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Міністерство освіти і науки України Сумський державний університет


до самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни

«ПРАКТИЧНИЙ КУРС АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ»на тему «Пряма та непряма мова»

для студентів спеціальності

6.030507 “Переклад”денної форми навчання

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Методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни «Практичний курс англійської мови» на тему «Пряма та непряма мова» / укладач Г.В. Курило. – Суми: Сумський державний університет, 2010. – 56 с.

Кафедра германської філології


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Мова іншої особи може передаватися двома способами: шляхом буквального відтворення слів мовця, без будь-яких змін, тобто у формі прямої мови (Direct Speech) або від імені іншої особи, що передає чужу мову зі зміною форми, тобто в непрямій мові (Indirect Speech). При усній передачі прямої або непрямої мови ми виділяємо її голосом, змінюючи інтонацію, роблячи відповідні паузи.

На письмі пряма мова оформлюється лапками, які в англійській мові на відміну від української ставляться вгорі рядка з обох. Слова автора можуть стояти перед прямою мовою, після або всередині неї і, як правило, відділяються комою. Іноді, особливо перед довгим текстом прямої мови, після слів автора ставиться двокрапка, як і в українській мові.

У прямій мові спостерігаються порушення граматичної або логічної правильності, що, однак, не перешкоджає точному розумінню, оскільки сенс доповнюється ситуацією, а в усному спілкуванні – мімікою, жестом, інтонацією і т. п.Непряма мова характеризується граматичною правильністю, більшою докладністю, просторішим викладом. Іноді в непряму мову вводяться відсутні в прямій мові слова, змінюються форми слів для того, щоб було зрозуміло, кому належить вислів, до кого він звернений, коли і як був висловлений. На письмі при перетворенні прямої мови в непряму лапки, що оформлюють пряму мову, і кома, що відокремлює пряму мову від слів автора, опускаються, і проводиться ряд змін слів або форм, обумовлених логікою оповіді й граматикою мови.

Речення з прямою і непрямою мовою розрізняються за своєю структурою.

Пряма мова являє собою самостійне речення, яке знаходиться в сурядному зв'язку з її вступною частиною, тобто зі словами автора. Непряма мова завжди оформлюється як підрядне речення у складі складнопідрядного речення (табл. 1).


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Таблиця 1Direct Speech Indirect Speech“Please, speak at our meeting and tell us how to plan our time”, we asked our class teacher.

We asked our class teacher to speak at our meeting and tell us how to plan our time.

Request or CommandThe teacher said, “Don't speak all at a time, raise your hands if you want to ask a question”.

The teacher told the class not to speak all at a time and to raise their hands if they wanted to ask a question.

StatementThe literature teacher said, “We are going to take up Shakespeare in class on Monday”.

The literature teacher said we were going to take up Shakespeare in class on Monday.

Question“Do you enjoy teaching English?” we asked our teacher.“Which subject do you studyfirst and how long do you spendon each assignment?”, asked the Principal.

We asked our teacher if she enjoyed teaching English. The Principal asked us which subject we studied first and how long we spent on each assignment.

У поданих методичних вказівках наведено розробку питань, пов’язаних із вживанням та трансформацією прямої та непрямої мови і зразкові вправи для здобуття навичок передачі мови другої особи у прямій та непрямій формах. Методичні вказівки можуть також служити довідником за розділами “пряма і непряма мова” і “узгодження часів”. Пряма і непряма мова є невід’ємною частиною повсякденного спілкування. Структури непрямих прохань, запитань і тверджень можна виявити майже в будь-якій невимушеній розмові. Наприклад: Mother (taking things out of Alice's shopping bag): Well, here is but-ter, sugar, milk. And where is bread, Alice? I told you to buy some butter, sugar, milk and bread.


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Alice: No, Mum. You looked in the cupboard and said we had enough bread for today. Then you said you might buy some rolls on your way home. You didn't tell me I must buy bread.

У прямій мові залежно від мети висловлювання можуть бути вжиті різні види речень: наказові, вигук, питальні, розповідні. При трансформації їх в непряму мову кожний вид буде змінюватися за своїми особливими правилами, тому доцільно кожний вид вивчити окремо. У вказівках прийнято таке розміщення матеріалу. Спочатку дано опис зміни в непряму мова наказових речень, потім оповідних і питальних. При зміні наказових речень трапляється менше труднощів, чим і обумовлено розміщення цього матеріалу на початку методичних вказівок. Відповідно розміщені і вправи. Окличні речення виділені в окремий розділ, оскільки при зміні їх у непряму мову також спостерігається своя специфіка, хоча, в принципі, будь-яке висловлювання – наказ, розповідь, питання – може стати окликом.

ПРАВИЛА ЗМІНИ прямої мови в непряму.Наказові речення

Для передачі в непрямій мові прохань і наказів використовуються головним чином дієслова ask і tell, а зміст прохання чи наказу передається дієсловом у формі інфінітива з часткою to. Накази заборонного характеру передаються у непрямій мові поєднанням not з інфінітивом. Після дієслів ask і tell обов'язкова наявність непрямого безприйменникового додатка. Він повинен вживатися навіть тоді, коли в прямій мові немає вказівки на особу, до якої звернено висловлювання. У таких випадках рекомендується уявити собі ситуацію висловлювання і домислити мовця і особу, до якої він звертається:

Don't get up. Stay in bed for a couple of days and take aspirin twice a day.

The doctor told me (Nelly) not to get up, to stay in bed for a couple of days and to take aspirin twice a day.


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Якщо в прямій мові є вказівка на особу, до якої звернено висловлювання, то в непрямій мові воно стає непрямим безприйменниковим додатком, а форми особових і присвійних займенників змінюються залежно від сенсу:

“Don't take my ruler, use yours”, Ann said to Cyril.Ann told Cyril not to take her ruler but to use his. Ann told

Cyril to use his own ruler and not to take hers.Обставини місця і часу змінюються також відповідно до

ситуації:Не said to me, “Don't come tomorrow as I won't be here”.

He told me not to come the next day as he wouldn't be there.Якщо автор прохання (розпорядження) невідомий або

немає необхідності його згадувати; дієслова, що передають непряме прохання, стоять у формі пасивного стану:

Do not interrupt the grown-ups, Alec.Alec was told not to interrupt the grown-ups.Stop making all that noise, children.The children were asked to stop making noise.Do not feed the animals.Visitors are requested not to feed the animals.Речення типу Let me help you. Let's do it together у

непрямій мові вводяться переважно дієсловами offer і suggest, крім того, змінюється структура моделі. За дієсловом offer безпосередньо слідує інфінітив, а після дієслова suggest слідує підрядне додаткове речення з дієсловом should плюс інфінітив:

Let me post your letters, Grannie. She offered to post grannie's letters.

Let's go to a movie.I suggested that we should go to a movie.Проте в сучасній мові спостерігається сильна тенденція

до вживання більш короткої структури, в якій опущений сполучник that, а присудок підрядного речення висловлено інфінітивом без частки to:

I suggest we go to a movie.


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Крім дієслів tell і ask, накази та прохання можуть вводити дієслова order, command, request, require, warn, advise, recommend і деякі інші, об'єднані загальним значенням спонукання до дії. Вони специфічні за своєю семантикою, а отже, несуть додаткові стилістичні відтінки.

На українську мову непряме прохання чи непрямий наказ частіше перекладаються підрядним реченням додатка, але можливе також вживання інфінітивних конструкцій:

I was asked not to interfere.Мені сказали (веліли), щоб я не втручався. Мені сказали

(веліли) не втручатися. Твердження у непрямій мові вводяться, як правило, дієсловами say і tell. Дієслово say вживається в тому випадку, коли немає вказівки на особу, якій робиться повідомлення:

The teacher said, “The lesson is over”. The teacher said that the lesson was over.

Якщо ж особа, до якої звернена пряма мова, відома, особливо в тих випадках, коли в прямій мові є звернення, то в непрямій мові вживається дієслово tell і непрямий безприйменниковий додаток:

The teacher said to Peter, “Your mother has come”. The teacher told Peter that his mother had come.

Крім say і tell, для передачі мовлення використовується ряд інших дієслів, об'єднаних загальним значенням “повідомлення інформації”, серед них найбільш вживані remark, mention, declare, state, explain, announce та інші. Ці дієслова, крім своїх специфічних значень, які вказують на спосіб, манеру, обставини повідомлення, мають ряд особливостей, що додають їм стилістичного забарвлення. Твердження у прямій мові являє собою просте чи складне розповідне речення. При зміні його в непряму мову утворюється складнопідрядне речення; слова, що вводять пряму мову, стають головним реченням, а пряме твердження трансформується в підрядне речення додатка, яке вводять сполучником that. Українському що – сполучнику та сполучниковому займеннику в англійській мові відповідають


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два різних слова: підрядний сполучник that і сполучниковий займенник what, який є членом підрядного речення додатка і стоїть під наголосом:

I didn't tell you that I had read the note.I will not tell you what I have read in the note.Якщо мовець відтворює свої власні слова, то займенник I

при трансформації прямої мови в непряму НЕ змінюється: – I cannot come and see you tonight.– Pardon?– I said I couldn't come and see you tonight.Займенник you в прямій мові може мати на увазі того, хто

слухає, наприклад студента, що виконує вправу. У такому випадку при трансформації прямої мови в непряму воно буде замінюватись займенником I:

The doctor said, “You will have to stay in bed for a couple of days”.

The doctor told me that I would have to stay in bed for a couple of days.

Займенник we в прямій мові може включати слухача, тобто студента, що виконує вправу, і при зміні прямої мови в непряму не змінюється:

Alice said, “We haven't heard the news”.  Alice said we hadn't heard the news. Якщо мовець виступає в ролі оповідача, а не учасника

розмови, то всі займенники прямої мови стають в непрямій мові займенниками третьої особи. Наводиться таблиця про зміну форм усіх особових і присвійних займенників (табл. 2).Таблиця 2Direct Speech Indirect SpeechI he or sheyou he or shehe, she he, shewe theyyou theythey they


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Продовження таблиці 2Direct Speech Indirect Speechme he or heryou him or herhe, she he, sheus themyou themthem themmy mine his or her his or hersyour yours his or her his or hershis, her his, hers his or her his or hersour ours their theirsyour yours their theirstheir theirs their theirs

Дієслова, що вводять непряму мову, можуть мати різні часові форми. Якщо дієслово має одну з форм теперішнього або майбутнього часу, то форми дієслова-присудка підрядного речення, що передають зміст прямої мови, не змінюються:

Cyril: I have left my exercise book behind.Cyril says he has left his exercise book behind.Проте оповідач, як правило, розповідає про події, що вже

мали місце. Тому дієслова, що вводять непряму мову, в більшості випадків мають форму Past Indefinite Tense, що викликає зміну часових форм дієслова-присудка підрядного речення відповідно до правила узгодження часів: якщо присудок головного речення має форму минулого часу, то присудок підрядного речення додатка повинен також мати одну з форм минулого часу. Зміни часових форм дієслова подані в табл. 3 і 4.

Таблиця 3 – Sequence of TensesDirect Speech Indirect Sp.4 chPresent Indefinite becomes Past IndefinitePresent Continuous Past ContinuousPresent Perfect Past Perfect


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Продовження таблиці 3 – Sequence of TensesDirect Speech Indirect Sp.4 chPresent Perfect Continuous Past Perfect ContinuousFuture Indefinite Future Indefinite in the PastDirect Speech Indirect Sp.4 chFuture Continuous Future Continuous in tne PastDirect Speech Indirect SpeechFuture Perfect Future Perfect in the PastFuture Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous in the

PastPast Indefinite Past PerfectPast Continuous Generally remains unchanged or

is replaced by the Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Remains unchangedPast Perfect Continuous - “ -

Taблиця 4he goes becomes he wenthe is going he was goinghe has gone -"- he had gonehe has been going he had been goinghe will go he would gohe will be going he would be goinghe will have gone he would have gonehe will have been going he would have been goinghe went he had gonehe was going he was going or he had been

goinghe had gone remains unchangedhe had. been going .".he used to go .".he must go .”.


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Якщо час і місце, в яких була проголошена пряма мова, змінилися, то при зміні прямої мови в непряму відбувається наступна заміна прислівників місця, часу і вказівних займенників (табл. 5).

Таблиця 5Direct Speech Indirect Speechnow becomes then here therethis day that daythese days those daystoday the next daytomorrow the following day (the previous day)yesterday after the day beforenext week the following week (the previous week)last week the previous weeklast night the night beforelast year the year beforeherewith becomes therewithhereafter thereafterherein thereinhereupon thereuponhereunder become thereunderhither thitherhence thence

“I can't come next week”, he said.He said that he wouldn't be able to come the following week.Часто в непрямій мові обставина місця і часу

опускається: He said, “I'm coming to see you now”. 

He said that he was coming to see me.Застосування всіх викладених вище правил про зміни

часових форм і обставин часу і місця ні в якому разі не повинно суперечити логіці. Мова – це творчий процес, і головне в мовленнєвій діяльності – це дотримання логіки висловлювання,


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логіки ситуації. При непрямій передачі прямої мови дуже часто виникають ситуації, в яких було б неправильно дотримуватися так званих правил зміни. Наприклад:

David said, “It is a bit cold today. I am going to wear a pullover”.

Alice said, “I once spent a summer here in this village”.Якщо ми передаємо висловлювання Девіда в той самий

день, коли він говорив ці слова, то часова форма дієслова та обставина часу today можуть залишатися незмінними:David said that it is a bit cold today. He is going to wear a pullover.І якщо ми знаходимося в селі, де Аліса одного разу провела літо, ми скажемо: Alice said she once spent a summer here in this village.Ще приклад: May said, “There will be one more meeting before the end of this month”.

Якщо ми передаємо висловлювання Мей до того, як закінчився місяць, про який вона говорить, то в непрямій мові ми не змінимо ні форми дієслова, ні прислівник: May said that there will be one more meeting before the end of this month.

З іншого боку, якщо з часу висловлювання пройшов місяц, і ми згадуємо, що сказала Мей минулого місяця, ми скажемо: May said that there would be one more meeting before the end of the last month.

Через кілька місяців ми скажемо: May said that there would be one more meeting before the end of that month.

He станеться так званого зсуву часів і в тому випадку, якщо в прямій мові вказано точний час вчинення дії в минулому. У такому випадку форма Past Indefinite зберігається у підрядному реченні додатка у непрямій мові:

“I was born in 1967”, said Alice.Alice said that she was born in 1967.Таким чином, логіка висловлювання превалює над

граматичними правилами. Саме тому в граматиках англійської мови перераховуються випадки, коли правила узгодження часів можуть не дотримуватися або застосовуються з обмеженням. Це відбувається, коли мова йде, наприклад, про так звані


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загальновідомі істини: Don't you remember the teacher told us that lead іs heavier than iron?

У такому випадку, однак,у підрядному реченні може стояти і Past Indefinite Tense згідно з правилом узгодження часів: The teacher told her class that lead was heavier than iron.

Tе саме має місце в мові політичних документів, промові політичних оглядачів, при передачі останніх вістей у ЗМІ: The chairman told the assembled delegates, observers and guests that the formation of a vanguard party of the working class is a priority item on the agenda of the congress.

Вживання часових форм дієслів у непрямій мові залежить і від структури речення. Якщо пряма мова виражається у формі складнопідрядного речення, то при зміні її в непряму виходить речення з кількома підрядними. У таких випадках при перекладі прямої мови в непряму застосовуються всі описані вище правила, проте їх дія обмежується деякими структурними особливостями речення. Перш за все необхідно виділити той тип, коли пряма мова являє собою складнопідрядне речення з підрядним обставини часу і вводиться сполучниками since, when і before. При зміні прямої мови в непряму у підрядних реченнях форма Past Indefinite Tense залишається незміненою:

Ann: I haven't listened to my tapes since something went wrong with my tape recorder.

Ann said she hadn't listened to her tapes since something went wrong with her tape recorder.

Mrs. Kelly: I bought a lot of beautiful slides when I was in London.

Mrs. Kelly said she had bought a lot of beautiful slides when she was in London.

Якщо пряма мова являє собою складну синтаксичну єдність, в яку входять кілька простих або складних з сурядністю чи підрядністю речень, дії яких мали місце в минулому, то в непрямій мові (після слів he said) перша дія дається в Past Perfect Tense, а інші дії можуть зберігати форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous Tense і решта речень (прості або підрядні) можуть


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слідувати один за одним без дієслів, що вводять непряму мову як самостійну розповідь про низку послідовних подій у минулому:

Mrs. Kelly: When I visited Ukraine, I did a lot of sights. I took pictures and bought beautiful slides. We stayed for three days in Kyiv and then went to Lviv.

Mrs. Kelly said when she had visited Ukraine, she did a lot of sights. She took pictures and bought beautiful slides. They stayed for three days in Kyiv and then went to Lviv.

Mrs. Kelly said, “When I visited Ukraine I did a lot of sights. I couldn't take pictures as I hadn't brought my camera with me and I bought beautiful slides which I liked very much. We had stayed for three days in Kyiv before we went to Lviv where we visited St.Yura’s Cathedral. When we came to Kiev, the weather was fine and the chestnut trees were blooming”.

Mrs. Kelly said that when she had visited Ukraine, she did a lot of sights. She couldn't take pictures because she hadn't brought her camera with her and she bought beautiful slides which she liked very much. They had stayed for three days in Kyiv before they went to Lviv where they visited St. Yura’s Cathedral. When they came to Kiev, the weather was fine and the chestnut trees were blooming.

Вживання часів у складнопідрядних реченнях з підрядними означальними і причини обумовлюється логікою висловлювання: порядком проходження дій головного і підрядного речень:

Rita: I want to see the book you are reading. Rita said she wanted to see the book I was reading.

Rita: I want to see the book you borrowed from the library. Rita said she wanted to see the book I had borrowed from the library.

Alice: Cyril cannot translate the article because he doesn't know English well.

Alice said Cyril couldn't translate the article because he doesn't know English well.

Cyril: I cannot telephone Helen because I've lost her telephone number.


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Cyril said he couldn't telephone Helen because he had lost her telephone number.

Крім факторів місця і часу, що впливають на вибір часових форм дієслова і слів-обставин, слід враховувати при непрямій передачі прямої мови й інші чинники, до яких можна віднести настрій і стан мовця, взаємовідношення між тим, хто говорить, і тим, хто слухає, обставини, в яких відбувається мова: буденна розмова, лекція, виступ у пресі і т. п. Дані фактори впливають на вибір дієслів, що вводять пряму чи непряму мову, і вибір слів-обставин,що найбільш адекватно передають манеру повідомлення, обставини, стан мовця. Такі дієслова, як inform, declare, announce, вказують, що робиться офіційна заява відповідальної особи:

The clerk informed him that the committee would consider his application at its next meeting.

The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.

The Foreign Secretary stated that he did not intend to change his country's policy in the near future.

Такі дієслова, як answer, reply, agree, assert, confirm, object, deny, protest, показують, що далі піде відповідь на вже висловлену репліку.

Крім дієслів говоріння, розповідні речення можуть вводити дієслова, що вказують на початок чи продовження мовлення: add, go on, interrupt, begin, continue; дієслова, що описують внутрішні переживання: complain, regret; дієслова, що описують силу голосу: whisper, scream, shout та багато інших дієслів. Стосовно лексичного значення дієслів, що репрезентують мову, можна скласти списки класифікації дієслів за їх структурними, семантичними, стилістичними ознаками. Так, у структурному відношенні дієслова tell, promise, inform, warn вимагають обов'язкового безприйменникового додатка, тобто вказівки на адресат висловлювання. Після дієслів say, think, consider, know сполучник that може опускатися, а після таких дієслів, як answer, state, remark, declare, complain,


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deny, demand, notice, observe, reply, сполучник that звичайно не опускається; після дієслів suggest, advise вживаються підрядні додаткові речення з дієсловом should. Дієслова add, agree, answer, exclaim, cry out, grumble, murmur, interrupt, cut in зазвичай вводять пряму мову, а дієслово tell тільки непряму.Знання інших дієслів, крім say, tell, ask, особливо важливо, коли переходимо від вправ на зміну прямої мови в непряму до переказу. Питальні речення

Непрямі питання вводяться переважно дієсловом ask.Якщо дієслово, що вводить непряме питання, має форму минулого часу, то при зміні прямої мови в непряму використовуються всі правила узгодження часів, про які говорилося вище. Форми особових і присвійних займенників та слова – обставини змінюються у відповідності до змісту висловлювання. Як спеціальні, так і загальні питання у непрямій мові стають підрядними реченнями з відповідним (тобто прямим) порядком слів.

Вправи починаються зі спеціальних питань, оскільки при зміні таких питань у непрямі питальні слова стають сполучниковими, що поєднують головне і підрядне речення. Легше за все змінити в непряму мову питання до підмета, що починаються з питальних слів who, what, оскільки у непрямій мові зберігається структура прямого запитання і залишається тільки дотримуватися правил узгодження часів: “Who discovered the North Pole?” asked the geography teacher. The geography teacher asked who had discovered the North Pole.

Інші типи спеціальних питань у непрямій мові змінюють свою структуру: зворотний порядок слів прямого запитання змінюється на прямий, підмет, що іде безпосередньо за сполучниковим словом, передує присудку: “What have you been doing lately?” Nelly asked her friend. Nelly asked her friend what he had been doing lately.

Особливої уваги потребують речення, в яких питання задається до означення підмета, додатка або обставини; як у


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прямому, так і в непрямому питанні означення та означене слово не можуть бути розділені іншими словами:

“Whose book is it lying on the floor?” the teacher asked. The teacher asked whose book it was lying on the floor.

“What mark have I got?” Mark asked. Mark wanted to know what mark he had got.

“In which drawer have you put my things, Mum?” Nick asked. Nick asked his mother in which drawer she had put his things.

Загальні питання, що вимагають підтвердження або заперечення всієї висловленої думки і починаються не з питального слова, а з допоміжного дієслова, вводяться в непрямій мові сполучником if або whether. Сполучник if або whether, що відповідає українській частці чи (що слідує безпосередньо за дієсловом в українському непрямому загальному питанні), стоїть перед непрямим загальним питанням, яке набуває структури твердження- тобто зворотний порядок слів замінюється прямим:

“Do you live far from the university?” the teacher asked Nina.

The teacher asked Nina if she lived far from the university.Альтернативні питання, що мають значення вибору

однієї з двох осіб (предметів, дій, якостей і т. д.), можуть бути як загальними, так і спеціальними. У непрямій мові обидва питання передаються за відповідним зразком:

“Do you or does your mother usually do shopping?” the teacher asked me.

The teacher wanted to know if I or my mother usually did shopping in our family.

“Have you met the new manager or not?” asked the secretary.The secretary asked me if I had met the new manager or not.Основним дієсловом, що вводить непряме питання, є

дієслово ask, але у вправах пропонується також змінювати прямі питання в непрямі шляхом включення їх в інші структури. Наприклад, питання Who wrote the story Rain? What is


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the capital of Nicaragua? Is it also called Nicaragua? можуть стати непрямими питаннями в таких структурах:

Can you tell me who wrote the story Rain.What is the capital of Nicaragua (what the capital of

Nicaragua is), if the capital of Nicaragua is also called Nicaragua.Tell me, Do you know; I wonder; I'd like to know; I want to

know; I'm not sure; I don't remember; I have no idea – це вводні фрази, які теж можна використовувати при нагоді.

Деякі питання, особливо з дієсловом be, можуть бути передані простим реченням, в якому після дієслова ask слідує прямий додаток,що відповідає за семантикою дієслову прямого питання: What is your name? What is the time? What size are your gloves? He asked my name. He asked me the time. He asked me the size of my gloves.

У підрядному реченні додатка з дієсловом be може бути як прямий, так і зворотний порядок слів: Не asked me what my name was. He asked me what was my name. Крім того, слід звернути увагу на те, що в підрядних реченнях додатка після сполучникового прислівника when може вживатися майбутній час (на відміну від підрядних речень обставини часу):

The teacher asked, “When will you have your exam in English?”

The teacher asked when I would (should) have my exam in English.

Відповіді на питання в усному мовленні рідко бувають повними реченнями і містять лише ту частину його, яка несе основну інформацію. Коротка відповідь на спеціальне питання у непрямій мові, як правило, передається повним реченням:

– What mark of TV is this?– Philips.– When did you buy it?– When we lived in London.


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I asked what mark of TV that was, and he said it was, Philips. I asked when they had bought it, he said they had bought it, when they lived in London.

Короткі речення-відповіді на загальні питання у непрямій мові передаються шляхом повторення допоміжного (або модального) дієслова, які містяться у короткій прямій відповіді. Це дієслово може змінюватися відповідно до правила узгодження часів і вводиться сполучником that:

– Have you been here before?– Yes, I have.– Were there many people here, when you came?– No, there weren't.He asked me if I had been there before, and І said that I had.

He asked if there had been many people there, when І came. I said that there hadn't.

В офіційній мові короткі відповіді на загальні питання можуть бути передані формулою: Не answered in the affirmative (in the negative).

Відповіді на альтернативні питання у непрямій мові передаються повним реченням:

– Are you going to the university camp on Saturday or on Sunday? – On Sunday morning.

– Who will see you off, your mother or your father? – My father will.

Grannie asked me whether I was going to the university camp on Saturday or on Sunday and who would see me off, Mother or Father. I said I was going on Sunday morning and (that) Dad would I see me off.

Окличні реченняДо окличних речень належать вигуки, оформлені як

самостійні речення: Oh!  Ugh! Damn!  Bravo!  Ouch!  Blust!, прохання (накази), твердження і питання, вимовлені з емфатичною інтонацією, а на письмі оформлені як окличне речення. Для вигуків характерні еліпс, інверсія, наявність емоційно забарвленої лексики:


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“Oh dear!” said Billy as his plate was put in front of him. “Not boiled beef again!”

“Look!” said Alex, “how beautiful the mountains are! And the sea is gorgeous”.

“You, fool! Want us to freeze to death? Shut that window!” the man shouted at Bill.

Зважаючи на це, окличні речення важко піддаються переказу, тобто зміні в непряму мова, тому якщо розповідач все ж хоче передати зміст вигуку, він відтворює не стільки дослівне висловлювання, скільки ті почуття, той стан, які мав у момент висловлювання мовець: Billy expressed his dislike, when he was again served boiled beef. Alex admired the beauty of the mountains and the sea. When Bill opened the window, the man got very angry. He called him a fool and told him to shut the window.

Якщо окличне речення зберігає синтаксичну структуру прохання, розповіді чи питання, то зміну його в непряму мову можна зробити за загальними правилами; окличний знак при цьому опускається, а вигуки або інші окличні слова, які супроводжують окличні речення, або опускаються, або перефразуються: She said, “Oh, dear! Will you ever shut up?”  She sighed bitterly and told me to shut up. Найбільш вживані дієслова, що вводять окличні речення: ask, tell, remark, exclaim. У текстах художніх творів зустрічаються такі дієслова, що передають емфатичний характер прямої чи непрямої мови, як beg, implore, entreat, beseech, urge. Розмовні формули

Розмовні формули (слова вітання, прощання, знайомства, вибачення, подяки,поздоровлення і т. п.) передаються у непрямій мові також описово:

“Hello”, said Bill. Bill greeted me.Mary: Alice, meet my friend Marina.Alice: How do you do?Marina: How do you do?


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Mary introduced Marina to Alice. Tell her I'm sorry. And I will buy bread. Ask her what else

she would like me to do.Одним із видів монологічного мовлення є

переказ. Студенти переказують тексти уроків підручника, короткі оповідання й анекдоти, книги для домашнього читання, газетні статті і далі діалоги, хоча останні, здавалося б, повинні бути призначені для розучування і розігрування за ролями (role-playing). Проте діалоги задаються для переказу, який виявляється ефективною вправою для набуття навичок у трансформації прямої мови у непряму за тематикою діалогів. Робота над кожним діалогом включає чотири cтупені: пряма мова (Direct Speech), непряма мова (Reported Speech), переказ (Narration) і висновок (Summary).  Роботу над першими діалогами пропонується зробити у письмовій формі, виконуючи всі чотири операції, зазначені в завданні. Надалі можна починати відразу з другого ступеня – непрямої мови.I, власне, діалог не оформлюється знаками пунктуації і не має дієслів, що вводять репліки. У ньому позначаються тільки особи, яким належать репліки. Тому в першому завданні пропонується перетворити діалог у пряму мову.

Нижче наводиться зразок діалогу і методика роботи з ним.DIALOGUE

Jim: Who's the tall girl next to Barbara?Charles: That's Mary Anderson. Didn't you meet her at

Steve's party? Jim: No, I wasn't at Steve's party.Charles: Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary,

this is mу cousin Jim. Mary: Hi, Jim. I'm glad to meet you.

Jim: I'm glad to meet you. Can't we sit down somewhere and talk?

Mary: Sure, let's sit over there.


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Завдання перше – написати діалог у прямій мові. Для цього необхідно, без жодних змін до висловлювання розповідачів, розставити розділові знаки (лапки і коми) і використовувати дієслова, що вводять пряму мову, намагаючись дещо урізноманітнити їх. Так, у прикладі, що наводиться нижче, використані різноманітні дієслова й обставини, що їх визначають:

1. Direct Speech.“Who's the tall girl next to Barbara?” asked Jim. “That's Mary Anderson”, Charles answered. “Didn't you meet her at Steve's party?” he asked surprised. “No”, said Jim, “I wasn't at Steve's party”.“Oh”, exclaimed Charles, “then let me introduce you to her

now”.“Mary”, he said addressing the tall girl, “This is my cousin

Jim”. “Hi, Jim”, Mary said, “I'm glad to meet you”. “I'm glad to meet you”, replied Jim. “Can't we sit down

somewhere and talk”, he suggested. “Sure”, said Mary, “Let's sit over there”.

У другому завданні пропонується переробити пряму мову в непряму. Саме тут дотримуються всі правила перекладу прямої мови в непряму і правила узгодження часів. Дієслова говоріння майже не змінюються (asked, answered, replied, said, greeted, suggested). Діалог набирає такого вигляду.

2. Reported Speech.Jim asked Charles who was the tall girl next to Barbara.

Charles answered it was Mary Anderson and asked Jim if he had met her at Steve's party. Jim said that he hadn't been at Steve's party. Then Charles said he wanted to introduce Jim to Mary and did so. Mary greeted Jim and said she was glad to meet him. Jim replied he was also glad to meet Mary and suggested sitting somewhere to talk.

Третє завдання – переказ. Суть його полягає в тому, щоб передати докладний зміст діалогу в формі розповіді, уникаючи вживати дієслова говоріння і з'єднуючи речення


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найрізноманітнішими сполучними словами. У наведеному переказі використовуються такі дієслова й дієслівні словосполучення: wanted to know, was surprised, didn't know, thought, introduced, exchanged, wanted to sit down, agreed.

3. Narration.Jim wanted to know who was the tall girl next to Barbara and

asked Charles about it. Charles was surprised that Jim didn't know the tall girl who was Mary Anderson. He thought Jim had met her at Steve's party. But Jim hadn't been to Steve's party. Then Charles introduced him to Mary, and they exchanged greetings. Jim wanted to sit down somewhere with Mary and talk to which Mary agreed willingly.

Для забезпечення логічного зв'язку оповідання в даному уривку використовуються такі сполучники: and, who, but, then, which. При необхідності можна також використовувати so, therefore, besides, as a result, in addition, since, because. Наприклад:

Jim liked the tall girl who was standing next to Barbara, so he asked ...

Since Jim hadn't been to Steve's party ...Jim suggested sitting down somewhere because he wanted to talk to Mary ...

Таким чином, можна давати найрізноманітніші варіанти переказу. Четверте завдання має на меті розвиток вміння писати закінчення (висновок). У ньому пропонується викласти зміст діалогу, обмеживши своє висловлювання одним або двома реченнями. Висновок наведеної розмови може мати таку форму і складатися з одного, хоча й складного речення:

4. Summary.Jim liked the tall girl who was standing next to Barbara and,

as he hadn't met her before, his friend Charles introduced him to the girl, and they found a place to sit down and talk.


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Вправи з короткими діалогами підводять до роботи над уривками з художніх творів, в яких міститься велика кількість прямої мови.

Тренувальні вправиCommandsREQUESTS AND ORDERSDirect Request or Order Reported Request or Order1. “Nelly, will you shut the The teacher asked Nelly to shutwindow please?” the teacher said.

the window.

2. “Helen, collect the exercise The teacher told Helen to collectbooks, please”, the teacher said. the exercise books.3. “Move over, will you?” Helen said to Nelly.

Helen asked Nelly to move over.

4. “Boys”, shouted the instruc- The instructor ordered the boystor, “Forward, march!” to march forward.5. “Don't speak all at a time”, The teacher told her class not tothe teacher said to her class. speak all at a time.6. “Fasten the seat belts!” (to passengers)

Passengers are requested to fasten the seat belts.

7. “Do not feed the animals”. (to visitors in a Zoo)

Visitors are requested not to feed the animals.

8. “Do not touch the exhibits”. (to visitors in a museum)

Visitors are required not to touch the exhibits.

Note! When the speaker is not known or unimportant, the reporting verb is used in the Passive Voice. The person addressed is understood from the situation.

Exercise 1. Report the following requests or commands. Use tell and ask.1. “Do the exercise again”, said the teacher to me. 2. The teacher said, “Peter, pick up the papers, will you?” 3. The teacher said, “Please, don't shut the window, will you?” 4. “Please, don't speak all at a time, raise your hands”, said the teacher. 5. Mother said, “Cyril,


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behave yourself, will you?” 6. Mother said, “Cyril, go and wash your face”. 7. Mother said, “Cyril, go and brush your hair”. 8. Mother said, “Alice, don't interrupt the grown-ups”. 9. “Stop banging the door, Brian”, said Helen. 10. “Nina, don't waste your time”, said her mother. 11. “Please, don't sit on my chair, move on”, I said to the woman. 12. “Wait outside”, said the camping leader to us. 13. “Put on your skating outfits, boys”, said our coach. 14. The office worker said to me, “Please, fill in this form and apply to the next window number one, will you?” 15. The shop assistant said, “You read this instruction again, will you?”

Exercise 2. Imagine the situation and the people taking part in the conversation. When reporting the requests, do not forget to mention the person addressed. Use tell, ask, advise, invite.

Example: Don't speak all at a time. The teacher told her pupils not to speak all at a time.

1. Stay in bed for a couple of days. 2. Take two pills at a time twice a day. 3. Don't eat too much sugar and bread. 4. Sit straight. 5. Keep silence, please. 6. Don't erase the words from the blackboard, will you? 7. Show the capital of Nicaragua on the map, please. 8. Ring me up tonight, will you? 9. Come and have tea with us, will you? 10. Come and watch the TV show with us. 11. Please, don't forget to clear up the mess. 12. Don't forget to lock the door. 13. Don't drop the ashes on the carpet. 14. Hurry up, will you? 15. Don't forget to take the spade and the rake. 16. Write your name at the top of this form. 17. Please, fill in this voucher for the books you need. 18. Don't waste my time, son. 19. Don't be late for the swimming competition. 20. Count off, boys. 21. Run, boys.

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian.1. Cyril was told not to interrupt the grown-ups. 2. Nelly was

asked not to interfere in the conversation. 3. Visitors are required not to feed the birds. 4. The participants of the seminar were warned not to be late. 5. The students were warned not to stay up too late before


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the examination. 6. The naughty boy was ordered to go to bed at once. 7. The soldiers were ordered to stand to attention. 8. The audience was required to keep silence. 9. The old lady was advised to stay in bed for a couple of days. 10. He was recommended to take a long walk before going to bed.

Exercise 4. Change the following requests into Indirect Speech. Use the reporting verbs ask, require, advise, warn in the Passive Voice.

1. Do not miss lectures (to students). 2. Keep off the grass (to visitors). 3. Cross the road at the zebra crossing (to pedestrians). 4. Do not stay up too late before the examination (to students). 5. Do not speak in the reading hall (to readers). 6. Don't come into the gym in walking shoes (to pupils). 7. Wear plimsolls in the gym (to pupils). 8. Return books to the library in time (to pupils). 9. Do not be late for the rehearsal (to drama participants). 10. Keep, off the sports ground (to strangers). 11. Look in both directions before crossing the road (to pedestrians). 12. Address the letters to the TV studio (to TV viewers). 13. Do not cross the road against the red light (to pedes-trians). 14. Please, cross the railway on foot-bridge (to pedestrians). 15. Do not tease the animals (to visitors).

Exercise 5. Report the following requests and commands. Use tell, ask or order, command.

1. Drive as fast as you can. 2. Do what you are told to, don't argue (to you). 3. Dig yourselves in (to soldiers). 4. Call the next boy (to a young girl). 5. Go into the passage and don't come in till you are called (to you). 6. Lie down (to dog). 7. Stay in the woods (to soldiers). 8. Count off (to soldiers). 9. Fire salute (to soldiers). 10. Speak in whisper. Don't disturb the sick (to a visitor). 11. Do the work in writing (to students). 12. Boys, halt!

Exercise 6. Report the following requests and commands. Use invite, advise, recommend, warn.

1. “Consult the time-table”, said the office worker. 2. The lab assistant said: “Take off your coats and hats, put on these overalls


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and begin your work, boys, hurry up”. 3. “Please, ask questions”, the speaker said to the audience. 4. “Don't stay in the way of the traffic”, said the militiaman. 5. “Take off your coats and come in”, said the hostess to us. 6. “Send your son to a holiday camp”, said the teacher. 7. “Visit your mother this summer, Mary”, said Ann. 8. “Come and stay a couple of days with us, Ann”, Mary said. 9. “Go away, girls, go away, please, don't stand in the way of the procession”, said the militiaman. 10. “Don't go skating on such thin ice”, said the instructor. 11. “Don't sound the horns while you are driving near the hospital”, said the militiaman. 12. “You better leave now”, said the boy's mother. 13. “Don't keep yourself very warm”, said the doctor. 14. “Go to the sea for this summer”, said the doctor. 15. Put on your sweaters, boys, before and especially after the game, said the instructor.

SUGGESTIONS AND OFFERSDirect Suggestions or Offers Reported Suggestions or Offers“Let's postpone the class meeting till Friday”, said the monitor.

The monitor suggested (that) they (should) postpone the meeting till Friday.

“Let's revise the agenda”, said The chairman of the meetingthe chairman of the meeting. suggested (that) they (should)

revise the agenda“Let's remove this bookcase from our classroom”, said the teacher.

The teacher suggested (that) they (should) remove the bookcase from the classroom.

“Let me help you to carry your

Nick offered to carry Alla's

suitcase, Alia”, said Nick. suitcase.“Shall I post your letters, Grannie?” Mila said.

Mila offered to post her grannie's letters.

“Shall I help you (to) handle this tape recorder, Ann?” said Michael.

Michael offered to help Ann with the tape recorder. Michael offered Ann his help.


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Exercise 7. Report the following suggestions or offers.1. “Let's all subscribe to the Digest”, said the monitor.

2. “Let's begin the meeting”, said the chairman. 3. “Let's postpone the football match till September”, said a member of the committee.4. “Let's ask the militiaman the way to the Planetarium”, said Brian. 5. “Let's better go by air, boys”, said Cyril. 6. “You should invite all your friends, Alice”, said Mother. 7. “Let me help you, Mary”, said Nina. 8. “Let me give you a lift”, the driver of the car said to me. 9. “Let me help you make the recording”, the lab assistant said to me. 10. “Let me help you take your luggage to your compartment”, said the porter to the old lady. 11. “Shall I carry this case for you, Ann?” said Cyril. 12. “Shall I sit with your baby?” said Mary to me. 13. “Shall I post your letters for you?” he asked.

StatementsExercise 8. Report these statements using the verbs say or tell in the Present Indefinite Tense. Mention the speaker.Examples:1. It is a bit cold today. I'm going to wear a pullover.David says (that) it is a bit cold today. He is going to wear a pullover.2. You always forget everything, Alice.Mother tells Alice that she always forgets everything.

1. We have translated the article and done all the exercises. 2. I've watched this hockey match on TV. 3. I have been looking for you everywhere, Cyril. 4. I have posted your letter, Grannie. 5. We shall wait for another bus. 6. Cyril will be carrying the food, he won't be able to carry the tent. 7. It may rain any minute. 8. You must not cross on the red light, Rita. 9. Ann, you can make the recording your-self. 10. If you come across unfamiliar words, you may look them up in a dictionary. 11. When we do not understand anything, our teacher answers all our questions. 12. I cannot read this text as I do not know English well. 13. You will have to return the book which you have borrowed from the library. 14. I couldn't call Nelly as I don't know


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her telephone number. 15. I would give you my pen, Alice, if I had an extra one.Exercise 9. Rewrite the statements of Exercise 8 using the reporting verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense. Mention the speaker.Examples:1. David said it was a bit cold that day and he was going to wear a pullover.2. Mother told Alice that she always forgot everything.

Exercise 10. Rewrite each of these statements in Indirect Speech, paying special attention to the change of adverbs of time and place; the reporting being done several days later.

1. I met this boy last year in this camp. 2. They will be here soon. 3. We're having a grammar test tomorrow. 4. I can't come next week. 5. My parents went away yesterday. 6. Our teacher lost her temper yesterday morning, when we were doing our recording in the lab. 7. I was very ill yesterday, now I am well. 8. I have never been here before. 9. I shall try to be in time today. I'm sorry I forgot to come yesterday. 10. I learnt all this nonsense a long time ago.

Exercise 11. Rewrite each of the following statements in Indirect Speech paying special attention to the change of pronouns.

1. Mary said to them, “We can now exchange books, take mine and I'll take yours”. 2. Mary said, “An aunt of mine has just come from Kyiv, I ought to help her with her bags and boxes”. 3. Marina said, “I have lost my ticket and Mary has lost hers”. 4. Mary said, “The lab assistant himself gave me these tapes”. 5. Mary said to Marina, “We must do it by ourselves”. 6. Marina said to Mary, “You must do it by yourself”. 7. Mary said, “I can't see myself in this mirror, you have hung it too high, Cyril”. 8. Mary said, “This lab assistant can't do all these repairs by himself”. 9. Mary said to Cyril: “This is my own notebook, it belongs to me”. 10. Cyril said to Mary, “Yes, it belongs to you. And as it is yours, you can do all the typing by yourself, it is in front of you”.


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Exercise 12. Rewrite these statements in Indirect Speech.1. Mary said, “I must go now”. 2. Cyril said, “I needn't go”.

3. The teacher said, “You may stay if you like”. 4. The teacher said, “If you can't type any better than this, you better not type at all”. 5. Cyril said, “I can't hear what the lecturer is saying”. 6. Cyril said, “I can't record the song now, but I can do it next week”. 7. Mary said, “I can't find the marks you made for me on the track”. 8. Mary said, “I couldn't find the marks you had made for me on the track”. 9. The coach said, “You can do it better if you try”. 10. Mary said; “I must get up early every morning”. 11. The doctor said, “You may have to stay in bed for a week”. 12. The coach said, “The weather may get warmer tomorrow”. 13. Cyril said, “Our hockeyteam may win today, but I am not sure”. 14. Cyril said, “The teacher might speak to my mother about my marks, I'm afraid”. 15. Alice said, “If Cyril is not careful enough, he may be killed by the heavy traffic”. 16. Cyril said, “You might have left your rain-coat in the bus”.

Exercise 13. Rewrite these statements (which always remain true) in Indirect Speech beginning your sentences with the words: He said …, The lecturer said..., They say... .

1. Oil is lighter than water. 2. Lunar days and nights are each two weeks long. 3. We can't live without air. 4. You can't get to the Moon by train. 5. We eat to live, we don't live to eat. 6. A person who always tells lies can never be trusted. 7. Tomorrow is another day. 8. Cows give us milk. 9. Seeing is believing. 10. Columbus discovered America. 11. Men must learn to understand one another. 12. Britain is an island. 13. A crab is a shell-fish with ten legs. 14. The red light means stop. 15. All rivers flow to the seas and oceans. 16. If you mix lye with fat, you get soap.

Exercise 14. Rewrite the following sentences in Indirect Speech with the reporting verb in the Past Indefinite Tense.


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1. One of the soldiers said, “By the time we reach the hill, the enemy will have cut us off from the rest of our men”. 2. The other soldier said, “We shall have to fight our way back along the coast where the enemy have fewer troops”. 3. Mother said, “When you have finished digging out the potatoes I want you to cut off some cabbages”. 4. The teacher said, “You've made a lot of mistakes, so I give you satisfactory mark”. 5. The student said, “I can't see where I've made a mistake”. 6. Mary said, “I used to meet him when we were first-year students”. 7. Mary said, “I was doing my morning exercises and couldn't answer the door”. 8. “When I met you, I had already posted my letter to you”, said Mary to me. 9. The pupil said, “When I thought of a very good example, the teacher had already given me a bad mark”. 10. “Yesterday I got a good mark for the story about my trip to the seaside”, said the student. 11. The teacher said, “You have asked the same question every day since the term began”. 12. Our teacher of geography said, “I was in France in 2007, but I had left the country before the Olympic Games began”. 13. “I studied English at school, but I haven't spoken English since than and have forgotten everything I learned”, said my mother. 14. “I have been trying to learn English for years, but I have not succeeded yet”, said he. 15. “I have been looking at this picture for five minutes, but I can't see you in it”, she said. 16. “I have been sitting here writing my homework, but it is not quite finished yet”, Ann said.

Exercise 15. Rewrite the following statements in Indirect Speech with the reporting verb in the Past Indefinite Tense.

1. I saw a lot of people running down the street shortly after I heard the explosion. 2. I read everything about stars and matter and atoms that my father could get for me. 3. He shouted till he grew hoarse. 4. I tripped over the step as I was coming in. 5. I am sure she is in. 6. When I wrote the letter, I posted it. 7. I haven't ridden a bicycle longer than I can remember. 8. You must tell me what you have been doing since I last saw you. 9. I did not see what my chil-dren were doing at that time. 10. I had a short rest before I went on with my work. 11. Mendeleyev's Periodic Table of Chemical


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Elements, which was created in the second half of the 19th century, has opened a new era not only in chemistry but also in other branches of science.

Exercise 16. Rewrite each of these statements in Indirect Speech beginning your sentences with the reporting verb in the Past Indefinite Tense.

1. If you had watched TV last night, you would have enjoyed yourself greatly. 2. If you had taken these pills yesterday, you would feel much better today. 3. I wouldn't have passed the exam if you had not helped me with it, I would have failed it. 4. We could have reached the summit if we had had two more days of fine weather. 5. This lab assistant could not have done all this work by himself. 6. If I had studied English at school, I might have understood what the actors were singing. 7. It seems to me that some people would like to avoid this conference. 8. From the various statements that have already been made it doesn't look as if any decisions will be reached today. 9. It looks as if no decision could be reached before the end of this month. 10. I would ride a bicycle rather well if I didn't fall all the time.

Exercise 17. Rewrite the following statements in Indirect Speech. Example: –I wish I were a little taller.Cyril said he wished he were a little taller.

1. I wish I knew Mary's address or telephone number. 2. I wish it were not raining all the summer as it is. 3. Cyril wishes he had a new tape recorder. 4. I wish I could help you, but I can't. 5. We wish the weather were warm so we could go swimming. 6. I wish the weather had not been nasty yesterday, so we could have gone swimming. 7. I wish you agreed to make a speech. 8. I wish I were not afraid of cold weather. 9. Cyril wishes he didn't live so far from me. 10. I wish you wouldn't ask me so many questions. 11. I wish you wouldn't write your composition in pencil. 12. I wish I had seen this TV show. 13. I wish I hadn't been rude to Alice. 14. I wish I


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hadn't been late for the lecture yesterday. 15. Cyril wishes he had had his note-book last week.


SPECIAL QUESTIONSDirect Special Question Reported Special Question“Who is on duty?” The teacher asked who was onasked the teacher. duty.“Who will be our class We asked the Principal whoteacher?” we asked the Princi- would be our class teacher.pal.“Who wants to prove this The math teacher asked whotheorem?” the math teacher asked.

wanted to prove the theorem.

“Who told you about the new My friend wanted to know whofilm?” my friend asked me. had told me about the new film.“What are you reading?” Alice asked Cyril what he wasAlice asked Cyril. reading.“When do classes begin?” The new student wanted to knowthe new student asked. when classes began.“Where have you put my dictionary?” asked Alia.

Alia wondered where I had put her dictionary.

“Why didn't you attend the first lecture?” the professor asked Brian.

The professor asked Brian why he hadn't attended the first lecture.

“How many people have you Mother wanted to know howinvited to your birthday party?” many people I had invited to myMother asked me. birthday party.

Exercise 18. Make these questions indirect by including them into а statement, request or question. Begin your sentences with: I wonder..., I'd like to know..., Please, tell me..., Do you know..., Can you tell me... .


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Example: –Who discovered the X-rays? I wonder who discovered the X-rays. Can you tell me who discovered the X-rays?

A. 1. Who wrote A Farewell to Arms? 2. What are the main characters of the novel A Farewell to Arms? 3. Which hero do you admire most? 4. Who is the author of Daddy-Long-Legs? 5. When was Daddy-Long-Legs written? 6. Who is Jean Webster and when was she born? 7. Who wrote Pride and Prejudice? 8. Why did Mrs. Bennet, the character of the novel Pride and Prejudice, want her daughter Lizzy to marry Mr. Collins and Mr. Bennet did not? 9. How many heroes are there in Three Men in a Boat? 10. What other books by Jerome K. Jerome except Three Men in a Boat do you know? 11. Who wrote Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow? 12. What is the full name of a famous Canadian humorist, the author of How We Kept Mother's Birthday? 13. What are the best-known books by Herbert Wells? 14. Why did Mark Twain call himself “the biggest liar on the Mississippi” in one of the stories?

В. 1. How many states are there in the USA? 2. Where is Nelson's Column? 3. When was the first man launched into space? 4. When was the first sputnik launched? 5. Who invented the radio? When? 6. What means of communication were used to send messages over long distances long ago? 7. Which was invented first – the telephone or the telegraph? 8. What is the difference between a) quality and quantity b) a liquid and a solid c) to raise and to rise d) a stool and a chair?

GENERAL QUESTIONSDirect General Question Reported General Question

“Are you the captain of the The new pupil asked Cyril ifschool football team?” the new he was the captain of thepupil asked Cyril. school football team.“Can you drive?” Cyril asked Cyril asked Alec if he couldAlec. drive.“Do you live far from the The teacher asked Nina if she


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school?” the teacher asked Nina. lived far from the school.“Have you finished reading my The teacher asked me if I hadbook?” the teacher asked me. finished reading his book.“Did you have a good journey?” we asked our guests.

We asked our guests if they had had a good journey.

“Will you be eighteen next September?” the girl asked Brian.

The girl asked Brian if he would be eighteen next September.

“Has the book been translated I asked the teacher if the bookinto Ukrainian?” I asked the teacher.

had been translated into Ukrainian.

“Would you like to go to a movie?” Jim asked Ann.

Jim asked Ann if she would like to go to a movie.

“Would you mind changing your seat?” I asked the girl next to me.

I asked the girl next to me if she would mind changing her seat.

“Should I do this exercise Larry asked the teacher if heagain?” Larry asked the teacher. should do the exercise again.“Would you go to the movie if Larry invited you?” I asked Helen.

I asked Helen if she would go to the movie if Larry invited her.

“Would your brother have become an artist if he had graduated from the art school?” Mila asked Oleg.

Mila asked Oleg if his brother would have become an artist if he had graduated from the art school.

Exercise 19. Make these questions indirect.1. “Do you have any complaints to make?” the manager asked

the customer. 2. “Are we going to have a written test?” we asked our teacher. 3. “Are you sure your son will make a good engineer?” I asked the lady. 4. “Have I passed my exam?” I asked the examiner. 5. “Are you interested in photography?” Alice asked Ann. 6. “Has the letter been typed?” the manager asked the secretary. 7. “Would you mind moving over?” I asked the boy in the next seat. 8. “Would you like some cookies?” Alice asked her guests. 9. “Should I take the


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medicine twice a day?” Nelly asked the doctor. 10. “Can we make up a team to play volleyball?” the boys asked the instructor. 11. “Have your poems been published?” I asked Mila. 12. “Do you know how to handle this new notebook?” asked the lab assistant. 13. “Can I make a recording, please?” I asked the lab assistant. 14. “Has your brother graduated from the Institute?” Nick asked Oleg. 15. “Are we going to have a meeting today?” we asked our teacher. 16. “Did you take part in the seminar?” I asked Helen. 17. “Would you go to Alla's birthday party if you were invited?” Brian asked Michael. 18. “Would you go travelling if you had a lot of money?” Boris asked Nick. 19. “Would you like another cup of tea?” the hostess asked me. 20. “Would you go to work to the North if you were asked to?” Larry asked his friend. 21. “Would you have reached the peak if you had continued climbing?” the correspondent asked the alpinists.

Exercise 20. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech.1. “How many letters have you typed since you came to the

office?” the manager asked his secretary. 2. “Had you left home before the telegram arrived?” she asked me. 3. “How many English books had you read before the term ended?” the teacher asked. 4. “Had you finished writing your composition before the bell rang?” Cyril asked Alice. 5. “Had you worked at a factory before you entered the Institute?” the professor asked. 6. “How long had you studied before you became a teacher?” the English tourists asked our teacher. 7. “How many pupils have you taught since you started working at this school?” The Principal asked the teacher of mathematics. 8. “Had he been an engineer before he became an artist?” the visitors asked the guide of the art exhibition. 9. “Had this girl been a balerina before she became a filmstar?” we asked our guide. 10. “How old was this girl, when she began to learn figure-skating?” we asked the instructor. 11. “Had you published any novels before you began writing poems” we asked the author. 12. “Had he been a novelist before he became a poet?” we asked the lecturer. 13. “How long had you worked before you decided to continue your education?” they asked me in the Institute.


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ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS“Did you pass your exam or did Alec asked me whether I hadyou fail it?” Alec asked me. passed my exam or failed it.“When are you coming to see me, on Saturday or on Sunday?” I asked Marina.

I asked Marina when she was coming to see me, on Saturday or on Sunday.

“Which teacher is more strict: the new or the former one?” Mother asked.

Mother asked me which teacher was more strict the new or the former one.

Exercise 21. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech.1. “What does the boy do? Does he study or work?” the admin-

istrator asked. 2. “What did the man do? Did he wait on the platform or did he go away?” asked the detective. 3. “Who have you just spoken with? Is it a teacher or the Principal?” the mother asked her daughter. 4. “Who did you give the tape to? Was that the lab assistant or the librarian?” asked the teacher. 5. “What do you want to go there for? Do you want to enter the Institute or have you applied for work there?” I asked my friend. 6. “How many subjects did you have in the ninth grade? Did you have eleven or twelve subjects?” she asked. 7. “Did you pass your exam in History or failed it?” Mother asked. 8. “Is banana a tree or a bush?” I asked him. 9. “How many bicycles do you have now, two or three?” Cyril asked. 10. “Did you wash all the linen or not?” Mother asked. 11. “Have you revised all the material or not? Are you reading for examination or for your own pleasure?” Mother asked.

Exclamatory Sentences and Conversational Formulas

Exercise 22. Study the ways of rendering exclamations.A. 1. “Bravo! Splendid!” cried the audience in delight. The audience applauded with delight.


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2. What a lovely garden!He remarked what a lovely garden it was.

B. 1. Oh dear! 1. He sighed (cursed, gasped, screamed, etc.) Damn! Ouch!

with pain (surprise, delight, etc.)

2. Oh! 2. He made an exclamation of surprise (protest, pity, joy, amazement, bewilderment,

Oh Lord! etc.) Goodness!3. What a wonderful day!

He remarked that it was a wonderful day. 4. Oh dear! I've torn my dress!

She sighed and said that she had torn her dress.5. Oh dear me! I've broken the dish! She exclaimed that she

had broken the dish.6. How hungry I am! He said he was hungry.7. What fun it will be biking down the long hill! He said it

would be fun biking down the long hill.

Exercise 23. Study the ways of reporting conversational formulas.1. “Cyril”, said Alice, “meet my friend Brian”.Alice introduced Brian to Cyril (and they shook hands).2. Brian said, “(My name is) Brian”. Nelly said, “Glad to meet you, (my name is) Nelly”.Brian introduced himself to Nelly (and they shook hands).3. The teacher said, “Hello (Good morning, good afternoon)”. The teacher greeted her pupils.4. “Hello, Alice”, said Cyril. “Hello, Cyril”, said Alice, “Haven't seen you for ages”.Alice and Cyril exchanged greetings.5. “Hi, Nelly”, said Brian. “How are things?” “Thanks”, said Nelly. “How are you?”Brian and Nelly greeted each other.


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6. “Good morning, darling”, said Mother. Mother wished good morning to me.7. “Good-bye”, said Alice and Cyril said nothing to me as they were going away.Alice said good-bye to me. Cyril went away without saying good-bye.8. “Bye”, said Alice, “See you later”. Alice said good-bye to me.9. Cyril said, “Many happy returns of the day, Alice”. Cyril greeted Alice on her birthday.Cyril wished Alice many happy returns of the day.10. Mary said, “I wish you the very best, I hope your dreams come true”.Mary wished me every success. Mary wished me the very best.11. “Congratulations”, said Mother. “I am so glad you have passed your finals!”Mother congratulated me on passing my final examinations successfully.12. Mary said, “Sorry, I am late”.Mary (said she) was sorry she was late.13. Mary said, “Excuse my ringing up at such an hour”. Mary apologized to me for ringing up so early (late).14. Alice said, “Thanks a lot, Cyril, for your kind help with my bike”.Alice thanked Cyril for helping her with her bike.15. “You're always welcome to our house”, said Cyril's mother to Nell. Cyril's mother expressed a warm welcome to Nell.16. “Help yourself to this pie”, she said. She asked me to have another helping of the pie.17. “After you”, said Cyril. Cyril asked me to go first.18. “Cheer up!” said Nell.Nell cheered me up.


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Exercise 24. Report the following exclamatory sentences.1. “Good morning”, she said, “How's your mother today?”

2. “Goodness gracious! Who has shovelled the snow?” 3. “Ouch! Why do you always tread on my feet!” she exclaimed. 4. “Oh, how bored I am! Is there nothing else to do?” she sighed. 5. “Oh dear! rining again!” she remarked. 6. “Damn! I've twisted my thumb”, she said. 7. “Bravo! Splendid!” cried the audience in delight. 8. “Oh”, she exclaimed in surprise. “That's you, Tom”. 9. “What lovely cakes these are! Marvellous!” she said. 10. “What exquisite roses!” she exclaimed. 11. “You hurt me. Let my hand go!” the girl said angrily. 12. “But I'm tired and hungry and want to sleep!” the boy protested.

Exercise 25. Rewrite the following sentences in Indirect Speech.1. “Eight pence”, exclaimed the old lady. “Oh dear! Things

are getting so expensive!” 2. “Platform 13!” cried the old lady. “Oh dear! I never travel on trains that leave from platform 13! It's an unlucky number!” 3. “My word! You're strong!” said Margie, as Brian lifted the heavy suitcase. 4. “Good Heavens!” cried Bill's mother. “You'll drive me mad!” 5. “Oh, Larry, how dull you are!” exclaimed Nora. 6. “Nonsense!” Roderick said to me. “Complete rubbish! Bosh!” 7. “No classes today! Hurrah!” shouted the boys. “Hush, hush!” said one of the girls. 8. “Taxi! Taxi!” shouted Mary, waving her hand. 9. What a beautiful girl, he said with admiration. 10. “Hi, Helen!” shouted Dick. “Hello, Dick”, she answered. 11. “Oh, how disappointing! How really very sad!” exclaimed Nina hearing the news. 12. Kate, “Meet my friend, Larry. Her name's Rita”. Larry: “How do you do! Glad to meet you”. Rita: “How do you do! Me too”. 13. “Look!” said Alex, “how beautiful the mountains are! And the sea is gorgeous!” 14. “It cannot be the truth! No! I cannot believe what you are saying, Ned!” exclaimed Philip. 15. “My god! I never!” exclaimed Terence. 16. “Ouch”, cried Larry as he bumped into the wall in the darkness.

Review Exercises42

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Exercise 26. Translate into Ukrainian.1. “My name's not Brown, it's Howard”, retorted the man

angrily. 2. “But this way is shorter!” remarked the girl innocently. 3. “I've got too big a family on my hands”, he said reproachfully. 4. “Let's open the box now”, he said eagerly. 5. “You go home and bring your brother here!” he shouted in wrath. 6. “Stop! Stop that noise!” he said indignantly. 7. “So it was you”, he said indifferently. 8. “Am I right?” he asked warily. 9. “Tom! Stop!” interrupted his sister hastily. 10. “You don't really know what this word means”, said his mother coldly. 11. The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning. 12. The boy boasted that he would have a rise in pay very soon. 13. She complained that she couldn't find anyone to help her. 14. “Is Venice really a planet?” wondered the boy. 15. “You can do it yourself”, the woman grumbled out. 16. “I shall not stay for extra time”, protested the girl. 17. “You should better stay where you are”, threatened the bigger boy.

Exercise 27. Rewrite these sentences replacing the word said by one of the words given below. Use each word once only: agreed, insisted, exclaimed, whispered, apologized, admitted, claimed, suggested, protested, boasted, shouted.

1. “I can speak four languages easily”, he said. 2. “Let's go to the movies tonight”, he said. 3. “If you cannot do it for me today, you simply must do it tomorrow”, she said. 4. “Well, yes, if you insist, we shall stay here for a couple of days”, he said. 5. “Well, yes, you are right after all”, he said. 6. “This teacher has given me the wrong mark. I know this subject very well”, said the student. 7. “Sh-sh-sh... Stop talking, you are being impolite to the lecturer”, she said. 8. “I haven't broken the traffic rules. You cannot take my license. I know my rights”, the driver said. 9. “Stop that noise in here!” he said. 10. “I'm sorry I'm late for class”, he said. 11. “It is a surprise to meet you here today”, she said.


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Exercise 28. Rewrite the sentences from Exercise 28 in Reported Speech.

Exercise 29. Rewrite these sentences in Direct Speech. Use the most appropriate reporting verb for each sentence or the verb said with an adverb of manner.

Example: Go away! Stop asking me stupid questions!“Go away! Stop asking me stupid questions”, he said sharply. Or: “Go away! Stop asking me stupid questions”, he snapped.

1. Of course I could have won the competition easily, if I had tried. 2. Do as I tell you or you'll regret it. 3. If you are so clever, why don't you try doing it yourself? 4. Do you mean to say that you haven't even listened to the text once? 5. I've heard just about enough. One more word and you'll have to leave the classroom. 6. Shut up. I've had just about enough! 7. It is too good to be true. 8. I'm just going out, so I can't stop to speak to you. I'm sorry. 9. Look at the blackboard and listen to me attentively. I repeat: this is the letter A. 10. I am not to blame. I will not apologize. 11. I am not worried about my examination. 1 know this subject perfectly.

Exercise 30. Write a statement consistent with the given verbs.1. ... he suggested. 2. ... she complained. 3. ... the teacher

announced. 4. ... the monitor explained. 5. ... Cyril declared. 6. ... Mother promised. 7. ... my friend insisted. 8. ... the boy shouted. 9. ... the librarian agreed. 10. ... the taxi-driver protested. 11. ... apologized the pupil. 12. ... he snapped.

Exercise 31. Write a statement consistent with the given adverbs. 1. ... the teacher explained patiently. 2. ... the boy said

angrily. 3. ... the teacher said reproachfully. 4. ... the girl protested passionately. 5. ... she answered sharply. 6. ... the woman said sympathetically. 7. ... he said reluctantly. 8. ... he said rudely. 9. ... the girl said modestly. 10. ... the pupil observed sarcastically. 1 l . ... she said softly.


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Exercise 32. Rewrite in Indirect Speech with the reporting verbs: complain, regret, announce, assure, admit, affirm.

1. The woman said, “There are no lights in the rooms, all the windows are broken and all the locks are broken too”. 2. The boy said, “My work is so hard, so tiring”. 3. The girl said, “We are so ex-hausted, we can't walk any farther”. 4. He said, “I'm quite unable to repay you the money. I'm so sorry”. 5. The woman said, “I'm so sorry I can't give you a nice cup of tea”. 6. The girl said, “What a pity I won't be able to see you off, I'd rather to”. 7. The chairman said, “The meeting will continue until all the problems have been solved”. 8. The secretary said, “I don't intend to change the timetable”. 9. The man said, “People don't generally fish in this river”. 10. He said, “This river freezes in winter”. 11. The woman said to me, “I assure you, that the last bus leaves in five minutes and the trams stop running too”. 12. The boy said, “I listen to round-the-clock news every day”. 13. The man said: “When we can't understand a thing, when we can't find out the truth about it, and wonder what it is or where it came from or what it contains, or why it exists, we say that it is a mistery”. 14. I said: “He who always thinks well does well”. 15. I said: “I am not in the habit of telling lies”.

Exercise 33. Translate into English.1. Мені не веліли втручатися. 2. Мені веліли

зачекати. 3. Вчитель сказав, щоб ми поквапились. 4. Мама веліла, щоб ти повернувся. 5. Пасажиру запропонували пред'явити квиток. 6. Лаборант велів нам зняти пальто і надіти халати. 7. Мені порадили поговорити з вами. 8. Я прошу вас не чіпати експонати. 9. Мене просили зачекати. 10. Він зажадав, щоб ми пішли з кімнати. 11. Він сказав, щоб я завтра туди не ходив, так як його не буде там. 12. Алик, віднеси цю книгу татові. Алік: “Тато, мама веліла принести тобі цю книгу”. 13. Я прошу тебе допомогти мені. 14.Солдатам було дано наказ не стріляти. 15. Він запрошував мене зайти до нього ще


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раз. 16. Вчитель попередив учнів, щоб вони не засиджувалися пізно напередодні іспитів. 17. Раджу тобі не відкладати роботу. 18. Лікар запропонував, щоб ми відправили брата в санаторій. 19.  Вони пропонують відкласти змагання на місяць. 20. Тренер сказав, щоб ми одягли ковзани і костюми.

Exercise 34. Act as if you don't know the answer to these questions. Begin your replies with the expressions given below.

Example:Pupil 1: What is the message of the story?Pupil 2: I'm not sure what the message of the story is.Questions:

1. Who wrote the story? 2. How many chapters are there in it? 3. What are the main characters of the story? 4. How does the author describe the main character of the story? 5. What is the name of the main character? 6. When does the action take place? 7. Where does the action take place? 8. Why did the teacher tell you to read this story? 9. When was the story written? 10. Have you seen the film on the story?

Expressions to begin your replies with: l) I'm not sure...; 2) I don't remember...; 3) I didn't know...; 4) I can't tell you…5) I can't understand...; 6) I have no idea... .

Exercise 35. Try to answer these questions showing that you are not sure of your answers. Change Direct Speech into Indirect by including the questions in the subordinate clause. For the main clause use: I can't imagine...; I have no idea...; I'm sorry I can't tell you...; I'm not sure...; Nobody knows...; I'm afraid I forgot...; I can't recollect...

Example:A: Is this a cactus or what?B: Unfortunately I don't know whether it is a plant at all.1. How do the stripes run on a zebra, horizontally or vertically. 2. What is the name for a female swan? 3. How many fingers have you got? 4. When is Sherlock Holmes' birthday? 5. Who was the


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Jabberwock? 6. Who was the Artful Dodger? 7. What is the longest English word in common use? 8. Which English word has most meanings? 9. What is a baker's dozen? 10. Which insects are most industrious? 11. Look at any map and say what scale it is drawn to. 12. Is Portugal a Mediterranean country? 13. Is Spain a Mediter-ranean country?

Exercise 36. Report the following questions, then suggest an excuse that might be made in answer to them.

Example:Who has broken my beautiful vase?You ask me who has broken your beautiful vase. To tell you the truth I know who did it. It was the cat.

1. Who has broken my beautiful bowl? 2. Why have you done your homework so badly? 3. You're late again. Why are you usually late for my class? 4. This isn't fit to eat. What is it, is it fish? 5. What a bad driver you are! Why didn't you stop when you saw the red light was against you? 6. Why is there so much dust on your table? 7. Why don't you give me back that book you borrowed last month? 8. Why is the jar empty? I'm sure I left this jar more than half-full and now it's nearly empty. 9. Why are you wearing my own shoes? 10. Why have you put a spoon under your pillow?Answers:

1. I was dusting it, when it just came into two in my hand. 2. I didn't do it. My father did it. 3. Yes, sir. The doctor told me not to hurry. 4. No, it isn't. Everybody asks the same question. I wonder why. 5. I'm wearing green glasses. 6. I'm learning to write my name in it. 7. I lent it to your sister. 8. It's this hot weather. 9. But I am wearing my own socks. 10. I dreamt of beautiful soup last night.


Exercise 37. Rewrite these dialogues in the form of Direct Speech, Reported Speech, narration, summary.1.


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Dick: Hi! How are you?Helen: Fine, thanks, and you?Dick: Just fine. Where are you going?Helen: To the library.Dick: ОK I'll see you later. So long.Helen: So long.2.Margaret: What time is it? Tom: It's a quarter to five.Margaret: Aren't we supposed to be at Jim's house by five o'clock? Tom: Five or five thirty. He said it didn't make any difference. Margaret: Then maybe we could pick your suit up at the cleaners'. Tom: Sure, we have plenty of time.3.Alice: Hello.Fred: Hi, Alice. This is Fred. Would you like to go to a movie to-night?Alice: Thanks. I'd love to. I haven't been to a movie for a long time. Fred: Good. I'll pick you up around seven thirty, then. The movie starts at eight.Alice: Fine! I'll be ready.4.Linda: You look happy today! Frank: I am happy. I've just passed my physics exam.Linda: Congratulations! I'm glad somebody's happy.Frank: Why? What's the matter?Linda: Oh, I'm just worried, I guess. I have to take a history exam next week.5.Patty: How old are you?Susan: Nine... I'll be ten on May 16.Patty: I'm older than you! I'll be ten on May 14.Susan: Are you going to have a birthday party?Patty: Maybe. I'll have to ask my mother.6


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Bob: Excuse me, is this seat taken? Larry: No, it isn't.Bob: Would you mind moving over one, so my friend and I can sit together? Larry: No, not at all. Bob: Thanks a lot.7.Jane: Have you been ill?Cathy: Well, I had the flu for a couple of weeks, but I'm fine now. Jane: You are looking well. By the way, did you hear about Nelly? Cathy: No. What about her?Jane: She had such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the hospital. Cathy: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.Marilyn: Excuse me. Could you tell me which way Dobson's bookstore is?Nancy: Yes, it's that way. You go two blocks, then turn left. It's on the corner opposite the post office. Marilyn: Thanks. I've only been in town a few days, so I really don't know my way around yet. Nancy: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don't know where everything is.

Exercise 38. Write narrations and summaries of the following dialogues. 1.Peter: There's the shoe store we've been looking for. It's just across the street.Gail: Wait! You can't cross the street in the middle of the block! You have to cross at the corner. Peter: Oh, come on. Let's go across here.Gail: Look out! You nearly got hit by that car! Now do you see why you should cross at the corner? Peter: I guess you're right. I'll be more careful after this. 2.Shirley: Would you like some cookies? I've just made them.


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Louise: Thank you. Yes, I would.Shirley: These are chocolate, and those are almond-flavored.Louise: I guess I'll try a chocolate one first. Mmmm... this is delicious. Are they hard to make? Shirley: No, they are really quite easy. Wait a minute. I've got the recipe right here. See... These are the ingredients, and then you just follow the directions. Louise: That does look easy. I think I'll make some tonight. 3.Karen: Brrr! I'm cold. I thought it was supposed to get warmer today.Ed: Yeah, I thought so, too. That's what the weatherman said.Karen: It must be the wind that makes it so cold. I'm freezing! Ed: Me, too. Let's go inside.Karen: ОK It's no fun standing out here, even if the sun is shining. 4.Steve: Excuse me. I wonder if you can help me.Mike: Sure. What is it?Steve: I want to have my hair cut, but I can't find a barber shop. Mike: I know where one is. Come on. I'll show you.5.Joyce: Shall we take a taxi or a bus to the meeting?Bill: We'd better take a bus. It's almost impossible to find a taxi during rush hours.Joyce: Isn't that a bus-stop over there?Bill: Yes. Oh! Oh! There's a bus now. We'll have to run to catch it.Joyce: ОК ...Oh, oh! We've just missed it.Bill: Never mind. There'll be another one in ten minutes.6.Roger: What do you do in your spare time?Barry: Oh, nothing special. I read... watch TV... go to the movies. Roger: Don't you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that?Barry: No, I don't have any hobbies. How about you?Roger: I have just one photography. It's expensive but it's a lot of fun.


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7.Debbie: I give up! I simply can't learn French! Helen: Why do you say that? I think you're making a lot of progress.Debbie: No, I'm not. I try and try and I still can't speak it very well. Helen: Learning any language takes a lot of efforts. But don't give up. Why don't we practise those dialogues together? Debbie: Good idea! That just might help.

Exercise 39. Write narrations and summaries of the following talks as if you were one of the speakers.1.Cyril: We're going the wrong way, Alice. We're going away from the Planetarium, I'm afraid. Alice: Let's ask somebody. (To a girl sitting by): Is this the right way to the Planetarium? Girl: No. You're going away from it. Get off the next stop. Cross over and take bus ten.2.Alice: Anything good on TV tonight?Cyril: I don't know. Let's turn it on and see.Alice: Which channel is it? That looks like some sort of crime story I don't like it. Isn't there anything funny on?Mother: Well, it may be time for the Twenty Questions, let's... Oh, that's more like it. But can't you get a better picture? Look at that snow!Father: Yes, that's a terrible picture. Maybe we need a new tube. I'll try to adjust it. Let me, Cyril. Well? There. That's better, isn't it?Mother: Wouldn't you know it? A good clear picture just in time for a funny show!3.Alice: I'd like to have this coat cleaned and pressed, please. Girl: Yes. Did you want to put that on special? Mary: What is meant by special?Girl: That's our special service. You can pick up your coat tomorrow evening. There's a small extra charge, of course.Alice: No, we're not in a hurry.


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Girl: All right. Let me make out a ticket. Your name?Mary: Alice Brown, address...Girl: Oh ... Whose coat is it, I wonder?Alice: Mine, and the name and the address are also mine. Don't worry.Girl: I'm sorry, and you want the coat cleaned and pressed. Here's your ticket. You can pick up your coat on Friday.

Exercise 40. Rewrite the following passages changing Direct Speech into Reported Speech. Instead of I use Mr. Henry, Frederic or he. You may also use Miss Barkley's and Miss Fergusons first names — Catherine and Helen.

A. At dinner I ate very quickly and left for the villa where the British had their hospital. It was really very large and beautiful and there were fine trees in the grounds. Miss Barkley was sitting on a bench in the garden. Miss Ferguson was with her. They seemed glad to see me and in a little while Miss Ferguson excused herself and went away.

В. “I'll leave you two”, she said. “You get along very well without me”.

“Don't go, Helen”, Miss Barkley said. “I'd really rather. I must write some letters”.

“Good night”, I said. “Good night, Mr. Henry”.“Don't write anything that will bother the censor”. “Don't

worry. I only write about what a beautiful place we live in and how brave the Italians are. Good night, Catherine”. “I'll see you in a little while”, Miss Barkley said. Miss Ferguson walked away in the dark.

“She's nice”, I said. “Oh, yes, she's very nice. She's a nurse”. “Aren't you a nurse?”

“Oh, no. I'm something called a Voluntary Aid Detachment. We work very hard but no one trusts us”. “Why not?”

“They don't trust us, when there's nothing going on. When there is really work, they trust us”. “What is the difference?”

“A nurse is like a doctor. It takes a long time to be. A Voluntary Aid Detachment is a short-cut”.


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“I see”.“The Italians didn't want women so near the front. So we are

all on very special behavior. We don't go out”. “I can come here though”. “Oh, yes. We're not cloistered”. “Let's drop the war”.“It's very hard. There's no place to drop it”. “Let's drop it anyway”. “All right”.С. The next afternoon I went to call on Miss Barkley again.

She was not in the garden and I went to the side door of the villa where the ambulances drove up. Inside I saw the head nurse.

“Miss Barkley is on duty”, she said. “I know”.“You're the American in the Italian Army?” she asked. “Yes, ma'am”.“How did you happen to do that? Why didn't you join up with

the US?”“I don't know”, I said. “Could I join now?” “I'm afraid not now. Tell me why you joined up with the

Italians”“I was in Italy”, I said, “and I spoke Italian”.“Oh”, she said. “I'm learning it. It's a beautiful language. I've studied it for months now. You may come and see her after seven o'clock if you wish. She'll be off then. But don't bring a lot of Italians”.

D. When I woke, I looked around. There was sunlight coming in through the shutters. My legs in the dirty bandages stuck straight out in the bed. I was careful not to move them. I was thirsty and I reached for the bell and pushed the button. I heard the door open and looked and it was a nurse. She looked young and pretty.

“Good morning”, I said.“Good morning”, she said and came over to the bed. “We

haven't been able to get the doctor. He's gone to Lake Como. What's wrong with you anyway?”

“I'm wounded. In the legs and feet and my head is hurt”.


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“What's your name?”“Henry. Frederic Henry”.“I'll wash you up. But we can't do anything to the dressing

until the doctor comes”.“Is Miss Barkley here?”“No. There's no one by that name here”.“Who was the woman who cried when I came in?”The nurse laughed. “That's Mrs. Walker. She was on night

duty and she'd been asleep. She wasn't expecting anyone”.While we were talking, she was undressing me, and when I

was undressed, except for the bandages, she washed me very gently and smoothly. The washing felt very good.

E. She put a thermometer in my mouth. “The Italians put it under the arm”, I said. “Don't talk”.

When she took the thermometer out, she read it and then shook it.

“What's the temperature?” “You're not supposed to know that”. “Tell me what it is”. “It's almost normal”.“I never have any fever. My legs are full of old iron too”. “What do you mean?”“They are full of trench-mortar fragments, old screws and

bed-springs and things”.She shook her head and smiled.“If you had any foreign bodies in your legs, they would set up

an inflammation and you'd have fever”.“All right”, I said. “We'll see what comes out”.She went out of the room and came back with the old nurse of

the early morning. Together they made the bed.“Who is in charge here?”“Miss Van Campen”.“How many nurses are there?”“Just us two”.“Won't there be more?”“Some more are coming”.


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“When will they get here?”“I don't know. You ask a great many questions for a sick

boy”. “I'm not sick”, I said. “I'm wounded”.They had finished making the bed and I lay with a clean

smooth sheet under me and another sheet over me. Mrs. Walker went out and came back with a pajama jacket. They put that on me and I felt very clean and dressed.

Exercise 41. Prepare the above passages for narration. Avoid using the reporting verbs. Use sentence connectors: since, as, therefore, because, however.

Exercise 42. Report these two letters from O'Henry's “The Ransom of Red Chief”, then give a narration and a summary (in writing).

Ebenezer Dorset, Esq.: We have your boy concealed in a place far from Summit. It is useless for you or the most skillful detectives to attempt to find him. Absolutely, the only terms on which you can have him restored to you are these: we demand fifteen hundred dollars in large bills for his return; the money to be left at midnight tonight at the same spot and in the same box as your reply – as herein after described...

Two Desperate Men.To Two Desperate Men: Gentlemen, I received your letter

today by post, in regard to the ransom you ask for the return of my son. I think you are a little high in your demands, and I hereby make you a counter-proposition, which I am inclined to believe you will accept. You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars in cash, and I agree to take him off your hands. You had better come at night, for the neighbors' believe he is lost, and I couldn't be responsible for what they would do to anybody they saw bringing him back.

Very respectfully, Ebenezer Dorset.


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Exercise 43. Translate into Ukrainian the two excerpts from Stephen Leacock's “How We Kept Mother’s Day” given below and analyse the use of the tense forms in Reported Speech.

A father and his four children decided to have a special celebration of the “Mother's Day” and to make it a holiday for all the family and do everything they could to make their Mother happy. They had arranged it as a surprise for Mother that they would hire a motor car and take her for a beautiful drive away into the country.

When the car came to the door, anyhow it turned out that there hardly seemed as much room in it as they had supposed and they couldn't all get in. Eventually Mother stayed home and the rest of the family went for the holiday but before that...

Father said not to mind him, he said that he could just as well stay home, and that he was sure that he could put in the time working in the garden; he said that there was a lot of rough dirty work that he could do, like digging a tretch for the garbage, that would save hiring a man, and so he said that he'd stay home; he said that they were not to let the fact of his not having had a real holiday for three years stand in their way; he wanted them to go right ahead and be happy and have a big day, and not to mind him. He said that he could plug away all day, and in fact he said he'd been a fool to think there'd be any holiday for him.

(It was decided that Mother would stay home and just have a lovely restful day round the house and get the dinner...)

He said he would never forgive himself if he dragged Mother round the country and let her take a severe cold at a time when she might be having a beautiful rest. He said it was their duty to try and let Mother get all the rest and quiet that she could, after all that she had done for all of us, and he said that that was principally why he had fallen in with this idea of a fishing trip, so as to give Mother a little quiet. He said that young people seldom realize how much quiet means to people who are getting old. As to himself, he could still stand the racket, but he was glad to shelter Mother from it.


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Exercise 44. Rewrite in Direct Speech.David says he wonders if racoons make good pets. Alec

replies he is not sure. He thinks they are easiest to train and very amusing.

David asks if racoons really wash their food before eating it. .Alec affirms by saying that they dip food into water. David is interested if Alec ever saw a racoon wash its food. Alec says he did and suggests that, they give the racoon a lump of sugar.

David is very much surprised, when he sees how the racoon runs to the basin and dips the sugar into the water. Alec is laughing and asks David if he didn't tell him the racoon would wash the sugar before eating it.

