Page 1: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

青少年的心聲2016 * 夏季

本期內容 打破新環境的束縛朋友不多,同學很多



王 嘉 廉 社 區 醫 療 中 心

Page 2: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的


打破新環境的束縛 Gao Li

在每個人漫長的人生裡,總免不 了要去到一些新的環境裡,比如去新的學校,新的工作地方,甚至到一些新的國家去生活。當我們處在一個新的環境,只有兩種情況發生:一,很快融入新環境,生活得如魚得水。二,對新環境感到排斥,總有許多障礙要我們去克服。我想大部分人屬於後者這種情況。

與其他移民美國的華裔不一樣, 我是一個人來到了美國,帶著兩大包的行李站在異國的機場。我身邊的人有與中國人截然不同的髮色、面部特徵,及說著在電視上才聽得到的「 國際高端 」 語言。確實是給我帶來了片刻的欣喜和激動。可是

隨之而來的就是對未來的迷茫,和初次遠離家人的感傷。我在俄亥俄州的大學學了一個多月的英語課程,在那期間,我感到面對新環境的「水土不 服」。不但是身體上的不適,更多的是精神上「愛國情懷」的作祟。我覺得美國並沒有我們之前在中國時想像 得那麼美好。在中國時,大家總是把美國描述得像天堂。可當我到了這裡,我總覺得美國這也不好,那也不好,滿是挑剔。每天都生活在對美國的不滿和對故鄉的思念中。


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夾帶著這些複雜的心緒,使我對新環境的融 入並不順利。我開始變得孤僻、沉默、對什麼都打不起精神,這些我一度認為與我沾不上邊的負面的形容詞都開始慢慢套用在我身上。每天認認真真地按照學校的時間表上下學,並且害怕與他人交朋友。我覺得新環境在我周圍豎立了隱形的隔離牆,將我一個人困在那片小天地裡。我變得自我厭棄,我自己知道我的狀態不對,可是不知從哪改變,長期的低落情緒也讓我懶得改變。但就是無意中知道別人對我的負面評價,我才幡然醒悟,決心要作出改變做回原本開朗的自己。 其實人只是對未知充滿了恐懼,總把它們想 得很複雜,害怕或者不想做出嘗試。但一旦我們開始做出了改變,發現一切其實也就那樣。對於新環境而言最大的難關我想就是語言了,但我



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Page 4: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

朋友不多,同學很多Meng Ting Weng

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校園生活充滿歡樂,也充滿挑戰。作爲高中生的我在爲自己的夢想奔跑和努力,然 而,當我取得好成績時,讓我慢慢地明白到誰將會是我的同學而不是朋友。我並沒有爲我的成績而感到驕傲或是隨處宣揚,但是爲什麽我熟悉的人卻在背後議論我的成績,並且將我當作一個競爭對手?這使我感覺到莫名的疲倦和厭煩,因爲我的同學並沒有爲我的進步而感到高興,他們只希望有一天可以趕超我,自己成爲一個好學生。這就是同學,他們不會爲我著想,不會真心實意地對待我,並且不會與我一起進步,一起探討知識。


朋友會爲你歡呼,會在你需要幫忙時伸出他們的手。朋友往往是比同學少,只有慢 慢地相處,我們才會知道誰是朋友,誰是同學。所以在茫茫人海中,我相信我們每個人都可以找到可談心的知己。

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作為一個新移民,面對截然不同的生活,不同方面的抉擇接踵而至。對我而言,最困惑我的,莫過於對朋友關係的處理。由於時差和距離遙遠,我和國內朋友日漸疏遠。之後到了新的學校,認識了新的同學,也逐漸多了交往。我不禁有所迷惑,我應該維持好與舊友的關係,還是建立新的友情?我應該廣泛交友,還是擇其一二? 這些問題困惑了我許久,直到多次與人溝通,我才找到了答案。人生就像一段旅途,在路上我們會遇到許多人,不同的人有不同的目的地。他們在時,我們感到幸福,他們離去,也不要覺得可惜。因為相遇已是來之不易,珍惜當下。而對那些能夠陪伴一生的朋友,即使距離使我們有所疏遠,但只要心中所繫,時間空間都無法將我們分離。



擇其益友 Qu Jie


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Page 6: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

貼心小提示 在週末的時候地鐵經常會

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Xian He

在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的價值。所以說,不是要像宇航員一樣探索月球人生才有價值,也不是一定要像士兵一樣保衛國家才顯得有價值。我們是不一樣的人,所以我們體現的價值也會不一樣。不是每一個人都知道自我的存在價值。我們常常在尋找自我價值中迷失自我,因為我們慢慢地去模仿那些我們自認為自信和成功的人。那些人的成功让我們忽略了我們自己的價值。最初的我也是這樣的。



在生活中,每個人都有自己要扮演的角色, 我們不需要去按照別人的方式去生活。要記住:每個人的人生都是有價值的,都是寶貴的,都是豐富的。我們不一定要成為最完美的人,但我們要努力成為最獨特的自我。即使我們在追求夢想的路上,跌倒過,受傷過,失敗過,但至少我們努力地創造過自我的價值。當我們回首往事,我們可以無怨無悔,不會覺得當初虛度了光陰。

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「假如生活欺騙了你,不要悲傷,不要心急,快樂的日子將會來臨」 -普希金


現在的我是一個新移民,語言不通是 我目前最大的困難。在我出國前,我曾設想,幾個月後我可以聽得懂英語,但實際上,我的詞彙量卻少得可憐,聽力也沒有明顯的進步。半年的時間,由於我的懶惰,我還不能正常地和人用英語交流。我逐漸意識到我在浪費時間,這是一件可怕的事,在老師同學的幫助下,我制定了一個學習英語的計劃。

珍惜現在,把握未來 Xingyun Yu

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雙語青少年諮詢委員會2015 - 2016







王 嘉 廉 社 區 醫 療 中 心

2015-2016 雙語青少年諮詢委員會組織者

潘曉瑩 陳曉東

Page 9: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的



Bilingual Teen Advisory Committee (BTAC) 2015 - 2016

The mission of the Teen Resource Center (TRC) is to provide information and support to Asian Amercian youth through health education, programs & activities and referrals. TRC was established as an integral part of the Pediatric Department of the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center in 2003. The pediatrics team provides clinical services to patients, from newborns to age 21. To make an appointment, call (212) 226-3888.




125 Walker Street, 2nd Floor, NY, NY 10013Monday - Friday, 3PM - 7PMSaturday - Sunday, 2PM - 6PM

王 嘉 廉 社 區 醫 療 中 心

BTAC 2015 - 2016 Facilitators

Sandy Pan David Chen

Page 10: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

First, I will read a book and learn many new words from the book which I need to understand and remember. Second, I will listen to English music to improve my listening skills when I take the subway or go for a walk. Finally, practice speaking English is the most important. I will be brave and speak to others in English in school. Then when I get bored, I will stop, rest a while, and think about my future. The future is grasped by our own hands. In my future, I want to be like an American and speak authentic and fluent English. I can get a part-time job while studying at my university. I want to use the money that I earn to travel. For me, travel is the relaxation of my mind. I imagine I could go on adventures around the world, to see historical places and modern magnificient architecture. In each travel, I can make more friends from all over the world. Maybe someone says that efforts do not mean success. A positive person will say that we will only know the result after attempting and the most important thing is to not regret in the future. Life is short, we should do infinite things in the limited time that we have. Cherish the present and let’s grasp our future!

Cherish the Present and Grasp the Future Xingyun Yu

“If by life you were deceived, don’t be dismal, don’t be wild! In the day of grief, be mild, merry days will come, believe.” — Alexander Pushkin The future seems to be out of reach and can't be caught by hands. In fact, it is coming day by day. We look forward to the future, but at the same time, also feel afraid. Have you ever thought that a lot of people are better than me? I am like a drop in the ocean. I am not good enough and have no talent, so how can I establish myself in society? How can I achieve my dream and make my ideal future come true? My answer to these questions is to cherish time. Time is the fairest in this world. It will not stop or give anyone a second more or less. As students, we shouldn’t waste our time, and instead we should appreciate our time and make our actions meaningful. Now I am a new immigrant. The biggest difficulty is how to communicate in English. Before I went abroad, I had thought that I could understand English after a few months, but in fact, my vocabulary is still poor and my hearing ability also shows obvious lack of progress. Because of my laziness, after half a year, I still couldn’t communicate with people fluently in English. I feel that I wasted my time. This is a terrible thing. With the help of my teachers and classmates, I created a plan to learn English.

Page 11: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的


Xian He

In our lives, if we put the same thing or the same person in different places, doing different jobs, it will reflect different values. Therefore, you don’t need to be an astronaut exploring the moon or to be a soldier defending the country in order to find yourself valuable. Everyone is unique in the world, so our values will be different. However, not everyone knows his or her existence of self-worth. We often lose ourselves in order to fit other people’s self-worth because we slowly imitate those who we think are confident and successful. Their triumphs make us ignore our own values and I was the one of them. When I first came to New York, I felt depressed and uncomfortable, a lot of unfamiliar things appeared in my life at the same time. I didn’t know how to quickly adapt to a new environment, and the language barrier, interpersonal relationships, and new environment made me feel embarrassed. In the beginning, I went to a high school in New York, but English class felt like little birds were singing around. I couldn’t understand at all what the teacher was saying. In addition, when I was looking for a job, I was rejected again and again. Gradually I lost my confidence. I had lost myself. I believed that only

people who could speak fluent English were intelligent because they could find a good job. After a few weeks, I listened to a culture exchange speech at school, and I learned from successful people about their experiences involving the changes in their lives. I suddenly realized that they too had been hurt. They experienced the same feelings as me, but they studied hard in order to overcome those difficult days. I was inspired by them, and I began to get my confidence back. I downloaded a software from the Internet to study English. I tried my best to understand lessons that teachers taught in class. If I didn’t understand, I would ask the teacher or my classmates. After a period of practice, I made great progress in English and became braver than before. In life, everyone has their own role to play. We don’t need to follow other people’s way to live. Remember: each person’s life is valuable, precious, and plenty. We don’t need to be perfect, but we should strive to be our most unique self. Even if we fell down, got hurt and failed while we were pursuing our dreams at least we tried to create our self-worth. When we look back, we will not feel regretful because we didn’t waste time.


Tips for life:Pay attention to the

weekend subway changes; the trains are usually rerouted.

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Page 12: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

Choose Helpful Friends Qu Jie

Choices exist everywhere. When we think about colleges, careers, and partners… All these choices have significant impacts on our values. The different choices we make will expose us to different environments, and in turn cause us to become different people.

As a new immigrant, I faced difficulties one after another as I was experiencing an entirely different life. However, what troubles me the most is not knowing how to communicate and deal with friends in China. Because of having a different time zone and being so far apart, I was disconnected with my friends from China. Then, I joined a new school, met new classmates, and was acquainted with some new friends. However, some confusion remains in my heart. Should I pay more attention to keeping my relationships with old friends or establish new friendships? Should I have wide range of friends or only choose a few?

These questions confused me for a long time. Eventually I found my answer through various conversations with others. Life is like a journey and on the way we will encounter many people. Different people have different destinations. When they are present with us, we feel thankful. When they are gone, we shouldn’t feel pity for the reason that they have left. Meeting with each other is not easy, so we should cherish the present. Distance may generate a sense of alienation to lifelong friend. As long as the hearts of those who are with us for life are connected together, time and space cannot separate them.

When we are dealing with our old friendships, we should not ignore the new ones. As for new friends, we should keep the same attitude, cherish them as we spend time together and look for friends with similar interests. Don’t lose self-perception when making friends, and don’t compromise your values. Meanwhile, be sincere with friends and try to learn from them. When you meet worthy friends, hold on to them to prevent any regrets.

Friendship is an essential part of our lives. They teach us how to grow and make progress which can develop our self-value. Helpful friends will lend us their hands when we are in trouble and also give us important advice when we are in need. They are the teachers who encourage us and the mirror that can recognize our defects. Therefore, choose helpful friends from our heart. Only when we have a sincere heart, can we obtain true friendship, and build our self-value.

Tips for lifeSave money and don’t waste your MetroCards! Simply choose "other amount" on the MetroCard machines and select $9.55 , $19.05, or $31.10 to add money to your metrocards.

Page 13: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

More Classmates Than FriendsMeng Ting Weng

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Tips for life:

I realized that in life, we meet different kinds of people and experience unexpected things. Unintentionally, I began to separate

the people I know into two categories: friends and classmates.

School life is full of joy, but also full of challenges. As a high school student I work hard for my dreams. However, as I earned good grades, It made me gradually realize the difference between those who are only my classmates but not friends. I didn’t feel proud of my grades or show off, but why do people talk about my grades behind my back, and see me as their competitor? It made me feel tired and annoyed suddenly, because my classmates don't feel happy with my improvement. They only hope to get better grades than me and become good students. They are only my classmates. They are people who don't care about me and treat me sincerely. They will not improve or learn together with me.

Unlike classmates, friends are like cotton-jackets who make you feel warm and happy. In the beginning, this girl and I were

only schoolmates, but later, we became friends. She was there for me when I went to the dentist for teeth extraction and when I visited an unfamiliar store. We also waited for each other after school even when we took different trains. Even though we didn't get to hang out as much this semester because of college applications, our friendship hasn't changed. One Saturday morning, all of my family’s phones suddenly stopped working, and we were not able to call the phone company. I immediately thought of her to help me contact the phone company. Soon after her help, my phone worked again and I immediately called her and we chatted for two hours, without paying much attention to time.

Friends will cheer for you and they will do favors for you when you need help. People tend to have more classmates and fewer friends. As long as we get along with someone for a long time, we will know who is a friend and who is a classmate. I believe that each one of us can find good friends in this huge world.

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bad. I did not know what to do about it. Long term depression also made me too lazy to change. However, my mindset was completely changed when I heard other people's negative comments about me once by accident. It totally struck me, and I was determined to make changes about myself and be the happy me again. In reality, people always tend to feel terrified about unforeseen situations. They always over think, scare themselves, or even don't want to try. But once they start making changes, they will come across the realization that it was not a big deal at all. For me, the hardest obstacle was language, but I just needed to try to learn like a newborn baby. If I lack vocabulary, I can use body language. Gradually I will improve. Another challenge for me was establishing friendships with others because it involves talking to other people. It was okay to not

be fluent in speaking English. As long as you can deliver your kindness appropriately, it would be useful in making friends. Things as small as a smile or a greeting can essentially narrow the distance between two people. Keep in mind to always express your smile generously to people even when you have a rough day! In any case, as long as you are in a new environment, you will have to face a “period of adaptation.” Why do we call it a “period of adaptation"? Even if you are willing or not, you will eventually have to adapt to the new environment. It is only a matter of time. The pressure of new environments will form a glass cover to shackle us tightly inside. Try bravely even if it needs to take some time. We will eventually break the constraint, and meet a new life and new world!

"KTVing" at the Chatham Square library!

Page 15: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

Break the Constraint of New Environments

In the long journey of each person’s life, going to some new places is inevitable, such as new schools,

new places of work, even going to a new country to live. When we are in a new environment, only two situations occur: one is integrating into the new environment quickly and the other one is feeling rejected by the new environment. There will be a lot of obstacles that need to be overcome. I think most people belong to the latter option. Unlike other Chinese immigrants, I came to America alone, standing at an unfamiliar airport with two large baggage. People around me had different hair colors and facial features unlike the Chinese people, and spoke the “international” language which before I only could hear from TV. This actually brought joy and excitement for me. But what happened next is the confusion of future and the sadness of my first time leaving home. I attended one month of English class at a university in Ohio. During that period, I felt I was

not used to the new environment at all. It was not only physical discomfort but more like “the spirit of patriotism” that caused trouble. I thought America was not as attractive as I imagined before when I was in China. In China, people always describe United States as heaven. When I came here, I was very critical about the U.S., and I felt that everything was not good! I lived everyday with dissatisfaction about the United States and missed my hometown. All these sentiments and negative mixed feelings made me reluctant and passive to assimilate to the new environment. I slowly became less social, silent and I just didn’t find anything appealing to me. I never think those negative words related to me, but gradually they all connected to me. I rigidly followed the school schedule, did things I was supposed to be doing and I was afraid of making friends. I felt that the new environment had formed an invisible wall around me which isolated me from the rest of the world. I got to hate myself. I knew my condition was

Gao Li

Gao Li

Tips for life:Download Yelp to your phone to get reviews

about local restaurants and you can order it

online and have food delivery!

Page 16: 2016 * 青少年的心聲 · 在我們的生活中,同一樣事物,同一個人, 放在不同的地方,做不同的工作,便是有不同的

TeenTalkSummer * 2016

IN THIS ISSUEBreak the Constraint of New Environment

More Classmates Than FriendsChoose Helpful Friends

Self-ValuesCherish the Present and Grasp the Future

王 嘉 廉 社 區 醫 療 中 心
