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Biblical idioms in English

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Unit 4 Unit 4



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Do you understand the following quotes? Do you understand the following quotes?


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“ 敏而好学,不耻下问。”

" 见义不为,无勇也。 "

-- 《论语 · 公治长》

-- 《论语 · 为政》



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6Confucian Analects

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“The punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand and a foot for a foot.” --“OLD

TESTAMENT ” << 圣经 . 旧约 >>

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• The Bible is often described as "the greatest book ever written" because of its unending significance and influence on people throughout the ages.

• Many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible. Many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible as well.

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Fast reading Go through the passage as quickly as

possible and try to find the answers to the

following questions.

1.What is an idiom?2.Which language was the Bible

first written in?3.Which idiom is often used to

describe children?

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1. What is an idiom?

An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often can not be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.

2. Which languages was the Bible first written in?

In Hebrew.

3. Which idiom is often used to describe children?

‘Apple of their parents’ eye’.

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Discuss with your partners and try to divide the text into 4 parts with the help of main ideas of each part given to you.

1.What is an idiom? (Para______)2.Why does the Bible have a lot of idiom? (Para______)3. What are the features of Biblical idioms? (Para______) 4. Why should we learn idioms well? (Para______)





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Detailed reading 1. Read Para. 1 and 2 again carefully.

Answer the following T/F questions.

a. The meanings of an idiom is always the

same as the meanings of its components.

b. You can easily misunderstand a sentence if you don’t recognize an idiom is being used.

c. The original meaning of Biblical idioms have never changed.

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A: Oh, my God! What happened? Why are you black and blue?

B: I got beaten by Peter’s brother.

A: That’s a bad apple! Let’s think up a way and teach him a lesson.

坏蛋 a bad apple:

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‘by and by’ originally mean

____________, but now it



before long.

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<< Luke 19 >>

New American Standard Bible

• Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.” But Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!”

“the stones will cry out” used to mean cannot control one’s feelings. Now it means that people will know it if you do something bad.

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The features of Biblical idioms (Para3-5) :

a. Biblical idioms originally had

straightforward and clear meanings.

b. Many idioms from the Bible that use animals to create an image.

c. Another focus of Biblical idioms is often food or things related to food.

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2. Read Para 3-5 carefully and answer the following questions:

1)Why did Biblical idioms originally have straightforward and clear meanings?

2)What does “feet of clay” mean?

3) Which animals are featured in the idioms in the article?

4) Which foods are included in the idioms in the article?

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(1) Why does the Bible have a lot of idioms?

Because the Bible was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek, and many idioms are used in both of them. Because the Bible was translated into English hundreds of years ago, many Hebrew or Greek idioms have become part of the English language.

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There is a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect.

(3) Which animals are featured in the idioms in the article? Bird and calf.

(4) Which foods are included in the idioms in the article? Apple and salt.

(2) What does ‘feet of clay’ mean?

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3. Read paragraph 6 again carefully and try to list the benefits of learning idioms

1)improving your _______________2)Developing a high level of competence in

your _____________ ___________3)Giving help to you if you want to be an

_____________or ______________4 ) Better _____________ and

____________ the _________ and _____________ of English-speaking countries


communication skills



appreciating history culture

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How many idioms have been mentioned in this article? What are they? and by, feet of clay, a little bird told me, kill the fatted calf, apple of their parents, the salt of the earth

Can you use them properly?

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Practice : Choose the correct idiom from the text to complete each sentence below.

1. Sarah’s grandmother adores her; Sarah is_______________.

2. Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had ________.

3. She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change their minds, but she believed that the new plan would work_________.

4. The people in my village are very honest and hard-working; they are _______________.

5. When my brother came back home from his trip to Europe, we __________________.

6. She would not say who told her about the surprise party. She just said, “____________________”

the apple of her grandmother’s eye

feet of clay

by and by

the salt of the earth

killed the fatted calf

a little bird told me

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Practice Try to infer the meanings of the following idioms by

analyzing the hidden clues and then use them in

certain situations.

• at the top of a hat

• know the ropes

• child’s play

• see eye to eye

• a feather in (my) cap

• on a shoestring


to know how to do sth.---this idiom refers to the fact that a sailor knows how to make ropes for sailing

an easy job

to have the same opinion as someone else

something that you can be proud of ---this idiom came from the native American Indians who usually gave a feather to someone who was brave in a battle

having very little money

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• (1) My sister and I agree about everything from fashion to politics. We ______ on almost anything

• (2) Alex had very little money when he started his first business. In fact he only had a few hundred pounds. He started his business ______, but he was very successful.

• (3) When her friends call, Megan will drop everything to go and meet them. She will leave ______.

• (4) If you have any questions, ask Ian. He has worked here for 25 years, so he really ______. No one knows more about his company than Ian.

• (5) He is very experienced in this kind of problem. Helping you solve the problem will be ______ to him.

• (6) Herbert won a scholarship to Duke University. Over 500 students applied for the scholarship. It was ______ when he won.

•see eye to eye

•on a shoestring

•at the top of a hat

•knows the ropes

child’s play

•a feather in his cap

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Revision & Consolidation

Fill in the following form with proper words according to your comprehension of the text.

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The definition of an idiom

A group of words or an expression whose meaning can only be understood by looking at the (1) meaning of the words in it

Using a number of words to represent a single object ,person or concept, etc

The (2)

of learning idioms

(3) your comprehension

Developing a high level of competence in your communication skills

Giving (4) to you if you want to be an interpreter or translator

Better understanding and appreciating the history and culture of English-speaking countries

The (5)

of Biblical Idioms



(6) of image

(8) (9)

Feet of clay A hidden weakness

(7) A little bird told me Used when people want to say that they know something but not who told them

Kill the fatted calf Having a large celebration

Food- related

Apple of their parents

Meaning their parents love them very much when children are (10) as the apple

The salt of the earth A good and honest person









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Activity — Role play

1. Work in groups. Make up a conversation and create a proper situation in which this idiom can be used.

2. You have 4 minutes for preparation, then perform the conversation in front of your classmates.

3. As performs, you should try to provide enough information so that other students can guess the meaning of your idiom.

4. As audience, you should try to understand the idiom with the help of the conversation, and judge whether it is used properly.

5. The idioms have been given to you during break time.


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1.Read the text again after class and underline the expressions or sentences which are not clear about.

2.Try to find more idioms or Biblical idioms with the help of library or Internet.

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