Who's Who(40)

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Page 1: Who's Who(40)

The Class of 1973

Who’s Who and Where


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The City College of New York, founded in 1847 as the Free Academy, was the firstfree public institution of higher education in the United States.

The City College Fund was established in 1946 to support the College in itsmission to provide access and excellence in higher education.

Gifts to The City College Fund directly benefit City College’s extraordinarystudents, renowned faculty, innovative programs and schools.

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The ColleGe daYs

In 1973, City College had more Puerto rican students than any other collegeoutside of Puerto rico; it had more Black students than the majority of Blackcolleges in america, and more asian students than any american collegeoutside of California.

e College of liberal arts and sciences, offered four new ethnic studiesdepartments: asian studies, Black studies, Jewish studies and Puerto ricanstudies were created. a new program in humanities and the Institute forMedieval and renaissance studies were established. new curricula weredeveloped for the schools of nursing, education, architecture and engineeringto better prepare students for urban-related careers. e College also beganplans to establish a Center for Urban and environmental Problems.

e Class of 1973 was affected by the politics surrounding the 1972 U.s.presidential election and the war in Vietnam. e prevailing sentiment oncampus was that the democratic Party presidential nominee, GeorgeMcGovern, was a better candidate for the country than richard nixon.

hundreds of students turned up on the south Campus in september to hearJane fonda and Tom hayden share their account of the war in Vietnam. alongwith the protests against the Vietnam war, the roTC program at the Collegeattracted a great deal of protest. after 45 years on campus, in the spring of1972, the roTC program was quietly abolished as a result of dwindlingenrollment numbers and the need to create additional room for the growingstudent body.

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e need for more student space was altering the architecture of the College.In 1973, the College finished constructing a new 14-story, glass and cementmodern building. e $32 million dollar science and Physical educationBuilding was dedicated to CCnY President robert e. Marshak. rough thegenerous support of leonard davis, an alumnus of the Class of ’44, the Collegealso began construction of the new aaron davis Center for the Performingarts, a $7 million complex featuring a 750-seat proscenium theater, a 175-seatexperimental theater and a 75-seat rehearsal studio-workshop.

along with an expanded campus, the College attracted a number of prominentscholars and speakers. feminist Bella abzug and eyewitness reporter Geraldorivera spoke on campus. British author anthony Burgess, who wrote aClockwork orange, arrived to teach a course on James Joyce, and make whatseemed to be weekly contributions to the sunday Times magazine on the lifeof the College. fellow author, elie Wiesel brought his wealth of knowledge ofthe holocaust to the courses he taught as a member of the Jewish studiesdepartment. sculptor George segal and his ghostlike plaster people took upresidence in eisner hall.

during the years of the Vietnam war, and during innumerable City Universitybudget crises, students, faculty, and the administration found that they didagree on many things, and they could work together to accomplish commongoals. Under revised governance policies, many academic departmentsestablished student committees that not only advised the Chairman and thefaculty, but actually took a hand in planning curriculum and hiring and firingstaff members.

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Class notes are excerpted from the 1973 Microcosm, Editor Howie Goldman

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e 40th Anniversary Reunion Committee

BarrY n. WInoGrad, ChaIr

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donna BenTon CanaTe alfonso d'elIa

YVeTTe M. deWIndTJoanne ferrIer

MonserraTe fIsherroBerT M. KhoUrY

GarY P. lIeBsTeInCelIa MarIanIlIllIan Moore

daVId s. neWManBarBara Joan sChIldCroUT

elaIne BaChraCh sIlVerBerGBeVerlY MCCraVY sIroIs

anGela x. VITellasrenee KraUse ZeIMer

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Steven L. Allen, MD, FACP

I grew up in Maspeth, Queens and attended Stuyvesant H.S.I chose City for a variety of reasons -- I felt it was the bestCUNY college, the price was right, my parents gave me nochoice and City sealed the deal by sending me an acceptanceletter for the Honors program before I had even applied.When City cancelled our class' admission because of thecampus seizure related to Open Admissions, I almost wentelsewhere. Fortunately, we were able to enter as planned. Besides the outstandingeducation I received, going to City allowed me to spend 4 summers as a counselorat Surprise Lake Camp which was a wonderful experience. I was a member of theBiology Club and Hillel, although I spent much of my free time at the SurpriseLake table in the Shepard cafeteria. I have fond memories of just hanging out oncampus, Raymond the Bagelman, helping to move the Chemistry Dept. intoMarshak, and the relationships with faculty/grad students/ classmates thatdeveloped in the Chemistry Dept. I particularly recall the period I spent doingresearch in the biochemistry lab of Dr. Myer Fishman, who was a mentor and whoput me on my career path. I also remember an incredibly enjoyable and challengingcourse in English literature based on science fiction! Less fond memories includethe political turmoil of the day, the commute, playing soccer in Lewisohn Stadiumin mid-winter for gym class and getting mugged on the way to the subway! I amproud of the awards I received at City including a Phi Beta Kappa Science medaland a Salk Scholarship.

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After graduation, I attended Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and subsequentlywas an intern and resident in internal medicine at The New York Hospital -Cornell. I then did a fellowship in hematology- medical oncology there as well.Since then, I have spent my career at North Shore University Hospital - LIJ inNassau County, specializing in benign and malignant hematology. I am currentlythe Associate Chief of the Division of Hematology and Professor of Medicine atthe Hofstra North Shore - LIJ School of Medicine. I have over 100 publicationsin peer-reviewed journals. My major research interest focuses on chroniclymphocytic leukemia. I am active in medical affairs and am the treasurer of theMedical Staff Society at North Shore and secretary of the New York State Societyof Medical Oncologists and Hematologists. I am also a member of the ExecutiveCommittee and Chair of the Committee on Practice of the American Society ofHematology.

In my community, I have been a Cub Scout packmaster, a member of the town’sHealth Commission and member of my synagogue’s Board of Trustees. Mostimportantly, I have been happily married to my wife, Barbara, for 30 years and wehave 3 children - Jeremy, Peter and Rebecca - who each bring their own uniquecontributions to our lives.

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Sandra Alvarado

Sandra Alvarado earned her BS in nursing, cum laude. She continued her educationat Columbia University where she received a master’s in psychiatric mental healthnursing in 1976 and a certificate as Psychiatric Nurse Practioner in 1998.

“I was born in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, a town in the central mountains of P.R. wherecoffee production is popular. Looking for a better life, my mother divorced and leftfor NYC with me when I was barely 1 year old. Shortly after arriving to the LowerEast Side, she remarried an illiterate but hardworking man and we moved toWilliamsburg, Brooklyn where I grew up until I completed college. As the oldestof four siblings in a socio-economically disadvantaged family, I quickly learned totake charge and assist in looking after my sibs.

Because of the stress associated with poverty, both my parents placed greatimportance on going to school and achieving academic success. I attended EasternDistrict High School where I excelled academically, graduating after 3 ½ years withthe honor of Phi Beta Kappa.

I attended City College starting in January 1970 because it had a great reputation,was affordable and had a nursing program. I completed the program in 1973 BSNcum laude.

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I immediately found a nursing position atMetropolitan Hospital in psychiatry inpatientservice where I worked for 6 years with apredominantly minority and economicallydisadvantaged population consisting of adults,children and adolescents.

In 1974 I received a fellowship award fromColumbia University which allowed me tocomplete a master’s degree as clinical specialist inmental health nursing.

I have also completed training as a certifiedpsychoanalytic psychotherapist in both groupand individual therapy modalities.

In 1979 I began working at Mount Sinai MedicalCenter Ambulatory Psychiatry Departmentwhere I have remained for 33 years and currentlyfunction as a nurse practitioner. My clinical areasof special interest have been grouppsychotherapy, empowerment strategies withdisadvantaged Latina women with depression,metabolic syndrome and integrated treatment ofdepression and co morbid diabetes 2. In 2002, Iwas given the Adele Zinberg, MD Award forWomen’s Psychiatry: Excellence n Psychiatry.

I am married to Samuel Soto, BA Accounting andhave 2 sons, Jeremy Soto (25, Rowan University,BS Civil Engineering) and Jonathan Soto (19,Bronx Community College Auto Technologymajor).”

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Arthur T. Brody

Arthur T. Brody majored in physics and was a member of House Plan. He earnedhis PhD in physics from Stony Brook University, 1978.

Art has over 30 years of experience as a consultant and industry practitioner innetworking, telecommunications, computer systems and multimedia technologiesincluding digital video and audio standards such as MPEG. His responsibilitieshave included telephony and network engineering, business and productmanagement, intellectual property management, expert witness testimony, andproduct definition and development. Art has worked throughout North America,Europe and Asia, successfully managing cultural differences with respect tobusiness practices, management styles and relationship building.

Art has been the principal consultant of A.T. Brody & Associates, Inc. (ATB) since1990. The company is a high tech consulting firm specializing intelecommunications, networking and multimedia issues, business and engineeringmanagement, and market analyses. Founded in 1990, the company provides itsclients with a wide variety of services so they may keep pace with the breakneckchanges in their industries. Within its areas of expertise, ATB offers the followingservices:

• Strategic planning• Product planning• Market and competitive analyses• Intellectual property evaluation and licensing• Proposal and bid response generation• Business process and workflow engineering• Product requirements and specifications• Sales and marketing support• Litigation services including expert witness testimony

Prior to founding ATB, Art spent four years with AT&T Bell Laboratories. Astechnical manager, where he oversaw a group of six members of the technical staff(MTS) generating product-marketing strategies, application architectures and

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planning tools for digital transmission andswitching systems. As a member oftechnical staff, he was lead engineer in theR&D area where he was responsible fornetwork operations, administration,maintenance and provisioning productsand procedures for leased line serviceassurance. He championed and engineereda new OSSs designed to streamlinecustomer operations and increase revenueswith respect to network management,testing and surveillance products.

From 1985 to 1988, he was vice presidentof marketing and sales at TechnicomSystems, Inc., from 1985 to 1988.Technicom was a subsidiary ofTIE/communications, providing networkmonitoring, cable pressurization and looptest products. He planned and introducedto the market five new products,culminating in sales of products to five ofthe eight major U.S. telephone companies,and a successful joint venture with a majorJapanese firm.

Art is a member of IEEE CommunicationsSociety, American Physical Society,American Association for the Advancementof Science, and Sigma Chi ScientificResearch Society. He has been a panelmember in PBS program "Opening TheLines: The Great Telephone Debate." Hiscommunity work includes eight years ofservice as an EMT for the Millburn-ShortHills Volunteer First Aid Squad.

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herbert Baker

I was born in the state of Mississippi in 1949. soon after my birth, my parentsrelocated with my sister, brother, and myself to new York City. We lived inharlem during the 1950s and then moved to the south Bronx in 1961.roughout my public school years I would be considered a special educationstudent. I was a very quiet, shy, withdrawn student in elementary and juniorhigh school. I would be sent to the principal’s office very often for disciplinaryproblems. I would often dread attending school because I hated participatingin class activities. I would find solace going to the library during lunch periodsto read books.

I attended Grace dodge Vocational high school in the Bronx during 1964-1967. I would often ride through the campus of CCnY on the Convent ave.bus. I would often have the fantasy of one day attending the City College. Iwas very impressed by the buildings of the north Campus. I would also beimpressed by the beauty of the south Campus. I recall going to my high schoolguidance counselor and asking her how can I get into college? e look on herface remains with me until this day. she said I would have to attend a nightschool and take some academic courses since a vocational school does not offerany college prep courses. so I attended dodge Vocational during the day andtook night classes at the roosevelt academic high school for two years. Igraduated from high school in June 1967. In september of that year I begantaking evening classes at the City College of n.Y. I graduated from CCnY inMay, 1973 with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. I am living proof that adream can come true if one is determined and willing to do the hard work tomake it a reality. I was admitted to CCnY prior to open admissions and theseeK program. ere was nothing in my background that would predict thatI would obtain a college degree.

during the years of my college experience from 1967 – 1973 I have been trulyfortunate to have witnessed many historical events. e years were special dueto the many social, political and cultural changes that would impact our nationand our world. at CCnY there were many campus events, activities andprofessors who challenged our thinking and would change our lives forever. Iremember Professor James Bayley of the Philosophy department; larry Gould

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and Kenneth Clark of the Psychology department; and countless other scholarsthat instilled in us a hunger for knowledge and social activism. during mysecond year at City College I decided to join the VIsTa VolUnTeers ofaMerICa, a national version of the Peace Corps.

In the summer of 1968 I lived and worked in Boston as a high school teacher.It was during that experience that I decided to become an educator. I majoredin Philosophy and took some courses in psychology. I attended many campusevents that focused on group therapy and human relations training. during the1960s many thousands of people were into group sensitivity trainings andattended therapy. Today, I am a certified group psychotherapist as well as aneducator. I am also an ordained minister. I attended the andover-newtoneological school in the Boston area where I obtained my Master’s degree ineology and Pastoral Counseling. Today, I am a licensed mental healthclinician having worked in the mental health field for over forty years. I am alsocurrently completing my second master’s degree at the Cambridge CollegeGraduate school of education with a focus in special education and schoolCounseling. I have worked as a counselor in residential treatment facilities,hospitals and outpatient clinics, preached at several churches in the Boston area,completed my master’s thesis on self-injurious behaviors among adolescents,provided consultations with teachers and counselors, trained graduate studentsin counseling, and plan to teach in Boston’s public school system shortly. finally,I have been a pastor of a church in Boston for five years.

I am truly thankful for all the persons I have met while at CCnY. I am trulygrateful for the professors at CCnY who inspired my generation to make adifference in the world. I am who I am today because of the many schoolactivities and inspiration I received from the professors and students I met. Iwill always remember my student years at CCnY because they truly changedmy life. Today, I am giving back to society the gifts that were given to me.

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Abelardo E. Bru

Abelardo E. Bru was a mechanical engineering major who became a businessexecutive. He rose from front-line manager to lead PepsiCo's largest and mostprofitable business units in international and in the US. He served as Presidentand GM of Sabritas Mexico and as Chairman and CEO of Frito-Lay NorthAmerica. He currently serves on the board of directors of Kimberly-Clark and theKraft Foods Group. He has also been a member of the board of Education IsFreedom since 2002.

Abelardo has flown around the world as co-pilot of a Cessna Citation Jet on the“2012 Bru-De La Vega World Journey” to 22 countries, 23,665 nautical miles, in47 days.

MEMORIES OF CITY: “Being part of a group of students from all over the worldthat really valued an engineering degree from CCNY.”

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Albert J. Casciero

Albert J. Casciero earned a master’s degree at City and wasawarded the Leon Pin for romance languages and the AlbertD’Andrea Award in art. He graduated summa cum laude andwas inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. He holds a master’s ineducation tech from Columbia University Teachers College.

Albert is vice president of learning resources and informationtechnology at University of the District of Columbia forwhom he has worked since 1978. He is a former member of the FulbrightAssociation and ALA and the author of numerous books and articles in and outof his field. He was honored in 1989 with the Cine Golden Eagle.

MEMORIES OF CITY: “The quality of the majority of the faculty. A special placeis occupied by my experiences with Prof. Jacob Rothenberg (art dept. and PBKpresident).”

Alfonso D’Elia

After graduation, I began my internship with Hotel Architect, W. B. Tabler, working onprojects throughout the world. In 1980, I moved to a stand up firm, Gensler & Associates,and I became the youngest VP, up to that point.

I left in 1991 to become President of Mancini Duffy, a firm that employed some 150professionals. Under my stewardship, Mancini Duffy carried out such high profile productssuch as the headquarters of Conde Nast, renovation to the St. Moritz Hotel, and the Bostonoffice of KPMG. I’ve been a delegate to the International Design Congress, and a speaker at variousprofessional organizations.

I am licensed as an Architect in 7 states and it has been certified by the National Councilof Architectural Registration Boards.

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My loyalty to City College has been extensive and my participation almost immediateafter graduation. I have served as President of the Alumni Association and President ofthe Architecture Alumni Group (also being a founding member). I am past President ofthe City College Fund active in the Brooklyn Technical High School Scholarship Fund. Ihave always continued my sense of public service and vision with sound practicaljudgment. I look forward to seeing all of my former classmates at our reunion as well asfuture reunions. I have always remembered that without my City College education Iwould not be in the same position I am today.

Beatriz Morales Faba

I grew up in Habana, Cuba and in the Bronx and Upper Manhattan, New York. In1963 I graduated from Joan Arc Junior High School. I attended Julia RichmanHigh School and graduated in 1966.

The most significant professor at City College was Mr. Aquino of the Puerto RicanStudies Program and Dr. Leonard Jeffries of Black Studies, and especially my tworole models Professor Audry Johnson in the Sociology Department and Ms.Brown in the SEEK Department.


1990 -The City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center,Ph.D., Anthropology; 1982 - The City University of New York, The School ofGraduate Education, M.S., Bilingual Education; 1978 - Teachers College,Columbia University, M.A., Anthropology; 1973 - The City College of New York,B.S., Education/Sociology.

Honors: 1991-1992 - The Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship, The GraduateSchools and University Center of the City University of New York. 1993 -Presented the Marcus Garvey-Fannie Lou Hammer African American HeritageAward by the Office of African-American Student Services and Programs, GeorgiaState University.

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“Los Diablos de la Costa Chica de Guerrero, un Ensayo fotografico”.Oxtotitlán,Itinerancias Antropológicas. No 1. July 2007.

“El Color de la Piel en la Costa Chica”. Exposición Fotográfica. El ConocimientoAntropológico E Histórico Sobre Guerrero. El Instituto Nacional de Antropologíae Historia. Guerrero, México, August, 2006.

“Espiritismo and Santeria”. In The Oxford Enclyopedia of Latinos and Latinas inthe United Status. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzales, editors in chief. Vol.2,pp. 71-72. 76-79. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

“Costa Chica, Mexico.” In Encyclopedia of African and African-AmericanReligions. Edited by Glazier, Stephen D., Vol. 2. 102-107. New York: Routledge,2001. Returning to the Source: Yoruba Religion in the South.” In Religion in theContemporary South: Diversity, Community and Identity. Edited by 0. KendallWhite, Jr. and Daryl White, 124-130. Southern Anthropological SocietyProceedings, No. 28. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1995.

“Religion, Ritual, and Culture” In The Anthropology of Hispanic Groups in theUnited States. Edited by Thomas Weaver, 191- 208. Austin, Texas: University ofTexas Press, 1994.


My experiences as a professor of cultural anthropology at the Universidad de Guerrero, the Social Anthropology Unit. I taught at the University Autonoma deGuerrero in Tixtla, Mexico for two years. It was a great and extremely richexperience. My students came from the four major ethnic and cultural groups inGuerrero, the Nahua, Tlapanecos, Amusgos, and Mixtecos.

I was able to participate in the daily life of all these cultural groups. While I wasworking at the university in Mexico, I conducted research among Mexicans ofAfrican descent in the Costa Chica on the Pacific coast of Mexico. My researchamong the Afro Mexican communities of the Pacific Coast was most rewarding by

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finding the survival of Africanism in Mexico.

My first turning point was teaching at Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgiabecause it offered me a new perspective in pedagogy. It was in MBC that I learneda new style of teaching from professors whose style is vivid and keeps studentsalert and enjoying the learning process. Mexico has the oldest anthropologicaltradition in Latin America.

I am married to Enos Cozier, an anthropologist, and we have three children,Naima, Cozier, Maceo Robeson Cozier, and Ain Jamila James . I have fivegrandchildren,Elisa, Jadziah, Nick, Alejandra Marcelina, and Nailaya.


Being on the campus and sitting with friends to discuss our sociology classes. Oneof my most important experiences was being a CUNY SEEK student andparticipating in political and cultural setting of the university.


American Anthropological Association; The Association of Latino & LatinaAnthropologists; Association of Black Anthropologists; Latin American StudiesAssociation.

Special interest: photography.

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Roberta M. Falke MD

Roberta Falke spent grade three to twelve in Mexico City,studying at the French Lycee where, she says, “I learned a lotabout French literature, history and culture and a bit aboutMexican history, but very little about English languageliterature or the United States.”

In the spring of 1969, she enrolled at City College as a Biologymajor. She graduated early, in the summer of 1972, and immediately entered AlbertEinstein College of Medicine. In 1975, she began her three-year residency ininternal medicine, followed by a year-long hematology fellowship, at MontefioreHospital. From 1979 to 1981, she was a fellow in hematology-oncology at TuftsNew England Medical Center in Boston.Roberta was an attending physician in medical oncology at Boston City Hospital,Boston University School of Medicine, from 1981 to 1985. She tried privatepractice in Winchester, MA from 1985 to 1987, but preferred the urbanenvironment. Since 1987, she has been a hematologist-oncologist at HarvardVanguard Medical Associates in Boston, where she was chief of department from1991-1999. She is on the staff of Beth Israel Deaconess and Brigham and Women’sHospitals and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She is a member of the AmericanSociety of Clinical Oncology and the American Society of Hematology.

“I am married to Dr. Andrew Levey, Chief of Nephrology at Tufts Medical Center,who is an accomplished physician and researcher, and an amazing person. Threeyears ago he gave me a kidney, a gift of life! We have a great 24 year old son who isgraduating from law school.

Why I love CCNY: When I arrived in New York from Mexico in 1968 I had veryfew resources and little family support. I took a year off to work and adjust to whatwas for me a completely new culture. Then City College gave me the opportunityto change my life and succeed. I was able to come here because it was free. I workedhard and enjoyed my classes, in particular American history and literature, andlearning to write in English and to appreciate my country.

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It was exciting to be in school at the height of the anti-war movement, the earlydays of feminism, and great social change. I also got involved in electoral politics,and worked to support myself. I really did feel like I was living the American dream,and I was.

For all of this, I am forever indebted to City College and the city of New York.

I have the privilege of being a medical oncologist, a job I love. The physicians,nurses and support staff I share the practice with make me proud and happy tocome to work every day. We enjoy our successes, and supporting people throughtreatment. Even when the illness is not controlled, we always try to be healers, andhelp our patients and their families.

Finally, an admission: Although I loved my years at CCNY, Einstein andMontefiore, I have lived in the lovely city of Boston since 1979, longer thananywhere else. This is my home, and I am a devoted Boston Red Sox fan.”

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Patricia T. Glowa, Md

Patricia T. Glowa is a family physician and assistantProfessor of Community and family Medicine and ofPediatrics at Geisel school of Medicine at dartmouth.she earned her medical degree at harvard Medical schoolin 1977 and was elected to alpha omega alpha, thenational medical honor society.

Patricia is a member of the american academy of family Physicians and thesociety of Teachers of family Medicine. she is a member of the board of WIse,a domestic and sexual violence support agency, and of Physicians forreproductive health.

larry Goldberg

larry Goldberg majored in architecture. he is the president of lg+a architects,pc and a member of the american Institute of architects.

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Jeffrey Goodhartz

Jeffrey Goodhartz holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degreein mathematics education from City College and was a manager of the fencingteam for three years under Coach lucia.

Jeffrey retired in 2009 as a math teacher. he was a high school soccer coach fornine years, a class advisor for eight years, and a cheer and dance team advisorfor three years. for many years, he was a football announcer.

In 1985, he earned an administrative credential in education at san diego stateUniversity. an avid skier, hiker and traveler, he has made a dozen trips to almostforty countries on all seven continents, spending an average of eight weeks onvisit.

fond MeMorIes of CITY: “sitting on the north campus in the springinstead of walking to the south campus for a liberal arts class (not too oftenthough!). students teaching classes with fellow future math teachers.”

sloan Gordon

sloan Gordon ajored in bio-chem and literature at CityCollege. he made the dean’s list and graduated withhonors. he did post graduate work at st. Johns University,earning a Bsc in pharmacy, with honors, rho Chi, dean’slist, 1977. he held his residency at new York College ofPodiatric Medicine, 1978-1982, doctor of PodiatricMedicine, Pi Mu delta honor society.

sloan has been practicing podiatry at foot Care associates in houston, Txsince 1984. among many professional positions he has held, he has served aschairman of the podiatry section of Memorial hospital southwest (1990-2008).he is an attending physician at Memorial-hermann hospital system Wound

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Care Center; a member of the advisory board of Johnson & Johnson diabeticfoot Wound Panel, member of the Pharmacy erapeutics and IV erapyCommittee; chairman of Credentials Committee and member of Medicalexecutive Committee of st. luke’s episcopal hospital (sugar land); and amember of harris County Podiatric Medical society, the Texas PodiatricMedical association, the american Podiatric Medical association, the americanCollege of foot and ankle surgery, and the american Board of Podiatricsurgery..

his publications include• fetal anomalies and their effect on foot Pathology• skin Grafting and Metatarsal head excision for diabetic osteomyelitis• diabetic Mal Perforans Ulcer – case report• Clubfoot – Baby’s World Magazine (april/May, 1990)• foot Problems in diabetic Children – Baby’s World Magazine (oct.nov,

1990)• Quoted, 1989 article on houston-Tenneco Marathon: houston

Chronicle• Quoted, 1990 article on houston-Tenneco Marathon: houston Post• letter, Podiatry Today, november 1995 issue• dPM Column, Podiatry Today, January 1996 issue• letter to the editor, Podiatry Today, december 1996 issue• Podiatry Management, october, 1998, roundtable on “surgery”• Traditional Wound Care vs Graftskin (apligraf ®) in healing foot ulcers,

in progress• Poster, american College of foot and ankle surgeons, annual Meeting,

2001, apligraf®

MeMorIes of CITY: “Time in lounge with don Perl and Mart Weiser.filming of movie, “love story,” where we were extras.”

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harry heching

harry heching holds a bachelor of science in architecture degree ’72 andB.sarch., MUP 1973 from City College. he earned a juris doctorate from newYork University school of law in 1979 and is currently a partner in the lawirm of davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg Commercial real estate law. he is amember of the american Bar association and new York Bar association.

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robert M. Khoury

robert M. Khoury majored in sociology and was a member of the chess clubat City. he holds an associate’s degree in chemistry with honors from statenIsland Community College, 1971 and a Phd in sociology from University ofGeorgia, athens, 1980.

robert is currently a consulting sociologist with clients on Wall street andcorporate america. he has been a professor of sociology at University of Centralarkansas, Indiana University, Wesleyan College, Baruch College, and st. John'sUniversity. he has alsoserved as academic deanand vice president ofacademic affairs atManatee state College,hillsborough stateCollege, and raritanValley CommunityCollege. he has been amember of americansociological association,southern sociologicalsociety, and easternsociological association.his published worksinclude e sociology ofthe offbeat, UniversityPress of america, 1980and dead Wood:engaging the disengagedin Today's right-sizedWorkplace, BooksurgePublishing, 2008. hisarticles have beenpublished in MidwestQuarterly, social

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Behavior and Personality, research in higher education, sociological focus,and many other journals.

he is a member of United states Chess federation, Marshall Chess Club andsan diego shakespeare society.

“I am a proud graduate of fort hamilton high school, Class of 1969, inBrooklyn, new York. at howard Junior high school in orlando, florida, in1966, I flunked english class in the 9th grade because of my lousy penmanshipand was not allowed to graduate with my friends.”

fond MeMorIes of CCnY: “ernie Burstein, steve Bianco, KarenCzarnecki, Teresa rossiter and I continued our college education from statenIsland Community College to richmond College and City College. We werebest of friends and as close as family. We met in 1969 and are deeply gratefulto CUnY for our friendship that has lasted over 40 years and will last for therest of our lives. My second memory is as important as the first, taking twoelective courses at CCnY that forever changed my life and thought. ey weretwo english classes in shakespeare and Milton. I took them because they fit

my schedule, but they changed thecourse of my life as much asanything has. Meetingshakespeare has enriched my lifeand made me a better man morethan anything else that has everhappened to me. and I owe it allto those two classes that I took tofill a couple of empty spots in myschedule. My final memory is sostrong. e fischer-spassky worldchampionship chess "Match of theCentury" began during my lastyear at CCnY. e campus wason fire with excitement, chess waseverywhere, and the greatest loveaffair of my life began.”

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edward T. laGrassa

edward laGrassa majored in architecture and was a member of Mosher ’69.he won the new York society of architect’s Matthew delgadio award

an architect, real estate asset manager and expert in real estate finance, edwardis the president of Clinton realty, Inc. he is a member of the Urban landInstitute, real estate Board of new York, and the board of directors ofBrooklyn Tech alumni foundation.

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howard langer

howard langer was an english major and a member ofBalaam’s ass literary Magazine. he was awarded theeodore Goodman award for fiction in 1971 and 1973and the leon Pin for academic excellence in english.following City College, he earned a master’s degree inenglish literature at University of Toronto, 1975 and a jurisdoctorate at University of Pennsylvania, 1977. he has also been a visiting fellowof the Center for Competition law & Policy, oxford, UK.

a lawyer and law professor, howard has taught antitrust law at University ofPennsylvania law school since 2001. he is the managing partner of langer,Grogan & diver, P.C. where he specializes in complex commercial litigation.e firm is dedicated to the public interest and he and his colleagues have beenhonored with the equal Justice award of Community legal services ofPhiladelphia and the social Justice award from Jewish social Policy network,2011. eir commercial/public interest model was featured in the spring 2007issue of the Penn law Journal and the firm has established a public interestfellowship at the law school.

howard is the author of the book, “Competition law of the United states,”published by Wolters Kluwe, 2013. he has been a member of the americanlaw Institute since 1995. In the community, he has served on the boards ofGlobal Workers alliance, 2008-2011; akiba hebrew academy, 2003-2009 and,most recently, Jewish family & Children’s service, Philadelphia since 2011.

MeMorIes of CITY: “I was not at CCnY during a happy period. Iwitnessed race riots, beatings, arson, all of which had a profound effect on me.I was impressed by Professor leonard Kreigel railing against those who thoughany political end could be achieved by shutting down an institution likeCCnY.”

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Craig lazinsky

Craig lazinsky majored in english and journalismand was a member of Tau delta Phi fraternity. amarketing program manager for globaltechnology companies, he has been at Boschermotechnology in londonberry, nh since2012. Prior to this he worked for his own firm,Craig lazinsky Business Communications, and asa marketing communications manager for severalother technology companies including MettlerToledo, flIr systems, Parker hannifin, andentegris.

Craig has published articles in business magazinesand technical publications and has writtenbusiness video scripts, product brochures andwebsite content. he earned a Certified BusinessCommunicator degree from the Businessmarketing association in 1994 and completedstudies in web design at the Blended solutionsInstitute, Manchester nh. he is a formermember of the Boston north shore TechnologyCouncil and the International society ofPharmaceutical engineers, and has recently beenworking as a publicity volunteer for BostonMedical development Group.

MeMorIes of CITY: “subway commute fromBrooklyn was an improvement over subwaycommute to nYU in the Bronx. City College wasa lifeline for me at a time when I was transferringfrom nYU engineering school. I encounteredprofessors and authors such as anthony Burgessand Joseph heller who encouraged my journalist writing abilities.”

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Miles lewitt

Miles lewitt majored in computer science. he was chapter chair of the CCnYstudent aCM chapter, a winner of the eliza ford Prize, and graduated summacum laude. he holds a master’s degree in mathematics and computer sciencefrom arizona state University, 1976.

Miles recently retired from a career where he worked as a software engineer andan engineering manager. his last position was as a vice president of Intuit. hisprior positions include software engineer for honeywell, director at Intel, vicepresident at Cadre and vice president at adP. he is a former member of scrumalliance and the board of directors of american electronics association, is asenior member of the Ieee and the american society for Quality, and is amember of the aCM and the Ieee Computer society. You will find him inMarquis Who’s Who inamerica.

a winner of the 2013 Careerachievement award (CCnYengineering school alumniassociation) and the IntuitCeo award for excellenceIn leadership, andelectronics ProductsMagazine’s Best Productaward, Miles’s expertise hasput him in demand as a speaker and presenter at industry and academicconferences including CMMI Institute and sTareasT . In the community,he has served as a member of the board of directors of Portland ComputerTraining Institute.

fond MeMorIes of CITY: “Pe: canoeing class field trip – going over thefalls; Pe: swimming class – swimming a mile to pass the final; elie Wieselspeaking at last graduation in lewisohn stadium; second semester of physics –achieving the highest score ever on the final exam; taking a saturday nsf classin computer programming at CCnY engineering while still in high school.”

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Mark Mandel

Mark Mandel majored in linguistics and earned a mathaward for the best student in a class in symbolic logic.“e instructor and I were equally surprised when (1) hetold me about it, (2) he said he was looking forward tomy further studies in the dept., and (3) I said I wasmajoring in linguistics and was only taking the course tosatisfy requirements & my own interest.” Mark graduatedsumma cum laude. he holds a master’s and Phd inlinguistics from University of California, Berkeley, 1975

and 1981, concentrating on american sign language, and was a postdoc atnortheastern University in Boston from 1981-1993.

after completing his studies at northeastern, Mark joined honeywell Bull asa software engineer. In 1990, he became a senior linguist at dragon systems.since 2002 he has been a research administrator at the linguistic dataConsortium at the University of Pennsylvania.

Mark has been a member of the american name society since 2003. hispublished work includes “semi-automated named entity annotation,” Ganchevet al., 2007, aCl linguistic annotation Workshop; “automated recognitionof malignancy mentions in biomedical literature,” 2006, Jin et al, BMCBioinformatics; and “Integrated annotation of Biomedical Text: Creating thePennBioIe Corpus,” 2006, presented at Text Mining, ontologies and naturallanguage Processing in Biomedicine, Manchester, UK.

MeMorIes of CCnY: “student job in the Classics dept., which includedlinguistics. Job ‘bequeathed’ to me by my wife-to-be rene szafir. Mrs. dyett,the wonderful and very efficient (african-american) dept. sec’y, swearing influent Yiddish when things were going wrong.”

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Marvin h. Matza

Marvin h. Matza majored in electrical-mechanicalengineering and is now a senior corrosion engineer. he isa member of the national association of Corrosionengineers and is a Certified Cathodic Protectiontechnician (no. 17321). he has also worked in the fieldsof Property and casualty insurance and as a healthinsurance agent.

“I have a lovely wife, three children, grandchildren, a house, two cars, and adog. not too bad for a CCnY Bachelor of Technology graduate (lol)”

MeMorIes of CITY: “having good times with my classmates, the studentslounge, and having some of the most distinguished instructors such as Professorsandor T. halaz, Professor steinhauser, Professor Ungar, Professor Carlson,Professor Tark singh and, last but not least, Professor heideklang (bestmuttonchops award.)

Joseph Mazza

Joseph Mazza was an economics major and president ofthe economics society. he holds an MBa in finance fromWharton school of Business, 1975.

after a thirty year career in finance as inventory directorfor Columbia house, Joseph retired. since then, he hasbeen volunteering for VITa in the town of hempstead

and working as a health insurance & and financial counselor for seniors withfamily & Children association in nassau County.

MeMorIes of CITY : “ I remember the professors and staff of theeconomics dept. with whom we enjoyed a collaborative relationship, i.e., wehelped each other at student class registration and with teacher evaluations,etc.”

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annselm l.n.V. Morpurgo

Prof. annselm l.n.V. Morpurgo earned her master’s degree in philosophy atCity College. she is an author, futurist and human rights activist. she is alsoknown in the arts and sciences as artemissmith.

You can find out all about her on her website www.morpurgo.org and/orhttp://artemissmithmorpurgo.tripod.com/index.html.

Milton Mui

Milton Mui majored in mechanical engineering and wasa member of the fencing team. In 1997, he earned amaster’s degree at Manhattan College. he is a seniorengineer at new York Power authority, 1980 - 2000,2009 – present. from 2000 to 2009 he was a seniorengineer at entergy nuclear northeast.)

david s. newman

david s. newman graduated with a bachelor of sciencedegree in physics. he earned a master’s in physics atUniversity of Connecticut in 1975 and a doctorate inelectrical engineering at Colorado state University in1982.

dave is semi-retired, having worked primarily in thecomputer industry. he began his career in integrated

circuit design and manufacture and later worked in the development ofcomputer networks, initially as an engineer and finally in management. heheld positions at fairchild semiconductor, digital equipment Corp., fore

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systems (V.P.) and Bay networks-nortel (V.P.). Most recently, he worked inthe venture capital industry funding startup companies. his last position, fromwhich he retired in 2006, was as a partner in Charles river Ventures.

david and his family live in silicon Valley but still love nYC.

sarah sherman Poncz

sarah sherman Poncz grew up in the Bronx in the PelhamParkway neighborhood and attended the Bronx highschool of science. at City, she was a mathematics majorand a member of Phi Beta Kappa. she graduated summacum laude. she earned her master’s degree in mathematicsat drexel University, 1975.

a mathematics teacher for thirty-five years, sarah was thedepartment head of roxborough high school in Philadelphia. she currentlyis the field Work supervisor at the Philadelphia Teacher residency Program ofthe Philadelphia education fund. Within this program she also serves as astudent teacher mentor at the University of Pennsylvania. she has been amember of the executive board of aTMoPaV, a local affiliate of the nationalCouncil of Teachers of Mathematics, for thirty years. she is a recipient of the2008 lindback foundation distinguished Teaching award from the schooldistrict of Philadelphia. she is recently unattached and has two marrieddaughters and two granddaughters.

MeMorIes of CITY: “Working with dr. al Posamentier and training to bea mathematics teacher. Classes ending early during our freshman year due towar protests.”

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Gary lum Quan

oughts re CCnY Class of 1973Viewing the specter of Vietnam during student daysexperiencing the campus protests under sds swayattending classes of Professors schirokauer (sic), sung, and PageCutting Classes to shoot hoops at the Wingate and Townsend harris cageremembering the Iran hostage rescue fiasco soon afterWatching the leaders of the PrC and Usa engage in laughtersmelling the foul odor of the 9/11 disasterliving through another Vietnam type conflict, but vastersuch are the thoughts of this former City College studentWho deems not penning an autobiography most prudentWho thinks the example of Mr. Townsend harris as envoy to Japan quiteexcellentand the Beavers’ 1950 double nCaa / nIT hoops championship impossibleto denthere’s my contribution to the class of Wade v. roee year the Knicks and Mets won the goldfor my dreams of the law and China remain unfulfilled effervescenceWaiting patiently for my carnal descent and spiritual ascendancehoping to serve my fellow homo sapiens and glorify the faithful GodContent to be with his faith, presence, peace, wisdom, strength and joy as mylot

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Philip Jan rothstein

Philip Jan rothstein, fBCI, is a Management Consultant experienced in abroad variety of strategic roles.as President of rothstein associates Inc. since1985, his mission has been management of profound business risk in the faceof unpredictable circumstances. his consulting emphasis is on businesscontinuity; disaster avoidance and recovery; crisis management; and, crisiscommunication. he was elected fellow by e Business Continuity Institute(BCI) in 1994 in recognition of his substantial contributions to the businesscontinuity industry.

Mr. rothstein has edited, authored or published almost ninety books and 300+magazine articles. among his 200+ diverse consulting clients over the past 30years are multinational banks, an explosives manufacturer, gaming casinos,universities, hospitals, pharmaceuticals companies, public utilities, investmentfund managers, investment banks, brokerage firms, law firms, publishers,retailers, distribution companies, health-care providers, technology developersand insurers.

Mr. rothstein is a frequent speaker on business continuity, disaster avoidance,disaster recovery and crisis management for top corporate management and atindustry conferences. he is sought after by the media: he has been interviewedlive on CnBC-TV following the oklahoma City bombing; on KPIx-fM sanfrancisco after capture of the Unabomber suspect; on MarketPlace Public radioInternational after Weight Watchers International’s 1997 advertising debacle;and on news Channel 8 (Washington, dC) during the 1996 america online(aol) turmoil; as well s on-the-air interviews on numerous regional radio andtelevision stations on Year- 2000 and euro conversion issues, including KTrh(houston), Wol (Baltimore), WreC-aM (Memphis).

he has been interviewed by print media worldwide including: london Times;Wall street Journal; australian news; Us news & World report; atlanticMonthly; TCI Cable Television; InformationWeek; Crain's Business Chicago;Crain's Business newYork; Investor’s Business daily; associated Press; Inc. Magazine; McleansMagazine (Canada); e Boston Globe; e australian; Gannett suburbannewspapers; software Magazine; Treasury & risk Management; digital

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review; Miami herald; Connecticut Post; hartford Courant; home officeComputing; habitat Magazine; Journal of accounting; MaIl Magazine;Philadelphia Courier-Times; Corporate security newsletter; digital review;Columbus ledger-enquirer (Georgia); syracuse Post-standard (nY); KansasCity star; Providence (rI) Business news; Plastics news; Cleaning &Maintenance Management; storage Magazine; and shopping Centers Today.

he served as a member of the Board of advisors of the City College of newYork school of engineering from 2002 - 2006, a member of the dean searchCommittee (2006), and member of the advisory Committee for the Computersciences department (2006 - 2009).

he has served from 1994-1999 on the advisory Board of survive! e BusinessContinuity Group; from 1987 to 1994 on the Business advisory Board of theContingency Planning exchange; and, from 1996 to 1998 on the advisoryBoard for the Westchester County american red Cross disaster ManagementProgram.

Mr. rothstein has published over 300 articles, commissioned by suchmagazines as datamation, Contingency Journal, Infosecurity news, disasterrecovery Journal, Communications news, Communications Week, auerbachPublishers, national Computer security association news, enterprise systemsJournal, datapro research Corporation, survive! Magazine, ContingencyPlanning & Management, Informationsecurity Magazine, Bank automation news, Managing office Technology,americanInstitute of Certified Public accountant’ Management of an accountingPractice handbook, the I.B.C. International Yearbook Planning for disasterrecovery, Westchester County Business Journal, Carolina Business andnumerous newsletters. he has served as a contributing editor for Informationsecurity Magazine and has written ongoing columns for Continuity Insights,Contingency Journal and for Infosecurity news.

Mr. rothstein has edited, authored or published almost 90 books, includingalmost 90% of all books on business continuity published since 2000. Inaddition to books from the publishing division of rothstein associates, he hasedited or consulted on books on business continuity and crisis management

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for Prentice hall, International ompson Publishing, John Wiley & sons (Usand UK), southwestern Books and many other publishers. he is also Publisherof e rothstein Catalog on disaster recovery, the industry’s principal resourcefor hundreds of books, research reports, software tools and videos, since 1989.he is editor and publisher of the Business survival newsletter, a resource f tmor 16,000+ executive decision-makers worldwide.he has led numerous public and custom seminars on Business Continuity and

relatedissues for the american Management association, MIs Training Institute,hitachi data systems, Wang laboratories, data-Tech Institute and others.

he has been an active member of survive! U.s.; Contingency Planningexchange; Mid-atlantic disaster recovery association; Connecticut disasterrecovery Information exchange; new england disaster recovery Information

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exchange; national fire Protection association; disaster recovery Informationexchange (Canada); delaware Valley Business resumption Informationexchange; and numerous other business continuity and disaster recoveryorganizations.

his background over the past 35 years also includes: strategic planning;organizational effectiveness; mergers, acquisitions, consolidations anddivestitures; security; software; telecommunications; and, human factorsengineering. he has managed relocation, consolidation or construction of overthirty data centers, high technology facilities and corporate headquarters.

he holds a B.s. degree in Computer sciences from the City College of newYork, andrew Grove school of engineering with honors in human factorsengineering and Psycholinguistics, plus extensive graduate studies in Businessadministration and Industrial engineering.

Barbara Joan schildcrout

I was a spanish major at City College and graduated as part of the honor societyin romance languages. I have used my spanish throughout my career startingwith my first job as a counselor in a pretrial court diversion program startedby Vera Institute of Justice. I spent the next 10 years working as a professionaldancer in modern and jazz dance companies and in musical theatre. next, itwas back to school for a master's degree at Columbia University and a newcareer as a physical therapist. I am now an advanced clinician. I use my spanishall the time.

MeMorIes of CCnY: “I found a kitten who I took to the rest of my classesthat day. I named her for a heroine in a spanish novel. I had her for twelveyears.”

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edward B. schimmel

edward B. schimmel was a political science major. hewas a member of house Plan-lasak ’73 and was areporter, news editor and editor-in-chief of e Campus.he was on the dean’s list for seven semesters andgraduated Phi Beta Kappa.

after earning his master’s degree from ColumbiaUniversity school of Journalism in 1974, edward began his career in televisionproduction as news producer for WPlG-TV in Miami florida. from 1977 to1994, he worked for WPVI-TV in Philadelphia, Pa, first as a news producer,then executive producer and assistant news director. he is now a coordinatingproducer for esPn. his work has won four emmy awards, three sports emmysfor best daily studio show on esPn’s sportsCenter, and one award for best localnewscast.

edward and his wife Marlene havebeen married for 32 years. eirdaughter diana is an attorney inPhiladelphia. eir son Greg worksin the sports department of theWashington Post.

MeMorIes of CCnY: “english51 with Professor Irving rosenthal,who was a strong influence on myfuture career. ursdays from 12-2pm activity Break, playing“College Bowl’ vs. other houses.1970 house Plan Carnival, whenlasak ’73 won award for "Besthouse". Trip to Washington, dCwith Professor schneier’s Poli sciclass. Covering the CCnY Clubhockey team for e Campus.”

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nathaniel silber

nathaniel silber was an electrical engineering major, a member of gymnasticsteam and president of Bing ’71. he holds an Msee degree from stevens Tech.he is now a senior program manager at ITT exelis and a member of theProgram Management Institute and the Ieee.

elaine silverberg

elaine silverberg majored in english. now retired, she wasChief of staff for a new York state assemblyman for 18years and assistant to the supervisor of Township for 9years. she has been involved with haiti relief efforts as amember of rockland haiti relief, and has volunteeredfor some rockland County charitable organizations,including abused women, assistance for people in need

and a variety of Jewish causes. during her tenure in state and local service, shewas honored by civic and community organizations. her articles andphotographs have appeared in local newspapers and publications.

“I grew up in Washington heights, the daughter of holocaust survivors.attending CCnY opened the door to my future. While at CCnY I workedat WIns radio 1010 and this experience, combined with my education atCCnY ultimately enabled me to handle the challenges and complexities ofmy position working for a nYs assemblyman. I was an advocate for peoplein need and my writing experiences at college helped me to advocate for peoplein an effective manner. on a personal level, I married in 1973, shortly aftergraduating CCnY. My husband died while I was in my thirties. I have threegrown children and 7 grandchildren. I retired in 2011 and am currently theowner of a ladies hair accessory business, having found my creative side.

MeMorIes of CITY: “I loved my time at CCnY. I enjoyed the academicenvironment and the ability to take classes that were stimulating.”

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sharon Topolsky

I grew up in the Bronx and went to hunter College high school. I choseCCnY for it’s reputation as a good school, and due to finances.

It was quite a culture shock to go from an all girl’s school to a co-edschool, especially my freshman math class, which had 4 girls at most.e class was intellectually challenging, and dr. Kitty lung, our teacher,was very helpful. Taking Invertebrate Biology made the decision to majorin Biology very easy. dr. Krupa was an excellent teacher. I loved the field

trips in Botany, and was surprised at how interesting the classes were. I wish I took more writingclasses, especially with dr. Mirsky.

student activities included house Plan, hillel, Yavneh, and student struggle for soviet Jewry.I was in the freshman honors Program, made the dean’s list all through College, was PhiBeta Kappa in my Junior year, and received the Ward Medal in Biology and the Merck Indexaward in Chemistry.

fond memories include hanging out with friends in shephard hall, learning new things andmeeting new people, walking around the campus, quiet places to study, and involvement withstudent activities.

after CCnY, I attended albert einstein College of Medicine, graduating with an Md in 1976.a residency in Psychiatry and fellowship in Child and adolescent Psychiatry followed. I haveworked at long Island Jewish hospital, nassau University Medical Center and most recentlyat Westchester County department of Community Mental health. Positions included staffpsychiatrist, Medical director, Unit Chief, and associate director of division. roughnUMC, I held a teaching position at sUnY stony Brook Medical school- Clinical assistantProfessor of Psychiatry. a poem I wrote was published in the new england Journal of Medicine.Memberships include the american Medical association and american Psychiatric association.I guess you could say I’m at a turning point now. e clinics I worked in closed due to budgetproblems. I’m at a point where I would like to do something different and am open toopportunities.

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Michael n. Varon

Michael Varon was a mechanical engineering major. heearned his master’s degree at University of southernCalifornia.

robert Weinberger

dr. robert Weinberger majored in chemistry at City College and earned hisbachelor’s degree in 1973 and his master’s degree in 1976. he holds a Phd inchemistry from seton hal University.

robert is a consultant specializing in the field of Capillary electrophoresis(Ce) and related technologies. formally of applied Biosystems, he has beeninvolved in Ce since 1987. he is currently President of Ce Technologies, Inc.,a consulting firm specializing in contract research, problem solving andmethods development using Ce. he is the instructor of the americanChemical society short Course entitled "Practical Capillary electrophoresis"and is the author of the textbook of the same name, now in its second edition.another short course “Capillary electrophoresis for Biomolecules” wasintroduced in 2006. his column on Ce appeared often in americanlaboratory and he was the author of 50 technical publications, patents andbook chapters as well as close to 100 magazine articles and meeting reviews.over the years he has developed hundreds of separations across many industriescovering both large and small molecules. he has presented numerous papersand seminars at scientific conferences, universities and discussion groups innorth america, south america, europe and asia. dr. Weinberger is a reviewerfor many major journals and sits on several editorial boards. e Journal ofCapillary electrophoresis honored him as its featured scientist in 1999. heserved as an expert witness in Ce patent litigation surrounding dnasequencing. during the heparin crises of 2008, he offered expert opinionsconcerning the quality of suspect samples. Counterfeit and knockoff dietarysupplements are now on the radar scope.

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Barry n. Winograd

Barry Winograd grew up in the Bronx and attended theBronx high school of science (’69) before enteringCCnY. he graduated in 1973 with a Ba in economics.While at City he was President of the economics societyand chaired the economics student-Teacher evaluation.he was also active in house Plan, serving as Treasurer oflasak ’73.

Upon graduation, Barry attended new York University,where he earned an Ms in accounting. Concurrently, he interned at Coopers& lybrand, where he subsequently joined the staff, and became a CPa in1974. he was admitted to the firm as a partner in 1983. he enjoyed a longcareer with the firm, which subsequently merged with Price Waterhouse toform PricewaterhouseCoopers. Barry served numerous major clients, primarilyin the financial services industry, as well as serving as a leader of the firm’saudit methodology group, both nationally and globally. he was co-author ofMontgomery’s auditing (12th edition), a definitive text, as well as variousarticles in professional journals. he retired from the firm in 2009.

roughout his career, Barry was active in the community, serving as Presidentof the nYU stern school Graduate alumni association, Treasurer of theamerican Jewish Congress, Chair of various committees of UJa-federationof nY, member of the Board of Council of Jewish federations and a memberof executive Committee of the UJa national Young leadership Cabinet. Barry currently serves on the executive Committees of the anti defamationleague nY regional Board, st. louis hillel at Washington University, theabraham Joshua heschel school and the Board of Plaza Jewish CommunityChapel. at the heschel school, Barry is an honorary Trustee, having servedas the immediate past President of the Board of Trustees. he is also currentlythe President of Metropolis County Club in White Plains, nY.

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for his community service, Barry has been honored by the american JewishCongress, UJa-federation of nY, the heschel school and state of Israel Bonds.Currently, Barry is pleased to serve as chair of the CCnY Class of 1973 40thanniversary reunion Committee.

Barry and his wife, Joan, reside in Manhattan and Boca raton, fl. ey havetwo children: Max, who graduated from Tufts University, and is completing hisfirst year at nYU law school and sara, a junior at Washington University inst. louis, who is currently completing a semester of study in Prague.

Carlo Zaskorski

My father, an electrical engineer from in the polish military, disbanded in Italy.he married my mother, an Italian who had come to rome from Benghazilibya.

I was born in rome in 1950 and my parents emigrated to nY with hope of myfather finding radio engineering work with rCa.

he found work instead maintaining machines that wove socks.

I attended Bayside hs and was accepted in 1967 to CCnY to the school ofarchitecture.

I was accepted to Pratt but CCnY was the only college my family could afford.

CCnY was God send and a turning point in my life that led to a successful 40year career.

While at CCnY I lived, for $16.00/month, in an old carriage house inhamilton heights at Zeta Chapter of Phi sigma Kappa.

is was also a God send in that I didn't have to commute a total of 4 hours aday.

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I graduated in 1973 with B.s. & B. architecture. I was awarded the nY societyof architecture delGaudio Medal for design excellence.

I started my own office in 1979 and have been practicing in Manhattan topresent.

My firm specializes in restoration and historic Preservation of existingBuildings. In 2008 we received a lucy Moses award from e nY landmarksConservancy.

I served a year as President of the architecture alumni association.

My wife, a former banker now elementary school teacher and I have beenblessed with two children. Julia now at dartmouth College for physics andengineering and Jon accepted to skidmore College.

I have become an avid sailor with a high point of an atlantic Crossing, sailingfrom france to Tortola BVI.

fIrM ProfIle

Carlo Zaskorski architect has over 30 years extensive, specialized experience,in the renovation of the Interior architecture and façade and Buildingenvelopes of existing buildings in both the public and private sectors in newYork City.

our office, , is the executive architect for the residential conversion of 404Park avenue south, originally a 128,000 sq. ft. commercial loft building to 64luxury residential Condominium units. e project, a gut interior rehab withall new MeP, elevators and extensive enlargement of masonry openings withnew high quality custom energy efficient windows is currently underconstruction with sciame as the CM. e construction value is $63 Million.Piet Boon of the netherlands is the designer.

Zaskorski has been the architect of record of very many best quality residentialapartment renovations in nYC along Central Park West, Central Park south,Gramercy Park and fifth avenue, e.g. e Beresford at 81st street, e saint

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Urban at 87th street, e Majestic at 71st street, harperly hall at 41 CentralPark West, e ansonia on Broadway, and 1010 fifth avenue to name a few.

Carlo Zaskorski, aIa has designed and administered the construction andrestoration of hundreds of exterior facade building projects includingresidential, rental, coop and condo apartments, commercial, institutional,educational, religious, and medical buildings and facilities both public andprivate. We have worked with numerous restoration contractors includingunion nicholson & Galloway and Graciano and numerous non UnionContractors.

Zaskorski was recently awarded a lucy G. Moses Preservation award of

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excellence from the new York landmarks Conservancy and an award of Meritfrom the american Institute of architects for the historic Preservation of therodin studios (200 West 57th street – sW corner of 7th avenue and 57thstreet). e value of the exterior façade renovation was $8 Million. isbuilding is adjacent to 888 seventh avenue.

Zaskorski’s professional memberships include: american Institute of architects(aIa), new York landmarks Conservancy Inner Circle, american society ofCivil engineers (asCe), Construction specifications Institute (CsI), PrecastConcrete Institute (PCI), friends of Terra Cotta (foTC), and society ofIndustrial archaeology (sIa).

desIGn serVICes InClUde:

• restoration of landmark and historic structures / adaptive reuse/ re-development• Interior architecture design for both residential and CommercialProjects• local law 11/98 examination, reporting & filing / Building envelopeassessment• Building Physical Conditions survey (site, Building envelope, BuildingInteriors structural Mechanical systems , department of Buildings &landmarks filingelectrical systems, Passenger elevators & freight elevators)• Waterproofing, roofing and exterior rehabilitation• landscape architecture/streetscape• architectural & engineering services for Commercial and residentialdevelopment• ownership representation & review of Proposed Construction• Construction cost review and Value engineering• Construction observation

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ContactsSteven L. Allen, MD, FACPProfessor of MedicineHofstra North Shore-LIJ School of MedicineAssociate Chief, Division of HematologyMonter Cancer CenterNorth Shore-LIJ Health System450 Lakeville RoadLake Success, NY [email protected]

Sandra [email protected]

Rev. Herbert Baker 19 Beale St.Boston, MA 02124617-288-6362617-524-1120 (office)[email protected]

Dr. Arthur T. Brody973-376-7624 (office)[email protected]

Mr. Abelardo E. [email protected]

Page 58: Who's Who(40)

Mr. Alfonso D’[email protected]

Beatriz Morales Faba5288 Golfcrest CircleStone Mountain, GA. 30088(770) [email protected]

Roberta M. Falke, [email protected]

Dr. Patricia T. Glowa MD93 East Wheelock StreetHanover, NH 03755-1605

Larry [email protected]

Mr. Jeffrey J. Goodhartz2669 Bratton Valley Rd.Jamul, CA [email protected]

Dr. Sloan Gordon7737 SW Freeway, Ste. 500Houston, TX [email protected]

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Mr. Harry G. Heching180 Riverside Boulevard 37DNew York, NY [email protected]

Dr. Robert M. [email protected]

Mr. Edward T. LaGrassa120 Warwick AvenueLittle Neck, NY 11363-1038

Mr. Howard I. Langer7303 Emlen St.Philadelphia, PA 19119215-320-5661 (office) [email protected]

Mr. Craig [email protected]

Miles [email protected]

Dr. Mark Alan Mandel502 S Melville St.Philadelphia, PA 19143-2110

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Mr. Marvin H. [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Mazza516-358-7031

Professor Annselm L.N.V. Morpurgoe Savant Garde InstitutePOB 1650Sag Harbor, NY 11963631-725-1414 (office)[email protected]

Mr. Milton [email protected]

Dr. David S. [email protected]

Ms. Sarah Sherman Poncz1210 Weymouth RdWynnewood, PA [email protected]

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Mr. Gary Lum Quan32-23 81st StreetEast Elmhurst, NY 11370-2001212-330-3661

Mr. Philip Rothstein4 Arapaho RdBrookfield, CT [email protected]

Ms. Barbara Joan Schildcrout208 E. 21st Street Apt. 6ANew York, NY [email protected]

Mr. Edward B. Schimmel21 Village View LaneUnionville, CT [email protected]

Mr. Nathaniel Silber10 Cypress AvenueVerona, NJ [email protected]

Ms. Elaine Silverberg845-304-3443 [email protected]

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Dr. Sharon Topolskystopolskygmail.com

Ms. Angela X. Vitellas, architecht4 Martine Ave Suite 616White Plains, NY [email protected]

Dr. Robert [email protected]

Barry N. Winograd607 West End Avenue, Apt. 10ANew York, NY 10024212-362-4466Cell: [email protected]

Carlo Zaskorski, architect 22 Beacon Hill RoadPort Washington NY 11050 917-991-1097

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