Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

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Page 1: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Two Sides of a Coin

Group 6-012Lim Jerome (2O2)Guo Zi Li (2O2)

Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2)Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Page 2: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

• Text


Page 3: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Made up mainly of Singaporeans and immigrants, some becoming citizens and PRs

The way perceived by Singaporeans and immigrants is different

Brief Description


Page 4: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

To find out:

• Singapore – truly multi-cultural in nature?

• Singapore – embraced people from different walks of life/culture/races?


Page 5: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Target Audience

• Singaporean inhabitants

• Non-Singaporeans who plan to come to


Page 6: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)


Interview Data analysis Web report

Novella Read books (bibliography) about

people opinion’s on Singapore

Page 7: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)


• Singaporeans – proud of having such a country that accepts people regardless of

race, language or religion

• To determine Singapore’s success in accepting different kinds of people who have come here to work and decided to

stay in Singapore

Page 8: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)



• Indication on changes in mindset

• Perception to make Singapore truly multi-racial

Page 9: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)


Page 10: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Work Distribution

Page 11: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Target People for Survey

• Local Chinese and PRC• Caucasian who has been forced to leave his

country because of the economic challenges his country is facing and Caucasian who is married to a local woman

• Local Malay and Malaysian Malay• Local Indian and Indian from India• Korean who becomes PR and Korean who

comes to Singapore for a temporary period

Page 12: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Participants(~20-30): Local Singaporeans Non-Singaporeans in Singapore

(Representatives from different races/religion)


Page 14: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Novella [ Two Sides of a Coin ]


• 5 people from 5 different races or countries, coming together

• How much they are willing to give up for Singapore and what they did not want to give up

• 10 pages with a compilation of the bad and good experiences faced in Singapore

• Which area is Singapore lacking in?

Page 15: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Reflections• Through this project, I have learnt if Singapore is

really multi-cultural or not. Are we able to embrace people from different cultures and races and understand them? Singaporeans may blindly believe Singapore is multi-cultural but actually there are still people from other races who are not comfortable living in Singapore. There fore we know that Singapore has such a disadvantage and Singaporeans can work on it.

• Lim Jerome(2O2)

Page 16: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)


• Personally, I think sometimes, people come to Singapore for the sake of education and work, thus land up treating Singapore like a stepping stone and these people will leave to find better career or higher education elsewhere. This causes the people who comes here for a short term basis to have difficulty understanding Singapore’s multi-racial culture. Through this project, perhaps I will know the answer soon.

• Guo Zi Li (2O2)

Page 17: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Reflections• Personally, I feel that this project is rather meaningful. We

are living in Singapore, where a huge part of the populations are made up from immigrants. We must understand these immigrants' untold stories and also our own people’s different point of views about them. I often hear workers who came from China were often being hated by Singaporeans as there were many of them and they require lesser salaries. The Singaporean's jobs were stolen by these Chinese workers but do the Chinese really feel good to be working in Singapore? Its untold but I believe after doing this project, I can find out more not only about these problems but also improve my language art since we are using an novella to show our surveys and in the process of writing the novella with my group mates, I may be able to learn and find out more things.

• Colin Ng Siong Haur(2O2)

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• I feel that this project can allow us to understand the mind and opinions of other races and their opinion of what we can do to make Singapore a better place for everyone. I also understand the difference between different countries and what matters to make them happy and adapt to Singapore.

• Ng Jia Neng(2O2)

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Page 20: Two Sides of a Coin Group 6-012 Lim Jerome (2O2) Guo Zi Li (2O2) Colin Ng Siong Haur (2O2) Ng Jia Neng (2O2)

Q & A