한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 한민족청소년 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 겨레사랑국토순례 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 사전자료집 한민족청소년 겨레사랑국토순례 사전자료집 Infomation Book 기간 : 2013. 7. 22(월)~2013. 8. 1(목) 주최 : 사단법인 흥사단 후원 : 국가보훈처 협찬 : 아리랑국제방송 , 국민연금보험관리공단

World korean youth camp information book

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  • World Korean Youth Camp

    'Long March Through The Homeland'

    Infomation Book

    : 2013. 7. 22()~2013. 8. 1()

    : : : ,

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    / contents



    9pThe informationof theWorldKoreanYouthCamp

    12pmatters tobeattended to


    19pThe informationof thecamp(daily)

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    (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy) (Young Korean Academy)

    : (Youngkoreanacademy,)

    1907, 1909. 105,19135.


    80, , , .

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    (1997 3 8). , , , , , , , .

    , (2001 5 12). , .

    100 (2002 10 5) . , ,, , , .

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    About About About About About About About About About About About About About About Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Hung Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young (Young Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy)Academy) About Hung Sa Dan (Young Korean Academy)

    YKA : The Heung Sa Dahn Movement is the non-political, voluntary organization founded in1913 topromotenational independence,developmentprospertyandpeace.

    Ahn,Chang-ho. (PenNam, :Dosan1878-1938)TheFounderofHeungSaDahn(YKA)

    Dosan(Ahn, Chang-ho, 1878-1938) is regarded as one of the outstandingspiritual and moral leaders Korea has ever produced at the turn of presentcenturywhenKorea, asnation,hadbecome soweak anddegenerated in everysector of her life that the fate of the country was at the mercy of foreignpowers.

    Dosan perceived early in his life the urgent need of moral and spiritual regeneration as astarting point for rehabilitation of Korean people. His various life activities have singularly beendirected toward this noblemission and he had sacrificed everything else, just go accomplish themission. He was a true patriot, an ardent revolutionist and a great educator who was alsohappilyendowedwithvarious talentsas fororganizationandoration. Dosan advocated the establishment of modern schools, adult education and voluntaryorganization activities as the means of promoting personal Improvement, national independenceand development : he established an early private modern school in Pyougyang in 1899 : theKoreanAssociation in theU.S.A. in 1902 : and theYoungStudentAcademicAssociation inKorea,Daesung Secondary school and Tae Guk Publishing House in 1908. Despite these endless effortsto save the coontry, Korea was occuppied by the japaness domination in 1910. While he was inexile, he founded the, Heung Sa Dahn(Young Korean Academy) in 1913 at Los Angles, Calif,U.S.A.

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    Basic ideaofHeungSaDahnMovement If we, a nation with long tradition, are to bring about a developed, democratic society, everyone of us should, first of all, have upright spiritual posture and strong will to reconstruct thecountry.

    Although we are under a constant influence of ever-changing conditions of society-Political,economic, educational and cultural, we do have reliableability to improve and create ourcircumstance. Inorder to reconstruct our nation, therefore, an honest, progressive, cooperativeand courageous group in the people, mindful of their national mission, must practise what theypreachandgive theirwilling service to thecountry.And it isnecessary that thoseconsciousandpersistenteffort shouldbemadefor theeducationand'trainingofsuchagroup. This is what the late Ahn, chang Ho advocated for the salvation of the country. We firmlybelieve that it is the true way for the revival of our nation and we pledge ourselves to devoteour lives to the HeungSaDahnmovementwhateverourpublicdutiesandpositionsmaybe.

    ThePurposes The Purpose of this organization is to lay foundation for the prosperity of our nation byuniting thosemenandwomenwhoshalldevote themselves toseekingandactinguponthe truth,practising loyalty&courage.They shall pledgeeachother tocultivate soundcharacter throughmoral, physical and intellectual disciplines. They shall also promote fraternity and solid unityamongthemselves

    TheFourFundamentalPrinciples The following are the four princples upon which the Heung Sa Dahn program of socialrevolutionthroughmoral revolution is formulated :

  • - 8 -

    1.Seek the truth. () 2.Actuponthe truth. () 3,Be loyalandtrustworthy. () 4.Becourageous. ()

    In itsconstitution the idealsofHeungSaDahnwere thusstated,

    TheFiveEssentialTeachings In order to keep the determination of the members constantly alert and firm, the following pledge isadoptedasastandardofconduct foreachmember inhisdaily life. 1. Let us constantly strive to improve ourselves by seeking the truth, acting on the truth,practicing loyaltyandcourage. 2.Letus loveeachother,befaithful toeach other,andhelpeachother. 3. Let us unite and work for the organization, and devoting ourselves to the organization. 4.Letusbehonest ineverythingandfulfilourresponsibilities. 5. letusdedicateourselves to thecountryandpeoplewith thespiritofservice

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    The The The The The The The The The The The The The information information information information information information information information information information information information information of of of of of of of of of of of of of the the the the the the the the the the the the the World World World World World World World World World World World World World Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Korean Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth Youth CampCampCampCampCampCampCampCampCampCampCampCampCamp The information of the World Korean Youth Camp1.


    3.:::(TV),4.100 .




  • - 10 -

    (Day) (Date)

    (Region) (Camp Schedule)



    :/11am /

    July 22ndMon Seoul

    TeamOrganizationCeremony Place : Int'l YouthCenterYouthHostel /11amDosanAnchang-hoMemorialhall NationalMemorialBoard



    , (,3,)

    July 23rdTue Gyeonggi

    ImjingakPyeonghoa-NuriPark(The third tunnel,Doraobservatory,Dora station)




    (, )

    July 24thWed


    ExperienceofMakingKimchi VisitingKoreanWarbattlefield inGyeonggi-do (Goseokjeong,TheHouseof LaborPartyRuins) andTeamMarch Enter aMilitaryExperienceCamp



    15 ()

    July 25thThu Gangwon

    MilitaryExperienceCampat 15thDivision inHwacheon-gun (SneakersOnly)- Shouldprepare yourown' shoes




    July 26thFri An-Dong

    Retirementof theMilitaryExperienceCamp VictoryobservatoryandWar recordmonument Enter aAn-dongManner School


  • - 11 -

    (Day) (Date)

    (Region) (Camp Schedule)




    July 27th(Sat)


    Dae-GuDabudongWar recordmonument Visit ThePohangSteel HomiCape(inPohand)




    July 28th(Sun)

    Gyeongju MarchThrough theGyeongju-si(Seokguram,Bulguksa(Temple),ChumsungDaeetc)


    729() (,)

    July 29th(Mon) Geoje Geoje island (GeojeP.O.Wcamp,Pebblebeach)



    / ()July 30th(Tue)


    IndependenceHall KoreanFolkVillage (CultureExperience)




    July 31st(Wed)

    SamsungD'light (SamsungElectronics) Gyeongbokgung(Palace) DongdaemunMarket /NamdaemunMarket (Oneplacebetweenmarkets) TheNamsanTowerorTeamMissionPaly



    / () :() / 3pm / 3

    Aug1st(Thu) Seoul

    SeodaemunPrisonHistoryHall Theceremonyofdisbanding Place:HungSaDan(Dongsung-dong) / 3pm

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    (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters to to to to to to to to to to to to to to be be be be be be be be be be be be be be attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) (matters to be attended to)

    J .J .J .J .J .J ..

    .. ..


    . , , .

    1) 2) 3) .,. 1) ( ) 2) (.) 3). 4).(,MP3,), .

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    (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters (matters to to to to to to to to to to to to to to be be be be be be be be be be be be be be attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended attended to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) to) (matters to be attended to)

    J Participants, be polite and be well mannered.J Always, be happy and bow(say hello) with courtesy with smile.J Don't have any prejudice even though different country.J Need to take a openmind for understanding different culture.J 1. Follow the rule of the camp. 2. Keep the Camp schedule. 3. Get on the bus on time. 4. Don't forget your personal objects. 5. During the Camp, Should notice to the staff if you have any disease and wound. 6. If the participants take any medicine and have a chronic disease. Please notice

    to the staff in advance. J During the Camp period, if you don't follow the below rule, Staff will send you your home. 1) Inflict any damage to others psychologically, Physically (Self injury, aggressive behavior, inappropriate behavior) 2) if you are careless and don't follow the camp rule (was inducted into traveler's insurance) 3) it's forbidden to Smoke and drink Alcoholic beverage. 4) Please Don't take personal expensive things (Ex. camera,mp3... cell phone) if you lose your personal things. Hung sa dan don't take any responsibility.

  • - 14 -

    / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning about about about about about about about about about about about about about about KOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREAKOREA / Learning about KOREA

    (Republic of Korea) Republic of Korea. 1,000 , . , . 70 , . . , . 15 , 34.

    , ..,.

    ,,, 1910 . 2.38 , . 19472UNUN,. 1948 5 10531.


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    . .

    ,.381953. 22 258 45 9 9,720. , , 1 , 6 , 9 . 1988 4,1975,000 1995 10 4,460 8,726,1988423/199510449/.,.(Won),(),(),.

    SouthKorea (About this sound listen), officially theRepublic of Korea (Korean:;Hanja:; Daehan Minguk About this sound listen), is a sovereign country located in the southernpartof the KoreanPeninsula.[7]Thename "Korea" isderived fromGoryeo, adynastywhich ruledin the Middle Ages. Its neighbors are China to the west, Japan to the east, and North Korea tothe north. South Korea lies in the north temperate zone with a predominantly mountainousterrain. It covers a total area of 99,392 km2 (38,375 sqmi)[8] and has a population of 50million.Thecapital and largest city is Seoul,withapopulationof 9.8million.Archaeology indicates that the Korean Peninsula was occupied by the Lower Paleolithic period(2.6 Ma300 Ka).[9][10] Korean history begins with the founding of Gojoseon in 2333 BC by thelegendaryDan-gun. Following the unificationof the Three Kingdomsof Korea under Silla AD 668,Korea was ruled by the Goryeo Dynasty (9181392) and Joseon Dynasty (13921910). It wasannexed by the Empire of Japan in 1910. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided intoSoviet andU.S. zones of occupation. An electionwas held in theU.S. zone in 1948which led tothe creation of the Republic of Korea. Although the United Nations passed a resolution declaringthe Republic to be the only lawful government in Korea,[11] the Soviets set up a rivalgovernment in theNorth.

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    The Korean War began in 1950 when forces from the North invaded the South. The war lastedthree years and involved the U.S., China, the Soviet Union, and many other nations. The borderbetween the two nations remains themost heavily fortified in the world.[12] In the decades thatfollowed, the South Korean economy grew significantly and the country was transformed into amajor economy.[13] Civilian government replacedmilitary rule in 1987. Presently, South Korea hasstrict gun control laws that rank them among countries with the fewest quantity of firearms percapita.South Korea is a presidential republic consisting of seventeen administrative divisions and is adeveloped country with a very high standard of living. It is Asia's fourth largest economy andtheworld's 15th (nominal)or 12th (purchasingpowerparity) largest economy.[14]The economy isexport-driven, with production focusing on electronics, automobiles, ships, machinery,petrochemicals and robotics. South Korea is amember of theUnitedNations,WTO, andOECD. Itis alsoa foundingmemberofAPECand theEastAsia Summit.

    (NATIONAL FLAG) : . () ()3:2. : () , (), (), (). 4 () : ()()()() ., .

    Korean flag is called "Taegeukgi" in Korean. Its design symbolizes the principles of the yin andyang in Oriental philosophy. The circle in the center of the flag is divided into two equal parts.The upper red section represents the proactive cosmic forces of the yang. Conversely, the lowerblue section represents the responsive cosmic forces of the yin. The two forces together embodythe concepts of continual movement, balance and harmony that characterize the sphere ofinfinity. Thecircle is surroundedby four trigrams,oneeachcorner.Each trigram symbolizeshe oneofthefouruniversalelements:heaven( ), earth( ),fire( ),andwater( ).

  • - 17 -

    (NATIONAL FLOWER) , , .()()''.(),, 1948 ''.The national flower of Korea is the mugunghwa, rose of sharon. Every year from July toOctober, a profusion of mugunghwa blossoms graces the entire country. Unlike most flowers,mugunghwa is remarkably tenacious and able to withstand both blight and insects. The flower?ssymbolic significance stems from the Korean word mugung, meaning immortality. This wordaccurately reflects the enduring nature of Korean culture, and the determination andperseverance of the Korean people.

    (National Anthem).() . ()()()() . (Auld langsyne)1936,48.(), 4/4 16, 4 a-b-c-b..

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    Korean national anthem is "Aegukga," whichmeans "Love the Country". In 1896, the DongnipSinmun (Independence News) published various versions of lyrics for this song. It is not knownexactly whatmusic they were sung to in its early days. Records show that aWestern-stylemilitary band was formed during the time of the Dae-han Empire (1897-1910) and that the"Dae-han Empire Aegukga" was composed in 1902 and played at important national functions.Before the birth of the Republic in 1948, the words were often sung to the tune of theScottish folk song, Auld Lang Syne.Maestro Ahn Eak-tay (1905-1965), then living in Spain, feltthat it was inappropriate to sing this patriotic song to the tune of another country's folk song.So, he composed newmusic to go with the lyrics in 1935, and the Korean ProvisionalGovernment in exile adopted it as the national anthem.While Koreans outside the country sangthe anthem to the new tune, those at home continued to use Auld Lang Syne until Korea wasliberated in 1945. The Republic of Korea Government in 1948 officially adopted the new versionas the national anthem and began to use it at all schools and official functions.

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    The The The The The The The The The The The The The The infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation infromation of of of of of of of of of of of of of of the the the the the the the the the the the the the the camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp (daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily)(daily) The infromation of the camp (daily)

    -1/1stday -(The Dosanmemorial Park). 1970 3 10 . 1973 1,.,50m3250m.

    Dosan Ahn Chang-ho was born in the late 19th century, an unfortunate time in the nationshistory, when the Chosun Dynasty was seeing its decline. A devoted patriot and the nation'sspiritual leader, Dosan, along with his fellow patriots, dedicated all his waking hours to nationalindependence, cohesion and prosperity. Everything Dosan did was for the country.When heate, it was for the country.When he slept, it was also for the country.The Dosan memorial Park, built in 1973, is where the souls of Dosan Ahn Chang-ho and hiswife lay resting. The Park serves as a reminder and memorial to all the people who come andvisit to pay tribute to Dosan.The Dosan Memorial Hall will display his life, in the hope that visitors will gain a betterperspective on what Dosan stood for. The Memorial Hall will serve to show the futuregenerations the true meaning of a nation and its people, to remind them of the great spiritualleader we are all so proud to have, and to pass down the legacy Dosan has created.

  • - 20 -

    (NationalMemorial Board (National Cemetery)3. 43,, , ,163,000.103, 6,100 ,54,000.,,,(-),. ,,, ,(),,,,19551965,

    The Seoul National Cemetery is located in Dongjak-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Whenestablished by presidential decree of Syngman Rhee in 1956, it was the country's only nationalcemetery. An additional national cemetery was established in 1974 in Daejeon. Both are overseenby the NationalMemorial Board.The cemetery is reserved for Korean veterans, including those who died in the Koreanindependence movement, Korean War, and Vietnam War.[1] Only one non-Korean person isburied there, the Canadian Francis Schofield.[1]In August 2005, controversy was stirred by the visit of a North Korean delegation to thecemetery.[2] The delegation was led by Kim Ki-Nam, and numbered 182 officials. The visit notonly sparked outrage among those opposed to warmer relations with the North, but also raisedfears that a future delegation from the South might be expected to pay their respects to KimIl-sung in Pyongyang.The late president KimDae-Jung was interred there on Aug 23, 2009.The Seoul National Cemetery is near Dongjak Station on Seoul Subway Line 4 or Seoul SubwayLine 9. Except for some special days, normally, the Seoul National Cemetery allows access tothe public.

  • - 21 -

    -2/2ndday -(Imjingak,) 54km 6.25.6,0001, 3 1972. ,,400 6.25 , 12 . (),, ,50,,...,.

    Imjingak located 7 km from the Military Demarcation Line, is now at the forefront of tourismrelated to the Korean Conflict.It was built in 1972with the hope that someday unification would be possible.Three-storied Imjingak is surrounded by several Monuments, Unification Park and North KoreaCenter. 400 kinds of photos and documents showing the stark reality of North Korea aredisplayed in the North Korea Center of Unification Board. Outside Imjingak, there are 12 kindsof tanks and crafts on display that were used during the Korean Conflict. Mangbaedan, whichstands opposite of Imjingak, is famous for the place where people from North Korea visit andperform ancestral rites by bowing toward their hometown every New Years Day and Chuseok.The Bridge of the Freedom, South Koreans crossed when they came back to their mothercountry fromNorth Korea, stands behindMangbaedan.

    33 1975 1978 6 10 1 , 1978 10 17 4km . 44km 2

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    1.2. 4Km, 3.5Km45.

    The 3rd Tunnel was discovered onOctober 17, 1978. It is located 52km fromSeoul. Approximately 10,000 soldiers can movethrough this tunnel in one hour.When this tunnel was discovered, NorthKoreans insisted steadfastly that it was madeby South Koreans to invade North Korea, butthis proved to be false.Mt. Dora Observation Platform is locatednearby the 3rd Tunnel.From this observation platform, North Korean military personnel are visible, and so are the cityof Gaeseong and the Geumgangsan DiamondMountains.

    , .2002 2 12, 52().[1],, , ,.2002220,W.,.,,..

  • - 23 -

    Dorasan Station is thenorthernmost stationof theSouthKoreawhich is 700mdistant from thesouthern boundary line of DMZ, the civil control zone. Since US president Bush visited DorasanStation on February 20, 2002, it has come into spotlight internationally. imjingak Station wasopened in October 2001, and then Dorasan Station, the unfinished station of the north-southKorean reconciliation was opened on February 12, 2002 (the lunar New Year's Day) through thespecial Mangbae train operation in 52 years after the railroad service was stopped. Themilestones of Dorasan Station (205km to Pyeongyang, 56km to Seoul) imply the reality of thedivision between two Koreans and a future hope and expectation. BecauseDorasan Station is thenorthernmost station of the South Korea in the southern boundary line, Dorasan Station will playthe role of customs and entry for Chinese and Russian people and goods as well as the NorthKoreans if Gyeongui Line Railroad connection is completed and the traffic is possible betweentwo Koreans. Also, Dorasan Station contains the historical meaning as a symbolic place of thedivisionbetween twoKoreansandagatewayof the south-northexchange.

    1987. ,. 'DMZ ',,.

    DoraObservatory is on the SouthKorean side of the38th parallel. Situatedon topofDorasan(Mount Dora), the observatory looks across the Demilitarized Zone. It is the part of South Koreaclosest to the North. Visitors can catch a rare glimpse of the reclusive North Korean statethrough binoculars from the 304 square feet, 500-person capacity observatory. They will be ableto see theNorthKoreanpropaganda village situated in theDMZ, a remnantof theoldprosperityof the North, and can see as far as the city of Kaesong. The observatory is very close to theThird Tunnel (Third North Korean Infiltration Tunnel), a massive North Korean-dug tunnel which

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    was planned as a pathway for invasion to the South if war had erupted and it had not beendiscovered. The Dorasan Station, also nearby, is designed to be the station that connects therailroadsof theSouthandNorthoneday in the future.

    -3/3rdday -,...Experience Kimchi allows people to learn Korean history andculture through kimchi, offering kimchi-making guided by aprofessional kimchi instructor.Participantscantaste thekimchi theymake,have itpackedup,andtake ithomewith them.

    [ ]() 5km .,()() .,()()().6251971 . , .

    Goseokjeong Pavilion is the most scenic spots among the eight scenic views of Cheorwon. Thecrystal clear waters of the Hantangang River wind around a peculiar shaped rock of about 10 meterstall that stands dominantly in the middle of the river. The two-story tower-style pavilion that has anarea of about 33 square meters was built halfway up the Hantangang River and named Goseokjeong

  • - 25 -

    during the reign of King Jinpyeong (reign 579-632 AD) of Silla Kingdom. Today, Goseokjeong refers totheentireareaaroundtheGoseokjeongPavilionandthevalleysurroundingGoseokRock.

    , . , .12.

    The House of Labor Party RuinsThis three-story building located at Cheorwon-eup is constructed in 1946. Used as TheHouse of Labor Party until the break of the Korean War on June 25, it is now one ofthe tourist attractions that keep the vestiges of the KoreanWar. This place is also usedas a concert hall and a backdrop of amusic video to show the grief of the war.The House of Labor Party Ruins is under the control of Cheorwon-gun Office as oneof the Security Sightseeing Courses. Every year hundreds of thousands people visit thistourist destination.

    -4/4thday -/militaryexperiences , .The military experience, You can learn how to increase self-control training and patience.

  • - 26 -

    and also, at the same time learn about the greatmorale and find the indentity as a selfhood. and canfeel about the confrontation situation between Southkorea and North Korea. The military training can bestarted from early morning and late eventing, Duringthose time, Theparticipants experience how the soldierscan manage their military life through the indirectexperienceactivities at themilitarybase.

    -5/5thday -/AndongYouthKoreanMannerSchool ..Andong Youth Korean Manner School is located in Andongarea(Middle of Korean peninsula. During the manner school camp, Welearn about traditiona koreanl manner and custom through the variouspracticeandtheoryclasses.

    -6/6thday -22km(),10km,.3,21,500T-3420(14)670.1500,7,6001728,1.1 91

  • - 27 -


    Dabudong War Memorial Museum, At thebeginningof August 1950, theNorth KoreanArmydeployed five divisions including their 3rd, 13th,and 15th, and launched an all-out attack on theDabudong line inWaegwan,with an aim to take over the city ofDaeguby August 15. The ROKArmy 1st and 8th Divisions fought alongside the US Army 1st Calvary Division in defense of theDabudong line.Theallied troopswerepushedbackand forthdozensof times inabloodybattle,and finally slowed down the advancing North Koreans. The North Korean Army attempted theirfinal attack to break through the defense line at the Nakdonggang in early September. Bymid-September, the allied ROK-US Forces annihilated the main force of the enemy withoverwhelming firepower and daring counterattacks. As a result of this bloody battle, the enemylost 13 tanks and 17,500 men, and the ROK-US allied forces suffered 10,000 casualties. Thevictory enabled the allied forces to hold the Daegu-Dabudong line, giving them a base for afuturenortherncounterattack.

    ()(posco). 1973 103 1,1983910. 1998 1, 1999,,. 2000,1.

  • - 28 -

    posco was founded in 1968 with the goal of producing steel, a product that was, andstill is , the very bread and butter of contemporary industry. Since it's foundation35years ago, POSCO. with indomitable courage and a challenging spirit, has carveditself a history of growth fromwhat was an economically barren landscape.POSCO has become one of the top global companies that Korea thakes so much pridein. Back in 1973, domestically produced steel accounted for a mere 30% of the steelconsumed by KOREAN industry. POSCO now produces 28million tons of crude steel perannum and has greatly contributed to the development of the Korean economy, tosuch an extent that domestically produced steel now makes up 90% of all of the steelused in KoreaAll of the growth and progress that POSCO has attained came to fruition through theaffection of customers, shareholders and those who expressed interested in POSCO.However, the company will not settle for being merely strong and good. POSCO willstrive to become even greater, to be reborn as one of the world's most admiredcompanies, developing the best technology and being equipped with a uniquemanagement skill.

    (Homigot),...16 "" ,, ".

    Homigot (Cape Homi), is named after its meaning that corresponds to the tail of the tigerwhich Korea Peninsula resembles. It is located at the eastern end of Korean Peninsula. LikeGanjeolgot, (Cape Galjeol) in Ulsan, we can watch the first sunrise at this place. A small fishingvillage that seems calm, seagulls twittering over the choppy surface of the silver water thatreflects the sunshine and fishers casting nets attract your gaze for a few second. Sometimesyou can see fishers riding on a motorboat passing the lighthouse and a brown dog sleeping onthe crooked two-lane road alongside the seashore.

    -7/7thday -

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    (Gyeongju-si) . 31, 76, 2, 3, 74, 2, 16 29, 18, 4, 1

    40 . 1968 ,

    , , , , ,


    As the capital of the Silla Kingdom for almost a thousand years, Gyeongju preserves vast amount of significant and fascinating historical heritages. Along with Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto, the Gyeongju Historical District has been designated as a World Heritage by UNESCO. Due to the bountiful historical, natural and cultural attractions, this region has long been a major tourist destination in Korea.

    (Bulguksa Temple)(745m)1,44022 , (742-764).. 1920, 7.

    Bulguksa Temple is the representative relic of Gyeongju and was designated as aWorld Cultural Asset by UNESCO in 1995. The beauty of the temple itself and theartistic touch of the stone relics are known throughout theworld.Bulguksa Temple was built in 528 during the Silla Dynasty, in the 15th year of KingBeop-Heung's reign (514~540). It was called Hwaeom Bulguksa Temple or BeopryusaTemple back then. In 751, under King Gyeong-Deok (reign 742765), Kim Dae-Seong(700~774) started rebuilding the temple and finished in 774, under King Hye-Gong (reign765~780). After 17 years of construction, the name 'Bulguksa' was finally given to thetemple.

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    (SeokguramGrotto (Mt. Tohamsan)24 10. 3km, 9km , , 38..1995.12.6UNSCO.

    Seokguram, located onMt.Tohamsan, is the representative stone temple of Korea.The official name of Seokguram, National Treasure No. 24, is Seokguram Seokgul. Designated as World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1995, it is an artificial stonetemple made of granites. The construction started with Kim Dae-Seong (700~774) in 751during the reign of King Gyeong-Deok (742~765) of the Silla Dynasty (57 B.C.~A.D. 935)and it was finished in 774, after 24 years, during the reign of King Hye-Gong(765~780).Seokguram is known to have been built with Bulguksa Temple. According to thehistory book Samgukyusa of the Goryeo Dynasty (the country that unified the Koreanpeninsula at the end of the Silla Dynasty, 918~1392), Kim Dae-Seong had built Bulguksafor the parents whowere alive, and Seokguram for the parents of his former life.

    (CheomseongdaeObservatory).,9.17m,3.1m,5.17m, 5.35m.815,27,. 1 365, 130cm.() 2.24().Cheomseongdae is the oldest existing astronomical observatory in Asia.

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    Constructed during the reign of QueenSeon-deok (632-647), it was used for observingthe stars in order to forecast the weather. Thisstone structure is a beautiful combination ofstraight lines and curves, and was designated asNational Treasure No.31 on December 20th,1962.Cheomseongdae was built in a cylinder shapewith stones 30cm in diameter. 362 stones werepiled up to make 27 levels. 4.16m up from the bottom there is a 1 square entranceand a space to hang a ladder under it.The inside is filled with soil up to the 12th level, and the 19th, 20th, 25th, and 26thlevels all have long rocks hanging on two areas, shaped as the Chinese letter ''(jeong). It stands 9.17m high and the base stone on each sidemeasures 5.35m.

    -8/8thday -(Geoje- Island) . .,., , () . .. 2., .Geoje is located on an island and is renown for camellia seeds, pine trees andpeculiar rock formations. Composed of as many as sixty islands, it features clear watersand soft sandy beaches covered with small rounded stones called mongdol. Geoje isalso abundant with natural beauties such as Haegeumgang River and the eight-coloredbellflower.

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    (Historic Park of Geoje, P.O.W. Camp) 6.25. (554m) , . , , , , , , , , , 10 ",,", , . .

    The Park of Geojedo, P.O.W Camp was built to hold prisoners during the KoreanWar.Out of a total of 170,000 prisoners of war, 20,000 were from China and 150,000were from North Korea. The camp was closed upon the signing of the 1953 armisticewhich ended the war. Remains of the war, such as tanks, trucks and other relics areon exhibit here. The camp was turned into a park in 1997 to ensure that the KoreanWar is not a forgotten war. It takes approximately one hour towalk the park grounds.

    -9/9thday -1987.,,,191031,

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    , 74D.The Independence Hall of Korea displays Koreanhistorical documents and relics from the past to the present, focusing on the independencemovements of the Japanese Colonial Period. Originally the interim Government Building of Koreain China, the building was brought over to Korea after the nation was liberated from Japanesecolonial rule on August 15, 1945. The Independence Hall officially opened on the anniversary ofIndependence Day on August 15, 1987 and now boasts seven exhibition halls, the Circle VisionTheater,andother facilitiescommemoratingKoreas struggle for freedom.

    (Korean Folk Village),219731974.., . ,,,,,,,,,99,.Korean Folk Village Set in a natural environment occupying approximately 243 acres,visitors can experience the authentic atmosphere with over 260 traditional housesreminiscent of the late Choson Dynasty including various household goods from thedifferent regions. All these features have been relocated and restored to providevisitorswith a general view of Korean food, clothing, and housing style of a past era.About twenty workshops, various handicrafts such as pottery, baskets, winnows, bamboowares, wooden wares, paper, brass wares, knots, fans, musical instruments, iron waresand embroidery are practiced. In the Korean Folk Village, where the customs and

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    lifestyles of past generations have been faithfully maintained without impairment,various lifestyles prevalent during the ChosonDynasty can be experienced.You can visit the Folk Museum and Art Museum (scheduled to open) to see and learnabout the essence of Korean culture and folk customs, which are not suitable fordisplay and re-creating in the opeen-air setting.

    -10/10thday -(Seoul), ,. 1945 815 1946 . 1948 1949.Seoul is the capital of Korea with over 600 years ofhistory. It is the heart of Koreas culture and education as well as politics andeconomics. Seoul is unique in that historical sites such as Gyeongbokgung Palace andmodern cultural facilities coexist in harmony. Seoul is a world-class city with numerousamenities and shopping districts such asMyeong-dong and Apgujeong.

    (Samsung Electronics) 1969 1 . 1970 AV . 1974,1980.19842.198811.,TV.1981TV1000,TV1.1983VTR(8mm)1985VTR..()1983

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    . 1983 3 64K D.1992 64MD, 1993 1. 1994 256M, 1996 1G D. 20021,200650D20073030%.2010 33, 2010 11.1990,LCD, LEDTV.20072. 2009 2 2700 2.LCD 20028 1. 2009 3LED TV 260. 2010 12 S71000.20101532011(3091000).

    Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is a South Korean multinational electronics companyheadquartered in Suwon, South Korea.[2] It is the flagship subsidiary of the SamsungGroup and has been the world's largest information technology company by revenuessince 2009.[3] Samsung Electronics has assembly plants and sales networks in 88countries and employs around 370,000 people.Samsung has previously been known for its position as a manufacturer of componentssuch as lithium-ion batteries, semiconductors, chips, flash memory and hard drivedevices for clients such as Apple, Sony, HTC and Nokia.[5] [6] In recent years, SamsungElectronics has actively expanded in consumer markets moving away from itsmanufacturing roots -marked by new products and increasing revenue.[7]Since 2010 Samsung has been one of the largest vendors in the mobile phone andsmartphone markets, including its Samsung Galaxy line of devices. The company is alsoone of the largest vendors in the tablet computer market, with the release of theAndroid-powered SamsungGalaxy Tab and Note 10.1.Samsung has been the world's largest maker of LCD panels since 2002, the world'slargest television manufacturer since 2006,[9] and world's largest manufacturer ofmobile phones since 2011.[10] Samsung Electronics displaced Apple Inc. as the world's

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    largest technology company in 2011 and has been a major part of the Economy ofSouth Korea.

    (Gyeongbokgung Palace),

    ,., , 1394 1395. (). . ..,.,.1968.652010.

    Gyeongbokgung Built in 1395, Gyeongbokgung Palace is also commonly referred toas the Northern Palace because it is the furthest north when compared to theneighboring palaces of Changdeokgung (Eastern Palace) and Gyeongheegung (WesternPalace). Gyeongbokgung Palace is arguably themost beautiful and remains the grandestof all five palaces.The premises were destroyed by fire during the Imjinwaeran War (Japanese Invasion,1592-1598). However, all of the palace's 7,700 rooms were later restored under theleadership of Heungseondaewongun during the reign of KingGojong (1852-1919) .Remarkably, the most representative edifices of the Joseon Dynasty, Gyeonghoe-ruPavilion and Hyangwonjeong Pond are still relatively in tact. Woldae and the sculptures

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    of Geunjeongjeon (The Royal Audience Chamber) represent past sculpture ofcontemporary art.

    (Insa-dong),. 21 . 350m 1970. ,,,,,,,,..Insa-dong, located in the middle of the city, is an important place where old but preciousand traditional items come and go. There is one main road in Insa-dong with a labyrinth ofalleys on each side. Within these alleys are galleries, traditional restaurants, traditionalteahouses, and cafes. The shops in Insa-dong are very popular among all age groups, becauseeach store brings its own uniqueness. The galleries are the heartbeat of Insa-dong. Thereare about 100 galleries in the area and you can see every example of Korean traditional fineart from paintings to sculptures.

    (DongdaemunMarket)5,640 . 6~8,,, ,, , , ,,.DongdaemunMarket is located near its namesake of Dongdaemun (Great East Gate).Korea's largest wholesale and retail shopping district has 26 shopping malls, 30,000specialty shops, and 50,000 manufacturers. Within the ten blocks of the market area,

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    you can find silks, clothes, shoes, sporting goods, plumbing and electrical supplies,electronics, office supplies, toys and just about everything else imaginable.

    . 65 1. , . ..,. . ,.Namdaemun Market is the largest traditional market in Korea with over 10,000 stores that line the streets aroundNamdaemun (Gate), the main southern gate of the old city wall. It boasts one of the largest distribution structures inKorea, providing local products, daily living essentials, food products, medical supplies and more to retailers andconsumers across the country. Due to the wholesale nature of themarket, shoppers can comparison shop for the lowestprices on all sorts of goods. Namdaemun Market is also packed with interesting things to see and eat, making it apopular destination for both locals and international visitors alike. So whether youre looking for traditional orientalmedicine or imported drugs, traditional Korean food or imported snacks, hanbok attire or a Halloween costume,NamdaemunMarket is theplace togo.

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    -11/11thday - (The Seodaemun Prison History Hall) 80



    1945 8 15

    . 1945 11 21

    , 1961 12 23 ,1967 77

    1987 11 15

    1992 815 '' .

    The Seodaemun Prison History Hall is located within the Seodaemun-Independence Park in Seoul.This two-story bulding with basement was built in 1908 as Gyeongseong(the old name of Seoul) Prison. From 1912 to 1945 during the Japanese colonial rule it was called Seodaemun Prison; many patriots who fought for national independence were tortured and executed there. After liberation the prison wasrenamed twice, and finally came to be called Seoul Detention House in1967. When the Seoul Detention House moved to Uiwang City, Gyeonggido, in November 1987 this place was formed into Seodaemun Indepence Park and the restoration work on the prison began.

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