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U.S. Citizenship and Lmn1igration Service�

Fll E.

PI: fiT I( l� lmlnrc.r.llll 1\ltllllll t.•r \lien \\t•rJ..t>r a'- a "tktllcu \\��rhr l'ur,u.ulll• �c.� IIlii .211.1thl( �H \ 1! 1 1 "' thc lmnul.!r.tlllllt ,,nd ">:,rlr.m.tlll\ Ac.'. 'l \.; ( § ll'.l{hll •h \)(rl

Cl' HI II \I r OJ t•E'T I 110M R.

\\ ILLIA.\1 'I WI I I \II lirRT \\\\1'1\\LII "tiH3ERf PC �W'\ Mit llllr\"..: \\INt'L\l'lfLt�.;.J ( l fJ( \GO 11 hOIIllJ

IV,J!U ( TH J\\ -.

Th1� '" • "" 1 (lll�ol'•k nl ,k ll'll'fl fill: \ \U tkK'' "'11 ,u1nrrur11.:c m:\\ c.on·MU�'Ih '"" PI It\\ 111 1 c.,l rl•ll'•h rp. "'-' pnlrn lhr 1Ugh 111111 pr�-.Hicnl\.ktr""'"' II \1111 hdtc\c. th.: AAO rn-.urn:�lh rppltcu ,uw.:ul (,,,, • r l"''lh.\ I•• '''u' c..t,c nr rl \oU .... �.�. ,. Ptl-.c.lll '"'" ltd' '''' l..•lll"tl.lcrauon. }lllf n1.1\ l tk ,, moth•ll 1 r.c.••II'HI.r '" •

m<ll14111 Ill rcnrxu. r�:,fh.LIIHI\ \m nllllll!lr 11111'-l I'L lrkJ on ,1 '\utacc. 111 \ 111 M�tllPil tF •IH I .: lllllt \\llhltt �� dot'' •l rhL d.'" "' Ill" J.: .. l,hlll J>le:he rcvie" the I urm 1-29liB in,tntl'liun .. al hllu: \\\� '' .ll,l h.:!ll\ lur m' fur rh� lull"'' informatlun u11 fcc, filin� lucutiun, anti ulht:r rc(JUII'l'ml'nh. \ , rl\0 '< l· R � I !1.'' ' ll•l nut til� u motion din·ctl� \\ ilb the �\0

1 h •• nl- �tilt.

'Kun �{ • ., ��he rc l lull \dnlll''"'r IU\l' \pJ�il'' 01 hu

AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14111854. (Posted 11/18/14)

\ u \ -/1Ul < 1.1 J/ \ I I J/ c 1\/U \

I>IO.,( l �:-tlO\ I h�.: T>u�.:ctnr. Ni:hru'� s "�" ll'(' ( L'IIIL r. tklltt•d thl' lllltlll!.!l.llll ', ... ,, l>l'lllttlll .1111 tilL nulh.:r ''111m hdnrc lhl \dmsnt..,lf:JII\t \ Olltcc I \.\0) on I hl .tppt.ll \\Ill lit· ds..,llll' ul

I he 1 ·tllllllt..r de LflhL' 1 'lll ;�, ,a nunula"·turmg bu'llll'"'· It �t:J.>, tu J-ll'll1 1o�llt:tlll\ unphl\ lht b�.ndtl'l.JI\ 111 the ltllli I� ... c.' .t, a rep.urman. l'hl! [X'IIII•Hll'r rl.qu�-:'1' d,,..,...tla�.: tlann nt the hen� II\ , .... a ... l,.llkd ""rkt·r pu"u.smu•-.n·uon �lbth)(.'ll,\1(1) ulthc.: I.Jmmg.r.ati1111 .wJ :-\.tti11n.d1t) \Lt (lh� \lll.

\ L'.S.l � 115Jth)fJ II \Jfll

I he JX:IIIIIlll I' .l��.:nlllll.llllul "' .111 l·l1\ lnrm '111:-ilJ App11L.lllll11 lur Pl.ltn.Uh;lll I mplo\ lllL 111 l cllthutllllll (l,tiH•I L•'ll IlL 1111111. Cf11ltnl ln tit: l 0., Dcp.urrnllll ul L1h111 !D01 ). flit: prllllll\ ul hl. p ... IIIIDII. '' l11d1 1, tli�.: J.IIL tlu.: DOl ll'- ph.:d tht: lahor ccrllll'-.lllllll h•r pnn.:c,-,mg. '' \1,1\ ��. �111.2. ,,., s C I R .21J.;J.:'(tl).

I hl' Jircdnr'' ,k\.I!!ILIIl dl..'n� 111� thl..' pdllll•ll '"''lll:luJl.', IlK pi!ltlltiiH.:I hI' nut d�.:nh•ll,lfdiU.I th�..·\ llll'l th�.. nuntllllllll e\pcrr�.:nl'c: reqUirement JS 'IJtcd 1111 thl l.1hnt tciilllt.•llnn "' 1h1.. pr1mi1� tl.stl

fhc rrcmd ... hm'' Tho�t th�.. .tnpc:d 1' pwplfl� l1kd anl.l ntu�\.� .1 'fl•:ullt tlk�.llton nl � rrt�r 111 l .t\\ t•l

l.u.:t. I Ill' ptun· 111'1111\ 111 thr' L t c '' dtllumuucu b) th� rtliiiU .ual llll."HptH:tlt:d 1111 t rh�.. dc�..:l'-11111. l·urthl'l cl.lblll:tllllll nlth�.: ( h1..,1un \\ill he mat.k Clllh ·'' lll'c.:t'''.u'

fh�.: -\.\0 (lllldUll' pptll.ttc IC\I�o:\\ tJII.I ell 1111\u hJ''' \n \t�ltllllt 1 /IU/, 1st 1 . ..\d 1..!1. IJ' 1 ;d ('tr �IIIIJ) fhc \ \() Ulll'ldcr,,tJI pL:rll�'lliL\idcnu LJl lb�o: fn,lrtl. llh .. IUdllll! 11�\\ C\ldt:lll.c: JHt Jltfl\

uhnuttcd IIJltlll ·•PP• I •

l'h ht'lh:lr�t.H\ lllll't mu.:l .til ul' tht· llljliiiCIIllllh ol tht.> oflcrcu pn ... tllllll .., t huth .. 11 The I t!•nr '-Lrtifk.tll�>ll "' 'It: J'lll1111\ ul lhl Jkllllltll h (.I f< � JIJ'.2(h)(l), (I�) ,,., lfalltl if Jf 1•11;'

it'ri """'' . lh 1,\. \ ll�1.. I 's. 1�1) l kl Rq! ( umm 19"'7), ,,., af,, \Iaiit I of 1\ar r:,b,tJ... 1-+ 1,\: i\.;

Os.:t ..J5 � I llh L ( llllfll Jll-lt

In t:Htlu.tllltl! the l .thnr urlllrt':tlll•n to dtlumull: th� rntuirc:J 4U:tlitr�.·.1tiun' lOr th1 1''''1111111. l � l'lllll'll'hlp 111d lmm c 1 111 St:� 1�..:�..:' ( L '-,(I') I mu\ nnl il!Jtnr�. .1 krm ol the ltl1nr 1.\!'t Jllt:illllln. nur m:l\ II unpo e .tddlltutl.ll rtL.tUJrt·nh.'lll' ''' \l�ttfam 1 .\nmll. h11h I 2t1 IIIII\ !D ( r·11 I1J�'\,

�n.:llllll 21lJChl( 111 \)(IIIII lhL \"1. S L \ ( � 115J(b)( ')(t\)(1) l.!.r.tnt' prt'II.'H:nu d.! ...... llll,tlllll 111 1 J.tlrlicd IIIIIIIIL!I 111 ' '' h11 ·Hl' L,spuhk 11! pulom1ing ,J...IIIl'tl l •• tmr (rLquirmg .11 ko�,r '"" \l·"' lralllllll.! Ill l. \Jlt.:fll..lllll IIIli ol ,1 II.'IIIJlPilH\ JI,IIIHC. h>J \\ IIICh lJU.tiJIJcd \\llfkCI' Olll' 11111 ,l\ .lll.thll Ill

th�.: l'n1h:J O.,t.tll� - IlK 'uhm1"11111 tll .tddurnrMI c\Jdt:n..: ''' 1ppcnl1' tlh•wcd h� the uhlru�..;tton' 111 lht: l•1rm 1-21JIIB \\ IHLh .UI.: lllwrp•H.Ill'll lllll• lht.: rq;ul.lllllll' "' s c r R � Ill� 2(.1 )(I) 1 he retnrd Ill lh!! '"''·1111 l'ON

pr•'' Jdt<;; nn n:.l-.clll ru prL.duJ�. �..:nn ... rli�or tllllll ttl .til\ of tht: dncumcnt' Ill:\\ h 'uhm111� d ''II tppl.'.tl ,, I \lclf/c I ,, ' "tel/If I. 14 1�\. '\ n '\. 7b4 (Bit\ I tlr-.�)

AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14111854. (Posted 11/18/14)

\()\ ·I'RI C I fll \I LJI c /\/11\

J.... N J.... In flit' hJc 1 /,,n,/1111. h1J1J F.2d 111011 ('lth ( 11 JlJN.,); .'\ll'l\'tlrf /nlro Rc d ( 111111111\\ton 11/

\fa w1c /111 ,,·u,. '"' ,. C uomr \. hh I I .2d I ( ht ( 1 r. t I.Jx II

Whcrr lhl tclb IL'4Uircm�nl" 111 a l.dl\ll u .. tlllil'alilln t.JfC lltll ulhLn'I"L d4..Hh p11 .. ... ...rthcd. C.L! .. In rcgulalilln. l �ll� 11111-.1 l\ . • tmin�: "lhc languag�· ul the labur LCI1tliul•un tub r�..:�urr�mt:ttt-.' m (Jilkt 111 Jctu llllh.: "hal lh l p,ttlll•nu JUU\1 JemnnMr.tlL ..1IX1lll the� ·, qu.tltli�o. tlhllh \fadmn IIYh 1-.::!d .ll llll5. lhc.. ollh r.Hillnal m.tnncr h\ whllh L cr� lclfl he L\pt..L'Icd I ll IOiclflrd lh..: mcanun! l'l tcmts u,cJ II• d�..· ... �..n b�..· thL· reqUirement� nf :1 job in a lahtlr Cl'rll I'" c.HIIlll 1' II' '"t:\.llllllll' lh� ll'lllfiul (clh '"�'I \f ''\ .i\ II )"t \.tllllpklcu ,,, lh\! pw ... pc .. ·IJ\C �:mpltl�(,.f .. u.l\l'rlulc Lmcldl /'til A ( ompttll\ 1 \muh. :-lJ5 I -.,upp. �24 ••. \1 \U.O C 19X�)(cmpha''" .u.hkd). I l )'-.· .. intcrprct.lllt•n ul tht: tuh ·.., rcqu1rcmenh. ,,, -.t.ll�d on th.: l.thur ..:"·n1 tic.tllon rnu:-l Ill\ 11h c "rc.tJmg md .tppl� ng r/11

pltml lun!tttt t:< l'l thl· !labu1 c.:cllllic.:all,,n ·· /d :It XJ4 (cmph,,.,j, at.lucu,. l '>( I\ tm 1101 uul ,IJ . . tdu

nul rc.Nlll.thl� "" L \pt:LtcJ hl lou� bt:\Hnd th" pl.un language oJ thL lahnt �..crii!JL.tllllll 11r 1 1lh�.:1'' I'L titlt•mpt lfl dl\ iJJL the tmpln\L·r·-. antentJUll!'. thwugh !'.lllllt: 'tlrt vi tC\L'I'L' cng.ult:nnt� ut' th�..·•H CL fill IL\IIIUn.

In 1hc lll'lalll �..·a..,c tht.. l:th11r n·nllu.:,ttmn ..,HitC\ thatlhc: ulkrcd po..,IIJLlll h.1-. the lollm\lng 111111111111111 tcq u 1 rcmc Ill'

11-t H'i Hh If Ill. It 1�.

hllll':t!HIII 'll!IC ri:Lji.HfLU. I r.tJ nmg '"Ill' lt'tjUifl'U .. 1·\pl;llllLI.. llllht.. Jllh etlh;tet.J. 2-llllnrllh" E\pCrtt.:nL 111 ,tJl tthtlll.tll oL·t.up.tlton: �one at.:t.:cplcll. \pnalh. ,�,,11, 111 ntlu.:r rt:ljUHCifl\'llh. �UIIC .

�1!11111 h.l'-l.:d liTI

npcrtt:lh .. .: ..... Ill r·�c�..tri� nL'\ h.. I! RLp.!tll11.m" \\ ith Ill I(" \nl!tiL' C. lllorm.1 lwm \l.1 dt I �fltJ-t unul Jut� 1. )KI(l 1ur t.'criiiiC.lll 111 • "'·' L'' lh.u tilL' b�·ndict,if� \hlthl:J h•J the pcltlwna .. , .tn "I ���tn\2 D�.' ll.'t: Rcp.tinmm" hl'gHHllnL un Jul� l. �fl(H, 1\n lllltt:l cxpcncm:c "' "'lUI. I hL benllaCIJJ} '-tgncd lhc Jahor �cnitk-:uion unuu ·' Jcd.mtlltlll lh.ll lh� �..·nntl'llh .tre true and (Orft.:l'l unJ�. r pcn. tl l\ nr pcrjur\.

1 h,· rcgul;llttlll .. , :-.c.t .R. * 20� �(I}(� )(II)( \)-.tall''

An� r�.qulrcmcnl.., nl tt Juuug 111 , \{'Crt�.;n�.·c.. lor �1-iJicd \\otJ..t'r-.. prulc-. ... nr other \\orJ..u·� llltll\1 he -.uppttrlc.:J h\ ILiter.., frnm tr.tilll'f" or l'mplu\L'f'> !!I' mg tht n;m1�.. mh.Jr�. '"· .uulmk t•l thl lr.Uill.r or -.mpluycr. <HH.I d u�;.,...npiJOn nit he tr.unua! ftL"\:'1\c,l or lht xpcn�.:n�.� nlthc ,,111;11

I he rctnrd cnnlaUI\ an t: \fX ricllt.:l' It: II L I Pll the rl.'lllhHlt:r'' lc.:ttcrhc�d hom I he f'll'lJII(llll'r· ... ""'"" lld. ing lh ll lh1. 1.0111p.11 \ h,t._ l'l1ljllil\ll] the hcudicnf} '-lnl.'l' Ju)\ J. 2()011 illlll lhal hl' 111b dUIJL'' Hl

lt• ·rcp.ur. nt.tllll:tin 111 an,t.lll L.'ICt.'lrtl mntor ... "lflng nr '>\\ ll<:hcs ...

AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14111854. (Posted 11/18/14)


VtJ\ /W/l /IJL \I 1>1 f 1\/tJ \

On .tpp�..,tl. LIIUIN�I l11t th�.: J�ltlton..:r ..,IHtL.., that l 'S( IS -.huuld hL itKU'-tng 1111 "lh:lll�:r ll �

htnclkttf) '' l' qu.tltllcll lor th"' (')(1"lllllf1 uUcJctl hctnrc tht. pmmt) d.lll m u.:�nrtl.tnLt: "t!h \/,w.' o/ Willi!' leu /11111\t', Ill 1�.\:;\; Dl:t 15�. 159 (,\t:l Rc� ( omm 1'1--) ralhrr 1h.111 '' ht:llll'l lhl ht:llt:IH:i:u� ''l.l" yu.tiJitcu hclnrc: hung hm�d h\ thl flCllllllllLT. ( llllll"d j._ cnrrnt lhd t \luu,•r "' If Ill!! ' lut l!o11't hultJ, ht. hLtldll.ltlr) mu ... t he: qualifit.:d prinr 111 lhl 1'1111111\ t!ah .. ' II•'·' " 111 tht' t ''L. tht: Jr..·tuu1 nltlu ut' ' u u t '\ '1t:ri cllct: kllu. ur nthr..•r c:\'tlknn prt'tnhul "' " ( I H � .20� :-IIIIJI(IIl( \) l rnm iiiiiiiiiiiiili c� nr .m) l'llht=r t.OIIl) 11th.:r th.111 lh�.: ptlllt•''''' fhcrllllrL II uppc.lf'�t:l' b Ill quuhly f01 the tll"'liJIII f'O'IIIOil ha..,l·J 1111 1: \pt:TIL nn' gauld '' luh '' ' "'"I! 1. r rhl plltlroucr Tlw tx-n�.·ti\.l,lr\ ''"''P�Ih.:ll�L \\lth tlil.' JXIll •'II'"'' 11111,1 h.l\1,. hl.'t'Jl Ill ol flt!"ithlll lhJ t "·'' IIIII 'uh .... I.IIIIJ.tll� •• hlc Ill the pu ... ition ul1�.;1cd. Part J �I nl lht: l:th• I l llll ll'�lllllll t'-1,.' \dh.lhd lhl htt'liiLl.ll\ �.tlllcW all\ Of lht: l111,tlal� tllg l'\J'I.:fiL:Il(C \\ 11!1 ll1�· pt ltiHliH.'T 111 ,, l�"·lltun -.ub�t.Hlli.lll\ ' ltl the Joh upponunu� rt:tfllt:'-lctl In rc.:;;pon-.t: httha:-. yuv•lh'll. the fll:llltonc· d1�d.:cJ · '') · fhai:lnrc �:Hil though tht llcnc1td.u) nut'-! m�..:ct aiJ,,t tht• fl4Uift:lllt: nh nl 1111. 11!1 ·r··t.l 1''''1111111 il1r1 h lHl the luhnr o;..t'rl ifkillil'll helm\.' 1 IlL prr11r11 � tl.tlC hl'l.tU'L thl' hl•ttl'lll t:ll\ ll'l' LlllJl(ll\1111.111 \\ llh lhl f'l:IIIIOIU.:r lhul I' 'Ub<-latltJ,IIJ� lltJlljl.ll�thll Ill lk jli"ttlon ,,fh:rcd. lh�o. httll.'� · :-. l'\flt'lh!Jln: \\ith lht' Jklitrun�:r LJ!lfllll 4u.tlll\ hun 1111 the lll,t,ull po ... itinn 111d thu' hl mu'l rl'!) upon t:\fll'JJeiiCL hl' g111m:d hdmc hong lureJ b\ tht: pclll lllncr 1'\ ( rR § JIJJ2Ch)(l) tl�l \u \falld otllm:.,:' 7t'll Hull\c. lfl Tl\.'- DtL l'i�. J'i1J (Atl Rq! Cumm. J lr").

The dtl(.l'llll inlnrm�.d thl' pdtliunu tn •• h:t.tUt:\t lm t:\idcncc (RI )·). tl •• tul Jum. 21 .)JI �. lh•

i:ll..ndktlr� ·, �..mpl\·�nh.:lll ''"h th1. pcttlluner .:mmut I.JU..tltl� lum h•r thL lll'I.UH pthtlh'll I hl dtreuur rt:t(lll',kd th ,JI lhl' J�lltinn.:r pwHdc c\itlcnt:l. th<ll thL\ f.!,uncd other 4Lt.tiJI\ lltt: t:\.pt:IICIICL' pnm ht the pm•lll) Jatt: .J.n re.,pun�c It' the Jarcch)r', Rl I . .:tlllll!>d l11r tht: pclllll'IIL'r -,l,lll!' llttl th� [ 1 \ J 'rTlt 1111� m.t�C' II t:lc IT tfMI the hcnt:ftCtaf\ )!<!tnlll 2� l11111ltlt-. Ill l'\flo.:lllllll \\Jth lllllJlilll}. llu\\l:\t:J, thl! tcuud dllt.:' nut contain .tn c\ptrlt.:Dlt krll.:r trum

< ••np.u � r�,;gardwg lh\.' hctl\� ·, cmplt'\llkl11 '" fltl Jllt:d In ' l I f{ � .:!O·L'IIJI3Uil)( \J fhcrclutc:, tht· pc!illuner h,t., nut c�t<thlt-.lwJ lht h�.:Jll.:lrll.ll) ""' qmllil11.:d fnrlht ln'l.tnl fXl"IJI(\0 h.:!Mc 1u1hc pnrntt� d tiL

l111: \ \1 1 alliml" 1hr J l'Lilll· ... Jc..a ... tun that th1.. pc1111nncr l.uh:d 10 t''>t.lhlj,h thnt tht: hL"ndu:ttr) rnd lh�: mtmmum rnJUIIlllt•·•tt:-. PI til..: uffcrcJ p<�!-.iliun "tl fonh un lhc l.tbnr �o.�:ruri�...,tullt ·'" ol ll1l' pnuJ JI\ d.tlc. I hL r\."IPn.:. th�..· h.rl\.l !(tan Juc" rwt qua lit� for cl.l'"'' t(alton a-. '�ilkc.J ''or!.. ... r umlu 'l't:llllll .:!ll,(h)( �I( \Jlt) tlllh \1.1

In' 1<- 1 pe1111n1 Jllllll.:lliiiH!". 11 '' lht. pc:IIIIIU\t,;l\ hurdtu Ill t·,t.tblt'>h eltgthtltl� lor lhl' llllltllg_r,Jihlll hcndtl '"u�ht St:UtLHI 2YI nl th� A'-1. "t L'.S.( & 1361: \faun of Otic·ndt. 2h I&.N lkt.:. 12-. ��� (HI\ 201.\). Jlt:r�...1h:tl burden ha' nnt hLcn met


AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14111854. (Posted 11/18/14)