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==================================================================Nama : Muhamad MasudNIM : 1308046022Fakultas / Prog. Studi:Program PascaSarjana Manajemen PendidikanMata Ujian :Bahasa InggrisHari, Tanggal :Senin, 30 Juni 2014 Nama Dosen : Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S.=================================================================A. PART ONE: THEORYSummary of Sentencesa. A sentence is a group of words that says something in a fixed structure of grammar. Grammatically, every sentence must contain finite verb. So, when the subject is changed from singular to plural, the verb will also be changed. Here are the examples of sentence:1. I like walking in the rain. 2. He likes walking in the rain.

b. Types of sentence based on the expected response are statement, question, and command. 1. Statement.It can be divided into positive and negative statement. For instances: a. I want to meet you. (Positive Statement)b. I do not want to meet you. (Negative Statement) 2. Question. There are 2 types of question. They are Yes/No Question and QW Question.a. Yes/No question.This kind of question must be started by Auxiliary Verb and can be answer with only Yes or No. For examples:1) Do you have pen?2) Can you write poetry? b. QW question. This kind of question is begun by question words such as Who, Whom, Where, When, Why, Which, What, Whose, How. Here are the examples:a. Where will you go?b. Whose book is this?c. Why do you love me?d. When did you come to Jakarta?e. Which food do you want?f. Whom do you invite?g. Who takes my bag?h. What makes you happy?i. How old are you?3. Command.It is also called as imperative sentence. It is used to command, make polite requests, and give directions. Imperative starts with the verb in the form of STEM (the basic form of verb) for command, and Dont for the prohibition. For examples:1. Be an inspiring teacher. (command)2. Put your book on the table. (command)3. Dont worry. I will be fine. (prohibition)4. Dont write on the wall. (prohibition)

B. PART TWO: PRACTICE.Translation in Bahasa (Indonesian)1. Karena industri pariwisata berkembang dengan sangat baik dan banyak orang yang melakukan perjalanan khusus untuk tujuan tertentu, ada banyak jenis pariwisata di dunia seperti (1) wisata liburan, (2) wisata medis, (3) wisata religi, (4) wisata pendidikan, (5) wisata rekreasi, dam (6) wisata kreatif. Wisata liburan sudah lama dikenal dan dilakukan oleh banyak orang khususnya di Eropa daan Amerika; orang bepergian ke tempat wisata di waktu liburan untuk hiburan.

Comment: Doing travelling for refreshing our mind is really important. Yet, we have to considering the purpose of our trip to make it more useful. So, we can get what we want, get pleasure in it, and get positive energy from the trip.

2. Untuk menerapkan pembelajaran ketrampilan di dalam kelas dengan lingkungan yang berbeda seperti yang ada pada International Practicum Training Program. Gagasan yang disampaikan oleh Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia untuk membuka dan menjalankan sekolah-sekolah unggul seperti Sekolah Standar Nasional (SSN), Rintisan Skolah Berstandar Internasional (RSBI) dan Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (SBI) telah menggerakkan banyak orang di Indonesia untuk mengunjungi Thailand, Jepang, Korea, Filipina, Turki, Australia, Singapura ataupun Malaysia.

Comment: The excellent school must have the real excellence. The excellence for students, teachers, and the school itself. That is really good program. The visitation to some countries in good educational management should encourage people of Indonesia to improve the quality of their education.

C. PART THREE: Answering Questions based on the video clip Schools in Britain. 1. When or at what age do the children in Britain go to school?Answer: The children in Britain go to school at the age of five. They start at Primary School.

2. Do the students in Britain go to school on Saturdays? What about in your country?Answer: No, they dont. In my country, the students go to school on Monday to Saturday. So, they only have one day off on Sunday.

3. What is interesting or what is good about schools in Britain?Answer: There are 3 points of what good about schools in Britain that I can get from the video; they are:First, on average there are only about twenty two students in secondary school class and about twenty seven in a primary school class. The amount of students in a class really influences the effectiveness of learning process, and British schools have ideal of students in a class. Second, the students go to school on Monday to Friday and the school start at 9 a.m and finish at 4 p.m. They have 2 days off on Saturday and Sunday in a week. It may be interesting because it is different from the school time and day in Indonesia.And the last is that the 92% percents of schools in Britain are State School which the government pays, not the parents. So, the students are free to go to school to develop their creativity. And 8% of them are Independent School which parents pay for the education. Some of the independent schools in Britain are boarding schools. So, the students are not allowed to go home during the term time. They live at the school.

4. Do you like schools in your country? Why?Answer: No, I dont. I live in Indonesia. The Indonesian Schools have doubtful curriculum which always change in a certain term of period such as 1994 Curriculum, CBC (Competence Basic Curriculum), KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), 2013 Curriculum, etc. But in positive side, I think that Indonesia is searching for the best curriculum for the betterment of country. Then, on average most Indonesian schools have about thirty eight students in a class. It is too many and very crowded. As a result, the teacher cannot cover all students as well. In addition, Indonesian state school is free on only Elementary School and Junior High School Level. Sometimes, I think that the education quality is not good enough because it is free. And the Indonesian independent schools try to improve the education quality and compete each other to offer high quality of education for people, yet in high price of educational fee.


Multiple ChoiceText 11. B2. C3. A4. D5. A

Text 26. A7. C8. D9. D10. A

True False11. False12. False13. True14. True

E. F. Tugas untuk menambah nilai50 vocabularies I have just learned during my English Lecture1. 2. Leisure 3. Hurry up4. In order to foster5. For the sake of 6. Responsibilities7. Decision 8. Outlining 9. Aside10. Authority11. Firms social agenda12. Suitable title 13. Mechanization14. Extention15. Automation16. Intervention17. Huge18. Spinning19. Weaving machines20. Outcomes21. According22. Sophisticated23. Scene24. Hit25. Construct 26. Landing27. Take off28. Explosion29. Continents30. Victory31. Occupied32. Grace33. Slave34. Unfinished woman35. Female interior36. Incapable37. Necessity38. Affairs39. Suspect40. Enslavement41. Achievement42. Tongue43. Sceptre44. Advantage45. Natural resources46. Gasoline47. Weak48. Natural disaster49. Earthquake50. Guards51. Accredited