We Didn’t Start the Fire By: Morgan Wiggins

We Didn't Start the Fire

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Page 1: We Didn't Start the Fire

We Didn’t Start the Fire


Morgan Wiggins

Page 2: We Didn't Start the Fire

Table of Contents

1. H-bomb

2. The Catcher in the Rye

3. Vaccine

4. Elizabeth II

5. Einstein

6. Princess Grace

7. Space monkey

8. Pope Paul

9. John F. Kennedy

10. Woodstock

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Page 4: We Didn't Start the Fire



Invented by Edward Teller

They were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan

to end World War II.

The h-bomb was based off the atomic bomb

It was included in the song because it was a new military


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The Catcher in the Rye

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The Catcher in the Rye

Published in 1951

Written by J.D. Salinger

Became number 1 on the New York Times Best-

Seller list two weeks after its release

Known as one of the most censored books in high

schools in 1981

It is continually challenged because of the vulgar

language, sexual references, blasphemy and

undermining of family values and moral codes. It is

also challenged because the main character is a

poor role model who encourages rebellion,

drinking, smoking, lying, and promiscuity.

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Developed by Jonas Salk

Two types of vaccines were used to combat poliomyelitis


Because of this vaccine, the US is now polio free

Included in the song because it was discovered at the

peak of the polio disease

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Elizabeth II


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Elizabeth II

1952-Ascended the throne upon the death of her father

Queen of England

Became queen at the age of 25

Best known for her long reign (60+ years)

Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor

Included in the song because it was an event that made

news across the world

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1955 – Einstein died

Best known for developing the theory of relativity

President Eisenhower said “No other man has

contributed so much to the vast expansion of the 20th

century knowledge.”

Was offered the Presidency of Israel, but turned it down.

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Princess Grace


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Princess Grace

Known for marrying Prince Rainer III and being an actress

She died a day after she was in a car crash

First film she was in was ‘Fourteen Hours’

Included in song because, it was between a prince and an

American actress.

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Space Monkey

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Space Monkey


Two monkeys, a spider monkey and a rhesus monkey,

were sent to space.

Able and Miss Baker were the first living creatures to

survive a space flight.

These animals were used to see what the effects of

sending someone into space would be.

Included in the song because it was a major scientific


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Pope Paul VI


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Pope Paul VI

Elected Pope of the Roman Catholic church on June 21,


He was born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria


Pope Paul VI was known for breaking tradition by

traveling to many parts of the world. He had a wanted to

relate the Church to the modern world.

Included in the song because he became Pope during the

Cold War

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John F. Kennedy


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John F. Kennedy

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you

can do for your country.” –J.F.K.

He stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis

He negotiated the Nuclear Ban –Test Treaty

His middle name is Fitzgerald

Included in the song because he was assassinated while

riding in his car

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A music festival that lasted for three days

Has become the icon for the 1960’s hippie counterculture

600 thousand rock fans showed up to the concert

The Who played 24 songs at Woodstock

Included in the song because it was the biggest rock

concert ever held