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  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    Problem: Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open Account APBalance Listing) issues in R12


    o! to troubleshoot Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open Account APBalance Listing) issues in R12


    Troubleshooting "etails

    Apply the latest co#e $or the Trial Balance

    %t is important to ha&e the latest Trial Balance co#e an# 'les to a&oi#encountering any o$ the no!n issues Please apply the $ollo!ing patchesto get the latest Trial Balance *o#e an# any #epen#ent+relate# 'les (As o$1,-.ul-1/):

    R12/0132453:R12APA (%nclu#es Summary+"etail Report 6o#e change an# Trial

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    Balance Remo#el Phase , patch 7211/1)3/2424:R128LAA

    R1210132453:R12APB (Summary+"etail Report 6o#e change an# Trial Balance

    Remo#el Phase ,)/253,1:R128LAB15543:R128LAB,41574:R128LAB

    9ote: Please see R12 Oracle inancials 8LA Patching "epen#ency Analysis9ote 755731 $or a##itional patching that may be re;uire#

    The Summary+"etail Report 6o#e change inclu#es:

    < *hanges to!ar#s APTB remo#elling initiate# in 8LA bug 7==5422> thechange is that there !ill be a ne! parameter R?PORT ST@L? that user canchoose !hile running the *oncurrent program The &alue is either Summaryor "etail

    The remo#eling o$ Trial Balance phase , a##+inclu#es the $ollo!ing$eatures:A##resses the issue !here Open Account AP balances ListingReport sho!s no #ata i$ ne! .ournal source other than payables is a##e#to the "e'nition co#eA##e# the $ollo!ing columns to the Croup by Account> Summarytemplate:DOther Sources : CL Balance o$ the Eournal entries $rom non PayablessourcesDSuble#ger 6anuals: CL Balance o$ the manual Eournal entries create# inSuble#gerParameters a##e#+change#:DStart "ate: This parameter is no! hi##en an# #e$aults to /1-.an-14/D%nclu#e SLA 6anuals+Other Sources: This parameter controls !hether SLA6anual entries an# 9on Payables sources amounts are #isplaye# in theCroup by Account> Summary template report outputThe Report by #e$ault runs !ith @ear To "ate parameter The start #atean# Account Balance parameter are not #isplaye# on the report

    The Remaining amount is calculate# by #e$ault $rom the startperio# o$ a transaction till As O$ "ate entere# by the user%$ the user enters a $uture as o$ #ate that #oes not e0ists inCL> the latest open perio# CL Amount !ill be sho!n on thereportA##e# legen#s in the report $or the $ollo!ing columns:CL Balance> Suble#ger 6anuals> Other Sources> CL Account Balancean# Payment Status

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    The Trial Balance Phase , remo#el patch inclu#es the pre&ious remo#ela##itions+up#ates egAP %n&oice amount an# payment status 'el#s are no! inclu#e# on thereport template $or better #iagnostics%mpro&e# per$ormance in the Open Accounts "ata 6anager

    %t only reports on Liability accounting line in$ormationThe report 'lters out the Liability account #ata in AP> e&en i$ the sameaccount is use# $or non-Liability accounts9o manual entries are inserte# into the Trial Balance table(0laFtrialFbalances)

    Accounts Payable Trial Balance report name

    %n R12> there are , *oncurrent Programs relate# to the trial balance

    1 Report 9ame G Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Ol#)

    Short 9ame G AP8TRBAL

    This is the R11i Accounts Payable Trial Balance> it shoul# be #isable# inR12

    2 Report 9ame G Accounts Payable Trial Balance

    Short 9ame G APTBRPT

    This is the R12 Accounts Payable Trial Balance> this is the correct reportname to run i$ Trial Balance Remo#el Phase , or higher has been applie#This report is a mo#i'e# &ersion o$ the Open Account Balance Listingreport

    5 Report 9ame G Open Account Balance Listing

    Short 9ame G 8LATBRPT

    This is a Suble#ger Accounting report This report shoul# 9OT be use# $orPayables %nstea#> use the applicable Payables mo#i'e# &ersion o$ thereport

    , Report 9ame G Open Account AP Balance Listing

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    Short 9ame G 8LAAPRPT

    This is the suble#ger Open Account Balance Listing report mo#i'e# $orPayables an# shoul# be use# !ith Trial Balance Remo#el Phases 1 - 5

    9ote: *urrently> the Trial Balance #ocumentation an# notes re$er to theAccounts Payable Trial Balance an# Open Account AP Balance Listing reportinterchangeably The name change !as #ue to a change in Phase 1 - 5>going $or!ar# all Payables Trial Balance patches shoul# retain the nameAccounts Payable Trial Balance Please mae sure you run the correctreport base# on your Trial Balance remo#el phase an# #o 9OT run the OpenAccount Balance Listing report $or Payables

    *omplete Post-%nstall Steps $or Trial Balance Remo#el patch

    9ote: Steps 1 - 2 can be sippe# i$ these steps ha&e alrea#y beencomplete# $or a pre&ious Trial Balance remo#el patch that !as applie#

    1 Please run the 0laapin&postupgs;l script manually to populate theapplie#Fto attributes in0laF#istributionFlins table in apps schema ie

    Hc# I8LAFTOP+patch+114+s;lHs;lplus apps+JJJJHK0laapin&postupgs;l

    %6PORTA9T: 6A? SMR? T%S ST?P %S *O6PL?T?" AT?R APPL@%9C T?LAT?ST PAT* A9" B?OR? R?BM%L"%9C T? "ATA

    2 *hec that the $ollo!ing in#e0es shoul# be present inAPFL%AB%L%T@FBALA9*? table:

    9ote: This step is $or R11i *ustomers upgra#e# to R12 O9L@ 9?N installs o$ R12 an# customers upgra#e# to R1210 shoul# 9OT complete this step

    21 %n#e0 on ?9"ORF%" ?9"ORFS%T?F%" ( as F91)

    22 %n#e0 on %9O%*?F%" (as F92 )

    25 *ombination in#e0 onA?FL%9?F%">A?F?A"?RF%">*O"?F*O6B%9AT%O9F%"> S?TFOFBOOSF%" in the

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    same or#er (as F95 $rom aplbupgin#s;l script inthe patch )

    2, *ombination in#e0 onSL?FL%9?F9M6>SL?F?A"?RF%">*O"?F*O6B%9AT%O9F%"> S?TFOFBOOSF%"in the same or#er (as F9, $rom aplbupgin#s;l script in

    the patch)

    uery 1: Mse the $ollo!ing ;uery to 'n# the in#e0es that e0ist:

    select o!ner> substr(ctableFname>1>24)>cin#e0Fname>substr(ccolumnFposition>1>2)

    >substr(ccolumnFname>1>2/)>istatus$rom#baFin#Fcolumns c> #baFin#e0es i!here itableFname in (QAPFL%AB%L%T@FBALA9*?Q)an# cin#e0Fname G iin#e0Fnameor#er by in#e0Fname>columnFposition

    24 %$ not> manually run the script aplbupgin#s;l (12//12//////5) tocreate theAPFL%AB%L%T@FBALA9*?F95 an# APFL%AB%L%T@FBALA9*?F9, in#e0

    23 Cather Stats $or the apFliabilityFbalance table


    2= eri$y apFliabilityFbalance table !as analye#+gathere# stats:

    uery 2: Run the $ollo!ing ;uery to &eri$y apFliabilityFbalance table !asanalye#+gathere# stats:

    S?L?*T tableFname> numFro!s> blocs> a&gFro!Flen>toFchar(lastFanalye# >Q66+""+@@@@ 2,:6%:SSQ)

    RO6 #baFtablesN?R? tableFname %9(QAPFL%AB%L%T@FBALA9*?Q)

    6ae sure the apFliabilityFbalance table has a current last analye# #atean# sho!s a ro! count un#er numFro!s column

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    5 Rebuil# the Open Account AP Balances Listing (Trial Balance) "ata

    o! to Rebuil# the Open Account AP Balances Listing (Trial Balance) "ata

    1 9a&igate: Payables Responsibility H Setup H Accounting Setups HSuble#ger AccountingSetups H Open Account Balances Listing "e'nitions

    9ote: or better per$ormance o$ "ata 6anager run> increase the number o$processors to 13>52 or 3, byna&igating to Sub Le#ger Accounting Setup -H Open Account BalancesListing "e'nitions-H Process Options button an# $or the le#ger up#ate the number o$processors to13>52 or 3,

    2 uery the Report "e'nition *o#e

    9ote: To search $or Report "e'nitions create# by the upgra#e> select"e'ne# By G Accounting le0'el#An# upgra#e# report #e'nitions are create# by the apintbals;l script#uring the upgra#e !ith a #e'nition co#e in the $ollo!ing $ormat: APF2//FQ Tle#gerFi#

    5 *lic on "uplicate to *opy the #e'nition

    , ?nter name an# co#e $or *opy an# Apply the changes

    %6PORTA9T: ie! re;uests an# !ait $or "ata 6anageer processessubmitte# to complete be$oreprocee#ing to the ne0t steps Nhen you mo#i$y an e0isting or create a ne!report #e'nition the $ollo!ing #ata manager processes are submitte#:

    MS?RF*O9*MRR?9TFPROCRA6F9A6? *O9*MRR?9TFPROCRA6F9A6?Open Account Balances "ata 6anager Norer Process (8LATB"6N)Open Account Balances "ata 6anager (8LATB"6C)

    4 Reset the number o$ processors (%$ you increase# the number o$processors in step 1)

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    9a&igate: Sub Le#ger Accounting Setup -H Open Account Balances Listing"e'nitions -HProcess Options button an# reset the number o$ processors bac to 1 $orthe le#ger

    9ote: The original+upgra#e# report #e'nition can be rebuilt also o!e&er>$or the purposes o$ testing an# comparison> this note rebuil#s a ne!+copie##e'nition %$ the rebuil# o$ the ne!+copie# report #e'nition !ore#> therebuil# o$ the original+upgra#e# report #e'nition shoul# !or also 6aesure !hate&er option is selecte# to be use# $or PRO"> that option is teste#'rstU

    A report #e'nition is rebuilt anytime the application thins a changeoccurre# The $ollo!ing metho#s can be use# to rebuil# a report #e'nition:

    1)?nable+#isable report #e'nition2)Open report #e'nition an# merely clic on apply button This !illrepopulate 0laFtrialFbalance table

    3 eri$y the #ata !as rebuilt

    uery 5: Run the $ollo!ing ;uery to &eri$y the #ata !as rebuilt

    select 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> 0ehle#gerFi#> #eco#e(0ehupgFbatchFi#>9MLL>Q9OT MPCRA"?Q> QMPCRA"?Q) Mpgra#e#> min(0tbcreationF#ate)>count(J)$rom 0laFtrialFbalances 0tb> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh!here 0tbaeFhea#erFi# G 0ehaeFhea#erFi#(V)group by 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> 0ehle#gerFi#> #eco#e(0ehupgFbatchFi#>9MLL>Q9OT MPCRA"?Q>QMPCRA"?Q)or#er by 2>1

    The rebuilt #e'nition co#e #ata shoul# ha&e a minimum creation #ate e;ualto the #ate the #ata !as rebuilt

    *lari$y+"e'ne the issue

    1 Run a ne! Accounts Payables Trial Balance report $or the report#e'nition !ith the rebuilt #ata an# the $ollo!ing #etails:

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    < Start "ate G Begin "ate $or 'rst perio# you starte# using Oracle (Thisparameter is hi##en as o$ Trial Balance Remo#el phase ,> !ith #e$ault #ate/1-.an-14/)

    < As o$ "ate G ?n# "ate $or Perio# to be reconcile#

    < Sho! Transaction "etail G @es

    < %nclu#e Nrite OWs G 9o

    < %nclu#e SLA 6anuals+Other Sources G @es (This parameter is onlyapplicable $or the Croup by Account> Summary template

    < or troubleshooting reconciliation issues> run report $or the $ollo!ingtemplates:

    < Accounts Payables Trial Balance - Croup by Account> "etail

    < Accounts Payables Trial Balance - Croup by Account> Summary

    9ote: See 9ote ,,,/,,1 $or #etails on ho! to change the template

    Re&ie! the Open Account AP Balances Listing (Trial Balance) "ataReconcile the #ata !ith CL The correct metho# $or reconciling AP to CL isas $ollo!s:

    Last 6onths Accounts Payable Trial Balance

    V This months Payables Poste# %n&oice Register

    - This months Payables Poste# Payment Register

    G This months Accounts Payable Trial Balance

    9ote: The Accounts Payable Trial Balance report output sho!s a CL totalThat CL total inclu#es manual an# non Liability class entries $rom thePayables suble#ger> an# non-Payables source entries in CL Mse the gi&enmetho# to reconcile> an# the Trial Balance amount remaining total shoul#e;ual the CL total e0clu#ing the manual an# non Liability class entries $romthe Payables suble#ger> an# non-Payables source entries in CL

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    A$ter patching> rebuil#ing an# reconciling> i$ there is still an issue> #e'neyour issue 6ost trial balance issues are o$ the $ollo!ing type:

    Type 1: %n&oice incorrectly reporte#+missing $rom trial balanceType 2: AP Trial Balance total #oes not reconcile !ith CL

    Type 5: R12 Trial Balance #oes not reconcile !ith R114 Trial Balance a$terthe upgra#e

    See the instructions belo! $or troubleshooting each type o$ issue

    Type 1: %n&oice incorrectly reporte#+missing $rom trial balance

    Steps to in&estigate+'0 %n&oices incorrectly reporte#+missing $rom trialbalance:

    1 Re&ie! the *ommon Problems section in this note

    2 %$ you are unable to resol&e this issue a$ter re&ie!ing the steps in thissection> please log an SR an# inclu#e the $ollo!ing:

    a Nhat is the in&oice problemX

    o R12 in&oices reporte# on the Trial Balance $or a speci'c supplier that arepai# an# shoul# not be reporte#

    o R12 in&oices reporte# on the Trial Balance $or a speci'c account that arepai# an# shoul# not be reporte#

    o %n&oices create# in R11i an# reporte# on Trial Balance in R11i> but 9OTreport on the R12 trial balance

    o %n&oices create# in R11i an# 9OT reporte# on Trial Balance in R11i> but

    reporte# on the R12 trial balance

    9ote: Mse the ne! Payment Status an# *ancelle# "ates column to i#enti$yully Pai# an# *ancelle# in&oices reporte# incorrectly

    b Pro&i#e the #ata $rom the Cet the e0ample problem in&oice #ata section

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    $rom this note

    c Mploa# the Accounts Payable Trial Balance report an# re;uest log output

    # Mploa# the ;uery results $rom the Cet the Trial Balance 'le+pacage&ersions section o$ this note

    9ote: An in&oice incorrectly reporte# on the Trial Balance #oes notnecessarily mean AP an# CL !ill not reconcile An in&oice can be incorrectlyreporte# on the Trial Balance #ue to incorrect accounting That incorrectaccounting !ill liely e0ist in AP an# CL> so they !ill be in balance

    Type 2: AP Trial Balance total #oes not reconcile !ith CL

    Steps to in&estigate+'0 AP Trial Balance total #oes not reconcile !ith CL:

    1 Re&ie! the *ommon Problems section in this note

    2 %$ you are unable to resol&e this issue a$ter re&ie!ing the steps in thissection> please log an SR an# inclu#e the $ollo!ing:

    a o! much is the out o$ balanceX

    b Nhen !as the last time the Trial balance !as in balanceX

    c %$ any problem in&oices ha&e been i#enti'e# as causing the out o$balance> pro&i#e the #ata $rom the Cet the e0ample problem in&oice #atasection $rom this note

    # Mploa# the Accounts Payable Trial Balance report an# re;uest log outputMploa# $or both the Croup by Account> "etail an# Croup by Account>Summary templates Mploa# $or the last month in balance an# the currentmonth out o$ balance

    e o! !as the out o$ balance calculate#X Mploa# an ?0cel sprea#sheet orother #ocumentation sho!ing the last month in balance an# the currentmonth out o$ balance

    9ote: A Reconciliation Sprea#sheet is a&ailable to assist !ith reconciling %$possible> please #o!nloa# the sprea#sheet> populate it !ith the re;ueste#in$ormation an# uploa# it to the SR *lic here to #o!nloa# the

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries



    $ Mploa# the Payables Poste# %n&oice Register an# Payables Poste#Payment Register $or the last month in balance an# the current month outo$ balance

    g Mploa# the ;uery results $rom the Cet the Trial Balance 'le+pacage&ersions section o$ this note

    h Mploa# the ;uery results $rom the Cet the Report "e'nition "ata sectiono$ this note

    i Mploa# the ;uery results $rom the ueries to *hec $or no!n %ssuessection o$ this note

     E Mploa# the ;uery results $rom the ueries to compare 8LA an# CL #atasection o$ this note

    Type 5: R12 Trial Balance #oes not reconcile !ith R114 Trial Balance a$terthe upgra#e

    1 Re&ie! the *ommon Problems section in this note

    2 %$ you are unable to resol&e this issue a$ter re&ie!ing the steps in thissection> please log an SR an# inclu#e the $ollo!ing:

    a Nhat is the R11i Trial Balance Amount RemainingX

    b Nhat is the R12 Open Account AP Balance Listing Amount RemainingX

    c Nhat is the #iWerenceX

    # %$ any problem in&oices ha&e been i#enti'e# as causing the out o$balance> pro&i#e the #ata $rom the Cet the e0ample problem in&oice#atasection $rom this note

    e Mploa# the R11i Accounts Payable Trial Balance !ith As o$ "ate G Last

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    #ay be$ore your upgra#e

    $ Mploa# the R12 Accounts Payable Trial Balance !ith As o$ "ate G Last #aybe$ore your upgra#ee Mploa# the results o$ uery 5 to sho! i$ upgra#e# #ata !as populate# inthe 0laFtrialFbalances table

    $ The R12 trial balance uses #ata $rom the R11i apFliabilityFbalance table toreport upgra#e# #ata Run the $ollo!ing ;uery to &eri$y the #ata e0iste#an# !as correct in R11i:

    uery ,: *hec the #ata in the apFliabilityFbalance table

    select setFo$FboosFi#> orgFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#>sum(n&l(accounte#Fcr>/)) cr> sum(n&l(accounte#F#r>/)) #r>

    sum(n&l(accounte#Fcr>/)) - sum(n&l(accounte#F#r>/)) #iW> count(J)$rom apFliabilityFbalancegroup by setFo$FboosFi#> orgFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#or#er by setFo$FboosFi#> orgFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#

    Cet the e0ample problem in&oice #ata

    1 Mploa# APList output $or some e0ample problem in&oices

    9ote: "o!nloa# an# apply Oracle "iagnostic patch 74,5 to get thelatest R12 %n&oice "ata *ollection (APList) co#e

    2 Cet the #ata $rom the 8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?S table

    The Trial Balance report uses the #ata $rom the 8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?S table6ae sure the #ata is populate# in this table

    (Cet the %n&oiceFi# $rom the APList)

    uery 4: Cet the 0laFtrialFbalances #ata $or an in&oice

    select J$rom 0laFtrialFbalances!here sourceFentityFi# in (select entityFi#$rom 0la0laFtransactionFentities 0te!here applicationFi# G 2//an# (

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    (entityFco#e G QAPF%9O%*?SQ an# sourceFi#FintF1 in (Yin&oiceFi#))))ORapplie#FtoFentityFi# in (select entityFi#

    $rom 0la0laFtransactionFentities 0te!here applicationFi# G 2//an# ((entityFco#e G QAPF%9O%*?SQ an# sourceFi#FintF1 in (Yin&oiceFi#))))

    5 Cet the apFliabilityFbalance #ata $or an upgra#e# in&oice

    uery 3: Cet the apFliabilityFbalance #ata

    select J$rom apFliabilityFbalance!here in&oiceFi# G Yin&oiceFi#

    , Cet the Trial Balance "iagnostic $or the problem in&oice

    "o!nloa# an# apply Oracle "iagnostic patch 741=374JJJ to get the latestR12 Trial Balance "iagnostic

    ollo! the instructions in 9ote 7217/1 to run the #iagnostic

    JJJThis patch is a&ailable through controlle# release Please contactsupport $or assistance !ith obtaining this patch

    Cet the Report "e'nition "ata

    17 Mploa# the Report "e'nition "ata

    uery =: Cet the Report "e'nition "ata

    S?L?*T JRO6 8LAFTBF"?%9%T%O9SFB

    S?L?*T J

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    RO6 8LAFTBF"?%9%T%O9SFTL

    S?L?*T JRO6 8LAFTBF"?9F"?TA%LS

    *ommon ProblemsSuble#ger Accounting create#> but not trans$erre# to CLSuble#ger Accounting trans$erre# to CL> but not poste# in CLThe trial balance Start "ate an# As o$ "ate #o not inclu#e the in&oice an#payment accountingThe Trial Balance !as ran $or a speci'c operating unit an# the Le#ger hasmultiple operating units The le#ger total !ill only inclu#e the amounts $orthe operating unit it !as ran $or

    %s the problem !ith upgra#e# #ataX (*hec the APList upgFbatchFi#column in 0laFe&ents an# 0laFaeFhea#ers)"o the APList accounting #ates $or the in&oice an# payment $all !ithin therange o$ the Start "ate an# As o$ "ate Trial Balance parametersXAre there ro!s in the 0laFtrialFbalances tablesX "o they loo correctX(or non-upgra#e# #ata) %$ #ata is missing $rom the 0laFtrialFbalancestable> #oes the #ata in 0laFaeFlines an# 0laF#istributionFlins loo OX(or upgra#e# #ata) %$ #ata is missing $rom the 0laFtrialFbalances table>#oes the #ata e0ist in the apFliabilityFbalance tableXRe&ie! the #e'nition #ata> #oes it loo lie the %n&oice+Payment shoul# beinclu#e# $or a report #e'nitionX "oes it has the same account+segment as#e'ne# $or the #e'nitionXeri$y the 0laapin&postupgs;l script !as ran See the *omplete Post-%nstall Steps $or Trial Balance Remo#el patch section o$ this note $orinstructions on ho! to run this scriptThe Accounts Payable Trial Balance CL total inclu#es manual an# nonLiability class entries $rom the Payables suble#ger> an# non-Payablessource entries in CL 6ae sure you e0clu#e those $rom the CL Balance i$you are trying to reconcile to that total(or upgra#e# #ata) Nere the R11i an# R12 reports ran !ith the sameparametersX Same Start "ateX Same As o$ "ateX Same accountX6ae sure the #ata is rebuilt See the o! to Rebuil# the Open Account APBalances Listing (Trial Balance) "ata section o$ this note $or instructions onho! to rebuil# the #ata an# &eri$y it has been rebuilt

    ueries to *hec $or no!n %ssues

    uery 7: in# ho! many trans$er runs #o not ha&e #ata in theglFimportFre$erences table

    #rop table subFgir

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    create table subFgir asselect #istinct glFslFlinFi#> EeFbatchFi#> EeFhea#erFi#> EeFlineFnum$rom glFimportFre$erences!here glFslFlinFtable G Q8LA.?LQor#er by 1

    *R?AT? %9"?8 subFgirFr1 O9 subFgir (glFslFlinFi#)

    *R?AT? %9"?8 subFgirFr2 O9 subFgir (EeFbatchFi#)

    *R?AT? %9"?8 subFgirFr5 O9 subFgir (EeFhea#erFi#)

    *R?AT? %9"?8 subFgirFr, O9 subFgir (EeFlineFnum)

    analye table appssubFgir compute statistics

    select count(J) $rom subFgir

    select 8?le#gerFi#> 0ehgroupFi#> 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e>0ehperio#Fname>0elJ$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el> subFgir gir> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh!here 0ehaeFhea#erFi# G 0elaeFhea#erFi#--an# 0elglFslFlinFi# is not nullan# 0elglFslFlinFi# G girglFslFlinFi#(V)an# 0elglFslFlinFtable G Q8LA.?LQan# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Qan# girglFslFlinFi# is 9MLLan# 0elaccountingFclassFco#e G QL%AB%L%T@Qan# 0ehapplicationFi# G 2//or#er by 0ehle#gerFi# asc> 0ehgroupFi# #esc

    An# uery to 'n# AP #ata in the glFimportFre$erences table that no longere0ists in 0laFaeFlines table

    select substr(gEbname>1>54) name> gEhperio#Fname> gEhle#gerFi#>girJ$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el> subFgir gir> glFEeFhea#ers gEh > glFEeFbatches gEb!here 0elglFslFlinFi#(V) G girglFslFlinFi#an# gEbEeFbatchFi# G girEeFbatchFi#an# 0elapplicationFi#(V) G 2//an# gEhEeFhea#erFi# G girEeFhea#erFi#an# 0elglFslFlinFi#(V) G girglFslFlinFi#

    an# 0elglFslFlinFtable(V) G Q8LA.?LQan# gEhEeFsource G QPayablesQan# 0elglFslFlinFi# is 9MLLor#er by girEeFbatchFi# #esc

    uery *hec $or #ata in the 0laFtrialFbalances table that #oesmatch+e0ist in 0laFaeFlines

    select 0tbJ

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    $rom(select 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#> 0ehaccountingF#ate>0elico#eFcombinationFi#> sum(accounte#F#r) 0elF#r> sum(accounte#Fcr)0elFcr> count(J)$rom 0laFaeFlines 0eli> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh!here 0eliaeFhea#erFi# G 0ehaeFhea#erFi#

    an# 0ehapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0eliaccountingFclassFco#e G QL%AB%L%T@Qan# 0ehe&entFtypeFco#e UG Q6A9MALQan# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Qgroup by 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#> 0ehaccountingF#ate>0elico#eFcombinationFi#) 0el>(select #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#> aeFhea#erFi#>glF#ate>sum(acct#Funroun#e#F#r) 0tbF#r> sum(acct#Funroun#e#Fcr) 0tbFcr> count(J)$rom 0laFtrialFbalancesgroup by #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#> aeFhea#erFi#>glF#ate) 0tb

    !here 1G1an# 0tbaeFhea#erFi# G 0elaeFhea#erFi#(V)an# n&l(0tb0tbF#r> /) - n&l(0tb0tbFcr> /)G n&l(0el0elF#r(V)>/)-n&l(0el0elFcr(V)>/)an# 0tble#gerFi# G 0elle#gerFi#(V)an# 0tbco#eFcombinationFi# G 0elco#eFcombinationFi#(V)an# trunc(0tbglF#ate) G trunc(0elaccountingF#ate(V))an# 0elaeFhea#erFi# is 9MLLor#er by 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> glF#ate #esc

    An# *hec $or #ata in the 0laFaeFlines table that #oes match+e0ist in0laFtrialFbalances table

    select 0elJ$rom(select 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#> 0ehaccountingF#ate>0elico#eFcombinationFi#> sum(accounte#F#r) 0elF#r> sum(accounte#Fcr)0elFcr> count(J)$rom 0laFaeFlines 0eli> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh!here 0eliaeFhea#erFi# G 0ehaeFhea#erFi#an# 0ehapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0eliaccountingFclassFco#e G QL%AB%L%T@Qan# 0ehe&entFtypeFco#e UG Q6A9MALQan# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Qgroup by 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#> 0ehaccountingF#ate>

    0elico#eFcombinationFi#) 0el>(select #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#> aeFhea#erFi#>glF#ate>sum(acct#Funroun#e#F#r) 0tbF#r> sum(acct#Funroun#e#Fcr) 0tbFcr> count(J)$rom 0laFtrialFbalancesgroup by #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> co#eFcombinationFi#> aeFhea#erFi#>glF#ate) 0tb!here 1G1an# 0tbaeFhea#erFi#(V) G 0elaeFhea#erFi#

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    an# n&l(0tb0tbF#r(V)> /) - n&l(0tb0tbFcr(V)> /)G n&l(0el0elF#r>/)-n&l(0el0elFcr>/)an# 0tble#gerFi#(V) G 0elle#gerFi#an# 0tbco#eFcombinationFi#(V) G 0elco#eFcombinationFi#an# trunc(0tbglF#ate(V)) G trunc(0elaccountingF#ate)an# 0tbaeFhea#erFi# is 9MLL

    or#er by accountingF#ate #esc

    uery 1/: *hec $or #ata in 0laFtrialFbalances an# 9OT inAPFSLAF%9O%*?SFTRA9SA*T%O9Fselect J$rom 0laFtrialFbalances tb!here 9OT e0ists (select 1$rom APFSLAF%9O%*?SFTRA9SA*T%O9F ti&> 0la0laFtransactionFentities 0te!here n&l(tbapplie#FtoFentityFi#>tbsourceFentityFi#)G0teentityFi#an# 0teentityFco#eGQAPF%9O%*?SQan# n&l(0tesourceFi#FintF1>-)Gti&in&oiceFi#

    an# 0teapplicationFi#GtbsourceFapplicationFi#)an# tbsourceFapplicationFi#G2//an# tbco#eFcombinationFi# G Ycci#an# tble#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#or#er by tb#e'nitionFco#e> tble#gerFi#

    uery 11: *hec $or in&oices !ith bug =7=1,24 (partyFsiteFi# is 9MLL $ornon-employees)

    select aiJ$rom apFin&oicesFall ai> hFparties ZP > hFpartyFsites ZPS>apFsuppliersas1!here aipartyFsiteFi# is 9MLLan# n&l(aihistoricalF[ag> Q9Q) G Q9Qan# A%&en#orFi# G AS1&en#orFi#(V)an# A%partyFi# G ZPpartyFi#an# A%partyFsiteFi# G ZPSpartyFsiteFi#(V)an# AS1employeeFi# is nullan# ZPSpartyFsiteFi# is null

    uery 12: *hec $or in&oices !ith bug =/1211 (Payment Re;uest %n&oices)

    select 0teentityFi#> 0ee&entFi#> 0ee&entF#ate>aiin&oiceFi#> ai&en#orFi#> ai&en#orFsiteFi#>

    aipartyFi#> aipartyFsiteFi#$rom apFin&oicesFall ai> 0laFe&ents 0e>0la0laFtransactionFentities 0te!here aiin&oiceFtypeFlooupFco#e G QPA@6?9T R?M?STQan# ai&en#orFi# \ /an# 0teentityFco#e G QAPF%9O%*?SQan# 0tesourceFi#FintF1 G aiin&oiceFi#an# 0eentityFi# G 0teentityFi#or#er by aiin&oiceFi#> 0ee&entFi#

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    uery 15: *hec $or 6A9MAL suble#ger Eournal entries

    select #istinct 0ee&entFi#> 0eapplicationFi#> 0ee&entFtypeFco#e>0ee&entF#ate> 0eentityFi#> 0ee&entFstatusFco#e>0eprocessFstatusFco#e> 0eupgFbatchFi#> 0ebu#getaryFcontrolF[ag>

    0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#> 0ehaccountingF#ate> 0eh#escription>0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0ehaccountingFentryFstatusFco#e>0elglFslFlinFi#> 0elaccountingFclassFco#e> 0elpartyFi#> 0elpartyFsiteFi#>0elaccounte#F#r> 0elaccounte#Fcr$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh> 0laFe&ents 0e!here 0eapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0ee&entFtypeFco#e G Q6A9MALQan# 0elco#eFcombinationFi# G Ycci#an# 0ehle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#an# 0elaccountingFclassFco#e G QL%AB%L%T@Qan# 0ehe&entFi# G 0ee&entFi#an# 0ehaeFhea#erFi# G 0elaeFhea#erFi#

    or#er by 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ee&entFi#> 0ehaeFhea#erFi#>0ehaccountingF#ate

    See 9ote 3/4=/=1 $or e0planation o$ ho! manual entries can aWectreconciliation

    uery 1,: *hec $or all #ata in the 0laFtrialFbalances table !ithe&entFclassFco#e G PA@6?9TS an# the applie#FtoFentityFi# is 9MLL

    select J$rom 0laFtrialFbalances!here applie#FtoFentityFi# is 9MLLan# e&entFclassFco#e G QPA@6?9TSQor#er by #e'nitionFco#e

    select #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> e&entFclassFco#e> sourceFapplicationFi#>#eco#e(sourceFentityFi#> 9MLL> Q9MLLQ> Q9OT 9MLLQ)>#eco#e(applie#FtoFentityFi#> 9MLL> Q9MLLQ> Q9OT 9MLLQ)>count(J)$rom 0laFtrialFbalancesgroup by #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#> e&entFclassFco#e>sourceFapplicationFi#>#eco#e(sourceFentityFi#> 9MLL> Q9MLLQ> Q9OT 9MLLQ)>#eco#e(applie#FtoFentityFi#> 9MLL> Q9MLLQ> Q9OT 9MLLQ)or#er by #e'nitionFco#e> le#gerFi#

    uery 14: *hec $or Orphan ro!s in the 0laFaeFlines table

    select J$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el!here 9OT e0ists (select 1$rom 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh!here 0elaeFhea#erFi# G 0ehaeFhea#erFi#)

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    an# 0elapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0elco#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# 0elle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#

    uery 13: *hec $or Eournal entries !ith 9on Liability accounting entry classco#es:

    select 0ehapplicationFi#> 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehperio#Fname> gpsstartF#ate>0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0elaccountingFclassFco#e>0elJ$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh> glFperio#Fstatuses gps!here 1G1an# 0elapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0ehaeFhea#erFi# G 0elaeFhea#erFi#an# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Qan# gpsperio#Fname(V) G 0ehperio#Fnamean# gpsle#gerFi#(V) G 0ehle#gerFi#an# gpsapplicationFi#(V) G 2//

    an# co#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# 0ehle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#an# 0elaccountingFclassFco#e UG QL%AB%L%T@Qor#er by 2>,

    uery 1=: uery to chec $or upgra#e# accounting trans$erre# a$terupgra#e (9ote 1/2151)

    select #istinct aehaccountingFe&entFi#> aehaeFhea#erFi#> aehorgFi#>aehsetFo$FboosFi#> aehperio#Fname> aehglFtrans$erF[ag>haeFhea#erFi#> hle#gerFi#> hperio#Fname>haccountingFentryFstatusFco#e> hglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> hgroupFi#>0teentityFi#> 0teentityFco#e> 0tesourceFi#FintF1> 0tesecurityFi#FintF1>0tetransactionFnumber$rom 0laFaeFlines l> 0laFaeFhea#ers h> apFaeFhea#ersFall aeh> 0laFtransactionFentitiesFupg 0te!here happlicationFi# G 2//an# 0teentityFi# G hentityFi#an# he&entFi#(V) G aehaccountingFe&entFi#an# n&l(aehglFtrans$erF[ag>Q8Q) UG Q@Qan# laeFhea#erFi# G haeFhea#erFi#an# hupgFbatchFi# is 9OT 9MLLan# n&l(h#escription>Q8Q) UG QR114 Mpgra#eQ

    ueries to compare 8LA an# CL #ata

    Run ;ueries to chec #ata in AP an# CL

    uery 17: Run the $ollo!ing ;uery to get the account cci#

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    S?L?*T JRO6 glFco#eFcombinationsN?R? 1G1an# segment1 G QYsegment1Qan# segment2 G QYsegment2Q

    an# segment5 G QYsegment5Qan# segment, G QYsegment,Qan# segment4 G QYsegment4Q

    uery 1: Please run the $ollo!ing ;uery to sho! the Liability accounttotals in CL (glFEeFlines):

    select gEhperio#Fname> gpsstartF#ate> gEhEeFsource> gEhle#gerFi#>gEhstatus>gElco#eFcombinationFi#> sum(accounte#F#r)> sum(accounte#Fcr)> count(J)$rom glFEeFlines gEl> glFEeFhea#ers gEh> glFEeFbatches gEb> glFperio#Fstatusesgps

    !here gElEeFhea#erFi# G gEhEeFhea#erFi#an# gpsperio#Fname(V) G gEhperio#Fnamean# gpsle#gerFi#(V) G gEhle#gerFi#an# gpsapplicationFi# G 2//an# gEbEeFbatchFi# G gEhEeFbatchFi#an# co#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# gEhle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#group by gEhperio#Fname>gpsstartF#ate> gEhEeFsource> gEhle#gerFi#>gEhstatus>gElco#eFcombinationFi#or#er by gEhEeFsource> gpsstartF#ate

    9ote: eri$y the entries are poste#> Status G P

    uery 2/: Please run the $ollo!ing ;uery to sho! the Liability accounttotals in CL (glFbalances):

    select J$rom glFbalances!here 1G1an# co#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# le#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#or#er by perio#Fyear> perio#Fnum uery 21: Please run the $ollo!ing ;ueryto sho! the Liability account totals in AP (0laFaeFlines):

    select 0ehapplicationFi#> 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehperio#Fname> gpsstartF#ate>0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0elaccountingFclassFco#e>0elco#eFcombinationFi#> sum(0elaccounte#F#r)> sum(0elaccounte#Fcr)>count(J)$rom 0laFaeFlines 0el> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh> glFperio#Fstatuses gps!here 1G1an# 0elapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0ehaeFhea#erFi# G 0elaeFhea#erFi#an# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Q

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    an# gpsperio#Fname(V) G 0ehperio#Fnamean# gpsle#gerFi#(V) G 0ehle#gerFi#an# gpsapplicationFi#(V) G 2//an# co#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# 0ehle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#group by 0ehapplicationFi#> 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehperio#Fname>

    0elaccountingFclassFco#e>gpsstartF#ate> 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0elco#eFcombinationFi#or#er by 0elaccountingFclassFco#e> gpsstartF#ate 9ote: OnlyaccountingFclassFco#e G Liability !ill be inclu#e# in the Trial BalanceReport totals

    uery 22: Please run the $ollo!ing ;uery to sho! the Liability accounttotals in AP (0laFtrialFbalances):

    select 0ehapplicationFi#> 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehperio#Fname> gpsstartF#ate>0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0tbe&entFclassFco#e>0tbsourceFapplicationFi#> 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> co#eFcombinationFi#>

    toFchar(glF#ate> Q6O9-@@Q)>sum(acct#Funroun#e#F#r)> sum(acct#Funroun#e#Fcr)> count(J)$rom 0laFtrialFbalances 0tb> 0laFaeFhea#ers 0eh> glFperio#Fstatuses gps!here 1G1an# 0ehapplicationFi# G 2//an# 0ehaeFhea#erFi# G 0tbaeFhea#erFi#an# 0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e G Q@Qan# gpsperio#Fname(V) G 0ehperio#Fnamean# gpsle#gerFi#(V) G 0ehle#gerFi#an# gpsapplicationFi#(V) G 2//an# co#eFcombinationFi# in (Ycci#)an# 0ehle#gerFi# G Yle#gerFi#group by 0ehapplicationFi#> 0ehle#gerFi#> 0ehperio#Fname>gpsstartF#ate>0ehglFtrans$erFstatusFco#e> 0tbe&entFclassFco#e>0tbsourceFapplicationFi#> 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> co#eFcombinationFi#>toFchar(glF#ate> Q6O9-@@Q)or#er by 0tb#e'nitionFco#e> gpsstartF#ate> 0tbe&entFclassFco#e

    A##itional Troubleshooting 'les+#ata:

    %$ the steps abo&e #o not resol&e the issue> the $ollo!ing a##itionalin$ormation may be nee#e#:

    1 Cet the trace $or the Trial Balance process

    The Trial Balance report #oes not #irectly use the #ata $rom the8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?S tables %t taes the #ata $rom the8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?S tables an# inserts it intothe Clobal Temporary 8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?SFCT table %$ there is a problem!ith that part o$ the co#e> a trace 'le may be nee#e# to troubleshoot

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    a Submit the Trial Balance $or the problem supplier to limit the sie o$ thetrace an# use the trace instructions $rom:

    9ote ,475=11 - o! To Cet The R12 Trace+"ebug ileX

    b *reate a copy o$ the 8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?SFCT table

    create table copyF8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?SFCT asselect J$rom 8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?SFCT!here 1 G2

    c %nsert the #ata

    Cet the insert $rom the trace an# mo#i$y the insert to insert intocopyF8LAFTR%ALFBALA9*?SFCT

    an# replace the bin# &ariable in the script !ith the actual &alues

    # uery the #ata Please uploa# the output $ormatte# in an ?0cel 'le:

    select J$rom copyF0laFtrialFbalancesFgt

    2 Re&ie! the RT 'le

    Mploa# the RT 'le that correspon#s to template ie Template G AccountsPayable Trial Balance - Croup by Account> "etail correspon#s toAPTBRPT/2rt$ Open the 'le in 6S NOR""o the $ollo!ing to 'n# the column name that maps to the template 'el#name:

    a Open the RT 'le in 6S NOR"

    b Right clic on the 'el# name H *lic on Properties H A## elp Te0t

    5 an# 86L output

    in# the report output in the ie! Re;uest $orm> *lic on the "iagnosticsbuttonan# select ie! 86L

    Cet the Trial Balance 'le+pacage &ersions

    Mploa# Trial balance 'le+pacage &ersions:

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    Log in to ser&er> set en&ironment> an# #o the $ollo!ing:

    c# I8LAFTOP+patch+114+publisher+templates+MS+

    strings -a 8LAAPRPT/1rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report

    6o#e patch 132453strings -a 8LAAPRPT/2rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report6o#e patch 132453strings -a 8LAAPRPT/5rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report6o#e patch 132453strings -a 8LAAPRPT/,rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report6o#e patch 132453strings -a 8LAAPRPT/4rt$ grep ea#er --HApplicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a 8LAAPRPT/3rt$ grep ea#er --HApplicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453

    c# IAPFTOP+patch+114+publisher+templates+MS+

    strings -a APTBRPT/1rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a APTBRPT/2rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a APTBRPT/5rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a APTBRPT/,rt$ grep ea#er --H9ot Applicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a APTBRPT/4rt$ grep ea#er --HApplicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453strings -a APTBRPT/3rt$ grep ea#er --HApplicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453

    c# I8LAFTOP+patch+114+publisher+#e$s+

    strings -a 8LATBRPT0ml grep ea#er

    strings -a 8LAAPRPT0ml grep ea#er --HApplicable a$ter Report 6o#epatch 132453

    c# I8LAFTOP+patch+114+0#$

    strings -a 0laFtrialFbalancesFgt0#$ grep ea#er

    c# IAPFTOP+patch+114+0#$

    strings -a apFslaFin&oicesFtransactionF&0#$ grep ea#er

  • 8/19/2019 XLA - GL Queries


    uery 25: Cet the Trial Balance pacage &ersions

    select J$rom #baFsource


    ATT?9T%O9: Oracle Payables *ommunity .oin our gro!ing Payables

    *ommunity an# learn $rom your peers an# Oracle on ho! to a##ress youruni;ue issues in AP


    Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open Account AP Balance

    Listing) issues in R12 ]%" 445,7,1^