
, yoL. 16. NO. i3 ir ■. '**"

"S O S O P E B iS E E EXI;


S i s t e r F i n d s T a l l I g o ■ B r o t h e r I n _ S e a f t l e ^

' . BEATfLK’Sept.7 4 ^ 7 7 ifrc ro a '----- IflinM nonthB »rW pislniof-TfMa,

bul UiB PMlllc Northwest Jcnstheos -- •Ihfw PU{ {«,_____________ I__________-*w en ttcn*jrar'oW -t«*‘ Wrtjttt

T ^ / o u o d 'o u r m t; -— F irs"I'TB hlteh-lilked Jrom AmBrlllo, .

— *!>»*». to Join my brother. Kermtt.. _ C

f herc." »he told po/lec. «Imost In d w pair. •• A

-But he‘» moTKl Irom hls’iiJdreM .’ -tim i don't know when t« loot m '/)

•left T exu tv o 'j 'c u i tgo, tn d v a i »ix reel Ull.-

rollcewomin B lubeth - llu r;s ilnftlly Ixated KcrmK, i t Uie place

- . «htrc he worked m • cWe propric? L ’ tor. . P ,

He h^d to itooi) yhm he wmc In parn

ilsieh*! ' Wed He's S Jcel lO!i Inchu lall no». srou

------------------------ culU

= m t A - i n e K a e e s ^ ----------S------Church-Revenue-— - lp o /irL * N o ,-a w i^_ ^ .} = P { ’» ' ^ l a i

lim crowliiit ihrouRhoul the coun’r : , ki,__ rM :ih«uauii.6LuitJiJiA:ij.i«iui;Tf-: h e :____ ticclfdjn the_eoUccllon p1»w» o:

E.’jlwojaJ eh 'ufc'J jc*~ lir”WtJten»'pyrfu Hates. J2 bWfcps here lor a^m ^m * i,on,

thV Episcopal province of the Pa- f#)r. cUlc. s«ncr»lly sUtcd today. • IV

£ach Sun<I.-iy I iu u e n a general Rlrl Increaw In collections at church int«

____servleet, the bbhoia said. a K«Viechurdimev rrtn owAblM'tO' ‘bn

eonilder the miMlotiary budjeu-o!-------llir5'r6vIllM-to‘lxi-pr«CTted-lo-th»-

' houte of bishops of tlie uencral »ni cliiirch ne*i November In Daven-;or:, •'f»

1J___ Blthop.1 art In alWndinec .from

; ----- niJJornia, tllali; Ncrada-and-Ari-wna.^ ________________ _ lert

“ 1 l i x - S o f f l e r H o n o r s Jo !

f C h o s e n P a l l b e a r e r s e’ ------- pen___ - D ir n ^ M c ^ p tT W V -C o 'M c l due

• todiy by «Wns *<Slnaf for hU pill- Hr*'bf«rtri.whomhealretdy,liasselwl* tIme<l, Uld their wives: lodi

■ " , — . ' malBoise • Ulty u lcrk 's ' ^

' - ^ F i r s t N a m e S t t f f i c e s - O T

^ l i f ^ ^ * ' i h e r f Is n^inB*^n a' name-half ot her name wps

-------nTiHiiiii -tu |i,Lu a ulii n arraoL. ihrouKh a bjnk. - ' * "

niomanils ol llmr* lias she stcncS------- hT rn iH rnnT tT T an trjn -thc -yw n-c*

Rhe h u txcn BoIm cJert. fijw was ilinlnii anBlher one when me I f* ' telephone tang and she went ta ; "« answer It. Reiurnliis. she forgot she had not gonjpltled.iht iitna iu ^ lmd jP*^

lomot aboul II. ' i 7 5------- ~Batr-t»mi^he^w[irr»nU-=-*» «r ;J‘"J

eounin; through (he u.<ua1 banki^“ clianncls. One warrant. yaur<l.and .

— n « ld ’tir**banlfrbore-llt*-»ln|l«-n»-


B e e r G i v e s 1 ,5 0 1 ) ,0 0 0 '

P e r s o n s L i v e l i h o o d s t l

CHICAOO. eept. T W -Tlic return _ -flLletal li*i - t

provided.)q1>s for IJM.Ooa persons, f Javsph Obernfcil. Clnclnnall. brew- [ cty union olflclal. esUmoled today.

'• TIieJJbrnraliobrouitlitaiudd^D boom-ln-llit bmlneM el hl< union. jyi

- • P ihe lnfernatlonat-unlon-<5f brewety........ flour, ecresl tnd soft tJrliik worker*. -

"■OberKfcU reported. Tlie number ot bresers enrolled dwindled to 12.009 be/ore berr c«m« b tc t iie ihen, 37.000 hew member* have been Uken In. ^

NHt V'cek the union's innusl eon- i . i , Tfflllcfl' WlU fonsJdej- Induslritl w ,

------ thanffes—which—oc«urred—dw lo?-~j.brewing's Ions Inlemilailon.

M c r c o i y D e c l i n e s . m

I n W e s t e r n A r e a .1___ ~~ lo'l

The ^sleaun»T ~niirT kT pnt«r t e wllh tho lowfsi pressure. 20.« nai Inches, remaining at rffrdles. Mean- FIs "hlla ih* No.iliaesl hlsh haa id - Ec

------Ltaneed farther Inland, wllh lia cool-; g te aptramm.rraclilng-Moniani. _ £

Z r q s ra M ^ n d -D la h r^ J e h i- i l ia T irr 5T?Wtsltni patU-ron

'•«> Moniaha',' and frl< ^I-rain Ja eastern* Wash- to

Arlicna. Somcahit ins jd.

iSWiziS s ; & >roe.lt1li>____ H M M S I " a I

-------« i* M ctni ei:,, CI.V_« it 5 S ? g ., ^\uTa»n t’i 'P MF •*» rjinHiro :: M i* cie»f Inti

? . 8 a , '*■, H M SSf” ~

I —Trvt. ' .

[E T \IS O N S :::! H IB IT S •E S f m -____________ — __ Coi

Southern Idaho's- - Young Folks Join

In Grange A ffa ir -F i r s f ^ O a y - p f - P r o B r a m - o l . o

- C o n t e s t s , . D em o n s tra tio n i

And E n te rta in m e n t E nds “

'.'A t A nnual E xposition Citv- - par

— leii(Special to The New»> 'o by

t - ilL E R rse p t. 1 - ll'» W rtl®'Tr»SBln.Bo) s and girls ol southern ^ i ” Idaho's 4-11 clubs and- PuWre ^

Farmers chapUre. backed b«

irTwli°"^Fafis°‘county fu r- 1grounds here a very creditable lisrl- ofcullural exhibit wllh a program 0 » e contrsU aeid.demonslrallona aixM im

which will cIoM ft two-day run to- wr , . . . ----------

wllh a dUtlncl tans of aulumirin Uif "hlr ' lii'cTTtlllirgnnTe-contrlbuied-to- ^restoration o[ "the-county ^cr<funds-»eeDitomBfl;harvcsi-sea»on raholiday acUvllles. during the iwo- tnri*Tlod-of-the-Gr*nger*i-Juana. —

Hundreds of falrjoers, ■ boy and girl exhibitors and contestants ann intereiied groups of adult vlsllots; Ma generously psuonbed midway with ■■ threrrldea,-a-racrry-Ro-rouod..ftm«. _wheel and iUt^*wlilrl.-and keno and B'nmpmcni cafnwtnd sandwich and _ lemonado.-stands; Qrariw demon- stratlons and drill and a dally parau) of livestock In front of ihc granfl- stand: Harry Musgrave'a enter. « tam err|WlUr r _ T ^ _ ^ ^ ^

address sysUm tlial broidcasti-en' ~ lertalnmeni number* and a t Inter* yal« blares out ]m fteot^HT como- _ etltlon wlt^Tthc hurdy^urdy o r j ^

CxWlU of llvettock in stalli and pen*; fara..brchard and garden pro- ,jj ducM m gtUlv deeortlM booths, and

\V & m en'siialU llK m 5nw i£»ifi^ L“first-day falrsoers began •lliroaglng .j, through llie big fairground gate earlr „, loday. Plrst day altendnsce was estl- m a t^ a t iOOO i^rson^ Ooy and girl

coiUfsts aa!_dtmonjtratlons were enustd-frofft a ir tn d m in r tr s s l i^ n, for nre'aay. CompeilUon in exhlbiti

rtbbm>-tnd-merfhandtfe-aw(fWs,-l»*- sldes a number of special premiums.

A serlc.i ot conlfsts and demon- sTrallum Allltll tl.itmtd n majai sliare ol attention of llrii-dsy fair- , C0ers,prccedcd.tw0.aLlli£Jalta.DUli standing second day events-Future Farmers' stale wl2o IKtsto;k ]ud>

•Ing cohtcsl a ta A. M- and 4-H plr s 'style revue a l l:JO P. M. Friday. The ^parade of livestock Is scheduled, for

- r ^ t n t r ' i n - t n e yntum-^eatm rrr g

(ilrls Compele Jj!OIrli tRrouelioul'lhe elght-co'unty


(Continued On Page 6. Col. i» • hi

l i a i M iEjliert-G<-Bflnn9fa id s^ in w

Admihistralion ' ofr Ncw | Deposit Insurance Law

WAainNOTOK, SepU 7 W V - A ( calm and keen-wltled biialncu num. Walter J. Cummlnsa. Chlcaso, whd malntalns-htrler^l-pohe-onder-nt^ - citing streu, was chosen today by President Koosevelt to administer •_ federal insurance of bank deposits.

Mr. nooMveli, In appointing Cum- mlnss and Elbert'0 . Dennett, Utah. Cto sw 'wllirXT.T.-crconnoTreon-- *-

lmnm«f-bo«rd;4<>andcd_pui_hla. _ namlnntlnc day hy dcilsnatlns Derr Fish. Deland, Florida. *s minister to Egypt- ■' ol

ArdDon rolllon _5oon alter SfcreUrv Woodln look S T ?rn ifT »if tsihejid oM hf-trfa? - 5 orrrhe'TillrtTHlfflflltfSS.-Jii 'old - frlend and close business tooel-Hc. to Washington to aisUt him, iilac>- Ills him In charge of tfoi>eiilnB do*- ^ r d la n k s .ji peslllon that proved _ arduous' and IrVlajT" | ’’

CummliiRS Is a man of middle ap?, j j always nwliydrtiifd^ffllh-a-plumppeitlal face. reRbtering cood humor. ■ ■^n'privaic Hit Cummtnki U inwil» fJ ■gtn f u t-flrf eonwottoM -anrt-a n. - officer or director In U. mostly j,. traetion wmpinlts in suburban Chi* di cage.-' — • * ' • - •— •'

Typleal ntnker ' I Bennitt. stocky. white-halred-«i'd ‘•

a typfcal banker. Is «n gfflcer and director In 31 corporation.'. D-Jrlns th* Iasi tlx yean, he has been vlcc a

I prealdent and general manager ier ec In terau owning M banks In Utah *< Idaho and Wyoming. |’J^ l^ b a n O fig _ c a irr rJy ia n _ e ^ n .

(Cont^.ed OS Page I, Col. 7J . h<


-■ . .......- T W l N F j

Figciiiiri'SII IFISEIII . aiMHiaij

■ — V ■

Comnibnweallh Succeeds in j tHolding Back or Impeding h<Testimony Offered to Dis- • •'

■ credit State' Witnesses |

STcunwTlodarvlSonjuslrfouiht-^ altempu of David ^ ^atlorner* to ^

IlS ld have'wffered her faUl Injui* lea by an tc«ldenUI talL . Tha state auKeeded for the mort * j p*rtlnuoldln8 .b«k.orjmi5 a i ? ' i ^ ^ leslimony of aevertl expert* c a M , by Ihe deferie In ta attenpt to dla-

■ credit the sUto theory th}tlh«yotin|I Sanford unlvcraliy pres* represenit- «...■ llve-slew his wile with In Iron pl[>c wor I bctauw of marital discord. I»»

m .r l« ^ n e . « t Altwk . The defciuTnrsl disposed iGllhe . of attack alter Umsoo himself liad VUII: »leppedfremthDwllnenchalrtoend « «I Ihe long grilling he had undergone Por . al the hands of Deputy District At* C r Umey"Allan 1', UnOOy: ------ TCT

1 6n'thciland:%a*prCTentcdtroiii*n-the- »werlng'-wlien-D«tem&.AlUinie]r-L Cle

y \T Rm pftlntH fniim»i «-«ih clUi baaln simllar-lo thaone-tn-the Ij m- met pip hiHirftfim. neene of the tragedy t

. lasl May 30. and asked whether tEe omi

Comptroller of Currency _ b TT^ayy^cposit^naurflrwo —

Benefits Banks and Public ni, — • Inti

c incA aO .-6epl.‘ l MV-The M - )f“" lion's banker! were told today tlu t «

depodt iniunmce wts for their own V- toortnd-lor-lhtgood-of-UKLpu^ ^ » - ^ d wtre dlven lo undersUnd-lv* llie administration that Ihelr f slUon woiild be of no avail.'• J. F. T. O'Connor, comptroller ol j ,.

Ihe currencTand one of the men jj,,

i dU(i. listed before the Amerlcajt ^ ^ Bankers' association rrpUc*'by Vm P ifj i trtfnt Roosevelt 10 all their many ob*^ Jecllons to deposits guaranty. ~ ^^ “=njustIccn(mBnt,-O'Connor aald.-Ch ' ' "b the fln l aim of the natlontl ut: : banking act of 1933, wltleh provide*. ££j

lor iiUifMity 'orafiiwiu oi iBW ut w< .■ less." The act b«ome* ctlecflvo roi“ tn part nest January-1:--------------pa

NaW Vicious propaianda* He declared "vicious, unwarrant- _ . ed and untruthful propagandt" htd —

been distributed to the effect Ihtl ,

nnH (nwi-fni fffnlnftlr. ^- Hon to objections by the banken, . y O'Connor Stated: '..n 7«f\TtiB*putHlnnsdf-«-loud-de- —I- ' mand for depoalt Ituurance. u- refleMed in pauaga oTTlirtnnntM —* huge maJorlUes In eongreu.

, ( 0 \ Tho law makes a faci of Ihe - theory lliat deposllon have t

_ right to their money._____________/ 0 \ Deposit Insurant will banish

r. A£Z.feanlt-runaJ>^elvliJgJiauraocft _ j of atMluto safely,! / ^ U t will obvirtte Ilie necessity ol

^^^U ie-postal s.ivlngs bank and • return-to- the banks'mon: Hun a •-

n bUllon-dollaraiiLdcDMlla,______ •- I'g^ThcTicrwlll estend credll and — ,V modify cash tf jenw ..-:;----------

millions of dollars by ellmlnntlng Interest

on demnnd deposits, ' ,( '1 \ of •**'

' ting up the machinery Is nol prohibitive.----------Adopted noolBllBM--------- —

T he'-o^laU on previously adopl-

(Contlnued«n Page), Col 6)

FARLEY-!S-SON-PICKS__ _ t --TiyPHANT-FOR-GIFr-- -[T ATLANTIC c m * . N. J.. Eept 1 '

W>-Jamta A. Farley, Jr.. slx-year- old son 0! the postmaslei-Rneral, u .

J, already caustns'hlsfatlierjome con*“ cam a*-to-hk-fldelity to the Demo- !T eraHc S ’rty.

“ Mdj-ornarryTJscnJiafiniMTKP' “f- talned tlireo dells, tor three Fatley •' clilldren on visit here with tlielr par- ^ cnU. thinking all nl them to be girls.■“ "TTOutiB jftnTca.01 councwimld-pol; = ^ have a doll.'so he Viu permitted to "

ehooie somethhiR elw frhm.a to;'!* shop.'He-MTFcled an’elephant.

' “you'ro gvfine Democrstr hts '*■ t i Uler chiaed 'hlnir ■

■y ley pick the right parly," said Msyw 1* D ac iii^ h . who U t Republican..

j UGHTNIMG kiLL'S.:.MAN .,IS D U Limi. Minn.. Sept. T - ;c Robert CUrrle. JJ, Seatlle. was kill- . TT* ed tv lightning while playing'on t tl. Rolt eouije here today during a

heavy rtm . Formerly a Duluth res- j. Ident, he was here . vbltlng hi*- mother-and-sisteT.-He-dled-at-*. — . hojpllal shortly alUr belnj struct.

• . ' . ■ _ _ l

SO Ci j T E D

^ i i EF A L L S . ID A H O , F R I D ^ MORN

Landlady-Holds [|[]| False Teeth As

Lien For Board | |j

NEW YORK. Sept. T W -M H P«ula.Vanee..3}..Wts ttralgwd. _ n

-ta-Con«7- ls la n d -m tg t^ le r - J icourt today on a * U

t pair ot spectaclta from Ur*. •Annt Cohen, formerly » boanl*

" “Tm 'holding them -ai a ll*n. -Un.Cohervowe* mo a-botrd blU of_

, » « « ." . ■— — f “But Mr*. Vance, you c tn t .

hold*ucJtlhliig«.Mall*n,".»ald. • j th«-court. ■ '

-Oh: v«ry • w e l l . - - n l d - ^ - ..........Vintti_producluB a Un b o t

Mrn- Cotyn to nick h tn 1 , ^

‘"T n 'th e b o n rrr rh a lf rdo e tn - -y^ nalM of apecUcIea tnd serenJ ,

Astronomers -Plan SS— Gigantic-TeleBCop|S

■ . ------- S - . CouCLEVilAND. Stpt. .7. HI - 111 i “ '

world's 'aecond. largest lelescops, *0 powerful that tl wUI permit asUouo- men to w i

VUIble'to tha unaided to b o ^ ^ constructed a t. Mount Locke, Bear Port Dtvls, Twaa. jl

Contract with the Uiilvenlty of —

^Warner-*tnd-Swas*y-^wpaV.^ —

intnls,________________ ■ ■ _

second onfy” *the* 00-Inch mirror InTuse' t n jD im rw llsom itecrTi t o tr in CallfomU. “Tlie mirror will be t ts t WC of a apeclal.heat rcslsUng glau re­quiring tpproxlmitely.nlne mootiu L to cool tnd two ye tn tor grindlat Un and poiuhtag. / ' t o

i l l F i l i i F i iJMLHPPilililS:'B bi8E '’'B cp ir'7 ' '(AWjbcrte? ■■■■

Reese, Boise newspaperman, ht* 8 bees-nomlnaled- deputy-collwtor -of-.Bai Intenul revenue for Idaho, John lot Vlley. eollector-tor Idtho. annouoo-- In ed today. Appr«Ttl of the appdnt* «Ue menl 1* -expected soon, Ur. Vile; 11 said, aria nte*? wlU Jtke o ltlflO ^

• W » ? S K u . i , S 7 S ! £Uarla lUndmtn, B6ls^ tssUUnt ed ctshler. to laJte oHlee tboulJ5ep- by tember 30. tm) J. a Petenon, Ilobr. b rhtef of> the field dlrUlon. also tak* ,lo 1 Int office.'aw mi Beptemoer 'W. I P>4wA< h.t-hnfn-Uwung^a-aoWJiiE lector In tlie ittlo department of j

. Vlley tlso announced thal w, J.'w > ChBndtcr'had"been-ippolnled-d*i>--mei uly collector al Idaho Palls, sue-' mp

Wenlger JVftJIace.' former Sheshone coll founty sherUfTand Dewey BrlKW. preBurley.-had'been-tppolnted-speclaUtlioprocessing Ux depuUe* for North dliu Idaho tnd South Idtho, 112

_____ ____. i — j M


; Z : —

W S P A P B I j l i T W I N F A L


■ l i i t H e .

a t p B :President Hopes to Wort■ (Jill llompromise on U iIF T —fltlayed Paet involving

In ie rn a tio n a l--------- Q uo tas ■

__ [Py . ■ aAA /^nl-R oQ sovelt—today,-tooli' , .

' » ;Jw proposed sugtr aftblllia- llort agreement In hand In an effort to Rork out a compromise on Ibe long'delayed pact

Aller a thorough review of th* sllusllon *1 a conference with ab l* . nei oftliters and ftrm .-tnd. ttr tf l .-

ecullve designated Dr. John%U« Coulter to transmit new propottu • to the conten^lne lactlooA , I

Codher. n tariff eommltslon ' member.'was borrowed by tha ftrrn g|

sgn Then Hie, sugar m arketing." siiTfmrnt was llrsf suggeswd. Ho ,, knows Thai each group wanU tnd “ what It does nol want. i"'

He participated In the conference

(Conllnuwlj«a-Pi'g»-?i-^-*^ p |


IN OARAOE-CALLS POUCE tl LONG BEACH, Cal. fltpl. 7 t « - *,

Urs. Ella Mae Coleman d i tr t t d .* her husband, George O. Colemtn,71, failed to provide for her. "w hw offlw i-eaned-M her .home |

jh»r^., fV'l>m«n wmirt h a ll found. Mn. Coleman tald: T r e got • him lacked In the gartte wtlUnir for you." They opened the door tnd there he <riu._____

IST. WUIB. Bepl. 1 W - ^ 2

loll eonftUon. tnd iU tn rpc^ O T ; in t trick mule ntihed “Dtn.“ U ? sUent ho longer. ' ^ v

Ha beame voluble Wheg he b td ; ptrtner, Jitlc Wha ttey , trm U '

b 6 t t i u e ^ ‘’S e l i ? W h ea U e y * ^ “ ed 10 pty htif the pfoctedi.etrutd » by llie mule In t parade. ^

, I Meanwhile Bauer look ’Dan’ tn* “■ to hiding pending t retJerln *ult. »

I CARSON CITY. New da, Sept 7 ,» , ' »V -Ten Ui6UUha‘p m g iP»Bni-nrr!e -medlelnBl_UquQC_fferr„en(?«8ll__w,‘'■ supply Ihe need* cf Nevada's M,* P . OOP Inhahltsnis last year. The stale,« ! collect* a lax of'50 cent* cm rteh o . prescription, The'annual report of » l-tlia.sUta.controlleiuJc3ca*clLtw1ar,.-° I'dlwlosed that latal revenue for Ihe 1; 112 months period was nearly IMOl).,t

I llffi

T O a ? . .~

- i

l ; ^ i i _

_ — -^Copyright,-II

A L L S C O U N T Y -

133 - ■ •

T E N S E N l J [ N C U B

■ Trobprniiwait— ' Orders to Move [ —JnfClBlaiftCity.

' ■ — , - "" ,'^ A tim ln ts tr e tfe frO p p o sc H n * ^

I te rven tion b y A rm s,, b u t c«

In tends lo P ro te c t ^ liv e s

d l U nited S ta te s C itizens ^

! ' (BT TJw Aisoeltled'ftFi*) ' r j TTTASIIIHOTON, Sept, 7~Wlth

1 V V lla atunllon focused on the at : * Cuban • crisis,' the United tt , Stales goTemme&l tonight atoixl fa• m d / to land Amerkin marines or bi g*bluMack«lt.«'n.,an Ir^lanfft-noUce.,) i If IU natldnaU should be attacked i,

by rloten or mobs.. While latest reports to Ihe sUte m , de)unmenl-trom the Island gave in

hm« thnt nn Mielf eontlrjenCT *, mlghl arise, the admlnUtraUon d;

-mapped oul a-carefully, planned ri, 'eouTM-of'tcUon-and ordered IS ad* :diU6ntV wtrshlpa ib 'C u b a irta tm n y

- tTTioc-brought* tO'SO'thcnumber-of' jjQvuieii tcssels icfiiverglng-upon-tbe

- W ana-or-**Je*Jiou« u . ittftlhlng dUtance away. ____ _ ^

• I>f/ln«fJy O p ^ ' a -TTO-innnumu ailon ■ wae-aa-defl^ ■;

. nitely opposed to armed Interven- I ‘ tlon ts It had been from the out* I ~ jset,butlheltndlngof.fltbU ngm en Ia, (Conilnued on ’age J. Ocl. i f "

• :iilSll«llli'g -■BOiae, a e ;jt-r (ffi- .OInee I d t ^ - , prison'en ctn'l be.kept al work, they , may go to'school.

-rFiankllnO lranljecrettnfJitjUls. _ h .a n d a member ol the sUle prison , ‘*jbotrd, etld todty he had been In* rf veaUitUng the plsn In operation t t ? Fonom pilsbn In CillfomU where , ^ j^rlsobm w trt ileen tn opportunlir , ,5.fc*U>'"coiirserprfpsred1jyUwtniI- t ^ veiilly nU ntloa dlriiloD, . 0uoti. a

pltn; he .ttld , permlU prlsonm to , benefit themselves permtnenlly by , studying any ot a numbei: of counei, , Klihj-e v-Mtlnnil nr academlo.

I s W t h ^ h a a ^ “m y

7 ' i;the penltenllanr r tlr l laetory must Jjo'latlons restrleting movement of ]i-.-prlAamnade-tood»-ln'eompeilUoa ,lo with free labor articles. Even wllh* ,■h'out IhU regutallon. the factory . 5f would have to close by nest January y, '.bnaure o t an act {if the last stalei8'le|W*mre'twmtn*ttnrope"Uon-of- i0..1hepJaDl, . •


g - l j = i1 . t .. t “ ; It

& ■ , E TOSftRT

j M ^ Y ^ w o rk s UROP

\ coin: ' ? lo iC 7 ~

| D | : ;

^ C A S jL j- : \ .


by at-V cw Vork Tribune JIJC,.

l i i iE SS P R E \ 5 A --A M E I

ArmiF—Scientifitft-fl— Qi( Entei S t Louis . |

Drive On Disease 1' s t : L b tn s . 'f le ^ V W l-"P llehi - •- In* a m p '- In-i-b ttlertd-hosplttl------

building 0( World wa* days, army

- ananwrtwlTabW trand-Jolned-ad- — t cnc*'«e//or<ito«lr9ttem;»lfr70f ;- deadly nleeplnc sickness.’5 U tjor Jtme* A ;8^on*.espU tiv-

ing tho timy** ScffTstld h e ’TOTr U U I ) | 't lonf *hot" in tn eftort to* hook upsiatudyefcn£epbtllUs with' othec trm y lflTetUtiUon*'or't(|QtnB *'

tl While the monkey* doted prepat* J l a atorrtotpprotchlcgmartynlcmaiwl p 1 tha noaqubei bunod menaelngty. tour tddltlontl experts of the tJnlied cld<

T SUUt publle ^etlth aerrlce tlscTlFr a

i fellow*. I'®Flw more detUi* from.enctpht* tnr;

< nils oecurrod t t the new e x ^ T e Joined a ftr*flung ltboralot7 ^ t i n «*' I ■px‘«.<lng thmiiyhiw.t thu Whi■; au Louis trea. This brought the « P<> death toll hire to M . _____ _•' _FftC -rtB m -thB.n^#nd bustle ot V he city the trmy e*pert*^‘Ied.‘ttr ‘i 2

M iT ^ a immoiur di r o |a - j i r i i b o ^* iorla* of tho army medical i^bb l'lo [?E* Waahtnfton,-and-U*lor-V.'IL-Oor- _ wU,.curtlor-ot-lbe.trmy-medletl

muieurn, beg«& their studla*.' •

^ P li iP L iS i

Q In c re a se d C ost o lX iv In g in -

liu e n ce s B udget O ffic ia ls m

7 ^ ln '*C aiiiiig ‘ fo r “^ j | t » t « s S

(Oopyrighi. iw s. A l» ^ t* d i;" »* Prtssl de<

WAflinNOTON, SepL 7 - The [ | b r lg b th o p e o I l^ b e A d & U lu * ^

etlUMUt.rdr next year, tik td 2 ^ *2 *r7 ;Jl«tirt* b» nibmlUed on .tb«' btse pay,rttfrTWiP}(BJl any 15 per ™

*• eentteduWoa.- ”

“I" I tn b^fbre. tliej^rrtred ; how mr, P ‘f the bnrewiraaae-eMr ia-lU^BaBa t i i" ^ nl-1.

call ww “not lo be u n d e n t^ ts tn* g" 7 dinitlT«orBchtngrin-'cxtstln84)ol* n j !: icy. ' • Ml;} _ E ip « tja ii iB iiw i------------ wlo 'T h ts yrtH interpreted by fiscal ot tgenlaorsevertloflho-mtlorfedef* -<

tl agencies u a precautionary quaU* u ' tlcatlon. since moat otUXm feel that "d = by January J, Prealdent Rooaerelt po "i will restore halt If not all of the pre<* k l

ent IS pcr cent reduction.

^ ed attention, to In c r^ n f 'c o ita ot to

vUlon that the aaltry,reductions be ' based on floetuatlons In Urlng ex- H*- petsieir-«nd-lhaHan»a»t~*“ '*“^''* ^ncxl date lor delennlnlng these lac*- tor*. ■ —

■ Set Up Equipment ^ITie budget buttaa'a action. In t J '

letter o « r the slgntlure of Alvlo .w Brown, the acting director, w u ecn*

- siflftrd-br th n a ts-ae tttn ru p -the- — Ilnanctal equlpmenl nectssary to ,

- meetpsyroll-needa-wlien-lhe-18-pfr-« c’enrwdtlcUoh IS'aboluIHlTThntts’ “ u r laft. ,

-Salaries are to be esUmaled a l or buo rates without reduetlon.” *“ • The cutrcnl .salary bill ot M75.* •v

~ *wuld-be-In«r«aMd,td ll.OOOiiOOWl ^• by resiorattan of full pay. Altljough ^

several Uiodund - employes have r been dismissed In recent' months, —. perMiintl officials said those re* ^ qulrcd for emergency activities .had

(Continued on Page 3, C oH )" “j

" P p lD E N T 'P iC K S 'E N V O Y £

WA.SlIIN0T«3NrBept. 7 (,T1 - Prtsldfnt^RoovrteU tWsy appoInU • <d Bert Ftsh, Florida, to be m lnl^ L ter Jq EfTpt.- ; - t .............- -

- ^eEB-EX-TINGU1SHE^R& -■ BURLINOTON. Vt„ Sept. 7 fcn - ^ A dehise of betr lodsy prevented the- ji, paulb;-! drstructton ot a builne^

- b!oek-hT-«fe.-'n‘»-»lf«.-^iaf^?;ln- eo _ lhc_biac iin t-O t_ thc .BufUnslon- lunch, melted colljby.whlch the DM.-; u ,

wu dumpftt to the main floor of4he f](bulWlnir, re.«ultlnc In a flood of the gt; amber beverage which drowned the

—. - •'" ----- ----------------pt

BOISE-JURfAeQUITS:^.!, (j _ _po& TO FFICE^O R K ER -

' DOISi:. Sept. 7 «n--»-A -dtttrtrt- -- cwut-Jury-tonltlit acquitted Claude U- w, Btsn. BoUe poital employe, of a ur- ehsrse of mansIaUBhter In eonae:. th~ tlon-wlththfdeath ltahM arotM att.

Zanp, a lumberman. ne. - . Zapn-dled at a QoIm hcapllal ot to

• Injdrtes suffered when he w u atrurkby a ear driven by Blsh. 'Tlie prose-; stjeutlonaftempteil to prove Blsh drove snhis machine In a careless manner er

■ The jurr'dellbcrated an hour tad ' a- to iCu t o t t - ____________

- - T O D A Y : F a f c ^ ] ^

'm M" 10 PAGES - 6 CENTS ~ .

M i L S _ : ORIGAN RY »- i x i i j j l y t '

- Goveming-JuntaJ Intends to Heed.V Yoite of People —T in J i c a t i o n t - P o l n t - l o - P M ■ ..

J s iM i ty o f . B c l u r a o l •

j = M o s t R ecent P re s id e n t

J T o E xecu tive ■ P o w e r

(By Tbe AtaocUled Press);* t TAVANA. (Friday Momlngl rf H Bept B-BepresenUUre* ol tU r. ■*■•*■ Cuban poUUcal faction* de- , d elded early ,ll}l* morning lo ippolnt — .

a eomnUalon wRpreaenUnt all ^

. . throughout the Island ta The decisloQ v u reached t t a n meeting In tha prealdentltl jwlaco Z when, guarded-by n a n y -so ld len .,^ leprcienlaUvealll "U18 JURI* uuui* —

mission, the do Cemdea gorem*5 ment, and opposition beil lf* trl t f .10---------„ llnd"«~ioluUon to-Ouban-lroubiea.- — :?■ c an ie ^ tud iiiU dli« lonr_«tt-£0{ i---------~ ....I 'gu iltil Ull tin ivimmlnlfm Ttm " nU'-h»TB-J?een.opt»o^'to ^ [7 Junta of lire iv n now lir« M rP

ofUie’ iftvernment------ T T T T " " --------Tha comnlt^ ImmedUtelr‘be*

^ T ha StudenU tnd tha lelUst td* .. mlnUtrttlon tppareolljr were not . dUpoied to yield to any suntttJoM-

_ f(T BlYln* o m tbe power, althouihr It eouW not bo letmid whether tSe .....• conlereneo considered tn r propojti ■, tor r e - ln ^ tln g jh e

Boldlen E refyw lWI. Soldiert.wer* ettrywhere.ln the '* pt)ace u the meeUng te s ts .


____ E r ty lm u ly _ ii.» P ^ « » 5 n to ‘h j_____:^ r td le il 'lunt* of Hre TuU«rp>i*- -.7^- deetireil Ha memben vould Mart -.

b , oftlee la.H Te mlnuUtf* U .U ie 'p ^ ,

” t o « t e . ! t e ^ » 3 ^ S S 9 a n ^

2* l a o l Amerlean loreet.:;? - T h e united B utts Onilaer m - ^ --------

ton* fl"p. M. jwlerdty. The lUchmond>*• h6*lhg1urw »y-ps*t-tlw -.fltea^p-------

Morro CuUe first and the Bain*- trridftt-followlngeloie after.- •;al Badlcal Ceamlsalen

u- i ^ o i ^ u r S m r H ^ t i & " " T 7 ^lat "doc* not have any .prenenslons or clt power. H th? people want u i out.!*• let them Ull us sa

.“U lf ln d a p l le o f le t te n o n m rII. 'Qet w t r I do _ ot ao Imafdialely - ^ ^ t U the atmuae•0*- o l-th « Jlh rr mmmlsslonen iBQ.------------be I t w u learned from a usually le -

’*■ “had° "l?y^ agreed to fire on the American

forecs ahould they land. ,The purpose, II .waa p la in ed ,

. would be to provoke bloodshed “ 0 • demonstnte to the entire world

Ihat Cuba Is an Ataerlcan colony.--

ace. where the revolutionary Junta • I of five which h u ruled the country

since Monday nlglil's army, navy , tnd- poUet^ooup went Into session.

Maoy_.pollllcal obs<rT.M a p K d 5 r u m ' nB'‘BuUanlly'"ln 'Oub**-now ^J? «m nianded-iu tfldect-;.nsp«t-to - -

prcscne order, throughout the U*.

- T ^ e pojslbllltf of calling upoa . American armed fortes to back up

“ any so'.'crnmenl that m ^ l be set ~ up was freely discussed. ThU would

not neceastrlly .mean Intentnllon,IV alnee-O uban-autiiorllU »,«ald..eoa.,,_It tlnue handling llie altftln.ot. sjfte.

_ (Continued On Page 2, Col.~U~•

t i l s e O f C t l n T o S l a y ' ; j

_ l a n i i i i p P r o v e s C o s t ly ~

" X i 5 n t A i a 0 7 c r B ? i ! r n T S '■■■ -T h « next time J. W .'Irty weks —

to kill a mouse liell use a more *'*■ simple melhod, .^ A rodent Ksd been annoying Ivey, ,In. go-he-rot-it-tun-anit-weat.alter.lL -------9". ! ^ n T s £ lh J je g ^ o lia table b liU _ _ _r . ; - s l i o l T 7 i a « J n --------

noor: wrecked a Toor lamp and did he $18 damage to his nflio. .he ' i n the end. a 2-cent trap dls*I Z ia tcl^ th e^ fm » y * r_ ^ V = r^ ^ -----------

•_ bctoffehatian'Pu|fs :r : : ; : A t . . p i r 8 t - C i g a r e t t e _

i t l ?So*Slay.mSeUhlletttWl> he smoked his first «l«aretleTW

ot irk “ThU is u good a t l m ^ W tow- start.'' he said as ha accepted »ive smoke fiom Etewardes* U try.Ctr^- er eron ta tl/^erboondfrw n Omah*. .: * toChlctio.-He flsw oatoMJw-York .

todty. •

i - - ”

— . - " - r '

a t e i g l

■ E xh ib its , D ein 'on ilra llons an

■ • J u d g i g C o n ie itsy F e a ll ire

4 - 'H Club F a ir a t F iler

• »lnU W«W«U. meaberi o f « » Wd* \ 1• MM o m to f clufc KauJf• Bri« in % home tconoralc* ^

in (»ir 00 Uie wuiilj t»lr irouwU I■^a<eond Dl»ee «enl to K»Utlefn

Off ^ l S » KrfitU. Bum, dtmon-

to d MMlorli .View tn fH iiT B ttU , arlere. Knull. demoiuWllni » n -liiog OJ iQcii«n**"W Ua «n*r*00fc<» |j

^ ^ f f i « V u b / B u M ; i r l t h j .

S u m I K E ' ™p rin in toiUy-* home ] Konomra i

; judjlni IoaW ^ In which f*cl» eon- t£ ju n i Juflifd four «l»uc*-bK»<l. j

- nmUenork. i t r e w and cannloi-. | ind f w t ft reuon on ona d m I

Weieomo einnlng elub, Knull. non ■leeondpflK -ln tlJP irtth ig conto l. ■WlU. * U m eoopowJ r t W j r ^ I

. Vtctof. Irene tope* »nd Miiflw vm__ __ ,______■

Bari«r oiri u»a» ■

' jud iln i OTteit w erTiKto W rW . 9Burltj. Hnt; Euplu M*T». BuW. im

. . Borrot. 7 7 ” ^- ' ‘~AT « r m ie -T e n itr tn - » ^ r tw > - « ' IUUJIU JJjfWlj)lM)>4hMl|Dl»*0UBy. dJ»trtctreoopeUn|-Joft«onV-»wl —

- i s s e s s B ' a ^ -

•Ju d iu tOdljr KWOUMM isftfexhttli*O ffoo*: • 8. Fruii ttU d - n n t . tor* T i m |

' ' BObl: aecood, aU il}»»ve tlt. Buhl; U' Uilrd. U u t sm lbigilB uhL M

■ VeieUbls u U d ^ f in t. t o r t Trr« . U . ■ IT.'. Buhl; Kcond. «»»7. Bawlbetf.

UUrd. xseUa^tCQUtt. * Uj U o /tlu -F in t. OUdxi n im l t , '

- Buhl; *eeond.'Bulitui M tW B uW i i|,UUrd. to r t ‘IJsrTT, Buhl.

' • ^ U e u l U - K r * t f ^ ^ ' ' li-------auhl|-«»cood..Zelmt-Boyd.-Buhlv . ^

thhd,Lor»Tert7.Buhl. 7,CuUardt^FlTit. BlrdtUt UeOUm, .'<

Twin P tlli ' M«md. Eupht Mire«. J; Buhl; Uilrd. Lon T m j. Buhl |

(CbnUnued y » a 0 “ ^:r - ’' with ■ ttn. Ara*le«n tofow mtrely ^

V would denund «hit Uio JunU. o ^ .«nlln» undtt. the name- Pf ‘M , m eullre commlaton lor Ihf pro- tU lm l lovenuntnl." lurrtnder IU •

_ powera to Ctflca Manual d« Cn- "^ ‘’'cMpedflTand hU entire cabl* ^

— n tt-ra ina ii'tw -da ra *io «haii-th» - = n n mtmben or Uib commluJon

. . lorraaUy-detnindfd.lhtr atep.oiit. . ■ ---------- eettr»J-»ohilkma-of-U>*-«llaatlo^B

*»r« dlKUWd. ■One tnw p held Ui« beller lhat an ■

oMt-anrt-out mlUlaot joveniment r> »liQuld be sel up, While thli croup btIa ecoiended sueh a more would bring- lha alluallon under control, a num- M

__ber-h«ild.lLwQuldJioH)C_»M ^f»e. \ u' '' lory to Uw Unlled BtalM - s « '

Kmpowtred To Inlerreae wet

lo Inleerem untfeir tire Plait day ammdmrat. which H a part ol Uie »»» Cuban conatltullon, '

Anfplhfr itroup pointed U-'MarW TO’

- ——io brimf-crdrr out or ehRM. Tit* —— yooti{fr re»olu!IonBrteJ were un- the rimU^jd, h o rew , lo oppMo him, Idcii allhnuih thff vflfran tlaiMmnn httd.Tfft

' ceri^ldrrablr tuppoH imooe army{ 0 and n»TT cfflcm who «fre r«mov-.f«bl M 'trom Ihtlr commands In the wat

• latfsi, teToliilfonary cotip, Klni' — ^-Frl»nd»-«f-<1«-0Mp*<ltt-M*#rl»<t l« -

lie w u' willlni to rtlum to Ihp u i prrildtner ir a popular demand WUl B< made. The tormrr esecutlre. aop orjitni

■ ^ 'r v . T h c Q naiity o f C ' ‘ ■ •Always Been Above ;

_____I Wg - ^ c Going to Kc M w 9 ■ Sf r'/\rt I'• C i t y r ^ A f r v»-/

iE :;r^Y o ilhgV■ - J W TAUff

• ' ' PAfiTEUmZED UILE .

~ J _ ^ c # i i « ' r a o N r 'i

Chosen “Qneen’!;^ ?3 j ~ ~ ~ T t l o r ~ F o l l o w s l \

- Ol

Uu ' lei

' . td

I t l

I ^

'^ 'un iR leleeUon ot ueraldlne O U u -W

man, 17. u -Mi» phlladflphla" elt w u (oTlow ed^^ rlo^Po^ca t r . W

” w t e n l V f t hoapliai. two other Kl llrli.w ho had won in prtrloui W

" tcm pettttoni ' h i b ' dlaqgamiefl *» TecauM IHijr wer«"n*rtl»d.^V) ^

MBTiLffi OAHWrnA . «lant bot» ot ed Ihe heafywelghta. and Tony Can- ” >

•amcri. fonner niler of tha «ihl- «' weliihu. compara U» m tlniuyi hn

. or U«lr Irade a t Pompton Ukea. =“ Hew Jm*y. whtra Tony li train- >”! In: tor k relum tllla bout with *<>

^P»Vcy-nm=CTrTKa8.' '

. _ rl t' ■ i j e j y M y j j g l g I ,

FOnECAST FOB TODAY AND |i'|' btlaw normal „■

Mtxlmura tfniperatur* xeilcrday « u 61 dfgrwi and minimum I'a* ,|, U“d fire« : P r B . 'C h ty n c r m tip - j , menl wcaUier oUener. rtpotUd,

w uiK ortffd a t sa.ia.Inehei and liumidlty raiut'fd 'lrom W to « per hj| TOMORROW - F*»T! InnpwalMt cu<»nlj>r Mturpllon., ,n

the Uland'a f ln t revoluilonary prta* loi Went. liM been reitlnjr at hli home, 'cn

I Ouilltrmo Belt, one or tnelonnfr »h .cblM t membrrj whos? aumwrt ,i, wat wushl today by the ne* rr- tr( Klme; »ald In UiU conneetron: 'At »ctpr .1 T .m fflnf#rMd^dC-Ct>Wg« 'Iff U iim. president," , W:

Drll wts of; i 'litttirtlon undfr de Cripedea. >k

^OURS€-^ -seartily Ikliind ih e NRA1__ _ id . to Bo Able To Dji O ur “ •P n rl------B l i t - ------------------- ..ih

iing Moreo t O nr M illt ---------- - J;ve Average, and .. K e c p ^ r t l i c r o ; - «

ff A Tft tA Tf OTfVP**’ 'iv ««.»*»»

i Dairy i|Lff B E ffr • . i s

LE AND CREAM - * ' j ^'BiHermllk " ; r

T O ^ ^ O A i i i r

• T M S lSchool D is tr ic t 's O fflqlafs

- N a m B ' E rn e s t" K o o h - t o I

.Serve a s New H ein jie r |

Tlie New»)-EfnMi.MKii tn a iiOV

bCT of Suabertf KhM^K oeh'w u aelecud tonlthl-vtwn'

Uia men In eharga of tha dlatricfi

tbouc by Urt Tnradari tl«» l« i h*l<t tpnamalwotruiMM. ' ’ ]

n m w u no doubt about Ull eUe> ' tlon of Uoyd Jtmea. who rcMlv* td U l ToUa; ' •*' • •;<Ttie-eIt«U8n board.- ho«w er;-n- : p g g - o n r r n n ^ e iui-TiHtflmwii lu j • - t l U l ' TuMday ertnln* tha achool

, (puM ilMorrrpd lha er»IW tnd repwUd 1» TOiea lor Olln ' "

' K ia n jrfD rn id h jae n r— ------------ --•njen came lfi« dl/ftcull problem, ' j

for Uoyd Jamei alono had • m t- tortty0fttie^MT0Sf9<a«l..Olinntedx; •* ed IM, Juit 3& m«a l ^ he re- ctlrcd TUttday. .

At the tn u trn prapartd-ta (ackle Uift problem, Mr*. K*ud#-P. Klaln- kopt. county luptrlnlendMl of Khoola. eame-lorwtr<!L»Jtl\A»#‘ . . tlon proTldetf by Itwa of iha tu te . Acting on.htr adrUe Uis botrd met Uili m n ln i , racofJiUed U».elecUon

- of Jam u and mtde.a dedartUoo of J -no eltclton- Iraoftr-tt.Qila. »tld-

■ buKn, Hiy UCKUUIV U ll llupwl '. - Morrin'were coflcemed. S o tijiM in l■ eltclcd Koch t l the tecond ;riember , . to auiinie hit dutlea a t an ornni*r, ttllen m ttlln t planned -for, n tr t _

I Umber,'l«<. when another electloD

1 -mie-couniy luperlnlendant > i- : pltliiKl.lliit.Uili.wu.lll«T9p<r prt>:, H

- H* t common iehool dliUlct, Uu coUa* 1


(Oonilnaad Prom p«p . Ob«> |- lo-pralfeM m «rWian i wa t Tli wad In -9■ ftb ih w -u ih ir— r 7 “' " 11

In Um hUl« 7 of Outn’a.tnde* Hpendenea tha United BUM b ti as* H

■ SalIyn(nwTtneaTnil~W ««=und«r H the Theodora Rooaevtit admlntflra- H lion In l»oa to IK t. But on other N oceailoM IU warahlpi .hare put I land rem a oiien . taklnr Ihani I

. oX’t f iln u.aaon.u.AffiCTlcaii.lUa

7w S rfn P irth a * A jn erlc an |o»- Iemtnenl landed blue-Jatieu alaer- | erti lu ia r w htrw i on lha northern I cotit «n»n lha propertlea owned by I

r *»■> “"'*** Ifr iimiitr em nd. ' , ” Ij

r w u made that tha ictlon had noth- 11 Im to do wllh lha atneral intamal E

r a irtlrt of ciibt and lhat ihe men '*I would'ba withdrawn hitt a i ioon u Ml

1. tude are the ruponilbmuei and iII tmpUcalloni'or nrmy'lnlrrTentlon.* 8uch an unflrrlaklnif Involvw “ I, maulng iheuundi or marlnti andh Mldlen in Caba, •*prtadlnit Ihem b*

niakUw OTcr complelo c o n f ^ n n c _l<!Cv«mncnti-IUlnrolvei-aii_ilmaii .«i |,-(.i*v((able loll a{ IKe * i w « a* f^r- "

ritlo'rxpcnie and Ihcne Ihe tdmln* ur —‘tlr«Hnn.rifilrrt Ll t Yok L ' ' ’" mi .! Tha great Itilereit or other na- T I Ilona In Ihe Cuban itluallonwu In- '

’ (tlcated lodiy vhcn-dlplomatle rep- C itjenlallw* of many coumrlaj t li-

. lied Uib iUIb depirtmenl.I* Amonic Uiem wera Equtidor. Peri* tla, Nicaragua.- Argentina, Bradl.^ 3»part."mnce:*1»!paBi and'Ofr-- *' m ip^I A,~t»fH iihrtfiTilin'ittnf’ a jparrntlv f Ml»ied amwjjt ibf cwmtrirt ef* Lftlln-Amfrtea Uiat Uie rarly Mttb-.' Ilstiment oi j lUbla goremmeRt in " Cutaf -wii- of trtmendooa Import-- anea If a blow-up,, of w id e ^ a d

InformaUori -reaehlBg..* Ion lold of Ihreatened dlaordm In '. 'Cuba’i bl» or ptnr.v«ir Iho anulh- L fCn.f5a{ljh'r*_»9mr_5W? fejonj. r are eonMned, -tmtnedlalaly. iKTde- t jiroyrd Overton wka ordered Ihrre■ from the Canal Zone with Inilnie^* tlons Id go on to Clentiirgoi It no 8 trmiblf iippearwf on the mnallfr

tsiAnd..t i The action w u In line wlih the

jtlJineM-with which the admlnli-


TOro tra t lot of Plywoutha bn -lU-rM id-todty--i»hoia radltlora , hrra»l«d U il winler’a Icy k ju la and ^Mvaf-U>OU|ht<tin«lnc. ,I ThoM d r ite n knew lhat a low- I ptked. lon-tw»y tn ll-fr t*u Muld': fMt omary bafotw aptltiB. They :.knmr-that-me»Lao<tIledJ;pennt.

ncnt" inll-frc«ttt toon bnak down. '....A t tho firjl ilin .o f Winter Uiay

ta v ^h e l^ c iW ^W ^ m ^ and

I ■■Th|U.Fu r r-at4^ J ' ”

I.UMpntKtloD fo ra 1033 riymouth ■ lo .'ttro ( lU salloM) co»U only I3.K. Tor oUiar Bodela and makcL

i at«.your (*u leri c h a ^ It'a mod :'for a fiilVwlnUr’t ; mllea or mor*. Approved by all car ! manufaeturera. P tuir m n n to e d I by NalionU Ctrbon Co, In t , New l lo rk .-^ - __(.'■n/cort!* Hio».I«lft.r»lU k'uiliricTlrtfrtlr* Vtnser W B»pt. tt. Mt IB

hr/rtiJr TmMi* M V ^ i U t t ftih ttKVBB'iu iiau i. ‘ ;---------- -—

r r

■. N E W , T W m r A I l g r W A n O r

— - T e x a s B r a u t y ^ •

■ B ]Dl

: Uii

S': 1

■ A

: • mi'


iUMB-BERKSHlRE. IS, w u tb • ^ winner tn t recent elly balhlni (». beamy contrat In'.El Paw, T ttu .—m Pholo- du

— I . .— »■■■■" ih«

_ B o d c f l . S j f f i e t h s a r L i "3e<lot

. lib'




I B K S ^ s S p H l s S y lu

ed -iweemeart".of Uu u lw an- lu i nual world'a congreu of Rough eU|

—R Ide^r.a-nodro-it-I«-A njtlw ,- dn t t t coKboya' ban^><JD Photo. thi

' . fw

tratlon rtL^ched. wanhlpi to Cu* •'< b* Immediately alter Ktelvlng word !Wja d y . Tiitamj! m ntitncotiBcjaM ? ^tan ' eoiip that had up*t the gor* »

.arnmaot.--------- — -------------------L BUThroHBliout lodtv, Ihe IVhltJ •.• *

HouJB acd.atale,dtpuljnent kcvl m l«> ■eyniUnt-teucli-»lUt-the-altuaUon U- by telephone and cnblc. ' ^w

.... y ^ - ~ S w a

\ | T \ _ ^ i 2 L specie

W rT S W A r - im m B itm

S M i S"BKIMIlfffl

D/slrW'Msellnj st Flier- ...Selects _Oroup_ o( Sev.eji

To .Receive State Degree

_ P l I ^ y t; y - ]?**

. lure Ptrnura-of America, maellni

conDtet Ion with a two-day rulura n m t n 4-H elub fair tloilng on

.: thp ecuoty ltlrgrc«n(ti tcmotrow ' ivenlng. aelected a«cn memben lo

t atat« mctlnc'to bo'bdd In Poca­tello early ne*t monlh. .The lUt of Ihone aelecled to re td te lha degree. M announced,by Uu alfilng'com- mlllee, la u lollowi:;■ Norman ~JigeU .~Buhlr-M elrin Jagei.B uhl: Ruuell WoQley._fer.

. ome; Leonard Arrington. Twin- ^ l-J H g n -B ro a d h e a d .- .B»pgj;

twm Addy, Buriey: O arn ro n iw :- Burley.-'fUymoiuUlaxtttJ^lfrjrM

oaoled t f tltenuU . »

for Ihe degree, etch-of whom w u i Introduced a t thli ermlng'a meet­ing. fSch appllcfhl .brtwglit ere- ' drnllali ihowing Uiat ba had met . the requlremenia for Ihe dtgrw. lliat he had In cu li or iRreftmeiil

lhat be had.etmed wllh t vo­cational agrlcijlfire project, and lhat he had achlered an acnptabte

■ i h t p t a ^ l g h ^ ^ ^ t ^ C

’ • -each of nre M u r# ftrm er chain t t ter*. Burley. Rupert, Jerome.'Pller i• and , Twin Falli. 'tncJudid In Uia j

dUtrlct Introduced IU applleanlifor (■ the Slata Putur«, Parmer degree/ j,: ~ HotaidT H f», 'incm r t ia . mid-of i, tn Idtho Tuturo Ptrmer pUgrIm- ^

- »ge-to-Mon«c»llo-Uit iumm»r-to - I SedlciM'a'room t t Ttiomu Jetfer- (

io n -i.h « m e .-tn a .o U a» ^ . a - » « i . tI | »aaa from Q o n m y C -Ben Rom lo _

L u P sk . Sapner. Twin Palb. dlsUlct , t r a J f e t . p r tt« M -W tl)e ':m ttl r

IM.-O, L/MlnJc. Twin PalU, high ! icfiool agricullure dtparlrtfHl in-

liUiiclor. U td tlK r for Ihe dUtrlet , jorganlutlBQ., ‘ ,

i• . •"

Official RiiliDg't__ _____ » h

)filedrrNel^os-Aw«als^op 5Decision ol Frcnch Fedef-atlon on Prolesslonalism

' • 0 — I

■ PAIU8 , Sept. 1 MV-The queitloo •i M-whtt-coiuilluter a--profq«leatf I [ (cnnil player tod Juil bo*.:Clo««:| <

Uu line ihould be drtwn w&« put t iquirely-lo Uib PtenchTeanla Ped* r enUon today by Henrl-Cochtt. who aI umounetd he yould play with and jr igalnii t i w m i m n n i ' r t m iw r|

r l@ ib e rn T W m < m i" U W t p a fpI for hla efforta.r gsacn i i i pfiieot ru iu c 5a » r •

lutomitlcally forfelU hU amateur 1 ’ ittndCngw hcnlietnagalntffla{ch|'

' l u ^ rg e d . Thla would make him tn- Ic eUglbla for Davli cup pUy tnd ra- 1

<i dijc*^pnnch-thaneei-0f-reftlnlng-i the famoui International trophy i

• from Oreat Bnuln.Retnalnt AmaUn- I

. ^'Coehet hlmMlf. in announcing he i t VDUld team wllh Martin piaa.pnnch I ( kfOfeaalorialHn-a-aerlea-tgilnM-Wtl—f . Utm T.'TIiafnTTrana-BmcoBtnnar’i

i Itld. -but u an amateur. My aharo

• ^ireen the ip o tu ^ 'w r to ^ ^ n ilo o 't

..1 ^ 7 ^

^ S e le U r l^ ~ ^Outf--------------------------x i l t d -

Investigate 0 u r Pilur- stock o f M l-A p p a i'( ^ f f n m . ln i 'g e sr^lectieiL

CoatSr Dr

Shoes,!w agger Saits are Smart

^ r S H O i^hat f i t the foo t t n d p u n « . - \ « W iM In t i l U n i oa rro w fe e t l


PTEMBPR f, 1538


ec t H n B i B i i 3 E S ^ &


a- -of


^ OTAM'OTOELLY, -preaident or iQ -the hccuUto‘council of Uw IrUlt ■ti Ptee flUte and tnlnlifer for local iH7 50rgrnnienl'and"publle-he*lth.~ls** In »fw

■ -------------■

ECHWROrHMKrPlllSFOIMISId —ilB A reporl which SeereUry Newell

f ; C9mmerc*_ttMoul_lo.memben yea.

? tatogpiitted” a rtea of ewUue- er Uon tnd pubUs Iraprmnment pro- la Jk U which may be handled wllh or fedenl relief moneyi of Ytrloui

. klnda on whldi lurveyi have teen of made alld lUHmillM D7 U irttnm ber

j;2 1ii:;;,‘ f- Creak park tnd complellon-of-tho«• awtoimlnir pool. _______i® a. Retention ot tiie-clTlUan oon-

f.‘ for..bulldlng.approach^fo«it'«^a t and-other-work on pufllclanda Ui'rf

JT iT a k ln g wer ot the Twin Ftlli- ^ Jerome bridge by federal and lUie 1 action to reduce Uie toll and even*.- i . ually mUe the bridge free.

-4, Vtrioui highway conjtnKlloo . M jSU -irftirR tih-w lntcr employ­

ment for our wortira In Uila eomt . munlty.

» ■ O tO HOSTElRrPASSKB 5 K4N8AS CfTY MV-The old Bon-

trenlurB hotel, famoui Kanua City t hoattliT In the dayi of mud alreeti

IJ, a n d -b o a rd ^ cK a U c & ^ iJu u id ^ ^

eled fw apartmenu.

- -----AMPHIBIAN’ HVMPIlONV-l- n SAPULPA, Okla. yP) - ThumuMc ' Of 31AOO (rofi lull! P, A. OtaKli to

ileep IhHe nlghU. lle 't alarUnj (, r h t t h» hoptt wUl b?«m* "a prelty

goodraUed lrog.Iknn,f,....,_..........

if ‘ KEEP UP BRAZIL TREK 1- RIO DE JANORO (/T> - A recent 10 ihlp.'oad of 13M Japantu. Imml- id grants, the largcit to arrive In

|w !n tu colony In aouUitm Sto Paulo. ly-j^titcU n* tM «»a to rico powing, .

ur fund and Ihe Lyoai foolballdub. ' a i j - "fm « buiJnewmao

It- l^ingea a n mtde ln tennia pertiati e- Ml change my polnfof vie* but for ng-Uw-moment.-1-repctl.l' ly amateur.’’

• Plerro oillou and other littli oJ- {icIaU of UiB French Pederadon were

he nol In ParU tnd nO' ontT iC IdT ^ ch found lo ipetk tuUiortUUvily ai to

orUiefederaUoh-opjioalUonlo-pUy-l)*- ■a. l« c n traaleun tnd ;trof<utonali, «■ “ CWJar^TnilslmtrtJat-hB-wouio- ro not lo.*o hU tmtleur ^Undlng ird *. noma obMrren lo belfate the federa- 00 'lion might hare changedllfTttllUlde.

pui^Fail ^f i tf . . :. : . . - • ■'

Paym ent Plana r e l i s c o m p l e t e a n d -

r n l o r v o u i - . a p b r o v a l .

Presses/ ISiijlies Hb$e — ^

u ^ t W r f a v e - T h c r a i - :

! tl

i H i i i i i i

i.-li)AtfOSEVENT-Y-JI J-MEMORY OF MIS^ K en )-K a m e a 'o r‘Serenty - K lnm 03 who liad pataed away during Uu £

w u honored’a t the ImprcttlTe can- ' fljecffrm'on/obaered al UMflffreo- ?; ly-Ninen' aockty reunion la Albion 1 Wcdnculay, tre u foUowj; Ura. Eu-

■ phefflia'W lnt«ft«ro,rAajil»-Olatt' *Mr«. Walter CUrk. C. E, Bocock. * MabriAnnHepworUj.PtterO.Mir- tiH. Mr*. Henry Jonea. 0 . B. Pickett. “ JoMph Mecham. Walter Powell. ^

' rv lna Parker McOrldcr~EUaab«U) re Jan» Walker. J. B. Rlee. Oeorgo Ooot Pi


OAKLEY, Sept. 1 (Special to The Ncwii-FunertI lentlcei will be {ii held Saturday a t ] P. M. In Oakley pr Itbetotole (or Bnict.Warr. 23-year- pl,

or old' Conienralkin’ Corpa a m p lo. Iall worker wh died In Ihe tJnlied i t cal BUUa reteranaMioiplUl a t BoUe ao■*» 'WWnuaaynftemooin---------------------£E ^ T f M ^ y w l U be brouibt tn m fti

BolseToOaHrTBalurdBy-mornftir mi _ by th e ^ c B n lney mortuary. Inler- ^

in died of InJurlej re^lred^ ^i f U rt Prtday In a Ituck aeddenl near nr


■I) ------------- -- !S“ CLASSES CONVENE AT S


MOUNTAIN VIEW, fl.pU 1 (Bpe- ; ; t i l l W T » » m )-M m « U ln VU« |[ ,u, achool opened Monday njpfning, wllh

K. U JenklrJ In charge of tha lour G ^ »pp»- fT«i<n «ni1 Mm. J»n-

klM ln < S a« e ^ 'tb e lo S r gradea, cjt Bcclnnen Uila lerm are Wayne jj,S : B a5 S er..flrr t:E T m .C o n « 0 !rd tr m

man and Newton Henry WonacoU. p, H7 -S ham roclrghool hdd aaailon Mon,

w o S ^ 'S f u w ^ p a d e a bc lh rin "J

''■* S n a K r o I I .M o n to Ow ni- |

,i« Beglnnfn th lijirm Include Dorothy 0 , I*,. Cobb. UontCdbke, Ella Dean. Jamea „

Homan, TWdy Homan. Oeorgfl „ M Well* tnd Qroter WUUami. dlr- __________ _ El

MINNESOTA RESIDENTS >n----------------n s iT -? io P T A i7 r -y m y ^

n- MOUTAIN VIEW, SepU 7 (Spec- In Ity Iti lo The Newi)-Mr. and Mia. « !U John'Kelel and children. Oltdyi.

H. W. Rledeman home Sunday. Mr.- and Mn. Kctel were nUmUig to J— their home^afler an-«lenied'»Ull. k Me wlUi llie Itller'a father, Mr. Dulm atto Lynden.WMhloglon.Mr.Dulm'aplc- di n j luretppetredonptgeKlorUtePeb- ity m r jv WJX Uiue of Uib NtUontl . . . OeOgr«Dl]l«Lm»gai|ne.under: Ui« Si . headlni..''Diitcb Beitlars t t l^ d e n of

Demand Wooden Shoea." font ~ •._________ll- ■■ ' ' ' = = In r "

lOj. ^


j^lEE j ~ _ _ OF T l

1 8 th in i

SEPT: TO -icdoM PLlI

E r - r i T w i E i q BiEijTO VOTI


21st AmLaws do not la k < ! tli

tion. Evils are co

r ■ cducat

Asher B.

GlennPublicity]7 Bois?. 1

|i—7 ~ l S

MINERS HONOC-1 yOSSINGMEI ERSJn» prineii-A.'-Plclttlt7Q7K‘.l»ffPni C.._ ■ Im orBl«kalagfrrM n.-J. J.-MUlard. ■

Mra. D. P. THoma*. Elt* bItlW aild.' " 1

W ° “ memember Ot Uie aoocUllonwu called' ,b tO T lp r ._ “r At Uu rear Itood anoUierflgurtwlUi

fltm lni torch held aloll lUumlnatlng Uu onward path, Thb part w u ttk-

^ ea by Oladr* Hlle, Decio, the two , tngela deplcllng the arrirtl of new-

lo t FnuicM Chilbum, botli or Albion. -

Y WALLACE SUCCEEDSItt —^ITlKVlHNE-PRMnAM— ^rhc WASIUNOTON. Sept. 7 WV-Con- be {idenca lhat .Uie admlnliUitton'a

ley proram for alaughUrlng ,f0w.009ar- pigj wui be lueceuful wt^.eitprea^ __mp lodty by SeereUry WalUoe, but he led itld the pUaa for kilting. 1M0W9 ')lu lowi were .*10 date leu (arorablt.*'

wn ftU lUiement fo the MecaWr# com- •: te r m ittw oM hnnU opal com-hog-pro- >7

ducara eommlHee»of 2S. aaerUng ap-____ k

htd been purchaied by auUiorlzcd J . ' -ar proceuon.

“Undoubtedly,- he added. 'U ib plj part of th f Bragram, wUl auccwd'

■ tnd Uie lilig market duriitgth* com­ing months will bo benefliled to th e . extent Uial Uie atle of Uie« pigi will reduce future altughter tuppUea.

• -When It comes to the m wo-

_ omblB. For.Ttrioua r tu o n i farinen

W IDAHO POWER EMPLOYES- !i! GREET--NEW" MANAGER!». H ,u« r M. IMlnion, Bout, »i«lr

^ p ^ y . w u.t.ffueat i t of .» • iyin-»>lkdlvUlon-«m^ o . t L.dln-------

'in SJJuS jfl^^hfco^iaa^^tlis-eomlnr-Tc*r.-OUiergu«u-ln-------

m- eliided L W .J lr t i ln ^

Do£e.* aijpcrlnteildent of appUanco talea lor ihe Idaho Power company,

r r ta d Jacob A. Xthn. S tll.U k t City. dUtrict mtntger for Uu Oenertl Electric aupply corpcttllon.

John 'D .O rr, Twin PtUadlvUlon mantger.TIua-ehtTiB'of-thB-pto*—

^ ^l^terU tnm ent w u afforded cu ir K- In the rrenlng by Mn. J. L Hodgtn t» and tt group of, girl dancen, Includ- I,. ing Pat Hodgln. Mtr^ Prtncea Btlei,i . ^!tIy_JBne_O^T,J^n,nll.BatMAn<tan_Um. mi-Amwicmuio. . ---------------“rt Too Late To Classify ,Ull. POft=flALB=^RBYHOONIWaANO- at huller. Bargain If Uken at once. >

'le- D an-rtlt. Buhl. Jdaho,

na) r r u h boma baked foodi 00 tale flha Sat. a t Cloa Beok.SUec by mcnbera . f.ten ot the W. C'T.^V. M eabm W ar g

food early.-AdT.

l 7 l J c i

FOR------- ' ■■■ 7 T ^

h e :F'THK “ ^


P L 1S H -K E E K A L_^--------

i N E C te iiA lty — [ 7 ^

OTE FOR ~ ~ — - -

iCATIONF T H E ■ • ■

meridment h

e the place of educa- ^ . i corrected, fhrouffh

Scatignr 7* ^ ^

B . W i l s o n

ftd r-R ep ea l.......... .........F a l l s . I d a h o ^

n B a l c h ; 7

Ity Director jsc, Idaho _ , t

■ I. ' ■ .

' . . ■ — ' • M

' S u p c rin te n ile n t o l S ys tem

■; -.^-A nnounoes Com plete L is t

■‘Of ta c iie i- s lo r Y ea r K

------- la

■ ment^rairted the optning ot <»y.

•n .e toW M rotoentW -thrB tirlfr %

1M8. Th« hi

AnumberofiludfnU will bf train- cir * r r t d fretn ihf Mllkr building lo

. -reU ev* ortfcrowdtd c laa« . If wm innounwd. • ' • -

ThcWachlns«tnIf fortlw jM irw u ^

0 « r g f ^ r i m a n u foilMS: " " ' ^

h ^ c S r a tJ o n r b o j ip m (I f meree; K»thn'n aroom, EnglbH., co| I' . dramallfj: David Jeawn, Klence: clii

Bttllfl R. Ktisen. nmihtniailci:. M. wc W. MeUujliUn, Mitnce. d«an -ol Pc bo>'»: Clllford MullllHn. mwlc; Ern- i

, - esl Palmer, agriculture: Ruby Pool, M< ' homo Konomlcs'dean of gt la; John

U.R«nd«r,4hop»wk:.LouJiA. So- c. 'derberg. Engllih: MclvUi P. ffiewarl.

------ tommtiw; norland SlmmoM, toclal8cisn«. • . ■ . ■ i

o u N io iu i ia i i - wuiid’n u«r: wt__pttaclp'al: Bo» Biirti(y,,m»ilicmat- s« la-. D«rlil BoekwlU. homo «oaom - I f

Its; VlrKlnla DarlbBton, EngtUh. of . toiisic; -Marjorie Orlitlth. scltntt ; no

MilHiiyil tiroiioskyrEiisliairPIilhlT ■J® HlrKhlfr, mathcm#Hc*,»cl*n«;Be- «> alrle«-Jf«6p,-pli>'sleal_tdu£allon. U

------Btmrwinlfrtd O'ltourke.-aodal-scU F.tnw : Elmo .Parish, mathtmatles, vo

z z iac ieM tP iM su trittftin rso fiB i-------cnwrTnii»rTailofrEng!lshr---------- «i;

■ =^~O V E naiN D -8C nO O L-x-D ,-O r -n, Parkrr. nrlnclDll. llllh nnd sUth; nr

■------Vcm A n d ^ n r i in t gradei b l i . HW aiB(ssln. «cond grade: Can Onwer. Bp t t l rd and fourth grades. »

MILLERBCHOOL-EmeryT.Bar- “ nis, prtoclpal, sixth grade; Esther ; Buehanah. slsih grade: Duane Dins-

— hnnrrotirUignider-Wa-Po»l«. fllih

B dnaO inSoa tto d gwie; f '.Manning. «l*th grade: RuUj Mar- ihaJJ. seeond grade; Verrel McCul*

■ lotk. third grade; LueUe UcMillan, „ ____fourth trade; n u th ^ ^ rr .^lU i grade

Wanie^** m^h m 'de: Marjorie"* "J WHght. first grade: Theresa Wool- ^

— Henhuli[ie,.sea>na grade. __— ,_ _ |

* SOUTJiWffit BCJTOOI/^ Pran- fll eU Holyoak. principal. aUlh grade; lit

T .Veift.Dronson, seeond grade; Olive «i ^ d r . second grad»: PerrLi Oee, first te

. grade;-Anna JtPPMn.±hlra_([rB<5c: m Mona Lowf. fUth grade: Biro O ^ f . hollar, first grade; Liicllo Snodgrass, w fourli, grade. •

MILNER SCHOOL - Jeanne K.' nrde. all grades. ^ > a

— ‘ ‘ ' .........— tl

“ ■’ M

~ S O C I E T ^ I

____ • PH 0 N E ^ 2 _ pi

1 I Im' - <Hl'The marrlsge of Miss Marme Cole-

msn to Lieutenant Ovlnn u. Porter en _■■■ at a ceremenT •pertormed by fter- m

ertn d C. E. Udman au the Meth< Mo “ odist parsonage-in m cr, -i-UftiHrnft

_ Marlte^ -----------------4 9 C - I

^ c o M ^ i n Xt i o n

- - ^ 7 ^ - 1

_ .. 1 N n tf '

^ - mixer- —— a n d - . -

_— » — O n e P in tr - .= 1

W E S S O N O I L ^W h?p y I th one h a n d . . ♦ '

= p o tif c w l tk iilh e ^ o th e f

- - PERfECT-MATONNABB . 1 - W^WUINUTESf— -- l _ j

_ • - 7 1 i « Utnifc<SU g~ - 2

■— -PpstrToasti Z Cornfl^

-L a r^ P a c k a g b

p ThcMarketeria,

- eventog. .fleptember_fUth._»M W t j nouneed b Twin Palis Thursday W I

' tho bride’s father. 0.. U. colemsp. < City CoBunlsiloner. •

t r-aptflln t n a i l r a . . J a m 5 j v Z ^ jI ur.-pannta-DM»ie brldtgn)Omr»W i were united In marrtag# by n rr. Bel- , _ man at Bhoalione twenlT-tdur years j ” ago, an^ UrTColeman witnessedUiS . ring ceremony'which took place at '• eight-o'cloct

tThe bride wore a smart suit of-. llgla-gray-«ool,-Klih-black.MetSi ' sorles. The bridegroom wore his mil* j r itary uniform. - jTlie couple pUn to leare next week ,

lor MliMUta. MonlAR*. when Ueu> , e tenani Porter has been assigned to i■ in- tVM|fh TBfantrr. • j y. _ The tglde.jaho U tho y i u c ^ ]

J.gtadttatedjrlULlljt.Twln^Us High 1 School Cla& of tllneteea Uu^drea - . Thlrty-.AJter completing a eouTM a t I busineu cotleg^'ahe w employed la [

■ Ueutensnt Porter gradualed iWs J year-at Wcet Point MUltary Acad* l

r - , ■ ■;■ ■ A program featuring two playlets. - , "His Pim Case" and "It Happens

- mrtit-furalshed by Marilyn .Drtoe. , |- |i2m -r7W «ansrfcr:flrth-C brtrrw

vTOOT«ertin^rof Iho-M ethodUV^i^j; •H copal Udles- Aid Society a l tho : cliurcU. Appearing In “the pUyjeU ^• were Parthena IloUtster. Vlvlto f Feamsterjind Sara Lmibenhelm.• Devotlonals were led by Mra. 0 . A. . I, McSRster. u. •- f 5 Refjfslunents were served by Mr*. I■ C. W,.pailu' dIvbJoo cl iJie sockty,

' ! c

-1 season held 'by the Presbyterian ,: UdlesirAld Society s t the liome ol iI. of iim, P. R. Taber Thursday after- t; noon. 'Hostcues were M n.-J. P. t,

»fra. Otorse Burges*. Mrs. WUiUm >I Lfille and .Mrs, David Cathro, Mrs. i^ K ^T iraacuriiaaxliarse.or _ ,, voUonais. The president of the so-

•rii* program glwn under the dl- ® t^Twtlon--ofMr*.-P.-a-DeU-eoa9l«ted i

imd t w piano solos by Mlsi

‘ A lace elotli covered the r e f ^ - i ^ ment table and a large cr>-8t«l bowl r• of garden flovers formed the'cen; i ’ laplffeTMH.'X-J.-atecn-ind-Mra. j ^ j.:-a-ttouts.,prcsldcd.. a t ’.the-tca ] ? table. . . ^ J

;* Ta'cnty members of Hie Votmg * People's Class of the Christian i

i Chufch4wld.thelr monthly] meeting '

' day evening, Alter a pot luck supper ■■ Laura Lee'Sharp, president, presld- J - e d ^ r a bialnfw inetllng jttjM ch.: i. final plans were made for the pub- .; llcatlon ot a c!a« paper.-The pap« le will be distributed to [nembera at- i ,l tending Sunday school. 'Sepfeftibcr [< •• eeventeenth, ’!T -Plorence Lusk =wbs- appolnted-to j - J- take charge of Ihe'social commlHfe A

during the abicn(ie of the chairman. 'i , Next Thursday was « t as the final'I

dato for entries In the song'contest. 'i A nrize will be alven the winner of^

r tl« contest on neil tJunslay.----- !-----j= = M iT II iC i« i5 riI4 ra -W e E V -^ ^

Mary 'CIfcn Anson, lormer members |

Twla Palls, were guesis at the meel-' ( ing.— .. 1

Mr. and Mrs. Qerliardt Otlerloh, i pioneer residents of tho clly, enier- toSicdunnvcdnrsdarevcntninn-ob*,'^

IservaTIce of their twenty-fifth wed- i <HUis annlwrsary. i

I- The evening w u spent plaring i :r cards and a t a late hour refresh- | '• ments were sehred by Etsle Oster* «• I loh, auistecTby }>tm Walter O tter-! I rn6h-ri« -E ifr« i6rK ihk7T 3uairiiP ]*

e t e r i a S


-I-2GQi:Wess O i l . . .

Come In S aturday! SceThis.Mixi

1-2 Ib. Bqice/ Chocolate.

iWlriteiSiOTfri-2 ^ -G z ^ a n s ..iC Z —

I t e S ^ ■ - F o r Ea

lie -Package-^

la, The Stores of Quality i

' t w in FALLS DAILY )t

in. eluded M r .^ d ^ I t e r O suT i by !51i.Mr, andMrs7D*nBchlntfe.Mr. . sp. and Mrs. George Puller. John Dohse t

and'famlly and Joha Uanson and c

^ -M rrand-M rs.-0*teriolxixnLin>i.L < rfrd-ln T iib 'P iI5 “ «r'8«pt«inW r i

^ sixth, nloeleea hundred eight, and j

Plans-?» meeting ot s, the Lutheran-Udles' Aid Society I

^ -niursday afternoon to serve a chick- i endlnner,eafet*rUstyle,.tothspub- * Ue in the chtireh buemenU Tht

. memben of tbe society atio decided to begin QUIU-maklng. Seve.rgi ord- era for Quftts lu ro been Jocelred by » the group.

^ .■^mhV»lM«--ot.ths.:yetlngJllM ji e»l Ida mUUr served retreshmenta. '

S - f l u i ^ _ m J ! & M r T e d ^ ^ Ihe 1| ^ Good Will Club Wedneiday. a n i i f ?

country heme' of M n. li. W. WutUlL • j°_ MnL w. A. Mlnnick. the President. * I presldeii < w the tiusiness. seuTon *

r during which K.*»s decided to can « tomatoes lor the UcClusky' Betltn « Camp nest year, Sirs. WUlUirwUM '

■ white eleplianU- the p r tm d s irom \ whleh are used for the RbTer fund, i The program consisted 61 a group ol o

7 plsnutlon melodies and Negro y^ ^ l r ^ t^ .h y .M n .J |e ^ V ^ ^ ^ j |_ ^ U

readlnw, “The Party" and -JMe- n « I/« Is-5 -p M « d p Iir" l'/"» trK -r» r' ft

i '^ M ^ n tn r A r w r m ttc rr im l-M r ti - r •J* L. W, KuttkU a t the close of the. j

. .MUiEUaCorduentertalned-wlth*• a -pot Juek supper at_ her country t

honie Wednesday erenlng In hcioor {ot the UlSMs Mabel Walker who tl bleaving for AlWon' State NormsI, qSara Laubenhelm who U going to Ihe c

; CoUege ot Idaho a t Caldwell, and cColleen Dice. Barbara Gamble, wh,) ti

»l^^l-«tten<Mhe-Unltef#llr0l-ldah0r i»n southern branch.iOther guesU were ^0* Betty %»rk, Alice Beatty, Shirley

Nelson. Helen lUrter, Harriet Nei- P- son. ,Helen JelUson, M a ra m t^ D s^ ^

son, Mlu'confes will be a student at I rs< the SouUiern Branch at Pocatello. Ile* -_____ i _ - — ------I^ The B and T Club was enterUlard , « Wedi2ealay;alternoon;«ijLl!LeJJoma ^ ; r o|-Mts--E.-0,-Splelbcrg.-Nlne-aicm^- -

bers Mte present. AlUr a short bus- ^ [neis'Muloirthe afternoon w u spent ‘r with a-nrogram of reading and “ need le work; lielielous'WrKillbielia-

were served.- ____

- - Miss Louise Alauset entertained a;Uie Park Hotel Wednesday after-

>*’> noon la honor of Miss Louise Weyl.■nj Los Angeles. Gu«U were Mlues ^ Helen KewmanTreffi. IWl,^ V«jn «

Jcsn Bscon and the honorce. High scon; vu'w on by Miss Louise WeyL

" PROSECUTiON HiTS. :■ ■ . ...__— —— -" u m t —S-' . IN LAMSONTRIAL

iCoDtlnued Prom Page Ooei at- fmrlractures In Mrs, Lamson’s skull ber [«u/d have been caused by 'one faU

'sealntl sucli a fixture..-toj- The-state protested such ft.qutSi tee ,tlon 'wu a matttr' for the jury to an. ‘dfclde and w u nol within the prov- nal 'ince ot expert witnesses, A long le- tst.'it»l argument followed.' during e t ,

era [ - * * SwUIni OSfeclipn"

c l- : Ob Ktion and‘ Dr. Rlehards waa re-1 placed en the stand b r George A.

■■ Weber, who IdeniUled hlmself-as an----- electrical englneer.wlth criminal la-oh. vesllgatlon u his avocation, er- Between many slate's objections 3b*,'^e-tnlllled-he-e*amlned-tli«-Lam— td- son home a few hours after th ttrag -

edy beoujM known.-He Wenlllied a Ing vtsh bum exhibit u one almllar to ih- the one In the Umscn home and Ut- er» t r between many ob jK tl^ -sald he 1

U i^jW aM nrirbnreght-ln lorthe-JutT-1


* « " 7 9 e

FSfternoon An3 - liiterWork

20cS IP; Frahce ^Sier-Washing

ty and Service

_____ ^ . _ _ _ _ _ ^


r- l o s e e . ' ' , ............. . ' \ P::r. . -Dr; IUeaatd*.-rtsuming-the stands 0 se then^wu-asked It the fraeturei Id could have been IntUcled .-by means I _.oLialdjiMlLbmnJLAgalnJli«.»tat« ft«. ini« tininlnfrt. RM'Te- jfl

Id DnalJy getUn; from Dr. J

” have been caused by one blow from li 3t some' particular sort of Instrument, e ;y Ha wM prtvenled from saying what i[. kind ot instrument he mlghl hava ta>. m in t........... - , J ,______>' Prodaces Iren Pipe - o f. Eea produced tho Iron pipe which h „ Ibe su te had used In prcsenliDg Its s’ theory and uked the X -r a p ip * ^ - h a 1st U the^^racture could .have ^ »

- Br. WchaNis said 11 "s«m rf ' r f le likely" to him that such skuU im k -

r i n ^ 'S ^ e n t , unless great lore* F L was used,- but added Uter. that a ^ it»U B r-*aclunr-«ukl--ha»-b#ea ^ a Ba/febfooeWon'orwanybloMcon-n eenlratcd a fthe polnl of Injury.,.e ' Tbe defense then called Dr. EtbsIn Vktori. ,San Pranclseo physlclM,1, who aald be had examined the alalns «>f on the door but who soon had to «0 yield the witness chair under a b u - jid rage_of prosecution obj<ctioni. I t w u j,9~(hen-tnai Weber-> returned. Alter o: '-. liiuch argument between .altomeys ti ■' ti

C - jm F a r i t e lv h r f ^ -t ju a j 1. He then lesUfled he was «

present when Dr. VIctora examined ei the stains mdh ttcenllyr ’ , . - al

h Dr. Vleton then testified he had Ji y examined stains on tha door aad

found they were nol consUtuted ol K. blood. He' u ld he examined a spot I. on tha floor near the rear (foor of e the house, the walls ot the nursery “

closet and the waUs Ola closet In the ^ '> h a l l r u ^ d louDd no-blooU.stalns. ,

ton's story ol his mov'cments tn tba ^ y house a t the time ot the j^ d y . l . .'* 'U m son tilen-wu recalleifby hla ,| ;* altomeyi. HeKstilled Dolores Bob. bi 7 erlT liotiilS&l.. k hUhel.^id I f HU i

home, w u In Ihe collage a few houn m _ tht-<igr_before,Uie.dcalh.but-had _ . flnaliy-lefl-al B P.-M;-B»fore that, ol

Laaxson u ld , ihe-had nol been In sc


1 '

hL ■' __ ^



iMMrr- --------- --------------

..... .They're here. V

U tslnly


- 70x80 T.Singlti- -P lttid - _. S hg 'c l '^ lnfihcfa ___

^ 5 9 e J.. -70xBO, D oublc—H n id -ShT et-B laT ikrtB ------------ —

- $1.29, He• 72x84 - D a u W e - P b ld - ~ l i c,icPn - W ank< t<i---------- r o

• -/^xS O -A H -W oo l....... jti iDoiiblo.Plflid BlJinkets , ,

$6.95i i l ls s s s s s s s s s :

i d , FiUD .V Y -m o u n in g V s e p t I

~ U feTiBm rsiScribe'ptedtdm rPfl*Idf day-or Sslurday;----- — -:ei Tettlmony tliat-lh«-lrac tum .In ns Mrs. Lamton's skull could have come ite from one cootact-.wu gl« Dr, t-iaU nley Knetshaw: aah-JosC— ei,- r i$^ to5*haw sa ia4H nB nrE Q as ds particular t u t waa uausually .dense Id s t the point cl fracture, and w u 5T brillM'lAU VU tlllUlV It, cate, tlieretore being tubject lo euy a t tplUilcrlng. . . . ta QuNtioned about the-prosecuUon

testimony ol Dr. A. W. Ueyer, Stan: ■ lordanaterabt.lhaYLienjwraheffl-'

orrhailc areas indlcath^ tba-hair ch had bten pulled vloIeBtly. Or. Knee- IU Shaw uld'sucH 'a condlU itt'm Id J . have been caused by'lha bulging of ut the.tkull under the pressure ol a ttTblew,-lnsieadolpe«>lblrbr>-Ui|.on

k- , • - . - ,

5 fioOSEVEttTAKES"n" w ,— HAMDJ WjDB.TAMING, ,,. "• • SUGAR AGREEMENTs t - ■ ■■j,_ iCcBtlnutd, Prom- Page Ons)

“ with the pAldentr today. Olhen “ a t tlie m ^ ln g were Beerelarles

Hul!„WnIIsce. Dem and lekes, Jel- “ fcrwR Calfrey, altlstaat 'aecrelary

of tiaic. and ambaasador designate y* to Cuba. Geonte N. Peek, a d n ^ j^

u td around the proposed Quota UiatM each producing group would be• allowrtlo supply the domesUomar-

kd ket. Tlie' entire allotment V9uld bejd e,57S.OOO tons yearly u the agree*Q( menl. now slsnds. , . ' ot Cubi would be allowed to nipplyBf J.700.000 lens annually; ^he demeif„ tic beet produeera. I,7»M0; Hawaii,3 D7S,000; the Philippines, «U W ;” Puerto nico, 675JXM); Virgin Islands.

” Object ._31ie_PliUIppln»s-and-Cuba-par-

1“ licularl>- object to thal UnUttve m »"*n»ement. •The foiTOg wigta a

n (md ? u S a t leut'j.OOOAM low.Id -n'l- fgpn and many other analea it. ot the'{nvolved:sJltmtlQO-w«-p»- b seated to the'pr<ildtnt n e 4 a l^ n -

A ' ' ' - ' '

’ *

6 m w KAYSER

r^ G lo v es■ without a doubt Kayter la I Gloves are mucA smsrter this i■ tod than t i t t . Clerar sports st I and slunning dreu models. In p' I . ihades and nest trimmings, 1 ■_ ,tr.iTht euHs. Bee thU b« [ _ m ul.iw ortment today.' •

- ^jgc-J8cL


ley’re here-V«s, our new ra il Shoes t ;te. We promise they'll cbam you. snd c Inly comlort you when you «;esr thi it«lous"stylw7'eTB7 'one^ln ili s te s - «ry smart ensemble^ Select yo-jr's D



H tn . '» - r r e n r B I » n l i r y . l n i r Rpod .w arm , lin o nn iirrton.tjlroii • J te t. in benuttf4lM>lni'^ T''****'' BatMii bouTid. i i m is n-spcc purchftse a n d wc vi-cre able to b on ly SO o f t h e m . - H ur r y . - S t lij t iu r ’s -N O W r----------------B«I«t an your BUnket* Now. . • A re deposit will hold your wlrctlon unUl l er. Um Our Lay-Away Pla^ «

P T E M B E I V l 9 3 3 ‘ '

Fn.-Tly-hileKstea” UrCul»'^UbltIiilI6n - land lhe"adm$nliiratloo-is known to

U iL ifel there It truth In Ihe asMrtlon ome by bitnd offlclals-thal lhe incrus. Dr) ed sugar tariff of IMO has-con.

— ttlbuiedH igely-io-ihe-economica flT T O ttrin ttin t Twuiitrr.^________ ~:nse TarUts. howertr. were touched w u upon only IncldenUIly today, (ho<e Hnr1 sfclnr ‘part In diaeusekm-sakt,

Anpther point an the proposed ajreement lhal has eaused open

Man dl»wmlon Is the propoaed allolmeni of«rcflned sugar. ^Ince the tarlll on Cuban raw

k .1, two cenU a pound' In the Smoot- Hawley tariff bill, the Island has

“ L mort thsiTBoubled.lU refined uhlp. , ‘7 minis lo Ihli country. Iasi year ap. Y ptoxlm»tely-<MJ500 tons were ship-

— i? iS i'’D s y ' S r i " ° S p . . K r i ?HOMO tons and this amount, il tent

— . to the-.Unlted SU tu . would be sub- slracled fffiin ihe Island's.raw quo­ta a t 4he rata o f - m pounds lor

ifx SecretarT Dem a t the conferanco; ™‘ today pr»enled..Blrong-Philippine— objections lo thetr allotment and

Secrtiary Hull and Caffrey save the— Cuban viewpoint u tnnsmllted by ten olflclsls of the govenunent. -r1« The admlnUlrallon Is known to lel- leel that any enduring economic ary u d . pethspt political ttablllly In laU Cuba depends upon an arrange-

menl lhal will insui« a lalr returnr« l ftr-fter-princfpaf ■ produc«0fl.------- -_ _iDn_Uiejih,eLJjin4._lh?-5oms*^l « • beet-.produeera-aa«ert-that-«ny-sub- u t ftantlal Increase In the Importation be of.Cuban sugar would cripple Ihelr

a r- invustry and their altllu()e toward be Philippine ImportaUons ta subilan-

^ the ume, • >

S NATiON'S BANKERS ‘ S’ . VAINLY OPPOSE LAW^ - " t c a r s o e d Pitua Hge-one) ■

, ed rresolutlon demanding that in- , , Illation of dcpcalt insurance be post* Y ' •^ 'and-cK arg lng-tH al-tlg ld -res , , QuUfeaenU-for banki'to oBUln de- m r peelt-guaranty would resulfe.ln . ths..

^ doting ol Ihouuncts of them. i ilea The comptroller announced Wal-J r» . terV.*CumiiiIRgi. Chicago, and ErQ.I in- Bennett,0gden, Utah, whom lie de-j

I —H ---- ^Childreni | ; ■' Prpsi

i tT rm t " - * * ' ' '^bflft|.«>^fe' selfciion of color'ecmbinsH


— - r — ^ - S r , 9 ;

7 WashDi(never stjlea. fu l color prbU

R a qusUty and styles tMf, w!


COSTS-MS sea- For. th o little m iss a rc s styles j j , j , Bcnson, and o u r nsai In puin la rg c -sP u rch a ac d befon

v a n cc d .-w h ic h m ca n sa s i = a ec = -o u r- la rg e . actf f-tlnn

:— — JicL .C i?A t-now .. - '■


M 'them.

^ SCH100 S h c c t.p cn c il . -

■ T a b l e t ' ^ . : . — v - . . 2 1 0 - ^ k e c t - P c n c i _ ^

rb lan-- -T ab lo U ---------- ^ --------*tnnm.' P cBqlS, ~ '

ffm y E m ams t i K i ..... ..—— rJ20'Sh«ta;Filler—----! u r u ? '

Paper ........ .................. .

: :T ■

iilon 'tefibe'd-tr’ iouniniaiitirrsniniccTi n to polltlclani,“ would ter»#.«riih him u i lion dtrectora of tho federal depoelt cor- i u s . toratlon to administer Ihe depotila < con- guaranty. 'smlc- -BennettmiTt»uhllcan;Oammlagi.-' T - a-Dembcrat; u prortdedto the law, I ched • The receargrtw CR ^”a ^ i t a 'l n ho<e Uie potCaf savings, bank, Otjonnor »><*- l'w id,-waS'‘-lnttTeetlnt-4HieHilafm- ■

ing." He placed the prcsenl.loul at ’P*') )MS(.M8,aOO. Ue put a l tl/naAOOMO

the peak load ol bank.withdrawals < trllf i jj t MartJi C . I^ The (piaranty-plan would put aU

bank depcalta ol gUOO aod less Im- i Jf” der guar*BUe January l. When the ,

act becomes ' fully..opcraUve next , lT; July I, deposits oot exceed/ng *t5,- .

coowouldbeguaranteedioopercent. fUK ihMA ISOOOO by ^S Mf cent

un i eent..% ^L^.- •• ' ,m)i. -He.'tbaB'quolcd.flgtuta ahowlna ,njo. #«.« je r ijent of depoaiis In Amert- ,(or can Mhks amounted to leu than '

___ "ft q p l ^ Jb e ^ t t S S r b y ^ • '‘/rtc raf'gw - I

and «rnmsnt'aA^lhelederAlreser\-e,and' the each built w uld pay to the corpora- , i by tldh IS amount equal to one-hall ol

une per cent ot Ua toUl depoalta.I to --------— ------------- •

“ S FORlilEMAGiCCITY ■S .B A « l(E R F iL L S P O S T

^ __ tO oaU naed .P ngaJag .L -lion II York, Nebraska, and at 18 be wss

cashier, when be weol to Twin Palls, Idaho.' Nov 4S. he w u behind a lone reeord of organisation acUvl- tles, inelodlnr the war finance cor*

• poralloit'ln Id aho .' " .In Twto Palla be became associated

, , , wllti the ICuhBs of Pltuburgfi wbo iW developing thab aecllon and a t the

age of U w u au litan i manager ct— lhafat«lopmnitrwhleh-lncladed the

Tii^ lels and the estahllihmeal ot banks. Ml* laU rheiniuIredcontnlofabank res st"Jcrome.“ TilahBrana when .war de- was'declared sold out to John W.

SUtes serB ar; *“W- Wllh no known hobbles and few .-Q.- ncmtlonsrBeanelVippaTentlyeon- de- centratos on working, bul h u glten

r 'Lir L IL

4 : ta -S a v m i,„ ! .:W o o l— ^ i s s e s '

: 9 8 - ■ ' "

D r e s s e s ^ ^ — h t

In ti pf 'excellent quality. In r l p will pleate any clUld or j /

8 c . ^

:s—-----— — NEW^Sla rc Very sm artnsaortmcnlfl a rc A new obsoi foro prlccs ad- -jnckctB In a a savinK to you.- ' chliicest styl< ian_ iind_diQ l!£fi^ a sucdo jack

. ___________ wcar>

— ■ , - B (» '.S-81J l— T— Sliir la o f Ihia-quQlity. a t l h i s

' ~ortTic~pinit:**'^ lcct'K eTcrah colors nnd fancy p a tte rn s .

49i_ BOY’S OVl

r --------- W ell'm a d iro v e ra lls .-M n d e-\ dcniiim . L n ti of pockcta n

assure m ore w ear. Buy h iir

- 6 9 '

.'.Gobi( w in te r W eight union w fu iher will soon bo here . I p riccs-arc Jow cr.' ' .

■ . . r . . 59,1om supp. . ,. .- .r— - i- CO Shee ts F illci

Pfliw r ......... J -

^ ------- ^ 0 . Js’o tc Jo o k -1 ___-

—---------- l l P . - Sprlllni, n i.n t. ---------" I;om po9ition.iio

~ - W t-A b o - C a n ___ ............. OlC • .Cnyioii

............... 1 0 c ■ SAVE A'

- ^ ^ - - .P i i j s - T i r rc g . . , . ! ;

n iccnui«fflf?n iiruM ri< rgoT entt(« t:— ^m u nnihclal~agtnfl<^and,t b j■ItachtA..___cot- to the accounting division ol the r iv y “

»jlU during the world - .

F E D E R A tE M E L O Y E S ^ ^ ^ nnDt , EXPECT W A G ^ R M

(Conllnued./ron Page One) . ...

iwaU oflMl the dlsmlasala In numbera a-,^ PV- • '

*, Tiff budget bureau dlscloaed la the— —' letter that It and the treuury were ’ ““ nol yet ready to set up unified dli-

burslng and procurement agenclei; a part of Ihe general economy program _ . j outlined by Prealdent Roosevelt to

w T ^ f S l B S ^ w ^ d r e d u M ^ .••f!* cral-CTpendltures about BOWOOO,-

yearly, ^ e U n g about 3SOO lade- - -pendent buying and dUbursing units .In departmenU. bureaus, commls- ’ ,,s to a E d the olher pirtJ fll ins |8 T -. .eromealaljtnjcture. ' . - ___

and' BtcKiary Wodln lu i until Decem- ^ ber j to work oul the eonsolldatlom,

*■ Join tha Eantal Library a t the Cloi

^ iT~FiWiites:|iiS 5 . 1 0 . 2 S « STOREilnd ' ' " "—Uvi- Pall SeaM)D b Electric Lamp



r e t U, 40, M, eo and T9 n n .■ the -W a tr L # m p t-E a e b - = = ^ u C ---------

n il. • UUy # Of Uuio . hJ JUvwl.s.«nk A 10% Dlicount. .

* 5 G. E. Electric Umps. U, -l' A .ilt!rt ao and «0 WflU. E a c h - i U C


n g s r - -

L • J ] - .-•y '-

r S l f E D E - J A C - K E T & - ^ —F or Women • . - .

aBsorimCnt of clever suede In a fine group of colors, tho ; s ty le . E v eo ’ one should liavcja c k e t fo r sports and s tre e t ____

— — t lh ls -p r ic e are almut a "thlnK *['cntH odny.-Il-will-puV t-Plain— -------cm s. A

49c ^OVERALLSVlnde-of-ROfKl-weiKlit-bluo— -------e ta nnd fully bnr ta c k e d 'to f h im severa l 'p a lr now.

69cW )EB W EAR"'---.-.. ^inion su its .fornjoys. Colder ere. P repare fo r it,now .w hile *

59 c► PtlES^ =

.. 4c v -■tnnkn. N n te 'nooks. '.I ’ _____m .Hooks, E tc ........— T "

•G arT > '-aC om ple lt.ti iie .Q l_^- r o y S n v P H ln i r^ tc . ;

,'E a t ANDERSON’S .........................

■^TW iN TA ttS D S IU rN E V B

. . . '.L : ^BT»M

' ******* r*"

r « : ' « S i S S ' i ^

__— — n tm irtiq iiot • . ■u m m o r’l'iiSeuTufrnir^

" ' TD* AMOcUWd PrakU uiJuilMlr n* uu*d (0 Ul UM (ot suuintwo c(-ui

' n m . m(t4icb« cnSiUd to Ik or dm.. • r f e . w r s r a

•HOI Ot WWM>«»Uf» <>•

) W) nwM iaoeUM n w . U

■tatDRBiUosMlocireujaiioasu/b«e^ “

' . K» m iw lb llitj U laosud ^

fiift,rs£«ssr»siE £- T n s r s r s s M - s ^ s - F- assssasr ssrfs: SULC sr tfMirof (a ptnmtlium wilt ooi

b* puM U ii^o BunuKTlM vUl M r*> ^ luintf ualM dmmmv «

. ■ 00------------ ------------- TB


~ c m u > LABOtt L E aiflU nO K «

' u :T6oi lu io d W 'j r iu n a w iM ~ 41nt IcfUUUoiLtotait cMSd Ubor <

• w p u t e d . 'm i t v u l n r a f l u d .M ^ ' ' u i rtUiered bjr th* e«rt of ^

m eD to feb lid iw ofn lM jeu im on un’■ lte r t f r h o n » » d«y;---------=---------- N«

f h e iln in l# h u bwn > loii( »ni'-------hud-OM,.to-toU.«watJT.-Uw:«». ^==^"TSo ifC h g fa i )^ W 5 a tf c r ^ « r ~^Uu'<llr?eU4a"or:OM n“E«»Jor»iHl «K

otliP -tb la -ltK ltn -tf tie m i m U ®® credit ror per*liteot work' Jor tbe S !

. bettem tnt or coDdlUou fw chU< pui drtn. , • C

____I .ChUtf U borlu i »>wijr»be*nJpeN ni*IWent tod eoiUjr; Zt v u nerfr rood " J

. te ilane erea for tte copJortn irtio |J ( lup p c ae d 'lt-m Uoat of them will me:

- 7 - t r a - r M T p ie u iB r T O p n i r i iM r wit t pedod of doloi without It. U w ;. ^ « i weU u the chllditn-Bnd locletjr ^

wUl be p to e r i But > few ~ i

l o f to r i t In* Uttlo cheep Ubor Jure um U d thera itte r pubUe loUrtt ceemt °JJ

Under the NTIA todet, cliUd Ubot. ilt j U nppoeed to d luppeu totomU* Ue; ieiUr. Bul vatchluloeu wU be needed tor t long time to je t Uut

—" ■ « » druottveoppoie«r'iliIa-dBei j not im lie betd to la .- th*

.............. .............................. ' p u. He

BFEKDT A t m n i o MAH. ^

‘ ftir *htj Itft r * r Yftr^ Thet wii ^ a new record In'twltt m tn truujiorV Wt .U U in*erotttheA tU aU e.ltvu*e* D«t

-------■O w M iM -tj-c .U W ItlM I-I-ptal ™trom the User Europk.«00 mllee w ut ^ of Irelind, ttrther t n a lind th*n Uiuti. The .pUiu mtde u t W-mtle the fl](ht iDd tended i t flouthiaptoo X**;

, Diuljr thUtr hour* ibH d o t.the * bOAt. Atter ,unlo*dlnc IU' EnilUh ^ ^

------ Barlln inri u r tred.lhfiw in iim» tnr chlj.ittrroooo tfeUmy or totter*. .

RemiftiMe u t h U ‘• - mr> ta be brolten betoro lopf, E w - »

inereulocip ttd te Uken tor gri&tod m i . th eu d ijt , .ind o«v reeordi *re tno mtde oni; tq ftIL WHether or net J ' the <p«d U worth w hU^whilhir JX!' in thli ctM the le ttm w tn rttU ;

■ Imporunt teem* not to BtUer. lion

------------ P g tOYMENT PHDaiIE5S-7~

. . . n q . K tuontl'lnduitrltl C ^ er* -»w »;«0U t h i t i«ea. i{udjlni tnd ^

11 >ein.' f ti eum nt r a u ^ ~ lu r re ; the ■■ '• o r wMti. wnplorment tn J houn^^t Cub

work ih o n (a IncrttM la eoplo;* meet of :o j p tr e rat In Jul; onr JODb H ill tt the lir te it mbji'thi; ec pertenUgf n ln In emplojmcnt la rrtlf the whole period of the bo trd 'i«»-

------- lilenee------------------- ---------- -— _ i!*'The Jul; idrtoce mido'the fourth ^

luoeeutT* aOQthl; 't i ln . Improre* tro i -meet w u found iQ.tU but one of thl Ine tw»al/»flt» I n d u e t r J e * cotrrtfl ^

: by .thon rT tr. -........ . - — —------ - •* g Ttn-giof«-lmprm lTf.''-thff— -----

report iu te i, '“b tbe iiKRu«.ih - ^ - M - h o u n workfd. Jt u poulble

for efflpJorment to tdrtnce iL r without t o ; Inaetie in TOliune i of work performw tnd with * 1 L

. dwreaw Ja t r e n f t n n tla a . u . :- * — w u-C eaB nnT tttd -du fln t-ia "-- 3 “

in i- t y*er t f o . -----------------------3 '— =KowrJid»«v*jwiu f t r t t h » r - a -

mta-houn hive inereued b ; tn f l eren Urjer percenUt* thtn em- .1 / p toroen ttnd le tualh tt not on ly Mweft more penoni employrf in r f jJu l; thiB ln"Jone,1n t ^ pUnU~ ’i f tcorertd b ; the lu rrr;, but tU of i l l

=ip=.lhoee:iam )l«T e4_»tr6_»orklot_ 111- f a w « > ^ ;^ l m yfr hwOT,” , t j ^

------fw I while frOBi-rWnf-too-ihirplj, PUU(4.em pIo ra ta t'r tlu would metn »

.......*~0fOfflp{-tB<!n!ti«--fa-toaTMui/pBiTihutB* power. T U t d»lf*bi» j l ' - revolt-oor* -bu ;tnc» tt|* behind | j the other r i ta i I llUle but U beiln- |

. ..lilnc now to mtke Itself felt. Re- | | to rn ; , itte r 111. requlrei cot merclr l l J

- - watit but «»iumptloo <« Um pro-. BarU W work, _ • ■ ' . ^

f l S B; lilERRY' O-

S -g BtnrriA»»oiiiJtatari*u^

7 'T r a f f iH iK C O e p C T P B S e ^ r • HolMit S o em ’i-form er poUUctl

- UentcoinU tre itlU itronilj urtlnt '< him to tike tbe wlliMt tund In the H Detrott b*ak tam tln tlo c. e ; tee>• In fuch *0 ippe tn iM t tolden op* . «• portdnltyfoc.UwfornttrneisblleiD t ' pR tiden ltoh tke*dnatU cd(ftnH « of.bit tdmlnlititUon; At the tu ie • r. tlsiA the ; Meehtnet* (or ta Indirect a itt iek on th t i ot h it lucceuor. '? “ OM-Bf-tljnno»r»etlwtn-eoDn-' - . MBlni t rwing ll nor ChtBln. _ ; DetwlfiatOBobUe ttita.-iad eecf«t- - : tv 7 of commerce, under Iloorer. ' I Cb*ploliafaltterfoeot6enturJlin - ' Oottteoi, wheee to tlaun ; w u 1 1««’ re r t ladletaent ot the Hooter btnk

poUeiet.'• But Hoover b u thown no dlipotl** lloiLto ch tn te h it mind. Merer i t' e u t In pubUe. he'would be. doubl; '' M9lupp;Jn I tllutUm whm' he ~ wouldbetutleeltoriiorDuiuoiiex- '

tolaitloQ. 'r ------- -- c u iuAir iir ' ' ' "r C ublsc In on ctntptim contrlbu*I tio u U p tr t ot t^e t t a e of poUUa.

Xt U common to both ptrllei. I t ilourUhed like a Jucite weed d u r tv -

r u a ‘i> u ttw tiy ry«n-Bt wpuaiiran- »I Um. I t It cropplaf up under Um- New DetL__ ;_______ ___■ .f “ But-bet*u»-tt-U-the-New=Dealr I;

tnd.’bectUM to much U expected ot I ta w Je il io m e otJtoiiKTcHIJrtCTdi. “ ‘ D r* o rrw rw v n srE u m n rtD = (B a '~ L i t t m p tr to - c u l i ln i^ th i tw to ln f - ; oa around hbn. Two Initineu » •■ I'Uif s l U i f week - uulptrtlculirl; S ' odorUennu-butiU rrtitfor<l«R e-• pubuctn mllL S

One cosMmed in order for tddtai , raiehlnefindbookkeeploiptnpher- ;{ ntU* tor tbe Hoaa-lMn bank b9tnL S

T in t orpnU tU onhu n o t of book- ” ' kcepla(to<o.nBtediftlototc«idp« * : menu It nefOtUUd for tome wKki ”■ wlUmrtowboilnetmuchlne-cam* ff , pahtea ta d w u'ibout to plica- «ii : : . order wlUi one u llon tll; known ] '

eonoem.. , • ?r~ T btn BobJickioniteppedIn. Bob H;<HiUt £ ind Ukible'memben of the Kew E D eiltn . He lu i wll tod he' t iu ^ Chun. Alto be It tecrtUry of the ^ D e S am U a u li^ tm m U lw T V li) : f f tIt;heQ *inU ln itU w of(le« .lnU u H Utfflowtr boUl. aad b u a wide !»• „ 111 praelle*. tome ot which. In Uie “ ptrltnct of the cipiui, U 'kibby* ” Inf." ■ S

BobJiekwn iuEgeiUdtotbiboaM. ^ Ui*t aaoUser butiocn maeblnt «om> p m ; ahould be ilren oonildenUon r He w u loUnf. be ttld . lira penon- ^ B D t a ^ J i^ M J ^ e ip tc l t ; . Bo g*

WtUon, h u d of Uie flm , w u a tood’’ ;■ Democnt. h td contributed tlO.000 lo ^ U»e-etmptlin. tueeeeded-Becretar; W oodlnudlm tor of Uie Federal Re* terra btnk ol New York.. On Uie <tfh«£j!i«f, ther u Jd ,Jh e head of fj. the MnTrim vJim et Rind, Jr., U t lUunch RepubUctn, - ^

80 pollUct w u in on boUi tld tt. P* There w u a monUi't deU;. I t w u “

I crucitl time when Uie Home loan " BnnrB w a n H aeq-iqoimuni ■ » * ■. r chlnery. In the end. IbeW aU o.i " •jDiiaoOTt) i im 'w h in r w itR u n o i l je t the eontrael. got lu ™

- B8n r-n « tj------- -------- S• tImMt Hwiill«n«wmy ■wnt^iT .iroup of New D etlen'put forwarl j . mother deal, thtt Ume fortu itr.

I tw u h f td e d b ;W im Johnion ' ‘• Wijne Johnion li in ible Uwyer. i _ Ufe>Jonr D eoocnt. JJe rat# fo prom • ineiKe In the' \?llion tdmlnblra- llon»^ DemoeraUo ntUoatl commit-

MOM on October H tnd helped rtlM

Now ha It the reprewnuitre ot the 5JillontI euRir Retlnett t nd h u wprked out a aolutlon to UiTiuiKr mtit. 06' the turf ice It dbeint tound ■'

the PhlUppbM 'tfine'fxpeM e of - Cubt-A nd w compenitu Cubt, U - p?5^ Uw remoT«~8f'tH -ainro ir *Cuburtwtuitr.

But Uiera tre two Jokcn. One li a complete embtno on oil Cuban refined lu jt r. Thlv of eour«. helpi Mr. J6hMon't cllfnU. The other l»Ihe tie t Uut Uie remoral of i ttrtff oirCubtn"iu<if T o u ia -n ln r i- tre ' - mendoui howl from Itie beet lu it r *rowtn — probtb); defttt Uie plm la conjrest.

T\>selher wIUi tdw ird Bnic*. Bin moctKO, ttpr*«nWTB of PhIII{i* pine iiii'if Iritewiti. JonnMa "pui '

: ^ _ L , T W I N F A i X a D ^ Y

jIt ■ t “ig ' . . . . . ..

^ Hull lUMned ettenUrel;, afterward T remarkttl-l<M^^r^end^■'^*m•noHa♦ A

‘V la re it^ ln Uie'Ideu of Uwie lobbji- bl

!* " iC e S e ir^ im iH 'U ir jiit iaa rs ip * s:t til l i r t golM to htTo a lot of tontue- _/ twilling tlUet lo minlpuUU under*• Uie New D eil, . . Picture Uiem writ- „. Ini up a dinner ilren b ; Uie “Chief Vi;* ot Uie KcUon on itnaded Induttrlil e; and a ln ln i popultUont" (ciireaco •“■ Pickett) la honor of «ie-Oh W ot UieL wetlos lor tbe improreaent of Uu<^ colored n « - (CUrk Howell, .fore* u,“ min>.^;j!oUigenUeiMa,lneldeBtal* ^‘ l;,a rtdo ln iiw e ll J6bt7r:Tht'D*iU «2 O-Oonnon ire reruUle people. Dem. , ," o c n u tnd RepubUctni ire IhelrJ, frlendt . . . i tr . O'Connor, once ^

" klt-bii^ deiL Hit wUe m enU ; w u ^, the houte lae tt of U n. William How*- «nl •’^ tt ” r"n pf t>** v T U nlfettltfofTJiSnorAlreJniubeea S ' ilud;liij the effect on crime of Im* *“ , migration In Ar^entlmand.the Unit*. ^ , ed SUtei. Both counlrlM h ire tre- ,

mendout Immiffrinl pspuItUont. . , ' , 6o .tirvh*huconduded .th itJom li :l raUon h u . UtUe e ffec t, . ^ n a li

' lo ln t 'to eoopenta wlltt- 'fiupef- , Dlck’ J.EdgirHoorcr.ofUKburem f i L, of InreiUiiUon. . , H&rr; Anillnter,- na iW la . h u _ a „

± tmblitltt<a-'<lftntlfonMmnllnn.and S " n rw ntrT T T hebureiuofladiiitrltl “

tlcohol h u a ilm lltr approprlttlon, ^ / . . V l ^ NRA”coniumeri- iQYiwnf. p , . bctrd, whoee oni; clilm to nolloe to ^ , f ir h u been the wldelr-olrtd dla- ^ i puleb«l»«nlUcliUrm|^rMn.M«ry S

lUrrlmtn Rumie;, and rn^estor W.,1 ?, Ogbum. will be hetrd fcolttthMt- 1 ty-ln-i mora-conilrucUve-Junner.^ _

Otbum‘s pltce h u Juit betn filled b; Dexter Keeter. who beildet betnit i. J l

J btlUUni young economlil. I iu htd Q alcnMreJaumiltiUe.»perlepcebolh

”* nilbr. U the Intenlite commetw Oc

commluwf), Uie Ulter objected to B.- bdnrdttcrlbed u a Republlfin tnd dt: 'S- tMUted4htt4»«-h» fnntlrwfri iiii| in I J t . ‘ ladeixndent. . . ThU w u d o n e , iffI ---------------------..-"i:-.

I m N O W

A D D E D 2 COM ED^IESntK NUMBS* H Chipter et thl Aer

r r o a . o F i i n i Ara,'!^At» shawiaj Tht r u e . To C t rof

■ ■ f 1



■ Contnit b .ilw t;i a...rcfrublni note' . . . here It tops one of Um smirtut morning frockt we*n ever leen. The lurpUce bodlca clc»> inc. the imirt teamlnc whtrt Uie jroke Jclni Uie lower, bodloe, isd Uii j tlmple iklrt line ichlere good ^ t portlcM for Uie aiitrwl; C ^ . t

youll enjo; If mtde of tu’k or cottoa ■ with conuut or In one color. ' t

Piltem 1SJ5 It anlltble tn tlaa 3fl, u, 40. U. «. 4<.ana ia. 6Ue i'

^-^k^a^-ywU H Inch fibrio-aaA. . IKjtrdi contruUng. niutttsled aOrp-b;tt<p lewtng InitrtcUoni In* ' eluded with this pitUm.

Bend nFTEEN CTNT8 (Uc) tn colni or itimpi (colnt-preftrrvd) for Uili Atae Adtm* pittem. Writs •plilnl; TDur nime. iddreti and it;le «, number. SE 8UBE TO STATE 6IZE WANTED. ________ ,

TjrT H rA W r-A ffA M t-PA T TaW BOOK IS BEADY. ArterDOoa.'tpon<. loU. unnlt drettei. Jumpen,- honit frockt. tpecUl begtnitm' pattenu, it;let for Junlort, aad cool cloUua

-for.jwrigiurt, aod InitrucUoni tor maUng i chle tweiUr are aiaoni tte> tticlntUng Itemi. SEND r o a T o ts con. p s jc i Of CATAioo nr- TEEN CENTS. CATAIOQ . ’AND PATTERN TOOEKIEB TWINTI* V FIVE CENTS.

- • Adami 111 ritU-Mden ta i f ia • Pillt Uall; Newt Pattern Oepirt* meat ■ - -

‘KnnctMo nUe; idmlnUtnUot. Or. I AHhur-&-Uonin-U-a!to prttldtaL 3 bf Atjuoeh coneie. Ohto-.-—-Ttw J liUer connection h u niulttd In Uie D nlctntmo-i-rAnUoeh ^ MaTOn^-s J (Copjrlght, tWJ. by Uniied ^tatoieSrBmte.-IatorponfedJ.-7------- -- vj-------- ________________________ tiWOMEN'S NRA CAMPAIGN PROGBESSES AT BURLElf j

BtfRUTY, Sept. 7 fSpecJtl toT lx „ Ne*t)-NRA tcUrlUcj In charge ol H lociLwooenuodtr.tNflHflsrrtlp of _ Un. B. F. Wltooa.^ln- torlalewli tnd UR. R. E. flmedle; hive gone forwird with ipeed tnd efflcltnc;. The; report Ihit wil; a few retl* denU hare not ligned tbe coniumer igtroienlirTOTJJOinfBffTJITrJwr ** beenrtiltedbyUieiolIcltoraUiBeanJi m y be lound at Uw clt; hall and at all:dnit;itfflTirwbere_ither^m*r-be “

* '* ^ n e it more li lo hart women .. addrea erer; cl»le tnd loelU nKtt- Ing to explain the NRA. Achilnaao “ will be wteclo) lor rellfloui frouik abo.-The-leiden-plin to hire putf. lldt; t«d fuU deUUt of tha ' aA J glren to groupa ot women whenrtr. “ Uw; me«u '

ThOM who utliUd In Uw drlre wra Metdyiet A. h: Sitlw. IL U

Mlniler. Lou Boblaion, W, D. Punk. «

l i i r i BtiT inOIlJMi m WDonald.-?.(trlon Johnion. Phlllyt PowtU..nulh.Tuekrf,.Alle4..8tocU,. _ Edna Und. Alice Cllirk u d Fem Johnson.


aOODlNO.Bepl.T (SpecltlloTiw t{ iw i)^^ p h £iitxw e in iu iK i& ;

Cocjinq fo acrrc u cutrtinn t^ o T B. Corell. who li a pitlent »t Wen*<liU botplUl u a i««ult of I itrokk. i>t pittlTiii tuffered n rw l week*HO. . . .■ •*

SW T O D A Y ! .

BRIM T i« rA » n r Uili'hindsome. htrd^rldlng. berifar

nlamed'diyrot-CiUtonili.-— '



^ S o S ^ a r v S h U e S ? ^ -" Stuwtl “Dreia SUfr AerUl Adrentm Drama THAN- wlai_On.TWt_rrofraarer A Good Shewt------ --- '■ M a a M H M M H M H B


f Poriy E x p r ^ f l S - R i d i

_ fPayajifJi^ to The Newi)-One ot tbe mojt la-

Umtag IttUuti^-.Ua tW«eeoUl- anauaUattllng .cf, the TTfntK

nlncrs ot touthcm Idaho, 'w* Impromptu Ulk b; Bam ColtnU I pon; Exprtu rider from Rock Creek

norU) on Uu Ortgoi Trail, corerlng H dtil; a-dUUnce ot m-mllu>galn|

up one d t;. returning Uie next, tc* ” complUbliv the tfit eicb d t; upon *• fire dUffmnt'honei.. ne Ur. Coltnll wu uked ibout Uie fie Mttucre Rocks tnged; tnd replied ^ Uut he didn't know UwdiUexictl;. re. hut Uut the gnru wer« fmh whea >*■ hifcimc down bferlba'tpia w »«u— on and Uut Uie efldeace of Ibis aiu*

ucre rcmilz^ tcaUered ilong Uie

M ! . ■■■/ ; ,edn* B tM B ro B H jH jB p fiM n



j t _ ___________~ '•

wIt, .


D*r* y j Q g Q | | U M




« lierl Whteler tad BobL Woolie; In- >7rgirTa“/tfl,--WfO®idl»-e«B-- _ tSf now pUTlrtr ■ wtarn enrmw^

nent tedi; aad toraorrow wlUi Uw I eloiln* epUode et "Utrrictne E*- ^ prm" tad Uie epenlni eplwde ot ( The -Thrta Uuketcen* i t Joe*K't _ Rox;.lhe»tra._-___:_______ ^ __


WENOni, Sept. 7 (Special to The J Ne«t)-PiUents idrallted lo Wear'

. eluded Kn. Delbert Prlec.-WeodeU; t a iud Depew. Mrs. H. J. DonneU; g. uuLlSa^^WJKcigit.JamCBOi- E,-C,-Keld.-Eden.— r ----------- —a PitlenU who hive returned to . Uielr homes tra Un. H. O. Uuon , IDd Infint of WendeU: DoroUiy Cot* fee, Mn. Tom Niktgant. Un. C. O.

. Alltn tnd dtughler Of Jeroqe,L . U ii; Chindltf. tsitU d a ^ t t r cl( r, Ur. tnd Un. J. 8. Chandler, recelr-

ed treiUnent for a broken ana, luf*, fered when she fell fron} a wing,

Iewt)-The initilTElTO of a tnodenr

' Biadboum model neubolltmappar*f ‘ItiUWU ■nnauuccU UiU wrek by ibe- , listen or Valeatlde't hotpllaL-.

I IHDl.'li'ildnTiHi

"laai^aBBE- F K E S H - f f l G S A S S -


b r e a d ; W h i t e a n d

- R O V -A R -C O F F E E ,—

l - l b . P K G 7 S D F R E M l

T O M A T O E S , F o r C a

'B W - W H I T E ^ E a u i i d i


p O R N F L A K E S , P p 8

" 9 1 b 7 S k ~ Y a o w : m d M

I P I E R C E ’S P o r k & B e

^ M A Y O N M I S E E laT i

H O O D y j R c a n u t B u t

.S U N R I S E P a n c a k e F


L E M 6 N S „ S n n k i 3 t B

F R U I T J A R f t U B B E l

K ^ i : 8 c ^ 0 c

rSSc-^OcBacon. 1 r« r .pound ..............i . 4 : L

SEPTEMBEJR 8, 1988 • .__

i d e t i f f i E a r l y —

J [ d a h o J { e c a U 8: £ y e n t £t£ilbltkSkakdduiaen;fiakt:(SfeMUI la* yean. ■ .......— .........aU ,peaaU)la«U»aettli](atUw«dt] on a pile' Of' lo|i at Uw.Solomon CrtU. eomer; aivut leren or eight of us reek and deelded that A >^ w u tha best rla< nama for Uie newi; atUblUhwl olni count;, seat.ot . owj'btk^eoiuit;; tc* OWybet w u Uw tint coast; to bt

ipos detlgsited u ’l legil lubdlrlsUn ol •• Uw Mibo TerrilotT,Uie .Ur, Cottrell wu pftient whea'ttu lUed lolderi'iplkewudrirtDtQ ufiUeUii :tl;. Eutoo and Western dlrUIont oC heaia»* of U ;eani hid beea emplojred iK Uld drlm(qr;Ui« coostnicUoQ crew.


" " TT|riariBBW:1t«hrtlllnf icUfla. plent; of corned; tnd entertilnment 100 per cent. The fetlure; “Uin fnwi Uonlerty," UUt ajtor; of eel;

• untamed days of CalUomla; deals wlULthe UnrrOih ind gold mining di;i. It's puked with Uw ipeedleit uUon ercr fliibed on tj a screen.

' It's fetturlng John ffiyne tnd “Duke," Uie miracle horaa. . Alu thowlng I Bennett coned;, enUUed "Dreim Slufr ind ona -Our Oing-thowlng Is'Uw Unib chipUr o f t» adrenture itor;'. “Phantom of the Air."

You cin't go wrong on teelag Uili ,hnw «t tho Trfuho thettrt. ^


^ letor of todiy, Is tppearlflg al“ U«r Orpheum tfititre In “Volulre" toda;

5 aad Biturday, Arl&f new cbarac- lerUatlon recalls hU former grtit

— tcrten hit 'DlsraelU-J-but-Uw.Ug., nlflcanoe ot Uw chimter tn UiU• current picture Is eren more pro­

found in 1 ‘reUUon to world hWcrrS- thia-Uikt^f-Uw-En^-ttaUsmin.

WIUi true artlslr;, Arllfs createi this iiience of power Uut clnng to. Uw

Iw ftmous Fnnch (ihlloiopber, wit ind a*' reformer, through Uie effecUre ute n . ot»pintomlmiHWl-ta-pladni-lhc. U: subtle. potnWepUranuwhlcbJnake U; Ul# picture a deUght.Dd The nimbUmo of the Pttneh rer-— olu'uon-ara-iwar3;umlgluul~anil to Uie minner In which Voltaire, the on champion ot Uie people, fanned Uie It* tUme It Uie ut6e tlnw he tmueed O. the court with his wit. Is unforget*

Ubl; depicted, pomince. (ntngue; (it Md keen tuipente are not Ucklng.—

- SeiuUfulDortitUntonuUadime If* de Pomptdour headt a capible cut,

which includet Uirgtret Undie;. _ Alta Uowbiry, Reglnild Owen and;iw A W-mlnuu 1 ex'-iff TuUH »HIWHua41uUI-ta tfi«-«*-, tr* perb specUc)e'“Knkttoi:’ ihe un*

. wires U,OQP miles, . . ».000 people

'l l 4 ,1 | J *1 ' I A |~

L . . . . _____3 - J b j e k g I ^ C _

ES, F in e f o r J e l ly 4 c - lb

d W h o le w h e a t, lo a f 5 c

r . : n : : ^ . 3 -lb .-P -k g ^ 5 4 c -

M E ^ a C r a c k W g g c -

C a n n in g , B n .......5 9 c

id rjrS o a ip ~ ijD 1fo r :2 5 c'

i r / . 5- l b . P k g : 3 9 c

'p8tT o a s t i c 8 ‘' ° l i ™ 'n c

IW h ite -C o m -M e a l-2 3 c -

B c a n s , 2 f o r 2 5 c

aT o r F o o d s p t j a r 2 5 c

lu t te r - -2 3 c

: F lo u r , 9 -lb . B a g ,3 9 c

IE E S E ,Jjb * .-.-.: := ^r--] 4 e -

B ra r id , D o z . ....... 2 3 c^

I E R S g y 3 d o z . i o ^ .

I A T ." Hatns; WKole'rir --1- ^ ^C Hal/, per poOnd _ I D C '

c r tr:......:..25c

:r - . 'r - M iBBl Y e n u B j y i n £ ^

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moor us, I

Dtyr. 1

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I 'H S ilent V ;^.. 'tan .ul;.ealsOne

ind - r -Oulied


IW* BLAWC m M c ^ N ALD. HollriTOOd. |

^ sUtcwlde contett to choou ai ____^delegate to Uie AtlinUe Clt; \

~ “ the title MU* Vetitis ofW33^-(fll'j

[ f ir ------ VISIT"AT-WENDBIi--------- j^ • WEKDELU6epU7 IBpecia^The lar News) — Fither'dtephen *^lnt«f.-} ac* Delano, Ulnne«oU_and'Ulis Row •at Winter, accompanied b; a cousin, ll,. Edim WlnUrTitflVed here Monday ^ torlili'SiiterUarr'UanarelofSU- ro- rafentineli hodiiui. orr • --------------- ~\m — !rw O TJifts3^ifPAin!-*--

Uw aiNTONVILLE, Wb. OT ~ ind Trousen made from a piece of blOe. I ute black and white checkered cloth ho

bou8ht=«h:Uie-Chlct|o world'i fair Ite. of 1963 will be worn by A. P. J6hn-“

son of ClIntonTlUe when he rblu er- the Centary of pro:»aa la Chicagoind UiIi~Jlunmer.Tie-siY». . ------- -theUw — .-----:-------:------------------arf were drowned . . . this U a wonder- lei* ful added tttrictlon. It't specUcuIu t« ; TTrttmtaL A tcreca acl and a Uei- !•"- ro.totmd.newi compleU Uw bllL-- « • ■ ut, ' -

ind B n_ _ ' s y I 1 l l > 1 " 1b : m-U i-iaaLiin*

# S ! k 1


l i S f f lB E G IN S TO D .

- r i 2 f '•■■•1— ‘His groat A r t e as 1 -g a iT H i- ,. .ot T«Knli.xJ3iOAr

w bw alns shocked the world...TO

V S e ? * ! : towerlDK Intellect\ T i i V ten ■...y . - 1 woBian's e a r l' ‘

sce S :^ ? 1 DORIS K "J™ '1 JLUfCARET

i l i . l L

• (T M SupCTb Screen Spf-ilVta • m U* uaSrr-M Mktaa (Ii j n n «*.M ii.oe« milH

trmt«..;.U1 Kaalloiul...


_ ByWgrr6eptr^-<ai)e^-taThg— tfewel-TheDnalneai-and-Profe*.— ilonal Women' lU flnt mecUng of we Mson -fuetdt; ere* n l^ wlUi NeU'Rhotdet, hos­ted. The. new offlcen had chirga: with Uiss Truth Ttylor. prealdent, prejidlng."OuCln«i for the wlnten - - work were glren oul tnd the follow- Ing standing commi((e«s appoinied'; Pn^ram. Alice Steen; pubtlcttjrtMII*Ired Caikr; membenhlp, Ida Ou* (llll'rcMarch. Anna Lanon; eableai,HlD* nendcrya ; mitailne, BttMca

leleclcd It the next meeting. Mbs idona Lowe was elected to member* ihlp and InllUtedlnto (he cfub. Plant rere dbcustcd for a tocltl during

jicnu. U iily^fiu ir


JOE-K BAY'sl:Whit twlit of the brain must

-K-nuth-htre-when-he-wlil rtaort -----10 the iteallpg of “Milk From A Biby]" Thtt Is exicti; what It b when Uir; rob one of tET ^ milk bottles u wu done Wed- netda; night i t the, •Roxy and • ;cstcrda; morning it the Dnins- 1 wick Cigar Store. We-caught one ot the ciJptllt .and expect to catch the oUien. and- whbn do the; WlU be sent where the; . . wont bo able to enjo; the Good Times Just around -the comer- .

— /\T JQE-KH —


e ito w S tis im \ y /___ I ■ ■■ rEATUllETTES ■ . ■; __

TOM HOWARD fiv ---- »rilE-DRDG-HARE£t!-^i-------

- ^ - 4 3 s "c iS S ? s »—hd *HURRICANE EXPBE88*

fair nrtST CHAITEE _h r i .- ------n te-» i»{/SKETEgRS“— —islu UNIVERSAI. NE\VHago Newi of The World In Plclurei

— "THE ROME EXPRESS*NOTE: It’t Ali In Fun. And We 1

Nerer Ralia Oar Prieei!^ I D D I E y ^ ^ ^ D U l T ^ c

b l as mankind's prince - |[v*i!T;ri

^ e ^ U ie r t c k e d e s U W ^ . |^ t ^

ir(b ffhbpcred - In a

yilffllUBE - HIM

Superlnlendent^eports 1121 . '■ Studsnts In.Atleridance

On Openlns-Day ol Term

' TM« tntti -enroUnitnl Wc<!ne*d»7 ^ ir^ w o U m b c r .B WM 1121. LUl

. . iS S thU WM U ^uW low * SeSw w S ^ » 1 30e,' post mdualt* 3!

-jffior Khwl 113: Lincoln Sh oS iii'. P. «• Buhl Khool ra.

• TO emllmenl lu i year on Ui# third• d.y I t Uit optnlnj »eek « u u foi-

. i<m: Senlorlilgh Khoo! JO; Juniorhljh Khool l!J; Lincoln k JjooI m i p. H. Buhl'Khool K8. « je tnroU- ment for the put (en y (m on tho

_____ aoenlna oueJio«l * « «* foUo«:.m o o o ^ i u s n c i a n m .

tiM^iow^titg- 1K8..11J5: i m— l is iT im n f ia ; w«. nw; wm.

are « im i number Of pupi:*' vho piin to AiteDd Khool In Buhl

»nd hare not enrolled. It U TluUy• Importint ilwt «I1 tho« pUnnln* to

_ enroll do^M^ th lywlc

* Parents sho hare children .CifT tre punning to «nroU In the begin* nlng gnde muit do thla not kter than uoaday.-Bepleober. la. Any

. clilldfenyhowabcablrthdayj»m«

enrolled at thli' Ume. ‘Die mirk I* dlfllcult lor beginners wjio'are not enroUetJ in Mhool diulni tbe llrtt da^ Khool. U niloialo

wlth^parenti' Wo*mu»t keep puplU•----- ~oirt-w-Mhool-for-ttanc»lln»-iropJ.--------- Pem i« -must - bo-obt*int<j-through

th# iilperlnundenfs ofllee. This la

______pupils In high Khool to leeur* per*tlirough~U» pTlnepal-or t &

----- 1—twliaing.-Th»-«rir<>llmML H gTf>»r“ this year and IM teachen wm not

hav# lulflcJent time to MrttfpupU* «ho have work to make up.

Ne« Inttnctor Mr. Rose J. \VlUon ha< been em*

ptoj'M to liJl JJie »aranc7-tec#i)oned

..._ r - r . . s a 3 3 £ 3 . f i

high ichool and ^aa had ipectal training In ipeech and dfwnatlo.

MM. Homer ficaudumip hai been In charge of Mlu^^ully^^ym ^b

-------j'BculIy‘‘hM-bccn-taO'-placlnj pupU*'' enrolling In tho Buhl Khoola for the

lin t ttoie. Mn. Marjorlo Milner u — ,— .llr*l-Ua*.Mri.:MarJOTle,Mllnerhu. —y — MyrtleOauiHn-lhe-Llneoln-ichooi-


--..nU PB tT , S*'pUUflp«ULja.Ihe Newt) - Dean Frank £. Hovard,

' Albion, gueit ipeoker at Rupert Bo* tarr club Wedaetdai DooD,-dellv*

: eredM addjcg. leUlng ot tba eulU*

^rtueirlnr 9erld. thotriog ,U«. coea"lity-of detp"(hlnkln7'uid'etunge or

• Shirley Tur-ar. Uttle daughter of -Mayor and Mn. H. 0. Turner, rend* ered t piano aolo, a« > tpeclal fea* lure.

-------RUSSELL LftNE-CtUB------ ‘■■■ . PRESENTS PROGRAM ;

■ ______ • PRVaSELL LAtre, Sept. T (Bp^al P

______ Int Plnten 4*H~5eTlng club'ofRui- *fell U ne iifld Iheu- BCJiievcnicDraaj program at the homo of June Paul. I

' ' Friday.'Article* made by the girls fohned attractive dtiplan. tnd elub

-------- m awm jJpeanrtn-Binmtnsttng- -prosnun and style ahow.

BefrtthmenU « r e Krvcd at the J ' close of the program. The' event I■ marked Ihe elote cf the second-year r sewing coune ta outUntd ny the na* c Uonti 4>H club. t

_ SOJI ARRIVE AT.GOODING jdbODINa.Sepl.'V (Special lo The

News)-Mrrtnd-Mf».-Wllllam-R«y: - I velhepvajUelaKH ictii^Pieir r ^ ,^ iltt.£mtcmbef t ^ _

■ - ............. -

” d | t i w m T t g =Cannof Soil Your H a n d i . j

‘ ■ and FIngornailiilYouU tii’ i

SSKfJ----------- --------JWilh A «, -^_________ f JM _

Oh, Sltm, $«t)c S |,„ ^I fc - . 3 5 * . - : ^ -


» TWIN FALLS GLASS | & p a in t CO. '

____ *

i ■

l | 3 V - - -


ice " K | ^ S b B ^ ^ E Irm


' H H H B O hQ H I’»>* ' B . - j M S m M Mkior . V f t K ^ f l S S s B K l H a S rrs; ■' K ^ . o S S H « B B B MEiu* . I s & f f i S S B H N R u S

T H E plann ing and coordlnatl )i:» • oil indua try is c hartJn? a 1 -w business: H aro ld Ickea (le t t “{; M o ffe tt ( r i g h t) , fo fm or vie

th o c h ie f federa l m enjber. 1 —P jlta b u rg h , D onald R .

iS! m om bcra o f t t e com m ittee

liBiiiiE: j p i i w m>1H BOBLEV. sept. ^ (SpecUl to We

f f i S i r . S . K ' a i S *,Jf homoofher»on.A.D.WUklni,Mon- g ;.


!ui John Orton. Tbe Udle*’ quartet tan? Speaker! wero F. B. Peart, Ttiomai Dlteker. Charles Campbell and

m* Darld Qamcr. Jo«ph Payne render- led ed-a tolo,-"Motlu>r's Ue.". lia tocomponled by Ur». ZelU Humph- on rlet; John and S r t Nesblt lang a a» duet number, "Sometime, Some-

«her«.=~-PTtyer—was-otfered—by. Charlei Oamer and tha cloaln*• , musical number was_ a song by ihe

quartet, -Sometime We wlU Onder- iund.“ Irene Neabllt w u planU*- panw tien m e meml>cfj>of-«>Hi

u" rcrehtlea, Prrt T0lman.-O.-W. Oar. u reit. Boy Oamer, Vao Scotleld. lu Leona Uay, & W. Beck. Flowers ,t.; ffcrB:carriM:bT_t!|h{.BeJlef »gelety

friends; Metdtmea }l. M. CoSe, Wll­lUm Kleophfcr. J. L.. Noble, P.. R. peart, I. p.Tloff. John Orton tnd

JB Thomas DUeker,The remtlns were brought (ron

. Ihe-Rupert-chureb to the Ptyne “f mortuary where they were Hewed by ra, frlendi during Ibe cTenlog. Thun-

day mornlhs Juepb Payno took the ‘V tody to salt U ke Clly where inter*

ot^ R O m rT TO m aSrinrnrifiur me'

lollbwln'g 'iiiliarea: a . u . w uH K •0* with wheta she made her home.

t in . M. f c r f c h l). V . mikto. ^ Joseph WUklns, tnd E. J. WllUns,' d* til o( Arlmna; J. W. Wllklnt, lot 'a* Angelet, and'H. C. WUklni, sanay.

Mr. tnd Mn. J. W. Dooley tnd.'0. E. Dfnn/, iM is Beach. CsllfoniU, were

— among-tbe reltUres-ttl«»dlng-UM , , Mrrlcei. Mn. W|lkln* was bom In m Alabama e< jre^ ago and war a * pioneer resident of the Mlnldoki 1,1 project. She took a keen Interest Id

and-leaves a boet 01-Wends. -


. BUPSRT, B e^ 7 '(Special lo*Thi he News) — U nel Titus,' Paul, and Lee ;nt Alexander, Ueybum. were unlled In lar manUg® at the Rupert ChrlsUan a* church pcnonage Tuesday erenlng,

tbe ccrcmony being perfomed by

;(] Mr. Alexander's mother and Mr. and

tie ’ ' '«y: ---------- ------" Wdkr iip )tand'yourMk

- 1 ^ ::1C Y • 1 -

SHREDDEl, * ^ NATiamL Biicun

- J A m - D A H Y j

.New Burets U f UU InauBl

n a tln g eom m ltteo o f IB c rea ted b; a federa lly supe ri’iscd courso fo r

le fty , Bc'creury o f in te r io r, is th e c ’ vieo p residen t o f tHo S tan d a rd 01 ii. T h e o the r f e d e ra l m em bers acc R , Blchberir, ( c c n te r , r ig h t) , laik

:tee rep resen t th e o il industry .— (/I


:j[J AT SOUTHERN BRANCH___ t>off«Tn.T/< 1 (SpeeUl tox h i The Noci) — j>rotessor fiHtTTT Mr,, Bedfield. head of tb# d e p artm e ^f _Uu, ediicall^ f t f t b e sw them branflTof ion- tbe uiiirm uy oi liono. ho» dbh

appolnud.deo.iLoLTsaien..«ccord*.ana; lng-to-«n-innouneeflieDt-froro-th» J In oillM ot AcUnif” tafcull'« Lt»« riitr EmutJ.BaidwlarProfesiorRedfleld

hy gill tf pl»r» *«iinri»t« Profwsor Qet* uniltrudeA- DrK*, who will w tinuo In unai charge of work In home'economlci. and With Uje appololmcnt of Profe*- der- u r RedlleU, southern Idaho women Me.'*, art.auurctf.of Ibe assltunce of one ion- of-themoetezperten^educalonln K p tbe sute. 6b« baa belli responsible me- pealtlotj(ottbo-past37j«an.Thcra _ t e k probabljvno cne who knows Ida- aln*' ho educaUon belter Ihan ibCand Uie slmlUrly, there U probably no one

der- who is belter known than she In ida- nU*. bo educaUonal circles,

-Vmltr hrr iSlmlian ths d n a flj Jar* ment Df-educttlon-has Inereaxd SO leld. per cent during the p u t four yean, grers FVom UU to 1927 abe was staU com- :lety mluiontr-ot-'«<lucattau5i».preTlous Wil- year she w u exccilU rrM ertti^ 'ot .. R. the su ie board of education. Prom' and 1B17 to IS23 she served tbree.temu

u state superintendent ot educa* rom tlon. Previously she waa county lu- lyne perlntendCDt. of iachooU_ o f. Nei a br rcreo county. She came lo tlio itkto un- in IfiOd u bead of the U tin depart- Ihe ment at Lewiston high KhooL She

iter- ha# Uught a t tho Unlrenlly of Ida* her ho a t Mwcow y id In the itate sum*

u^r'Khool iitpfiolse.-' ^


“ nTJFBRTr8eptrr-{8p«cui-t<mn ‘ , NewiHlx n . Adams, new tppolsu 'v * to Uu poiiuon of chalm ao of U>#

Minidoka County Welforo oaioda*

' haa token 'up lieadquaHm a t J ho cp m w lB rro S S u a *

Uy welfare ol{lc« there. Judge Dock- RC suder, who la probtl« Judgt. eon- ^ ducted th# welfare w rk from th#

Thl Before l«nderlns his rulgnoudnLee Judge Docksiadereonltrred with tiM 1 in board ot eouniy commltalonen In Uan th# Interest of ftnancUl support forIng, tbe eonllnuallon of Uie welfare’work

by and tlie comrnI«iontn lenUrtlvely

and le t aside for weltare nnd t i » for uie— naUoaalTe«mploymcnt scrrloo.

£% dthI WEeit Ifrecti iheo at brtsWiH-

time. Aod whil’s mort, thU yl.,; ------ttU , differeot food h ii a war of.

I I.n »nur-VOUlh U wtll is '

\ • ^ ^ iV i r ih e rtsw m[1 WbMtliwbolewheMwlihW/Jti\\ yltalet*«eoti.Itbt.nRiyoopro;'J , c*iMandmioer*ll.cirbohy-^ d r s i t i aod vi«*«l;*iaodR H ^ hm-nettani hy N t tw -

likea awiyl . Try Shredded T h e n for ai Man ten morniogi and ue how HOod It 111 li 'i rtsdy cooked,

• ^ y,ioc»t.Ys«.

111 m U ,t^ u .,^ K N O V P H H — w ttm S t n M r*Mt - % 0 i -

UHEATCi; J COMPAW -^'U o»t4»

x i f l » T w n r F A i X B , n u B c

UBtry T :


1 b y P re s id e n t Roosevelt fo r the for th o 512,000,000.000 petroleum nc oil a d m in is tra to r and Jam es, A.[ Oil M m pany of N ew Je r80)^ ''is ice I I . L . B enedum (cen ter, le ft ) , laUor counsel to th e H RA . Tho

P ho to s. ■, . ;

SiHEi^“ •. '

. of BOPERT, fi«pt. 7 (SpecUl to' ' h t rot Ken).-Ruperl s*bools opened .this RU v{(nrtt2ritr1neRi3cof-Si-it&denU rd* Jh^felgh enhllment orq<>etba iftnt

eld ,h«iMienlor^MJunloM,-lM»o{)h. Cf- mrmrfs tnd ISI freehmea maklns a ITo toUl of 4Cs7T:ast year** loUl a l Uie >■ am o time w u 444. EnroUmenl In » - high lehool U expected soon lort*eh 'cn SOO aUidenti. accordlns to.prlneipal

R. D, A nnilnnt.____________-atoili enrollment at Ibe eloae of

the- Khool. day loUled neuly p i . ” Lincoln Khool having regUlertd <Jl

pup lU und-Penh lngJM ..jn iIO *^ about tb iiam a for the g ra d u u last 4 year. Superintendent}!. M. Carter “ * said Thunday morning.

f l i __G IR l AN D FOUR BdYS-c—~

!” • . ARRIVE IN W E S T E N Dm ,■_____■■_om' b uhl ; Sept. 7 (Special to The ms News)-Four boys and one gtrl ar­ea* Hred lO'the West End district UiIs IU- week. , ' .

.Mr.andMn.WllUamI^ohtmare kto' the pvtnU ofa 'ion born'Bepten rt. btr 0. A aon w u bom to Mr. and She Mn. Mackm utU# September S. A ta . dawthltr was bora to Mr. and Mrt. m . CcsU Brown Beptember 4. Mr. and — MwrOlKfwWiendftetoon. an . lly

. pirenU of < «9o bom Septeaaer), ~ HraiidJtarJottsfrBhurti ar«-the

pannU ot.a ton toT T B tp ^S Sir'

\ l w m m g m m m

u . :u>». . I T S TRUBI H ariw are 3

• - Prieeir - Too,—| 1 , - l o L B o ^ O n r - 0 1 i L l . o ? a

^ for Uidr smaller iliten aod

E?■ S l.« ^


8 ^ n u t tu rn -4 Tbh b »a


a I T , i * t ® Nerttleik X H II t | * i OALTANim

rT*“ * f « a a - BOiunt

5 ■

J j Top'H M on

ra I O r in ( f l ,d o z 7 9 ^ r - - - l ^ g O .^ Q t« .rd < ^ 8 9 ^ ~. .n r o -q n a rtJ o r* ,^ 8 1 .1 0

I T f

- - l - C ' « otui’reriUar k


" tL M R r a f f l r

i " CA8TLEPORD.8ept.r(6pedtl I■ -me Kewst-CuUetord s e ^ ' o ;■ ' en«lUonday.Bept«mber*,wWn<■ ord< largest frethw| . . {Uu.ln-tb# b U t o . ^ . t h e . i ^I . numbering mor* tbanSO b ^ P W■ mt. When til Mnlon are in tr H cUsswUl reach tbe 30 mark..B . Allen Van AtU wUl haw » «9 Uun IWO warns «it for I o « M

eflulpment ean b« arranged. R l■ Smllh from U a M > w 'l£ b e f :v ^ m — «n>l hWogy. Md hi■ ih w « reporiinf JOf ,Oani■ CouneslnSpanlsb.bookka(Pln|sn■ muiirarenew and. popular. Mli■ Crabtree; Twin FolU. b u charge ( W, Trfllih «Vrt tha Uhr«T7 .------------ --

^ I9 were in attendance today.■ school Is to ba more computely di■ psrtmenUIUed than Ust you- tn

I r u y . n r . , f f l - f f l .’ ‘


„ JEROME, ^pt. 7 (BpeeUl to.l7l ‘ "0 Kewji-The' memben of Um Amerl um tan Eagle troop of Olrl BoouU wet . A. Iinteeses lo their mothen at a 1:9 !>{, o'clock luncheon TVeidajp at tb

MeUiodUt church parlo» Tt>»'kll Chen winmlUeo Included! lorralE

tho Piau, Eunloo Oook. CUoaohannoi Ruth Uolmqubt, Bint<r.IUc«..aa

* Mri. Joyce KendaU. OrIa M A m— end Alice Kay Newman reeered th I moUien. X prognm wMrewnled b

Lorraine Plou, B ettrO m isi. Adel

i i . JEROME LODGE' MEET!-------- JER0MBrSep^6pecUH»-'n»The Kewi)->A ftlr>slttd crowil of mem tbls ben of Uu Eastern Btu- l o ^ con enU vet>cd-ln4b»nnt^ton of.t?M yea '.the onTUMdty'«vralngatUwUasonl— haIl.-At-thli tlmelt-i!«rteooitncei line- <hirRfnf7f«tclW|pawn<fa»troii

Moscow, would TUIt.Uw lodge on.pc

^ ^ a AUDITOR AT JEROME': ; ‘ ^ _____ SUPPLIES BAmOT!^ JEROME, 0e^3J8pc«lal to'TTu

New»)-Cminty 'Atulltor Cbarlott Robenon 'announced today that bal

i | .r loii i n now ready fw'Uiuw dialilni rtcr lo rote by absentee ballot on repta

of Uie BghteenU* asMndmeat


,,n N e n )-2 m nuUi WUsoa diuihte! liU of Mr. and Mn. Jamea vnisoD, lub

™ for at ber home and Is gilUnf aloni t S nicely. ______________ ' '

an CnABCOAL-aELrSFABHKU ;n<- i'L A lrillL .m *«A p)-»»nne»oii and thU lecUon have found a' new un

A for surplus oak timber which toei ,tn. hare to leU -fcom clearlog Uieb and acres. They sell It for maklof cbai-

fc> i_ in iniiiatrr,firtrii1 tm In I r >, aun wtr b r» Ur in e t am

n Taotorits Eavi Adraneed

f f lt_E rio* i_ iad J*53c= = = = = .


^ uUattvatrocf Juvltthath- «• ed wire strainer In a heavy,* d ^ ta^ b lo tnm e. ’ An all

A hot weather eoarort “ Tbla guaranteed t«o*bum* lal er bat plau irith two*

nvltch control._ , j ^ ^ i J ^ - T l t b ~ ^ .

* On Largo Enamelwar* f D iih fa n s of Oood Quaitty-

9 a*^ttiit ..................... 7 w

u tew p r l» 11 —- I C - |pan la iM .a iio joc , JjL “ „ j


lEETEM BEk 8, IS S S -— ------- --

S a f i i M’ ■s

I f ' ' 4 ^ 1'more g j» «

rgeof .


\ m '


theI'U t* l a S H B B B H B B B

s s FU A N K LIN D . B O O S E m , . u d Senor D on R om ualdo Aria

G om ct L alne (rig h t) , ' po (dby fig h tin g bu ll ran c h n e a r f Adeie capo ho used In prac tic ing — : - in .C a d li ,~ ( iP ) Photo,-------

BU R L E r M U TU /ffi BOAR(

-!!»■ PLA N S-JfEAW S-EBO G RA IInera* , , _____wn*Tear - B P R L E ? ,^ ! 7 fPpeelil In Th

sonic rtewD-Burley SUk# Ulitual boan meed held ameetlcr'last nlght'toformti

i r r - g s s K f f S " ?. , the lUkeTWulual board offteetrin

------ olud»4tn>Joba4UofJtfr J L It.HUlsen. Donald Barlow, VloU WameJ

: Anna no)], Helein r e WWUey, Mn. Kelly Ward. MelU U IO May. Nlel DavU, Leo Homer, Emer;— B«7B»-aad Oewj»W«i!.-..... - -M tt All wardi will begin regular worl

pn September* i:. wllh cUsies li ' drama, mutlc. milille ipetklng. re

T2ITitorki.“ A Mw"d?puUiMort be known u eonwnallon has beei added for thU year, ib e theme fo dlKuislona will be ‘ l o n . a Wa: <l LUi.’ CTa objeeUoei for M Men

Ihtar Mind to Thing* spiritual; Extendlai (ub- DeHrabl# AcqualnUndeahlp; Form

ffl s f s a a s '. r a & 'T Jilong tji9 Pteld of Dlegnphy" Junior girl

will study "Life BuUdisg- and cuUI w tte f eullurf. •

U A number of new actlvltlcf or m o t plntaedforBoyBcouUwllhtheniot ' use to, ‘Preaching Utraugh BooulUif.’' i Ujer number ot iplendid socUl erenls ar Uielr punned for memben,

■ • ■•* -j o L

' “ '^ B U T -N O W a j■ - " ' sa v e

: . r A -Snw Il-D oposlU H ILE A ny C o a f . . . A sk Abo

- -U y -A W A y -P Id K V

; W » A r f P j p n a w l T

" Accept

iiAYi- , . 129 Main S

= s s = = = a a

[ i c j l ! * l A a : R n l U R i n i b = = = = =ir« » - iiX v B J l i t t l s av i» t(j- .1

^ L T , j r . . ts show n w ith h is host, W as de I* .R c ln t ( l« ft) and Diego

popuU r yo u n g .bullfighter ft \t Seville. Rooaovolt i i holding th e ling. Ho la te r a tten d e d s bull f ig h t


KAM8IW .«ept7 (SpetU H alM

Rntt* the'”ilta ru " and ibetr'fuiSlei'at'a a r ty rJfi^~«tT f»eaaC P itranBa i r . ; '■ " I U TDe locurs or ■tJoaU" w tn Mn. r in - R T .H y b la d i 'U n T ^ ^ H e i r ,^

imer. WlUard McMuten and Mn. 0 . 0 . lelen CUrte.’Tba -SbatU ' p»sent-we« hM Mn^CUude Barnard. M rt ^

s s a a s f f l i sMn.KufhSaDdinoo;aiidoDefueit,

« r k A. t Obh.> In I ■


O A lO er. flept T (fipoew to ^

«una S l « d opened Monday.. A t»m- w u gfren Monday morning wUb

BlrU UiB high icbool board; .Ulks by thecuUI* two new teachen, n o u l Hunter and

Monro# O. Cnnney. Alter th#_ gn ihsenlonandjunlor»reaiit««d,' « foUow edSM esdaybyU ie.n^U^n

aot^ V tbe m d r r a ain .-i

a 'a n JH a (b# BenUi LAtaiy a t tiu Ctoi Book «lere.-Adr. •

1 3

^ ^ ^ n t f e r e is gO^

: Thrifty Bl

| - Fur Trm --------- In_Ui01t!0 !Lhmstk_H ' sleeve, arid sk ir t trea tm '

I ' • uriougly trim m ed w ith i

— J -

- —Buy in S

' Unirimini! ' S m artly ia il6P «l^% ~F rt

1 c loth, polo, and cameln 1;

sm a rt 'sleeve, and ahouk

il ic f ic n -e ■ - - : ___ ' 'A ll SIb o u t O ur Cont priceg have n^vanc * • ( save b y purchaaing jybu r

ipted A I ' o s i t i o i i l V l t t r O n i

THE— ' __

TAIR Si StrW€str4 Doors West ol

__ i^rn»:yfeit: :£

— I pnnMPrfiM i'uiii t i t l l l l l a t l h r o

i a g i p C T g

fj.- S S t w r t 48 m m b e i» '^ ! t« r » l i ■ H iton preteot. TTie r iiltcn nnUz.

■ . Tba pncrtm,toUowt: Ron eaS, in D charttof M n . I w .w u 'm t t l A m . M \ Loo&g Forward to Most a t tber W Pair;' two vocal ,numbw','Vooo«

light and RflKt." anil T nU lana B*«— caui41 LOT# Tou,* b r Marjotl* N ta

■ L Mimer ted Jimler T t o w ; ■ p2aj>, ■ p ‘‘Aunt DtUV'lilil tbe OB .eiutk.'*-----■ CUtwce and ^ E m at . m \ peck; twoTcadlngstoBUUaBaUey:tH - *onf-by-qrtapn , .**idahft^> ------------R « l ' Tbe younr peopled degree team - ia JI w n rp u r s r u ir n i ir iM T W is r w s v y | .- grtes Beptember » .

I TWIN FAUS AND BUHL M CHURCH SOCIETIES MEETm Btrai^ Bept. 1 (SpecUJ ta The i l N ew i)-n ie Buhl. ObrlstUit UU- , n - a lonairaodetra ttatU M O iuW lia ' "■ I " eSttia'TW dfiiiaar-anm iooB -w lllrr-■ U te 'TvV tTansU lulonarriadetyu*5 - gueil».-^ee»«nteen a»emben-ttom:— m TwlnFilU%erepreientaad90aem<■ be;* tro u BubL Tba feUowioc pro* .■ gram w u given:. A pUno solo w u

rendered- , by . Maatofl BnekanUn,hoiL TwliiWlU. K ra .a .l f .T e n y .T irta . ' K Falls, song -T ie lo id l i My Sbep.

benl.“ w lthM n.W . £ /a d * ao fra» ft tb# palno. M n. E. 0 . Balwii. lU U .

: th e secretary, k«T* a talk, oamltttooorr

-------Stre*i*piR eam U BSS4)«Ud44t.—= r u n and U agum ta."' Zacb loeober '

of tbe Bubl.MUHonary socUto re- telred tiwlr year books.

QQI^ nentaw CToeerTtl .

S jeal.E)taH.Tran«!etialaed ■ ............. ' — -

I - -

U M ue to PiicUoe UedlciM aad Btrb. SurBery-.8 Ute of Idaho to Oeo. T., U n. pa rk in s^tand-'.••Deed:.Cbartle Bock,to. Uly T ...

Brawn; flSOO. F t Lot H OrehaUn Bub.

■ e p r m t s n t ^Mtft ta j> .a ..w a»i.—

EAR tocauoa MoUofrrW.O,THomaioa."RlmUd*."loBto .

’iSAddn.' .*

J iS S A rm uO ouihU n.ll.LolBB lklN iT School AddlUon. _ ^

b e e k a ^ r- • ■ ■ ‘

g o o d n e w s f o r “ ■

r B o a t B u y e r s

rrimmedI!oatsa tte revealin rf new shoulder, ■eatm ent',.. . 'r t n o lab rica lu x - - . f lth gcniilno f u r a . , . . ___

^ ? R Q U P S = r - - r : ^ r =

$ 2 9 ^

September-— -

med Coatsr rT ro ftrtw m lrc ]e p h R n t8- - e a ^ — :— uelfl h n ir . . . New collars . , . ' ihoulder* t r i m s . ____

O A tS R O U P S — ^

•All S ties . • ■

jlvanced s h n n f e .T r Y o u 'w i n ••your coot e a r l y , . . - ----------_________

r t o f ' T e t r l n e ’?------------------------

= = = — p -U

Pua Sk ------------------

ifM ErsiD rattIrp B i i P i i i E j 3

I -•• toenm to m ta j u "Cub” ®“ f*

t a t l t » o'clock U il Bljlii 1“ & ,iU K U o lia n « tl> e I'l» l‘8 ClsM

r u m . U » -8«ood • . I tm wuih. - -* .Smh him wheo he expUttJ WM Ar*; ' e r a WlMton, Bol»e, a tlo« trtenil

• « aljool eljht yc»r». vho had S oaniUBt -companlOB for l ^

PMLJinw **• toi Wi bed. EarllCT In, the

' ' kftnlaltter tnatmenL

lert and th* ih W tn Bmn

i~ E id . 'M r . Baer, h e .u id . aU*d'io f -Wffl'/oraiJliUDM and «ul«d back J • ta bed, and Wliuton » u arrangin*

.tfieeo te rln r^ bm jt hi* « « • — ' when, WUaton laid, he tMpedHri«i' aod eKjilred.

Dealh wM*ltrlbuted lo heart dU-M . «tUi *hl«b l u ' « u ‘iutclun | S |K o e m e n tJ u a jo i th e n h e w * ^ * |R•d'.under tre»laient at.tha h ^ i u l H

iJS .M T e n )y e a r ip a r t ,h f lh id b « n H BA nuer of iKo Idaho C lm iton t o ■ h b tlep*falher, Prank O. Abel. M3 Hakood iTenue «ert. Ml U fu rn « d Hbr his mother, Mn. Abel, and olher ■

^*e^b^re$U althep rakem ortu* IKIWnllN ' I

j j B I I C C T m i P i t lW eeilD jlrfrepiU rieM loolnthe I

t».Tir hntfl TMtefdir. W n y ili* ( ■ I again look on ihemitlfar - M

A fric an etmiSny, operalcfi of » [I-iWhT/inUot nlanl here thli Kaion ' ! ■ ■fw Ihe.nm lime. Ho an ® W t* ri' ‘t e n e c ^ u l fcMoa. Frank Adami, ■ fleld.manater, and Lrnn L Manh. ■plaolma&*ter,orth«e«(npuir,irert M

1’ Ralph Oale, a«ompanled liT HU it. O.W.Walli, pleated wllh vK il Vm

' Committee In charge of the milk ■~pfoJ*'rt'U“c6mpo*e<I or /o« I ^ h l r , ■

chairman. Clarence' UtwUer, John ■Klnncr, )t. if. Ktdtlrom^iid John ■

- BclKh. OUtntRitlon vUl be ivper- ■Tiled br W. D. Smith, elir school ■

4--nBerlnt«nd«nt..Funds-«Ul be.nlted . ■ f ~ jg a i in f iT O « h milk bottit m - i g

talnen plaecd for. public donatloni. WINMr. iCoMer-jald tHO already tw coi

J beenmJ»e<>Jn'thuSanner. ' *“*IiI Poorer children of Ihe Kh9oli were th

glren tO.OM half*plnU ot milk U! Ihrough Ihs Klvanli milk fund'U il _ _ytar, the elub wm told. — ;

' B O O N E G o i s T O C U B A . ' ' ■ ' W I T H M A R I N E S ' U N I T ' | |

. et Mr. and Mh. II. O. Doone,-Tuet* i l

’ ^ ^ S ^ ^ I B f f i l i n r r ^ e t r t n th regl* - K__ nifnt. nnltfd BtalM marlntl. ■ IB

UculeoAnt' Doona w u In Twin |! i Falli in February al the end of a K

— jeTen'yrar period In OtUaa wllh Uie B iDleUlcencfl departmerit, ' ' UnIM ;IK

; etate* niTy. nccently he h u been Q ‘ stationed a t Waihlnslon, DUtrlet ot W I— Columbia—B na-hsr^been^tak lnr -|?d

. specUl InitnicUon at Quantlco, ' J Virginia, mirlne bate. • ' - >1

’ Y O U N G B A P T I S T G R O U P | |

_ Z a M 3 E M Q E E ] |' Memben of the young peoplt'i I

I .union wUl prtsent a rtlliloui drama, ■ 'flani of Tanui." a t the BiplUt ■

“ ajnjejraubdiy-hiiiB rirB 'T m ocic- • ■ The public U invited and there wUI ■

■ be no ailmlulon cliartr. ■I LoyaJ rcny u the dromillc coach ■ • and U M Mie 8co(t U the unlon’i ■

tdrltor. Tlte tiitr Jl u fiepleniber 4 before an audience | |

I— 7hlcb-fui*<{-ui«4laptui-ehurch--------■r The c u l includei: fiawytr, M4— l a m k _ W e l l j . J l a i i i _ £ m c r w J » O t : . J

Dulanty. Bemlce Exlelon, Sbllon Dalllnitr, Orant Bawyer. Hwood, ^

— BoblrrrJ*ek-Brsn*,-K.—Dalllnrr.- O lt Leslie Btirkhalter, Ralph.LrUhlon. dt

inifih.T. V»rT'>in KUwf^ In^__ Quiige_ Warbcrff^Dofethj" —ofJ-----MailBc.-«Borttraw, nof,tU <!ghl^: J> rj Hatel nenilce Olloman m i r i iI - .l ^ e r Bhlfftr, . hi

1 S b M E T H I N C J r O -

^ ^ 7 > { c i U p ^ M t U t U j

[ " 7 T e t £ < ^ ^ 9 0 < « < j & r


| |U |J U. M I . I I i f tH W C A 'I .g . I g O I

I k l S a j I nuj

3 1 ( - p "r/7 [—

— - 1 - tT ^ K * * F 7 ---------U .l— t 5 u U ^ ' *

^ Jor

* I J U n ' i k n a w M a m f n ' n ~ * * * * ” * * - I t i • Fap« BnUl I MW her ealln’ th rn Ul

oalaif s t npper/"

H c a p O f i e a u t y ,

i K ^ i' '' Thl

■ ' i l V ' " ^■ ■ ■ ' . ' J F t o J : . . a I.

M ' ' I f w iS l iV ret

in{ ^ ^ ■ M p | u p B & | 9 ^ | l agi

3 - tog

W lKNtM or the rarlous beauty m i eonteiU who enUred the'SlaU* «u

•‘ *M e-»)it<si-il-«a-A ii?ele*-for tyji the lltle of KUtt Ckllfomla and a ei. Ulp lo Allanllc CllyMfll Phota m

‘I'f— :---------:------------------------1— fl

P r e m i e r C a t c h S | . : ----------- - ■ ■ ’ . hitI B ^ ^ E u i ^ b S ^ E V l cn

J m h_ l ^ $ P Z | y K tin


' to

l r » ' - n

Rwfllm I III



U!L-OONALO^.^QNES.,BelttIe . . . dentlit had Ihe ••puU“' necfMaiy

J n j t t th li SI'i poufKt Mlmnn m l

brbltfn'hoAk In ll* mouin iflowcd ~ ■Tii-TiT(irt«n'Tnsitd-be£or«‘-bu l :

lind gotten aray.-W I PHolo.

0 -R E M EM B E R

A / . p 'J

tty o f (M w l d li£ ^


id ttL t w H x A ^ 4 d t u ^ ~ ~ |


BONMAIT50BfT 5U U B .-H !** i


Twin M l i ’merehants wilt Join In■ eb»rriair JPM /»JJ o/wnlM * m an*

nual ilyk ihov next Wedneujay. Sep* teaiberlJ, anannouncement'by tha *•, merehuits’ bureau, chamber of com* [■

- m«ree,,iald yeiWrday- . . . ......... ‘ iCach merchanlwUl decide his own ^

form of opening, adrcrtlsing and ■program for the da>-, the announce* ■ment aiyi, and addi lhal 11 h u been ■generally undeniood uiual aiora ■

. boun.« ■' preparations lor the erent hare D

. hiOT n r ^ r w it In m(nt Of Ihe atOTM H{orsomtUme,. U

, m t f O B f i E i i r l

in th* dlftrlcl court b e n yeatov- I day, J. B. Watson, .34, Idaho FiUi. ■ pleaded ^ t y to a felony chtrga o( I forgery of a W.75 c h K t Senienee, I Judge W. A. Bibcock, announced. ■

• iartiT jyjB W ifflaa-rrst-flsturdsy? '■ Tha conplslnt, which was ilgned br ■ j,-J.-Hiighti, Tirtn Falls-Credll as- ■ loclaUon msnagtr, alleged Watsoa ■ forged the nama of A- O. W alu on ■ (he check wllh the Intenl to defratid \ ■ a local department iton Ust Tues* ■diy. . ' I

poUca offlcen who made the' ar-1 r r rest u ld Walion told then he isiued Ihe cheek.wllh the purpoie of aeetir* | ing money for medicine,' or, if | caught, to secure Inylment In JaU. ""

AiherifTsdeed-on fawckiture w ,■*■ pUwd'on record here >«ieraay coa-l- rerllng UIU lo a IM-iiere farm al7 CuJii.thtee'andone'hilf’mllea'weat* "■

or T iir jB lC lo tHe'ConUnfntal-AI* <- Kiranca.cofflpany..motUagec..«hlcti _- bld ln tha.D iaw trJor-lll.U B a t a a lt ^■ ui AUguit, IMlT ■uD(l»r’'']u3gT«Hr

agalnil lUy'Q, Norris and otherfc

Golored^oyWms--5 Way to Education I Despite Obstacle^ I

Alien Scott when ha decides ha- will I

3MhooL---------------------------- , . lt. colored Ud of Shrerepon, I ans, student Ust rear a t Good* I

■ I tog .collegV.-rewnUy travelftl w arlT II

10 thst ha might again go to coUego I wllh no money' for board, room, I

• tgKlwindT)lben»ees*a«re*j)ens— I k ei. A way will be found, he hs« been iL■ Miurrd by Dr. 0. W. Tenney, preal- ■ . dent Of tha coUege. - 1

Scott lell Shreveport Auguit 71 ■ wllh M31. He reached here Peplem* I b e n wllh t cenl le l t lie rode trains. ■ hitch-hiked, vilked; w u liiol u by ■ rallroid police, found hlmwlf in I IDwM where 'a colored 'boy" could I not buy food, ran out ot money and ■■

- ~»iinnn>/i »«l1p»-biit »ot hefo in ■■ ilme.HaUnowTUlUngallha'liOTes, i

■ nWftuiy WhltcTUid"Heiinao-Yar*.“ -~ Ih.. > > > ^ " 1 1 " ;

Jlnil pre-colleie trip for confer-; j encfs’wlth ItudenU, sa id :' I ,— WMI Of thOM whorplan and work I ^ to allend coUe^ will And ia way.''I A ’deilra In tha heirl*’ a n d J l b i ) ^ “Tight iiuff In ihft-backbone" go a

■ lohginiy-lowird'miklrfg'sn-Mucai — tlon pouIbIe,-Dr. Tenney-decUred. ^

iSotj, A N N O U N C E M E N T S ! < ‘ i, ___ ________________ ^crk

. -Ihft-Degrw.nt.Hnntir lodg t_» lllli '^ meet at tha home of MarUn T u i- |_ . , ner, 4li Second aren'ue north. Frjdiy I at I P. M. This Is tba rtn l meeting' — for fill wwk and rre tr member U

r UrgMTfWTirfMnt. .----------r -

Kflihbori of Wo«ler*ft ThImV - cjub will liuiall officer* Friday r .I P. M. al the home of Mn. Oecr n if , M ?tounh arrnue tu t .Woodcraft memben are urgtd'lo o’-

gu«l. ^ *

} ___ l l . , . .__ _______ ________r ' •I w "

I ^ “ ^ ^ v —•

- ■' •

i r r : : ^


' ^ W S , T W I N - r k L S . n JA H O ,

: Fall Sporta Frock 31f Z ■' • ' •

J t

r • ^

K r S | ^ > J V ^ )

f COIwoikuwh


. ■ If . V h ti l iu u z l '- i i l : : '!l ■; Ud

■ i P iiiee

I!1 ^ —.l_ .______________ _ ■ pij;' a dainty pink JacQuelu' fealur* effi

I jy Ann ISorak of the films with lu i


Accuse Banker au°mal

z■ ; S'

- t o a §'1 B ' *"d

l l :■■■ hibl m - r ^H \ 'a \ B.* ^ 5 S t ^ V l r 5 S f r . ' \ ' : 5 t W t i

(iiK i iy jiagay.iaffl kibbtr

I H leit

. . a men^ ^ ■ . - p . V r ; • ; 1 | 4^n

; ' ^ . ^ 1 dilr

p iii rU , KUUis,---and=^«5a--of

1 K aniu ' bond forgery acandal,I wai arreiied on charges of em- „ '

benltment,-W> Photo., . j j " ..................... ---------------------------- Olen

------- s L n m is - tF n c i iN T —

SYDNEY MV- DetecllTes In New a ^ t Soulh Wale* elilm a world’s record on !f« r elflelency. t u t year 1S.U4 tip Icrlmai wen reported and of thew hor

-Alitf-t^iar-eent-ef-st^eB-prppfrty - J i wai recovered. *. In .

“ “ . ^ O T JID F THESET3HBL . * F'

B. F. BOOVn * SON , ‘ c SUUn .Ho. I, ]M Bln g

----------N ncint— "Wi

■ - -

IN .





| 30 o 6 - p e r s o m S :

^ . ■ r A T - E I L E R - H f f l

' * . V con llnued"ffim 'T ^O nfl~“

Uitant U t^niodel a garment Ihkt• ihg-h s i 'lB»rr»iiiI‘tUJl l 111 a

nport. A free trlp. to CJilcago U tne award for the lUle champion, whl.e a goa medal U to beawirded lo escS couniy champion where then ate

' more ihtn five conlciUnli from the county.

Judgei of all exhlblu and conUits are unlvenlly of Idaho ipecUlUU and -wtenilon igenu who Uke good

, cara-to.expUla, keen 1;Intereited exhibitors and contestinli

. th» lor thfir t>Ueln«.More thana'Koreof 4-lJglrbleic*

tng duh l were reprtienled-today* witft extiH>m”or**eeillewijit rangtnt ' from btglBnen'Uaiywels and itock-

Ing 'darhi W lin jp jc ir mcmlici*' eompjttt coatumtt' of silk blouie and wool U irt..n te ie eshlblu occupied ti all of one ilde of the Wwnen’s haU, where aUo then «^:re dUpUytd Ihe n exhibits of girls' cooking and can* c nlng clubi. OuUUndlng were the txhlblu of Rlmera, Buhl, and Jolly ; »g>»l.T*inPalIs,cooklngclubi.and V or the Welcome canning club.vhou members thli leaun hava canned «iT ? u W ir /n i i r « g c 5 n s r m e « r - -aiM] plcklei, beildei lams and Jelllea i and'drying a 'nlaiber of-products." II

AaenbU hvdoct* „r Four Oranges have ssiembtcd .In Prttlucii.hat], community exlilblU u oj carefully lelected producU of farm and orchard and garden. In IhU hall s' alio there li a gorgeous flower tho* 1 arrani)d by FII?r,Women^ elub and , FUer^range wometi; Future Farm* *1 e r a .^ u c ts eidilblt. and an.Amal- Jj gamateiTSjgar company dUplay' of T Iw Lt and lutar. . ^

Buhl'O nnge exhibit U'dlstln* |] guUhed. by dUpUy of gladioli and palmi; Twin FalU Orange h u made p effective uie -of colorlcontnst wlili r ir rftti fpwrft |?iiMhlonIng the nama orer IU exhibit; " a g rtit comucopU of gold jn d blue J ir^ iiic u o u iT ffF iler :OranKe;s;ex-. ' bibll, and'Fatmew Qrange'i exHIbll irdUpUyed agalnsra background of- *•

dUplty of. la m ImpIemenU. and e 1 fleet ol hew sutomobifei and {nwto makes up a small automobile snow Z In the ihsde near ProducU hall.

Offlwn of Twin Falls County Po- * mona orange and a number of tub* onllnale Orsngu. In full regilla, Ud p the march In front of the grand- . tUnd loday. tnd when (he march « w u finished, they led,In slhglht

women'In Irlm.cestUB^ei of.blaektnd white: hsd a place In the line of “march, and afterward itagcd an ex- ”hibltlon drill on tha Uwn In front ^

entries In the Jlreitock division and ^ In fitting and showing conUsU! A Kfmberly'gfrf fook‘ « r » fp to '« f th i h tr beef cslf entry tnd w u a mem­ber Of the team lhat finlihed third „ lo 4-H flubi- lIvMlock Judging con* S leal, and runner*up for Individual i « f Inihalevenl.. . b; Judges for the llrettock' depart- u menu In both Future Fsrmen' end 4>n club.V ( ^ b l t i and conteiU wera O, L. Fourt, Unlvenlly of Idaho (Ulry ipeclaiy: W. W. Palmer, Bur* «

Ar^en nn, tlnlv, rtttlrlr U lL tiU fe

In iim a economlci' d e ^ iH n e ^ ^

nlng are M luJjarJorle Eutma.i,' ><Mojcow, Dnlvenil’y ef Idaho cloth* tfIng specUllit. and MUs U gdalena 1<OlemenU, Ta-tn Falb dblrfct home »

-PuU ireJatm enleslilbll of.henes, aleek Percheron and Belgian drift te anImaU occupying all ol the sUlls m on one aide of a long bam. made K lip oiie of the blcgest and beit hone shows In this district for

-Jodget-^ay-eom pIeled-pU ting 0 In swine, dairy caltle and aheep Ni


m v i C B jB »yrc* t r o m STATION

u n c E T r n r -

IN . l i l Y I T U D B B A K 6 R

!A V $ C . U M O I M E O P f

■s u p e r S H E U O U T -

S V S R Y G A S T T E V e S -

t l E A R I T E V E R . Y V / H E R I

high In anti*knoc

PTE^raEIl 8, 1033

deparCments o f (fie Future j^noers'

- In d ltl^ ii crop exhibits.[ f t . in -> tu i5 JD ifn ie n mtlw^_ ihowinc comeiu,^bi>^ on eklU b '— ihuMrinj^Riitious^considentioicTtor .. type or treed of animsl, th* fol* kt lowing 4«rard> were announced:

ie Twla Falli;* second. Howard Anhii. i;e Twin Falls:h Dairy cattle^Flnt, ' Oeuford , t Abel. Flier:'Kcond, Martin Well*he hou»en,-Twlif- FalU - ■ - ..................

Sheep-Plrit. Canon Allen. Fll*, er: second. Ronald Pierce, Twin M FilU,

Following are the Judge*" pUclngs « In Fulutt Fannrn’- sidne, ■ dali?

catlU -andisheep-depsrti^U:___' Swine ' ■ '■■ ■

monthft-Flnt and |hlrd. Davli ir Carter, Twin Falli; KCond, lUy-«• mtmd -B uiCT,- Flier-------------- —t- Dunie Jeriey wwi evet . t h

id Twin Falli; lecpnd.' R^mond fiu* <l ter. Filer.:i, .Duroe Jeney M*t under lU ie monthiT-Fifit. Oeorge WlUon; tec* 1* ond and third. David Carter ' le Produce of Duroo Jersey tows— ly Flnt.Davld.Carten: leeond, Oeorge id WlUon: ihlrd. Raymond Baxter, u BUck Poland China tow - Ed* :d war's Fleldt. Flier, all-three prlies. If' -BU in»oIantf*CJi}nr-s«lr-tjoder a Ilx month^-Edrarrf, PJeldi, alf

Ihreerprltee.'- ---------- - - —BUck Poland tow over tU

month»:-Ed Fields.- ' n BUck Poland China, producing ti w w -F ln t. Edward Fleldt. n Spotted Poland China boor under ll tU m onlhs-Flnt. Howard Aimli,V T wIjt Fallt. ■ - -d -Spotted Poland Cfilna tow orer I. Ilx monthi-r F ln t and lecond.1. Howard Annli; third. Clye.Cowgill.^ T*'ln Falli. '

Sows under tlx mdWhs — Flnt.- ginr’afctmdTRobert-Releh»rtr«*r+ '• third. Jack Vanautdeln. Filerd , Produco of sow-Robert Reichert,■f n ie r

n ...........• F ln t, Martin WellhO(u«n. Twin'

i?- - jm e y ’-cow -on*-y«ar_old-Slrjt ;j- uid.KCOhd, GeufordlAW. n ier. .

Jeney'^11 under one year-F ln t:

? ' kendaU. Twin FftlU: IhW. MuHCT “ Smith. Filer. 'J /v'g imdtr unelTfW —^ F ln t, Charles Bruce. Flier.

Ouerniey cow under one year —■ F ln t, Jack ETini. Twin Falls.’ Guernsey bull over one year —“ F ln t, Muriel Smith.. Filer.; • Guemiey bull under one year - “ F ln t. Raloh BrowTi. FUer; aecond,» Ralph Miller, Twin Fallt. -

V Fat Hampthire UmbJ. pen of ; Ihreo-FSnt, Elwood-UeCauley. n l-.‘ er: second. Ronald' Pierce. Twin

Falla.Single U l Hampihlre_ lamb - -

f Carson Allen. Filer,r Breedln*-Hampihlfe n m - n n tJ and--.lhlrd._Caxttn^leni-.tecon^’ Gordon Cathro, Twin Falls.; Ewe Hamwhlre 1«mU - Pint* and tecond. Ronald Pierce; third,; Elwood KtcAluey.•* Aged Hampjhlre ewes — First.

Edward Baker, n ie r; aeeond and• third.' Ronald Pierce.' Dohl Progretilw Wina Buhl Progretslve calfclub'i Ictns,.• compoaed of t . W. Rlchmqnd. Hoyrf . Tviki art! Frank Southwlck, T,on I 4-It cluba' llveinxk judging tomtn-

f wtnr n lne=fther team s.-'---------- -

,■ leam m tecond with a tcore ot 1018: Kimberly beef club, third Wih

. 1010: West End. ‘Buhl, pig club,, foazth w»h p » ; aheep H frttr tiijb.

Twin Palls, fifth., individual high tcoret In this con- t te it-a eie iewidwl-by^^W:-Rlfh»- . mond. Buhl, 410: Jem Whitney, e Kimberly, 3M; Philip Boring, Buhl.,l 37S."t ' Memben of teams which d>l»ecd_ In ttu- fflhtMt »effLJit.«isnt_Vifr,, a i t n J o i a lU U n b iw L S a n C ®[) Ncsle; Kimberly, WUlltm wuemsn.

W l E N T t T r t p C A T E t y - - - - - - - - -

* ElWIlUt ACTO 00,IXtS

««. u a lad At». Na.

irbrA rK H pcK ^ ^

R AMY M o n e ,^ -

S r 0 C K T 0 H > ( A U F . ----------

i t > 'p e r f o r m s

» ^ 5 E 0 . " -

:REr- ~

:ENGEm n n m i c i u f i i lt L L l i l i i i t l i v ■ '

ttiti:d'pon'pafTo!»tfffl.Pf«>V«>___nock and miiaoo'a'qvolilloi.

" i

•f»’ Jem U'.'jjinf/. » s jj f ii '6 n « l; Wcj: £ the Ecd

lifi'dfr (Tain. F ilIij.'G enld Starr, o; RcS-nton. Charles'CoSm-'on, E

'In ~ 0 iircf~R^M7 f?r« tnt;a-l»rT°a8‘—

ol* Itr Ht!I Mil rjler; Leader calf, dub, i)ut!.l: C"*” ' '

Ul. itio»tiunsUlp wimicn. ^ Wlnnrr.' Of iliomianahlp Mntesu

„ ■ In tlie d»IO’ cattle .dlvltlon, awardi . being bjred equally on fllUng and ! trslnliiii'of the tnlmal and on sblUty -1

, to (hop Uic animal in Ihe ring, wen “ announced as foUowt: ' • '

F lnt yc ir-F lrit. Willard Harder, y S Buhl; Sfcond, Charles Buuman.^ Buhl: third, Hugh Law. Duhf. - J

“ fletond'iW r-nn^'-Torres-O olf,-'^I ^ 1 : tecond. Gerald Hopklni. nuW;

^d r tird yetr-P lrit. Frank SouW-' °T- wick. Bulil:MCond,T.W. Richmond.T Bsnt— ----------- ;-------------------------‘l l Frank'-.Southwlclr. Buhl, wm I * tiHu'dgcd • H ircH tatnon-mnro n n .- *• A m ol wlnnm amonf Foiir-H „ clubi- llveiiock entrles7ollowi: .« Besi.lndlvidual Duroo Jeney mar-

ket - h o j-F ln t. Kenneth Bonar. , Buhl; lecond, William Bonar, Buhl.

“ Pen of three Duroe Jeney market «* hogs-iPlnt. wriUUm Bonar; second.

Kenneth Bonar.? ; Beit Duroe Jeney,low bom after

^ WllUrd Bonar, Buhl; fourth. Emrtl7J Thetner. Flier. ......" Beit sow Poland China bom after •, , March 1,1»M-Flr*t. Junior Tliomat.

^ ' • • • Sheep foill, Beit Hamptlilro'ram lamb-Flnt. u,,

Oerald Starr. Twin falli; tecond, er John Dndley. Twin Ftfli; (hjrd. - < d. Oerald Burr. T*-ln FaUi. • He11. B « l c»e Hahipihlre Itinln-Plnt, • ^' second, third and fourth. QeraM th

it. Starr. Twin Palli. anli. —Be»t-ag*d-Hawpahlr» aa>^F1r<l'^

and second.- Gerald Starr, Twin ■t, Fallj; third. John Bradley, Twin

Pallid . . ■ Cl' Beit faUamb any b re e d -n n t and m

_ wnnd.-.Qctalil.flUrT: tlllnl, jg»-q t i In' Bndley. , su

Sheep, fitting and thowlng contett ,.j| .1 - n r i t . Gerald fltarr. .Twin F#ll*:

tecond.“ Charier ■noblnsotir'Tirin-*'- it; ni!i;-thlrd.-L«ter-RoblnJon.-Twln---]

Best yearling over two ye an -F in t da r Jean . W h ltn ^ ^ lm b e r ir : tecond, lea

Pnncls Stott. Kimberly. hie- Beil lielfcr or ateer under one Cu

year-First. William Wbeman. H tn- ■

Palry CatUe - •. Junior calf grtde Jeriey-Flnt, co “• Howard Mo’jeworth, Buhl; lecon.l. Aj _ Marlon Skinner. Buhl; third. Hugh an— ~ -fn >f flerilJr' calf grade Jersey - Flnt. tJi l i R a^ond U ncu ler. rUer;..iec9n(l,._.. in Oerald Hopklns.'Bu^l. ' '

Junior yearlings grade Je n e y s- In- Flnt. Glenn Richmond, Buhl; tec* fal d. oart.;Ham:flMnmisflr th J u h l: thlrd,-.el. , Jack Slk«,'Buhl. IH

« Reglitertd Gucrn.vy producing U ^ fO » .-P i» U ‘-W ..Jli£iujjonl.Buhl;.w» . second; Paul Sheeton. Buhl. . itc

“ Junior cilf grade Guemscy-Flnt. c«i d> Forrest Oo(f, Buhl; tecond, Robert.. Ooff, Buhl; third, Eugene Oullck. ,

Flier. ' lui-e*nlor-ea](. grade. auerDieyt— Flnt, Willard Harder, Buhl; lecond. ret Arthur SikM, Buhl; third. Floyd a i

J, D ilu. Buhl. . JHII Junior ycorJfniW 'Bnufc Oufmieyi iit n

------Jiint''’- r i l f ffft.ifrffd-Cliirrriify—

h Junior yearling -rcgblered Guern-. T» J, ley -F ln t, Frank fiouthwlck. Buhl. In ), Junior calf grade H o litd w -n n t.- l!n

Clark Brackett.'B iihir«tond, How* Sh • ard Rutherford. Buhl; third. John In*- -Ruther.’onlrBuhl,--------------------------ac>. Senior calf grade H oU teln-nm , viv 1. Robert Cunty. Buhl; aecond--Paul a<

J -------------------------------------------

Z ~

ioWake got T every<

-------U$e-» D H p rC « M « * M a k e

— ^ ^ ^ p e e l a l l j p r c p a t « 9 ’- 5 AI I Zi!i^hiU iK g-D nj> CnfftcJt tpTcialiy

and specially ground for the in;............, Iti n’chV frasran t flavor: CofTcc

is "not adapted’for the (jrip pn ” "dji'P» »J”^ir»H rciffeT b 'u t'onc i below the coffee to let througfT healthful, amber, dropj. Real

made othcrw-iie. For your con -'---------- f u i t i - i n . i o ih Sckiilin[-lin.- ..


“ / n ^ r o

” g55SShi5<iwfl• . ------------- A SeWflW *

_ j a e IT *

F o f p * » r r o ! « t n r «*r:

leX Slirlitr.'jp Junto; yearling grade Holstelns—,wp-glNt, nurlH-BtiflTHnn. P“hl: y t* _____arr, ond. phlllp-Busmann. Duhl; third, m, Dwtld McKcaly. BahL------- ------ .ag-— 8etilor-ye«Iing-gr»d*'-HotaUla*--------« H jln t,.M urlc l Bfowh. B u ^ __:alf tiuniok yeSTnnrmtlttng tliojthe»t»iny c o s -n n t . Marion Hart. BuhL..............

Junior ihorthorn i ^ - F l r t t .Ktififi Ottfia/i “ '

a u — ■■

i B R € Y I T I € Sere .

- Undergoe* Opentloo-M is. SteUa • Madsen Bulil. underwent a minor

ojxrallon yeiterday a f lha Tw tn. .jjj_rall5_county_hMplial.

Gott ta t'U h - Mn. Ray Per* i r ^ o n lm U eivroutfcIo.UlghjJmt.tljn.. . ,

, *-111 vlJlt' relatlvet altPayJaadi in - '“*• S ilt Lake q ty and Helper.____________

^ Knhmlli U Sorxerr — U n. B. 0 .V ^ w T o S a i n r i u k i m ^ ^ ^ ^ • ma*.....: -

;oropenWctn ycstcnfsy e t Jha TrJn Falls county general hoapllaL . . .

" • Here Fnm Com'i - Mn. 'iun-y RUt*. Uaig ■ Beach. CallfomU.

“} readied Twtn Falls T u o td a y for VUIU with relallres and frlendt.

I ? ' VUIU In’ E ait-M n. Dan Pow«U •*3 - Itfl yrtl*"**/ vi«ii« ■'Its r>i«.

Jl«s and friends In NeWYotk City and t l other poinu In th e .eu t.___•. .. .^

■" ■ AtleBdi-lInljenlty - Mitt Either . . " • Wohllalb. daughter of Ur. and Mn. .

Harry Wohllalb, will leave next’week for Mojcow where the will attend

at- the Unlvenlty of Idaho.Id, , . •■A On Vlift I/ere-D . F. Wray, Palf-

’ field. Mluourt. arrived yeturday for ' a few-daya-vlsll-lien wllh hU bro* ,

‘■•d then. V. C. Wray and Walter Wray, and will go from, here to Yakima.

wMV8sMngtoBrl<M'Wt-hl*-f»th*r.— -----------rin • • . .

Annoant* Plenia - Former North Carolinians, thelr- famlllet and

"d /rJendi. are Jnvlled to Uie juwuat . lin_T^r » » i piMilr a t Filer ftinmwndl

, Sunday. Iced tea and watermelons wilt be iupplled by the conunltUe I n .

I*j ~charg'e:'~............ -------------- ,

'"'•■■PitUnU-leaTB-iloapltal— A m oV ~r—— paHtnlt-dltmlised-from -the-T w ln--------

n t day Ten J. E. Glllliple. Buhl, mcd- id, leal natlent; Patrick Donahue. Jar*

'hldge, Nevt^i. iurgical, and Clyda“-----ne Cunningham, Buhl, lurglctL n*j .■ 1 At Weenie Counter-Two marriage

; llcenaa were to ied at Twin Fallt. . at, county recorder's ofllee yesterday. i,< Appllcanta were William 0 / Brown gh and VlrglnU E., both of Twin__LFa2)i.- Des'fy Croft. Twin Riai. andSt. tJnda.Wiker. I^calello. id,

■ CCTUflet'TradeTtfame—Cummings,---------— Incorporated, Is owner's! tho May*:c* fair ihop, deilcn In women's appar; rd.--el.-T«’ln Fallvaeeordlng to B cer-' - -' 'UIIfale*drirW<-nBmrmilrtrFrank---------ng U Cook, vice presldenl of the cor-rtl: -wratlon and manager-ot, tl:e-lo:al-.. ^

Itore, placed on retotd at Twin FSIU It. county recordjr’s office yesterday, srt • • -ek. Addre«r« G nnge-W . B. Smllli.' lupcrlntendent of Ta'ln Falls lehools - u general of Twin Falli ntUoaal_

id. recovery c.imp.Hsn eommliiee. wa» lyd a guest tpcaker at a meeting pf thf

llanicn Orange lait evening. lie dli- •yi Ju-Vfd Ihe p/tn snd puriwe ol the

national re:ovcr>- admlnlstrwlon.— .Kitu lefi'ieiiie i.*i!telally to Ihe

td, M i-A yolle-- D ica.-M n_L eo:)__— ^ l » , moincf ■or - AUsttB- Ayrntc;------^n - . Twin Falli, died Friday ol her homoJ. In Creiiwell.'Oregon. Mrs. A yo(l# ------sl.-l!vfd b this city until a year ago, w* She v u for many years' prominent hn In Orange aotlvlllet ahd achieved___cttOinlUon.u-a.pocl..aht_lJ-JKif.-J_____■11, vlvM by the ion. her huiband, and V ’ tui a daughter, Mrs. Lyle Taylor.

[ 'O W ; _ ' ■ —

ood coffee \

reoafcdenffte and a-fiher paper. ' ~ ■■■ ■'—£ I s a i n r d j D r i p C o f lc fc •

eaaliyj]}endcd,T|xc)atly''f5iiled;ir' 'the immediate extraction of all > ^ofTce'inlcnded for a pcrcolator - rip process in which the waterS t 'o n c c T A n H e r p a p e r r e ib .............. r

rougfTnotfiin^Kt tSeT3elici6ut T' Real Drip ^^ollee canno^ be

ir convenience, /ilter papen ara

in: . . . _________________________

t iro d u e lo rg O ffe r !—^ D r t j t P i r w y a ^ g | 2 0 — ^

m r g r o e t r ' t . I f h t e m M ■ ^ram.Kn.fJli.nain«-ond.#f.» t*__________Hug * Comfinay, San fVonriuB. ll}^r_tmtJ/jou:iirKMU<itU/iiiL_ j____

r «T . t i f a n d n r d SfMlllng CofTcr - ■ , *

---------------- ----------------- -------j /

Pittsburgh Enjoys Game at Expense

— OFFour-Pitchers-— p ira ta rM a k o H W h re s -o u l -

. . And R ed ii'c ileaders 'L ead

T o J i i s t B ’A C o n tes ts

f i H O W T H t V ^ - '

> 5 !™ e' E ^ l i iI , ,s’— ^ T 0 D A ¥ ’S - G A M E & ^ »


B n * k ^ ,ta a e ta n tU . " ' BMlm » t CblOfo ,

--------- . ■ ” H Jl*de ipW < nrttrloo ii----------

> S o i» ^ t .o B < lo It three ont of li

• ed lh» OliflU’ Itftd W nw|i>if gatnct> ^• rrom tie f ln t Innlnf, wben Uw 0

O m l n KQt Bof Ptnnelte to tae. ^

' orer they tooked u ,U tttsy w en rtu - J . i u to b ^ u iu Q i i l e m n tm m o n r i r *

fn m Uielr mlailt >nd g t t i ta dy to ^

USMI17 pujren to « eU |« to h t3l= lbe=rw B pw t?orefieeJlnt«r i u d IndleatJoni w tn that ho would i

t f ihod CmJ' Hubb^Jl.' Wl Me louth* 11 I f paw who WM kooeked out ‘n w - ’,

Ctr. back I t them to U» t a i a lUSl t tomotTOW. , If• In eootia^ to t to poor fo ra of.Ua. .*

New York fUnjen, “Heiole- Heine i w u lo fine form. He nerer wm hard , prtMed atter the SiKCoe handed him !i• bl« lead hot ha turned bact near. i If »v»rT_qiaHtJhreat_m fine ityto..;

NBW yoHK T y T t 'H O A i n

o riti .-a b - ,, ' 'T ,7 T « 0 i ' 'a j o c

_ ^ 1 1 2 0 o |lD aT lj.c f------------I 0 0_.l„0._e IOTXwl. Tt i 0 0 1 0 0Welfitraub, rf — J 1 1 3. 0 t Jselaon. ]b — ^ 2 1 0 0— BiWeeon. p - : : . ; = ^ - 0 - ^ l - O - o L ,

' Maneuio, C _____ 2 0 I 0 0 0 .lUchanli^ -----------2 0 0 1 0 0 {ra ta . __________ * '0 3 4 3 0 rPannelee. p -------- 0 0 o g } ° r

------ o S v p ^ ~.. ■Jmet..3b^---- - J P 0 ° P j•M all— — j l 2 lO 3413 -1 i p r n s B o n a H A irn h o a e j

-----------'_______rf j 0 1 a 0 0 _p. Waner. r f -------- 5 I 1 I 0 0 .

.. ; Traynor, Sb S 1 i 1 ® ® Ir w . 3 b -------------- 0 0 0 1 0 0 ^Vaujhan. l a _____ J 4 1 3 8 1 '

. fluhr, lb - « 4 3 0 3-0

Wnnpy, z' i 0 0 ! 1 0 Melne, p ____ _ 4 P o i 'o 'lf j

----- T O aH ; - f , .8 » l4 -1 4 -3 7 rl t- 1 *. . Now. York________010 001.00^ 3 ,

- • S u m m K y ? ^ ^ b a tr -Undftrom. Subr:'homerun*T^eto< ,

-------Raub. 8uh r,-0 tate; tacrlUea— -tlndrtrem 3;, double {iUr*-The»e- Row to Vaughan to 6ubr. Suhr to j

- Vaughan: loelng piwher—Pannelee. j

' CUICAQO 2. BOSTON 1 r---- - - - cincAOO. Sept. 7 W H -aa b b r i r liartactt-ttored both.Cub.nin3.,oat c

on a homer and’the other aflfr dou* a bUng, lo g lw hls batury mate. 1/m

' Wameke. hlj ilxteenSh vlcto.'y of the n ' ” ieiRRTmd tho .Chicago Cubs a 3- t

J<j-I declljon cvff the Baiion Brava----------l«!ny, ■ ---------- ,________ ynlly Ttirgfr ftWount.-(1 far tlif

Soaton UU)-.with, hll tvcniy-sUlh , _■_ ■ hfCTK the se^^n.^ ^ ^ jj

. Thompson, r f ------3 0 0 4 0 0MarwivUIe, 3b___ 4 0 1 6 0 0 ,JonUa, 3 b ______ 4 0 0 4 0 oL;

- — Bfn>r-M— -----*•• ■ J ^ i ^ a j b ------ J o . .2 - L 2 ro j i !

- . - t t c n i ---------------- j . o ’;o -2-ff-iil!;Drbiiuii, u - !i- 0 0 3 I- 1 ■ ^* » n . e '» 0 0 3 0 o!^

p 2 1 4 0 | '

----- j j ,. , ,,jCCraCAOO . AB B n O A E

— Jlaek. Jb ---------- ;_ 4 - O '1 -3 -0 o f,W. n f f m a D .2 b _ i . n . i i J 'A l^

■_j_— If ___V T ^ U \ fl n 't^laricelt. c ‘--------- 4 a 3 1 i 0 ^

--------G r U w B , . I b - _ _ ^ V 6 - H - . t t lJurgu, u — :_ _ _ l 0 6 4 4 0 t

t------- -Waratke.~P------J . . O ~ a „ o a 0 r

• T o la lj..u IIi::;i3g“ 3~7 77 10 0Pcaion....................... 000 000 lOO-ll li

^ • ChlMjo...................-OIO.IOO 00‘- 3 1.Bunanirr; Twt>-baie lilta—Ilraadi.

■ W. Hfrman. Hartcett: thns» •_ > » t- ftft ~ th e i: t a m nma’' - Serger, y lU ntijtt: MtriflcM - Cuyler 3, a Crtmm; double pUyi — ziraodt lo r

E e a i d S i a

. \ ' K € A C c m i m Y ^ 13 - SftntCT HeR/-tHO0SHT

Jordan, W. HennaD to Jurgw, J bt-g{^__

------BT.'lOTO1t.-PHILUS8-t—O T .iorns,-6ept. 7 ^ f ^ l f '

bJj rpounded- Ragland- and Philadelphiaend hard today while U Wheld, iho Phimes to aeven w tttte d

. hits; and et. Louis woh, 10 to 1.

4 0 0 13 Q 0 |

; i n s ’■ Haalln. 3b 1. 0 J * 1 :gsajHii

» ) la l i_ — — 1 ’ « 11 2- *B a tte d -lo f-n * 8 l» a d 4 n -a e^ lh _ .ei -5T.-IX«Jt8— Ap » Martin,-Jb------------^..3_S.lO 3 0 ,

g I I I I V ' .

t t!U nv tJi. • •-■:ag 10 14-27 1 0

FhllBdelDhla —J»o 010 OOO- 1 .

J . stolen ba*e-Martto.J, O o ^ t^e ac r;, L riflee-CpUiai; IcsUig p lt^e r-R ag - to land.

B . ■ mim iKLTK:.CINCIKNAno to CINCINNATI. Bept. 7 («>-wai. M.- u?3ectproTe5.strongtr-tbanJ:M • >>d Lueu lo a mound battle loday and h 'l th e Dodgers came ihrougb to lht, 1-1 eighth Innlog to.defeat the Beds. » ; B to 0. I t i w the twentieth Urte Uie ■

I Reds hare been ehut out thla year he..m d Beck, gare tbem.ooly-me.hUi ne In doing the stunt •Xd I BROOKLYN AB R H O A E lmlp>ytf ,f - « 0 0 4 0 0 i r . | u ^ . B . ---------- 4 1 3 : 3 0

-*>Tlallfrlb‘i,. ' 4 - 0 -0 - 9 - f t- Q - 0 |c ^ ly llO ^3b ------4 0 a 3 0 .0

o lL p w 'c l^ — —1 -4 ' 0 3 1 1 0 '0 BeSTp •— - 4- o : i . 0 J O 0 '1 ToUlJ------------- 38 3 11 37 B 1® CINCINNATI AD b II O A B

'® Taamsr3b - » : := = 3 - 0 - 0 “ l 1" 0® Moore, I f _______ 4 0 3 4 0 0® Hafey. el ---------- 4 0 1 8 0 02 Rice; rf - I ______ 4 0 1 1 0 0J Boltomley, l b ____ 4 0 0 14 1 0

*„!X«nb4nll, { J 0 0 "3 "1 ~ 0 " -*TlAWa«rP^ »B—"'..4 . 0 . 1 ■ 1 .3 0 . JjM orrlijey. Jb,.ss.— J- O -O - l-d - O- iDIuege. « _______3 0 0 0 4 0.

* 'R oeltger_______1 0 0 0 0..0® RobeUo,’3 b _____ J> 0 0 0 ..0 0

-0 -ToUTk.,..^----- :,mJ3 -0 -4 -3 7 4 # -0ni'DAtydforBluege to eighth. .0 Brookl)-n----------- _000,000 0 » - 3J Cincinnati_______ -_000 000 000-0

■ 0 8ummary:.Two<baie hll—L. Frey; _0 three-bue hit—Frederick: MCrltkes

0 -Boyle, a '^ p .0 ■■- —

- P h y s i c i a n s U n d

■ j , ' l V o j } a t t l e r Z i n ;

^ ^ u p e r b C ^ i i ^ t i q n

NEW YORK. BepU 7 MVDamey to R { ^ Ohlcago-s llghfVeliht.ehain- ee. plan, and Tony Caawnert.-the-wt-

trnn he whipped for ihe tllle. ap­peared at the New York itale ath-'

T UtleccBimtoloDofnresvdaxlorthe 'Ot cttiieosaiy—prt:batlle_£xamlnW)on, « • and weiB declared to "perfect con- on dltlon" for Ihelr l i • round rttum he matth at ihe Polo gitundi Tuesday 3- nlghl.

Bou weighed 138 poundi, Canzon- ^ c r l 137 SE(rDr.-^ ep h g h ^ d < w pn>-

Ileal specUneu I have ever exaai- ^ lnfd . " ^ T ^ponded ncrrmaliy. to

■ n The tighten returned to their ' 0 camps alter chatting peaubljr to-

gether. Both bare several daj’a'.work'Q Htiesd tu grt uinlfflhe ebin-weiirhv

■ limit of 133 poBftda fa r^ ^ r^ y - . '.■Hjnlilsfa.-iULincunffthc!hwtl?afr

: wrms cenam w d » * a gale.ln ex- “ cfW oJ 1100,000, announced loday

^ I h 'a t ttie_^V ^joul4.D « b e j ^ d - -1 tAn.---------------- _

. 0 C g f lS T -^ G IR L S ^ T R lP W rn

- f , tourofy lof naUonal-lconb U.0 He. ilracd Ihelr way into the final

-fl rwnd bflhe.iIE|l>l.cos-.p«ltlra tord ay .-------------------- ---- — — -

, 0 'Miii'il(TOnrfourtix setde'd. tlin'K -1 Inaled letond-nnktjl Millieent; -3 lUnch, ranklns Easlem tU r from ■ dl. New Yo:i;. fl-5, 10-8. MIm MUler, ' IK touni«r_faTBta«.ajul ft-JiwiM 1“ L, »r, ynr. toek'a quick rteto.7 o^f’ ; 3, abeih 'KeiUng, third seeded, of BU : lo Paul, #-1,0-1 r


■■ ■ I — •

— Capital Hurler^ C

ToSingk®ow=Sam Jones, v e u r i n From S

_ _ I e a m m a t e ! S co rele ss on

\ N ational C apita l D iam ond

’ IH O W T IIE V ^ 1

;s ■' ^ ;;0 «■ «0 S i V u M r t i r m i z r i s « M1 ^ '' ~ u O .*». £ & . s

c fS iM S S .X Bt. Lofll* a t New Tofk «” DrtroltatBestOB , 0

^ <Bj- The A to ^ ted Weis) g - p -^W Asnw0T0j<r«epw — a' ? W ea w ,-W a ih ta |to n -jr tte h tt.-^ -0:—. ohlesso-to ft .tbs.llntio

™6im J*onis!^'oiucagoi w t e r ^ j f : ° meanwhile held hla former W ^ - |S

; inglon leammstee ecortless. though h ' J he^ow ed e ^ t W li T ta |,^ allied IB the ntolb with » stogie by ^

? KhulU, i double by KuWl a jd » ,

'atomoBS sSgled wllh one out. Ap-“ ■•pllcg-walked and Kresa slMjed;-— c“«■ CincAOO A B R . K O A B t

Sa-anson, r f -------J ® ? S 5 2 «

) --------- 1 , 0 . ? 0 1 . 0 ,n r - 's iiiiiiiw .u-* ;'.. i 1 1 3 " g .r

■ i'a ru b e .e —— — 3 0 0 8 1 0 : i l i ; ?o?es,'p;------- — 2 0 0 0 ^ ° l i

i S TW als-^-------- 38 I S .37.9..0iJWABHINOTON AD R H O A B ,

; e Myer, 3b ------- 4 0 J < J 0,4, - 0 Ooslln, rf = --------3 0 1 1 0 OijI fl Manush, U - « 0 1 6 0 0 ; ■ [ i t t o n l V t t — 4 0 .0 1 a o ‘ |

. 0 Bluege, 3b J 0 f r r o i ; I 0 Sewell, c - ....-3 0 0 2 . 0 . 0 I

1 0 - B ic e ..:_______ 1 0 0 o'-o 0Lj ! » ’ Kfrr - " ~ ' — p~o~-o 0-Q-O ‘I 1 Harris_______ I 0 0 0 0 0 ,

L f -TOfl.— S l T T m z ;., rt • Batted for Bluege in ntoth. I

2 -BaltedfaBeweU In ninth. \ ? •♦•Ran for Bollon In ninth. ’ . , J ••" lalted for Weaver lo ntalh. j

; “ w i S t o n ____ _ M o K O T^ r ^ u S i f i D f r n n j i b m ^ t r S H u i n- ? KuHeiratblenbM e^wiwooiUttli J

0 flee-OMlln: double pUy^--W«Ver , [•■“ ^ M yerloS uhetM rertoK uheL . ]

“ NEW. TOBK l « l t 7 L 0 W g - ~ ' ‘' 0 -NEW -TDRJCraeptr^-MV-W lth - . Lou Gehrig ag»ln leading the way, .

>-2 Iho Yankees ouulugged the SkLoult , ►-0 Browns lo wtn ihelr second straight j ty; game, 13 lo 8. loday. ,lees Oehris drove In five Yankee nms. ;

eroiitliig his tVcritrnniTHeme hm‘ , of the season al lh two aboard, a j

s T . ^ u i a * A B R n o X e iRfh.f»ln, .1 ___ «-} 1 ■! a ^w SlTet -------------4 J 4 3 0 0iy ync^ .-U -.: .r.:.;J-3 -3 -0 .0 - 0 '

ButoVj^~.,:i,:.::z8~o~ 'o' 6 ~o~o :L - MeMJo,.:b_______ 5 1 - 1- 4..1 -0 ,n r , 8tortl.,3b ---------- 6 0 3 3 .8 1 'un. Ilemiley. c ______5 0 1 fl 1 0 ,, t - B nuton^p.,. fl- 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 ; (»o- S lIlM ,p________ 3 0 0 0 3 '0tS-’ ‘ 8h i;a _________1 0 0 0 0 Cfthe UebetVP------------0 _ 0 ^ 0 -0 ^ -0 iIon •• QulUe_______ 1 0 0 0 0 0OT. io i6 tp i - i i i . - - .~. :o -rro~ D 7< ro~ ;

Totals----- ------- 43 8 IJ 34 14 •‘ • Bstled for Stiles b Sixth. '

„„ ♦•Bslted for Hebert in eighth. •' .NEW YORK _AB_R II 0 ‘ A B

^ — \ i i ' ° I !B>Td.xf, i f ' 3 ! I I i - r 1 3‘ o o; n rhrip Ih ,„„V 1 I J 3 a 8 1

, Chspaan, rf _____.3' 1 0 8 1 0lelr Walker, c f ______ 3 0. 0 1 0 0-to* U nerl; 3 b ______4 1 1 1 3 0,ork',p ^ » y ,-o^______ 0 < -» -0 -0 v

^ i-------°

i»y Tai^li ' • a m 1137 f ' iad- 81. L ouli_______ ,300 OJO 400^ g

New-TW uZL-L-UIO 303 lO W J -summary: Two -baK hi;*-Campi

TO tum^mmg^iOlckay, Reynoldij-Uiia ^ biase h ii-e ioh i: home' run»«Oeh«

— rig,-BtyDoldira*rlftee-Allenr«oo«— W*-ptef-0hai)maa4«-Dkkeyt-wfe-T«i-.n!r.g.piuft«^phl«;.le«aig plichtf—1 the Bnm cn.--

M l " ' ' macks' ^ C tn-SAN D "0 ■- lor '-PHILADELPIIU, 8«pt. .7,<iP) —— Hurling ehuv-out ball u be made hli ■■ Ib'k tlf league debut.'JsMmy-Marcnmr ta l Rwklo right-hander, pitched the i TOI' Athleilta lo a fl-io-0 TietoO' over .the ; ler, Cleveland Indbiu today. 1 lait Appnrlcs orLlhs.nwmd t e . t h a u iffriirKHme-iijice'Cotinle-meKboughl” BU hlmfromtouljville.K'enutcky.Inlhe

jAmericaa auoclallon, M a r t ^ blg|

... . . • " 1

^W 8,:TW m FAIXSi m M O ; 1

S 386iC a l i f o n u a B e a r s I

G o B a c k t o G r i i i

r ^ M e t h o d s i P a s t ^

e P hnir A j l ln Pflmnfpfftw'fthlffP Xf sn a K # ■ u p uoiii('itJttftx*ojM»t»

r Foolball .. Standardu- In ~ 1 Strongliold ol Anplenl 1 fiembcr ol. Pigsldn.Olan

' By RD SSm . J . NBWLAND (AseocUttd Press Sports w il to ^ BERKELEY, Cal, 8ept,. 7 U t i

major football eleren' to the Far Weari^TBloptTWhnddlraad-flrst- to throw It oul. CailfomU^i Bear* are roing back to the eld sUnd-up quar* lerback signal oUIng daya thU s a - ton to a shakeup thal completely r t • vises the grldtron standards to th4 stronghold of an-anelent memlMr ot

* Alwayi Blident "\ . AJwayiiasludtntofthe-oldJChiol*

cf foolball that believes to . eaUtog 5 signals out to the open, ooach WU-

Uaa Ingram accepted the huddle s/item 'thrwigh neeesilly,. Fw .m e

“ C a l U ^ he l»d no q u a rtJ tS S M felt w u capable of nmalng the te u u - TbU year he bat three field isa -

fralii Verdneel, Btewart aad Reedy; On their thoulden will, r tr t tba re-

Bcar n n l ty along the gridiron trftlL ti fjTHytbeyTW-»tHril|-Oallforela.-lBatw4- h "''orunttadm cvtnding'frennrtTD op' ci 'tfof-ftalw*rU-huddled-la-eonferenM> c ''itostrlangrw U lahootT K rortlgn ilr o frjimM m ort to outgittu-uie-cppagFtr » tlon. • --------- ' . 8

^ l a i l i o i ^ iuu not InlenKtlODal e ^ I competition loheduled but to tbe ij B heavy hone g ^ program Uit«<l,fol- ' 1 '* lower* will a*e unravelled a w idfir p 7 dlscotsed ■double Vanliy aystem^ n* aa altaek more Tertallle than ' any ^ -old p t& - drsamed of and the lUe

of towertog ends to make passing ft truly “up-to-the-air matltr, ' ' t:

n -------- ‘naJa*»-7iro-flgw da--------- r“ .Tlie dobbU n n lly tyilem wUl In* tl “ c]Qdatwoagnadtof S3metteaehrMi« < = the Ilrst string.ouUlt and the otMfr H0 a trareltog squad dubbed the‘TUmb- li 0 -k n * who wni pU yooetrlfnotiM ,- a ^ ' games away from home against com* Jri*Ull«ft-«f-4hMtal*.aaaeb*aL^oU , f t l e w and-jttntereoUefetype. fJ f T W l t r t n g pUjtefT-who drop-w{ ?0 1 from Injutlea cr’fafl to hold ip their * Oj Joba; will,be npUced by men-from f*0 jheRamblertaqusd.’n re o f th e T tr - I “ lular Tarslly «nda-are 8 fee ta.lnthet “1 t or ta to . ,, RlchSe »ay..8Jtert S ta tb rf 5 B 'heads the group. D an Meek, 'fl fK?. ° 0 ,« « tnchea,4sBeitifltl^ three o tM ,S ° 1 only a bit shorter. Consequently. Cal-0 i Ifomla passes will t m t l a t ft high-, _ o je r altitude than erer befon. p

rangy hurler. held t h e - t l ^ - b : nlaee Inillans to flVe hlle. itnick out „ ? ^ 5 ^ m 5 'w 0 1 B (H C B )D tn H O ]!£ p 5 ' steadtoesa la the pinches forhli ^

0 AB R H O A E w0 pirter. r t --------- .4 0 a 8 0 0 Crt Clssell, I S -----------# 0 1 3 3 0 fl-* -AttrtU.-«f-—: - ^ 4 -0 -1 1 -0^0 k

w .u , 2b * 0 0 3 6 • 0 riKtmm. 3b „v . 1 .0 0 0 1 0 {(Bumelt,’ S b __ U 0 0 O' 3 0 0Boat, lb •-. ?• ? 0^? ? ? ,*

■0 "a o ' o ~ r ^f'lpeaneB ,.p ~1 . oT O T O T T'• ♦ u y a u .________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ." Connally, p ------L I 0 0 1 0 0' •• yem.n i o o o o .p J

J m ^ . ' Z Z L j u 0 B a4 13-J; 2•B atied fd rP A nann firifi. t,

••BattedtotConnilly to ninth."5 PHILADElPiaA A? R n O A-Ei*

Bishop. 3 b '> -J -----3 1 0 1 5 0. Cramer, ef , . , . . , - 4 1 3 0 0 0 n

C o d i r a a c .X - 2 ~ . l _ l_ l_ 0 ^ 0 „ j ,Ftaz, tb ___ 4 .1 a IS 3 0 <d

* McWalr. u ----------« 0 0 0 3 O ji^ js f ig & i n r m i - a o i 3 0 0 ?® Hlgglni, Sb -------- 4 1 . .1 .3 3 0 fl■* T n m f y .- T f - = : : a " i - - i - o - o - o n i 0 M a ^ , . P.ii'- — y. ^ 0 I-

2 I c e la n d --------"oiio ooo 000-0 JPhltodelphla-— _=;JI04 SOOOO*-<

* Summary: Two-hssahlU-r-John-J son, Averlll, Ctoell: h«ne run - a ■JiCraaer: T toten'bise-Foni-double fj 0 | play,-Bumelt to lUle to Bees; loa- c “ ing pllcher-PearKin. e

.0 _:DttroaiHflgtori,gimLpo3lpoiied.oil ;i *' account of wet grounds. f:

* Wolverine B eau ty ' m s s ^ a a B K O B a s s B l ' t

- II

* 0

le aMlBAnA SHlAljU, 1B-KW0.U » le I brunet of .Oearbom. Mlehlgao. n

i «-as named 'M lu Michigan" to li i9r -.rep re«n t. her .lUi? .to. ,ihe AU il Jl'— IintIfl'C r?"brautypastar.t-w h« ft 10 "Mlu AmsTlCft" will be choeen,— It H | - .W P b^o- . ' , ”

o '; n iI D A T - M O R in l lO , 'B ia T O

^Caimon M a ts

t Twin Fallft' P a H t t r 'r t / n l i r i tiw »IIIII I unu "■ I "I jl . [

n “ S i# lV I i fa v C < ! jM if Foe When Ho Sud(l«ly‘ .n Cliangjs-Atlack-Hato

i, I BKULTii OF n o a n s f l:^ ''T" IN IXOlON rUN Ca.BO Trt'Il “KH" nmium. IU.„ knocked ort JImay B h d i S ^Z Ocdin, ta Ibi. third tooad ,of •[ . Kbedeled «ix-rosnd n a ta v n A! ; Dare Geilaeh. 141,L kaecked ent Ted BI«wkV< 1<7.of

* -srw y "- C t t B l a g t a i v ; ^ 'Twin FaDi. aad Je U B 4 U ^ W ,

‘ Burley./oogttfo«r.»wf||».1^»? draw......................:: 8an».yWaH-Ma..Twto

l! kaacl^ oat Tommy .EM, Ui.

^ T ^lS ieftllaoekoaioT er *1lJ^“ Ulng" BrtrWB. 170, Btttley. *14be J . end ^ th* thW ro«»l

e- I • I itr ii. imrtl fj"*IL Init which he had scored heaiUy wltli kd- hlfr'ritht-afur p«rmmtog.bU.on>Qil:

ilr g ta y-thBnpd-to-a ^ e f t - ^ ^ - ^ i * -

8 lX n .* 0 g d £ % 'lth ft hooK tff.tW

al e r e n t f t e A S f S a t i S ^ ^ ?se lyfijht program a t t ^ P w e a Bpwl It-' The blow WM struck wltheot W , fir preliminary sparring or W flU atM

the men stood to the center «M m oi' ring. ' '

" Cannon kaoek^ Sbulsea ilown• thrte tlm « to the «e« id round with

— rtghU-to-ih>haad,:B&ulwn Uktnf Q. tbe count of nine each ttmt. Sb a lm ne got'up fram.tbeihlRl.fcaoekdm ta.;;r launch an Ineffective offeatlra whichb- Included, how tm . ft good righ) ftn4 iH; agO0dleftt0;0«in0B;ft/ie*ir—

^ ■ n w M t the j g y f f y y y

M a m o n lb f tg o ,* ij£ c a iu m jrS ^ C S (US a..workmantUit;.ple«laf.ioot S which, the best fighter to .;f t- jr« a 3,1 Cannon's fight a lm n f th r ttt tM l ^ bgt'not by any laigd margta’.taW

^l^lhe^iher'sablllty. • ' . ; i -

'^dmisen did Dost e t i b » ' ] e M ' wlUiMtnlgbl,-uoktoglefVOBaatp

, relaltated to erery fhm r » lth both ~ ijaaos.‘ D«"pirtlililifl>' tba d iU tu T- the-bodyr-lU.scaieelyJaunchtd—e.

btow at Bhulsen’a face to.the tin t ut round but Iffled hearty tnd re-

f - :8hulseae<mllnued tole*d'but.tor. E ward the middle of tbe aecond round ' Cannon ehanged his 'counter offense 0 from the body to the bead and the

-0 aerlea-o(-knoekdovttS,.each.fnm.ft • 0 right, begaa. Bhulaen'a blow* to tho 0 tace oould bars gtvea him a draw 0 on the fln t nmnd but tb* rert was0 <11 CanDod. > ’• ..........

t l a a t r in i i l t ; - - .^ Ted-at^wart^-Jrwto-Fal];,,willing ® colored boy. wm counted out m h^

hung 00 the ropes, .alomacb. down . ° and awaytog. gently to th* counL Uo ' t h»d'itagjeTtd the re*bU ^-ftfter J* I)ava.aerlach..flurJey..gotJn.a.lefl

the Jaw In the fifth round of tbe .g MmSwIndup.-.^ - '0 Btewart took »e OBch pudlihment 0 that the crowd would hare excused

A m jttiot-quitting..rtlch he jtouid not •do. Ue carried Gerlacb to the floor

.0 , three times in tba f i f th u he cUneh; "0 «Tslr6ve w hold o i,lD d felL TliF 0 fixht somewhst resembled ft wreit-

•0 ningm aie ironrtenorig irin -nrw -" 0 ter tiages. wllh Btewart prtaalpally

^ because. o lJils jtf tkD tti.________

Q- "Sleepy” Cimntogham, Twto FftBi,- and Jole Bmlth. Burley, fought four lie faa-iouslng-nunds to.ft.dnv...The e- crowd Uked the boy*, their etneere

cfforis to annlhUale etch other, and— the decision-aaIth,«utweighed.dDd Ja Jlghtlng what hit friend* say was his

first' p u b U e" 7 1 g liE rg iiIa ^ a f^ ~ entire goodwiU.

Cuhalflgham was Oil better man ef• tb* two and carried ih* burden ef

th t stuck throughout except that at- Intm al* B m llh-iuddenty-w o^^

wild, and alash Cunningham agatast• the ropea^wltft * flurry of blow*

, would-'not end. Smith Ured after aucb a.flurry to the third round.

- how«ver,.aadhls-blowaUcl:£dpQTet- tnm afw r- -The-boys wUlJis_JtfD

" ~ l ^ FBriflM MU-9P,- - f

Eamay Wahl. Twin r*lii.kEOC»rd : mit_Tommy.;IUtk. f lu r lty ^ the Jin t- roona wim a right to lbe,siOT»«h

a ft^abou l' a mbuU and • haU Of Ih e^ h V a ’tititiLnghtiBF « eooW

' not be called a lucky blow, but Itdld~^f ic n n g i ~mitu' ti»irw ; y ^

i In tho-ewiain -rt1*r.-Tj*uitog^ u n i n t t i a n ^ (hhw Jn'the tOTti

. as the bell rang for the,fourth and • -last jotm d'-ofil* fight wllh Joha . Hynearsoa Filer.‘The boys. ‘tw H *

weljbU. tried ihclr best bul w a . more they tried lb4 greater grew m to Impnwlon that they w m not phy* ,1* ilcally prep««d for so long a fight te ftrfoiir-roii6(W.:BjT.t4rKaT.fflpit-- lorliy, illghfat fim, mouoled itead -.

lly u the boys conunuet''

■TEMBEB 8.-1988-------

k Soul^M^pTeftinsi t Twin Falls Country Cliit’s

^ "Red!” Lead W l t lT E P '

“ ^ o lo F ie s -D a tiW H S e a s o a^ ; . . . . ------- r^ —

W Km)-*a'Brown, k m u iy or Uia: BoulhrroJdahoaoIf a**odaXlon, lo-

Od Sty announced th l official, avengea tor the aeasool taUr-cIub touma-

^ tnenls. From tbU Utt mantgcn. ot - the teams will taksthU r foor lowest

n player* to *nl«t compeUtlon a t Twto ,• wiui Countn* chib the M' ^ . to u rn e y atarttof a t S A. U, Lov li? K onn on *a«b teun wUl -recelw r W limi<mJ*T6»«Tnedinttftyerot • ' the toumamnt will be the Souihen , ' Idaho champion. ’ '


rf c” b sS d ln w by toumjments : • won-neds g, BIum i \ i . <^yon ». Creit 3. Rupert IH. Burjey 1| J tr m ti> a,oiihlo.» Club standing* hr po ta tt^B U w

l » 3-1, Reds.Ul U . Bupert.MU, J Ctnyon Creir7 lH , BuW 81 ,W . *•- Burley 45 5-g. Jerome 33 r-S,J Club staadbJg* by total ttrok**- ?■ toluii TSOJi'R^ 7#1B,' Kupen 7S777 t CaayoaCnit7»45. B uhl78Si«ur- •• ley 8105, Jertme ttOl.

Lowest IndMdual seorss. (aTertfei — _parry.fluhJ.78!WtaUrboler,Bed*,

l t i tr« B e la lr r f l iu e * ,-W J lr-T « > Uh Canyon Creit, and M.OoirIIf.B«d».,

g ; “ ! « ‘5 = 5 = s r 5 ± = i :

i 5 : — '—

I Jpisi*!?!iJS n w r ; ~ ' ' — jw -**“ On ■■- ■ H ate*

! *g— * g sna Sgjl. - f S ___ ^'TT ~ ■“ TM»'m?T'*i»-4o

IMP. ^

, " J W .- »«•5 s “ n n »9U *M7»th ^

_ x c u a w a —. t - g

" S ' - = i a r ' ^

iwn ^ S ' S S

i ^ | i |eat gpiJiS. — S 1 lejo led o * n u - ~ — — » t i » “ !? S not u»»oa. ■ oof 7»U 738/e

i ' l l m l

my — s « ,« .. a s

s ; s ^ ' g a ^ g g ’S g s

' * ‘t s" s j s = j ;s . | |« e a a t i » u ( f l u b i _ iind c. r . octriH ^ tw t eiMi n d ______ --------?ioj.. . « j j

M»u»nJ ir.),—— r eis. ; *t«

'5 i i - s i

«4 !B S S (w .w .i— ’ » 1 !1 «


■ ... • “ . o o i . ' ^ * ^

a BOxmg^NEWS -M MANl' eY^IONB , ’U j nOLLYWOCD.Sepirrt^VrOeorgO V . Manley, Denver. heavyweight, wa* Jht signed today to meet Weiley Ket- «-!ch«U..Altori»,.Oregqn.jmthpair, to td- > l^round bout ai the Uglon sta -

'dlum here Beptember 14. ■

1 u C u lU w i / c i c d l S * J

IS Oakland, 9 to 8)’S With Rousing Rally During W J]Nlniir“ Inhln:g7^.IS'dlalii - oa ’ComB Froi '^p^in<i ti? Win Q

• • 'R a S tt ^ — r j R i g““ O A m m ) , sepT ? H p)-w nh » f®" roustof nU r to th* ntolh toatnf, •

aealUa'a l o ^ ewna t m i behlad ?lodaytoseorealirunsotrseTenhlu ?

J » iB ddefea tO ftfibdP toa . _ 2 u , . .H u t c o m - ' X H C 2

U sa tU * ------^181 MO 10*-# U J 5Oaklaad : — 1.200 J4l 0(»-8 » “ l

• - Battoiif: H. PlUettr, flevfll f o i w }777 Bradbn^; PaUaiePi-McBWf t U ^ur- Vellmftjj.--. . . . Is

!•> ' BBUS‘!l,'HianOKII.'’: !; Slj, eA K F nA H C B 00;8«pt.T lB - U

I S ' iou th S » ^* b o U ^ 'L « S d ’j X ^ S

3 . T ie *ea » - K K'^B •

T - Bm-jranelieo 0)1010 dO x=ll-»-» 8 ' ' Btlt«riei: Johnion.' CheUni-tad *; I m p tt ile k ; Eton and Bottartnl.,. ? g

I l f SCrATOBI li'FO BTU N p'.i*. . H31 BAORAUBNTO, Bept 7 ( # > -W I ;>4 ramento detstted P o r ^ • ta l* (i

loD]gb{,-Ed Bryan wtoatog hi* fln t b s i J r a ' itreak of-W *tr«lght- defttU, <r |f^:D e3plt«.thlt Rtard..b*.bM .tutee4

OJO B attens: KalUe, Jacob* u d 0 " Palmltano; Diytii *nd WoodalLr-: j

- in 6 u ,r w o o o .» i , A K o 'iu - t - i S LOS ANOnXB, BepU 7.(4V-Bol* ft

82" Angile^ I t to H t<

033 JOO 005-11 i r a J to s Angilea- 034 000 030- 1 B a *

t S Btll*riet;Pagt,BuehanaaaadTo< , X n bin, Baisler, Ward. BUtxel, KelMO, :

B alln aad ;_U eU b^ (

| Clal)siljin(iiMi^

a Summer'S 'Leader8’;PrepW »“ For Play In Southern ^ ■Idahb'QeirctimpionshiijHJ8 V.'

'T .< t h n - ^ . 1liS^ ehsmplODdslp wlU

HM th* dailfn*l«dBi» club*:2 5 • T r t i FftO* OSuntiy club BIu« - i4.n ituU h ln ion -81aela lr ,-T 'j^ -fta ft

i l “ “ " i s , a i a i i j cl»b K M f- ^ Wtotertioler, U CotftW, Bweeley;

n io Ruperi^>Ovabe^ kelsco. lewU HM aad Uppa. ' . •

- B j g ^ P a n y , Wnai,.Cltoton .ia il

canyon crest— Tfoeki Caiflco. (vmianuon and Bower, .v .

iTeliand a S x i t i f l d s ^Jerome - Johnimeyer. Petarton.

iTMnt tbelfjei^tlrduba-W M mada. mtomsUeslIy yesterday with publl- »ilon by the Bouthero Idaho OoU utoclailoo or official raiulta aad BTtngta-o t-elubs-and-p la^ for. Jje lummer seriis of nine toter-«lub loumamcftfs. (he four men wllb iowut'arrrtgea oa each dub being ieUtt«d-Iot-the chsmploniihlp.tou&».

■■ ■■ ^ .

CaldwejLTeam —SwaitsJESfof—

T . n r p i i R R a . q l e r

cALb'VEii; flept. 7 (apKijj. to fh^K eT ii-w uirbqiitonigT irjnff p ra c U iiT Iu ie n n o tB -th a tr* -^

" ” • liW tootbsll athlete* a t the CoUeg*

ihelr molnklns and don their cleat* sdlboes tor their fln t season un- rtrr Ihclr new mentor, Coach Loren HTBailer. ' . . . • —■ -m m what to leam." Qasler pyi, t h e n are • few tplen*. lU pouialHucs u n from last year's


a .on »rho have Indtatcd ihelr desto »-«Um l-tha;CflIlegB:otJdibo;J

I ' . ' believe wo will have a.reaUy good »■■ fln l year team.- >

-.D ul,-M -l«-ttiu»l--w Ilh.X ool^

ion ourselves to the exlent whoa " r we thoushl thal IhU new, tnexpe^

eneed irt!erlal and coach could bew w h e re .tta r .a s p a d in-lim ji*they may be in iSU or 1835

tiweh Dssler, is » firm bellere

: Solons ?- ^ t O S S v e n s ^

ng S i ^ a ^ ( ^ i

- - e n t r - « H u n k ! r - A i i * r i o i i ^

T rtu it .U n il Ona O u B t W I F i | '

' . . I ng S ta r in Order to W in *4

a i ■ > i r y * r o n j c i i u o *3 , »otU WHUrt X^ liBOffTH BETO. to t , aqj*. 7 - S T n complel* teaa* vfll ftB*v*r. .

i r S S i S FS OM ottUtandtoi star for m t . t nS portion to mogW•*" oachto* for Hott* D ta* . ^, , . ‘m itm a a .Is ft qoart«rUefc_^ ^

I * ' ^ S t U U aau M a *"

. Held, good mm r t t t jw ta g * . to r t* ,<.

‘«h. l e a ^ It* datln t g * a t * c a a r i ^

train tt To*i lU w ag “ elkk be ^ ft p f a :;.j

T T 'TTuro'ftT* ifl.e«jididat*f.fer tfco'i;;

i y S ' M S t e p O T ' i»1* (wo or t h « p ro b a* w f f tb* * 3 "

.■s a a g g g ;3 ' » » « « * S '

t— flftlM-ht--W ,lM-Mflthaf wt

^ !” y u S S y

H f S S « n " W I - « 'T m ! n W 3 ^ e r - — i i dome other proiwet itep In t l l jU L * II the W« fortb*n>ue«Uon ftt . .

K S s l ' . I S S i ’S S I i M u ' . S : .• dUtkte fo i= T M ^ *« if)H 4"»ad '^ '^ Jf~

• SbtT h* may ,b* ihlfUd t» v n r - • teiback. •

) BerfT*! oH)» . « « T •


■ oUea win entertato the Idaho Van* <f w daUalCftldweU,ftliotB ft Bight eea* ..

W a s a t c h J o l d e n i L

l-eA-s' -= 2 fi;|y -

- g a l *Thl« 'Is today’/ m prita .-----

— •NTonrktiOWg-whHrprlc*--------

e t u '. « . u u t'tf ic rc u^no vumy^ SURE- ' ..


*1“ ^ a rT o T to a ^ n fie e p and opn- — f t U o o : c w » - r f : - ^ « ' i :

S S C o g s w e l i ’ s ^

be -Tbe Brtall Btatlea WUh ■J S - ^ ^ T f c » J ! h 4 « U W ! n 5 ;iTcr j ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

T — r :

i : P i^ E ig i f l .

a H H E E-iiilMlllfe

•• _ ' ToS»

t e i t . to r S h a r e A ppeaf S

■ . J K d d e r a l6 '" a n d Voiiiitio i g

S t i l l . C ontinues L lg til I f f i

, - - r M A R K E T S f lT A G L A N C E |C (

•‘ ■;i®ffVOnK-Bf9t.7MV • ' ■------------ ^ B w tu i 'tw r w to r u i* .— ~ ki

tH a .b tir f. '■ypTtl^ty>i«nyM: PuU: itCT- WcC

ling stMdXf Won■ CoUoa: Lowo: loa l- »nd ItU

• Bouihern KlUni; pre-bufwu “ 1* }«« QldtUOD.

^ ^ S * r : n iihet; iu .d y w i m

■ “ m i ~ ; M ; w l i r t i i ^

OHIOAOO;Wheat: W filM-mlUiH to t- tt*

wnment reporU. " “. com: Lo«tr; waU «r hrtln* f nI tBiiturliy. . u , I; c»Mle: s if id r u> « « k ; top W P

I V-*; trenw top J =

: By JOtIN L. COdtEV ■(Auoditni PicSL Q ll£aM .W rll^

: MEW YORK. sepl. ’ S e i

- ‘ w iu in w l the doimwiHl drllt J ".. »W«hhM betn Ihelr dlr«l!onnoet JJ*.

____ . i a n ^ o t-p ro fe g m 5 ^ !

' lh « o l l i . / - • , ’*prt -----------------------xi a nr t tttn--------- :-------- me

w ith bu lc IndufWiV iltUiUei

- eomnlly wrUUnj Uiht on wlul tJn j:nei— fill « u o n h u In itore lor builnm.

, iwlkuUrlmporUnc*.U,*SUth«l W pointth t enntiul trend beaUM ef th»

- coda nguWloni which loon thould

----- ^ S 5 S V w « ™ a - i i a » « ( r ^vhlch toUled im 'n o *turet, v u 10; H

------- UwlnuUfU i.'eCiiunjjnarltelleidi _ Iw

MB ' t ^ '^ t w rS iie e u*io ' foifigr w T i-------THlirTuppbrt-TwnrTwttr-Dimea ‘-An

8Ule< to d Bethlehem loilni kbout k point in d ft h*lf. We»Ufiahouie.

' c u e . Unlen tttbUe,-Wew York S I -------CtnlrtirconioJidited ou raen eM t ver i• Iiloton, F c n iu j ' I '^ a » l Soulberu

p«elflc vere off inmnd I to I'.l.Oenenl Bectrle. Chrriler, NaUonal NI Slieult, Amerletn Tobtoco B. North Quob Araerton. 8*nU T b. Btmmore tnd Ohio and Vnlttd SCitei SaelUn; sUi Ihf Iw m TfT**epmore thus ? v u t tlrooK oil, but n m

■ other memben of th u teeUon lot*, <(h - h u r t Ufer Iheir fottnoon eflort.

■" " Ateohol’luw a v tw toiiyi Ilotn*^

_____p ^ U r t r a u a t n d e n ^ ^ c n (ht jt; ,.-lood nevi- ot tli# dlirld^nd exp«n- ilon. .Amerletn Telert'one. vhiw July-ifstnlns* Incretted ralhrr

•.htfyjy OT*f Wt« tteadTS I.KIW llniu . ' ' 3« S

BeiUtnc; of uoK iaen to.pUce• - aaw builncu for ileel producU Im

' broutce another contraction In the

•Trwl Aje" J^teW tbe currtnt.nn*

pacltj tgalnU f f » *e^ra^t^••M per ^ . (cnt tvo wNkt ago and 53 per eeot

threa n ek a balck.• ITodBetlon Incfttifa - - ,jg.j

Qeetrlo power production lu t 17 U-------- W B in n n ra T ie rw B ru iie r tM ti t r u

» IB the eorrupondlnf period of l u l Tn


• ■ Tht T»!b Filli fllitflel m u lit m * . .t«a»r m u tttUowi •

' ijMt^ w CliinuSdB?«m buW ;frri2J.l« lta_H « y ,

. 11ed<f ,p$6 IO-toU3^pouOd^^^—43-W ---;P6

v'i^r’r .1 ^ ' . ^—^ nnm -;— bp>ux mam , . _ _ W J o NF

----- ------------------ ‘-rautry-^-----------------lTe*.r h»n»............... ....... .18 lirwIjmvteni — ■.■•— ■„ ■.„ «8 Mira Itouun ^ ......

_____ —J- ,,- . ..Ikiui __ • . - . . Q iifnlW BUM atpuunral of »«nfui» . ,

tu r»-a t U anrptnd. ln»i«lOf-»Uf OUV

,eae dralcr tlUxtni llniltn] amount at ■ UJO p*r rwu Je» U. B.. »o- J Qr»« Sf HerthtnurttJOwr ewt. for U, B. K.>. Ijcr 03 0 PCT CTt toT-B. a. rio. 1. »na

. -18 ^ 1 1 ____ IMin Print - — Oi.ti

' ' ' IV

C«{ffy—p - - - - ....... —mt9t» ■ ■ ^ ^

Bgyif^awgttfT I - ^ Ca«l—RtUO ■ —Pl

_____ ^ID«Uttr«aj

; ^ ‘ «il” S "r : - a * ___________ ■ ■ ■ gjgM te

-StoprMarkerAveraj'es- —

. loan* luui Tw^

i I i '

l i i i E ' j g j i = s s ~ a

COMMODITY-T »ltItE i.-E V E fc---K nrY oni{ .-flo> t i •* -


Pre». dty ------------:*” ■* •Week a co ------------------------ JHetOh tfo -- -------------------- r” * tItU lilih t1#M low ______------------- r - . ! Mi m .h l f b -------------- ----------e =U S ' low — i— ’*•* ■ •

(Copyright. 1#J3. by Moody^) ^ (De«csber 11. in i . u Ukco w IM

ln eomPB(liuJ>ie_a>N»T»_prict U fd ___u d tlw fsUswlfl* eoBoodlllf*. «Ui (ha approdmate pereeattce vtleaorUiawbaU'lBdeiaMlfMdloeteJi. .a rt Biedi m e a t IS. eottoa II."ben > U. iteel acnp 10. ib im 1#. wool copper I, Udel t,.M ra 4, nbber 4.■Uk I. MltH 4. lead. 1 illfer 3, cocoa Ailir

: S

year tnd t l » row 'from the prt* jjc , Tlooi week, but thtt pert«ntt<6 In* f ffa» : ltf - l» J -w * * -« t^ aU « a-o t ^ Ihatummer. ., . ■ aS '

NEW Y oak. Bepl. 7 VT> - Por- ^ elsheuhante:E>uT:?niMfldrmand CJjH 6 ^ : cablet 8M; Moniretl in New nein York « J l ! i ; New York in Monirc- n'i>rat 1M.WS. ____________ SHI



' ‘^ o ^ m c y c U l piper lU . _ ^ “ B R iknntccp ts rw ar’tlTschaRttdr

COTTON ■NEW Y(5rK. Sepl. 7 (<r> ~ "nia DeU

eenertl cotton market elmed barely m i tte<<ly It net dtcllntt of » to 17


METALS -. SiS!MEW YORK. Sept. 1 Ml - Cop- atn<

pcri'Qulcf, eltelrulytle apot and^tl- o*** turo 9 aiked. - omo- T ln ! 'n * m tx i» *nd-ne*rby;i4»,» oe« 10; fuluta M5J7. 22?_Iron;-Qulet: unchtniwL ..._ ._ g S

Letd; Blttdy; apot New York H.* of« H; E u t fiU Louli M-U.- f a n c T t i W im in ly r t a t ^ to i t f m rsporrnd-fuiar«-n.«$:-------- ;-----------luf!‘-AmtmmyrspoflflW .--------------- JS!;ii


ver »leidlt/,“ ’4 hijher tfS 7 .------- mi«

OOVRBNMBNT BONDfl ‘ ^ NEW YORK. Sept. 7 w - Dond uo«

QUoUtlons;UDERTt Mil

S« l » -4 7 _______ -------------IWM {}»‘^

4th VU S3-M--------------------lOSJfl =

"*T nM aiiiY

3 s t « - « jg n a . . ---------------- IMJ3 K i « ^ 7 --------------— JOJ-8 : s i3 \a 4 |.« M trch -------------- .IMJJHa 4M J____ ;___________ 100.113» 83-5J--------------------------»•

' ClllCAnO PRODUCE ICHICAOO. Sept 7 W -U w POUl- _ |

jinehtnjetL _Z B flIK tIIH £a»P JO J3* t^ j53 !; Z Z•tilled: erewntry ipeclala iSJicwtV . a n lol3Ue; extra tW) n « c : « - ‘ tra flr»ta (W-91) Jl to jm c ; finU ija-89]JBU-iQJfci.j>{{oad*j8(L-rFL 17 lo I7'ic: titndtrdt <N ctnlralli- i°”MTinoU) I lf . . .----- :-------------: Firta: netflpU HIT «“ « i uniet* itlrt: « lr* flnU 17c; treth ended ijlralu leSe; currtnl ttCflpU 13S to

— E S f lv n E r e s T n o n c c B - ^LOS ANOfXES. Bf pl. 7 WVrPro-

durt exclunje reeelpLc'Butter; Rccelpbi IM.OOO Iba; un-

I CheeM;nKelpUS»,OOOIb). SO ' Kcm: No cuca; candled olritn and

— :- ; jWt

------------- — aiiOAii— :------------ JemNKW YORK. Sept. 7 ( « - 0

irlres & poInU lilchrr u t 3.C3, The med

.'•C ui>!in-(ji(Hr«-j.o-w«t-^i«» tiwot Culun from ilorti U 9.S3. .

II t t i bcllcTf,! thiit rrllnett would , |m i w J.U «iiKtr* In M l^ lo c

September eles«l a l 1 JIB. Dccem-

iwllh holdm t'kiiiE from 4-W to

■(B-bldl,-^-------^ ^ •— - -

,Jb.v.s-ntA.*itiaco fK U trn 'iSI.____8AS FRANCtSCOrSepl, T JH i:- ' >-.

DutwfH a ig-a^.-c.- ••-,--------- =_____^^poultrri^nroikta >7^*o lfc^ f ry -__

CTtlCACO MARKET • ailCAGO. flept.,7 M>(U B D Al

-P eU tan i ReetlpU 110 etrlead*': en traek a t ; IM«l I'nlted SUtea _ m eW SuT iT tk. demand and (n d - . In t nUier tl«w, ispplka hMTy; UtBocteU u d maoeaala B n n d - ._ ....... •,_____ . ____ ;________ _

..............-V,T W m FALLS D A U .TK I

'/A } ' \ j \

N E W y (

■ (nrTlnXwoejMrt’prai) •

i s i i r y j s i ^ ' i l | | S “ S i i E . | i E II! g.n aiob»ceo U------» ; f j *»'

nuumort il Ohio...M 'l' n u a j i hmu) J*ivlli^/W»Uon----- m , . H jj, M , aoajnfinti'itlu A>1d I>!| .lev! Hniiin

- . M . . » « »u.,rt•uuaiin PKiIle . . . I* wtw

«:»» Thrnhln* . ... TJ!, n |4 sund:tiruDukf & oniu .!4l>a liU UI< Humr


^ ’J'* S

i i | i iej* uwlriCutliM Wriilit____>1', l l i 3‘. U H 1t)cl M ItiKlwn _____ 1* n n It H I«Swnl"d« Hroi‘---- *o'‘ « '* H ® 'S w S k. ^ : ” !! 'ii!

.. .. 21 1I4« 3I>< WdoIinrnloni RiibWr v .. M'k ]••( . M>i —penrrt] nrcme _ 3t‘i S 'f U S .□tnrrti roeOt------a»i n i l MU _ _ _

g i g ' s g!! g i i . j 'S ss l

S S l f f i S I K i ! ! - 5 l ‘- S r r S = ! i a ' lHUPP UBton_____ }> : Sli Sli N>110

s z .tn rm r» « v -.:= :i= -5 ( - ll* » —1»*4

Kentifmit Copter . . 3 |ij 31 3Hi

S'i S K S ! r r } ' ‘'^ r! '‘ ™ ’

UlaoiM ruttle ct— a ' IU A«nUonlioinenr Ward . . 3«<i U>< U<> RKti

' n ' n ’* KSit ritlry__It>i l l 'i l l’i OorooKU row A U t_ ~ . 141. UTi I3<| HtliOH»il8n>lBUfHr-----4U <1« 41, Auba

Wbltei It. K. No. 111.70 <o II.M: an- M.»

s S f f i i l l S i SllXSi Idaho nutieu U. R. Na. 1 S .- abOT< !0 I0-R J5; Wtthlnilen ItnueU IL- dowr :o te tUOi VUh Triumphs R t« R.- Ca 10; Colorado Trlampha |LOi lo ttlO . num)--------- -------- ------------------------- -

|l lM I !K M f-T l- |i.________________________ ahtd'

= = H s i m j s 6 i r c t 5 i S £ j c = S iPORTLAND. Sept 7 WVCalUe: e « i

Recelpu 50; ctlvcii 40; ACtire. In fr Hogi; RectlpU £00; weak lo -lOc Sh

lowrn'llKhtWTljfirirfwfanrt^flioIcfi actlT i42SJ<x4131unedlunu*cleUUrood chfiU and cholee I4.M lo tSJ5; heavy itrin: weight good and ehoice HiO lo Ji; otiUl ptcklnsaowi, medium and SMd.f].- t t l< 33 to $4; tilauRhter pl» Rood nnd tlrln choice $].eo to t4; (reder tnd alock- un.<Ki: et4iI«.B0«l-tii(Ul«>lM444o44.5J.— m u i

Sheep; RccelptJi 1000; fiillriUady. nver;------- ewe*

SAN KBANC^.'iCOalVTSTOCR* (ew « '-3AN-PRA«01flfO>flnrtr7-m'iU 3 D A )-IIom: Recelpu n5; llitlila and butcheri aleady lo weak c«n-jldenw: Murc^r’b u llf lM to '. M3 ' i«unircsiiruriiun’n3JT 5 'W 3 o n ir ier Ion: paekfrn fowt weak lo JJc j im lcmU3J0tQM,75. ■

CniUe: Receipla 300; flulK noT!j-Jnttnat la-CumtnfliLnpl iigijl medium Meer*; belter cradrs tcurce. n . i j e.irly . ale.i «lie atock iletdy wllli nounwepk'*.:i,!o_vic.<lefllnf._________ 375 t

BUeep; RcceipU S7J; no early ac* civ liw;----------- ------------ ----------------iSiii

. fH tcA fio nvi:.sTorK ^CIIICAaO, Stpl. 7 M’i lU B D A> l lw

-lIOKa; Kectlpla 70.000: maiket alpw. poun Rbciil »lrs(iy Ritii Wednfidaj’> axer- tnedl ake;‘ puiclnR rows 'weak; nood . to helfc CiMlee IBO loZiO ixmiidi 11.40 lo i l . ' poCm 30; proclical lop 11.33; part load 4.~ lofS sa ;jig .ta jaa.poundt M.;0-ta.«.4Q:. cbok MO io 330 pounda M Ji I? M.70; bcl* er i t ter ersde 140 lo l70 pounds }4 lo M - U Ic 4fi;.s;rlcily cholce.l'O.pounda.up.ta _6ti

- t H O M E R tH O O P E E - . -

•:__ lA ^ rrN X / ' e ts r o ts puT tiK a^'' ' - P a WWABlCiWWYOlfill


•------It “ 7 tVERYWlH4..M0TVU

J r e w s T l W roAHO, I


fS.'.THAT A -------C ^ rC j---------'AlNOS . ' ( \

M E s e s . ,W T -A N tt- . ........../ — _______


Q — i l - K■ i l l L M-

i T u K f c

i^ jjj, reel;

5^ r ! = : | g r f l f S ;’a ;

a*'JmiiJiffti w c i n e S 9’* » ♦ a i i fed *1

ui*. M * ^ l!

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ . ' z z (jiij « ; « jJ ( 0 ^

inattwywi-aj1e<»-=~M— -M • J0J4

Uu ttim p-.. i r . u n 111. aleera iHltiSAicotiei— -71J, «H « ! i II lo

’»Mdiuin — ... -. — *a Mji Jjji She« S '[

VMiwthCo....."..^w* 3*li a*.—— best ;

CURD MABRCT CllDlciHIW roRK. BepTi’ ta R .S iB 'W .

S S S S i ^ j j r l Z !MUf* BenIM .. -------------- • lb. It•ISiM'Moa-'aSa baaedUilonil rower and tlih l «* p t _ »i»» llwUotrt ........... . t *« _____

| S ; ^ ; | . K r i = S j !

SrCCIAL ITIRK .8udl»r. Wei»ner and eompaay;__ [0 II

— — ineorporawa.-Douf- I4_2i .

im«IC»n Om and B e e l r t t U k r , | 5ommerelaI Boulhrm warranM— . !i , )nll«l Oai wananli----- ---- I week

‘.bu^A uu. g j

4J0; commeitlal piga nuuhjy I3J0 Jdahj low'ward:fewl3Qiwlintaunlo»3.* ^ 3 oa ahipper aeeounl; pteklnj aoa'S 5 ^ T B 'td « :3 ; amoolh light weUhW «■»“; ibora 1333: eatrema wtlghU IJ.70 lownward.-- '

CatUe: Recelpu 10,000: Unlled doubl lumber early ttle t; fed ateera and » « b ■eamngi'iuwljrrtoTrealt; farlrtop. ~ r 'relghtytleer8 M.00;nioitearlyaalej « t t JJ3 lo M3S: beller and mixed year-

s i s s s a ^ s shadeJower; bulU fully ateady nnd■eaient tS to 60e higher wllh 18 paid ,___oraalN U .u idunuL dealrahE jttP «itl7tot7JO ;8tockeraTe0»carc« _ n freah'recelpu.'

Sheep:.Recelpu IJ.OOO; faH im bi **" ictlTt-moi'tlr*Sc-hI*her:-*ood—W iiflictjin ii«a .iij<L M .M ;jfjL far 2 ; : : trlng cholc« Wuhlngtona alio at r . l ] niUlde; natlre throifouU acllr# a l .< lo I4J0; yearllnp and aereral trlnsa lesa dealrable ringcra u )c; in.vild: aheep llrm tl upward lo«.75 £^», ia jangtSK tiU lio l;t(^k U.Jj!?und iverace *3^3; heavy tnd common ■wea a l downward lo 1130 or below; y . ew cull ewea t l : no early action,on ftdlng.lamba;-AaklU8JttoiiC-prless*

-1 -1 - ' andST. JOSEPH LI\X'{TOC'K ‘

■ f f r jM n ’l i ^ p t . ^ 'n ’fUBDAI iidgl !(««;-Recelpu ilXW: fiOOO sovrrn- bulk nrnt nUa: medium and ’ alrongh cowa Itlght bulchcn be 10 IW umiier; Tate iBht hftfi mwily 5c hislicr: top $3.63; lUS; good and ciro1crrt(nb“ a50 “ fihi Munda 13.10 lo 11.13: p.icklng aowa (irt 3 175 w 130 pounds.U 10 1 3 . 7 3 . t n Jl

Cattle: Recelpu 1300, etli-ea 300; $7; b .laughter ileera.'jearllrigfand lielf* cholc t t uneven, weak to moaiIy.l3c low* |«J3 t; beat I04J pound rteen »3.73; leedli :lecrs good and choice 330 to 1300 lourids 14.60 lo ISJ3; common and nrdlum &30 pounda up 13.73 to 14.60; leHcri'KOod tnd'cliolto-330 10*900 “ DE »£m(frHiO-to-|S,75: cowt pxxJ JJ She»i0 I3.7J: vetJen. milk fed. mrdlu.-n to or' B ■hniei. to M: ttoflirr nnd.taM- aakln 'rtteencoodandchoicr.nll'wcighu. Wedt i tlo tS . ‘ • e ra r _6lltfP!_ne«lpta„4i00;_f»i l»mhi |7;.t«

1 MlSSDaVEOBOVtR f T U S-^W ^SS, •itB E W P m oM ftw t e r K H c w A !

\ BlUlMESS OK IAVE A 3 ^ o“ 1M . -U\W 1E Afm E




— - — - y - ....... -

| > 1

£LlJL1__________ .

— ■ . . . [ '■Uc 10 30c higher; top natln and l l l irange lamba I t bulk wooled ofJer- liymen. >7; Umba good and cholco DO | | | iMund* down 17; yenrllngicetlieri metlluni'lo choice’w' lo ilO ~~fjounda UJO to 13.71: ewe».good and L;lioice 0010,^30 pounds II JO lo 12.79; (j Feeding Iambi, r a ^ . , good and ;hoice SO lo 73 pounda I3J0 to « ,


3A»-IIogs: Receipt* 50W0; :oo di- -«K l; 10.000 coremment pigs; artlve, ,iitrten, mostly aleady toilron:; top i;n<i on IBli to 310 lb: eor»d and ___holre 140 lo 300 lb. 13.23 lo t4.IO;

Cnltle; Receipla'3300. calvei iot\ ci jmng-claaci alow, alcndyjo.wenk. ntlaifd alecrs wllh weight lull}- aleady; cron liolcF 1904 tb. aleen 1 9 ^ ; aloekeia mfli

;ood and choice &30 lo liOO lb. 14.73 cent

b-up4173io|4.73;.l>tltoa.goodjuil wm liiolce 330 lo 900 lb. I4.C0 to 13.79; due ■BnimmrBinniiMin^M'MrMO'ibr i s i i:iO to I4.C0; coa-» good * i . 7 r g Uio

ai3--realera. iTtilli;-fedMo«dlwiM» „ tr .;holce 13 to M; alocker and feeder of ».leera good and choice (all wclsliia) uoaII lo I3J0; common, and medium Hcu.ftilwelghU)l3lot4. • let! Sheep: Receipla 3000; Iambi ac-

lvr.33to40e higher; odd lou atieeo ..\vHeady; top Colorado lamSa I7J3; i s)eai nallvea 17: lamb good and com:hDlc( (a) »0 lb. down'|G20 to I7J3; off■fmmnn nrm ml-diiim M Ib. don'n caoi tIJO to M.M: yearling, welhera med* Rlum lo cliolce M lo ilO lb. I3 J010 cageUSSrTwrrgoodindTholcrSCHo-lSO fronb. IIJO lo '13.73. U> -nublnlloai feedaaed on ewts an d ;iT C lh ri7 C ri_ »i«l

—T— oiiTv------- O CDKN-W VesTOnrTTT irllll

OODEN. Sepl. 7 i.ll iU'S D A )- HogarReerlpta-niraleadrlo-weakt- no wry choice klnda oltered: few lou mixed welghia luid grades-MJ3 to HiO:.wiUi.«'ci£htler.bulcl»«ra a l f?- ' I4J3; ftw lou light Itgliu and plga 1"' 13.73.lo.H.2i: packlng.root quoted WJ5 down. " r

Caltle: RecelpU 433; alewly at ‘ . ire«k'a33eormoredecllne;Ial(i'Wed* . Deaday and loday toad good .817 pound UUh fed aleera M;load plain

Iv S 'ia b m ^ tW ^ U o a n T O p ^ ™j5;Idaho hellien UJO fUt; commoi> iUera and helfc ra 13 dowTi; few feed*

13^0;' low-eult^ lo-comaion l l lo rU33: bull* for »eek U to 12,75..- - w

Sheep: RecelpU.15^76: aUady; 2 5;^ 'doubles mixed fal and (eedcr Utah u i;lamba 73 pounds 13JX5; Wcdneaday'a •<;

l .ml i K ?58 to 71 pounda nnd load-73'jwund u>t Oregona with frclght benefll 13^];' ihort load 73 pound killers | 8; few [oUTTrivelnaH'down.’ ------- - y

OSIAIIA LIVESTOCK OMAHA. Bept. 7 (/n (U 8 D' A ) - , li

Hoca: R*celpta 20,000; oi>e/led llw ; llghU and bulcliera iiejidy lo weitt; cloaed active on all itwdy t(V jr.hlglierihMrWediicaday-*-aWi >— iit:-all-lnl«re*U-b<iyln8^^p-44JO \ y for choice around 300 pound welghU. bulkgooilahdxholcelMlloSSO-pound welghU.13,73To 14X13; 140 lo 160 C pound* 13 lo J350; a o lo 330 potinda >«'* WJJ lo « i i ; row* I3JS to |3.«3: «>jitagM-WJIWMMfc-----------------------

CtlUe: ReeelpU COO; fed aleen and yearllnga alow, weak; « ry fc.w ” r tr ly ’ulea: ahe-aiock iteady; bulli “ itronffTVtalnrTnityTtrsayritoctcrx * •nd feeden acarce. aleady; mo.u c led ateen and yeacltnga eligible to tell a l iS t o J 8;. .chdlc* . ipedlum ^dghU'heU'up'f<T-W35 Uia-itwnT 7 P Dulk fed helfera I47S lo |33$MiraH elos cow a|255 loH a3 :cu ltergndn lI- _= a tu 13-13: wtdiam-b«lU-|3.40 .to _ 13.63: iiracllcal lop reaJer* W. -fih«prB ««lpu-K O O rlam hr-ai> m live 23 lo 30e hlglier: aheep and fced- tra Heady; bulk aorled native lamhi 17; beat nnge Umba M.75; aUlclly JPcho!ce-|iere:"ffd-rIlppefl—lambs 4t« 1803tol8J0;ewea(iplo»3.7J:range leedlng lambs 1325 lo « , “'I"

DENVER SHEET ' -DENVER.-8ep t 7 tU 0 D A>— n'l* Shew: Recelpu IJJOOi-ntllm-aSe ai or more~hlgher~thtn-Wednewlty; « naaklnt-«lrg»H lu"Mg' mgn tr Umf in 1 Wedneiday-a tloie on beal nngerf ►coi sr tround I7J3; odd lot nallve Iambi ran |7; Ulejfedneaday’_elghL<«tof_ntiv* «n

b s s "fVllS IS RIDICULOUS! I T,w AmTM'Mo ABourw efii-M .— • OK ABOU'" PlJWHQ OVER ^ J

r m e s s i vJ»v i w o u tK W * ^ ^ '• " U0\u HbW-TQ STA K tl.t-= i: _

rEMBER 8. 1S3S - ■ '

-W C K IS m C K I£ -

......... > — ’ .' f CAN VOO B6W-

■ V ” P O M C T t« e .

i m i m i i siiPirciiGO"

— . Ir. . ■' . ley.

U ncerla ln lies ' A ttaohed to g ' ;

E xpected F e d e ra l C rbp S

R eport Inlliienco ■ P r ic cs « |

—^ ^ ^ ^ ’-------- BWBy JOHN r . BOUCHAN J’*’]

•<A a^a5l' T f^ U 'M»H!« EfllHg i “ ** CHICAOO, Sepl. 7-UncerUlntlei

ntlached lo expected government N£ crop reporU mtde thelr dlalurbin?

I m d -^ tT f f te e ^ '* °llu ” hiiMV a ___cenU a bushel. B-juaiougli__ tla^gc»tonbcr_cioi|.

du?_'unm_Mon(I»i'uJJUjcn_UrtC(r nl“! iBajOtsmJUo g r a l i u t l i i n J M J t;^ nl,! Uie oubet, and yaluea reached thetf

or’whcal at Winnipeg, wltli quoU- ^ Uooa tliere uplield only by an arti* ..,1 Jlclal minimum limit, h td more or let! bearlah effecl here. '

Clinet Weak • , ..•Wl»eal In Chicago cloaed wttk,IS to l!ic.under yeaUrday'a flnlih, , com l'.i lo ISedovn. otU 1 to IKo oil juvd provUIona varying from 8 y«ntii In an r<iyil advance. !;■

Right tJler Ihe opening, the Chi* ^ eajo wheal martel received t Jolt “ J" fronran-aulhoflUUta.aUmftte-thAl, ^ leedlnu of dome*llc_*heat'l^Urc.* sibck' Jlila seMori would amount to

- f funncrail. ffiih iJ8i>00i»fl In. 1833. Another dls-_ “ concerUng factorwarenltnred »hlp-

week prevloua. Selling-OTWiy whe« » '• by Eulem houscj.-praumably-lA the nature of llquldalion. ^ t fea- lure Of the lalo deallnga when ihe ” mtrirtl- louehed lU boUom- ngurea ^ for the day. ” *

* Olber Grains Give WayCom and oals gave way wllh Be

wheat, and u a reaull of weather _ ,thjt^ foried Ihe tom crop l u t . \

Provlalons averaged lower, govern- g ed mainly by the coura of hog' values.

H ^u'i aatt M'i u v > i

«*, ems r r » . ' : S ^ - S “ S!; ' ! ! ! ; • ’' “ g

SjiS : li: 1:; I '-" ^J

""0K - .2 5 ^ S ; S : ; ' . . S-----OIIOAGO OASH GBAIN-^^-------

NiJ. 1 liard esci N0..3 hard <«ffrlly) sCe84e, —

a>rn: No. 3 mixed 4a‘;c; N#. 5 ~yeltoA' 48'i 10 4SUc; No. I while . 30',c. •

Oaia:'Na' 1 while J»’jc; N?. 3 1whlie33’5 lo37c. .*

Rre:"No, 2 iweevUy) 57>4c. l-pBarley: 48 lo 70c.' 1

- n i i ictliy sctdr l4 i0 lu H t S v a t------- ra o r tr a e e d :|0J 0 to 11135 eat. 1

PORTLAND GRAIN . - - { S ' -PORTMNDrS«pt.-7'W 7-W:i«at closed:. Beplcmber C8e; Oecembef ,p ,

•' ' -------- V■ ;------------- L . ju«

eara ehoicfl Coloradoj around 70 ot i

BOSTON WOOL brenO ST O N :Sept.7lA llU 8D A I- YOi

iV-finer-gntdM or-we*t*m-grown doiwoul are moving freely and I'rlrea soliaie very alrong. Oraded alrlctiy erticombing 64a and finer lerrllorj- -taoli ho,brm; 80 lo 63 cenU acoured buLv H«hlle original bag llnea of similar u lltiiitiityandgoodalriellycombincKll Beial around M ceaU. Oood. Frcneh Sal combine 64< and finer KflUflCLaxsila ta iin origintl bring 77 to 79 rcnU forscoured baali tnd Jtiorl French d t;foiiibliig llnea arc firm a l around 75 beic n li___ ^ -----------------hM


DOUT fARE WHETHER HE K H W■ J iB Q i!r A 3 u s \N E ? > j :s j ia : iJ

• -NWTVAYS-TO— x m I h t a iu e o ;-w n K rT W k > ir--------15'MW a^OO&^-A4l6^- - ■>— .----------- (T----------

1' M r ^ '


' 7 ^ 0 '


l : l l

fUCIDiS’ IO IU iE l l i

- f l P B H M I l - S. Indications now tre.lhal thoBur*ley factory ot the Amtl«tmaled.^Bu*gar company wlU- begin opcratloni by September 35 or t few d tyj before tnd that the Twin FtlU ftctory wlU ‘ } ^begin approximately i.wecktfier the Burl#ypltntiUrUup,R.H.Tillman,manager, aald yeaterday. . • h

Teau which haw been mtde of the cntirHitnough It itut-trvllitls 'I'hnhare ahown up \trr good. Mr. TtU* on all

- „ DurlNEW OFFICERS HEAD . ' ™ »


BURLEY. Sept 7 (SpecUl to The Alth N»wa)-Th*-Americtn 1/glon.Auxs. lecUoB tiiaryala meeUng lMldTuuday.m* monlh nliif-voted-to chania-lhelr mfftlng ume- nlghu i5"ihTJlnrThuw daFirr»ifr ii6m=i

P«55man home with the following new mg w< otilcen taking chtfge: fpreilfflw; _Mr*. J, B. Chtmberltln; rlee preal* ------dent. Wllmt Ttoley; tecretary*lrru- indual urer. Emma L. Olenn; aergeant-aU f»n* arms. Urt. Kenneth Slosser; hlalor- xhe lan, Mri ZeUa flohm. Tho following Keek, altndlng commllleea wert appoint* cimin ed: Child welfare. U n . Henry of ihl DwonlmkrTehabllitallonrMre'-J'-C- oTth« ftlng: muale, Mia. Oeorge Ooohnour. d.uci 17)# execuUve oommlltee. Meidamea jjjj^ l mTjrehakrRtnrand-Truman-Wolf, u o u rwill.arrange-lht-pragram'-tnd-^etr.^ t - A i the

of-'Iwaaehnmir.--j ^ . -:':r- - ~ - - ,-- I w Other commltteea will bo Dtmed a t JN l

tho-wxtTneellng.—Mueh-lnt«t* ——beln«-*hown. according to tha prwli A d dent,.and % number of new mem* tire » bera will be added during tho next blwfa few monlha. Repbrtt wero glren of niiXh Iho aUt* eonvenllon_held a l. Twin «

^ ............p » i '


----------- I unrsiaoulhCentralWahobeekeepcraue ,{ore*

uked to allend a meeUng of thal ^ u,e

niit'caih;nisBendiD luestcm Jfci. dark haM winter 13 per .centlha.aam8llpercent71e:80llwW lr,rcjtcm whUe. ha«Vwlnl«r, north* - em spring (8c; vcalem red Me. I-O»U !-N 0.-2-whlt*-»BJ0.-— ;----------

Car receipts: .YOieal43; barley 1;pats 10. _____

— :------ tnNNWEO-ORAIN-;-------- -----WINNIPEO, se p t 7 ( « - C u h

K h e a tim Ijio rU jm 8 9 H c ^ a 2 ;___norlhernltHc; Ko.a n o flU in r» !tc

OaU: No. 3 while 38Hc; N a 3 while UHc. --------------■

-----------PORTLAND-HAY— ------------ ^:^RTlA H D .''.Cept:7 :tin :?^H ayr — SCeadj: unchanged. ~ ~ " ■"

H o w O n e W o m a n , J L o s t 2 0 L b s . o f F a t

I.OSI Her Prom lntnl Hips—Donbte C h ln -S lu sttah n tss ii« Ualntd A S lin p s I r l^ S o r j- IK;If you are fat how would you Uka 1

lo lou 11 aiid a t the tam'a time gain in phytleal charm- and-acqulM .^ iM

spartie w U h^oyvit h e a l th ^ ' ‘ ;vhy not do viTal-thouund* ot WJ

-------- h.,«,<»nM«>etridpfDQUnrtlof unwanted fat? Take ona haU-tea. apncin nf Kpw>ien.^ l U In > glM JW of hot water every morolng «ior4 j j j breakfut and keep ll tip for 30 da>-a.Y ou'c ta helptho teUon by.eulUag 191 down-on*paiiry-and faUy.meaU.tnd . j „going llgbl on poUloea. butler tnd I cretai. Then'welgh yourwlf tnd see 193 how mtny pounda you'have loil.

Kruichen SalU arc t blend of 8 u lU moil helpful lo body-hedth,Bert of tU. t.botU a or Knjachm T lSalU thal will l u t XWJ.for.4_weeM j u

hilt a trifle. Aak a n T . .d ^ f ta ___for a bottle and start 10 l i e f a C ^ day. Ifa the atfa way lo rcduee but bT ntre you-get Kniachea - your heallh comet T lnt-A d^. .■ “

1 cm n «Euo,HaEU'. TO^ jp ^JT H E R E ^ - . kBO\SC-X

'[itwPQrtfT. . ---------ij -

- . W tRQP^' ■ J_______ _____ _C 0 P P 6 D MW 1 - .H O R S E S H O e ^ , ,

i f i H F F .

- S i S 8 J - M —BOISE. Sept. B (/D-Idalio h u col-

(eeted I444.4U from (ho Utowatt UX: — alnccltwenllntoeffeclJunol,-I931, - a report of the department of law enforttmcnl disclosed today. buC collectiola were constderably larger during the tint' part of tha l period lhan in the latter months.

'I'h e it r U Tmg-half-mllhw-Miowatli— on all electricity'generated In Jdaho.

During IhfKlrai 10 months the la* , w u l;j effafc^hs period ending De*camber 31.TPJ3.1349^15 am coUecl----------ed. and during the first seven months Of this year H4.84Q w u colletted.

Although the report Indicated col-)»fiinnt tnr thfl whole of the aeven______monlha IhU-j-taLwcrclcu than t h e ____um e perial a year ago.-the.coll{c;______ii6m=aurinrHh6T8iniFa=!nonlhsot-‘-------the report. June and -July, wero in •HUH w i u t y tn . Alt WMi earn*----------jpariscn wia DOI IVJU1DJ8 Uul Is be->---------ing wxvked oul'by the dcpariment.

Indujlrya rcp r^ ta llv es ln_ Twin FalU clly park Salurday.-

Th# meeilng w u called by H. If.’Keck. Paul, for the purpoto of dis* cusilng a code agreeable to bee men of Ihla aectlOD. Mr. Keck, president oMlirUah9-Honey-Pfodue»Tai.Mao-,------- ;elation. Md J. M. Stark.'Mlddleton. assoeUUon aecreury, .vUl be preaent ■HOUTfonhrmeellnrhasTtot-been---------

W M O R r M O T H S I ^A clieap. eaay. and entirely effec- “ ^ 1

tire way to protect your clothing, ' V bUnkeU. fun, elc., from destrucUvo moth pesU U lo sprinkle ;our cloeeU and chests (iberally w|{h-Bu-{/acn.

Bu*Hach-li aure-detU) to-lnaect 1peaU. Bul U'a giltrtntced atfb for 1 humtn beitin tnd pels, and ll pot* imtly wont ln]u.*o your gannenu.Letrei no dlugreetblo UUUJe odor.

in handy sitter c t y t l 230

slorts. Monty bick If you dont call It the bcjl proUctlon ngalnat moths thal YOU have'ever trie<L«-AdT.'

H E L L O 'B U D D Y !


1920 Pord Tudor Sediin —TWrTCW DtLuxe Cuujju —Moo- — — ilMl-F^d.Tudor.Bedan----- 1291Im j f t r d 7 W ^ S « Ia a .—-♦MO

■l& *V ^ C o u p a - D e W n - i^1933 7ord'V-B Victoria — W7S ]

•J»»H3*kleT*l-4-<?ee,ck-—^ 1 . ------19M \Vhippcl Coach ------- 1 -73 ___19M Pontiac Coach ---------:% 73193S chenolet .Truck Good »17i ^

-lW -FOnl-Fofdof-S*4ap-_»200----------1930 Buick S.CXlupe — ,’'. . . „I435

Let Ul Cure'Por Your Oar. ^

U n i o n M o t o r C o .

-------W M i D d P a i l t r _

3 S S X I K E S - A e - j ? ie N —

Vil HO>i/ SOOHWH ' T " ^ r ■rORHOaVWC»OD.^_\ ^tc^t*a>w M V v 7— / — —ACTHtJM.eHOVJ'-/'LVOUAt-U ---------—


u ' .■ 4 .

^ 1 ■ lU. t! ll--' ' '!

•‘niEUIDDE------- - n v - g a A H g - I ^ I

iboottewd I r to

w n f« >* I* ®“* S S .“ r t S w J “ ■

s e « 4 S K 5 s s

oul. oMPt«r a* . • • VUBOKK BQUAP . lla

■' ' i S S S I f w s : S { s l ; a f e * p ^ ‘A 3S w Kow m 4 U»e *UWw 1

S v w S i . S i S ; > • « " i S "TBcM m u no luniua back b4*. U WM th l toa of « coin. ;.. I*!','

m h t h td come fc \o «' the rotd. Hdmle Sc liw m »nd

Butk.O'liira. II w»» ccrtaln. were tM ' boin i t tim « In direct eontatt *Uh'_ou»

— T T S r S f f i S ’ ' S W

Kin, and Duck O liin ii Lb*t. h « J*a ■ „ .

J«{.htB)«ll W 'th ti fflcnui tor- lln

ulint: lu. mmt tuiicfca i » niroy^-i ppc

* lie 'dxovT^hS'^ln<I iJltl'l- a ) li»a te tn Mild sboui L n a m fttid „the-member#" ot lh t club who d , „

oUo:i of KenoWon. their roue mil- Uoja^re Seadn'. lafl w k w d - vl* KeimUton's life w u kHII ^^r.s sub- sel

^ a» w re ihe lives of »ll thOM who. to kn. f ir ttj the poUce could dWwTor. Jad »o

^,T heen i^ w ltu d

Telt"moM>*ww«mttltcrllwi nulo- nKt'm frrtr*nl ni]‘

^ _ u tfre -a BimiLh»djMiO«V\aUj_l>«a— L i , meiUlorcd, but IhrouRh « Ji®

w KlnesMC to Itw tw n who li»d sol o» # I -hide full of lMd.“ It ww ipjar* rex

• ent ih it U a r r c h»d tntlrely recoy- Ini erfd, snd like tlie other*, ^

■Collnimlledtiuecrly.'So.»/ter»il. haho had u red U u rre 'i life, >te tl(

• Bli d In • parriy hunu«il\4flM' MRts lUth«t hll etfcrta hid not been in rain: •

• or elite. Iiisleod of U iarrc there , imu not* Duel! 0-iS»r*. . •:loE

!________ Pmhiibly frorn |h" ■<«»■ »m— evtft ' i r i u f t n B ^ - been. wimng,'* ' “ — — could h»ve helped bul IllUe. He rated he

u u t r e M bcinj prrtispi ol the MmS-ltrtlftiu* iwd on Ihc wmc pUnc lln 'ntntmc.U th t Maiks •iwta m Be«Hy . l« M e'cne-qulte % dlfflrtni etnliu (o>

--------- itftm -iW iotnw rO -M nnrorKcim trn^

_ _ S l k ! S i ! S S ^

r r D a i ly -GrosSiVi

“ ■ . t t S - k - m p B i i^ s

_______ ,V SJ2JS5m ^* ' ^ WiuMiuci S T tP IF B W O IP

OuRalo ■ H a « o n

----11 S H i 1_ . uTUL'jim . . - R E IS T H S T

M.,08B»w • c n W H v l E N B

m i ' . . " ' i g f f i t f b l Y l NIt. tn tn i* ^ hT . ^»T. KWh r Pilgullea •- >■

■■ S & - W - t S S i T »

, a ; S * " ' “ : i i . B V 5 k '■

i '

EN DOOR”T P A r t .» in n • ^

•jm U l t tone)_________ ^

itn n ie Iwlit ot f#u Uie - o p e n ^ - “ *tne". to Iha M«k1 ep«r«tlnf b ^ - q u u u n a t Ihe Win# P ro i, Wd ^ whuicYer meuure of Buck oonfldenc* he al«4dr -It hid nol been JoTThit letter no would ncm h ire.iono to Cip * I'O rijt; U he hid not gone to C»p A I'Ornje lie would nen r h i n hcvQ

Ahd, a he h id oerer hcitd ot ix4- )«i>f I'f wmiiH n v h»re gone- to __

t f f i S 5 5 S t i $ 5 ? s S z

2 S . T n i « “i i“ i S M

!!■ {** »lh* - WM 'eooeefned, he w o n d e^ u ho ilw u i hid, wbil v u In th tt Ulter.

(Ur pttlupe he would meet L u t r n i j i t a and deliver the letter -« d p e rU n o l .;A B a p * rh * p iU . = n rre would ejpUin tl» M tu it’Of

, ihU lliMn with Reddy-*nd , n o tr t millered lliUe non. U u rre ! wai i» loDitr needed, and could no I'lbn itr be of any help. . _rA B O in iir y i to u r i t t i iB - th i i t f d :«

I sudc 0-Mir» a n d 'B ^ J ^ n e rI h id talked «lNut Splnelll epftielUl l m orTlhe peyroU. too. D eie«l«‘ Bergeant Mulrey m lghljrote lo be ' Alto»«her too curlou* as tb the w t , ■i|n whkh llarry the Lm* h id W t xi 'i th e nlihl elub'itho« oiTlbUi r t t i , I mlaht irell have b«n oloeelT iward. > I 'X l o « y nolU lnrorth* fart th i t ^ 1 Ihe lifhti hMl •« lortultouilj' |one liput initantly at the lound

ii° 'T i!S V b w J

: ilbllUy. Ih it w u ill. No 8 0 8 h id y 'icomo ftom BpinelU, eo e iru7»^» ‘ r-ras"iippnTntly-)a»*-eo-fir.-W hy -

. fill Mpped'hto h in ^ o « r a U lc n ^

’ .whBilhauM and moved over a

“l yhwlhbmt'.' iK H liyK !i1gng:~B«fc ^ I O’Mira wai lUU Iq there with

Smudro Kllrea a t the wheel 1 • "Oh. hello. CUrklel" wild Denny i I Mnlcnc u he ilepped over lo CoUn’i r side. "I WM jw l solni to hunt jou• .up, Buek winta o couple of u i to jo• Bboard wUh him nnd hive « loeUl n• vi»ii with DoUilre before the boyi• cel buiy-gel Uie IdeaT-W# Dol- i,

I knowing w hit ll’a all abouU ThatI w ouldbejual.loobadtluldl'dptck■ j-flu lo help play Ihe hand. «c ln j ^

:=thTiVT'oirdtm rrm iaM rtriM :iM i-^■ nlRht. and Duck said U ut w u okay

■.llcolly. Il

I ctvr*' Ul Uie liitti ilgn lo flaih our „• rods. Dollilre's schMner iln 't ihow- ^■ ln( any li<hu. bul Bmudge h u JuitI picked her up oul thfre. Well be ,t plmfplrtH In ■ t t» Plnutfi^vnu Juit u> . ham iround-here. and then trailI ilonc wtih Buek-aod me. Und’er* y,i itand?- • . ■* T; " S u re r u ld Colin. enthuiliiilMu; rea lly i{ iln . T lu n k i a,lot..Benny.I for ft'rlrtBiaFW l.-— '----------------f: Out of the darkneu Benny Mi-•Vlone’i feiturti grinned In, friendly ,. tuhlon. - • • •■ _ *

" I t WM coming to you; curkle,- |,1 ne Bali--YoaTinde-CT^7WCTj g« p

• Ihe cabin ind heir 'em' rccllc their ^ I leuoni the way Buck doped It out« lor thcm.,1 won't be iDng." ‘ ,] r —T te-m orcd-m r= ne«ain ra ft* it u

’ih ilf- ran . • , : jI ' Colin Mrnllowed hird. Bid u It «I hid looked beforr-thli * u ^^ of . u


• ■■■— — d

riiiPdiyri»uui»~t.-C 4iiM rM n.—

II [s B & lw lo fs lLi r m l o e N T **• »««iMitioa ^U ^ ^ p y ^ i l . f l u y i n . , ! , /

M S E B I p l y 1!; u rw S 'u i i n

I M T in o iN jH B l i TBM*w»# ■H i E g E g — . ' i f f l v .

K b Iu IS It I i Il I " ■

— t-Treij^l »lfd—<t.' \Vini«r tU m i 4C Klni ot vuund

- ^ f a . l r . l o - a - a S g r ^ - l . —

* S I ‘-tOpiVtoBrt ■• f t DfUflurt.'^

J - — ^ — —

^ Jl- y. s t ‘ u u * ■




' t o W E E L a



0 ~ ^ a M B E g E a i e i u a ^ ^ —

"■ - ^ Y W I N W M A M - C & t • '» - MCwmR*4MH FA1.U &W-1 lb eM Y PRefTOIHffEViL D£S6NS r. y iA N O a R - - r y . g

1 TiEimBlSekedalM e( Pu m ^ I n tn i u 4

1- Idolor B n m r u i l a r ’n m g b Twls ~le rao i: - • . 1H - OREGON BHORT UNB '• KaitbooBd . '>* lEffectlre July 10.19U)

Train i7J le i te i------------ 3:20 P. M.I m in 8« leives_____ :_8;S3-A. M

“ - , ■ nMlbOODd: Ttaln s n le ivei______iO:SS A. U. /i Tralo J « leuve*---------- I:C P . U* WEUS B«A!CCl-

BOBlbbOCBd__________. Dally Stcept BunoJJ b

f. Train M9 leyei — - :^ 4 : 0 0 P. «•

Train Jto arrives______J:W P. M- -» tmiON PACmC STAGES FC

^ ----------------Kutbomd---------------" Arrlrti 1-^__________ fi:W.A. t l W

:_________ .fftttttg iia — • —

V ---------------M iiP ll «'» OTUtn BTAO* LlIflM>U TWIN rAlU-8H 08H 0NI ^ M

i l n»v'’" ' su o p .u -y» t m n r* L U * w iU JJ* Uives ■— im » n. U^ Arrivrii

Dollilre-i executioner! Or eo-exeeu- ”

» He stired out Into the bUeknm.h>trt.BftmethlngoutthercwuUk« ““

- »* H ati*nK fd _sUcktn, tlie Tlbntlon ceaso u the

“• tn jin t-m ah u L o ffc /_ ? '» !L “ !?i ' 'F ac ro u llie water. Duck 0-Mira »lep- ” “f ped out of Ihe wheelhouse and ans- ' I wered It. wing hU lund* u a mtg-

*’’• ^ 1 you, DollilreV he bawled.U Helmle Schwarm’a-oulilt,^ -

•“ “Bure 111 me. by crlpeel" the ■r* volee answered. "Come alonsslde.

The Oood Lord could not have given zs “• u i a better night, eht"!)'• "Aiuiboyl- Buck CM ira o iled oi

l»ek heamiy.^ , . ■ *J■• Th* boati maneuvered-bmnped ■' III' against the Klwoner’s hull and " _ .■«w ^ ^ , . | . . t - fM ln -b f U lh < d ^»” hand asroM hli eye*. HU menul « pr6ecuerfiuntfd-mj-vaion.-it-was -

ilrangiijf iiiuiiimei-iuiu I t l it'w w u all horribly real, , i - *

“ He found lilm«ir -mounting a n ihort rope ladder-on tho'heeU of o; Biiek ©•Mar»”Biid"BennyMilonerb: There weij no llRhts uliowlng any- .

« where; but'Tia--*Vei grown accui- ' tom.,1 If. H,|. rinrkneiJ. he eould we.

- u he reichcd the deck, a down or I , more fomii leaning over the echoon*_ (.>■■ will —mtillK ly f lfttler of TOlcei.

ns 'fenlcred greetlnge were cx- rlunged' between the eitw on the deck and the boats below, reiounded

> dlMordintly In his e in .-------C c itm riyorrm eato-tak tT hlnT

Krtmice 'fts he carflullr placed his fret on the round.i of the kwlnglng ladder. There hid been llic night when Oermnlne'i' boat ^ id Uken him to the •‘club- on the St. u * - renee, and when he-hnd h id to see men ihol down while he was help*


= : r iae-MWAT^HiCAMrvlrj^.Tarn •t*BN4 0«WTtYS fln g l M«r


- - 90MMA CAOCW VE5TTOI>\y-— ^ C A D tv V B u r-n .tG o o v re A

TOAVifnjVA&MN'ON'AaoWi:• • t W r ^ l Y ■ MOM'HfcSTfi- _

N E W S , i W JV lL ta 'iD A H O ,

- T H E

/ I ‘ / L ST HER o u r

( ' J~ ANO 4feN o i N IM O N HIS




A tl'ffuit Adi aUva u 4 aeWa UM -4bey brtag Iba bvytr.

« » « • n ■ • BJ

or4enl*4Jnlumlshe(L Ir o V R e M T - o u o ic E h o m w ,-<3eil<(t-Ru)-SiUU.-P2u»e.S}.K ;;; IM.W.___________________ . " i

be.,ciil]yjuiedel?d^Inquire of’Mrs. Hettt> H ow «r«w e OrlU Cate^ H'

' '■ ■—' lesily tied tft a tree. .,

lalre’i men. Tonlght.'It^ a boit be* , longing to tho matrfcli6Miad threitl- bl enrt him wlHi dealh, Colin w u to '» see DoUalre'i-men itioC to b ltt 'la P*equiUy erw l faihion, ___ KjtCopyrttht, I9i3..f t in k U Packard) | J

• •TVi Be Oonttnuw)

T I8 A -BUQAIt" CANEt =*W OD D iaaA U ^TrEniH ndrm :~ le Shown In a curio exhibition here *1 Wii a walking stick piide from 30CO Oi love letter*, rtimped out u dllci. ihrtided'on'rw lrcrcom prttsed'iod- n* to f n u e r td . ---------- ---------- •

! "haLEIOH. K. 0 ^ ! ? T l M r ^ , : wirto-*dd-STnall-amoani-oMl»M-} , stone to the loU each year, u>-s a i . State e^Ieite.upcrt. ts to hive tlie 11,

(rr tu in r m inuffeturer u e ground' .. _ limestone « i a filler In plice of lind.

. ‘ ' r o r e o m J n n w M j. BUDAPEST VPI-^A shipment of:, :JOU5tUe#ofTokiyiflDe.MofIIun. A

giMin chim pifne JOO w t i n . '1 oiu kindi or llquen from the Hun> u - g«rt«n-rey i l w ne-« ^ ^^>»■m«l>^^ n i w u ten t to Vatican City as • lUt ti ] from Premier Ooemboet to the-pope. n t • ^ Mjiip.Ti I*!

5 -P A R lS y ^ - A iltUe hutrfry book -

when prlioneri In the Temple'in' C I im . brought $ I58« an auction her* '■ f of French revolution rellci coileeied irb rm m rt-tavtdin.-scadem lelin .— (i

r • .’ , 200 A crca -N o rU r Side la1 - r i ffh trS irn ll-b u il tlin r irJH -i ic re '4 0 a c rcs a lfa lfn Irny. r rice $B( 1 once lontr tim e,

80~ATr6«7North ’ S ido~I;md; J b irem pn t^^ctR tcm rjT oo 'ri^n n J fCOO.flO ca.ih, Oalnncc Iniij; tii

' R C GRAVi; l.’ifl Mftln N .

H0_50VBTT *MUf »T, S£OBCHV-l-^ - jfTRt.Ta-.iHG'iaw'-roFtra-ojrr}—— ^0«r COlWClHK.TJ' BUCKKCr / ‘

AN' OM'-ACCCUNrA T H e iM ftS T te WfA . B&fJtJSVlLLf /W ILL& IV <—« nDUWNAMENT 19^ Mff A

J ------. pf?Af*TlCIM‘- f —

10, FB ID A Y M o s m c ; S E m

E G U M P S j ^z & I K

ie:«"|WrZTO TWECAR- Pit n V* l _ «S 5 W 1 W E i f l T P l l ■MIN6 BOARD I \ H >OK.H\.4S TW RO ntE- fl I .

M aBJuB[ds-Bari

I For S a le -^ A ulo inoblles

U r o s L i ^ r a o o ic j t M S O T SU sedan: excellen t coDdltloa>

! M isce llaneous


■ ilfiU i tfrdi, n o finiHVt**" seed Oroa-eri Aun, Tel W 8jjj|_ _

; H tlp W a n le d -F e m a le

* W A S fF S ry o B o WOMAH rO R , housework. iS2 and Are. E « t _

X CAU nJIWWU lAOV OF M O Q W ? home and email w*se to care.-fw

hiwr-«M^fflail-ChUdt«fl.-fl« f f t . '

i r n o w ^ r u ie • ImtHuUon 1MU»4 t i . thechilm in 'tpriT itoinlte.-■ Jims DEMHOT fflAin

DURBAN. So, Afrtti W VA I * ”

jo Oima wiled p u t the port In 1 ^ . ? wu w ravngod by ^'hltfl anU th i t It 'id-jh»d-to-be-«uudown.lor-*alrty,------

= # ^ a I ^ A T t v m i s O T ? n l i ^

^^-^««lrao^W lln<>^-A T IA O H T -a j .MENTle I In llie Dlitrlct Court of Ihe Heventli >i •.Jufllclat D liW rt « lh» BU tt ol d. Idaho in and f « Twin n i l s Coun*'■ »'• . ' ' '' J, M.'BtMUmiai, PUlnUII,

1. ' Adi IS. Belby. DefendiBt. '1. ifcueeli hereby given Uiil on Sep- I. lembef.Iit. 1833. a writ of i t t ^ -

n e n tm ed * c 'o u tn n ^ ilSOvemllUed <. icUon. iltichlng the property of the defendant for the t m

* "-In Wliiieu Wliereof. t have bert*

t l cisck of the DUtrl^ Oourt. ■

e lan d w ith 171 ncrcs w alcr;-T tc rn rc tr tif ic d 'Q rin rJ ilfa lfn —5 $6000.00. 51000.00 cash . Bill-

'flnd .'N fi^ '^ooffl'^ioU K crR ood-in rand -8h« rp iih rt{ .''.-?3 ’100i00!-K litn c lonn.

.V E S & S O N ^Phone .’ilft

<( r V

r e e - .[.ANVSODV IH _10^N ..GIVE V WHO w o o t o q ^ E

A ) OFFEND MR,«:ZT ( S T IlL W A -^ .'I^ OS

t =Mg^MIOP N y - - ! - ? ^ {-—

T O M B E Il 8 , : M 8 ................

M . . A T T H E W H E

'I ' ><-SO I.O Hti.O U>K l<.' f ^ w S a o i T T i R F ’

'■ OH'fOURONEWAVS i : : : ? t r i p - a > jd k ■

HtKAOOTNT"/600 t> -B Y B 'ro /

Y O U -

/ a " " ^

fgains-CFor Salft-Fumlture

5 PAnLon? "f iir n a c r " ne^ rlv )&. new. i n Vin Buren. .

~ feMALL HOTlRSJjFr^'lTroMATlO ~ Rinse, J ine Oe Kloti. County » « • ,


_ .V/lU pay cash lor ilorei u d refrtC' ~ erntnn and fiirnlliirff Mwn'i P t lit

iBd Fufnliurt store. Phone»,

W FprSal^Frull8,VegelableiJq TuK U/Uii^Art'UU. D. B. VOS^

WITBXlX - CUUi TOIUMPHBT-------Phone-omJi ' ----------------


h f PICtOINO COCDMBEM. t . -B Cribtree. 211 AddUoo W.

f - POR SALE - CRAB APPLES AND 3 toftltlng ipplti- Ption* O ltyu .

QDLDEN BANTAM AWZET CORN, luit Tight lo Cin. 'A ."J.' IM<lUi.

014SJ1. mllei. northweit Plvs u il ^ InU itore.‘n l oucuubcrSt 'C a n -s a i .odpzs . “ walenneloru. wloni'and lomaloei.

second house florth of hospitalH t

— —ForSalrMisoellaneoiir^RAILROAD TIOKPT lO ^O W -

i?r. t«tq. Cheap. Cill UIT.rtAniWAY TICKET TO OERINO.

ntli Nebruki, via Chejtnne, Burley of Box »7. phone «»7, BurUy.

BEAN C tm tR . M . PSRFKJT condition, H. U Blike, 1 nil*

louth. H mile west South Puk grocery.

UeOOBWCK-DCERINO POWER dltgff wllh trinsmlsilon, y

the lidlng.' '

J« . ed. call o m ju .

I. . POR SALE - YOUNO JERSEV!:____ cor. iliit freih, Oood milker.

Phone 0}ao,-R«.__________ ■

FOR SALB-FREail COW, 0KB TO - lr»hcn_«»n. «lw powo fied

grinder. Phone »»W . • '

60 tfEAO CROeS-BREO EWBS, <0“ Tiffa-Ti«i?niniar3om i-puuhrJ-mllM Muth llinsen.

. Fcr Sale or .Trait -

Pox W. ctre N m . ' . ' ~ -

J 1.0T8 WITH S-nOOM HOUSE IN Ilalley, Idesl loeaUon ior garage

lor irn lc t itailoii. inquire J. R. Pat* rick a t RIclIfleld.

r t» 7 .itv . a taivE rB O T /.llfc lillil n - HA4 Btt»4-W lV £N -?_-:-jyji;i,- ■1 vrtiuio

~ ~ ~ — ^

R i N U M B E R . . V ' ' f S g f FOUaTEEI^,^f-«!„

r g g / , ~

I ^ ^ T B R AND P / a n R -T w t s u j p r w B

aV ' LURCHEl CRMUUYOM-' a. ^ h a r r 'iu rm 'A n d i

r r - T e ^ H - CM»eN^lU>W -OVUBT


Opportl‘For Renl-Fumishiil [p

7)1 i t o o u s . « A N D . 0» MAIN ,Mwth. ■ •■— . II

io APARTMENT TOR 'i rE H T r « J f >*•. Main Worth. *________ -

— FOR IttNT-ROOM AND BOARD. ICleMln.i»:ndNosL>V_________^

ROOM.'' 'ewUtAOB^^llF^DBSlIOIft ~Z =r clou InTCiU g it aftelf » a o . r . 0,

M ROOK WITH SLKEPWO-POROH. i ^ Prlvale entrance. Phooi m U etis^ w . - . -----------

— F R O N T BBDXOOU. JOINXKCI M IBT -T>BB3irBW CM >T.-;att'W .An.- -

m U Q RT HOOStiOEPnO R O O S I t eloM lo. Phone M( or eaU «W t td j>l

^ JCTft WBfOt” JHODBDOEPINO ROOUfl rm ff> . .

— Uhcd compleU, Th» O llorl. t i l-

n ; e i N O L t ruRNiaKiD apa r t- -~.sftat..Reaioubli n a t. (II 2ad I

" i A n n a, n c n t. .-FDRNISKCD ROOM. LADY WITH s

^ nnall obUd pnfetTtd. J U ' Milo ««. ' ••

ONS- AND IWO-ROOM FORN* j ^ Uhtd apu taeati. very low ratei. *

OMK-gwne.----------> ---------------


__ justimere mn. ___________• '

no. uoHTMioiiaiKMPlNa-AHART- i 'ler menu for rent. See Ura. ^niley.

A pU «.Cenlr*lbld|,orphoM -P. H. p1 Johnslon. ai5lt>rBuhU— ‘ -------^

n*>* H O U m ' -AND -^AJPARTimim ' jum lihcd a n d unfumlibed. j

for u l t i t btrgilD prlcM. . r ; ; 307 Shoihone St. soatb. fboa* o a V ^ W . & singer...

= ■ W a n le fc T o .B iiy . : ’

~ wAKTED i6 B U V .'S iM iB m i ;5T- miM iin w t p « m .n t v

isy ■■ . - I -ker.______ ^ ^

I SifiiallonrWffilM j

“ 7o pRAcnoAL nurS in o . o r CARB . ^o{^.people,-CiU.ia4T.- . ■ ■ ^

A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WAMTO »---- WOtt « llOUMkKPW or naui. '■

«0Hc..C.U71BW, . - >f m - | - - l | - . r i

m t . ■ ;

i In L08T-W»E<HATRZ0 TBUUER; t n female. whlU body.. tw beid. rl >it* Leive Dr. Qroooii, 3W 3o4 Ave. o

South. Reward. ^

— ----------- — A - S T A E T f c n


|ceE-r>iB \ DiD T H e ' • nrtABSiS- ys-WSTlLUrtATKOr M .a u E t u i _ , . 6 t:ND--vou----------

} C u iO voy \^ ,O A C K ? ^• C A tteD /• - H ix — •> ,'


vvATi^ S E i^ 'V V ■ ■' ^ ^ • ME~BACK-rD ') ! » ^ Z — -TC

:------ ------------------v - - - W l > - t ^ g

;uni1ieSs = = ^ = ^ = s a = s » s s - : —

jj i f r■O-1 . • - - J

^ frefwlowi /- A « 0 M m - _ .

c 0 . a M U r O m Q o i » m > l t e » . .,

S iW BBJrT * i w n u T - i M e t tttiiM j m n a ta B u u a i . ’

~ .• " M N X i mt o P f c T . t . , ^ T N lt i w l i ^ o q g

..............— '•

am m U M UeCAUTT, T riw -'M i ' ' p to o .O c p h e w b tf lF T tC T W rt. ■•

W .P liW Q ■ '

“ ■AU**"™ '-

t i i ' WAJmtD TO BOT; A TOTTfE'~ -p & en tlW in .-------,.— :o u w A » T n r r o tn ; ? « r - iU o t r a . ' f t—

__^ WANTB) - FAJUOT' WAIHIHW;------^ _ aH iU U W JgB B .P W yA T O Srr »OR-?rHXAT,-ANX>™ !*?' o te m Mtd. O M t Beed A Ortm.

• _■ rr WAHTJPAB8A0E-T0 O A U W R ;„,_

nl*. B lun M pensarCill e n ff .—S I p«yM««. Vo a w A K iro TO B o r l a m v bzax^—l.

n i t or.partor funace. Bos -Na>• J g cart Hew.

, , . W AKm}-dARBIDX UOBTTKa Dlanu Muit be chup. D. O. Mlteb» . :...

___eiL anatbeni. ida h y — . ■

_ omSj i . " ' ■— WANTED.-. 0 N1 PABBEKOEa HO ean-Fraw d«»,-eepirnrH irr7-»,— a-

;n n la | i . K. mile w nt .aanien or— imt#lncar>ofN ewi. _

1 7 — :------Perjonai--------- —

m aM. Mrt. Beaaer.iH sad Are. North.

kmoEROARTiar o p o n x o

KINDraOARllBf OPBHKa'BBP-' ' ER; tembrr II. Hind, werk, mude eid. rhythm and folk diaKng. bperleno* ’ Ave. ed t«acher. Mn. W. r . Zllkty; Pboo*

Ml. • >_

r m G r R E V E I i i L T W - - ^

I t w r A c f w ^ ,iCKPOOT BUT AH / ^ f / M

- ^ T H E ~ i u C K ; S H E E P , - ^

--- -

" P ig i.T c iI* • .

' t f ^ REA P y j O - W E A i

g - " ^ ■ ^ j l J S T m R r J • N P ; w n o R C O U i

^ :..S1.98_ 3 _ Colorn In blm, jellow, I ' A ' with white collitrs aiid \

\ ly fitted belted models J uniforms for

wnitrcsscs, c t c . ---------


_ k __ ‘ Tlila Lot Conglats-of .Broftu^Shoc Co.

^ a i i .d _ H B iT L U iJ L n_- J l Bro^vn’a Fine Shoca

— ^ ----------- D Ry-CO O D S B E P T .-------

" V ............... F U L L '

3 'M E R C E R I Z E D ''

r ■ S c h o o t ^ ' - ^

. r ^ H d s e . ...._ i |

I | ~ ~ l 9 T ~g ' The Bnmo hoso thn t hna nl-

5 ways given so rtTrelrntr-"

_ ^ 5 — ^tlm -jn tiafactlonL JB erby^

^ rib and all of the

W new Fail shades

i r" - W —A biff S-lnch t

............ enelond In » (ul

^ R e o < l y - i <

S M A R T N E W ,

J - —- - ‘- A r t d ^ — ., : J , ,

^ ' Evcrj* color nnd color ~ ' J l ~ com binutirm ^vcrj' fali-- r !4-% ■ rJa ju id (>vt!ry new xlyro • J

trend.will -..w_Jound..in__ I

rfrp.'<yoB.'' Rvrrv o re nt ~1 a'Tirice that'a rijrht., : - I

jJ" ;^$9.9a ■ ■J ________ A nd U p

- - - - - " - I I T

' - I .


R I V E D “U N I F O R M S

J8 /w . rose' o r arecnJid c u ff8 . 'a i? h t-- •idels. Regulation ■ ■

„ ;$r.98 jU' ■ ' M ^^ ' T O M A T W S I

ws• ■ s tr ic tly F irsU

> T ItcRular Vain


-S e r v ic e

" d l i e r r H i

T ~''l T By.Our 1

a l ' M ij Two f in e hosi

a ' r .... Mw inirirBilk-tg-ttby^ • f p a a heavy , lonti

_ ' H H li " to welL A ll r

V F a ll shades ..



___ch t1ob« on in atlracllve mttal iun i k (mi fntt»l-rinK irmi Ihe Ju!^------ —r

t o - W e a r D

“ youi

^ h

___ _________________________ An

' N o m ntler"___ coat,_no r w

— c61& ^^abri wc T tnoW tl

^ .a-'com varn i-------- prom cm lo r

- ------- ^ fro m -o u r-^

• • _ . . _ “ An


)EP'S T O K E S H O f i D E P T .

l P = - 2 0 ^ P i


O Eg 4 8^ s tT ^ Widtha AA t d ^ ' “ - '

V afu ^O n the did Markcl

____ _ _ Personally sclec. . !• -_ ■ out' *at terrillc

------------ ^ T ^ U o n s -b y J lr . r ik l• , ccn t'trip lo 'S t.

L ________ CflgO._________ ■'P THEY ARE ASSORTl

2<i Pairs black kid sandal pairs kid pumps with aplk

kid ticB with Cuban heel undals.w ith spike heels; 1 with Cuban iiccls; 36 pni

■ Cubaft hcclfl|*2^ pairs bri

K *• Your Cl

m . F R I D A Y A N D

lO O DSD EPT.--------- ' ------------

j h i f f o n a n d

ic e W e i g h t

6 9 c — —

em In itialed f r e e ^

u r In itia la to r.

ho.iicry values. A ' J

to top chiffoiHitid" — ■' ,

lonff-wcaring.ailk-__ ________

69c -ii .....

O R3 N ■ ; ■

iund.' The Riobe Ia

P e p fe Z iU R N E W ^

Fall 1 J

S H K R 'i 'i

S9.90—And Tp >

■ter wlfnt quality A f t>r whal kind or . . . - q 12 nbric-you'-'wialtr ^>v‘~tirrit~it w i i r b c __ 3 1 1 2 HlarnUvcly sim ple ___. loryoii-lo sclcct .... ir-largg.flhowing.- — —

5 9 ^ 9 0 ^ ^ ^A ndV p ......■ ' . -

■ .

: n e w 3. t w i n F A l tS : IDAJiO.

T. {' j Fine


•lectcd and closedlie murkct'-rcdUP ~

St. Louts,nnd Chi- ~


idals wltli apiko heels: 24 pike heels; 24 pairs black heels; 12 jHilrs black pig s; IB pairs blue kid pumps. . . pairs brown kid ties with brown'pump-t.with spike------

^Choice . .........'. 'ir ~

1 .4 8 . :D S A T U R D A Y

------- T H E - D R Y G O O I i S

SPECr FRIDAY ANIz y M i s i i m o

m a

9{R e g u l a r $ 1 .4 9 to

______ ___________A_closc.out Th''-iic New Yorl awny and h'

j B ™ Special. These

' lilack

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j j ^ S B S Z = I * » r . s e s ;

''™ " ’

Tc.'it the Sou

i o . m m A T M O sm N C .'SEPT

a f f iSTC

Men’Every pair of hosejn thl. nwiiy for this sjiecinl. Todi

. ' ■ ' ' J

. G E N U I N E ^


J!SlricUy_£iralj.Jrhc3e_,nUiC one and wi-^h wc hnil more WONDERFUL VALUES 1

5 S D E P A R T M E N T


S itet o ? 1 .9 8 V a lu e s !

it ■rtinde b_vj>ne.qf our buyere ou York market some time ago. pa(I held for this early - §epten hesc Bngs hnye not been shoi^Ti.

ic k , B r o w n , R e d , G r a y

A r n i r i i a p l t S t r a B T F o u e tS k in s , I m i t a t i o n P ig s k in !

c d W i t l i H i r r o r a a n d t i

le s r - R a y o n - M o i r e X i n ^ .


S o u lle s s of Our Claims For T • ■■ - V n h i e ._____ ' '_

PTEM B ER l,’ 1983 •

a3R l’ t h e M E N ’S S T O R E C

m mF O B F A I

this Special wy^closed out bcfo rodny'wc coiild nofbuy them fo r

■ -‘- I

^ I i e g u l a r E I


9 ~ . strictly firsts. This ;r----- radixrtiaim f-ti^aetbost

haiQ tam p iiO ic - P i ^ some of'the paltem s.

T n w r s e eWESTMINSTER ?1.00 :


ll-carry the Wcatminste r labe l . ' lorc, but we can’t get them ntan, :S TO STOCK UP OX NOW FOI

p l D A Y A N D ^

B- ‘ We apccialize in fll


s r : L -^ -: B O Y ’s 'i____ SlK-fM cpm pp f l t to

' _______ iiM ls_ to^ irritatc th

------------ " - e O L L E G E - G ]. 0 X F (

. $2.95 $4--------L----------All-the-flcwCc Bt:g Beauti/ul eon^binnI — --------- cfifcctfluAlaSLaeven’ . block.

‘ N■-------- ■* Beautiful Blatlc Su

nnd Boulevard heel Priced a t

— - ^ B o y a j ) E r a

i M i 'c i te y M o ij

_____ L _ _ W a t c h . a n d J


hureoll Watch with 1

f . picture-of-M lck«3

jc h c s " tnct -oV '" ' -Un^waUlipSaSUi^s: ' " 5 ' ,.b . •

Coin for.... Sl.OCz

- . . ■ - ME^r Tliia

J :r :7~ -^ -•-N EW STIJ — -------------------FQR^

^ = = S $, All the new ahac

rect styles—and makes your sclec

;■ - A r - ---- - “ ATTE

f — = P A fcL -S T ¥B . To B. neld

^ ^ “ W s ili re B d ! ' S e p t e n

L J ^ ' .

p : >

! O F F E I ^ T H E jF I R S T ■

iery SpelL L 1 9 3 3 'cfore any pricc advances look place, fo r what'they arc being offercd'K

6 0 0 P A I R S

$1.00 HOSE FROM A NATIONALI. . m a n u f a c t u r e r ■;


[a;mariufftcturer never allows us t< los^ll-idcntifylng-roarki^woco-rci

^ T i f n y i a i s s


il. Wc-c6n.sider . th is^ botUir value tanywlicre neiirtfiis price iiow rTI ^OR CHRISWAS.

^ S A T U R D A Y

B R I N G I N T H E C H I L D R l1 fitting growing feet. Comfort ond 3UALITY CONSIDERED;- '

) H I L D R E N ’S S C H O O L S H

9 8 c $2.95S S T U R D Y S C H O O L S H Olion sole, with the NEW Liltlewny ; tlic fool: _ ~T~y~

m L S L S E O E I - ^ -------------- ^F O R D S

4:oo~$5:oo“ ^Rivlp-s and loathcr-i.-

linations in two-lone Uj i-cral new pntterna

N E W F A L L D R E S S P I ) MSuedes nnd Dull Kids. Pumps, Tics

heels. ^

iilA lN rF L Q O 'irs iiH

l o u s e ■ \

L E o b ____ _______________ }

O - ' - W ' - "

W ~ ~


S T E T S O N H^ S ^

» .............

ihadc.<j for. Foil' in the c o r - ' 'nd a big a sao rtm cn t-lh a t............:lectlon an easy m a tte r .---------^


Sm & R E V T O V ’r ^ —I Hen In Ibo “ J ' '^BdajrEvening;------^ — ■) t € m b e r 1 3 th 5PrompUratBRM. J '

ran open At T:M - - k ,nd nis Or^Mtn «UI tanltli k

ibe mule. , » J ' '

- 1place. They ^ •erc packed. ^ ':c d 'to T o u r“ ~ .-------------- ~ J i —


= = bNALLY KNOWN ■ , ■ J -

N FAN'CIES — . _ J

us-to, use h iu ia m e in J ”ro — M ______pair. will recognize 7 ^ .Til l^vln i-'alls for* g

— tI'ftlue lot than the other - W r >•vrTHESE"WOULD-BE-------- J --------


DREN k, and aervlce a t the LOW- k'5i^SHOES , ^

iH0ES.,S1.79 ~ S 'w ay Lockstitch s ^ . " W”.

Tics nnd T-«fr«ps. Spiko S

__$3.95 i

M i

P' - . J ■