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Acute onset of intracranial subdural hemorrhagefive days after spinal anesthesia for kneearthroscopic surgery: a case reportTetsuo Hagino1*, Satoshi Ochiai1, Yoshiyuki Watanabe2, Shinya Senga1, Masanori Saito1, Hirofumi Naganuma3,Eiichi Sato2 and Hirotaka Haro2


Introduction: Spinal anesthesia is a widely used general purpose anesthesia. However, serious complications, suchas intracranial subdural hemorrhage, can rarely occur.

Case presentation: We report the case of a 73-year-old Japanese woman who had acute onset of intracranialsubdural hemorrhage five days after spinal anesthesia for knee arthroscopic surgery.

Conclusion: This case highlights the need to pay attention to acute intracranial subdural hemorrhage as acomplication after spinal anesthesia. If the headache persists even in a supine position or nausea occurs abruptly,computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain should be conducted. An intracranial subduralhematoma may have a serious outcome and is an important differential diagnosis for headache after spinalanesthesia.

IntroductionSpinal (subarachnoid) anesthesia is a widely used generalpurpose anesthesia. However, serious complications,such as intracranial subdural hemorrhage, can rarelyoccur [1]. The incidence of intracranial subdural hemor-rhage after spinal anesthesia has been reported to beone in 500,000 [2]. In a literature review, 35 cases wereidentified and most had a chronic course with onsetafter a postdural puncture headache [1]. We report acase of acute onset of an intracranial subdural hema-toma without trauma five days after spinal anesthesia.

Case presentationA 73 year-old Japanese woman underwent arthroscopicsurgery of the knee for a torn medial meniscus. She hada surgical history of excision of a right frontal menin-gioma 11 years ago. She was receiving medications forhypertension and hyperlipidemia. She had no history oftrauma, headache or coagulation abnormalities.

From around four years before presentation to ourcenter, our patient started to experience right knee painand was treated at her local hospital with intra-articularinjections of hyaluronic acid and physical therapy. Shewas referred to our center because of deterioration ofpain and a catching sensation on the medial side of herright knee joint. Examinations at presentation detectedpain from the medial side to the popliteal region of herright knee joint, a restricted range of motion to -10degree extension and 110 degree flexion and a positiveMcMurray test. A plain radiograph showed findings ofosteoarthritis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)revealed a degenerative tear of the medial meniscus.Arthroscopic surgery was scheduled and our patient wasadmitted.

Anesthesia and intraoperative courseSpinal anesthesia was conducted by puncturing the L4-5space with a 26-gauge spinal needle and injecting 2.3mL of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine. The puncture was suc-cessful on the first attempt, and the course of anesthesiawas without incident. During surgery, arthroscopicexamination showed wear of the articular cartilage anda degenerative tear of the medial meniscus; partial

* Correspondence: [email protected] Sports Medicine and Knee Center, Kofu National Hospital, 11-35 Tenjin-cho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-8533, JapanFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Hagino et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012, 6:75 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL


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excision of the medial meniscus was conducted. Herintraoperative vital signs were normal and the surgerywas completed uneventfully. The operation time was 87minutes. At discharge from the operation room, hersensory block region was below the 10th thoracicvertebra.

Postoperative courseOur patient used a wheelchair one day after the opera-tion and started physiotherapy on her third postopera-tive day. There were no symptoms of a postduralpuncture headache, and the postoperative course wasuneventful. On the fifth postoperative day, our patientstarted to have a headache with vomiting at 6 a.m. whiledefecating in the toilet. The severe headache persistedeven in a supine position, and her blood pressure was232/103 mmHg. Pentazocine was administered for theheadache. Our patient appeared somnolent but showedno definitive paralytic symptoms. At 9 a.m., a computedtomographic (CT) scan was performed, which showed asubdural hematoma from her left frontal to temporalregion. The greatest thickness of the hematoma was 1cm, and a slight midline shift was observed (Figure 1A).MRI performed consecutively did not show an aneur-ysm, only the subdural hematoma. The size of thehematoma did not change on CT examinations per-formed six hours and 24 hours later.Our patient was treated conservatively with blood

pressure control, administration of a hemostatic agentand bed rest. Her headache was resolved after sevendays of rest. On day 12 after onset, a CT scan showedthat the hematoma had reduced in volume and in den-sity (Figure 1B), indicating hematoma absorption. Reha-bilitation was restarted from the 13th postoperative day.A CT scan one month later showed further reduction in

the volume of the hematoma (Figure 1C). On the 49th

postoperative day, our patient had no subjective symp-toms and was discharged.

DiscussionPostdural puncture headache is the major complicationobserved after spinal anesthesia. The symptom may beaggravated by a change in posture and is accompaniedby other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and ver-tigo [3]. The headache is postulated to be caused by ten-sion in the intra- and extracranial nerves and bloodvessels associated with cerebrospinal fluid leak, andvasodilation due to the compensatory increase of intra-cranial pressure [4]. Intracranial subdural hemorrhage isalso reported to occur as a result of dilatation and trac-tion of the thin bridging vein in the wall, resulting inrupture [5]. Furthermore, Rocchi et al. [6] reported acase of intracranial and intraspinal hemorrhage afterspinal anesthesia. They suggested that multiple attemptsfor spinal anesthesia most likely cause rupture of thespinal vessels, either directly or indirectly by inducingdifferential pressure changes between the cerebrospinalfluid and intravascular spaces; however, definitemechanisms are not completely understood. In the pre-sent case, the headache occurred while our patient wasin the toilet on day 5 after surgery. It is possible thatlow cerebrospinal fluid pressure without headachealready existed after anesthesia, and straining duringdefecation increased the venous pressure, resulting inrupture of the vein and the onset of subduralhemorrhage.Nakanuno et al. [7] studied 69 cases of intracranial

subdural hematoma after dural puncture for the purposeof anesthesia, diagnosis or treatment, and reported thatthe major onset symptom was non-postural headache

Figure 1 CT findings. (A) Immediately after onset, a subdural hematoma is observed extending from the left frontal to temporal region (arrow).(B) On day 12 after onset, the volume of the hematoma is reduced and density is lowered (arrow). (C) One month after onset, further reductionin the volume of the hematoma is observed.

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often associated with neurological symptoms such asconsciousness disorder, vomiting, hemiplegia and diplo-pia. They classified the duration of headache until sub-dural hematoma into three patterns: a headache thatoccurred early (within four days) after dural punctureand persisted with subsequent onset of subdural hemor-rhage; a headache that occurred early after dural punc-ture that disappeared or was alleviated transiently butreappeared and was aggravated, followed by onset ofsubdural hemorrhage; and a headache that did notoccur early after dural puncture but appeared later withonset of subdural hemorrhage. In their study, the firstpattern was found in 47% (33 cases), the second in 44%(30 cases) and the third pattern in 6% (4 cases); 3% (2cases) were unknown. Most of the cases had a headacheearly after the dural puncture. The third pattern, withacute onset and no early stage headache, as wasobserved in the present case, was rare.Amorim et al. [1] reported two cases of intracranial

subdural hematoma after spinal anesthesia and revieweda total of 35 cases in the literature, including their owncases. The duration from symptom onset to diagnosisranged from four hours to 29 weeks (mean 22 days).Only four of 35 cases were diagnosed within one day ofthe appearance of acute symptoms, and onset was onthe day of anesthesia in all four cases. In the other 31cases, the headache preceded the development of intra-cranial subdural hemorrhage and the diagnosis wasestablished after a prolonged period. Four of the 35reviewed cases developed neurologic sequelae and fourdied. None of the reviewed cases showed a similarcourse to our case: no early symptoms after spinalanesthesia and acute onset after the fifth postoperativeday. Therefore, attention has to be given to the possibi-lity that intracranial subdural hematoma may developacutely without preceding symptoms in the early post-anesthesia stage.

ConclusionIn patients with a persistent headache following duralpuncture, where the headache persists even in a supineposition or nausea occurs abruptly, CT or MRI of thebrain should be performed. Am intracranial subduralhematoma may have a serious outcome and is animportant differential diagnosis for headache after spinalanesthesia.

ConsentWritten informed consent was obtained from the patientfor publication of this case report and any accompany-ing images. A copy of the written consent is availablefor review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.

Author details1The Sports Medicine and Knee Center, Kofu National Hospital, 11-35 Tenjin-cho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-8533, Japan. 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery,Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University ofYamanashi, 1110 Shimokato, Chuo-city, Yamanashi, 409-3898, Japan.3Department of Neurosurgery, Kofu National Hospital, 11-35 Tenjin-cho, Kofu,Yamanashi 400-8533, Japan.

Authors’ contributionsTH, SO, YW, SS, MS, HN, ES and HH analyzed and interpreted our patientdata regarding the clinical course, surgery and outcome. TH was a majorcontributor in writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved thefinal manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 16 July 2011 Accepted: 6 March 2012Published: 6 March 2012

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doi:10.1186/1752-1947-6-75Cite this article as: Hagino et al.: Acute onset of intracranial subduralhemorrhage five days after spinal anesthesia for knee arthroscopicsurgery: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012 6:75.

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