Page 1: 2015 China-uS Young maker Competition · 2016-05-19 · " + é5º,R2J#K + C ·E ô 93Í 6ñ" . ... development, promotion and application of technological innovations achievements

2015 China-uS Youngmaker Competition

2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition SummarY report

Page 2: 2015 China-uS Young maker Competition · 2016-05-19 · " + é5º,R2J#K + C ·E ô 93Í 6ñ" . ... development, promotion and application of technological innovations achievements

2015 China-uS Youngmaker Competition








make a trenD on Both SiDeS oF the oCean——2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”正式启动

2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition oFFiCiallY kiCkeD oFF

graSp the general trenD anD look into the Future——2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”简介

BrieF introDuCtion to the 2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition


Shining StarS anD pioneering makerS——2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”分赛区选拔赛

regional SeleCtion ConteStS oF 2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition

Compete together For Common Future——2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”总决赛

2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition Final

introDuCtion to aWarD-Winning proJeCtS oF 2015 China-uS Young maker Competition

Page 3: 2015 China-uS Young maker Competition · 2016-05-19 · " + é5º,R2J#K + C ·E ô 93Í 6ñ" . ... development, promotion and application of technological innovations achievements


中美人文交流高层磋商机制是在中美两国元首共同关心和支持下建立起来的,是中美两国政府在人文交流领域开展合作的 高级别对话机制。该机制于 2010 年 5 月在北京正式启动,目前机制双方主席为中国国务院副总理刘延东和美国国务卿约翰 · 福布斯 · 克里(John Forbes Kerry)。六年以来,在中美双方的共同努力下,已分别在北京和华盛顿成功举行了六轮磋商。人文交流同战略互信、经贸合作共同构成了新时期中美关系三大重要支柱。中美人文交流高层磋商机制汇聚各方力量,着力推动中美双方在教育、科技、文化、体育、妇女、青年、卫生七个领域取得数百项重要成果,为增进两国人民的相互了解和友谊发挥了重要作用。

第六轮中美人文交流高层磋商及相关活动于 2015年 6 月在美国举行,刘延东副总理赴美访问并主持磋商。本轮磋商系首次在美与战略经济对话联合举行。



2015 年 1 月 4 日,国务院总理李克强考察深圳“柴火空间”,体验年轻创客的创意作品并成为荣誉会员。创客这一概念逐渐被更多普通人所熟悉。

2015 年 3 月 5 日,国务院《政府工作报告》中明确提到了 “众多创客脱颖而出”;3 月 11 日,国务


2015 年 5 月 4 日,李克强总理回信清华学生创客,希望当代大学生要有钻研学问的精进态度,与此同时,也应具备勇于打破常规创新创业的开拓精神。

2015 年 5 月 7 日,李克强总理等国家领导前往中关村创业大街,与青年创业者喝咖啡交流。中国政府推动大众创业、万众创新,激发了亿万群众释放智慧和创造力,投身时代创新大潮。




中华人民共和国教育部分别于 2014 年、2015年在中国成功举办首届和第二届中美青年创客大赛,吸引中美青年广泛、深度参与,丰富中美青年交流模式,为中美人文交流高层磋商机制增加了“创新”亮点。大赛已纳入第五轮和第六轮中美人文交流高层磋商机制成果清单。

2015 年习近平主席访美期间,“双方将支持每年举办中美青年创客大赛”正式列入中美两国元首会谈达成的成果清单。


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The China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange, officially initiated in May 2010 in Beijing thanks to the strong support from both heads of state, is the highest-level dialogue mechanism for cooperation on People-to-People exchange between the Chinese and US Governments. At present, the mechanism is co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong and US Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry. During the past six years, six rounds of consultation have been successfully held in Beijing and Washington thanks to the concerted efforts of two countries. People-to-people exchange is one of the three important pillars of sino-US relations in the new era along with strategic mutual trust and economic and trade cooperation. The China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange has gathered all forces to bring about hundreds of important achievements in seven fields including education, science and technology, culture, sports, women, youth and health, and has played an important role in enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

The Sixth Round of China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange, presided over by Vice Premier Liu Yandong, was held in June 2015 in the US. It was the first time the event was held together with the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue in the US.

Maker is an individual who turns creative ideas into reality by design and prototype making for non-profit purposes. As an important driving force of mass innovation and entrepreneurship, makers participate in research and development, promotion and application of technological innovations achievements directly or via public innovation platforms. In recent years, youth-dominated maker movement centering around independent innovation, collaboration and sharing has become a trend in China and around the world, and has attracted high attention by many governments and all sectors of the society. Maker movement has also received strong support from leaders of the Chinese and US governments.

China is vigorously implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development and comprehensively deepening the reform. At present, there are thousands of active maker teams in China, and the Chinese Government has introduced progressive policies to remove barriers for mass innovation and offer makers a broader stage to give play to their talent and realize their value of life.

On January 4, 2015, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang inspected Chaihuo Makerspace in Shenzhen, during which he appreciated creative works of young makers and became an honorable member of the Makerspace. The concept of maker was gradually known to more people.

On March 5, 2015, the Government Work Report of the State Council explicitly stated that “We have seen makers coming thick and fast”; on March 11, the

General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Developing Mass Innovation Platforms and Promoting Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and makers became a social focus again.

On May 4, 2015, in a letter in reply to student makers at Tsinghua University, Premier Li Keqiang wrote that university students today must study hard and have pioneering spirit to break conventions and engage in entrepreneurship and innovation.

On May 7, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang and other state leaders went to Z-Innoway to drink coffee and talk with young entrepreneurs. The Chinese Government’s policy to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation has stimulated millions of people to release their wisdom and creativity and devote to innovation.

The emergence of hardware-based startups especially those based on intelligent hardware in the Silicon Valley, the US is sweeping the world, and innovative applications based on hardware devices and big data are on the rise. On June 18, 2014, the White House held its first Maker Carnival, encouraging young Americans to participate in maker activities. The US President Obama attended the activity and announced that the US Government would help makers set up businesses, expand employment opportunities and turn more students into makers. The US defines maker movement as an important opportunity to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship and revitalize the US manufacturing industry.

People of the two countries are full of innovation spirits, and two governments are actively fostering a relaxed environment to promote innovation and productization of innovations. With sustained development, maker movements in the two countries are connecting Internet and traditional industries, and opening up a maker era featuring mass innovation. Young Chinese and US makers are vanguards of the trend.

Young people are fresh troops of innovation and creation and masters of the future, said Vice Premier Liu Yandong. Young people in China and the US must carry forward innovation and entrepreneurship spirit in both Chinese and American cultures, forge ahead in a determined yet down-to-earth manner, and work hard to surpass predecessors and lead the trend of the times.

China-US Young Maker Competit ion have been successfully organized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in 2014 and 2015, attracting many young Chinese and American makers to extensively and deeply participate, enriching means of exchange between Chinese and American young people, and being viewed as a key “innovation” highlight for the China-US People-to-People Exchange. The Competition has also been included in the outcome list of the Fifth and Sixth Round of China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange.

During President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the United States in September 2015, “the two sides will support the holding of the China-US Young Maker Competition annually” is formally listed in the outcome list of the visit.

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中华人民共和国教育部于 2015 年主办“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”,此次大赛是第六轮中美人文交流高层磋商亮点活动之一,由中国(教育部)留学服务中心、清华大学、英特尔公司承办,真格基金特别支持。


从 2015 年 5 月至 8 月,大赛历时 3 个多月,分三个阶段举行,包括:中美分赛区选拔赛、正式启动和决赛,共吸引中美两国青年近 2,000 人报名,报名参赛项目近 500 个。6 月 19 日,大赛在美国匹兹堡市正式启动,中华人民共和国国务院副总理刘延东参加启动仪式并发表重要讲话。


The 2015 Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition, as one of highlights of the Sixth Round of China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange, was organized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The Competition was co-organized by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Tsinghua University and Intel Corporation and supported by ZhenFund.

Themed with “Co-making the Future”, the Competition encourages young makers to create innovative products of social and industrial value focusing on the areas of community development, education, environmental protection, health & fitness, energy, transportation and other areas of sustainable development by combining innovative design and cutting-edge technologies.

The Competition lasted for more than three months from May to August 2015 and was divided into three phases, namely Chinese and US Regional Contests, Official Launch and Final. Nearly 2,000 young Chinese and American makers had entered the Competition and submitted nearly 500 projects. On June 19, 2015, the Competition was officially launched in Pittsburgh, the US, and Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the launch ceremony and delivered an important speech.

Based on the open platform of the Competition, young Chinese and American makers contended and exchanged on areas of innovation and creativity, fully demonstrating the characteristics of China-US People-

to-People exchange. The Competition was designed to promote maker cu lture and facilitate the exchange between young people in China and the US, and boosted the in-depth communication on innovation between Chinese and American young makers.

——2015“ ”

graSp the general trenD anD look into the FutureBrieF introDuCtion to the 2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition

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2015 年 5 月 19 日,2015“共创未来—中美青








——2015“ ”

Shining StarS anD pioneering makerSregional SeleCtion ConteStS oF 2015 “Co-making the Future– China-uS Young maker Competition”

Chinese Regional Selection Contest of the Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition was kicked off on May 19, 2015. Regional contests were subsequently held in Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Xiamen as well as in the US. The sparkle of makers shined in many cities and encouraged young makers to enthusiastically devote their time and energy to compete and to interact, lighting up the path of innovation for the future.

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创客成都 Chengdu Can Do

6 月 5 日,成都分赛区选拔赛在西南交通大学拉





能机器人“小云”、基于嵌入式多核处理器的 3D 即

时拍、智能自行车模块化开发等 45 个项目通过初选。


6 月 7 日,成都赛区特别增设了“菁蓉训练营——



Makers, Chengdu Can Do

On June 5, the Chengdu Regional Selection Contest was unveiled at Southwest Jiaotong University. The event was co-sponsored by Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, Chengdu High-tech Zone Management Committee and Intel Products (Chengdu) Ltd. The contest featured team registration and on-site maker team building and attracted numerous maker teams from Chongqing, Xi’an, Guizhou, etc. 45 projects passed the initial selection, including robot “Xiaoyun”, “3D Instant Photograph Based on Embedded Multi-core Processor” and “Intelligent Bicycle Modular Development”. Finally, “Intelligent Bicycle Modular Development” entered into the final competition.

On June 7, The Jingrong Training Camp – Maker Training Camp was held in Chengdu, where makers formed project teams and submitted projects on site, giving full play to their creativity and improving their creation skills.

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人人会创意 大家做创客

6 月 5 日,上海分赛区选拔赛于同济大学创意与

设计学院开幕,近 300 名创客通过线上与现场的不同



DFRobot 都携带着自己的装备和项目投入到这一中美



Everyone Comes with an Idea; Everyone Can Be a Maker

On June 5, the Shanghai Regional Selection Contest was kicked off at College of Design and Innovation, Tong ji University. Nearly 300 makers joined the contest through online and on-site registration. Many professional maker space teams, such as Mushroom Cloud and DFRobot Teams, also took part in the contest with their projects.

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水木清华 荷塘池畔 智造未来 同创精彩

6 月 12-14 日,北京分赛区选拔赛在清华大学综

合体育馆热络举行,从 71 支报名创客大军中脱颖而

出的 36 支团队进入选拔。各具实力的创客们在两天


借助清华大学 i· Center创客空间提供的加工制造条件,



Create a Smarter Future beside the Lotus Pond of Tsinghua

Beijing Regional Selection Contest was held at the stadium of Tsinghua University during June12-14, and 71 contestants from 36 teams joined the Competition. During the two-day contest, makers used a wide variety of open-source hardware and software as well as rapid prototyping devices to translate inspirations into wonderful creative works, utilizing the manufacturing facilities provided by i·Center of Tsinghua University, decorating life by innovation and art and experiencing the joy of creation.

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石城虎踞 创客龙腾










Make Better in Nanjing

In the morning of May 30, the Nanjing Regional Selection Contest was kicked off, co-sponsored by Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Makerspace, Nanjing Zijin (High-tech Zone) Technology Incubation Special Park and Nanjing Center for Youth Science and Technology Innovation Promotion. The Beian Makerspace in the High-tech Zone was also formally unveiled.

On June 12, more than 30 maker teams gathered at Nanjing University of Science and Technology to “Explore the Unknown World” and compete for a ticket to the final competition, making creative works with passion and well interpreting humanism through their designs.

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Come and Be a Maker

The Shenzhen Regional Select ion Contest , co-sponsored by the Nanshan District Government, CAS Maker Institute and Chaihuo Makerspace, was kicked off on June 23 at Nanshan Intelligence Park.

During the two-day contest, guided by the theme “Come and be a maker”, makers engaged in brainstorming, creative discussions and technological exchanges on site and used tools available to make creative products. In the afternoon of June 24, they assembled and debugged projects and made presentations to judges and audiences to compete for the final competition.

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天津滨海 开放创新 引领未来

6 月 2 日,天津分赛区选拔活动展开,先后在天津








技发展集团等单位共同协办下,选拔赛于 6 月 26-28

日在天津科技大学 GENS BOX 创业实践基地火热展


Leading the Future with Open Innovation–Binhai New Area of Tianjin

On June 2, the Tianjin Regional pre-contest activities were launched. The extensive promotion at Tianjin University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin University of Commerce, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin Fine Arts Institute, Tianjin Chengjian University and so on has attracted numerous students. Many students formed teams on site to register for the contest.

Later, the Contest was held at GENS BOX Entrepreneurial Practice Base of Tianjin University of Science and Technology during June 26-28. The contest was sponsored by the Binhai New Area Government, co-organized by the Binhai New Area Science Commission, the Development District Management Committee and Tianjin University of Science and Technology, and supported by the GENS BOX Youth Commune, Tianjin Base of Peking University Entrepreneur’s Training Camp, Microfactory Makerspace, and Tianjin TEDA Science & Technology Development Group.

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共聚海西为鹭客 思异求新创未来


首场创客交流和培训于 5 月 31 日在软件园开启,来

自厦门高校和企业的创客和赛区培训导师近 40 人齐



培训等系列活动的顺利启动,比赛于 6 月 21 日转入

原型设计阶段,在 6 月 26-28 日举行了选拔赛,并吸



Join us at the West Side of the Straits, Innovate for a Better Future

The Xiamen Regional Selection Contest was sponsored by Xiamen University and Fujian Provincial Department of Education. The first maker exchange and training was kicked off on May 31 at the software park, where nearly 40 makers from universities and enterprises in Xiamen as well as trainers shared their proposals and ideas.

The pre-contest activities include maker team recruitment, prototype design, open-source technology training and other activities. The Regional Contest was held during June 26-28 and even attracted two maker teams from Taiwan.

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创客无国界 创新无极限

美国分赛区多支团队响应“探索 创新 创造新世界”

(Explore · Innovate · Create a new world)主题,

基于英特尔爱迪生技术平台,举办系列 workshop,




Maker Across Border, Innovation Beyond Limitation

Themed as “Explore• Innovate• Create a New World”, the US Regional Selection Contest featured a series of workshops based on Intel® Edison technology platform and had attracted more than 300 contestants. The activity had attracted more than 80,000 views on social media, and numerous creative ideas and good works were generated.

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动,2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”于 6 月 19





奇(Brian Krzanich ) 共同为大赛启动揭牌。刘延东副





战略,力争到 2020 年全面建成小康社会。我们正在全






——2015“ ”

make a trenD on Both SiDeS oF the oCean2015 Co-makeing the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition oFFiCiallY kiCkeD oFF

The 2015 Co-making the Future - China-US Young Maker Competition, an activity supporting the Sixth Round of China-US High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange, was officially kicked off on June 19, Pittsburgh. The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and organized by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Chinese Consulate in New York, Tsinghua University and Intel Corporation.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich jointly inaugurated the Competition. According to Liu Yandong, innovation has become an irreversible trend, and entrepreneurship and innovation are “hot words” popular among both young people in China and the US. Innovation capacity is becoming an increasingly important force of global sustainable development. China is implementing the innovation-driven development strategy with the aim to build a well-off society by 2020. China is comprehensively deepening reform, encouraging people to start their own businesses and to make innovations, vigorously promoting open innovation and actively integrating into the global innovation network. The innovation of younger generation is especially worth looking forward to. Many outstanding works in the previous Competition are both imaginative and practical. “I thumb up to young makers.”

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2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”自 6 月

19 号在美国匹兹堡正式启动,在中外媒体中掀起报




The 2015 Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition officially kicked off on June 19 in Pittsburgh attracted attention from many Chinese and foreign media. People’s Daily, CCTV News, Pittsburgh Post, China Daily and many other mainstream media all reported news of the China-US Young Maker Competition.

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——2015“ ”

2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”决赛由成都市人民政府、中国(教育部)留学服务中心、清华大学、英特尔公司共同承办,于 2015 年 8 月 14 日至 18 日在成都市举办。为期一周的活动包含了总决赛开幕式、比赛日、评审日、创客 • 创新 • 创业论坛、颁奖礼及开放日等丰富多彩的内容。


8 月 14 日,2015“共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”总决赛在成都世纪城新国际会展中心拉开帷幕。二百余名中美创客组成的四十八支团队齐聚一堂,共同分享创新奇思,进行创意火花的碰撞和创新实践的交流,角逐大赛奖项。


Compete together For Common Future2015 Co-making the Future – China-uS Young maker Competition Final

The final of 2015 Co-make the Future – China-US Young

Maker Competition was held during August 14-18,

2015 in Chengdu. The event was co-organized by the

Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, Chinese Service

Center for Scholarly Exchange, Tsinghua University and

Intel Corporation. The one-week activity featured many

highlights, including opening ceremony, judging day, Maker

• Innovation • Entrepreneurship Forum, award ceremony

and public open day.

How happy we are, to meet makers from afar!

On August 14, the final of Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition was unveiled at Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center. 48 teams of more than 200 Chinese and American makers gathered together to share creative ideas, exchange innovation practices and compete for awards.

The opening ceremony featured band performance, Sichuan opera, interactive games and so on. In a joyous atmosphere, Chinese and American makers from different cities shared creative ideas and demonstrated innovative projects.

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继欢乐的开幕式之后,创客选手们于 8 月 15 日

上午 9 时开始 24 小时决赛,分享缤纷创意,开展互





After the joyful opening ceremony, finalists started the 24-hour final at 9:00a.m. on August 15 to share their creative ideas and demonstrate cool and innovative works. Finalists demonstrated enthusiasm and infinite creativity in their works, making the Competition a true stage of creation and innovation for Chinese and US youths.

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紧接选手们 24 小时的奋战,总决赛于 8 月 16 日

早上 9 时进入评审阶段。大赛评审委员会由来自设计



此次决赛评审设初审和复审两轮筛选,共有 24 支






The final entered into judging phase at 9:00a.m. on August 16 after 24-hour competition. The judging panel was made up of famous makers in design and technology fields, and investors were invited to participate in the entire judging process as observers.

The judging process was divided into two rounds and 24 teams entered into second-round judging.

Chinese and American makers gave full play to their talent and demonstrated their works by presenting in first-round judging and defending in second-round judging. The makers were well acclaimed for their enthusiastic creation and innovation.

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8 月 18 日上午,大赛总决赛颁奖典礼隆重举行。


智和美国驻华大使馆公使衔新闻文化参赞耿欣(Lisa K.



8 月 17 日,大赛迎来创客 • 创新 • 创业论坛,汇



新模式和 佳实践,分享创新与创客先锋的非凡历程





The Maker • Innovation • Entrepreneurship Forum was held on August 17, bringing together many experts and scholars from governments, universities, enterprises and all sectors of the society. They shared the latest models and best practices of innovation and entrepreneurship and their experiences as pioneering innovators and makers to university students and young makers, and discussed mechanism of stimulating more young people to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship. The Forum had brought the sharing and exchange of maker, innovation and entrepreneurship to a climax.

英 特 尔 公 司 全 球 副 总 裁 罗 宾 · 马 丁 (Robin A.

Martin) 就企业支持中美青年的创客运动和人文交流




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The final award ceremony was held on the morning of August 18. China Ministry of Education Vice Minister Hao Ping, Chengdu Mayor Tang Liangzhi and Lisa K. Heller, Minister Counselor for Public Affairs of Embassy of the United States of America, attended the award ceremony, granted the First Prize to the winning team and delivered speeches.

Intel Corporate Vice President Robin A. Martin made a speech on enterprises’ support to the maker movement and people-

to-people exchange between Chinese and US youths. Sun Hongbin, Chairman of the Judging Committee and professor of Tsinghua University, gave a summary report of the judging process and the winning works. Relevant activities were presided over by Sun Jianming, Director General of the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange.

As MOE Vice Minister Hao Ping put it in his speech, in the face of new situations, the Chinese Government is attaching increasing importance to innovation, implementing innovation-driven development strategy in a far-reaching way, and vigorously promoting “mass innovation and popular entrepreneurship”. Themed as “Co-making the Future”, the Competition featured impressive creativity of makers, and works with a focus on community development, education, environmental protection, health & fitness, energy, transportation and other areas of sustainable development, demonstrating social responsibility of young makers. Hao Ping hoped that China and the US would further strengthen exchange and cooperation and jointly foster a favorable environment of innovation for young people, and that young people in the two countries would forge ahead with determination to create more wonderful works.










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一等奖 First Prize

二等奖 Second Prize

人气奖 People’s Choice Award三等奖 Third Prize

三等奖 Third Prize

英特尔投资中国天使基金特别奖Intel Capital China Angel Fund

三等奖 Third Prize

二等奖 Second Prize 二等奖 Second Prize

大赛共颁发一等奖 1 名、二等奖 3 名、三等奖 6

名以及优胜奖 14 名,通过网络票选决出的“ 佳人



One First Place Award, there Second Place Awards, six Third Place Awards and 14 Excellence Awards were granted, and the People’s Choice Award voted by online ballot and the Intel Capital China Angel Fund Award were new highlights of the award ceremony.

In addition to creativity, many works at the Competition are very practical with market potential and thus attract the attention from investors, enterprises and media. The competition offers outstanding projects valuable opportunities for subsequent incubation.

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The maker competition is rewarding!

To promote innovation spirit in a far-reaching way, the Competition featured an open day facing the general public. After the award ceremony, young Chinese and American makers warmly communicated with visitors in the work display area and shared their learning of creation.

The open day offered an opportunity for people from all sectors of life to get to know the young Chinese and American makers who are creative and innovative. Numerous creative and practical works demonstrate extraordinary skills and innovative ideas of makers. More importantly, many works, inspired by life with scientific, artistic and cultural elements, also reflect the care for human and society.

The 2015 Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition is a memorable growth path of makers written by Chinese and American youths in this summer.

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Scientific and technological innovation is no longer mysterious and makers are also stars!

Media launched a campaign of reports on maker innovation again after the Competition. China Daily, China Youth Daily, Economic Daily, West China City Daily, People’s Daily Online, China Economic Information Network, PhoenixNet,, Sohu, PingWest, CBN and other mainstream media all put their focuses on makers. “As a seeder of maker culture” (said a maker), the Competition connects Chinese and US youths through maker movement on both sides of the Ocean while arousing the public’s enthusiasm for innovation.

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刘延东副总理在 2015 “共创未来—中美青年创客大赛”启动仪式上指出,中国人民和






习近平主席在 2015 年 9 月访美期间与奥巴马总统达成广泛共识,取得一系列重要成果,





Both Chinese and American people are creative and innovative, and the two countries have broad consensus and huge cooperation potential on the path of innovation, said Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong at the kick-off ceremony of the 2015 Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition. In the Internet era, “maker movement” is booming, and innovation capability increasingly becomes a key force of world sustainable development, providing broad space for young people to give play to their talent.

The 2015 Co-making the Future – China-US Young Maker Competition has come to a successful closure. During the Competition, Young people from China and the U.S. have come together, shared and learnt from each other, and have created many “fun”, “viable”, and human-centered works.

During his state visit to US in September, 2015, President Xi has reached a wide range of consensus and scored a series of important achievements with President Obama. Both sides have agreed to continue to support China-US Young Maker Competition annually. As one of the highlights of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges, the Competition will continue to keep abreast of the latest trends to enhance exchange and friendship among young people across the two countries, and serve as a platform to unleash the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of the young people, contributing to the harmonious co-existence of Eastern and Western cultures.

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录introDuCtion to aWarD-Winning proJeCtS oF China-uS Young maker Competition















As an intelligent patch on the fitness machines, Nut Fitness can record the number and group count of machine movements and give feedback to help exercisers know their fitness plan. The patch connects fitness facilities in fitness centers and communities in an intelligent manner to improve the utilization rate of facilities, foster a more scientific fitness concept, and build Internet of Things for fitness facilities and acquire data.

Nut Fitness System is made up of hardware and mobile phone applications.

On the software end, users can rapidly set daily fitness plan by machine, get real-time counts and records, and share and make game-based interaction with friends.

On the hardware end, Nut Fitness can be easily pasted to a wide variety of exercise machines and give real-time counts and tips to your exercise in a bid to modify your movement and frequency and help you use machines in a more scientific and effective way.

Nut Fitness System is committed to turning all traditional fitness facilities available into data-based ones, improving the utilization rate of public facilities in fitness centers and communities and advocating more scientific exercise habits and fashion.

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置时候的 佳状态进行手动抓拍。














This project involves education equipment technology for the blind especially through a Braille display driven by special metal material. The Braille display device is applied to converting normal words or voices into Braille alphabets changing from time to time to be touched and recognized by the blind. It plays a very important role in Braille teaching and Braille reading.

The project features key technologies of independent innovative design, and proposes and realizes a solution of Braille display based on new alloy material, which greatly reduces the cost of Braille display devices, extends battery life and reduces device size. The display can be expanded to be applied to various mobile portable devices to help the blind people better integrate into society and enjoy life.

Pet Self-timer is a “tumbler” interacting with pets. Self-timer system is built in the tumbler-shaped platform, the stability of self-timer system is maintained by brushless cloud platform on both axes, and self-timer system is triggered off by shaking of tumbler platform to take pictures.

Pet Self-timer attracts pets by two methods. First, with a front camera, dynamic picture or pet’s voice can be chosen from the mobile phone screen on the tumbler to attract attentions of pets. Second, tumbler waggles to interest pets. Camera button is triggered off when a pet interacts with Pet Self-timer to take pictures.

A pet owner can also press the Bluetooth button toobserve optimum state when the pet plays with the self-timerand manually take a candid photograph.

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磁动力交互装置是通过 Intel® Edision 芯片控制,

实现一套兼具有娱乐专业性质的实体 DJ 混音播放平台,

简单来说,就是“DJ 混音台和光控台的混合体”。它





The Magnetomotive Interaction Device is controlled by Intel® Edision chip to realize recreational and professional DJ mixing play platform, which is, to simply put it, "hybrid of DJ mixing console and light control console". It employs suspended interaction technology and immersive visualization effect to realize music creation, appreciation, entertainment and other functions integrating hearing, vision and touch and offer more amateur DJ fans experience of enjoying music creation.

Baby Talk 是一款用于儿童之间沟通的语音版微






Baby Talk is like an audio version of WeChat for communication among children, and mainly has functions of voice communication and story sharing.

It looks like a lovely panda. Connection of voice communication is built when two pandas get close to each other.

A child can hold and speak to the panda and then send thevoice messages to specific friends.

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收到讯息的小伙伴,他的小熊猫会有震动 + 灯光





Recently, the film Big Hero 6 triggered off popularity of intelligent robot and numerous people desire to have a “Baymax”. In the eyes of common consumers, intelligent robot is still a “luxurious” and unavailable scientific research product sold at an expensive price despite of the maturity of intelligent robot technology.

Mobile Phone Robot creates a desktop mobile phone robot “Black” based on smart phone for common consumers enthusiastic about robot. A multi-functional intelligent robot can be created by combining mobile phone and rack, fully leveraging mobile phone’s powerful arithmetic capability, camera and other modules and greatly reducing robot cost. Every user can have his/her own intelligent partner at a low cost.

A friend receiving the message will see his/her panda vibrates and flashes lights and can listen to the voice messages by pressing the panda.

A child can hold the panda and speak out the keywords of story he/she wants to listen to such as “Snow White” to play the story of Snow White. He/she can shake the pandato refresh and change another new story.

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Penny Raiser 帮你解决这些问题!当你从超市出

来时,便会看到 Penny Raiser 就放在超市外面,这时

候你只需将硬币投进去,Penny Raiser 会智能地将硬




下载好的 Penny Raiser App,扫一下显示屏上的二维


你就可以在 Penny Raiser App 上选择你要将刚才投


在 Penny Raiser App 上,你还可以随时追踪你所捐








What to do with pennies changed by supermarket?

Where does the money donated to a public-welfare organization go?

Penny Raiser helps you answer these questions! You will see Penny Raiser standing outside the supermarket. After you put coins into it, Penny Raiser will intelligently classifiy, stack up and count coins and display coins you put on the screen. A two-dimension code will be displayed on the screen after you press the side button, and then you can open Penny Raiser App on the mobile phone and scan the two-dimension code to know the number of coins you put.

Next, you can choose a public-welfare program you want to contribute to on the Penny Raiser App.

Waste Oil Convertor for Kitchen Ventilator can convert waste oil of kitchen ventilator (without limitation) into soap by saponification. The device quantifies materials needed and procedures to realize automatic soap making. It is characterized by small size, easy operation, energy saving and environmental friendliness, and is suitable for household, community, restaurant, mess and so on.

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作品 初的构想是想做一个开源的 snowboard


比如当你滑着雪板一越而起上杆的时候会发出 ci⋯⋯

的特效音。比如你做 ollie 的时候会发出 duang 的声

音。4 块硬件来做开源雪板的核心架构,单片机用了

带有 Mp3 扩展功能的 NANO 板,利用陀螺仪做动作

检测反馈,SD 扩展板做音乐存储,这款 SD 扩展板

自带了音乐解码芯片,解决了音乐解码问题, 后用


垂直水培农场 - 我们设计了一套垂直水培种植系

统,其优点是能够节约 90% 的灌溉水、亩产收益提高

8 倍,而且作物品质大幅提升。它使用成本不到 500




The original idea of the work is an open source snowboard, which can recognize movements and give different sound effects. For example, when you go up, the snowboard will give special sound effect of ci…, and when you make ollie, it will make duang sound. Four hardware pieces constitute the core structure of open source snowboard, and SCM employs NANO plate with MP3 expansion function and uses gyroscope for action detection feedback and SD expansion board for music storage. The SD expansion board features music decoding chip to decode music and match it to the Bluetooth headset via Bluetooth module.

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.

The word hydroponics technically means working water, stemming from the Latin words "hydro" meaning water, and "ponos" meaning labor. Many different civilizations from the beginning of time have relied on hydroponics for growing

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器,也有着大量的航模爱好者会自己 DIY 组装调试,





件,精度更高,使用更轻松,速度提升 20-30 倍,支

持现有 3D 打印机更换激光头方案,轻松使用打印的模




学校已将其纳入 STEM (科学技术工程和数学)课程。



plants, such as the early Mexican and Egyptian civilizations. Recently, hydroponical farming has grown in popularity and has been used across many different markets.

Thanks to the rapid development of rotor aircraft targeted at individuals in recent years, people can get access to professional rotor aircrafts such as DJI Phantom; and many model airplane fans also choose to make DIY assembly, which incurs safety issues. This protective device is made for the sake of safety of individual rotor aircrafts.

The machine features desktop high-speed laser engravingmachine solution based on a new architecture design, hardware system and automatic path generation software of independent R&D and realizes higher precision and easier use. It speeds up by 20-30 times and easily supports laser head replacement with printing models and our solutions.

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安卓手机中,通过 Google cardboard 观看,实现第







上跟拍器,它就像一条带了 gopro 的忠心海豚,全程


Photos taken by quad-rotor aircraft in the sky are displayed in Android phones and are viewed by Google cardboard to realize first-person sky visual experience. The sensor acquires somatosensory information and controls the direction of camera on the aircraft to acquire images in all directions and optimize the experience of virtual flight in the sky.

The self-portrait rod brings much convenience to our travel, but scene on the water is bothered by single viewing angle and inconvenient operation. Therefore, Water Camera for water photography is invented, which acts like a loyal dolphin wearing Gopro to help users capture wonderful moments.

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件,精度更高,使用更轻松,速度提升 20-30 倍,支

持现有 3D 打印机更换激光头方案,轻松使用打印的模








温空气实现衣物快干。你只需把衣服挂进去,等待 8



UAV Charging Solution includes UAV charging station and UAV charging satchel and implements wireless or wired charging by station-based solar energy as well as mobile satchel charging.

The machine features desktop high-speed laser engravingmachine solution based on a new architecture design, hardware system and automatic path generation software of independent R&D and realizes higher precision and easier use. It speeds up by 20-30 times and easily supports laser head replacement with printing models and our solutions.

Q-wash is a rapid dry cleaning machine free from water and detergent, which is designed to wash clothes rapidly by high-temperature steam and ultrasonic wave and rapidly dry clothes by high-temperature air. It cleans, disinfects and dries clothing in eight minutes without damaging it.

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This interactive intelligent mat is as soft, comfortable and warm as ordinary bedside carpets and features many user-friendly functions. It can be used as a smart alarm clock, a hidden weight scale and a night floor lamp.

This intelligent helmet is specially designed for cyclists to endow traditional bicycle helmets with a sense of future science and technology and guarantees more convenient, safer and more intelligent cycling.

This project is designed to make a robot which will paint patterns desired by a user on the wall by processing the picture sent by the user who has neither professional knowledge nor a professional painter or designer.

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A pair of glasses featuring driver fatigue reminder function is developed, which decides whether its wearer drives under the state of fatigue by monitoring the data changes of driver’s physiological characteristics captured by sensor. The voice and light alarm device in the glasses will promptly give an alarm as long as it detects that the wearer drives under fatigue state and remind the driver of driving safety.

This is a user-friendly vehicle-mounted device designed for drivers, which mainly has three functions, namely traffic light reminder, reminder of movement by front vehicle and fatigue driving prevention.

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供暖或供冷? IntelliVent 是一款使用英特尔 Edison


有 人 及 其 温 度,优 化 家 庭 温 度 控 制 并 节 约 能 源。

Intellivent 可为本地网络提供一个 REST API,支持





Have you ever wondered why you need to heat or cool unoccupied rooms, like the kitchen or office during the night? IntelliVent is a smart vent built using Intel Edison which can detect people and their temperature, optimize indoor temporature control and save energy. IntelliVent exposes a REST api to the local network, which allows manual control for each vent using mobile smartwatches, schedules setup, or automatical control of the vents so that we do not heat or cool rooms that are unoccupied.



智能手机 APP 输出物品信息。无论是食物的种类,



Do you want to know food nutrients and whether a watermelon is sweet or not? The Molecular Recognition Module developed by Bit Atom Team can scan articles and output article information via smart phone APP, including food category, nutrients and other components.

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我们的愿景是将家庭变为游乐场。TEETH 可将刷


坏习惯需要付出巨大的成本。TEETH 致力于帮助








的分辨率对黑板进行编码;全部成本加起来不到 40





By using strings, pulleys, weights, ultrasonic distance sensing, a radio transmitter, geometry, and some advanced filtering algorithms, we have developed an efficient, non-intrusive and versatile method for encoding a blackboard at a high resolution; all for less than 40 dollars.

• The arduino code can be found in the arduino/sonar folder.• The program that serializes the sensor data from the arduino into x,y coordinates is found in the client folder.• The webapp that streams the board data to the website in real time can be found in the webapp folder.

TEETH stands for Timer Encouraging Everyone To Health. It uses the Intel Edison board's small form factor to upgrade your toothbrush holder to an IOT Home Appliance. This smart upgrade is great for health-conscious folks, under dental supervision, or anyone who wants to improve their habits. And it's great for families who need to correct children's brushing habits too!


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2015 China-uS Youngmaker Competition
