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  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)



    Dr.Dr. HasrizalHasrizal ShaariShaari


  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


     arac er s cs o r an a er.

    Buoyancy.  What is Pressure?

      . The Anatomy of Your Lungs.

    Indirect Effects of Pressure.


  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)




    The gases in air are colorless,odorless and tasteless.

    r s compose o approx ma e y .oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1.1%

    miscellaneous gases.


    trogen s meta o ca y nert.

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    The main h sical stress of the underwater  The effect of hydrostatic pressure

    Seawater is slightly dense than freshwater 

    The fraction of seawater concentration

    therefore 96.5% H2O and 3.5% salts.

    This characteristic  Buoyancy

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    In the Water 

    Water affects our vision, hearing, ability to



    - Objects appear 1/3 closer and larger under


    ii. Colors

    - .

    iii. Heat loss


    iv. Drag

    - .

    resistance is called drag.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    The rinci le of buo anc In science, buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid that

    opposes the weight of an immersed object. In a column of fluid,

    pressure increases with depth as a result of the weight of the

    overlying fluid.

    Archimedes’ principle, physical law of buoyancy,

    An ob ect wholl or artiall immersed in a fluid is buo ed u b a

    force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

    Buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid.When object immersed in a fluid = buoyant

    force equal to the weight

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    States of Buo anc Positive buoyancy If an object floats, it means the object

    dis laces an amount of water that wei hs more than the

    object does

    Neutral buoyancy If an object hovers, it means the object

    displaces an amount of water that weighs same as the object


    buoyancy If an

    object sinks, it means

    an amount of water

    that weighs less than

    t e o ject oes.

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    your body and gear you wear.


    thickness of your suit, and your gear.

    Human body like “bag of water” reffered toliquid-solid compartment of body.

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      BCD Buo anc Control Device

    Lead Weight

      ung vo ume

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  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    The density of the water in which you dive

    also affects your buoyancy.

    If you are weighted to be neutral in salt water and you

    dive in fresh water with the same amount of weight, you



    eu ra uoyancy enea e sur ace:

    It is important to help protect marine life.

    Diving without buoyancy control:

    Is tiring, hazardous, and a sign of an unskilled, unthinking,

    and uncaring diver.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


     What is Pressure?

    This force is called pressure and is measured

    in bar or ounds er s uare inch si

    If you weighed a column of air that extended all

    the way to the edge of the atmosphere:

    1 inch by 1 inch = 14.7 psi

    1 centimeter b 1 centimeter = 1 kilo ram

    This constant pressure is called 1 atmosphereof pressure.

     As long as the pressure in a body’s air spaces

    matches the surrounding atmospheric pressure,the pressure is equalized and you do not feel any

    effects from your surrounding atmospheric


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    consider the effects of pressure on an open and

    closed s stem.

    The pressure surroundingthe bucket increases and


    The inverse relationship

    volume is known as Boyle’sLaw

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    How Pressure Affects VolumeHow Pressure Affects Volume

    The effects of pressure on a closed system can be muchmore dramatic.

    The bag becomes smaller and smaller as the air  

    compresses and the volume decreases.

    You must NEVER hold your breath when breathingcompressed air under water.

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       When you descend in water, the force from the

     weight of the air and the water above affects you.

    Boyle’s Law

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    How Pressure Affects DensitHow Pressure Affects Densit

    You use your air faster when you dive deeper.

    As the pressure ↑, the air compresses to

    As the air compresses, it becomes denser.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    Pressure and Air Consum tionPressure and Air Consum tionThe rate at which you consume the air in your cylinder isdirectly proportional to the depth you dive.

     Air consumption factors:

     Your activity level during your dive Your mental state.

     Your body size.

    e warm o your v ng su .

     Your level of physical fitness.


     You can use up 4x air as much as air exerting than when

    resting.Develop a slow and relaxed breathing pattern as well as aslow rate of breathing.

    arger peop e ave arger ungs an use more a r an

    smaller people

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


      When you dive, the pressure of the water

    effects your air spaces as well as your breathing.


    Whenever the pressure outside an air space


    is greater than the pressure inside an airspace.

     s type o n ury s ca e arotrauma

    (pressure injury).

    A reverse block is the opposite of amiddle ears


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    The Middle Ear You must be able to equalize the pressure inside your ears tocomfortably and safely dive.

    Anatomy of the ear:

    i. Outer ear e outer ear is t e ear cana

    ii. Middle ear


    Contains the airway link called the eustachian tube.

    iii. Inner ear

    Contains the balance mechanism.

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    in your outer ear is greater than the air 


    Equalizing your middle ear:

     your ears, you need to equalize.

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      Never force equalizing your ears. You

    could cause serious damage to your ears.

    The ke to successful ear e ualization:equalize early and often


    Ascend a few feet to reduce the pressure, and

    a emp o equa ze aga n.

    If you have a head cold, you must notattempt to equalize by any method.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)



    your ear hurts and feels

    “ ”,

    descend until the feeling


    If the block does not

    equa ze:

    If you must surface, close yournose and mouth and breathe in.

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    mucous membranes and surrounded by


    Sinus squeeze and blockage: Never dive when you have

    a cold or sinus congestion.

    Decongestant drugs:

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    Teeth: Mask space:


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    air sacs, called alveoli. Lung over-expansion injuries:


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    Breathin and CirculationBreathin and Circulation

     is a vital function of the circulatory


    Carbon dioxide controls your breathing.


    Shallow breathing:  ,

    not exchange enough air with each



    Deliberately breathing deeply and rapidly

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      Ski breathin :

    When a diver slip breathes, they hold each breath for anextended period of time rather than breathing normally.

    , -carbon dioxide in the body.

    r tarvat on:

    Regulators have a limit as to how much air they can give you.

    If you feel starved for air, and you feel that your regulator isnot supplying you with the amount of air you need:

    Stop what you are doing, rest, and breathe slowly anddeeply until you recover, being sure to exhale fully witheac rea .

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


      Ingassing and offgassing:• 78% of the air we breathe is N.

    • N is an inert gas, but is absorbed andtissues.

    • The ressure of N is balanced

    between the air and your body. Thisstate is called equilibrium.

    ,you breathe is denser and than the

    partial pressure N you inhale witheach breath is increased.

    • With changes in the ambient

    offgasses until the N is balancedbetween air and your body.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


     " " " “ . 

    bubbles blocking circulation in the small veins of 

    oints elbows, knees, shoulders cause ain that adiver may seek to relieve by bending those joints.

    Even very experienced divers can get bent, so dotake this very, very seriously.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    It takes time for N to enter and to leave the body. –  When you ascend your body begins to eliminate N.

     –  If too much is still present after you surface, the

    excess N forms bubbles in your body.

    When bubbles form in your blood, they can create

    m croscop c c o s a mpa r your c rcu a on.

     –  Symptoms of DCS can range from skin rash, extreme





     Ascent Rate

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    DCS T esDCS T es


    less severe and may manifest itself as

    ,sometimes fatigue and vertigo.

    Type II DCS  more serious neuralgic,

    blood flow can result in weakness,

    , , ,sensations, personality change and


  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)



    First aid in mild cases is 100% oxygen,


    thinner, and plenty of rest.

    chamber, and the faster the better. That way, the bubblesdissolve a ain and are ro erl and slowl eliminated

    through slow recompression.

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    Precaution of DCSPrecaution of DCS

    Ascend slowly to allow plenty of time for the

    o ou -gas

    Make a one minute stop at half yourmaximum dive depth

    Make a 3-5 minute safety stop at 15 feet

    Always do the deepest dive first  

    Allow extra surface interval time between

    Allow 12 to 24 hours before you fly in an

    a rp ane a er v ng

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    Carbon Monoxide ToxicitCarbon Monoxide Toxicit

    CO is an odorless tasteless as comin from the

    combustion of organic matter.

    It combines with blood, hemoglobin really, much

    more easily than oxygen, some 200x more readily in


    CO poisoning can happen if a faulty or poorly

    maintained air compressor adds CO into the tank 

    or suc s n a rea y con am na e a r.

    mo ers a rea y n a e an at greater r s or  

    hypoxicity (being low on O2).

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)



    , ,

    the diver inhales many more CO molecules,

    enou h for oisonin s m tons such as headaches

    confusion, tunnel vision and worse.

    Treatment  pure O2 and fresh air.

    Serious cases   recompression in a chamber with

    100% O2 may bee necessary to reduce, or  

    eliminate, longterm damage.

  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)


    Nitro en NarcosisNitro en Narcosis

    Narcosis also known as:


    ii. Inert gas narcosis

    iii. Ra tures of the deeiv. Martini effect

    Reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while diving at depth.

    partial pressure.

    The deeper a diver descends, the higher the partialpressure of N and other gasses in his air will be. For this

    function of depth. The deeper a diver goes, the greater the narcosis.

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  • 8/18/2019 -S\aian SC(S)



    Breathing cold compressed air from a cylinder.


    If the air containing the water vapor is cooled, the water


    When water condenses on the lens of a mask, it formsbeads of water. fo in 

    Having to humidify the air we breathe causes dehydration.

     capacity and makes you more susceptible to DCS.

    You must drink lent of fluids before between and after


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