Page 1: 小马公开课  —4 月写作题目 串讲 吕竹林

小马托福 400-663-1986



小马公开课 — 4 月写作题目串讲吕竹林

Page 2: 小马公开课  —4 月写作题目 串讲 吕竹林

小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 1 :比较级题目It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

Teaching is harder than it was in the past. 今昔对比Should the government support artists or should artists support themselves? 二选一

Page 3: 小马公开课  —4 月写作题目 串讲 吕竹林

小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 1 :比较级题目It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.结构一:同意开头: agree主体段 1 : a secure is more stable

主体段 2 : a secure job has less pressure


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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 1 :比较级题目It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.结构二 不同意开头: disagree主体段 1 : a high job gives us more money

主体段 2 : a high job which is easy to lose is more challenging

主体段 3 : even if we lose the job, we can find another job

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 1 :比较级题目It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.开头:不同意让步:诚然,生活在小城市的人,可以选择低工资有保障的工作 。 转折:但是,生活在大城市的人,可以选择高工资的工作虽然容易丢。结尾:重申观点

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :绝对词题目In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.

Newspaper and magazine is the best way for people to learn about a foreign country. 最高级Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends? a. joining a sports team, b. participate in community activities, c. traveling 三选一

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :绝对词题目Newspaper and magazine is the best way for people to learn about a foreign country. 最高级使用结构 1 :开头: agree主体段 1: the price of newspaper and magazine is low主体段 2: newspaper and magazine introduces all aspects of a foreign country 主体段 3: the introduction in the newspaper and magazine is objective结尾: repeat your position

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :绝对词题目Newspaper and magazine is the best way for people to learn about a foreign country. 最高级使用结构 2 :结构二:开头: disagree 主体段 1 : surfing the internet 主体段 2 : watching TV and movies 主体段 3: travelling to a foreign country

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :绝对词题目Newspaper and magazine is the best way for people to learn about a foreign country. 最高级使用结构 3结构三:开头: disagree 让步段: for people who do not have lots of money and time, reading newspaper and magazine is a good way转折段: for people who have lots of money and spare time, travelling is a better way 结尾: repeat your position

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :绝对词题目In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.开头:不同意让步:诚然,对那些有经济实力的大公司,可以在广告上花更多的钱 转折 : 但是,对那些小公司,应该把更多钱放在提高产品质量,从而赢得好口碑结尾:重申观点

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 3 :隐藏绝对词题目Technology designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.

In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books any more.

People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help form their family members so there is no need for government to help.


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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 3 :隐藏绝对词题目Technology designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.开头:不同意让步: Some technologies that were designed our life simpler make our life more complicated –Internet technology转折: Some technologies make our life simpler—transportation technology and medical technology结尾:重申观点


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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 2 :隐藏绝对词题目People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’s no need for the government to help them.结构一开头: Disagree主体段 1: 当人们受到伤害,法律会保护我们的合法权益和利益。主体段 2: 在政府的帮助下,人们可以更好地解决问题。主体段 3: 有些问题是个人解决不了的。比如公共设施:马路,公园等

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Type 3 :隐藏绝对词题目People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’s no need for the government to help them.结构二开头: disagree让步段: some problems can only be solved by people themselves or with the help form family members, such as emotional problems.转折段: some public problems cannot be solved without the help from the government, such as environmental problems结尾: repeat your position

Page 15: 小马公开课  —4 月写作题目 串讲 吕竹林

小马托福 400-663-1986


Internet 网络的优势人类发展史上最重要的发明之一,带来了诸多好处1.方便信息收集2.提高工作效率3.改变人们生活方式

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小马托福 400-663-1986


It is universally acknowledged that Internet is one of the most significant inventions in the history of social development. Never should we disregard the considerable benefits brought about by internet, one of which is that internet is a huge library from which we can obtain oceans of information.

For illustration, during the process of writing our papers, it is likely that much time will be wasted in library, seeking for the reference books we want. However, thanks to internet, no sooner had we typed the key words in the blanks of some searching engines like Google or Bing than we were able to acquire the information we want.

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Another advantage of internet is that internet has greatly enhanced the productivity of work for the reason that various working software, such as Microsoft office and translators, is being designed every second.

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Last, internet has changed modern citizens’ life styles as well as . We can relax ourselves by listening to music, by watching movies, by playing interesting games online and even by shopping at Taobao or E-bay.

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小马托福 400-663-1986


网络带来的问题1.诱惑多,沉迷网络2. 对健康有害3.个人信息不安全

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小马托福 400-663-1986


However, every coin has two sides, so is Internet. Internet is imbued with different kinds of temptations, which distracts people, especially children , from study and work. What’s worse, teenagers, who lack self discipline, are likely to get addicted into computer games, which may result in serious consequences. It is not unusual to hear that some teenager is found dead in a net bar without sleeping for several days.

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Sitting in front of computers for a long time exerts negative impacts on health, both physically and mentally. People are vulnerable to spin al diseases and near sight. More often than not, naïve kids, who are not capable of distinguishing the bad and the good, will absorb all kinds of information that appears in the internet, which may twist their characteristics or mentality.

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小马托福 400-663-1986


Lastly, our classified documents or personal information, like password of credit cards, would be stolen by hackers once our computers are infected with virus.

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小马托福 400-663-1986


万能理由—环境 , 医疗

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小马托福 400-663-1986


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