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    Material Penyusun Bumi


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    Menurut Selley (1988), Sedimentologi

    sebagaimana didefinisikan oleh Wadell (1932)

    adalah : Study of Sediments, sedangkan

    sedimentsitu sendiri menurut Chambers

    Dictionary (1972) adalah what sett les at the

    bot tom of l iqu id : deposi t .


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    Dibentuk dari batuan yang telah ada oleh (gaya

    dlm geologi) pelapukan gaya air,

    pengikisan angin batuan hancur diangkut

    diendapkan di tempat yang rendah (sungai,

    danau, rawa, laut)

    Batuan lunak

    diagenesis (kompaksi,sementasi oleh larutan karbonat, silisium)


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    Beberapa (larutan)mengendap secara langsung

    oleh reaksi kimia garam (NaCl); gipsum


    (larutan) Diendapkan dengan pertolongan jasad

    baik tumbuhan maupun hewan

    Ciri utama batuan sedimen adalah berlapis dan

    pada awalnya diendapkan secara mendatar

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    Sejak Stones Age (Zaman batu : Paleo -Meso - Neolitikum):

    Tidak langsung pemahaman sedimentologi. Eksplorasi/pencarian batu sebagai bahan

    mentah/ raw material untuk alat, terutamabahan dari batuan sedimen : Flint, SilicifiedLimestone, Chert, Silicified wood/tuff.

    Penggunaan batuan sedimen : batupasir,batugamping batulempung sebagai bahanbamgunan : Pyramid, bangunan-bangunan diMesopotamia, Bagdad, Romawi dll.

    1.Rangkuman Perkembangan Sedimentologi


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    Dewasa ini keterpaduan makro denganmikrosedimentologi menghasilkan

    pemahaman menyeluruh tentang evolusi

    suatu cekungan dalam konteks

    Geodinamika :

    Sequence stratigraphy



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    2. Geologi dan Ilmuilmu Dasar Lainnya






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    3. Sedimentologi Sebagai Ilmu Dasar dan

    Hubungannya dengan Ilmu-ilmu Dasar







    (Modifikasi dari Selley, 1988)






    Bio Kimia

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    Eluvium; batuan yang terbentuk akibat

    penghancuran dan tidak larut, diendapkan tidak

    jauh dari sumbernya

    Alluvium; batuan sedimen yang diendapkan

    setelah mengalami transportasi

    Sifat utama batuan sedimen adalah berlapis-

    lapis dan pada awalnya diendapkan secara


    Ketebalan lapisan berbeda-beda ?cm s/d?meter; di dekat muara sungai umumnya tebal

    makin ke arah laut menipis dan ahirnya

    hilang membaji

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    Dekat pantai umumnya berbutir kasar ke arah

    laut makin halus.Batupasir batulempung


    Terjadinya lapisan; karena perbedaan ukuran

    butir, perbedaan warna (komposisi); perbedaan


    Dibandingkan batuan beku, batuan sedimen

    merupakan tutupan kecil (5%) dari dari kerak


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    Bongkah 200 mm 2000 mm

    Kerikil kasar 20 mm 200 mm

    Kerikil halus 2 mm 20 mm

    Pasir kasar 0,2 mm 2 mm

    Pasir halus 0.02 mm 0,2 mm

    Geluh/lanau 0,002 mm 0.02 mm

    Lempung Kurang dari 0,002 mm

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    Pemahaman Tentang Cekungan Sedimen

    (Sedimentary Basin)

    Cekungan (Basin):

    Pemahaman Umum (General Perception) Geomorphological Term

    Genetic View

    Mekanisme Pembentukan Cekungan

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    1. Cekungan (Basin)

    Berdasarkan aspek geomorfolagi,

    cekungan (basin) didefinisikan sebagai :

    suatu w ilayah dengan suatu ben tukben tang alam (rel ief) r endah atau negatif

    (= cekung >< pos it i f = cembung) d ik eli l in gi

    o leh suatu ben tuk (rel ief) t inggian.

    Cekungan Sedimen

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    2. Cekungan Sedimen (Sedimentary Basin)

    Persepsi Umum (General Perception)

    mendefinisikan : suatu tempat berben tuk

    cekungan d imana sed imen d iendapkan.

    Genetic definition : Menurut Allen danAllen(1990) Sedimentary basins are

    regions of pro longed subsidence of

    earths su rface.

    Cekungan Sedimen

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    Mekanisme penyebab subsidence

    (penurunan) berkaitan dengan proses yang

    terjadi pada lithsfera dimana lithosfera ini

    terdiri atas beberapa lempeng, maka

    cekungan sedimen sangat berkaitan erat

    dengan pergerakan lempeng lempeng

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    3. Klasifikasi Cekungan Sedimen :

    Menurut Allen dan Allen (1990) cekungan

    cekungan sedimen (sedimentary basins)

    telah diklasifikasikan berkaitan dengan jenis

    substratum lithosfera (seperti : kontinental,

    oceanic, atau transisi), kedudukannya pada

    batas batas lempeng (plate boundary)

    seperti intra cratonic, plate margin.

    Cekungan Sedimen

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    Mekanisme Sedimentasi

    Proses dan Siklus SedimentasiPelapukan



    PengendapanSifat sifat Fluida, Aliran dan Sedimen

    Sifat Fluida :

    - Densitas

    - Viskositas

    Jenis Aliran (f lows) : Arus (current)

    - Laminar : t ract ion current

    - Turbulen : low & high densi ty turb id i ty cur rent

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    Bed Roughness

    Pergerakan Partikel:

    - rolling

    - bounching

    - suspension

    Mekanisme Sedimentasi

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    Siklus dan Proses Sedimentasi

    Sedimentary Rocks : product of provenance and process

    Siklus dan Proses Sedimentasi (Modifikasi dari Selley, 1988)



    Metamorphic Rocks



    Erosion Transportation



    P >>T>>


    P >>T>>


    Diagenesis &




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    Weathering / Pelapukan

    Biological Weathering

    Physical Weathering

    Chemical Weathering

    Product Of Weathering : - Solute

    - Residual

    The Solutes : Soluble fraction of rock which arecarried in water.

    The Residual : Insoluble products of weathering

    (boulders to colloidal clay particles.

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    Biological Weathering : organisme : fraksi


    Tumbuh tumbuhan


    => Soil yang terbentuk tebal dan kaya akan

    materi organik.

    Weathering / Pelapukan

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    Physical Weathering : Fraksi Kasar

    a. Freeze weathering: perkolasi air melaluirekahan, butiran dan kristal batuan : polarclimate.

    b. Insolation weathering: typical of hot arid climate: sahara. Kontras perubahan temperatur hariandingin mencapai 25o C (malam dan siang) yang

    menyebabkan batuan pecah pecah.

    Weathering / Pelapukan

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    Physical Weathering : Fraksi Kasar

    C. Hydration and Dehydration weathering :prosesperubahan kejenuhan dan kekurangan airmemperngaruhi terutama pada butiran lempungyang mengalami pengkerutan (shrinkage)

    membentuk rekahan (cracks). Daerah Tropis /Tropical Climate

    d. Stress release weathering : Terjadi pada batuanbersifat brittle yang mengalami penimbunan

    sehingga batuan di bawahnya mengalamitekanan (Overburdan Pressure). Pada saatoverburdan tererosi, maka akan terjadipengurangan tekanan dan timbul release yangmenyebabkan terjadinya frakturasi.

    Weathering / Pelapukan

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    Chemical Weathering : Fraksi Halus

    Pelapukan terjadi oleh proses rekasi kimia

    dan penyebab reaksinya hampir seluruhnya

    oleh air. Reaksi kimia terjadi antara air

    dengan unsur unsur pada mineral dan batuan.

    Karbonat : CaCO3

    CaCO3+ 2H2O H2CO3+ Ca(OH)2


    H2O + CO2

    Weathering / Pelapukan

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    Reaksi yang sama terjadi pada mineral K-

    Feldspar :

    2KAlSi3O8 + 2H+ + 9H2O Al2Si2O5(OH)4 +

    2K+ +4H2SiO4

    Reaksi tersebut menghasilkan mineral lempung


    Weathering / Pelapukan

    Chemical Weathering

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    Weathering / Pelapukan

    Chemical Weathering

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    Laterite : Berasal dari kata later(latin) = brick (bata).Pertama kali diajukan oleh Buchanan (1807 dalamSelley, 1988) untuk red soils di Deccan Plateau(Basalt Plateau) India, hasil dari pelapukan kimiapada basalt.

    China Clay / Kaolin : Pelapukan Kimia yangmenghasilkan hydrate aluminisilicate clay mineral(Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O) yang dikenal sebagai kaolinite.

    Bauxie : suatu residual weathering terdiri atasaluminium hydroksida. Nama Bauxite berasal darisuatu tempat di Perancis : Les Baux. Mineral bauxiteterbentuk dari hasil hydrolysis mineral lempungterutama kaolinite.

    H2O + Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2OAl2O3.nH2O.2SiO2.2H2O

    Weathering / Pelapukan

    Chemical Weathering

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    Removal of weathering product.

    Penyebabnya : - Gravity- Running Water

    - Wind

    - Glacial / Gletser

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    Pengangkutan suatu material (partikel) dari suatutempat ke tempat lain oleh suatu gerakan media(aliran arus) hingga media dan material (partikelberhenti.

    Mekanisme gerakan ; oleh aliran arus fluida atau

    angin. Fluida sifat-sifatnya ditentukan oleh densitas dan

    viskositas. Hukum Stokes membahas hubungansettling velocity dengan densitas dan viskositas :






    Dimana W = settling velocity.

    = perbedaan densitaspartikel dan fluida

    = viskositas fluida

    d = diameter partikel

    g = percepatan gravitasi

    )( 1 PP

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    Jenis Aliran / FlowTerdapat dua jenis aliran : - Laminar

    - Turbulen

    Kedua jenis aliran ini dapat ditentukan dengan

    nilai Reynolds (Reynolds Number)

    U dpR =

    Dimana :

    R = Reynolds Number U =kecepatan partikel d =diameter partikel p =densitas partikel

    = viskositas fluida

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    Aliran Laminar (Laminar Flow) R = rendah ().

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    Dalam Laminar terbentuk : tractive current

    sedangkan Turbulent (Density) : Low and HighDensity turbidity current

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    Pergerakan Partikel : - Rolling

    - Bounching / Saltation- Suspention

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    Bed forms and Sedimentary structure for

    different flow regimes.

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    Berbagai Jenis Proses Sedimentasi

    a. Traction : - Unidirectional tractioncurrent : fluvial

    - Bidirectional traction

    current : marine

    b. Turbidity : - Low density turbiditycurrent

    - High density turbidity current

    c. Gravitasional : - Debris Flow

    - Grain flow

    - Fluidized flow

    Mekanisme Sedimentasi

    Berbagai Jenis Proses Sedimentasi

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    Proses Proses Sedimentasia. Traction Current :

    Unidirection of traction current : fluvial

    Bidirection traction current : shallow marine

    b. Turbidity / Density Current : Low and HighDensity Turbidity Currents

    c. Gravitation Debris Flow

    Grain Flow

    Fluidized Flow

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    Pembagian batuan sedimen berdasarkan


    1. Terbentuk secaramekanik; batuan yang terdiri

    dari bagian atau fragmen batuan sedimen

    klastika (breksi, konglomerat (kelompok

    psefit), batupasir, (kelompok psemit);batulempung, kelompok (pelit) dll)

    2. Terbentuk secarakimia;batuan yang langsung

    mengendap dari larutan yang mengandung

    berbagai unsur seperti garamdapur, gipsum,


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    Batugamping oolit; tersusun oleh butiran

    bundar kecil/halus

    Batugamping pisolit; tersusun oleh butiran

    bundar agar besar

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    Diatomae, geyserit



    stigmaria /fosil akar

    gambut batubara muda/lignit

    batubara antrasit grafit

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    Struktur sedimen;

    Terjadi karena adanya enerji, arah arus, ukuran

    butir, lingkungan pengendapan

    Macam struktur sedimen : paralel, silang-siur,

    gelembur gelombang, grading,

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    Bedforms and Sedimentary Structure

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    Biogenic Structure

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    Sedimentasi vulkanik

    Adalah bahan lepas seperti bom, lapili, pasir,

    dan debu vulkanik, batuan apung yang

    terendapkan dengan media udara

    Terbentuk secara primer dari magma

    Penggalan lava yang dilemparkan keluar

    selama erupsi, akan jatuh di sekitar badan

    gunungapi; direkat oleh larutan dan zat tertentuakan terbentuk aglomerat (komponen

    membundar) dan breksi vulkanik (komponen


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    Sifat Utama Batuan lepas Batuan Padat

    PsefitBersifat batuanguling (2 mm)





    PsamitBersifat pasir (2 mm 0,1 mm)

    pasir butir kasarPasir butir menengahPasir butir halus

    Grauwacke, arkosaBatupasir, flagstone

    PelitBersifat lempung

    lempung BatulempungSchali/serpih

    Mengandung gamping KoralPasir Globigerina



    Mengandung silisum Lumpur RadiolariaTanah diatomea

    Batuan yangmengandung radiolarit

    ORGANIK Mengandung karbon gambut LignitBatubara, antrasit

    Mengandung besi Bijih besi Limonit

    Mengandung fospat Guano, tulang FosforitBreksi tulang


    Mengandung gamping

    CaCO3, mengendapdr lautan

    CaCO3 dan MgCO3pengendapan atau




    KIMIA Mengandung silisium Gel silisium Batuapi, sinter, jasper

    Mengandung besi Hidrosol Fe2O3 Batubesi lempung

    Mengandung garam Endapan danu garam Gipsum anhidrit, halit,nitrat

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    Non Marine : - Alluvial Fan

    - Fluvial

    - Lacustrine

    Delta Coastal

    Deep Marine / Deep Water

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    Sedimentary Environment

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    Sedimentary Environment

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    General EnvironmentalSetting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Pebble conglomerate (wellsorted)

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:


    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Any high energy

    environment such aschannel, bar or beach facies

    Alluvial Fans

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    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:

    Breccia-sandstone:mudstone intraclasts inthis sample have only beentransported a shortdistance otherwise theywould have disintegrated.



    Other environmentswhere rock type istypically found:

    Intraclasts (rip-up-clasts)are common in channel ofevery environment.

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:


    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:


    Other environments whererock type is typicallyfound:

    High energyenvironments wheremigrating dunes ofmegaripples occur(foreshore, aeolian,channel

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    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Ripple cross-beddedsandstone (only lee side ofripple preserved)



    Other environments

    where rock type istypically found:Any moderate energyenvironment in whichmigrating ripples occur butmost commonly preserved intidal and non-marine facies.

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbankRock Description:Horizontal-wave beddedsandstone and mudstone.The lenses of sandstone areprobably vestiges of ripples


    Overbank (splay or

    floodplain)Other environmentswhere rock type istypically found:

    Tidal flats and shallowoffshore facies wherefluctuating energy conditionsare frequent.


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    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Granular sandstoneDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:


    Other environmentswhere rock type is typicallyfound:

    Clean well sorted granularsandstones also common inhigh energy beach and barfacies

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Pebble-conglomerate (well sorted)Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:


    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Any high energy environment suchas channels, beach or bar facieswhere fine sediment is selectivelyremoved

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Pebble conglomerate (well sorted)Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:


    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Any high energy environmentsuch as channel, bar or beachfacies


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    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Parallel bedded-rippledsandstone. Note horizontalburrow near bottom (probablyPaleophycus)

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Upper shoreface/beachOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Paleophycus burrows only foundin marine environments. Marineshoals, washovers, tidal deltas

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Clean sandstone with distinctparallel bedding. Burrows absent.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Shoreface/beachOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Clean sand areas subject to high-velocity currents such as exposedembayment shoals, upper portionsof tidal deltas, washovers, fluvialand tidal point bars, channel

    bottoms and distributary mouth

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Bioturbated sandstone. Original rock-interbedded clean sandstone andmudstone.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:Foreshore to offshore

    Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Interbedded clean sandstone and shaletypical of lower foreshore to offshoreenvironments or tidal areas whereperiodic high current velocities occur.Vertical burrows typical of transitionalmarine environments where filter

    feeders are dominant.

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    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Parallel and cross-beddedsandstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Upper shoreface/beachOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Areas with moderate to highvelocity currents such asmarine shoals, upperportion of tidal deltas,washovers, fluvial and tidalpoint bars, channelbottoms, distributary

    mouth bars.

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Granular, well sortedconglomerate. Note theabsence of any fine sandymatrix and good granular

    porosity. This rock wouldmake an excellent petroleumreservoir.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Gravel beach-shorefaceOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Areas of moderate to highcurrent velocity such as

    braided streams, offshore bars.

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:sandstone with root structures (R)

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Backshore area of beach

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Sandy vegetated environmentssuch as splays, washovers, dunes,point bars


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    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Sandstone with abundant burrowstructures destroying all primaryphysical sedimentary structures. Typeof fossil is uncertain, possiblyChondrites orMacaronichnus


    Depositional Environment Represented:In the Gates Formation this trace fossil

    was found only in sandstonesdeposited in very shallow marine(intertidal) settings such as beachesand bars in distributary channels.

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:Not found in other environments


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    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal-wave beddedsandstone and mudstone. The

    lenses of sandstone are probablyvestiges of ripplesDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Overbank (splay or floodplain)Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Tidal f lats and shallow offshorefacies where fluctuating energyconditions are frequent.

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal-ripple cross-laminated

    sandstone with mudstone partings.Only lee side of ripples preserved

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Overbank deposit (levee or splay).

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal and ripple cross-

    laminated sandstone with mudstonepartings

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Overbank (levee or splay)

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Alternating low (mudstone) andmoderate energy (sandstone) such astidal or subtidal facies or facies

    characterized by periodic flooding

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    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal bedded siltstone withmudstone laminae. This rock consists

    of varves of light coloured siltstoneand darker mudstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Lacustrine. True varves are the resultof seasonal climatic changes

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:fragment preserved on beddingplane. Such fragments are

    common in overbank deposits.Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General EnvironmentalSetting:

    Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Convolute (soft-sediment structures)and horizontal bedded sandstone. Note

    the syn-depositional fault near the baseDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Channel of proximal crevasse-splay

    Other environments whererock type is typically found:

    Any moderate to high energy faciescharacterized by rapid deposition.

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    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Lenticular bedded siltstoneand mudstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Overbank (lake, distal splay,levee)

    Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Any low energy environment inwhich there is a periodic influxof coarse sediment (flood orstorm events) such as tidal,shallow offshore or lake facies.

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal bedded mudstone andcross-bedded sandstone. Base ofcore is composed of rip-up-clasts.This core has been interpreted asthe result of a single flood withcurrents declining from base to thetop.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splayOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Massive siltstone. The absenceof bedding may be the resultof rapid deposition,bioturbation, rooting or rapidde-watering. Alternativelybedding may be present butnot visible to the unaided eye

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splay, levee orlacustrine.

    Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Not found in other

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    Lake Deposit

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Convolute (soft-sedimentstructures) and horizontalbedded sandstone. Note the syn-

    depositional fault near the baseDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Channel of proximal crevasse-splay

    Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Any moderate to high energyfacies characterized by rapid


    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Massive siltstone. The absence ofbedding may be the result ofrapid deposition, bioturbation,

    rooting or rapid de-watering.Alternatively bedding may bepresent but not visible to theunaided eye

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splay, levee orlacustrine.

    Other environments where rock

    type is typically found:

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Rooted sandstone. Roots havelocally disrupted bedding

    Depositional Environment

    Represented:Levee or exposed floodplain

    Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Roots provide evidence for at leastperiodic emergence

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    Levee Deposit

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Intraformational conglomerate(breccia). The core is composedof rip-up-clasts of siltstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splayOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Not found in otherenvironments

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Convolute (soft-sedimentstructures) and horizontal bedded

    sandstone. Note the syn-depositional fault near the base

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Channel of proximal crevasse-splayOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Any moderate to high energy faciescharacterized by rapid deposition.

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Rippled siltstone and sandstonewith local rooting. Note the

    siliceous concretions at the baseDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Levee or crevasse-splayOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

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    Marine Offshore

    General Environmental Setting:Marine offshore to transitional zone

    Rock Description:Fine grained sandstone and mudstone.Bioturbation and compaction. May locallycontain gas-disrupted bedding.

    Depositional Environment Represented:Shoreface to shallow offshore.

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Any moderate to low energy environmentincluding lakes, lagoons and shallowmarine environments.

    General Environmental Setting:Marine offshore transitional zone

    Rock Description:

    Alternating parallel bedded very finegrained sandstone and mudstoneDepositional Environment Represented:

    Lower most shoreface - offshoreOther environments where rock type istypically found:

    Any low energy environment such as alake, lagoon, bay or offshore mari

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    Non Marine Overbanks

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:

    CoalDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Peat-forming wetland (mire:marsh or swamp)

    Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:

    Intraformational conglomerate(breccia). The core is composed ofrip-up-clasts of siltstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splayOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:

    Lenticular bedded siltstone andmudstone

    Depositional Environment Represented:Overbank (lake, distal splay, levee)

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Any low energy environment inwhich there is a periodic influx ofcoarse sediment (flood or stormevents) such as tidal, shallow offshore

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    Non Marine Overbanks

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Horizontal bedded mudstone andcross-bedded sandstone. Base of

    core is composed of rip-up-clasts.This core has been interpreted asthe result of a single flood withcurrents declining from base to thetop.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splayOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Rippled siltstone and sandstone with

    local rooting. Note the siliceousconcretions at the base

    Depositional Environment Represented:Levee or crevasse-splay

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Not found in other environments

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    General Environmental Setting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Granular sandstone

    Depositional Environment Represented:Channel

    Other environments where rock type is typicallyfound:

    Clean well sorted granular sandstones alsocommon in high energy beach and bar facies

    General Environmental Setting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Conglomerate

    Depositional Environment Represented:Braided channel

    Other environments where rock type is typicallyfound:

    Such coarse conglomerates are restricted tovery high energy channels. In mass flowdeposits the degree of rounding of clastsevident in this sample will not occur.

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    General Environmental Setting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Pebble-conglomerate (well sorted)

    Depositional Environment Represented:Channel

    Other environments where rock type is typicallyfound:

    Any high energy environment such aschannels, beach or bar facies where finesediment is selectively removed.

    General Environmental Setting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Pebble conglomerate (well sorted)

    Depositional Environment Represented:Channel

    Other environments where rock type is typicallyfound:

    Any high energy environment such aschannel, bar or beach facies

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    Sh f

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    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Bioturbated sandstone. Originalrock-interbedded clean sandstoneand mudstone.

    Depositional Environment

    Represented:Foreshore to offshore

    Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Interbedded clean sandstone andshale typical of lower foreshore tooffshore environments or tidalareas where periodic high currentvelocities occur. Vertical burrowstypical of transitional marine

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Clean sandstone with distinct parallelbedding. Burrows absent.

    Depositional Environment Represented:Shoreface/beach

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Clean sand areas subject to high-velocity currents such as exposedembayment shoals, upper portions oftidal deltas, washovers, f luvial andtidal point bars, channel bottoms anddistributary mouth bars.

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Parallel-to-burrowed sandstone.Burrow are horizontal formssimilar toPaleophycus

    Depositional Environment

    Represented:Shoreface. The alternation ofparallel bedded sandstone in whichburrows are rare to absent withdensely burrowed zones suggestsconsiderable variation insedimentation rates, probablyassociated with storm/fairweatherdeposition.

    Other environments where rock type is


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    General Environmental Setting:Marine offshore transitionalzone

    Rock Description:Alternating parallel bedded very

    fine grained sandstone andmudstoneDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Lower most shoreface - offshoreOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Any low energy environmentsuch as a lake, lagoon, bay oroffshore

    General Environmental Setting:Marine offshore transitional zone

    Rock Description:Horizontal bedded and bioturbatedsandstone. Burrows are similar toPaleophycus

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Shoreface - moderate energyenvironment. Presence of laminaeof mudstone indicate periods of lowenergy

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Any moderate energy environmentbut with burrows is typical of lower


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    General Environmental Setting:Marine offshore transitionalzone

    Rock Description:Bioturbated very fine grainedsandstone and mudstone

    Bioturbation has largelydestroyed initial depositionalenvironment

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Lower shorefaceOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Predominance of fine sedimentindicates low energy

    environment which to ether

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Cross-bedded sandstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Upper shoreface or distributarychannelOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Moderate to high current velocityareas such as marine shoals, f luvialand tidal point bars, channelbottoms, distributary mouth bars,tidal inlets, tidal deltas and shelfsand ridges.

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Parallel bedded-rippledsandstone. Note horizontalburrow near bottom (probably

    Paleophycus)Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Upper shoreface/beachOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Paleophycus burrows onlyfound in marine environments.Marine shoals, washovers, tidaldeltas.

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    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Granular, well sorted conglomerate.Note the absence of any fine sandymatrix and good granular porosity. This

    rock would make an excellentpetroleum reservoir.

    Depositional Environment Represented:Gravel beach-shoreface

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Areas of moderate to high current

    velocity such as braided streams,

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Sandstone with abundant burrowstructures destroying all primaryphysical sedimentary structures. Type offossil is uncertain, possiblyChondrites orMacaronichnus segregatus

    Depositional Environment Represented:In the Gates Formation this trace fossilwas found only in sandstones depositedin very shallow marine (intertidal)settings such as beaches and bars indistributary channels.

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Not found in other environments

    Tidal Flat

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    Tidal Flat

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marine totidal f lat

    Rock Description:bedded sandstone. Lenticularbedded sandstone streaks inmudstone at top.

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Tidal flatOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Low to moderate energy areaswith variable current velocity suchas tidal point bars, marine shoals,splays, lagoons, offshore near fair-weather wave base.

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marineto tidal flat

    Rock Description:Massive sandstone with verticalburrows

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Intertidal to shallow subtidalareas of shoals.

    Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Shoreface environments ofmoderate wave energy

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitionalmarine to tidal flat

    Rock Description:massive sandstone with thinvertical burrows (probablySkolithos or Arenicolites)

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Intertidal to shallow subtidalareas of marine shoals

    Other environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Sandy, shallow marineenvironments such as tidaldeltas, tidal point bars, tidalflats.

    Tidal Flat

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    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marine totidal f lat

    Rock Description:Parallel bedded sandstone withlarge vertical to 'U' shaped burrows

    (probablyDiplocrateron orRhizocorallum). Parallel beddingdefined by thin laminae ofcarbonaceous material and reddishbrown siderite pellets

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Marine shoal/shoreface.Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Not found in other environments

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marine totidal f lat

    Rock Description:Ripple cross-bedded andconvolute-bedded sandstone

    interbedded with mudstoneDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Tidal flat to shallow subtidalOther environments where rock typeis typically found:

    Areas of alternating high (sanddeposition) and low energy (muddeposition) such as splays or somesubtidal areas influenced by


    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marine totidal flat

    Rock Description:Lenticular and flaser bedding:sandstone and mudstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:Typical of tidal f lats

    Other environments where rock typeis typically found:

    flaser and lenticular beddingindicate both sand and mud areavailable and that periods of at leastmoderate current activity (sanddeposition) alternate with periods ofquiescence (mud deposition). These

    Tidal Flat

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    Tidal Flat

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marineto tidal flat

    Rock Description:Parallel bedded sandstone and

    mudstone. Note flame structuresnear base and load casts near topof core

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Shallow subtidal to intertidalOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Load casts and f lame structuresform as a result of differential

    General Environmental Setting:Non marine: fluvial

    Rock Description:Breccia-sandstone: mudstoneintraclasts in this sample have only

    been transported a short distanceotherwise they would havedisintegrated.

    Depositional Environment Represented:Channel

    Other environments where rock type istypically found:

    Intraclasts (rip-up-clasts) arecommon in channel of every environment.

    General Environmental Setting:Nonmarine - overbank

    Rock Description:Intraformational conglomerate(breccia). The core is composed

    of rip-up-clasts of siltstoneDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Crevasse-splayOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Not found in otherenvironments

    Wave Dominated Delta

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    Wave Dominated Delta

    General Environmental Setting:Marine shoreface - beach

    Rock Description:Cross-bedded sandstone

    Depositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Upper shoreface or distributarychannelOther environments where rock type istypically found:

    Moderate to high current velocityareas such as marine shoals, f luvialand tidal point bars, channelbottoms, distributary mouth bars,

    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitional marine totidal f lat

    Rock Description:Ripple cross-bedded and convolute-bedded sandstone interbedded with

    mudstoneDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Tidal flat to shallow subtidalOther environments where rock type istypically found:

    Areas of alternating high (sanddeposition) and low energy (mud


    General Environmental Setting:Marine and transitionalmarine to tidal flat

    Rock Description:Parallel bedded sandstone andmudstone. Note flame

    structures near base and loadcasts near top of coreDepositional EnvironmentRepresented:

    Shallow subtidal to intertidalOther environments where rocktype is typically found:

    Load casts and flame
