校園資訊 八校攜手前進,精誠合作: USR 中區跨校聯盟 東海大學邀請中部地區七所 大學中國醫藥大學、南開大 學、弘光科技大學、逢甲大 學、國立台灣體育運動大學、 國立暨南國際大學及靜宜大 學,於 2019 年 9 月 16 日共同 成立「中部地區大學社會責任 計畫跨校聯盟」。八校均位於 中部地區、學術各有亮點與專 長,且均執行教育部大學社會責任(USR)計畫。藉由跨校聯盟成立,將可更有效整合 八校資源,促進彼此人員之合作及資訊共享,強化大學社會責任執行能量及人才培育 以促進在地發展,攜手開創在大台中地區更全面性大學社會責任實踐。 東海大學校長王茂駿致詞時表示,東海一直積極發展「人才培育、區域鏈結、社會 創新」,提高在地社會永續發展的機會,成立中部地區 USR 聯盟就是希望藉由提供聯 盟的平台,讓執行 USR 計畫各有特色的八所學校,跨校合作、互享資源,創造出多 贏、互惠的局面。 在簽署儀式中各校代表人亦對中部地區 USR 聯盟的成立給予正向肯定,更期待成立 後各校在 USR 經驗交流、教學、研究、資源等方面有更多合作與互補之處,以在大學 社會責任的實踐上有更高的效能與產值。 最後,各校在簽署儀式後的圓桌座談中,交流聯盟未來發展方向,並研討各校具體 可合作事宜,包含各校輪流舉辦聯盟會議、聯盟共同成果展或共培活動主題、課程共 設或師生交流等活動,藉此有效整合資源,共同培育在地人才,提升各校教學、研究 與中部地區 USR 聯盟之能量。 東海大學副校長詹家昌表示,感謝各 校積極投入中部地區 USR 聯盟,未來將 納整各校意見,於 109 年辦理工作坊及 成果發表會,期能整合專業知識與實作 演練,並藉由彼此的經驗交流分享,落 實 USR 計畫的目標及成效。未來,聯盟 也將朝向各校每年輪流辦理活動之方式 運作,期達到聯盟最大效益。 校園資訊 【恭賀】東海大學第二十屆傑出校友遴選結果出爐! 108 學年度東海大學第 20 屆傑出校友遴選委員會會議遴選結果出爐,由朱建華、 林光隆、顧洋、林榮堅、朱俊彰 5 位傑出校友獲選,獲選名單如下(依畢業年排序) 姓名 學系 學制 畢業年 校屆別 朱建華 物理系 日間學士班 1970 12 屆 林光隆 化學系 日間學士班 1977 19 屆 化工系 日間學士班 1977 19 屆 林榮堅 數學系 日間學士班 1985 27 屆 朱俊彰 政治系 日間學士班 1996 38 屆 本屆傑出校友遴選活動由本校傑出校友遴選委員會主辦,就業輔導暨校友聯絡室承 辦。本屆遴選委員有:主任委員、傑出校友代表二名、校友總會代表二名、文學院、 理學院、工學院、管理學院、社科院、農學院、創藝學院、法律學院、國際學院各院 一名代表。遴選作業自今年 4 月即行文各機關、學校,以郵寄或電子郵件、網路訊息 公告等方式公布徵求傑出校友訊息。於本(108)年 9 月 11 日完成遴選,訂於 11 月 2 日 (星期六)假路思義教堂舉辦「第 20 屆傑出校友表揚典禮」,歡迎全球校友返校共襄盛 舉。 詳細東海大學第二十屆傑出校友遴選結果及個人簡歷: https://reurl.cc/nVn3rl 東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登) 東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 號 Email : [email protected] 徵文 你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月? 有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照? 有沒有曾經在東海的某一角熬夜拼期末考? 有沒有曾經偷偷牽著誰的小手漫步在文理大道? 東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢? 快點動手來幫東海大學按個讚吧! 也順便和聯絡老同學感情,看看東海最近的改變與發展。 東海大學官方粉絲團,需要您的「」助,快伸出食指按個讚!讓東海大學粉絲團成長茁壯! 東海粉絲團請點我,進去再按讚! 校園資訊 「2019 空汙紀錄片巡迴影展」東海攜手社區及企業看見浮塵之島 中南部地區數十年來因為承擔台灣整體工業發展,飽受環境汙染之苦,尤其是時時 刻刻必須呼吸的空氣。東海大學社會責任實踐計畫(USR)「誠食夥伴.好氣社區」團隊 自計畫執行以來積極地與中部地區的大專院校、社區公民團體和 NPO 組織共同關注空 汙議題並分享經驗。 「2019 年空汙紀錄片巡迴影展」自 108 年 9 月 23 日起至 10 月 5 日止,預計在東 海大學與合作的中南部地區大專院校(包括中山醫學大學、中國醫藥大學、中興大學、 弘光科技大學、虎尾科技大學、國立彰化師範大學及靜宜大學)及在地組織,舉辦 20 場次的紀錄片播映暨導演見面座談會。今年特別感謝群創教育基金會提供「勿霾蒼 穹」空汙行動影展系列影片,包含:浮塵之島與「2.5 x 25 x 25 影像抗空汙行動」等 26 部。期望藉由空汙紀錄片中寫實的影像,搭配導演和專家的分享,深入淺出的引導 師生與民眾共同關注空汙議題。 本次空汙紀錄片巡迴影展開幕活動,有來自全台各地關心空汙議題的貴賓餐與,包 括台中市扶輪社、中華民國律師公會全國聯合會、台灣健康空氣行動聯盟、虎尾溪社 區大學、麥仔簝獨立書店、大肚山改善空汙協會、弘光科大服務學習中心、彰化師大 環境教育中心、中山醫大公衛系等代表與會交流,大家共同關注空汙議題,也提供許 多寶貴的意見分享。 東海大學副校長詹家昌表示,解決環境問題根本之道在於教育,預防重於治療,大 家要身體力行,由做中學來共同解決環境議題,讓環境教育朝向正向發展。社會科學 院陳文典院長表示,教育是最重要的一環,東海一直以來對於空汙不斷提出呼籲與重 視,希望讓學生了解,環境議題將牽涉到社會與經濟,與社會科學院有很深的連結。 東海大學將在 9 月 18 日首映「勿霾蒼穹」空汙影展,並邀請導演座談。 空汙紀錄片巡迴影展在去年第一屆共計放映 13 場,參與超過 1200 人次。透過影像 發聲及導演現身說法與互動分享,提升師生與社區民眾的空汙意識,獲得參與者的熱 烈迴響。 為進一步提升大學生及在地居民對空氣汙染風險的了解與關注,本屆影展除了延 續 2018 年校際影展的規模,更走出校園,邀請關心空汙議題的在地團體組織加入。透 過視覺影像的傳播,提高相關議題的能見度,期望藉由影展讓民眾認知到空汙的存在 與對健康的危害,逐漸聚集國人爭取呼吸權的能量、表達強烈拒絕空汙進入環境的心 聲。歡迎大家透過影片,了解關心自己的居住環境。 校園資訊 The International College International College Student Serves as Junior Ambassador for Taiwan Vic Zhang is a third-year IBA student in the International College, and over the summer he seized a great opportunity. It began last April when his father told him about the Ministry of Foreign AffairsYouth Diplomacy program. He applied, made his way through a series of interviews and was chosen to be among the 75 participants, out of a pool of over 1,000 applicants. Before his interviews, however, Vic wasnt nervous; in the waiting-room he was calm and listening to upbeat electronic music on his DJ headphones. After being selected, he and the other participants began a month-long training in which they were taught the appropriate information and communication skills necessary to be impressive ambassadors of Taiwan. The young ambassadors were divided into two main groups: the diplomatic presenters and the cultural performers. As a diplomatic presenter, Vic attended classes taught by visiting professors from top universities in which he learned public speaking skills and information about some of Taiwans most important cultural aspects and traditions. While the cultural performers rehearsed with their traditional Taiwanese instruments and choreographed traditional dance routines. The performers prepared pieces on the Chinese oboe (嗩吶), dance routines in Hakka style and, even, exciting presentations of the diabolo (扯鈴). After their training, the 75 youth ambassadors were sent to Thailand, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Kiribati. Vic and his team were sent to represent Taiwan in Thailand and India. During their short time in each country, Vic visited prominent universities, humanitarian NGOs and congress. At an NGO in Thailand, Vics team helped disabled children learn useful life skills to live without assistance, and, later, they even got the chance to perform on TV. At a Muslim university in India, Vic was impressed by how many students were diligently studying Chinese language. After his experience, Vic is not sure if he wants to pursue being an ambassador or a diplomat. He still hopes to be an entrepreneur like his parents. However, Vic did discover that he really enjoys communicating with new people and that hes good at it; he likes asking big questions, and hes fascinated with the global economy, why some countries get some things and not others. Overall, Vic is grateful for his experience and is energized by the incredible and talented people he met in the program. Meet New IC Professor: Mishra! Mrinalini Mishra is one of the ICs new teachers for the Sustainability, Science and Engineering program (SSE). Mishra is from a city near Kolkatta, India, and from a very young age she knew she wanted to be a scientist. When she was younger, she admired the Indian-American astronaut Kalpana Chawla and had dreams of one day working for NASA. As a student, she always enjoyed her time in the lab, and she has spent a lot of time conducting meaningful research. She hopes to bring that passion for research to her students here at Tunghai and find ways for the SSE students to experience lab research like she did. After spending many years pursuing her education and conducting research in India, Japan and Taiwan, Mishra begins a new journey as a teacher at Tunghai. After graduate school in India, Mishra spent three years earning her PHD in Japan. Six years ago, she moved to Taiwan to continue her research and live with her husband, who is finishing his PHd at National Central University. Originally a student of Physics, Mishra changed her focus to Material Science and Engineering because she enjoys the practical application of physics. Working at National Tsing Hua University and NCU, Mishra conducted research on photo-catalysts for the creation of hydrogen fuel, an important area of research for the development of sustainable, green energy sources. At the IC, Mishra is teaching students of all grades. She teaches a class on Scientific Presentations, Introduction to Green Energy, and Sustainable Energy. Those are all easy, she confessed, but her first-year Calculus class is more of a challenge because she hasnt studied calculus in a long time herself. As a new teacher, she is learning as she goes. For example, she has learned that one of her first goals is to encourage shy students to feel safe and confident enough to speak up in class. 本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000249 期校園電子報 本刊發行日期: 2019 年 09 月 19 日 第 1000249 期

USR 中區跨校聯盟 - THU

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八校攜手前進,精誠合作: USR 中區跨校聯盟






學,於 2019年 9月 16日共同








創新」,提高在地社會永續發展的機會,成立中部地區 USR聯盟就是希望藉由提供聯

盟的平台,讓執行 USR計畫各有特色的八所學校,跨校合作、互享資源,創造出多


在簽署儀式中各校代表人亦對中部地區 USR聯盟的成立給予正向肯定,更期待成立

後各校在 USR經驗交流、教學、研究、資源等方面有更多合作與互補之處,以在大學





與中部地區 USR聯盟之能量。


校積極投入中部地區 USR聯盟,未來將

納整各校意見,於 109年辦理工作坊及



實 USR計畫的目標及成效。未來,聯盟





108學年度東海大學第 20屆傑出校友遴選委員會會議遴選結果出爐,由朱建華、

林光隆、顧洋、林榮堅、朱俊彰 5位傑出校友獲選,獲選名單如下(依畢業年排序)

姓名 學系 學制 畢業年 校屆別

朱建華 物理系 日間學士班 1970 12屆

林光隆 化學系 日間學士班 1977 19屆

顧 洋 化工系 日間學士班 1977 19屆

林榮堅 數學系 日間學士班 1985 27屆

朱俊彰 政治系 日間學士班 1996 38屆




一名代表。遴選作業自今年 4月即行文各機關、學校,以郵寄或電子郵件、網路訊息

公告等方式公布徵求傑出校友訊息。於本(108)年 9月 11日完成遴選,訂於 11月 2日

(星期六)假路思義教堂舉辦「第 20屆傑出校友表揚典禮」,歡迎全球校友返校共襄盛


詳細東海大學第二十屆傑出校友遴選結果及個人簡歷: https://reurl.cc/nVn3rl

東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登)

東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 字

地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 號 Email : [email protected]


你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月?

有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照?



東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢?






「2019 空汙紀錄片巡迴影展」東海攜手社區及企業看見浮塵之島



自計畫執行以來積極地與中部地區的大專院校、社區公民團體和 NPO組織共同關注空


「2019年空汙紀錄片巡迴影展」自 108年 9月 23日起至 10月 5日止,預計在東


弘光科技大學、虎尾科技大學、國立彰化師範大學及靜宜大學)及在地組織,舉辦 20


穹」空汙行動影展系列影片,包含:浮塵之島與「2.5 x 25 x 25 影像抗空汙行動」等












東海大學將在 9月 18日首映「勿霾蒼穹」空汙影展,並邀請導演座談。

空汙紀錄片巡迴影展在去年第一屆共計放映 13場,參與超過 1200人次。透過影像




續 2018年校際影展的規模,更走出校園,邀請關心空汙議題的在地團體組織加入。透





The International College

International College Student Serves as Junior Ambassador

for Taiwan

Vic Zhang is a third-year IBA student in the

International College, and over the summer he

seized a great opportunity. It began last April when

his father told him about the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs’ Youth Diplomacy program. He applied,

made his way through a series of interviews and

was chosen to be among the 75 participants, out

of a pool of over 1,000 applicants. Before his

interviews, however, Vic wasn’t nervous; in the

waiting-room he was calm and listening to upbeat

electronic music on his DJ headphones.

After being selected, he and the other participants

began a month-long training in which they were taught the appropriate information

and communication skills necessary to be impressive ambassadors of Taiwan. The

young ambassadors were divided into two main groups: the diplomatic presenters

and the cultural performers. As a diplomatic presenter, Vic attended classes taught by

visiting professors from top universities in which he learned public speaking skills and

information about some of Taiwan’s most important cultural aspects and traditions.

While the cultural performers rehearsed with their traditional Taiwanese instruments

and choreographed traditional dance routines. The performers prepared pieces on

the Chinese oboe (嗩吶), dance routines in Hakka style and, even, exciting

presentations of the diabolo (扯鈴).

After their training, the 75 youth ambassadors were sent to Thailand, India, Malaysia,

the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Kiribati. Vic and his team were sent to

represent Taiwan in Thailand and India. During their short time in each country, Vic

visited prominent universities, humanitarian NGO’s and congress. At an NGO in

Thailand, Vic’s team helped disabled children learn useful life skills to live without

assistance, and, later, they even got the chance to perform on TV. At a Muslim

university in India, Vic was impressed by how many students were diligently studying

Chinese language.

After his experience, Vic is not sure if he wants to pursue being an ambassador or a

diplomat. He still hopes to be an entrepreneur like his parents. However, Vic did

discover that he really enjoys communicating with new people and that he’s good at

it; he likes asking big questions, and he’s fascinated with the global economy, why

some countries get some things and not others. Overall, Vic is grateful for his

experience and is energized by the incredible and talented people he met in the


Meet New IC Professor: Mishra!

Mrinalini Mishra is one of the IC’s new teachers for

the Sustainability, Science and Engineering program

(SSE). Mishra is from a city near Kolkatta, India, and

from a very young age she knew she wanted to be a

scientist. When she was younger, she admired the

Indian-American astronaut Kalpana Chawla and had

dreams of one day working for NASA. As a student,

she always enjoyed her time in the lab, and she has

spent a lot of time conducting meaningful research.

She hopes to bring that passion for research to her

students here at Tunghai and find ways for the SSE

students to experience lab research like she did.

After spending many years pursuing her education and conducting research in India,

Japan and Taiwan, Mishra begins a new journey as a teacher at Tunghai.

After graduate school in India, Mishra spent three years earning her PHD in Japan.

Six years ago, she moved to Taiwan to continue her research and live with her

husband, who is finishing his PHd at National Central University. Originally a student

of Physics, Mishra changed her focus to Material Science and Engineering because

she enjoys the practical application of physics. Working at National Tsing Hua

University and NCU, Mishra conducted research on photo-catalysts for the creation

of hydrogen fuel, an important area of research for the development of sustainable,

green energy sources.

At the IC, Mishra is teaching students of all grades. She teaches a class on Scientific

Presentations, Introduction to Green Energy, and Sustainable Energy. Those are all

easy, she confessed, but her first-year Calculus class is more of a challenge because

she hasn’t studied calculus in a long time herself. As a new teacher, she is learning

as she goes. For example, she has learned that one of her first goals is to encourage

shy students to feel safe and confident enough to speak up in class.

本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000249 期校園電子報

本刊發行日期: 2019 年 09月 19日 第 1000249 期