16 Розробка уроку-презентації з англійської мови за темою «Canada» Мета: - to teach students to do the geographical outlook of the country; - to teach them to get information using different sources; - to practice skimming the text; - to practice using the Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice; - to incorporate group work; - to widen students’ knowledge on English-speaking countries. Обладнання: a textbook “Welcome to English Study” (8 th form) by O. Karpiuk, a map of Canada, contour maps of Canada, a CD with the anthem of Canada, a list of proper names, handouts, Canadian flag and coat of arms, sights of Canada. Хід уроку I. INTRODUCTION. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love In all thy sons command. With glowing hearts

  · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz

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Page 1:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz


Розробка уроку-презентації з англійської мови за темою «Canada»


- to teach students to do the geographical outlook of the country;

- to teach them to get information using different sources;

- to practice skimming the text;

- to practice using the Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice;

- to incorporate group work;

- to widen students’ knowledge on English-speaking countries.

Обладнання: a textbook “Welcome to English Study” (8th form) by O. Karpiuk, a

map of Canada, contour maps of Canada, a CD with the anthem of Canada, a list of

proper names, handouts, Canadian flag and coat of arms, sights of Canada.

Хід уроку


O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love

In all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts

We see thee rise.

The True North

Strong and free!

T: You’ve listened to the anthem of an English-speaking country. You can see its

flag and coat of arms here. Can you guess what country we are going to speak about?

Expected answer:

S: About Canada.

T: Right you are. At this lesson we’ll try to make a report in geography of Canada.

We have invited to our English lesson your geography teacher as an expert in

Geography. This lesson is unusual because you’ll get knowledge yourselves using

different sources of information.

Page 2:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz



[ l ]

Look, listen, learn!

T: Let it be the motto of our lesson.



T: We’ll start with revising our knowledge in geography. What plan do we use to do

the geographical outlook of the country?

Students express ideas in Ukrainian and English.

Expected result:

The geographical outlook of the country.


1. Фізико-географічне положення/ Geographical position.

2. Рельєф території/ Surface.

3. Мінеральні ресурси/ Mineral resources.

4. Клімат території/ Climate.

5. Води/ Lakes and rivers.

6. Населення/ Population.

7. Господарство/ Economy.


T: I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word-combinations.

Unscramble words.

to derbor on

to be edshwa by

an eara

a lowndla

a tainmoun ragen

a aticclim nezo



Page 3:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz



Key: to border on, to be washed by, an area, a lowland, a mountain range, a climatic

zone, arctic, subarctic, temperate.


T: Let’s work with some proper names. Listen and repeat.

Canada the Mackenzie

North America Nelson

The Pacific ocean Yukon

The Atlantic ocean Rocky mountains

The Arctic ocean Great Lakes

Ottawa Great Bear Lake

Toronto Niagara Falls


T: Now you are ready to get information about Canada. Split into 2 groups. You task

is to complete the chart “Some Facts about Canada” and to draw a contour map of


Some Facts about Canada.

1. Geographical position

2. Area

3. Surface

4. Climate

5. Lakes and rivers.

6. Population

7. Language

8. Cities

9. Capital

10. Flag, emblem

Page 4:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz


The first group will search for information about geographical position and the

surface, another one will work with points “Climate” and “Lakes and rivers”. Then

you’ll share the results of your research. The only available source of information for

each group is a map of Canada.

Page 5:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz



T: Are your contour maps ready?

Expected answer:

S: Yes, they are.

T: Is your chart completed? No? Then let’s work with another source of information.

Pre-reading activity.

T: Look at the texts and say what information you are going to find.

Possible answer:

S: We are going to learn more about population, language, cities and economy of



T: Read the texts on slides and find necessary information to complete your chart.

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Page 7:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz


Post-reading activity.

Page 8:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz


T: Do we have a result? Prove it. Tell what you know about Canada. Use your chart

and contour maps.


T: A lot of things have been done at this lesson. Do you agree? Let’s speak about

them using the Present Perfect Passive. Make up sentences with these word-


1. The texts/ to read.

2. The maps of Canada/ to study.

3. The chart/ to complete.

4. The geographical position of Canada/ to describe.

5. Different sources of information/ to use.

Key: 1. The texts have been read.

2. The maps of Canada have been studied.

3. The chart has been completed.

4. The geographical position of Canada has been described.

5. Different sources of information have been used.


T: My congratulations! You are real experts in geography of Canada. Besides you

know how to get information using different sources of it.

Your classmate got a task to make a report about geographical position of the

USA. He needs information. Give him advice how to find it. Use the following


- You should …

- Why don’t you …?

- Let’s …

- What about …?


T: Let’s make a conclusion. What have you learnt to do at the lesson?

Now I Can …

Page 9:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz


read and listen about the geography in English.

search for information in different sources.

do a geographical outlook of Canada using a map and a chart.

use the Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice


So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz “What Do You Know about


Your marks are … Thanks a lot. The lesson is over. Good bye. Have a nice day.





Page 10:   · Web viewYou’ve listened to the anthem. ... I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word ... So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz