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Page 1: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

Act. 2 : Vocabulary AssignmentRevisión del intento 1

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Comenzado el martes, 18 de marzo de 2014, 19:14Completado el martes, 18 de marzo de 2014, 19:19

Tiempo empleado 4 minutos 44 segundosPuntos 6/10

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Question1Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb: 

We usually do this action when we are so tired and we don't want to listen any noise.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Turn off

b. Turn up

c. Turn down

d. Turn on

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Question2Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Places

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Post Office

b. Gas Station

c. Bank

d. Supermarket

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Question3Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live

Select the correct word after reading the definition:

Page 2: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

A house in a town or city, usually a comfortable, expensive one in a fashionable area.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. unit

b. apartment

c. town house

d. condo

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Question4Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Places

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Apartment

b. Flat

c. Condo

d. House

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Question5Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb: 

That's why vehicles can't move.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Run out of sugar

b. Run out of water

c. Run out of petrol

d. Run out of cash

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Question6Puntos: 1

Unit 3 : Asking for / Giving Directions

Read the description and choose the correct word:

Page 3: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

People can walk or drive through this narrow place, implicitly between buildings.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Avenue

b. Road

c. Block

d. Street

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Question7Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Describing the place where we live

Read the description and choose the correct sentence:

People usually sleep at night and take a nap after lunch there.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. bathroom

b. diningroom

c. bedroom

d. livingroom

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Question8Puntos: 1

Unit 4 : Use lack / lacking / enough

Read the description and choose the correct sentence:

When the city doesn't have a good restaurant, it's necessary to have one. So that, we use that sentence.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. It doesn't have enough restaurants.

b. There aren't enough restaurants.

c. The city has a good restaurant.

d. The city is lacking a good restaurant.

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Question9Puntos: 1

Unit 7 : Modal Verbs of Obligation

Select the correct option according to the picture:

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Seleccione una respuesta.

a. You do not have to park here.

b. You had better not park here

c. You do not need to park here

d. You must not park here

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Question10Puntos: 1

Unit 4 : Use lack / lacking / enough

Select the correct word after reading the definition:

 Excellent; clearly very much better than what is usual.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. mind-blowing

b. outstanding

c. stressing

d. exciting

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.

Usted se ha autentificado como Gustavo Andres Amado (Salir)90121A

Page 5: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

Act. 4 : Listening AssignmentQuestion1Puntos: 1

Unit 8 : Talking about burglaries and breaks-ins

Answer the question according to the audio "The Street Robbery":

Which one of the following words is NOT used in the audio?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. police

b. robber

c. thief

d. burglar

Question2Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "The Street Robbery":

How many people were at the street? 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Three people

b. Four people

c. Seven people

d. Two people

Question3Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "The Street Robbery":

What happened to the thief?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He pretended to be a normal person.

b. He escaped.

c. He robbed the couple.

d. He was finally caught.

Question4Puntos: 1

Page 6: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

Unit 6 : Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "Speaking on the hairdressing":

What did he do in 1978? 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He went to Spain.

b. Because he needed the money.

c. He came to Los Angeles.

d. He became a Hairdresser.

Question5Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "Speaking on the hairdressing":

Where did Chuck grow up, exactly? 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In Pekín

b. In Madrid

c. In Los Angeles

d. In Texas

Question6Puntos: 1

Unit 2 : Present Progressive with Future Meaning

Answer the question according to the audio "Staying in bed":

When will she come back home?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. In two hours.

b. At 6:00 pm.

c. At noon

d. At 10:00 pm.

Question7Puntos: 1

Unit 2 : Present Progressive with Future Meaning

Answer the question according to the audio "Staying in bed":

The man is thinking about …

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. working every morning.

b. having a delicious breakfast.

c. looking for a job.

d. staying in bed.

Question8Puntos: 1

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Unit 6 : Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "Speaking on the hairdressing":

Chuck's English is good because …

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He worked for an international company.

b. He did an intense course in the US.

c. He was born in the U.S.

d. He studied English for two years.

Question9Puntos: 1

Unit 2 : Present Progressive with Future Meaning

Answer the question according to the audio "Staying in bed":

How long is she going to work on Saturdays?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. For a week

b. For a year

c. For two months

d. For a month

Question10Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : ING Forms as Objects of a Preposition

Answer the question according to the audio "Staying in bed":

Why do you think he is staying in bed?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Because he is ill.

b. Because he is depressed

c. Because he won´t sleep in five days

d. Because he wants to sleep more.

 Final del formulario

Tiempo restante

Usted se ha autentificado como Gustavo Andres Amado (Salir)90121A

Act. 5 : Grammar AssignmentQuestion1Puntos: 1

Page 8: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

Unit 3 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. on a hill

b. at a beach

c. in a forest

d. at a zoo

Question2Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : ING Forms as Objects of a Preposition

Choose the best option that completes the sentence:

So, we have to work harder  developing the project with a better attitude.

Question3Puntos: 1

Unit 3 : Vocabulary

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a department store

b. on a plane

c. in a hotel

d. in a pub

Question4Puntos: 1

Unit 5 : In order to

Select the correct option according to the picture:

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Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a car park

b. in a bakery

c. In a bookstore

d. in a hotel

Question5Puntos: 1

Unit 8 : Time Markers 

Complete the following sentence using appropriately the time markers:

He has worked as an English teacher __________ a long time.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. for

b. since

c. of

d. from

Question6Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : ING Forms as Objects of a Preposition

Choose the best option that completes the sentence:

Our Biology teacher has been   a word in the classroom. We think he is very upset with us because our lack of participation through the forum.

Question7Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Relative Clauses

Choose the best option:

The expression “They have special talents which make them uncommon people”; the relative

clause “which” replaces to:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. People

b. They

c. Children

d. Talents

Question8Puntos: 1

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Unit 8 : Time Markers 

Complete the following sentence using appropriately the time markers:

Alfred Thomas has lived in Atlantic City _________ he was five.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. for

b. since

c. to

d. from

Question9Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Compound Adjectives

Choose the best option:

The combination for creating the compound adjective “ Nicely-decorated” is:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Adjective + Noun

b. Adverb + past participle

c. Noun + Noun

d. Number + Adjective

Question10Puntos: 1

Unit 3 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. in a hotel

b. in a church

c. in a school

d. in a cafeteria

 Final del formulario

Tiempo restante

Usted se ha autentificado como Gustavo Andres Amado (Salir)90121A

Page 11: Act 3 a 6 Ingles III

Act. 6 : Reading AssignmentQuestion1Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "The grasshopper":

The word "STARVE" in the text means:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Force by starvation

b. Die from lack of food

c. Put it hide away

d. Suffer from extrem cold

Question2Puntos: 1

Answer the questions according to the reading "Predators":

Dr. David Meech and Dr. George Schaller: 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Disagreed on the issue that predator have an easy life

b. Agreed on the issue that predator have not a relatively easy life

c. Agreed on the issue that predators have not an easy life

d. Agreed on the issue that predators have an easy life

Question3Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "English Native Speakers":

ABSORBED  means:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Inhabiting

b. Got wet

c. Learned and started to use

d. Destroyed

Question4Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "English Native Speakers":

Another word for EXPANDING is:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Extending

b. Examining

c. Exploding

d. Will Prove

Question5Puntos: 1

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Answer the question according to reading "English Native Speakers":

People already inhabiting the area are people who:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Do things in the area regularity

b. Have moved away from the area

c. Have bought a house away from the area

d. Live in the area

Question6Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "English Native Speakers":

The English language has been influenced by:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. European Music

b. English Music

c. Many Languages

d. Other people in EE.UU.

Question7Puntos: 1

Answer the questions according to the reading "Predators":

Who is the greatest predator the world has known?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Humans

b. Big Companies

c. Animals

d. Big industries

Question8Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "The grasshopper":

 The word "SUGGEST" may be replaced by:

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Give

b. Propose

c. Order

d. Understand

Question9Puntos: 1

Answer the question according to reading "English Native Speakers":


Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Costliest

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b. Exploding

c. Most interesting

d. Largest

Question10Puntos: 1

Answer the questions according to the reading "Predators":

Who has worked with wolves?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Dr. George Meech

b. Dr. David Meech

c. George Shaller

d. Dr. David Shaller

 Final del formulario

Tiempo restante

Usted se ha autentificado como Gustavo Andres Amado (Salir)90121A