
1. [email protected] 2. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus2 3. IT 30 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus3 4. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus4 5. class Launcher def initialize( app_map ) @app_map = app_map end # Execute the given file using the associate app def run( file_name ) application = select_app( file_name ) system( "#{application} #{file_name}" ) end # Given a file, look up the matching application def select_app( file_name ) ftype = file_type( file_name ) @app_map[ ftype ] end # Return the part of the file name string after the last '.' def file_type( file_name ) File.extname( file_name ).gsub( /^./, '' ).downcase end end java 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus5 6. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus6 7. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus7 8. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus8 9. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus9 10. Fathering Japan Tech Plus10 11. Tech Plus11 12. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus12 13. 2/16/14Simple Tech Plus13