Tominaga 2013

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  • 8/20/2019 Tominaga 2013



    CFD simulation of near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urbanenvironment: A review of current modeling techniques

    Yoshihide Tominaga a , * , Ted Stathopoulos ba Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, Japanb Centre for Building Studies, Department of Building, Civil and Envir. Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    h i g h l i g h t s

    CFD simulations of near- eld dispersion in the urban environment are reviewed. Key features of near- eld pollutant dispersion are identi ed and discussed. To understand inherent strengths and limitations of numerical models is important. Careful model evaluation while paying attention to their uncertainty is necessary.

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 26 November 2012Received in revised form5 July 2013Accepted 15 July 2013


    CFD simulationNear- eldPollutant dispersionUrban environmentModeling technique

    a b s t r a c t

    Near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urban environment involves the interaction of a plume and theow eld perturbed by building obstacles. In the past two decades, micro-scale Computational Fluid

    Dynamics (CFD) simulation of pollutant dispersion around buildings and in urban areas has been widelyused, sometimes in lieu of wind tunnel testing. This paper reviews current modeling techniques in CFDsimulation of near- eld pollutant dispersion in urban environments and discusses the ndings to giveinsight into future applications. Key features of near- eld pollutant dispersion around buildings fromprevious studies, i.e., three-dimensionality of mean ow, unsteadiness of large-scale ow structure, andanisotropy of turbulent scalar uxes, are identi ed and discussed. This review highlights that it isimportant to choose appropriate numerical models and boundary conditions by understanding theirinherent strengths and limitations. Furthermore, the importance of model evaluation was emphasized.Because pollutant concentrations around buildings can vary by orders of magnitudes in time and space,the model evaluation should be performed carefully, while paying attention to their uncertainty.Although CFD has signi cant potential, it is important to understand the underlying theory and limi-tations of a model in order to appropriately investigate the dispersion phenomena in question.

    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Air pollution near and around buildings is an important envi-ronmental problem. However, it is dif cult to predict pollutantdispersion with certainty due to the complex interaction betweenatmospheric ow and ow around buildings. The pollutantsthat are brought into the atmosphere by various sources aredispersed (advected and diffused) over a wide range of horizontallength scales, which can be classi ed into near- eld and far- eldphenomena. The near- eld pollutant dispersion involves the

    interaction of the plume and the ow eld, which may be per-turbed by building obstacles. Therefore, it is important to considerwhen assessing both outdoor and indoor air qualities, because itcovers both pollutant concentrations in the surrounding streets andthose on building surfaces. For this purpose, the dispersion regionthat is to be treated is the very short range (i.e. vicinity of theemitting building; within a few hundred meters of the source)rather than the entire (neighborhood) region of signi cant impact.Alternatively, in far eld phenomena, the horizontal motion pre-vails over the vertical motion and the in uence of individualbuildings on a dispersion eld becomes relatively small. This issueis discussed mainly in regards to public health regulations on airquality in urban environments.

    Until recently, modeling studies on urban air quality weretypically conducted by operational models derived from an integral

    * Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Tominaga), statho@ (T. Stathopoulos).

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    Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013) 716 e 730

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    nature of atmospheric dispersion ( Stern, 1976; Pasquill and Smith,1983 ). The operational models, which are mostly based on theGaussian dispersion model, are often referred to as ‘ fast responsemodels ’ . These models are frequently modi ed for various pur-poses and have been used for many comprehensive formal evalu-ations, because they are designed to enable many different cases tobe calculated expeditiously ( Hanna et al., 2001; Hall et al., 2002 ).Furthermore, they include many complicated dispersion processes;e.g. atmospheric strati cation, buoyancy, chemistry, deposition,concentration uctuations etc. These are no longer simple Gaussianplume models and are not constrained to simple, straight meanstreamlines. For example, ADMS (UK-ADMS), the UK atmosphericdispersion modeling system ( Carruthers et al., 1994, 1999; CERC,2006 ), is one of the advanced operational models and can takeinto account a building effect based on a two-plumeapproach usingwake averaged ow values to calculate plume spread ( Robins et al.,1997 ). However, it cannot treat the detailed plume behavioraffected by building obstacles explicitly due to the modeling deri-vation. Therefore, when these models are applied to near- elddispersion in the urban environment, it is important to under-stand the fundamental concepts used in these models, as suggestedby Macdonald (2003) .

    A method that is more oriented to practical design related tonear- eld dispersion around a building is based on the so-calledASHRAE model ( ASHRAE, 2007, 2011 ). This model was derivedfrom the amassed results of wind tunnel experiments ( Wilson,1982; Wilson, 1983; Wilson and Lamb, 1994 ) and is also a semi-empirical model. It can be used for determining the appropriatestack height and air intake position for the case of an isolatedbuilding. This model is specialized for use in building design, buthas limited applicability and less accuracy concerning buildingcon guration details ( Hajra et al., 2010, 2011 ).

    In the past two decades, micro-scale Computational Fluid Dy-namics (CFD) simulation has been widely used as an emerginganalysis method for pollutant dispersion around buildings and inurban areas, sometimes in lieu of wind tunnel testing. The CFD

    simulation method consists of solving the transport (advection anddiffusion) equation of concentration based on the velocity eldobtained from the Navier e Stokes equations. CFD can providedetailed information about the relevant ow and concentrationvariables throughout the calculation domain; however, it is moretime-consuming than the two previously mentioned methods.Moreover, it is dif cult to implement various dispersion processessuch as atmospheric strati cation, buoyancy, chemistry etc. to themodel, whereas they are easily implemented to the operationalmodels.

    Recently, CFDhas been studied extensively for the assessment of pollutant dispersion around buildings. However, these studies havebeen performed with different research purposes, con gurations,boundary conditions, and modeling approaches. This makes it

    dif cult to evaluation of the strengths and limitations of CFD for theevaluation of near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urban envi-ronment. As already mentioned, the near- eld dispersion aroundbuildings is characterized by the complex interaction between theatmospheric ow and the ow around buildings. The phenomenonhas both meteorological and building aerodynamic aspects, how-ever the majority of previous research has been conducted withinthe frameworks of each aspect. Hence, a comprehensive reviewwith cross-cutting aspects is required for CFD simulations of near-

    eld pollutant dispersion in the urban area.Furthermore, for evaluating the quality of CFD simulations, it is

    necessary to analyze its sensitivity and uncertainty appropriately.ERCOFTAC Best practice guidelines ( Casey and Wintergerste, 2000 )gives the best practical advice for achieving high-quality industrial

    CFD simulations and provides relevant information on the most

    important issues relevant to the credibility, especially with regardto the most common sources of errors and uncertainties in CFD.Recently, several best practice guidelines have been proposed asveri cation and validation process of CFD for urban wind envi-ronment applications, mainly intended for the prediction of pedestrian level winds ( Franke et al., 2004, 2007; Tominaga et al.,2008b ). Although these practical guidelines are quite effective inthe pollutant dispersion problem, there are additional recom-mendations speci c to the dispersion problem, i.e. requirements of modeling for a contaminant transport equation and sensitivity towind and other climatic conditions. Robins et al. (2000) investi-gated uncertainty in CFD predictions of building affected dispersionthrough the Evaluation of Modeling Uncertainty (EMU) projectwhich involved a group of four organizations undertaking CFDsimulations for a series of realistic near- eld dispersion test cases(Hall, 1977 ). The study identi ed some important qualitativeguidelines for good modeling practice to indicate where attentionshould be focused. In the context of rapid increase of CFD appli-cations to near- eld pollutant dispersion around buildings inrecent years, it is critical to examine past studies on this area.

    This paper reviews the current modeling techniques in CFDsimulation of near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urban envi-ronment and discusses the ndings to give insights into futuredirections of practical applications. In Section 2, previous studies of near- eld pollutant dispersion around buildings using CFD areoverviewed. The con gurations used in previous studies are cate-gorized into four typical cases: an isolated building, a single streetcanyon, building arrays, and building complexes. Section 3 iden-ti es key features of near- eld pollutant dispersion around build-ings from previous studies and discusses their relevance in CFDmodeling. The importance of proper choice of turbulence modelsand boundary conditions are emphasized in Sections 4 and 5 .Finally, model evaluation methods are discussed, and future di-rections of practical applications are suggested.

    2. Overview of previous CFD studies in near- eld pollutant

    dispersion around buildings

    2.1. Dispersion around an isolated building

    In order to investigate the basic structure of pollutant dispersionaround a building, many research studies examining dispersionaround a single obstacle have been conducted by eld measure-ments and wind tunnel experiments ( Robins and Castro, 1977b;Huber and Snyder, 1982; Ogawa et al., 1983; Li and Meroney,1983a,b ; Mavroidis et al., 2003 ). Flow and contamination patternsaround a rectangular building with a rooftop vent are illustratedschematically in Fig.1 (ASHRAE, 2011).The ef uent from the vent isentrained into the zone of recirculating ow behind the downwindface and is brought back up to the roof. The near- eld pollutant

    dispersion is characterized by the interaction between atmosphericow and ow around a building as expressed in this gure.Since the 1990s, many numerical studies using CFD have been

    conducted to investigate the applicability of these models forpollutant dispersion around a single building by the Reynolds-Averaged Navier e Stokes (RANS) approach ( Murakami et al., 1990;Zhang et al., 1993; Delaunay et al., 1997; Cowan et al., 1997;Selvam, 1997; Li and Stathopoulos, 1997, 1998; Leitl et al., 1997;Meroney et al., 1999 ) and by Large Eddy Simulation (LES)(Tominaga et al., 1997; Sada and Sato, 2002 ). The calculations uti-lized in thesestudies wereconducted with relatively coarse meshesin comparison to present work because of restrictions of compu-tational resources at that time. Moreover, good practice guidelinesof CFD for predicting ow elds around buildings have not been

    established at the time. Therefore, validation of the models had

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    been rather qualitative. Recently, several researchers conductednumerical studies on pollutant dispersion around a generic build-ing model in order to examine CFD modeling performance usingestablished good practice guidelines ( Blocken et al., 2008;Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2009, 2010; Gousseau et al., 2011a ).Blocken et al. (2008) showed the semi-empirical ASHRAE modelworks well in predicting dilution on the roof, but signi cantlyoverestimates it on the leeward face in comparison with experi-mental and CFD simulations. Blocken et al. (2011) provided anoverview of recent studies on CFD for dispersion around an isolatedcubic building, which was experimentally investigated by Li andMeroney (1983a) . This review concluded that the accuracy of pollutant dispersion modeling depends highly on the choice of computational parameters made by the user; also steady RANSsimulations provide much lower lateral turbulent diffusioncompared with wind tunnel testing. More recently, analyses were

    performed in order to investigate the mechanism of pollutantdiffusion around buildings using the extensive information ob-tained fromLES ( Gousseau et al., 2011b, 2012 ) and Direct NumericalSimulation (DNS) ( Rossi et al., 2010 ). They found that the counter-gradient mechanism that governs turbulent mass transfer isobserved in the streamwise direction, i.e. negative turbulent ux isgenerated in spite of the decrease of the concentration along theplume centerline. In contrast, the distributions of turbulent uxessupport the validity of the gradient-diffusion hypothesis in thevertical and lateral directions. Fig. 2 shows the snapshots of iso-surfaces of scalar concentration from a source on top of the cubeat several normalized time intervals from DNS results withRe ¼ 5000( Rossiet al., 2010 ). It is observed that coherent structuresperiodically released from the shear-layer in the symmetry plane

    result in large-scale scalar blobs.Among the studies on dispersion around a generic buildingmodel,it is important to investigate notonly the concentration eldbut also the relationship between dispersion and ow structure,particularly because most studies focused only on concentrationdistributions. Therefore, in order to validate and evaluate CFDperformance on such phenomena, model results should becompared with experimental data on both the concentration andvelocity elds. Robins and Castro (1977b) measured concentration

    eld downstream in the vicinity of a surface mounted cube with asource in a simulated atmospheric boundary layer. Their resultswere discussed by considering the in uence of the ow eld in thevicinity of the cube measured in a series of experiments ( Robinsand Castro, 1977a ). Recently, Yoshie et al. (2011) examined ow

    and dispersion

    elds with gas emission from the wake region of a

    single building by detailed experiment, in which instantaneouswind velocity, temperature, and concentration, enabling measure-ment of turbulent heat ux and turbulent concentration ux,measured simultaneously.

    2.2. Dispersion in and around a single street canyon

    Street canyons are typical architectural structures in urbanenvironments, and they represent highly polluted zones aroundbuildings. In order to minimize the effect of these pollutants inbuilt-up environments, it is necessary to model and accuratelypredict contaminant dispersion properties in street canyons.Many fundamental studies have been conducted over the years byexperimentally modeling the ow and pollutant dispersion instreet canyons using wind tunnels. Vardoulakis et al. (2003) andAhmad et al. (2005) reviewed the measurements and modeling

    techniques for wind and pollutant transport within street can-yons. Recent development of CFD in the study of wind elds andpollutant transport in urban street canyons were reviewed by Liet al. (2006) . A considerable amount of research has investi-gated both the in uence of pollutant transport modeling and thein uence of in ow conditions, canyon con gurations, and othermodeling considerations with two-dimensional (2-D) street can-yons using RANS ( Meroney et al., 1996; Baik and Kim, 1999; Chanet al., 2002; Liu and Barth, 2002; Baik and Kim, 2002; Kim andBaik, 2003; Nazridoust and Ahmadi, 2006 ) and LES (Liu et al.,2005; Li et al., 2008, 2009; Cai et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2011;Cheng and Liu, 2011a,b ). Moreover, signi cant research has beenconducted for generic three-dimensional (3-D) street canyonmodel using various turbulence models ( Hunter et al., 1992; Leitl

    and Meroney, 1997; Chang and Meroney, 2001; Walton et al.,2002; Walton and Cheng, 2002; Chang and Meroney, 2003; Baiket al., 2003; Yang and Shao, 2008; Murena et al., 2009; Solazzoet al., 2009; Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2011; Salim et al.,2011; Koutsourakis et al., 2012 ). A 3-D street canyon, whichconsists of two or more building blocks, has three determiningfactors of ow regime, namely the relative height (H), width (W)and length (L) of the canyon, in contrast to a 2-D canyon with twofactors, H and W. Therefore, the ow eld formed in a 3-D streetcanyon is highly complex in comparison to the 2-D case. Assummarized in Li et al. (2006) , several studies for 3-D streetcanyons investigated 3-D lateral and secondary ows, which areabsent in 2-D simulations, although strongly in uence the verticalmixing of pollutant concentration ( Hunter et al., 1992; Leitl and

    Meroney, 1997 ).

    Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of ow and contamination patterns around a rectangular building ( ASHRAE, 2011).

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    2.3. Dispersion in and around building arrays (continuous street canyons)

    Many experimental studies have been conducted on pollutantdispersion in and around regularly arrayed obstacles representingurban con gurations ( Davidson et al.,1995; Macdonald et al.,1998;Yee et al., 2006 ). It is known that the time-averaged plume pro lefar enough into obstacle arrays can be well described by a Gaussiandistribution when the diffusion parameters are properly con-structed ( Davidson et al., 1996 ). By comparing the CFD and theoperational models for dispersion over obstacle array con gura-tions, Riddle et al. (2004) observed that CFD is more appropriate forapplications that involve complex geometry that cannot be simu-lated using the ADMS model. However, they also suggested that

    further studies are required to assess the ability of CFD to calculatedispersion in other situations, such as around groups of buildingsand under a range of atmospheric stability conditions. Severalparametric studies for model performance on dispersion elds overobstacle arrays using RANS model have carried out ( Kim and Baik,2004; Di Sabatino et al., 2007; Santiago et al., 2007; Martilli andSantiago, 2007; Wang et al., 2009; Buccolieri et al., 2010 ).

    Mock Urban Setting Test (MUST) observation data has been usedto validate CFD applied to pollutant diffusion in continuous streetcanyons ( Yee and Biltoft, 2004 ). A detailed wind tunnel experimentwas conducted for this con guration ( Harms et al., 2005 ) andseveral comparison studies between CFD and experiment wereperformed ( Hanna et al., 2004; Hsieh et al., 2007; Milliez andCarissimo, 2007; Santiago et al., 2010; Dejoan et al., 2010;

    Antonioni et al., 2012 ). The data was also used for the model

    evaluation guidance and protocol document provided by the Eu-ropean COST action 732 ( Britter and Schatzmann, 2007; COSTAction 732, 2009 ). The results of the exercise were compiled inseveral publications ( Olesen et al., 2008; Schatzmann et al., 2009;Di Sabatino et al., 2011 ).

    Recently, a number of studies using LES and DNS on dispersionelds over obstacle arrays have been carried out ( Shi et al., 2008;

    Gu et al., 2011; Boppana et al., 2010; Branford et al., 2011 ).Boppana et al. (2010) demonstrated the in uence of the roughnessmorphology on the dispersion processes and the power of LES forobtaining physically important scalar turbulent ux information.The results of DNS by Branford et al. (2011) largely helped to furtherunderstand the processes affecting the plume structure, e.g.channeling, lateral dispersion, detrainment, secondary-source

    dispersion and plume skewing.

    2.4. Dispersion around building complexes

    As the goal of pollutant distribution modeling is to predictpollutant dispersion in an actual urban environment, evaluationstudies of dispersion around actual building complexes is critical. Inseveral studies, CFD has been applied to pollutant dispersionaround actual building groups in urban areas based on RANS ( Moonet al., 1997; Hanna et al., 2006; Tseng et al., 2006; Patnaik et al.,2007; Neofytou et al., 2008; Baik et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009;Pontiggia et al., 2010, 2011 ) and LES (Xie and Castro, 2009; Xie,2011; Liu et al., 2011 ). Although reasonable qualitative outcomeshave been obtained from these studies, the results must be evalu-

    ated quantitatively. One of the dif culties in CFD studies applied to

    Fig. 2. Iso-surfaces of instantaneous scalar concentration C/Cm ¼ 10 3 from the DNS run with Re ¼ 5000: upper left panel, t * ¼ 8, upper right panel, t * ¼ 11, lower left panel, t * ¼ 18,lower right panel, t * ¼ 24 (Rossi et al., 2010 ).

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    such building complexes is to obtain reliable experimental andobservational results for validation. Recently, detailed wind-tunnelexperiments for pollutant dispersion around a building group indowntown Montreal ( Stathopoulos et al., 2004 ) have been used inseveral studies for CFD validation ( Blocken et al., 2008; Lateb et al.,2010; Gousseau et al., 2011a ). Furthermore, COST 732 provided thevalidation protocol for Oklahoma City (OKC) from the Joint Urban2003 project (JU2003; Allwine, 2004 ). This large urban eld pro-gram was conducted in Oklahoma City to study atmospherictransport and diffusion in an urban environment. Wind tunnelmodeling has also been conducted at the University of Hamburg(Kastner-Klein et al., 2004 ) to measure high resolution ow anddispersion data sets that supplement JU2003 eld data. Several CFDstudies have been applied to this subject ( Lien et al., 2008 ). Hannaet al. (2006) compiled computational results of tracer gas disper-sion using the urban atmospheric boundary layer scenario in NewYork City. They found that the ve CFD models they comparedproduce similar wind ow patterns, as well as good agreementwith winds observed during a eld experiment. Recently, a relevanttracer dispersion experiment conducted in London has beenreferred to in several CFD simulations ( Xie and Castro, 2009; Xie,2011 ; Xie et al., 2013 ). The London experiment formed part of theEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),United Kingdom-funded Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Pene-tration into the Local Environment (DAPPLE) project, which in-volves eld measurements ( Arnold et al., 2004; Wood et al., 2009 ),wind-tunnel experiments ( Carpentieri et al., 2009 ), computationalmodeling, meteorological measurements, and model developmentand evaluation.

    3. Key features of near- eld pollutant dispersion aroundbuildings

    Based on the studies discussed in the preceding section, somefeatures of near- eld pollutant dispersion around buildings can beidenti ed by considering bluff bodyaerodynamics and atmospheric

    dispersion. The relationship between these features and remindersof the applicability of CFD modeling are explained in this section.

    3.1. Three-dimensionality of mean ow

    Fig. 3 shows main features of ow around cuboids at 0 and 45to the approach ow in a thick boundary layer ( Robins andMacDonald, 2001 ). This gure indicates that the ow structurearound a rectangular building is highly three-dimensional.The ow

    eld displayed in Fig. 3(a) is the result of wind impacting normal ata face. Alternatively, when the wind approaches the building on adiagonal, a strong elevated trailing vortex system is generated(Fig. 3(b)). Murakami (1993) schematically demonstrated the dis-tribution of the strain-rate tensors around a simple bluff body as

    shown in Fig. 4. There exist various sharp velocity gradients in boththe streamwise and vertical directions. Since the production of turbulence statistics, such as Reynolds stress, are closely related tothe strain-rate tensors, the turbulence characteristics around a bluff body become complex due to the complicated distribution of thestrain-rate tensors. Yakhot et al. (2006) also investigated thenegative turbulence production was predicted in the region in frontof the cube where the main horseshoe vortex originates by DNScomputations. Such complex ows should be distinguished fromsimple boundary layers, for which most RANS models weredeveloped, and are not treated very well in RANS approaches.

    Therefore, in the near- eld, the pollutant diffusion phenomenonalso has a fully three-dimensional nature due to the ow around abuilding. Many experiments have shown that contaminants can be

    transported in theopposite directionof theprevailing wind dueto the

    eddies and mean ows induced by buildings ( Li and Meroney,1983a;Ogawa et al., 1983 ). This occurs when the contaminant is caught insidewall, rooftop, and cavity recirculation zones around isolatedbuildings. It can be even more prevalent in a group of buildings (e.g.,where contaminants cantravelupstreamin thecavityof onebuildingto the sidewall eddy induced by another building). This behavior

    makes it very dif cult to predict near- eld pollutant dispersionaround a group of buildings using the semi-empirical approach (e.g.,ASHRAE, 2007, 2011 ). Furthermore, as pointed out by Meroney(1990) , the aerodynamic characteristics of a dispersion plumedependuponthe shapeandintensity of motion withinseparated owregions around the obstacle. Belcher (2005) pointed out that thepositions of ‘ shear layers ’ and ‘ dividing streamlines ’ largely controlthe patterns of mixing and transport in urban areas. He also showedthat neighborhood-scale dispersion follows one scaling in the near

    eld and another in the far eld after contaminants pass throughmany intersections. A schematic diagram of plume dispersionthrough an array of obstacles was demonstrated by Davidson et al.(1995) and is shown in Fig. 5. A number of distinct effects can beobserved such as vertical mixing by horseshoe vortices, upwind

    vertical diffusion, smoothing of concentration uctuations by build-ing wakes, andchanneling of plumes along array passages. As a basisfor accurate prediction of dispersion using CFD, it is necessary toreproduce such three-dimensional ow structures around buildings.

    3.2. Unsteadiness of large-scale ow structure

    Another characteristic of a ow eld around a single building ora group of buildings is the high unsteadiness caused by theoncoming unsteady ow and its interaction with the wake owconnected with the process of vortex shedding. This can be a factorthat in uences pollutant dispersion in the urban area and causescomplex behavior due to advection and turbulent diffusion.

    A large-scale organized motion in the ow eld around a bluff

    body can be explained easily for the

    ow past a 2-D cylinder.

    Fig. 3. Main features of ow around cuboids in a thick boundary layer. (a) Mean owpatter around a cuboid normal to the approach ow (lines marked ‘ sa ’ denote meanseparation/attachment lines). (b) Mean ow pattern around a cuboid at 45 incidenceto the approach ow ( Robins and MacDonald, 2001 ).

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    Indeed, the time-varying ow in the wake of a 2-D cylinder in-cludes a periodic component distinguished from a residual‘ random ’ (‘ turbulent ’ ) component ( Lyn et al., 1995 ). This isconceptually illustrated in Fig. 6 (Murakami and Mochida, 1995 ),which shows that the periodic uctuation organized by the large-scale ow structure should be speci cally distinguished from thestochastic turbulent uctuation. When an isolated bluff body has asimple shape, the contribution of the large scale unsteadiness, likevortex shedding, is relatively large. Alternatively, when the bluff body has a complicated shape, like an actual urban building com-plex, the stochastic turbulent uctuation will be dominant. Asdescribed in the previous section, the ow eld around buildings ischaracterized by the appearance of various types of vortices, i.e. ahorseshoe vortex, an arc-shaped vortex, ow separation and vortex

    shedding. In fact, these large-scale vortices repeat converging/diverging and unsteadily interact. Such unsteady dynamics andorganized structures over idealized three-dimensional arrays of buildings are clearly elucidated based on comprehensive data fromDNS (Coceal et al., 2007; Branford et al., 2011 ). It should beemphasized that this type of large-scale unsteady uctuationscannot be reproduced by steady RANS computations, in whichtime-derivative terms in the basic equations are equal to zero byconsidering the solution as being steady in time. However, this isnot meant all RANS cannot reproduce it. Because RANS is derivedby ensemble (Reynolds) average, it is basically applicable to non-stationary ows such as periodic or quasi-periodic owsinvolving deterministic structures. This approach is called asunsteady-RANS (URANS). However, most of the turbulence models

    used to close the equations are valid only as long as the time over

    which these changes in the mean occur is large compared to thetime scales of the turbulent motion containing most of the energy.Therefore, special attention to turbulence models used is necessaryto use URANS successfully. Currently URANS is hardly applied to thenear- eld dispersion problem around buildings, as will be dis-cussed later in this paper.

    3.3. Anisotropy of turbulent scalar uxes

    For transport and dispersion around buildings, large eddies actto physically transport contaminants from one point in space toanother. For example, a pollutant released in a street canyon isintermittently ejected out of the canyon due to the instantaneous

    ow eld, and it results in periods of low and high concentration in

    the canyon. This ‘


    mixing is not adequately accounted forthe standard gradient diffusion hypothesis (SGDH) ( Dezs-Weidinger et al., 2003 ; Brown, 2004 ). The need for advancedmodels for scalar uxes and the limitations of the SGDH have beenfrequently reported and discussed since the comprehensive reviewby Launder (1978) . Several algebraic formulations for the turbulentscalar ux have been proposed and some of them applied suc-cessfully to turbulent mass transfer in complex ows ( Rogers et al.,1989; Abe and Suga, 2001; Younis et al., 2005 ). Recently, Rossi andIaccarino (2009) showed that the SGDH failed to predict thestreamwise componentof the scalar ux through a numerical studyof a line source downstream of a square obstacle. Rossi et al. (2010)concluded that algebraic closures, which can close the scalar uxterm with a tensorial turbulent diffusivity, provide a signi cant

    improvement from the analysis using the DNS database for scalar

    Fig. 4. Distribution of velocity gradients around a simple bluff body. xi: three components of spatial coordinates ( i ¼ 1, 2, 3: streamwise, lateral, vertical); u i: three components of wind velocity; < > : ensemble average ( Murakami, 1993 ).

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    dispersion downstream of a wall-mounted cube. Gousseau et al.(2011b) indicated that the counter-gradient mechanism occurs fornotonly cubic buildings, but also when the sourceis higher and lessaffected by the building-generated turbulence. It has been alsodemonstrated that large differences can be observed between thedistributions of the estimated eddy viscosity by using LES data andthe eddy diffusivity obtained by RANS for a building array modelwith a point source, since the eddy diffusivity is not always pro-portional to the eddy viscosity ( Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2012 ).This limitation of the SGDH is related to the problem of the tur-bulent Schmidt number in RANS computations as mentioned later.

    4. Prediction accuracy of various turbulence models

    In terms of the accuracy of CFD simulations, the main sources of errors and uncertainties should be identi ed. The ERCOFTACguidelines categorize errors and uncertainties in CFD simulations asmodel uncertainty, discretization or numerical error, iteration orconvergence error, round-off errors, application uncertainties, usererrors and code errors ( Casey and Wintergerste, 2000 ). The modeluncertainty, which is due to the difference between the real owand the exact solution of the model equations, is mainly discussedin this paper. As ensured in the ERCOFTAC guidelines, it should benoted that the relevance of turbulence modeling only becomessigni cant in CFD simulations when other sources of error, inparticular the numerical and convergence errors, have beenremoved or properly controlled.

    4.1. Comparison of various RANS models

    In several studies, various RANS models have been comparedformodeling dispersion elds around buildings ( Meroney et al., 1999;Chan et al., 2002; Nazridoust and Ahmadi, 2006; Blocken et al.,2008; Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2009 ). It is well known thatthe standard k- ε model (SKE; Launder and Spalding, 1972 ) poorlyrepresents separation ow due to the overestimation of turbulentkinetic energy (TKE) near the upwind corner of a building(Murakami, 1993 ). Therefore, when a source exit exists in therecirculation regions on the roof and walls, poor concentrationprediction is observed. The SKE performance is improved bymodifying k- ε models, such as the RNG k- ε model (RNG; Yakhotet al., 1992 ), on concentration prediction ( Meroney et al., 1999;Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2009; Blocken et al., 2011 ). However,when the exit is installed in other positions (e.g., elevated stacks orwake regions) the SKE sometimes shows a better result in com-parison with the modi ed models ( Wang and McNamara, 2006;Gousseau et al., 2011b ). This is why the overestimation of TKEnear the upwind corner in SKE causes large turbulent diffusion at

    the side and leeward walls of the building. The overestimation of turbulent diffusion observed in SKE counteracts the under-estimation of turbulent diffusion due to the lack of large-scaleunsteady motion in RANS computation ( Tominaga andStathopoulos, 2010 ). The differences of the results between SKEand the modi ed k- ε models are rather small for dispersion instreet canyons and building complexes, where turbulence pro-duced by surrounding buildings is dominant ( Chang and Meroney,2001; Nazridoust and Ahmadi, 2006 ). The Reynolds-stress models(RSM; Launder et al., 1975 ) has often provided the worst results incomparative studies of various turbulence models, although it canoccasionally capture the near-wall ow phenomena ( Murakamiet al., 1996; Wang and McNamara, 2006; Koutsourakis et al.,2012 ). This is mainly because RSM requires optimization of many

    numerical parameters due to the comparatively high number of differential equations to be solved, and the simulations generallyhave a higher dependency on the chosen mesh and more dif cultyconverging when compared to the k- ε models. However, RSM canaccount for various effects of complex turbulent ows in a rigorousmanner. Therefore, the RSM needs further investigation for appli-cation to near- eld pollutant dispersion around buildings, thoughk- ε models are presently ascendant by their robustness for various

    ow elds. In short, it is important to use turbulence models with athorough understanding of their characteristics and limitations.

    4.2. Optimization of turbulent Schmidt number

    In the k- ε type RANS models, the scalar ux is estimated using

    the SGDH with the eddy diffusivity typically being expressed by the

    Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of plume dispersion through an array of obstacles ( Davidsonet al., 1995 ).

    Fig. 6. Periodic and stochastic uctuations in the turbulent vortex shedding ow. ~ f :periodic uctuation; f 00: stochastic turbulent uctuation; f 0: total uctuation(periodic þ stochastic); < f > p: phase-averaged value; < f > t : time-averaged value

    (Murakami and Mochida, 1995 ).

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    eddy viscosity and the turbulent Schmidt number, Sc t. Before dis-cussing Sc t, it should be reminded that SGDH is an inadequatemodel for a complex ow and various improved models have beenproposed, as mentioned in Section 3.3. Introducing Sc t is, so tospeak, a compromising method corresponding to the simplicity of the turbulence modeling in the k- ε models. As pointed out byTominaga and Stathopoulos (2007) , the optimum values of Sc tprovided in previous studies are sometime much different from thecommonly used values of 0.7 to 0.9 and are widely spread from 0.2to 1.3 according to the various ow properties and geometries. Sc tcan be determined by measurements and much research on itsvalues has been conducted including the turbulent Prandtl numberover the years ( Launder, 1978; Koeltzsch, 2000; Flesch, 2002 ). Ac-cording to these references, Sc t sometimes varies widely. Koeltzsch(2000) showed a strong height gradient in Sc t, with a peak nearone-third the boundary layer depth. The wide range of Sc t inmeasurement implies that Sc t has functional relationship to local

    ow properties. Therefore, optimization of Sc t should be performedbased on local ow properties, and never be adjusted to correct forerror in the mean ow calculation as it is a scalar diffusionparameter. Recently, Mokhtarzadeh-Dehghan et al. (2012) foundthat the mass eddy diffusivity needed to be reduced by increasingSct with dependence on Richardson number in order to model theexperimentally observed spreading rates of heavier-than-air gasescorrectly.

    As demonstrated in many previous studies ( Di Sabatino et al.,2007; Blocken et al., 2008; Gousseau et al., 2011a,b ), smallervalues of Sc t often provide better results in comparison withexperimental values. These results can be interpreted that under-estimation of turbulent diffusion of momentum, which is oftenobserved in steady-RANS computation ( Tominaga et al., 2008a ), iscompensated by a smaller value of Sc t. Chavez et al. (2011) veri edthat pollutant dispersion from a rooftop stack of an isolatedbuilding is greatly in uenced by the value of Sc t, however, in thepresence of adjacent buildings changes in Sc t do not have a majorimpact on plume dilutions, especially downstream from the stack.

    This can be interpreted to imply that turbulent mixing enhanced bythe surrounding buildings obscures the underestimation of turbu-lent diffusion in RANS computation. Moreover, this type of compensation can be found in discrepancy of the SGDH inmodeling of a turbulent scalar ux. The SGDH cannot expressanisotropy of turbulent scalar ux as discussed in the previoussection. This type of inherent discrepancy can also be compensatedbychanging the value of Sc t. For example, two values of Sc t could beused to ensure that the diffusivities for lateral and vertical di-rections are different. Simoes and Wang (1997) found that the bestresults were achieved with the anisotropic Sc t arrangement of 0.5for horizontal mixing and 1.0 for vertical mixing for a compoundchannel ow ( Shiono et al., 2003 ). Ideally, these discrepancies from

    turbulence modeling should be remedied by improving orupgrading turbulence modeling itself.

    4.3. Comparison of RANS and LES

    It is well known that in contrast to RANS, the LES resolves large-scale unsteady motions and requires only small-scale modeling.Therefore, dynamic properties such as the uctuations of windpressure on buildings, which are primarily due to large-scale mo-tions, can be directly reproduced in LES. Furthermore, severalstudies have argued that the results of LES show good agreementwith experimental data in terms of distributions of mean velocityand turbulent energy around a simple building, even when thesimple sub-gridscalemodelwas used ( Murakami,1993; Rodi,1997;Tominaga et al., 2008a ). This is because the momentum diffusiondue to large scale uctuations e say vortex shedding around abuilding,which is not reproduced in steady-RANS computation e isclosely related to the formation of the ow structure around a bluff body.

    According to previous studies comparing RANS and LES fordispersion modeling around buildings ( Xie and Castro, 2009;Dejoan et al., 2010; Santiago et al., 2010; Tominaga andStathopoulos, 2010, 2011, 2012; Salim et al., 2011; Gousseauet al., 2011a,b ), LES gives better results than RANS for calcu-lating the distribution of concentration, although the differencebetween LES and RANS results for mean velocity is not as large.This is because the horizontal and vertical diffusions of concen-tration are reproduced well by LES, due mainly to the repro-duction of unsteady concentration uctuations around thebuilding in comparison to RANS computations. Fig. 7 illustratesthe contours of normalized concentrations on building surfacesand surrounding streets from the rooftop stack on the centralbuilding in Montreal by RANS SKE and LES ( Gousseau et al.,2011a ). With both models, the maximum concentrations occuron the leeward facade of the tall building but the concentrationvalues on the building surfaces and the surrounding streetspredicted with LES are overall lower than those predicted withSKE. The concentration obtained by LES is much diffusive inhorizontal and vertical directions. By comparing with theexperimental data, LES results are more accurate than those fromRANS SKE. Furthermore, Moonen et al. (2012) found that owunsteadiness has a signi cant effect on the performance of airexchange in an idealized urban environment by comparison be-tween steady RANS and LES.

    As mentioned above, the turbulent mass diffusion attributed tothe large-scale structures that emanate from the leading edge of thebuildings is too complex to be modeled adequately by using SGDH.Therefore, only an unsteady state computation, such as LES, iscapable of reproducing the complicated turbulent mass transfer

    Fig. 7. Contours of normalized concentrations (K) on building surfaces and surrounding streets for different turbulence models; (a) SKE and (b) LES ( Gousseau et al., 2011a ).

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    that occurs around buildings. However, the CPU time required toobtain the statistical values in LES is generally 10 e 25 times longerthan that in corresponding steady-RANS computations; although itis dif cult to compare the computational time of LES and RANSmethodologies directly due to the different convergence criteriaused by the two methods. In this sense, unsteady-RANS (URANS)computation is promising, because URANS can reproduce large-scale unsteady structures with lower spatial and temporal resolu-tions than LES. However, there are very few URANS examplesinvestigating ow around a building ( Iaccarino et al., 2003 ; Shaoet al., 2012 ). Iaccarino et al. (2003) demonstrated that URANSpredicted periodic shedding and led to much better concurrencewith available experimental data than has been achieved withsteady computation for ow over a wall-mounted cube. It should benoted here that URANS only resolves the uctuations due to thelarge-scale ow structure, while it models the turbulence fully. Onthe other hand, LES actually resolves most scales of the turbulence.Therefore, URANS is more successful for ows whose unsteadinessis deterministic, such as vortex shedding in the wake of an obstaclewith a low-turbulence approach ow ( Kato and Launder, 1993;Shimada and Ishihara, 2002 ). In order to apply URANS to rela-tively high turbulence approach ows such as atmosphericboundary layer ows, it is necessary to appropriately model theinteraction between the organized large-scale ow unsteadinessand the random turbulence motions in the turbulence model(Younis and Zhou, 2006 ).

    LES computation can yield important information on instanta-neous uctuations of concentration that cannot be directly ob-tained by RANS computations. However, in compensation, a modelsolving the transport equation of the concentration variance hasbeen known as the prediction method of concentration uctuationin RANS model ( Launder, 1978 ). With the availability of measure-ments of concentration uctuation in a plume dispersing in anurban area, efforts to model the concentration variance for urbanplumes have been undertaken by several researchers(Andronopoulos et al., 2002; Hsieh et al., 2007; Mavroidis et al.,

    2007; Wang et al., 2009; Milliez and Carissimo, 2008; Yee et al.,2009 ). Generally, it has been demonstrated that these models canbe used to reproduce concentration variance in an idealized urbanarea under laboratory conditions. However, the models for closureof the transport equations for concentration variance need to befurther validated using other available urban ow and pollutantdispersion data from both laboratory and full-scale experiments.

    5. Issues with modeling of boundary conditions

    The accuracy of CFD is also affected by uncertainties in theprecise geometry, uncertain data or models that need to be speci-

    ed as boundary conditions such as turbulence properties at aninlet ( Casey and Wintergerste, 2000 ). This section describes two

    important issues with modeling of boundary conditions, i.e., in owboundary condition and expression of unresolved obstacles,affecting near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urban environment.

    5.1. In ow boundary condition

    As mentioned previously, pollutant dispersion around buildingsis characterized by the complex interaction between atmosphericboundary ow and ow around buildings. Therefore, accuratesimulation of the atmospheric boundary ow in the computationaldomain is imperative to obtain accurate and reliable predictions of the intended dispersion processes. In order to realize this, suf cientfetch where the boundary layer development is slow enough andconsistency between the ground surface boundary condition and

    the fully-developed inlet pro les are required. For fetch distance,

    Robins (1979) concluded that a fetch of about 6 e 7 times as long asthe boundary layer depth is needed for development. For theconsistency between the well-used sand-grain based rough-wallfunction in RANS computations and the fully-developed inlet pro-

    le, several remedial measures have been proposed ( Blocken et al.,2007; Hargreaves and Wright, 2007; Yang et al., 2009; Parenteet al., 2011 ).

    Furthermore, the mean and turbulent properties correspondingto actual weather conditions need to be given adequately at anin ow boundary ( Mochida et al., 2011 ). In RANS computations, thisis comparatively simple since turbulent statistics can directly begiven at the boundary ( Kondo et al., 2006; Baik et al., 2009 ). On theother hand, LES is accompanied by dif culty, because the processneeds to be provided with physically appropriate temporal andspatial uctuations. As widely recognized, the in ow turbulencehas strong in uence on the turbulent ow structure aroundbuildings. Hence, the treatment of in ow turbulence is veryimportant to obtain reliable results in LES. Much effort has beenmade to provide the suitable inlet conditions for LES over manyyears and results of the recent development in engineering eldscan be found in an overall review by Tabor and Baba-Ahmadi(2010) . Xie and Castro (2008) developed the synthetic method of turbulence generation in order to implement dynamic spatialboundary conditions derived from the unsteady output of muchlarger-scale computations coupled with the new small-scale tur-bulence in ow method. Xie (2011) reported that the dispersion inan urban region was found sensitive to the variation of wind di-rection through LES of ow and dispersion in an oblique wind overthe DAPPLE site.

    Moreover, in uence of the stability of in ow boundary layers onnear- eld dispersion is a much more complex topic in contrast tothe neutral case. This is because the height of an internal boundarylayer, which is generated by each local surface condition, growswith increasing fetch. The rate of the growth depends on theroughness and the stability. The in uence of the atmospheric sta-bility on dispersion in urban con gurations has been investigated

    by wind tunnel and eld experiments ( Higson et al., 1995; Ueharaet al., 2000; Robins et al., 2001; Santos et al., 2005; Yassin, 2013 ).Meanwhile, several research studies have been conducted on thereproduction of the in uence of atmospheric stability on near- elddispersion using CFD ( Zhang et al., 1996; Baklanov, 2000; Santoset al., 2009; Xie, 2010; Cheng and Liu, 2011b; Mavroidis et al.,2012 ). As reported by Santos et al. (2009) , stability conditionssigni cantly affect plume spread and concentration levels aroundbuildings by the intermediary of TKE level generated by tempera-ture gradients. Recently, Xie et al. (2013) investigated thermalstrati cation effects of approach ows on dispersion over a group of staggered cubes and the DAPPLE site using LES, wind-tunnel and

    eld experiments. They performed a number of numerical experi-ments including cases with various bulk Richardson number R b and

    concluded that strati cation effects on dispersion in weakly un-stable conditions are not negligible.Additionally, some researchers also indicated that the in uence

    of solar radiation has signi cant in uence on pollutant diffusioninside street canyons ( Sini et al., 1996; Smith et al., 2001; Xie et al.,2005 ). These studies reveal that the differential heating of streetsurfaces due to solar radiation can largely in uence the ow ’ scapability to transport and exchange pollutants.

    5.2. Unresolved obstacles

    Many obstacles affect near- eld dispersion in urban environ-ments. Generally, since it is dif cult to explicitly resolve them all bygrids used in CFD, some kind of modeling should be introduced.

    Canopy models have been developed for representing surface

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    roughness effect of obstacles on wind pro les for a long time.Recently, the canopy models have widely been used in order toconsider the aerodynamic effects of various unresolved obstacles.In the canopy models, extra terms designed to represent the dragand increased turbulence due to obstacles, are added to governingequations. For example, trees are common obstacles in urbanenvironment. The presence of trees induces a decrease in windvelocity and changes in TKE. In the literature, several canopymodels have been developed in order to model the forested areaseffects, with different formulations for additional source terms inTKE and dissipation rate equations ( Svensson and Häggkvist, 1990 ;Green, 1992 ; Hiraoka, 1993 ; Liu et al., 1996 ; Sanz, 2003 ; Katul et al.,2004 ; Mochida et al., 2008 ). Mochida et al. (2008) optimized themodel coef cients used in the tree canopy models by comparingnumerical results with eld measurements of wind velocity andTKE around trees. The in uence of trees on pollutant diffusion in-side street canyons has been investigated both experimentally(CODASC Database, 2008 ; Gromke and Ruck, 2007, 2009 ) and bynumerical models ( Gromke et al., 2008; Buccolieri et al., 2009,2011 ).

    Furthermore, the modeling of traf c, which is the main pollu-tion source in a street, is also important. Effects of moving vehicleson dispersion around street canyons have been investigatedexperimentally ( Baker and Hargreaves, 2001; Ahmad et al., 2002 ).As pointed out by Baker and Hargreaves (2001) , there is a largevariability between individual concentration time series withmoving vehicles in wind tunnel, because of a normal feature of theturbulent wind and vehicle wake system where the turbulencelength scale is greater than the vehicle/wake scale. Therefore,ensemble averaging is required to evaluate the concentration. Theensemble-averaged properties in experiments can only becompared with RANS CFD results. A 3-D Eulerian e Lagrangianapproach to moving vehicles that takes into account the traf c-induced ow and turbulence was proposed by Jicha et al. (2000)for pollutant dispersion in a street canyon. Mochida and Lun(2008) extended the methodology of the canopy model to incor-

    porate the aerodynamic effect of the moving vehicles based on thek-ε model, in which extra terms were added in the transportequations. On the other hand, an explicit treatment of moving ve-hicles can be undertaken by computations using the moving niteelement/control volume method (e.g. Fluidity, 2012 ). This methodallows arbitrary movement of the mesh with time dependentproblems like a passing vehicle. Venetsanos et al. (2002) studiedthe impact of various factors that may affect the exhaust plumedispersion, different driving environments, car speeds and meteo-rological conditions, by CFD computations performed in a movingcoordinate system with the car and site geometry being fullyresolved.

    6. Model evaluation

    6.1. Evaluation of CFD models

    Validation process is an essential part of model evaluation toprovide qualitative and quantitative views of the model ( Blockenand Gualtieri, 2012 ). For many users, it is most important todetermine the accuracy and con dence of the model results. Un-fortunately, it is very dif cult to determine how to validate basedon accuracy because pollutant concentrations around buildingscan vary by orders of magnitude in time and space. For comparisonwith wind tunnel data, the German VDI Guideline on wind eldmodels ( VDI, 2005 ) requires a certain hit rate for a number of speci c test cases. For example, for wind components at speci cpoints behind a building, the guideline requires a hit rate of

    q >

    66%, with an allowed deviation D ¼

    0.25. Other typical values

    are given by Chang and Hanna (2004) . Recently, based on accu-mulated knowledge from the meteorological eld, the COST Action732 (2005 e 2009) proposed and tested a new protocol for evalu-ation and quality assurance of numerical models for micro-scaleurban meteorology ( Britter and Schatzmann, 2007 ). This docu-ment assists in the establishment and execution of a model eval-uation exercise for the use of micro-scale meteorological models inthe prediction of the ow and/or the dispersion of pollutantswithin and near an urban canopy layer. The proposed evaluationprotocol has several distinct elements: a scienti c evaluationprocess, a veri cation process, the provision of appropriate andquality assured validation data sets, a model validation process,and an operational evaluation process that re ects the needs andresponsibilities of the model user. Issues with the validation of urban ow and dispersion CFD models from a meteorologicalviewpoint have been overviewed by Schatzmann et al. (1997) andSchatzmann and Leitl (2002, 2011) .

    It is also important to determine which variables should be usedfor evaluation. The maximum concentration is a key metric formost air quality applications. However, low values of concentrationneed to be accurately calculated because they may signi cantlyaffect population exposure assessments. For example, the lethalityof low concentrations may not be as great, but because the diluteplume covers a greater area, it can still affect many people.Furthermore, accurate prediction of plume location and coverage isvery important when developing and evaluating urban dispersionmodels, but it poses a dif cult challenge ( Brown, 2004 ). From thisviewpoint, statistical analysis based on various metrics recom-mended in previous studies ( Chang and Hanna, 2004; COST Action732, 2009 ) has limitations in use for evaluating plume location orcoverage; this type of analysis is helpful in estimating the errors inmodels, but it can lead to misleading conclusions due to the limitedexperimental data set ( Santiago et al., 2010 ).

    Time-averaged concentration, which is relatively easy to obtainin experiments, is often used for evaluations. However, concen-tration uctuations around buildings are very important, partic-

    ularly when plume contains toxic, ammable, or odorouscomponents. The prediction results are often required in terms of percentile exceedances, rather than absolute maximum results.This makes the results more robust, and probably more realistic forassessment manners. In such cases, LES, which can directly eval-uate a speci c percentile of concentration, has a great advantagewhen compared to the RANS approach. When using LES, it shouldbe noted that evaluation time for obtaining statistical averagevalues is quite important ( Schatzmann and Leitl, 2011; Harmset al., 2011 ).

    6.2. Measurements data for validation

    In order to perform high quality validation and uncertainty

    evaluation, reliable experimental data are indispensable. Inparticular, it is important that the required boundary conditions,such as in ow conditions, are carefully provided for computations.As pointed out by Schatzmann and Leitl (2011) , atmospheric vari-ability may be critical when CFD results are compared with eldmeasurement data. Since eld experiments are generally treated asa set of individual realizations, suf ciently large ensembles of ob-servations over the range of external parameters, such as winddirection, should be obtained to provide useful statistical infor-mation ( Robins, 2003 ). In this sense, very few dispersion studieshave ever really produced suf ciently large datasets to meet thiscondition. The constraint is felt particularly strongly in short-rangeurban dispersion because of the high degree of inherent naturalvariability, coupled with confounding factors such as traf c con-

    ditions ( Belcher et al., 2012 ). Therefore, it is recommended that

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    validation data based on a combination of eld and boundary layerwind tunnel experiments are provided.

    Several experimental datasets based on wind tunnel tests areavailable on the Internet. For example, CEDVAL (2002), which wasprovided at the Meteorological Institute, Hamburg University, is acompilation of mainly wind tunnel datasets that can be used forvalidation of numerical dispersion models. All datasets withinCEDVAL follow a high quality standard in terms of completedocumentation of boundary conditions and quality assuranceduring measurements. The database will be extended step by stepby more complex con gurations. On the other hand, the DAPPLEproject is mostly a eld-basedcampaign targeted at central London,aiming to understand the in uence of urban traf c and urban junction topographies on the dispersion of pollutants ( Arnold et al.,2004; Wood et al., 2009 ). Detailed wind tunnel experiments werealso performed in order to study ow and pollutant dispersion inthe real urban environment ( Carpentieri et al., 2009 ). The experi-mental set up allowed the measurement of ow and dispersionaround a small-scale model of the DAPPLE site, as well as theestimation of mean and turbulent uxes in the urban canopy(Carpentieri and Robins, 2010; Carpentieri et al., 2012 ). In thisstudy, comprehensive and detailed ow and dispersion datasetswere collected that were suitable for model evaluation work at alllevels from the empirical model to CFD ( DAPPLE Data-sets, 2008 ).Itis expected that the reliability of CFD models will be clari ed andestablished by performing cross comparisons using these datasets.

    7. Conclusions

    This article documented the current modeling and computa-tional methods in CFD simulations of near- eld pollutant disper-sion around buildings in order to give a perspective on CFDmodeling and give some insights into future directions for practicalapplications. First, previous CFD studies of near- eld pollutantdispersion around buildings, conducted with different researchpurposes, con gurations, boundary conditions, and modeling ap-proaches, were reviewed. These delivered an overview of CFD ap-plications to near- eld pollutant dispersion in the urbanenvironment in recent years. Next, key features of near- eldpollutant dispersion around buildings from previous studies, i.e.,three-dimensionality of mean ow, unsteadiness of large-scale

    ow structure, and anisotropy of turbulent scalar uxes, wereidenti ed and discussed. This review highlights that it is importantto choose appropriate numerical models and boundary conditionsby understanding their inherent strengths and limitations. Finally,the importance of model evaluation was emphasized. Sincepollutant concentrations around buildings can vary by orders of magnitudes in time and space, the model evaluation should beperformed carefully, while paying attention to their uncertainty. Itwas recon rmed that the quanti cation of uncertainty was acornerstone activity of any veri cation and validation program.

    Applications of CFD to near- eld pollutant dispersion aroundbuildings have been rapidly increased in recent years, as presentedin this review. Furthermore, its range is widely expanded to includevarious factors such as plume with strong negative and positivebuoyancies, chemical reactions and ne particle dispersions.Clearly, CFD has considerable potential, as demonstrated by recentscienti c accomplishments in this area. However, in order to use itappropriately, suf cient attention to the model theory and imple-mentation is required. A previous review paper on past achieve-ments and future challenges in Computational Wind Engineering(CWE) concluded with the following remarks ( Stathopoulos, 2002 ):

    “ In spite of some interesting and visually impressive results pro-

    duced with Computational Wind Engineering, the numerical wind

    tunnel is still virtual rather than real. Its potential however, isextremely high and its progress should be monitored carefully.Many more parallel studies e numerical and experimental e willbe necessary in order to increase the present level of con dence inthe computational results. Practitioners should be warned about the uncertainties of the numerical wind tunnel results and urged toexercise caution in their utilization. Finally, more effective effortsshould be made in the numerical simulation of uctuating ow eld and the numerical evaluation of peak values of variablesnecessary for design. ”

    In the past decade, CFD has become a moreaccessibletool due tothe continued progress of modeling studies and the rapid increaseof computational resources. In particular, for the prediction of thepedestrian wind environment, CFD has already been a viablemethod using several practical guidelines. However, for near- eldpollutant dispersion around buildings, it is still needed to discernthe applicability of CFD further with paying careful attention to theabove quote. As demonstrated in this paper, inevitably, high qualityCFD is often time consuming and costly. The validity of the level of expertise required and the time (cost) involved should be carefullyevaluated on the basis of its purposes by comparing them with

    those of other assessment methods.


    The framework of this paper was developed during the periodthat the rst author worked as a visiting scientist in the Depart-ment of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering of Con-cordia University, Montreal, Canada in August 2011. The authorswould like to express their gratitude to FY 2011 Researcher Ex-change Program between JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada) for supporting this visit. This work was also

    nancially supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scienti c Research in Japan (No. 21560622). Sincere thanks also go to the reviewers for

    their valuable comments and suggestions.


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