

How to Maximize APIRiverside County Assessment

NetworkSeptember 10, 2010

Wes Scott



• Background• Taking correct assessments• Demographics• End-of-course assessments• Future Considerations



• API– STAR and CAHSEE– CST: ELA, Math, Science, HSS– CMA: ELA, Math, Science– CAPA: ELA, Math, Science– CAHSEE: ELA and Math, Grades 10-12


Background (cont.)

• Test WeightsTest Weights

  Grade 2-8 Grade 9-11

ELA 0.48 0.30

Math 0.32 0.20

Grade Science 0.20 0.10

HSS 0.20 0.23

EOC Science   0.22

Math Gift of 200 0.10 0.10

Science Gift of 200   0.05


CAHSEE Math   0.30

Total w/o Gift of 200 1.20 1.65


Background (cont.)

• Content Area Weights

2009-2010 Content Area Weights

  K-5 6-8 K-8 9-12

ELA 56.50% 51.40% 54.20% 27.10%

Math 37.60% 34.30% 36.10% 18.10%

Science 5.90% 7.10% 6.50% 22.90%

HSS   7.10% 3.20% 13.90%

CAHSEE ELA       9.00%

CAHSEE Math       9.00%


Taking The Correct Test

• CMA– Criterion

• FBB or BB on CST in prior CST or 2 Years CAPA Proficient or Advanced

– CAPA to CMA may result in lower scores

• Grade level instruction• Determined will not be at grade level (proficient)• IEP team determination

– All who qualify should be assessed with CMA– 2% district limit applies to AYP not API

• Includes County Office of Education Special Ed Students


CMA ResultsCounty-Wide CMA*

  ELA Math Science

Grade % % %

03 35.9% 41.3%  

04 37.7% 42.5%  

05 41.0% 48.8% 51.7%

06 34.4% 39.7%  

07 30.7% 27.7%  

08 26.8%   33.9%

Total 34.4% 39.6% 43.3%

* Excludes one district


Taking The Correct Test

• CAPA– All who qualify should be assessed with the CAPA– 1% limit applies to AYP, not API– Apply for 1% exception – appeal if did not and

exceeded 1%• Includes County Office of Education Special Ed Students


CAPA ResultsCounty-Wide CAPA

  ELA Math Science

Grade % % %

02 84.4% 72.3%  

03 86.8% 77.5%  

04 89.2% 74.5%  

05 89.6% 77.3% 75.4%

06 76.8% 73.0%  

07 85.4% 79.7%  

08 85.8% 82.4% 79.6%

09 87.4% 74.5%  

10 84.8% 77.0% 75.9%

11 87.2% 79.3%  

Total 85.8% 76.8% 76.9%



• All listed demographic data are correctable.• Mobility

– CBEDS – Continuously Enrolled since First Wednesday in October

• Value of ‘N’ excludes from API and AYP• Blank (“U” in CAHSEE) treated as ‘Y’• July, October, November, December CAHSEE

– Uses prior years CBEDS Date. E.g. October 2010 uses October 7, 2009 CBEDS reference date


Demographics (cont.)

• Mobility (cont.)– EL Date First Enrolled in a US School

• After March 15 of prior year, not in API (or AYP)• Blank means nothing

• Students with Disabilities (SWD)– Have a valid Disability code OR– Assessed with CAPA or CMA OR– Special Ed Exit Date after March 15 two years prior

to testing (March 15, 2008 for 2010 report)


Demographics (cont.)

• English Learners– English Learners– RFEP not Proficient 3 times since Reclassification

• Does not need to be consecutive• Value of ‘N’ includes in EL subgroup (blank grades 2-4)• Value of blank and grade 5 or above, treated as ‘Y’• Value of ‘Y’ excluded from EL subgroup


Demographics (cont.)

• Race/Ethnicity– Hispanic = ‘Y’ - Hispanic subgroup– Hispanic = ‘N’

• If no races– Not in Ethnic Subgroup but in Schoolwide and Districtwide– Only one racial/ethnic group – in that group– In two or more racial/ethnic groups – Two or More Race

» Awaiting USDE approval


End-Of-Course Test

• Only if in appropriate class• If not in class do not take CST (except

Summative Math)– Math penalty is .1 versus full weight of .2– Science penalty is .05 versus full weight of .22

• Be sure ‘test taken’ is bubbled on answer doc– FBB if left blank– Unknown (wrong answer key) if marked



End-Of-Course Test (cont.)

• Math grade 8 and 9– If not Algebra I or higher, take General Math– Grade 8 – If not ready for Algebra I, take

appropriate Math class and General Math.• API results better with General Math (one performance

level penalty is acceptable)

– Grade 9 – It not ready for Algebra I, double block Math support and Algebra I.

• API penalty (two performance levels) too great.


Future Considerations

• 2011 STAR – CMA– ELA grades 10 and 11– Math – Geometry

• 2011 Base API– Grade 8 and 9 dropouts part of API– API contribution unknown– Grade 8 – dropout during 8th grade school year– Grade 9 – no show at expected 9th grade school– Same level dropout tracking as in High School



(951) 245-0828 extension [email protected]