

, .. -... ? ?

15-20 , . , 2008 , 13 , 2010 - 15,5 , 2013 - 17 .

15-20 , . , 2008 , 13 , 2010 - 15,5 , 2013 - 17 .




Google - only english

- , , .

, , . - Connecting People. . , .



Mobile is not a fad. . 60% . 3 , 7 2010 . (Source: ComScore US Mobile App Report, August 2014). (Source: eMarketer 2014).




% % : Mary Meeker, Internet Trends 2014

. .

, , , . - .


. We use our phones everywhere and all the time. I could keep sharing stats with you about how mobile growth is growing, and on and on, but youre here because you know that.

77% 34

: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine

-> 8 10 .

25 - 89%25 - 34 - 84%

31%Google Confidential and Proprietary

V10. Have you actually purchased a media & entertainment products brand you would not normally purchase because of relevant information available on your smartphone in the moment?

Base: Conducted Research On Smartphone/ Media & Entertainment Products Vertical Asked N=145



: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine

Proprietary + Confidential

online : The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine77%

7 10

are researchingonline only12%


1,1 {

2015 1,1 ,

2013 57%


50% 15% 86%

emarketer 2015: whats in store for the coming year all US data

Here is your mobile moment, the point when mobile queries surpass desktop queries. Mobile isnt the exception, its the norm. And if you arent getting prepared for this moment, youre already behind.


: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine

28% *: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine*



: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine


: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine


Before we start, lets run a little test for your mobile site.

INTERNAL INSTRUCTION FOR PRESENTERFrictionless Experience ExerciseInstruct participants to pull out their phone, put themselves in theconsumers shoes and load their mobile site versus their competitors and count the seconds it takes to load each2. Give them 30 sec to complete3. Questions post-exercise

There are three simple steps marketers can take to eliminate speed bumps and ensure every customers need for speed is met:

Eliminate StepsAnticipate NeedsLoad like Lightening

Lets walk through each step

( -)

( -)

(Safari, Chrome ..) " " =" "

(, ..) , , App Store Apple Google Play Android

: :: :

: , ..

: :

, , . , .


1: NPR , . 2: Mobile Commerce Daily. " 46 Skava, Gap, Staples, Macys Toys "R" Us, . , 97% 3% ". 3: ComScore MobileLens, "- , , ".: SIG Internet Industry Update, " " ( 2014.).

. .


, 35% - (!),

: The Connected Consumer Survey 2015. Ukraine

- 1

7%11%16% : Internal Google Data

Proprietary + Confidential

, -

on the go, , . , , , . 65% . . , - , . ,

Treating mobile like desktop doesnt cut it. Consumer behavior on mobile is unique. Mobile users are typically multi-tasking or on the go so they are generally impatient and have a short amount of time to complete a task on mobile. And mobile form factor makes converting on a mobile device challenging. The screen size is small, and its often hard to see detailed info and type/enter detailed info. (See:, Why Mobile ROI is So Hard)

But that doesnt mean mobile consumers dont convert. 65% of conversions start on mobile and end somewhere else. (source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling The New Multi-screen World Study, August 2012) This makes it more imperative for you to help your advertisers understand cross device conversions and the full value mobile provides.

The only screen that matters is the one in front of me. - Mitch Joel (President of Twist Image, author of Six Pixels of Separation)Consumers dont care about mobile - they only care about the screen in front of them and expect relevant, personalized experiences. To compete in todays world, advertisers must provide consumers what they want, on the consumers terms all within a seamless experience.


, , Atlas Weekend8:42

Atlas Weekend11:36


- 18:29



Google Maps, 13.10

YouTube 12.05


Google Play Music 8:30


150 ? , ? . , . . . . , , , , . : - - ok, Google, whats the weather in Kiev. , , Google Now, , +16, , . . , . ( Spotify, Google Play Music). 2 , . .. , , Atlas Weekend. , . , . : , Google Maps, , , , . , , , . -, YouTube , . ? . - , , .

Take the often quoted stat that most people check their phones 150 times a day. Pair it with another that says users spend 177 minutes on their phones per day, and you get a pretty fascinating reality: mobile sessions that average a mere one minute and 10 seconds long, dozens and dozens of times per day.

Its hard to believe theres time for anything else. The underlying driver of this change is the smartphone. What are people doing during these short bursts of digital activity?


750M500M 298

, 10 , , , . , - - ( )

. 30 350 , . , wearables ( , glass, ). Ericsson ( 6 2020 , 70% ( ) , .

It took PCs 30 years to peak at 350M devices and mobile only 3 years to pass that - now where over 1.5Bn devices and counting.

Suddenly connectivity and mobility are indispensable for us. Ever leave your home without your mobile device?

? Google Internal Data

- . , . , , , . ? : , , ( - , , , .



: Google Internal Data

YouTube . , YouTube. . , , .

, 62% , 77% , , 20%

, , . : 62% , - , . , , . - , , , 20% . ( )

Mobile has really changed how we act and react in life in these moments. This can be characterized by three behaviors: 1) immediately acting on any stimulus2) high expectations of brands the experiences they provide3) unscripted decisions which make us less loyal to brands and more loyal to our needs in the moment. This is what I went through and what countless people do each day

62% of smartphone users are more likely to take action right away because of smartphones77% of those who encounter a mobile site that wasn't optimized dont push throughMobile users are 20% more likely to make an impulse purchase



- . - - , . 4 -.

Google has researched peoples behaviour in mobile and found four clear models for how we behave with mobile. I want to know now, I want to find now, I want to buy now, I want to watch now.

No matter what category, increasingly the journey will start with people getting out their smartphone.

These moments create relevant signals. And these signals eat what weve used to when it comes to targeting (age, gender) for breakfast.


(, , , , , ) Google Internal Data, US, August 2015.

- . --- , ? :) Google. ,,

First, there are the I want-to-know moments When a question pops in your mind, what do you do? Chances are, you reach for the nearest device and expect an answer from Google.Two thirds of question-related searches ("who, what, when, where, why, how") are now coming from mobileAnd frequently, they are asking questions about your brands, products, and businesses. People are going to Google on their phones and expect an answer -- an opportunity for you to give an answer, and convince them to choose YOU.If youre not there to answer these questions, youre letting your competitors answer on your behalf.

---- Clarks

, ,


90% / ( Google Maps) Google Internal Data, U.S., August 2015. Based on mobile devices with full browsers.

: --, --. . : , Google Maps , / ( ). .



YouTube [ ] Google Data, Q1 2015, United States. Queries related to "how to" on mobile and tablet.

YouTube 1 , , . , , . , . : smokey eyes

Lets explore the I-want-to-do moments Lots of moments when people are trying to figure out how to do things.Who reads instruction manuals anymore, when you can learn how to do anything on YouTube.Two-thirds of "how-to" searches on YouTube are coming from mobile devices.Inspiration strikes from anywhere: 91% of smartphone users look up information while in the middle of a task. (Google/Ipsos, Consumers in the Micro-Moment, March 2015.)Theres a how-to video for anything ...How to get a smokey eye lookHow to tile a bathroomHow to fix a broken iPhone screenPeople are very responsive to branded video content when its helpful.When it shows them how to use your products effectivelyWhen it helps them accomplish a goalWhen it inspires them to do something newSo think about peoples passions are, think about what theyre trying to do with youThen create content that supports those efforts


: smokey eyes

, . Lets explore the I-want-to-do moments Lots of moments when people are trying to figure out how to do things.Who reads instruction manuals anymore, when you can learn how to do anything on YouTube.Two-thirds of "how-to" searches on YouTube are coming from mobile devices.Inspiration strikes from anywhere: 91% of smartphone users look up information while in the middle of a task. (Google/Ipsos, Consumers in the Micro-Moment, March 2015.)Theres a how-to video for anything ...How to get a smokey eye lookHow to tile a bathroomHow to fix a broken iPhone screenPeople are very responsive to branded video content when its helpful.When it shows them how to use your products effectivelyWhen it helps them accomplish a goalWhen it inspires them to do something newSo think about peoples passions are, think about what theyre trying to do with youThen create content that supports those efforts


100% Google Internal Data

- ----- YouTube. , -. YouTube , .

----- YouTube

. ? :)

, , , , Create 3-4 bullet points that are triggers

, , . . - . , , , .

m- m- , *}

#* >100% : Criteo study

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