Page 1: 英語教育と異文化・自文化理解  中村耕二

英語教育と異文化・自文化理解       中村耕二中村耕二


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外国語教育と異文化理解・自文化理解  Koji Nakamura

外国語教育は外国語教育は他者を理解し、自己を説明できる他者を理解し、自己を説明できる能力を開発し、異文化間コミュニケーションや能力を開発し、異文化間コミュニケーションや国際理解に至る言語文化教育国際理解に至る言語文化教育である。である。広義には、広義には、外国語教育は人類の共存のためのコミュニケー外国語教育は人類の共存のためのコミュニケーション能力を育むション能力を育む人間教育人間教育であるである (( 中村2006)。中村2006)。

国際言語文化センター言語教育の目的 Goal 2: To foster To foster cross-cultural awareness cross-cultural awareness and and

understanding. The program enables students to understanding. The program enables students to cultivate global perspectives by providing cultivate global perspectives by providing opportunities for them to carefully consider their opportunities for them to carefully consider their own culture while they learn about other cultureown culture while they learn about other culture..

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「グロ-バル化時代に求められる高等教育のあり方について」の大学審議会答申( 2000 年11




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進行役 Supervisor監督


Action Researcher授業改善の研究者Learner

学習者 Participant




Cultural Informant文化提供者


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Children working on Philippine banana plantationChildren working on Philippine banana plantation BACON David, 20 August 2007BACON David, 20 August 2007 More information on this website : information on this website : Very telling pictures are accomapaning this article on David Bacon’s website, as well as other Very telling pictures are accomapaning this article on David Bacon’s website, as well as other

pictures on the Philippines. To see them, click the link above, or here: pictures on the Philippines. To see them, click the link above, or here:

SAN JOSE CAMPOSTELA, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES — In the Soyapa Farms banana SAN JOSE CAMPOSTELA, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES — In the Soyapa Farms banana groves, Jane (11) and Alan Algoso (9) cut dead leaves away from the stems of the trees with groves, Jane (11) and Alan Algoso (9) cut dead leaves away from the stems of the trees with large knives. The two children make 50 pesos a day. “My mom works here on the farm,” Jane large knives. The two children make 50 pesos a day. “My mom works here on the farm,” Jane says, “and my grandparents have land here. We give our money to our family.”says, “and my grandparents have land here. We give our money to our family.”

At six in the morning, five children from 11 to 17 years old, huddle in a circle at one side of the At six in the morning, five children from 11 to 17 years old, huddle in a circle at one side of the Soyapa Farms packing shed. They flatten out and recycle the sheets of plastic which are Soyapa Farms packing shed. They flatten out and recycle the sheets of plastic which are inserted between banana bunches as they grow, to keep them apart. Children get 2 centavos inserted between banana bunches as they grow, to keep them apart. Children get 2 centavos for each sheet they save, making sometimes as much as 50 pesos a dayfor each sheet they save, making sometimes as much as 50 pesos a day

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Culture 由来と定義文化 (Culture) はラテン語の cultura から由来  耕作、精神の耕作


Culture is a Culture is a shared background shared background (national, ethnic, religious) resulting (national, ethnic, religious) resulting from from a common language and a common language and communication style, customs, communication style, customs, beliefs, attitudes, and values.beliefs, attitudes, and values.   

(Levine and Adelman, 1993)(Levine and Adelman, 1993)23/04/2023/04/20 77

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文化の定義 ベネディクトとギアツ““Culture is personality writ large.” Ruth Culture is personality writ large.” Ruth

Benedict Benedict ((Patterns of Culture, 1934)Patterns of Culture, 1934) 「菊と刀」に見られるベネディクトの文化相対主義者 「菊と刀」に見られるベネディクトの文化相対主義者   「 「文化文化とは要するに,私たち人間がとは要するに,私たち人間が自分たち自身自分たち自身

について語る物語の集積について語る物語の集積である.」 である.」  (Geertz, (Geertz, 1973)1973)

「「文化文化は象徴に表現される意味のパターンで、歴史的には象徴に表現される意味のパターンで、歴史的に伝承されるものであり、人間が生活に関する知識と態度伝承されるものであり、人間が生活に関する知識と態度を伝承し、永続させ、発展させるために用いるを伝承し、永続させ、発展させるために用いる象徴的な象徴的な形式に表現され伝承される概念の体系 形式に表現され伝承される概念の体系 (ギアツ(ギアツ『『文化の文化の解釈学解釈学』』 p.148,1987p.148,1987 年)。年)。  解釈人類学者のギアツ解釈人類学者のギアツ

 ( ( Geertz, Clifford. Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of CulturesThe Interpretation of Cultures.. 1973 1973 ))23/04/2023/04/20 88

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Cultural Relativism 文化相対主義

    In general, cultural relativism is an In general, cultural relativism is an anthropological and humanistic attitude that anthropological and humanistic attitude that social manners and customs should be social manners and customs should be described objectively and understood from the described objectively and understood from the perspective of their social and cultural context.perspective of their social and cultural context.

Ethnocentrism 自民族中心主義

An idea or viewpoint that “one’s own ethnic An idea or viewpoint that “one’s own ethnic group or its culture is the center of everything. group or its culture is the center of everything. These people or group believe that they are These people or group believe that they are superior to others and their cultures are the superior to others and their cultures are the best. best. 23/04/2023/04/20 99

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OrientalismOrientalism   オリエンタリズム(西洋中心の東洋(西洋中心の東洋観)観)

Said (1978) argued that European culture gained in Said (1978) argued that European culture gained in strength and identity by setting itself of against the strength and identity by setting itself of against the Orient as a sort of surrogate and even underground Orient as a sort of surrogate and even underground self, self, defining Orientalism as a Western style for defining Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient. the Orient.           

                         OrientalismOrientalism (Said, 1978) (Said, 1978) オリエンタリズムとはオリエンタリズムとは東洋を支配し、再構築し、東東洋を支配し、再構築し、東


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異文化理解に関するリタラシー文化リタラシー文化リタラシー (Cultural Literacy)(Cultural Literacy) :: 自文化を認識する能力で、社会の成員が共有し、社会の運営に有効と認識さ自文化を認識する能力で、社会の成員が共有し、社会の運営に有効と認識さ

れるために維持しようとする事柄についての知識運用能力れるために維持しようとする事柄についての知識運用能力 (Hirsch, 1987) (Hirsch, 1987)

異文化間リタラシー 異文化間リタラシー (Cross-cultural Literacy)(Cross-cultural Literacy) :: 異なる文化的背景を持つ者同士が出会い、交流する際の相互の文化的伝達能異なる文化的背景を持つ者同士が出会い、交流する際の相互の文化的伝達能

力、理解能力、そして調整能力(本名、力、理解能力、そして調整能力(本名、 19971997 )。 )。 異質なものに共感し、多元的な視点を持ち、他者の立場に立って考えること異質なものに共感し、多元的な視点を持ち、他者の立場に立って考えること


異文化間トレランス異文化間トレランス (Cross-cultural Tolerance):(Cross-cultural Tolerance):    異なる他者を受け入れる能力や異文化間での異なることへの寛容性。異なる他者を受け入れる能力や異文化間での異なることへの寛容性。     


多文化リタラシー  多文化リタラシー  (Multi-cultural literacy)(Multi-cultural literacy) :: 国際化、多文化化という国際社会の変化に対応し、多文化共存を目指す社会国際化、多文化化という国際社会の変化に対応し、多文化共存を目指す社会

に生きる人々に求められる能力や資質に生きる人々に求められる能力や資質 (Banks, 1994)(Banks, 1994)

地球市民としての異文化理解・国際理解の方向性地球市民としての異文化理解・国際理解の方向性 Cultural Identities with trans-cultural and transnational /supra-nationalCultural Identities with trans-cultural and transnational /supra-national Perspectives (People with several homes) ex. Donald Keen & Said Perspectives (People with several homes) ex. Donald Keen & Said


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多文化との共生のために必要なこと1 1 AwarenessAwareness  文化に対する問題意識 文化に対する問題意識 1 Understanding 1 Understanding explicit cultures and implicit cultures of one’s explicit cultures and implicit cultures of one’s

home culture and that of other cultures home culture and that of other cultures is a lifetime is a lifetime commitment. commitment. (( 自文化アイデンティティの認識と異文化理解)自文化アイデンティティの認識と異文化理解)

2. 2. Stereotypes and prejudice Stereotypes and prejudice come from lack of information and come from lack of information and direct contact. We can avoid negative stereotypes and prejudice direct contact. We can avoid negative stereotypes and prejudice with cultural relativism, cultural sensitivity and trans-cultural with cultural relativism, cultural sensitivity and trans-cultural perspectives. perspectives. (固定観念と偏見)(固定観念と偏見)

3. 3. Cultural borders Cultural borders are not where civilizations clash but where are not where civilizations clash but where civilizations flourish with cultural diversity.civilizations flourish with cultural diversity.


2 Respect 2 Respect  文化に対する尊敬の念 文化に対する尊敬の念 To be respected we must respect others with cultural sensitivity. To be respected we must respect others with cultural sensitivity. Even if we don’t understand other cultures we can respect each other. Even if we don’t understand other cultures we can respect each other.

Respect is a good start Respect is a good start for inter/cross-cultural communication. for inter/cross-cultural communication.                                       

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多文化との共生に必要なこと3 Communication 3 Communication  コミュニケーション能力 コミュニケーション能力 1. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills 1. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills

with active listening have a dramatic power. with active listening have a dramatic power. 2. Communication overcomes2. Communication overcomes, ignorance, indifference, , ignorance, indifference,

intolerance, prejudice and xenophobiaintolerance, prejudice and xenophobia. .

4 Reconciliation4 Reconciliation  和解する能力 和解する能力 We can reconcile from mutual strength in order to We can reconcile from mutual strength in order to integrate integrate

seemingly opposing values seemingly opposing values on a higher level. on a higher level. We can reframe a new cross-cultural perspective beyond We can reframe a new cross-cultural perspective beyond

particularism and universalism through reconciliation and particularism and universalism through reconciliation and integration integration                     

                                                        (Nakamura 2002)(Nakamura 2002)

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The Preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

The Union contributes to the preservation and to the The Union contributes to the preservation and to the development of these common values development of these common values while while respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions of the people of Europe as well as the national of the people of Europe as well as the national identities of the Member Statesidentities of the Member States and the organization and the organization of their public authorities at national, regional and local of their public authorities at national, regional and local levels; it seeks to promote balanced and sustainable levels; it seeks to promote balanced and sustainable development and ensures free movement of persons, development and ensures free movement of persons, services, goods, and capital, and the freedom of services, goods, and capital, and the freedom of establishment.establishment.   

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