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Unit 4 Work, Unemployment, and Welfare

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flect, flex = bend 彎曲 p. 105

deflect v 偏斜,打歪 (de 偏離 + flect→偏離彎曲→偏斜 )deflection n 偏向,偏斜 (deflect + ion)genuflect v 下跪 (genu 膝蓋 + flect→膝蓋彎→下跪 )inflect v 使彎曲;詞尾變化 (in 使 + flect→使彎曲,引申為單詞後面變化,和原來不一樣,所以彎曲了,如 child 變成 children)

inflection n 詞尾變化 (inflect + ion)reflect n 反射;沉思 (re 反 + flect_彎曲返回→反射 )

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flect, flex = bend 彎曲 p. 105

reflection n 反射;思考 (reflect + ion)reflective a 反射的;深思的 (reflect + ive)flex v 彎曲flexble a 易彎曲的;靈活的 (flex 彎曲 + ible 能…

的 )inflexible a 不彎的,不屈的 (in 不 + flexible→不彎曲的;不靈活的 )

deflex v 偏斜;轉向 ( + deflect)inflex v 內折,內曲 (in 向內 + flex)

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Vocabulary & Phrase

1. resent: feel bitter/hurt at…憤慨 ;怨恨2. everyday: appropriate for ordinary or routine


every day: each day

3. take part in

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Vocabulary & Phrase1. take part in: to be involved in an activity, sport, event,

etc with other people.指參加群眾性活動、會議、勞動、遊行等,往往指參加者持有積極的態度,起一份作用 . A unique opportunity to take part in a demonstration

class taught by Bellerbys College professor She never takes part in any of the class activities.

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Vocabulary & Phrase2. participate = take part (however, the former is more

formal than the latter and is often used for an organized activity like a game, program, competition)She never participate in any of the class activities.Many editors from smaller newspapers participated in

this year's survey.So, participate in sth. = take part in sth.

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Vocabulary & Phrase3. attend: (formal) to go to an event such as a party, meeting, or

a conference. attend 是出席的意思,表示在某種比較正式的場合出現。例如,上課,會議等。Employees are expected and required to attend team

meetings.4. join in: To START taking part in sth. that other people are

ALREADY doing.加入 (某黨派、組織、社會團體以及參軍、入團等 ) James joined in the discussion to say that he agreed with

what had been said.So, ATTEND is different from "take part in" and

"participate" in the activities with which it is used.

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mut = change, 改變 p. 105

mutable a 易變的 (mut + able 能…的→能變的 )mutability n 易變 (mutable + ity)mutate v 變化,變異 (mut + ate→變化 )mutiny n 叛亂,兵變 (mut + iny)mutinous a 叛亂的 (mutiny 兵變 + ous)mutual a 相互的 (mut + ual→你變我也變→相互的 )commute v 交換;坐公共交通車上下班 (com 共同

+ mute→和大家一起變動→坐公共車 )

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mut = change, 改變commutable a 可以交換的 (commute 變換 + able→可變換的 )

immutable a 不變的 (im 不 + mut + able)permute v 改變…次序 (per 全部 + mute 變→全部變→改變次序 )

permutation n 改變;互換 (permute + ation)transmute v 使變形,使變化 (trans 橫進去 + mute

變→變過去→變形 )

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Working from home could save billions’

1. strategic: relating to or concerned with strategy

2. forecasting: a statement made about the future預測 ,預報3. facsimile: send something via a facsimile machine

4. enormous: tremendous; ginormous; immense; gigantic; titanic;

5. telecommute: work from home by telecommuting (利用電腦終端機 )遠距離辦公 (或工作 )

6. study + concern/cover/examine/explore/focus on/ investigate/look at

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Working from home could save billion

7. out of sight: not accessible to view

out of sight, out of mind久離情疏。眼不見,心不想。8. hazard: a source of danger危險 ;危害物 ;危險之源

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Benefits & headhunters p.107

1. apart from: with the exception of; besides; aside from. except for除開 ; 除 ...之外 107-

Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.

2. persuade: win approval or support for說服 ,勸服3. sultan: the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the

former Ottoman Empire)蘇丹 (某些回教國家統治者的稱號 )

4. captain: the pilot in charge of an airship船長 ;艦長 ;(飛機的 )機長

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Benefits & headhunters5. chauffeur: a man paid to drive a privately owned car (尤指私家車的 )汽車司機

limousine: large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur

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Discrimination at work1. on the ground of: 因為 ; 以 ...為理由

He left on the grounds of ill-health. 他藉口身體不好,走了。 Now, we are standing on the grounds of the imperil

palace. 我們現在是站在宮殿的廣場上。 We refused to publish the report on the grounds of

cost. 因費用的關係,我們拒絕公佈這份報告。

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Discrimination at work p. 108

2. in case of: If there should happen to be 如果發生3. tribunal: an assembly (including one or more judges) to

conduct judicial business法庭

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General rulesTom is responsible for the loss of money.Tom takes the responsibility for the loss of

money.Let’s have a look at the document.Let’s look at the document.

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exceptionJohn is proud of his uncle who is a scientist. ( 以…為榮 )John has pride in his uncle who is a scientist. ( 以…為

榮 )

The room is full of students. (充滿 )The room is filled with students.

Jane is interested in English. ( 對‧‧‧感興趣 )English is interesting to Jane. (是有趣的 )

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Taking on the great white way1. lag: hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress,

development, etc.落後 ;延遲2. executive: a person responsible for the administration of

a business執行者 ;行政官 ;高級官員 ; 行政上的 ;行政部門的

3. grievance: a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation不滿 ,不平 ;抱怨 ,牢騷

4. arbitration: the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment仲裁 ,調定 ;公斷

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Taking on the great white way p. 109

5. dub: give a nickname to授予 ...稱號 ; 把 ...叫做 ; 給 ...取綽號

6. muzzle: restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting口套 ,口絡

7. bolster: support and strengthen支撐 ;加固 ;援助 ;支持 ;墊子 ;襯墊

8. sales associate:營業助理 ;業務活動專員 sales assistant:業務助理

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Taking on the great white way p. 109

9. herald: foreshadow or presage; praise vociferously預示 ...的來臨 ;宣佈 ,通報

10. nude: without clothing 裸的11. pinup: a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's

model 【口】 ( 釘在壁上的 ) 美女照片12.prevent/hinder/impede/preclude/obstruct/inhibit/

prohibit/hamper/ avert/forestall/stop + from阻止、防止……做某事

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Getting the sack1. get the sack: to be told to leave your job被解雇2. tribunal: an assembly (including one or more judges) to

conduct judicial business法庭3. BT: British Telecom; Bachelor of Theology4. frivolous: trivial無聊的 ,瑣碎的5. ponytailed:馬尾式辮子6. get rid of: dispose of; terminate, end, or take out擺脫7. trim: to make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing修剪 ;修整 ;整理

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Getting the sack8. clash: be incompatible; be or come into conflict不調和 ;抵觸

9. boutique: a shop that sells women's clothes and jewellery精品店

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Redundancy 1. redundant: [Brit, Cdn] Laid off work because the job

position was no longer needed 【主英】 (因人員過剩而 )被解雇的 ,失業的 [Z]

2. turbulent: characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination動蕩的 ;混亂的

3. compulsory: required by rule強制的 ,強迫的 , 義務的4. get the axe: lose one’s job被解雇 ;被開除5. slimdown: take off weight

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Redundancy page. 114

1. severance: a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)分離 ;分開


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Jobless & on the dole 1151. on the dole: receiving welfare money靠失業援助過活2. dole: a share of money or food or clothing that has been

charitably given 【英】【口】失業救濟金3.


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chron = time, 時間 117

chroic 長期的chronicle 編年史 (chron + icle 表名詞 )chronology 年代學;年表chronograph 精密計時器anachronism 年代錯誤synchronize 同時發生 (syn 共同+ chron + ize→時間相同→同時發生 )

synchronous 同期的;同步的

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Industrial action 1181. indefinitely: without any limit of time or number無限期地

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Teamster mob in press battle 122

1. teamster: truck driver 【美】運貨卡車駕駛員2. mob: a disorderly crowd of people烏合之眾3. picket: a protester posted by a labour organization outside a

place of work4. besiege: surround so as to force to give up包圍 ,圍住5. haul: transport in a vehicle 搬運6. crab: 起重機 ;絞車7. in an attempt to: in an effort to 為了 ...,8. bring out: carry, convey, lead帶出戶外 ;發表 , 發 ( 言 );出

版 ; 使 (演員、歌手等 )出名 ; 使 (女子 )進入社交界 ;上演

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Teamster mob in press battle 122

9. ring: surround 包圍 ;圍住 [(+with)]

10. pitched:人字形的11. climbdown: a retraction of a previously held position

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Calling it off 123

1. lorry: a large truck designed to carry heavy loads; usually without sides 【英】卡車 ,貨車

2. vigil: A purposeful surveillance to guard or observe守夜 ;警戒 ;監視


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Welfare 124

1. in effect: in actuality or reality or fact; in essence; to all purposes在功效方面 ;實際上

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Definition p. 125

We call following Vs subjunctive verbs.Usually we use subjunctive Vs with 'that clause‘ask, propose, suggest, command, recommend, decree,

desire, request, insist, require, order, prefer, stipulate, urge

* Sometimes the V 'insist' may be used in non-subjunctive Vs

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--The Indonesian prime minister ordered that the army retain control of the situation.

--The lawyer requested that the court deny the evidence.

--The archaeologist requested that the government support the excavation of buried ancient city.

--The France proposed that his name be engraved on the statue.


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--The government refused the request that the labour party suggest.

--They ignored the suggestion that she get more practice.

--The king commanded that the knight go on a quest.

--The king desired that the knight go on a quest.

--I suggest that you be a little quieter.

--I move that the bypass be routed east of town.


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Usage(3/3)--The manager insisted that he finish the work.

--The general commands that you be present at the meeting tomorrow.

--I propose that we take a break.

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Certain expressions (of urgency) are also followed by that + the subjunctive:

It is/was/will be advisable/necessary/ recommended/ urgent/important/mandatory/proposed/required/suggested/urgent/imperative/desirable that (subject) verb in the base form (...)

--It is recommended that every body study this carefully.

Subjunctive N clause(1/3)

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it is advisable/critical/desirable/essential/fitting /important/necessary/vital + that….

--It is essential that you be present.--It is necessary that everyone leave now.--It was vital that he see the president.These structures are more common in American

English. In British English, people usually use other structures, especially should + infinitive:

--I propose that we should take a break. --It was vital that he should see the president.

Subjunctive N clause(2/3)

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It is imperative that you get home before dark. It is important that everyone follow the rules. It is necessary that everyone be calm in times of danger. It is essential that you arrive before 5pm.It is critical that the prime minister address those sensitive

issues.It was vital that everything be done on time.It is crucial that we make it successful.


Subjunctive N clause(3/3)

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Nouns used with the SubjunctiveThere are also nouns that can be followed by a

subjunctive verb, like advice, condition, demand, directive, intention, order, proposal, recommendation, request, suggestion, wish.

My advice is that the company invest in new equipment. She is free to leave, on condition that she commit no

further offence.His deep wish is that his daughter go to university.


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Dismantling the European Welfare State p. 126

1. electorate: the body of enfranchised citizens; those qualified to vote (總稱 )(全體 )選民

2. bloated: become bloated or swollen or puff up3. output: Final product; the things produced 生產4. reunification: reunion重新統一5. spree: a brief indulgence of your impulses狂飲作樂6. fiddle:欺詐 ;騙局7. scrounger:指一些有工作或是不願意工作卻領取失業救濟金的人

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Cracking down on scroungers1. crack down: repress or suppress

2. claw back: to get back (something) with difficulty; to recover (a sum of money), esp by taxation or a penalty

3. fraudster: sb. who commits fraud

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