MS3 WELSH JOINT EDUCATION COMMITTEE £3.00 CYD-BWYLLGOR ADDYSG CYMRU General Certificate of Secondary Education Tystysgrif Gyffredinol Addysg Uwchradd MARKING SCHEMES SUMMER 2007 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY

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General Certificate of Secondary Education Tystysgrif Gyffredinol Addysg Uwchradd




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The marking schemes which follow were those used by the WJEC for the 2007 examination in GCSE Design and Technology. They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the assessment. The conferences were held shortly after the papers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming the basis of discussion. The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners.

It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that, without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conferences, teachers may have different views on certain matters of detail or interpretation.

The WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence about these marking schemes.

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Design and Technology 2007

Core 138 01 (and Short Course)

Paper 1

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) A designer needs to carry out research before designing a new toy for three year-old child.

Draw a line to match the research activity with the information found. One has been done for you. 3 x [1]

Research Activity Information foundLook at tables of children’s sizes What children can doReading a book on child development Size of children’s handsLook at a Materials Properties Website Find the most popular colourTalk to a three year old child Safety of materials

(b) Give three safety concerns that a parent may have when buying a toy. 3 x [2]

Ensure that the materials used are non-toxic. 2 marks.

Ensure that there are no loose components that could cause a choking hazard. 2 marks.

Ensure that there are no trapping hazards. 2 marks.

Concern plus reason or qualification is 2 marks.

No reason 1 mark.


Sharp edges 1 mark.

Small parts 1 mark.

No small parts 2 marks.

No sharp edges 2 marks.


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Q.2 (a) Sales of the breakfast cereal shown below are falling.

(i) Study the pictures shown and give two reasons why you think sales of this cereal have fallen. 2 x [2]

Too high in sugar 1 mark which is bad for your teeth (second mark).

Too high in saturated fat 1 mark which is bad for you (second mark).

Too expensive1 mark.

Too expensive1 mark compared to other brands / size of the box (second mark).

Unappealing brand name 2 marks.

Unappealing graphics 2 marks.

(b) The pictures below show three kettles.

(i) State which kettle holds the most water. [1]C – 1 mark.

(ii) State which kettle you think is the easiest to use and give two reasons for your choice. 2 x [1]

No marks for the kettle chosen marks awarded for the reasons.

Kettle C because it is cordless.

Kettle C because it shows you that the water is hot.

Kettle C because it is easier to fill.

This is quite subjective as long as candidates can justify the reason he/she should be awarded marks.

(iii) Even though it is expensive, some people would decide to buy kettle C. Give one reason for this. [2]

It has innovative colour changing features that show that the water is hot 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).(iv) State the price of kettle A. [1]



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(v) Give two reasons why the kettle can be sold at this price. 2 x [2]

The kettle is made in China and labour costs are cheaper there 2 marks.

It may be a “loss leader” to bring customers into the shop / supermarket 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Q.3 (a) One part of the design process is called development. Place a tick next to the three activities that are part of development. 3 x [1]

Test the finished product.

Deciding on final sizes

Try out different materials and finishes

Think about possible ways to join parts together

Draw initial ideas for the product.

Be aware of rubric if five ticks appear award no marks. If four ticks appear, mark the answers and deduct one mark. To a maximum of 2 marks if the answers are correct and write rubric on the front of the exam and put a line under the third tick – (not through the answer).

(b) Describe two ways in which ICT/CAD could be used to help with the development of a new product. 2 x [2]

You could use pro-desktop or any similar software to try out different finishes 2 marks.

Designs could be emailed to others for evaluating 2 marks.

Look for activity or verb E.g. Consider, test, research, model, look at, add, experiment etc.

AND the qualification.

Activity (1 mark) qualification or explanation (second mark).

(c) For a product of your choice, describe two benefits of using CAM (aided manufacturing) to make the product. 3 x [1]

Award a mark for the product as answers must be related to the product.

For a clock 1 mark.

CAM is faster for making the numbers in acrylic than making them by hand 1 mark.


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CAM can be more accurate at mass producing clocks than by hand 1 mark.

Example (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Faster no marks.

Faster than making by hand (1 mark).

(d) Describe one environmental issue that should be taken into account when designing products. [2]

The materials suggested and how they could be recycled after it has come to the end of the product life – 2 marks.


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Design and Technology 2007

Core 138 03 (and Short Course)

Paper 1

Higher Tier Grades D to A

Q.1 (a) A designer needs to carry out research before designing a new toy for a three-year-old child.

Some research activities are shown in the table below. Complete the table by stating what important information can be found from these activities. One example has been done for you. 3 x [2]

Research Activity Outcomes of research

Talk to a three year old child To establish the types of activities (that are popular with three year olds.

Look at anthropometric data. To see the average sizes (1 mark) of children's hands(second mark).

Or something that is related to anthropometric data.

Reading a book on child development.

To see what children should be able to do. (1 mark) at certain ages (second mark)

What they can do or are attracted to and by when – reference to toys perhaps. 2 marks

Stimulus and age. 2 marks

To find out what helps children to learn. 1 mark

To see what they like. 1 mark

Look at a Materials Properties Website

To check(1mark) on the s afety (second mark) of materials.

Property plus reason 2 marks

Make sure the materials are safe.

1 mark

Look at suitable materials.

2 marks

Disregard repetition of question


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(b) Give three safety concerns that a parent may have when buying a toy. 3 x [1]

Ensure that the materials used are non-toxic. 1 mark.

Ensure that there are no loose components that could cause a choking hazard. 1 mark.

Ensure that there are no trapping hazards. 1 mark.

Look for the reason and or a qualified answer.


Sharp edges no marks.

Small parts no marks.

No small parts 1 mark.

No sharp edges 1 mark.

Q.2 (a) Sales of the breakfast cereal shown below are falling.

(i) Study the pictures shown and give two reasons why you think sales of this cereal have fallen. 2 x [2]

Too high in sugar 1 mark which is bad for your teeth (second mark).

Too high in saturated fat 1 mark which is bad for you (second mark).

Too expensive1 mark.

Too expensive1 mark compared to other brands / size of the box (second mark).

Unappealing brand name 2 marks.

Unappealing graphics 2 marks.

If answers are repeated award marks.

(b) The pictures below show three kettles.

(i) Even though it is expensive, some people would decide to buy kettle C. Give one reason for this. [2]

It has innovative colour changing features that show that the water is hot. 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).


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(ii) Give two reasons why the kettle A can be sold at this price. 2 x [2]

The kettle is made in China and labour costs are cheaper. 2 marks.

It may be a “loss leader” to bring customers into the shop / supermarket 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

(iii) Kettle B uses a thermochromic plastic give two benefits of using this material. 2 x [2]

You can tell when the water is hot by looking at the colour change 2 marks.

It makes the kettle more aesthetically pleasing. 2 marks.

Answers MUST relate to the properties of thermochromic NOT plastics in general.

Q.3 (a) One part of the design process is called development. One development activity might be to consider a range of possible colours for a product. List three other activities that are part of development. 3 x [1]

Deciding on final sizes 1 mark.

Try out different materials and finishes. 1 mark.

Think about possible ways to join parts together. 1 mark.

Activity or verb must be written E.g. Consider, test, research, model, look at, add, experiment etc.

One word answers no marks.

(b) Name a specific ICT/CAD package and explain how it could be used to help with the development of a new product.

Name of package: Pro- Desktop 1 mark.

ICT package E.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc.

Use in development.

Try out different finishes. 2 marks.

Designs could be emailed to others for evaluating. 2 marks.


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(c) For a product of your choice, describe two benefits of using CAM (computer aided manufacturing) to make the product. 2 x [1]

For a clock.

CAM is faster for making the numbers in acrylic than making them by hand. 1 mark.

CAM can be more accurate at mass producing clocks than by hand. 1 mark.

Example (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Faster no marks.

Faster than making by hand (1 mark).

(d) Describe two environmental issues that should be taken into account when designing products. 2 x [2]

The materials suggested and how they could be recycled after it has come to the end of the product life. 2 marks

The finish suggested of the product and its environmental impact. 2 marks


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Design and Technology 2007

Food Technology 139 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) (i) Award each correct example.Chocolate bar/ dairy milk, egg, cake, Danish pastry, cream bun, fruity chews, trifle, sweets.

1 mark 1 6

(ii) Chocolate bar, dairy milk, cake, crisps, chips, cream scone, beef/cheese burger, sausage roll, trifle pastry product, Peanuts.

1 mark each


(iii) Award one mark for a correct healthy option.Orange, apple, banana, yogurt, banana/ fruit

Award up two marks for a detailed reason which shows nutritional knowledge.

Yogurt/apple/orange may only contain a trace of sugar so it does not add to dental decay or make you put on weight;It is a low calorie food because it has most of the fat removed.Yogurt is a good source of calcium which helps to give strong bones and teeth. Yogurt contains good bacteria to help to maintain good health.Fresh fruit contains Vitamin C and fibre.Fresh fruit contains natural sugar which is better than processed sugar.Fresh fruit is part of the ‘5 a day’ advice.

Award one mark for a correct reason which shows limited nutritional knowledge.Yogurt doesn’t contain fat /doesn’t contain sugar.Fruit doesn’t contain fat /doesn’t contain much sugar.Free from chemicals.Part of five a day.

Do not award marks for:It is healthier/ it is good for you / one word answers.

1 mark

2 marks

1 mark

0 mark


(b) Award each correct nutrient.FatSugarSalt

1 markeach

3 3


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(c) (i) Award two marks for each relevant detailed reason. Manufacturers hope to make more money because

people like trying new products. It is a way of encouraging more people to buy their

products rather than a competitor’s products. New technologies (materials/equipment) could make it

easier to make a type of product. Manufacturers try to be aware of media reports on heathy

eating and use this as a starting point for developing new products.

To compete with similar products on the market.

Award one mark for each simplistic but valid reason. To make more money Because they are healthy People want to be healthy As a response to public demand/because people want new

things To give consumers more choice

Do not award marks for a one word answer.

2 marks

1 mark

2 6

(ii) Award two marks for each relevant reason.Award up to two marks for each relevant reason.It is a convenient way of eating fruit.It is easy to carry in packed meals.It is an easy way of achieving the ‘5 a Day’ recommendation.It is an alternative to eating one of the ‘5 a Day’It is a good way of making sure young children eat fruit.It is a quick way of having a daily supply of Vitamin C.It is a healthy alternative to a fatty snack.They have visual appeal; they look tempting; they look healthy.They are brightly coloured so attract you/ make you want to buy them.Someone recommended you try them.

1 mark 2x1


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(iii) Award two marks for each relevant detailed reason. Excess packaging needs to be disposed of in

diminishing landfill sites. More energy is used up / wasted for production

processing. Excessive production of packaging increases CO2

production. Fertilisers may have been used in crop production / on

the fruit which could be harmful to humans.

Award one mark for: More materials are used for the packaging they have

secondary packaging as well as primary packaging. The product is likely to be more expensive. Packaging may be more difficult to recycle. They have a lot of packaging / they have secondary

packaging. They may contain additives / preservatives They might be made from GM crops They might be subjected to air ‘miles’.

Award one mark for a valid fact and one mark for justification or reason.

2 marks

1 mark


(d) Award one mark for a tick placed against….Vitamin C helps to maintain healthy skin and gums.

1 mark 1 1

16 marks


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Q.2 (a) Award one mark for each correct food material.SugarFlour

1 mark 2 2

(b) (i) Award one mark for the correct food material and function.Candidates may have correctly identified the food material but may have got the function incorrect.Margarine - Colour or flavour Egg-Colour/flavourSugar - Flavour/sweetnessEgg / egg yolk – colour

1 markeach

2 5

(ii) Award one mark for each correct functionBulkingRaisingShortening

1 mark each


(c) Award one mark for each correct fact. Reward a fact and an explanation or justification for the full two marks.Use reduced fat / margarine to reduce fat/calorie/ content.Use a sugar substitute instead of sugar.Use wholemeal flour to increase fibre.Add dried fruit or certain kinds of fresh fruit to increase fibre.Reduce the proportion of fat to flour / sugar to flour.Low fat MargarineAward one mark for a simple correct fact two marks for 2 facts.Use wholemael flour, sugar substitute.Add fruit to the recipe.

2 mark

1 mark

2 2

(d) (i) Equal or 1:1 100:100 1 to1 1 4(ii) 1:2 100:200 2 flour to 1 margarine or ½ fat to flour. 1(iii) The recipe 2 cake could have a drier crumbly texture

because:It contains double the amount of flour and less egg so the mixture is drier/ less moist than the first one;Too much flour / only one egg used.More flour / too much flour has been added.

2 marks

1 mark


(e) Award one mark for each correct method.Shape: Use the same type or size of tin every time/moulds.Colour: Use the same type of eggs and fat. Use the same oven temperature. Check them visually when made / use visual checks.Weight: Use a depositor to put the same amount of uncooked mixture in each tin. Relates to consistency of ingredients / careful / accurate / scales / same amount in each tin / same amount of mixture.Credit responses that show an understanding of the use of careful / accurate weighing out / computerised scales / same amount in each tin / same amount of mixture in each tin.Credit also – random checks to see if the cakes weigh the same after baking.

1 mark 3x1 3

16 marks12

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Q.3 (a) Award one mark for each micro-organism MouldBacteria

1 markeach

2x1 2

(b) (i) Award up to two marks for a detailed explanation of the principle in each method. Award one mark for each correct fact.FreezingBacteria cannot multiply and cause decay or poisoning because the freezing temperature makes them dormant.

2 marks 2x2

(ii) Award one mark only for a basic but correct statement.Too cold / it is too cold. Bacteria are dormant / gone to sleep.Die - 0Vacuum PackingBacteria are deprived of air so they cannot multiply and cause decay or poisoning;

Award one mark only for a basic but correct statement.No airNo Die

Do not award a mark for – ‘bacteria die’ unless there is some reasoning based on the possibility of destroying some bacteria during processing stages in vacuum packaging or in blanching.

1 mark

2 marks

1 mark


(ii) Award one mark for each appropriate rule.Wear clean overall /apron.Wear clean overall that covers ordinary clothing.Wear a hair net /tie hair back.Wear a hairnet to protect food from hair falling in.Wear special footwear.Wear gloves.Wash hands thoroughly and wear gloves.Do not wear make-up or perfume because it can taint food.Cover cuts with a blue plaster.Do not wear jewellery.Do not sneeze / cough over food /wear a face mask.Wear a face mask to prevent spreading of germs.Report any illnesses.Do not lick fingers / utensils.Check cleanliness of surfaces.Check cleanliness of equipment.There should be no smoking.Cross contamination- workers not to work with both ingredients.

1 mark each



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(iii) Award two marks for a detailed check. Defrosting: Make sure that the chickens are thoroughly defrosted before cooking [1] as bacteria inside the chicken could multiply as soon as the chickens are heated [1]. Keep away from cooked Chicken/meat- ref to cross contamination [1].

Cooking: Parts inside the chicken that are still frozen when in the oven will be slower to reach the maximum cooking temperature and could allow bacteria to multiply [2]. Use a temperature probe to check inside temperature [2]. Check the cooker / oven is set at the right temperature [1] to kill all bacteria [1].Award one mark for a simple check. Check defrosting is complete; keep covered; check defrosted all the way through before cooking; check oven is right temperature; cook for the right amount of time. Don’t leave it get to room temperature.

2 marks

2 marks

1 mark


(c) (i) Award marks for:

Name of the productImaginative design (graphic/text) relating to the tosti; name of product; target group appeal; effective lettering style; may include a logo.

Satisfactory design and use of graphics, text, food materialsOR good use of graphics and colour, no letteringOR good use of lettering and colour with no graphics

Basic or Weak attempt at a design proposal relating to name of the product which may include colour.


3 marks

2 marks

1 mark



FillingDiscerning choice of food materials – roasted vegetables, mozerella cheese or other name, Cajun Chicken in sauce, Chicken tikka., Chicken with spicy salsa. Served in a pannini or, fajita wrap or wholemeal bread.

Good choice of food materials – more limited than above: Bacon and mushroom, steak and onion/mushroom, garlic mushrooms and chicken, curried beef/chicken/TVP/Tofu. Served in bread roll topped with sesame seeds.

Basic Choice of food materials – cheese and tomato/onion served in white bread slices.

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

(ii) Use of Colour and Quality of communicationVery good quality of drawing and lettering including effective use of colourGood / Satisfactory quality of drawing / lettering and use of colour / shading

Basic / Weak lettering and drawing / text with colourdrawing produced – may not include lettering or colourWeak lettering which may not include colour or drawing

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark


21 marks15

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Q.4 (a) (i) Award one mark for a statement that demonstrates knowledge.The product is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet.Accept one word answer.Vegan or vegetarian.

1 mark

0 mark

2 2

(ii) Award one mark for a statement that demonstrates knowledge.The product is suitable for freezing / can be frozen.Award no mark for a one word answerFreezingAccept- can be frozen

1 marks

0 mark


(b) (i) Award one mark for a relevant function.Carbohydrate foods supply a quick source of energy or heat and energy.

1 mark 1 7

(ii) Award one mark for each relevant function.Protein foods enable the body to grow / for growth.Protein foods help the body to repair itself / for repair.Protein foods provide energy.

2 marks2

(iii) Award one mark for each correct vitamin.A and D

2 marks 2

(iv) Award one mark for each correct additive.Anti-oxidants; preservativesNote: if candidates have ticked more than 2 boxes, mark only the first two. Also accept a response that is written in the box rather than ticked.

2 marks 2

(c) (i) Award one mark for the name of a test.Difference test; Ranking test; Preference test; Paired comparison test; triangle test; taste test, rating test, blind folding test.Do not award a one word answer e.g. taste.

1 mark 1 6

(ii) Award one mark for the purpose of the test named in part (i).Difference test/ Paired comparison test : used to find out if there are any noticeable differences between two or more products.Ranking Test: used to find the most popular product from a sample.Triangle test: used to find out the odd product in a sample of three.Taste test / Blind test: used to establish correct flavour, texture.To see what needs improving; to find out what the public thinks.To develop new products – how product can be improved.See what customers like. Do not award a one word answer.

1 mark 1


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(iii) Award one mark for each correct stage described which would work related to the test given in part (i) and response in part (ii).Award one mark for each appropriate point for example:The provision of separate cubicles for testers (1), plain white plates (1), water to refresh palette (1), identical portion size of foods (1), random codes for assessment (1), score ratings chart for records (1).

4 marks 4

(d) Award up to five marks for each correctly completed point on the diagram.Award one mark for correctly joining up the diagram.Award up to two mark for quality and accuracy of line work-ruler only.

The clockwise order is from chart. Aroma = 4 1 2 3 5Aroma 4; Texture 1; Consistency 2; Appearance 3; Spicy flavour 5;

5 marks

1 mark1 mark



22 marksQ.5. (a) For a product which is not savoury, mark communication

not interesting or materialsFor a product which is not a single portion, mark communication and materials not interestingFor a product which does not have an interesting pastry case, mark communication and materials ( credit interesting shape and idea of a filling)For a product that does not have a good source of protein or fibre, mark communication and interesting not materials.

Note : If design 2 is only slightly different award up to half marks.

Work on the basis of BEST FIT

(i) InterestingAn interesting single portion product based on a flan, tartlet, pie or pastie made from filo, cheese or flavoured pastry. The shape may be an alternative to a round flan/tartlet or a semi-circular pastie. The pastry contains additional ingredients e.g. olive oil, olives, sun dried tomatoes or cheese. A pastry case may have surface decoration. The filling is an exciting selection of food materials showing imagination.

A variation of two of the above features which attempt to create an interesting, savoury, pastry product.

A product based on an existing type with basic S.C.Pastry and a limited suggestion for an interesting filling.

A product that does not show any interesting variation.

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

0 marks

2x3 6


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(ii) MaterialsDetailed reference to materials in pastry (wholemeal flour, fats, water, flavourings); details of the filling materials containing protein and fibre (meat, cheese, chick peas, Tofu, TVP, high fibre vegetables) and herbs or spices.

One of the above qualities in the selection of specific materials; not all materials are listed and the source of protein and fibre are accurate.

List of materials for layers show limited knowledge, up to 2 mk.

Basic components only. No reference to protein or fibre sources.

4 marks

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

2x4 8

(iii) CommunicationVery good standard of any three processes, drawing, labelling, colour, shading, dimensions, texturing including cross section.Good standard of any three processes, drawing, labelling, colour, shading, dimensions, including cross section.

4 marks

3 marks

2 x 4 8

Very good standard of two processes including cross section.

Satisfactory standard of any three processes may not be an attempt at a cross section.

Good standard of two processes may not be an attempt at a cross section.

Basic response – drawing with no colour / labelling no cross section.

Written words

2 marks

3 marks

2 marks

0 marks

2x4 8

(b) Award relevant different sensory reasons (unless clearly qualified)

Reference to textureReference to colour – food variety or specific reference to fruitReference to aromaReference to flavourReference to appearance –looks attractive / is attractiveTasty

1 mark

1 mark1 mark

1 mark1 mark1 mark0 marks

3x1 3

25 marks

Total for paper 100 marks


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Design and Technology 2007

Food Technology 139 04

Paper 2

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a) (i) Award one mark for a correct example.Chocolate bar/ dairy milk, egg, cake/ sponge cake/ Victoria sandwich, lollipop, Danish pastry, cream scone, trifle, fruity chews.

1 mark 1 2

(ii) Award one mark for a correct example.Chocolate bar/egg, cake, crisps, chips, peanuts, sausage roll, beef burger, cheese burger, pastry product.

1 mark 1

(b) (i) Award one mark for correct meaning.Obese means overweight; very fat; overweight / too heavy for their height / frame.

1 mark 1 7

(ii) Award one mark for each correct fact stated in a sentence. Too much sugar can lead to tooth decay [1]. It can

contribute to excess weight gain[1]. Excess weight can in turn contribute to heart disease / heart attack / diabetes [1]. Eating a diet high in sugar encourages a person to eat even more and this compounds the problem.[1] Excess sugar/ carbohydrate is stored as fat.[1]

A high fibre diet prevents or reduced the likelihood of constipation[1]. Diverticular disease is prevented[1]. Food passes through the body easily and quickly[1]. It makes for an efficient digestive system [1]. It aids the excretion of waste products [1]. It could help to lower cholesterol [1].

3 x 1 mark

3 x 1 mark


(c) (i) Award one mark for each relevant detailed reason based on: Manufacturers hope to make more money because

people like trying new products. It is a way of encouraging more people to buy their

products rather than a competitor’s products. New technologies (materials/equipment) could make it

easier to make a type of product. Manufacturers try to be aware of media reports on heathy

eating and use this as a starting point for developing new products.

To make more money; to be competitive with other manufactures.

As a response to public demand. To give consumers more choice. To make people think / believe they are healthy options.


1 mark

1 mark

1 9


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(ii) Award up to two marks for each relevant reason; award one mark for each relevant point within a sentence.

It is a convenient way of eating fruit.It is easy to carry in packed meals.It is an easy way of achieving the '5 a Day' recommendation.It is an alternative to eating one of the '5 a Day'It is a good way of making sure young children eat fruit.It is a quick way of having a daily supply of Vitamin C.

2 markseach


Suitable as a snack.They have visual appeal.They are brightly coloured so attract you to buying them.It is a healthy alternative to a fatty snack.

1 mark each

(iii) Award up to two marks for a relevant detailed reason based on the impact on the environment: Excess packaging needs to be disposed of in

diminishing landfill sites. More energy is used up for production processing. Excessive production of packaging increases CO2

production. It cannot be recycled. Pesticides may be used in production – these could be harmful to other wildlife and/or humans. They might be made from GM crops. They might be subjected to air ‘miles’. They have secondary packaging as well as primary

packaging which is wasteful of resources and even more to dispose of.

They may contain additives / preservatives which could be damaging to health.

They may not be organically produced.

Award one mark for a valid fact

More materials are used for the packaging The product is likely to be more expensive Packaging may be more difficult to recycle

2 marks

1 mark



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(iv) Award up to two marks for each correct fact and reason or one mark for each of two relevant facts given.Vitamin C: Prevents scurvy [2] (candidates may exemplify with

some of the symptoms leading to muscle weakness, joint pain, bleeding swollen gums, bruising easily, red spots on the skin, fatigue).

Aids the absorption of iron. Helps to prevent anaemia; helps prevent gingivitis. Aids the production of red blood cells (relation to iron

absorbtion). Is an antioxidant which neutralises free radicals

(Prevents damage by excessive production/build up). Is essential for the healing of wounds and repairs

tissues (blood vessels, ligaments, bones and teeth). Is essential for collagen (structural protein) which

helps to strengthen bones / anchors teeth in the gums.

Award one mark for: It promotes healthy condition of the skin. Prevents red spots /patches on the skin. It maintains a healthy immune system. Vitamin C prevents infection. Keeps you healthy- 0.

2 marks each

1 mark


18 marks

Q.2 (a) Award one mark for each correct food material.TVP or Tofu.Wheat, cakes, bread, biscuits, pastries, pasta.

1 markeach

3 3

(b) (i) Award one mark for each correct fact.Margarine Along with sugar it forms an emulsion (physical function) which traps air[1] enabling the cake to rise as it is heated[1]. It enhances keeping qualities[1].It shortens gluten strands making a soft crumb or soft texture in cakes [1].

1 markeach fact

2 6

(ii) Award one mark for each correct fact.Physical function of Sugar: it caramelises [1] giving the typical golden colour on the crust (physical function)[1]. Along with fat it forms an emulsion (physical function) which traps air enabling the cake to rise as it is heated[1]. Accept bulking [1]Sensory function of Sugar: it acts as a flavouring or sweetening agent (sensory functions)[1]. It caramelises to give a golden colour to make it look more attractive [1].

1 mark each fact

1 mark each fact




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(c) (i) Equal or 1:1 1 mark 1 4(ii) 1:2 1 mark 1(iii) Award credit for an understanding of how the recipes will

determine finished characteristics. Responses could focus on a comparison. The recipe for cake 1 could: have a lighter texture. be more moist than the second one. could be less crumbly than the second one. The second cake could be drier. Reward nutritional reasons given as strengths /


1 markeach fact


(d) Award up to two each marks for each detailed appropriate response. One sentence may contain two relevant points. Give each point one mark.Three aspects of quality assurance in achieving consistency between production runs could include the following examples but others could be acceptable.

Award up to two marks for reference based on:Shape: Use the same type and size of tin [1] every time [1] each cake [1].Colour: Use the same type of eggs and fat (or ingredients) [1] for each time / cake [1]. Use the same oven temperature [1] each time [1].Weight: Use a depositor [1] to put the same amount of uncooked mixture [1] in each tin [1].They use a computerised system for weighing [1] the raw food materials is used in the preparation stages [1] (check weigher)

Award only one mark for:Quality control procedures are carried out via random sampling of finished products.Industry makes use of HACCP systems.That each cake is the same shape; weigh a random sample.Use of metal detection to identify foreign bodies.

2 marks each

1 mark

3x2 6

19 marks


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Q.3 (a) Award one mark for each micro-organism YeastsMouldsBacteriaFungiAlgae

1 markeach

3x1 3

(b) Award one mark for a suitable method. Award up to two marks for a detailed explanation of the principle in each method. Give one mark for each correct fact about the named method. Just three examples are given below but others are acceptable see note.

CanningBacteria are deprived of air [1] so they cannot multiply and cause decay or poisoning [1];Bacteria are destroyed / killed if the food is heated to a very high temperature [1] so they cannot multiply and cause decay or poisoning[1];Bacteria cannot multiply [1] in high acid, salt or sugar liquids [1] and cause decay or poisoning[1]. Micro organisms require an optimum pH [1] to sufficiently reproduce / multiply to cause food poisoning [1].

Too acidic. Too salty / sugary. No air.

FreezingBacteria cannot multiply [1] and cause decay or poisoning because the freezing temperature -18/ 32C [1] makes them dormant / inactive [1].

Too cold.

Vacuum PackingBacteria are deprived of air [1] so they cannot multiply [1] and cause decay or poisoning[1].

No air.

Dehydration/dryingBacteria are deprived of water/moisture [1] so they cannot multiply [1] and cause decay or poisoning[1].

No moisture.

Note: Accept Salting, Pickling, Bottling, Smoking, Chilling, Blanching, Boiling, Steaming, Irradiation, use of preservatives with suitable explanations.

1 mark2 marks

1 mark2 marks

1 mark2 marks

1 mark2 marks

2x3 6


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(c) Award one mark each appropriate point made in the stage.Defrosting: Make sure that the chickens are thoroughly defrosted before cooking [1]. Parts inside the chicken that are still frozen when in the oven will be slower to reach the maximum cooking temperature [1] and could allow bacteria to multiply [1].Cooking: Use a temperature probe [1] to check that the internal temperature is correct for ensuring complete cooking to destroy bacteria [1].Check oven tempHot holding: Monitor the temperature [1] that the chickens are displayed at to make sure no bacteria develop if the temperature falls [1]. Check temperature every 20 minutes [2].

2 marks

2 marks

1 mark

2 marks

3x2 6

15 marksNote:SmokingChillingPicklingSaltingDryingBottling


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Q.4 (a) (i) Award one mark for a statement that demonstrates knowledge.The product is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet.

1 mark 1 2

(ii) Award one mark for a statement that demonstrates knowledge.The code can be scanned by a compatible microwave oven and the cooking settings are automatically set.

1 mark 1

(b) (i) Award one mark for a relevant definition.A Kilocalorie is a unit of measurement [1]. It is a way of measuring energy [1]. It is 1000 calories [1].A kilocalorie is the amount of energy needed to raise body temperature through 1 C [1].

1 mark1 mark

1 11

(ii) 190 x 3 = 570 calories 1 mark 1

(iii) Award one mark for each relevant function.Protein foods enable the body to grow.Protein foods help the body to repair itself.Protein foods provide energy.

1 mark each


(iv) Award one mark for each correct vitamin.A and D

2 marks 2

(v) Award one mark for each correct additive.Anti-oxidants; preservatives

2 marks 2

(vi) Award up to two marks for correct cause and one mark for prevention .Cause : natural enzymes in the fruit react with oxygen when the skin is removed.Prevention: dip the sliced fruit in lemon/orange/pineapple juice /ascorbic acid to stop enzyme activity / dehydrate / glazing.Note: Accept dehydration / drying. Accept glazing as in a topping for a flan/tartlet.

2 marks

1 mark


(c) (i) Award one mark for the name of a test.Difference test; Ranking test; Preference test; Paired comparison test; triangle test, taste test, blind folding test, hedonic ranking.Do not award a one word answer e.g. taste.

1 mark 1 5


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(ii) Award one mark for the purpose of the test.

Difference test/ Paired comparison test : used to find out if there are any noticeable differences between two or more products.Ranking Test: used to find the most popular product from a sample.Triangle test: used to find out the odd product in a sample of three.Taste test: used to establish correct flavour, texture.To see what needs improving. To find out what the public think.

1 mark 1

(iii) Award one mark for each correct stage described which would work based on the test given in part (i) and response in part (ii).Award one mark for each appropriate point for example:The provision of separate cubicles for testers (1), plain white plates (1), water to refresh palette (1), identical portion size of foods (1), random codes for assessment (1), score ratings chart for records (1).

3 marks 3

(d) Award up to four marks for each correctly positioned quality on the diagram.

Note: the order 4 2 3 1 5

4-Aroma 2-Consistency 3-Appearance 1-Texture 5-Flavour

Note: deduct one mark if the 5 correct points are indicated on the diagram but not joined up to give the profile.

5 marks 5 5

23 marks


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Q.5. (a) For a product which is not savoury, mark communication not interesting or materials.For a product which is not a single portion, mark communication and materials not interesting.For a product which does not have an interesting pastry case, mark communication and materials not interesting.For a product that does not have a good source of protein and fibre, mark communication and interesting not materials.

Note: If design 2 is only slightly different award up to half marks.

(i) InterestingAn interesting single portion product based on a flan, tartlet, pie or pastie made from filo, cheese or flavoured pastry. The shape may be an alternative to a round flan/tartlet or a semi-circular pastie. The pastry contains additional ingredients e.g. olive oil, olives, sun dried tomatoes or cheese. A pastry case may have surface decoration. The filling is an exciting selection of food materials showing imagination. The pastry may be named as flaky, puff, filo, choux, cheese. It may contain herbs, seasonings, spices, garlic, sundried tomatoes, and olive oil for flavour.

A variation of two of the above features which attempt to create an interesting, savoury, pastry product.

A product based on an existing type with basic S.C.Pastry and a limited suggestion for an interesting filling.

A product that does show any interesting variation.

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

0 marks

2x3 6

(ii) MaterialsDetailed reference to materials in pastry (wholemeal flour, fats, water, flavourings); details of the filling materials containing protein and fibre (meat, cheese, chick peas, Tofu, TVP, high fibre vegetables) and herbs or spices. Do not accept repeated sources of protein and fibre.

One of the above qualities in the selection of specific materials; not all materials are listed and the source of protein and fibre are inaccurate. Functions of food materials are listed.

List of materials for layers show limited knowledge,–

Basic components only. No reference to protein or fibre sources.

4 marks

3 marks

2 marks1 mark

2x4 8


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(iii) CommunicationVery good standard of any three processes, drawing, labelling, colour, shading, dimensions, texturing including cross section.Good standard of any three processes, drawing, labelling, colour, shading, dimensions, including cross section.Very good standard of two processes including cross section.Satisfactory standard of any three processes may not be an attempt at a cross section.Good standard of two processes may not be an attempt at a cross section.Basic response – drawing with no colour / labelling no cross section.Written words only.

4 marks

3 marks

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

1 mark

2x4 8

(b) Award relevant different specification points to those stated in the question. All points must be qualified. (unless clearly qualified)

1 markeach

3x1 3

25 marks

Total marks for paper 100 marks


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Design and Technology 2007

Graphic Products 140 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) (i) Felt tip pen, marker pen, pen. 1 1

(ii) Knife. 1

Craft knife: Snap off blade craft knife, modelling knife. 2 2

(iii) Protractor. 1 1 4

(b) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2

(i) Make it look better, more attractive, brand it, advertise the company, more colourful, give information, make it easier to use, protect 2the plastic, show the logo, make it easier to handle or similar. Up to 2 marks

(ii) Good for printing on, takes colour well, diecuts well, cuts out well, easy to score, 2easy to fold, easy to stick together, low cost + 4or similar. Up to 2 marks for each reason 2

(iii) Good notes only up to 3, good diagram onlyup to 3.

Fair notes and fair diagram up to 4.

Diagram shows essentials in a clear way – up to 3.

Notes explain how the process takes place – up to 3.4 10

(c) Blanket. 2

Transfer or similar. 1

Impression. 2

Pressing, squashing or similar. 1 4 4

(d) More detail and greater understanding gets more marks.

Oil and water do not mix. 1

Water sticks to part of the plate and ink to other parts. 2

Chemical on plate affected by UV light so unprintedparts attract water and printed parts attract the oil based ink. Oil and water don’t mix so the oil basedink is put on after the water so it only goes onto the dry parts of the plate. 3 3 3

21 21


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Q.2 (a) Pyramid. 1Triangular pyramid. 2 2 2

(b) 1 mark for each correct line in the triangles – up to 4.1 mark for each projected line on the base.of the end view – up to 3. 9 9 9Quality of the linework – up to 2.

(c) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets2 e.g.

Accurate. 1

To give an accurate drawing that is to size, see all sides, to be able to make something, see lots of detail or similar 2. 2 2 2

(d) (i) Third angle. 1 1

(ii) Prism OR hexagon. 1

Hexagonal prism. 2 2

(iv) 1 mark for each correct side in an appropriateposition – up to 6.

Make allowance for the distortion of the question drawing in the marking. Sides may be 3 squares, 12mm or 14mm. Allow for ALL. 6 6 9

22 43


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Q.3 (a) Cyan, 4 4 4Magenta, Yellow, Black. – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 4.

(b) Blue 1Cyan 2Purple 1Magenta 2 4 4

(c) Tolerance of plus or minus 5%

10%, 50%, 3 3 3100% – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 3.

(d) Purple,Red, 3 3 3Brown. – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 3.

14 57


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Q.4 (a) Oldstyle, Sans Serif, 4 4 4Script, Decorative – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 4.

(b) 3 or 4 points. 1 1 1(c) Comic sans. 2

Bank or Bodoni. 1

Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2

Style matches a comic, Clear letters, Easy to read, Fits into bubbles easily, Looks like children’s writing,matches the squirrel or similar.Up to 2 marks each reason.

4 6 6

Reasons that justify a different font effectively will be markedon the effectiveness of the justification. Obvious incorrect reasons do not get marks.

(d) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2

(i) 25 sheets of paper in the pack – up to 2 marks. 2

(ii) One square metre of paper weighs 160 grams – up to 2 marks. 2

(iii) Slightly larger than A3 to allow for trimming – up to 2 marks. 2

(iv) 2 1 7 718 75


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Q.5 (a) Mark each part separately – better quality gets more marks

(i) Very Poor quality – 0, mostly satisfactory – 1, mainly good – 2, 3excellent – 3.

(ii) All space used – 1 mark, partial use - 0. 1

(iii) Very Poor quality – 0, satisfactory – 1, 2good – 2

(iv) Mark each part separately.No colour used – 0, Cold colours in background, Hot in foreground – 1 mark, Colours appropriate for a plant/gardencentre used – 1 mark. 2 8

(b) (i) Mark each part separately – better qualitygets more marks but it must be there to gainmarks in each section.

Holds 2 bulbs – 1, anything else – 0. 1

Has defined space for correct size logo –1,anything else – 0. 1

No decoration shown – 0, mostly satisfactory decoration shown – 1, mainly good decoration shown – 2. 2

Has defined space for planting instructions –1, anything else - 0. 1

No details – 0, occasional details –1, incomplete detail – 2, full detail – 3. 3

(ii) Must state two of the below for the markthickness/weight in mm, gsm, microns, 1about 0.5 - 0.75mm, 500 – 750 microns, 250 - 350 gsmcolour and surface finish. 1

(iii) Varnishing or laminating or plastic coating for 1 mark. 1 10


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(c) The drawings may go outside the space provided but should be marked with NO reduction.

The drawing is of the package designed – 1. It is not the package from Part (b) – 0. 1

The drawing the size needed to hold the bulbs – 1. The drawing will not hold two bulbs – 0. 1

Fold and cut lines differentiated – 1.No differentiation of fold and cut lines – 0. 1

The drawing well done, clean and accurate – 1. Poor quality drawing skills – 0. 1

1 mark for each important and correct dimension – up to 3. 3 7

25 100


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Design and Technology 2007

Graphic Products 140 04

Paper 2

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a) (i) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2.Any two from:

Make it look better, more attractive, brand it, advertise the company, more colourful, 2give information, make it easier to use, +protect the plastic, show the logo, 2make it easier to handle or similar. 4

(ii) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2

Good for printing on, takes colour well, 2diecuts well, cuts out well, easy to score, + 4easy to fold, easy to stick together, 2low cost or similar.

(iii) Good diagram with full, clear labels up to – 3Diagram shows basic essentials in a clear way with some labels – 2Diagram shows basic essentials with no labels – 1 3 11

(b) Blanket:Impression – 1 mark each 2 2 2

(c) (i) Oil based ink 1 1

(ii) More detail and greater understandinggets more marksOil and water do not mix 1Water sticks to part of the plate and ink to other parts. 2

Chemical on plate affected by UV light sounprinted parts attract water and printed partsattract the oil based ink. Oil and water don’t mix 3 3so the oil based ink is put on after the water 4so it only goes onto the dry parts of the plate.


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(ch/d) (i) Relief printing 1 1

(ii) Needs to show that the plate cylinder runs inan ink bath and that the hollows that are cut into plate are filled with ink. A doctor blade 3 3 4scrapes off the surplus ink and the paper pressed into hollows by the impression roller.

More detail gets more marks up to 321 21

Q.2 (a) Pyramid 1Square pyramid 2Truncated/cut square pyramid 3 3

(b) End View – Correct triangle drawn – 1 markTop of cut face correct – 1 markBottom of cut face correct – 1 mark 5Plan View – Top of cut face correct – 1 markBottom of cut face correct – 1 mark

Line work – good quality – 2: Satisfactory – 1:anything else – 0 2 7

(c) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answergets 2 e.g.

To give accurate sizes, accurate views of each side,to see how it all goes together or similar. 2 2

(ch/d) 308 1 1

(e) (i) 1 mark for each correct side – up to 3 3

Accuracy and construction – Up to 2 depending on quality 2 5

(ii) Different views 1

Ortho gives views of whole object but net givesviews of each side. 2

Orthographic does not give true shape of sidebecause each view is not viewed at 90 degrees/ perpendicular to the side to give the true shapebut net does look at 90 degrees so is the true shape. 3 3

21 42


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Q.3 (a) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 4 4 4

(b) Blue 1Cyan 2 2

(c) Examples of colours like Barbie pink or Cadbury purple 1

Any colour that is not a process colour often speciallymixed so that the four process colours are not used –e.g. pantone 2 2

(c) Tolerance of plus or minus 5%10%, 50%, 100% – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 3 3 3

d\ch Purple, Red, Brown; – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 3 3 3

14 56Q.4 (a) Oldstyle

Sans SerifScriptDecorative – 1 mark for each one correct – up to 4 4 4

(b) 13 points or 17 points 114, 15, 16 points 2 2

(c) Comic sans 2Bank or Bodoni 1Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2

Style matches a comic, Clear letters, Easy to read,Fits into bubbles easily, Looks like children’s writing,writing, matches the squirrel or similar.Up to 2 marks each reason 4 6

Reasons that justify a different font effectively willbe marked on the effectiveness of the justification. Obvious incorrect reasons do not get marks.

(ch/d) (i) 25 sheets of paper in the pack 1(ii) One square metre of paper weighs 160 grams 1(iii) Slightly larger than A3 to allow for trimming 1 3

(e) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2Advantages – accuracy, speed, repeatability – up to 2 2Disadvantage – Prototyping to prove cuts, takes timeto set up, not efficient for one product, some materials 2 4won’t cut, perfect Garbage In Garbage Out – up to 2

19 75


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Q.5 (a) Mark each part separately – better quality gets more marks

(i) Very Poor quality – 0, mostly satisfactory – 1, 3mainly good – 2, excellent – 3

(ii) All space used – 1 mark, partial use - 0 1

(iii) Very Poor quality – 0, satisfactory – 1, 2good – 2

(iv) Mark each part separately No colour used – 0, Cold colours in background, Hot in foreground 2 8 – 1 mark, Colours appropriate for a plant/garden centreused – 1 mark

(b) (i) Mark each part separately – better quality getsmore marks but it must be there to gain marks ineach section

Holds 2 bulbs – 1, anything else - 0 1

Has defined space for correct size logo –1,anything else - 0 1

No decoration shown – 0, mostly satisfactory decoration shown – 1, 2mainly good decoration shown – 2

Has defined space for planting instructions –1, anything else – 0 1No details – 0, occasional details –1, 3incomplete detail – 2, full detail – 3

(ii) Must state thickness/weight in mm, gsm, microns, about 0.5 – 0.75mm, 500 – 750 microns, 250 – 350gsm 1colour and surface finish for the mark1

(iii) Varnishing or laminating or similar 1 10


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(c) The drawings may go outside the spaceprovided but should be marked with NO reduction.The drawing is of the package designed – 1 1It is not the package from Part (b) – 0The drawing is the size needed to hold the bulbs – 1 1The drawing will not hold two bulbs – 0

Fold and cut lines differentiated – 1 1No differentiation of fold and cut lines – 0The drawing well done, clean and accurate – 1 1Poor quality drawing skills – 0

1 mark for each important and correct dimension – up to 3 3 7

25 100


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Design and Technology 2007

Resistant Materials Technology 141 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) Screw AralditeCan accept lap joint.

1x2 6

Nut and boltCan accept screw if not used above

RivetCan accept araldite if not used above.


KDFCan accept screw if not used above.

If entered two answers – take first response only.

LAP JointCan accept epoxy if not used above.


(b) (i) Iron. 1 4(ii) Stainless steel. 1(iii) Brass / lead. 1(iv) Lead. 1

No penalty using lead twice.

(c) Nylon, Polystyrene. 11


(d) (i) Simple / basic answer ONE mark.Block is the right size.Basic statement – rounded edges.Expect more sophisticated response for TWO marks.Rounded edges because…….

Top / female part needs to allow for the thickness of the plastic.

Round off edges of mould.

Put a relief angle / taper / slope.

Smooth surface of mould.

2 x 2 4


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(d) (ii) Will accept any suitable hard resistant material

Reason:Must be related to the material given and be relevant to the making of a mould.

– wood with close grain : strength quality of surface finish, can be easily machined.




Q.2 (a) Spec; ergonomics: comfortable to sit at.Storage for other things. Attractive to look at.Be compact in size.Made for flat pack.Easily moved.

1 mark - Store paper.2 marks – need to store A4 paper – quantities.Extended answer – reward 2 marks.

(2) x3 6

(b) MDF, chipboard, conteboard, plywood, laminboard, blockboard


(c) 1 mark – very basic understanding.2 marks – include some constructional detail.3 marks – well thought out that includes enough

info to make.

Award up to 2 marks for communicationIf just a housing joint can reward but not 3 /3 unless direct comment on reducing friction


(d) Can be easily transported– by manufacturer and / or customer.Can be easily stored in store.Reduced manufacturing costs.Cheaper retail price.

Limited – few word answer – 1 mark – they are cheaper.

More detailed answer – 2 marks.They are cheaper because do not need workers to put them together.

2x2 4


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Q.3 (a) Must be a real wood not manufacturedE.g.Pine, Beech, other suitable woods : not manufactured board / balsa.

1 mark – strong / cheap.2 marks – hard tight grain.

1+2 3

(b) 1 mark – very basic understanding.2 marks – include some constructional detail.3 marks – well thought out that includes enough

info to make.

Must have Ref to how it will turn freely Award up to 2 marks for communication


(c) Safety precautions:No small parts. Non toxic finish.Rounded corners.

1 mark – must be strong / no sharp edges.2 marks – must be strong because……..

Must qualify answer to get two marks.

No marks for communication.

2x2 4

(d) (i) 1 mark – basic answer no detail.2 marks – some reference to techniques.3 marks – some step by step approach leading to

good understanding.4 marks – clear full explanation.

Do not penalise if through or blind hole.No marks for a CAM answer.Should include : marking out - cutting hole - finishing.


(ii) Chisel, mallet, Try Square, drill, marking gaugeMortising machine, rule.

1+1 2


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(e) (i)




Cam machine : CAMM1 – STIKA machine.CAM plotter laser cutter CAMM2 Cam router.

Be aware of answers: CAMM1 – router - laser.

1 mark – very basic understanding.2-3 marks – some understanding ref made to tools,

materials or equipment.4-marks – good understanding with ref to tools,

materials and equipment used.Load plastic into machine – cut / engrave image – apply to wheel.







Q.4 (a) (i) 1 mark – very basic no ref to names of any equipment.

2 marks – some understanding – name some equipment.

3-4 marks – good sound response with ref to correct equipment.

Cut / grind – file / finish.Grinding would need safety ref to access higher marks.Not laser cut.Could CAM route shape.


(b) Any THREE of the following:Setting up the machine.

Centre punching hole.

Clamping metal in hand vice / with G Cramp.

Drilling : ref to safety ; max of one mark for safety.

Drill pilot hole.

Any four of the following

1x3 3

(c) Clamping work.Using centre punch.Slow speed.Goggles.Tying hair back / ties.Wearing safety equipment – gloves / aprons.Using guards.

1x4 4


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(d) Name software : 2D, design pro.Desktop, autodesk inventor, solid edge.

1 mark – only vague understanding.2 marks – sound response.3 marks – good understanding with ref to where

CAD was used.

Accuracy, edit, save change image, dimension, change colourways, view design in 3D, can transfer to CAM machine, dimension.




Q.5 (a) (i) Design of a stand that is stable

Judge the overall quality and feasibility of the solution that will clearly work.

1 mark basic idea but could work.

2 mark feasible solution that shows some important constructional features.

3-4 marks feasible solution, clearly communicated with detailed range of sketches and good annotation. (must be portable as spec)


(ii) Constructional details of stand

Judge the overall quality and feasibility of the solution that will clearly work.

1-2 marks basic idea but could work.

3-4 marks feasible solution that shows some important constructional features.

5-6 marks feasible solution, clearly communicated with detailed range of sketches and good annotation.


(iii) Showing how the sheet music is held securely to the stand

1 mark – vague reference to how held but will support music.

2 marks – clear ref; lacking constructional detail.3 marks – some constructional detail given.



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(iv) Two important dimensions

Naming up to TWO correct dimensions – must be metric.

And refer to design not sheet music.


(v) Quality of communication5 Excellent4 Good3 Average2-1 Below average


(b) Naming a suitable material – must be specific materials.2 reasons.

1 mark – basic answer.2 marks – more detail given to clarify answer.





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Design and Technology 2007

Resistant Materials Technology 141 04

Paper 2

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a) Beech / Acrylic – temporary : Screw / double sided tape.Perm : glue with araldite-epoxy resin / superglue.Contact adhesive.



Steel – temp : nut and bolt, self tapping screw, double sided tape.Perm : Rivet, weld, brazing.



MDF – Temp: KDF : Screw.Perm : dowel butt, butt, mitre, lap, pva – Pin and glue, biscuit.


Accept same answer only once.

(b) Mild , high carbon, stainless, silver steel, HSS, tool steel, bright / black mild steel.

1+1 2

(c) (i) Polystyrene, polyester, PVC Nylon, PET, ABS, polypropylene.

1+1 2

(ii) Simple / basic answer ONE mark.Expect more sophisticated response for TWO marks to clarify answer.

Top / female part needs to allow for the thickness of the plastic.

Round off edges of mould … because….

Suitable material.

Smooth surface of mould.

Release angle, taper.

2 x 3 6


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(iii) Will accept any suitable hard resistant material.

Reason:Must be related to the material given and be relevant to the making of a mould. – wood with close grain : strength quality of surface finish, can be easily machined.

Hard wearing – for repeat use.wood with close grain / structure : – quality of surface finish, east to shape.

one mark basic answer.




Q.2 (a) Spec ; ergonomics: comfortable to sit at.Storage for other things. Attractive to look at. /aesthetically pleasing.Be compact in size.Safety.Ergonomic.Strong must have justification for one mark.How it will be constructed – for flat pack.Easily transported.

1 mark – Short answer.2 marks – more detail / justification.

2 x 4 8

(b) Chipboard that has a decorative layer of wood or plastic on it’s surface – improve the aesthetics.

Opportunity for better candidates to demo depth of thinking.


(c) 1 mark – very basic understanding.2 marks – include some constructional detail.3-4 marks – well thought out that includes

enough information to make. Use notes and sketches – should have ref to how it will achieve a smooth action.


(d) Can produce in high volumes.Speed of manufacture.Require less manpower.Automation.Accuracy – drilling holes components etc.

Some good justification for two marks.

2 x 2 4


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Q.3 (a) Must be a real wood not manufactured.

Name of a suitable solid wood e.g. Beech Pine.

1 mark – Looks good.2 marks – strong hard tight grain, easy to

work, resistant to knocks etc.

Strong needs justification for one mark.

1+2 3

(b) 1 mark – very basic understanding.2 marks – include some constructional detail.3-4 marks – well thought out that includes

enough info to make.Must have Ref to how it will turn freely.


(c) Safety precautions:No small parts.Non toxic finish.Rounded corners.Strong.Lightweight – can be safely carried about.

1 mark – Short answer.2 marks – more detail / justification – non toxic paint because children could put in their mouth.

3x2 6

(d) (i) Should include : marking out – cutting hole – finishing.

1 mark – basic answer no detail.2 marks – some reference to techniques.3 marks – some step by step approach leading

to good understanding.4 marks – clear full explanation.


(e) 1 mark – name of machine:CAMM1 – STIKA machine.CAM plotter router.Laser cutter.CAMM2.

1 mark – very basic understanding.2 marks – some understanding relating to

manufacturing techniques, materials, tooling.

3 marks – good understanding with manufacturing techniques, materials, tooling.





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Q.4 (a) (i)



Centre punch – 1 mark.

1 mark – dividers, scriber and template.

1 mark – very basic no ref to names of any equipment.

2 marks – some understanding – name some equipment.

3-4 marks – good sound response with ref to correct equipment.

Accept Plasma cutter, angle grinder – needs explanation!




(iv) One mark for any 3 of the following:

Centre punching hole.

Clamping metal in hand vice / with G Cramp.

Drilling a pilot hole.

Drilling : ref to safety ; goggles guards etc.

Expanded/detailed answer reward with extra mark.


(b) (i) 2 D design , prodesktop, Autodesk Inventor, sketch up, solid edge, solid works

1 1

(ii) 1 mark – only vague understanding.

2 marks – sound response – with clear ref to how it has been used in project.

3 marks – good understanding with ref to where CAD was used.


(c) 2 disadvantages

Initial start up costs – equipment.

Training of workforce.

Heavy investment.

May be hard to find suitable workforce.:maintenance / repair staff.

1+1 2


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Q.5 (a) (i) The design of a stand that is stable1 mark – basic solution, no construct details

but would probably stand up.

2 marks – feasible solution, some construct details – would stand up – is it portable?

3 marks – clear solution that considers stability in construction and is portable.


(ii) Constructional details of stand Judge the overall quality and feasibility of the solution that will clearly work.

1-2 marks basic idea but could work.

3-4 marks feasible solution that shows some important constructional features.

5- marks feasible solution, clearly communicated with detailed range of sketches and good annotation.


(iv) Showing how the sheet music is held securely to the stand1 mark – vague reference to how held.2 marks – clear ref ; lacking construction detail.3 marks – some constructional detail given.


(v) Two important dimensionsNaming up to TWO correct dimensions – must be metric – must refer to design not paper.


(vi) Quality of communication4 Excellent3 Good2 Average1 Below average


(b) 5 marks – detailed ref to jigs and formers /quality control.

3-4 marks – some reference to formers & jigs.1-2 marks – some basic ref but no details.



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Design and Technology 2007

System and Control Technology 142 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) (i) Limit switch A or Limit switch B or LDR. [1 mark]

(ii) Motor. [1 mark]

(b) One mark per correctly ordered command. [6 marks]One mark for each return loop with correct yes and no. [3marks)]

Each command must be in the correct position and in the case of decision boxes the return loop and the yes and no must be correctly positioned.










Is LS B pressed?

Motor forwards

Motor stop

Is LS A pressed?

Motor backwards


Motor stop

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(c) Up to 2 marks for identifying a possible problem. [2 marks]

Problem 1 The system will respond to any change in light level. e.g. If a car headlights falls on LDR at night the curtains will open.Problem 2 The tension in the cord will lessen and may slip.There may be other viable problems and solutions put forward.Less clearly explained problems that show some element of truth may deserve 1 mark.

(d) Up to 2 marks for any viable application for a PIC. [2 marks]One word answers or very short answers may deserve 1 mark if a PIC application is clear. Any appropriate application will do.


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Q.2 (a) (i) 2 marks for each correct value. [6 marks]

220 ohms 57,000 ohms or 57K ohms 10 ohmsNote if first two numbers are correct but multiplying factor is wrong give.1 mark only e.g. 221 gains 1 mark.

(ii) Up to 2 marks for explaining that the tolerance band defines the accuracy of the resistor and different colours (these need not be specified) tell the accuracy of the resistor. [2 marks]Answers like "How good it is" or "What quality it is" gains 1 mark.

(b) (i) Light dependant resistor accept LDR accept light sensor. [1 mark]

(ii) Transistor accept NPN. [1 mark]

(iii) Resistor C limits the current flowing through the base emitter junction of the transistor preventing damage. [2 marks]"Prevents damage to the transistor" or "stops transistor blowing up" gains 2 marks."Limits the current" gains 1 mark only.

(v) Each correct choice of word gains 1 mark. [4 marks]dark, increases, base, 0.6, Note: Combinations e.g. Light – Decrease gains 2 marks.

(c) [4 marks]Input a Input b Output

0 0 01 0 00 1 01 1 1

Table completed fully gains 4 marks. Reduce accordingly.

(d) (i) Measure DC voltage. [2 marks]Measure AC voltage.Measure resistance.Measure current.Test for continuity.

Any two of these. Each gains 1 mark.

(ii) Up to 2 marks for explaining that the rotary switch is used to set what is to be measured and its range. If only one of these issues is mentioned then only 1 mark. [2 marks]

(iii) 6.54 volts [2 marks]Numbers gain 1 mark, volts gains 1 mark.


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Q.3 (a) (i) Does not slip. [1 mark]

(ii) RV of Driver * Teeth of Driver = RV of Driven * Teeth of Driven500*30 = RV*50RV = 500*30/50RV = 300 revs per minute

Correct answer with workings evident. [3 marks]Evidence of workings but wrong answer up to 2 marks.Correct answer but no evidence of workings 2 marks only.If all else correct but no units stated in the answer give 2 marks.

Note the pulley ratio of 30:50 may be used in the equation to similar effect.

(ii) Tick placed by 60mm pulley. [1 mark]

(b) Rotary – Reciprocating [2 marks]Rotary – Linear [2 marks]

(c) (i) Class 2 lever Accept class B [1 mark]

(ii) System B [1 mark]

(d) A simple description of the action of each gains 2 marks. [6 marks]

Cam 1 – Drop and rise, Drop and rise, Drop and rise, Drop and rise.

Cam 2 – Rise steadily for 180o then fall steadily for 180o

Actual numbers of degrees not needed.Cam 3 – Stays the same or dwell for 180o then rises for 170o approx then

falls suddenly. Accept also rises steadily for 360 degrees and then falls suddenly.


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Q.4 (a) (i) To help reduce friction or similar explanation. [2 marks]One word or very simplistic but true answers gain 1 mark.

(ii) Steel, Aluminium, Galvanised steel, Stainless steel. [1 mark]

(ii) The gear box has mechanical advantage so gives the user more pulling power. [2 marks]"Helps the user pull the boat" gains 2 also"Pulls the boat up" gains 1 mark only.

(iv) Bending. [4 marks]Compression.Tension.Bending.1 marks per correct answer.

(b) (i) Press down. [1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the resultant force at the tow ball. [4 marks]Listing ACWM and CWM gains 2 markACWM 500 x 1, Towball x 2.5CWM 500 x 1.2Forming this equation gains 1 markCWM = ACWM500 x 1.2 = (500 x 1) + (TB x 2.5)600 = 500 + 2.5TBCalculating the correct value for TB gains 1 marksTB = (600-500)/2.5TB = 40 newtons

(iii) Two possible positions and reasons are acceptable. [3 marks]Answer 1Space the two bales equally either side of the trailer wheel (1 mark).ReasonTrailer will balance and there will be no weight on the tow bar (2 marks).Answer 2 Stack both bales above the wheel (1 mark)ReasonAll force is directed through the trailer wheel so there is no force down on the tow bar (2 marks).Note: Other answers may deserve some credit.


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Q.5 (i) A block diagram of control system. [4 marks]A clearly drawn block diagram with appropriate elements to control the device.This can be very simple and still gain the marksEg Trigger switch – battery - buzzeror Trigger switch – transistor – buzzeror Trigger switch – thyristor latch – buzzeror Trigger switch – PIC - buzzer.

Is it a block diagram with some kind of input, process and output? 1 markPlus 1 mark for each correct element of block diagram.Note: The elements must be components or electronic systems as shown above. Process words like "Makes a noise" are not acceptable.(some elements are feasible gains 1 mark)

(ii) Details of circuit [6 marks]

Accuracy of details presented. (5 marks)A total correct system. 6 marksVirtually all details presented are correct. 5 marksMost information presented is clear and feasible. 4 marksSome details are shown which are correct. 3 marksFew details only that are correct. 2 marksVery little correct detail shown. 1 markNo clear details given. 0 marks

(iii) Details of the trigger system

A clear and appropriate method of triggering the device. [4 marks]This needs to show how the movement of the door activates the alarm.It may include details of the type of switch to be used together with its fixing and being operated by the door's movement.

An appropriate method with all details annotated. 4 marksSome details of an appropriate method. 2/3 marksLimited details of a method. 1 mark

(iv) Details of the case fitting [3 marks]

Clear details of circuit fitting to case. 3 marksSome details of case fitting. 2 marksLimited details of case fitting. 1 mark

(v) Details of how the device is kept secure from children [2 marks]

Any appropriate method of preventing children altering the device.This may involve positioning the alarm out of reach or a key switch or a coded system.Or any other viable method.Award 1 or 2 marks accordingly.


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(vi) Quality of communication [6 marks]

Communicating technical details of system up to 3 marksClearly presented with mainly correct conventions. 3 marksClear but drawn without conventions. 2 marksJust about understandable. 1 mark.

Sketching details of trigger workings and case . up to 3 marksLook for designerly sketching and annotation.Good in the main. 3 marksClear but poorly presented. 2 marksJust about recognisable. 1 mark


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Design and Technology 2007

System and Control Technology 142 04

Paper 2

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a) (i) Limit switch A or Limit switch B. [1 mark]

(ii) LDR or Light sensor. [1 mark]

(iii) Answers could relate to motors making noise and needing suppression or motors require driver circuits when used with a PIC. Either answer can gain 2 marks if basically explained. One word or very basic answers that have some truth could gain 1 mark. [2 marks]

(iv) Answers must relate to the need to set the appropriate values for the analogue decision. One word or very basic answers that have some truth could gain 1 mark. [2 marks]

(b) One mark per correctly drawn command. (7 marks)One mark for the major return loop. (1 mark)

Each command must be in the correct position and in the case of decision boxes the return loop and the yes and no must be correctly positioned. Note: There could be other correct layouts for the solution. [8 marks]










Is LS B pressed?

Motor forwards

Motor stop

Is LS A pressed?

Motor backwards


Motor stop

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(c) Up to 2 marks for identifying a possible problem. [2 marks]Up to 2 marks for suggesting a solution to the problem. [2 marks]

Problem 1 The system will respond to any change in light level. e.g. If a car headlights falls on LDR at night the curtains will open.Possible solution Build in a time delay to prevent instant action.

Problem 2 The tension in the cord will lessen and may slip.Possible solution Insert some kind of tensioner that can be adjusted.

Note No repeat should be accepted from 1a (iii) or (iv).

There may be other viable problems and solutions put forward.


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Q.2 (a) (i) 1 marks for each correct value. [3 marks]

220 ohms 57,000 ohms or 57K ohms 10 ohms

(ii) Calculate basic value of resistor (1000 ohms) gains 1 mark. [3 marks]Silver band indicates +or – 10%Calculating 10% of 1000 (100 ohms) gains 1 mark.Calculating maximum value of resistor (1100 ohms) gains 1 mark.Maximum value given with no workings showing gains all 3 marks.Note: You must mark the calculation correct if either 5% or 10% is used

(b) (i) Transistor. [1 mark]

(ii) Light dependant resistor accept LDR. [1 mark]

(iii) Resistor E limits the current flowing through the base emitter junction of the transistor preventing damage. [2 marks]“Prevents damage” or “stops transistor blowing up” 1 mark only.

(iv) [4 marks]Input a Input b Output

0 0 00 1 01 0 01 1 1

Table completed fully gains 4 marks. Reduce accordingly.

(v) A brief explanation mentioning the following points gains 5 marks.[5 marks]

Input from light sensor. Input from heat sensor. AND gate output will be high when both inputs are high. Transistor will turned on when output from AND gate is high. Transistor turns on buzzer.

Look for essentials of this explanation not exact wording. Reduce marks as points become less.

(c) (i) Measure DC voltage. [3 marks]Measure AC voltage.Measure resistance.Measure current.Test for continuity.

Any three of these. Each gains 1 mark.

(ii) 14.84 K ohms or 14840 ohms. Or 14K84 [2 marks]14.84 gains 1 mark.


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Q.3 (a) (i) RV of Driver * Teeth of Driver = RV of Driven * Teeth of Driven500*30 = RV*50RV = 500*30/50RV = 300 (revs per minute) Units not essential to mark

Correct answer with workings evident. [3 marks]Evidence of workings but wrong answer up to 2 marksCorrect answer but no evidence of workings 2 marks only.If all else correct but no units stated in the answer give 2 marks.Note If candidate uses 150 instead of 50 in the calculation and then produces.An answer of 100 then award 1 mark only

(ii) Correct answer with workings as shown [3 marks]

Circumference of pulley150*3.14 = 471 mm (1 mark)

Driver pully rotates at 300 revs per minute so Blade moves 300 * 471 (1 mark)=141300 millimetres per minute

Convert to Metres per second141300/1000 = 141.3 metres per second141.3/60 = 2.355 metres per second (1 mark)

(b) Rotary – Reciprocating [2 marks]Rotary - Linear [2 marks]

(c) (i) Class 2 lever [1 mark]

(ii) System B [1 mark]

Reason Lever B gives the highest mechanical advantage because of the load being closer to the pivot. Other wording of similar sense. [2 marks]

(d) A reasonable sketch of a cam showing the characteristics as listed [5 marks]1 mark per feature if evident. Quality not important.Interpret 15mm generously.


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Q.4 (a) (i) A statement which refers to the gear box giving greater mechanical advantage and the rollers reducing friction gains 4 marks. [4 marks]

(ii) Steel or galvanised steel or aluminium or stainless steel. [1 mark]

(iii) Bending [4 marks]CompressionTensionBending1 marks per correct answer.Accept words that mean the same thing e.g. Stretching etc.

(b) Calculate the resultant force at the tow ball and note if it exceeds 50 newtons.[5 marks]

Listing ACWM and CWM gains 1 markACWM 500 x 1, Towball x 2.5CWM 500 x 1.2Forming this equation gains 1 markCWM = ACWM500 x 1.2 = (500 x 1) + (TB x 2.5)600 = 500 + 2.5TBCalculating the correct value for TB gains 3 marksTB = (600-500)/2.5TB = 40 newtonsAn actual statement is not needed for full marks if the answer of 40 newtons is correct.A correct statement can be given 1 mark if the preceding calculation is not strickly correct.Therefore downforce on tow bar is within limits or does not exceed 50 newtons.Award marks relating to the stage reached.


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Q.5 A block diagram of control system. [4 marks]

A clearly drawn block diagram with appropriate elements to control the device.

Trigger switch – thyristor latch – buzzeror Trigger switch – PIC – buzzeror other appropriate system.

Is it a block diagram with some kind of input, process and output? (1 mark)Plus 1 mark for each correct element of the block diagram

Details of circuit [6 marks]

Accuracy of details presented. (5 marks)A total correct system. Including reset (6 marks).Virtually all details presented are correct (5 marks).Most information presented is clear and feasible (4 marks).Some details are shown which are correct (3 marks).Few details only that are correct (2 marks).Very little correct detail shown (1 mark).No clear details given (0 marks).

Details of the trigger system [4 marks]

A clear and appropriate method of triggering the device.This needs to show how the movement of the door activates the alarm.It may include details of the type of switch to be used together its fixing and working with the door movement.

An appropriate method with all details annotated (4 marks).Some details of an appropriate method (2/3 marks).Limited details of a method (1 mark).

Details of the case fitting [3 marks]

Clear details of circuit fitting to case (3 marks).Some details of case fitting (2 marks).Limited details of case fitting (1 mark).

Details of how the device is kept secure from children [2 marks]

Any appropriate method of preventing children altering the device.This may involve positioning the alarm out of reach or a key switch or a coded systemOr any other viable method.Award 1 or 2 marks accordingly.


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Quality of communication [6 marks]

Communicating technical details of system up to 3 marksClearly presented with mainly correct conventions. [3 marks]Clear but drawn without conventions. [2 marks]Just about understandable. [1 mark]

Sketching details of trigger workings and case . up to 3 marksLook for designerly sketching and annotation.Good in the main. [3 marks]Clear but poorly presented. [2 marks]Just about recognisable.


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paperPart &

question Totals


Q.1 (a) (i) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2 Any two from:Make it look better, more attractive, brand it, advertise the company, more colourful, give information, make it easier to use, protect the plastic, show the logo, make it easier to handle or similar.

2 + 24

(ii) Simple answer gets 1 mark – elaborated answer gets 2Good for printing on, takes colour well, diecuts well, cuts out well, easy to score, easy to fold, easy to stick together, low cost or similar.

2 + 24

iii Good diagram with full, clear labels up to - 3Diagram shows basic essentials in a clear way with some labels – 2Diagram shows basic essentials with no labels - 1

3 11

b Blanket : Impression - 1 mark each 2 2 2

c i Oil based ink 1 1ii More detail and greater understanding

gets more marks.Oil and water do not mix. 1Water sticks to part of the plate and ink to other parts.


Chemical on plate affected by UV light so unprinted parts attract water and printed parts attract the oil based ink. Oil and water don’t mix so the oil based ink is put on after the water so it only goes onto the dry parts of the plate.

3 34

d/ch i Relief printing. 1 1ii Needs to show that the plate cylinder

runs in an ink bath and that the hollows that are cut into plate are filled with ink. A doctor blade scrapes off the surplus ink and the paper pressed into hollows by the impression roller. More detail gets more marks up to 3.

3 3 4


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21 21

Design and Technology 2007

Textiles Technology 143 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G-C

Q.1 (a) Award one mark for each correct response.(i) Plant (ii) cotton (iii) wool (iv) nylon

[4] [4]

(b) Award one mark for each correct description of the method chosen:

Many fibres can be twisted together to make a yarn.Mohair fibres grow on animals like hair.



(c) Award one mark for each correct fact given.(i) weaving (ii) knitting (iii) laminating



(d) Award up to five marks for correct description and / or diagrams. Insulation- comparing fabrics. [1]Using a liquid- measuring temperature. [1]Timing. [1]Conditions need to be the same. [1]Re-measuring temperature [1].


(e) Award up to two marks for correct suggestions: [1] [2]

GPS systems installed within materials, The candidate must then explain how this system will aid the skier- e.g. If skier goes off piste and becomes lost / there is an avalanche they can be easily located using this technology. [2]

Reflective bands/ fluorescent – for high visibility on the slopes.Bright colours to be seen on the slopes = 2 marks as it is qualified.Hydrophilic fabrics that are lightweight, do not absorb water from the outside by disperse moisture from the inside. Are lightweight and quick drying.- Tactel Aquator®.Pocket for mobile phone.Installed safety button.

Total = 16 marks


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Q.2 (a) (i) Award one mark for each correctly identified primary colour:

Yellow[1] [1]

(ii) Award up to two marks for correct suggestion for secondary coloursGreen, purple



(b) Award one mark for correct suggestion.I Screen printing/ stencillingII Silk paintingIII BatikIV Tie Dye



(c) Award up to five marks for each correct suggestion of the main stages of screen printing, silk painting, batik, tie dye. The stages must include the basic instructions to undertake one of the processes.Cannot double penalise if method is wrong in part b.

[5] [5]

(d) (i) Award up to four marks for creative interpretation of how to create an image -three marks for illustration and two marks for explanation- use of embroidery- hand and machine, use of CAM, beading, reverse appliqué and appliqué. Good illustration Poor illustrationGood explanationPoor explanation



Total 17 Marks


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Q.3 (a) (i) Award one mark for correct response:75cm [1] [1]

(ii) Award two marks for correct calculation even if it is based on a wrong calculation from (i). One mark for either a correct answer with no calculation or correct calculation and wrong answer.£9



(iii) Award up to two marks for correct suggestion:The pile needs to be going in the same direction when the pieces are put together otherwise there will be shading. 1 mark for mention of pile, strong seams, or 1.5cm seam allowance.

[3] [3]

Put the pieces together with the pile looking the same. [1]

(b) (i) Award one mark for correct process(i) Piping. [1] [1]

(ii) Award one mark for each correct suggestionTo add decorative detail.To use a complimentary colour to add interest.To make the floor cushion more durable on the edges.



(c) (i) Award up to three marks for correct response- illustrated and three marks for the description.Good illustration Poor illustrationGood explanationPoor explanation



(ii) Award up to two marks for correct responseInforms the customer that the item is flame resistant and has a finish on it that prevents it from setting fire easily. The items does not set fire easily, it is flame resistantDoes not set fire.



(iii) Award one mark for correct responseQuilting / embroidery / machine embroidery [1] [1]

(iv) Award up to two marks for correct suggestion for quality control check-To make sure that the quilting lines are straight.To make sure that the stitching lines are equi-distant.To make sure that the fabric is not caught up in the quilting process.Lines are straight.Award marks even if technique in (ii) is incorrect as you cannot double penalise.




Total 20 Marks


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Q.4 (a) (i) Award up to 2 marks for correct suggestions.Photographs, jewellery, beads, ribbon.Cutting from cataloguesMaterialsSwatchesStampsBraid



(ii) Award up to two marks for correct response- developed answer will be awarded two marks.Provides a source of inspiration from which a designer can develop their ideas.Gives them ideas.

[2][1] [2]

(b) (i) Allow up to two marks for correct response-one mark for simplified response and two for a developed answer.Youth sub- culture is a constant part of the fashion scene and is known as street fashion. They can come and go and reflect influences in society.Fashion that a lot of people wear, latest fashion, popular fashion.No marks for mention of fashion on the street.


[2](ii) Allow up to three marks for correct response:

Haute couture- fashion that is developed from fashion designers, it can be exclusive and very expensive. It can be bespoke tailoring, each one is therefore unique.High class fashion.


(c) (i) Allow one mark for each correct wordComputer Manufacture


[2](d) (i) Allow one mark for each correct system identified.

1. Construction2. Laying out3. Construction3. Construction



(ii) Allow up to two marks for correct suggestion. Informs the person to place the pattern piece on straight of grain of the fabric.Grain line.



(e) Allow one mark for correct name and use.Gathering / ruching- to reduce fullness in a waistline, sleeve head.Hem/ casing- on the bottom of a garment to prevent hem from fraying.Open seam- a basic seam- to join two pieces of material together.Award marks for identification of where process might be used- sleeve heads, cuffs, waistlines, neck edges and armholes. Do not double penalize.




Total 22 Marks


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Q.5 (a) Award up to 6 marks for good graphical communication thinking creatively designed- good graphical response- going beyond the outline shape. [6-5] [6]

Reasonable attempt at developing a creative response- showing some style details- neck edges, pockets, fastenings etc. [4-3]

Weak attempt at developing a creative solution. [2-1]

(ii) Award one mark for each suitable material.

Award one mark for each suitable named style details.





(iii) Award up to 5 marks for a creative response on the theme of skateboarding. [5] [5]Logos, images on both aspects of clothing- creatively used 4-5 marks. [4-5]Reasonable interpretation of theme 2-3 marks. [2-3]Weak response 1 mark. [1]

(iv) Excellent visual effect using colour that are co-ordinated;Good visual effect using colour;Poor visual effect using colour.



(b) Award two marks for each suitable suggestion for making the outfit appeal to the opposite sex and one mark for simplified answer- colour, style details, standard design.



(c) Allow up to two marks for suitable suggestion of how the outfit is influenced by the theme of skateboarding- colour, exciting designs, symbols associated with skateboarding, any protection at key areas on the clothing, baggy as many skateboarders are more comfortable in baggy clothing.


Total = 25 marks


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Design and Technology 2007

Textiles Technology 143 04

Paper 2

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a)Award one mark for each correct source:

(i) Plant/ cellulosic (ii) wool (iii) viscose/ modal (iv) Nylon / polyester/ acrylic/ lycra, spandex, polyamide/ Kevlar. [5] [5]

(b) Award one mark for each correct description:Fibres can be twisted together to make a yarn.Microfibres are 60 times finer than silk fibres:



(c) (i) Award one mark for each correct fact given:

Tencel is added to other fibres to provide them with strength,

it is easy to care for, it does not shrink easily,

durable, luxiourious, absorbent, breathable, appealing.



(ii) Award one mark for each correct fact given:Cellulosic fibres are derived from plants and are therefore from natural sources- it is made from a renewable source, can be recycled and biodegradable - do not give off poisonous fumes when recycled.



(d) Award one mark for each correct fact given:(i) weaving (ii) knitting (iii) laminating. [1] x 3 [3]

(e) Award one mark for each correct test given and two marks for correct description and / or diagrams. Insulation- comparing the insulation of that fabric against another- testing how quickly a heated item looses its temperature.

[3] [6]

Absorption – measuring liquids and timing them to re-measuring liquids in order to assess how much liquid has been absorbed.Allow 1 mark for stating comparison with another fabric, one mark for a timer, one mark for appropriate diagram.


Total 20 Marks


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Q.2 (a) (i) Award one mark for correctly identified primary colours :Red, Yellow Blue. Do not award any marks for one or two correct answers- it must be the three.

[1] [1]

(ii) Award up to two marks for correct suggestion for secondary colours:Green, orange, purpleDo not award any marks for one or two correct answers- it must be the three.

[1] [1]

(b) (i) Award one mark for correct response I Screen printing/ stencilling.II Silk painting.III Batik / waxing.



(ii) Award up to 2 marks for each correct suggestion:Roller printing, screen printing, transfer, dye jet

printing.Computer spray/ laser and digital.

[1] [2]

(c) (i) Award up to 2 marks for each answer. Candidates should suggest ease of altering the design- size, shape, rotation, can be modified easily, ability to use a wide range of template easily and quickly, duplication of aspects of the design.Modification / change of any aspect including colour.Developed reasoning of answer achieves 2 marks.

[3x2] [6]

(d) (i) Award up to five marks for creative interpretation of how to create a sports logo-three marks for illustration and two marks for explanation- use of embroidery- hand and machine, use of CAM, beading, reverse appliqué and appliqué. Good illustration 3-2.Poor illustration 1.Good explanation 2- perhaps colour scheme , method of application, design idea.Poor explanation 1.



Total 18 Marks


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Q.3 (a) (i) Allow up to five marks for correct illustration of how templates should be placed on material.All correct- correct measurements (plus seam allowance), 6 templates- 4- 43 x 33 cm and 2 – 43x 43 cm, and economical use= 5 marks, 6 shapes , with seam allowance but not economical use of fabric/ possibly all 43 x 33 cm= 4 marks6 shapes , but written indication of seam allowance-but has indicated 4 shapes and 2 =3 marksReasonable attempt / possibly no measurements = 2 marks.Little resemblance to cushion- not 6 shapes /no measurements = 1 mark.

[5] [5]

(ii) Award one mark for correct response- if measurements are 60 cm because seam allowance has not been allowed for mark this correct:70cm / 80 cm/ 90 cm 1 metre if net is drawn. [1] [1]

(iii) Award two marks for correct calculation and one mark for a response that is based on a wrong calculation from (i) £8.75/ £10.00 / £11.25 ? £12.00 for 1 metre on the net.Candidates can achieve 1 mark if calculations are shown and errors have occurred in calculation.

[2] [2]

(iv) Award up to two marks for correct suggestion:The pile needs to be going in the same direction when the pieces are put together otherwise there will be shading. [2] [2]Put the pieces together with the pile looking the same. [1]Choice of a strong seam / corduroy lines in the same direction.


(b) (i) Award one mark for correct processPiping. [1] [1]

(ii) Award one mark for each correct suggestionTo add decorative detail.To use a complimentary colour to add interest.To make the floor cushion more durable on the edges.




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(c) (i) Award one mark for correct response- illustrated and two marks for the description.Good illustration Poor illustrationGood explanationPoor explanationExamples could be decorative button and buttonhole, ties to make bows, lacing.



(ii) Quilting / embroidery/ machine embroidery/ free machine embroidery. [1] [1]

(iii) Award 1 mark for appropriate quality control check:puckering of stitches, wadding caught underneath, evenness of stitching, accuracy of stitching.If candidate has (ii) wrong you cannot double penalise- allow for correct quality check.

[2] [2]

Total 20 Marks

Q.4 (a) Award up to three marks for correct response- developed answer will be awarded two marks.Provides a source of inspiration from which a designer can develop their ideas.Gives them ideas. Looking at what is fashionable/ colour schemes.



(b) (i) Allow up to three marks for correct response- 1 for name and two for description.Haute couture- fashion that is developed from fashion designers, it can be exclusive and very expensive. It can be bespoke tailoring, each one is therefore unique.

[1] [3]

Street fashion- popular/ latest trend fashion worn by youth culture.


Designer wear- clothing batch produced by designers sometimes for high street stores. Children’s wear/ millinery /men’s wear etc can be allowed.



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(c) (i) Allow one mark for each correct idea and 1 mark for explanationMany layers are cut out in one go.Computer controlled.Template which is cut out by a laser which are accurate. Use of scissors.Long lengths of materials as opposed to short lengths of materials.Less waste/ it can run for 24 hours.





(ii) Award up to three marks for use of CIM in Textile industry- monitoring manufacturing, ordering components, liaising with various factories to assess stock levels.



(d) Gathering/ ruching - to reduce fullness in a waistline, sleeve head.Facing- to add strength, and protect raw edges where an opening is Award marks for identification of where process might be used- sleeve heads, cuffs, waistlines, neck edges and armholes.



Total 17 Marks


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5. (a) (i) Award up to 6 marks for good graphical communication thinking creatively designed- good graphical response- going beyond the outline shape.

[6-5] [6]

Reasonable attempt at developing a creative response- showing some style details- neck edges, pockets, fastenings etc.


Weak attempt at developing a creative solution. [2-1]

(ii) Award one mark for each suitable material. [2] [2]Award one mark for each suitable named style detail. [4] [4]

(iii) Award up to 5 marks for a creative response on the theme of skateboarding.Logos, images on both aspects of clothing- creatively used 4-5

[4-5] [5]

Reasonable interpretation of theme 2-3 marks.Weak response 1 mark.


(iv) Excellent visual effect using colour that are co-ordinated;Good visual effect using colour;Poor visual effect using colour.



(b) Award two marks for each suitable suggestion for making the outfit unisex and one mark for simplified answer.Colour needs to be appealing to both sexes. Less shaping- darts and seams. Less fitting, fewer style details.

[2] [2]

(c) Award up to two marks for explaining how the design is influenced by skateboarding- what people wear for skateboarding, the designs that are popular, logos, any protection at key areas on the clothing, baggy as many skateboarders are more comfortable in baggy clothing.


Total 25 Marks


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Design and Technology 2007

Industrial Technology

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) (i) Tick the correct box to say whether the structures are shell structures or frame structures. [5]

The first one has been done for you.

(ii) Explain the difference between a shell and a frame structure. [2]


Item Picture of each item Shell Frame


Food can

Egg carton




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A shell structure holds things on the inside, frame structures hold or support on the outside.

(b) The pictures below show examples of forces.

Choosing from the words in the list place the correct force underneath each picture [3]

Torsion Shear Tension.


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(c) The garden seat below has several design faults.

(i) Suggest how each fault stated below could be improved.

Fault 1: The garden bench is held together with steel screws.

Explain what can be done to improve this: [2]

Use Galvanised /stainless steel / brass screws to prevent rusting. 2 marks

Fault 2: The bench is uncomfortable to sit on:

Using notes and sketches, explain what can be done to improve this: [4]

Improvement: Make the slats more ergonomic for the user and perhaps add a back to the design. 2 marks

Add more slats. 2 marks

Supportive diagrams. 2 marks

Fault 3: The bench wobbles when you sit on it: [4]

Using notes and sketches, explain what can be done to improve this:

Improvement: increase the section size of the legs and add cross bracing. 2 marks

Supportive diagrams. 2 marks

(ii) The garden bench is to be made from wood. Name a suitable wood for the design. 1 mark

Any suitable hardwood perhaps Teak. 1 mark

(iii) Some garden benches are made of cast iron. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using this material. 2 x [2]

Advantage Cast iron can be cast into intricate shapes. 2 marks

Disadvantage: Cast iron could corrode in the wet weather. 2 marks

(iv) Name a suitable finish for cast iron. [1]

Paint 1 mark


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(d) The picture below shows a garden chair made from a thermoplastic material.

(i) Name a suitable thermoplastic material.


(ii) The chair is made using an injection moulding process. Using the word bank complete the label on the diagram below. [4]

A MouldB HopperC Heater D Rotating Barrel

(iii) Give one advantage to the manufacturer of using the injection

moulding process. [2]

Cost effective when mass producing products. 2 marks

Q.2 (a) CAM (computer aided manufacturing) machines are becoming common tools in schools and small workshops.

Name one type of CAM machine then describe two important checks you should carry out before starting the machining.

Name of the CAM machine: Any suitable named machine. [1]

Safety check I ensure that the work piece is held securely in place.[2]

Safety check II ensure that the cutter is secure in the machine / is laser cutter lens clean. [2]

(b) Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) brings many advantages to industrial manufacturers.

Describe two advantages. 2 X [2]Advantage 1You don’t have to pay workers to operate the machine24/7 working. 2 marks.

Advantage 2 faster production rates compared with hand made items. 2 marks


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(c) Low Power Radio (LPR) is used in modern electronic products.

(i) Name two different products that use LPR.

Product 1: Mobile phone [1]

Product 2: car alarm remote [1]

(ii) Explain how low power radio works. [2]

LPR works on a low frequency radio signal – sent from a transmitter and picked up by a receiver.

(d) (i) Using notes and or sketches describe the main stages to be followed when permanently joining two pieces of 5mm acrylic to form the corner joint shown below. [6]

Adhesive – liquid solvent cement - will probably be the best method – detailed explanation needed. Up to 6 marks.

(ii) Explain how you could temporarily hold these two pieces of plastic together while they are being shaped and drilled as a pair. [2]

Any suitable method explained – accept simple methods such as sellotape together.

Q.3 Three types of gear system are shown below.

(i) Tick the box to show the correct name for each of the gear systems shown above. [3]

Gear system Spur Gear Bevel Gear Worm gear




(ii) For each of the gear systems pictured below the direction of the input gear is shown. Draw an arrow on each picture to show the direction of the final gear.

Correct arrow direction 1 mark per arrow. 3 X [1]


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(iii) A simple gear train is shown below.

Calculate the RV (rotational velocity) of gear B if a 1000-RPM (revolutions per minute) motor is connected to gear A. [3]

5000 rpm

(iv) Many mechanical systems allow you to select different gear ratios for example in a car or on a bike. Explain two of the advantages of being able to do this. [2]

With less effort more torque can be achieved making the job of climbing hills easier. 2 marks

Higher speeds can be achieved with less input effort. 2 marks

Q.4 A telephone company has decided to replace a number of telegraph poles using metal poles instead of the wooden ones.

(a) (i) Explain why you think the poles have been changed to metal. [2]

Metal poles will last longer than wooden ones. 2 marks

(ii) Describe one effect this may have on the environment. [2]

Metal poles are not as nice to look at – they stand out. 2 marks

(b) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using recycled materials in product design. 2 x [2]

Advantage: the product is more environmentally friendly. [2]

Disadvantage: the product may not be as good quality. [2]

Q.5 A seaside town has a problem with pollution on the sand beach. A great deal of debris is washed up with each tide and when people visit the beach some drop litter that must be cleared up by hand.

The local authority would like your help to design a quicker method of removing the rubbish and things that are washed up onto the beach. They suggest something that could be pulled behind a tractor or similar vehicle.


Gear A50 teeth

Gear B10 teeth

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Marks will be awarded for:

(i) showing clear details of how the rubbish is removed from the sand [8]

(ii) an explanation of how the system works [6]

(iii) feasibility of the design [4]

(iv) labelling of materials and components [2]

(v) quality of communication [5]

(i) Showing clear details of how the rubbish is removed from the sand [8]

Design strong in all areas 8 marks Design very good in most areas 6 marks Design good in most areas 4 marks Lacking in some detail 2 marks Lacking in basic detail 1 marks

(ii) An explanation of how the system works. [6]

Design clearly explained in most areas 6 marks Design explained in most areas 4 marks Lacking some detail, 2 marks Lacking basic detail 1 marks

(iii) Feasibility of the design. [4]

Design feasable in most areas 4 marks Lacking some detail 2 marks Lacking basic detail 1 marks

(iv) Labelling your choice of materials/components. [2]

Sensible material selection in all areas of the design. 2 marks Mostly appropriate material choices made. 1 mark Some inappropriate choices made 0 marks

(v) Quality of communication. [5]

Excellent 5 marks Very good 4 marks Good 2 marks Weak 1 mark


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Design and Technology 2007

Industrial Technology

Higher Tier Grades D to A*

Q.1 (a) (i) Tick the correct box to say whether the structures are shell structures or frame structures.[5]

The first one has been done for you.

(ii) Explain the difference between a shell and a frame structure. [2]

A shell structure holds things on the inside, frame structures hold or support on the outside

(b) The pictures below show examples of forces.

Choosing from the words in the list place the correct force underneath each picture [3]

Torsion Shear Tension .

(c) The garden seat below has several design faults.


Item Picture of each item Shell Frame


Food can

Egg carton



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(i) Suggest how each fault stated below could be improved.

Fault 1: The garden bench is held together with steel screws.

Explain what can be done to improve this: [2]

Use Galvanised / stainless steel / brass screws to prevent rusting. 2 marks

Fault 2: The bench is uncomfortable to sit on:

Using notes and sketches, explain what can be done to improve this. [4]

Improvement: Make the slats more ergonomic for the user and perhaps add a back to the design. 2 marks

Add more slats. 2 marks

Supportive diagrams. 2 marks

Fault 3: The bench is not stable or rigid when you sit on it. [4]

Using notes and sketches, explain what can be done to improve this:

Improvement: increase the section size of the legs and add cross bracing. 2 marks

Supportive diagrams 2 marks

(ii) The garden bench is to be made from a sustainable hardwood. Explain what you understand by the term sustainable. [2]

Sustainable hardwood is from a managed forest that replaces the tree that is cut down. 2 marks

(iii) Some garden benches are made of cast iron. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using this material. 2 x [2]

Advantage1. Cast iron is durable and will last many years. 2 marks Advantage2. Cast iron is more suitable to be moulded into decorative

features. 2 marks

(d) The picture below shows a garden chair made from a thermoplastic material.

(i) Name a suitable thermoplastic material.

PVC [1]


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(ii) The chair is made by injection moulding. Study the diagram and explain the injection moulding process. [4]

Clear explanations involving all four items and stages key words to look out for areMould, Heater, Rotating Barrel and Hopper.

(iii) Give one reason why injection moulding is unsuitable for small scale production. [2]

The cost of the production of the mould will be prohibitive. 2 marks.

Q.2 The component shown below is to be manufactured using a CAM (computer aided manufacturing) machine.

Using notes and sketches describe the main processes you would follow. [5]Clear explanations of a casting or turning method of production. up to 5 marks

(b) Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) brings many advantages to industrial manufacturers.

Describe two advantages. 2 X [2]

Advantage 1you don’t have to pay workers to operate the machine.

24/7 working 2 marks.

Advantage 2 faster production rates compared with hand made items. 2 marks

(c) Low Power Radio (LPR) is used in modern electronic products.

(i) Name two different products that use LPR.

Product 1: Mobile phone [1]

Product 2: car alarm remote [1]

(ii) Explain how low power radio works. [2]

LPR works on a low frequency radio signal – sent from a transmitter and picked up by a receiver.

(iii) Explain the limitations or disadvantages of low power radio in a device. [3]

Distance that LPR can work over. 1 markThe signal can be cloned – security implications on car fobs. 1 markIf the key fob is lost it can be more expensive to replace than a key.

1 mark


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(d) (i) Using notes and or sketches describe the main stages to be followed when permanently joining two pieces of 5mm acrylic to form the corner joint shown below. [4]

Adhesive – liquid solvent cement - will probably be the best method – detailed explanation needed. Up to 4 marks.

(ii) Explain how you could temporarily hold these two pieces of plastic together while they are being shaped and drilled as a pair. [2]

Any suitable method explained – accept simple methods such as sellotape together.

Q.3 Three types of gear system are shown below.

(i) Tick the box to show the correct name for each of the gear systems shown above. [3]

Gear system Spur Gear Bevel Gear Worm gear




(ii) For each of the gear systems pictured below the direction of the input gear is shown. Draw an arrow on each picture to show the direction of the final gear.

Correct arrow direction 1 mark per arrow 3 X [1]

(iii) A simple gear train is shown below.

Calculate the RV (rotational velocity) of gear B if a 1000-RPM (revolutions per minute) motor is connected to gear A. [3]

5000 rpm


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(iv) Many mechanical systems allow you to select different gear ratios for example in a car or on a bike. Explain two of the advantages of being able to do this. 2x[2]

With less effort more torque can be achieved making the job of climbing hills easier. 2 marks

Higher speeds can be achieved with less input effort. 2 marks

Q.4 A telephone company has decided to replace a number of telegraph poles using metal poles instead of the wooden ones.

(a) (i) Explain why you think the poles have been changed to metal. [2]

Metal poles will last longer than wooden ones. 2 marks

(ii) Describe one effect this may have on the environment. [2]

Metal poles are not as nice to look at – they stand out. 2 marks

(b) Other than issues related to cost state one advantage and one disadvantage of using recycled materials in product design. 2 x [2]

Advantage: the product is more environmentally friendly. 2 marks

Disadvantage: the product may not be as good quality. 2 marks

Q.5 A seaside town has a problem with pollution on the sand beach. A great deal of debris is washed up with each tide and when people visit the beach some drop litter that must be cleared up by hand.

The local authority would like your help to design a quicker method of removing the rubbish and things that are washed up onto the beach. They suggest something that could be pulled behind a tractor or similar vehicle.

Marks will be awarded for:(i) showing clear details of how the rubbish is removed from the sand [8]

(ii) an explanation of how the system works [6]

(iii) feasibility of the design [4]

(iv) labelling of materials and components [2]

(v) quality of communication [5]


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(i) Showing clear details of how the rubbish is removed from the sand. [8]

Design strong in all areas 8 marks Design very good in most areas 6 marks Design good in most areas 4 marks Lacking in some detail 2 marks Lacking in basic detail 1 marks

(ii) An explanation of how the system works. [6]

Design clearly explained in most areas 6 marks Design explained in most areas 4 marks Lacking some detail 2 marks Lacking basic detail 1 marks

(iii) Feasibility of the design. [4]

Design feasable in most areas 4 marks Lacking some detail 2 marks Lacking basic detail 1 marks

(iv) Labelling your choice of materials/components. [2]

Sensible material selection in all areas of the design 2 marks Mostly appropriate material choices made 1 mark Some inappropriate choices made 0 marks

(v) Quality of communication. [5]

Excellent 5 marksVery good 4 marksGood 2 marksWeak 1 mark

GCSE MS - Design and Technology (Summer 2007)/JSM9 August 2007


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