. brand.4 eaak. .upertor eider piekllng rlnegar9 caek. old Ltmdow dock brandy, of the primate iaror aad

quality1 pipe pure Holland fin

, With a large amonrneat of ebotca wine., liqama, aad praearlaa atI all daerrlptloa., u numerou. to mention, aaiectad eipreaoly tor, family m, which I Inelte lb. public to call and etamlne Ibr themlwire, ai my old teaad ar the aorthweat comer of 1.1th aad P atreeta.f Nor k.aolw JOHN J. JOVCE.

Jamwa 41. k.rnl

Vri.l. attend to the pioamatloa of rlalaw baftwa Ocapin aad therarlou. rrecallra department, of tha goreramenl.

Office aad dwaUlng B atraat, hptwaaa 9th aad 10th teraate.Octf-df ^

MISCELLANEOUS.Pron the Lwodoa Quarterly Riii.tr lor Octot>«r.

P*|M Mas IX.No person who has figured in these days of folly and

sadness has been more misrepresented than Pius IX;lode, we believe, who ever played so conspicuous a part,vae less remarkable for emiuent qualities of any sort,iardly raised above the lowest grade of mediocrity inalent or acquirement, he was utterly unprepared to meethe difficulties of his position. With a mystical devoion,with a minute ana scrupulous observance of forms,ad with irreproachable moral conduct, he has no elevaionof ssntiment, nor any lofty conception of the dutiesil man. Obstinate in trifles, and immovable to reason,te readily gives way before intimidation. Soft and wellleaning,be possesses neither sensibility nor active belevolence.Selfish, from want of imagination ratherban from calculation, he is indifferent to evils he doeslot witness, though inca|iable of resisting an importunateippeal. His good nature concurred with bis vanity to;tve him a keen delight in the applauses of the mob. Yet itvas rather from bis timidity that the greater part of hisoputar concessions were extorted. Loving trifling confreation,talking of himself and his early history with arfindignified prolixity, ignorant of business, indolent andmmethodical, he can with difficulty be induced to form aeaolution; and infirm of purpose in all that does noi re;ardhimself, he revokes in the evening the irrevocablelecision of the same morning. Like all feeble persons,te is frequently false, not because falsehood is congenialo bis disposition, but because his temperament shrinksrom the avowal of conviction. His weakness is gratiiedby cowardly and time serving counsels. Uneasy inhe presence of superior men, he naturally prefers mediicrity.Incapable of friendship, he falls easily under thelomtnion of low favorites, and is fond of being enterainedwith tales of gossip and the childish buffoonerieshat delight the vulgar. Without being attached to thedeasures of the table, he is whimsically particular in theibaervance of all his tastes and habits; such is his devoionto them, that neither business nor distress of mindould wean bim from them. In the midst of the dangersind difficulties that pressed round him during the last tewveeks of his stay in Rome, neither sleep nor appetite deertedhim; and so deficient is he in'aenaibility, that heduallyjgrew fat in his humiliating retreat at Gaeta. Airince ol such a character could hardly tail at any tuneif exercising a sinister influence on the destinies of hisountry. Under the present circumstances of difficulty,le has been the ruin of Rome and the papacy, and aicourge to Europe.The atrocities or Haymau, the Austrian butch

ta .The German correspondent of the N. Y. Courierrives the following particulars of some of the late executonsof Hungarian patriots by the Austrian Generaldaynau:" The tranquillity and the discontinuance of executions

in the Holxplatz ('he Tyburn of Pesth) have already hadheir effect Most people believed that justice would not Inuture stride over corpses, but that it would walk on the>eths ol forgiveness and grave. But on a sudden a rumorwas spread in the town of the executions wbioh were toake pUoe to day, (Mih instant.) This ruinor found little:red it, for fffiopie would not.nay, they could not.believet. But this morning, at 6 o'clock, a troop of horse, withtared swords, made its appearance in the Ho xplatx, thusitfoctually dispelling all doubts as to the intentions ol thenllitary authorities. Shortly afterwards, a battalion of foottppeared and formed a sqiare, into the interior of whichbey led the men who were about to suffer death. Theirums were beaten. Their hollow sounds caused our hearts,o quake. After the toll of drums the sentenoes were read,fhe reading was long, very long, and justly so, for the doctmentswere neither more nor less than passports to eterilty. At length, the first of the victims was led forward,lie mounted the scaffold. He was a handsome young man)f 25 years of age. 1 was informed that be had awaited hitleath with the fortitude of a martyr. When I saw him bewas pale and cast down- It was the mariner oi his deeth.it was the execution by ihe co d, which drove the Iron in'oPrince Woronleckl's rout This young man was an Aui:rianofficer when the Hungarian war commenoed. He leittie Emperor's service aed founded a Polish legion, ef whichic beesme ihe commander. Iiaynau'a troops capturedlim at Szureg, near Ssegedin."The second victim was M. Abancourt, who, afier the

Polish movement, had beeu condemned to twenty years'imprisonment, and who joined the Hungarian Insurrection,ictlng as adjutant of General Dembintki. Hm was moracollected than the Prinue, end indeed he was able to addresss few words to the publio.The third and last sufferer was Giron ; be leaves three:hildren behind him. He commanded the German legion,usifted in the storming of Buda, and so great were bismilitary talents and bit zeal, that he was said to be an[mintedto the command of the garrison ol Coraorn. Hewas captured at Peterwardein. The dreadful scene closedwith a prayer, in which the soldiers and the public joined."On the 24th October, three more vieurns died by the

"*The first that mounted the scaffold was Baron SigmundV Perenyt, seventy-five years of age, ei-Prsndsnt of theBoard of Magnates of Hungary. It was his name that figuredin the celebrated ' Manifest of the Hnngarlan nation to theHigh Constituent Diet,' dated 10th October, 1848. The oldman died bravely" Csernus and Szacsvay, the other two victims, were both

le legates of the Hungarian Diet. It was the laller wholrew up the declaration of the independence of Hungary."The wages or wax..At a recent meeting held in ExeterHall, London, Mr. Cobden made some atatements

which are calculated to give dignity to the agitation inwhich he is embarked for the eubmieeion of aH internationaldieputee to arbitration.Among other thinga he stated that of the £54,000,000

of rerenue rained by the Britiah government, £17,000,000Uftrt expended upon the interest of debtfor a pott year, or(o sustain a standing army, and that only £7,000,000were appropriated to the civil government, including thecivil Iiat, the Queen's establishment, the administrationof justice, and all the offices, lie. Thus six-sevenths ofEngland's enormous revenue go to war and preparationsfor war, and only one-seventh to civil expenses.

Relieved of that burden.how much leas misery wouldbe suffered in England, how much easier would he thework of reform, now much leas disastrous would be thechanges which her institutions require, and what a pow-1er of enterprise would be emancipated and set in motionthrough the world!Again, referring^) the necessity of a standing army to

prevent the rising of the people, he stated that two yearsago there were 2,000,000 of soldiers enrolled among theaggregate powers of Europe; yet with these two millionsof armed n en in their pay, revolution had sweptover these countries, and not a tnrone but tottered to itsbase. Tb resist this revolutionary tendency the armedforce of Europe is to be increased to four millions.What will be the effect of this but to aggravate the

burdens of the people, and consequently the insecurity oftheir rulers t

Since the war of 1815, the powers of Europe have resortedto loans instead of taxation for war money, andover one hundred millions of pounds sterling of borrowedmoney have been expended since that period in supportingtheir armaments. This resource, however, is not inexhaustible; for Austrian bonds liavt recently gone beggingboth in England and in Holland, where not a shillingcould be raised on them, and Mr. Cobuen thinks thatRussia's responsibility is very slight, nolwithstanditg berreputed wealth. The Czar is borrow:ng himself, whilehe is taking up £2,000,000 of the Austrian loan, £500,00(7mora to the Po|>e, ami £200.000 to the Grand Duke ofTuscany. All this, Mr. Cobden thinks, is iniquitons.and says that, for an investment for his children, he wouldnot give £25 for the Ruasian bonds, which the bulla andbears on the stock exchange are eel lias off at 108.

[N. T. Ei .ning Pott.Indiana eumukncb..At the recent presentation of a

flag from the iadies of Cass county, (Indiana,) to thedemocrats of Pnlaski, the orator of ihe occasion is reportedto have made a speech, of whieh the following isa part:

F»i.low-citi*«i»* i No) alone in our district la democracywith It* hfmi and »«rs erect'like a geese, bttt the wholworldIt on lire with locoibcoiam, which it eight and a

half peroent. wont than Millerism. In Franoe, uhere thrvary biicks of the human sidewalk were down-trodden andherring-boned he tbe cunning of whigery, they now glor.in being frea! France! glorious Franoe! where celestialsoups are distilled ft -m discarded boot-soler, and the epigrastrum it titivated by the fragrenoy of froga stuffed withgarlic, it now a iron republic! [Mr. O lanned himself]tjermany feels the shock to the boilom of her beet-vats ;and the ory of freedom, rousing the oolled-uu aauaauges 01

Doingna, encoinpasx-s Italy with the linka of liberty ! Thetime ol despots is eomel Tbe dinner-bell of tyranny hn>rung tho oppressors to ihelr last meal I Henceforth andforever our ancestors snatched the burning brand Ol regeneration from the hands of timid posterity, and planted iideep in the bowel* of the future t Let It grow.But the end Is not rot, (the end ol his speech ) The

sirocco of a moaied desolation sheds its erocedite teenover the Infuriated Instincts of toothless wretched- es

throughout all England, and the cry among her thlre.y endmildewed million* la for *'Gin ! gte t and no work." Tbiis the watchword, ibit, even white 1 speak to you, rings it

the years of Queen Victoria, and causes her to fa'tar in hefruitful career The despot of Prussia turns Prussian-hluiat hi* lata, and Austria gapes in dismay at the howl thatells of the approaching knife that is raised to wrench beapart at tbe hingesAnd is (here no room for reform In fee* America t Ca

U do a* the/ like 1 Mar some of u» do nothing 1 Havewe any liberty of oooteienoe 1 Fellow-citizen*7 I hopeXnew* from Fulaeki will sweep tha vagrant act and

' blank laws from Indiana.I dt f Geiutemeu, take<&» naat lair bands wrought it. aiid bold hands canted it tCberuh to |n your beart of heart*.and should I ever die,ra*. P'fl"de»iwuh would bo, lo be iuteiiod in the meanostpuddle in Fula^ri. J

Am BoccMTRic Hivtu.it..A gentleman namedRandall, a solicitor in Southan, ptou, was in the habit ottaking a tonr wiry year, which occupied him two orthree months. He would leay* Southampton suddenly,scarcely acquainting hia couhdeuii*l clerk that be wasgoing, and no one would know anything about htm untilhis clerk would receive a letter from htm, dated perhapsfrom St. Petersburg or Vienna. About two mouths since,he left Southampton suddenly and secretly, accordingto his usual practice, and no one knew of his whereaboutsuntil his clerk received a letter, about a fortnight since,from him in Canada; since which, information oas beenreceived that Mr. Randall was taken ill of cholera, died,and was buried in 19 hoars, in Ameriea. Had he dieda day before, no one in this country would probablyhave ever beard anything about hie decease , but hehappened to have been introduced to some one, about a

day before he was taken ill, which pereon attended himut hie illness, and has wrilteu to Southampton the particularsof his death. Mr. Randall was ons of the mosttalented men, in hie profession, in the south of England.He was unmarried, and about 49 years of age. He weea great connoisseur in pictures, and bis collection is saidto be worth £90,000. Mr. Randall has died wealthy,and has left a large portion of his property to charitiesand schools in Southampton. He was much respected in jthe town, and the ttewsand particulars of bis death havecaused a great sensation there..London Oiobt.The following, beautiful allegory ie translated from the ;

German:Sopbronius, a wise teacher, would not suffer his grownupsons and daughters to associate with those whose conductwas not pure and upright."Dear rather." said tba gentle Eulalia to him one day,

when he forbade bet in oompauy with her brot.ter to visitthe volatile Luciuda."dear father, you must think us verychildish, tf you imagine that we should be exposed to dangerby It."'The father took in silence a dead coal from the hearth, ^

and reMhed it to bis daughter. "It will sot hurt you, my jchild: rake it,"

Eulalia did so, and behold ! her delioate white hand wassoiled and blaekened, and, as it chawed, her while dres#alto. t"We cannot be too caieful in handling coals," said

Enlalia in vexation."Yes, truly," said her lather. "Yon tee, my ohild, that

coals, even tl they do not bnin, will Maoken. So it is everwith the company oi the vtoioue."u i i i i i osaaqesxas.<4

sCllatosh Young,ffioriuy sad Os«mslier-at-Xeo,

HAVING rssignsd Us oOw af Chief Clerk of Us Treasury Department,which hs liss held for Us Isst slxtseu ysars, has reirmniHlttit practice of Ma profotaion.Hs wUI devote bis principal attshttaa to Us prosscation ofclaims

betore Ceagrses, the esverai departments, had eoaialeeioneTs oa tormimesMdSIOBltioa*To taeere early etteation to daima against the War, Navy, Home,

and Pivu Uffice Departments, including hedaem with the raleatOffice, be has mads arrangements with lbs most efficient agents laWaehiflfton IS assisthdm, by which barincu of any nature frail!sd with Use government, confided lo him, will be ctotaiato be sctsdOBIn the moet prompt manner.Raraaascss.Hea. R. B. Taney, Chief Justice of toe United

States, and gentlemen who nave been heads of departments or membersof either house of Coogress sieca the year 1033.Office at hie residence oa F, between 19lh and 19th streets.Nov 13.dlmif


ARATiilUO..On Us WU tall. (Tbsaksglvta«4ay)U there will be a concert given of vocal and instrumental music, toaid la Hqaidariiig tbc debt of the new Catholic Church of St. Imistius, near Gruuesvtlle, l'rince George'a county, Maryland. Thechoir of St. Mettbew'e Church of Washington have generously oObred their aeaieua< e on the occasion, and to thoae who have been aofortunate as to bear them it la neediest to speak in their praise.From the arrongemeots made there ie expected a perfect galaxy of j

beauty from the surrounding cilice and counties. Kefreehments will Obe prepared in ahundanoe, and with a view of adding torthar attraction(after the close of the concert) the devotees of Terpsichore willadjoam to the residence of a gentleman la the neighborhood, whereample provision for their enjoyment has been made.The price of adnvieeion 50 cents, end #1 addiUonkl tor those gentlemenwho attend Urn dance. , jConcert toiimnuii at»o»etaoh precisely.F. B. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the Oratorio wUI take

plan «heMiihlrday or f o'clock. Nov SB

rpo Oeoaqgo Fees amd Bdwtm Rhaoo. Toe an bar*by aetiAfled, that at the October term, 1048. of the circuit superior courtof taw end chancery tor the county of Prince George and State ofVirginia, it was decreed, amoar other things, ia substance as fallows"That R. K. Meade and Thomas H. Daniel, who are appoint- :

ed commissioners for the purpose, do cease notice tor sight weehstobe published forthwith, in one of Ue newspapers published in Uecity of Washington, sad posted at the front door of the coart-hoaseof this county, warning George Page and Edwin Pace (formerly ofUe county of Prince George, in Virginia) to come forward and Halmtheir reapechva shares of toe aetata of Joat Chievee, deceased, lew ofaid county of Prince George, oa or before Ue flret day of die nextform of tale court, or the court wUI pranssd lo distribute their eharrsof the same amongst their aext of kta."


Not99.d8w CowoMoon, Ac.

piOABS, (Inn. linn l-Jucrt received, direct from Havana,V a rciy superior lot of Havana clgare, of the subscriber's own Unportation,of tha following Justly celebrated brands:

10,uOO Weraa clgarel.1,0M Fortnna0,000 an parlor regalia

90,000 Renduo principc10,000 La Santiago a

Alao, in atorc, 800,OoO clgare, of varioua branda.All of which arlll be told on the moat reasonable reran.

The undersigned would lake thta occasion to aay that, having along experience. In lire above buaineaa, lbs public may confidentlyeipnct a guanine Havana. W. H. WINTER,Not 90.Jteoif No. 6, eaat of National Hotel.

UNION INTKLUOMNCB AND ailERAI, kOERCTOPKIIE. IVnn avenue, south aide, between 0th aad 10th

streets.E. A. PHILLIPS, proprietor..Tamines, hotels, aad Individaala, by applying at this olgce, can be supplied with honest andobliging servants, waiters, valets, fee Good situations always on

band (or those only wbo are recommended tor bouesty, eapiurity ,

he. Farms, houses, unimproved property, he., sotd aad rentedAlao, furuuhed aad unfuratsbsd rooms rented aad supplied up- u themost reasonable terms.

aaraaanoaf »

Rav.Oeo W. Samson, Vary Rev. Wrn. Matthews,Rev. 1. C. Smith, Rev. J. Rr E> karri,Rev C. M. Butler, Meesre. H C. h U F. Dyer,W. W. Henoa, esq. Dr. A. M. Holfkr,Robt. F. Anderson, esq. Wm H Campbell, esq. 1C. B. I 'luskew eeq. Z. D. Oilman, esq.

Nov. 04.etxllmlf |MRS. BLAKKT Private Darning and Wnltaiam dim

demy, Apollo Hall, has been thoroughly nnd tastefully rehired, Iaad Is now open tor the recaption of scholars, liars of tuiuon,Tuesdays and Fridays. Privtre lessons from 10 to 4 o'chick. Evenlr<class tor genuamaa at 9 o'clock.

Refers to tka Hon. Wm. Ballard Prestos, Secretary of th< Narv, JWashington 1 Col. Bllaa, United States army, Washington | Arehibald Campbell, esq., War Department, Washington; Randall Hagnet, esq., Treasury Department, Washington! Hon /. 0. Carter,Oaoraahiwn ; Mrs. Burr, Washington, In whose seminary Mre. makebaa the honor oi leaching. Nor J

A Endp who Is coastpatent to teach oil the hrtuachesof an Fnglhh education, also embroidery, and all tha varieties

of ornamental needlework, la desirous of obtaining tha silaaOon of a

governess In either ofthe southern or western States.Oond reference can be given. Address *' Sana Amis." Washlar

tan ctty, D. C. Nov 93- lwUnited Mamas Hotol.

THE subscriber, having Iweed the United States Hotel, iatonna the

public that ha will be aWs to open tha boose tor tha reception ofguests la a Short time, aad trusts that be will receive a renewal of lirepatronage heretofore so kindly attended lo the late flrai of A. ratlerCuo. Notice will be gives ofthe dap thwhouaawilll>e owned

F.DWh H. FULLER, . 9Survivor at the hie firm m A. Puller h Co.

Wanted, eervanta of both seiea, oho can bring anerreptioniNaNsSSMMOMIMM.Nov IS.dlwif

Daadng Aewdanap,UR F. R LABBR has the honor to announce to tha cltlaens ofm. Washington and WMmiowi, mil lua nnnnng scuooi mil ir

nntii nn Tnendnp, 'teh of Nnrsmber, II Ms riMww, on roaasptrsalaarsaae,opposite WUIvd's Hotel.Daps of mltlni: Washington-Tuesdays, Thnrsdars, «nd Mttir

days: OooffoMwa.Monlip and Friday*.T. B.Mr. L. will commence in Georgetown on Mondajr, BRth

November, M T**,)eraac* Hall, on Brtdg* attest.Wot. dO-dtf '

TUOHAB T. TWIITT,(/d»f* of Hnrtmt-m, N<rth Cam ut)

OINIRAt COWMTBMON MERCHANT. (%Wo. M Qrnrlsr street, N. 0.

Rsraainons..Hoa. J. A J- Daniel, Hon. A. H. Venable.Nor. CI- 9m

mtlJ.innw HOTEL.Wince dis stoas of the 1st hnNnas.TV acoaon this Hotal has undergone an entire ran' ration hp paper

painting, Ac., and manr othsr improve , rts added fin tha com

Sand ronrsnisnss of Ha guests. With parwoani aNaaUon ta boai, and with tha aid of capable assistants, I trnat tha Hoist will

merit a share of tlio coin ng wl titer bnsinsas.NorIB-dJw H. A. WILI.AKP

' mm Whirla, Ami..Ws hars Jnot opened a tew doaan Boo andF beautiful poka-nock Bhlrtv, from New York. They are wallmads and of boat material, and a good fll.

Alao, woollen, merino, silk, and oonoa Whirls and Iiraners. la .lI graat variety, at low price* and no deriaiion

, Yotmn at oaem,l*or. Id.Bwlf Three door* west of Brown's Hotel.

' QHUU.EY | a mow norel bp Usa Atathor of "Jane1 O Bpre," pamphlet price rents.

Also a AndodMoa of tha sanm, IBnio. Has, boaad.B Nor. 98 fBANCIC TAYLOB,

