iTE BULLETIN **::; .................. ST jU^sM__________________ Iweeping =^'=o^^iW^ ; (oil IrvestilsUon wM ’’i' ' to on the Chiciso board ol taidt .« uterday the futuros on tho.e commo lO^wnt maximum drop, then recovcri Jonally »" ,_________ would Mcouni ^ \:. MBdurt o< tar-t«e h ' • ^ or throe wwta. K' " U. &■Baytttf BQO«toJ t ^.->2^ * W. „id the lOTeromcnl w%» E^. . Lg up lU P»ta bVi09 In or- . •_ ------- ?Tmcel tu JortltD I*- , ^ Th* eoTtnwieal bouftit ■!• p ; raSS^cS^hei. a 1*^ ni^U h*v* to ^ *0il6<WW 1 ■/ r o! »r*ln to meet lu e n » ^ I- • /- • iul» of MS^OOO^IOO bu»hel» W ^ ^ ^ ’iid* Q^u»Uoni JoUo»ca r 1.7r»UmEC. to which the K ‘r jM . pnc* »tnictur*. .ufferfd /M M L^&»ck «lnce tia m*)or « i ^ rt other oonunoCUtle. O u^ 2^U«. »«1 U»<le« it*** watch- ^0 r « n MO-^ t»u8c Delays pH y-vl (la„_to-Okay_^^ Races Betting ^ 'S » KILUUC B. BATCH tw h»T^ BE. Feb. B (UJ&--n» » * « • S:'SS.’S L - r ^ “2 Driv in«ie the b*r •«»mtn»ycn. t ber examlBatSon MU elresd? ible aMfln. 11 r * n^ S.»xsssis=.i^ Lot UrtM -thli ln » of l*WT«r W» » «P ^ «M h*». b> thi. it*!..- ^ Btftth MUtoc. a- o r,^ «hrr atUTmrr. >» »»*cMn i Uie , trrl»r«l h « bT froup. 1 or« failed the bv e»m* tunOt 6o« » ’f - b* th» one M H Orwil O artort. R - P»T* Pali* WtU i uid th» litU •wouM tgrafc up rloM«l thop wWch Uwyw» la g^,u, lUU are proti*tlin th«p~lT« ^ I- bud»rt roi b* hw -rac* toil proTUU* fw IM U t» 1-eiutoel b«Um at tm ia. •«?- -Sonitli Ml br the «»*• r*cin* ««*nTn^ th»n rrtt ; awch-wouJA bc *DW"t«d rt inuit V3 I irwnor- TM inmbw*- WlD be tli « 1 ncRilnat eclair of »U»I of more C rt; Bt l t W g bt b.U r«Kwt*<Uy had e«K»eld«r- ta malnta I ftrmrth. with a aumbw o( tht facO t^ Cl «ho oppoeed open tambttnc mak* Boo . tint m«fhln«* tn f»»« *“ 1. rri’.iuel brttlt^ teatnr» a* eonUnue *-tvini Um*«*^l Inrt Mir beth the houM and is cam >u ^uiM>d a WU tmpoundlnt w««th< ITT !r » n a t* *P«**1 tuaOA. aad 1 fll III --t-ww* sni .le™^ a biU e » «< » UOD :u c tn e n ta c T »> »i»j-ii*m r»ct T“ ®^. h.i; «•„ mt™jur«i ir tht * r - .. 1. r-ta« I. pcakcr Says . w ' , Tt» f ’oMcr Lacks ‘l*ermanencc’ U-.r prwlUrm o; mn« I I2fl T»ltiam raOon tn < «v. «irt fWh-n K az m .m if^ r^ 1^ 5^'’ c " T-on ht*' a--. I »» V-, ^ -TndaT c»t' ; 1, I.*,. ~r.;» ( r.iirrr, ir. T— »r"-rrrr,;r» ~ , *r«iw •• a Ra»-' IS ^ t^t O r-j Bl» » ^■'••• ^ rtai p» ^ T*» •»•' u" • :v- v,p^ „ ,). ^ —, ..._^ . .-.---- - - V. f-noT .............. •-' • -lad tA • I,;inr. ."7 " /'■ ..;r''“ *“■ Vrr---Vt" f A Resioiul NewBiM ocrui.1 otT *>4 Ce»qr M«*ip4»« J Probe B7 Vnltcd rm a Agriculture Secretary Charles F la wild fluctuations hit the grain i loditles broke the limit and thia r ired to close several cenU hiRher Family Loses E F ^ jp r— ;- sig ^ thtw-tMOi bMM at tt< Jeffmea slfMt rriTTiii n iw i i n^ - t rrwMi were U the bw* foa tf lh* thr and ba< ■a. U a«J U. a*»« a fTan«*Mht«-, 1. ' F. Da-b-i. ai>c ve Opened Igehoo J Twin' r (aders Here ^ T thte aflen !«• |ikat* Ml pa«« It) BchooU dmauir IM wortat tn thr OidMnetBorSeoiBflnasct n aHwMled th* kJ«*-otf din- .ntenamt the dnte TUBtdaj aifht at own lodt £ “s: ttlM t Badfpt * UUnd on thf tlwjn*. "What ft- ne polnud ont that the jT illK tor flnake fUwr cmjnclJ for IMilOO. TM Utif U reafhltic mnr« bar* £ |Q ( er brtnr^, and It tnuit ron- f , fTDir - he •aid- "Th* nvmrr » f tf«dti)'ae6<Tfi-fmm*ram Cub p»>^« Scout troopa tnd ■W* W t,. u Wiu-«ahl. ua . Whtt t» tain ■ eafnpin* p«*ram wllh proOlmn f« e trt« lo rftn »««* wtU iti daliTir «iutlni altrartlT* anfl lrt«- , for bora, train Ifadm anfl ^ m th* fttipWrrment nf a full Iff te a*al«t TohmU>rr Tylni on “ Mia rr« Bun th* arta of llbmy Bcr>^, at 0 i.mn»«a -wrt ^ -u “ wi> i* th. roundi bodf« rrmaini aj»a RM tt JUM aounctl- Althotgh la haa tavn «rt Uw wiu «htt z , Ci.ooo t« ♦18000 W frtm for broufht t: mpaim pi*«ir^ »** •* " bnnn way—by » wt R W «t. Brmjt n«-«irT«, tlblr r»n niW^rHw. to th . n* ot the »• tn t«'-k-«P <^r>alm tl t/i p ^ - , lfm\.»lr<J Twin ru u furlhw in th* lm- ^ rvifiier. rr nf h ltln i fir'rutlrn Tfr nur {h^i,u* h» ™w *11 i> h»r* for • y r r I m a«n£_j vardlrw of rare or r r ^ Ii l» Mrar»hil 2i?!£!i= ------------ r r niRvTvr. m rp tm -p ' ,,«.p^.jy,, :sas. reb. ♦ -, "^'.paattUlt nrar f„..F^pnf.>l^ "f th*. , r. ntl'.T RrraiiS ta'd Th» n north *U»i!Uc : <UJue«<I If •ifTifrt If. IWTro«5t tlK™t I ^jiiviu* iflfilf K nftt month. ' ir^tt )vernment Spok Of Northwest’s »* eiKWPt t IXA*OU. I ihtiftiB CareWeaAMt 1 jmrfOTCw, >-* : <Mc<a.nnM^t ta .-7 C OiraTd iUilKHa atid nfwJ* Uw nr fn*ei»n ef the w«tate mu?- . tt>f l*rthw«f.. ^ »VWT«t=5 ^ ticw= yj f JHmr. rspapcr ScrriBT^ L - —J TWIN fa: ; O r d e r tm=5S( ^ F. Branaan today on wheat, in market ia momins May wheat dropped v, ler than yeaterday's close. Cor Everything in Fi ^ waa S«tt«< kr t«« Tnedar after $i _tjM— *—”r **■ »-«fdini« thrae-tMB heste wbea Hw ftere «il w«n f«»rU*4 TM dar Pit 'h!S2Tid SrthTta^T wWch I 1. Tbe »iri«war* aM tbdr p b .^ » « ^ u d m » RUbard WJia. »M-L Tbrj wl ools Closed Magi ,' raU* Khoolt WlU re- veM BlMed tn ta Best Uandar. |;« A. w . MQrraa“ *niwunc*d lerDOOn. Deiarea » u tn Twit* raJli h»»* Val ;lcMd ilnce a bUixanJ hit U m OoDdtr nl«t)t. Suprr. fdcstloMO ,«jt Monan annc«in«« » jj, , t r that eclioob would be •ram Ri odtr. bul.hwh TUfi- n—™ Uftit dofsw-TT*a» ,l,ru to hold flMtf* *rr» ^ ^ roimtrT rnadi tround Twin »re floMKl froi --- ----------------------- —^ I pjn. Bu Ik Prol)lem agues Area ftcr Storms it«4owiihtnilkto*J)ff^ m-Ckao n f<ir tnowbpunfl M t^ V tl- rrnirti. BhiHni Ihf prDblrm. eom he a*P«-l nf ho* W *«:TTtarr- wator* ol mil* pror»**ln« mg tn pri oihrr aaa mnro. manaJM c< Uif S»eo produru rompany pltnt at , m\a Tueadtr m ; ^ «f lh* Borma; IT.irf i».hcina.tt!XSrt< ^ Un. w , 1 ,t miTk U ^ T PCUlpmmt to i n thf ^ ;n laaMoni f«i nrh main »t*T r<j n«fl* t* ran b» opmwl. •m «ald hu r<mpai^T *P- «mJn* rrt iTTft tr -t*^ y*^ ^Tir thf fi™-. t--«-» f.r-*rrt ThfTf tvlT\«^rir :jv,i When t ™.fl >«•»'"' l™* ^ ^ ' tw ft'aK , h« h ^ th. bm «I W trlnihoDt from I John fc u, rtairrm*ii ** , P W i_ rn kesman Preseni s Potential foi Land tmi * * * * Spedal jwSS p^sUXtflQ nrwi of W^r:^ p ,r^K 5a.*«.ie a.--: ! d- tW1« o ,— W-, t« l»tT« frpnrt*< fnr I nnrth'w , w -Wi«#r-n , tmm fa ; y<r . -«-4 f **“' , w .--» —•TTr. Wan;*- •*JJ= -■■ ownSl .SS c .”tr. ard •’* p a n— •-** - r«t of '' ‘f- -v-<-NVy\ FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, F red W< iding I at, com and aoybean d within a fraction of Corn prices also rose highways tl f7l|.0 Highway! ^ ^ hausted th« -— remained d ated Presi .......... .......... r-^—7* forecast v ----------- rtr-*r iight-rain,-i . tjje ano^ a __ But rair '. 7 l’~ heavy run- ready ' floods a Hlghwayf In high pluiiM with at«Tnber« Bhoahone. In VaUer Ctuter, in Twin ] momlni thi there waiat Jerotne, Ooo< CAJ Ctrtl up a uae o( pe aeodlns at> onr U>e T meata«e d When the mow be reporteC ttecand-th « « « rteri esplede* ta boUare; ■aa lp < ^ Wr. mad ^jyd ne br tbe Red croea. ^^edtdai srrinMS“cT«"; *X"lathi •-T -ei The ijB igic Valley :LiT£. bqd IcHit bvij rlHwlFBSSifM e ol nlchv tUU VaUer to thi otb« tHl • trcn BurU if lh. hardahlDi catiad i and wait w i/p * 5 £ u n i Kln« WloMT BuhL and EflH of t»U*iaKla. *ad OoodU " « ? S au’S i,'^ ^ M mnee'eatl « the« « M, -nirr foUowed a rot*ry JJfW i « low aruS were eeeorlid br •2*” $*5? ralrohnan Clart Hand, ir- from the Baft nrwr area at ^ . i>£r~ td aUd the tnp WM n>^« V-plo* wi it.0aatt lururmoontabli du- y et. aifU ni mo9 aU bitt ob- ^ I Uw iaowptow aad th* c*J» utah toe, ed almoet bOtniMr lo bompw. -nm hU w wat the rMbUlty. B i w » AtDcncan out 10 hU pralai of blgbwar nmaln U BOW. can ba «i . 10 pnoB t fUod tnto th* RuP- rxXMij pk kt^eK .el OenBMBi ode* road Mtv and huncry but oth«rwW tn A to eondl«*. Charlei Whlttaief. cUU ^ p l larr-manacer. arrsnced hout- from Bhoi J pnrau d*ellin«» and offered « h w V-f tiMtancc. n* had befn ther* Ooodlnc i ir iwaltlni thrtr arrt»aL on>e. tt w U.. roup wat Mra. Franl . auithone. earrrln* a ehUd » ' trtn*: «n eJdertr «««»»•. SSZTh. Uf*. Pni4 o m rall. aa miiu 1ft . S ? J ^ S TT. Oolo.; Ulke Sehulkln. i ™ BO lm Spokaa*. Wa»h, and ^ t. Thfr Reteo U^*7 wer* t.-r*t- rwwirrJullT a t th* Baft n m CCMth . and M n A. T. Brrrarr. But^ ftl rwji* to Arlaona, alertad to Q l- I T] t( Ihf CoUfwatw camp where o K l I T olhfr* rwnathfil Inttrad of _ n* lo BupfTl. Been* per»on* |||* Q 1 vOTfd near Maawn roci I •0 » t&ilet IO ADi«*1e*Ti faiia. Qf im w ai t TTTw rt «tf tmr tnin int i.'ifltrr tn a »to»»l«» f*»'n- ""f “ hi.Ill . fir» In a tiis 1ariewtynir burr«: Ul. cahln dn«,. wn ralrrifj ram* t r»'port ot »o att TtXBt JO BBW tafOTFl bitarc warn. mnt« tne ® 5 Rfaran left Oondlnf at tJ » dutr aM m atT and aftFT ttaw NH*r» An« :«•«■*< « I*. r> •* TIW* --------------------------—^— brlnt th< nts^etcTi ^ or Senators ________ ■»*«» d eoTwmuon, aefglufuwit aad .tn«r.t«,rfi»a«.lf»««lW *. ha.*art#rbto* the h w a* ^ eoffiM i»r»ll» tmnatsiv. bot wnh tm- m (hrr »w pnt«>llaHa*B iat d*ntop«neit. Kiton «Ti«kn*4 Oli ruae ihwntt at the firtm bdiMial f few twwjlMCto eeiiUiiy" ttd w ^ n - , • fljrh a* n«« aiMak. plaffM , . ehfmirata txrr ^ ow » hydr^ |, tncanr-powrrrt fartcrMa •naurm potetrt op thf enonmiat rrtia! rt the wnh eoph fw- . r u O-. f ■hf r»«Vift (Wartitnrtnr. Oimuei. : njeZ *>B and mr^ ra Mnntan** «w>- ■ tup.—-: ■a onf-eua.-Wr rt the trrlfahte u«n« <«i tn o>* c m u id »!msa &wiuaLn» : r ct 4 nilUm nch aew thal hare . te bf diTtinped. aod lc t fORtatw ee T*!" een* of the , 3$ h o mBTl fcTe?wJ«ne pn*™t»al aad | ri*v a PadT o n hTdro^lertne j « w - Uhn •tg^ -i-ifwable ec^y. .gf 4tf< p a far frrat*? «Kint than th* trrmtr t of th. ceoi-i-i wrath win* a*- > FEBRUARY 9,1949 orst Dri fits Are Flash ’ worst bllnard of the'season : throughout Magic Valley—that vs crews which have worked alrr i« need for their servicea becam closed with few exception. In B SS reported. The was for possible /-« .wUch-,wculd M.ttle 1 - r A fll and lessen drifting. V X V U ^ in might causc a -m, i-off in BtrebniB al- V agged, with flash . danger. GOODIN ta » flood reUef f t.iur cov. ( n. dlatJlct «i*lneer at The -thrc ^ fwd T,.i»ihi counun. center of v ^ 11 * etrty Wednodar Attendin M iherurf oftloe tald ---------------- t a road open tn Castla. odSm. aod Twlo P Symbols —— r patroi pUou hare aet Just m < le* ot aynboU tor thi to take th enoDi to dUtre» and jtalled In. 1 dd. Tha pliBM win ply (k., Twin Pall* area miiinl drop* to tioUtod per- that It be 1 vote. lha tymboU »« a«n In word fn r Ull InlonaaUofi wUl e<3 to CAP operaUoo or- old WlUt»« aw BeH'Oioea.'Ttoity*. partle* *tl committee ieed(«-« drclo tn tba <i^e7 MT i aid—a iqoart in the partment QOlnt hlai u^ri*ht-4h.Jett« SSctJon. ^^'ahouU be Bade 'K 10 (eM tarm ta Uw Tiding fOI i puoii roQuei^ way engU * sortfl by t Met. Tte T«1a ralU bl|h> w^erRtltt Tt. «tw )u4 boM «p «i Xn spn* tod at bkxkfd aU roadi p artm en t ■uy. a a c t et Rupwt. aad tl»>lBiat of Twin falli. wart ot * * r .^ T 1 Ukm* between Sboabon « w Unc. Jeromt and KaUey. tng cwt t Iktad If tbm wera abao- TOt« In U 5 mora wtod. crrwt miftat h*Tlni » tH • IM o( lha .aala ” open by aUhtfaU. ru» «n- ■patched a rolary anowplow b lg n w a y ahon* to Twta Palli. It wai th in g a t r can etaafd cn rtMia. m«wic Vi rwin Pam It wat lo to to I Buhl 4«aJ-iiu«man_A TOOT OWI va* belBC tent (rom Twin im dersta. Murtatnh. Aw>Uwr v-plow atch«9 rm a Biirley io thi ti«li»«y froo Rupwt lo TWT_^_ n Pant, badly plucfad. will [V £1^ lhat w v tmUl equlp*B«m JShil - T ma BiipoWeromi nut*. , f I VaU«r rotary plow aad « *■ plow wen cleartn* th* road lothone to Sim VtHer. An- . -plow waa wortan* between A Be^ and Sbaabena. P rm J*r> from A wat rnwted iUta hl»hwty fo rpened M BUte. q-v. « . tr.rr«l larw tnickt and a ^ of ran w«r* rnwtod a. m. *l >rt*fwn tha Perrint U«bO- eouUie£ IHTjiff jenana. P » « « « “ TOi , wen wer* trt»u*ht back to BBi-dwttr «»•««** ----- Ltt*«on- ma opnmuont ww* ham- o f SO to J the n^tao^'irii.^^Thi ^oai Plane Patrols )ps 25 Padsets “ ™ Food in Area “ X ; iU..qutpped planet patroUn* Both imd tffat of MiPe VaUty pataw. I riBOfW 'Ouui B ;*-laf*e ■«* BiialUi. . tirtcki* famine* Tueaday. o« hlits* rlifV op*T«tad b r ■efBbere ^ B«-OrT*Brt.-biiCBi T*w* n > j ■* . • a. m. ftm wat merfreey Ut>dint wa. mad* m the O ^jervT eoroef in ordw W Tl» a he «BaS aoB e( Damty B<«- the «tarr »Tw».Mt4*r**di*La*. eonw , Th* plane wa* met by po. dtct how I wte tnek th* chUd to a p»«»^ aUoot Of the CAP had to rred to t s aUTlhtry OeUJ ^ « n n t of fat aad oa wera qm q( « tot r^TofUrif «n» r, lat food partacvd br the B«d t, irnral RMal ortea eo. tte ■ aad trarartaa wera diu^ Of4a\. m c h o o i Ul* »*D*T. for Salt Ttp»" tRanacn- of Jodm ,^CTwd annielatloB Tor tM Jd ooopmO* of efwnaj* _,.a« opon to help aad aefevd M - eee(ntk«i tmtfl U*e emer- uni---------------------------- |2M^ •<Hon-or Ft fuctnow RAJ»CR. Peb t I>Wi -Th» tiry «f»t--tictio*i aet> I <wm«y rtn ef 400 tool* emiTied to- I OaKh>' rrvcB a Btrht e< horror In I irnaWd h two aea^aaeba* or stow 1 roerata W thtH>d«»d down OD aboBt I Twta r ocMa. e«nplfte:T bloWa* oot The of them. I aeOOM traoilMt^. thf?e was «« taa I anotsl IMM* ro^flrodjlomwu u.ier.t for thocL I rlpitea UJio CoimUe.- ------ i f t i n g a l suiBmit Floods' J for wind snd new snow, but 1 it Is the situation arising Wednes Jmost conUnuously since W day ^ ime more urgent—fuel and food a Boise the weather bureau said a t^ g -MoodX tapped at G( ING. Feb. 9—Five Gooding civic It lef wDuliJjB. takw^wlth ircat of flood Is becoming Immir y runoff expectable with the flrsl town and flash floods have develi ling the Boise meeting wer« M*yo The Same Old Si _____________ EditorUd --------- 1 case you are wondering wbat. b< tbe sUte highway department ff 0. the senate aUte aflalrs commits )ere tbe bill will remain tmlaii p u « brought out on tbe floor of tbe * from reliable source* In Boise hM 1 ble malnitayi in both tbe RepubUc ra inrirtlnf that ibli. hlKbW^_W «e if that U possible, arent even att«aptto» to oODOtfl YB ' nanfeUTW. n thU poUUcal woU» ■ > « « ^ It of public worta. •ftfy'U M m lank, with a sort el «»H rold be bcmt tn mind th»i OMM ror a non-partliaa Itre-m M iew glaeer dlToroad «ittr«ly tn tt IW r the Idaho Btsto O nnc* ^ 7 1th itte ot this v ld S n r M s lH H ^ V n t be set tip ,10 btriW a u sUt« affairs eommittM is slttii raocraue membm 4lut coi^' 1to keep this auch'DMdsB rtfom the legUlatore. Tbey dont want < log their poUtlcal graty train tips «-R-ibowdown. *ii «»oee Id -fa»< ly department set«up will have to 0 It their eoomiand. Be up and at VaUey! Otve the senaU it*t« aff nm delegation in the lefflaUttin tand. Have them get thU thing fa irhere rviRTBODY st*pdsl ‘w Storm Sw From Alaska lew storm todaT fwlrW toward tl Alaska, bringing wind and i*Ir for the mountain area*. , Seattle weather bar«M taao«d « as the dlsturbaae* picked ttp^spi dDil%n ~AUik* aad British -Cotai i sltTna’MBterwas «xpect«d-to- t/mighL with to 45 mllet an ^our off «aM the etona waa td to tmload MW fan* ot . eo thi Oatrade m ounW ^ *• ' rsUroadt and hlfhway owwt . «R cleaitnc tUdea. But thfT «d milder weaU)*r far Waah- *• r « O r ^ M>d Idaho. W1US o( th* Ml i k n m eleraUdfai. vlD b* b« 1 Bnoqoalmlt aad Si^'vni ^ , ta ^ Catoadee ea« of i»^»a»»d itow*, *<it»nf etf__rw»aai tbwar trafne between eaw r* wtPtUd be I Mtcnt WatfiBvtoa. <> t IC Twuflcw m d m att Une ^ n m a it « btockad br twe »owilK»«t a total Caaoadta. bMB fM saaxOi wwttwr bw«*» **id am wooid mo*« (Mtwar< to- h a w ta if w a awiM lya-ato- ew n would aneet tba ptalaa ^ laelaM then Padfk MJd lU tracki ,o$tsata ekw th.'ooth to Oe*R. Utah. am d»l I to m ea*t of thar* ia«'But*« «m t lb* root*. . . ■ «C tb* • , railroad a«*>*dnled '* • ,2 5 ? «>*» • te taa.* b m at • pm. M crrfriaad Tool*, a* tar w Pi. oartytt* p««eB*«i kit t^k* City, Oc4b aad ouar J.A M , 5 d*^*‘uaet ^hwifa-a^e ^ a tate Wy«m« to fliek i* ttaBoa ther%. tien Appointed !'or Storm M e f Wl» J ~ h. ootmtT tewu ht»* b»« d«»* ^ fcy Oo., C ^ A - ^ U aie iurm laflef aettr.tMa ta | I Pafk temSf. ^TT^fli le cwo eooctr ofndali w«r»J M To-d*r * n « 08B ot te w eti by a m b S&uor at BolM. •■; , ::E ^ , CIT y EDIT] I ClfMUttM . . . - .. _._EEI ilt«4 rrw* - • ', - — ' •■-............... f Seaioi i^^CTeeaa Threate \ lliT^t'tioroliiriBd-wnnp: oesday from the Utest «tom ;to fc y were tiring rapidly, and whUe d sbortages wer« developing. Scl t a break in the weather was posi * * . < ConfeoUB]^ Conference in ic leaders were assured steps tor- lay and no red tape. The group c mlnent with the UtUe Wood riffO irst warm weather. The river fl veloped In quick thaws in past ye kyor J. Wealoy MiUer. CotinjligM ; I iff K . E. O snag! b u ----------------------- --------' NeweU, rej t. became of that blU tha bureau t out of poUtles, it'i By td«pbei littaa. iicaatlBa to 1 puhliQ demand in ^ u le aenat« and put to a as it tbat aome of the lapa. jUianuidDemocrttlc ^ mtMiira 1» mi«H tt lal Um reason fot tJUs S S w a s oa ilrieh « • «•& oor te r i S ^ S araeb u tan ycv m. mtm oar ttet A asm w pobttt mm orm ^om «einlnf to a but eitttar Dt to M a-asy ehaneas ta ^ jo g d »P**^ im d S "! favor-ot-ctaanging.oui io open Xlra with m ry> tioo b* wc at -em. you folk* from affairs eommittee *nd _ : r~* ru.*.r«“:j!SaRick __________ ^ ---------- --- Hell girling in ] ^ lucHfn a^tsgion?^’ Hh* ?»ile northwest SSSST b ia for-4ki valleys and «unr«L Pamm |«aW a * -------------------------a a d jr n m to hH ^ ggy- awingSet • SfJS For March 3 K. PM. • t»v-* A*wlB« *pr B «B]I* «« Itai BBBt ttvWOI M KtBldeka IrtKaUoB wam mn demi , bald Kattb t *t Jraaa. , bM ar^ retkmal tfHe* of th* b m n ;IU»9t>aB_*ald the drawfcc __x»_«^ be b*U Ol th* JDOUi anttnr^ ^ nu tf tb* (aBDdtac *( a * ^ oet tbe Btoftot«tor. «nd *««a rtal of Ijaa appfttatkm* bt*« oope wtti m oi'id for the «• (oOa tt eooM* w* woeed I* b* held 1* mmv I * tb* »mt dWiML lot^ .i ome* Mid lA l Btf** in TModo* •d ta tbe wnlta. «Wdt «(« to U aCQ to fw tm eatlea. Tb* to- e»TW**«r5 r»t»* rrea li tt tU to ep*'^ oeal Couple, Two < Strand^ by ^04 em kM p ii^ . Mt. wd lea t«i c n ^ taoo b*«i aiui t w a ta a fcgwbw— ai bey i » d ear iw ite^w Id to tvrnrtm pbamacv ■ » at M ■t te«hter. Bi m D . « « tkn* ta Mart ■I m-foot mwditfi* italM tta a w M Bdea tbi t a ^ tax ta towiC aftaw hwv- rowtey tel b*a b tadcti wtk Mi M m .' [ O T 6 ?e-w » i e * d - a t e*ar»i* Vtytti feed ta tti 13 yaavta «» « » • ■aaM at nottw bsa» b h ^ . Wh u iB a. Btaa« ta a Pofittfle Ml* •ow aC 'li nm imOttm tt tiaiM iM a fteaaa>i ta tllfiWlff t tTCE B E P iS ! . : y- e they becan* «x- Ichools In the lin a . >ssiblo. the Assock '; * * * fram SlBbi^ I r-flood-oontrol-^..- : (Xtnfeired Toesdajr fbwB*SrouSfS~^ rears. tn lr» Brooks, City irancn.tfW , __ Cedi and Laland G. publisher. Tlwy rtn- ro hour*, with : * •eglonal director H Jl ol reclamattaL.- ; XBi they ccptataidtti^ .. > Of tb* taiwan*-— ?5^^1gSaE-: S.T££^5.“r » , ■ catKn tnfcnMd fjt, lifieldABks'r 1 Ip of Stale': J Em ei^enc]^ iTEU>. M . 9-^rninmer. 1 ^ wttb *a eegalr n 3 ttntaw* k tmmrn «•». • n are Mt ealp «tt el ataiiK-'' :•- o» b m Ita «V i( fcaaBag thitr aa^m.XNMiimMl ^ r7 mim\ siM iil^n io mta* Me HtaM tf l|a w* WMH *• fM« liH* ma taarfiiii a e a < a » i« rteaJ ilae*-fcwn i . I'll i^faway ^ M»r- a a » at.— 7Mn«)aH«a»*iar' ------- st«srt5s$-^ it’ a Ml-^i q ^ p i O t a ^ ttaga kHasSsv ^a-Trrsf**"* t r - s “-ss ‘*s^ iQuldred ^ ~ foorM i?

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“ * * : : ; ..................


Iw e e p in g=^'=o^^iW^

; (oil Irv e s ti lsU o n w M ’’i ' 't o on th e C h i c i s o b o a r d o l t a i d t . « u te rd a y th e f u t u r o s o n t h o .e com m o lO^wnt m a x im u m d r o p , t h en recovcri

Jona lly » "


would M couni ^ \:.MBdurt o< ta r - t« e h ' •^ or throe w w ta . K' "

U. &■ Baytttf BQO«toJ t ^ .-> 2 ^ * W. „ id the lOTeromcnl w%» E^. .L g up lU P » ta bVi09 In o r- . •_-------?Tm cel tu JortltD I* - ,^ Th* eoTtnw ieal bouftit ■!• p ;r a S S ^ c S ^ h e i . a 1 * ^

n i^ U h*v* to ^ *0il6<WW 1 ■ / ro! »r*ln to m eet l u e n » ^ I- • / - •

iul» of MS OOO IOO bu»hel» W ^ ^

^ ’iid* Q ^ u » U o n i JoUo»ca r 1 .7 r»U m E C . to which the K ‘r j M

. pnc* »tnictur*. .u ffe rfd / M M L ^ & » c k «lnce t i a m*)or

« i^ rt other oonunoCUtle. O u^2^U«. »«1 U»<le« it*** w atch-

^ 0 r « n MO-

t»u8c Delays p Hy -v l(la„_to-Okay_^^

Races Betting ^ 'S» K IL U U C B. BATCH t w h»T^BE. Feb. B (UJ&--n» » * « •

S:'SS.’S L -r^ “2 Drivin«ie the b*r •«»m tn»ycn. t ber examlBatSon MU elresd? ’

ible a M fln . 11 r * n ^

S.»xsssis=.i^ Lot

UrtM -th li l n » of l*WT«r W» » « P ^ «M h*». b> th i. i t* ! . .-^ Btftth MUtoc. a- o r , ^«hrr atUTmrr. >» »»*cMn i Uie, trrl» r« l h « bT froup.

1 o r « failed the b v e» m * tunOt 6o« » ’f - b* th» oneM H O rw il O a r to r t. R - P»T* Pali* WtU i

u id th» litU •wouM tgrafc up rloM«l thop wWch Uwyw» la g^ ,u , lUU are p ro ti* tlin th « p ~ lT « ^

I- bud»rt roib* h w -r a c * toil proTUU* fw I M U t» 1-eiutoel b«U m a t tm i a . •«?- -Sonitli Ml br the «»*• r*cin* ««*nTn^ th»n r r tt ; awch-wouJA bc *D W "t«d r t in u it V3 I irw nor- T M inm bw *- WlD be t li

« 1 ncRilnat e c la ir of »U »I of more C rt; Bt l t W gbt b.U r«Kwt*<Uy had e«K»eld«r- ta malnta I ftrmrth. with a aum bw o( th t f a c O t ^ Cl «ho oppoeed open tam bttnc mak* Boo . tint m«fhln«* tn f» » « *“1 . rri’.iuel b r t t l t^ teatnr» a* eonUnue* - tv in i Um*«*^lI n r t Mir beth th e houM and is c am>u ^uiM>d a WU tmpoundlnt w « « th < ITT !r » n a t* *P«**1 tuaOA. aad1 fll III --t-ww*sni .le™^ a biU e » «< » UOD :u c tnen tacT

»> »i»j - i i* m r»ct T“ ® ^ .h.i; «•„ m t™ ju r« i i r th t * r -

. . 1. r - ta « I.

pcakcr Says. w ' , Tt» f’oMcr Lacks ‘l*ermanencc’

U-.r prwlUrm o; mn« I I2 fl T » l t i a m raO on tn <

« v . «irt fW h-n K a z m . m i f ^ r ^

1 5^'’

c" T-on h t* ' a--. I »»

V-, ^ -TndaT c » t'; 1, I.*,. ~r.;» (

r.iirrr, ir.T— »r"-rrrr,;r» ~ , *r«iw

•• a R a» - ' IS ^t^ t O r - j Bl» »

^■'••• ^ ■ rtai p»

^ T*» •» •' u"• : v - v,p^ „ ,).

^ • —, . . . _ ^. .-.---- - - V. f-noT

.............. •-' • -lad tA • I,;inr.

. " 7 " /'■ . . ; r ' '“ * “ ■

V r r - - - V t" f

A R esio iu l NewBiM

ocrui.1 otT *>4Ce»qr M«*ip4»«

J ProbeB7 Vnltcd r m a

A griculture Secretary Charles F la wild fluc tua tions h it the grain i loditles broke th e lim it and thia r ired to close several cenU hiRher

Family Loses EF ^ j p r — ;-

s i g ^

thtw-tMOi bMM a t tt< Je ffm ea slfMtrriTTiii n iw i i n^ — - trrwMi were U th e bw * f o a t f lh* th r

and ba<■a. U a«J U . a*»« a fTan«*M ht«-, 1. '

F. D a-b - i. ai>c

ve Opened IgehooJ Twin' r

(aders Here ^ Tthte aflen

!«• |ikat* Ml pa«« I t) BchooUd m a u ir IM w o r t a t tn th rO idM netB orS eo iB flnasc t n aHwMled th* kJ«*-otf din- .n tenam t the d n te TUBtdaj a ifh t at ■ ow n lodt

£ “s:

t t l M t Badfpt *UUnd on thf tlwjn*. "What

f t - n e polnud ont th a t the j T i l l K tor flnake fUwr cmjnclJ for IMilOO. T MUtif U reafhltic mnr« bar* £ | Q ( er brtnr^, and It tnuit ron- f, fTDir - he •aid- "Th* nvm rr » f tf« d ti) 'a e6 < T fi-fm m * ram Cub p»>^« Scout troopa tnd

■W * W t , . u W iu -«ah l. u a . W h tt t» tain ■ eafnpin* p«* ram wllh proOlmn f« e trt« lo r f t n » ««* wtU i t i daliTir «iu tln i altrartlT* anfl l r t« - ,for bora, train I fa d m anfl ^ m th* fttipWrrment nf a full Iff te a*al«t TohmU>rr Tylni on • “ M ia r r «Bun th* arta of llbm y Bcr>^, at

0 i.mn»«a -wrt ^ - u “ w i> i*th . roundi b o d f« rrm aini aj»a

RM tt JU M aounctl- Althotgh la haa tavn «rt Uw wiu « h t t z, Ci.ooo t« ♦18000 W fr tm for broufht t:mpaim pi*«ir^ »** •* " b n n n

way—by »w t R W «t. Brmjt n«-«irT«, tlblr r» n niW^rHw. to th . n * ot the»• tn t«'-k-«P

< ^r> a lm tl t/i p ^ - , lfm\.»lr<JTwin r u u furlhw in th* lm- rvifiier. rr nf h l t l n i fir'rutlrn Tfr nur {h ^ i,u *h» ™w *11 i> h»r* for • y r r I m a«n£_j vardlrw of rare or r r ^ Ii l» M rar»h il

™ 2 i ? ! £ ! i = ------------r r niRvTvr. m r p t m - p ' ,,«.p^.jy,, :sas. reb . ♦ - , " ^ '.p a a t tU lt n rar f„ ..F^pnf.>l^ " f th* . ,r. ntl'.T RrraiiS ta 'd Th» n

north *U»i!Uc : <UJue«<IIf •ifTifrt If. IWTro«5t tlK™t I ^jiiviu* iflfilf K n f t t month. ' i r ^ t t

)v e r n m e n t S p o k Of N o r th w e s t ’s»* eiKW Pt t IXA*OU. I ih tiftiB CareW eaAM t 1jmrfOTCw, > -* :

<Mc<a.nnM t ta .-7 C O ir a T d

iUilKHa atid nfwJ* Uw nr fn * e i» n ef the w«tate m u?- —

. tt>f l* r th w « f . .

^ »VWT«t=5 ^ ticw =

yj f JHmr.

r s p a p c r S c rriB T ^ L - —J

TWIN f a :

; O r d e rtm = 5 S ( F . B ranaan today on wheat, in m a rk e tia m o m in s May w heat dropped v, ler th a n yeaterday 's close. Cor

Everything in Fi

^ waa S«tt«< kr t«« T n ed a r after $i_tjM— *— ”r **■ »-«fdini«thrae-tM B heste wbea Hw ftere «il

w «n f«»rU*4 T M d a r Pit'h !S 2 T id S r t h T t a ^ T wWch I1. Tbe »iri«war* aM tb d r p b . ^ » « ^ u d m » RUbard WJia. »M -L T b r j wl

ools Closed Magi,' raU* Khoolt WlU re- v e MBlMed t n t a Best U andar. | ; «A. w . MQrraa“ *niwunc*dlerDOOn. Deiarea» u tn Twit* raJli h»»* Val;lcMd ilnce a bUixanJ hit Um OoDdtr nl«t)t. Suprr. fdcstloMO,« jt M onan annc«in«« » jj, ,t r th a t eclioob would be •ram Rio d tr . bul.hw h TUfi- n—™U ftit dofsw-TT*a»,l ,ru to hold flMtf* *rr» ^ ^

roimtrT rnadi tround Twin»re floMKl froi--- ----------------------- — I pjn. Bu

Ik Prol)lem agues Area ftcr Stormsi t « 4 o w i i h t n i l k t o * J ) f f ^ m -C k a o n f<ir tnowbpunfl M t ^ V t l - rrnirti. BhiHni Ihf prDblrm. eomhe a*P«-l nf ho* W *«:TTtarr-w ato r* ol mil* pror»**ln« mg tn pri

oihrr aaam n r o . manaJM c< Uif S»eo

produru rompany pltnt at , m\a Tueadtr m; ^ «f lh* Borma; IT.irf

i».hcina.tt!XSrt< ^ Un.

w , 1,t miTk U ^ T

PCUlpmmt to i n thf ^;n laaMoni f«i n rh main »t*T r<j n«fl* t* ran b» opmwl.•m «ald hu r<mpai^T *P- «mJn*

r r t iTTft t r -t*^ y * ^^ T ir th f fi™-. t--«-» f.r-*rrt ThfTf tvlT\«rir:jv,i When t ™.fl >«•»'"' l™* ^ ^

' twft'aK, h « h ^ th . bm«I W trlnihoDt from I John fcu , rtairrm*ii ** , PW i_rn

k e s m a n P re s e n i s P o te n t i a l foi

Land tmi

* * * *

Spedal jwSSp^sUXtflQ nrwi of W^r:^ p, r ^ K 5 a . * « . i e a.--: !d - tW1«o,— W-, t« l»tT« frpnrt*< fnr I nnrth'w, w -Wi«#r-n , tmm fa

; y<r . -«-4 — f**“ ' , w . - - » —•TTr. Wan;*- *®•*JJ= -■■ ow nS l

.SSc . ”tr. ard •’* _»p a

n — •-** - r « t of' ' ‘f-

- v - < - N V y \


red W< iding Iat, com and aoybean

d within a fraction of Corn prices also rose

highways tl f7 l|.0 Highway!

^ ^ hausted th«-— — remained d

ated Presi.......... .......... r-^—7* forecast v

— ----------- rtr-*r iight-rain,-i. t j j e a n o ^ a

__But rair'. 7 l’~ heavy run-

ready ' floods a

Hlghwayf In highp lu iiM w ith

at«Tnber« Bhoahone. In VaUer Ctuter,

i n Tw in ] m om lni th i there w a ia t Jerotne, Ooo<


u p auae o( p e aeodlns at> o n r U>e T meata«e d

When th e mow be reporteC ttecand-th

« « « rteri esplede* ta b o U are; ■aa l p < ^ Wr. mad ^ j y d ne

b r tbe Red croea. ^ ^ e d t d a i

srrinMS“cT«";— * X " l a th i

• -T - e i The ijB

i g i c V a l l e y :L iT £ .

bqdIc Hit bvij

r l H w l F B S S i f M e ol n lchv tUUVaUer to th i o tb « tH l • trcn BurU

if lh . hardahlDi catiad i and waitw i / p * 5 £ u n i Kln« WloMT BuhL andEflH of t»U*iaKla. * a d OoodU

" « ? S au’S i , ' ^^ M m nee'ea tl « t h e « « *®M, -n ir r foUowed a rot*ry J J f W i «

low aruS were eeeorlid br • 2 * ” $*5? ralrohnan C la r t Hand, ir-from th e B aft nrwr area at■ ^ . i > £ r ~

td aUd the t n p WM n>^« V-plo* wi i t .0 a a t t lururm oontabli du- yet. a i f U n i m o 9 aU bitt ob- ^I Uw iaowptow aad th* c*J» u ta h to e , ed almoet bOtniMr lo bompw. -nm hU w wat the rMbUlty. B i w » AtDcncan out 10 hU pralai of blgbwar n m a ln U BOW. can ba «i. 10 p n o B t fUod tnto th* RuP- rxXMij pk k t ^ e K .e l O enBM Bi ode* road M tv and huncry b u t oth«rwW tn A t o eond l«* . C harlei W hlttaief. cU U ^ p l larr-manacer. a rrsnced hout- from Bhoi J p n ra u d*ellin«» and offered « h w V-f tiM tancc. n * had befn ther* Ooodlnc i

ir iw altln i th r tr arrt»aL on>e. t t wU.. r o u p w at Mra. F ran l

. auithone. earrrln* a ehUd » 'trtn*: «n eJdertr «««»»•. S S Z T h . Uf*. P n i4 o m rall. aa miiu 1ft . S ? J ^ S TT. Oolo.; U lke Sehulkln. i ™B O l m Spokaa*. W a»h, and ^ t . T hfr Reteo U^*7 wer* t.-r*t- rwwirrJullT a t th* Baft n m

CCMth. and M n A. T. B rrrarr. But^ ftl rwji* to Arlaona, alertad to Q l - I T] t ( Ihf CoUfwatw camp where o K l I

T olhfr* rwnathfil Inttrad of _ n* lo BupfTl. Been* per»on* | | |* Q 1 vOTfd n e a r M a a w n roci I •0 » t&ilet IO ADi«*1e*Ti faiia. Q f i m wai t TTTwrt «tf tmr tnin int i.'ifltrr tn a »to»»l«» f*»'n- " " f “

hi.Ill . fir» In a tiis 1 ariewtynir burr«: Ul. cahln dn«,. wn r a l r r i f j ram* t r»'port ot »o a t t T tX B t JO BBW tafOTFl b i t a r c w a r n . m n t« tn e ®

5 Rfaran left Oondlnf a t tJ » du tr aM m a tT and aftFT tta w NH*r» A n «

:«•«■*< « I*. r> •* TIW* --------------------------— — brlnt th<

n t s ^ e t c T i ^o r S e n a to r s

________ ■»*«» deoTw m uon, aefglu f u wit aad . t n « r . t « , r f i » a « . l f » « « l W * . ha.*art#rbto* th e h w a* ^ e o ff iM i»r»ll» tm na tsiv . bot w nh tm- m (hrr »w pnt«>llaHa*B ia t d*ntop«neit.Kiton «Ti«kn*4 Oli r u a e ihwntt a t the f i r tm b d iM ia l f few twwjlMCto eeiiUiiy" t t d w ^ n - , „ • fljrh a* n « « aiMak. plaffM ,. ehfmirata txrr ^ ow » hy d r^ | ,tn can r-pow rrrt fartcrMa •naurm po te trt op th f enonmiat rrtia! r t the wnh eoph fw- .r u O-. f■hf r»«Vift (W artitnrtnr. Oimuei. : njeZ*>B and mr ra Mnntan** «w>- ■ tup.— -:■a onf-eua.-Wr rt the trrlfahte u « n «<«i tn o>* cm uid »!msa &wiuaLn» : r c t 4 n ilU m n c h a e w th a l ha re .te bf diTtinped. aod lc

t fORtatw ee T*!" een* of th e , 3$ h omBTl fcT e?w J«ne pn*™t»al aad | ri*v aPadT o n hTdro^lertne j « w - Uhn•tg^ - i- ifwable e c ^ y . .gf 4tf<p a far frrat*? «K in t than th* trrmtr t of th . ceoi-i-i wrath win* a*- >

FEBRUARY 9 ,1 9 4 9

o rs t D r i f i t s A re F la s h ’

w orst b lln a rd of th e 's e a s o n : th roughou t Magic Valley— th a t vs crew s which have worked alrr i« need for th e ir servicea becam closed w ith few exception. In B SS reported . The •w as fo r possible / - « .wUch-,wculd M.ttle 1 - r A f l l and lessen d rifting . V X V U ^ in m ig h t causc a - m ,i-off in BtrebniB al- Vagged, w ith flash .

danger. GOODINta » flood reUef

f t . i u r c o v . (n . dlatJlct «i*lneer at The -thrc

^ fwd T,.i»ihi counun. cen ter o f v ^ 11* etrty Wednodar A ttendin

M iherurf oftloe tald ----------------t a road open tn Castla. odSm. aod Twlo

P Symbols — —r patroi pUou ha re aet J u s t m <le* ot aynboU to r th i to ta k e thenoDi to dU tre» and j ta l l e d In. 1dd. Tha pliBM win ply ( k . , Twin Pall* area m iiinldrop* to tioUtod per- t h a t I t b e 1

vo te .lha tymboU »« a«n In w o rd fn r Ull InlonaaUofi wUle<3 to CAP operaUoo or- old WlUt»«aw BeH'Oioea.'Ttoity*. p artle* * tl

com m itteeieed(«-« drclo tn tba <i^e7 MT

i aid—a iqoart in the p a r tm e n t QOlnt h lai

u ^ r i * h t - 4 h . J e t t « S S ctJon .^ ^ 'a h o u U be Bade ' K

10 (eM t a r m ta Uw T id in g fOI i puoii ro Q u e i^ w ay engU

* sortfl b y tMet. T te T«1a ra lU bl|h> w ^ e r R t l t t

Tt. « tw )u4 boM «p « i Xn spn* tod a t bkxkfd aU roadi p a r tm e n t ■uy. aact et Rupw t. a a d t l » > lB ia t

of Twin fa ll i. wart o t * * r . ^ T 1 Ukm* between Sboabon « w Unc. Jerom t and KaUey. t n g c w t t Ik tad If t b m wera abao- TOt« I n U 5 mora wtod. crrw t miftat h*T ln i » tH • IM o( lha . a a l a ” open by aUhtfaU. ru» «n-

■patched a rolary anowplow b lg n w a y ahon* to Twta Palli. I t wai t h i n g a t r c an etaafd cn rtMia. m «w ic Vi rwin P am It wat lo to to I Buhl 4 « aJ-i iu « m an _ A TOOT OWI va* belBC tent (rom Twin im d e rs ta . M urtatnh. Aw>Uwr v-plow atch«9 r m a Biirley io th i —

ti«li»«y froo Rupwt lo TW T_^_ n Pant, badly plucfad. will [ V £ 1 ^ lhat w v tmUl equlp*B«m

JShil - Tm a BiipoWeromi nut*. , fI VaU«r rotary plow aad « *■plow wen cleartn* th* road lothone to Sim VtHer. An- .-plow waa wortan* between A Be^

and Sbaabena. P rm J*r> fro m A wat rnwted iUta hl»hwty forpened M BUte. q -v . «. tr.rr«l larw tnickt and a

of ra n w«r* rnwtod a . m . *l >rt*fwn tha Perrint U«bO- eouUie£ IHTjiff jenana. P » « « « “ T O i , wen wer* trt»u*ht back toBBi-dwttr «»•««**----- Ltt*«on-ma opnmuont ww* ham- o f SO to J the n^ tao ^ 'irii.^^ T h i ^oai

Plane Patrols )ps 25 Padsets “ ™

Food in Area “ X ;iU..qutpped planet patroUn* Bothimd tffa t of MiPe VaUty pataw. IriBOfW 'Ouui B ;*-laf*e ■«* BiialUi.. tirtcki* famine* Tueaday. o « hlits*rlifV op*T«tad b r ■efBbere ^ B«-OrT*Brt.-biiCBi T*w* n > j ■*. • a. m . ftm w atmerfreey Ut>dint wa. mad* m th e O ^jervT eoroef in ordw W T l» ahe «BaS aoB e( Damty B<«- the «tarr» T w » .M t4 * r * * d i* L a * . e o n w, Th* plane wa* met by po . dtct how I w te tnek th* chUd to a p»«»^

aUoot Of the CAP had torred to ts aUTlhtry OeUJ ^« n n t of fat aad oa wera qm q( «tot r^TofUrif « n » r,

la t food partacvd br the B«d t,irnral RMal ortea eo. tte

■ aad trarartaa wera d iu ^ O f4 a \. m c h o o i Ul* »*D*T. for Salt

T tp»" tRanacn- of Jodm ,^CTw d annielatloB Tor tM Jd ooopm O * of e fw naj* _ , . a « opon to help aad aefevd M - e e e (n tk « i tmtfl U*e emer-

uni---------------------------- |2M^•<Hon-or Ft

f u c tn o w RAJ»CR. Peb t I> W i-T h» tiry «f»t--tictio*i aet> I <wm«yrtn ef 400 tool* emiTied to - I OaKh>'rrvcB a Btrht e< horror In I irnaW dh two aea^aaeba* or stow 1 roerataW thtH>d«»d down OD aboBt I Twta rocMa. e«nplfte:T bloWa* oot Theof them. I aeOOM trao ilM t^ . thf?e was «« t a a I a n o ts l

IM M * ro^flrod jlomwu u.ier.t for thocL I

rlp itea U J io CoimUe.- ------

i f t i n g a l

s u iB m i t F l o o d s '

J for wind snd new snow, bu t 1 it Is the situation arising Wednes Jmost conUnuously since W d a y ime more urgent—fuel and food a Boise the weather bureau said a

t^ g -MoodX tapped at G(ING. Feb. 9—Five Gooding civic It lef wDuliJjB. takw^wlth

irca t of flood Is becoming Immir y runoff expectable w ith th e flrsl town and flash floods have develi

ling the Boise meeting wer« M*yo

The Same Old Si_____________ EditorUd ---------1 case you are wondering wbat. b< tbe sUte highway departm ent ff 0. the senate aUte aflalrs commits )ere tbe bill will remain tm laii p u « brought out on tbe floor of tbe *

from reliable source* In Boise hM 1 ble malnitayi in both tbe RepubUc ■ r a i n r i r t ln f that i b l i . hlKbW^_W «e if that U possible, a r e n t even att«aptto» to oODOtfl YB' nanfeUTW.n thU poUUcal woU» ■ > « « ^ I t of public worta. •ftfy 'U M m lank, with a sort e l «»H

rold be bcm t tn m ind th » i OMM ror a non-partliaa I t r e - m M ie w glaeer dlToroad «ittr«ly t n t t IW r the Idaho Btsto O n n c *^ 7 1th

itte ot this v l d S n r M s l H H ^ V n t be set tip ,10 btriW a u sUt« affairs eommittM is slttii raocraue m em bm 4l u t c o i ^ ' 1 to keep this auch'DM dsB rtfom the legUlatore. Tbey d o n t w ant <

log their poUtlcal g ra ty tra in tips «-R-ibowdown. * ii «»oee Id -fa»< ly department set«up will have to 0 I t their eoomiand. Be up and a t VaUey! Otve the senaU it*t« aff nm delegation in the lefflaUttin tand . Have them get thU th ing fa irhere rviRTBODY st*pdsl

‘w Storm Sw From Alaskalew storm todaT fw lrW toward tl Alaska, bringing wind and i*Ir for the mountain area*., S eattle w eather b a r« M taao«d « a s th e dlsturbaae* picked ttp^spi

dDil%n ~A U ik* a a d B r i t is h -C o ta i i sltTna’ M B te rw a s «xpec t« d -to -

t/m ighL with to 45 m llet an ^ o u r o ff

«aM the etona waatd to tmload MW fan* ot .eo th i Oatrade m o u n W ^ *• 'rsUroadt and hlfhway owwt . «R cleaitnc tUdea. But thfT«d milder weaU)*r far W aah- *• r « •

O r ^ M>d Idaho. W1US o( th* Mli k n m eleraUdfai. vlD b* b«1 Bnoqoalmlt aad S i^ 'vn i ^ , t a ^ Catoadee e a« of

i»^»a»»d itow*, *<it»nf etf__rw»aaitbw ar trafne between e a w r* wtPtUd be I M tcnt WatfiBvtoa. <> t

I C Twuflcw m d m a tt Une ^ n m a i t « btockad br twe »owilK»«t a to ta l Caaoadta. bMB f MsaaxOi wwttwr bw«*» **id

a m wooid mo*« (Mtwar< to - h a w t a i fw a awiM lya-ato-ew n would aneet tba ptalaa ^

la e la Mth e n P ad fk MJd lU track i ,o$tsata ek w th.'ooth to O e*R . U tah. a m d » l I t o m ea*t of thar* ia«'B ut*« «mt lb* root*. . . ■ «C tb * •, railroad a«*>*dnled ' * • , 2 5 ? «>*»• te taa.* b m a t • pm .M crrfriaad Tool*, a* tar w Pi. oartytt* p««eB*«ikit t^ k * City, Oc4b aad o u a r J .A M ,

5 d*^*‘uaet ^hw ifa-a^e ^a ta te W y«m « to fliek i *

ttaBoa ther%.

t i e n A p p o i n t e d ! ' o r S t o r m M e fWl» J ~

h. ootmtT te w u ht»* b » « d«»*^ fcy Oo., C ^ A - ^U a i e iu rm laflef aettr.tMa ta |I Pafk temSf. ^TT^flile cwo eooctr o fndali w«r»J M T o -d * r * n « 08B ot t e w e t i by a m b

S & uor a t BolM.

■ •■; , ■ : : E ^

, C ITy ED IT]

I ClfMUttM . . . - .. _._EEIilt«4 rrw* - • ', - — ' •■-...............

f S e a io i i^^CTeeaa T h r e a te

\ l l i T ^ t ' t i o r o l i i r i B d - w n n p : oesday from the U te s t « to m ; to fc y w ere tir in g rapidly, an d whUe d sbo rtages wer« developing. S c l t a b reak in the w eather w as posi

* • * . • <

ConfeoUB]^ Conference inic leaders w ere assured s tep s tor- lay a n d no red tape. The g ro u p c

m ln e n t w ith the UtUe Wood riffO i r s t w arm weather. The r iv e r fl veloped In quick thaw s in p a s t y e kyor J . Wealoy MiUer. C o tin jlig M

; I iff K. E. O snag! b™ u----------------------- --------' NeweU, rejt. becam e of th a t blU th a b u reau t o u t o f poUtles, i t ' i By td«pbei littaa . iicaatlBa to 1puhliQ dem and i n ^ u le aenat« an d p u t to a

a s i t tb a t aome of th e lapa. jU ia n u id D e m o c r tt lc ^mtMiira 1» mi«H t t

la l Um reason fot tJUs S S w a s oa

i l r ie h « • «•& o o r t e r i S ^ S araeb u tan ycv m. m tm o a r t t e t A a s m w p o b ttt m m

o r m ^ o m «einlnf to a b u t e ittta r Dt to M a - a s y ehaneas t a ^ j o g d»P**^ im d S " !favor-o t-ctaanging .ouiio o pen Xlra w ith m ry > tioo b* wca t -em. you folk* fromaffa irs eommittee *nd _ : r~*

ru.*.r«“:j!SaRick __________ ---------- --- H e llgirling in ]

^ lu c H fn

a ^ t s g i o n ? ^ ’H h * ? » i l e northw est S S S S T b i a f o r -4 k i valleys and « u n r« L

P a m m

| « a W a * -------------------------a a d jrn mto hH ^ g g y -

aw in g S e t • S fJS For March 3K . PM . • t» v -* A*wlB« *prB «B]I* «« Itai BBBt ttvWOI M

KtBldeka IrtKaUoB w a m mn dem i, bald K a t tb t * t J r a a a . , bM a r ^retkmal tfHe* of th* b m n;IU»9 t>aB_*ald the drawfcc __x » _ « ^be b*U Ol th* JDOUi a n ttn r^ ^ n utf tb* (aBDdtac *( a * ^ o e t tb eB t o f to t « to r . «nd *««artal of I ja a appfttatkm* bt*« oope w tti m o i ' i d for the «• (oO a t t eooM* w* w oeed I* b* held 1* m m v I “ * tb* » m t dW iML l o t ^ . i

om e* Mid l A l Btf** i n TModo*•d ta tbe wnlta. «Wdt «(« to U aCQto fw tm eatlea. Tb* to- e»TW**«r5

r»t» * rrea l i t t tU to e p * '^

oeal Couple, T w o < S t r a n d ^ by ^ 0 4

e m kM p i i ^ . Mt. w d l e a t « i c n ^ ta o o b*«i aiui tw a t a a fcgwbw— ai

bey i » d ear i w i t e ^ w Id to tvrnrtm pbamacv ■ » at M ■ t t e « h te r . Bim D . « « tkn* ta M a rt ■I m-foot mwditfi* italM t t a a w M Bdea tbi t a ^ tax ta towiC a fta w hwv-rowtey tel b*a b tadcti wtk Mi Mm.' [ O T 6 ? e - w » i e * d - a t e * a r » i *V ty tti feed ta t t i 13 yaavta «» « » • ■aaM a t n o t t w b s a » b h ^ . Wh u iB a. B taa « t a a Pofittfle M l* • o w a C 'l i n m im O ttm t t t i a i M i M a fteaaa>ita tllfiW lff



E P i S

!. : y -

e they becan* «x- Ichools In the l i n a . >ssiblo. the Assock ';

* * *

f r a m ■SlBbi^ Ir-flo o d -o o n tro l-^ ..- : (Xtnfeired Toesdajr

f b w B * S r o u S f S ~ ^rears.tn lr» Brooks, City i r a n c n .t fW , _ _ Cedi and Laland G. publisher. Tlwy r tn - ro hour*, with : * •eglonal director H Jl o l reclamattaL.- ;XBi they ccptataidtti^ . .> Of tb* taiwan*-—?5^^1gSaE-: S.T££ 5.“r » , ■catKn tnfcnMd f j t , ■

lifieldABks'r 1 Ip of Stale': J

E m e i ^ e n c ] ^iTEU>. M . 9-^rninmer. 1

^ wttb *a eegalr n 3ttn taw * k tm m r n «•». •

n are Mt ealp «tt el ataiiK-'' :•- o» b m Ita «V i( fcaaBagthitr aa^m.XNMiimMl ^ r 7

Q» mim\ s iM i i l ^ nio m ta* Me H ta M tf l |a w* WMH * • fM « l i H *ma taarfiiii a e a < a » i« rteaJ ilae*-fcwn i . I'll i^faway ^ M»r- a a » a t.— 7 M n « )a H « a » * ia r '-------

s t« s r t5 s $ -^

it’ a Ml- iq ^ p iO ta ^ ttaga

k H a s S s v^a-Trrsf**"*t r - s “- s s ‘*s^

iQuldred ~ f o o r M i ?

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

L -Speaker Says - _ ^ w e t Lacks ir r—‘Pennanence’

•OBvtUitf b litw j WlU n o t U»’ t e B u U a d * in n m r dooUoair

. “ KL .r n a c a D bmpptvlnc

T m ie e 't l tod»r du»ppr*iln« t n a the l i c to l Um u n a w » n r s t ? n t« oaUco tor m onl uuu& U iiy ' pen& oM tlm ott m r r * tn u o! | F m e b M dtt;.'' Im t u M . T h e !

-- ------oMimunMi .A n .U )L ^ _ {* o j> k u .Fi»Qce todu wtie c»« «ii»i t» -1

.-. « m w t>»« conauy.-___________|“the p w t ?ue»Uen o r tr *a W ia» I

v a A c n »orl4 i» * U ■heiaw or no t 1 R u a u U mtaeuTctinc ta n tn r r I n r . 1 do cot think *e." ICu- J maTcr *U tb« n iu ilu u «&=t- «d • ib0«do*n tn Europe lOcr vovld blacVnl* -Vlena4 iS u a d ot

' BBtto. far thea * • could not De abl* (0 opentc tbe ittUIt.’'

Nei Bcs47 fw W«r Be pointed out that If liM Ru»-

fi«n. n n te d to move rrosi BcrUn tt •j> the BwUtb chAcntl tb e r " u ld {>

! do to. -But.- he taiA. - tb » t would n<to ro h i Umn lo wmr *mJ the Su*- tr «i«"» «r» not rt*Ar Ior modem n r >c

_ ^U tnw b lt behind ihe rroo eur- H t*ln. ) “

-Wlien you think of th* cJi*nc««Of anoQxr w . ihink of hu« w e ^UM o » e t^vd ." •!* uw i. -iWoiaa w n bcfU whrn dicUtAr* le&n- (4 tha t aes»cr»t;c ptuv> would o o t q,

- tU nC behind «ti»l ihf>- ^uxti fw .'—--------*ro6ar A»ert»* W the <mly lo l ^ er

f is ta d G0UC(J7 becauie tbe pcopJe „ tR D the bcylnnUx hatr tu d to in* ^ onUT« to r a k and in inceoUTC lo ^ MTB (or tbe purpQie of loT otm ent. IwwUd. a

r u u Bnikto UJ"Our (allh U> »oatthln< above tr

m a bercDd Ilf* u no to n e r > dyna- ^. m k tblnc.* h* added. * lt h a t been u. 9 broken down. American lUe U tli*

hr-produci oJ fu th . and ojOj « iu » 'reUxloe m lh« n o u ra tln f lorce can *>M 7 niUoo hffpe to maintain lU • p U a •« a power tn ttte vorhL-

■ni* ■peaker vaa Introduced by fUm R*t . DCfiild B. BUckstxxie. I:

• Richfield Asks Help of-State hi

In Emergency IM O etM f T t te ^ T m m Bobtnaoo “n a e h . wben Ura. Ilotatnaoo haa ^n toT M d cn]} recently t m a boa- ,

a l Bait Lake QlT. ^. ptk* alH took B*y Brl«sa. ”

Wbo bM been etranded In town, lo "bU m c b ^ tb nippUe*. Be land« l “M tb t J . d Fr«*m»B ranch w ith ^y ti im it i ’l olet*. Oana P n * n a n . «

I v h o w u atnaded h e n fe r a wMk. "I---------- A r taitaX el- Mhw .tm td ed

penoM departed froo h m Tuaa- ~«ay o f ln a o B bul «ooI4 *et a n l j J

• e n r t l ftudente walked back to **•own. I. B- Woodi eonunued on Iwreeback to hi* farm. anoUter two

• Bflea awaj. while U n. Wood* and vttMT w«nfQ IQ the iw ty rtnialned ^ ml the nearby Leonard Boferw ^

Another ht«h Khool itudenL Rob- e rt UiM. madi th« fl»«-Biile trip «o hU hom. br hoTM U any of the “ t a m m in the a m find horaee t thetr etiij irtniporuuen to town. ^

The Hoflpltal | w■ miiUM ? b«]« oBiT wwe eTall-

______nbia.V td& fadu a l tba T n n PaUs ;coonty hODlUl. Xmiitr.i houri a rr C m I io T a w ^ T to I

A n m r re i) ^ItiB. Rebnt OuUei M n U ur?

■amMoa. U n Vem* W anl and M Kr*. fteben i:: T ^ n ra:i*. ''<W lU aa PamU and Mn> PrmnUin ^ Vandeburf. tnU) HuM U n Etit fii * t x m n n . K ir tm U n t c n r a ! BriTVn. CaiUrrnrtS. ar.i] A lm o j”Orwm and Un. John Jrnk ln i hnoi hijw. - •

mKMiRKm . . i< n . CUude W uenaa aaA O a ^ n - f

tm . and lADean WoIIf all Tr-.n ^ PUta, M n U^?»;n T l l r r a n c , . , dan»bt«r, H»r.«T. Mr»VUetKU. BuU. a£>4 U/>. KaLh.»«r.Brur*. &!«n

Wealherbr Tk« Asar^iM F m

■y w . H.l M<* ^-T

~ - ~ " T- ' "I,rw -w . _ ** 1

?Z T^” 7 ”©r*« - . T.OMh« __ . t I

j; !i ., 1»i. L*^a " ■ t ' -1 I ..^ r - i n -w 1. J- . I ^

Rt rRii>4 rMaffV r . t v . - -

■ ■<wn » ae4 t»-da< v lth UtipwmlwTT

U N n s r t h «r-UiRltM ^ I

••■Wfwuten IJ u *« TT ai iili. Ib - .twweelfH ’

■M tfWVtS ,«K ■a>4 fm). w K lc h - . '



< MEETTNG Ir r i a t T . F r t 11

■ O 0 H « 1 U .» M4r* WT«T 'I m e tU Boper T> ICrsMaD

IW IIII* * i "

^ '


Keep tlu w iu u n o f f l 1 ^fetv rirtna

W S. Sl l I - ^

U \ SM o;tt

n o w se ve n t f a y i K l th o u t a « i ' r a f f l T d ^ l h Jh o u r~ U a g iv ^ vailev__________________ **

---------------------- — J rHouse Delays “ Plan to Okay ' Races Bettiiig n

irr«» r t f o—) “itaU Knate. Tbo bUL durtng tha .. paat » yean baa been w ru e d in nearly erery lc«lilature In th« coun- . try. ThU wai lhe flr»t euch bill In * Idaho tn nrarly 10 yean.

The bill Introduced In tha aenate >«atcrdiT pVoTldri'Uul each f rr ! (h l ^ train m int e tr r j a condtictar. cn- i " lineer. firrw an. fU fm an a n d ] “ braketnan. In 4Wltchln( operstioca ^ a terond brakrman would have to be attdKl. t'ftlcn Pacific railroad re- *•“ ported ll cu n ro U ; u k a five oww* ‘‘ m ra oti earti trrlcht.

In fonnet >rar* the to>callrd lull i e rrw bflli w m introCucea in nearly 1 a; r re ry teuion of the le c u u tu r t u p ! v uniU 19S9 Prom th rn imuj now n o ' rr euch bill t*.ai tiren tnt/ndurrd. | in

T he ita le hae n r \r r pvi>rd a luU- C3TV blU. The lom ur blUa a lao , tc uuially lunlte(; ihe Im vth « i a I U' frtlghi tfaln. The onr In tro d u ce d '.: ye»lerd»y dora not m ate any aueh I ih UmiLauon. I u

Also inlroducfd In Uie Iv la la lu rr , y r itr rd ir va i a bill which would ' a|>pr<>i'rtal« MOO for tae by th e f tn - ’ rnior In ir r r t ln i it.r -m frcl train" *” ah lcb U due In Boim aoon.

Gooding Aviators » Patrol Region to “

• Help in D istress “OO OD Inq. Peb » - R / . Jackaon. e»

head of the^Oeneral A ircraft com- pauy hert. haa announced th a f l r a u j i . s w g t a t l n i with num^ctL-oT.tZu. d« Ooodinf Plym j chib id oper»unj^ ■ rtfiular patroli orer nonhem Oood- g f tnc eounty. Road* and farma will be k, pa tn led wben waather pennlLa.

‘n ta froup plane to drop meaaafae In Ice cream container! w llh tn> nrucUoRi OD how to Indicate what help ll needed I f ne antatance U n e c f ary. Ihe la rm en or d riven are to wa*e the airplane away, f '' O thervlN thry arw lo w ni* their , nrede In larie I r t u n on the enow.

^ JS e JJ i .JK L tir '.ro y K ritL 'F .ji iT e . „ W n ttponad M l i f road and ^ weather eandiuona conUnue. duircaa " U tu iw en. I p to i ^

i£ r b ^ ^ S S S itV 'm Ef c lu H i d r 3. X. M M T . « b M ”

In fan t Dies "JEROML. peb. • -C U fsn e AUee * '

Po T i i. tnJant enn oT U r. a n d U ra. „ t^ r r a fDvrra. died a l U n h Tuea- , day

S u m ro n IncluOe lhe parenta. two J" a llien . LerrlU and Dolofaa, and *• irandparenu . U r and U ra Clrde Powwa anfl Ur. and U n C R IVJ- eon. alJ Jrrnm a

pifhrraJ errrlcei dlie aal t m a - U»rly for J r rn t^u ra rtar a t lhe W^lpy funrral hnme

--------------------------1 “M a e i c V a l l c j ' g

FancraK " * „■ I ' I Wl

CAKLTk' — n m ^ l arrrirMa for U' Ur» Jfurph la.-viri «;u b» ran*

al 1 r m rru-.a. In t-*» h" LU8 rt:iin-li al « iu i Biahop ir.iWlltard Ralrr In r h . - i r Th* bn^T , m-ui b» al Ui» taixur hem* ; *•’n a m Frif.ir anrt th» funrral ^ hmlr IntrrmfM •;;; (» mart» li- th^ 0»*M7 rrm f' j r r ' “

J raO V rr — nmrr»J f r r 'r^TFTif RT7»n p w« >'.' t, a.,- oP**Ur ana U n Ln-*r. TViT»r» ar» »»l , * 'l.'nLittvr:, 3 p m al ^

I 'i r r - . , ;nr

-.-T 'r

• t u r* .5. «■

u ru . PTU.-J .»*

vr:T»TmT.M - r ; - - - ,?-r K * r.- r - J y t- r - . . . •» eai a sr r rr. T?:ur«/1t . ■ r-

«t pa:^ R

s r u w N C^ a u / n r c o I

y 2 3 f /

»ee ac o -

Roads Oosed “Tightest” by Latest-^torm

<>r»» r w <>■»»t7iiksi Pacifle mainline wm blocked between Olettlch and Shoabone and bad between there and FocAtclkL Par tbU f :ru Ume thla aeaaon. no loc«2 mixed in ia i have n u between

thU wetiLSun VaUey peu en e tr train* w«tw optntlnc oa eeUytd acbedoiea.

Lait mainline paiaenctr trs in s throucn Snoihone were a Sunday ' WMUound tr im th m ic tt there [ T\ai4ay ir.o."Tilrjf~ana~QUte (x tl- ' bound t.*aini late Uooday n ltfu . A ' luiaij n w i i lu w left y t i i PaU rK r • S pA. W ednoday to open tbe line to Wells. .ScT, but h»d not boen hurd from by noon.

Airline lra\el waa a l a itandsUU wiui roadi to airport* blocked.

H BrU atb Pnel Bbartan'A ottica l fuel th o n ji« e-w u do-

. vel»ptr.« a l u u r u u fh e.nere ooo o i ' lao oil dcalen had about SO per

' cenl of h u uiual weekly aalea «b .hand. 'R ie oUicr dealer. luppUad

I txccB Twin PaUi. was oul of fuel ‘ oil but bad been procnUcd emer- ’ imcy iM>pliei If the road could be ' opened.

77;rrr hAi bren no coaJ th r r r for 10 NUM f ir lin d t ar* ua order.

;, Wind u t^U;i buni(d. but Uiers-U . I ar.1; a imall aupply. Th* U ltner ,' aiea nrar U urU ufh wai rrported , in l .r’ »ar»l ihape Irom lhe lucl

a :io;u:r aikl cam e* a pnuniy on . firal tuppllrv

roed A de^uUWit* u.e cxerpUan ol milk, bread

■ j a.13 - irjn:!ar daily^Itim t ed -tood.,: irwr.-) »-j;>i>i;e« a l U u ru u jft were I ' rr;c:lr<l aCe<]UaU. Orocerict are bO*I inj irf'.t lo UUner by train.

U uru'jgh hlshwaya wrrr reported I. to t<« uloeted aorae lhan a l any Uma fUiii «MM>. An army-type unie*

■ M Iar haa brrn abir U> break I Ihro'j(h «as aUlled Crar thera I Wrtr.rvli)- cnomlnf.

Stm haaw BWwlnc Al ru rlle ld , Hire* Inehra of nrw

. aiioi rnrrr brin* d n llrd try heav7 windj The coal ahonage ha i forced lamLlci U) nxne lo«eU>rr. U n . CecU Kovtrd cloa«d her houte and moved tn wtth a n rtsh tnr. Urs. K esncth UlUheU. Both women'* huibanda a n rm;»U;y««3 cm aheep ranchea near Ooodln|. The coal ahortat* thrratenj oprrallon of the w ater plant AlUiough the planl l» eleetJl-

< caUy operaiad. h e a t ia nerded .ta keep pipri trom f rm ln |. Wood U belns broufhl to aupplrm rnt tha

- *1* 1 I'H Tlf - ______Tha fuel alluation w u Uated

entlcaj aiao a l Uallry, Bcllrru* and Ketchum. 6ciiooli a r t open there. T hen U no coal a l Hallry. KeU-hura or Carey, bui there U no aborta«e rrported on fuel oU.

Iltcb n iBd*Wlndl up lo 10 milei an hour blew

durliK the ru<ht a t Burley, aod eoii- Unufd dur1n( lhe day. Alrltnea were UUiif an Uy anoa-packed runway thrrr The hlfhway dUUict thera eTToM w{MS eeily twu luwla Tmwday. Both war* drtfled full acaln.

A inowplow wai auu etalled al Daclo. wtth reacu* planned Wednea- h v A of itranded Alhkmna ideoli relum ed aftrr belnc un* abli lo reach lha l casununlly

Al 1.77 a m. the Ourlry fire de­partment waa eailrd lo the hl«hway dlim rt ahed w hen a patrol rnctne wai ablaie U ule dama«* rMuiled.

Al Ooodlni. n lchl wind relncUy rea£had 11 mllr* prr hour Tbe road from there to b<nue wai reporU>d to be open Wlndi at T *tn Fall* aTrr- a<rd Si mile* prr h<mr b r ta r m 2 and « a m Wr<1nriMla;

Baa >aUT7 Illl A frw c an manaced ic u ir a lter-

naU hlchaayi for Bun Vallry TM«- ; d»j. h:v moit rxirsti of the rw w t : wert uiOnc tn ln i Tlte f ln t lo ;lea»« th e n abir* th r w rrt-end blli. lard departed Mmulay n v til wtth ' Oeofir r Aihby. Union Parlflc prr .- |

Bn »ptn i tha brunl of tne .kau*>|

w o W r tin a P m j P:in« a as mr?tir\| th en durti4 lhe nl«hi | I

Carry remained v',rtiia.;> • r r ^ - . boutKl. with Mlr-«-«« .T-. •ir.aln a lrw l Mi:k ««- i , iin fl«l aladl d.-aaii t r rr-.«r.\ a> •

; a;» hc.-aei a*ch. Mt. end Nr> v - r S t , , ' M-rtnrk'a babT d»u«htrr »a>

ti thf Hailey hospital Mr.nrta^ ,. Mli:n4 a aoewploa. : ,I FtelrUUn r.Irr*

Afrr ^

; I 'f r p rtear^rr n-v

p i ' 1 f!;;,-rri l-»i» 'h»itrar.rtrc ty- «he;;rr ir. •_*if

u m R eal. I

; tn T m wm t ^ f T ^r- wa» M. ' I fT-r>»:*ht ?r. V* ^ir'.FVa'k n r a«'.a.’ i

t-».. • / ?a.'T-.r-» (■;.■' rr!a»p.«Mft j pi't* j

t 'f - iV .* . !• T ‘ *ff r-M>


^ T R I L S ?H Q u i c k w i t h■ M E N T H O L A T U f M

H • D neM a d r « f o d .^ nrp^-i'la

^ <<■ *«■ t Hi 1. v ~ t t<M>!

3 M M eatbnlaftn 't ta»K»e » rr«t-

k | aoJ r.r>>*r ( a M r a r * 'S l *fif* fcr I t » r t r e r « «>»»<*

Im m i;

Tmtii Falls N<M o « l^ O DceM 1

•n>e ORO trainlB* oewm «cba> p i a m M - to ~T ~ p .-m .-ta ttyT M -lw q i J

ed U « i^ i ’^ A m*rrU«e licenie wa* J»aed to {

Bayiaood D- Uorjan and Iren* O- *00 Homan, both Jexomt. Toeaday U t « t ^ offke of lhe county clerk. •

^ tTrniiilrttnf rUaaei I „ A. D. Boblcr'hu applied tor a

permit to cut aa entrance and oon- >^ Mruct a dormer ntlmatcd to coat J

i* H sm rtty Becretary •

A nlU dau(bt«r of U r. .“ « a d U r» . Arthur U lr*de.T »m Palli. *

U correapondat leereiAry of Phi“ Beta U u. LJnfleld coUtse aorority a t J

U cM lnnnlle . O n. She U a lophn- f

•- ---- t01 T o » Prodaeer * t t A rthur T- W alion-bcal repreaeaU J' BB A tlre of the BtnrficiaJ Life In iur- I ad Boca company, u rarJied to fifth I ici p '* ~ -rnonj the fL'm'l Z3i field T- reprcaenuu res for sellinc M7 poll- t be d c a lotallnc M'S.Wl U> Ufe Incur- C

ftace proieewon aur.r^ IM*. tw ---------- ---- »3 W om en Aid in ; S Jerom e D rive '

F o r H ospital I<a. - n n o i s r . - m » - w j th deter— « ra minaUon to irfurr Uie Jerane U e- , « •• m ortal hoapiiil. ICN mrmbrra of the , b

wromcnVdii-jioti ol ihe boipitalj*' ed bulldUi* fu.-.d ca-Tiiialfn met lo r l* u klck-olJ initruciioii* Tue».day e r* - , ° ek Oinc In l^e Jerome courlhuuia. >

Ur*. C.‘ur;e» DeAUry. wccnen i , chalnnan . pmlfled and announced ^ t2ia divUlon |oal would be I30M0. L Mr*. DeAUey ralird on each team ,

rw m em ber Uj ooniict aU her proipecu f vy w llhln lh r divliicjr. • irnif achrduie , ed and to make full u»r of ihe monthly , ell paym ent pUn lur lularrtpUon wllh- ed In the threc-year prrtud. ;U> A ddreialnf the froup brieny. Dr- i da R . c . U in c o r tp r u c d hU a p p rf

e lation for Uie «n;>urtanl phiM of i • • th e cam paifn k ;n* utiCled by tne ]

wocnen'a croujf W C ChurrJimao.I ' feneraJ chalm ir, of Uie campalfn. t® twportad o*> U>* work of tn* other Dd <Url*lor.i lo daU and rumplimenled f** th a froup for luriun* out in lucsi

^ Churchm an uld . T h e men m me J ~ o the r dlvi.K.iu ran wr:! Jollw the ^

ezampla art tij you lafllea" U o n . ™ Ulan eoo prtaprrU card* wer* ilcned \ , '* a o d neceaiary eampalcn roalrnaJ

waa dlitntMjtfd. ^J , The m en 'i Oirttton undrr U-Roy i f

P rw aer rorcU »i I pm lodiy ai_o „ eam palfn headijuartm T hli froup i

ta *tnTtnf to tn m i u loal of WS JOO ‘ 1 ' and hai rrpon^d W jso to daU. A ' (

ly. >■>*■>.. Lal .4— laU >»a*w.lhcwpiul a a l rerrltad T ueadtj >m s i

---------------- I

” Sentence Delayed-' r ■- On Check Charge'M D A. Blew. 0 4 CanyoQ View,; 3

pleaded rullty Tueaday in )tuUc* ■ Xj ro u n to a e h ar |i of liiuln< a chKk I ■ td w ith Inmfflrlent ftmda. '^ e eourt < to dafrrrwd Judfment until I ^ m. I ‘ T- Wedneaday. I '

Tha oxnpUlnt charred Blew le-i > aiMd the c h a a ta r (10 to a loral «er«Ve etaUoD without haetnc eul- |

r> ricient fundi Ui th* bank to c o m i e> IL The check, dnw o on th i Twin > Tt r d i Bank and T n u t eonpany. wat i lo laiufd Jan- a . I

dJB tah^ te^ tS iiL -4;l Songht in Court\f A prUtlon fnr p r ^ U e i -* wiU

1 In thp arta te ot Ura. Ida C nobfrii Juir 10 IM*. »ai fl.»n

• • |T u f* :iT tn pr-'baui roun TT:» f*- : I I Lat# TOBili'i cf real proprrtv tr.•• T » tr rail* r'Tj-ty and h a i a rau* ie , of fJJDoa

l» ra Roberta 1 f liu jh te : l» l:>tffl , aa ^ flf Ifl the f»t«t# T^i* li

t r'^”Bete«H *» »• e tr; Ff'- J ' •• L.—* R < * m i li^ n . ii i-w. •»-! or

Discharges^ OLa-if* E C;;n»»s.

* .1 Altaotlofi OM

'I RFCn-. R MFFTINC j . I l i« r » d a c , r * K iO i.

r . I jl O O r R a t O - M F I ^ -1- • M rwM * e» Hai»«* «*et* j-

jl Noei* O-and W«t- '* la.-T j

J |d '| | Vl.sTTDRfl W C Jn o v l


p ^ r - r f .vo-j t . v I .- , . : , r:-r. S'-.akn.. A-V.i™

Wc C o n S a v e

PHONE F o r F r e e Ei

1 — Trrm ji Tf> S u it

M A G I C c m

& I K P R O T t

<?< T tp ,t


fews in B rie fSea B e n . . .

A « w u bora McDday to U r.Mr. o .v tf ^n iam iiif i a t ItTW

Seeood ftTcsDe wwi, |

Tbe rcful*r m eetlns of the Blckel tPTA and oecoUTc board. oclflnaUy t•cheduJed f(w T bunday evenlns, ha* fbeen pcfiponed tndefmltely. >l wa* ); announced Wednesday.

Bead m m a la r ,f>uane Ram aerer. aoa of Ur, and ,

Ura. Homq- JUmseyer. Twm PaU*. , ha* been elcctcd bead inlUator of h a fraicrtiHy. Alpha Oamma Nu. a tLlnfleld“ c 5 !li iO * eM ljio ’'®*- 0 ' ' ' ,B e U-a. j un io r ma>nrtng-m buiin r ti -

t rm Urm

rc tm ll Aaked \A a application for a buUdtnf per- *

mit WM fUed Tueaday a t the of­fice ol the d ty clerk by U n . Ben OotUrr. 1010 U aorice »ireei. for the erection o t a farvce to be uied ' a t a brtoder bou*e. Cott of th t pro- ‘ iecl IJ eiUmated a t »«0. ^

Dinner Poatpooed ]The K knberly -H auen -M uruu^ '

Bcout d u u ic t finance caapalfn dlnnrr. icheduled for Wedr-eid»y n lfh t a l the Hanaen hlfh ichool. ha* been poctponed. accordinc to Bud Scott. d ilt rW ehairnian. Ten- laUT* data for tha dinner hai been ■et for Wadneiday. Peb. O.

M e ab e t 'PbUip B urkhart. Twin Palls. Ii a

member of th e benquet committee lor Uie IntercoUcfUt* K nlfhu ' -iweeU-.eart weekend" a l Llnflcld

end o( cvtnta baa beea planned In honor cf a •^ e e th e a rt* to be jtleei- ed from Uia freahm an c lan The erent It icheduled for Priday. S iiu r-.. day and Sunday,

BtrtheSo.Ti w en born Tueaday at the

T ^ n P»U* county hoepiial lo Ur. and U n . Robert Culler and Ur. and U n . Q eo n e Kochli. all Twin Pall*, bom wera bom Wedneaday to U r. and U n . John Jenkini. PUer, and Ur. and Mra. Boward Oiler- houdt, BuhJ. A daufhler wai bom Wedneaday U> U r. a a l U n . Robert UUler. Twin Palla. ^

Mitchum, Dancer Receive 60 Daysi

LOS AN OnX H . T tl. 9 UP, Robert'U lichum . TUfftd film hero.

«■». to 80 fliTi J o 1Jail on a charf* c t toniplracy w | pcKieu m anjuana clfarrttea

A ctm a U la Leedt, canrtcted with i Ultchum 00 the martfuana poaiea-

lilon c h a rrn . a lio wat f l ’^ a 00 diy lerm

I fiuprrior Judce Clemesi O Nyt I flral announced a Jail tentrnce of ■one re»r. then aald It would be luiprndnd. He placed UJtchum. I t .

‘ anrt th* blond Mlaa Lerdi. who |i« r t lirr a«r a t 30. on prohatkm

Ihry aprnd the f ln l flO day* In Jail.

, ROMt. Prb » CUJ>-Popt P lu t'! XII haa caUad an azlnordlnary . 'arTTTt cnr.il.'tnry for nrxt Uonday I at whlrh hf «;il sprak acalnit the •tn a j ana trrT m rtnc of Joeeph Car- 'I fllnal Ulnrtizrnty. brfnr* th* lacrrd ‘I eoUec* of ca.*dlnaU. It wai an> . j nnuncfd loday

Buch a rrmUftory fat th* aole purpnar of an rim dedtharT papal ' ipeech tl almoit unprecedented In Roman Caijiolir hiitnry. I t li lhe m en aoiemn form in which the popr cnuld m akt a apeech.

Al the por.tlff Iw fd hla call. Italian Calhnlir^ raDfd mail demnn-

^ t r i l a fa ln it th» caj>f

!• your h->mf aj "-^.Inrtabl*

D ‘.)oy t>» rr-rr/T-t c! h w .f lh;i

w in ie bi j>*.

DROP IVTT' T l?r :V!«!-..AT10S‘

eronz:.V et;

rECU. F <,1<M A SOVTO K A IV »^-F V m r u n


-m, r o N S i : .T ■

! You Money 2739-W

:slim ofesTow ffutfcrf ' —

r R O O F I N G £ M £ N T C O .. ddwn


Woman Receives H Frostbitten Legs ' On 8-Mile Walk

i i S 'S tS S i iS S .i 'S K ;»

I i S i t o f ^ cifht-mUe hike lo her• home »ouU> of R*ft Rlrer. She wm*I oul by a plMC owned and f «. S l ^ t . Art Lenacheld. . ^

Mr and U n . Oibome »nd their

<irtre to R uP « t * in.1 u « to r . T taT ^

PjUUy r*eninc- and ttayea mereo tem ichi. but tn Sjm l.a l* n mc.tr.M toL-W _lh«2LW ^ ^ed home. , u■ Tuc^day tooSnnc a'neIghlor>TOl g ,, to Uie Osborne home, and *«ln* lh a t U n . Otbome needed medical a*si*unee. made du tnM »)TaboU In the tnow. Thrwr ilfBalt were eeen from Uw It.' &}• an unldeaUfled pi­lot who landed in Ul# area, bu t ] broke Ute propeller of h it plan# m mi

Leojcheid landed lo pick up Mrs. bnOabome bu; hsd to taxi two mUes d lup th r n tr r before being able U toiUka off._____________________ ^

d u r in g o u r l eWE WILL ALLOV

A t r a d e -in9 o u FOR VOUR 01

(Becardteea oj



I __ ttegu tar >174.50—TRAD!

Trade-InALLOWANCEf o r y tw Old RalleTy am m New G uaraaltw d

■; - BA.Tt£RYP a y OM L U r tr g i

1 . 2 5 a W r r k

f A M n t s ] r i « r » T > ' ? f—



SmMtiotu) Rfdartion O il Fam rrn* G ilK m

ALARM CLOCKSR ffrn larly Sell for 2JiQ

BnjT^erw ^ 7 7 I for Only _ L

i l :W l

R«L n m aa ? S r «

410 Main Ave. Sm


Seen Today ®-•Merrill Bklnne!« n early, tumbling nrdowBstaln while gszinc tb n u c h on* la of ttim t **»fl»a«n'<f«** n w i nnr tn p . . . About l» Wild eeeae riytnc beo te r town—headed north !. . . Letter of f ro a Mitch B u n t . - ^ ; tn VEhloPark. Calif., wllb te re ra l blades of R.s m * encloMd- . • FeUow using blow- idtorch In attack on Idcle aad le« roon T«'ln nU s-W eUs siage buUd- n UK. . . fiberUf* deputies back onduty in e*rlr ow rntsc a fte r spend* «i Inc moet o t nU b t aiding motocist* ttraoded on blocked highw ays.. . JcDtah auto with ski* strapped to pcsUle. . . Cab geltUMl help when Jcaptaniat-w h*els fa».tft.fnral*h-neo» Ot

overheard: 'T b e more 1 think of —hUn Uie less I thUik of bUn.- aad _-Now do w# bsvo tb* *blg Hood' of BIM9?~ s

F Y U rS BEMA1N8 BZTUBM fBONOUJLU. P lb . • OU»-The r»- t

mains o f Emle Pyle, famous v a r LoorrespoDdent klUed by a jtp tn es* ibullet on le SbUna-.durtng the Pa* ■cine war. wUl arrive here Peb. I t |for burial, the army announced to- Idsy^_____________ _________________ 1



M af CDdltlon)


e s to n e E WASHER.



w h e n y o u

b ra u ti f u l 3 6 .7 5 ^

fir«»ton« IM ajoretU i 5


r3675 [I0 » » 7 1 .7 S • We«Jk L

— Cf<-I


[ BlK 1 5 - r i r« ^14 .1b . S q n * « E W t»so a r wiwoi sn I n ^ . g 9 l

R F ..1 .IN K Y O U R CKa>» tnrt half ttwrtfif tb

F IR E S T O N E R E D l - L I M

KALC PRICX $ 5 - 0 0 CXC K r ha*« nr«k* KhM Im

4H »«—PA>:TkAC U U -2 * m r v u m . r T —w n r R i m - t s

F o m o u i

f i r e s t o n e :


DOtMG o u t UADQtSHV U U .

1 1 4 5«f Ikta

Cr r ' TVrr**t v a *•

T*»» prtf<»' a ilme— C » r * f - r ^ t r r - ''« “ »*f*»T O m .!,* * ,-: F*mr»>f . f ^ L lfrt«n> rw a r tw "* !R«* •md rrvH

k m t h

WEDNKe s d a y . PEBEnAS^B ---------M is s i i ig P i^ a

Located in v 3CALDWZu: liu**/ 'U fl

Jordan TaUey^“ »»M

psuo l me “" a tn g - i ,™ No other dttaik i _ J H avaUable.■Tbe two ai-l—

^ t K. There's??

{ AT ITS BEST I aU V r ! k ? « ^ i



G e t T h i s S Fam oui MainELECTRIC


W t O yI b u y t h i s

tb i« 1 4 -I V c r y| .lDd SqnJUT Drive


F o r m e r l y 1 5 .9 5

N ow O nly

7 4 9O W N B R A K E Stbla Kak by B«7ta(><EI) B R A K E SHOES

XCn. POB ALL « WWItLi m thf fan^BS Awt—

ro u t u a - tl>


R«f. 98e C n d rrh c K -i

59c _

V A a rW CLEA-’W

FREE! 7 ^ '^r u s AU i i i i ^ —

M nofcJ B **


n <

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

; ^ i r . T i s s g i x T i . i M

■ 0 A r r e s t s $■ = F o^January • y,....... j - » i f t - * « « t n r e r e » ^ - .

f M K M M! ? t^ » o a tW y ?j>*4‘.V!:ail6

CbJ«f Howwd OO- BanfcritetfMI > A iTfsud y m m u“ , S « o « l m - « e « n . ' _ H I ^ H

totalled sea: vloU ' t ^ ^ ^ o r d l s u c M . U , in-

h rM U e T n ^ o M A Q ' S f S ^ H

vere Jute&UM. odcoM B^pertcd

^ io r« ry . Bui*l*iyr~*r - . - 'S U M

* 7; runn ln i »top »«n . ll 2 £ i r t l n * . WI. *nil o » o - ^ . - “ i u -61. About 30 per e ra l • _^- . „f^iiiU on* io r «**rtl»* p*£lt*?aS dbm l« * l o u a e ^ r j r ; , ■ • /■ j i l meludln*p.‘;s >•yitl of wmi coUecUdE r m d co*u. S U tj patoDt

ol m l^ P

’bSSS*w a u 0 in » ™ .' ; . . . , .'lU M e ^ Serred

^ fumi»h«J ir '.J 'i.n sS■fri toulfd iM «>a bfd* were.CTm Ior 50 tr»a»lenU. —r * 0 ^»er« r«poned »lolen and ;

^ rrcovcrrt during lhe K.rvrli^ w tr t rrpo rud

^ t*o aw ldenu were Inre til- ' / / r J t t U» OV’ -n irw b w la r r ,.r„j3£ ■ ■n u a r y B u i l d i n g

P e r m i t s T o t a l 1 4^ b u u a a . P .™ iu WlU, loU lU ni »t0,900

during J»nu»r>'. m- M 10 • monthly rrport »ub- ol U>»

jije city cound by Stuart dollar i iT B l» ta» infpaew r. T J ^ a* tenna alx permlU ter reU*S i iJuraUeoa. U ir« penniu ■ ^ e r c l a l aJtCTauon*. th :^ g p trm iu and tv o alectrte ■'p ^ l a .

iTM fl.W lVllng alto- _ — _ lr tJ« -3 ta U aln arenue aouUi

■ a i .tructura lly un- ’0 “ <"^ ■ ^ _ h u U f l i n « c » a n f l l j i r«- be ta an

for ‘■any-T*^ ^ k M t l tu a l e d In the f l n l flrt apeelaJ » ^ ■ i 7 f c » city, tha tTpett i ta u a . Owfca.

I J '- ' '

H ere 's w h a t’s 5


Cupids choice for

S H I R T-ArrW mript f

■ m wtiTU Btripa* n - -h to a .-g n . f w t m n

^ “Arrrw" .eVithm n r ^ Brmn «>n»r •

5r Dollar May Be ^2,500—or ‘Usual’I • • « I t O V b«. . . i n **>1 *>® *

Valuable?lUrli recelTi

While cmplojr lounge u id a from other Ucular coin I la s . th e ma properly and off

do lla r 'ta mui the cola thai result2 « i g m r ‘M edjte o f &llvt across the c leavm s man amooth aad i

. Kirk widcoin coUcclo flrsl advised

. could grt tlP lan froizi wbo h a i mx Kirk he ll« n tor hli

< 3 ^ (or Kirk la tl

— m L ^B Mi. — Snoose m u

g rt back to *> :: the mlne'i ' S ' througli a

S ' 'i ^^ 5 $ S S ® r ^ » ' . “ : raid u>'fr. i Iv V T S r^ iiS f l '& • ‘ ' op*'’ l ^ '


— chum rtaict “sjs■ • ................. w ghl to e

;. -jUKm'’. ' * '"‘ > “ aUon ofi»* the miniB* armmd «>• T | i a i / I( lhl> dollar U erookad and U f f l l lla U ilamped M eeaUr. tt l l n l l l• werth aa mactt as tU M . ■ | | | |liV U Bhiri C lU rk . e w w r I I Ur^doUar. Aad a*aln lh# H i I

Bay b* w«rt>» approal- n ^ O l, iS ceoU. J«rt HIM a a r M b itOMt. T tk pbola ahowt

■ i S i , . . ( s u i t jS T li i .- ;

■«' -__________________c ^ ;

oW\ ef » i r ^ has far yeara KTfaJS^i JJ emblem ef viadcfO and W S Ja» T S l jm s t wa* aaeepted, aa—lh a . w trd of Pallai Athena'of tb a |

1 . ________________________________

sure to m ake him


k ^?y0w

Your Valentine ".

:s . . - 1g h i r t j . . . » • *Ofx w*th w a r* - ^

n fa» ^ T m « r tr » d ^ » th Ootora: n U c i» n .» > q a r .ty j" _ — ____ — , _ |

. . . of )i»tfun«, JBiiifVwu hrnaA. C < Oft* an -A!TT.wml 0 » n » »»

r .T l« .......... ....... - ...... .................... '* ARRO’

Tttfry^ al■■■^^ tmnrrm. i> eeler artM

«» rU I e r ptrro rf t a

k S 1 . 5

T n i

■ Worth lmpr« d’ 45 Gents Aren

I n icertain U 'avorU iM much ■— .

s»as,?;^sss„ W .lo . did S

m d the coin vaa aUmped

n »rouniJ ttie e ^ e of the ^aie lj* <L7J much vtdcr a t the top of ^f jj. a K than a l the boUom a s the p „ » ^ n , ,t xh\s Imperfection. The ^ ^ ^ u r U-T ionnillr - f crund • oo • -Mia------------- —Llhtr colna c u f o a jo n a u r — — le edg« o t thla specimen. a n irrry nany »ecUocs of tho eds« tecUon and JU) unllced. zntnl ealli iaid he had talkod to tvo appr«tlmali cclota aboul his find. T ie ard of l « ri,«l him 10 sell a « « » ' « t t l i for lU H w second, a aide tn all mi 8aJt U k e CJty. Utah. This v ll not set seen tbe eoln, lold eul»erta a t »M looking for such an of a nev t

■ hU coUectioa aod If lhi» nvcr canall ^ ^ i S i l a will pay If Ul

,r 11 Wli ^^ ‘U n g o n ^ t h e c o l n

llnda IU tr u . Talue. be■ noft ihovt

M i n e C l o s e d oa \ Feb.?iftH i>le?“ o f riunhg imine have been uasil* W .v u tie d I I to work alnce Prlday vhen company « 'i <i»y ahlfl had to come j i j m lUa)

% inowiUde in a canyon » „ regrai 1 home- Bupt. A. M. Jenien , i ih ■ > rrr s-lU t>e no atiem pt to eourae of i It ro'«d for aboul tw o weeks- inch oU m-------------- ------ — ■ ,THb. drrAHV CLUB PLANNED ellher replru tn d . Peb. »—P lw Ket- :---------r -rtiUJeni* who are mtoiber* i u n ify Rotary club met at

orce VenabU home Monday to p '-"« Ior the for- 1- of a Rotary club hera . ____ I

KE U PT oUR VER B IL E - ^I C i l ^ - A a J Tm I Oiri «i \ .•4 b d> Kirti’ *• C* \

r .u f f i r s i i r r ^ twiisZS 'S:« to mtit fwm *1 vP.'’

^ l l l m happy! ^

SI 4

if%J / I


“ A R R O W ” j



S^65 ^

M W V A L IW -T IE i «

, kB t0 9 S B ^ dSlTwtrt a. » a wVJa TWl u r ^I A I w n

e „ tr« tb a t r * v e w e

. 5 0 . ^ 5 2 . 0 0

E P S o n

n M E S - K E W a T W I N T A L L S ,

rovements: Jaycec ;n’t ‘Major’ Civi« Road Area

itjor IfflprowsenU v e rt t r • r ih * ' Twin riaii~b t« tnr«y - r - r a ® ^ " by th» ld»i»_J)»rtau_ot ? .. s durlnf 1MB. aoeonllnr to i , ia) report ef the Twla Palls b J f f ; “ •

dliUict relcaied by J . D. '■■■•■director.-blgbvay No. 36 waa re* .;.'...

be ivttn T vln PaUs aod -for a distance of approxl- t M. „ 4 p .-

e.7S mUea. Several secUoaa I rU n between Oodvln and >a vere torn up. relayed and ,lurlag the ytar._____________Biuir, m r i tr Way------------

rrry U being made on ihU ; . ' ^ H n and the propcaed Improi'e- ■ .

kill Cor lhe rmnstJUcUon ot i aiaiely 31 m llo to a staod- ;- tvo tnd one-halt Inch oUed . feet In vidih and SO feel ] all. the report lUted.VlU a e a n icngthealiic all

I and also the constnKtion zw bridge acrou th e Salmon uial ta-o nillri south of Uol-If tha projcci Ll approred. tt WKiDtctuary for the Twin P a U * -----------------

ly dUtrlct to tecure additional i vay «> that Uie road v id tb bridge acrov ,t be lM4 than M feet, the r«- retloorea ar V5WI. ' ' ' placed. I t _

Cootrael A»»rded_ nr U't year & _ ^ ir a c t waa.^At t t i U S .•d the Uolmtt ConstniclKm . . ^ny for the conitrueUoa 'of "Uta near Ilan ten .‘I ^ a e c t lo n A to ta l c «raflrt, pit-run gravel placed roads vere a ■ ui-lneh compacted base Ing tha yea) of gravrl. followed by a tv o - and 153 mlL

II m it Ml Iffl aide. oUed and se drmlnase ilruclures werv —“

•ffplsccd or wldfned~a5a~P8 * »t£AU T IM

S e U ^ t i



-S I Gauff* - IB Deiler —AS Gtiaff* - 20 Deniff -4 1 O o m * ' *0 D«!ar

. , al*e , .—S-Thr«ad Silk*

Values to $1.45ifPerfe

H fT t’g »en*aU crsa] aaTln(t« T ^ r c h a * o f b e a a U fo l ih p r ra , ir tiks a n fl p?1r**<l th s n i Ity , fo llT p rc ^ w r jo n ^ d h a « 1f a m lc ro a ro p f t o HnfJ th c :n c : > r in m a n y a J^ a r- In y o u r fa v o n t* e o lo rl

c .^= = ^ = = =

3,ipj^p "e Award Winner 1ic Activity W ith Bl

• • • . J ! ! , " S n S l S .

B y -n * jW txting . Wl

^ ■ 11 j j i iV-.« V . -«■ ,,1 m ww«anl la ^ ^ ~ beglnnlaf ot

KtlTlUee K ent t f t - r tc e W a r '

' avards b e n .'.??■.-*7’.■£-•■>■ i t ' T IvUock wai

.£ ^ a t ’.:..2a ; ■ four ye an am f ' ^ ” ; S 3 i 'V ,y ': ; of a troop o ' “•' ■ njtmber of t t

committee for

i - ' • ‘ ■•» l tm b B T a r t-1 -,J on tbe area

president of <J Nov be is I

palgn.-> TaUock wai

cect because to help la ax n * has been Palls for maj

He U pa

--------r^SiZs r . 'S W s ',u »Kow i« U't "f‘S“ S:

------------------- - <a»e*t drt*«I MUM Birtaeed Urne-oonsumof 34J 0 irH»« .of earth finds ttma t4 aurfaced v ttb f ra te l dur- »t the Met

i a t a c « l of MeA##.".' and botb be Um of grattled roadi v e re ' In the cbuic i^ .« o a te d for «M .oajJ. _ OuWde j r

WV»*»yg W 8 -W ^ - A a 3 - lh a s baaa wll


li»nal Si

k Famous “H k Slight Irr(


I- «

:> in K ylona - Silk*. A a w r t i t •a. a r a J - s h m * , n f t r ^ - a b w r o y lam a t o n f lew p rice- Ther*p« H w \ n r «W * lr re c o l* rtU in . T n i:y th p b l « e r t ra Jn e n i f in *l7Wi 81-1 10 11. B a y ^ r t


• S t a r t e d

W S c o u t s

___ _ ____ '- mean tbat 1 an~ -------wUldOTOtaoWB tX l f '^ O S W ---------n«i*-U -poKwUh_Ua_,Bojr 8c « l ouU W g^w bi

la Twin FaUs was tbt m kvaro.*>f I, ions Ust'of. One adtanUrm tT » U o c k « ^ ^ f f J 2 I, asklaf mon r - o a* -o t- «b* Jwe*» mtettaf people: V. • . otbervtie. Talkvai a flMMlmasm r « ^ ihint U aad ta n i . n t tbe rtsloo «’ oo«niallteejHa * tovn a certain “ *• t*™ ■eoomimllfor rour y g g .^ , y ^ would be bapi

? w u Mrf tbe ooUBcU l a s t J j ; - ^ , 8 voik. Ta I i«r%in» as a dlrWoa jtbe SocMt finance earn- ^n a ariectad ^ ObaUlot pala«e >7M 3>ai n w j . ' ^ NatK»s laetnt lay oonuaually aeuncf. whlcb Ni

a ta orery drt»t In Twin tb t~ im

Booimlltaa* of tb t Obaja- nmerce. a member rf tba

Toastmasteri eiuM aaa ) yeara aa a »olunt*er la ^

S iw ij yaaii. T U U o c ^1 «]] Chaaber of Oom- r ~ —- —^ Cmn.And-OaWautUty . l»aa. Ip iplta ci nthaf iMilag actmUM. b t itlU1 to teach a olast of boys ' ' J £ —lethodlst Buaday e a r n be and Mra. tatlocK s ^ jicb choir,

vork does aot Jatertere w ia ^

^ i s

i i i lludson” •egulars f

m ipair! *fi

k l ' l u

I E T d l T N O IS B A O t t J _

* 0 1 n U M D

► P]■ < * i K D U J » B n r »W J ♦ ■ * A f« C T _ aif tu K im t S p e d ilioM aad S-ttuaad ----- ,to d m hldi qoal* IUM t t w m U tak* ir 'n b*«i able to ] rrwal palri toflay


“aSm "!Kf££S

■ tba a w a rt d o a g 'a r t

'^^SB-.2(aSe;vb e tb « ro rD O te ^ t» t » • __ ___

sU ct In doing cItIc ** * • l i W * *

lappler and ticb ar^ t o g g j S o o j J

TaU ock,tald . BeaOM^ S S r . I lD B ? ter finds Ume for a food p g ^ e anytncre. d a y t i U l ^

ptU ce. wbere tb t U o lM S $ a D c a C eeatly met, was tb a ilU

Napoleon plaaaad to S S a w f l i r e a tm - t tf pa laeaa .-w » - n u o o a ^ ai I to se It rtM . ' • ___

ValeHtme 'Bonanzi

Specialtiirph? I l l b l l C

E io p r o i

PRICED ■ ' I a Tiny J

t a 'p tU v . . . aprooe f »


^ l ^ S i a e M- ',. ''i: jiears= A ^pi|^PurgaH^^fii^

7x9 tiM ' ‘


L _ :a CP ~1 B 3 l > • i

a iRS

•*?• ~rM > a a « 8 a « « M ■

t . — J


—■ it-— ___I

5'S^Vepww' '*,1:

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

------- ' BOMaumOJI UTXI'»T CA Jana-JA TAM J m ap

— — ' BT HAa~rATA«Ll Wm a te U>k> u 4 Uka CMal7. K«rUt>

=, . S a - a - ^«< u*w>

f t g j g c - --------------- z

THOSE GERMAN MUSIC No doubt W alter 01 u«klng. 0<

lat. aod Dr. Wilhelm Fufrtwangli m an conductor, can make a living outside tb e United Stales, can concert audiences will atlU ge t th r lr fUl of great perfo ra

--------w ithout 'th«M two meo. whose .-------- icknowledged In theJr-reapecU?

m aybe the whole th in s la n o t la Y et the furor over the achedulr

engagem ents of these two muali up again some questions th a t been answered to everyone’s

_____ Do m tbe artU t Un_lhe. word's broibave the righ t and privilege to C self from politics? Is his m oral n In th is m atte r on a par w ith t clUren's, or U he. as » public 1 responsltile? Shall tbe public ]ud bujr h ll wares on hts reputation o r on bis rep u u tlo n as a m an?

Allied officials tn Europe Inves Dr. FMertwangler and Mr. Olesek acUvlUes and f ln a ll j cleared tbe t conductor w u offered th e ieadei Chicago lym phony orchestra and was booked for h li first Amerli 10 7 car«. Im m ediately there wa* protMta M uslcla iu• f p l divided In to two camps. Most of la t« m usicians were among those

A t any ra te . Dr. Fuertwangler t lh « C h lo B o o t l t r u < " re iim . Mi cam * to th is eoun trr aod was i

- im m lra t lo n au tbonU as-« f«» t h U ■ebedtUed appearanca in New negie hall. Durtng his detention a dr«d persons picketed tbe hall. A ahow th a t there are two sides t tion. 3,700 Ucket holders milled

Finally tb« O erm an p la— - a g w caUed off n o t only th » NeiM

t a t t b i whole Amerlean tour.KCr. Olcaektng h a d denied t h a t :

_____« m m b e r of the n a i l psrtv or an»«ral afflUatea. He a dm ttted havlr • M ocert which A6aU RlUer a t ■aid b t fai4 s m r iM E f d orncU^ la pctvata. SX rW tlM ^ all the»e t h tn p «tm) lhbr«. TTi* charges and denials were clmll

. r ig h t? Who knows?W herever the fault or virtue U t

tJoni are n o t •etiled. They were w hen r r i t j K rtlsler, th a t most elder violinists, was egged a t his I ean recital a fte r World war I bee A nstrlan, be had fought In th e Aw 1%ey w en not settled when K ln tt

' thougb accused ot the sam e syr; Messrs. Olesrlclng and Fuertw t perm ltlpd lo sing here w ithout hi

W t h sv i no solution for th is m m a W t bellevf tb s t the artist's I t DO longer a a lavtolable refuge him tp w la l permkMlofi to liv e .

. IparT . Al th e tlm M N ^frfl tls t. whose movrtnpnLi t r e reitrli eoDdltlons, may h ire pursue hood as best he ran. even if h t th t jjolttlcs of somf members of h L acking-further proof »e euspeni

B u t we do h ive t .'URgfjllon foi w angler critics and th t Oltsek: They m ight better turn th r lr i able Infllgnitlon on The Ruhr wtio. accordlnff to autbcntlc t largely b srk a t th e lf old Job* T sa m t men «'bo trm ed Hitler* fo r war. Today they htv* brough dn rtlo n back to M per cen t ol norm al. W* »^uia aay they arv a p o ten t th re a t than two mti*ician

O l'R “MILD W IN TERU n> ** o u r r :im a tlc eycl* li u:

ra d ic a l chan(r» lo w h lrh th ^ y « i tn m e d by lh a t tl in f Ih f o ltJ .timto town" JO 40 and M froita ll tales about "L'lf winter ol '4'

"T o t wouldn't ji,- oiawm tell his skfp tirn l llstenorj. - ru a ry of U“.at r^a? f r r r r n r

thn t bad••Rnaft.« V -'* , r ; i -

a rm in a Tr»lr.< n : r nndwrre rlrwrrt P»n~> frrc*

r-r-h*h 'T th lr .k I r- r - Tf-j th a t ic rr '-a rr i.

Ik : f Tc rrsrr< irP (; r i r ; ; ~clPt.Mnj rare

•Thn-.isarrl- of -n r j cf h a r «-i frsT= rrrr.t tnr.-rrvtn p ia r .u tfi frn-n f tn -r '.-f

rr f k - r 'i '.* f .» .tr 't y»TT’»-rtI r tT t^ a t t;- .» r r . r ; » J twnr.ifi o r r;:r.rh;wMr?) •T'-Jr' hrrr a., ^•:^elia r

"O r.e f^'Arr f r r - rr nc. r * , -T «■ • d d o c t^ a —. tr. Pft.tA r* » r «

B e t !s -ly-.t W .r.v r r r •«9- *d cet»nhe;r.ST rrr-Of I d a h o , w h lrfi errr T«-.r: r a : i j \ C O m rnem e broci:= r» e ^ v - .S r i “m U d w l n t e « '"

A JfCttTTT ta y i t> it r - - i t t r a lc h t 12 t.’ne er» h ' P - : ; m a n foTirot to Joy w h '-h


: : : . !

^ fK a-TOCT----------------



•ru iT rti '. t< «*« *oo" B*»y *• S ^ .n tiI iS ‘1. l» i! ' dellVen'tKa U o ^p r r- ---------T T ^ Ueaas b t 1«1 to d«X«aoVAJtci p a n la g Uw word I

= ! ■?•~ «iajB dr

___________. .u< sit-------------- j !;S a i- ■ ss

^ . t | 9 p£ . 7 a 5 ? : . | | - - “b

u - .» fu » h f c new .deal la h li twiivca Dewej b «xpecie«<c a t tha r tcao t Om.»• C*'“-_________ NaUonal Chalnnan

h» -thould noc andIC IA N S th e rael tha t ht h*j_____- __________________ candidate la 1951 h3 e rm a n p la n * r * p „ t m a t p Bier, t h e O e r -I c o m fo r ta b le BONOE—Althouti !. A na A m erl-lU be .b le 10 K m L . "r m an c es e v e n promoter* adv*Dc> iI g r e a t n c a i . l s .Ive f ie ld s . S o D npU e.m i defeaL

rrcofnlicd lr»d« olim p o r ta n t . po*t^iecUon htied A m e ric a n hU telecUon ha* b fi lc la n s b r in g s aion ih a t h* u a iit h a v e n e v e r m inviting h ta . f

. .1 a no offcni* to tba »ia a t l s fa c t l o n . ^ .v . * ch*n« for th

i a a « lJ l£ tw e J______________________d iv o rce , h im - B A ix -H ad th . i r e s p o n s ib i l i ty Cabot u» t* r of favontum to a r t o e o r d in a r y j. Bta*»en. tf ig u re , m o re sen. Iiobert a . Xalt

id g e h im a n d apparent dlKrlffltnat 1 a s a n a r t i s t, . 1# « iimndard-bfarrr

.. would be rrsarded iMtlgated bo tb D c.cr *UU ha* ma:;k lng fo r naz l national commttU«. Iem. L a te r th e they _ur*#<3 that h. leriU p of th e ^ Id th e p ian is t enthu»ia«Lrlcan to u r In twice.raiieD hero, tr oU a a tom ) of cffrct of th« Omah>s re s ta d p tib U c J l >f th e a r t l c u -se p r o te s t in g , and th t rount-Turfc*

t u r n e d d o w n ubi*.

viC T O .r_*i»»„, ; d e ta in e d b y publicly on thh o u r a b«X or«- -U ie-TU t-H artiiy-w *

W Y o rk 's C a r* den t U known to b«several h u n - !««>*>““<«- if h*«eve;^l n u n ^jdommmt frorAnd, u ir lo ^ p u „to th e qucs- Contrary lo Inaocu

d am ong th t in wnuns (h* iH l blasls t'a m a n - “ ■ two-Wa* rJctln

Baasur* a* a paraen*t h e w a s e v e r in b u optntoo, tl iny o f i t i c u l - by b ^ taln g p la y e d a t f tj >»» u tte n d e d , b u t n A R B | M | f l |B y h ig h n t / t . W H W M ^ O Wb i s e d h im *^ e r t ^ g j r f S 'r ^ T n t 'T a ^ i J .Uar. W h o U ^ r t* a i» *o waU kr

B*c««aarr. Sut ba wu les. t h e o u e s - «>i» «te n o t s e t t le d ^ ’. aabatJtote. WtUi-etiarrt re v e re d o f »o ir* w hrthrr u r . TI f i r s t A m e rl- the miia Trmon. or ie ca u ae . a s a n tn it a» a t» u U ot u s t r t a n a n n y .ite n n a e . i t a d . nriainal *»i* of tham ip a th le a a s wc.-rUx ratorrd ita »r r a n g ie r , w ash in d r a n c e ,’“ " f Uif ruflprocal t m in o r d l l r m - of rnarlm fnl. III iv o ry t o v e r rnvrv«lrm >l tpokrin ge t b a t . s i x e s (luBtriaa.

v-s r> t h a t a n * ^ ~ y r :« - in t ar>mn f*rlnrl n c t ^ by w a r aUo tum M ae h is l lv e ll- w i'-'h an<t thru mam> m .« p p ro re . " I ”h la a u d l r n r e h«x. br^n fnrr*c to

n d ] u d g m r n t . wrrk 'o r th e F u e r t - n u t iu*tk-ufiff o r:k lng p l r k r t^ ^ 7 if'*’__. __. . _ j hl»tnrlf n»ii» M an:n n d e r s t ^ d .InduslrlalLtL* m ::r f*rrw V'lrr’r e p o r ts , a r a tncruM to i r m nw.-

T h r y a re t h r II t h i r d r r i r h , r - u r n:h t R u h r p ro - ; \ ' 1 h \ \ bof pearrtiTTM* t h i <Ma m ii rh m n r r ; n » .» ir ihf (1it» •jn* I N- M 10 h«___ •' h» rrpUilir

• rr— TFT r-»r;p:*m^

u n r tr rrn lr .E a in i l b r a r r . I . . . .. ,--.vm rr# w ill ' pn ' o' ri. fuinhrtm now w^’*i

Id V nr> Jn* '" b u t It. r e b - , lor.i :r.

nrT nf I r ta h n__ ,( ^ :• : --iim

• fn r m i l r . ^(1 l h r arh«VNin . • '

• ra iT w h iin I ' h.. .• •:i , .

» . . . . .rxif*. ------^‘ TT-'.ir*- I*?!!?

w rr* r t r n rT ^ I Y ir t T— •«. t . r r r * -v r : ^

! a :, h a 7!7» - r-

aA h a r '.r .e ^ •

; I - ' — r - r —t - - a

!-<nk * > --sr

' K 'w * " a S r_ t * '

:r ’S n a t i o n a l

IRLIGIGITirOflT. lb a m ss -R .P » w « L w ia not

a Truman'a 'f a ir d e ^* when ha eoln 'day addrea* before th«~Reiwb»‘ dafaal U al No»embax. Ula tr tto il* ara d tha t the titular leader will abow

hi* old>tlffi«, dlatrlet a tto m e r r i |h t- | t n ( foem In bU forthcotalag ad*

I etun* < by Intra-party «rttld*m I th a t h e would bav t wdn If h t had laltiSfcd It out with Prealdent Tru- l a a n . the New York (ovem or will I b lu t hi* 1M9 oppoQcBt'a ItclaU U rt I procram a* “naUooal aodallta .* i . l i i s fac t . th s t J f a _ l tu m a o : i . j r o - . i poMd r tfan p i ro far bcToad^yranfc- I lln D. RoMerelf* enable* Diw ay to I denounce Uiem without aeemtog to

e at p r a lu M r t^ wwila ha uttered about ao ciaiir fH ^ irea of old two canpalsn*.

<cted to Ifoora th* attacks 00 h la Om«ha eonrermea, Includlaf erea tan H ush D. Scotia aU tem eat tha t ind wmld- not run a»aln.* Ia rlpw of ha* already *aid ha would no t ba a

L htJ friend* *e« no reaacn why ba i t promt**.

>uth coiuldrrable myater? has beea InvltaUon to Drwry to be the honor r in t Important OOP fe»Uval alaee ( TucMlay, th* Lincoln day dlnnrr ca a rraaonable explanation for Iba

esL U ie Ktw T u k e f U 'aU U 'tE e'iu* . r of Lhe party, and deaer>e* what-I honor can be paid h ta . In fact,

brfu inirrrueiM] a* official admU-a iwliilcal hw -bren.n. Rrp. Joseph W. M artin. ]r.. gav*■ Tanou* men who tb lnk th a t they r th> ID32 nomination.

a former »p«*lter fivan tha nod to t Lodge, he would haTa been accutad a rellow-llay »u tc r. Had ha picked n. the frirndi of Senator Lod r e and ' a ft •nuM have been reaentful a t tha [nation asatnat them, red It »a(r by nam lni the 1M4 aad irrr. (niiKibly ni;urlng th a t hi* actim Fd u politicall}' innocuou*. Be*ldu, many frirnrt* In ctngreaa aod tha rc. e/pe<'lally among tha women, and

h« be awarded thU “conaolatioo

ara w ortlns orenim a to aaaura a laatlc turnout and welooma to their tr only lo counteract tha unfavorable

Liu tlurfeai and backbiting, jgagrm rnu do not requlra D ew n ray from waahingtoc. tbey hop* au lit . Staaaen, Dewey, the old guard irk*—wlU be repreaenled a t tha bead

hough John L Lewt* will no t eom- . tha admlntiiraUon'a aubaUtuU for

tha UnHed Mtow-wcrtere'-pMal- ' be qulU taUafled with th* praipoaad keepa alienee, It i t baeau** ha fean from him would tndanger tha me««- aatase.kocuratt rrporta. Lewi* had no partII btlL wtueh la a CTO produK. But. c t ln ot Pretldeat Trum aa'a uae of oeet* to b ratk a eoal itr tka . b t cat* if aucb a prorlalaci f ro a tb a new ■onal rtctory., th i Praaldent haa backad down I fallura to aak for tpwnrie tu tb v - , t u f lm w in i » ry tHtiuitnsa.------------;

B M ^ e a a atreogly eb}eeti to th* ■ H t K l n t atanoy ah&U atudy the w n th* 30.dey -Yonlinf «fT- t»r- Ot tha t whrn * «»itrover«y trarh ra ' talemat^ and a poaalble •iTlka. th*

known lhat r>o further inquiry 1*. WUI not balk a t th* bill becaoae of of prtwrtur*.

ot yrt brgun to e tlrb ra ta orrr* lh* ' itaractTTtstte em WfWn . h e t* w siung r. Truman will mafcr a rral fight for '

of floor atnrnammt* wayi ratit^ndrd lhal th* Pmaldmt { >T«r enough aenaton to uphold hU j h e T afl-H arllry art. tf he had nol• enactm rat. - ^

(imign th* bill e ilm ding and lll>rrtl- ,al irada agrM tnrntj a rt U nrtually , ,t. II will fare h r«»7 oppoaltinn from ' itram rn o t many unall cm»uirrT In- > \

tn rlri In Ihelr a rru ' Vanif*n th r d inim iuea nf t)<r )*ir*:r7. nduttnaa (in a poatwai flrwl rrf fnr- < 0 7 I* anoUirr articlr aalA ir h> wuU •

to np*T%te on S8 w f r» rr hmir, ■ ,

t»or*rr* » 111 not h a rr th r fuV n'lr ' ,immnnflrrt In rm n u tn rrtlri o*r: ij.a , . »ri:r«rmr»« H hr»ry gon<3» an-/*. ,

io conoU n aQUlptnar.i— eaa- 1 r c-.fr, t r lhat ihry <-an rr 'a lr . -r I caa.-kr:a itILh Ui* raUim Ol ocnsal ;

r o f I T t h e r s io in t t ^ T a w r a i r a H i

t rv.:r •-•■1 an<* ivirthW M wr-*han:’. ir- ».ir1 itj rratiorrwe n .tt .

nItK: rr ir in < i gmng I rlo thna* ;,mri* f.' w.r*:? ir.r. mwn w roul rIfrr In f.»n i Trwjrrt *1 in* hand i nf Hi mrr. mnr* tha t «a» r t [idian pr«b)»^ ' rxeptt* a f t^ r « * ton>r»« t'- th f lne;*na aae h m '^ tejrrihling »n< tnrp-l'uilf nr part

lai prourm . but :> *»i'XT.;n* arnn-ui ,

ar. n»rTT«!lr*t ».-» eafrrr!-.* Mrr-.k* .

re* U.* raccm nt .K-Ti* tr. a;>r»sr.';r-4 a tr

. harf rr-v^ui^e Lh* ,tMi r j t '» n C«

M ' ; » v n »-.V h .--c t'r-.y a

.?!(? frr •>» —»• nr «.:•

V X*TTnN»L « t * T

aj a ft

• w!m* P -

• • rm-.-r-T-T-i

V iT- H'T— -.•-r»-_*irr t-~»r .•' —:.-.i .-.

B a ^ ^ ^ ^ a U tc S tiacc t w j

t - S h o t s ^ ^

4- B 0 U E 8 M O U DETENDABLg O esr P o tt: i

a Op to now, I haven't aald a word ad about tbla -bad ' weatber, ao bert'a u - my two-blta worth. The worat wto- 111 tar In bUtory? Bahl Tbi* I* talld. ra Tberv'* only one UtUe Item Uiat L** make* th u winter ao bad tn Ibe o> ayw ^ meet people hereabouu. k / Ib at'a , t% mode of tr»n»porutloa; ' to ToUta w e deperSfllnf to o T n o c l r ^

S 'Courae I'm oot famUlar wltb Uie iA pf«»ent iltaauon. but people a t Aib-

tco. o n r In m m p n t county, u*ed s , lo pul thalr can up oo blocks after „ tb* flrat good anow*torm. Tb«lr , t autoi auyed en block* unul about ,

, <M«/« t)m . ^. Jteryone uird team* and bodaleda ,* and DO one •»* e 'e r *nowbound

tren though about five fc«t of BDOV cn lhe level w at the rule. Thrae new-UnjIed c*n ]u»l a re n i

“ drpendable. <^ Johnny Mopplrgraaa

^ HISTORY UtfEATfl {]** Dear Potter: ' b

-Tbtlo ilow inr bit of <So«ct«> • • • g j ! ' wrtUen try m rand puftlianed m . 1.1 IBM. It U.^ cld T »ln PalU New*.•7 I t ha* no righi ol »univ*l ar much ^

of anyihlns rlif 1 ram t upon ItIn a *cr*p tx>oa «hen 1 w u luuking ^

„ Ior *omeihirj of unporuince. . ^ I pa** It along merely to clU a

parallel ot tbe a ln irr of 183J-SS and ^ IT -tJ trp rw en r one, Anti by th t -n j.2 PoU. don't you agree tha t a few^ winter* like Uiat one and ihl* one ^

could grow damned tlrt»omeT ^

>* VOO THINK r r u , HNOWT ^U 1 eould r d grab a harp up ^

Ana rd pluca out t»inga and ,,t»ang>, U

^ TU U;e world eould grasp Iha g,. m«Mm« , “ Of my melody of »-h*j«».

n I eould rd paint h u -hancock" }|* In th* pathway cf tJie moon, .“ Jf And r d animate tbe inter*

Wllh lh* budi of early June; “

Zl f I could I'd chip h u fraturea

On lh* U l!» t Sawtooth prak.■d And Ihej-'d br »o tru* and Ufellk* * id You eould darned near hear him n

*pr»k. “T U thegen tahn *hovrU ndrmalt*—

Jf Ke'i Uir guy I’d ruloCir ^jVt tilt *! M -r 'l 4k-*coopar».

,4 HI. Old Topper. Uk» a prliel 7i

[* Kolhlng lacking in hU makeup:■nure'* 00 carplni at UU* d«or ' '

. Whan he grreu e « h large new >■momir.i ^

j’ Ju it to fini If* »no»fi3 anme “

!■' oBORKORS! id r t TIiATIIt ^* ’ - - A —

atcond row frocn th* rear aay, "I woodir If Idahe WlU ever tw cor­rupt Bough lo let a person amok* a cigare(t« while' traTellni througit

AjtoUipr HiUat1* I Wri)dellJ

^ T R m i LATI^ Drar Pot flhou* I «.t 8 uuday. "LUa la Maela Val- j, ley' **lfl r»rrTbo«j» erlUrlaed th*^ rlrt rrB»liSml tor drw jtlng hU de tt

In Waj^tngtiin <« Mvr Ui* naUon

I* I* t« ont T HonwrelU l m crlUcal, ' too Bincr T II bream* vice pm U

’* dm t on Marfli ♦, IPOl. hr wm* a Unir Utr in lili> charge on the hllll

Al''>—for Puckrti and oUirra—the '* ru rtdn on Ihr high tchn il (lag* U

I prfibatjly 10 yean old, lrutr«d af JO-ortl a* thry b 'l ir r* It (th*

'• ' nrlfitnli v a j bum rd. rrp lerrd by t-’ir ln m » n « companT In . cr,[a. _

'• ('•railvcly motl rrrt umee ■* D*i*rtiT* y r r t -

t. n n rALi DtP-r.' rv»f air

Ira wnung thU Wt»T In hrrt>M " yo.1 ran help mf I'm Jiut a larp.y

a [»n pal mrumr. nr ir a rr'■* • W%J ^ n r t f>»lp fn* f-n fe». apnr»r;ata 11 tru rh

1 »AMOt H LAUT Ll«.1> * Had rnm tb’'J i G C\TLiaiA »I I-* TWI

r o i WTii BOW I

' I^Boisr % 2.90'

’ i f U.9."i

” i f S e a tt le 1 t.9:.

I i fK la m a th ’ ^ F a lls U.fin

■ 't Ii fD e n v c r

Z. i f l 'h ir a K n ."I,I.i

J ^ V f « ' ^ n r V 42..V1-

----------TIMES-NEWS, TWI


PEGLER’SomOAOO — T b t defeat of l b t 1

com aunlau w ltbln Uie CIO by • >few suddenly'aincumtjnloui old redg tand feliow-liBVelm leave* Usal u n . t regenerate, crim inal klux no bettertban It e te r was. «

Tbe fact tb a t Uie verlUbU Mu»- |corlte boJe* were betrayed by a 1, . . _______ amall aet of dou- 1

ble-ero**en wbo I'b e a rd Uie wblab i

• ^ “ l l - o l Ingel** wtng* (And got afraid of

K ^ K i i g ^ a | ^ - dying urahrlvan. t

neither ruiclple* inor conscience.

S j u ^ ^ c a i i i i u II 1* lo the good M B f ^ ^ l H B tb a t the eommu- j fcM*. . ^ a a ^ W i * ^ ^

WMikiMk r« t* r c o n f u t e d and ‘ we*k. But It i* to tbe bad Uul m eo ; who playad wltb th*m for y«an. a a d . then auddenly ratted on thetr tn u t- tng comrades, a re now pul forth as Tlrtuoui' leader* of tabor, dtwrvbig aU m u t. *

Not cwia of them ha* mad* ccn- feu lm and rec an u u o n to lhe pub- lie. Any private arrangemenU they * may have made with religious a u - ‘ thorltlrn are only hearsay and would be tttlucle** If n o t cauae for further « s i^ id o a . ...................... ' ' *

The public la compoted cf people f of all communion*. mo*i o ' tbem comprtlUve and InberenOy antago- nutic. plu* a Ycry large law-abiding tiody of un-rell«loua c liueni wQo never conceda any Impairment of tbclr r i£ b u on th a t aocou&L

And tb* people ara tbe high publicauthority tn tbe caae of thr*e back- °alldcrt. I t U for lb* whole public ^to hrar w hat they have Ui u y a ad ‘to lum thumbe up or down ^

But up lo DOW tbese old a ils- 'creant* are no t even avoaed back- \aUderL In Lhe past, thry lacked '■the manhood tc u y , "Y u. we are 'communlsU or {eUow-iratclcn and ^w» wam you n o t to tn u t u i" *■

When they changed, thry atlU ''hadn't the guta lo aay to th* m il- *lion* whom they had toraienied a n d 0oppreued. physically and ip lrlt- 'ually, tha t they had seen thrlr error, t.and aik forglveneu. f

Therefotr. a ltbougb w* may e n - d Joy the driea t of <ha cenimnnlsta. wr ove not even amneaty. much lea* rrhabllttaUon. to the m ra who got up in tbe nlghl and I n Id lhe Uw.

Tilt CIO came Into the world wltb Uie tUgma of many original ain»— TanmcmrT. -anatchy, •btaoOxhad-aitd falfr a i tn e u I t wa* not Inlmded to be a labor movenlenl bul wa* Intended lo be a political annex of thf Itooarvrll party, an enormou* durhj. [irartlrliig *rrfdcmi nn mll- lliirii III rlllirn s and alulclng g raft Into the la rly 'a political treasury.

Tbat has been IU function, all othrr work* havtng been merely In- ■inimrnlal. T lie bouM of the APL

■ j S T ;

H W >'

]. llw ^ V S t

. . .a n d E I

j i l v ^ \ s r

IN FALLS, IDAHO-a p p e a r FROM S

S ANG LE”Mmmunlit mob>-

N oteUcr proof th a t It w ar a com- ' I D»d*d th a n tbe rot

S r e r u s .1 by N atban WltU a n e p » a k fu f ltr Bun, of o o u m . wbo cn held the domlnaat office of tbe a* boMd. to answer on oatb w hether « j not b* e\er *m a member of tbe CommunUt party. la

Johtj L Uwb, wbo eoBimanded ^ the a o in tbwe rtotou* year, of J J masa-Iyncblng. finally wrote tb a t

T re 'b s d iw Ubar-aweeaWnl -a t - a l l —, tn tb e UnHed 6i*u t hilt only a h ir . . moll of Mtdld rivalries.

’ * * hoThere are clergy who presenUy qu

take honor because Uiry were Ui- roe nuenual m ofnuenT ou*sl-t»l*hcMk. T hey are , welcome W Uiflr aaUsfacllon. but . , Other a u im i of whatever la lth *r* m- not obliged 10 u - ^ ’e Uietr b ^ ^ objecuotu to lbe CIO merely b*. ^ cau*« one particular aet of enemies , of freedom hai been frw tratod .

T he communist terror a a d tbe corrupuon of wclety ^ govern- ment a r e made possible by erU _ pecuiuriue* of IU cowU tutlon ana 11 charactr.’. 7^)0»r tolqulUe* Still p tls t _ and . Ul* ne il £»ng of m ^ l p u l a ^WlU not nccew U y. a b ita ln -fn im ^ equally dirty «ork for aooia ambl- ,^7 tlou* purpose of tbelr oa-n. i

TTiOM who arfue. even undertake » to order. lh*l American cllUen* mu*i Join union* expre** only an .n opinion. To »tich a eounsellor 1 would »*y; ■ tj r• -S h tr r tne flrat th a t- you b a>=a done your duty to provide decent i- eoDdlUoM for me »1Uiln th a t union, Show me whsl you have done to protect m* trom betrayal by men who fu»i betrayed tbe lr aubjecta to “ j tbe communliu, and then betrayed Uie communuu to you. Show me E.. a-hal you ever did lo reform racke- j. ” uer* who are »enslUve lo your au- — tborlty and put Uiem to tb e pent- f " tenUal task of making resUtuUon according to Ui* dull** of your own ornoa. ahow me ihla flrat and then wr will argue wheUier 1 h a re a duty to my ifllow-man to Join a unlon.And let m* romtnd you of your du9 to do all you can to m ake ma

I P.^1 xi% T '

J! N0 ^ r*


MUSIC CO.raO N E M l !

lik e crich Clip of coffei top off the party

R i c h c o f f e c

t a s t e s b e t t e r

;d \ \ a r d s is

r i c h c o f fe e !


unloas good, ftrst. You tte m to havp forfottea." - - »

• • ............ - b rOranUng th s t he never w aa a T

cocmnunlit, I would never tru s t ^ PblUp Murray, tb t prtalden t o f th p — CIO. wllh soy power over me* Re • collaborated with communists to r •« years to buUd bis 010 into a po* ^TltlcU edifice............ .......................... “- In aU hi* pcerlous yeart am id th e “ rotten cflmlaallty of the APL be th. n e w said a OlUblt agaiaat Uie crooks, a* any bonaet m an aeleet*Kl « a* truatee ibould do. -

Durtng hU yean w ith Jo h n L. Lewi* ha gave Lewis docile aervlce la a dlcutonblp of outngeoua u;* rogance and never crted out. I bave ^ ao erldenee tba t bis scale o( values ever has changed. . .

Never'try lo teH iae. u -a 'c lU ic a . IKat" ! muit julu a 'u n ia i ra n a - e n - x r trust my personality and th e Uvell- hood of mj- family t^ U u rray ^ Mike S QulU. Joe Curran or any o ther wbo la. rocenUy threw tha eoBwiualfts oul of power. T>

: was UghUng communUla—“rtd* balling ' itiey call It—IS years ago. J Tliese men who had tbe power to u . drive them out u s ^ tbelr power to ^ b u rt roe uulead., When you 07 to m akt m t ylew - r u jd iruJi ihesa men. wbetber by abusive Unguage or lacerdotal au - tbonty, I don't to u t you.

LEGAL ADVERT1^EM ENT9Noncx TO caiDtToa s rw

rn ■nrr rROBSTT-cotJirT-or T w n r 1 FATa-s eowjnr. a ra T t o r tOAiio,- w

IN n i r HATTKH OP TIIE CSTATB OP IA. ;011NS0N. 1tCi llu U £■'** ^ ^

Is ttat eradllan af aki 111 .11 r«»»at lxH«( (Ulm* Halwl Um mM

u ahlbll IW> wllh ta* MM- Ba„rr rourhm. fMr BoaUu aftar Cots . flr.< puUkatl.. . t UU M l« . I . Ik. C

b«■»»««« M-ta* Ua atXUm^ ffM k I. r« .. Attarao. Twla Palte lUnk >ch1 TniU C.Mp«ai DslMla*. laT«i<i r>ll«. (%xii>lr of T»la PalU. 8ut« kmef I.UIX. Oiu ■>»« Uw iiUca ru «4 lof raUll- lat

0«l*4 Pfk. JOKXtOK. I»IE»^»ior «( U- mUK al L«na A. JobaKia. o:f .rrT i.. t », H. i», i»ii._____________^

SAVE AAONEYBy U sing a F o rm u la P e r f e e t e i W ho D iscovered th e P r o c e s a b

M ilk .

I Qt. of homogenlted w llk w ic cbun , IngredirnU (avaUable In moet home*

as ir.jtructad In ewr formula. AD you bod, bratrr or cak* *pooa Prom tfr..h iv p H -y bUlurd on farm*.Many fsmllys' resource* are near th high load pii«**. e*peolaUr v b M bufi to in other people benefit from thlaRrND lin o n a i . . c t t o k o r mcNAME ANO ADDRESS. We will aei■Injrtlniit; a iu guarmiitee you can a*

HACK IT NOT SATISPUD. W rite t RRltrr-renimla. Pm I Offlea B«

ar acad pcaay p«t( c a r t fe

Qe to

) ' • " i l E S


com i vunrriNi c o e m

#*•' -«»•'/'«' ma: r

A ? v o ; ; b SAFEWA

/ ■ ' " -WEDNKE S B A T ,

“ni* R a i ta « « n J7 <

l-E G A L A n v E B iig j

«*Rotj)P»>>iubrrt, I, I

” N o n c t o r r i u ; : n S S :

.a n ._ NOTICE IS iita*u,y ciVBr

iStAL, co.ssn.s'c ,') ;^ ruMi^k. r ^ .^ ,

”°¥i« s . ’'r 'as^

cn*ra*>( g

pr**!** «h« lJ i WUl’Itl t '»»M lUnUll Ck.|,a.i **k^rla* .» lu .^pU r,iU T St

«»t lb« Uaiu>e< u 1T>u«niur7, •km *JT.! laur..1.d m*t trpwr 4M ^^nATEU Uk 1.1 4 „ . , 7 2 ^

■=>a*u ^ MARM

' ON B umte d b y a F o rm e r Dtln ^ y A cc id en t WhUe t«

urn Into 3 Tb*. or buiUT^ le* and grocery aiorta) u f| ou need U a 3.^1 paa «1 6 to 10 mlnuie* you cask buttar tF P a ap rM d .a * M

tha breaking potnt do* b u fl« r ta ten ee rrw t *e I t *la aUcOT-ery,i^OKCY ORDZ31 WTU Qaend compln* formula aM

» you try Ui« formula W e to

B«1 llJ -T w tn ralU, Ust fer aeacrlpdr* tlrrak r —


p ^

, r f , ~ ,ch n t i

AT STftIi_:

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

,^ey Urges 1jnservatives[b Quit Parly

« . • « f c z ' s ; S s ^ p - r - s s f B x m

; ^ * V - o t S i < i lb . p « M -S ^ U ie public money.- | . < ; Z ] ^ W

^ „ p r — b lf XUit m»)or hU deiM t lof u* P f ^

?uS t S o v e n b e r - I 3 e * t r . ^ya ciUcd m u v (ilfler-

'^ a r u S 'm v oop c z Mm o p « » « « I *ho l.bam ed

ta unonploymenl buum sM . . .u td old M® »s»l»unce. b r c ^ - . -S j p u r i t y generaU,. tluffl ; ' ■pee «Jd P“*^ , Hifrelopaienl of w»Wr powtr, miim price support*- ■

CalW for U»bor Aldi ■rther. he b»W th* pI*Uonn . JM of "Tlgorou* prot«Uoo 0/ f

rJ Imhoi." - t _ —S CWnt W 0*^7 mUtthcz E n ry Ub«yuM nm M»ln. Bbnlauai. m

he ttld on IhU potot WM heUbI cf pUc t«»d« wtro I

h»T« gr»Uuiled * l • —.^ U v d y e w lj C niKl,*“d ^ “ ‘M • poUUeUn f e n O W O

S .l C lo d ai Door SALT LAKJt tome of the goveroof'* m»»- Ketmecoll C«

ha U co l deflnllclr clQ** ^j^ii toA*7 Um door to nm o ln i for th t <hif >t tfae B:

MewT. for f m m v . or for lh* ^ »u o t th i. mnU. „ turtiod for w, the R*pubUc*n pirty U jroni tiI wia* open" In » flfh l beiwwn j i the (zutm ei of Ihoughi. t2i«l drlfUni

I (ucsf^ lh * l »* f“ « It-" De** rMumpUona E ^ 'l f i It n g h l out in the op«n Mrpor»I took t l IL Then, le fi t f wh»t j o j ^ . y *irHem do «ix>ul U ■ X »m»U »n U ufrJrcUy cle»J^^Jl»l only ft -----------------

^ Urt mo*Uy on tntm al food, kgjid »llve—mice. rwia. »nd oUirr n U U

Bl veil u blrdJ of P a ip e c le t.__________ _________

I ^ M E N 'S T O IL E T V

[ r c i F T SOTS \ cY a r d le y & Old Sp ice \ p

B 5 i h

Trolinger'sI— ------------- fI A n y B ra n d \

\ CHEWING \ G U M/ P e r C i r i n n — £m

/ - 6 9 ^ ^I--------- — J ^,________ _ _ 13 roZ fti



I i ; r _^8 2 c J

Vo-Tro-Nol ^\ M C K - 8 N o ~ D i» l»\ cih«Kk w tnur eolA «»

I 4 9 ° ^ ■


> 1 . 9 6»»nppJ«r,«n rr oT d lo t..■ mU vtnUT tlkl


I t’s G etting Deepe


M 'tSo'wlna'Ufl*!. th h pOe of ww* «rti newMiner »« M*gte V»Uej. .U ixli h - die. Thi* pboU WM U km ot tb* Cwrry *1 , bteck«d (Bt>lf ph»l*.«»iT«Ttoi)

Still Staus ™n e co tt^ in esiKE c m . Ftb • < u ^ — :----------copper oorpo™tio» offl- _

N e v eihTroo la ta who b « l r»- work wert um^ lo eU*n |h * | |

T ill (iig «iow h id prrrcnKti , of mlnln* opermUOM. r*Uon th . end of * K p f C rtke8und .y . amount ot ort w u dug

____ ILI ^-i_i^U I T I «A<r» tnmbi*

F R o i E N ! 2 M 'S s ; .t e r P I P E S opeos etufled-


ONE 1935-J 1

Valentine 1 Cig( C A R D S \

\ A ll P o r F in est QutUty \

ic 8l1 j¥* '------K - - f — o 7 ^ 5 ~

; B a n n er I

BwSBiMj g L j | 3 M y (t w tlh r« s <

m t f n r B o rn b f . . . — TtunKfll S toT rrVTiitm&n - Sw w t f t C f n d C U d t l ___________

f) X » « P Tyoliar1/ / ^ flesKtBiwit ft

% -/ ) o IlL $ 2 .0 0 ,


» O U U T - l» r T H * »KJLX F*CTO»

C T P ip t o w P*Jo» u j c m * L tt/O w i . ' -

T v ,» » W H ^ ; r o m o S h a m p o o

per ~ Winter ^ ^ g g l Takes

few n in a pupU

bAdly WM wxnr

TTl Uvm tb e othehlicbhlked htrt

'{J jp S S R r r ^ lo n w e r e ^ ie r

■ ,■-■■..• . . ., ■'Ti.. : ' • . ' tn d could not i

V ■ • ■ _i No *chool w«----- — r r — ; Tu(«U y t« * n

■ . . drtJt*. The U*'. • . ' Thuttdmy Mid

> doubtful when. - M iny w sttr I

M . _ . broken her*. . ; . . . A itnrtco pipe

> dence o t Ul.• . ^ ' - Mtllof broke. 1

■- the baiemtni.- • of two »n«l OUI

pipe* ha»e brol m d drtvew»y»

r t . . m u * Wibo*. J *«1 TrolM d ; Blow U th n

-. Photh* hug* op ta -p it mta* not b t h iuled to «»« riur b UU bec*u»* U>»

I n C o ldM IfM l f»«

s W o r s etter»tuffTh**d<olddlitre*t * « •« * “ "[trt u T fu t t few ^ of n o s -

vunlnf tn lto o r t o e ^tro-aol «oot Drop*. r— ~ u . r«

i g a r e t t e s 1 ^\ R o m t r

Popular B rands \

C hart

D r u g V al

\ T o o lh 1

“ / A tnm a frtth r r r n 10 <i*r* I J krpl in our m«lrrr>. I ^ _ndf J 4 » -K a T J0 T * s - -* f(B fOBfMmM n will I « ajndlUon. I -----

— p rice d fn jm —

J c , $ 6 - 5 0 W— \ nwi

\ T h tV It t r r t bU to B w a " ) J . ,I for to**U r f i /XteU tor ttlmUn* / ^r ite wKCUflB twmll. / p ^

» ”

r‘ a l w a t s j

I t T o * D

S E R V I C E \ fk mI C/ rtrfi

M B iM »fl /I» b* h rtn fta t t b » » ^ I

»• b» * * * ^ II i i i i i w i r ----- ** Ii i s m s . y- « 1_________

_____ TIME

;r’s Jab siieE S T o l l i n -

i l L o c ^ t y - 3 f ^

b. *—w inter^ tleg t t» theyall ta *d»o» dlimlaafcl. creek wbto Uin Mrtlce tn d froten ly s to a ftU«Lhere. - So obrtta»t*

Kbool w u held T rtd ty . orM O . tb r t t tlusUi w trt thle to a t* « » te r tor 17 n u»e* .wer* cp e ra le l *t> bla l)lptU »«.»lnow drUUng acroM t h t \ - t day-loa* itrong tou th

i. band tnxruclor w bo J . F & I l l other »Ue of Burley. ^ m 6»i h trt, AU olher In ttiuc- F I M « •* "

1 w u htld u o w u y a n d ^ * S a 5 i h i i H t<4tiM Of h«avy-m ow -

U*l w in h e r. tirH-*d « d th t depot agent la htn U> e ip ttl tb* neat. Br»ckelt a ad Ci ttr m&lru uid pipe* bave • —t durins lhe patt week, p f a d t IMES-I pipe letdint to the re»l- —Ui, and Urt. Ltwrcoce ke. T h t wtlfr leeped tn to eni. tlllini tt to a dep th 1 oue-h&ll IrrL EUewbero W brukec uid flooded roads W


fo r

T B C S S B S ^ _! ,IrW * aT « £ irs I I3 iv iS

V1 iM oT «n»>l

OS-hMI» H r o T PAD nitSiSKS ^

----------- -

AYVEt Pw m inenta , . Por»onaliMd . a v . 3 2

11.1 • »1 \ _______________


P r r v e n U ‘O T H D E C A Y 1

MIDENTLh Powder w ithmmonltim Ion

W IN S IM B M S t f r f r

I v i ta m in W a y . .<y and Pleaiiantl

m i n T tC U R L 1aria a a d W a r i* JlIt w lth o o t p« rro - ew t w*Tiar— i

n . 2 5

DRENElairTW w l'h H air mrfitioTi»r—

79« ! \-----------I


~l In d easM InLifeB

t 'w v ^ a t v g tiung H u n g a r yto BDDAPB8T.»

- ‘ss-'T.u; E s j t s s

s s * unlll h t got pco p lta « u t ^*9^ . I *

ttcb w en p*ld Tue«> oung,‘U.ahaTp and ta t or Improper p trk-

cb.lat. - C u I m IKHDoldi. C. S.R0b< - K S U a j riM Selber. JUy SUni.^ - p . W. p unein;^ P . anyder. J . E. E. O a llo w v fl^ ^ a h

CklTtn U Oulley. I H i H H;:K gw a~w A yr a d s . ____________

" W a

Oo Yoor Hotor fl f Phillips 66 Premium

It Gives Yon lobr

HF-RE'S the wor<l th a t’s pettinf fivonte with tbemiMnds o f me

a w r d for tb e m fd rw th a t -U b c i IthricMM* pin* e a g i* * frvtfOhml

OU CAN G tT tr /

S U n f i k d y j ^ SRuling forry Carduial ^■STTiK’S : SSSiS.’S.S4^11 leem unlikely to*' W jb tr wwrt. T t« r

jy o r ite

w i-tB dw w w w m w m m

favor WHh - 1 Motor O il-

• i m o d e mkri-tectionl d>ar

em* pn

in g to bTTHM'n&Bori m o to n iti! T h e y 'w d i i- S to p ix i- tr c tjo o " nsJJj m e»M «i“ k f tl ,/

A T S T A T I O N S W H f l


■ ^ S S f S« ,l ,o « c p rt» e d < U ..

StS‘t S : » ^ ® BlAP WgWM no t o d l e ^ ----- ' '

i p p ^ oourtI S ^ o t n c t a i ^ n BoldlBar> iiitnar

j tm , .a a ltt - ia a t.P t t^


im u M — J — Sta«jgmg Sunda y .J L------- TWtM-fAlU

miMM >*

— — i^PBUflilllllllW

}W ord-

iio a l^

I. ih«*» the » 0 f«* ^ - im e ^ b a - tf t M I te a io ip M o « o a io « _ « it tmgbt to <Jo a n rd l |obl re’s t motoc oil of fioe baie Koc TD tnethodi. to whidi h u beto ad kal aa<lm m dmt aooallT bdp pf« protecDoo . . . tbe fotmat

n m i k . ------------ ----------------------

jp io y o v oetrm Phillips 66 itatio X about T ab ri-tea io o ''l Do root i

m e ycfu s ti thu

66 PBEMlUk/ I

Li i i i i f i i r . ______

, . ' 1 , .

[ - w e a i S * ^

* : -

u t h e - i w d l ^ o b ____________iay oo taow i.

v k , n to ti bfa d d e d tbe OMHeteo t . . . g b t • _l a n o a o f i l ^

5 o n « t d « k ^ “ ^ " " ~ t laoK x t b v o r

I -

H rI ^ ^ ^ V r 'r

- '-v‘

., 1 • • -. * • ? * r . »

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

^ Civil L ead ers Rap

... .Q e ric J R u l i^Btr TIN iMaeteiMl fR M

_________JP ltj. Aorebm«» m t pwip* «tf»w U ro U vPBikm a p rc u K l «lm< S v Tltwi 7M id*7 tn coorim ntni ttw UM MOttPM tmpoMd upoo

— JoMf O udlBt] lO n d a tn t7 la «ca-

Boom lUpeblleeiii *ln WMhlac* t a nn ia lm eailr adopMI • t t e «f n s d ls u t ta o aad eond(!ii> M tkm - im poNd br lU p m ta i* - ttr* B A lt^R , Ua.

DmntlM ta th* Mcecd ehunber------------B r-& 'T W i* m B a i* -T » rtU a S * o t:_______a M tin f •U th« .R M lJt. .e«)n<!emMd

Um k ire tt ol Uw B om ta CaUuUo___ jjctmat* M *Yi«fr (M kini

prooT of oomffluaUt opprcMlas.rmctu vtuni

r n u t u wufidtd alM In the pu-> Uamnitary b&2U ot B n u ia tod m a c * . A aumber o t Prench dspu> O n dRWUDC«d tha fcnuncc.

U 'W , TecUnc, conterratJTt taem* bt? of Britain'! houM o t commoM. wrTM fwtk« h i will m<k Prcddent HaraU WlUoo of the board ot t n d t l« M Ulder bnaU nc off negoUa* Uoni for a trade treaty with Uuo- ta»T.

Nine Huncarian offlcUli In Uu Cnltrd s u t« ( rctlsned to proUst J «<amsl the canUnal'i coniicUoa. (

...... ..................B m ls f tw A 4epWTha N»» Vork CUjr • «ouBeU ■<

_______»rtontffl » rT.viliitiim fnlling nnPmldrnC TYuman. lhe department o! 4UK, congrru and the U. 6. del* ecate* to the UiUkd NaUooi lo ei> erclie "c»cnr pouible m eani »t .

.. . their mromnoil' la ellact ihe Un-______ m eduie jelfM* of the canJinal.______

Uany p jun iliw t ' “ ehurclunea w joined tn the condemnation of tha t trial. ,

AKhhUliup Jotin T UcNlcliolai tj of ClnclQoaU compared the trla] to -m t cUck rrw rd ol PoaUiu Pi- U u." ,

CaadrmnatloM EcMood ,The condemnaUoni m ounded ^

thrtmsh parltameniair cham ban i Bad lUslamatlc chanceUerlea. %,

ta nome. Italian Interior U la li- « ta r U ano Scelba aald U wm - tr l - . dent* th i Uial w u a poUUcal aet t lh a t would hair* bMa bapoailbU » tll a ~r«(lma ot UbMty.” a,

O c n a u u la P raak turt palatad •Isn i tba cardlaal'i b(raadMB and pailad tb a a o rar ocn> w m unlft party poiUra. k

T anaa Trtal K apacaaal ai BBlklBi.bM k t t fintU li PDralfs ^

£ * c a tU 7 -& & K l-S a n a 'a O m a lf Uoo o( tba tna l batcra tha aaat^oM tn H ‘n p U fsaa t lo a ra rr BvU ah- «

____ a a n ." a ip r*aT iin .tor Iba J(u»> an r t a a tovanuBiat » l d ta »ada- *' paat: *

~Z baUata It te ba r a p w a a a t tha l ^ tb* M cratarr of t«rat«a atfaU* ot O rw t Brtlaln ihOuU a tM np t oa 4ba erf Um * * i ^ «e tofltMnoa t r

opinlee abrasd and aUe th


_ ...........-Bl

uii*i n n i u TwH r>ii> O — r.

*tU kt iiHMl m 4n H •« l»* « k ^ «UM MU. n.

>)*•>, ta n MstrMV «ri m -«l trrmm MW (•(■raatM*im M tk* «((b» «« U» &.»«*«— < Pf^ r>MH ••rk l, kk*. I4>k« ■« tnm *Tl«- tiaikw t •• ak» l4j

X riUM *WM w laita. n ,rWM «■ F«Mm< • -NMd an »f« ‘!i,

7 ^ ^ PwM>. M anIL**** L ^ ” ^ **■

TeilfcM X IMT

........... ^

• r«a. 1 .1 ,«. I * J l . jkA"

TW tAT**—H M M U .T


CARTOON — y F B '? r .

^ \______^

Twin Falls Ra(KLIX KVB

r (is«a K n o c T o x s i ( l u i k i l o

? ***° WWwiiaAT^*’*** wiBHB rf IlM JiM U Skla* VIm ^Mlw r? «tU 'C m au*

• i s ^ K x . ’.s k e ;i i s S -

•T s a - jT a . r ‘«"“:0« Soa> ef r io M n «IM Iwt7 IU>

I _ J* *T(09-4JSim 1■ U relka T u v tll* Uwa CJ.

- tm •M*mU»U-Qmk---- .Ti»*J(^.«l-ttitt TtsT>l«n IlM r r u i ttw

liS S Sn>«o *a*«kkw T*aiM >•<*• i b u 4iUlll r n a k licU trn IIlU K unC ut • ll> (^r»ra Die liitO K40 ArMM

lltW N«wb I I iO* •Q«m* {*lli i l Jm 0»/tar IliM MrW fmu n Ymti IU>4 b*Ww U>U N m italtiM KUi Silk llM IUI<:ce 'W lM lu ImlM liM NmIlM 'A n UakbUa <iU N m U<• ill >EJa« Oarb IlM Mh U fn*

IlM •C«»Ull IJxM &>M •! |-iii«wn liU *Tt« MilI:M •Ja StaJIerd l.-M *Fuilu tIM •Abboll >imS r^BUlU IlM Kf»WM> IlM 'C a fu> lh« IlsgM IiWCtbrW H< ill! •CiMb ll.fMi Tilt 'Miliwl S

l i t ? Ktyonm TiM n j u . U> Ita* ’Zjwta C m l I riW 'tw Ilnn II.W PUII. _______I H

Valentine’s Day 1 On Popularity,B r BENBT HeLEMOBI fo

—A boui-4hl*U fB *-«w yTe*r.I«t»it *< larlac apalli of ninroui dipnaricn.

I ean't e a t any th lnf but food, drtnk an rth ln s but llquldj. and eaj07 aaj> r th ln i bu l fun. |,i

Theaa “fpelU** uwd ta wm i Bia««f 4in^

bo^ltocn*^ *thea*T h ir %n eauiad “br tha approachof V alanU ai'i day di^ m y taar th a t ^

o tha r b o r i . B l ^ ^ H R Y TUa (aar L

back to tha d a r i j B l ^ ^ H n

k a le karbockarv h<l«b m and bUck>nbbad atocklnn aad vai I la tha th ird frada. t don t knpw bo* voII n a iD -youi p a rt o t-.tha .couatn. fie but w her* J waa brou«Hi up VaJ- uo aaUna-a d a r a l craaim ar icbool w u la ja lih ty . m lrh ty lm p onan t..X -has rti WM on th* taachar^ diak and fora eoupU of dara bafora th i blc dajr ‘tb t e h lld rta droppad lo their ral- “ catinaa.

Oo V alca tlaa 'i d a r th r r *ar* du- >trtbutad. a d tb a dUtAbutloa wai to Uia acid t«*t of p o p u la n tr .'n a*«BUrtdleuloua BOW. but. oh. how w* mf< (*■ferad t t wa didn 't | i t t t manr a* una n rtn i «laa. And. oh. Uia lortnent «tr that w aa t oe la our iplndlr UiUi

fuahr. l* e r vatenun* frooi b tr tnd v a d ld n x RaoMa w u ipoUad tad • ae wai toll racaaa. w hkh li -w ^ i w* p*> caDad tb a lunch hour. The peanut >"' butler aaadw lchai turned to a ih u >n tn our taouU u. and w* h td no heart 1 tor prtaoner^ baa* er a n * -« ra ^ t. W

Ai bad aa th a hand tn t ow ot Uia i? . ralaaUnw w u on Ui* b « ^ tt w u ” • ■Wl* OB U lt itrla. Uiuallr lh« prauiaat d r U to t Um auitt, but ~ iT trr O&c* la a whlli • homtir lltUa ■ laM would ooaa up wlUi Um o w t ■ ealanUMa and. wtth tha uad*r« ■ lu a d ln i of chUdr«n. h tlf of Uia ■ d a * would chant. "Sent -aat lo ■ IW M lf. cent •am to rouraelf.' ■ 11 d ld n t m atter w hat kind of »t3-

mUnM you to t. I t » u quanutr. not lualltr. tb a t eeu n M U oti ef mint rw a of th* hlfW r Inaulun* trpt, n th plcturaa of ntar-ld lou en them * —(dlota w ith im n tia d hw di, t n t f t>a U ath. etotbaa th t t d m n t fit. tnd iraanr^V rpla auil B!li* ttalr. Aod th i "* paptr Ibay wwa p rlsta^oD *m of lha »WT- towaat f r td t . ^ w «f ex- ttwntjy eowaa and had flban of / M ie aort nm nln« th iw uh It- ThtM ' rmleetlnaa eoat about t penar tplw« ta d wwra th* wor» of aa tinknown [raup of m ad a ru iu

Tha Bwvt tun tbnut Vt]«oUnei la r. h e w a w . cam* in th* thopplni tor a •B jantlaa toe Um t M t o . Ta Itaet m t your taaehar t alca *»!■ m U na^oe m atter how rnOnc or nM V pratt* th« KM—mwM h««r tirtndrd a feUnv m « tiu j nf the tUKhOt o r U e t . ^ iU n bclart Val. »nun*1 d a r w« h * u n t« the li:Ue . >t«* wti1r> tn »rhool e«7T)ll« 1Marehlnc fnr t ftlpr^tln* wbleh m p*lrulat<Kl ta lit Muw Wh«*ler or MlB m «rm nr M lu O -^irh knca ih ti »'» rorm rtrrM hPT t <m7)nn mearth. U tb* li oi» ^

I^ N G ^ ioH w i i j

t tO W N .r o iM A N Dlt*m e*

r w r t r i t » n ws ■», a^*

adio S chedu lesVMV KTFI-AM-FMELOCTCLU) I l i n t K lL O .n .7 tfEOI -- alnMraMMUto tXSC »Otifc.ti1ik» Met. 3HBW1T • WTOWWDAT

ia!S'.'=iu=“ sr,.,u. !SSSrsii5:“ ‘.‘Sxt i3s:s.-s?igr■iMk *111 Ki»»^rtrtMa C4nM*

rM TwTkiii le .ii iHoui am«mM llie«. IwrtalM Mmt


• Ooft O U l ‘U ePr^ WtrlwI j S z r i , j u ilalU iM k t luee iSUadtjd S e M•■Ilk iU n il 'ie >U«Cm>Uk3 41 Ort»a a a .

rC4M II lU rwB J « v u lPU«I It Itt Nee* K m , Ibrfcalt

iavg:iSi->.itaUi. Ibrt«a 4ill KIU>o«l« KUakak* IUUm* III! K m ef Um W«*MtM B oiaev ir Itee <AUrkb**Pt«D7litm Bei^Ue4 liM •Parse mm4 AUw.!■ MKaliki l.Oe tkran Mutjf lUUMil >iM a»em FefieeeeM r>rvb l;M irr<4 WstlB*wMf •! AU IM iSa»»*r Club>1 HMii.t m t NIeonrura UlUe*>1 SmiMi tiM (Ml D. A.

I.":.":■ II.. .11.1.] pi]iM .tO w ..

f Is ;Acid Test y, Henry Recalls

fo m ef a poem) on th e TatenUns• wat tw t.m tan-aaouchi w a ae ra wlod . 00 one of our own.

tn Ulll d t r end Uma Taianttnaa ' nin u hi(l> u U and n aple«a and

tu te more Uee on them Uian a p « r '^ o r tan c r drkvcrt.I Bul a h ii would be Uie te n ia in

teJMJinti one of thoie oul a h e n . for the *«>ie moner. you can vel 900 ictaxu unra.

Oh. I do hope th a t on V alentUia'i day n i ( t l fflora lhan th e bo j nex t door—t>r. Chaadler. lPl«wtk«u4 kr MtXeuht amUett*. it*.)

Utah Road Patrol Returning to Air

aALT LAKT O m f . Peb. t (OPJ— Volcat of Utah hlchway patrol of- fleart aeuBdtd acaln to d t r on ata« tloa KVHP alter a 40-hour break la commualfallooi to th t S alt L akt TtUtr. - * - '

A flra laU B un d v n>sht destror* td te e rtcular tuburban U anun ltler

Badlomta wonted n ight and day to latla ll a Ira n tm ltu r In M urray poUe* lUUon. “n ie r tarn the em rr- Cenrr unll win handle all trmfrie unUl a new eu ilun can bc con- itm cud.

JHoney Output-BipsBOIBE. fVb. • y rv-ltJabo honey 1

woduouou in IH I - u «.0»,000 I Voundi. about Jl per c m t le u Uian to IB41.

T b t yield per colony w u only M pound, romparrd wlUi 40 pounda la l#»7. B tu w u produeUon of UI.OOO poundi w u th re t per cent under Uie l»«7 outpuu



A N D M O D tL S


P h o n t 5 I f i .J !

S m b e i^ I

V s l P % |

nge You To Compare

KING d Label■or F la v o r !■or Q u a l i f y !t*mw^ Cet>o»wWaii e ^ W o e K

~ Solohs Leam ^ Potentialities SI OfNortliwest

tm B fate Om )OS dhauttab la et on,

, p u tnd 'eo il to r power.-------------<Ru a o r tb r a t contaloa 40 p v ceat

e t UM ooouaardal Umber ta Um ootfflltr, aad tm e to n a u d QuaaUUet

It o t ailncrali. Includinc many elaacd aa etlUcal or atralegle.

*Tba Pacific ne rthw a t l i Import* a n l not 10 much tor w hat it now producaa," Davidson ■ ^ t (or lu c m t potesUaUty o(

k__ pm dtictlnn when dgrelonment will. hava unJocied Uii » u i iwrtUoiua

^__ e t lu rwourcM." ___ _____ ___Tb* youn* a i i l iU a r 'aew elary

omlUad bul ona »«ot«sc« tr o n th« prepared lu iem eat ha had prerloua* ly tbe eosunlttaa. Thatu te m a n t dttcrlbed th t northw ttt a« a ‘eolonliJ depesdencr of eaitem

» ftaua.'*6«a. Huch BuUr. N ebr, loat

I no Une tn catchinj him up on tba 'w hyt* he demanded.

BecauM. Darldioa rapUed. tbraa- QUarten of the rctlon'i exporta are ‘ raw or lemt-rinb.'ted produeta which j a ra proceued in other parta of the] ,

« cotintry asd in many caiea ahlpped back inlo the rcKinn for atle In (la- Ubed lortn. T liti U the hallmark * of a eolonltl drjiriidency, he ea- ‘

—' Ptalned; ' ' ................ ‘U rrenl nhori-run proWemi ara

the reituuL to Oav*Idion, cach uf «hlch polnU up tb i ® aeceulty (or UrvrlopinK the area In ^

San InlesrutrU muiiier a> gulckly u * pooAible. *

na T he rtmparlnK Columbia river had * tO-»lp* «Hil Ult c lt; ot Vaiipoit l a i t , year brfore the country awoke to ” the need for immrdiaie flood con* ®

JJ? Uoi meajufM in Uie ColumbU batln. " Expert* iio» mra.-iunnB rainfall and

“ anowmeli in Uie Columbia water* ibad btlltvi liu i Ui( river m ar tta c t «

tn t repeal perturmanco ihU next p ■or iprln*. c

Deapiie itie HM and number of hydroelfTtnc prcijrct* ibal hav* been

e'a complfW'd in the trr* . t levert aad p !Xt p e n b lrn l gworr Uiurlace exUU. T h t P

prcscni n)'!.irm. etratned la capacity. i«.) U conitsnilr threateninf to break u

do*'n. Onr irm porto’ “outai«" eer- n loualy aXfecied operallcmt a l Um p Hanford tUimlc encrty plant. p

, I The aluminum induitr)'. one of a ll* tba major uien of elecUIeal enerfy u '*■ tD the northwest, ha* had to curtail y I— production by 10 s>er crnt becauM of if . tb t poaer famine. New induitrlel e . looktnc tor a h o o t b>-paia Um ra* <, ik cion becauM ihey can't depend on a

iteady poarr »upi>lj. ^AltUrd[»ubMw4t<M>**UiMDam* "

o d e * '»» oni orer Uie reslon, Lured ”* by wtrtlme Industry, Im m lfranli , ^ have laellrd Uie population by >9

I per ccnt o\er the IMO cciunt. I ^ t - ay wer auurcra of rmploymrnl liave not C ay expanded lurnrirn tir to ib to rb th u f r - huce ne* labnr pool and unemploy* lc ment In prewnl boom Umea Iheia - 3- tla n d i t l tU per cent—ivtce th t ,

DtUonal tvffa*-e. And nrmcomert |e r t ItiU CTj»dlii| Into the four italea. I ' '

0 . dapartdaB t. _u. * * -1tempUnf lo help meet Ih rte a r u u 'J '

ey nroblemi and other allied h rtdachet n: 00 br punutnc tn tnte*ret«l drvelop- | • m men! jirorram—lllerally, a "Mx-yrar ^

p la n " /ly More multl-purpoa* d tm i w ill' 5 1* lolv* U\e power thortact and will , > jf e lle r flood worrlei. About 30 n rw ig Jt dtma, ilorln* 3S Lo BO million art* , ]}

fert of water, evenlually will dot V - tha K..in y>ew of , jJ

__ _ _ , ---------------5



A sk A b o o t 5O n r E a s y P la n %

II TOLJa flel b k n ypur pwn t rorfliaa. you may um ourt on t C re n taL p lan .. renta^eao la trt be Rapplied OB purehat* prlct L «- 5toTU al our lUr* each WMk ^

Sfop In tor FuU DetaCi


t u BtAla E u l n>*M tM If

O n lr wit>, r . , *Iron T ir rm in < n * |.FV w (Ia »-r<ore i th<-w t«-r. e r f i r r r r l r t .> e - » 1 r p

ri'inc ' f o .I P r h , . t 1 n e

D e t w e


Qosed-Shpp 1

la a dactaloa dradlcaUy attaeUnc ibaded ftaU a ea tbU aup . tba U. ( may •aUaw tb* itleaed abep a sd 0 Uber eontraete-U emploren a((eet4 berdeta. Tha APL bad ebaUtaced t na leai hava a r t(b t 1* protect memb T bt atate* iB r t iv ^ cesaterad th a l 1 petle* pawart, ta caaraaUa eraryei aalaa meiabar a r aoL

however, wm ba oompleted tn th e 1 aezt ilx y ean . I

An everaca 400,000 kilovatu o( new power capacity will be added

I each year for tbe next itx ye(Ui if Um department'* •chedul* U (ol- ,

I lowed. ,IrrlcaUoa prolecU «iU b r i n e c

BSO.OOO hew a o ^ under culUvaUbn I 10 (eed lhe ftxpandinc popuUUon. c end a ranee menacemenl procram c

I will increaie tb e Uvau>ck yield of I craxlns l a i ^ tn the e rte . j

Timber resottrce* will, increailnf ly, 3 be ‘■ (trm ea '''c ia 'a ibasil ihroucb cooperaUvi agree* 1 menti coverlnc federal and private (oreit landt. ,

Ptaherlea on Um lower ColumbU c wUl be proUicted by a (21.000^100 t procram be(ora downitream dam t i cul u lm on o t( (rom their normal | •pawalnc crounda. ,

Aa extenjlva typopapte mapptnc C p itvram will aupply bailc dela (or plannlnc Um whole development. I

T hU Oavldtoa told Um W a lo r t . ~ U Whal lie* tn Hor* (or the PaeUlc northaeat under the Interior de* panaM at't praaeal plana. TlM de* partment alio work* wiih other cov* em m enl M cn det tbnnich the Col* .

tnteracency ffimfn1tCf<i ■ lo further coordinate Uie enormoua % CO|Knment acUvlty tbera. ■>

S iv h i had praaenUd thla out* I line, teveral committee member* QUlied the paiU tant Mcrelary on th* need for a_*CVA In vltw ef th* oo* ordlnaUon evidenced la h ll 'r eport.

"We are eonvlnwd we ara morinc In the rlfh l direction, bul we ara alM aware of lhe UmlUtloni of tb* pretent ayitem for resource develop* meat." I>avldsoa aniwered. "W t feel the need of better IntecraUon of tctivuie* and we do believe tn C\’A.‘

The bureau of atrlcultural econo* m m reportei] tha l a aampit tu r- i£3 iiie-pcr^inA reporiedIn*.Jure<l flurlni Uie Ural four monUM nf tt«e for rvrry 100 fanni


^ Our eijwrlmrKl r la r lm emn ?^ repltrr broken |Iaaa pertecUy {!>C in ary t>-pe of 0Mli3~"aaIErT#Tf n ie-w nrt- U don* rorrecUyIj wmrh al«, ,pri;. aafety. P rr jjj.^ C^UI trrrtr» nf any trpe call jJ N

^BENTON'S If GLASS AR.^DIATOR Jf;$ B* ItM A*«. t r w O l-W 5 1

»W%VVWnL3^XX\.Ww<^^c<x-vv ,

t»'' o'*' 1

f r e e



ro t FALLS, roAHO

I Bans Upheld I

Ini U ber rtliUoa* ta tba black aad (ijr. 8. aaprenn «i«rt ruled tb a l lU tea (o1 other tmloB tecortty provlilesa la a tx ted eperaU lolcly w lthla tba tU U E< I th* cl«*e4 ihep bast, a rvnlac th a tBbara acalait aea-im laa compatiUea. ^U tU tea hae* iba rifb t. m d a r UmIt pjyena th a rljh l ie work. whaUier a ha-----------------------------------------------------cll

’ Services Set for “ [ Slioshone Woman ^• SHOSHONE. Peb. 9 — Puaeral “ ' a em c e i for M n. MatUda Ericaon “

were to be conducted a t 3 p. m. to*: day a t the DurdeU chapel by U»e , ReV. J. w .T n fm esro r-U ie -B tp u it . church. Burtal «U1 be made in the , cemetery here.

U n . Erlcion died a t th* ac* oT flS BaturCi;. retldRl here

, 99 year* and held m e s ib e ^ lp la : the Ibdge. W iu"U ot£eii. 1

end M othen circle. anShe ll lurvivfd by two aotu, John ^

Erlcton tnd Elner Erloion; two dau fh ten . Ur*. V. E. L M on. Phoa* »*

' ^ Aril.; U n . P. U. Walker. Boite, ~ ' ^ e number of grandcbUilren etM

ireaucnndch lld rea. U n Larson w u reported to b* atranded at Contact. N et, by blocked road*. /

--------------------------- ):READ Tm£S*NrW 8 WANT AD8.

*‘S«vod m y U f e hA br CAS-HEAKTlUVr

»£[ IIStirii5l'iali»itlo«25<

» n i • ^ •> m a t ■Utl t w a''

r = = = PLViA DELE JER G

1 “Ladles of thi


w r HAVE A J J ^ O * AGAIN AT T H t

“ R e d BST*RRI>

■ JOH N W i

~ E N D S - » TO N ITE!

S t a r t s —

f m l u i c i

fv a e r ■ * « w w fw . l«« Ift M,►i p W im i '

—----------------- Cnyy_ T K n iA - IX


Fake Divorce 1 Leads to Fine For Newsmen ^

CLSVELAHD. Peb. 9 W ) - T f i e T•d lto r o( tbe a e r t la n d Ptm* a ad tt t b m o( b ll Bnployec hava lined a total ot $lfi09 hfrr^nf, tjm newipaper (akod a dlvotoe decree It tQ an a ttea ip t to etotb canlaacaMa 01to tbe courta. e

l i u TlcUm ^ tbe p r m c tu a t. t t common p le u Jndce Samual H . - SUbert, (Ued Uia (laa hlmaeU a fte r BBdltor IjOuU B e l tp read a ita te - a|m a at coacedlof tha t Ibe eontcmpt uot court charge WM a c c w te. “How* w

a l no Ume our InlenUoo 'to b rlss

Sdlcer received U ie-m axim um ai (Ine o( tMO, City Editor LouU CUI* oc (ord WM fined MOO, Reporter Leon- « ard Hammer. tSOO, and Makeup Editor lUchard R. Campbell. 1^00. Ui

The conlempl eharce arote (rom a (ron l pa<« itory carried by tbe ? p re u os Jan. 91 under Ute byline ot Hammer, lu oourt reportar. Xa it. Haaimer tald he bad allpped a (axe ^ divorce decree Into a itack o( o tb e n an d Judse SlUKTt dcsed t t witbout ~ readlnc It. B

The namei on th* pepen were di tbOM of Makeup Bdllor Campbell 01 end h u nse. a happi]/ m vnea m couple m-ho a«reed lo hariac tba lr ~ namea uted In tba itunL After I t j went throuch. th i eourt inaiaud th a t they.wer*. In (aot, divorced, ao they cot mtrrted a c ^ Ul« l u l week.

Property ChangeH A t t i r ; m ; »-DavId"A yaiT*

end Pete Ella, both Sko, Nev.. have * resumed ownenhip of tha Hotel HUweUie Ulll week. The property w u belog t old te O, P . WUUam, '

T E X B E N E K Ea t Radio Rondevoo

T o d a y ONLY! ;


the Chortu”

’TO. — SAT.UANT K tq c m a•fO nJTO B H O W — n n a ttm b '

R i v e r ”RING •

VAYNE — — — 1


"W O RDS an dSE.VSATIO.\'A L STARS — 22 T l

• T O M O R S


B i h

§ ji


. WBDlfeA T .n aro ij


U K o x t .r ^ ^bS r?i«y ju iK le ,t tc e n la c h a m . ^ • Attended »


s s s g^ c r t t i i S g

M ‘ »lcaunc nnkA ltU n»

d « t of lhe Y e U o i r ^ ^: ^ h w a y t t w c u u o n ^ ^. tndednilejy b e c t u i ^ ’ condiUooj. ^ *•

M tntger Im, detcribed the ch»ai7 * o*-ner»Wp only.toaTa ? m eni. “ * a i

fP Y ? i7




s M U S IC A L n n s i

MUSIC"lE R R in c SOXC Hin



AT 1:15 r * > L - ^ ^

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

c S t ^ s e ; ~ l P a t r i o t i ileritine M otif & veji ,r Dinner S*Si

^ ■ ’1? tb t A m eriF « ^ un»i« l t o u .

I* tftaaer.« o $ « ^ ^ fin * Bower.

2 ^ S » e r t i » » - f lr t, wul *»•nfnOlffttlOD WOUlfl „ - CoIOHIeIdSwUOM fW «« SLi.An *w »rt c e r t m e ^ Bet«*hin*n

2 ^ b r th a A m e r lw Ui». D » >*Sety to “ « *” «* *“ Mr*. B<in* &

f J f^ m » l t lo i tb« loc*l c m - fc

i ^ ’ll. ohTTttnUiemi‘SBimllu* ln e J » m urine*.j^ J ^ e h tocJudod Mr*. D . R f ui* . WUlUm BUap w»d ^ducted''bT i ^ Moiwm. tollwrwl «»• w o rt ij tniir « tbenw tn tbe docwfcttooi. eooduci«d »t

V den lHeld

V tS b S n m m eeilnf. w tr t U w r w p o .1 m h ^ r « r n l» h « l by ib« U ta»d mt »

Pfl^» ' « pUc*d 0 . t b e ^ «

"“ •■;• n ;rthW h ileC lu b tonates to Drive ^UbeW-V, reb . fr—Mre. E. U. aecoruUon*. 5 ^ c u liM tea 10 the Roek RlUlleen ..WorUi While elub a l b « and y u R

Uu rttran c; aroUooU* wer* p tfm t^ a ^H J ta r u n a a d *h t *1m ^ . .

01 1 lhe nrecTKn. Mre- F o m i l ’ Qjft

f iifM n » « o a ip « il* l bj- Mri- U rv Oeon U rt tt . led «roup einilti*. Bhf d l. Oulhrii U ^ 8 Mloft. ore#. *t»o ■n r lunchron w u w rved b ; hold pouee J r ^ OuesU lor m e aftw - w u iy u«Ji KR Mrt. C»rr1e Crockett. Mr* BrUl(« w u m ty and Mr*. Oral 8hol>e. *rwilng c

• « * br Mn. H

lurch W omen Present Shower HoneSt, rcb. • —T ba w o u m oX lha tdn- O,A UUilooaiT chu rth f a r e a tusjorrd aud blue tbow tr Baturday a lu wilUam Ai aTt-th»^»o«B* oC-Mxa. »- C. Mr». WlM hooortn* Mr». a ianley tlon eonMg al>o r m i r■provided the ■ nu rta lnm rn t c iUhmt clagrt so lnf t« Mr*. Hucnrr u n . ItfmfTna Mr». w . o , Kuley. o . M. Wh

« «• » Tb* Tall

iwer H eld to r r ? r toman a t Hoi ley

ULBY. Peb. fr-M ia. R u ^ U C p * .

Peter Snyder. Ou«il» reeelteo *nl«rUln«uid blue erep# paper coraafw u a rr t l . *J

i,v.iny room d*ooraUona a r- i , tu on tjtfi to accent a U rra e tfr t. niTeraajlfKh [uu^Jed the f i n table. menu »•01.-W uhlM of e*rd» » « « In opened J nui u r* . Ooufla* MUler. Mra. rifTfOrace and Urm. P. U- 0 » « b t*rW w « isLif lhe t » t « - ^

Q uilling P a r ty ho^t ^ . m , f ^ r t . TL. r . t w d u l b ^ named a frtw p of wooien a t M in ^ * VuUtUn. ReftaahmenU werm a Taienm

-------- -— rMarian M artin ^ P a tte rn

• ; V ' • \ * ^s'- y V eondnc. adndrm

n i l V 9 K 3 B B H tw b e iThe he

1 r e a l

/ / whlepc/ / I *

« ^VT>T-!M5X pm : TTT 1 ,»s“ U5 to . a<iQT*ii;a. W Tht* , i* e - ^ )■ piai «*v»t t«iT j J

n-a*;ae T?ne» <x»r;i n a i I « «3 i SU caa Ctm *

fla* r»:> *r»nn7«d «w .r*rn«'.Tt —^Urrr. RS« ro o fe ts e :« f 2. V f l» It R',» « f-nrk. J y»-«# IS-toch; | H2 ? " t» pa ti* -a I H*w -a-T - tp . nar H * * I H

r.t &w.9»«*. U hw tr»t« H• ^•-a.n ahowt ymj

!fi MB* IT.--I-T1 V T?nf^7»ew* v a t ' | ■s m H

0 .i-« f- art. TTI V rw p ta o a r t ■ r BT-*, eaa. atyiB j

Our U«.-.a7. M a-ttt 1 6oo» r - ^ rno tha

" u u m Who fcacw ,«T *pw f a r t* * ' » a a .n ,t - W f w i^m-r ec* A M .U

frw patt#— y j t«Jor

U-. -C'vX"* I [I—

McPageaiit*! n by Group} p a fu n t v u prtwnled I 1 . iM :1 th* Order of B uiem I k _ 5 ^ ^ . : |lm lU Jn u ln e u *euloa |r ^ - T V i r ':« ltnlng » l lhe U a « n k P-le pagean t tho*M the ' ( B | g | | | abetween the (las of the (

«*-aod Um colors ot Uis —

«rer«,two chUdrtn. Re- r. dreued u a colonial iTtljm Sbotwen. dreucd ial boj. who acled as

entA were KrTcd by Mr.Icood Bobler. chairman.BeUe OsluBd. Mr». Vlr- , Ura. lone Martin. Mn. rnter and Mr. and Mrs.irom. -------------------- -rthm enl table ten* tn arraofem cnl of white muma a n ^ colonial flc-

ineu meeUaf w u eon- T ^ baOt-t:‘ u ra. SM hnide Moeelfy. « • » « aod eai itron. InlUaUon will be u the meeUDi on P ^ H | p | 3

« » « jjBiMjlitine Dance d in WendellLU reb . S -T h* Ouard- > of Bee Hive glrU enter- a ralenUhe dance (or Uie u d Builder fnwpa and u. Square daneci were eith Oebi* B a m u andHe InitrueUnj. P iu e i were ^ • —m Uie dance. ' ■ _ : '•pe paper etKUBtrs tn d t a | i S ; r “ c tiiu heart, earrled oul lUne DMUi In the hallLL HEWBHljn PrancU. Ardella Gold U p M H lU f Andersoo im e d a t H M M H

h ^ t table. H k• • * CablnH tL

ly Receives lET^IiS fts a t S h o w er---------Y, Peb. #-M r». IV»crt r > ^ l : « u hODoted fuest a t a m u - P o l l O• *hower a t the home off ie McCoy. WlUl Mr*. Ad- ( j l V 6rl* aa ec-ho»tea..TTi* hon-0 tecenUy lo*t her houae- l _ -------------K ^ o n i in a lire. recelveO h o l UHTIelul cifta from irlenda. rtn MciaJ ivaa Uie dJvtnloo of the aioix tract i

»ad th* prUe* wore w « i h»n, Appr«cHelen Seymour. Mrt, K ay Qmo PalIck tl>d Mr*. Morri. W iieh. , q(| Mr«. B<

« « * Mlectloni. >

10red a t Party 5LiS”.S1, u. Bupwt. w**

earn * -

; ri»i pn» ">checker* were awarded to

rm SutinlUer. f im . and U ra. P j f |C

alentla* theme w u Uied !n MURTAtJont. U n . A nnia wa* am- Mr*. Ucnrj1 eervtnf by her dam h tw . » pinochU ■ rr, u . Mr* m»

« W « LUllelleld <_ . I , l^ n a r d I

:tes Birthday i n m e ^JUnV, Tei.' > -P * ra ' B lxlrr _jied in hnoor of her »1»w t S t j rand a frtenfl. Milflr^d Mof- ^

I Uielr eUhUi blrUidar an -ne. 0 *m«. and ret^e.h- Pu llna^ >>

eerred and jlfU were

J-towB KueaU were Judjr Joe honi»I and Shares WeUi. Surley.

• • • Seryrinqa C lub m u h ta iBORN. K b, ►-•ni* Srrln** M r. Earlrt a t th* hoB t of Mra. Olatids e>*t Sund*•* eortat htnir wai epm t and Mr» J«baitUic luncheon wai aerred leT

>are of Y o u r CB y A N G E L O P A T F

t U a rood hoy, a flB* boy. He wm*nw lllien t and fl»llberat*. ae* him *

liii 'c a ^ i j to n who *ludlet Uie f lfw lII to happen aftai U doea fo ln f t« ' nin* befor* h i tta ru woit. H* not ta be iful with hi* hand* and they We way e hU k e ^ . InlelUtent head meW ec 1 I falhrt I* • pl',y»in»n and h» PaUien ed hu *«> to loIlD* him. but whrn the U not a phrilcl»n Hr U a ad - their ch! : ^ , i n « r In hi. beflrf.in*a.I r i» M fnrUon «t hom* W hen •"'> b r tr .# * h « » .a b lto f work-lei ither. w-ir<1 rm 11. he r-te no . -II-. food eaoufih. 1 W

— ’.4 A i ^ - r . smy J « n t»i: jrra Ihrr*-* nor Ul Ul*t ■ I ^ 7 ‘.1 .tu iu a e trr,At Prier bark « “*ool in * .U l* of d . r tn '« . H . ?»lheT^ K w art alocn Ui* llnrt hi* ^T eeU. and hb faUier will not , tba t tbe Itne h it ew f ^ c w . p - '«

' s - s s j - s j i r s r s .• U« laborawyacted as *rpertm*Bt to th e w«“ “ n t la e of hi* elmMmatw and '« „ «ho p ta M him tnWbUly-h , ^ wat *«it for and h ^ e

eothiBlaeOe prale* “T fia tt I w ort, t t f b® . TTat"* 7 ^

TooU be faoiou* in H eom* ^ .^ r . »ratrTt ll

««r ir rw a Toe* "UWOi ■“ «.pered te Uw *nthm. -Om. I I my falbw w M * e «se b»w. e*. »•«•■

e r a J a . A > e « e . , U ^

m o v i n g

Twin Poll*

• ' tos H ide and Seek

Ql.tn W»n tmH U baUaoed by IS eaa be d r«M « vp w ltb candlertkta. fl

rt u ill eentataa W *ruiowa. bedeoren HI In lh* *M* aeei


0 Social Is^en tor I ract * pouuolaTDl, m . fr-A poUo t o - A r - ^ *

ct ^ U i V * H ° l l '^ G ram * Tl>* dlrui' l^odmaiely ««

O ^na n d U r a Lyle W hn ltttr &urin« t d . humoroiu iW i. . W hiu tan ceCiheoilt and Tde take wae compatiyini r t by Bnio P a rra r and L » - Mr.. Ullla: 3r«or, Mr*. John PaMoor lory of h m ^ 'o f Ui» TW” " for— The i rou

r v . S"£^jnochle PartyrM O H . r t» . S . S j n ;

nU party. lUeh ecore* w em , n u i l W aller and u

Id and low K « T t W Mn1 UtUefleld and O. W,

t- 7--------Enteu rp rise r e te Hr^Tiu3URN, Peb. » -M r» H 0 O C. Wf, eiad M r. Jlarold Ilunier Uwtr ho«1 Mra. Eu»cn» IMUman on wert Mr. rlhd*y anniTertarr a t ber •

V « « A fl« '

erves D inner andBwjoTAUQU. Ptb. fr-M f. tr i Bear* erlrrtalned at dln- ind ij Oiie*l* w m Mr. ahd C L . uba O i« « and famUy. Bur- O I I


, Mr» tm i

C hild renRafraal-

I T U I ' hoT'on^--------------------“Z«m* wUWni hU father could m a* U>e tine boy h i w at a* fwa ta ra t i f t n » ■cwtaJBly « * • - — -* — tfl be: bu t SaJiuew th e t ^ - w - - , ,

1 be n e Tould h tr* to mik» j .ly without ItUierly encouran- j

Uier behar* thU waj towanl [ ---------ChUdren A mu* com m * ; -------wmiW .a^e « K ufh h*^riathe , ^ taUura. Lif* eould not f i on • f L wtll If aU men foUowed a cer- ] ^ «n#m. ar.aie*rnJ»'*‘*»‘» H 1, 11 Each child 1. Bom i n l o ^ t gac ror.« TTtJi r J r«m!iaf wW^ He 11 \olQ'.<e He ="“ ‘ *" J Iwr -:f to be WcrMiru-: ^ V dlei:^rr» would be wl«f v> t ere•hiia th w hat* a i^ m ^ ^ p

. befort hr a a . br:T. ar,« N - ^ did th f r ta l m l m« tdra tfl f«now b « e U to ^ e - m ^c*,i p««!bit rh u s ' « t « ' n r i f _OBJ ha* -iiW o —«nd nnbodT r^ef 7«

br corlen t The

^ tTarCj hW h»*

• I

U. OVER g « V ^ T I

T H V A N U V B S 9

one 1 4 6 5 ^


^ W o l l^ ^ l t s W I I A id

n palnUan. mUwn B ^ B H K i , newer n*e* a a l be«l& W M m M

a Before wpp

If* m baadec

H u sb arFeaturProgoR D P E R l

nlfiht wat ^ elub wllh a tH« guild bal rat*d ID lh*

tAtaj aitaaftd. aad ««»• «>»HcUeaa fltelritd by WU- a t U»

T he cneeU------------------------------------- proilroauly

_ . bandi. wae ii p C onducts -

inner M eeting Sfi).’™Uuek dlnnrr and f t « « * -n,* prof) w u held t l the hone of Mra. ^ir«cUon of U e bj member* of Camp p r^ « ,te d a B a l I :» p. m. m d ay . »iniin«. Ra>Unner Ublt w u cover«d wltb by u r a . Art eonUlnliif Talentlne dealfna - o u u n Wi otered allh a potud planU being iMigb

riwn Un Lre'i huiband. m the MUi tw c n a u t dcfiiraLed. cup* aeatcd t>y *l .tnf hran-«hapcd candy. cburcb. Par H Uie metiin* Mr* W anda ^ r e * i n , .m ra l «leciwtia a c - M r ^ ^ . ^ ly im htiMU on Uia <ulU r. ^ K »lt^ J llllan D*vid»on i t te tb* hU - w ayne ew f h « FtndfaUier'a Uf*. i roup t«nd i»B » t * a qiillt In aetcroniL,^ imey for the Utmarlal build- by M r* .^ Salt LaU Clly. Ulab. Block, piano.• quill a rr t dontled by Mra. E niertala

Ooodmtn. Tbi commlilee included q irge of Ui« qulU project U dlrecUon o I by Mn. Vlrfinlt Nelwn. did Uie eal w acetpud u ofnclal m etn- Albert c n i t lh* froup ar* Mra. Pansy wa* (umlil

Mr* N'lll* Let and U ra. d . L. McE >3ulam. Urm. Arro*i

* « « l/fO Darr

.-tuRN. M l » -U r, wid Mra.u rn roiertained' friend* a t D.hoene. Oul-of-town fueeU M ra t o e r

Mr. and Mr*. WlUlaei U )lt. Mr*. E. H1. and Hoa Doedie. Pmyaoa. Elmore aw

rr dinner Dem.U U c ln tu e D . k3 illdre on Germany. HollandnrJt»n*nd He told of hie em- JB^OMI

vhili on hit mltalon thera. oUbert Tl» » « b rld ta ell

Shower Givenn o , reb * -A pink aod bluen w u Wid al Uio home Of ^tm lly Andenon honorlni Mra. _r Jonr. T h . ifUm oon w u tnt<‘r^SSntnij wen .e rrrd . Th* rtd n e t open*d her m any ^

a , « a l her h P q p J ^ Y q ] [__________ C T i^ ^ bii

TBURN, rv h .» - « [ . u a -art- Martin entmalnMl In hrcior

r*. liM MtlnUrt who left for I W ^ ^ “ ir;in to )oln th i trm y Ptnoehle IIM p liftd and luncheon w u u rv td . | l l |


H p t v e e a n t aM pe In leeeBecluehei ma? be atiocu ied wWi rtieumauem. wf^nri'tea. lvmha(Q, itomaeh and kidrwy dlMTden. TT to« Ti*n TTTafl Z T IeTerytbini e l« try adjoet- Iment* M M tf oHen ob­tained after fln« trw o n ee t. | |


IM « a » I»e»* PW ae m * |l____

W - W A I W A l i M

Friday N ight

S t i v - O H• R«m ovib1« lfii*«r P » 0

• All M#U1 C o n * tra r tl« i • Celorfnl T ^txn tim

• Rpfular 1 1 Vfclo*I

221 Mfthi Ar«BM b « t

O p en E r e r y F r id a y• WATCH FOB 01,1! TKrD

I In Capsule Living

MMT eeclies cwlnfa oat. PtiU* dow< I S e fw altare tJecw. dlnln< UbU i

ind's N ig h tires M usical — — ;ra m -a t H a ltX Pet. # — Uu*band» «bierved by Uie Woenan * Ei>Ucopal Bk vUentln* carnival, a t g pxj,, Thi*jL Tb* hail w u d«<o- q . j . 81^ if.i.nHnii motif- Cor- J

h ra ru were pre-

.lt*nd» l ^ ^ r » meniber* and bw - , oU ad to o rd tf by th e . ^

of Mrt. PauJ^ Bateman.

[U a l toe TKtoui ward*S d o k a *t*to. waa pre- K W BEBl,U couple* fr«B m e LD8 Ladle*- PlotuUdpaOi* Ul tb* daww echedoltd *;aad ^ ' O l e a McBride, indefinJUly. Ut. I t. O. TOknan. Barbara, p ijlttr , V tm a Noble and BacauM ■U taifii.‘Bet*«r m d Patu o a p ro f rw tml Br*«nr and P reden BlutfUrd* fc

They weie eecoHipanlad poned until•W y S riliv tM - s t - w -*==-----------

PourUi aUuneni tar tbe evenuif «»i d a w wl qvi^rlll* danelnf under ,,k d the pl of Qaud Bowman, who g i,p t uere.

■fiiit'f , and Mr. aod Mra. 121c Thurtdi «T«1. MuMo for Uie danc* libed by Uta R rr. PaUiw Anierlcan E llio tt on U»e rtoUn , t 3 pjn. ' litronf a t tba pU so. L w tas balrry leceiTtd tbe door p m * u,

unenia wen aerved by Mra. a,.ln. Mr*. Clarenoe B W . due*try Carton. M rt. K- C l a r t . --------------H. O m on and Mra. Z. M.nd Mra. Dorothy C ba ;» iaa . '" 1 ^

ridge Club Kt t . P ^ * -M r. and Mr* I JTUley wen bo*U to U i^ r 1■Mb pnday D tth t-_ i*n» * »Kon* e tn won t>y U r. and |

Mn. D. L Strotid. M - ■ * U n B. P- OlodowBkl aod

. . • E grertainsC lub K J |rAOOH. Peb » -U ra . D ar- . kiM m urta lned th* Tburw- [h im t l a jtooeble pa rty . bmn*. Ura. C. B artee r»- ilih leert and Mra- Charlea



I G Al a S o r t l iP K * Ijl

S ? ^ “ l; Special


77 Am m * t r r r w T w o

P H . • P J t , *e I P-M.

■ 4 numa mr T il 9 p. m .lI AY M G H T 'S P E C -


I, IDAHO_________-

-I ' _... ■■

--------- Mrs. LJ.a3iijnu Speaks (

Welconrl | f l H 9 f e » i | 9 Mn. U s . Bb!

Newcomer^ club metUog o l tb e or UM b e a u o t M n.

. 8ba -lalkKl o a < N iw oaner^ club 1

w u being organU 000 populaUoQ • p m ^ t b a b o p o be organued lo ' over. She oobuw n 's acUvlUea ber (hoa-n by memb

M n . lU n u n * . ^welcome wafon' ' acUvlUe* in tbe

Tft’Ln P a lb aud* ■U re.-H.-A-Boo ShotwtlL T be I under Ibe jurlw oome wagoo bo namea of new r< Mra. Puley aald hostoaa tu n e d cosier'a elub tb tamlUo* wbo m ta January.

PoUowing terved lo M w «

. . atod WlUl lacy V iwa to een* aa ««ai^ pinochle were t I. »nd boekcata. w en won by !------------ - and M n. Am

-I Clara McHenr} . . , berg and Mra. 1, Q l e n d q r ______

■* menl for tbe 1 elub WlU not. meet P rt- J. W. N o rfim 1

............ The prttlrim i* * » te»-lnf group <

I Ki-ruln, guild will m«V «>*

* --------------------*.Ited 8p.tii*b War Vei- r - . ^ jlUary will meet a t J p. m. h e t e O 'I the Amertcan K fto n y

„ _ T h o m u RoCk'* a ptnk and Wu

ulld of lb* Cbaxeb r f Ib l ^ moUiai .hleli w u to meet T O ur^ Tablet were 1* U poetponed unUl next .

tn fasie* w<* • • WUllam Balli

od-a-H and club meeting H arry 1a t Uie home of Mra. O. D,»y. U ra. O h u been potlpooed in* lUled th* bee

r L T —T he meettiif of the Fetes•loneer dub of KlmberW k ttC H U M . I •nmreday U pottaonw A ^by.-C nloa ly. booof*d a l a t

* • • a t Uie Trmoi , of w ttU ier ooodlUoa*. m p ie tU «« TO •eJwdoied by tbe Roee* pu ig r g t w I 1 for Prtday hae been poet- Ooodlng, Ket .Ul N o. l«. ^ ______ U r t w e n la f i

aa rd MIA epeelal t o t ^WlU baar M rv Max Uoyd play. - O e w Wathlngton W

r i i - a i Uie1;»0 pJa.'SMrt- f ^ ^ «lay a t Ui* d iu rtb . ,

* * * tM W ar Mother* wID m »« I ■,_*1. p rlday a l tb* A m e rJ^ % * M * ? : ball. Bkeh n e n b e tto anewer rail eaS * 1 w w ^D or eaylag of AbraJ^ ^

e al«> a rtMe to tbi* Bft*etlag.

N l " I l Mo t t m o t i o n ^ U H H


01— 6Ur

Ib e e a u t * .

CAIco n ta in s thert<

m ilk, • ( •v«ryfW ng f e r d*lic leu» eok* •v « ry ttm a l ADD OMLT

■ SAVE^;::MakMtwo S-tndi I

. H inton r H ealtW s s o n C lu b , J f D ' r >me W cgon w jg tS ^SH ts u n «PC*» ^ f ‘5 3 5 i r '« n i »

be ld a t ■ » • . d b m e r t t g tS * o w . s w t« . - ■rttb t t m ol t a

S T ^■Mr*. Hlntan ^ y

Q and «* ; *«Bl*d by memb*P« ^ -In dUM of •,0» » a jijgu ii and aaJe'

.eBled lb* prognb e n and tbe In ta n r t

Mnbera, W orth and . Man0 al*o t ^ e d » b e n o{ l ^ btali

terrloe. ta to * oJ ,a llt*e .. ‘Hwy *1 Uie d ty . M rt-^H ^V S facUlUe* ol e

m e w agyi b o e tw f o r .^itffational u y T B r W e ^ m r o i w f S n S r o n i M

le N e w a w i^ eiuJTTf tbiw iflunwucuoo r f Richard*® prei

DSS-nSTS1 tbe Daine* r f 33 new W

’ “"'"‘ “ ■ ^ '“ Signa Pfhineheon. which w ai . . . ,

w xnen a t Ublea decor- WedS

C 8 ^ e i rf Dr. ani S . u T b S m > e S i ? 2 d Edmondfc W u , p jto a . Co-chalrmea r fa S plnocljll« ( ^ K T o J S r M l l a r . C am pW lrffWdeni annouiKwJ th a t Uie Beterly Pt«up WlU meet Peb. H a t b r id ea w ^ . w ,f Mrt. L. A. ReUer. I3i0 r f the bridegrc circle. OUC.U wer* M n. The hrld* WC

o a and. U rt. K. A E3- u id a talUmaJ

d a t Shower “T S u ra ^ e h S

: blue ahower a l th e ho n e ^Uier, M rt. J . L. Bumncr, P r a c a n '

deconted ' wlUi u is - r r c b c na t for tbe fueeta. Pitta* j i r o m s ,

were reoeivad by Mr*. f^r< u^ praUUard. Mrt. 6 . Crfaon. «united thasty Light and M rt. Viola tn« ol the OiI. OUbert Walker. J r , a*- « the to n * 0boeteea. Dorlnf tbe t

» « « duolad tv >

»s PresidentUM. P*b. fr-0*o rf* T. n -m orlal bePyg?^.*l . d l w « M « ^ * T « ^

ai^tartalnad a l ^ " " , i r ¥ f en b f Mr. and ¥r»- KeUhuni. I t wa* AiUiT^ m a t Bun vall*y. t .



ORPHSUM 'U i t b v BU N D A TI I 1 ^ 1


• • •

A K I MIXTt«ntno»• g g t . . .

u ____________

W iIbl Itbi Mat

w 0

iam't etub e e o r o ^ '.

lar M i d o a . _______ jtabl* t r a « '0*n tena

,3 S t» .1 1 » T ito n U 0 « -.Md t b n a ^ u a t . U »

WUdoai^ •* th e t o yab ert.

Ilety ooan -inw i 1 ^ —« ra m .8 e n li> i ( o t b * . . rt. A s a t X ^ U S m ------aiy K nlgbt. aU b k b - lalUa a ad a a W eoa« ' T ^ ^ a a edueatka

i ^ ^ u n l ^ bealUL U tu i 0! nunca iMaa~eatfBniHivr.t<wm»--------- ^

iSh u w y ^ . J “ *Vreaentcd aevara} p laM .

tte n t were N o e m I MUdred B ean.

^eterson Js in SeattlePeb. fl—S lfn* P i t e n * . ttrm. O r» Petereoo. Oak> rled to W arren S. Noyai. and Mra. O . E. Noyw. , ru iu 00 Jan . «. -ni* mged wedding »ow» a t ij ^ th e r a n cburch a a j-^ th -U » -R e » - C, A.IcUUBK,• m k u d . EeaUl*. w uM l DOO wor n brt>0>g --------[room waa be>t man. wor« a a aqua btn* ^““ r f t S i f u S ^ra ta .ort wedding tr ip to V i» . ,I. they a re makJag tb d r ttUe.» • •n ts Program -. » > 4 & VIoMrne< n l*d tb* p r o f m jsk r ffe r tn f- a t •

.”s^ 5 .? rsiss? .I bottaaea neettng. ^

K m . M as H g y , W . ------- :

Srt or d b ^ aad ^

[ 5 5 £ i ^ U h * M W

S S r o S ^tearing Service ~3RY FRIDAt

>t« M o f T w Ib Falk« V 4 - M A i a ^ T V J e - I l _ V I . FaUa, 1 _ 1m C. F ta tb lt Mgr. PhoMZUl-U

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

f S t o r m s C (

r i S p o f t s A cb r : I s n o w - c r e s te d bU izards ridii

*i»Wmp tn f/i ^) i» n f th a 'n j'Bot p ra rlo tu ly eaoeelled. were

! Tftmb--------H e r eaacelled“ t j i e l r ' g»me.

: -Jerom e, Je f t, fo r F ile r bu t i o m e d back m idw ay in the t r ip a s a new sto rm broke.

71» WMtlur im«d lo if «uucb TttMdv aom lttf (0 »Uow thre* ■tranded btrteUnlLlCMni ta return. twHiB. BolM-Usti Kbool •tnudsl

to Bol*e. thQ Ani8rlc*o PiUi outUw team Uld the Id«bo SUU eoU«n frtthmen eavera. bowded t r t l u Tuoday at OoMUn(.' A acrlfn P»U« tDd idabo S u u frwhmm bad been anovbound at Ooodlnc Ilnca tb« compleUoD Batur. dajr of tb* anoiial Ooodlsc «uUav baikctbaU totunaoieiiL gotat far »• Rupert oa iU way «wt to camea witb PocateUo Uct Rlday lUsbt aod Idabo raUi last BatunUr.

PocateUo round iUelf wttbout ao opponent (or tbe aMood Um« In

. Or* dayi wben Twin ralU oouU not . keep a BK Six oo&fmnce appoint­

ment tn FocataUo Tue«lar nlfbL f i i^ h Xd Under oo dit« >'■«f/tr thji Tn«lr >tlp y m a ^

--Caaerilad O—w 'K Otber Tn«daybl(h achoo) baiket- i

• t Ba(«RDan. BaielCan at Acequla. iBaoaeB at Ooodinf BUU. Heyburn iatAlUaa.PairflaldatBaIlevui.llur* itaofb a t lUchfleld and HaUey at |

------- Area, . . . . . - j......... Twu litcb wtajol capew ha^e been ■

■cbedoled (or Wnlnewlar n lih l UWtatber peralu tiarel. .

gtfMdulid to triTc) to Ropert Ibr a .wmatfh wltb tbelr areh-mal. Bu- .part Tb* oontert promlM to b* ,MM of tb* beet Ihli teaaon. Burley !defeat*! Bupert badly tn a oonUtt 'pland at Burler, bat the ptr«ui ,M b* hai4 10 baat oa tbetr homi <floor. Ropert tan* ar* looklnf for |

Oerald OaUlnear acaln wUl 1 try to kaqi a baiketball diU Wed. ■ BMday. Jerane b acbeduled to pUy OoodM a t Ooodlnc. Qoodinc 1* tannd tA wtn the oenteet. t

— -m tm inaH M far th* cam** i t t Rupert and Ooodinf are tlatad to t « ta r ta t7 p jn . t

B u la f Oaawinod b_______Tin Mfiiittiini Idaho - OoUev^ ot t

■ammttnn boilnf tMm. stranded at t AIUoo. ha* eanoeUed a *eb«lul*d {,

«U*c* a l K atM . -n** hlfbwv ^ t r a s Albion le Burley la blocked fay ^

00^ Oene Oooper wa* bavtnf * ktnhl* with batketUn mcUoe ter * hit BICE Panther*. aT Olander* ‘ u d Joey Aeattunl. tnluiad PrUay ° Id a tratfte aeeldeat. ara at Burlry. . Other puyen at Burley. tmabU to *'ffH lo Albion ara Al Oofl, Nonnan I'Poultoo and Wm BeU. ^

U l Mak* Ptaet toee------- f t et f ^ th . J

■ity ara abl* te maka praettcM. \

s a ^ . ' s r . s s ^ ' s s \(h* Korthvert Naiarwna ootlefe probably will be c*ne«llad. _

Abwady eanealled in Twin Pant J are th* WTwiUtnf matchea held erery " Wedneaday tn the Rhythm roller ^

At Rnburv. the A«oclat*d Preet m onad the BolM Junior eollan ^ taA etU n IMD itH] w ar itrmnded after playttif camea Thureday and tl pnaay with Rleki cnUeca. n

B o w l i n g S c o r e s |


K li: I• r~—— — - I'ri <ti iM M. it

^ « tw **I*.; lli :n ir w h « ---------- i«i Ul Ml in I.

^ n “5JI iji til Ji

- - • :u lu i;i

■k>«aa____ _ lei lit IM M u_________ !« n in Ol

"iTIZ z ^ ^ ~ - - " Kl J*i ill J!l tr^ . Li» ' I: lit ti« n

’ ----------- “ *' - BT «.fc_______tM M Ml r r t Ic

^ ,s k: '

'_Z_ '-1__ j»i r ; IVi;^^ ^ fll

K - _ r ^ r T ! ^ !Ji Z----W ■ - _______TTt 'I* !f* M

- ;■> -il i-l 4tiW»fc ------- — «H Ml !«*• »»M ■

_ Tl! r f.»*C- l«e| Ml Ml •

•wi* _I___ • o I" , ,

~ -------- — ---------------- ■ r

- F O R D . :M o T i n j f & D e l i v e r y

S e n r i c eLmbI a d L a ^ Mttaitr*

Itovtac asd Rawlinc .

P h o n « 2 2 7

F O R D BTt i ^ c a Oft j 0

l o n t i h u e t o

c t i o n i n V jiioff a c ro u Mas;!e Vallejr Tueoda; s p i t s world.- T h e two-rem alnlng- « called o ff a t th a l a s t s i!ou t« 1 iberljr-and-Buhl-to i*aTi/»*] th iilr T tJ ■

'B r o o M y n P :

^T e a m - f o r J B« dins; hfs head in a ^ e e m e o t, a 1 way out on th e limb and predicts , would win th e N ational leairuo P t -------------------------------------------- t

i Bobby Jones js I To Miss First | I Masters Meet J■ ADOOSTA. 0 4 , Peb. • ( « - cl■ Think ariuil you Ilk* about Oemaret.' Uancrum. Snead and Harrlton. tnit „

they can t U ke the-plaev-of -Bobby , Jone* «hcn- lbe maiUra li plajrtnc a In the eprlnc.—J onea wunVplay-Uii* ttme bu«-he *111 be hobbUnc around tha Aucui- U national goU courae v itcb lnc ttioae la tu r day creaU a t they try ™ to (tnd the (am* h« h a t hrld to

- lo n f . ’ *>• ------ -- -jTrtTOn BMors • •'

I l i l t vm be Lhe f lr tt m aaU n ^ Bobby bat mlMed alnce lh* tou r. ’ nameot wat begun tn 1831. »''"Q tc ton tay Ibat many year* aco _ —«o ooe know* when or hov. no t L •ven Bobby—ther* va t ao Injury to Jonet' back, up hlcti. near where the neck Joint the bau of the head. ^

Latl Ociober thcrt waa a major operaUon d e ttfn rt to reltere tne _ preature a t the (Kih verttbra on , the ipina] cord o( the once n ra r m , per(tcUy coordtiiaied champion ol lolt. 2 .

Affecu Ana. L«c ba7b* p rtau re terUuaty affected

th* motor nerve wWcb^ cpntroit t t t ta d n In tije right i f f —th* golf- ’ Inc ptn>l l(«—a t wril u tn lhe rlgrii arm. “n ie operation vaa tuoccatlul but Jonet ha t not yd refoimd con* <i. tr tj «»»r the lec. He't m p i uTln r »»» #n th* ut* o^ It dally bul It wtll b t far frmn m d y for TJ holrt of fotf by .

Today, b* walka like a man drac* fv fine hU nch t foot tiirwuch doepwaler. Kit lefl Ire, ihough. It nearly , ' a t food a t 11 waa tn 1890 whrn hedkl wbat golfdom, to tay th* laaat. wieon*ld*r«l knprobaUe. H

T lu t w u r r u d Ann y*ar and „for th* C n t Um* and never flnce. a I golfer woo the two opent and ama-teura-Bntaln '* and Amexlca't. p

^SCEveiiH Score With WSC 42-34.

PULLMAN, W a ^ Peb. 0 luTbe Orecon BU U collec* baaket* Uiiball le a a pourM it ea tn th* doe- Uo Ini *acond* TUaaday and trimmedWatblnfloo BtaU oO U f O lo M «piIn their northern dirlaloo. Pacific do Coatt conference came

The win kep* O r f r « »U t» te t tthe thick of tha na rth rm dtrlUon Irao* only perantUc* potnU hahitui ^th* l * a ^ leading WathlniHoo th<SUU Oouiarv. Tt g tr t th e Bearer* Tha apUl «lUi WaAhlnfton flUU In Bath tlr two i tm u tr iir i and an r re n terwoo-loft rcc«ra lot Uwir readorlix. IThey alto dlrWefl i [»ir of gamM aivwith th« Unlrertity of Idaho ihi

After trailing }4 lo » a l the fM t it rperiod. Wathlncion f i u u rU lM wtiIn th* Mrond half anH r l r ^ iha p«rap to orif point ir, a t frnM iBtSO. n ie j w rr r mdtile l« iiu i- leaUln 'Uif pare tinvrvrr, ° tnd tne —«heming B««Ten pulled a v t j . pit

ISC Boxers Whip S, Eastern Orepon ™

LAOHANDZ. O re, Peb I /Tb* Idaho BUU tollcga boxing V t* u a Qichi tavatf a i «• idadMeo orer b e te m Or«*i» OoJ. —lag* t t BduoaUnr. i« *in . n \mrr~ ^

Th* BMitai rwrvi ^a pr*Tk«» O.M r . « i i ^ O rr- ''gtXL *tB two bnuti tfilli a third ^and loel on» f

D f* Dl»U''B. Trt.hn. la -pouB d »tnUnnnuRlaln rnr.>rmi-r rh u n - .ptnn. wnrr^ »n «irv>rj m-rr IBern H arrril. 1?.3 T)i»r» *rr» no >'fcnockdtrwni tn th» (!»ruvTfi figfii H □Ulam hat Imt on’r tw.r, m Jt)

ai I OwT» ty.'h h . . . I'VindaughUTv

n rrni- .hn,:!,*

nanahlp mar th* «U* m-m—ar.4 tf n 1» * .miiar* p-n^-tT L*,.• •*naM»

Cwwip**^ «t«rk nt

N ew and R a d ia to r*

0 Halt 'alleyiday continued to throw an Icy ng-hlsh achool ^nnW»*thBU g a m c f j s e s ^ y night. Highway de- -Tuesday- gaina Jcroina' and

P i l o t P i c k s

a bMminff Burt Shotton went licted tha t his Brooklyn Dodgers le pennant this year. The Bltrei^

thatched pilot from Bartow, Fla., preparfnir for^hls f i r s t spring- training td p as boss of the flock althoujh'thifl Is ac­tually his third seaBon as manager, told a press gather^ lng the teom he feared th e most wus the St. Louis Car-

■ dinul.t.'• 'I 'v e already aald ll 40 Umu ilnc« the campaign cloted U}at Brooklyn

' wooJd win the pem anl b '«9."' Shotion 'kaid. " I fw o n t hurt to aay ll (or lhe Mat time.__ Feari Cardinalt

T h e Cardinal* ahould gtr* u* th e ; rnoit trouble." h* added. ' I alwaya , (igure the Card* a* Ui* team to

beaL w u & g^^^ iiTh• in lanM* aod-do-H- wh*o tb*y> »- not tuppoeed lo. They did U laat

' year. The g la n u muil be rackoned with becauM they>« got power. Philadelphia ha* a lot o( food

' younctlen eomlng «»p. Cfalcafo tm t ’ improved oomitrtfrably over laa t

y rar and th e Pirate* certainly hare*' n 't h u n themaclvea durlnf Uit off

tcaton.T h t only d u b U »t mlghl ba

woTM ofi lh a n la it year it Clo- clnnaU. Th* Redt tuffered a body blow vhen EwcU SlackveU wa* «l«rra(ed upon (or Ole retnttral of a kJdne). I hope he make* a coma- back. He'* a g reat pllcher."

N ard t P in t Backer fibM M i b ll nuLln ctBcere

wa* f ir tl baM and the n r ^ of an experienced relief pitclier.

"OU Hodcet U a grral fielding f ln t batrm an, but he tlnfint_ hi{ enouch.“ Shoiion tald. ~A (in i base­man ahould hiu

~w« fUUered a tembl* blow U a t . y ta r when w* lott Hugh ca*ey. IVe tried a ll w lnirr loag to get an e iperienced reUef hurlrr, bul to (ar we haven 't com* up vltii him."

Hollywood Stars To Introduce New ■ Plan in Ball Park

HOLLYWOOD. PKk » U >-Hol- i Tr*ob<I. noled“ lor u>* unutual. ha* a new wrtnkJ* for baieball.

T iu lloUywood s u n of the Par.l- |f it Coail leagu* Ihli yaar til l liil- |tlaU a 10-mlnule inlermlulan afler | lh* f lr tt five tnnlngi of t regula- Uan n lne-lim lnc gam*

Th* club pointed out that othertport* tu r * iniermitiloni. to wtiy ]not ba tebalir j

T he ruatom ary ae»enlh mnlng ( •W retch" r r o a m i tn u r t

M anagrr Prrd Hanry, n ram tillr . [•oqulrwd lo u r ptayrra for irltl limii tth* Broekiyn tXxigrr fann >y>irm |T hey will rwpon t« ih» club at tta ,B*n Pam ando ipnng tralnlnt.quar- jten . V

They ara W alur OUen. aon n ,and loat n lna for SanU Barhara ol I , th* CaliTomla Irague laji yrar. anfl ‘■truck out »«• ba tten . Jack Paepkr.; ‘wtu> had a 7 -t teaun atih 1Paul; aecond tw^rman Ilnb Iinni^r 1 fmrti Jflabo P a iu nl Uit p»oiit»rleague and J\m D tiri. Uiirfl rmatv (rom Nevjiori Nrvt u oie a

Bundy h i t JOO for Pu»bln Cnln ttn th* WeatCTl leagu* in IMI hui iInjurlaa hald him ia w gamvi m ri m with Idaho Palla r

Cage Schedules ;J I

VCDKCtnATr-..Wt •< » o i-" 1-r.tri.iMrT ■ r . ,

f a rtitT ' *

■ *

WE OFFEfT o p , Y c a r - ' R o u nON . . . ELECTRIC MOTOJ

• R T r t^ r rv n y T m o t o ♦ f*CTOfmitRET

* o o i m i T r• MODE

. . s A r r s F A C T / o . y g <



V ' , .yiMES-NEWS; ^

-------: Jm np



intt r sei^

o fic-a stV’h et r -


s .-


to^ • -California erwter Bill H a g l^ a

^ Callfem la. U S r renter fiUn ChrlUli ^ ball aa Irammate Byran Van Abtj

T ro jan t von W-tl.________________

t World Starts b. Drive to Take 2 U.S. Net TitleJ t NEW VOHK, Frb 9 U'p-The ratt

0( th e aorlO Tur«lB>- began We lone, arduiiua and prubabl)' hopeleu

__ ta tk o( trying lo Uke lhe Davit cu^ a in y from thr UniieU BUtai

“ In 1B4S.T »etily • rutlit Iriiiil.s [Uajliig i;a*

lion* t«*»p<J Uirir name* In the ' “ I -pM »l>«ri Ui«.»t(k<lal d iaa to t I ** pairings In Uie European and NorUi

American anne* vat held a l tna u m^uwt»-o»te>w-«rf 4h*-0iui*a4-.

NaUon*^ Winner Tatklei U. B. '

T lie rvriiliial .urUvor alU tackle th e U nll«l Stale* In the ct\allrnge round Au( 30-31 t l Poreal JUUa. ■]

Pwur nallnn*. including Auatra- i ILa. eaal Uiclr loi m Itie American ( lone. Tiir rrnialnln* 3« vlll fight i I t o u t lo the European bracket. The I two wlniirrt. probably AwUalla and c

C««crio.iliiv»kU. aill m rrt In in* | _ I-l*-— I ,

T h e Hnn. Trygv* Lir. •reretary- ! 1* grncraJ ot lh r Ur.llrd Nallnr.^. drrw it i - |l l i e na inrt nf tin- coiiiivniig <xjun-■ t rr irlra fr<im a l.ig HUrr tx>»l ;t

n r r t Palrtaga | ‘rr Palrtng i (or th r f lr tt rcnirkj of ' ■ ly play m thr Norlli A m rrlftn l o n r ' i

pit AiutraUa agilnM Canada, and ' ig Cut>a ukaliul M n lro a

III Fur.-i>r. n i« t riiunif iilay a l l l ' i r. [>IL pTaiirr va l..uirmt>iiuri. Uearl I II vt. I> m n trk , Cw^hnalorakia v»T Mciniu-o. P ortK al »»..nrIUln. t t y w < ^ v« AJgenUna. Ireland »i. Cliiir. I •• Ilal) Turkrv. and Boulh Africa .

’ T — :“ Feed Available

For Elmore Birds i•r G1_KNN8 TO UiV. PW». fr-t*pwU- I- men in th t t'.lm no r r r r ) ' fitvr |

Inr ataratng bird# tn E3mor« rmm- ,. ty, Jam et Pa»l>orx, chairman nf th*It upland bird committe* of th» n - n tPor* Cminty Wlldltf* rlub re[«m-

m, Hr aald rrprriienUlJvra n( li,». aUle (lah and gama rtrparUnrnt

h tra lUTTtyaa tb* a rt* tnfl ar* !c t4 ln s blrdt and brwiging (red

J tnto o te n n t Pw ry.T he wlldllf* elub U ecapr.-»Ung

• v ilh farmrr* tn plaflnf f<-pc1 away ' 1 Injii. faad Jola •n d granaiia*., r n «:id tta k ro rn a rr trr-.\nt t.ird. .r.

I ---------------------C A o r « E ro « n s r r

. • LJDaWOTON K» Prh ( >#%—Bll Aiei O r r u rrm nrrny f ir |«

" [vi;ntji Tumdav rlg*il or. :i flrld

U-'. a nev (V»iin«i.tem r-rT.frr-rocr aconng rrrorrt In leading K m uirty

T1.M ha*kHhall m o r r o*«r j

ER YOU.. .i n d P e r f o r m a n c erORS . FTMPja - WIRINC*rroft.* D i-w r< a n r vkTT.^


g l a r a x t s e d : / . . !

SER V IC E C O ,r v ;c ;;i


atlempW » } n > p - m t *bat aariy la ley w itlr tb* Ouliw Hiy pf BouUiciu Li*. <g. make* e r*tU* rcaeb fer the ityn* crlagM trwM tb a awaL Tba

Meet CanceledSHOSHONE. Peb. S—Th* an­

nual Shoahon* Radaktn ouUaw baaketbaU lourtiamenl. ached- uled for Prb, 10. 11. IB and 19. ha t been canceled. Burrell Uv- ingtuui, tournam ent aecieury , announced Tueaday. —

Llvlngtlon aald tm im am m l o(- fictalt canceled the event be- caut* of doubUul road condl- tion*.

3 CageTeamsIn-Racefor-----Loop Honors

SALT LAKZ c m r . py*. $ n v - The balUa for lop boaora in th* In- termountaio OolHfitM atlUaUc eoo- fer«QC*'a aoutham d lrla lo s la a on*- team affair But tn the ito rth th rw leami aUU are In tba race (or th * ,: dlvitinnal Ullr.

I Til* top iwo learnt tn each dIvU- '

for m i co tifrr« i« honor*. | ,! Bruinf tiir pare in the aouth are I th r hnn» collFsf B a d g m o( Eph- • t raini Ttif ilnrtk-rn are unbeaten in 1 ; fivr camr« and have y rt U> mrAI I Carticiii njllrvr. Utaii B ranch Agrl- i' Iniltural mlirt* and Dixie eollrga ' | 'T Jiry ulrrtrty hare beaten thoae , jI leami cncf ,,

T hrrf ir»m» tJlxlr, We«tmln«ler ' |_aiul Hr.nil. A tn lr.-^U ll h |v t

maLhrmii ir n1 iim urr U> edge Uilo

In Ui»' n-mh. Wpber college of J OBdrei hM a narri.v claim on firal pla<-» tiui lu<-«i nillr«re and Bni»* . Junlni r-IIrFr trr » flt tn th e ruii- ninc <)iil« irtahn Collrsrot tuijratiiiri Li nut ul Lba raca. I

N fiam ttw mviainw rraNDlMca

•• I

Basitelball Scores :!

_____'Th* b-j'.lrjxal u a ol v a l- . {

■ ftttve you1 New HV only ^*5

M ot, wM hiv*.- tfwlTTMSIiar* t J

WiMllit* WawtW^

n>* o n ly c o r y o v i

1 rfaflvary q2 eniy9 Ceih or t im . perm*fH « Wirt, or w ifHovt t r o * 5. Oood ellew atM * tf y,


Sawtootli-!N{ Game Lossei

HAILEY. Feb. 9—Deer and i forest hsve been relaUvely lig: Tuesday. The open winter of 19<

. llffhr The liresent winter, \ I than, normal .win{«^lo8s of -■ b ig Baffle.--------------------------------- 1

The lo ro t te n ic t e*tim *t« hun t- J e n W drcr (rom lbe Sawtoothfurtt in 1M«- >» 9jSurcs for 1M7- Tho elk kUl U e»- '

, t 349. I tubatanUal Ui- crtate ovrr lhe previou. y tar. /

Tafceo a t Baldler 'Uost of the elk v e n taken on the

Boldler roounUta game preterve. althoush « »•«« aWarm ep.nn*t reierre. Special cUi ^ hunUng penniu were istued by the “ aUte (bh and game departm ent (or boUi areaa, Uie forest aervlce said. T

popuuilon* for mountain aheep. mounum goat, and m ott o( Uie fu r- U beiring aninialt io th* forest ha* u

“ changed little, aeeo ttittf t« th e re­port. Oootrol nicaturea taken oo coyoUt by thf feflerml (lah and wild-

- Ufe w m t* hare rwttlted l a a heavy * reducUon ct ihe coyoU popuUUon. “ lh* (oreti ttrx’lc* tald. _ *'

MMO nahermcB ® Nctrly 30;«« (liliermen tpent an

' r^iimaird 163.000 d ty t anjling oil ” th* tlrcamt a n an ik e t o f tiie forest |»

’ during IMS. The tervlce pointed oul' that undrr the large onalaughl of ei

fUlierwea. Uie readUy accestlbl* «~ (iihlng vatera ol Iba fo re tt ar« U'- hearili oter-u»ed. ^

Even tome of Uie relaUvely in a c dl ctu lb lt »lrrtm t and laket are being fithed loo hcavUy.

Praltrd bU U W ort The (orril tervlc* prmUed th* co-

operaUoB rrrrived from conterva- Uon offirrrj of lh* t u u (ith and ^ game dr)>Brtmrnl 0 (ficlali aald tlnce buUi urganliatloiu a r t con- tr cemrd vilh i>r»prr management of T vildllfr in llir ntUonal (o rttl ll It w de*lrable lhat Uiry work together •< a t clof*:; a t pm tltt* gi

The forral »ervlcr alao Jiraiaed fourth f luuv l tiwrumcn* organl- (j] laiiont for ihelr inicreat and coop- erallou. w

_ G a m e s P o s t p o n e d - i ’ I n B i l l i a r d M e e t J

. U n t i l N e x t W e e k S

. Play in Uir TvUi Pailt bUlUrd

. tournament hat been poatpooed u n - ^

. Ul Uonday. E O. Bnickan, toum a-• irrnl m antsrr. announced (ollow.• .log Turadt] I Kain( jc

In llir rnly iiamr played Tueaday. n -jPtaM i Orr»'ii >i[>..nrd O llbert « c -

I garni- and drfraU d him 200-lW in 87 „ a innins:« Ttir lent rlimlnaUd Ue-- Canrr from Uir lixiniamrnL Oreen 1 hart a liliili rut. n( :» j.ilnla.I A m-lirdulrd ganir lir ta rrn Tom n- ;Wilaon anrt Mail hrglan wat potl-' pmird (or lhe amind tiralght even- C' > t Uig becaurr Wilum U annwbound I

; I t h it rural home Tt.r gime w ill' p i ’ br Jilaypd nr»i Mw.ciaj v ra lh r r (i«

riiuf I.l.>rr^ li-ri ir ihr li.u m a- 'd li mnil In. iiiilr I lrarln ,, Wil.vrii. Jlrg- . 'U

f lan and O rrm I -

; 13 Q u i n t s E n t e r S t a t e C a g e M e e t

ST. ANTHONK Prb I ru r^ T h lr .. irrn l ^ m i ha«'r im« rnlrrrd Uie ^

• achrdulrd lo br p l.ir ! h r-r r ru 17-' [ ‘ I 14- 5

Kmie Wart-wf>-ih. . t i io iu a w n i 1 Chairmaa,aald kUcm iinnh rrt nf r : Idaho Pail. Urrm Daru. OuMav. 1 j Idaho aim plou ot BlarXIml and I Prrddy'a tpn rti .Jiof r .a irllo I uiallrd In entry b:at.t> uup arrk *

Wllnrr Inneprtnlrr.r- U;r‘n [* ^ JfUrki ro llrff Jaj-vrr* ncibii-’l Bur- ■gaoot, Bt Anthony AUUrtlrt Bhrl- ■ley H -U en. C tah.ldah» au*at ^ ^Idaho Pailt and Hrv^.ta ^

• aiHHiaii l.ig ^ ArUv^vI Amrrlran ir ;- flri, ^. piM* aapMta. t t * an!! 91 tn^ihlra |

uheard? M

fudson I5 Z 3 . 9 8 * ■

- - c L T r iH Z L . j

“ '- i l o w r , in fo

•n e riM m yo« ^ r ^ .

T « e t io i*»-tw ^

ICOMPANY ^ I Ta-iii ra th . V

i *■*


f a t i o n a l F o r t

e ^ t i g W T D u ]id elk losses f ro m n a tu ra l cause ligh t during th e p a s t y e a r , fo n 1947-48 was g iven by o f f id a ls aa

r , which has been long a n d seve

■ Feller Signs 1 I ’49 Pact With * Cut in Salary, j

f c isvn jiH D . Pteb. t m — rb e i;; Cleveland Indiana' Bob PeUer ( tep - c , ped dovn Tueaday from hi* plaM t I u baMball’t h lfb e n paid pU ytr. r Bui nol far down. BIU Veeck. t

TrU>e president. hM teoed to ex- tplain afler he and tbe pitcher aped i

. ihroufii lh* fotmsUty of a lgninf tI (he firebaUcr't ]M» contracL. i

On* ef B w t ^•*nicre arenV veiyitaaoy’ Is bate- .

ball vho ever gol u much u 4,In the contract we Ju it alfoefl." ,

' Veeck tald. 'A od I hope be fct* '' more every year."

, He explained lh a l (he a la r plica- ^. e r t base pay would be the same aa ,[ -m t ; r ai. tnii txaiuae* t w d ou -JI home aiundaoc* would be le tt lib- { eral. No flgurct were mentioned,, of oourte. but 11 ia fener&lly be- fI Ueved Peller drew tboul MO.OOO °

in baM pay la tt teaaoo and an ad- . diuonal IU.MO tn twnmw.I Cut |i* .M f ^

Til* cul peller took va* rumored _. lo amount to aboul I10.DO0. Veeck '

dr«;ribed it a* 'very definitely ' a ^i SJ Prller caUed ll “a nice con- -j. traci, a good contract, a ll right.” -r Thm, tremingly a l a lot* (or moreI wurdt. atkrd limply: "WeU. I ttgn-r ed It, didn't I I Now to win eome balj

gam u.-1 Managrr and thurUlop Lou Bou-' drrau Inked a ivo-year contract a' cuui’le ul. aeeki ago a t a bate J^y.

rriwrtrd 10 be belveen losj»o and a raU* of about 119,000.

Jackie Robinson Signs 1949 Pact

' NEW YORK. Peb. $ UA—Jteii*• Roblnton, th* firal Negro lo pUy U>' Uir major leagUM. Mgned h it 1M«• fontrarl Turwlay a flr r a brief con-

lerciic* v itli Preaideut R r.n rh• Kii-kry of the Brooklyn Dodgert, 4

Trrmi acre nol reveale<l. bul i

' vrry aaUafactory,’'ftnbiruon hU JM la tt year and <

' irtirrallf v a t regarded a t lh r briV *firsi ijaATtnan In the NaUooal league *

• al .ra .iin^ end. 4:

CI BH SION PAPKO *■CHICAOO, Prb » fcPi — Andy *

) Pafko, etitraco CubT inneldH -out- * (irldrr. tu iird h it alxlh Chicago

• t>««t>a» rnn;rmrt ToeK liy a t an m i- ’ *•d lv lov^ flgurr but hr aald it v a t *

I-Uie beal I'v* fver reeelvad.* J

B rr Line T ruck R ental

U-DRIVE iTtrtou* typ* truck* for an ymn nrrdi — Drlr* it ytmraelf Bavr Monry Rale* ru«aonabl* — No Bond H«iulrtd.

TRUCKS for RENT in ia k r Rrtw. M obil S r r r W !

I PelBU Eaat PbaM HTI F

J jw n K fT i

O il

HERMlS Idc* 1S70 . s e n b t r c be *er» inn O lrf H r r m i l i |( e » ip rirfe ^ r in k tn |^ Tf W7pIfM urr T rv it —rou lr«r> • e s ^ .t» .m « H > m e « i-it* n . Kentucky flavor.

» A m f u c f y H i i s h ’

- A B l f T i J '---------

isariONAi erJTlUB^ c © » . N.T.. M

; ^ ’s Big^

Jing Yeaas th e principal reason l I'ere, may rp.,nit

J^ p aC ag eT i Crushes Caldws 34-19 in Big Six

CALDWELL, PetL e /a. - Bulldogi

wea I deJaiding Big c ^ a p lo n t J t lo it - n ^ pin* the Cougars I n t o S

Nampa held onlo tecetirt the loop ttandUigi viU i« , 1

IWO defeaU. Tht b £ who reUimed home k d * r .^ mowbound Ui I tu p e n S W<t*r. held Uie leagW u flv* vlclorle* »nd

Nampa loored early la o, whea guard Oary jo tin « att twft.poini«r and held iS throughouU

Bul'ldogt led a t Jua,

Wayw aUckentUK iu

Uig honors w i i h e l t i i t p ^ Nampa connected on 1 * | per cent cf lhe thoU (rm i but controlled th*Uy. “ «ao«l


The coUege of PacUlc vO la Unlvenlty of Utah fooU»S| nearby Lodi Nov. 12, OOP ft Manager Bob Monagaa ■■ TuetdW'.

n a lw an pay* te *e* y f lDealer firtl (or D e p e tid i^ | BaUtfacllon O u aran te tT ^ H

47 Lincoln Pordur Sedaa a Unooln Club Oeopr 1 w WCTt ury 1 ^ a a . ,—47 Po(4 ao , Tbd«r47 Pbrd BD. Pofdor 4« Pord BD. Cbopt 43 Chev. Chft Cm p*

O BluT*bak«r Pcrdor 43 Pord BD. Club Coup*43 Pord VI SD. Pvdor

41 Pord aj). Coup*41 DeSolo Poroor 40 Mercury Club Coupe n Pord DU. Tudor


<7 Pord VI \ Ton Pickup 4S Pord 1 Ton BUke 40 Dridge S Ton Pickuj 38 rw d S Ton Pickup

UNION.M O T c:rcFord — Linroln — Ihf

w j -

m tu c h /

nAGitu *

been» i th ^ = 1

will '



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*><-} fhlrV ni* . . . You oupht to HV»‘ Ul Ihip’"

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*■ ^’ei^netv 1.

i 11. D«Ttr«c«j>uc •T* *»«

■ 11. BmiSIf n»^» ' ^ '“ ill * * ‘ 'T i ^IU BT*U wbOM 'UPlUl U L-^"* ----FbMnU ^

a . Took BBl*W»- . 1 wKS, .=■- >'■ ■ ^ r . ? . 5K>?4|

ta. wU nf'Vlrt StDE GI.: Jl. Candltf o> m

c«rtilii »lna I—n . Dlliitul »boi3«»~ 14, D«ric«^^*d

it-cS plu iT tV ^■}rf«v?f^. -CfcA

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buy th a t cl

B y K E H E R - - [ ^ ~

i» h o t jioiip on m cold *^eT 1

(Senly, th

- - 'RTM b*ck to \AS u>



OR W A tT bT ’

.fiS^K W ITW ^TRffTCH #/>rA M TH lL^-gl^TW O Se

i t^ w S !» * y M ry RAW HipiKf ^


I 1¥ H k l i s

f wm« .s* ^ ■ ' t f “ \”

1-7 '»'■

)U cxn collect th e money they bot t c lcc tr ic r a io r fo r m y birthday, I


v ^ w / t l . ^ J t ^

f e h --------. l e gsTl. W aldo tlw tr* sa y i th a t w h r th e f i r s t th ing to do !• look in t

=a ^ S ^ ^ . S w - w s l

B M E 't n s . . n r - ^ ^ ^ UAVE—J

B y V

1 r^oc<T~" t.K £ ©I

[MES-NEWS, t w in palls ,

y WILLIAMS On«whii• - -P * tWT VOO OO \ 1 V {sOWMWru a s r ME c#* \ . » u»ti.«ntjKfiVTHHUU. k 1 BUTHlfte^JMTtCJ'/rwONLV \ r» ARtTOIrrcMiKroNEHiDe-v ^ docats.■M OrHGRS 16 ___A __ _ S ys« ri^THILLS'AN-TOCfT^^ " P U ^ I S W R E u x x o j* Z ; ' tf=a»,AT/ L W J

»• ( m ~N /ifW

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borrowed from me to rC 3.y ,r l l» p l i t r i th y o u r &


^ = | 1 - ^ B r gu 3 N r



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, VWT TM6 JACQUES LA ^ ^ « C n A flEUR ^ H tOM OWH-I


WJOWfett, ,V»Ae.'.VOO »40t « 1 Nr \ » A M o o o • A U .. n^ .......... • I *.- 1 W 'V . B■“ ■ ..Vc 7j5£jr . - c

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r * ~ 1 lM i 6 W « i* U M M n k M V S W « KV n c m iw A sv iK T U R am T K in w o rr 'TO af««CtOKIlFAtmUTVKI*(W»t'

N cn w AVu*. ITACT .I'M \.0<?>«»& I c^ hm « \ ---------------

o 5 j 5 r « T i « " 5 u e ] S r X " " ^ w E WU««. ivt OOT A 1 H *2:^ J S WHO'O Be ucvnv H*NOy J OP PUT7M *acLhO vou* Awgco^<

i i M p i ? i i i5


noun n> « moT=l r j S f / S S S U

mAMTMANANDMH |M W f L P 'g ? ' .

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Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

L — 1 * . * • •!; .. S t o c k s

Markets at a Glancer ~ ' . : ' . H n r T O U . • ( » -____ . aUKlLVr-UUtcri cMM^Itr v>>n«»l

- “ESi-.^u„"S u g « - liT — i« t U«yUi*UM. ■>») bvrlM.CkkwsWbMt—CkM< n m Ktur Umklai ihuvlr.

Com-.Hlnpv «l <Um i *ut •‘ ill.^ ______^O ilrrriilnaai «£>Asud U Uit Actl-

*c«u kuk« t.

Krw YORK. r * . » try-Tb. «uxkurk<« m hiikv »rk« crwsd tichtup to IW clix UJ*/ teplK lil(l>l7 «rr>tl<

(UJu n a j m ^ f r u i W ^ ^ * twlM orw*> «t Um raU aJ *»«sd' tMjlSi

I« In .din. I»t«l ur u 4 «»wB liirMuimTut i t t >il"iU< ^(•rt sa li>« cosn« u( lUcU n « m«ib«l 4toplu>> U>» •»»• l«dlfUt»nf. t« 7»UT.

■ ■ ■«. P»ul iUiI>u‘*Pr«r«ri.<l. V. n. BM. CM«nl M»Un. tioodrb-k. KoBtniKxrT Ward. Cyrtb^-WrLghl. C»n«oIliUl«i HaU arU Cm. Axrlcaa 8a«lila<. C«MraI ZUetne. Aa>ttkt« s^ikcr* Ft-

----- «Uk.-Uiik~ iiu»a«»< im 1---------Cylf Oil. anJ R ..,, U ia .. •

. 'N rw roK« H ToruNTW TOBK. r .L I <4>-La>l mU I i

AIM Rtr. KI, l.or»i U S ,I Allb CI»I :•>« Hid C»I I-M 11% ^

Ab Car A t t l tvS K'v !I______ A» }1 Aa T A T l(» \ Km l i l j j 1

Am TaUc«« >IS Nal llUl ^ li f t *. AaaniMla l : ^ N V C.alnl li_ ,

aT *! b‘7 li«i Nw Anl« ’ U< flUW^Lur. I ll, '•

W w " * ' i l ' ' i’llu rd * ^ '15; iUar4«a t»«i l’ar% I'U (1 ‘J Caa Utt 11 W r«a» r 44 *Caa Pa^Kta 1:1. );•»• UK 1(^ ^

M a U ^ I l s ilCA 5*»J •Tam d« roi !•’. Ilniub nual I4i{Ctiaa A Okk. IH. lUj T»fc B u«,Ckmlw »•’, ^ 1«S •Cob a . IS Bm ' vm | \ 1a SET !!!; !SiTJ^ :;!: ■

— - g t j f K . i l ; |5 ;C«l AlrllM HS t!i OalT *al M ‘ a. h a lM a O S Ti.kla tS^ •<LJ Aoto l>l, Traaa ABar >1C>U kh 12k. Ua Cub lit* t!g— raafc 4IS Ua ►■•rlflt >11 l<Oil taf Itoa !» ', ira AlrrKTt »n j l<j a r . ,:5 ;i; |;5 s n s "m Vu A'^ “ s S n a".u‘ i t i j «ai Kvk Caa »tS » » t r.l—— «»>, fa

lal *JS *<“• l*S 1«

■'' ~»;w?,nrrTT^r ?naakar NIU ItV Ta.fcala.J-» 11^ >"

‘S . ’v:. !! flStock Averages -jCMPIM ^ ^

?»TJ.4<^ii«b.» 1 II! ! i i “ IlNl-<l L«» IIJ Ml M.« K l Ml

Butter and Eggs ^

|y>H AV<.ri CK a». A?«Cla.L- lal. • ^ 1

T \* in Falls

O— K ..,'.-. I '

*HfL,^zz I!- T.r_" ~ *“

\ 1*1 *’« 'T** e^—• ^

>haa- r - t ->- I „ .

•rrrp \T J T» V. ' 'T,

'a> >.« » » » r

^ * r ^ ---- ” a U g I ; .



r t s ~ a n i d ~ F * • ♦

L i v e s t o c kOCDKN

OCOKK, r * . » «>—itiSOAt—Maw aak »1.U H : auadr w ltkT vadu: («e« (Bd<liok* l»0-2<0 Ik. kgubm l(.»e.||.H ;

Uia. {t»4M IU. IIJ»-ll.««: X » » ^ na. IT.P04«I t 9 M I 9 ^“ “ii-rj s n i« S i i? u jS

Cattla aaUbla tU i »amU«Hr i l ^ turkat: r iv isadliu* and ■••d baUanIl.OO-ll.tOl nadlaa cvn UA4-U.M; n t .J « a J lS r ? X S « . U-et-«.Ml J a j ’ 2ilar rwal U.Ui oM baad up toji.B0T*«rt"io«fl-fofl4 rM Str'itM n-iM o;

Kh..!. aalabU Ml UU TmuUt odd haad I0..4 and chute naUta laaU rial; K> carlmdt eTtarad.

J*0«Ti^D1-QRTl.AND. rah.* 1*^~-<UBDA>-Ib«a

lb. x lib U U.Mi loud aad <hgle« lM.Ut Ito. n.04 aad Utowi ne<t>« Ite. il.H j (uud UO^M Ib. aooa IT.M-II.M; baa.Ur x lih u ds>s to IT.M1 (uud aad «Wko faadan aurtod (<«a S1.C»4I^.

Caltla aaUblf 100; ralna U : Barkal aWut ii.ad/1 ruii« r««. alUkllF hlfkar; aUcr. araria: uM cMsmfa (imdaa U.»-

l»P Mondar^M.JO^for bUk

to' IO.mT and *Uhnr; uw.ibaabU itZu d<r>B to T.oa; ealtia auadf : foud IH 111. lip to >a^l«^O.sO^:^ir«M

imt? '.lau» ilcc"’.^ to U W a uT ui.M.'” ^ ‘ CIIICA<iO

cmcACO. rri,. i ^lyn-iuKnAi-iion I

c^lt'a '

?*.” !. . ‘I'.**! ***•*•« <'“• ]

* Cal’ua'aa’ auia lA««!*'<alCn ..l.bU 4»C : '•taan atoadi to tO bUlxr . WiKri tuadr ; '«>•. .laadr to « W-.r . Ut !* 00 fcr ab-.rl J dla» W k1(h*>.M .laaA ’l>^il.O<ri 'm ajua to k.i> c t> ^ LmilM ■li.M.|».UOl (vut aM rk-.xa •aalarv alaMr ' al II.M.K.M ; l»».r <rad« 1 OO.J,»fl k..«i,

»h«rp ' aalabla tJen . .l.ufhtac la~U• irunc to U kUbrr; Wf II u« paU fr^lr , a»a itoadT. >

OMAHA, rab. » iU.SDA)-ll..€..4I.L1. •> « , .W »f .U..I, . I— ..,1,aalfi U luott. avx uif. (uudaad ik^k. >la6.]«e IU. b a rre l and (Uu ll.Ib-lloSi •H»-S7« Ite. IT.W.H.W, ITb-io* Ito. HOC. ,I t. HO-ltO IU |t . I ^ n . : t . «Mod aad *ibolc* aoo. M.Xt li.U. *(altia aalabla t.ovO, >al>a n t ; |l(hl "tT^KUt!

!(sU Jt; ^annan 12 cc^ll.eo. fro of d^bitul 1. k.«nb dooa to. MM; iHadiam aod |.u l «o><**»aalara K.OO tl Ot ' * •a ^ “"»^*a'abU M ooalad l^ to |i

li ll>. fad aut.lad lamU M.U. ■.-■! ar>4 ckotri M-iM lu . x t.u a x je : <iipM*t tanto . tan •hi.r* ablna t l io. >uod •UuO.Iat rxa ).

• Maa llj«7 ^7 e* l» '* ^ l.d ‘ 7 ^ m * n .» . T

tijwvM. L

••aUra ^M^nc-I* »« , call U- madlum b l ^

K A Nltl OTT XANBA« riT T r»h I a i" ! —Ilnn 'I.

Bva«, to V. cr.,1. Top .™>..aa JOO Br.ttorod

unaraniT .ta ^ » u. lo‘ r “ u ino” m»«iujii ana r * « *taaT» n-w so T»o “ |nad< h lfh jn n d to Iro rhniro Ml-lb I

Vt* *'ralli. aalakla <.*"*. —’'• •ain •tao.ti'to

•«'**..» *.■ .....b.. . . 1. • ' 1

«>• ftf iST »•«. rr '■ I*:j tha Kr'.u^h r . . - , -thr »*r br tiumrrrKit ra»«; or-.,ta I ha'' f.trX h' r-kf-r'.r*»f» AiWTIreT! f ^ «‘r • “

i M a rk e tf^ (f * N-. f «f

-a.-l^l ‘

'»»» - ■ _______ _ ;•*: ^

' r c r ►r-M

.a-»» aa ______«T» — «>■'>.»

, Ux

^ a i T ( r e ~ * ♦ * * G r a i n

«t> teS” f * ' '° ' *"*' I* k!wk‘" ' “ iw ''u i* '>Bd »( tmdTtodai!. rrcvritlBX aU tM r !•• ^Ika. ^n% aa a dar of «»• urlro aolnn aa.i u tradliur. Atur a nliad lu n.■wl Ik* utorbrl bxuka akaJSilj oltii aalUaji n cuacanratlu vn •vrbriiu. Tbn ptunix Ur Ift^asl 4.11]. llalL b»l rrnan>ad ati i t tu Urttoa vair a fao alButa kcfsro •tan. ar* lai a raco'trr.>t. Whaat c l ^ IS><>. hl(krr Uar >«»•os rara .aa !%■*% blct»r Uaj •a. I J l i ; . | .« - . . - l a .f«r SW -iy hlihar

wi bUUr.’lUT y>«*to'»<iCASII (;kAiN

CHICAGO, tab. t bh-WI>a> nuna.'«■ U,m No. : »rlt-o l.llU .U j Nu I

l.ltH-ITSiNK. t. l.Cit>.|OS; No. t. MS.’ o: u“ n"’„ '‘*i U t ; i ‘k L " '« v n : Na. Ibaa>, oklu atadluai 1 baart

[V ilMrial rad •«.

aa^, par huadradoaUkl .«« l.a j,“■ ji"M' ’

V^b«n. ..aa.______

U.. IMt s.0.1, l.Vil, £.»,»,I I* I w ’*

M.,” I l l j.121, j.U^^ j.JH,

iJI’ 't”‘ i}(* J; r ir- i ’i i:;i . i i5 -w.V’ 1.71'i »n«i .ir ‘n3»";; 2 m t i l I hu, i.Stl;>* »•'«’» I ” *-uu

1. AANHAH ('ITT CKAINkANhA-l CITT. l-aa. I ir>-Whaatl III

-a... to n . U o... N«. t kard aadd.n l,.r.l lJU ’i to l l . i ; s , N. I n o t

; 0 , ^ to '^ n 'j ,^ L J a ’ ,” '!.’: ;{ .» ; . , J .l, An.,.

J k^flr?*N“ lie* to « ' t; iu ^ ----------------• FLAX. «ir»<CAmf.i)i. rak. i ( j r -n a « Ka'

, i^MINNtArOLU, rak * c r.-rw -.r la j '^ « * L I.M. ttoadarj*’iLtoiw'*I“,J lI i


I Potato and Onion Futures

'(^WTXrwj t W M rltotan* m»4 Cmm^y r» . RM| n>«n« m>

I ^ ^ rtrriT f-H

• • ►■rK .' 1-.. 1 . ...

■ Court Adjnnrned "As Hearing Ends

V -. a-M-, ’ A ' T ^ . . t■ « r a - v r w - r , w c - , . .

.J-.Jf. K :r ' A Bar.- a - ’ '

. Anora*.y>y

------- _ ,

. — '!T. i i r «^T ^‘ cv..*i« * r - j r ’ 'R r v ^ - Tlmr, f f - a - e „

': . W-»*— /w' •

« M '-T- nr

l>» a-v —•■ - -.

~ Milk Problem Plagues Area After Storms

irraa Paca Oaa)uadad IxppatioK to th e lu id e liv e ^ mUkbaard h e AAld.lU tlAA U t IdCA bUl OplQttl; >Mt 11 Is belitf dumped m t I ttta . one |«>w mllklnt Uhm to the n e x t ■ aad Cfflpl07ea a t Buhl reported•urt. only ■ tm aU 'po rtion -o f the 'B o r-

m d Amount ol mlU Ia beltig ob- ftlned tJJd ihAl ptek-up scrriee Ij

■tart, difficult. Tntcka *0 oot every d*> »here th e r ean but lew fannen

«*.*■ can »et mlU to Uie lruck».LgiJ^ Al Jerome. Hoy D. Smith, m aq . Mar agff Of the Jerome Cogpermttv*

*»>“ ■ crearaeiT, aild mucli of Uie 'm lli UM wuaUy brouiht tJicrc. 1" rrmttlnlaa

on fan iu In t lu t area. U li lirm v iu tmsble to earr}- uti lu pick-up lerT* lee In the Edcn-H«*elum Area for

“; *• two days. H r u id funner* could saI- ’** VBge »omc mllK If Ihej- liave Aep-

Mo. t a rilo n .>aarr B«l„w NumiaJ

Early th li week, Uie firm waa re- eelrlnf betwrrn 25 and 30 per eent

laaj; of l u ixsu»l »u|)pl> The creamery m alnuiita « f im uf 30 truefci, eAch manned by l»o men and equipped with (hovelA. vliirli have been oper* • tin s nl£ht and dny fn an rtfo rt to «AVe the milk accuniuladne a t road-

CloM tUSt •tAUwiI',,4 Smith praL^rd JrrHOir highway ,ip|». crew* Jor il(-ini: a k'txid Job wlUi »l limited Miiiiimnit. He ^ul£l ci>er-

' a llotu U'o^)c/ huNr Ucn ^uil>rlldl.(] t tu but tor Uieir i>iirmiu; quIK ruulea..22 ' -On Kfhrdole”•” AJthouRli milk jiU nt' here are " hampered mtiouaI) by the <Jrt>p In .Mji milk bmiiijht U) ihrm. delivery of A»^ milk pnKlm u to f.iiisumrri In T » in

PalU li briiii; nuclr i«i Mhrdule, but '• there ■'haa brril In Btinnff

J » " TBlirto oUier io» iu 'ln the »rei.• W hm rvrr povMUlr. l.x-ully oi»r- ated tnick* arr picklni; up mlllt

l l !4 frtjcn the <latr>nirii. bul In many li>. . AtancfS llie l .rn .e r . are bniiRlnc ^ In the [iftKluft UipmM-JvM In their J t own truck-; prlial* 'U ra and khy It other ec.ii«e)«iirr uliirli can Ket It

to the i>riK'euliii; platiL-i In other Jnilaiice*. aalr>-tnen are ,

aad nol Mllint: milk i*j th n r ni)mi«l out- I II« le u but are taking ll lo lh r iirarei.t I

ptant lo avoid »ioll.»( of Uic VIUI j j ) ^ perlAhable i*r<«lurl 1

Tniek Stark I' • ' j Employra ol Uir IcK-al plant ol lhe tad Jerome C<x>i>rraUvr rrram rry re- ' > to ported onr af Uie fimi'a u-ucki » a i

■ ittKk for 5< hmira R nry man rm» | IS* ployed by th r ronrrni. liirludmg '

aupenrlaora. hr;i«r(l Cij it oul. Tliey \ tenned the illuaUon me loUEtM-.Jil '

Vounj'a dairy rpi«)n«l a M per

xotraipondlntf 3i t» r cam <Uui>’Uit eoniumplloii tmauM- i<r tlir veaUirr Thalr hauirra aj« brliiii.l achnlule , In many |>larea

J* In aome lorallUei farmer* are te t l tn i u^-rtlirr and haullni milk , to the mad nil llrdn Tlir nxiirrBllnK*njupi die mil nne tn ir.j in ta le the ;

Uli p l . m r " ^IX-llvrrIr, Klpwrd |

Out of T»II1 Tall*. (IrllverlrA of ' milk, th rew , ire ciram. fouaye

have bren »lo«Pd by rnail and h ip.|»raU irt ronfllUimi Jrrom r and .11.. I WrndrlJ are rriw rtrd in ha>r tmr.

ciimmulilllei liavr hrrn vlLlioul fc-1 mlU, ^Tlie Sun Vallt) aupply «a>.

. aJXd r..f'.nm pT t. n ».■ ■ lunlTrd I Tlirrr have Ix-Pii l»n]aU>d rrpnru of ihimiilini in Uir T am P^IU arra

“ ■ injt Jtwt hnw m urh milk li b r t n f 10*1 lhal « a> no onr Inema.

-I Aid Rushed to Idaho Rcfiion.snniSE . J>b » (tf*— Rellr< 1* on it*

w»T lo «nn»lK.UlMj famlllr* In U.r T luaklantj a rra anr) frdrTAl offl--l»>, m-i-tf urtirdulrd 1/1 ennlrr with r A .,. • HfOtru, la try rtf j.T t« .ugnirt.l r.,.!.- ’

rrf eupglTM tn w r»lher-iUir»rps* ■.,; I Cnf J E r»fht<d« of th r 5rt»hr> i

rail.II.al tuarrt aald a C -C t^anr a-,,iil4 Irav^r Itiilsr Ilut a flrrli.ir:

... aiipi'lin lo drop Into th r l^aklaiK- • arrn whlrh haj br^n anoa

Ttif gn»rmnf !• arhrrtiilr^ .. f r : «ul, u n Durkr*. }.ru"_r

" fr.Vra! irr>rk« aernry r rv '" '.,. ' Tn~.-—r»tf>r: TinB n p i rnr. M ..I '

Ka|. lAkr C m i-f*lnna: a.Vt ;• :•^ . ira'fTT nf t*re trareac nr :» r r r »r. '

h '*- ^ntrpletr..^ •••Ui fn i.r-

1 t:-.r r-.a t^ l'^ . aro« antf Thrk-^' *>• t f B ojj. r>a.

i.McCarran Sights Bip T-H (’hanges

^^t.T •..•.KT r r r r t r

s ■ • ' - * 'T - T r '',"•’•7 '. ' . r .

1 W ater P ipesf r o z e n :

‘ rr r.41.1.- • e n i . j Rc^W

T . p-1-^. >« h.—.r-1 • /‘. f -

r ^ I l . R O B F R T S W EUJtXC X l !X r iI E



T/C gisla t iv e ' S u m m a ry

S Eis:,s»“.a r s . ,r 2 '’; s s ^ '■ifi!'WiSSJ.S;2SS.”S':?- “ “ • J"“ “b- u n W (SUto etfalral—toCfaaaUis ^ maaiiBum aalana ot eountt oTricUla. “ ci^WiroaecuUDl altomrr. to M«0rs (OUU Attalnl-IncreatUK

aalarlaa o( countr commlaalonrn.Kl) 3ST (BUU aTfalni-liicreMlsi

)* u la n a cd BroaKuUna allornrra.

2 s F '““„ £ ',s"E 'H S iS' HU (A p p r o ^ u o ^ rommTll*.!-

3, Ptovldlni for appolntioeiit ol drpul; , mioa liupaetofa. ..

PAB510 BV HOLM?'>- 8U in - ApproprtaUni «BI.0O0 lor

Dl) U-BedOlslnt defrudaaU for Claimliii rumpuoa* utMlrr Ui* *UM

11 Iiil J04-l^tW lnf Uial ln»ur«l »»r»- y tiOUar frenpu m i j te tnurd br llceiwad h varrliuuanneo.*1 HUJ»-ProivUoi Uial llcriiaml wtia- 'd houiM lauat eaxry Isaurascr ua atuftd V produru.. SU T»-Cinspu&( Mlt-liiautrra Otfci-

alios inular ira&aport cosiiiaiiioa hum ■- bund ptuTlilona and puDlic llibUllr la- y ^lH-J^»kiin* for Hrni.lii» of

„ tUM ] ~ Aiklnf ouiixr<«a U> ap- pii.lirlata IMOMQ lur eoiiUul ut ouiluua

'f wrirU u» Irdrral land*.'1 tNTHOUL'l-tO IN tir-VATrt bll 13 cMuaner ccmmlll^'i Aiipiw

~[»l.i> u. lular “bll i;> Ilmmlfrauon ai>d l.t..r rum.

‘ s;i“"aVi;'r’iijirjr.if“i'ti y«t"hJll J-iBflucallon rvinnuiir.^ 1-ro : fix ainrndniciiu tu >Mlr ciialllu I

t nil 130 (MuraUon eommiurri—1T»-1 Tlfliii* r«i aiiL.itiiinrrji of ..i|-ili.uc>0. j

■ i

i . taatuao. Uto ”E |. Bit ir''V|'ilrop'riS?nV’*Ct foJ j

New Pastor Will , Fill Presbyterian ; 4?ulpil-atJ«r<HneI jm n M l. Tri) g -T lir Ilev Wll-l hi.ll. I'r:.v.ir <,• U,r T rinity m J .ll)-• i.riui, rt.iircli, llru iin . Mlrh.. haa '■ l»T.. ir.1 u, Ii„ imMofutr of thrI ruM l-r!,M , riaii rliurc-ti. Jrrom r i , Tlif l(r. Mi ITr.tiir, lili » lle anfl'1 t*c. a 'r r>l»rtr<l 1.1 a r r h f '

I fir-c ar.n.in jianlor of Uir

Thr Hrr Mr IVrrtiir irhoiw hrpfnr ^

lir .ii l. II. ilr7 rM m ir" \Ii i! '

Hr” .'.,. Irx.m Uir Coi-

u ! r ’i-rti" r‘ !m

n . r r.l.: (■..■.'i,>rrr;»r, rh iirrh hat■ brrti a r - , . ,- > ,.|,„-r Ndvrm. :

brr aliri, I. . Hnrxrv Harprr Ir'l ft.! IUkir;.:;r.', r . i l l 1.. dn

, WTk »H', tMr i/jx r niiv.iiiivi i-fwin..: rU •

t Flood Plans Told Totioodinc Panel

:r.:r:aj .i.,' •• ... r :,„i. “ r '^ fi* ^

r!av V r,nrru-.> T i ir .- '

■■• -- ■ •• •• 'i..;!. N--;r..

Thr r . . . - r . . .

" " ‘ ■ ' • -i.ir t ‘.

Achcsnn Defends Proposed Treaty

WAKH|KriTl.«. t If- Aj *.

. ,-LuVa.L. :*Z; .

r.r^r> ttm r -- m -j .

MCnONS.«au>fc l>ih - . .W f»r Marw w n . , . r ,- . .■ nd f~- IN,

o . ””FfRRI%R'\ , ,* A ^ -axan -i-

B-Omhari * i_

FFF.RI i :

I.v ^

AC— \ Ti Ti - ‘t


1 Chamber Leaders- -Consider 5-Point .

Plan for Gooding— OOODINO. ^

„ ^ U n * -^ tiiflof ComjnereC* Board c i directors °w W *M heM .TuM day.etenlM j

u li with Prealdeni M. H. MeU tn chM se. j«a> He ouUlned * U va-poU it-prosam '

for Uie y m which w « *dop«d ,JO- by tie Difml*™ prespenu i»» T te lUe m«Jor objecUves nre ;

^ «rlcuUjina <3e ''c lo p m e D t^r ic de- :. 1. vdonmeat. community oCTnK^. tn - i ^ dujtrlal dtelopoienl ' Wid retailu c trade exumlon- i

A full-time paid secretary w m Ione of tlie prmclptU polota ot the ■

_ dljcu-iilou but no declalon w m ,bet- Wacliia iVndlnc • -fu rther study. I■£? Jnnits AlM i" » “ n»n»ed chalrtnu i ij» . of llie conunlitee lo Study Hie m a t- 1rl— ler I

Severe: new obJecUve* were broujnt u;> fur dl*cu«lon. Tliey will

lor be rrferrrd u> commltteca for fur- I. ther »tud> and reports. I; 2 Uember* prcient w o r o l /J t. i

Lleuru Lucke, Mrs. Uelett 1^ SmiUi. •a U Sullivan. E. U StUaon, Charlea iSams, Nell W arrinfton a s d aetlng 'ftccreuo', Jiunes Vaughan. j

i ‘Dimes’ March ] For BeUevue ;

E.\ceeds 1948 ‘BELLEVUE. Prb. 9—Oltl*cna here •

Ip- lire ph>ui3 of tlicir efforts In the '. polio drive. Incomplete to u ls show ' ! »882 raised till* year fo r the march

t ^ jo f dinifj. an increuae of tlM over ‘ OB ■ last j r a n fipire.

I Williara.N day." Willie Ij th# small •.at aun of lUyniund WlUlanu and waa

I a patlrnl al Uolbc several montha.’ ° l He ll now home and ahow lnj sieady «n. I improvrmriit, «1th membera of h li ’aa I rumlly alhcrrrly appreotaUve e l the *

I cart he liat rt^clved. <<j. n m rieni of the day waa a pub- t,!• [ lie dUinrr «>oii»ored by tha Ladle* »IJ-; aid undef the supervision of lu f

' pre.>ldenl, M n Mary Buchanan, and Mri. 8 0 . Nelwn, cam paljn

'• chairman, aided by large eocmsll* t« : te« , I

I Nearly every family here and cmany el»r*t>err donated food aerved t

“ a t Uie dinner Procrrda came to ra, i ta a iD . Ezra Ciin ralaed aiioUlU I rr (331S by tellins lapel bu ttons a t the

dinner j^ A danee and aueUon a t Uie Belle- t

vur fymhailum « u aponaored by a« U u WwdUUvM .CtMmbar o t .

mrree A larse rrproducUon of the i polio [KMitrr aa» made by Wayne iJ

»i.lC»»k>un M.d «M Uta {Uat UiingI Bern b> Uwwr riiu-rlng Uie hall.

^1 Muilc aaa donated by JJam- Immia . o r r l i r . t r a. Castleford, ..

u tliroush t»Tiumal m icreat tn W llllel^ '■ William* E»er> hour, a 15-mlnul* I °

Intrmilwilon «ai> railed l>y A ur-1" Uo<>n-r Kd >liU|«r. A large ammintg* nf mefthaiKllr dniialed by flrm i 1’ niKl lIlcml^1ll.L «B,» mid. anfl al-t Uioiirti htrtflinr ««» Apirltr.d, p r lr e iH » « r rra.^o,l»lJlr m e event raU ed!»' H0< ; h

^ _ n*?.rr r. .llo/ f ‘rr.,.rT»,^ mn

I; lr»liti(!u.l. and the"'frad2 '

I rr.,lrclliiiu IliiIU riiim n Ird th r *' ^.lialliui a ith a I»r rn,.lL.I donallnti-

"f I IJ I I I Alli.aliiB fur Uir d U lc r- , '’ • rnre b rtarrn prr.xml (..jnilMtlon and '

Uir frnaui of IMn Itr .l rli:rj-ni b r . U

“ Project Aid Asked i!;. WASHINOTON Trn 9 ^rt r<>mii;riiiiii of Ihr „rT-h-„ arrta projm In Inal... »m u rjrd by

.-Srnalur Miller, U Jc.,1 , Mlllrr apprarM In-'n-r an apprr>- ,. priallnni tulimtnrnlttrr tn a«k ap- T proval of the Inlrriri' tlrpanrrim rj n r«qur.t for an adam.mni »3>0.D00 , ... for the work, '

1 ' ' b u T T J


:■ Wmi ir i®

H u y 1

a t

A M K R H A \ ( H H H >

PR O C E S S CHII rr,*nd ^

’ pa^^


< H F t l l

s-u^bK F

I Jerome Co

M agic V ^ e y ^ -P e o p le B it-b y - ; H a rd W in te rrt <r»»« Tat* Oaa>U xeacbed the nortb aide oT. Johnaonte. hllL» "nierc. Ui» «w w -*M packed- «o ed tMdly the Stoket pickup could no t

break through. Tbey tried to shovel n Ihelr. v a ; out, but U u toad »n«^ e* In faucr than tbey could ah o n l It D- out.lU -me pair Started waking. lUthouBh

no t dressed for a lo mile hib-^ as Uiroush the worst of th r blUearti. ne Their flrsl plan was to go to a vac* M a iti liouse on the Carroll Iftrra and ly. bulW a ftre. Ttiere-wat ntrteleiiKoDe in there so they dinUnucd walking, u t - T u a ' i a t a mem 30 minute* to walk

two miles, re Keep Close T ecttberm SLokes and Rea«an aliem ated In r - breakms trail for each other, keep*

Init no more than 10 feet apart but ra. slUl losln* slshl of eacb other f re . il. quently. Al 5:30 p. m. they reached es the Don Bauscher farm five miles ng coat of Fairfield where they rcai«d

and were fed. They telephoned the ir location to Fairfield, and were taken to Palrfleld.

Meanwhile a anon'plow. folluwcd by a number of velUcles. bad come upon Ihelr stalled plck*up. The

, lorscr party looked for the two men ' aC e/ie CarroJJ farm but did not stop

Ju t Uie iJausclicr place. -

Muffler From Panta Utokea and Rea«an laughed about

_ the hike the next day. particularly.aboul how they ripped a apare pair

^ of koolen panU In two for mufflers..J. but they admltled ll Waa no Uugb- „ Uu matter a l Uie Ume.

Tliey aald the exerclae kept « -na.-B tokaa. -U i-tu rlhar- josiaug,

,11 aald, “Oh. eaerelae like th a t puU m e , „ In good condlUon,",1 In Uie Cedar Draw area. boUi th e I ] . eaai-vcil and the nortta-iouth roada , ll, were drifted ahul wlUi snow over the ,e week-end. Dala Oould a sd Olen B.

Oould opened a roadway throughi. the fields and throuili lome of tb e , ct roadi ao mall and milk route ear* ‘ u ners could grt through. ‘

BatU aas Uaed '[D They lued a buUdowr and snow- U ploa a tuchm ent. They alao opened

U.A stretch of highway ooe-balf I2iile ' id eaat of the achoolhouae on east to <d the Clear Lakea road permltUng lo manji persons to go tc Buhl for 'CI nc« in l auBplif#._______ Jle The snoaplow cama through th e '

pIuKfd roads as early as 3:S0 a m . I t- bunday to greet local realdenU with >y %jilrai«nl turprlsa when they awoke, iy. - i

: Four Minor Auto I “ Crashes Probe3 -^ Pnur minor actldenU Inveatigated , If I Tueaday b) city. Munty and s ta te I

I offlrrn kere alUlbUted to Icy !. I rlrrrU and roada. Although vehlcleaii.w eic daniasrd. no Injuries were re-„ iw rrd|.) C«r» driven by Trd DelUin, 18. &,, jTNa iii Htlla, and a driver «hoa« L <]; nniiif » a i not known collided one-

; lialf mile raat ol Uie T« ln Palla .J ; rrm rtrn _____________________ ja ' A [laiirl trurk drlirn hy Howard „ 'E Or.K,m.. a . and a 8 * lf |- a n d

I ninipaiij truck driven by Werlln cMartin. 21, IJuhl, poUldrd on U. B r

,8|hi»-li»ay 30 Ihrre mllei weil of r

n . Ilrrl Uinrtln. Pller. and Arnold L. - . Ka-Wirf «B1‘, PoutUi avenue eaal, j U e r t drlvrm of auloa rollldtng on

j Can drixrii by Lewli C. Pare,I roulf 1 aixl U-roy J. Molhetahrad,

104 Srvriilh avrnur eaat, collided ■ In lhr 200 blork of Washington

a trm iii.rlh

n r rtr tc MaUr

' SB^Br REPAIRS I H p CLECTKIO^ ^ F J ^ V W I n o a aW laaialUitoa

J ^Boi^ noDDca.BMim

C h a lle i

n e w

^ s ,

^ In Pure - Made

Those Chooses and Spri

i t Your Favorite Groccr

^ K |

^ckajres I — = i - U j i

■NGE CHEESE SPRER t in x R — riMENTO — G ^ R I .K

_ CRF.AM m V

:o-Operative I

L bngD is^^B


1 have been aboul n n ^ . . * ^ e ^ AJtldditlonal I p e r s o n bui thera ^ J m t delay. Eden lus had

: P r o l ^ T i T ^ Ii Foi- Crash 1 : G rain M arlI d i . . „ i"'" S" “ 1I EiT" ■' ““■“to l: J

At Olrrelana, tm It . n '^ ^ B

; .1. ^ , . to so c n u■ Ceruln a nof«dlvr• week. Pamiera cut their rai.vM

m enu sharply today ana jSj price up»ard, ^

; Tn™ii;"iS„"!SJ2j leran tradera. One o ld . iw *

. of the aheil pa JJ Oilcaga board of trade *» & ■> to » ! « , - ■

win!i •*, w ithin an hour ii «•», u. Branna;;^ told Uie

; had ordered Uie agenU In Chlcaso lo dally buying ume on Uu J m i^ r r a l keeks, the w J M

, has bern buyiiiE i„r obIj T B , hour {leriod each day. , ■

■ Brannan uiia U ie 'd eS rtS e S ihlnka "Uie ouUook Ior1949 is suod.- lie m M U c 3

' wheal futures "involvu UiIluTOce.” ' ■

Tlie InvcsllgaiJon li d i t t J uncover lhe amount of tlM gS

modlly exchange'" a u l t e l ? I regulates fulurea U a d l c L i i l "itiU tnform auon-un i l l t n S w heat,-com and a o j t e a a ^

Lower Price o i l Meats P reM

WASniNOTON. P e t ^ H Mo*l farm rx i»rls b e U e rt^ B be rhraprr n r r t lall u d

fMeled bj record hlib f i S SaUicka. hof pruducUoo li o o f l

have to drop. ■Bomr agncuIttBT departmnt

prrU brllera (ha mrrraird au tifz l faU er wtaler nay puah p n c ri down t« 01 neai icnena aupjiort IrveU.


I lo fM s • M ales • C m Dlgtieal M e»PaU

•Par rratnpt n e t- l |



;n g e Presents



e I)a ir> - P ro d u c ts

[? f r o m t h e F i n e s t . .

i r e a d s

S i



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ND FOUND___ m i"l^L i r r«li* CoBtAt Fleuih

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f r o z e n ^ S‘r » r v , i ' . ; /Call " ™ '30'15-R IWARRENJwkioo BOARD Al

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JE 1048-W * J 'k1i"'k’:! n— ' • FURNISHI


0498-Rll i r ^ S . ' s T k 'S OU' — ............ :

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O PR A C T O R S^■»-'.i„-* .« u.«ii.. ■»« MONEY

»m ----------- —

lUNS WaKTEIT".-, i . U -* Ml 8— a U llr5 A V » ~ t

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I * '" " K T T T u T ^,!• sv a n tk I ) ^ .-i.ni.lrTi.'I''l.E ft FEMALE ::1.r'V .. r

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RI?nN-KNrD?ENIMFANT. INC. f:" :;rX w

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P P ^ tU N T T lR f HOMES F"b S iJ IS T T in s rffS t bV owNtjn i - ^

W«i COM »ihI «..ml

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i..U i^Uii In CAU" n ’u V m ! »!*“ • « “* _ _ _ _ ^ _ —iMhlanr BemfiW. Do. ^ ___

UO. »C.1KI, nJ — FO R --------B¥-0

«««nq 4U> „ti bua llu. fulllw «r r5 3 “ p p i^ n i u.K ..-1 Ult b.i;

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bV'SsT Nori°h".lr^l' PX3

ISH ED H O U SES i."';'i,iu“';rio ,.>DuUi bou.^ 80-AC__________________ »fii t.,t I.nl. 1040 b^unij •>»nu. u ••H,1W. 1il4lio,_____________ LOANS

. FOR R ^ ' T J;; .

r"£ ':i '" tr„ ..itS —

TO R E N T . L E A S E . f f P S i ’.

i„ jy . T f - ;

^ r T ^ L O A N —

M tOANS.,^**S'T»t^C*T.ON —


&. f i n a n c i n g ‘'~ —

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>Y H13TOEIISON l i ' . T ' i . i ipn In n r r t >• ««i

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rko*> 1'< GOOD ltt .1

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C M i. r M VJABTTt : 1. « f . ^______________• n f i \ :

'R T C t r ' F . i r , ^»»»^ ^ 'p i 'B f : '

A C H A FIN . A r ^ f T iT T b '. . . . ft t.‘

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5 FOR s a l e ” ‘ ’T " FATtMS r<t .U ,« « ., « .«p tU .il> 40 ACHU. M u ru .^ old hcB> OS S»»rt*r «r» c«».. »»ll ehle

c.mloftAbtj A ll«W ***” ^ Vbo«« IBt.

imJ‘n!KO*rMA ' l ^ Jill VERY CPQD^ I '~ ( tu c b m .

VZ ACRSAaB nOMt miiw'»5oJ OMr Mbool •■< praagr* P'

S B . - ; * - . ' * ' " T e ? t i n Ukla Ar«iu« t l

OR SALE I ^i ^ ^ E R — - — — ; - y

lO N E 2273} 2 AND 3 ]

- , . I I.. h.«.«. In >MM e H-l«ll. lull

N E 'N MH.ood fleo"-ROOM HOUSE S r i " ; - ™

,1 Ulk I....1—>4 Wt F . J . ]

JR A V E S iS O N "OR ,---------------------

5. E . SPEEDY- 80 JI'h^o* III ««!>. T:

WANTEDi!d' 1%'iu... i-rii •> osct ti viVuT.^ruiv i i x ’T iiX bE ..... T . ii.wfl.m. u r>r< ».>m..t o . 4« 120

TOR BALE .'/„.'!‘.....i.rn. t..-~K- •|!i7’u r « « i:.

ACRE FARM to .^ I. lUxk nblh|. |-rk«4 u>ii««-i. 10

m~i»rT< boti»«. I>NS • iNsuBA.sir. ;",,'‘®«ri.<iM°*T«IcROBERTS L CO. ...“ "ii; : ^ ^ 'Z


; OPPORTUNITY CRAIG RE_________ _____ , r 4

? ; r 5 f ........

r r OFFER I'D tr U A V c r A.UR CHOICE o r H A Y y j .J tA

L Vp? «nV*ii«»ni; - -------- *

^ G ir VALLEY ».Icic v.u.T^CSTMENT CORP. _f.»Ar.. N |-h»r.. IUI MtniELASII

: e n t l y b u i l t S '. ‘i " i . : i y


'T s« ’u ." UM II * " " * I*|[.t,k.< Toa«

: . E. ADAMS ■"”;! £AND


■--------------------------------FARM IE STA TE POR SA LE -

CRCAOES ,»r,M * ”lILtCTlOX •! POTATO »Ur .»nMM t.R j m t FEILHS * ^

- ^ - — IVP.I.*- ••


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. £i^tA Tfc \ \ A STkTT I o 'l:^ V ;

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Y T ir lA L E i • tEKVfCE ' • M U Jl’Hi-wW- T-V 1I: .:: ■•>• *’• »■ '----------------------- --------------- lA iS liSIA-VMS tt CIERS__________

___f . * * ILL UhljM L F c m _ - r 7 ^ ^ i“’ *_'

i iT t j i r r '. S.AD1ATOKS i • r A C l f :

Bf:L< rE > ~nn

rd S S A L E 1 FARSI IMPIt M *-r«« KO.-. I ortN bWkrf ,lekm boB^ Inill nxl ,iu, buIIio*.ri tw L M»n«u«K. . I'h»i.. C>n.«l C««'

LIVESTOCK-'a ^ * a f MUlun^ UrA>TTrDl lUUUli *WlMfc 4«0 -•II. °

iC R E S UEBrroBO b<m-u , i „ f « i t - « tosB twiM, Utn, I ciiSlOM BLAUCIITI a MlUr. No i w, uis M.miilDi

I ' - ' • y - .jLJL

BEDROOM [jlGI^ PRICE!T ^ 7 r if™ L 'r ‘' ' ’ For DEAD n

"■■■“ “ ■ i A N HI'llONt Ul

B A C O N : 0.--<lr, 47 ^. « » ^ .

■ — I 4 TALI

a c r e 1---------------------

! _ ________ 12h?Tk.* i IWO c«lll* r«P*.J ACRE I ^‘.v :r» « T b :m w ::, ' g o o d t h u_Afwsdlu I '■ ■^ BtrUtKlSU w t I I---------------------- w.i. iK. noBi e0 ACRE ! ''•’:. I FOR SALEI. C « l ----------------------II.«0e. 1I>U I’l.VMdUTII •1 ACRX8 I

r a S ' S ' S "ANTET»neb» IU«*J Mt^'h .Ic

I WISH TO 8UY 0U> UOUII •I*d Ik-C IT rOB TOU. --- ''*"*“'--------brxx>M*-IIAM) »

i.fk.i. V. a Dl.EALTYAsoncy

K i . ' a e Ko lnc . 10*110 M ISC .

AIN AND FEED t l 'T .v l" * '*

Mllitu W»k«. CLLAN duct

'tt .Eenp»'i -iM ^k «b4 •]>*■ wlU Ui« lnil»rl> w*r*«»« Jl“ AL.k.o »ltkU. B<* Wrt*bV T-I» f»l>* I'.jini d>>.. I

BY C H IC K S - FC ------------------------------- IO I

„ . . ,*. I . Ita. Wht K» ^ p K

” ‘ "k*^' — Can" b- v. MAGIC C

K . r . i ^ v r , : . . .H’A r n i D u r t -------------------teV hatchm^ ^ ^ A LirI KU. A»« »?” • ' _ GAl

IMPLEMENTS___________________NOW AV___________ - ro t iTTENTION I V tlCK FEED ER S i l)U rtEoiNO iru o i . 1^ li

I.AX.E Bite KRE!

? H “S “ 1:1— ■


fHOWE Cltwi . ^.J.

FOR SALE . VAI. /N D ' f2,5

i ia t k d e l i v e r y I *»■

,F * :S ..'.'T r,.. ;

*rn. I a

-i ‘ F; RC'; „ARR


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. ,„ - r n iT : ' pl-RPIl \ l .V l AlLhi'-l^ I tHr, m}rnt- — T ,» ~ S * J . o«vHJ.M. » HLM i'-l.----- :_. Ht. I- -'x.^ i» I:l” i *Ai'fr**i!i

‘ *~~ SA\T

L’V CI-£AVDt$________ <5 rv 1T \ :<44A Ul Itm L>m K r w »*««

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PLEMENT8 ~'~ " — ■^iiscrFOR



‘ * G ^ .^ n "rr , •M .t. —__________________ voau V 4 ___________■ IlluniU •p r iu tr com. I'LYMOUTU--------I'b ... m t-M . 7»l tt i EAST T t ___________________All iW.. muuin bn

rS ; ; ? :

^ „ ° i a c ‘a £ a , _ . . k c C i N D

f u r n i t u r e .

G H E S T:e s P A IDI nnd USELESS Au-itu jr“‘“','h *{viIMAL3 • H.n.nNNX,.. _;.u» COLUEC^ ^

HO HIDEl l o w CO. -r^'ooi!" t \ T Z

. «ldi'mtii! ."

p e t s • c L :l™ I.p.. w ...ti .* .n . North ~

^ MATTIINGS TO EAT No-w INNE____________________ Uu> tl lb. ItlSI iKkir Dm ! hl&d aur- rsCE Ot‘'•.®°"S7?k” *’' --------EVEIL E O R T R A D EII .Htn In guud fofidlllol# '%«,. C^n io:« Mturkt «l'

r E D T O B U r ^

.1 I..«lr7 Tb. J » t l D«t. , m I ^

m u s "g '„ ,. . . . .1 .1- ...M .., k . M E R C H A N

v .r . .7 i '. 'r . i J ‘" “- "

r t n s a l e — i u n n n;r. Hits. iJti.oo. ThoM ~a u.-.L^ lUa KoUUr. . . .. - ..........—

'lil'IkZiI’p'' '

.11.,. . t u t l . . t i t t . Ii w l ----------------, , , . , ^ . l . „ . b . 1 . . . I . „

• u (OOM (^'•B I-» p»l<>«« OOOB-RB

M-J. H.u>.i \1 ':' • ODARAN;•'? •‘■i.^.r.M • TERM8

u ' HiliilthO. T—■ r.'i-- • n iE E Ul

FOR S A L E CLAUEoRnnr.AN.s------------ 1 M iisir. uPE BT TBOOr M

IM.SS KAC11 ’— — ——in Be Seen A t ---- SPEZnXlCITY E L E C T R IC tfH u: T.»k4 !

« g . C^t nxm. IITI |>hn.« Jn. Mlllll----------------------- -----------1 riB-OAT. 8.>MI______________ ________ fiiu. kw> •••II

L im ited S n p p i r “ K ' K S i . !

A L V A N IZ E D ” i i l " . i r . 3 "P I P E S 1— r , . . ^ ^

AVAILABl-E IN T1IS ® **'S ijirIItLOWWO SUES HMN V«1W. tn. O a#e toot

In O 'J i e foot M n. C O e foot AUTU9k In e Me toot ,v«, roku

ENGEL’5 INC. t nu^'■ " ■ • - * " * . o T g - T -

i i i i ^

^ ONE SALE i : : i ; 5 ^ I 'S E D T I R 5 9 1515 S T S 1 :

*imT 1**... I’ l i c w n s s

ALUESF-ROM . . . .” sE2,R0 to 112.00 MOT.h ile 'T n tY V aIT ......................***'n» TKi r « i r t o r oke ^ —

!| ^" } ' as:


ROW AT TR* ;IRY KOppF.L CO.IU »b4 A** Ro ; j»‘J


? • " ' '•»’ r>or>ci ■. l" . • im m c v B n“T ^ ■ ’**• rLTWOt

A , - , « * A ^ COMMF™ -l '-• ■* •.»«€««%•«

TFT* mio BALIII WOW O' , l-^C K r'BC


.p l u s b a r g a i n ?

*■*« «T»T WATCTtS ^ ^ .

r . c r r r v r : m»r r r o r L - wt-aTKTO ^

“ “TUB u»-r

GLENi n i p u : s £ A L ^ ^ . CHE\'E

> _____ _


Ilone .38' ____1

TH1S"1S”A E— m i OHEVl

o iv s A tE —


— -*U!-S PRICES '• " i“ |« • These Valu

-------------For Thetr T taus. “ •.■„“ s ; i 2 " : £ r . c o m p a


N D E R S O N :-------S O M E S T O R E ;3 S ,'"S V S ‘

E . A P P U A N C E . w . - .*!• lli

■tor«ll»r«<i»kkt Pb«Mlurt, I1H9,-^^.cBJlltai. MWB.

P...rullcillr ♦ " '• » tVxU. 4«io«I b««ur. Vttt

.UiMlp^ ' bln.

i'*'' “ »iuiu”i»d*^r^™“

...........A Tm CSS d>il...d Buh^NEH.8PEIIia N.-Ur..; « r 7 v ; S “ " o f E R T O N - ............. “ " S ^ r ' S .!SS F A C T O R Y„l» rkaB*(l-« A ____ ^— r«itu< Bl —■ 1 . U!iR GREETINGS —

y s , f imiI ^ m ’^ BUI-W.U "*•rORH llOCKCRa gl

A h r a S ^ M A R T i S f S J t i . !I iset.^5 A N D M u s r c i i i i ^ t

— , iK” K 4 r ^ 30' ' I 'isrSwW

MORE----------— a w ^BOB

P IA N O S ^ ™


I UCUVCRT - - '^ -

>UDE BROWN ; & . FVi a ! i ^ m B E - |


»>iiii>r h i« b** fUttin...Iitku. m t r t i u n ,

J r»»»T»U« E»«W M»V B<rr. m B.»*« •••■••

-------- TVEM tlTb^ til W»»« n u .

l a r c bSr 'SS?“» •"iw ■ •m a .—.1— 5 ^X>HALO LOUDU "* a J ! S ------

ruS t^OR SALE »«i«EuSi— ■ - t . l . .U r t " * '•

- J . ? . . i T =x > .4 \ L.bnr O iy . |» « y i a ^ l

' ^ “ * MMPLTHOO— — iw t n u i.tt>

IBM m t o «.J T i — ‘»^*SSS“ '

waCHEVM‘*** 2 S “

y y PtI , , JMB r o w »1.M T .* . ^ IMI KAIB «

S v E B S O n " _______ . ] S . r e S >O T O R S A L E S ______

^ i«n DODOI in* e u T B i

~ | tM a r r r wR YOUR BEST w cmrtt

b u y •"* ***^*‘ASHWORTH COMM]TOR COMPANYt t . A ~ W v T - « n ib IKt c * rr* i

^T iT T***- - *»«xiMOSU.* !■<«» 1 2 S e tS .ITBLCR »■•-? • j j j j

WERCIAL UNTTS ^ jrvRDLtT! ^ V o ? ^ H r r ^ « »

AUTOSIM C S r V B O I ^ U to 'rw T

[Sir C H IV K O U T I ^ S i S l '•-•— - » • !TC'1TT55T


;M» C H E V R O I^ ;

■Mt C H TTRO lX r . • ■ •

\9*t DODC« aI S T R rc K


________________ - - ^

DR 8 A L B ' . r ' •


f s i N a “ r ; ;

5 TALKI . 3 ] ' . ilues Shout - , - I .emselves .................■>ARE— r iDECIDE ■ • ;

1• r ^ : s a " ' “ iUrmrr 4*dM

It, Ld« iClllt **rin. 111? Do4n

P.trl rrt> Iill««. lu A t U ---------- -----Tt ^MB. niM

Im r in m tk <- K. -------------------

iu lSM ^. K>« ptIkV

CkmUk »4«_____________t t -H»URWBll--------------------m l Mr.

rw. IHt kliA ^

tu U a S ir ' u u _____

.lltM« IMl M llh nIU aai ktbW

M> U»U» aa4


le-----r l & ^ _ _____ ^ ______( i * K ^IKT O T S m ___________

DB R E E S E O T O R CO.I t M K. nrm m A

I '

TH SPRING,- rm m m -n rr f f t n m - - • .. '.(WB Borvi . i

T I S T I M B '

■HINK ABOUTin iY o a m lf* ____^Better Car

■E h a v e ; a ~ — - — :

SB S E L E C n O N

IM b •■< M « w l

s? .S =‘ i S r . j r t i S - *— :i . — — — OtTnl *-*■?» ta te , • -n M a - «*>>. * -

BOUT M a« ••An. M IB MtKT lB a«—

I B^aaavsaa •a^*I ».4OTr caAu ___t m Whfca»Maa»

e'« » a ^ eaS w ii “ “m tT I ------- ;— ------

rBOLKT M m « •« •rtOLW »-*a« «a«Ba rMLCT Maaf«a«n

MERCIALUUnBrWLBT eafce BdNaBr, tie>

aOBXS filDS___ . _>AUT00a .. - — m e a A s s a w

LS AND m » I L £ »

s r s S s z r ^ T ’ G-

^ i T c o e t i f c i T '

■ -i p M t y n c s w . ^ ~


Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · iTE BULLETIN “ **::;.................. STjU^sM__________________ Iw eeping =^'=o^^iW^;

- y iG g 'T W E M T H ■

R ^ Q e r i c - B e c r e e I r~Seeinas"Rall;

; ? = = F o F A i i t i j t e c‘ ■:--------------- n j iT T M . B0BEB'r8TJ“: IIZIHT: ' A ft tln Analjrttt ■«■ ■ -_____ W«m|m»y*» ta ^ twKwt of CftltU

lI lD d m it r i t u iw la h it Dune t o o l potot for one oi Uie gr

smspt. ■...................- H U lU#-iniprl»<

Deot, tn lu e«ec t on peopl« m w han , li a dtcTM th t t h« li: Kwad h it full Ume frocn now a

0T6ZI fcfl€T d6Stll” <^ of I

- l h e p o » ^ comt—how t t n n rU tfirren from th* pcc^lt to wbi

Usooln ettiUmtcd powtr—h u DOC only helped to m U U)’ entl*«om:nunlt( ««nUment i e rjw hert. e very pr»ctJ<( tu d p o m t tfilPaungftrian comn nlst Borersment h u oulr««ed T u t proportion of the peopleB uncarr tnd KtrertiJM l lu oiweekneu in thU (lenxled reu U to oppotlUon.

Oocmnunliu clear up 1« the k rtt . . . lln may ccou to look tMCk on tr

deed a i (he word mistake Wi

Se rer made.

Cathelk* pRdMninaU m R i u w r . Ctechooiovatla ar

r ---------- PolB«l tnoit- -people are -ilotn*I Catholics TTwy are bound byf tie -th a t U tery elow to other mli Uoo* of Cathollca evefywhere. ‘m iI wUI not r u t untU UiU treattnei

of a prince of th tlr faith li atone t for.

B n iu i . atlda from the uUer lainonUlly uf tht court procedure, Ui

core of larscly poulve oppoaltlo Into an aeUre forc«. Prom ) t the wUI hear a (rea t deal more tha they »rrr heard trooi M ladtrenty.

lUrd t« UoderBtand - - Ttje ctm instancea of the e a u li

t«U are hard for Amerlcani to un dentand. How can a man of tuc tU tu re be reduced within » te' weekt tro tt bold denunciation t pethetlo tum odcr. W hat made hlr repudlau tn open eourt the letw he bad wrltlen weekt before warn

; in f h it m endt to pay no aiienUo:It h e thould m akt d a siic ln f eon fettJaot Uterr

__ DM th e r d ru f hkn or producr an tm n iw a In tome other ta«h

loD. w orttnf oo h ll mihd untl iB the depthi of melancholy a n dc p m tlo n h* ab«>rbed the repeato

________ >il. mi.gll' • U iru u p U n tr t t W9uld teem mon

Uktly th a t a man ot hU tralrUm--------------weiild ■iiWMub, t»- eueb-«wM taea

th a a to phyatca] torture or evw U Miraett t f ^ t h li a««d moiher H i t oonmunUta have been knowr t« r a o r t to any or all of theei

L oetbod* lo obUln the ‘'oonfeuloni'whloh are a p u t at theU refulai

Hat BettftM t Tm mTh* C a rd in g fal« b nol a re-

Uciout Itiua in the ordinary mom et th a t word. He aatd two yean

________ KO "my mtm>«« eaa take from m<

■JrtAdr b e « fiT«n lo Ood.*B o t they dtd take more. T hej

t«ok the rlfht. which tha CtiJteti I K aU au h u proclaimed tor all m eri tn iU new declarauon oa humanI _ r lfh Ji of freeilam of thouftit, 000- I- e« t« ee «nd rvllflon; (which) n m t

tadndee freedoni . . . to manlfext h ie rellftoa or ballcf In teachlni, practice, wonhlp end obMrvance.'' Ib e y took eoelher e< U m e newiy- tndoned rlfhl*. -to receive and im­port Inloraaucn and Meat th ro i«n aay Biedia and refardlMa ot fr«n- tle n .’

They took, u Key eeak to take f t w erefyooa, hU r lfh l to be a

Sheepdogs to Be Dropped in “Lift”

T O IC I. fctah. Trh | l U I i^ e e p - 4of* loday « m irhn tu lrd to br drr^jped frwn th* air la ^ * r ^

8e»«»l d a p WDTtinf with «now-bnm d floeki •trr rrported pnuonrt <n ecvMe balL B hfrph rrdm nm led im m edlau replaecmmu

I The DUh (U U »rron«i:iifB of-»• fkw and the m e t cimU n »U p«lTol

' WPT» m perm tlnf « j»cu j harnem^.WWW beWf _______


' ■ I must mentki ■the coal 1^

H F a n . t t c m , t b t

• M t i M n t f t k a t f tk l f n tk t f ' t WAS

‘" ‘- “ fc.Wfkn i« t


-------------- ■ » .- / ---------- --------------------—

e Leader

t t “tllnal .. e the great


-d o -f do-



m u-f of The Bey 6c««t fmsd caLinpalfn

Sbown here are leadere f e T S e •tion <3r«7den W. flmlth, ch tlrm ao . a

leek. Vie Flinek Lleyd Bobenon■etn- ------------------------------------- — ------

■« 30 Residents Of County on List for Jur;

lent N im ri of 30 Ttt-ln PalU comi DM reildentJi have been drua-n for U

pury IRl of Uic Junuary lerm ■ lm . dltU lct court. County Clerk Charli tne BiUlea ancwuncfd Wcdne»day.

f*rWl>et'tlTC juioi'e tllURTlt ^ ;lon T*1n Paiu are J, T. Andcrw) h e , route 1; n , OrorKc Beiincii. *• ^ Blue L*ke» boulevnrd norUi; Oeon _ Clark, 6J7 Becond avenue nortl '• Lcwli Dean, route 3; Claude Del

welirr, 700 Blur I-nkr.< boulcvar *t- north; Mr«. Orontla Evans, ro u u :

un- I. O. Oooddlnn. U3B Seventh avenu uch ea»l; Hazel UL-aioj) Orccn. rout/- 1 tew Val Henderson. 316 Sixth evcnu

to eaat; O. A Kelker, I7< Polk Btrrrl ■xkn Robert Mctlrldr. 720 arcoiid avrjiii ller wrel; D, t BclUmkr, J30 ElKhl m - avenue ca-vt; Mr*. O rure Sraver. 23 Jon Ninth avenue nortJi; William Wull on- rm . 303 a u u i ovriiue rasl. and P. t

WeM. SIB Eiiititli avenue north, uce Olher pro»[>eeUve jurora who* jhV Timmn were drtw n a rr -LM W.-BHi jUI enbun . Berser; Raymond Durl ju j H anw n; Rodney Ewing, Bulil; I

E. llovehl. Butil; R. L. JageU. roul< HU. ». n u h l ;„ I ^ i M JoJincon. Duhl ( „ John K rai,- BuJiIT M n, Evel)i

Leveke. 81fi T aelfth avrnue nnrth tav .M j'i^m yr, ,n )ct: .D ftv i

Jlobertjon. k lm btrly : Mr*. Hull „ Shield*. CaiUeford; Ray Vadrr " • Buhl; M n. L, R, Weller. Kimberly ” and J. O. Winkle. PUer. ,

^ Will Fight SettledV Outside of Couri

iM W AaillNOTON, Prb. B ( « ^ T h . in ttgh l over U>e l i e M e j n c a u u a ma th e Ul« Eleanor l i . Pattrriw n wai

flvlnc her daughter, Mr*. Ptitcii ^ O lt^kA , I40QAX).

Tenn* of th* oul-crf-oourt mm tn pr«nl»e endln» U n . Olzycka* at- ja t*ck on her mother'* »11I m-ere du^ p . cloeed today brfore U. S. OUlnei f X •hJdge A leiander Hollwiff.

T he »400.000 to be paid M n I,, OlR'cka vlU be frre of Uxcw.

77111 limip »uni U In llru of * f . <2X000-a.iear lUe Incoma •hWrfi Q. Mr*. p»itrr»on had brque.U ied hei fn daughter.

'*■ Tlie eyei nf .n o>1 u » “ ru rd tm- movebly In IU hr*d. *o ll muni move

** lU whoijs he td U> ehan ie U u line of VUJQO.

C E T y o tir F A R M L O A N S

R E t . ■>— —

S J. E. WHITE^ Por nrw lew r«tr* aAd le m s

ol IS7 Main E u l r iiw it MTe*

m to John that I Running lowl ■

M l M r t H tk l t I k t ,C»etfCASTUUn..

S ffa a ^ D O S n tO F Qk ii h M t . . . t k i e»M rt t t a m d M t. tt> rs i»a. b i r t t c l i i i l ( V ^ l j

irTIHTu^CO. J BM l A b n . BM I

era Launch Boy S

Ifn re t BBder way here Taeiday n igh t the drive. Frent row, left le right, ai o, and floa* Bevan, dlrlalsn ma)or. In m n aod Vcrle MoKr, all dlvUion ma)a

i Soviet Champior Yugoslavia Righi

— At Big 4 Sessicl * y LONDON, Pet), 9 (U « —-Rul

J rlisni|>lonrd Uio right Ot Yugool* oulilj ] to lirr,\.' claim* to Austrian te rrit r thr I wiirn lhe big four met today, m of I t u c wliole foundation for the ja rlfs , Mimpilim of four-po*er Ulk* on

I Aiuiriaii trealy wm U irralm ed f w 'tn # iramrmats Bppuninpe o f r i

rrw)ii, b rtaern Uie ea.il and Uie west o■ Yui:<»Uv rrp*ratlon« and terrlioi eorge clulini agalm t Austria.

Tilt m retlj* aa* arranged In h( tha t Marsha! Tito's dispute w K iw ia anrt mher eomlnform coi lrlr» «oula li*vc chaligcd the I

, virt [looilloii with rrsard to i -PI.Nli a.<pecl o{ the A mtrt

ircBty.■ rnue ix-rennlal friction belwe IghUi flarrd uu• 2TO deputies ot the couiiValt- - • ■ -------------------,P. L. r . r Q.illlf W..k — *.i KtUfial

knM aitl. rrU„ — Trr ■twe I U £ IW m .^A L U

>urit SHOE R E P A IR.ome 11! SheifaoD* SL W.luhl; _ >n_Per^* Hotel B l^ .■el)li ~ ~ ..................—

5ftVt. ............. . ■ , . . .tuUi

A s e p c |1 M comiirl i n . . .“!H th e new

J C o ld -W a l


1TV* f.* . rrlg .do i'* CTdtain*! TTiOf woM V>>« 1

V -bi"0*lo"eJiw rp*ni *0 ‘Lcwk* *0' V»eping uo *o ro

like hevirg <yoif Ipw * ' (Cf>M Wall P»«'lg*'rT*n'

ihvlomeut Ceid-Wet: •>.

• M...



Swjutlhive ; _

(h t w hen lemder* met a t the P a r t b e t . a re Geerge P. Bcheler. vlee ehalraa :

In beck raw. left te right, are S e a t Tk aaja rt. (Staff pbole-eogravlng)__________

/ v n o foreign mlnlsten resumei! t tU l l O talk* after a rcce.u of nine moni1 1 Ru*sl* demanded th a t the

r n t S troup Invite YugtMlavU' • prea* th t reperailona and terrltoia i o n «>«tnu-j a v a t v/iuitn an hour U;e eonfereiRui&ltt appurenUy vaa tuck where It ioolavla ahen ll tjroke up l u t May B. 1;rrltory meeUng was rrccwed wlUiout a *

Uemeni of even the flrat proceduthe re - Pn>blem.

^ many cfa p ones- (e ralne-*-pvund ’0( -weter <

s l over d fsrre In temperature lhan It di m orta l <o ralie a pound of dry earth «

degree.n hope

A c ts X T O N C E to R e lle n

8X0MCHiAAr k c o m m- J — ( u u t c o BV e o L o f), , PreacrlWd Tkewaei* ef Deetenl

ru rn a a iv m ust be good whe Uiousand* of Doctor* prtecrlbed tor vaara. eaazvtaw acU « t

Rlo relieve aueh coufhlng. I t actuall ‘looseni Up' phlegm and make* rasler lo r ^ s e . Se /e . X//cc{lt>

_ _ J^«4 ;4 rjPE ip881 l('

l a r a t e npa r t ment f • .

p i ^ i d a i r e ^

a l l I m p e r i a l !

• Coif> Wan lfflt>*'lal . »oi F>I« b r t ' i»ori»-T fO" buy. e com 'or end hom# Uoc>«'?<-k»'T(ip for •or-di,

70 1b« fro»«n ♦ood •o '* «c>''0 e f 'o 'op* lork»- I"» ' door Of*#-!* *o Mni|*

PT~|“ nrn»n-nr>r-» tnr 6r~rt

™ $ 4 4 9 7 5

■■ IAm >

^ .

SrKViCF !T u f

'1:^:^, TERMS


Cgllegiahs Home H - -Travel-and-Visil■ Reported at FUH THiSn. Peb. C — T ed Olaail: ■ ' ta d l la rn o 'Wampler, tludeoti H , the Oolltct ol Idaho . CaldwdL Sl H tht'w eek-end w llh Mr. and :

Ben OlaHlcger.. « Ur. aod Mr«. Don Ruby len

auto for Lot Angeles. Calif., w: theyjrtU . make thcU home,

Ur. and Mra. Harold Brown■ bomt f ro a a tr ip to Botte.■ U n . O. O. Becm hai relui H from flilUng relaUve* a l Arllni H W aih, and c:aldweU.H Leonard M artin h as returned t H a trip to Oreenleaf. K ant., wl



I to ortal



i 1t t

i ' l l .

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