Vol. 63 No. 4 ISSN 0546 1766 Nihon Kšoshšu Eisei Zasshi See Nippon Kšoshšu Eisei Zasshi April 2016 63 巻・第 4 2016 4 編集委員会からのお知らせ ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 177 要介護者の性別および家族介護者の続柄別に見る在宅介護の認知評価,対処方略および生活への影響の相違 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………岩田 昇,他… 179 子どもの食行動・生活習慣・健康と家庭環境との関連文部科学省スーパー食育スクール事業の結果から …………………………………………………………………………………………………………中堀伸枝,他… 190 認知症の人の生活上の困難さについての認知症の人と家族介護者の認識の違い ……………………宮村季浩… 202 公衆衛生活動報告 学校欠席者情報収集システムを活用した麻しんおよび風しん早期探知・早期対応 ……………渡邉美樹,他… 209 Vol. 63 No. 4 April 2016 Content Original article DiŠerences in caregivers' cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and perceived in‰uence on life by care recipients' sex and kinship with primary caregivers ………………………………………… Noboru IWATA, et al 179 The Relation between Home Environment and Children's Dietary Behavior, Lifestyle Factors, and Health: Super Food Education School Project by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ………………………………………………………………………………… Nobue NAKAHORI, et al 190 DiŠerences between family caregivers and people with dementia in recognizing the di‹culties encountered in the lives of people with dementia …………………………………………………………… Toshihiro MIYAMURA 202 Public Health Report Early detection and response for measles and rubella cases through ( Nursery ) School Absenteeism Surveillance System in Ibaraki prefecture ………………………………………………… Miki WATANABE, et al 209 Jpn J Public Health Japanese Society of Public Health

Vol. 63 No. 4 本 April 2016Vol. 63 No. 4 April 2016 Content Original article DiŠerences in caregivers' cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and perceived in‰uence on life by

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Page 1: Vol. 63 No. 4 本 April 2016Vol. 63 No. 4 April 2016 Content Original article DiŠerences in caregivers' cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and perceived in‰uence on life by

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Vol. 63 No.  4 ISSN 05461766 Nihon K šosh šu Eisei Zasshi See Nippon K šosh šu Eisei Zasshi

April 2016

第 63 巻・第  4 号 2016 年  4 月

目 次

編集委員会からのお知らせ …………………………………………………………………………………………………177原 著


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………岩田 昇,他…179子どもの食行動・生活習慣・健康と家庭環境との関連文部科学省スーパー食育スクール事業の結果から

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………中堀伸枝,他…190認知症の人の生活上の困難さについての認知症の人と家族介護者の認識の違い ……………………宮村季浩…202


学校欠席者情報収集システムを活用した麻しんおよび風しん早期探知・早期対応 ……………渡邉美樹,他…209

Vol. 63 No.  4 April 2016Content

Original articleDiŠerences in caregivers' cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and perceived in‰uence on life by care

recipients' sex and kinship with primary caregivers…………………………………………Noboru IWATA, et al…179The Relation between Home Environment and Children's Dietary Behavior, Lifestyle Factors, and Health:

Super Food Education School Project by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science andTechnology …………………………………………………………………………………Nobue NAKAHORI, et al…190

DiŠerences between family caregivers and people with dementia in recognizing the di‹culties encountered inthe lives of people with dementia ……………………………………………………………Toshihiro MIYAMURA…202

Public Health ReportEarly detection and response for measles and rubella cases through (Nursery) School Absenteeism

Surveillance System in Ibaraki prefecture …………………………………………………Miki WATANABE, et al…209

日 本 公 衛 誌

Jpn J Public Health

日 本 公 衆 衛 生 学 会

Japanese Society of Public Health