Visual arts Showcase 視覺藝術創作匯集

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The visual arts are highly valued as a critical aspect of human development in the education process.

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Department of Cultural and Creative Arts The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Visual Arts Showcase


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藝術包含廣泛的形式,包括繪畫、雕塑、舞蹈、 音樂、戲劇和媒體。藝術跟創意和革新、教育、社會和經濟發展乃不可分割的,它為日趨流動性、網絡性但卻沒有人情味的世界,提供了一個「富人性」的重要空間和溝通渠道。藝術構成人類生存基本力量的要素,使不同族群以新的方式去了解和欣賞我們的全球化世界,讓他們為自己重新下定義、豐富文化環境,以及幫助表達人類在獨特環境下的感受和生活。因此,藝術勢必成為廿一世紀社會發展的一個主要 元素。



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The arts embrace a wide range of forms including painting, sculpture, dance, music, drama, and media. Being inseparably linked to creativity and innovation, education, and social and economic progress, the arts provide a significant ‘high-touch’ space and means of communication in an increasingly mobile, wired but impersonal world. The arts constitute an elemental part of the fundamental human capacity for life. They enable diverse people groups to understand and appreciate our globalised world in new ways, to redefine their identity, enrich the cultural environments, and facilitate the expression of how different people feel and live in their distinctive situations. As such, the arts must become an integral ingredient of community development in the 21st century. In the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, the visual arts are highly valued as a critical aspect of human development in the education process. I commend to you the ‘Visual Arts Showcase’, an outcome of creative and artistic efforts of the Department’s Visual Arts staff.


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Staf f ‘s Work‘s 職員作品Dr. Lai Ming Hoi Victor, Associate Professor P.01Dr. Fung Siu Han Anissa, Assistant Professor P.05Dr. Lau Chung Yim, Assistant Professor P.09Dr. Ng Heung Sang Anita, Assistant Professor P.13Dr. Tam Cheung On Thomas, Assistant Professor P.17Dr. Do Josephine Kitty, Assistant Professor P.21Dr. Ma So Mui, Assistant Professor P.25

Miss Chan So Mei Sharon, Teaching Fellow P.29Miss Lam Yuk Lin Pauline, Teaching Fellow P.33Dr. Wong So Lan, Teaching Fellow P.37Mr. Ng Mau Wai Clive, Instructor P.41Miss Chan Chiu Bik Astrid, Instructor P.45Dr. Au Kit Oi Eliza, Adjunct Associate Professor P.49Dr. Ma Kwai Shun, Adjunct Associate Professor P.53Miss Chan Sin Man, Techician P.57Mr. Wong Kai Yu, Techician P.61

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Dr. Lai Ming Hoi Victor 黎明海 博士Associate Professor 副教授

Dr. Victor Lai is the Associate Head of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He got the first class honours Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Liverpool in 1987. He has been awarded a Master of Arts degree in Painting from the international renowned art school, Royal College of Art (RCA) in London in 1990. He obtained a PhD degree in Visual Art and Art History from the Lancaster University in 2001. Dr. Lai has got numerous awards and scholarships in art research and painting which included British Council scholarship, Overseas Research scholarship, Winslade bursary, Milner Kite scholarship, John Minton scholarship, Asian Cultural Council fellowship, and Vermont Studio Centre honorable mention grant.

Dr. Lai was the former head of the CAPE department of the HKIEd (2004-06). He is now the President of Hong Kong Society for Education in Art, Chief Examiner of the Visual Art HKCEE papers of the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority, Honorary Art Education Adviser of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC), Honorary Museum Expert Adviser of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Honorary Advisor for the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), China. He was one of the adjudicators for the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2005. He was also a member of the assessment panel on the Arts Education Key Learning Area of the Chief Executive’s

Award for Teacher Excellence, a member of the international review panel for the Australian Online Journal of Arts Education, a validation panel member for Art programmes for the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA), Vice Chairman of the art education section of ADC, and the External Examiner and Advisor for several local tertiary institutions.

Dr. Lai has organised seventeen solo exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and UK since 1988. He has participated in more than fifty local and international group exhibitions since 1986. He has more than forty important review articles on his paintings including reviews from Prof. Norbert Lynton, Prof. Paul Huxley, Mr Ken Kiff, Mr Nigel Cameron, and Ms Hilary Binks in the past fifteen years. He has published books and journal articles on Art History, local popular cultures and visual arts research. He has been invited as a visiting scholar and artist-in-residency for UK, India, and Taiwan universities and art institutions. His research focuses on painting, modern and contemporary art history, Hong Kong popular culture, community art and culture, visual arts culture and arts education.


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1987年獲英國利物浦大學一級榮譽教育學士。1990年獲英國皇家藝術學院領發文學(繪畫)碩士學位。2001年獲英國蘭卡斯特大學藝術史哲學博士學位。現職香港教育學院文化及創意藝術學系副學系主任、香港美術教育協會會長、香港康樂及文化事務署藝術館榮譽專家顧問、香港藝術發展局藝術教育組顧問、當代藝術博物館(中國)榮譽顧問、香港考試評核局視覺藝術科試卷主席及香港多所大專院校藝術課程的校外評審委員。曾任廣告公司創作總監、香港藝術雙年展(2005)評審、行政長官卓越教學獎(視覺藝術科)評審、2007亞太藝術教育國際研討會顧問、「上海街視藝空間策展及管理 2004-06」計劃統籌、香港藝術發展局委員及藝術教育組副主席、香港教育學院體藝學系主任(2004-06)。研究範疇包括繪畫創作理論、現代及西方藝術史,香港流行文化、社區文化與藝術、視覺文化及藝術教育等。

歷年出版個人畫冊十三冊,個人學術著作:《藝展視談-西方繪畫新 精神》 ( 1 9 9 7 )、《區域文化與藝術 表現》(2000)、《超越或邊緣:現代西

方繪畫賞析》(2002)。合著: (2000)、《藝術欣賞、批評與教育》(2001)、《香港流行文化與視覺藝術教育》(2003)、 《藝術評論與視覺藝術 教育》 (2007)。編輯:《藝術評論與視覺藝術教育》 (2007),《香山雲霞 香江波光:美術教育論文集》(2007),《走讀藝術:香港藝術家工作室》第二輯 (2008)


曾主理大型視覺藝術教育研究計劃:教育局計劃「區域文化與藝術表現」 (1998-2000)及「香港流行文化與視覺藝術教育」(2001-03),香港藝術發展局計劃「情境導向的視覺藝術評論訓練手冊和教學試驗計劃」(2005-07),優質教育基金「今昔家國六十年」 國民藝術教育計劃 (2009-11)。

夢兮中國(九) | Dream about China(IX) 1999 -03 油彩布本|Oil on canvas, 60”x 60” 2

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紐約911,兩屏 | NY.911, diptych2001 – 02 油彩布本 |Oil on Canvas, 51‘3/4”x 49‘3/4”(left panel)

紐約911,兩屏 | NY.911, diptych2001 – 02 油彩布本|Oil on Canvas, 51‘3/4”x 49‘3/4”(right panel)


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四川5.12 | 5.12 Sichuan2008-09 油彩布本|Oil on Canvas, 192 x 67.5 cm (each panel)


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Dr. Anissa Fung was awarded a Bachelor Degree in ceramics and sculpture with 1st Class Honors by the Central St. Martin College of Art & Design in London. She then received her Master of Arts in ceramics product design from the London Royal College of Art. In 2004, she was awarded the Doctor of Fine Art by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in Melbourne. Her creative artworks developed from her research on Chinese ritual culture and aesthetic burial objects are highly commended by international artists and professional counterparts.

Dr. Fung’s works have been widely exhibited in more than 40 local and international exhibitions. Her works are archived by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, University Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, as well as by overseas art organizations and private collectors. Besides exhibiting works, Dr. Fung had shown her creative ceramic sculptures in the Hong Kong Biennial Art Exhibitions. Her recent solo exhibitions include: “My Soliloquy”, “Hong Kong Artist

Series (I)—Anissa Fung’s Space between Fingers”, and “Winds of Thrills”. Dr. Anissa Fung is Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Project Leader of the CAPE-Community Arts and Sports School (CASS), and Project Leader of the Visual Arts Education and Community Development Project (VAECD). She is also the Chairperson of the Contemporary Society of Ceramics (HK).


祭獻 |Offering(2007) 陶塑,白瓷 |Ceramic sculpture, White porcelain, fried to 1260℃ 60( L ) x 50( W ) x 50( H ) cm


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最後的審判 | The Last Judgment(2003) 混合媒材, 白瓷陶塑,亞加力膠片, 印刷圖像 Mixed-media installation, high-fired porcelain, acrylic panels, printed graphic images 260( L ) x 120( H ) x 30( D ) cm

歸 | Eternal Return (2003) 混合媒材,白瓷陶塑, 粗麻补Mixed-media installation, high-fired porcelain, burlap 360( L ) X 90( H ) X 120( H ) cm

水器 | Water Serving (2007) 白瓷 Porcelain, fired to 1260℃水壺 Water Jug 22 (H) X 12 (Dia.)cm;杯 Mugs 12.5 (H) X 7 (Dia.)cm;

聖與俗 | Sacred and Profane (2003) 陶塑,白瓷 Ceramic sculpture White porcelain , fired to 1250 ℃60 (L) X 60 (W) X 30 (H)cm

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福器 | Vessel of Prosperity (2007) 高溫白瓷器及紅陶土 High-fired white porcelain and red earthenware40( L ) x 36( W ) x 28( H ) cm

永生的追尋 | In Search of Immortality(2003) 陶塑, 高温炻器 Ceramics, high-fired stoneware85( L ) x 30(Dia.) cm


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地母祭器 |Ritual Vessel for Dimu (2003) 陶塑,高温炻器 Ceramics, high-fired stoneware 80(L) X 45(W) X 35 (H)cm (*Archived by University Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. 廣州美術學院大學城美術館藏品 ) 花 |Flower

(1996) 陶塑,高温炻器 Ceramics, high-fired stoneware 35 (Dia.) X 110cm (H) 花之冥想 |Meditation of a Flower

(1996) 陶塑,高温炻器,銅片 Ceramics, high-fired stoneware, copper sheet 40 (Dia.) X 46 (H)cm (* Archived by Hong Kong Museum of Art. 香港藝術博物館藏品 ) 家 |Home

(1996) 陶塑, 高温炻器 Ceramics, high-fired stoneware 35(L) X 20(W) X 15(H)cm 咖啡具 |Coffee Serving Set

(1995) 產品, 高温白瓷器 Product design, high-fired porcelain Coffee cup: 6(Dia.) X 8(H)cm Coffee pot: 20(W) X 10(Dia.) X 16 (H)cm Tray: 30(W) X 30(D) X 3(H)cm 白壼之對話 |Conversation of Two Pots

(1996) 陶塑,白陶土 Ceramics, white earthenware 36(L) X 12(W) X40cm


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Dr. Lau Chung Yim劉仲嚴博士Assistant Professor 助理教授

I studied Fine Arts and received my initial teacher education in National Taiwan Normal University. I obtained my Master of Visual Arts from the Victorian College of the Arts of the University of Melbourne and Certificate in Arts Administration in Grant MacEwan Community College. I completed a PhD at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University. Before joining the institute, I had taught art in kindergarten, junior and senior high schools in Taiwan for eight years. In 1998, I received an Art Teacher Award from the Taipei Municipal Bureau of Education. I am currently an Assistant Professor of the Department

of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education where I teach under-and-postgraduate classes in Visual Arts education and arts-and-cultural theories. My research interests include issues in postmodern pedagogy, visual culture in art education, inquiry method, and art teacher education. My publications are mainly related to arts and culture, art and cognition, and teaching art in the postmodern era.

台灣師範大學美術學系文學士; 加拿大昆.麥沃芬學院藝術行政 文憑;澳洲墨爾本大學維多利亞藝術學院視覺藝術碩士;澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學哲學博士。曾任台北市幼稚園、高國中美術教師, 獲台北市政府教育局嘉獎教師, 現職香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系助理教授,主要任教藝術教育及藝術和文化理論。研究興趣包括後現代教學、視覺文化藝術教育、研究方法及藝術教師教育。


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我的房間 | My room (2000) 混合媒材、紙本 Mixed media on paper 80(W) x 60(H) cm 私人收藏 Private collection

一個嬰兒與一張釘床 | A baby and a nailed bed (2000) 混合媒材、紙本 Mixed media on paper160 (W)x 140(H) cm 私人收藏Private collection


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一支鳥與一隻狗 | A bird and a dog (2004) 攝影Photography 22(W) x 10(H) cm藝術家自藏 Artist collection


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New life (2007)Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 100cm(H) x 75cm(W)

Wedding 結婚 (2000) 裝置藝術 Installation 可變動尺寸 Variable size 藝術家自藏 Artist collection


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Dr. Ng Heung Sang Anita吳香生博士Assistant Professor 助理教授

Dr. NG Heung Sang, Anita, completed her BEd. (Honours) and M.Ed. at the Universit y of Liver pool, U.K, and Ph D. at the University of East Anglia, U.K. in 2007. Her research topic is ‘Creating an Art Education We b sit e t h r ou g h C o l l a b or a t i v e Action Research’. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Research interests include teachers’ professional development and Hong Kong art education history. Before joining the Institute, she taught visual arts at primary and secondary schools i n Hong Kong for over 10 yea rs. Between 1989 and 1993, she worked

as an Art Inspector at the Cultural C r a f t s C e n t r e a n d C u r r i c u l u m Development Institute in the Hong Kong Educat ion Depa r t ment. In 20 0 0, D r. Ng publ ished a book : The D e ve lopme n t of Hon g Kon g Art Education in Sixty Years, 1939-99, t h a t w a s f u nded by t he A r t s Development Council and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. The Hong Kong Visual A rts Education Web (http://ctc.ied.edu.hk/iii) was f u nded by t he Un iversit y Gra nt s Committee and developed in 2000. T he website prov ides a lea r n i n g platform for teachers to share their t e a ch i n g e x p e r ie nc e s. D r. Ng ’s paper entitled The Creation of the

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education web and the use of the Inquary-based Teaching Approach was published in the International Journal of Art & Design Education in 2009. Dr. Ng prefers to use clay as her art making medium. Her teapots were selected by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong in 1989 and 2005. Over the past five years, she was the Consultant of the Community-Based Art Project - ‘A Street in Hong Kong’ that organized by the outside arts organizations. This project was f u nded by t he A r ts Development Council and Quality Education Fund with the aim of promoting ceramic art in primary schools.


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香港美術教育發展六十年 (1939-99)The Development of Hong Kong Art Education in sixty-years (1939-99) 2000 年出版

吳香生博士 英國利物浦大學學士、 碩士及英國東安格里亞大學哲學博士。研究題目為「透過合作行動研究以建立美術教育網站」。現時為香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系助理教授,研究興趣為教師專業發展與香港美術教育歷史。曾任教於小學及中學視覺藝術科超過10年,在1989至1993年期間,於教育署輔導視學處及課程發展處 (美工組) 任職督學。2000年 得到藝術發展局及香港教育學院資助,出版《香港美術教育發展六十年, 1939-99》。(http://ctc.ied.edu.hk/iii )由大學教育資助委員會撥款資助,於2002年開發的「香港視覺藝術教育網」,提供教師一個學習的平台,讓教師分享教學經驗。創作以陶藝為主,茶具作品曾於1989年及2005年

入選香港康樂及文化事務署主辦陶瓷茶具創作展覽。而 在過去五年 (2003-2008),曾擔任由藝術團體主辦的「香港一條街」陶藝創作計劃顧問。這計劃由香港藝術發展局及優質教育基金贊助,目的是推廣小學的陶藝教育及社區為本的教學理念。


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香港教育學院日本沉浸課程Japan Immersion Programme, HKIEd. (2008) 常滑陶藝散步道 Tokoname Pottery Path

我行我素 | My Way (2001) 樂燒 Raku


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戲遊圓間 | The Circle Game(2002)


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Dr. Tam Cheung On Thomas譚祥安博士Assistant Professor 助理教授

Dr. Tam Cheung On, born in Hong Kong. Tam was awarded Higher Certificate of Studio Ceramics in 1991 (Hong Kong Polytechnics) and the Bachelor of Education in 1992 (University of Wolverhampton). Tam was awarded Master of Education in 1996 (University of Hong Kong) and Doctor of Philosophy in 2006 (University of London). Tam is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tam has been a member of the Contemporary Ceramics Society Hong Kong and his works have been selected for exhibitions at the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition (Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1992, 1996, and 2003) and the Tea Wares by Hong Kong Potters’Exhibition (Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, 1989, 1992 and 1998). Tam’s publications include From Galleries to the Classroom: Museum and Art Education, Teaching and learning of Art and Music: Innovations, Approaches and Cases, Art and Context, and Art Appreciation, Criticism, and Education. Tam’s paper appeared in the Canadian Review of Art Education (2006), titled ‘Making Meaningful Personal Connections: A phenomenological study of non-art specialist museum visitors’ experience of paintings’ and another paper entitled ‘Understanding the Inarticulateness of Museum Visitors’ Experience of Painting’ will be published in the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology in 2009. Tam has been recently appointed as Visiting Fellow by The Institute of Education, University of London for the period of May to July 2009.

譚祥安,香港出生。1991年獲香港理工學院高級陶藝證書,於1992年畢業於英國胡伐威頓大學,獲一級榮譽教育學士學位。1996年取得香港大學教育碩士學位,並於2006年於倫敦大學取得哲學博士學位。譚氏現職香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系助理教授,為香港當代陶藝協會會員。譚氏作品曾多次入選「香港藝術雙年展」(香港藝術館,1992、1996、2003)及「陶瓷茶具創作展」(香港茶具 文物館,1989、1992、1998)。出版的書籍包括 《藝術與情境》、《藝術欣賞、批評與教育》、《藝術教育新取向:方法及個案研究》、《從展館到教室:博物館與藝術教育》等。譚氏的文章刊登於Candian Review of Art Education,題目為‘Making Meaningful Personal Connections: A phenomenological study of non-art specialist museum visitors’ experience of paintings’。另外,論文’Understanding the Inarticulateness of Museum Visitors’ Experience of Painting’亦將於Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology刊載。譚氏於2009年5月至7月期間擔任倫敦大學教育學院的訪問學人。


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身體髮膚 | Body, Hair and Skin (2009) 烙器Stoneware 38(H), 45(H), 50(H), 58(H) cm


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身體的記憶 | Memories of the Body (2002) 瓷土及混合素材Porcelain and mixed media 300 X 300 X 300 cm 石破 | Distintegration (1992) 烙器Stoneware11-28(W)cm 我們願意 | We Do (1993) 手塑烙器釉陶 Hand-built stoneware , glazed 23 X 62 X 38cm 龍 II | Dragon II (1996) 烙器Stoneware 183 X 183 X 30cm龍 | Dragon (1996) 烙器 Stoneware 52 X 175 X 11cm





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Dr. Do Josephine Kitty都佩儀博士Assistant Professor 助理教授

Born in Hong Kong, Pui Yee (Josephine) Do immigrated to New Zealand with her parents in 1984 when she was seven years old. She early showed an interest in Fine Arts and studied for her Bachelors degree at the Auckland University of Technology. She graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts with First Class Honours in 2000 from Auckland University majoring in Printmaking. For her doctoral studies she chose the topic of China Today making her own identity as a person of Chinese origin living in New Zealand, caught between two cultural worlds, the starting point for her research. At first her work was very much based on a limited knowledge of China and no first-hand experience of living and working in the mainland. Inevitably her initial artworks tended to create attractive and decorative images of China as an exotic and backward country rather than the dynamic one it is today. Realising the need to greatly improve her knowledge, Pui Yee travelled to China to work at the Hoipo Factory at Jiangmen, Guangdong, to

live and work with the people for an extended period. She received two terms of New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women Fellowships and a University of Auckland Graduate Research Grant. In her final year she also received a residency at the Beijing Academy of Arts, Beijing and was able to visit the Central Academy of Arts. From her deepened acquaintance with China, Pui Yee developed and changed her artwork introducing modern technology into her subject matter and techniques of printmaking. She began to show the preoccupation of China Today with digital technology, economic growth and sporting prowess and contrasted it with the surviving but endangered remnants of past customs and ways of life. Using varied juxtapositions of forms ranging from modern to traditional, and a great range of colour and texture to suggest the speed of change in society, Pui Yee created an individual and compelling response to China Today based on her own experience and sourced in her photographs and sketches made on

location. Her doctoral submission of prints and supporting documentation made a striking exhibition and conveyed perfectly the dynamic interaction between East and West that is Dr.iving modern china to world prominence. Pui Yee Do is now based in Hong Kong teaching at The Institute of Education. She completed Postgraduate Diploma of Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009. Pui Yee has eight years of tertiary level teaching experience in New Zealand and Hong Kong, and sustaining an active career as an artist shown by national and international exhibition record. She is currently working on one research project, talking about Beijing Newcomers Art: In the Making/ Crafting an Artistic “SELF”. Her most recent book: Distance Artists: What are you working on Right Now?” (2008).


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Girl and Toy (2007) Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 100(H) x 75(W)cm

Olympic Toy (2007) Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 90(H) x 120(W)cm


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Deluxe Chair (2007) Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 100(H) x 75(W)cm

New life (2007) Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 100(H) x 75(W)cm


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Factory Girl (2007) Digitial print and acrylic on canvas 100(H) x 75(W)cm


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Dr. Ma So Mui馬素梅博士Assistant Professor 助理教授

Dr.Ma So Mui was born in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Northcote and Grantham College of Education and received training in 3-D Design and Ceramics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic. She received a B.Ed. degree and M. A. degree from the University of Wolverhampton, U. K. and a Ph.D. degree from The Institute of Education of University of London. She is an assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Her works were selected for the “Teaware by Hong Kong Potters” and the “Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition”. Since 1998, she started her research study on roof decorations of Chinese vernacular

architecture in China and Hong Kong and made various attempts to introduce the theme to the teaching in Art. From 2002 onwards, The results were disseminated through publications, public talks and exhibitions. she was commissioned to conduct researches on Shiwan ceramic roof ridges such as those at Tsing Shan Monastery, Tat Tak Communal Hall and Tai Fu Tai Mansion. She is one of the founding members of the Contemporary Ceramic Society (HK).

馬素梅生於香港,畢業於羅富國教育學院及葛量洪教育學院, 並在前香港理工學院修畢立體 設計及陶藝課程。為英國胡伐咸頓大學教育學士(美術教育)及文學碩士和英國倫敦大學哲學博士。現職香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系助理教授。作品曾入選「陶瓷茶具創作比賽」及「當代香港藝術雙年展」。自一九八八年開始就本港及中國的屋脊裝飾作出研究,並發展有關本港傳統建築專題的教材。在二零零二年把研究結果結集成書。曾被邀參與本港歷史建築如青山寺、達德公祠和大夫第的屋脊裝飾研究。馬氏為香港當代陶藝協會創會 成員。


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種瓜得瓜?What will the reward be? (2004) 紅陶及瓷器 Red Terra Cotta and porcelain 32(L) x 32(W) x 8(H)cm


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夢魘中常失去所「衣」In my nightmare my clothes are often lost (2007) 炻器 Stoneware


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余之樂 My pleasure (2007) 炻器 Stoneware 29 cm(W) x 32m(H) x 10cm(D)


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Ms. Chan So Mei陳素媚Teaching Fellow 專任導師

Chan So Mei was born in HK; she received a MA in screen design for film and TV from Kingston University in the UK 2003. She has been teaching at the HK Polytechnic University, HK Art School and the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) as a guest and part-time lecturer since 2004. Recently she joined The HK Institute of Education in 2009.

Chan was the recipient of several awards including a Gold / World Medal of the Station / Network ID, also selected one of the contenders – the Best of Show Grand Award of the NY Festival 2000; Bronze Award of the 23rd Annual BDA Design Awards

Competition 2001; Project Advisor of Gold Award Winning Team – Community Service Learning Awards of The HK Polytechnic University – School of Design 2007/08; she also has invited to participate in the HK Art School Lecturer Exhibition 2004.

Before her academic experiences, she grows constantly in the media and creative field throughout more than 10 years, has worked at several TV broadcasting and media design production companies in HK and Singapore.She is also an independent visual media artist. She is interested to create variety of media artworks in experimentation and original creativities; naturalistic

Art form and the patterns of vestige; exploration of life and contemporary visual languages; Chinese minimal aesthetic and local cultural heritage; oriental and occidental mixed cultures also universal personal experiences. She has been doing her creative development and personal researches in Paris for 7 months in June 2008, now she got back to HK continuous her artistic development.


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陳素媚生於香港。 2 0 0 3 年獲英國 Kingston University 碩士學位。曾任教於香港理工大學,香港藝術學院及SPEED,她於2009年7月任教香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系。

陳素媚曾獲頒多個不同媒介的藝術獎項,包括2000年紐約節(New York festival) 頒發 World Medal of the Station / Network ID 金獎及入選最佳大獎 ; 2001年第23屆 BDA Design Awards Competition 頒發設計銅獎;2007/08年香港理工大學設計系頒發社區服務學習顧問金獎 ; 2004年也應邀參加香港藝術學院講師展覽。



Congested Mind (UK 英國 ) (2002) 動畫 Animation

45 秒 seconds

體育台ID(香港) | Sport Channel ID (HK) (2000) 電視頻道影片設計TV Channel ID motion graphic 15秒 seconds


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Rue Watt (法國 France) (2008) Experimental video, 12 分minutes 30 秒seconds

Kew Gardens (英國UK)(2003)宣傳短片 Moving image promo, 40 秒seconds

替代能源 (英國) Alternative Energy (UK) (2000)宣傳短片 Campaign video, 1 分鐘 minute

窗窗 (法國) Window Window (France) (2008) 攝影 Photography

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Lam received her Bachelor Degree and Post Graduate Diploma from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Master of Fine Arts Degree from The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University.

Lam had held several solo installation and sculpture exhibitions. Lam, whose conceptual and site-specific installation works are often seen in many venues that outside the traditional gallery or museum environment. She was being invited by CHANEL, Times Square, Phillippe Charriol Foundation, Hong Kong Jockey Club etc. to participate into more than 100 exhibitions in Hong Kong and overseas, including at France, Australia, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China and Taiwan etc. In 2001, she was invited to participate the Asian Art project “Up-ricing” and have touring art performance at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Chiayi and Beijing. At the same year, she starts her Cultivating Civilization research art project and developed several series of artworks including: Civilized Fossils, Observation of Civilization, Resurgent of Civilization and Civilized Trading and so on so as to express her view on contemporary civilization.

In recent years, her works display

special focus on relationships between cultural development and human activities. Her recent works including “The Late Version of Shahaijing”series which is related to issue of environmental protection and ecology; “The Canopy is cramming with lemons”which is commenting about the government’s West Kowloon Cultural District Project; “Chocolate Chandelier” that is investigate the change of concept of love by modern people nowadays and “One minute prison” , an interactive art project, which offers opportunities for participants to think about their personal “guilt” while being inside in the former real prison ( Victoria Prison) for one minute. She specializes in creation with different medium in particular sites, including site-specific installation works in piers, on ferry; conceptual works at Lunar New Year Fair Market, Victoria Prison etc.

Her publications include “The New Renascent Bronze Age - Works by Lam Yuk Lin “(1998) and “Lam Yuk Lin-Cultivating Civilization Research Report”(2005). Lam was also the recipient of several arts awards including The Most Promising Artist, Philippe Charriol Foundation Modern Art Competition (1995); First Prize in

Painting, Philippe Charriol Foundation Modern Art Competition (1996); First Prize in Sculpture, Philippe Charriol Foundation Modern Art Competition (1997), First runner-up, Hong Kong Paper Sculpture Competition (1997); First Prize (Graphic Design category), Computer Art Competition (1998); New Vision Award (2001); First runner-up (Fine Art Category), Computer Art Competition (1998); Award winner in Installation Art and also Two-Dimensional Art of “Gallery Ferry Competition” (2003). Finalist of Hong Kong Biennial (1998, 2005) and Siemens fine arts scholarship (2004), Selected feature artist, Artist in Neighborhood Scheme IV (2008) and Winner of *40 under 40”which being recognized for the achievement of one of the outstanding design professionals under the age of 40 in Greater China Region (2009).

Ms. Lam Yuk Lin林玉蓮Teaching Fellow 專任導師


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林氏是一位多元媒介創作的藝術家, 曾舉辦多次的個人的裝置及雕塑展覽,亦曾獲CHANEL、時代廣場、夏利豪基金會、香港賽馬會等不同的機構邀請參加本地及海外聯展逾百個;其中展出的地點包括法國、中國、台灣、 日本、韓國、澳洲、馬來西亞及香港等。2 0 0 1年獲邀請參加亞洲跨文化計畫「米變」,於新加坡、吉隆坡、 台北、嘉義及北京作行為演出,同年開展其「種植文明」研究創作計劃, 以多元的創作方式包括場域特定裝置、行為演出、觀念攝影、錄像等表現 其對當代文明的看法。

她近年的作品主要集中探討文化發展與人類活動之間的影響和關係, 代表性的作品包括有關環境意識問題的「山海經後傳」系列作品、有關西九天幕風波並以幽默的態度創作的


一星期的「朱古力吊燈」以及將一間前監獄的監倉改裝成「一分鐘監獄」,監禁所有自願被監禁的參與者。林氏的作品多以大型場域特定裝置 ( S i t e -specific installation)和概念化(conceptual)的藝術創作為主,作品有不少更是走出傳統的展場,滲入公眾的層面。其它作品展出的場地還包括域多利監獄、時代廣場、太古廣場、吉慶圍村屋、港外線碼頭、南丫島榕樹灣碼頭、渡輪上的全層貴賓室等等。

1998年出版第一本個人作品集《新銅時代 - 林玉蓮個人作品集》, 2005年出版其第二本個人作品集《林玉蓮-種植文明研究報告》。此外,林氏曾於不同的媒介獲頒多個不同的藝術獎項,包括連續三年獲夏利基金會頒發最具潛質藝術家獎(95)、繪畫冠軍(96)、雕塑冠軍(97);另視藝新紀元獎(01)、作品入選西門子藝術獎(04)、香港當代藝術雙年展(98,05),2008年獲香港藝術推廣辦事處選為藝遊鄰里計劃IV 的重點藝術家之一、2009年獲《透視》雜誌選為大中華區 「 40 Under 40 」卓越 設計師之一 。


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朱古力吊燈 Chocolate Chandelier (2006)朱古力珠及其它 chocolate bead and others 時代廣場 Times Square

朱古力雨點 Chocolate Rain (2006)尼龍、朱古力珠 Nylon, chocolate bead 時代廣場 Times Square

吃檸檬的西九天幕 The Canopy is cramming with lemons (2006)檸檬及其它 lemon and others 時代廣場 Times Square

再現文明Resurgent of Civilization (2002-7)不銹鋼 Stainless steel 太古廣場 Pacific Place

山海經後傳- 香港篇I The Late version of Shanhaijing – Hong Kong version I (2005)塑膠袋 Plastic shopping bag 藝術公社Artist Commune

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Dr. Wong So Lan黃素蘭博士Teaching Fellow 專任導師

Dr. Wong So Lan received her BA degree (fine arts), PGDE(fine arts), MPhil (curriculum & instruction) and PhD (curriculum & instruction) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong [CUHK]. Her research interests are Visual Arts teaching and learning, school-based curriculum design, portfolio learning and assessment, teacher beliefs and teacher decision-making in art education. Dr. Wong is now a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. She has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a Council Member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and elected as the Chairperson of the Arts

Education Group. She is an Assessor and Moderator of The Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority and helps the Authority to set the New Senior Secondary School-based Assessment criteria as the Chief Setter. She is also the Principal Curriculum Evaluator to guide a research team of the Macao Polytechnic Institute to evaluate school VA Curriculum for the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao SAR. She is invited by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao SAR as the Consultant to help building the VA Curriculum Standard for Macao.

Dr. Wong is the textbook author of the World of Art for junior secondary schools. She has written and edited more than 10 academic books, like Hong Kong Art Education: Oral History (2001), The 4th annual cross-strait art education symposium proceedings: Visual culture (2003), Art education reaching-out to schools project (2005), Research report: Pilot test scheme on Hong Kong diploma of secondary education [HKDSE] visual Arts sample papers (2007) and Assessment for visual arts learning: Construction of a portfolio (2009) etc.


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黃素蘭博士畢業於香港中文大學,先後取得學士 學位 (藝術系)、教育文憑 (藝術教育)、哲學碩士學位

(課程與教學),以及哲學博士學位(課程與教學)。 研究興趣包括:視覺藝術科的教與學、校本課程設計、學習檔案的建立與評估、教師信念與教師決策。

她現為香港教育學院文化及創意藝術學系的專任 導師,亦為香港藝術發展局藝術教育組主席、香港考試及評核局視覺藝術科新高中校本評估準則的設計員、澳門特別行政區教育暨青年局「小學視覺藝術基本學力要求」研製工作的顧問,以及澳門理工學院視覺藝術教育專項評鑑的首席評鑑員。



學術書籍 Academic books 第一本編輯及撰寫的美術教育研究書籍;第一次統籌海峽兩岸交流會出版的文集My first edited and written Art Education research book; my first time to coordinate a cross-strait symposium‘s proceeding


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教科書 Textbook這是教育局首次准予初中美術科出版的教科書It’s the first time HKED permitted art subject to publish a junior secondary textbook.

新高中先導測驗 NSS Pilot面對新高中視藝科的課程改革,我參與了先導測驗研究,並統籌了一項校本評估的先導計劃Facing the New Senior Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum and Assessment Change, I helped a pilot research and coordinated a School-Based Assessment Pilot Project


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教學參考書 Teaching References為藝術家到校及創意學生獎勵計劃出版的教材Teaching materials from Artist-in-school Project and Creative Student Award Scheme


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Mr. Ng Mau Wai吳茂蔚Instructor 導師

Ng Mau Wai studied Visual Communication at The Surrey Institute of Art and Design and then at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design received his Master degree in Communication Design. His graduation project looked at ways in which leisure experience could be transferred to creative production under the metaphoric computer interface. Since graduated he has worked with several creative agencies such as Commercial Radio Hong Kong, Star TV and Grey Interactive. He also has experience in design application training for Apple Daily, Oriental Daily, Time Magazine, South China Morning Post, Ogilvy & Mather, Leisure and Culture Services and Information Services Department of The HK Government.

In 2002 July, he has been invited by the HKIEd as a gust lecturer for teaching the Hypermedia and Modern Culture module of the Creative Arts Department. Since then, he has served as an instructor for the the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts

of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. After years of teaching, he received his postgraduate diploma in education in 2005. He is now the Member of HKCEE and HKAL Visual Arts Paper Moderation Committee, Member of Recognition of Prior Learning Committee (Printing Industry) and Film & Media Arts and Visual Arts Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. His activity in the Visual Arts area has continued alongside his work in visual communication with a further focus on local culture. Neon Multimedia Installation and Ruins Photography Exhibitions were held in Shanghai Street Art Space, those exhibitions were reported by the media to be a part of presenting the Hong Kong collective memory.

就是這些光使我留下來These light for me to stay


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吳茂蔚曾於英國薩里藝術設計學院修讀視覺傳達的學士課程,之後在中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院獲得碩士學位。他的畢業設計研究是關於使用休閒經驗轉移到創意生產的電腦隱喻介面。畢業後,他曾在香港商業電台,衛星電視和精信互動等數個創意機構工作。除此之外,他還擁有豐富的設計軟件應用培訓經驗,而培訓的機構當中包括 : 香港蘋果日報,東方日報,時代雜誌,南中國早報,奧美廣告,康樂及文化事務及香港政府新聞處。

在 2002 年 7 月,他被邀請到香港教育學院作客席講師,教授超媒體和現代文化的課題。自此之後,他一直在學院擔任教員的角色。在學院期間,他教授的科目種類以文化研究及科技在藝術上的應用為多,經過多年的教學與進修,他在 2005 年獲得學位教師教育文憑,成為準教師。他現在是中學會考及香港高級程度會考視覺藝術的覆卷員,過往資歷認可之前學習委員會(印刷業)及香港藝術發展局電影及媒體藝術與視覺藝術的審批員。


信望愛 Faith Hope Charity or Love(2005) 黑白攝影 Black and white photography24(W)x24(H)cm


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屯門大會堂演奏廳Auditorium, Tuen Mun Town Hall


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在我硬碟中的回憶 The memories of my hard Dr.ive


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Ms. Astrid Chan陳翠碧Instructor 導師

MA graduated in Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Fashion and Textile Design. And ever studied in UCE UK for BA Fashion and Textile Design. After worked in fashion industry for many years, Chan started to teach fashion design subjects since 2003. She ever taught in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), Lingnan Institute of Further Education, and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers. Now Chan is working as an Instructor in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, teaching subjects including Fashion and Textile Arts, Integrated Arts and visual arts. And she is also a freelance fashion designer. Enthusiastic in leading students to do integrated art performances in

different schools, communities, MTR station, and shopping malls… She also was the Attire and Visual Arts Consultant of Educators‘ Singers, and the Original Musical“換.一玩”. She ever worked as the Organizer of the Integrated Art performance“Art Think 15 Minutes”.



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Relaxing fashion(2002) 由瑜伽 , 色彩治療及香芬發展出的系列Fashion collection inspired from yoga, colour therapy and aromatherapy.


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音樂劇「換•一玩」| Musical performance(2008) 聯校原創音樂劇「換.一玩」導師及美術指導Worked as the Visual Arts Consultant for the

“Developing an original musical with a school: A partnership project”. The Art and Music Division works close with HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School.


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綜合藝術表演 「藝想 15分鐘」Integrated Arts Performance – “Art Think 15 minutes”(2009) 「陳紹秋演藝廳」命名儀式之綜合藝術表演統籌As the organizer of the Integrated Art performance in the Naming Ceremony of Chan Shiu-chow Performing Studio


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Dr. Eliza Au Kit Oi區潔愛博士Adjunct Associate Professor 兼任副教授

Dr. Eliza Au Kit Oi is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of The Hong Kong Institute of Education. She received her B.Ed(Painting)at the University of Liverpool, M.Ed. (Teacher Education and Development) at the University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. (Art education) at The University of Surrey. She has substantial experience in planning and teaching pre-service and in-service programmes for secondary schools. She was the Co-Editor of Asia Pacific Journal for Arts Education in Hong Kong and the World Councilor (Asian Region) of the International Society for Education in Art (InSEA). Her research interests include evaluation of art teaching, portfolio assessment, online and Problem-Based Learning, and she enjoys painting and photography.

現任香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系兼任副教授,獲英國利物浦大學教育學士 (繪畫)、香港大學教育碩士(教師教育)及英國University of Surrey 博士 (美術教育)。有豐富的職前及在職中學師資培訓經驗。曾任《亞太藝術教育學報》編輯,國際美術教育協會 (InSEA)亞洲區委員。研究包括教學評估、學生作品集評估、網絡學習及「問題為本」學習等。創作包括繪畫及攝影。

Tree 1 (樹 1)


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空山新雨 木版水印 繪畫著色 183 x 121 厘米 / cm 2000 ( 香港藝術館藏 ) Airy inspiration Woodblock print, ink and colour on paper (Hong Kong Museum of Art collection)

樹三 | Tree 3 (2008) 彩色攝影 Color photography

樹二 | Tree 2 (2008) 彩色攝影 Color photography

Tree 2 ( 樹 2)


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建築三 | Architecture1 (2008) 彩色攝影 Color photography


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建築二 | Architecture2 (2008) 彩色攝影 Color photography

建築三 | Architecture3 (2008) 彩色攝影 Color photography


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Dr. Ma Kwai Shun馬桂順博士Adjunct Associate Professor 兼任副教授

Dr. Ma Kwai Shun graduated with a B.A. in Fine Arts in 1976, obtained a Diploma in Education in 1980, a M.Phil. in Fine Arts in 1991 from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a D.F.A. (Doctor of Fine Arts) from The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia in 2002. He joined Grantham College of Education as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer from 1982 to 1994. He was Senior Lecturer in The Hong Kong Institute of Education from 1994 to 2008. He has taken part in many art exhibitions including “Millennium Prints Exhibition” (2000), “Dialogue between Water-based Coloured Printmaking and Ink Painting” solo exhibitions (2001, 2003) and “Joint Exhibition of Hong Kong Ink Painting” (2001, 2009). Furthermore, he was awarded “The Prize of Ink Painting”from the “Invited Exhibition of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan: The 9th Chinese National Art Exhibition”in 1999.

馬桂順在 1 9 7 6 年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,1 9 8 0年獲香港中文大學教育文憑,1 9 9 1年獲香港中文大學哲學碩士(中國美術史)學位,又於2 0 0 2年獲澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術博士學位。1982-94年任葛量洪教育學院講師及高級講師,1994至2008年任香港教育學院高級講師。他曾參與多個展覽,如《千禧年版畫展》(2 0 0 0)、

《水印木刻與水墨繪畫的對話》個展(2001, 2003)、《香港水墨畫聯展 》(2001, 2009),並於1999年《第九屆全國美展香港特別行政區、澳門和台灣地區作品邀請展》中獲「水墨畫獎」。


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空山新雨 | Airy inspiration (2000)木版水印水墨著色紙本 Woodblock print, ink and colour on paper 183(H) x 121(W)cm ( 香港藝術館藏 Hong Kong Museum of Art collection)

雨中山 | Rain in Mountain (2008) 木版水印,水墨著色紙本 Wood block water-based colour print, colour and ink on paper 164(H) × 96(W)cm


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晨光一 | Morning light I (2007)木版水印水墨著色紙本 Wood block water-based colour print, colour and ink on paper 34(H) x 138(W)cm ( 私人收藏 Private collection)


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晨光二 | Morning light II (2007) 木版水印水墨著色紙本 Wood block water-based colour print, colour and ink on paper 138(H) x 34(W)cm ( 私人收藏 Private collection)


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Ms. Miranda Chan 陳倩雯Technician技術員

Ms. Miranda Chan, born in Hong Kong, received a Master Degree of Fine Art and a Bachelor Degree of Arts (Fine Art) from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia. Solo exhibition: “When a Passer-by Slows Down…” Found Objects + Ceramics = Installation, S h a n g h a i S t r e e t A r t s p a c e , H K , 2 0 0 6 ; “ W h e n a p a s s e r - b y s l o w s down…” On Site Environmental Clay Work In-Progress – Found Objects Transformation Project, Campus Circuit East - CUHK, 2005-2006. Group exhibitions: “Contemporary Responses to the Traditional”, CAPE Art Gallery, HKIEd, 2006; “Master Mind” Master of Fine Art Graduation Show 2006, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2006; “Garden’s Whisper” Installation A r t E x h i b i t i o n 2 0 0 4 , A r t i s t - I n -Residence Project, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, 2004; “In-Progress”, The White Tube, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2004; “Dream Garden” Art and Environment Exhibition 2003, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden,

2003; “Macrocosm & Microcosm/Le Songe Creux”, Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts, 2003; “Change-T h o u g h t - N a r r a t i v e ” , M e l i M e l o , Zen+City, HK, 2003; Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2001, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2001.

陳倩雯,生於香港,於澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學獲取文學士學位(藝術)和藝術碩士學位。個展:「過路人,慢下來…」廢棄物+陶塑=裝置,香港上海街視藝空間,2 0 0 6;「過路人,慢下來…」 實地環境土作進行—棄置物轉化計畫,香港中文大學環迴路東,2005-2006。聯展: 「傳統視象之重構」,香港教育學院,2006;「Master Mind」 藝 術 碩 士 畢 業 展 2 0 0 6 , 香 港 藝術中心,2006;「花園嫟語」 裝置藝術展2 0 0 4,藝術家駐園 計劃,香港嘉道理農場暨植物園,2 0 0 4;「進行中」,白管子 , 香 港 藝 術 中 心 , 2 0 0 4 ;「夢花園」環境與藝術展覽會2 0 0 3,香港嘉道理農場暨植物園,2 0 0 3;「大宇宙與小宇宙/ 虛想空」,香港演藝學院,2003;「易-思-載」,Meli Melo ,Zen+City,香港,2003;「當代香港藝術雙年展 2001」,香港藝 術館,2001。


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「過路人,慢下來…」“When a passer-by slows down…” (2006) 裝置: 紅磚、白瓷土、黑啡陶土 Installation with red bricks, white porcelain & black chocolate earthenware clay 尺寸不定 Dimension variable

STT1437RP&Ext地段—環迴路東 -棄置物轉化計畫 Found Objects Transformation Plan of STT1437RP&Ext – Campus Circuit East(2006) 白瓷土 White porcelain 尺寸不定 Dimension variable


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大宙宇與小宙宇 Macrocosm & Microcosm(2002) 白瓷土、多媒體裝置 White porcelain & multi-media installation 210x180x30cm


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籠外籠內.鳥屋人籠 Cage Outside-In Bird House/Man Cage (2003) 麻繩、樹枝 Linen string & branches 250x230x160cm

源•3a+bThe Beginning•3a+b(2000) 白瓷土、紅土 White porcelain & terra cotta 一對 A pair:13x13x13cm

鳥屋人籠之延續篇Continuous Version of Bird House/Man Cage(2004) 錄像投影裝置、麻繩球、樹葉、樹枝、乾蜂窠 Video projection installation with linen string ball, leafs, branches & dry beehives 尺寸不定 Dimension variable


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Mr. Wong Kai Yu黃啟裕Technician技術員

Mr. Wong Kai Yu was the Co-editor for “Dislocation Journal of Photography” and “Digi Computer Graphics Magazine” during the 90‘s and “pH Infiniti” since 2007. He is the founding member of ‘pH5 Photo Group’ and was the Event Manager for ‘404 Shanghai Street Art Space’. His first photography monograph “Mandala AfterDark” was published in fall, 2007. He is one of the Curators for the prestigious “Imaging Hong Kong Contemporary Photography Exhibition” (Dec 2008) and is preparing for the first “Hong Kong Photography Festival” (2010).

黃 啟 裕 九 十 年 代 曾 任《女那禾多攝影期刊》及 《 秩 智 數 碼 藝 術 雜誌》編委,於 2 0 0 7 年始籌辦《p H I n f i n i t i》 半年刊,亦是「p H 5攝影連動」創辦人之一。黃氏亦曾任「404上海街視藝空間」項目經理,他首本攝影編集《萬籟有光》於2007年九月出版。黃氏曾参予「影像香港當代攝影展」(2008)策展工作,現積極籌辦第一屆「香港攝影節」(2010)。

Three Apples (2008) Kai Tak Airport (2009)


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Call of the Wild (2009)

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Buddhist Limelight (1998)

Silent Revenge of the Green Empire (I) (1995-2006)


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CreditsAll other illustrations and photographs are the copyright of The Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Conceived, designed and produced byDepartment of Cultural and Creative Arts,The Hong Kong Institute of Education,10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po

Art Director: Ng Mau WaiEditorial Assistants: Wong Oi Ying, Leung Yim Ting

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