Transistors a Chitra

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  • 8/2/2019 Transistors a Chitra


    Session 2

    Session Name: Operating Princ iple and

    Cha rac teristics of Bipolar Junc tion Transistors

    Author Name: A. Chitra

    Department: ECE

    Subjec t/ Course: Elec tron Devices

  • 8/2/2019 Transistors a Chitra


    Page 2 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Pri nciple and Character ist ics of Bipolar Junction TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    Session Objec tives

    At the e nd of this session, the lea rner w ill be ab le to:

    Expla in w orking princ ip le of transisto rs.

    Clea rly unde rstand how the transistor ac ts as a switc h a nd amp lifier.

    Expla in why it is current c ontrolled devic e.List the cha rac teristics of transisto r c irc uit.

    Tea c hing Learning Ma terial


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    Operat ing Pri nciple and Character isti cs of Bipolar Junction Transistors Page 3A. Chit ra IFET, Villupuram

    Session Plan

    Time(in min)

    ContentLearning Aid



    Typical StudentActivity

    Skill andCompetencyDeveloped




    Part icipates,ListensIdentifies


    10Basic operat ingprinciple of transistor

    Analogydemonstration,PPT, Interaction

    Explains byQuestioning andcorrelates

    Listens, answers



    05Operationsperformed bytransistor

    Brainstorming Facilit ates Part icipates


    20Configurati ons ofTransistor

    PPT, Board andchalk

    Explains Listens


    10Observat ions fromthe input and outputcharacteri st ics

    I challenge youFacilitates,Monitors

    Part icipates,presents

    InterpersonalIntrapersonalverbalKnowledgeComprehensionApplicat ion


    Board and chalk,ppt

    Explains Listens


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    Page 4 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Pri nciple and Character ist ics of Bipolar Junction TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    Session Inputs


    We can start the session with an activity to recap the previous

    session by conducting innovative quiz.

    Sugg ested Ac tivity: Pic ture Visualization

    Refe r to the p ic tures given b elow and ide ntify the keyword used during the

    session 1.



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    Operat ing Pri nciple and Character isti cs of Bipolar Junction Transistors Page 5A. Chit ra IFET, Villupuram


    N+ denotes ---------------------------



    E N+ P N



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    Page 6 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Pri nciple and Character ist ics of Bipolar Junction TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    Basic Operating Princ iple o f Transistor

    Having recapped the previous session we can now give an

    ana logy to explain the b asic op erating p rinc ip le of transistor.

    Swamiji was prea c hing one day that, it is not tha t I am g oing to

    prea c h you wha t I lea rnt, but it is tha t w hat you w ant. Tank is filled

    with full of water. If a person is coming with a small glass, he will

    get only a glass of water. If a person is coming with a big

    conta iner, he will be g etting tha t full. Similarly the t ransfer of

    know led ge also ha pp ens.

    Now let us see a wa ter system:

    Here the wa ter system is taken a s ana logy and it is dem onstra ted . A

    water filter with a tap can be taken to class and the working can

    be de monstrated .

    Suggested Ac tivity: Analog y dem onstration

    To d emonstrate the above g iven analogy, a wate r filter with a tap can be

    taken to the c lass. We can invo lve 3 lea rners to g ive demonstra tion.

    Learners1 is asked to come and open the tap fully and then learner1 willsay;

    Learner1: Wate r is flow ing .

    Next, Learner2 will be asked to come and close the tap and then he willsay;

    Learner2: No water is flowing. Finally, learner3 will be asked to come and




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    Operat ing Pri nciple and Character isti cs of Bipolar Junction Transistors Page 7A. Chit ra IFET, Villupuram

    op en the tap p artia lly and then lea rner3 will say;

    Learner3: Water is flow ing slow ly.

    Now let us see how this ana logy is rela ted to our transistor.

    Relating the analogy and transistor:

    Wate r syste m Transisto rB p ipe line Base

    C p ipe line Collec tor

    E p ipe line Emitte r

    Wate r reservoir a t C Tap Supply voltag e a t Co llec tor end base

    Sma ll wa ter po ured into B

    Black plunger moveme nt

    Supply voltage a t b ase end Base


    Wate r flow from C to E Flow of collec tor Current and emitte r


    What we have learnt from this analogy?

    A tiny amount of c urrent flow ing into "B" a llow s a large amount

    to flow from "C" to "E" so we have an "amp lific a tion effec t". We

    c an c ontrol a BIG flow of c urrent w ith a SMALL flow of c urrent.

    If we c ontinually change the sma ll am ount of w a ter flow ing

    into "B" the n we c ause c orrespond ing changes in the LARGE

    amo unt o f water flow ing from "C" to "E".

    For example, if we measure the c urrent flow in ga llons/ minute:

    Suppose 1 gallon/ minute flowing into "B" a llow s 100

    ga llons/ minute to flow from "C" to "E" then w e c an say that thetransisto r ha s a "ga in" or "amp lifica tion" fac tor of 100 time s. In a

    rea l transistor we measure c urrent in thousand ths of anAmpere or "milliamps". So 1mA flowing into "B" would allow

    100mA to flow from "C" to "E".

    The amo unt o f curren t tha t c an flow from "C" to "E" is lim ited by

    the "p ipe d iame ter". So , no m atte r how muc h current we p ush

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    Page 8 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Pri nciple and Character ist ics of Bipolar Junction TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    into "B", there will be a po int beyond whic h we c an't ge t any

    more current flow from "C" to "E". The only wa y to solve this

    p rob lem is to use a larger transisto r. A "po wer transisto r".

    The transistor can b e used to switch the current flow on and

    off. If we put suffic ient c urren t into "B" the transisto r w ill a llowthe maximum amount o f current to flow from "C" to "E". The

    transisto r is switched fully "on".

    If the c urrent into "B" is red uced to the point whe re it can no

    longer lift the b lac k plunge r thing, the transistor w ill be "off".

    Only the sma ll "lea kage" curren t from "B" will be flow ing . To turn

    it fully off, we must stop all current flowing into "B".

    You can control the current flowing from the emitter to the

    collec to r, with a sma ll change in the base c urrent. Thus it is ca lled

    as a current controlled device. Now let us visualize the transistor

    am plific at ion function.

    Operations Performed by Transistor

    Now the session can be ma de m ore interac ting . The lea rners ma y

    be a b le to define the func tions of BJT like amp lifica tion and

    switc hing. This can be d one b y questioning the lea rners.

    FB diode

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    Operat ing Pri nciple and Character isti cs of Bipolar Junction Transistors Page 9A. Chit ra IFET, Villupuram

    Suggested Activity: Brainstorming

    Possible questions can be:

    A. What is the func tion of a switc h?B. What is meant by m od ulation?

    Possib le a nswers may be:

    A.1. Switc h ha s two sta tes on a nd off2. it ha s tw o p ositionsB.1. Variation

    2. Inc rea sing or dec reasing

    3.Change etc

    Yes. You are right.

    Switc h is capab le of p roviding two sta tes on a nd off.

    Modulation or amplification is state between off and on where

    the signal strength/amplitude is modulated/varied or amplified or

    inc rea sed . Depend ing on the b iasing as we saw in the last session .

    If both the juns are FB it is fully ON. If both the juns are RB it is fully

    OFF. If EB is FB and CB is RB it p rovides Mo dula tion.

    Various Configurations of Transistor

    We can now e xpla in the va rious configurat ions of t ransistor.

    Various configurat ions of transistor:

    1. Comm on Base mod e2. Com mon emitter mod e3. Comm on c ollec tor mode

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    Page 10 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Principle and Character ist ics of Bipolar Juncti on TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    Comm on-base configuration (CB)

    Fig below show s the c ommo n-base c onfigura tion for pnp and npn transistor.

    CB is derived from the fa c t tha t the:

    1. Base is com mon to both i/ p a nd o / p o f the configuration.2. Base is usua lly the termina l c losest to or a t ground potential

    Ana lysis of Com mo n-ba se c onfigura tion fo r pnp.

    Step 1: B-E junc tion m ust b e forward b ias

    Step 2:

    1. B-C junc tion must b e reve rse b ias









    Fig. 4.3: Symbols used with the CB configuration





    p pn




    C B





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    2. ICBO=ICO=0 A is a reve rse saturat ion current and norma lly know n as



    Now with EB junction FB and CB junction RB, we can relate the

    currents in the c irc uit b y app lying simp le KCL. Now two c ts are are

    coming out o f the tr and one c t is ente ring into the tr.

    p pn










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    Page 12 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Principle and Character ist ics of Bipolar Juncti on TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    Current relat ions in CB mode

    Current base, IB (A) is small compare to current emitter, IE (mA) and current

    collector,IC (mA).

    The relat ionship amo ng these current can be ana lyse w ith KCL :

    IE = IB + IC.

    Now with EB junction FB and CB junction RB, we know that the

    outp ut c urrent is grea ter than the input current . The fa c tor by

    which the input c urrent is ma gnified is ca lled ga in fac tor.

    Current ga in:

    The ratio o f outp ut c urrent to input current is ca lled current ga in and is

    rep resented by .


    Ideally = 1, but in rea lity it is between 0.9 and 0.998

    Expression for output current:

    Ic = Ic (ma jority) + Ic (m inority)

    Ic = IE + IcBo

    Ic = IE (ignore IcBo d ue to small va lue)





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    These c urves are the input a nd the outp ut c harac teristic s for

    co mmon ba se mode.

    Observations from the Input and Output Charac teristics

    Having und erstood the Various Co nfigurat ions of Transistor, we

    can now conduct a group activity namely I challenge you by

    dividing the learners into 4 groups. We can facilitate and guide

    the entire proc ess.

    Suggested Ac tivity: I challenge you

    1. All the groups are given 05 minutes for observing and listing the

    ob servations on the input and outp ut charac teristics.

    2. Then in the next 10 minutes they c an d iscuss their observations with atea m lead er from ea ch group or all in the g roup .

    The hints g iven to Group A & B:

    You c an relate the input c harac teristics to a devic e w hic h we lea rnt in theprevious sessions and you list out the observations from these input curves.


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    Page 14 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Principle and Character ist ics of Bipolar Juncti on TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram

    The hints g iven to Group C & D:

    Can you list out status of person with money and without money? You

    should relate the output c harac teristic s to tha t sta tus.

    Now let us consolida te the o bservations ma de b y a ll the group s.

    Observations from input curves

    Varia tion of VBE and IE:

    1. For VBE < VA (VA is the vo ltage a t the p oint A= 0.5V), IE ~ 02. For VBE > VA, IE inc rea ses with inc rea se in VBE. But IE a t a

    faster ra te com pared to VBE.

    Effec t of output voltag e Vc B on input curve:1. As VcB is inc reased the curve shifts upwards.2. This is bec ause of high RB inc reases thr DLW and henc e the

    base w id th dec rea ses and this is ca lled BWM or EE

    Henc e w e c an ob serve tha t the input c harac teristics a re similar toFB d iod e charac teristics.

    Ob serva tions from output c urves. There a re three regions in outp ut


    1. Saturation region (Both CB and EB juns are FB) ON2. Cut Off reg ion (Both CB and EB juns are RB) OFF

    3. Ac tive reg ion (EB jun FB and CB jun RB) Amplifier

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    We can conc lude the session by sta ting the fo llowing line .

    We can ob serve tha t Transistor can be emp loyed as a switc h or

    as an amplifier de pend ing on the b iasing . In the next c lass we w ill

    see the FETs.

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    Page 16 Ver 1:. 01 Operat ing Principle and Character ist ics of Bipolar Juncti on TransistorsA. Chit ra IFET, Vil lupuram


    In this session, we learnt to:

    Clearly understand the functioning of transistor

    Explain the various configurations of transistor

    Sketc h a nd ana lyze the input a nd outp ut c harac teristics of transistor.

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    1. Ge nerate any examp le for transistor op erating p rinc ip le.2. Ca rry out the ana lysis for CE c onfigura tion c harac teristics.3. Carry out the analysis for CC configuration characteristics.4. Tabula te the c om parison betw een the three c onfigura tions.

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    Elec tronic Devic es and Circ uits G.K. Mitha l

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