Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za EERSTERIVIER BETOGINGS: PLAKKERS SE HERVESTIGING VAN BAAN Gemoedere in B’heath nou kalm RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj N á byna ’n week van onrus en betogings kan inwoners van Blackheath nou eindelik met geruste harte slaap – we- tende dat die beplande hervestiging van die Lwandle-plakkers iets van die verlede is. Die nuus dat die plakkers, wat op ’n oop stuk grond langs Albert Philander-weg sou intrek, nog op die stuk Sanral-grond in Lwandle sal aanbly, is verlede Woensdag- aand aan gemeenskaplede deur die Kaap- stadse burgemeester, Patricia de Lille, oor- gedra. De Lille het die betrokke aand sowat 1 000 inwoners toegespreek by die plek waar daar vir dae aaneen buitebande aan die brand ge- steek is en selfs pale en heinings opgerig is. Hoewel die betogings vreedsaam was, het lede van die polisie se openbare orde-een- heid Donderdag beslag gelê op vyf emmers met plofstof. Dis vermoedelik deur besetters na die ge- bied gebring. De Lille het gesê: “Die Stad Kaapstad het ’n plan om families na padreserwes te skuif. Dit gaan nege maande neem voor die plan klaar is, maar ons is bereid om die families van Lwandle by daardie plan te voeg sodat ons ’n permanente oplossing vir hulle kan kry,” het De Lille gesê. Ingestem Sy het gesê die nasionale minister van menslike nedersetting, Lindiwe Sisulu, met wie sy vroeër die betrokke dag vergader het, het ingestem tot die plan. “Die grond in Blackheath gaan nie meer gebruik word nie,” het De Lille aangekon- dig. Die aankondiging is gevolg deur ’n skreeuende jolyt deur die inwoners. “Môreoggend (Donderdag) gaan ons die fa- milie van Lwandle terugskuif na die grond waarvan Sanral hulle verwyder het. “Daar is vroue met kinders en babas wat in daardie saal sit. Die manier waarop hulle van die grond verwyder is, is verkeerd,” het De Lille gesê. Die Stad het later die aand ’n mediaverkla- ring uitgereik waarin hy aandui dat hy reeds in ’n gevorderde stadium is met die be- planning van ’n groot behuisingsprojek in Macassar. Die ontwikkeling sal begunstigdes akkom- modeer van Solis Town, Greenfields, Polile, Wag ’n Bietjie, Macassar se agterplaasbewo- ners en die gesinne wat deur die Sanral-uit- setting geraak is. “Dis ’n hoëdigtheidsontwikkeling en sal verseker dat die behuisingsnood van die ge- identifiseerde gemeenskappe aangespreek word,” lui die verklaring. Verwelkom Bert van Dalen, wyksraadslid, het die oor- eenkoms met die Stad en nasionale departe- ment van menslike nedersetting verwel- kom. “Ons is bly oor die uitkoms.” Hy het die Lwandle-uitsetting en hervesti- ging deur Sanral as ’n politieke skuif be- skryf. “Sanral wil tolpaaie op die N2 en die N1 oprig – iets wat die Stad Kaapstad teenstaan. Ons wil nie ’n Johannesburgse tolstelsel hê nie. “Ons is in onderhandeling met Sanral en het ook ’n hofbevel gekry,” het Van Dalen ge- sê. V Na bladsy 2. Mary Andreas, ’n inwoner van Blackheath, gee haar misnoeë verlede week op dié plakkaat te kenne met die situasie. FOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

Tygerburger eersterivier 18 jun 2014

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Tygerburger eersterivier 18 jun 2014

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Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za



Gemoederein B’heathnou kalmRICHARD ROBERTS


Ná byna ’nweek van onrus en betogingskan inwoners van Blackheath noueindelik met geruste harte slaap – we-

tende dat die beplande hervestiging van dieLwandle-plakkers iets van die verlede is.Die nuus dat die plakkers, wat op ’n oop

stuk grond langs Albert Philander-weg souintrek, nog op die stuk Sanral-grond inLwandle sal aanbly, is verlede Woensdag-aand aan gemeenskaplede deur die Kaap-stadse burgemeester, Patricia de Lille, oor-gedra.De Lille het die betrokke aand sowat 1 000

inwoners toegespreek by die plek waar daarvir dae aaneen buitebande aan die brand ge-steek is en selfs pale en heinings opgerig is.Hoewel die betogings vreedsaam was, het

lede van die polisie se openbare orde-een-heid Donderdag beslag gelê op vyf emmersmet plofstof.Dis vermoedelik deur besetters na die ge-

bied gebring.De Lille het gesê: “Die Stad Kaapstad het

’n plan om families na padreserwes te skuif.Dit gaan nege maande neem voor die planklaar is, maar ons is bereid om die familiesvan Lwandle by daardie plan te voeg sodatons ’n permanente oplossing vir hulle kankry,” het De Lille gesê.

IngestemSy het gesê die nasionale minister van

menslike nedersetting, Lindiwe Sisulu, metwie sy vroeër die betrokke dag vergader het,het ingestem tot die plan.“Die grond in Blackheath gaan nie meer

gebruik word nie,” het De Lille aangekon-

dig. Die aankondiging is gevolg deur ’nskreeuende jolyt deur die inwoners.“Môreoggend (Donderdag) gaan ons die fa-

milie van Lwandle terugskuif na die grondwaarvan Sanral hulle verwyder het.“Daar is vroue met kinders en babas wat

in daardie saal sit. Die manier waarop hullevan die grond verwyder is, is verkeerd,” hetDe Lille gesê.Die Stad het later die aand ’nmediaverkla-

ring uitgereik waarin hy aandui dat hyreeds in ’n gevorderde stadium ismet die be-planning van ’n groot behuisingsprojek inMacassar.Die ontwikkeling sal begunstigdes akkom-

modeer van Solis Town, Greenfields, Polile,Wag ’n Bietjie, Macassar se agterplaasbewo-ners en die gesinne wat deur die Sanral-uit-setting geraak is.“Dis ’n hoëdigtheidsontwikkeling en sal

verseker dat die behuisingsnood van die ge-identifiseerde gemeenskappe aangespreekword,” lui die verklaring.

VerwelkomBert van Dalen, wyksraadslid, het die oor-

eenkoms met die Stad en nasionale departe-ment van menslike nedersetting verwel-kom. “Ons is bly oor die uitkoms.”Hy het die Lwandle-uitsetting en hervesti-

ging deur Sanral as ’n politieke skuif be-skryf.“Sanral wil tolpaaie op die N2 en die N1

oprig – iets wat die StadKaapstad teenstaan.Ons wil nie ’n Johannesburgse tolstelsel hênie.“Ons is in onderhandeling met Sanral en

het ook ’n hofbevel gekry,” hetVanDalen ge-sê.

V Na bladsy 2.Mary Andreas, ’n inwoner van Blackheath, gee haar misnoeë verlede week op dié plakkaat tekenne met die situasie. FOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

2 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014NUUS


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St.Johns Anglican Church in Bellville Southcelebrated their 150th anniversary and YouthDay on Monday.


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Photo gallery:

Willowbridge Mall teamed up with Stop HungerNow on Saturday to package 15 000 nourishingmeals for distribution to needy preschools inand around Cape Town.






Janine Hector, ’n Blackheath-inwoner, hetgesê sy is verlig oor die uitkoms van die situ-asie.“In ons gemeenskap is daar reeds mensewat nie huise het nie. Waarom moet andermense grond kry en ons eie mense het niehuise nie?” het sy gesê.Nog ’n inwoner, Frederick Thompson, hetgesê hy is ewe verlig.“Dis hartseer vir die mense van Lwandle,maar ek is bly hulle het alternatiewe blyplekgekry. Ek is ook bly dat Blackheath se ge-

meenskap bewys het dat hulle kan saam-staan, so ’n mens kan net hiervandaan vo-rentoe beweeg,” het hy gesê.Jean Hector, adjunk-voorsitter van dienuutgestigte gemeenskapsforum, het gesêhy is bly dat daar ’n menslike oplossing ge-vind is en dat hulle nie hoef hof toe te gaannie. Jonavin Cloete, voorsitter van die fo-rum, het dit as ’n positiewe uitkoms beskryf.“Almal het saamgewerk in die gemeen-skap. Ons kon sien dat die mense regtig om-gee vir wat hier gebeur,” het Cloete gesê.

Inwoners van Blackheath betoog langs Albert Philander­weg verlede week teen die beplandehervestiging van die Lwandle­inwoners. FOTO’S: RICHARD ROBERTS

Inwoners luister na Anton Dreyer, ’n gemeenskapleier.


Die Wes-Kaapse department van ge-sondheid hoop dat meer inligting oortuberkulose (TB) aan die gemeenskap

sal help om hierdie gevreesde en dodelikesiekte stelselmatig uit te roei.Alhoewel die Wes-Kaap volgens die Wê-reldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) die bes-te genesingskoers vir TB in die land het, isSuid-Afrika steeds wêreldwyd die land metdie derde meeste TB-infeksies. In 2013 is45 000 diagnoses gemaak.Theuns Botha, die Wes-Kaapse ministervan gesondheid, sit nou sy voet neer.“Ons moet ’n ander benadering vind omTB te voorkom en te behandel. Ek oorweegdit omTB-sifting in die skoolgesondheidstel-sel voor te stel,” sê hy.

Terwyl internasionale akademici verledeweek by die vierde jaarlikse TB-kongres inDurban bymekaar gekom het om oor diésiekte se epidemiese omvang te praat, hetBotha gesê ’n reuse-poging is nodig om indi-vidue en gemeenskappe se ingesteldheidteenoor die siekte te verander en wanopvat-tings aan te spreek.

OpsporingDié departement gaan eersdaags met ’nnuwe bewusmakingsveldtog begin in diehoop omdie vroeë opsporing enbehandelingvanveralmiddelbestande-TB (DR-TB) aan temoedig. Die veldtog sal uit radio-adverten-sies en kontakmet die publiek by taxi-staan-plekke en treinstasies bestaan.Almeer pasiënte, wat voorheen nie TB ge-had het nie, word daagliksmet DR-TB gedia-gnoseer.Volgensprof. SimonSchaaf, kenner

en gerekende navorser vanDR-TBby die Ty-gerberg-kampus van die Universiteit Stel-lenbosch, is dit eers onlangs bewys dat DR-TBaansteeklik is.Maar, sê hy, kinders veralreageer goed op behandeling, mits hullevroegtydig gediagnoseer word.En alhoewel ’n middel teen weerstandigeTB volgens berigte binnekort in Suid-Afrikabeskikbaar gaan wees, berig Elsabé Brits inDie Burger dat dit nog ten minste twee jaarse studie sal neem om die regte kombinasiesvanmedikasie te kry omDR-TB te behandel.Sy berig voorts dat Suid-Afrika hoop omook die generiese weergawe van ’n andermiddel te bekom en te laat goedkeur, maarhierdie medikasie kan meer as R3 000 permaand per pasiënt kos. TB word versprei inswak geventileerde, beperkte omgewings.Weens die druk op hospitaalbeddens, kanpasiënte nie meer soos in die verlede vir ses

maande lank gehospitaliseer word nie.Daarom vestig Botha en sy departementhul inligtingsveldtog op die gemeenskap.Sedert 2011 is DR-TB-behandeling gede-sentraliseer, omdat pasiënte tuis dikwels be-ter ondersteuning kan kry. Volgens Botha ishierdie gedesentraliseerde sorg, wat inmeeste gevalle deur klinieke in plaas vandeur hospitalisasie verskaf word, baie suk-sesvol. “Pasiënte kon behandeling ontvangin die gemeenskap waarin hulle bly, dusword die gesinseenheid gehandhaaf,” sê hy.Dit het ook tot gevolg gehad dat die aantaldae vandat ’n pasiënt gediagnoseer is tot hyof sy medikasie kan begin ontvang, gedaalhet van 72 na ongeveer 17 dae gemiddeld.Botha sê die bewusmakingsveldtoghet tendoel om die stigma rondom die siekte aan tespreek en om vroeë opsporing en behande-ling van DR-TB aan te moedig.

Veldtog se doel is om TB uit te roei

One of the top 10 offenders on the citytraffic services warrant list – a sus-pect with outstanding warrants tothe value of R110 700 – was arrestedlast week.He was untraceable but wascaught after hewas forced to visit theGallows Hill Traffic Department be-cause the administration mark pla-ced against his name prevented himfrom renewing his vehicle licences.The system showed he was previ-ously warned on 69 warrants, whichbecame double warrants as he failedto appear in court on thewarning da-tes. He was arrested and bail was setat R10 000 at the City Hall Magistra-tes Court.The suspect did not post bail andwas taken to Pollsmoor prison.“This serves as a good reminderthat your outstanding fines will ulti-mately catch up with you and that itis better to come forward. We appealto motorists to stay on the right sideof the law, obey the rules of the roadand please settle any outstanding fi-nes before they turn into warrantsand more serious consequences fol-low,” said citymaycomember for sa-fety and security, JP Smith.“We all need to work together toplay our part in creating a safe city,’said Smith.Traffic Services are working ontracking down the other top offen-ders on the list.Over the past six months, Operati-on Reclaim has seen 7 924 arrests foroustanding warrants.Officers have executed 33 767 war-rants with a total value of over R27million.

Cops nettop dodger

Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 3



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Land invasion threatenedRICHARD ROBERTS


Residents in Fountain Village, BlueDowns are up in arms about the occu-pationof avacantpiece of land in their

area by Mfuleni backyard dwellers.On Thursday morning about 50 people,

mostly women, tried to erect shacks on theopen piece of land situated along Great Cir-cle Road, Fountain Village. The group wasstopped, only to return the following day fora second attempt.On Friday afternoon several disgruntled

residents convened in the street along withMetro Police and law enforcement officials.The group of shack dwellers were mostlyfrom Mfuleni, TygerBurger was told.One of the residents, Nomhlaliso Nogoba,

a member of the Ses’Khona People’s RightsMovement, said the backyard dwellers arefromdifferent areas includingMfuleni, SiteC in Khayelitsha, Strand and Kraaifontein.“Wewant this land becausewe are backy-

arders and we are not working. We are sickand tired of paying rent eachmonth.We aredependent on child support grants and wecannot attend to theneeds of ourkids becau-se we are using the money to pay rent,”Nomhlaliso said.She said if theymove onto the vacant land

at least theywill be able to buy food and clo-thes for their children.“Wewere in Blackheath but the residents

there chased us away. They claim that thecrime rate will increase because of us, sonow we are building our shacks here,”Nomhlaliso added.A concerned Fountain Village resident

who did not want to be named said he doesnot mind the construction of houses butthat he is against the idea of shacks. “It willcause more damage to our area. Our child-ren will not be able to play or go out anymo-re.”Another resident, Sylvia Swartbooi, said

her concern is that crime might increase.She said the landowners should employ se-curity guards in the area.There are currently 122 homes in the

area.“The residents have to pay for homes but

the Mfuleni residents want to stay for free.I am concerned that if the shacks go up the-re will be more housebreakings,” said resi-dent Ronald Abrahams.Abigail Louw, his neighbour, said they

patrolled the area on Thursday night, butthe next morning several backyarders ca-me back at about 07:00.Apart from the city’s Metro Police and

law enforcement, the Anti Land Invasion

Unit also kept a close eye on Friday.Community leader Maurette Dolman on

Monday said several shacks went up overthe weekend.“Wewant to the community to stand toge-

ther and stop them,” Maurette said.Ward councillor Wilma Brady confirmed

several shacks were erected over the wee-kend. “Five onFriday, onSundayninewentup and on Monday another four, but theywere removed by the developers.”She said Protea Coin security guards we-

re also attacked and had to be removed.“The community, both sides, will be mee-

ting with the developers again in this co-ming week,” Brady said.

Several Mfuleni residents, some members of the ANC, others members of the Ses’KhonaPeople’s Rights Movement, gathered on a open piece of land in Fountain Village where theyvowed to move onto the land. Most of the people were backyard dwellers. PHOTO: RICHARDROBERTS

4 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014NUUS

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 26 van die munisipale regulasies oor begrotingen verslagdoening, 2008, saamgelees met die Wet op Plaaslike Bestuur: Munisipale Stelsels,Wet 32 van 2000, en die Wet op Plaaslike Bestuur: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, Wet 56 van2003, dat die dokumente oor die Stad se aansuiweringsbegroting vir 2013/14, wat op28 Mei 2014 deur die Raad goedgekeur is, ter insae beskikbaar is op die Stad Kaapstad sewebwerf by www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget.




The Soccer World Cup 2014 has finally ar-rived.

How magnificent it was when South Af-rica hosted it in 2010. The first goal scoredby Siphiwe Tshabalala followed by the fa-mous dancing from Bafana Bafana reallywarmed our hearts. It made us believe.This was a start of a fantastic month ofspectacular soccer.

Vuvuzelas came out in full swing eve-rywhere and a cacophony sounded allround. The big vuvuzela signalled everytime a goal was scored. Neighbours com-peted to blow the loudest. We even calledeach other out by blowing them duringhalftime to talk about the game. We dis-cussed goals scored, corners wasted andfouls acted out to cause the referee toaward unnecessary penalties.

Every car had at least one flag or mirrorsock attached to it displaying the SouthAfrican flag and/or other country’s.Whenstopping at the robots we all just smiledat each other.

Most people adopted another country af-ter Bafana Bafana failed to go through tothe next round.

We as Capetonians travelled by trainjust to walk the Fanwalk. Even though so-me didn’t have tickets to watch the match,we were there. And we will never forget.

colourful floats, performing artists, joyfulyoungsters, older folk, helpful police andcaring traffic officers who made the walkso enjoyable.

Photos were taken, smiles were shared,and memories were made. Coffee was bre-wed. Burgers were sold. Big screens sho-ne, with thousands of eyes fixed on them.People dressed in the official shirt of thecountry they supported that evening.

It was winter. It was cold. But we hadso much fun. Cape Town was probably thesafest place ever. Transport was probablythe best. Late at night it was safe to comehome by train.

Whenwewalked in themall in ourBafa-na shirts, or anywhere,weembraceddiffe-rent people and talked to each other.

I miss the world cup. We came togetheras a nation, together with the world. Wewere one.

Sport can bind a nation together.As Mandela said, “Sport has the power

to change the world. It has the power toinspire. It has the power to unite peoplein a way that little else does. It speaks toyouth in a language they understand.Sport can create hope where once therewas only despair. It is more powerful thangovernment in breaking down racial bar-riers.”

Let’s all enjoy the world cup and maythe best team win.

Soccer fever rulesCitizen journalist story

Do you have something to write about?Tell us your story and you will stand a

chance of winning a holiday that you willdefinitely want to write home about.

TygerBurger is looking for volunteer ci-tizen journalists to tell us about events ornews happening in our area.

The twopeoplewho submit themost sto-ries across all Media 24’s local newspaper

titles over the next two months will wina midweek holiday for four people at anyof the ATKV’s beautiful resorts situatedacross the county.

Register/log on to www.tygerbur-ger.co.za and submit your stories usingthe Citizen Journalist tools on the right ofthe page.

The competition closes on 30 June 2014.

Submit your story and win a holiday for four

The Bishop LavisOutreach Forum will ha-ve a backyarders meeting on Thursday atthe Lavis Drive Primary School from 18:30.

This is a last appeal for backyarders to re-gister on the forum database for the two day

summit meeting that will be held soon.Bring a copy of your ID and any housing

documentation to meeting.V Information from Michael Hoffmeester 079 7956121 or Amerlia Jacobs 073 935 8722.

Fives Futbol, powered by Hisense and hy-drated by Powerade, will be hosting SouthAfrica’s very own five-a-side World Cuptournament on 12 July at the Fives CenturyCity venue.

Fives Futbol recently launched their‘‘Lead the Nation with SA’s five-a-side

World Cup Tournament” by releasing their“Lead the Nation” campaign video.

In the spirit of the 2014 World Cup, 64 te-ams from around the Cape Town will begoing head-to-head for a full days event.V Check http://fivesfutbol.pr.co/78414­lead­the­nation­with­sa­s­5­a­side­world­cup­tournament.

Cape Town’s own World Cup tournament

Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 5

In ’n poging om die diefstal en herverkoop van Raadsvullissakke hok te slaan, druk dieStad se departement vasteafvalbestuur sedert Junie 2013 die letters “CCT SWM” gevolgdeur ’n reeksnommer in swart teks op al die Raad se blou sakke. Dit sal verseker datalle gesteelde sakke herken en die oorsprong daarvan opgespoor kan word. Ondankshierdie maatreëls wat getref is, ervaar die Stad steeds diefstal van die blou sakke watdan onwettig op straat asook in sommige winkels verkoop word. Die Stad versoekinwoners weereens om glad nie blou vullissakke op straathoeke te koop nie, aangesiendit gesteelde goedere is. Die vullissakke word gewoonlik saammet ander sakke verpaken gevou om die drukwerk weg te steek. Daar kan aangeneem word dat alle blou sakkegesteelde sakke is. Blou sakke word slegs vir al die aktiwiteite en programme van diedepartement vasteafvalbestuur se skoonmaaktak gebruik.

As jy enige individu of winkel raaksien wat hierdie sakke verkoop, meld dit aan by dieverliesbeheertak van die Stad se departement vasteafvalbestuur by 021 900 1689 ofe-pos [email protected].

Jou samewerking en hulp hiermee word hoog op prys gestel. Hierdie optrede is in lynmet die handhawing van ’n goed bestuurde stad.



RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

Mfuleni residents were given the op-portunity to raise their concerns re-garding crime at an Imbizo held in

the area recently.Colonel Luyanda Damoyi, commander of

theMfuleni police station, toldTygerBurgerthis week that the purpose of the meetingwas to inform residents to take precautionsagainst the spate of house robberies in thearea.Themeetingwasheld onWednesdaynight

at the Mfuleni High School where about 300people attended.Damoyi said the police have noticed that

there had been a few incidents of house rob-beries in the area, which they said weremostly due to residents being negligent re-garding their security.

Concerns“The purpose of the Imbizo was to tell

them to take precautions against these inci-dents. The community themselves had con-cerns regarding these occurrences. We toldthem that we as the police are doing our bestto address it,” Damoyi said.Another concern the residents have is the

scrap yards in the area, he said.“Apart from that they are also concerned

about theyouth in thearea.A lot of theyouthare involved with drugs,” Damoyi added.According to him residents inMfuleni ha-

ve now demanded that more activities be

made available to the young people.“There are no activities available to

them, like sport facilities.” However, hesaid these issues, and several others, fallwithin the municipality’s ambit.“Weencouraged the community to create

a forum in the area. From our side we canonly sensitise them and encourage them tobe more vigilant,” he said.Damoyi saidhouse robberies is the crime

most committed in the area.

Lock your doors“We have a few murders and housebrea-

kings as well.“A concernwe have is that often the resi-

dents themselves are responsible for fal-ling victim to these crime, they often do notlock their doors.”Joseph Adams, spokesperson for the

Mfuleni Community Police Forum said:“We wanted to get feedback about how thecommunity feels about crime in the area.“The purpose of the CPF at the meeting

was specifically to talk about how peoplecan get more involved in the community tohelp fight crime through establishingneighbourhood watches, street and blockcommittees.”He said other crimes also often reported

in the area include common assault and do-mestic violence. But police did not get noti-fied.“Another problem we often encounter is

that people do not always report these ca-ses,” Adams said.

House robbery on the rise in Mfuleni

Chairman of the Mfuleni Community Police Forum, Sandile Dascile, addresses a group of concernedresidents from Mfuleni at a recent Imbizo held at the local high school. PHOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

6 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014NUUS

Cirquede la Symphonie


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Ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(i) van dieWet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting,Wet 6 of 2004, hierna die “Wet” genoem, worddaar hiermee kennis gegee dat die vierde aanvullende waardasielys (SV04) van die 2012- algemene waardasielys vir die 2014/15-boekjaar vanaf20 Junie 2014 tot 30 Julie 2014vir die publiek by die lokale hieronder ter insae lê. Die vorms vir die indiening van besware is by hierdie lokalebeskikbaar. Die waardasielys is ook vanaf 20 Junie 2014 op die Raad se webwerf beskikbaar (adres hieronder).

Eiendomme word ingevolge artikel 78(1) van dieWet op die vierde aanvullende waardasielys (SV04) van die 2012- algemene waardasielys geplaasindien dit: a) foutiewelik uit die waardasielys gelaat is; b) na die laaste algemene waardasie by die munisipaliteit ingesluit is; c) na die laaste algemenewaardasie onderverdeel of gekonsolideer is; d) ’n wesenlike toename of vermindering in markwaarde ondergaan het sedert die laaste algemenewaardasie; e) in die laaste algemene waardasie aansienlik verkeerd gewaardeer is; f) om enige ander buitengewone rede herwaardeer moet word;g) waarvan die kategorie verander het.

Ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(ii) van die Wet kan enige eiendomsbesitter of ander persoon wat wil binne die gemelde tydperk ’n beswaar bydie munisipale bestuurder indien oor enige saak wat op die waardasielys verskyn of daaruit weggelaat is. Besware kan slegs ten opsigte vaneiendomme wat op die SV04-lys gewaardeer is, ingedien word. Die eienaars van hierdie eiendomme sal skriftelik van hul SV04-waardasies inkennis gestel word by die posadres wat tans op die Stad se databasis is.

Aandag word spesifiek gevestig op die feit dat ’n beswaar ingevolge artikel 50(2) van die Wet met ’n spesifieke, individuele eiendom verbandmoet hou en nie teen die aanvullende waardasielys as ’n geheel ingedien kan word nie. Die vorms vir die indiening van besware is by die lokalehieronder genoem beskikbaar en kan van die webwerf afgelaai word. ’n Afsonderlike beswaarvorm moet vir elke eiendom ingevul word.

DATUM: 20 Junie 2014 tot 30 Julie 2014











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Vir meer inligting, skakel 0860 103 089 (deeloproep).

Webadres: www.capetown.gov.za.



Fun day for Geneva House womenRICHARD ROBERTS


Residents at Geneva’s House, a communitydevelopment centre for destitute and abusedwomen and children, were treated to a FunDay recently.The day, entitled Global Impact Day, was

organised byNielsen Research and aimed toraising awareness about the centre, whichhas been operating for the past 13 years.Head child carer Annelise Brink told Ty-

gerBurger on Thursday last week that thewomen and children welcomed the eventand that all were given the opportunity toparticipate in various activities.“We had a Potjiekos Master Competition

as part of the Fun Day in which all of thewomen participated. The nine pots of foodwere then given to the women and theirchildren afterwards,” Annelise said.Apart from the competition and games for

the children, several other organisations al-so participated in the event.Afrika Tikkun, a community based orga-

nisation that stengthens families and helpsdevelop children by providing primary he-alth care and family support services, theCi-ty of Cape Town’s Metro Police, as well asthe non profit organisation Reliable Actionin Eerste River, were present.“Afrika Tikkun is part of Geneva’s House.

Their staff comes around each month to testthe residents’ blood sugar levels.“Reliable Action spoke about Aids awa-

reness, while the Metro Police for their partspoke about domestic violence and the typesof abuse.

“We decided to organise this day becauseat Geneva’s House there is little we can dofor these children. We welcome this initiati-ve because the children need it,” Annelisesaid.Food parcels and clothing for the benefici-

aries were also donated.Geneva’s House currently houses 23 adult

women and 33 children.“Nielsen decided that they want to help us

in the future with the development of EarlyChildhood Development Centres.“This Global Impact Day is just to show

howactiveNielsen is as part ofGeneva’sHou-se,” Annelise added.Speaking on behalf of Nielsen Research,

Luyanda Mnuna said the main purpose ofthe eventwas to build a long term relations-hip between Nielsen Research and GenevaHouse with regards to infrastructure deve-lopment, soundgovernanceand sustainabi-lity, and ensuring the beneficiaries are re-integrated as empowered and self-suffici-ent members of the community.

BELOW: Staff members from Afrika Tikkunhelped with primary health care. Pam Cupido, anurse and Patricia Beukes, a care worker,assisted Geneva’s House resident ValerieMcDillon during the event.

This winter, children visiting CanalWalk Shopping Centre can experien-ce the finest theatre in the country,and play their part in providing250 000 meals to Stop Hunger Now.Lewis Carroll’smuch loved classic,

Alice in Wonderland, will be broughtto life by the award winning duo ofFred Abrahamse and Marcel Meyer.The show will run from Saturday 28June to Sunday 20 July in a speciallyconstructed theatre in the centrecourt.The shows will be performed from

Tuesday to Sunday at 11:00, 12:30 and14:00. Ticketswill cost R70 andwill besold through Computicket. CanalWalk will donate R5 from each ticketsold, as well as the proceeds of pro-gramme sales to Stop Hunger Now.The centre will also play host to “Me-als in Memory” packing events overtwo weekends prior to Mandela Dayon July 18.

Alice visitsCanal Walk

LEFT: Staff members from Nielsen Researchhelped with a potjiekos competition last weekat Geneva House as part of the company’sGlobal Impact Day. Staff members CharlGrové, Anna Schuck, Ryan Coons and GarethPaterson made sure their pot was tops.PHOTOS: RICHARD ROBERTS

Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 7





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’n Vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad vind op Woensdag 25 Junie 2014 om10:00 in die Podiumgebou, Burgersentrum, Hertzog-boulevard 12, Kaapstad, plaas.

Let asseblief daarop dat daar ’n beperkte getal sitplekke vir lede van die publiek beskikbaaris en dat dit dus op ’n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslag toegeken sal word. As u dievergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00 en 16:00 vir Michelle Albertsby 021 400 3708 skakel. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie as een dagvoor die vergadering ontvang word. Daar sal van u verwag word om u van, voorletters enkontaktelefoonnommer te verstrek. Besoekers word vriendelik versoek om hul sitplekke teen09:30 in te neem.



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RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

The Mfuleni police are still searching for agroup of armed robbers who attacked a lo-cal business in the Blackheath Industrialarea nearly three months ago.Captain Frederick van Wyk, spokesper-son for the provincial police, said the threemen entered the business premises of Wag-on Burner, a wholesale liquor outlet situa-ted inButtskopRoad, onSaturday 22Marchand threatened the personnel and patrons.The robbers fled with an undisclosedamount of cash.“Preliminary information shows twoma-les walked into the shop and pointed at thecustomers with a firearm, demanding mo-ney.“One of them went up to the cashier’swindow demanding cash. A third male sus-pect joined the other two and they robbedseven victims of an undisclosed amount ofcash,” Van Wyk said.The robbers also assaulted some of the

customers.“It is alleged that threemore suspects, ar-med with a rifle, stood guard outside theshop. No shots were fired.”According to the police the suspects fledin a white Toyota Quantam minibus-taxiwith an unidentified number plate.The police are investigating a case of bu-siness robbery.No arrests have beenmade.Van Wyk said two of the suspects werecaught on camera. The footage clearlyshows one suspect carrying a firearm.“The suspect armedwith the firearmwasseen dressed in long khaki trousers and adark brown leather jacket. The second sus-pect was seen wearing a blue longsleevetracksuit topwithwhite stripes at the back,denim jeans and red cap.“The third suspect was wearing a red jac-ket with black sleeves and white shoul-ders,” van Wyk explained.V Anyone with information on the whereabouts ofthe suspects is requested to contact Constable Na­thaniel Da Silva at the Mfuleni police station on082 469 7796 or 021 909 9616.

Police search for thievesA group of armed robbers are seen here robbing the Wagon Burner in Blackheath. The incidentoccurred around 11:00 on Saturday 22 March. No arrests have yet been made.

8 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014NUUS

A total of 356 suspects were arrestedthis past week during several policeoperations conducted in the Kuils Ri-ver cluster.The cluster comprises the Kuils Ri-

ver, Kleinvlei andMfuleni police sta-tions.Captain Frederick van Wyk,

spokesperson for the provincial poli-ce, said onMonday 30 houseswere se-arched for drugs during the weekwhich lead to the confiscation of634 005 milliliters of alcohol, Man-drax tablets with an approximatestreet value of R2 225, tik to the valueof R2 220 and dagga with a street va-lue of R820.A total of 62 suspects were arrested

during these searches on charges re-lating to drugs, Van Wyk said.The remainder of the arrests made

varies between charges relating tomurder, attemptedmurder, commomassault, assault with the intent tocause grievous bodily harm, drunkdriving, reckless and negligentdriving, possession of dangerous we-apon, malicious damage to property,housebreaking and theft, the posses-sion of an illegal firearm as well asthe possession of an prohibited fire-arm.Other charges include dealing in li-

quor without a licence, the possessi-on of stolenmotor vehicle, crimen in-juria, domestic violence, fraud, rape,resisting an arrest, discharging of afirearm, impersonating a peace offi-cer and assault of a peace officer.VanWyk said 67 of the suspects ar-

restedwere kept overnight and relea-sed on fines for charges relating to be-ingdrunk inpublic or riotousbehavi-our.

Police nab356 duringcrackdown

Gospel Talent Search 2014 is on again, host-ed by Radio Tygerberg in collaborationwith TygerBurger and Traxtudio.The competition has proved popular

since its inception, with albums recordedby past winners.Just as in previous years, prizes worth

thousands of rand are up for grabs, includ-ing an album recording, airtime, advertis-ing and design!Auditions take place on Wednesday 2,

Thursday 3 and Friday 4 July at the RadioTygerberg offices in Parow.The semi-finals will take place on Tues-

day 8 July in Tygervalley Shopping Centre.The glamorous finale will take place on

Saturday 19 July at which the Gospel Tal-ent Search previouswinners’ albumwill belaunched.The competition works as before:V Entry fee costs R150 per entry and in-

cludes 10 backing tracks which is selectedby Radio Tygerberg’s music coordinator.Participants may keep these backingtracks after the competition. Terms andconditions apply for the recording usethereof.

V The participant can choose any of the10 backing tracks and performs it on anyone of the audition dates.

V Participants can also choose to singtheir own song at the auditions, but shouldthen provide their own backing track aswell.

V Thereafter the semi-finalists will becontacted with details about their perform-ance that will take place at TygervalleyShopping Centre. Semi-finalists are free tochoose a song of their choice for this per-formance. The same applies for the final on19 July.V For entry forms and more information, visitwww.traxtudio.co.za/competitions or www.radioty­gerberg.co.za. Alternatively, send an email to gos­[email protected].

Search on forgospel star

Don’t mess with these kids: The Kleinvleibranch of the martial arts training school, JosuiKaikan, participated in the Ashihara Internatio­nal Championships held on Saturday 24 May atthe Sid G. Rule Primary School in Grassy Park.Full time chief instructor, Shihan MariusConjana, said they entered 12 competitors andall 12 achieved gold. “We are now busypreparing for our Nationals which will be heldin Colesberg on 5 July,” Conjana said. He saidseven of the students had only undergone twomonths of karate practice. “They really mademe proud,” Conjana added.

Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 9

Many youth in Delft are expected tobenefit from a new kick-boxing clubopened by the Department of Cultu-

ral Affairs and Sport (DCAS) and the SportsTrust last week.

The event formed part of the efforts of theDCAS Anti-Gang Programme to support yo-ung people in developing positive self-es-teem and good health by giving them con-structive ways of spending their free time.The opening of the club is expected to ren-der the youth of Delft less vulnerable to be-ing drawn into gangs, criminal activity andthe use of recreational drugs.

DCAS, the Sports Trust and the WesternCape Provincial Kickboxing Associationhave assisted the club with equipment andthe necessary support to open its doors.

Thabo Tutu of DCAS is confident that theclub will encourage young people to engagein healthy competition.

“This club has the potential to developthe skills of athletes who could eventuallybecome champions on provincial and nati-onal level,” he said.

Empowering the youthAnita Mathews of the Sports Trust stres-

sed the importance of supporting the initia-tives of the Anti-Gang Programme.

“These empower the youth and commu-nities to engage in positive sporting activi-ties, which can provide further opportuni-ties and continue to enhance educationthrough sport.”

This is a dream come true for under-75kgSouth African National Junior Kick-Box-ing Champion Saint Dumas (17), who hailsfrom Delft, and has been appointed as theclub’s instructor.

He has been wanting to start a club likethis for some time and was very excitedabout the new initiative.

“I can’t describe how excited and happyI am today,” he said at the launch.

“This club has the potential to change anumber of lives. I just want to see champi-ons going from strength to strength fromthis club.”

Classes are expected to run from 18:00 to20:00 at the Delft Central Sports Ground onMondays and Wednesdays.

Through the opening of the club, the part-ners showed their commitment to make apositive difference in the lives of youth inDelft, teaching them self-defence in the pro-cess.V Those wishing to join the club can contact JustinPersensie on 021 483 9659.

New kickboxing clubfor Delft

Missing: The Mfuleni police areseeking the assistance of the public infinding 16­year­old Laverne Jantjies fromHappy Valley near Blackheath. Lavernewas last seen by her friend at approx­imately 18:00 on Saturday, 14 June. It isbelieved she was on her way home, butwas later seen getting into an unknownblack vehicle. Laverne was wearing amaroon leather jacket, blue denimjeans, black pump shoes and has longbrown/reddish braids. Anyone withinformation on Laverne’s whereaboutsis kindly requested to contact W/OElliot Matshayana on 082 469 3247 or021 909 9500.

10 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014HOOFARTIKELBLAD

The meaning oflife is to helpothers find themeaning of theirs.– Viktor E. Frankl

‘Straatmusiek­aanslag’ op rekord: Studente van die Hugo Lambrechts­musieksentrum het verlede Woens­dag by die V&A Waterfront deelgeneem aan 'n aanslag op die Guinness­wêreldrekord vir die grootste byeenkomsvan straatmusikante (buskers) wat by verskeie plekke wêreldwyd gehou is. Hulle het die SA volkslied vanaf 19:00vir vyf minute gespeel om aan die rekordvereistes te voldoen. Die dirigent is Zelda Hofstander. Sien ’n video opwww.tygerburger.co.za. FOTO: CARINA ROUX

[email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woordenie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

A very disturbing letterappeared in TygerBurger onThursday 4 June (“Deathpenalty a matter for debate”).The writer, after ranting on

about addicts asks: “Is it nottime that we reopen thediscussion around the deathpenalty?”Our country decided to

abolish the death penaltyalmost twenty years ago, notby political parties or parlia-ment, but by the ConstitutionalCourt which delivered thisdecisive verdict with a unani-mous 11-0 vote.America was not so lucky.

This superpower and all othernations where the deathpenalty is in force are the mostviolent in the world.Not a week goes past that

the news is not dominated bykillings, bombings, abductionsor other forms of violenceemanating from these coun-tries. Death penalty is a violentact and can only operate in anenvironment of fear, hatred,vengeance, racism and retribu-tion. People who constantlyadvocate reintroduction of thedeath penalty are sooner orlater going to commit violentacts themselves. Clive Derby-Lewis and his henchmanJanusz Walus are a goodexample. Friday nights onecould hear him instigatingright-wing violence on radiophone-in programmes.Where will this bloodshed

end? Today it’s addicts, crimi-nals, murderers and rapists –tomorrow it will be homosexu-als, alcoholics, dwarfs, albinos,and who knows who else. Thatis how the Nazis’ reign ofextermination started.The writer and others like

him should rethink theirtirade. Our country took thecorrect decision.Anyone who supports the

death penalty is himself apotential murderer.


Death penaltyis a violent act

With reference to the letterpublished in your newspaper, Icompletely agree with EllenHusselmann (“Simpatie met diéarme honde”, TygerBurger, 11June).It breaks my heart but

despite feeding the poor ani-mals, there is nothing more Ican do except sign petitions andmake my voice heard.The law pertaining to animals

is dismal in this country.Personally, I don’t see a differ-ence between humans andanimals.The horror stories in the

news of late is another reasonwhy the powers that be shouldchange the law and protect thedefenceless. They are abused,exploited, and cruelty is on therise.Let’s stand together and call

on those we voted for, and seeif they can walk the walk andnot just talk.Come on DA, animal lovers

also voted to keep you inpower.I can only hope, but past

behaviour is a good indicator offuture behaviour.


Walk the talk onanimal rights

In response to Anonymous’letter, I disagree that BishopLavis does not get servicedelivery (“Service poor areas tokeep WC blue”, TygerBurger, 11June).On numerous occasions I

have SMSed the city aboutpotholes or overflowing drainsand their response has beenimmediate.One night, two weeks ago, I

informed them about a danger-ous pothole in front of myproperty and it was fixed thenext day.Whenever I have a concern I

either inform the city or myward councillor via SMS or

email. The matter is thenattended to.You will regularly spot the

city’s blue bags on the pave-ment, indicating that ourstreets were swept.Do not use Bishop Lavis as

an area where service deliveryis almost non-existent. Weshould all rather do our civicduty and report any problems,even if it’s not in our area.We tend to always point out

that we are the forgottenpeople, but are we doinganything constructive to helpmake our living conditionsbetter?


City service extendsto Bishop Lavis

I read Lynn Coenraad’s letterwith interest (“Balle by Chinesewinkel bons nie”, TygerBurger,11 June).A few days ago I asked my

young helper Anvil to pop intothe Chinese shop for somesuperglue.He came out with an entire

card of superglues, as that washow they were sold, he wastold. There was no slip.I tried to use the superglue,

but most units were 100% dry.The rest I managed to squeezea tiny amount of liquid out of,which half fixed the small itemfor which it had been intended.This would normally take one

superglue squeeze at most, butI had to discard all the units. Ithink there were six units.It was very disappointing.No slip was given, so I didn’t

even try to take them back. Iwonder if someone tested thesuperglue in the stock at theshop?I was so angry, I threw

everything away.In retrospect, I should have

looked for an expiry date andat least gone back to tell them,but reading about Lynn’sresponse I wonder if it wouldhave mattered?


China store gluesticks in the throat

Uitgewer:TygerBurger word uitgegeedeur WP Media en is deel vandie Media 24­groep

Verspreding:TygerBurger Eersterivier/BlueDowns word elke Woensdagin die volgende gebiedeafgelewer: Dennemeer, DevonPark, Greenfield, Kleinvlei,Melton Rose, Fairdale, Rustdal,Stradford Green, Gaylee,Brentwood Park, Camelot,Delro, Electric City, ForestHeights, Fountain Village,Hagley, Heath Park, HindlePark, High Place, Highgate,Hillcrest Heights, MalibuVillage, Rotterdam, Silver­sands, Stradford, SunbirdPark, The Connifers, TuscanyGlen, Wesbank, Nooiensfon­tein en Wimbledon.Totale verspreiding: 27 968

TygerBurger het twaalfverskillende uitgawes vir dievolgende gebiede: Bellville,Durbanville, Parow, Good­wood, Brackenfell, Kraaifon­tein, Kuilsrivier, Milnerton,Table View, Eersterivier/BlueDowns, Ravensmead/Belharen Elsiesrivier.

Totale verspreiding: 285 531

Vir enige verspreidingsklagtesskakel 021 910 6500 of e­pos:verspreiding@tygerbur­ger.co.za

Kontak ons:Nuusredakteur:Marana Brand van Hulsteyn0021 910 [email protected]:Richard Roberts0021 910 6549richard.roberts@tygerbur­ger.co.zaAdvertensiebestuurder:Garth Hewitt0021 910 [email protected] advertensies:Quincy Noble0021 910 6527 of0083 433 [email protected]:00860 11 7520www.tygerburger.co.za

Korreksies:Volgens die redaksionelebeleid van TygerBurgerverwelkom ons voorstelle enkommentaar oor die koerantse inhoud en stel onsbeduidende foute so gou asmoontlik reg. Stuur asb.inligting oor die regstelling vanfoute in die koerant aan dieombudsman van Media24 seGemeenskapspers, GeorgeClaassen, by george.claas­[email protected] of skakel021 851 3232 of 083 5432471. Lesers kan ook klagtesoor die inhoud by diePersombudsman vanSuid­Afrika, mnr. Joe Thloloe,aanhangig maak. Skakel indaardie geval gerus 011 4843612/8, stuur ‘n faks na 011484 3619 of ‘n e­pos nanakhanyim@ombuds­man.org.za or johanr@om­budsman.org.za


Ons het heldenodig metintegriteitC.J. Langenhoven was nie net een vandie mense wat Afrikaans ’n taal gemaakhet nie, maar het ook stories geskryfwaarin wonderlike gesegdes en kwinkslaeoor die mens en sy doen en late kwytge-raak is.As Langenhoven vandag na ons land,

Afrika en die wêreld sou kyk, sou hywaarskynlik ook sien dat die mens nogniks gevorder het nie. Sy speelgoed en sygereedskap het net verbeter.Oral skiet mense mekáár uit mekaar,

landgenoot haal landgenoot uit, broer virbroer. Hierdie wrede, bloederige, fisiekegeweld is so oud soos die mens self en salseker nooit ophou nie.Maar ons skend mekaar ook met

woorde, leuens en bedrog, vernietigverhoudings, gesinne, maatskappye enlande – met ’n dolk in ’n gemanikuurdehand, ’n swart hart onder ’n breë glimlag.Afbreek is die maklike deel, selfs

lafaards kan dit doen. “Om af te breek, isgeen kuns nie,” het Langenhoven gesê.“’n Klein babatjie kan ’n blommetjie

verniel wat dit ’n God gekos het om temaak.”Verseker. Dis in opbou waar die moeite

en ook die moed lê – of jy nou van ’nverhouding of ’n land praat. En hiervooris helde nodig met integriteit, nie opge-pofte egoïste met ’n slap ruggraat nie.Weer Langenhoven: “Gee my ’n man:

Wat sê wat waar is, as die duiwel daar is;Wat doen wat reg is, as die regter weg is;Wat trou by sy gewete bly, as hy straf inplaas van beloning kry.”Dís die mense wat ons nodig het.


SMSV I wish the Post Office would retain myparcels at the Parow East Post Office, notParow Post Office. After all these yearsthere must be confusion between them.­ Anonymous

V Dit is nie net Chinese winkels wat foutie­we goedere verkoop nie. Motoreienaarsverloor duisende as gevolg van foutieweelektriese onderdele, wat nie met ’nwaarborg verkoop word nie. ­ Anoniem

V Kan ons asseblief duidelike foto’s in Ty­gerBurger kry? Daar is niks so irriterendsoos dowwe foto’s nie. ­ Ris

V Kan Panorama­hospitaal nie assebliefhul verpleegsters Afrikaans leer nie? Onsoues wie se Engels nie so goed is nie, suk­kel maar om ons pyne en gevoelens aanhulle oor te dra. ­ J. Brits

V Hoekom kry minderbevoorregte witmense nie ook huise van die staat in be­skaafde woongebiede nie? My pleidooieby hulle val op dowe ore. Daar word netgesê dat ons ’n bekostigbare plekkie moetsoek. Waar moet ons so ’n plek kry? Allehuurhuise is bo R5 000 per maand. ­ Ano­niem, Kraaifontein

V Ek dink die mense wat Chinese winkelsse goedkoop gemors koop, is ’n groterprobleem. Die eienaars betaal nie belas­ting nie en verskaf ook nie werk nie. ­ Ber­ne Nightingale

V Huiseienaars met bediendekamers inWelgemoed en Proteavallei moet dalk afen toe gaan kyk wie woon almal saam metdie huishulp daar. Hulle wag tot dit donkeris om ingelaat te word – tot dan sit hulleen drink en raas tot ander se frustrasie.­ Anoniem

V Hoe op dees aarde stuur jy net eenvou­dig plakkers in ’n woonbuurt in en verwagdaar gaan geen teenkanting wees nie?Dink hierdie mense nie verder as hul neusenie? ­ Anoniem, Blackheath

) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord“Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.

Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 11

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Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014 SPORT TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 15

Drivers skid home at wet KillarneyChris Champion might have wished his MG had a roof for the fine car race. PHOTO: DAVE COLINS


Killarney hosted the fourth round of thePower Series this past Saturday. Themorning started off with a dry track

but this quickly changed as the morning pro-gressed.

This resulted in many upsets during theearly morning qualifying sessions. By the ti-me the first race started the track was wet.However, this was only the start of the rainto come.

The Makita Supercars were the first raceof the day and they put on a great show inthe tricky conditions.

Despite the damp, Nick Adcock and BradWadely were in great form as they finishedin that order almost side by side. The Silverclass belonged to Garth Easom while StuartSpooner took top honours in the Bronzeclass.

Then the heavens really opened up as theCharl Eng. Fine Cars took to the grid. Thefirst laps resulted in the red flags being pul-led out after Dereck Jordaan (Ford XR6) andMaurice Tascano (VW Passat) had a comingtogether.

The race was restarted after the debriswas cleared, and victory then went to Ericvan der Merwe (Porsche 944 Turbo) fromRay Cooper (Escort GT) and Piet Matthee(Porsche 944).

Full fieldThen the Midas Clubmans series was also

action packed with a full field of almost fiftycars taking to the grid. Danie van Niekerkdrove a spectacular race, taking his Turbocharged BMW from the back of the grid allthe way to the front and finally taking firstposition, he was closely followed by a packof front wheel drive cars, included Ernest

Liete (VW Caddy) who qualified in 22nd posi-tion. However, by the end of the race Erniesecured second position overall and first inhis class.

Class winners included Michael le Sueur(class D, VW Golf), Eric Nel (class E, VWFox), and Wayne Kraukamp (class F, ToyotaTazz), who took advantage of the slipper con-ditions to take third, fourth and fifth overall.

Coping with the power of the V8 Masterscars on the equivalent of an ice rink was ob-viestly going to be a problem.

Despite that, a justifiably cautious FavioTafani was able to remain ahead of MarcelAngel, Stephan Young and Charles Arton,who were the only other finishers.

The Jive GTi challenge began with the wa-ter across the track making waves that rival-led the surf at Big Bay and cars went off inall directions.

Well done to Nian du Toit and Stiaan Kriel

for surfing in the right direction while ontheir way to finish first and second. Let’s notforget Kosie Weyers, Jonathan Aberdienand Ebrahiem Levy, who all deserve specialmention.

Worst possible conditionsWeyers was third overall in his class C car

while 18 year old Aberdien, who had to copewith the worst possible conditions duringhis maiden main circuit outing, did well toclaim top honours in class B. Finally therewas Levy, who only finished 12th, not badfor a driver whose final few laps were com-pleted with only three wheels on a water log-ged circuit.

Conditions eventually became so bad thatthe organisers cancelled the second round ofevents. Ironicallythere was no further rain,however, the track remained flooded andwas deemed a major safety hazard and risk.

LIAM MOSES@liamcpt

Cape Town’s best basketball teams will dobattle for glory and thousands in cash in theinaugural Cape Basketball Championshipthis weekend.

The tournament will feature six mens’and womens’ sides, competing from brandnew, custom-made trophies and a share ofR20 000.

Shaun Sishuba, head of tournament or-ganisers Platinum Media Group, says hefounded the tournament to give back to thesport he has loved since the age of 12.

“Basketball does need investment and at-tention and that is why I came up with ideaand partnered with the Cape Town Basket-ball Association (CTBA),” he says.

“I could have invested in any sport, butthis is something that is close to my heart.I have played and officiated in basketball.Most players don't receive any financial re-ward. Since I have been involved in basket-ball I have never heard of any prize moneybeing awarded at tournaments. This issomething that I hope will grow basket-

ball.”Sishuba says his company has agreed to

host the tournament annually for the nextfive years, after which a new contract willhave to be agreed with CTBA.

The inaugural tournament will takeplace at UCT, starting on Saturday 21 Junewith the finals the following day.

Pool A of the women’s tournament in-clude’s the CPUT Cats second team, UCTand Lethal Ladies Basketball Club. Pool Bcontains Montana Vikings, UWC and CPUTCats first team.

Pool A of the men’s tournament featuresHurricanes, UWC and UCT. While Pool Bincludes CPUT Cats, Montana Vikings andthe CPUT Alumni side.

Sishuba these are the best sides affiliatedto the CTBA.

He adds that Platinum Media Group hasalso agreed to sponsor the Super Leaguefrom next season onwards.

The tournament will kick-off with around-robin phase, before the top two sidesin each group advance to the semi-finalswhere the winner of Pool A will place therunner up and Pool B and vice versa.

Cape’s best ballers tobattle for cash


Belhar, Kuilsrivier en Brackenfell was dieenigste van die Tygerbergse Superliga-rug-byspanne wat die afgelope Saterdagaandsaam met die Springbokke feestelik konverkeer.

Belhar het in sy derby-kragmeting teendie Tygerberg-klub sake voorlangs gedik-teer om met 26-13 die besoekers druipsterthuiswaarts te laat keer. Tygerberg het welsy oomblikke gehad, maar kon net nie altydvoorlangs kers vashou nie. In ’n baie gelyk-op-kragmeting het Kuilsrivier net genoeggedoen om Bellville met 17-13 te troef.

Noordelikes/Northlink-kollege het

Schotsche Kloof/Walmer weliswaar hardebene laat kou, maar is naelskraap met 17-15geklop. In die B-afdeling van die Superligahet Brackenfell ’n oortuigende oorwinningvan 38-17 oor Scottsdene behaal, maar Mil-nerton het met 18-20 vasgeval teen Pniël Vil-lagers en so ook Kraaifontein met 10-17 teenMacassar. Durbanville-Bellville (t Primro-se) en Hands & Heart (t Villager) se wed-stryde is as gevolg van die oorstroomde vel-de uitgestel. Saterdag se program (tuisspaneerste) is: Tygerberg t Noordelikes/Northlink-kollege, Bellville t Hamlets,Primrose t Kuilsrivier, Brackenfell t Sir Lo-wrians, Kraaifontein t Scottsdene, Good-wood t Villager, Hands & Heart t Macassar.

Belhar dikteer sake teen Tygerberg-klub

SportPage 16 | Woensdag, 18 Junie 2014Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected]

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A SITE LICENCEIn terms of the provisions of Section 32(2) of theWestern Cape Gambling

and Racing Act, 1996 (Act 4 of 1996), as amended, theWestern CapeGambling and Racing Board (“the Board”) hereby gives notice that an

application for a site licence, as listed below, has been received.A site licence will authorise the licence holder to place a maximum offive limited payout machines in approved sites outside of casinos for

play by the public.


Name of business: Marshalls World of SportWestern Cape (Pty) LtdCK 2013/074514/07t/a Marshalls World of Sport –Eerste River

At the following site: Shop 2 and 3, Rose Centre,Plein Street, Eerste River 7103

Erf number: 7574, Eerste RiverPersons having a financialinterest of 5% or more inthe business: Jeremy Andrew Marshall (100%)


Residents of this province who wish to lodge objections or to furnish commenton any application,may do so in writing. In the case of written objections to an

application, the grounds on which such objections are founded,must be furnished.Where comment in respect of an application is furnished, full particulars and factsto substantiate such comment must be provided.The name, address and telephonenumber of the person submitting the objection or offering the comment must alsobe provided.Comments or objections must reach the Board by no later than

16:00 on 11 July 2014.

Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Regulation 24(2) of the National GamblingRegulations, the Board will schedule a public hearing in respect of an application

only if, on or before 16:00 on 11 July 2014, a written objection to suchapplication relating to:

(a) the probity or suitability for licensing of any of the persons tobe involved in the operation of the relevant business, or

(b) the suitability of the proposed site for the conduct of gamblingoperations

has been received. If a public hearing is scheduled, the date of such hearing will beadvertised in this publication approximately 14 days prior to the date thereof.

Objections or comments must be forwarded to the Chief ExecutiveOfficer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, P.O. Box 8175,

Roggebaai 8012 or handed to the Chief Executive Officer,Western CapeGambling and Racing Board, Seafare House, 68 Orange Street, Gardens,

CapeTown or faxed to the Chief Executive Officer on021 422 2603 or emailed to [email protected]

UWC boxers off to champsSinethemba Blom (red) won gold in the Western Cape Boxing championships.

Two UWC boxers have secured their tickets to theSouth African National Boxing championships afterwinning their final bouts in the Western Cape BoxingChampionships held on 7 June.

Sinethemba Blom and Nwabisa Tom both receivedgold medals, while their teammate Sandiso Kota hadto settle for bronze after hewas beaten in the semi-final.

Blom and Tomwill travel to East London nextmonthfor the national championships, with a goal of gettinga place on the South African team that will go to theWorld Boxing Championships.

At a packed Vuyiseka Community Hall in Philippion 7 June, Blom outclassed Lunga Stemela in what wasnamed the Bout of the Tournament to win the light wel-terweight division, while Tomwent through on a walk-over after shedidn’t get anopponent in the lightmiddle-weight division.

It was the third time that Blom, a second year BAstudent, beat Stemela in as many bouts this year, andsaid hewas very happy about the win as he had trained

hard for the tournament.The bigger picture for him now was a gold medal at

thenational championships, something thathas eludedhim in the past.

“I’ve always lost in the semi-finals or quarterfinals,but this year I want to go all the way,” an ecstatic Blomcommented.

Tom, who is graduating with a BCom in September,said she was happy to qualify for the national champi-onships, but was nervous because of going to the natio-nal event without fighting.

“Fights would have given me an opportunity to testmyself so I can improve going to the nationals. I’m ai-ming for gold and I’m training every day to be ready.”

UWC coach Ginger Mapasa noted that the WesternCape tournamentwasvery toughandcongratulatedhisboxers for their achievements, saying it shows the goodwork that the club is doing. The aim now, he said, wasfor his team to do well in the national championshipsand make the South African team.


Series to prep players

The Protea netball squad toface Scotland are, back fromleft, Elize Kotze (SPAR Proteascoach), Karla Mostert, MarykeHoltzhausen, Adele Niemand,Chrisna Van Zyl, ZaneleMdodana, Melissa Myburgh,Phumza Maweni and KefiloeTsotetsi. Front: Bongi Msomi,Precious Mthembu, Erin Burgerand Lenise Potgieter.PHOTO: REGCALDECOTT

The success of the five-weekBrutal FruitNetball Cup will be put to the test thisweek when the SPAR national netball

team play a three-test series against Scot-land in Cape Town.

The tests will be played at the Velodromein Bellville on consecutive days, between 19and 21 June.

“It is a very opportune time for us to playthis series,” saidNetball SouthAfrica (NSA)President Mimi Mthethwa.

“We have just finished the Brutal Fruit

Netball Cup, and this series gives us a chan-ce to see how the players have progressed.Also, with the Commonwealth Games inGlasgow in July - our big focus for this year- we will be able to try out the team and seehowprepared the players are for the challen-ge ahead of them.”

There are three new caps in the squad an-nounced after the Brutal Fruit Netball Cupfinal on Sunday.

“The Scotland series is an ideal opportuni-ty to expose young players to international

netball,” said head coach of the SPAR natio-nal team, Elize Kotze.

“Lenise Potgieter is a very talented youngplayer. She’s only 20, but she showed a greatmaturity during the Brutal Fruit NetballCup, standing up against experienced defen-ders like KarlaMostert and Adele Niemand.She has an amazing reach, and she plays ve-ry much like Irene van Dyk,” said Kotze.

“The other two newcomers are both defen-ders, Kefiloe “Fifi” Tsotetsi andPhumzaMa-weni. Phumza was outstanding for the Sout-

hern Stings, who won all their matches, andwhat I love about Fifi is that she trains everyday against Chante Steyn at the NorthernFlames, and that will help us when we meetthose huge Jamaicans at the Commonwe-alth Games.”

Steyn, at 195 centimetres, was one of thetallest and most solid players in the BrutalFruit Netball Cup.

The team to play against Scotland will toa large extent be the team thatwill representSouth Africa at the Commonwealth Games.