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Загальна характеристика та важливість

Чорного та Азовського морів.

Історія ▪ Турецькою: Karadenız (inhospitable sea)

▪ Ромунською: Marea Neagră

o large inland sea situated at the southeastern extremity of Europe.

o In ancient Greek myths, the sea—then on the fringe of the Mediterranean

world—was named Pontus Axeinus, meaning “Inhospitable Sea.”

o Later, colonies were established along the shores of a sea the Greeks came to

know as more hospitable and friendly, its name was changed to Pontus Euxinus

o Jason and the Argonauts set out to across the Black Sea find the Golden Fleece

in the land of Colchis, a kingdom at the sea’s eastern tip (now Georgia).

o Science:

▪ Navigation on the Black Sea has been known from the time of the ancient Phoenicians.

o The Greek historian Herodotus described the northern coasts of the sea in the 5th

century BCE, while the first navigational guides were written by Greeks in the 4th

century BCE.

o The shores of the Black Sea were settled by a number of peoples, including Slavs,

Turks, and Genoese; by the 15th century the Turks were in control of the entire


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▪ Чорне і Азовське моря є внутрішніми континентальними морями

Атлантичного океану; The climate of the landlocked Black Sea can be characterized generally as

continental (i.e., subject to pronounced seasonal temperature variations),

although climatic conditions in some parts of the basin are controlled to a great

extent by the shoreline relief.

A steppe climate, with cold winters and hot, dry summers, is found in the

northwestern part of the basin exposed to the influence of air masses from the


In winter, spurs of the Siberian anticyclone (a clear, dry, high-pressure air mass)

create a strong current of cold air, and the northwestern Black Sea cools down

considerably, with regular ice formation.

The winter invasion of polar continental air (which prevails for an average of 185

days annually) is accompanied by strong northeasterly winds, a rapid

temperature drop, and frequent precipitation, with the air becoming warm and

moist after passing over the milder eastern portions of the sea.

Tropical air from the Mediterranean regions (87 days affected on average) is

always warm and moist. Occasionally, winds from the Atlantic via eastern Europe

bring rain and sharp squalls.

▪ Чорне море сполучене з Середземним морем через протоку Босфор,

а Азовське море з Чорним – через Керченську протоку;

o Країни-сусіди: Чорне море омиває береги України, Росії, Грузії,

Туреччини, Болгарії і Румунії; Азовське – України і Росії; bordered by

Ukraine to the north, Russia to the northeast, Georgia to the east, Turkey to the

south, and Bulgaria and Romania to the west.

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▪ Узбережжя Чорного і Азовського морів є рівнинне за вийнятком

Кримських гір; o The mountains of southern Crimea form the only precipitous cliff areas.

o In the east and south, the coasts are steep and mountainous.

o Continuing northward along the western shore, a flatter plateau region gives way

to the great Danube River delta.

o The Black Sea contains only a few small islands, the largest being Zmiyinyy

(Fidonisi) of Ukraine, east of the Danube delta, and Berezan at the mouth of the

Dniester River estuary.

▪ Глибина: Найбільша глибина Чорного моря 7,365 футів (2,245 метрів) ;

середня глибина Азовського моря – 26 футів (8 метрів): це є наймілкіше

море у світі; o Black Sea is remarkable

feature because its lower

levels are almost

biologically dead—not

because of pollution but

because of continued

weak ventilation of the

deep layers.

o The salinity of the surface

waters in the open sea

averages between 17

and 18 parts per

thousand, which is

approximately half that

of the oceans.

o The chemical composition of Black Sea water is almost the same as that of the


▪ A most important feature of the Black Sea is that oxygen is dissolved (and

a rich sea life is made possible) only in the upper water levels. Below a

depth of about 230 to 330 feet at the centre and 330 to 500 feet near the

edge, there is no oxygen; in those reaches the sea is contaminated by

hydrogen sulfide, which results in a saturated, gloomy “dead” zone

frequented only by adapted bacteria.

▪ У Чорному Морі глибше 490 футів (150 метрів) відсутнє життя через велику

концентрацію сірководню;

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Рослини та тварини - MARINE LIFE o Flora and fauna in the Black Sea derive primarily from the Mediterranean, the

result of a series of invasions from that area; Caspian elements dominate in

freshwater estuaries and river mouths. The sea has a

rich biological productivity in some zones.

o There are about 180 species of fish, a fifth of them of

commercial importance.

o Spiny dogfish, a type of small shark that is especially

prolific in the Black Sea.

o Some seasonal migration of fish occurs, notably

through the Bosporus.

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▪ Чорне і Азовське море є важливими транспортними і торгівельними

шляхами (через морські порти); джерела морепродуктів; у Чорному

морі є поклади газу; Чорне море має багато рекреаційних/курортних

місць для відпочинку;

ECONOMICS AND POLITICS: To the countries of the region, the Black Sea has been of

immense strategic importance over the centuries; the advent of more-settled

conditions has brought its economic importance to the fore.

TRANSPORTATION ▪ The Black Sea is an important year-round transportation artery, linking the eastern

European countries with world markets.

▪ Odessa, the historic Ukrainian city, together with the nearby port of Illichivsk, account

for most of the sea’s freight turnover.

▪ The ports of Novorossiysk and, to a lesser extent, Tuapse (both in Russia) and Batumi

(Georgia) farther to the east specialize in petroleum.

▪ In Bulgaria, Varna and Burgas are the main ports. Constanța, in Romania, connects

oil-bearing regions with foreign markets. Istanbul on the Sea of Marmara is Turkey’s

main port, while the Danube acts as a huge trade artery for the Balkan countries.

FISH constitute the most widely utilized biological resource of the Black Sea.

RECREATION: Finally, the magnificent climate and mineral springs around the Black Sea have made it

a major recreational and recuperative centre, with Crimea being the most important

region. The sandy beaches of Bulgaria and Romania also have attracted an increasing

number of tourists.

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▪ обидва моря страждають через забруднення (забруднення річок, які

впадають у море, забруднення нафтопродуктами, стічними водами

(sewage) з багатьох міст; це негативно впливає на екологію морів. o Conservation and antipollution measures have included the banning of dolphin

fishing, enacted by Soviet authorities in 1966, as well as restrictions on oil tankers

and the disposal of industrial wastes.

o In the 1990s the six Black Sea countries signed the Convention on the Protection of

the Black Sea Against Pollution (also called Bucharest Convention), a

comprehensive agreement to implement an array of additional programs to

control pollution, sustain the fisheries, and protect marine life.

РЕБРОПЛАВИ – AKA “COMB JELLIES” OR CTENOPHORES Ctenophores may balance marine ecosystems by preventing an over-

abundance of copepods from eating all the phytoplankton, which are the

dominant marine producers of organic matter from non-organic ingredients.

HOWEVER – it may act as an invasive species: In the late 1980s the Western

Atlantic ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi was accidentally introduced into the

Black Sea and Sea of Azov via the ballast tanks of ships, and has been blamed

for causing sharp drops in fish catches by eating both fish larvae and small

crustaceans that would otherwise feed the adult fish.


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