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  • 7/29/2019 071113 SEM1 Myfaith


    DE LA CUESTA, Joseph Adrian A.

    1C Seminar Description of my Faith July 12, 2013


    God exists; he exists in peoples minds.

    Im atheist. There is no god simply because there is no logical proof that there is.

    Experiences and historical writings of dreaming people, which are exaggeration of events due

    to their emotional and political motivations, are not logical proofs. However, the saying To see

    god is to see in the eyes of faith is logical, since according to Nietzsche, Faith means not

    wanting to know what is true. Yes, god can be seen through faith but until then we are deluded;

    since god is a mere concept of hope and a mystery created by institutions in order to guaranty

    hope. Nonetheless, notwithstanding the fact that I am against the existence of a deity, I believe

    that there is no permanent atheist. Not an agnostic who is still unsure, but I am just more inclined

    in the idea where all existing shreds of credible evidence point to the fact that there is no god.

    I believe in the openness and the flexibility of science. Science has been constantly and

    consistently evolving, finding out more answers without getting tired of producing more

    questions. As an atheist, with science, I dont close my mind to the idea that there is a god only

    to fill in the gaps of what science can eventually answer in the future.

    Moreover, as an atheist, it is of no need to believe in a god in order to live life to the

    fullest. Accepting reality (factual) as it is, yet having a very wide perspective through satisfying

    curiosity not only with knowledge, but also with upholding social relationships, makes me

    happy. As an atheist, I also have faith; not with a god but with people. I believe in the capability

    and goodness of people. I believe and trust people in my relationships. There can still be genuine

    happiness without believing in a supreme being. These are, for me, nurturing lifelong

    relationships, achieving goals in life, and selfless service to people.

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    I believe in God; I just dont trust anyone who works for him. A stand-up comedian

    once told such saying in his show to, with the power of sarcasm, which opened the minds of its

    viewers the disadvantage of having organized religion in the world. Organized religion, being

    distinct from religion itself, is a practice of belief that existed throughout the centuries that rooted

    from communal religion and then perpetrated mainly by political power. The Catholic Church is

    stereotypically the paradigm of such kind of religion, being evident of its continuing existence

    since the medieval age. In one way or another, no matter how devoted organized religions are in

    pursuing unity and spreading salvation, their existence had brought only countless damages and

    tribulations to mankind. Ultimately, by deduction, one can analyze and conclude with the aspects

    of happiness, politics, and society that any organized religion is not necessary for a mans life in

    this world.

    Structured religions have always propagandized a god or gods to fill the gaps in the

    facet of happiness. Strictly being personal in nature, they have been arguing that in order to be

    happy is to believe in something that cannot be explained empirically. The belief of such would

    certainly result in ones happiness, for ignorance is bliss. Nonetheless, this claim is invalid

    simply because a person does not need to make believe for the rest of his life just because he has

    limited knowledge. Delusionary is hence a disadvantage for he is separated from reality. One,

    rather, should accept that he knows nothing than forcing something that is not real. A

    delusionary life is also a life of lie, or simply false happiness. The truth may hurt, but the truth

    shall set you free A life lived by religion is a cage while a life with free though flies with a

    tireless wing. Freedom of thought is much more important than forcing to believe by organized

    religion in the pursuit of happiness.

    Morality is the most universally unquestionable reason why organized religions persist toexist in the facet of politics. Since science cannot comprehensively explain the inherent ability of

    men to discern what is right and wrong, scriptures provided by such religions give exact

    instructions on how to live life rightfully in the society. As a result, towards governance of a

    nation, religion has for all time significant in implementing laws that maintain peace and order.

    However, this can be counterclaimed by the fact that politics is a science in which governance

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    must be facilitated by systematic process. Laws founded on religious morality are narrow ones

    since it neglects all other religions that are not in scope of such laws. Also, usual indecisiveness

    in taking control of nation usually roots from rulers basing their decisions on voodoos and

    superstitions with no actual bases.

    In the aspect of society, structured religions practically voice out unity. Since such are

    organized, all under them are required to practice the tradition without necessary questioning. It

    does an excellent job in keeping common people quiet. And as a rebuttal against this, these

    religions are repressive to the enjoyment of free thought. One cannot rightfully exercise his own

    reasoning since he is heavily obliged to act or conform to what the tradition says. Furthermore, a

    person needs to be flexible to the changes in the society and conservatism offered by religion

    cannot make him adapt to such. Absence of structured religion brings about liberalism.

    One can deductively analyze and conclude with the aspects of happiness, politics, and

    society that any organized religion is not necessary for a mans life in this world. Delusionary,

    unscientific, and repressive are what is brought about by religion. As an option proposed to the

    reader, it is not necessarily atheism that is propagated but the essence of personal religion. One

    should realize that the inherent and genuine purpose of religion is to make one fulfilled with his

    life as such gives him purpose. Hence, if he experiences oppression and unhappiness with the

    current religion he is in, it is de rigueur for him to renounce such and have its own system of
