Page 1: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果


Page 2: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Unit 11. 去滑板2. 锻炼3. 几乎不4. 一周两次5. 一个月一次6. 一年三次7. 一周三或四次8. 网上冲浪9. 多久 ( 一次 )10……. 的结果11. 活动调查12. 有某物给某人13. 在周末

go skateboardingexercise = do / take exercise

hardly evertwice a week

once a monththree times a year

surf the InternetHow often

three or four times a week

the result of…activity survey

Here be sth for sb.on weekends

Page 3: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

14. 活跃的 ; 积极的15. 至于 ; 关于16. 垃圾食品17. 想要 ( 某人 ) 做某事18. 对…有好处 / 坏处19. 健康的20. 每晚你睡几个小时 ?

21. 九个小时22. 从学校放学回家23. 饮食习惯

24. 尽 ( 最大 ) 努力 / 试着做…

be activeas for…junk food

want (sb) to do sthbe good / bad for…

be healthy

How many hours do you sleep every night?

come home from schooleating habits

try (one’s best )to do sth

for nine hours

Page 4: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

25. 大量 , 许多26. 当然27. 注意健康28. 有健康的生活方式29. 帮助某人做某事30. 取得好成绩31. 学得好 / 更好 / 最好32. 为什么不做某事 ?

33. 与…相同34. 与…不同35. (… 和 … ) 的不同点

36. 有几分 / 一点不健康

a lot of = lots ofof course =sure = certainly

look after my healthhave a healthy lifestyle

help sb (to) do/with sthget good grades

study well / better / best

be the same as…be different from…

be kind of unhealthy

why not do sth?= why don’t you /we do sth?

the differences (between…and …)

Page 5: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

39. 提高英语

37. 保持健康

38. 少吃肉keep in good health = keep/stay healthy

eat less meatimprove English

Page 6: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

选用方框里的字,用其适当形式填空help, make, a lot of, want, early , exercise, try, and, give, take

1. I have ________ toy cars in my room.2. I eat fruit ________ drink milk every day.3. My parents often ________ me to the park on Sundays.4. He usually comes to school_______.5. Please ________ this book to Ann.6. Mum _________ me to get up at 6:00 and run with her.7. You must _________ to eat less meat.8. Does it _______ a big difference if you eat fruit every day?9. A lot of vegetables_________ you to keep in good health.10.Grandma is pretty healthy because she _____________ every day . U1

a lot of and

take early

give wants/ed

try make

help exercises

Page 7: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

句型转换:1. Ann’s mother shops once a month.

2. He is writing on the blackboard now.

3. Jim goes to see Uncle Li in the evening.( 否定句 )

4. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.. (一般疑问句)

5. She only eats junk food once a week because junk food isn’t good for health.


How often does Ann’s mother shop?

What is he doing on the blackboard now?

Jim doesn’t go to see Uncle Li in the evening.

Are there any beautiful flowers in the garden?

Why does she only eat junk food once a week?

Page 8: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Unit 21. 怎么了 ? 得什么病了 ?

2. ( 重 ) 感冒3. 发 ( 高 ) 烧4. 胃痛5. 牙痛6. 头痛7. 喉咙痛8. 背痛9. 躺下休息10. 加蜂蜜的热茶11. 看病12. 看牙医13. 多喝水14. 应该 / 不该做某事

=what’s up What’s the matter/trouble (with sb)?= What’s wrong (with sb)?

have/get a (bad) coldhave a (high) fever

have a stomachachehave a toothachehave a headache

have a sore throathave a sore back

lie down and rest/have a resthot tea with honey

see a doctorsee a dentistdrink lots of water

should / shouldn’t do sth

Page 9: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

15. 好主意。16. 我感觉不舒服。

17. 太糟了。18. 我 ( 不 ) 是这样认为的。19. 我希望你能尽快好起来。

20. 疲劳21. 压力大22. 早上床睡觉23. 听音乐24. 参加派对25. 需要阴和阳的平衡来保持健

26. 此刻;现在

I’m not feeling well=I don’t feel well=I feel terrible/bad.

That’s a good idea.

That’s too bad.I (don’t) think so.

I hope you feel better + get tired

be /get stressed outgo to bed early

listen to musicgo to/join the party

need a balance of yin and yang to be healthyat the moment = now

Page 10: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

27. 传统中医28. 例如29. 在某方面很弱30. 太多…

实在太…31. 生 (…) 气32. 中医学33. 吃药34. 在西方国家35. 吃均衡的饮食36.( 对某人来说 ) 做某事很…

37. 少数几个 / 一些 ( 肯定 ) 几乎没有 ( 否定 )38. 很遗憾听到这个消息

traditional Chinese doctorsfor example

be weak (in sth)too many + 可数 n. 复数too much + 不可数 n.

much too + adj. / angry (with sb.)

Chinese medicinetake medicine

in western countrieseat a balanced diet

It’s +adj. + (for sb ) + to do sth

a few + 可数 n. 复数a little + 不可数 n.

few + 可数 n. 复数little + 不可数 n.I’m sorry to hear that.

Doing sth is+ adj + (for sb ).

Page 11: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

句型转换:1. What’s your trouble, young man ?(同义句) What’s ___ you, young man? What’s you, young man?2.Be quick, please( 否定句 ) __ quick , please.3. She took a cold two days ago.( 划线部分提问 ) She a cold?4.My brother does his homework in the evening.( 改为一般疑问句 ) Your brother _____ his homework in the evening?5.He hopes that he will be a doctor some day.( 改为简单句 )He hopes _______ ________ a doctors some day.6.Look!the bus is coming here.( 改为倒装 )Look ! _______ ________ _______ ________.

the matter with wrong with

Don’t be

When did take

Does do

to be

Here’s coming the bus

Page 12: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

适当形式填空:1. He shouldn’t eat __________ (something) for 4 hours.2. Many sports help you to keep in good __________ (health)3. I hope __________ (be) healthy.4. Maybe you should _________ (see) a dentist.5. When_____ (do) it start? About two days ago.6. Now I feel ______ (good).7. I usually go to school on _________(foot).8. My little son has eighteen __________ (tooth)9. My mother’s _________ (ill) makes me unhappy.10. If you have trouble, I can give you some _________ (advice)



to besee

did better

foot teeth



Page 13: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

11. I’m tired and I have a lot of _________ (headache).12. Don’t__________ (be )stressed out.13. It’s important _________ (sleep) nine hours a night.14. I don’t feel ________ (good) today.15. I need to take some _________ (medicine).16. He is kind of unhealthy, he should ________ (exercise) every day.17. When you have a stomachache, you shouldn’t eat ____________ (something) for some time.18. The baby has four ________ (tooth) at the age of one.19. A cow has four ____________ (stomach)20. She looks __________ (beautiful) and sings ___________ (beautiful)


be to sleep

well medicine





Page 14: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Unit 31. 假期你打算做什么 ?2. 去野营 3. 去远足4. 去观光5. 去骑自行车6. 听起来…7. 那听起来很棒。8. 休闲在家9. 你将和谁一起去 ?10. 在 12号11. 在 (深 )山里12. 你将呆多长时间? 四天。13. 离开太长时间

go bike riding=ride a bike=go riding

go + V+ing 去…

What are you doing for vacation?go campinggo hikinggo sightseeing

That sounds nice.sound + adj.

relax at homeWho are you going with?

on the 12thin the mountains

How long are you staying?For four days.

go away for too long

Page 15: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

14. 把某物寄给某人15. 把某物给某人看16. 回到学校

17. 去渡假18. 散步

19. 假期计划20. 租录像带21. 以…而出名22. 过长假23. 今年夏天24. 考虑某事 / 做某事25. 决定做某事26. 在欧洲

get/come back to = return to 回来

send sb sth=send sth to sbshow sb sth=show sth to sb

get/come back to school

go for vacationtake walks

take a walk = have a walk = walkvacation plans?rent videos

be famous fortake / have a long vacation

this summerthink about sth / doing sth

decide to do sthdecide on sth / doing sthin Europe

Page 16: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

27. 做一些不同的事28. 计划做某事29. 在乡村30. 花时间 / 金钱于某物 / 做某事

31. 多睡32. 迫不及待做某事33. 做完某事34. 需要做某事35. 询问某人某事36. 一个观光的好地方37. 随身带上某物

do something differentplan to do sth

in the countryside

spend time / money on sth/ (in) doing sleep a lot

can’t wait to do sthfinish doing sthneed to do sth

ask sb about stha good place to go sightseeing

take sth with sb38. 离开某地 动身前往某地 离开…去…

leave +(from) 地点leave for +地点leave … for …

Page 17: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

练习:1. We are going __________(camp) this Sunday. 2. Liu Hong is the _______ (twelve) one to come here.

3. Will you please show all your__________(photo) t

o me. 4. Let’s go bike ______(ride) this weekend. 5. The children couldn’t wait ___________ ( watch) th

e match. 6. They are going ________(fish) next Sunday. 7. My parents want to ask me about place _________

(visit) in England.8. After I finish _________ (clean) the room, I’ll have

a rest.



riding to watch


to visit


Page 18: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

10. Lucy spend an hour _______(do) her homework every day.

11. I plan_________ (study) English next year. 12. I want to do something ____________(difference)

this time. 13. Mike is __________ (stay) for five days. 14. Tell him _________(be ) quiet in the reading room.

15. That is a good place___________(watch) birds.16. How about____________(camp) with us to the m

useum?17. My family __________(go) sightseeing next week.18. I am _________(plan) my vacation to Italy this we



to study different

staying to be

to watch camping

are going panning

Page 19: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

句型:1.How’s the weather there? (同义) _________ the weather________ there?2. Show me your new watch. Please . (同义) _____

__ your new watch ______ ______ ,please.3. I’m visiting my grandmother for vacation.(画线提

问 ) ________ ______ _____ ________ for vacation.4. He is going to Hong Kong on the 12th. (画线提问 )

5. Her mother has to get up early every morning. (画线提问

What’s like

Show to me

What are you doing

When is he going to Hang Kang ?

What does her mother have to do every morning?

Page 20: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

6. I’m not going with you. (画线提问 )

7. Please call me when you get back to school. (同义) Please call me when you ______ to school.

8. Did you have a good time yesterday (同义) Did you ________ _______________ yesterday?9. That song sounds very nice. (画线提问 ) _____ ______ that song _______.10. He decided to buy a new car. (同义) He decided _______ __________ new car.11. We hope that we can visit this place again. (同义) W e hope _____ __________ this place again.

Who aren’t you going with?


enjoy yourself(ves)have fun

How does sound

on buying

to visit

Page 21: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Unit 41.How do you get to school?take the subway 乘地铁take the bus 乘公交车take the train 乘火车take the car 坐小汽车take a taxi to… 乘出租车 去…take a plane 乘飞机take a ship 乘轮船ride a bike 骑自行车walk 走路


by su

bway by b

us by tr

ain by ca

r go / come to… by ta

xi by pl

ane / air by sh

ip / sea by bi

ke on f


Page 22: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

3. 1054. 某人花……时间做某事

5. 要花多长时间?6. 从他家到学校有多远?

离学校 10公里远7. 远离某地8. 离某地很近9. 快速地吃早餐

10. 在大约 6:3011. 带…到 / 去…

2. 46

have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly

forty-sixone hundred and five

How long does it take?It takes / took sb some time to do sth.

How far is it from his home to school?10 kilometers (away) from school

be far (away) from…be near… = be close to…

at around/about six thirtytake … to (do) …

get to = arrive in/at = reach12. 到达

Page 23: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

13. 公交车行程通常要花费 25 分钟。

14. 公交车站点 汽车站 / 火车站 / 地铁站15. 全世界16. 在北美洲17. 在世界的其他地区18. 那肯定比坐公交车更有趣得多。

What …think of… = how…like …20. 朝…看 ; 看…

most students=most of the students

must be 一定

The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.bus stop

bus / train / subway stationaround the world = all over the world

in North America

go to school on the school bus 乘校车上学

in other parts of the world

That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.19. 大多数学生

look at… = have a look at…21. … 怎么样

Page 24: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

22. 视……而定;决定于23. 不是所有的学生24. 做某事的方式 交通方式 做某事的最流行方式

25. 一定数量的…… 少量的… / 大量的…    …的数量26. 生病住院27. 别担心。 为…而担忧28. 有困难

the most popular ways of doing sth

depend onnot all students

the way / means of doing sththe means / ways of transportation

a number of…= a lot ofa small/large number of

Don’t ill in hospital

worry about… = be worried about…have a problem/problems

the number of…(is)

Page 25: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

练习:1. We will visit Uncle Wang ,Uncle Wang will be free. (用 if 连接两个句子 )

2. He worries about his sick mother.( 同义句 ) He _____ _______ ______ his sick mother.3. What do you think of the transportation? ( 同义句 ) _____ do you ________ the transportation.4. A number of boys are playing football over there. ( 同义句 ) ___ ____ ___ boys are playing football over there.5. He goes to school by bike. ( 同义句 ) He goes to school _______ ________ _______.6. The students in the mountains go to school on foot.(画线提问 ) _________ _________ go to school on foot?

If Uncle Wang is free, we will visit him.

is worried about

How like

A lot of

on a/his bike

Which students

Page 26: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

适当形式:1. I have two sisters. One is Lucy, _________(other) is Lily.2. Most students _______ (ride) their bike to school.3. A small number of __________ (student) ______ (take ) the subway.4. I will take a taxi when it _______ (rain)5. Don’t be _________ (worry) about mother.6. Her ______ (ill) makes her mother sad.7.Look at your book and _______ (read ) it.8. I need ______ (see) my friend.9. Let me ________ (look ) after your son.10.I will go home if it _____________ (not rain) tomorrow.

the other

ridestudents take



to seelook

doesn’t rain

Page 27: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

15.Other parts of the world are __________ (difference) from the United States16.There are three most popular ways of ________ (get ) to school.17.I want to know how ________ (get) to school 18.Students in Hongshanhu have to ______ (take ) a boat __________(get) to school

11.His mother ________ (buy ) him a beautiful watch last week.12. Let’s ______ (have ) a look at our photos on the Great Wall.13. Look! The girls ___________ (play) games there.14.Taking a boat must be a lot more fun than ______ (take ) a bus.


are playingtaking




to gettake

to get

Page 28: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

A: Excuse me. I am going to the shopping center. How ______ I __________ there?B: Oh, well . Walk along this road and take the second turning on the right .A: ______ ______ is it from here ?B: It’s about seven or eight minutes’ walk.A:Thank you very much.. B: That’s all right.(ten minutes later) C: What _____ I _______ for you ?A: I ________ a shirt ,Would you show me some?C: Certainly. The light blue one is very nice .Why not try it______?A: That’s fine ,Where is the changing room? C: Over there .This way ,please.A:Oh,it looks so nice. ________ the price of it ?C: It’s 240 yuan . A: It’s too__________ . I only have 200 yuan..

can get

How far

can dowant


What ’s expensive/dear

Page 29: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Unit 51.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的派对吗 ?Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. 可以。 / 对不起,不能。2. 为考试而作准备3. 去看病4. 上钢琴课5. 有太多的家庭作业

6. 下一次

7. 去听音乐会8. 去商场购物

study for a testgo to the doctor

have a piano lessonhave too much homework

another time

go to the concertgo to the mall

太多… too much + 不可数名词 too many + 可数名词

= next time

Page 30: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

9. 在日历上10. 后天11. 今天是几号,星期几?12. 今天是 14号,星期一。13. 多谢你的邀请。

14. 忙于做某事

15. 今天晚上16. 进行网球训练17. 下个假期18. 保持安静

on the calendarthe day after tomorrow

What’s today?It’s Wednesday the 14th.

Thank you for your/the invitation. =Thanks (a lot) for asking/having/inviting me.

be busy with sth=be busy doing sth

this evening = tonighthave tennis training

next vacationkeep quiet

Page 31: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

19. 在电视上20. 足球比赛21. 整天22. 顺便来…23. 有空,空闲24. 对…有把握 25. 与某人谈论某事

26. 一封邀请函

be sure of/about doing sth

discuss sth with sb

the whole day = all day (long)football match

on TV

come over to…be free

a letter of invitation

Page 32: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

作文:(一)Hello! I’m John. I’m 13. I _______________ Sydney. I’m learning ___ No.8 Middle School in Beijing . I live with my parents. They are working in a computer company here. I like China. I go to school_________ a week. I often play sports with my friends . I like soccer _____. We play soccer three times a week . And I usually ___________ at our school swimming pool. I go there every Saturday morning .I like Chinese food .There are so many kinds of nice Chinese food . Of course I like hamburgers, But my mother says it is junk food. Now I try _____ hamburgers ____ once a month. I want to be healthy. So I only eat ________ food.

5 days

come/am fromat

bestgo to swim

to eatonly healthy

Page 33: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

( 二 )Dear Li Ping, I’m ________ hear that you are not feeling well these days. You say you are often __________ out and tired. And sometimes you will have stomachache and headache. I think you’d better take more exercise , ________ walking ,running, and jumping. You should also go the bed early and get up early in the morning . Besides, don’t eat too much junk food. I hope you’ll be _______ soon. Yours, John

sorry to

such as



Page 34: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

(三) My eating habits I’m very healthy. My eating habits are pretty good. I eat lots of vegetables every day. Every morning I drink milk and eat cakes, eggs or bread for breakfast .At noon I have rice, some vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles. I eat fruit about ten times week. Eating good food keeps me in good health.

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Unit 61. 谢谢你的上封来信。 Thank you for your last letter. 2. 正如你能看到的,…。3. 从某些方面来说4. 从某一方面来说5. 看起来相同 看起来不同6. 喜欢做某事

7. 超过,多于 不到,少于8. 有一些共同之处9. 擅长于…

Be different from与。。。不同 =not the same as

As you can see,…in some waysin a way

look the samelook different

enjoy doing sth

more than = overless than

have some things in commonbe good at sth / doing sth

= do well in sth / doing sth

= like/love to dosth. = like/love doing sth.

Page 36: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

10. 与…一样 不如…11. 有点外向 a little/much/a lot/even/far + adj.比较级12. 与某人做相同的事13. 使某人 ( 不 ) 做某事

14. 对于我来说那并不重要。

15. 最好的朋友16. 有相反的观点和兴趣爱好 have opposite views and interest

s17. 大多数的孩子 most of the kids = most kids

as +adj. /adv.原级 +as…not as/so+adj./adv.原级 +as…

a little more outgoing

do the same things as sbmake/let sb (not) do sth

That’s not important for friend

=ask/tell sb (not) to do sth

Page 37: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

18. 在…和…之间有一些不同点。 There are some differences between… and… 19. 相同是没必要的。 It’s not necessary to be the same. It’s (not) + adj. + to do sth20. (在某个比赛项目中)打败某人 beat sb + (in +比赛项目 ) 赢得某个比赛项目 win +比赛项目 21. 差异对于友谊来说并不重要的。 Differences are not important in a friendship.22. 一位小学教师 a teacher for primary school students23. 有优秀的成绩 have good grades

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24. 善待某人25. 说笑话26. 获得一份工作27. 停止正在做的事 停下来 ,(开始 ) 做某事28. 呆在家里29. …… 的一张照片30. 对… . 来说

both (of) girls 两个女孩

be good with sbtell jokesget a job (as a….)

stop doing sthstop to do sth

stay at homea photo of ……

for sb.

Page 39: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

适当形式:1. He has _______ (long) hair than Sam.2. Who is ________ (good) , Tom or Peter.3. Whose hair is ________ (curly) , yours or mine?4. I’m not shy. I think I’m very __________ (outgoing)5. ________ (healthy) is more important tome than money.6. Are you good at ___________ (swim).7. My English teacher is as __________ (serious) as my father.8. Maggie is a little __________ (thin) than her sister.9. You don’t need ___________ (worry) about your son. He can _______ (take) good care of himself.10. This little baby is _______________ (outgoing) than that one.





thinner to worry

take more outgoing

Page 40: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

12. Which is ________ (easy) , Lesson 1 or Lesson 2.13. In some ways we look ___________ (different)14. Ann is a very ________ (quietly) girl and she hardly makes noise.15. The chemistry is very ____________ (interest) in ___________ (difference) kinds of sharks.16.The meeting is about to begin. Stop _________ (talk), please.17.Jane enjoys _________ (tell) jokes.18. I am ________ (good) at swimming than her.19. This is the ___________________ (important) of Lesson 12.

11. My English teacher is as __________ (serious) as my father.







most important

Page 41: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

句型转换:1. Tom is tall. Jim is short.(比较级合并 ) Tom is _______ ______ Jim.2. My hair is long. Mary’s hair is longer .(合并成一句 ) Mary’s hair _______ _________ _______ mine.3. Pedro is thinner than Sam. ( 改为同义句 ) Sam is _______________ ________ Pedro.4. My sister is better at study than me. She is clever. ( 改为同义句 ) My sister is ___________ intellectual (聪明的 ) than me at study.5. Peter is funny. Paul is funny, too. (合并成一句 ) Peter is _______ funny ________ Paul.

taller than

is longer than

fatter/heavier than


as as

Page 42: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

6. I like singing. Tina likes singing, too . (合并成一句 ) __________ he ________ I like singing.7. My brother does well in English.( 改为同义句 ) My brother ______ _________ ______ English.8. Both of us enjoy going to parties. ________ _____ _______ ____ you enjoy?9. Sue is 16 years old. I’m 16 years old, too. (the same 合并为一句 ) _____ _____ ______ _____ _______ age.

Both and

is good at

What do both of

We are both the same

Both of us are the same

Page 43: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

Review of Units 1_- 61. 使用某物做某事2. 以…开始3. 在我空闲的时间里4. 在那之后5. 在游泳池

use sth to do sthbegin / start with

in my free timeafter thatin the swimming pool

Page 44: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

• 1. make the banana milk shake

• 2. peel the bananas

• 3. cut up the bananas

• 4. pour the milk in the blender

• 5. turn on the blender

• 6. put the yogurt in the blender

Unit7• 制作香蕉混合饮料• 剥香蕉 • 切碎香蕉 • 将牛奶倒入搅拌器• 打开搅拌器电源 • 将酸奶放入搅拌器

Page 45: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

• 多少调料 • 一茶匙蜂蜜 • 制作水果沙拉• 两片面包• 将它们混合在一起 • 火鸡肉片 , • 一片面包 • 烤鸭片• 卷上薄饼

• how much relish• one teaspoon of

honey• make fruit salad• two pieces of

bread• mix them all up• turkey slices• a slice of bread• slices of duck• roll pancake

Page 46: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

• 轮流做某事

• 作鬼脸• 与……交朋友 • 整理床铺 • 往…走去 , • 给…腾出地方• 做某事容易

• …… 的烹调方法 ,菜谱

• takes turns doing sth, • take turns to do sth.=d

o sth. in turns• make faces• make friends with• make the bed• make one’s way to• make room for• it’s easy to do sth. • It’s adj. for sb. To do sth. • a recipe for

Page 47: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

• 1. The busiest (shop) center is on Green Road.

• 2. This is his (finally) exam.

• 3. There’s no need (worry) about his study.

• 4. I like Chinese tea (with) anything in it.

• 5. Listen! Who (sing) in the next room?

• 6. Most of the (Australia) speak English, too.



to worry


is singing


Page 48: 期末复习. Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久 ( 一次 ) 10……. 的结果

• 1. There six bags of rice in the room. (就画线部分提问 )___ ___ bags ___ ____ in the room?

• 2. They succeeded finally. ( 同义句 ) ____ _____ they succeeded.

• 3. Mary needs another three pens. ( 同义句 ). Mary needs pens.

4. If you have nothing to do now, please put the rice into the basket. =If you_____ ____ now, please put the rice into the basket.

• 5 Let’s make a birthday cake. ( 同义句 ). ____ _____ making a birthday cake?

• ____ ____ make a birthday cake?

How many of rice

At last

three more

are free

How about

Why not