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OCTOBER 21 1910






In All That Is Good We Afford the Best"

A S ' FT F

, V

Geo. L. sis#!®? >

Andrews -f

-4 -* ** 1

i 'v It is time for

« #>

. -Cakes aiii

tndfwe have just

received the genuine

v^New York

fj)[\ Buckwheat, ^

t Cameo and

Steamboat Rock


absolutely pure,

also the best kinds

of r Pan Cake

Flours and to go

with^them, Welch's

Matple Syrup

made^in the sugar

camps i* of Vermont

and} recognized

everywhere as the

best produced, and

as\best of all good

*' things. 1-Ss r

Chase&SaidMrn's • ̂ '\ \ "s t

Agent For the , ^ Celebrated

Teas and Coffees None Others Quite so

Good * " ' * X*

f . » s'1, V ty*-i i A* s f ' * •» * '* ^ *' ** «

i , S f c - - r v r , , , v

/ ' V 4

, 7-i

128 West Main

"In Ail That Is Good We Afford the Best"

^ rl

- J



r " ^/nCLEAN. ^

' ">' !



Iron in Water Deposits Silt About

Color of Brick Dust, and of Consist­

ency of Mortar—Some Water Algae

Found, as Indicated in Recent Exam­

ination of Water by State Chemist.

The 1,000,000-gaIlon reservoir of the city, from which the water supply is furnished consumers, was cleaned from

j top to bottom yesterday, and is now I declared to be in first-class shape. It I has been about two "years since the ;reservoir was cleaned, a.nd the sedi-! ment In the bottom of the immense i receptacle sho-wed that the cleaning process was necessary. However, there was no indication that the foreign sub­stance in the water was especially harmful.

In the bottom of th-e reservoir th-fee and one-half inches of sediment was found. The sediment was about the color of brick dust, and of the con­sistency of mortar. The presence of water algue was also found. This, in large quantities, produces bowel trou­ble, but the report of the state chem­ist, several weeks ago, while showing the presence of algae, did not Show that the algae was in sufficient quan­tities to produce illness.

In cleaning the reservoir the water was let fro mihe east side into the river. Fire hose was used to fllush the sides and bottom, and after the one side was cleaned fresh water was pumped into it and the contents of the other side were let out into the river. The same process was gone thru with on the west side, mak­ing the reservoir clean thruout. ,

Devine Witnesses Cleaning. W. S. Devine, a former member of

the city council, and always interested in the water system, had expressed a desire to see the reservoir while It | was being cleaned, an<l was invited to

be present. Dr. Devine went down into the reservoir while the west side was being cleaned, and examined the base thoroughly for leaks. He fooind no leakage or seepage o-f any kind, and expressed himself as being satisfied with the condition of the immense •tank.

Dr. Devine says that he has only one suggestion to offer, and that is 'that the reservoir be cleaned' oftener, at least once a year, and twice a year if possible. Dr. Devine said That the algae found was not sufficient in quan­tity to cause any trouble, but that cleaning the reservoir more often would rid the water of 'the algae, ajnd

j would also curtail the reddish sedi-i ment due to the iron, j C. J. Anderson, assistant superin-j tendent of mains, an>d his force of j men, had the work of cleaning in '.charge, under the general direction of j E. Z. Mack, superintendent of mains.

o'clock. The ceremony was perform­ed in the office of the justice.

Spaulding is of age, but his bride lacked three months of being 18. The mother set out to prevent the couple from securing a license, when she learned they intended to get maira^' Thursday afternoon, but later she withdrew her objectiofis and Anally gave her consent. Without it the couple had tried to secure a license earlier in the afternoon.

Spaulding is employed in the stove branch of the Lennox Furnace Com­pany. '*•: '


Season Will Commence at 7:30 O'clock Saturday Morning.

Commencing at 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning we will place on sale twenty-five dozen ladies' and misses' white cambric petticoats at the lowest price ever made, only 59 cents each, three to a customer. They have eighteen inch flounce, eleven rows tucking, in­sertion and lace trimmed to match. Liook in our east window.


TONIGHT mm - "

Everyone Is Welcome to Visit the

Eastman Kodak Display at the Red

Men's Hall Tonight.

At the exhibition tonight and tomor­row afternoon and evening the East­man Kodak Company will give an ex-

j tensive demonstration on all branches ' of amateur phogoraphv. A complete

line of all the goods manufactured by the Eastman Company will be display­ed. We extend to you a cordial in­vitation to attend.

r if THE HULL COMPANY, « Is Exclusive Eastman Agents.

• ,.jy 'i






Brig. Alex McMillan, Iowa-Nebraska

Divisional Officer, to Have Charge of

Dedicatory Exercises—Tag Day Be­

ing Planned For Saturday, Nov. 5, to

Raise Money For Building Fund.

New Assistant Principal, M. H. S. If high school students wondered to­

day why Principal J. C. Nelson was wearing the "smile that won't come off." the cause was not that Mr. Nel­son partook of a certain new kind of breakfast food this morning, but rather is answering to the name of "papa." Thomas Nicholas Nelson reached St. Thomas hospital from babyland at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, weighing eight pounds, and giving promise of developing into asrood a long-dis­tance pedestrian asrTiis father. Mrs, Nelson is doing nicely.

Local Weather Record. Thursday's maximum temperature

was 42. compared with 50 for Wednes­day. The temperature dropped to 38 during the night, which was one degTe<> colder than the night before. The tem­perature at 7 o'clock this morning was also 38. The rainfall Thursday was .12 of an inch.

Ensign S. A. Moyer, of the Salva­tion Army, has begun preparations for the dedication of the new Salvation Army home at No. 12 North First street, wliich will be a big event in local army circles. The dates for the dedication have been fixed for Satur­day, Sunday and Monday, Nov. 5, 6 and 7, and the ceremonies will be un­der -the direct charge of Brig. Alex Mc­Millan, of Des Moines, chief divisional officer for Iowa and Nebraska.

The -dedication of the new * army ihome will attract state Interest from the fact that the brigadier will be ac­companied by his headq-uarters staff, the members of which will assist in the dedication program, as well as other army officers from different parts of Phe state.

Planning Tag Day. In connection with the event special

meetings will be held at the barracks, and on Saturday, the opening day, En­sign Moyer Is preparing for a tag day, for the benefit of the building fund. Any w<ho may desire to assist in the work of -tag day may report to the officers in charge.

Has $2,000 in Bank. The building fund now amounts to

$2,000 cash in hajid, which has been placed in the Marshal It own State Bank for payment to Bernstein Bros, as soon as the necessary papers are drawn. The balance, S3.COO. will be secured to the present owners by a mortgage run­ning five years at 6 per cent interest.

* In the Police Court.

Melville Barkhurst, Liouis Bishop. Jack Johnson. Frank King, and A. L. Spenoer. who were arrested by the police Thursday for being drunk, were arraigned before .Mayor Ingledue this morning. Bishop and Johnson paid the costs and the other three were dis­charged.


Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the neighbors and

friends, also the bricklayers union for their kindness and sympathy shown us in the death of our son and brother; also for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. G. Kunkel and family.


Lincoln Street Property Bought by G. H. Waehter For |3,10Q.

General Roadmaster M. H. Sheeley, of the Iowa Central, has sold his res­idence property at 108 West Lincoln street to G. H. Waehter for 13,100. Mr. Waehter trill'1 get possession of the property, which he wlH occupy for a. house, next -Monday^ Mr. Sheeley ha^ rented the Reed property at 8 North Ninth street.


Harvey Stock Company Presents "Ish-maet," a Melodrama.

"Ishmael," a melodrama, was pre­sented by the Harvey Stock Company at the Odeon 'Thursday night. The audience waa only of fair size.

Sl5I f Mrs. J. H. Fellingham Be­comes Bride at Des Moines.

Marshalltown friends of former Sec­retary J. H. Fellingham. of the Y. M. C. A. of this city, and wife, will be in­terested to learn of the marriage at the Fellingham home in Des Moines Thursday afternoon of Miss Ruth Marsh, sister of Mrs. Fellingham. Miss Marsh became Mrs. Roy Redfleld, and will go to Spokane. Wash., to live. The bride hae many friends in this city, where she visited at her sister's home-when the Fellinghom lived here.

The Des Moines Tribune of Thurs­day evening tells of the wedding as follows:

j "An interesting home wedding was i solemnized yesterday when Miss Ruth

M. Marsh was united in marriage to Mr. Roy Redfieid of Spokane. Wash. The wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fellinghom. Thirty-eighth and TJrbandale, Mrs. Fellingham being a sister of Miss Marsh. Only the most intimate friends were pres­ent to witness the ceremony, which was performed at 3:30 o'clock by the

j Rev. Mr. Countermine of the Sixth l Presbyterian church. The full ring service was used. The bride was ex­quisitely gowned in a white lace robe over white satin. She carried a show­er bouquet of bride's roses. Following congratulations a buffet luncheon was served In the dining room. Autumn leaves, in all their brilliant hu^s. and rose colored dahlias made effective decorations for the home. The bride has made her home in Charles City until recently. Both the bride and groom were students at Iowa- City and took a prominent part in the social life of the university. Mr. Redfieid during his senior year was editor of the Daily Iowan. Mrs. Redfieid is a prominent member of_the Delta Delta Delta So­rority. Mr. and Mrs. Redfieid will leave this evening for their wedding trip. They will spend several weeks in Colorado before going to -their home In Spokane, where Mr. Redfieid is a well-known attornej-." •;

A. H. Simon \V' V , • • '• • <•

32 East Main Street Marshalltown, Iowa



100 Ladies' Suits all prevailing 'i ^ - 1 "S-t "J 0

Iffr jt V ' , ' :h ?r' colors

s- h •' ^ -ri, I

ti), \ . $11.50 V.



Marshalltown Woman Again Chosen Official Stenographer By Rebekaht. Miss Sadie M. Pedersen, a stenog­

rapher for the Lennox Machine Com­pany, living at 413 Ea-st Boone street, returned this morning from Cedar Rapids, w"here she has been during the annual Rebekah assembly, acting ias official stenographer for next year. Whioh will make the fifth consecutive year "that she has acted In the same capacity. Mtss Pedersen is a member of Marshall lodge. No. 40, of this city.


Young People Finally Get Mother's Consetat and Get License.

After Mrs. Mary Christensen, mother of the bride, had blocked the attempt of Roy E. Spaulding, and her daughter. Miss Olga M. Peterson, both of this city, from getting a marriage license for an hour or more Thursday after­noon, the mother Anally relented, the license was Issued and the couple were married by Justice L S. Millard at 5

Worth up to $25.00

No Charge for Alterations

5S ®sii

W Notice!" ' in order to close out our

' "ft*

^'immense stock ' more

quickly, we will deviate /

; from the usual rule and

hfake No Charge for Alterations- :


Lease and Fixtures For Sale



Y* - -

it's Just Possible That You've Been

Looking For Several Seasons ̂ For an

Overcoat Like the One We Show /

Here. •• •' •- <1 a*s - :,Vi.

v.? -Vr V

/ V S ' , ~ «

/if; > / IT*,* ' V

> • T':' •

"Mi 1

•••Vr* •• ":-*V

Seldom, very seldom, has it been our; pleasure to display , such a beautifully shaped garmetttr^it^ mkdcffroiii fabrics? which even a clothes connoisseur will say are quite wonderful. : i . ; j ?

Every stitch in these remarkable Over-coats are perfect---perfect biecause perfect tailors made them. C - , ̂ »

Every curve, the lapels, collars, shoulders,-in fact every feature has been handled with such cleverness and skilKthat the model stands supreme. <

V ^

You Couldn't find a more attractive coat any place* and we doubt very much if you could find one with which a comparison would be justified. Look the town over for cletier clothes--go to every store and

look at their best. - -t

' L

? I - \

Then Come Here and Look at Best and Ther£ It?s MorekLikeiy to

^.N-r • s, •v V-, ' • "V : C •" •

Create a Desire to Possess One of

Union Suits $i 1.50, $2,



Stetson Jlata^^ soft

$4.00-and -



' .r-s ' '