Page 1: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon


Madde 1: 1Topluluğun adı “ODTÜ Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

Topluluğu”dur. 2Topluluk, ODTÜ Kültür İşleri Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı

olarak kurulmuştur ve çalışmalarını aynı Müdürlüğe bağlı olarak


II. Topluluğun Amacı ve Etkinlikleri

Topluluğun Amacı

Madde 2: 1Topluluğun amacı, başta Avrupa'da olmak üzere gençler

arasında karşılıklı anlayış ve hoşgörünün teşvik edilmesi, işbirliğinin

geliştirilmesi yönünde çalışmalar yapmak ve "Avrupalılık" bilincini

gençler arasında sorgulatmak ve yaymaktır. 2Bu işbirliği

çerçevesinde gençlerin kendilerini sosyal ve kültürel olarak

geliştirmeleri sağlanırken, Avrupa'daki oluşumlardan haberdar olup

buna katkıda bulunma fikri Topluluğun hedefleri arasındadır.

Topluluğun Etkinlikleri, Çalışmaları

Madde 3: 1Topluluk, yukarıda belirtilen amaçlara ulaşmak için

amacı ile ilgili olmak kaydıyla:

a- 2Konferans, seminer, panel ve benzeri toplantılar ile geziler

düzenleyebilir, sergiler açabilir.

b- 3Düzenlenmiş bilimsel toplantılara katılabilir, tebliğ ve r apor

hazırlayıp sunabilir.

c- 4Yayında bulunabilir, arşiv oluşturabilir. d- 5Akademik programlar yapabilir.

e- 6Gerekli izinlerin alınması koşuluyla yurt dışındaki benzer amaç ve

niteliklere sahip kuruluşlara katılabilir, bunlarla ilişkide ya da

işbirliğinde bulunabilir.

f- 7Tüzüğe aykırı olmamak kaydıyla gerekli gördüğü diğer çalışmaları


Madde 4: 1Topluluk, çalışmalarını çalışma yılı içerisinde planlar. 2Bir

çalışma yılı akademik yılın ilk Olağan Genel Kurulu’nun kapanışı ile

başlar, takip eden akademik yılın ilk Olağan Genel Kurulu’nun

kapanışı ile sona erer.

III. Üyelik

Üyelik Koşulları

Madde 5: 1Topluluğun amaçları doğrultusunda çalışmak isteyen otuz

beş yaşını aşmamış tüm üniversite öğrencileri ve mezunları Topluluğa

üye olabilir.

28 Mart 2011 Tarihi itibari ile geçerlidir

Üyeliğe Kabul

Madde 6: 1Üye kayıtları her akademik dönemin başında Yürütme

Kurulu’nun belirleyeceği tarihlerde yapılır ve takip eden her

akademik dönemde Yürütme Kurulu’nun belirleyeceği tarihlerde

yenilenir. 2Doğal Üye olmak için Topluluk Tüzüğünü okuyup kabul

etmek, Kültür İşleri Müdürlüğü formu ile Topluluk üyelik formunu

doldurmak ve üyelik aidatını yatırmış olmak yeterlidir. 3Üyelik

yenileme ve yeni üye kaydı, Genel Kurul’dan en az bir hafta önce

tamamlanır. 4Üyelik yenileme ve üye kayıt alım süresi iki ha ftadan

az olamaz.

5Üç çeşit üyelik vardır.

6Üye Statüleri:

—Doğal Üye: 7Doğal Üyeler Genel Kurul’a ve Konsey’e gözlemci

olarak katılabilir, Divan Başkanı’nın izniyle tartışmalarda fikir

belirtebilir, yazılı teklif verebilirler. 8Ancak, Genel Kurul’da ve

Konsey’de seçme ve Tüzükte belirtilen istisnalar haricinde seçilme

hakları yoktur.

—Etkin Üye: 9Bir üyenin Etkin Üye olabilmesi için Topluluk

çalışmalarında aktif olarak görev almış olması ve Etkin Üyelik

Yönetmeliği tarafından belirlenmiş kriterleri sağlamış olması

gerekir. 10Etkin Üyelik Yönetmeliği, Yürütme Kurulu tarafından

Olağan Genel Kurulu takiben gerçekleştirilen ilk Konsey’e sunulur. 11Yürütme Kurulu Etkin Üyeliğe hak kazanan üyeleri Etkin Üyelik

Yönetmeliği’ne göre belirler. 12Yürütme Kurulu Etkin Üyeliğe hak

kazanan üyeleri üyelik yenileme ve üye kayıt alım tarihinin sona

ermesinden iki hafta öncesine kadar ilan eder. 13Etkin Üyeliğin aktif

hale gelmesi için üyelik yenileme ve üye kayıt alım tarihinin sonuna

kadar, Etkin Üyeliğe hak kazanan üyelerin Etkin Üyelikleri sürdüğü

sürece Etkin Üyelik sorumluluklarını yerine getireceklerine dair bir

dilekçe ile Yürütme Kurulu’na başvurmaları gerekir.

—Onur Üyesi: 14Yürütme Kurulu’nun önerisi ve Genel Kurul’un üçte iki oy

çoğunluğu kararıyla an az iki yıl Etkin Üye olarak bulunmuş üyelerden

seçilir. 15Onur Üyeleri aynı zamanda Etkin Üyelik haklarına da


Üyelerin Hak ve Yükümlülükleri

Madde 7: 1Topluluk üyeleri Madde 6'da belirtilen haklara

sahiptirler. 2Her Etkin Üyenin Genel Kurul’da ve Konsey’de asaleten

kullanabileceği bir oy hakkı vardır. 3Topluluk üyeleri, tüzüğe aykırı

davranmamak ve nedensiz olarak Topluluk etkinliklerinde görev

almaktan kaçınmamak yükümlülüğü altındadırlar. 4Her Doğal ve

Etkin Üye her kayıt döneminde üyeliğini yenilemek durumundadır.

Üyeliğin Kendiliğinden veya Ayrılma Yolu ile

Sona Ermesi

Madde 8: 1Topluluk üyeliği ölüm, Yürütme Kurulu’na sunulan yazılı istifa

veya Genel Kurul kararı ile sona erer. 2Onur Üyeleri haricinde üye kayıt

dönemlerinde üye kaydını yenilemeyen üyelerin üyelik hakları,

üyeliğini yenileyinceye kadar iki akademik dönem boyunca dondurulur. 3İki akademik dönem sonunda üyeliğini yenilememiş olan üyeler

Topluluktan ayrılmış kabul edilir.

Statü Değişikliği

Madde 9: 1Etkin Üye olduğu zaman suresince, Madde 6’da

belirtilen Etkin Üyelik haklarının yerine getiremeyen Etkin Üyelerin

üyelikleri Doğal Üyeliğe dönüşür. 2Ayrıca, Çalışma Yönetmeliği ve

Etkin Üyelik Yönetmeliği uyarınca Etkin Üye olduğu zaman

süresince Etkin Üyelik sorumluluklarını yerine getiremediği tespit

edilen üyelerin Etkin Üyelik hakları Denetleme Kurulu tarafından

Doğal Üyeliğe dönüştürülür. 3Onur Üyeleri ancak Genel Kurul’da

üçte iki çoğunlukla alınacak kararla Onur Üyeliklerini kaybederler.

Üyelikten Çıkarılmak

Madde 10: 1Denetleme Kurulu, Topluluğun çalışmalarını ve

gelişmesini olumsuz yönde etkileyen kişiler hakkında soruşturma

açar. 2Altı ay uzaklaştırma cezasından daha ağır bir ceza ya da

üyelikten çıkarılma gerekli görülürse, üç hafta içinde Olağanüstü

Genel Kurul toplanır. 3Altı ay uzaklaştırma cezasından daha ağır bir

ceza ya da üyelikten çıkarılma kararı sadece Genel Kurul’da yarıdan

fazla oy ile alınır. 4Üyelikten çıkarılan kişiler üyeliklerini ancak yeni

bir Genel Kurul’da yarıdan fazla oy ile alınacak bir karar ile


IV. Organlar

Madde 11: 1Topluluğun yetkili ve görevli organları Genel Kurul,

Konsey, Yürütme Kurulu ve Denetleme Kurulu'dur. 2Tüm organlar,

en üst organ olan Genel Kurul adına çalışmalarını gerçekleştirir ve

tüm organlar Genel Kurul'a karşı sorumludur. 3Görevleri sona eren

Topluluk organları üyeleri takip eden çalışma yılının ilk üç

haftasında yerlerine seçilen üyelere bilgi ve deneyim aktarımı

yapmak ile yükümlüdürler.

A. Genel Kurul

Genel Kurul’a Çağrı Yöntemi

Madde 12: 1Genel Kurul, toplantıya Yürütme Kurulu tarafından en

az üç hafta önceden günü, saati, yeri ve gündemi, Etkin Üye aday

listesiyle beraber Topluluk odasındaki panoda ve/veya genel

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ODTÜ AVRUPA ÖĞRENCİLERİ FORUMU TOPLULUĞU TÜZÜĞÜ elektronik posta listesinden ilan edilmek suretiyle çağırılır. 2Kesinleşmiş Etkin Üye listesi Genel Kurul’dan bir hafta önce

duyurulur. 3Genel Kurul çağrısı Genel Kurul’un herhangi bir sebeple

ertelenmesi durumunda yeni Genel Kurul’un yeri ve zamanı bilgisini


Toplanma Zamanı ve Toplantı Yeter Sayısı

Madde 13: 1Genel Kurul her yıl Ekim veya Kasım ayı içerisinde

Yürütme Kurulu’nun belirleyeceği bir tarihte toplanır. 2Genel Kurul

açılışında toplantıda bulunması gereken Etkin Üye sayısı, en az Etkin

Üye sayısının yarısının fazlasıdır. 3Oturumların açılışında Etkin Üye

sayısının üçte biri çoğunluk aranır. 4Eğer Genel Kurul açılışı için

yeter sayı sağlanamazsa yapılacak olan ikinci toplantıda bulunması

gereken Etkin Üye sayısı Yürütme Kurulu ve Denetleme Kurulu üye

sayıları toplamı kadardır. 5Ayrıca ikinci toplantıda oturum

açılışlarında çoğunluk aranmaz.

Genel Kurul’un Ertelenmesi

Madde 14: 1Genel Kurul yeterli çoğunluk sağlanamaması

durumuyla ertelenirse Madde 13 hükümleri uygulanır. 2Ancak,

başka bir sebeple ertelenirse toplantıda bulunması gereken Etkin

Üye sayısı en az, toplam Etkin Üye sayısının yarısının fazlasıdır. 3Her

iki durumda da ilk ve ikinci Genel Kurul arasındaki zaman bir

haftadan az, üç haftadan çok olamaz. 4Genel Kurul en fazla bir defa


Genel Kurul Toplantı Yöntemi ve Gündemi

Madde 15: 1Genel Kurul toplantısı çağrı ilanında belirtilen gün, saat

ve yerde yapılır. 2Toplantıya katılan üyeler tarafından imzalanan

Hazırlar Cetveli’ne göre toplantı karar ve yeter sayıları bir tutanakla

Genel Kurul ve her oturumunun açılışında tespit edilir. 3Denetleme

Kurulu’ndan bir üye toplanan Genel Kurul’u açar ve yeni Başkanlık

Divanı seçilene kadar Genel Kurul’a başkanlık eder. 4Genel Kurul

Başkanlık Divanı’nı seçer. 5Başkanlık Divanı bir başkan, bir başkan

yardımcısı ve Doğal Üyeler arasından seçilebilen iki yazmandan

oluşur. 6Yazmanlar tarafından düzenlenen ve Başkanlık Divanı

tarafından imzalanan toplantı tutanağı, diğer belgelerle birlikte

toplantı sonunda Yürütme Kurulu’na teslim edilir. 7Toplantıda

sadece gündemde yer alan konular görüşülür. 8Ancak, toplantıda

hazır bulunan Etkin Üyelerin onda biri tarafından görüşülmesi

istenilen konuların gündeme alınması zorunludur. 9Olağan Genel

Kurul gündeminde Madde 15 a, c, d ve e fıkralarının bulunması


28 Mart 2011 Tarihi itibari ile geçerlidir

Oylama ve Karar Yeter Sayısı

Madde 16: 1Oylamalar gizli oylama yöntemiyle yapılır. 2Ancak,

Genel Kurul’da hazır bulunan Etkin Üye yetkisine sahip olan

üyelerin oy birliği ile seçim dışı oylamalar açık oylama ile yapılabilir. 3Genel Kurul’da kararlar Tüzükte aksi belirtilmedikçe oturumda

bulunan Etkin Üye yetkisine sahip üye sayısının yarısından fazlasının

oyu ile alınır.

Genel Kurul’un Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 17: 1Aşağıda belirtilen konular sadece Genel Kurul'da

görüşülüp karara bağlanır.

a) 2Yürütme Kurulu ve Denetleme Kurulu seçimleri

b) 3Tüzük değişiklikleri

c) 4Yürütme Kurulu ve Denetleme Kurulu raporları

d) 5Yürütme Kurulu'nun aklanması

e) 6Bütçe onaylanması

f) 7Topluluğun fesih görüşmeleri

8Bunların dışındaki konular Genel Kurul gündemine Genel Kurul'da hazır

bulunan Etkin Üyelerin onda birinin teklifiyle eklenebilir.

Olağanüstü Genel Kurul

Madde 18: 1Olağanüstü Genel Kurul ilgili maddeler uyarınca veya

Yürütme Kurulu kararı ya da Etkin Üyelerin dörtte birinin yazılı

isteği üzerine Yürütme Kurulu tarafından istem tarihinden en az bir,

en çok üç hafta içinde olağanüstü olarak toplantıya çağırılır. 217.

Madde uyarınca Yürütme Kurulu’nun karar alamayacak duruma

düşmesi halinde Olağanüstü Genel Kurul, Denetleme Kurulu’nca

toplantıya çağrılır. 3Bu toplantının çağrı şekli ve çağrı süresi bu

maddedeki şekliyle saklı kalmak suretiyle, 12., 13., 14. ve 15.

Maddeler gereğince uygulanır.

B. Konsey

Tanım ve Toplanma Zamanı

Madde 19: 1Konsey, AEGEE-Ankara’nın Etkin Üyelerinin dönem

içerisinde Topluluğun genel işleyişini değerlendirdiği karar

organıdır. 2Konsey, her akademik dönem en az iki kere toplanır.

Konseye Çağrı Yöntemi

Madde 20: 1Yürütme Kurulu, Genel Kurul’u takip eden bir ay

içerisinde ilk Konsey toplantı çağrısını yapar. 2Konsey ilk

toplantısında Konsey Başkanlık Divanı’nı seçer. 3Takip eden

Konseyler için Konsey Başkanlık Divanı, Konsey çağrısını yapar. 4Konsey, Konsey Başkanlık Divanı tarafından en az iki hafta önceden

günü, saati, yeri ve gündemi, Etkin Üye listesiyle beraber Topluluk

odasındaki panoda ve/veya genel elektronik posta listesinde ilan

edilmek suretiyle çağırılır. 5Bu çağrı Konsey’in herhangi bir sebeple

ertelenmesi durumunda yeni Konsey’in yeri ve zamanı bilgisini


Konsey’in Ertelenmesi ve Toplantı Yeter Sayısı

Madde 21: 1Konsey açılışında toplantıda bulunması gereken Etkin

Üye sayısı, Etkin Üye sayısının en az üçte birinden bir fazlasıdır. 2Eğer Konsey açılışı için yeter sayı sağlanamazsa yapılacak olan

ikinci toplantıda bulunması gereken Etkin Üye sayısı Yürütme

Kurulu ve Denetleme Kurulu Üye sayıları toplamı kadardır. 3Ancak,

Konsey çoğunluk sağlanamaması dışında bir sebeple ertelenirse

toplantıda bulunması gereken Etkin Üye sayısı, toplam Etkin Üye

sayısının en az üçte birinin bir fazlasıdır. 4Konsey en fazla bir defa


Konsey Toplantı Yöntemi ve Gündemi

Madde 22:. 1Konsey toplantısı çağrı ilanında belirtilen gün, saat ve

yerde yapılır. 2Toplantıya katılan üyeler tarafından imzalanan

Hazırlar Cetveli’ne göre toplantı karar ve yeter sayıları bir tutanakla

tespit edilir. 3Denetleme Kurulu’ndan bir üye, Genel Kurul’u takip

eden ilk Konsey toplantısını açar ve yeni Konsey Başkanlık Divanı

seçilene kadar Konsey’e başkanlık eder. 4Başkanlık Divanı bir

başkan, bir başkan yardımcısı ve Doğal Üyeler arasından seçilebilen

bir yazmandan oluşur. 5Konsey Başkanlık Divanı her yıl senenin ilk

toplantısında Etkin Üyeler tarafından seçilir. 6Yazman tarafından

düzenlenen ve Konsey Başkanlık Divanı tarafından imzalanan

toplantı tutanağı, diğer belgelerle birlikte toplantı sonunda

Yürütme Kurulu’na teslim edilir. 7Toplantıda sadece gündeme

alınan konular görüşülür. 8Ancak, toplantıda hazır bulunan Etkin

Üyelerin onda biri tarafından görüşülmesi istenilen konuların

gündeme alınması zorunludur. 9Konsey gündemine Madde 17'de

belirtilen konular yer alamaz. 10Konsey, çalışma yöntemini

hazırlanan yönetmelikle belirler.

Oylama ve Karar Yeter Sayısı

Madde 23: 1Oylamalar Etkin Üyeler tarafından yapılır. 2Konsey’de

kararlar Tüzükte aksi belirtilmedikçe oturumda bulunan Etkin Üye

yetkisine sahip üye sayısının yarısından fazlasının oyu ile alınır.

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C. Yürütme Kurulu


Madde 24: 1Yürütme Kurulu; Başkan, Genel Sekreter, Finansal

Direktör, Halkla İlişkiler Direktörü ve Dış İlişkiler Direktörü’nden

oluşur. 2Yürütme Kurulu, her Olağan Genel Kurul’dan bir sonraki

Olağan Genel Kurul’a kadar görev yapmak üzere, en az üçte bir oy

çoğunluğunu alan adaylar arasından, en çok oyu alan beş adaydan

oluşur. 3Üç Yürütme Kurulu Üyeliği boşalırsa, boşalan Yürütme

Kurulu Üyelikleri için Denetleme Kurulu tarafından seçim gündemli

Olağanüstü Genel Kurul çağrısı yapılır. 4Yürütme Kurulu Başkanı

seçilen Yürütme Kurulu Üyeleri arasından Genel Kurul’ca seçilir. 5Başkanlık dışındaki görevler için görev dağılımını Yürütme Kurulu

ilk toplantısında belirler. 6Ayrıca, Yürütme Kurulu Üyelerinden biri

başkan yardımcılığı görevini de üstlenir. 7Yürütme Kurulu Üyeliğine

adaylıklar Genel Kurul’da Başkanlık Divanı’na yazılı olarak bildirilir. 8Bir Etkin Üye Yürütme Kurulu’nda en fazla iki çalışma yılı görev


Yürütme Kurulu’nun Çalışma Yöntemi

Madde 25: 1Yürütme Kurulu toplantısında kararlar Genel Sekreter

tarafından bir tutanakla tespit edilip Topluluk üyelerine duyurulur. 2Toplantıda en az üç Yürütme Kurulu Üyesinin bulunması gerekir. 3Toplantıda Yürütme Kurulu Üyelerinin yarısından fazlasının oyu ile

karar alınır. 4Oylamalarında oyların eşit çıkması durumunda Başkan

ikinci oylamayı yaptırır. 5Oyların yine eşit çıkması durumunda

Başkanın oyu belirleyicidir. 6Yukarıdaki hükümler saklı kalmak üzere

Yürütme Kurulu çalışma yöntemi yönetmelikle belirlenir. 7Yürütme

Kurulu’nun işleyişini engelleyen Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi hakkında

Denetleme Kurulu, Yürütme Kurulu başvurusu sonucu soruşturma


Yürütme Kurulu’nun Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 26:

a) 1Yürütme Kurulu Topluluğun amaçlarına uygun olarak

gerçekleştirilen tüm çalışmalarda yetkili olan organdır.

b) 2Genel Kurul adına yürütmeyi yapar.

c) 3Tüzük ile kendisine verilen görevleri yerine getirir.

d) 4Mali Rapor ve bütçeyi Genel Kurul'a sunar. 5Mali Rapor ve bütçe

sunmayan Yürütme Kurulu, Genel Kurul'da aklanmaz ve hakkında

Denetleme Kurulu’nca gerekli işlem yapılır.

e) 6Yürütme Kurulu Genel Kurul'u takiben bir ay içerisinde Yürütme

Kurulu Çalışma Yönetmeliği hazırlar ve takip eden ilk Konsey'in

onayına sunar.

f) 7Topluluk içi eğitim çalışmalarını İnsan Kaynakları Koordinatörü

ile düzenler ve herkesin bu çalışmalardan faydalanmasını sağlar.

28 Mart 2011 Tarihi itibari ile geçerlidir

g) 8Çalışma Grupları ile ilgili Madde 33 hükümlerini yerine getirir.

h) 9Proje Grupları ile ilgili Madde 34 hükümlerini yerine getirir.

i)10Yürütme Kurulu’nca yapılması gereken resmi yazışmaları


j) 11Yürütme Kurulu’nun her türlü eylem ve işlemi Denetleme

Kurulu denetimine tabidir.

k) 12Tüm Yürütme Kurulu Üyeleri Tüzükte belirtilen görevlerine ek

olarak Yürütme Kurulu'nun belirleyeceği diğer görevleri de yerine


l) 13Yürütme Kurulu Nisan veya Mayıs ayı içerisinde yapılacak bir

Konsey’de altı aylık Aktivite Raporu sunar.

Başkan’ın Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 27: 1Topluluğu yürütme organı adına dışarıda temsil eder. 2Topluluğun yasal işlemlerini yürütür. 3Yürütme Kurulu kararlarının

uygulanmasını sağlar. 4Topluluğun mali yetkilerini Finansal Direktör ile

ortak paylaşır.

Finansal Direktör’ün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 28: 1Topluluğun mali yetkilerini Başkan ile ortak olarak

paylaşır. 2Topluluğun tüm varlıklarından sorumludur. 3Demirbaş

Defteri’ni ve Mali Kayıt Defteri’ni tutar. 4Kültür İşleri Müdürlüğü’ne

her yıl sunulan yıllık bütçeyi ve Aktivite Raporu’nu hazırlayarak,

Yürütme Kurulu’nun onayına sunar. 5Genel Kurul’da sunulacak olan

Mali Raporu, Yürütme Kurulu adına hazırlar ve Genel Kurul’da


Genel Sekreter’in Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 29: 1Topluluğun tüm toplantılarının sağlıklı işleyişinden,

üyelerin Topluluk içindeki gelişimi ve Yürütme Kur ulu ile üyeler

arasındaki bağın kurulmasından sorumludur. 2Evrakların

arşivlenmesinden ve bilgisayar ortamına geçirilmesinden

sorumludur. 3Yürütme Kuruluyla ilgili resmi yazışmaları hazırlar. 4Yürütme Kurulu toplantı tutanaklarını hazırlar ve Topluluk

üyelerine bildirir. 5Karar defterini tutar. 6Genel Kurul toplantı

hazırlıklarından sorumludur.

Halkla İlişkiler Direktörü’nün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 30: 1Topluluğun tüm tanıtım faaliyetlerinden sorumludur. 2Topluluğun bütün aktivite ve etkinliklerinin Topluluk içine ve dışına

tanıtılması için gerekli çalışmaları yapar. 3Topluluğun

görünürlüğünün artması için Dış İlişkiler Direktörü ile ortak bir

şekilde çalışır.

Dış İlişkiler Direktörü’nün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 31: 1Başkan ile birlikte, Topluluğun dışarıda temsilinden

sorumludur. 2Topluluğun yeni bağlantılar edinmesi için gerekli

çalışmaları Halkla İlişkiler Direktörü yardımı ile gerçekleştirir. 3Topluluk faaliyetlerine ayni veya nakdi kaynak sağlamak üzere

gerekli çalışmaları yapar. 4Topluluğun dış bağlantı bilgilerini, Halkla

İlişkiler Direktörü’nün yardımı ile, tutmakla yükümlüdür.

Başkan Yardımcısı’nın Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 32: 1Başkanın olmadığı durumlarda başkanın yerine vekâlet


D. Çalışma Grupları

Madde 33: 1En az üç Etkin Üye’nin Yürütme Kurulu’na Çalışma

Grupları Yönetmeliği uyarınca yazılı başvuruda bulunması ve

çalışma tanımı ve olası çalışma takvimini iletmesi sonucu Yürütme

Kurulu onayıyla kurulur. 2Yürütme Kurulu Çalışma Grubu’nun

kurulmasına oybirliğiyle karar alır ve kararını iki hafta içerisinde

bildirir. 3Çalışma Grubu kuruluşundan sonraki iki hafta içerisinde

işbölümü yapar ve Çalışma Grubu adına Yürütme Kurulu’na karşı

sorumlu olacak kişiyi belirler. 4Belirlenen kişi aynı zamanda grubun

Koordinatörü olur. 5Her Çalışma Grubu çalışma yılının ilk iki haftası

içerisinde Koordinasyon Takımı seçimlerini yapar. 6Çalışma

Grupları’nın çalışma yöntemi, Genel Kurulu takip eden ilk Konsey’e

sunulan ve onaylanan Yürütme Kurulu ile ortak hazırlanmış Çalışma

Yönetmelikleri ile belirlenir. 7Çalışma Grupları proje yapacakları

takdirde, bu isteklerini içeren bir dilekçeyle Yürütme Kurulu’na

“Proje Grubu” statüsü kazanmak için başvurur. 8Çalışma

Grupları’nın geçerlilikleri çalışma yılı sonunda sona erer.

E. Proje Grupları

Madde 34: 1En az üç Etkin Üyenin Yürütme Kurulu’na Proje Grupları

Yönetmeliği uyarınca yazılı başvuruda bulunması ve çalışma tanımı

ve olası çalışma takvimini iletmesi sonucu Yürütme Kurulu onayıyla

kurulur. 2Yürütme Kurulu Proje Grubu’nun kurulma kararını

oybirliğiyle alır ve kararını bir hafta içerisinde bildirir. 3Proje Grubu

kuruluşundan sonraki iki hafta içerisinde işbölümü yapar ve Proje

Grubu adına Yürütme Kurulu’na karşı sorumlu olacak kişiyi belirler. 4Proje Grupları’nın çalışma yöntemi, Genel Kurulu takip eden ilk

Konsey’e sunulan ve onaylanan Yürütme Kurulu ile ortak

hazırlanmış Çalışma Yönetmelikleri ile belirlenir. 5Her Proje Grubu

Genel Kurul’da etkinlik raporunu sunmakla yükümlüdür.

Sayfa 3 / 5

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Madde 35: 1Topluluk içinde organize edilmesi düşünülen

uluslararası katılımlı ve/veya uluslararası ortaklı projeler, Genel

Kurul’a onay için sunulur. 2Sunulan projeler hangi Proje Grubu

dahilinde çalışacaklarını belirtmekle yükümlüdürler. 3Genel Kurul

sonunda, Genel Kurul onay yetkisini gerekli olduğu hallerde

Konsey’e devreder. 4Yurt içindeki ve yurt dışındaki projelere

ortaklık kararı almak Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifindedir.

F. Denetleme Kurulu

Madde 36: 1Denetleme Kurulu, Toplulukta en az bir yıl Etkin Üyelik

yapmış etkin veya son iki sene içinde kesin tisiz olarak bir tam yıl

Etkin Üyelik yapmış Doğal Üyeler arasından Genel Kurulca seçilir. 2Denetleme Kurulu, bir sözcü, bir mali denetimden sorumlu üye ve

bir idari denetimden sorumlu üyeden oluşur. 3Denetleme Kurulu

Topluluğun en üst denetleme organıdır. 4Tüm idari ve mali eylem

ve işlemleri ve Topluluk çalışmalarının Topluluk çalışma

yöntemlerine, yönetmeliklere, Tüzüğe, Genel Kurul ve Konsey

kararlarına uygunluğunu denetler. 5Topluluğun çalışma

yöntemlerinden oluşan gelenekleri ve Denetleme Kurulu

kararlarından oluşan içtihadı toplar ve uygulanmasını sağlar. 6Tüm

idari eylem ve işlemlerin; mali eylem ve işlemlerin, Topluluk

organlarının ve üyelerinin haklarını ihlal etmemesi ile üyelerin

topluluğa zarar verebilecek davranışlar sergilememesini sağlar. 7Toplantı yeri ve saatini en az üç gün önceden duyurmak kaydıyla

ayda en az bir kere toplanır ve toplantı sonuçlarını duyurarak,

arşivlenmek üzere Genel Sekreter’e en fazla üç gün içinde iletir. 8Aylık toplantılarında idari ve mali denetim sonuçlarını görüşür . 9Denetleme Kurulu toplantılarına, denetleme veya

soruşturmalarına çağırılan Topluluk üyeleri ve organları katılım

göstermek zorundadır. 10Tüm Topluluk üyeleri ve organları

haklarının korunması ve topluluğa zarar verdiğini düşündüğü

eylemlerin önlenmesi için Denetleme Kurulu’na başvurabilir. 11Denetleme Kurulu, idari ve mali denetim haricinde ancak başvuru

sonucu soruşturma açabilir. 12Denetleme Kurulu uyarı, kınama, bir

kısım üyelik haklarından mahrumiyet veya altı ayı geçmemek üzere

uzaklaştırma cezası verebilir. 13Soruşturma sonucunda verdiği

kararları gerekçeli olarak kararın açıklanmasından sonraki iki hafta

içinde açıklamak zorundadır. 14Daha ağır cezalar Madde 9

hükümlerince uygulanır. 15Denetleme Kurulu'nun karar alabilmesi için karar lehinde iki oy

gerekir. 16Cezaya yönelik kararlar oybirliğiyle alınır. 17Denetleme Kurulu

kararları kesindir. 18Denetleme Kurulu'nun Tüzükte yazan görev ve sorumluluklarına

riayet etmediği gerekçesi ile Etkin Üyelerin üçte birinin imzası

sonucu, ‘Denetleme Kurulu güven oylaması ve olası Denetleme

28 Mart 2011 Tarihi itibari ile geçerlidir

Kurulu seçimi’ gündemli Olağanüstü Genel Kurul çağırılır. 19Güvenoyu alamayan Denetleme Kurulu’nun görevine son verilir. 20Denetleme Kurulu Genel Kurul'a çalışmaları ile ilgili rapor ve

Yürütme Kurulu'nun sunduğu Mali Rapor hakkındaki görüşünü


Madde 37: 1Denetleme Kurulu üyeliğine adaylıklar Genel Kurul'da

Başkanlık Divanı’na yazılı olarak bildirilir. 2Denetleme Kurulu ilk

toplantısında görev paylaşımı yapar. 3Denetleme Kurulu

üyeliklerinden ikisinin boşalması durumunda Yürütme Kurulu,

seçim gündemli Olağanüstü Genel Kurul çağrısı yapar. 4Olağanüstü

Genel Kurul’da boşalan üyelikler için seçim yapılır. 5Bir Etkin Üye

Denetleme Kurulu'nda en fazla iki çalışma yılı görev alabilir.

G. Jüri Sistemi

Jüri Seçimi:

Madde 38: 1Jüri, Denetleme Kurulu’nca karar verilemeyen

konularda Denetleme Kurulu tarafından çağrılır. 2Jüri, üyelerle ilgili

disiplin soruşturmalarında soruşturma dilekçesinde belirtilen

iddiaların doğru ya da yanlış olduğuna karar verir. 3Jüri üyeleri

Yürütme Kurulu Başkanı tarafından Denetleme Kurulu Üyeleri’nin

gözetiminde tüm üyelerin katılımına açık olan bir toplantıda Etkin

Üyeler arasından çekilecek kura ile belirlenir. 4İlgili soruşturmada

tarafsız olamayacağını düşünen Etkin Üye, soruşturma ile ilgili k ura

öncesinde kuraya katılmak istemediğini belirten gerekçeli

dilekçesini Denetleme Kurulu’na verir. 5Dilekçe kura öncesinde

Denetleme Kurulu’nca okunarak açıklanır.

Jüri Çalışma Şekli:

Madde 39: 1Soruşturmayı Denetleme Kurulu yürütür. 2Jüri

soruşturmaya müdahale edemez. 3Bir toplantıya katılamayan asil

üye, asil üyelikten yedek üyeliğe düşer; yedek üye de tüm

toplantılara katılmışsa kurada belirlenen yedek üye asil üye olarak

toplantılara katılır. 4Bir toplantıya katılmayan yedek üyenin statüsü

değişmez. 5Yedek veya asil bir üye ikinci defa ilgili soruşturmanın

yapıldığı oturuma katılmazsa, Etkin Üyeliğini bir yıl süreyle

kaybeder. 6Soruşturmada taraf olan Etkin Üyeler jüriye giremez. 7Soruşturma sırasında soruşturma ile ilgili taraf olduğu ortaya çıkan

jüri üyesinin jüri üyeliği düşer. 8Asil jüri üyelerinin sayısı ikinin altına

inerse, eksilen asil ve yedek üye sayısı kadar üyelik için belirtilen

şartlarda yeni kura çekimi yapılır ve soruşturma tekrarlanır. 9Jüri oy

birliği ile karar alır. 10Jüri soruşturmanın sonuçlanmasının ardından

bir hafta içinde kararını açıklar. 11Karar verememesi durumunda jüri

kendini fesheder ve yapılacak kura çekimi ile oluşacak yeni jüri ile

soruşturma tekrarlanır. 12Soruşturma jürileri iki kez karar alamama

nedeni kendini feshederse soruşturma Denetleme Kurulu

tarafından jüri olmadan yürütülür. 13Jüri, iddiaların yanlış olduğu

kararına varırsa, Denetleme Kurulu soruşturmayı kapatır; ancak jüri

iddiaların doğru olduğu kararına varırsa, Denetleme Kurulu ilgili üye veya

üyelere uygun disiplin cezasını verir.

Görev ve Yetkileri:

Madde 40: 1Jüri iki asil ve bir yedek üyeden oluşur. 2Jüri üyeleri

soruşturmada tarafsız olacaklarına onurları üzerine yemin ederler. 3Tüm

jüri üyeleri soruşturmanın yapıldığı tüm Denetleme Kurulu

toplantılarına katılmakla yükümlüdürler.

H.Haftalık Toplantı

Madde 41: 1Öğrenimin devam ettiği süre içerisinde tüm üyelerin

katılımına açık olarak gerçekleştirilen Topluluğun genel

toplantısıdır. 2Haftalık toplantının toplanma zamanı, yeri ve gündemi İnsan

Kaynakları Koordinatörü tarafından Topluluğa duyurulur.

I. Destek Yapıları:


Madde 42: 1Yürütme Kurulu Destek Yapıları; Avrupa Kurumları

Sorumlusu, Bilişim Teknolojileri Sorumlusu ve İnsan Kaynakları

Koordinatörü'dür. 2İnsan Kaynakları Koordinatörü Etkin Üyeler

arasından, Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu ve Bilişim Teknolojileri

Sorumlusu ise Etkin veya Doğal Üyeler arasından Genel Kurul

tarafından bir çalışma yılı için seçilir. 3Nisan veya Mayıs ayı içinde

yapılacak Konsey'de altı aylık, Genel Kurul'da ise tüm çalışma yılına

ait Aktivite Raporları’nı sunarlar. 4Destek Yapıları Tüzükte yazan

görev ve sorumluluklarına riayet etmediği gerekçesi ile ‘ilgili Destek

Yapısı güven oylaması ve olası Destek Yapısı seçimi’ gündemli

Olağanüstü Genel Kurul çağırılır. 5Güvenoyu alamayan ilgili Destek

Yapısı’nın görevine son verilir. 6Yürütme Kurulu Destek Yapıları'na adaylıklar Genel Kurul Başkanlık

Divanı'na yazılı olarak bildirilir. 7Bir üye Yürütme Kurulu Destek

Yapıları'ndan birinde en fazla iki çalışma yılı görev alabilir.

İnsan Kaynakları Koordinatörü'nün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 43: 1İnsan Kaynakları Koordinatörü, üye kayıtlarının

yapılması, üye bilgilerinin saklanması ve değerlendirilmesinden

sorumludur, Üye Kayıt Defteri'ni tutar. 2Topluluğun haftalık

toplantılarının ve iç eğitimlerin düzenlenmesi işlerini yürütür. 3Tanıtım toplantılarının düzenlenmesi, üyelerin takip edilmesi,

Sayfa 4 / 5

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ODTÜ AVRUPA ÖĞRENCİLERİ FORUMU TOPLULUĞU TÜZÜĞÜ gelişimlerinin sağlanması ve izlenmesi konularında, Genel öncesine kadar Topluluk üyelerine duyurulur. 3Bundan sonra gelecek

Sekreter'in yardımı ile çalışır. öneriler kabul edilmez.

Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu'nun Görev ve Yetkileri Topluluğun Feshi

Madde 44: 1Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu, Topluluk üyelerini Madde 48: 1Topluluğun feshine ancak Topluluğun feshi gündemli

Avrupa bütünleşmesi konusunda bilgilendirmesi, Topluluk içinde bu çağrılan Genel Kurul’da karar verilebilir. 2Fesih kararı Etkin Üyelerin

alandaki gelişmelerin sorgulanması ve tartışılmasını sağlamakla üçte ikisinin onayı ile alınır. 3Fesih kararı beş gün içinde Kültür İşleri

yükümlüdür. 2Dış İlişkiler Direktörü ile birlikte Topluluğun Avrupa Müdürlüğü’ne bildirilir.

Kurumları ile ilişkisini güçlendirmek, bu kurumlardan topluluğa bilgi

akışını sürdürmek ve bu kurumların çeşitli programlarından VI. Uygulama ile İlgili

Topluluğun ve Topluluk üyelerinin yararlanmasını sağlamak için 1İşbu Tüzük 04 Kasım 2008 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir. gerekli çalışmaları yapar. 3Bu programlara katılan diğer Sivil Toplum

Kuruluşları ile ortaklıklar kurulmasını sağlar.

Bilişim Teknolojileri Sorumlusu'nun Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 45: 1Bilişim Teknolojileri Sorumlusu, Topluluğun ihtiyaç

duyduğu bilişim teknolojileri altyapısını sağlamak, güncellemek ve

ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda düzenlemek ile yükümlüdür. 2İlgili

altyapının ihtiyaçlarını belirler ve Yürütme Kurulu'na tavsiye sunar. 3İlgili satın alma kararlarında Yürütme Kurulu'na yardımcı olur.

V. Diğer Hükümler

Topluluğun Tutacağı Defterler

Madde 46: 1Topluluk, aşağıdaki defterleri tutar. 2Bu defterler, yazılı ve/veya elektronik ortamda tutulabilir. 3Defterler, yalnızca elektronik ortamda tutulmaları durumunda, ayda

bir basılıp arşivlenir.

a- 4Üye Kayıt Defteri: Topluluk üye bilgilerinin toplandığı def terdir. b- 5Karar Defteri: Yürütme Kurulu kararlarının numaralandırılarak tarih

sırasına göre yazıldığı defterdir.

c- 6Gelen-Giden Evrak Defteri: Yürütme Kurulu'nca yapılan

yazışmaların seri numaraları ile tutulduğu defterdir.

d- 7Demirbaş Defteri: Topluluğa ait demirbaşların listelendiği


e- 8Mali Kayıt Defteri: Yürütme Kurulu'na ait mali işlemlerin

gösterildiği defterdir.

Tüzük Değişikliği

Madde 47: 1Topluluk Tüzüğü Topluluk Etkin Üyelerinin beşte birinin

veya Genel Kurul hariç Topluluk organlarından herhangi birinin

yazılı önerisi ile Olağan veya Olağanüstü Genel Kurul’da

görüşülerek toplantıya katılan Etkin Üyelerin üçte iki çoğunlukla

alacakları karar ile değiştirilir. 2Değişiklik önergeleri en az üç gün

Sayfa 5 / 5

28 Mart 2011 Tarihi itibari ile geçerlidir

Page 6: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

1. AEGEE-Ankara

Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu Yönetmeliği

Birinci Bölüm : Genel Hükümler


Madde 1:

AEGEE-Ankara Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu bu yönetmelik hükümlerine göre çalışmalarını



Madde 2:

Bu yönetmeliğin amacı AEGEE-Ankara Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusunun görevlerini

belirtmek ve bu görevlerini sağlıklı bir şekilde yürütmesini sağlamaktır.

İkinci Bölüm: Görevleri

Madde 3:

AEGEE-Ankara Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu;

A. Her Konseyde aktivite raporunu sunar.

B. AEGEE-Ankara Dış ilişkiler sorumlusu koordinatörlüğünde AEGEE-Ankara’nın

Avrupa kaynaklı kurumlarla ilişkilerini takip eder ve yürütür.

C. AEGEE-Ankara Proje Grupları, Çalışma Grupları ve Yürütme Kurulu; tarafından

Avrupa Kurumlarına yapılan başvuruların ve yazışmaların kontrol ve takibini yapar.

D. AEGEE-Ankara Proje Grupları, Çalışma Grupları ve Yürütme Kurulu; tarafından

Avrupa çapında yürütülen projelerde gerekli ortaklıkların ve kontakların bulunmasına

destek olur.

E. AEGEE-Ankara Üyelerinin Avrupa Kurumları ve bu kurumların aktiviteleri, fonları,

eğitimleri vs. hakkında bilgi edinmelerini sağlar.

F. Gerekli Görülen Durumlarda, AEGEE-Ankara üyelerine yönelik Avrupa Kurumları

eğitimleri veya seminerleri düzenlenmesini koordine eder.

G. Ortaklık yaptığımız kuruluşlarla ilgili bilgilerin AKS dosyasında bir veri tabanında

saklanmasından sorumludur.

H. Avrupa ile ilgili kurumların sağladığı süreli yayınların ofise getirilerek üyelerle

paylaşılmasından sorumludur.

İ. AEGEE ağı içindeki Çalışma Gruplarını, projeleri ve etkinlikleri takip ederek

AEGEE-Ankara üyelerini düzenli olarak bilgilendirir.

J. AEGEE-Ankara'yı temsilen yapılan tüm dış temsillerin dış temsil raporları, etkinlik

bitiminden itibaren on (10) gün içerisnde Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu ile paylaşılır.

Page 7: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu, bu raporlar ile birlikte, genel bir dış temsil raporunu

etkinlik bitiminden itibaren on beş (15) gün içerisinde genel liste ile paylaşır. İki ve

daha az kişinin katılım gösterdiği temsillerde AKS tarafından hazırlanan genel dış

temsil raporu zorunlu değildir.

İşbu yönetmelik 22 Mart 2011 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir.

Page 8: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

AEGEE-Ankara Çalışma ve Proje Grubu Yönetmeliği

14 Kasım 2010 tarihinde toplanan AEGEE-Ankara 2010-2011 dönemi I. Konseyi tarafından

görüşülmüş ve değişiklikler onaylanmıştır.

Kuruluş Şekli

Madde 1:

Çalışma ve Proje grupları, üç etkin üyenin Yürütme Kurulu’na yazılı başvuruda bulunması ve

çalışma tanımı ve olası çalışma takvimini bildirmesi sonucu Yürütme Kurulu onayıyla

kurulur. Çalışma Gruplarının geçerliliği takip eden olağan Genel Kurul'a; Proje Gruplarının

geçerliliği ise proje süresince devam eder. Proje grupları takip eden ilk genel kurul veya

konseyde, çalışma tanımı ve olası çalışma takvimini içeren bir sunum yapmak zorundadır.

Koordinasyon Takımı Seçimi ve Görevden Ayrılması

Madde 2:

Çalışma Grupları için; en az bir koordinatör ve bir sekreterden oluşan koordinasyon takımı

seçimleri grup kurulduktan sonraki iki hafta içerisinde yapılır. Gerekli durumlarda diğer

pozisyonlar için de seçimler yapılır.

Proje Grupları için; en az bir koordinatör ve bir sekreterden oluşan koordinasyon takımı

seçimleri grup kurulduktan sonraki ilk iki hafta içerisinde yapılır. Seçimlerde, gerekli

görülürse koordinasyon takımı için Halkla İlişkiler Sorumlusu, Fon Bulma Sorumlusu,

Sayman veya görev tanımında bulunmayan pozisyonlar için de sorumlu seçilebilir ve

gerekiyorsa birden fazla Halkla İlişkiler ve Fon Bulma Sorumlusu seçilebilir. Proje grubu

projeyi bölümlere ayırabilir ve her bölümü için gerekli gördüğü takdirde yeni bir takım


Proje Gruplarının koordinasyon takımında en az bir etkin üye bulunmak zorundadır. Çalışma

Grupları için böyle bir zorunluluk yoktur.

Görev Tanımı

Madde 3:

Koordinatör: Grubun koordinasyonundan sorumludur. Grubu dışarıda temsil eder ve proje

grubuyla ilgili her konuda Yürütme Kurulu’na karşı sorumludur.

Sekreter: Grup toplantı tutanaklarının tutulması, grup ile ilgili her türlü evrağın

düzenlenmesi, arşivlenmesi ve topluluğa duyurulmasından sorumludur. Toplantı duyurularını

Page 9: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

yapar, gündemi düzenler, grup dosyasını, gelen ve giden evrağı düzenli bir şekilde bu dosyada

saklayacak şekilde tutar. Grubu temsil yetkisini koordinatör ile paylaşır.

Halkla İlişkiler Sorumlusu: Grup adına tanıtım etkinliklerinden sorumludur. Projenin

içeriğine göre medya kuruluşlarıyla ilişkiye geçerek projenin yurtiçi ve yurtdışında projenin

hedef gruplarına ve üçüncü taraflara tanıtımından sorumludur.

Fon Bulma Sorumlusu: Projenin gelişimini destekleyecek mali çalışmalar yapar. Sponsorluk

dosyasını ve proje dökümanını hazırlamak ve bunları güncellemekle yükümlüdür. Gerekli fon

görüşmelerini ayarlar ve proje için gerekli maddi her türlü kaynağın bulunmasını sağlar.

Sayman: Projenin mali yetkilerini koordinatör ile ortak paylaşır. Proje bütçesini hazırlamak

ve uygulamak ile yükümlüdür. Yürütme Kurulu’na ve Mali Kurul’a karşı istendiğinde mali

rapor sunmak ve denetimlerinde bunlara yardımcı olmakla yükümlüdür.

Genel İşleyiş

Madde 4:

A. Grup, olağan toplantılarını akademik yıl içerisinde en az haftada bir kere ve hafta içleri

17:45’ten sonra veya hafta sonları grup tarafından belirlenen saatte ve haftalık

topluluk toplantısı ile aynı günde olmayacak şekilde belirler.

B. Sekreter haftalık toplantı çağrısını toplantıdan en geç üç gün önce grup ve topluluk

duyuru listelerine atar.

C. Grubun genel işleyişine yönelik seçilecek görevlilerin seçim çağrısı seçimden en geç

üç gün öncesinden topluluk ve grup duyuru listelerine açık çağrı olarak atılır.

D. Sekreter toplantıya katılanların listesini içeren toplantı tutanağını, toplantı gününden

sonra en geç üç gün içinde genel listeyle paylaşır.

E. Çalışma ve Proje Grubu, etkinliklerini ve koordinasyon takımının iletişim bilgilerini

duyurduğu panosunu sürekli güncel tutar.

F. Koordinasyon takımı, Yürütme Kurulu’nun düzenlediği koordinasyon toplantısına

katılmakla yükümlüdür. Grup, Yürütme Kurulu’nun isteği üzerine belirtilen tarihlerde

o güne kadar yapılan ve gelecekte yapılacak etkinliklere yönelik planını, ayrıca

yapılan ve öngörülen mali harcamalarını rapor olarak sunar.

G. Koordinasyon takımı ya da grubun işleyişi ile ilgili görevli kişilerin üst üste üç olağan

toplantıya gelmemesi durumunda, Yürütme Kurulu veya düzenlenmiş olağan

toplantıların en az 2/3’üne katılmış üyelerden 1/3’ü Denetleme Kurulu’na soruşturma

talebinde bulunur. Denetleme Kurulu ilgili kişiyi görevden alabilir. Olağan

toplantıların 1/2’sine katılmış üyelerden 1/3’ünün isteğiyle koordinasyon takımından

herhangi bir kişi hakkında veya koordinasyon takımı için toplu olarak güven oylaması

istenebilir. Takip eden toplantıda yapılacak oylamada Denetleme Kurulu ve Yürütme

Kurulu’ndan en az birer temsilci olması gerekir ve olağan toplantıların en az 1/2’sine

katılmış kişilerden toplantıda hazır bulunanların oylarının yarısından bir fazlasını

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Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

alamayan kişi veya koordinasyon takımının görevi düşürülür. Oylamada oy

kullanabilecek pozisyonda olan en az üç kişi olmalıdır. Görevi düşürülen kişi daha

sonra kendi pozisyonuna veya başka bir pozisyona aday olabilir.

H. Toplantılarda yalnızca AEGEE-Ankara üyelerinin seçme ve seçilme hakkı vardır.

Karar yeter sayısı, toplantıya katılanların salt çoğunluğudur. Gündeminde seçim olan

toplantılar en az beş üyeyle toplanır ve toplantılarda en az bir Yürütme Kurulu üyesi

ve en az bir Denetleme Kurulu üyesi bulunmalıdır.

İ. Çalışma ve Proje Grupları için, Yürütme Kurulu, grubun üç hafta üst üste haftalık

olağan toplantısını gerçekleştirememesi durumunda grubun kapatılması istemiyle

yazılı olarak Denetleme Kurulu’na başvurur.

J. Çalışma ve proje grubu toplantıları, en az 3 üyeyle açılır ve en az 3 üye toplantı

boyunca hazır bulunmak zorundadır.

K. Koordinasyon takımı ve grup isleyişi ile ilgili görevlendirilen üye görevini bırakma

kararını ve gerekçesini grup ve topluluk listelerine bir dilekçe ile bildirmek


L. Topluluk içinde organize edilmesi düşünülen uluslararası katılımlı ve/veya uluslararası

ortaklı projeler, Genel Kurul’a onay için sunulur. Sunulan projeler hangi Proje Grubu

dahilinde çalışacaklarını belirtmekle yükümlüdürler. Genel Kurul sonunda, Genel

Kurul onay yetkisini gerekli olduğu hallerde Konsey’e devreder. Yurtiçindeki ve

yurtdışındaki projelere ortaklık kararı almak Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifindedir.

İşbu Çalışma ve Proje Grubu yönetmeliği 14 Kasım 2010 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir.

Page 11: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

AEGEE-Ankara Denetleme Kurulu Yönetmeliği


Madde 1:

Bu yönetmeliğin amacı; AEGEE-Ankara Denetleme Kurulu’nun çalışma yöntemlerini ve tüzükten

aldığı yetkileri uygulama biçimlerini belirlemektir.


Madde 2:

● Denetleme Kurulu, tüm idari eylem ve işlemleri ve topluluk çalışmalarının tüzüğe

uygunluğunu denetler ve AEGEE-Ankara organlarının ve üyelerinin haklarının ihlal

edilmemesini sağlar.

● Denetleme Kurulu’nun bir üyesi Genel Kurul’u takip eden ilk Konsey toplantısında Konsey

Divan Başkanlığı seçilene kadar konseye başkanlık eder.

● Duyurusu genel mail listesi ile paylaşılan; Genel Kurul, Olağanüstü Genel Kurul, Konsey ve

Yürütme Kurulu toplantısı dışında tüm toplantılardaki seçimleri yürütür.

● Her Konsey’de Aktivite Raporu sunar.


Madde 3:

● Denetleme Kurulu üyelerinden birinin bir soruşturmada taraf olması durumunda, taraf

olmayan diğer üyeler soruşturmayı yürütür.

● Denetleme Kurulu topluluğun en üst denetleme organıdır ve kararları kesindir.

● Akademik yıl süresince her ay en az 1 kere toplanır ve toplantı sonuçlarını duyurarak,

arşivlenmek üzere Yürütme Kurulu Genel Sekreteri’ne iletir.

● Gerekli gördüğü durumlarda haber vermeksizin toplantılar gerçekleştirebilir.

● Tüm topluluk üyeleri ve organları haklarının korunması için Denetleme Kuruluna başvurabilir

ve Denetleme Kurulu ancak başvuru sonucu soruşturma açabilir.

● Denetleme Kurulunun karar alabilmesi için karar lehinde iki oy gerekir.

● Denetleme Kurulu cezaya yönelik kararları ancak soruşturmayı yürüten Denetleme Kurulu

üyelerinin oybirliğiyle alabilir.

● Denetleme Kurulu alacağı kararlar için Topluluk Tüzüğü’nü ve ilgili yönetmelikleri referans

alır. Yönetmelikler ve tüzük tarafından kapsanmayan durumlarda da topluluk üyelerinin ve

organlarının haklarının korunması için gerekleri olan kararları alır.

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Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

AEGEE-Ankara Etkin Üyelik Yönetmeliği

Birinci Bölüm: Genel Hükümler


Madde 1:

Bu yönetmeliğin amacı AEGEE-Ankara’da fiilen devamlılık arz ederek, topluluğun gelişimi

için fikren ve bedenen emeklerini ortaya koyarak çalışan üyelerin, belli kriterleri

gerçekleştirmek koşuluyla diğer üyelerden farklı bazı hak ve yükümlülükler kazanmasının



Madde 2:

Bu yönetmelik, AEGEE-Ankara’da etkin üye olma kriterlerinin belirlenmesini, etkin üyelerin

görevlerini, hak ve yükümlülüklerini, etkin üyeliğin sona ermesini kapsar.

Hukuki Dayanak

Madde 3:

Bu yönetmelik, tüzüğün altıncı maddesi uyarınca, Yürütme Kurulu tarafından hazırlanır ve

Genel Kurulu takip eden ilk Konseye onay için sunulur.

İkinci Bölüm:Etkin Üyelik Kriterleri

Madde 4:

Doğal üyelikten etkin üyeliğe geçiş ve etkin üyeliğin devamı kriterleri belirlenmiştir ve

aşağıdadır. Bir üyenin etkin üyelik hakkı kazanabilmesi için, AEGEE-Ankara’nın her yıl

düzenlediği “AEGEE nedir?” iç eğitimini almış olması zorunludur. Ayrıca “Etkinlik Nasıl

Düzenlenir?” iç eğitimlerini tamamlamış olması gerekir*. Genel Kurul, Olağanüstü Genel

Kurul veya Konsey’e katılmış sayılmak için oturumların en az yarısında bulunmak şartı

aranır. En az bir akademik yıl boyunca etkin üyelik yapmış bir doğal üye, tekrar etkin üye

olabilmek için “B” kriterlerini yerine getirmelidir. Onur üyeleri daimi olarak etkin üyelik

haklarına sahip üyelerdir.

Yürütme Kurulu etkin üyeliğe hak kazanan üyeleri üyelik yenileme ve üye kayıt alım tarihinin

sona ermesinden iki hafta öncesine kadar ilan eder. Etkin üyeliğin aktif hale gelmesi için

üyelik yenileme ve üye kayıt alım tarihinin sonuna kadar, etkin üyeliğe hak kazanan üyelerin

etkin üyelikleri sürdüğü sürece etkin üyelik sorumluluklarını yerine getireceklerine dair bir

dilekçe ile yürütme kuruluna başvurmaları gerekir. Yürütme Kurulu’nun insiyatif ile verdiği

Page 13: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

puanların hepsi gerekçeleri ile Denetleme Kurulu’na sunulmak zorundadır. Etkin üyeliğe hak

kazananlar listesine itirazlar bu listenin ilan edilmesinden sonraki hafta içerisinde Denetleme

Kurulu’na bildirilir, Denetleme Kurulu da üye kayıt tarihlerinin sonuna kadar itirazları

değerlendirip kararlarını duyurur.

Yürütme Kurulu, kesin etkin üye listesini en geç kayıtlar kapandıktan bir hafta sonra ilan

etmek zorundadır.

A. Doğal üyelikten etkin üyeliğe geçiş kriterleri

a. Genel Kurul’a katılım: 1 puan

b. Genel Kurul oturumlarının ¾’ünden fazlasına katılım : 2 puan

c. Konseyler’in en az ½’sine katılım: 1 puan

d. Pazartesi toplantılarının 1/3 ’ünden fazlasına katılım: 1 puan

e. Pazartesi toplantılarının 1/2’sinden fazlasına katılım: 2 puan

f. Pazartesi toplantılarının 2/3’sinden fazlasına katılım: 3 puan

g. Bir Çalışma Grubu veya Proje Grubu’nun toplantılarının ½’sinden fazlasına

katılım: 1 puan

h. Bir Çalışma Grubu toplantılarının 2/3’ünden fazlasına katılım:4 puan

i. Proje Grubu toplantılarının 2/3’ünden fazlasına katılım: 3 puan

j. Proje Grupları’nın düzenlediği etkinliklerde çalışmak, YK inisiyatifinde: en fazla 3


k. Genel Kurul ve Konsey divanında görev yapan doğal üyeler: 2 puan

l. Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu ve Bilişim Teknolojisi Sorumlusu pozisyonlarını

yürüten doğal üyeler, takip eden dönemde: 3 puan

m. Yürütme Kurulu’nun sorumlu olarak seçtiği pozisyonlar, YK insiyatifi ile: en fazla

3 puan

n. En az altı ay boyunca AEGEE-Europe düzeyinde çalışan doğal üyeler: 2 puan

o. Yürütme Kurulu insiyatifi: en fazla 2 puan

Doğal üyelerin etkin üye olabilmeleri için önümüzdeki Genel Kurul’a kadar bu kriterlerden 8

puan toplamaları gerekmektedir.

İkinci akademik dönemde üye olanlar için, Konsey, Pazartesi, ÇG ve PG toplantılarına katılım

oranları, üyelik kayıt tarihleri sona erdikten sonraki toplantılar baz alınarak hesaplanır.Bu

bağlamda ikinci akademik dönem başında açıklanan etkin üyelik listesine doğal üyelerden

ekleme yapılamaz.

B. Etkin üyeliği sürdürebilirlik kriterleri

Page 14: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

a. AEGEE-Europe düzeyinde Agora tarafından seçilen pozisyonlardan birine seçilen

etkin üye, takip eden dönemde başka bir şart aranmaksızın etkin üyeliğini


b. AEGEE-Ankara tüzüğünde belirtilen, Kurullardan(YK, DK ve MK) birinde görev

alan etkin üyeler takip eden dönemde başka şart aranmaksızın etkin üyeliklerini


c. AEGEE-Europe düzeyinde, Agora tarafından seçilmeyen pozisyonlarda çalışanlar,

takip eden dönemde: 2 puan

d. Genel Kurul’a katılım: 1 puan

e. Genel Kurul oturumlarının 2/3’üne katılım: 4 puan

f. Genel Kurul ve Konsey divanında görev alan etkin üyeler: 1 puan

g. Konsey’lerin en az ½’sine katılım: 2 puan

h. Konsey’lerin tamamına katılım: 4 puan

i. AEGEE-Europe tüzüğü(CIA)’de belirtilen “statutory meeting”lere AEGEE-

Ankara’yı temsilen katılım ve Yürütme Kuru’nun sorumluluğunu devretmesiyle

dış temsil: 2 puan

j. Bir Çalışma Grubu veya Proje Grubu’nun toplantılarının ½’sinden fazlasına

katılım: 1 puan

k. Bir Çalışma Grubu veya Proje Grubu’nun toplantılarının 2/3’ünden fazlasına

katılım: 2 puan

l. Proje Grupları’nın düzenlediği etkinliklerde çalışmak, YK insiyatifinde: 1 puan

m. Pazartesi toplantılarının 1/3 ’ünden fazlasına katılım: 1 puan

n. Pazartesi toplantılarının 1/2’sinden fazlasına katılım: 2 puan

o. İç eğitimlerde ders veren etkin üyeler: her iç eğitim için 1 puan

p. İç eğitimlerde tutor/staff olarak çalışan etkin üyeler, YK insiyatifinde: her iç eğitim

için 1 puan

q. AEGEE-Ankara tüzüğünde belirtilen destek yapılarında çalışan etkin üyeler takip

eden dönemde: 3 puan

r. Yürütme Kurulu’nun sorumlu olarak seçtiği, dış temsil dışındaki pozisyonlar, YK

insiyatifi ile: en fazla 3 puan

s. Yürütme Kurulu insiyatifi: en fazla 2 puan

Etkin üyeliğin sürdürülebilmesi için, akademik yılın ilk döneminde en az on (10) ikinci

döneminde ise sekiz (8) puan toplamak gereklidir. Puanlar dönemlik olarak hesaplanır. Etkin

üyelik listesi belirtilen tarihlerde ilan edilmek üzere her dönem yenilenir.

Bir önceki dönemde en az bir tam yıl etkin üyelik yapmış bir etkin üye, bu dönemi takip eden

bir çalışma dönemi boyunca etkin üyeliğinin dondurulmasını talep edebilir.

Page 15: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

Üçüncü Bölüm: Etkin Üyeliğin Sona Ermesi

Madde 5:

Üst üste iki Genel Kurul veya Konsey’e mucbir sebep dışında veya Denetleme Kurulu’nca

uygun görülecek bir mazeret sunmadan gelmeyen etkin üyenin, etkin üyelik hakları düşer.

Onur üyeleri haricinde üyelik yenilemeyen etkin üyelerin üyelikleri düşer. Takip eden

dönemde doğal üye olarak tekrar üye olabilirler.

İşbu yönetmelik 04 Ocak 2009 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir.

Page 16: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

1. AEGEE-Ankara

Geri Ödeme Yönetmeliği Bu yönetmelik, AEGEE-Ankara’nın üyelerine katıldıkları etkinlerde sağlayacağı mali

desteğin içeriğini belirleyen bilgiyi sunmaktadır.

Madde 1: Destek verilecek temsil ve etkinlikler

A. AEGEE kapsamında;

a. AEGEE-Europe’un Avrupa çapında faaliyet gösteren Çalışma Grupları’nca

(Academy, PRWG, IPWG vb.) gerçekleştirilen eğitim etkinlikleri (ES, PRES,

FRES, ITES, T4T vb.)

b. AEGEE ağı içerisinde “Statutory Event” başlığıyla düzenlenen etkinlikler

(AGORA, EBM vb.)

B. Şehirlerarası temsil/görüşme

C. Uluslararası temsil/görüşme

Madde 2: Destek verilecek kişiler

A. AEGEE-Ankara üyelerinden;

a. AEGEE-Europe’un Avrupa çapındaki Çalışma Grupları’nca gerçekleştirilen eğitim


b. AEGEE ağı içerisinde “Statutory Event” başlığı altında düzenlenen etkinliklere

“delege” sıfatıyla


B. AEGEE-Ankara Yürütme Kurulu Üyeleri ve Yürütme Kurulu’nun temsil yetkisiyle

görevlendirdiği üyeler

Madde 3: Yapılacak olan mali desteğin detaylı içeriği

A. AEGEE-Ankara Üyeleri Temsili

AEGEE-Ankara üyeleri:

a. AEGEE ağında “Statutory Event” başlığıyla düzenlenen etkinliklerde delege

olarak yapılan harcamanın tamamını**,

b. AEGEE-Europe tarafından gerçekleştirilen eğitim etkinliklerinde harcanan

katılımcı ücretinin yarısına kadarki bir tutarı veya doğrudan yarısını

Page 17: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifinde geri alırlar.

B. AEGEE-Ankara Yürütme Kurulu ve Yürütme Kurulu’nun Temsil Yetkisiyle

Görevlendirdiği AEGEE-Ankara Üyeleri Düzeyinde Temsil

AEGEE-Ankara Yürütme Kurulu ve Yürütme Kurulu’nun temsil yetkisiyle

görevlendirdiği AEGEE-Ankara üyeleri:

a. AEGEE ağında “Statutory Event” başlığıyla düzenlenen etkinliklerde delege

olarak yapılan harcamanın tamamını**,

b. Şehirlerarası temsil/görüşmelerde yol ve konaklama masrafının; uluslararası

temsil/görüşmelerde yol, konaklama, vize ve yurtdışı çıkış harcı masraflarının

tamamına kadarki bir tutarı veya doğrudan tamamını,

c. AEGEE-Europe tarafından gerçekleştirilen eğitim etkinliklerinde harcanan

katılımcı ücretinin yarısına kadarki bir tutarı veya doğrudan yarısını,

Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifinde geri alırlar.

** Diğer etkinliklere istisna oluşturan bu hüküm; AEGEE-Ankara delegelerinin “Statutory

Event” başlığı altındaki etkinlikler için harcanan etkinlik katılım, yol, vize ve yurtdışı çıkış

harcı masraflarının 1 kişi üzerinden ödenmesi ve ilgili tutarın katılan temsilciler arasında

paylaşılması, şeklinde düzenlenmiştir.

Önemli Notlar:

1. Yol masrafları için mümkün olan en ucuz yolun seçilmesi esastır.

2. AEGEE-Ankara üyesinin ailesinin yaşadığı şehirde yapılacak temsil/görüşmelerde

ulaşım ve/veya konaklama geri ödemesi Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifiyle belirlenir.

3. Etkinlik bitiminden itibaren 15 gün içerisinde Dış Temsil Raporu’nu genel listeyle

paylaşmayan üyelere geri ödeme yapılmayacaktır.

4. Etkinliklerde, etkinliği düzenleyenler tarafından herhangi bir ödeme yapılması

halinde, yapılacak geri ödemede Yürütme Kurulu inisiyatifiyle indirime gidilebileceği

gibi ödeme yapılmama kararı da alınabilir.

5. Yürütme Kurulu, topluluk bütçe dengelerini göz önünde bulundurarak yukarıda

bahsedilen destek şartlarında geciktirme ve/veya indirim yapma hakkını saklı tutar.

6. Yukarıda sayılan etkinlikler harici durumlarda yapılacak geri ödeme ve miktarı,

Yürütme Kurulu “oybirliğiyle” kararlaştırılacaktır.

İşbu yönetmelik 24 Kasım 2008 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir.

Page 18: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

AEGEE-Ankara Yürütme Kurulu Yönetmeliği

Genel Sorumluluklar

Madde 1:

Topluluğun tüm yürütme faaliyetlerini tüzüğe uygun şekilde ve Genel Kurul adına


Görev dağılımını ilk toplantısında belirler.

Topluluğun yürüttüğü her Çalışma ve Proje grubuna, bu grupların toplantılarını takip edip

Yürütme Kurulu’nu bilgilendirme ile ve diğer AEGEE-Ankara yapılarıyla koordinasyonu

sağlamak üzere en az bir sorumlu seçer. Bu kişiler ilgili grup ile Yürütme Kurulu’nun her

türlü ilişkisini sağlamaktan ve grubun iyi işlemesine yardımcı olmaktan sorumludur.

Tüzük madde 11’de belirtildiği üzere görevi bıraktığı Genel Kurulu takiben ilk üç hafta

içerisinde yeni seçilen Yürütme Kurulu’na bilgilendirme toplantıları yapmakla yükümlüdür.

Gerekli gördüğü konularda kendine yardımcılar seçebilir, gerekli konularda yönetmelikler

hazırlayabilir. Yürütme Kurulu’na yardımcı olarak seçilen üyeler tüm faaliyetlerinden

Yürütme Kurulu’na karşı sorumludurlar, bu görevlerin yerine getirilmesinden Genel Kurul’a

karşı Yürütme Kurulu sorumludur.

Topluluk adına yapılan temsillerde yetkili tek organdır, ancak gerekli gördüğü durumlarda bu

görevi devredebilir.

İşbu yönetmelikte belirtilen sorumluluk ve yetkiler, tüzükle çelişemez. Aynı zamanda tüzükle

çelişmediği sürece, Yürütme Kurulu, bu yönetmelikte belirtilen sorumluluk ve yetkilere de



Madde 2:

Akademik tatil dönemleri dışında, en az haftada bir kere ofiste toplanır. Bu olağan

toplantılarını her hafta aynı gün ve saatte yapmaya gayret eder. Topluluğun genel haftalık

toplantısı, Genel Kurul, Olağanüstü Genel Kurul ve Konsey günlerinde toplanamaz.

Toplantılarını en az üç gün önceden genel e-posta listesinden duyurmak zorundadır. Toplantı

tutanaklarını en geç üç gün içinde genel e-posta listesine atar ve arşivlenmek üzere dosyasına


Page 19: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

Toplantıları kural olarak tüm üyelerin katılımına açık yapılır, Yürütme Kurulu oylama

yapacağında toplantıyı Yürütme Kurulu üyeleri dışına kapatma hakkına sahiptir. Bunun

haricinde ancak oy birliği ile toplantısının belirli bir gündemini Yürütme Kurulu üyeleri dışına


Gerekçeli kararlarını ayrı bir doküman halinde toplantı tutanaklarına ekler ve her toplantıdan

sonra güncelleyerek genel e-posta listesinden paylaşır.

Başkan’ın Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 3:

A. Tüzükte belirtilen tüm görev ve yetkilere sahiptir. Tüzükte ve bu yönetmelikte

belirtilenlerin uygulanmasından sorumludur.

B. Aktivite raporunun ve Strateji planının Genel Kurul’a ve Konsey’e sunulmasından


C. Finansal Direktör ile birlikte, mali rapor ve bütçenin Genel Kurul’a sunulmasından


D. Yürütme Kurulu içinde ve topluluğun diğer yapıları arasındaki koordinasyonu


E. Topluluktaki tüm yürütme eylemlerinden nihai olarak sorumlu kişidir.

Genel Sekreter’in Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 4:

A. Yürütme Kurulu toplantılarından önce taslak gündemi belirler ve ilgili belgeleri

toplantıya getirir.

B. Yürütme Kurulu içinde, ortak takvim ve yapılacak işler listesini tutar.

C. İçinde topluluğun gelecek faaliyetleri, toplantıları ve topluluğun geneli hakkında

önemli gördüğü tarihleri barındıran bir AEGEE-Ankara takvimi tutmak ile


D. Yürütme Kurulu’nun toplantı tutanaklarını, gelen/giden evrak ve diğer belgelerini


E. Topluluğun tüm yapılarının, gelen/giden evrak ve toplantı tutanaklarının düzgün

olarak arşivlemesini sağlar.

F. Ofisin çalışmaya müsait ve sorunsuz işlemesinden sorumludur. Ofisteki pano ve

dolapların düzenlenmesinden sorumludur.

G. Üyelerin dilekçelerini Yürütme Kurulu adına kabul eder ve sonraki Yürütme

Kurulu toplantısına sunulmak üzere saklar.

H. Topluluk içi iletişim kontak listesinin tutulması ve güncellenmesinden sorumludur.

İ. Üyelerin hangi toplantılara katıldığını proje ve çalışma grubu sekreterleri ile

koordineli bir biçimde çalışarak, çizelgesini tutmaktan sorumludur. İnsan

Page 20: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

Kaynakları Koordinatörü ile birlikte üyelerin AEGEE ve AEGEE-Ankara

hakkında bilgilendirilmesinden ve eğitimlerin düzenlenmesinden sorumludur.

Ayrıca üyelerin bilgilerini İnsan Kaynakları Koordinatörü ile koordineli bir

biçimde tutar ve saklar.

J. Tebrik kartlarının, teşekkür metinlerinin içeriğinin hazırlanmasından ve ilgili

yerlere e-posta ve posta yoluyla yollanmasından Halkla İlişkiler Sorumlusu ile

birlikte yükümlüdür.

K. Çalışma ve Proje Gruplarının düzenli işleyişinden ve takibinden sorumludur.

Finansal Direktör’ün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 5:

A. Mali Kurul denetimlerine karşı Yürütme Kurulu adına sorumludur.

B. Her ayın ilk toplantısında Yürütme Kurulu’na mali durum ile ilgili bilgi verir.

C. Hazırladığı ara mali raporu, 6 aylık Yürütme Kurulu aktivite raporu ile birlikte

nisan veya mayıs ayı içerisinde yapılacak olan konseyde paylaşır.

D. Topluluğun tüm mali işlerinde, saymanlara yardım eder, gerektiğinde eğitimler

verir ve onlarla toplantılar yapar.

E. Topluluğun tüm yapılarının mali raporlarını Yürütme Kurulu adına inceler ve

Yürütme Kurulu’na sunar.

F. Görevde olduğu dönemde yapılan gelir/giderleri ve aynı dönem sonunda

topluluğun sahip olduğu varlık/yükümlülükleri gösteren mali raporu Genel Kurula

sunar. Gelecek dönem için hazırladığı bütçe dokümanını da onay için Genel

Kurula sunar.

G. Günlük ve ufak harcamalar dışında yapılacak harcamalarda, önce Yürütme

Kurulu’na bu harcamaları onay için sunar ve gerekli gördüğü durumlarda Mali

Kurul’dan görüş alabilir.

H. Yürütme Kurulu harcamaları dışında da topluluğun yaptığı harcamaları takip eder

ve Yürütme Kurulu toplantılarında bu konularla ilgili bilgi verir.

İ. Mali işlerin takibinde, işleyişinde, sonlandırılmasında finansal direktör ve başkan

ortak sorumluluk taşır.

J. Finansal direktör ve başkanın değiştiği durumlarda banka hesaplarının

değiştirilmesi gerekmektedir.

Halkla İlişkiler Direktörü’nün Görev ve Yetkileri

Madde 6:

A. Topluluğun, kendi içinde, AEGEE ağı içerisinde ve dışarıda yürüteceği tüm halkla

ilişkiler ve tanıtım faaliyetlerinden sorumludur. Topluluğun görünürlüğünün

arttırılması için gerekli gördüğü tüm faaliyetleri yapar.

Page 21: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

B. Web sitesinin durumu hakkında düzenli olarak Yürütme Kurulu’na bilgi verir.

Web sitesinin içeriğinin oluşturulması, işlerliğinin sağlanması ve eksik yönlerinin

giderilmesinden sorumludur. Gerekli gördüğü durumlarda web sitesinin tasarımını

Bilişim Teknolojileri Sorumlusu ile birlikte değiştirmek ve iyileştirmekten


C. Her ay, dışarıya elektronik ortamda gönderdiğimiz ve o ay topluluğumuzun

faaliyetlerini içeren Telegram’ın hazırlanması ve dağıtılmasından sorumludur.

D. Tüm Proje ve Çalışma Gruplarının Halkla İlişkiler ve tanıtım faaliyetlerini

kurumsal kimliğe aykırı olmayacak şekilde gözetir. Gerektiğinde bu gruplardaki

sorumlulara eğitimler verilmesi ve görevlerinde yardımcı olur.

E. Yeni basın kontaklarının kurulması ve eskilerin güncel tutulmasını sağlar.

F. Topluluğun tüm tanıtım materyallerinin hazırlanmasından sorumludur.

G. Basında yer alan tüm haberlerimizin arşivlenmesinden ve gelecek döneme

aktarılmasından sorumludur. Gerekirse bunların elektronik ortama geçirilmelerini


H. Basın bültenlerinin hazırlanmasından sorumludur.

İ. Yeni kontaklar edinme, halkla ilişkiler stratejisinin hazırlanıp uygulanmasından

sorumludur. İlgili stratejiyi, ilk Konsey’e ve Yürütme Kurulu’na sunar.

Dış İlişkiler Direktörü’nün Yetki ve Sorumlulukları

Madde 7:

A. Topluluğun dış temsilinden başkan ile birlikte sorumludur.

B. Topluluk içindeki tüm fon bulma faaliyetlerini koordine eder. Topluluğun diğer

yapılarında bu sorumluluğu almış üyelere destek verir ve koordinasyonlarını

sağlar. Tüm fon bulma faaliyeti içindeki topluluk yapılarının, bu konudaki

planlarını bilmek ve aralarındaki koordinasyonu sağlamak ile yükümlüdür.

C. Dış iletişim listesi oluşturur ve güncellenmesini sağlar. AEGEE-Europe’un

oluşturduğu “Kara Liste”yi takip eder. Bu listeyi topluluk bazında da AEGEE-

Europe’unki ile uyumlu şekilde tutar, günceller ve fon görüşmeleri yapacak diğer

topluluk yapıları ile paylaşır.

D. Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu ile ortak çalışır ve faaliyetleri hakkında Yürütme

Kurulu’nu bilgilendirir.

E. Ortaklık tekliflerini inceler ve Yürütme Kurulu’na görüşülmek üzere sunar.

Topluluğa bir yükümlülük getirmeyen proje ortaklarında, zaman kısıtlaması varsa,

Başkan ile birlikte karar alabilir.

F. Yeni fon alternatiflerinin araştırılması ve fon bulma stratejisinin hazırlanıp

uygulanmasından sorumludur. İlgili stratejiyi, ilk Konsey’e ve Yürütme

Kurulu’na sunar.

Page 22: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de L'Europe - Avrupa Öğrencileri Forumu

AEGEE-Ankara - Merkez Mühendislik Binası MM-120 TR-06531 ODTÜ/Ankara

Tel: +90-312- 2103625 - Fax: +90-312-2103625 - E-mail: [email protected]

G. Topluluğun dış iletişim elektronik posta adresini ([email protected])

düzenli olarak kontrol etmek, gelen postaları yanıtlamak ve gerekli gördüğü e-

postaları Yürütme Kurulu toplantıları gündemine taşımakla sorumludur.

H. Dış temsil raporlarının 15 gün içinde toplanmasından ve daha sonra

incelenmesinden Avrupa Kurumları Sorumlusu ile birlikte sorumludur.

Başkan Yardımcısı’nın Yetki ve Sorumlulukları

Madde 8:

A. Başkan’ın istifa etmesi, mücbir sebep ile görevini yerine getirememesi gibi

durumlarda Başkan’ın yetki ve sorumluluklarını devralır. Başkanın olmadığı

durumlarda gereken yetki ve sorumluluklar için başkana vekâlet eder.

B. İlk Yürütme Kurulu toplantısında, Yürütme Kurulu üyeleri arasından belirlenir.

İşbu Yürütme Kurulu yönetmeliği 24 Kasım 2008 tarihinden itibaren geçerlidir.

Page 23: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon



Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‟Europe


~ FEBRUARY 2011 ~

Page 24: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon



CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

PREFACE .......................................................................................................................................................... 5


EDITION (EXTRACT) ..................................................................................................... 6

LIST OF CHANGES ........................................................................................................................................... 7

PREAMBLE - STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................... 11

STATUTES OF AEGEE-EUROPE .................................................................................................................... 12

I FORM, AIM, NAME, OFFICE, DURATION ........................................................................ ………..12

II MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION .................................................................................................. 12

III LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 13

IV WORKING GROUP ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................................................ 14

V ORGANS OF AEGEE-EUROPE...................................................................................................... 14

VI RESOURCES OF THE ASSOCIATION ............................................................................................... 21

VII WORKING FORMATS ................................................................................................................... 21


IX DISSOLUTION .............................................................................................................................. 21

STATUTS DE AEGEE-EUROPE ...................................................................................................................... 23

TITRE I FORME, OBJET, DÉNOMINATION, SIÈGE, DURÉE ................................................................. 23

TITRE II MEMBRES DE L‟ASSOCIATION ............................................................................................ 23

TITRE III ASSOCIATIONS LOCALES .................................................................................................... 24

TITRE IV ASSOCIATIONS GROUPE DE TRAVAIL ................................................................................... 25

TITRE V ORGANES DE AEGEE-EUROPE .......................................................................................... 26

TITRE VI RESSOURCES DE L‟ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................ 32

TITRE VII RÈGLEMENTS INTÉRIEURS .................................................................................................. 34


TITRE IX DISSOLUTION ..................................................................................................................... 34

CONVENTION D’ADHÉSION FOR AEGEE LOCALS ...................................................................................... 35

CONVENTION D’ ADHÉSION FOR AEGEE WORKING GROUPS .................................................................... 36

WORKING FORMAT OF THE AGORA ............................................................................................................. 38

WORKING FORMAT OF THE EUROPEAN BOARDS’ MEETING ...................................................................... 42

Page 25: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon


WORKING FORMAT OF THE COMITÉ DIRECTEUR ....................................................................................... 45

WORKING FORMAT OF THE MEMBERS COMMISSION ................................................................................. 47

GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES ........................................................................................................................ 49

I MEMBERSHIP FEES ..................................................................................................................... 49

II BUDGET OF AEGEE-EUROPE ..................................................................................................... 49

III BOOKKEEPING ............................................................................................................................ 49

IV REIMBURSEMENT CRITERIA ....................................................................................................... 50

V SUPPORT FOR STATUTORY MEETINGS ......................................................................................... 53

VI FEES FOR ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................. 53

ANTENNAE CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................... 54

WORKING GROUPS CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................... 56

GENERAL RULES ........................................................................................................................................... 58

I EVENTS .................................................................................................................................... 58

II PROJECTES .............................................................................................................................. 59

III ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 62

IV PLANNING ............................................................................................................................... 63

SUMMER UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................... 64

CASE STUDY TRIPS ....................................................................................................................................... 68

LIAISON OFFICERS AND LIAISON AGENCY .................................................................................................. 69

RULES OF THE NETWORK COMMISSION ................................................................................................... 70

LOGO ............................................................................................................................................................. 72

VOTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 72

PRYTANIUM ................................................................................................................................................... 73

ANNEX 1: APPLICATION FORM ..................................................................................................................... 73

ANNEX 2: LOI DU 1ER JUILLET 1901 RELATIVE AU CONTRAT D'ASSOCIATION ........................................... 74

ANNEX 3: FRENCH LAW OF 01.07.1901 ABOUT THE ASSOCIATIONS ............................................................ 82

ANNEX 4: FORMAT OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE ..................................................... 88

ANNEX 5: WORKING FORMAT OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE .................................................. 91

Page 26: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon


Publisher: AEGEE-Europe

Juridical Commission

Rue Nestor de Tière 15

B - 1030 Bruxelles - Schaarbeek

Editors: Mercedes Miragrall, Juridical Commission ([email protected])

Dawid Sierżant, Juridical Commission ([email protected])

Michael Makowiecki, Juridical Commission ([email protected])

French language support: Alfredo Sellitti, Comité Directeur

© AEGEE-Europe - February 2011. All rights reserved.

Page 27: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon



Of the Juridical Commission

Dear Network,

It is our pleasure to deliver you the newest, 22nd

edition of the Corpus Iuriducum Aegeense (the CIA), with

changes introduced at Agora Istanbul 2010.

The CIA is a collection of legal documents that are “the heart and soul” of AEGEE – Europe internal and

external organization. They are the legal framework in which AEGEE functions, legitimacy of the process

and decisions that are made in AEGEE and finally, the income of your work during statutory events like

Agora or EBM. After all, we have created it by ourselves.

There is a certain hierarchy existing within the CIA. The most important document and the core of our

association are the Statutes.

That‟s the basis of our existence. It regulates our aim and mission, states who are legitimate members and

what are their rights and obligations, creates organs of AEGEE Europe and describes crucial procedures of

AEGEE – Europe‟s functioning.

Another important document is CONVENTION D’ADHÉSION.

It‟s a template contract that AEGEE Europe signs when appointing it‟s new members.

It creates rights and obligations for all Antennas to act accordingly with the Statutes and Agora decisions.

Detailed Working Formats of the bodies and statutory events are rules of procedures. It‟s a procedural code

that tells them how to convoke, how to act, how to make decisions (how to vote) and regulates its inner

organizational structure. This edition includes for the first time the Working Formats of all bodies in the

Annex including the newly established Committees: the Information Technology Committee and the Public

Relations Committee. This measure aims to increase the transparency within the work of the bodies of


The rest of the CIA is different and very important Agora resolutions as Financial Rules, Members Criteria

or General Rules that are extension of the Statues. Their role is to define things precisely and specify

Statutes in detail, or sometimes even interpret them.

The CIA is the legal work we have all done. But this work is constant. Our Europe is changing quickly, we

are facing new challenges every day and we have to follow the stream to make AEGEE – Europe even

more efficient, reliable, modern and transparent.

It means also, that new changes to the CIA are required in the nearest future.

As for now – enjoy this new edition of our CIA !

Sincerely Yours,

Juridical Commission (Agora Istanbul – Agora Alicante)

Mercedes – Dawid – Michael

Page 28: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon




We would also like to take the opportunity of the seventh edition‟s publication to explain shortly the

different types and importance of legal texts we apply within the association.

First of all there are the Statutes (Sta), which are at the top of the hierarchy of our texts. No valid rule in

another AEGEE document can be in contradiction with the Statutes. The Working Formats of the Agora

(WFA) and of the European Boards‟ Meeting (WFEBM) are intended to complete the Statutes as far as the

internal organisation and management of the statutory bodies are concerned. The General Financial

RulesGFR, which regulate finances and budgetary lines of the association, lies with the exclusive

competence of the Agora. In cases of conflict the General Rules take the second rank in the hierarchy of the

texts. They prevail over the Working Formats, which form the third category of legal texts. General Rules

are proposals, which only need a simple majority to be accepted. Having a certain importance for the

association they must be published in the CIA. The Conventions d‟Adhésion are in no separate rank. They

are contracts between AEGEE-Europe and an Antenna or Working Group referring to the relation between

the signatory bodies.

The footnotes are not part of the official text voted upon by the Agora or EBM. But they are the official

(and consequently binding) interpretation of the Juridical Commission in office.

This is certainly not the last edition of the CIA. Our rules should always fulfil the conditions of stability

and flexibility at the same time: We must leave them unchanged as long as possible and only modify them

if it is really necessary. Whatever it may look like, the CIA represents only a framework, which must be

filled by the creative political work of the association for the promotion of European integration.

Page 29: AEGEE-Ankara Dökumantasyon



Changes 21.1 edition: (Agora Istanbul, October 2010)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 17,18,24,27,29,31,32,33,35)

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora ( Art. 1,11)

Changes to the Working Format of the Comité Directeur (Art. 2)

Changes to the General Financial Rules (Art. 7, 18)

Changes to Antenna Criteria (Art. 3,4,5)

Changes to General Rules (Projects art 3, Planning art 4)

Introduction of Activities to the General Rules

Changes to Summer University (Art. 3, 8)

Deletion of the Role of the Network Commission

Introduction of the Rules of the Network Commission

Changes 21 edition: (Agora Leiden, April 2010)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 12, 13, 29, 35)

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art. 1, 2)

Changes to the Working Format of the EBM (Art. 4)

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art. 2, 18, 23, 27)

Rename of the Financial Working Format

Rename of the Working Format Antennae Criteria

Deletion of the Working Format Working Groups Criteria

Introduction of the Working Groups Criteria

Deletion of Working Format Connections Criteria

Reform of the Events Working Format (Art. 3, 4, 5)

Reform of the Projects Working Format (Art. 3)

Reform of the Planning Working Format

Summer University (Art. 1)

Working Format of the Agora (Art. 1)

Changes 20.1 edition: (Agora Kyiv, October 2009)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 19, 29, 33)

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art. 14)

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art. 18)

Changes to the Working Format Working Groups Criteria (Art. 1, 3, 4, 5)

Changes 20 edition: (Agora Magusa, April 2009)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 18, 18A, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33)

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art. 1, 11)

Changes to the Working Format of the Comité Directeur (Art. 2)

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art. 18)

Changes to the Summer University (Art. 1)

Inclusion of the updated version of the “Loi du 1er Juillet 1901” (with the English

version) in the additional annexes

Changes 19.1 edition: (Agora Aachen, October 2008)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 24)

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Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art. 11)

Changes to the Working Format of the Comité Directeur (transitional Art. 2A,


Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art. 1, 2, 5)

Changes to the Summer University (Art. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Changes to the Role of the Network Commission (Introduction, Part I, II, III)

Changes 19 edition: (Agora Ljubljana, May 2008)

Changes to the Statutes (Art. 10)

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art. 7)

Changes to the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting (Art. 2)

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art. 1, 18, 23)

Changes to the Working Format Antennae Criteria (Art. 1 - 5)

Changes to the Planning Working Format (Art. 2)

Changes 18.1 edition: (Agora Eskisehir, November 2007)

Changes to Agora Working Format, Art.1 (4), 10 (1), 14

Changes to Antennae Criteria Working Format, Art.3, Art.5

Changes to Convention d' Adhesion for AEGEE locals, Art.3, Art.10

Changes to European Boards' Meeting Working Format, Art.1, Art.2 (1,3,4)

Changes to Financial Working Format, Art. 1, 13, 17, 28

Changes to Summer University (Art. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Changes to Comité Directeur Working Format, Art.1, 2A, 2B, and NEW Art.3

Changes to Secretariat Général Working Format, Art.1 (2)

New Article in the Statute: 20 – Resignation of the Member of the Comité


Reform of the article 6, 17, 23, 26, 32 of the Statutes

Deletion of Find Europe Project

Changes to Annex 1: the Application Form

Changes 18 edition: (Agora Valletta, April 2007)

Changes to the Planning Working Format

Changes to Projects Working Format

Changes to Agora Working Format

Changes to EBM‟s Working Format

Changes to Comité Directeur Working Format

Introduction of article in Find Europe Project

Changes for the budget of Summer University Project

Reform of Article 4 of the Statutes.

Change of the Comité Directeur Cycle

Establishment of English translation to be used for AEGEE, Article 3 of the


Reformation of members of Network Commission.

Changes 17.1 edition: (Agora Napoli, November 2006)

Changes to the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting

(Art.1 (3), Art.2 (1),(2),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8), Art.7 (1),(3))

Changes to Planning Working Format (Art.2 (2),(3),(4), Art.3 (1),(2),(3),(4))

Changes to Working Format of the Agora (Art.6. Art. 14(1))

Introduction of the Transition Period-Knowledge Transfer of the Comité

Directeur, Article 18, 19 (3),(4),(5), 20 of the Statutes

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Changes to the Working Format of the Comité Directeur (Art.1, 2, 2A)

Changes to Financial Working Format (Art.18 (5), Art.26)

Changes to Working Format Working Groups Criteria (Art.1 (2),(4), Art.5)

Reform of Find Europe Project (Art.2 (2),(3),(4), Art.3 (2),(3), Art.4 (2),(3),(4))

Changes 17 edition: (Agora Warszawa, May 2006)

Changes to Article 24 of the Statutes

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art.13 (3))

Changes to the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting (Art.8 (3))

Changes to the Working Format of the Members Commission (Part I (3); II (4))

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art.18 (10); Art.27)

Changes to the Working Format Working Groups Criteria (Art.1 (2))

Reform to the Summer University

Changes 16.1 edition: (Agora Izmir, October 2005)

Changes to Article 25 (5) of the Statutes

Changes to the Working Format of the Agora (Art.1 (4), Art.1 (6), Art.2 (1).

Changes to the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting (Art.2 (2),

Art.2 (3), Art.4 (1)).

Changes to the Working Format of the Comité Directeur (Parts IV, VII, X)

Changes to the Financial Working Format (Art.12, Art.18 (2), Art.19, Art.20 (1),

Art.24 (1).

Changes to the Working Format Working Groups Criteria (Art.1 (2))

Changes to the Role of the Network Commission (Part III)

Reform to the Projects Working Format

Introduction of the Planning Working Format, hereby replacing the former

„Main Fields of Action, Strategy Plan, Year Plan‟

Changes to the Summer University (Art.3)

Changes to the former Liaison Office, hereby named „Liaison Officers and

Liaison Agency‟

Punctuation corrections to the Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense

Inclusion of the updated version of the “Loi du 1er Juillet 1901” (with the

English version) in the additional annexes

Changes 16.0 edition: (Agora Enschede, May 2005)

Changes on Article 21 of the Statutes

Changes on the Working Format of the Agora (article 2)

Changes on the European Boards‟ Meeting

Changes on the Working Format Antennae Criteria

Changes on the Events Working Format

Inclusion of the “Loi du 1er Juillet 1901” (with the English version) as


Corrections and harmonization of the lay-out of the Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense

Changes 15.0 edition: (Agora Torino, November 2004)

Linguistic corrections of the English version of the Preamble and the Statutes

Changes on articles 14,17,19 and 32 of the Statutes

Deletion of the article 19a of the Statutes

Changes on the Financial Working Format (articles 18-22, 24), deletion of the

article 25

Changes on the Working Format of the Agora (articles 1, 3, 19, 10a)

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Changes on the Secretariat General Working Format (articles 1, 2)

Changes 14.1 edition: (Agora Skopje, April 2004)

Changes on articles 4, 14, 17, 21, 32 of the Statutes

Changes on the Working Format of the Agora

Changes on the Financial Working Format

Abolition of the Planning Meeting and Introduction of the European Boards‟


Introduction of the Working Format of the Secretariat General

Changes on the Summer University Project rules

Changes 14.0 edition: (Agora Zaragoza, October 2003)

Changes on Find Europe Project

Changes on Liaison Officers

Changes on Financial Working Format (art. 18.12)

Changes 13.1 edition: (Agora Bucuresti, May 2003)

Changes on Meetings of the Comité Directeur, article 20.1 of Statutes; deletion

of article 20.3.

Introduction of “Working Format Connections Criteria”

Changes on Working Format of the Agora, article 2.1.

Changes on Financial Working Format; articles 3, 18.2 and 18.3.

Changes on Working Format of the Comité Directeur

New Application Form

Changes 13.0 edition: (Agora Athina, November 2002)

Changes on articles 13 and 25 of Statutes and changes on Working Format

Working Groups Criteria

Introduction of Find Europe Project

Changes on “Financial Working Format, Deficit Guarantee” (art 26.1 and 26.2)

New article 23 to the “Financial Working Format, Subsistence costs”.

Changes on „Main Field of Action, Strategic Plan, Year plan‟.

Deletion of the „Year Plan Working Format‟, „General Rules for Events‟ and

„European Project Regulations‟

Introduction of the „Events Working Format‟ and the „Project Working Format‟

Changes on “Working Format Antennae criteria” (art. 4.1)

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We, the members of AEGEE,

Realising that the young people of Europe are building the future of our continent,

Aspiring to a peaceful Europe free of obstacles and enmities, of false divisions and forced differences,

Resolved to remove barriers between the peoples of Europe,

Determined to contribute to a Europe of co-operation and understanding,

Creating a network of young Europeans desiring to spread our ideals and ideas concerning Europe,

Hereby declare

Our belief that, while cherishing our diversity and respecting the character of our regions, we can find on

the basis of our cultural and historical heritage the principles that unite us and guide us in our effort to

strengthen the European conscience,

Our faith in a Europe standing for liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, and our

will to co-operate with institutions that promote these concepts,

Our resolve to establish an open Europe which recognises the importance of all cultures in the shaping of

its past, present, and future and which plays an active role in fostering peace, stability and prosperity

throughout the world,

Our intention to promote unlimited access to education as being of fundamental importance to increase

mutual understanding,

Our desire to encourage student mobility in order to fight prejudice and xenophobia by increasing people's

awareness of different cultures, and

Our strong belief that our association is a unique platform enabling us to contribute to these visions of


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STATUTES OF AEGEE-EUROPE Agora Istanbul, October 2010

I - Form, Aim, Name, Office, Duration

Article 1: Form An association is formed between the undersigned and all natural and legal persons being party to the present Statutes and which fulfil the conditions hereinafter fixed, regulated by the French law of 01.07.1901 and by the Order of Council of 16.08.1901.

Article 2: Aim (1)

1The association aims to promote, through the student world, the European idea amongst

young people in Europe. 2Thus AEGEE strives to foster European integration, democracy, human

rights, tolerance, cross-border co-operation, mobility and a European dimension in education. (2) AEGEE is a secular, non-profit organisation not linked to any political party.

Article 3: Name The full name of the association is “AEGEE-Europe”, AEGEE stands for “Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‟Europe”. The English translation to be used is “ European Students‟ Forum”.

Article 4: Head Office 1The board of the association is registered at 41, rue de Liege, F-75008 Paris.

2The head office is

located at Rue Nestor de Tiere 15, B-1030 Brussels-Schaarbeek. 3These may be moved by a

simple decision of the Comité Directeur. 4Ratification of the decision must be proposed at the

Agora following the decision.

Article 5: Duration 1The duration of the association AEGEE-Europe is unlimited.

2However, the Statutes of AEGEE-

Europe may be transferred into Community law as soon as Community legislation permits.

II - Members of the Association

Article 6: Members The association is composed of: (1) Ordinary Members:

a) 1The associations (AEGEE Locals), which have signed the Convention d‟Adhesion,

appended to the present Statutes. 2These members undertake to respect the Statutes of the

association and its internal Working Formats; b)

1The associations (AEGEE Working Groups), which have signed the Convention

d‟Adhesion, appended to the present Statutes. 2These members undertake to respect the

Statutes of the association and its internal Working Formats. 3They are exempt from the

annual membership fee. (2) Supporting Members: 1Those persons having rendered noteworthy financial services to the association recognised as

such by the Comité Directeur. 2Legal persons may be admitted as supporting members.

(3) Honorary Members: 1Those persons having rendered noteworthy services to the association and who have been

awarded this title by the Comité Directeur. 2They are exempt from the annual membership fee.

3The list of Honorary Members is subject to ratification at the Agora.

(4) The list of ordinary members has to be submitted once a year to “Moniteur Belge”, after the Spring Agora.

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Article 7: Membership Fee (1) A membership fee, ratified by the Agora, must be paid to ensure that membership as defined in Article 6 of the present Statutes is valid. (2) Exceptions on the membership fee rate can be made by the Comité Directeur.

Article 8: Financial Responsibility 1The assets of the association are responsible for contractual obligations taken in the name of the

association. 2No member of the Comité Directeur will be held personally responsible for these


III - Local Associations

Article 9: Definition (1)

1Local associations as full members of AEGEE-Europe are associations subject to the law of

01.07.1901 or subject to similar laws in the other European countries. 2These associations are

set up locally and formed with the agreement of the Comité Directeur, which will make a decision during its meetings as soon as the respective association requests it. (2)

1These associations will use the name ”AEGEE-” followed by the geographical name best

suited to the locality in which they are situated. 2They will be referred to as ”AEGEE local” or

”local association” in the remainder of this text. (3)

1To become an AEGEE local, a group or association has to fulfil the criteria set in the

Antennae Criteria and sign the Convention d‟Adhesion. 2The relationship with all groups or

associations wishing to become members of AEGEE-Europe is regulated by a Convention d‟Adhesion; the use of the name ”AEGEE” is permitted after signing this Convention d‟Adhesion. (4)

1The AEGEE locals are divided into AEGEE Antennae and AEGEE Contact Antennae.


rights and duties are described in the Antennae Criteria. (5)

1AEGEE locals lose their member status by termination of the Convention d‟Adhesion, as

decided by the local Agora with a 2/3 majority. 2The Convention d‟Adhesion may also be

terminated by the procedures mentioned in Articles 10 or 26 of the present statutes. (6) Members of AEGEE locals will be referred to as ”AEGEE members” in the remainder of this text.

Article 10: Relationship between AEGEE-Europe and AEGEE locals (1)

1AEGEE-Europe aims to unite the intentions and magnify the efforts made by AEGEE locals.

2The relationship between AEGEE locals and AEGEE-Europe is regulated by the Convention

d‟Adhésion and the Antennae Criteria. 3The Comité Directeur supervises the functioning of

AEGEE locals. (2) All lawsuits initiated by or against an AEGEE local are likely to harm AEGEE-Europe and all the members of the association, and as a consequence, AEGEE-Europe should be informed. (3)

1The Comité Directeur retains the power of decision in all cases that might harm AEGEE-

Europe, but not for the cases brought forward to the Members Commission by official and valid request according to Article 26(7).

2In these cases the Comité Directeur is obliged to co-operate

with the Members Commission by providing the necessary infrastructure and information available. (4)

1The Comité Directeur may decide to terminate the Convention d‟Adhesion with an AEGEE

local if this local did not pay membership fees for more than three successive Agorae. 2This

decision is subject to ratification by the Agora. (5)

1The Comité Directeur may decide to terminate the Convention d'Adhesion with an AEGEE

local that has the status of a Contact Antenna, if this Contact Antenna did not fulfil the criteria laid down in the Antennae Criteria.

2This decision is subject to ratification by the Agora.

Article 11: Organisation The organisational method of the AEGEE locals is defined by the Statutes that the local associations undertake to adopt by signing the Convention d‟Adhesion with AEGEE-Europe.

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IV - Working Group Associations

Article 12: Definition (1)

1AEGEE Working Group as full members of AEGEE-Europe are associations subject to the

law of 01.07.1901 or subject to similar laws in the other European countries. 2These associations

are set up out of Working Groups and are formed with the approval of the Comité Directeur

(2) 1These associations will use the name ”AEGEE-” followed by the concrete subject on which

the Working Group concentrates, and the title Working Group. 2They will be referred to as

”AEGEE Working Groups” in the remainder of this text. (3) Only members of AEGEE locals can be members of AEGEE Working Groups. (4)

1To become an AEGEE Working Group a group has to fulfil the criteria set in the Working

Groups Criteria and has to sign the Convention d‟Adhesion. 2The use of the name AEGEE is

permitted after signing this Convention d‟Adhesion.

Article 13: Relationship between AEGEE-Europe and AEGEE Working Groups (1)

1Each Working Group elects the Board of the Working Group.

2After each election, the names

of the elected persons must be communicated to the Comité Directeur. (2)

1Any change to the Statutes of an AEGEE Working Group must be communicated to and

approved by the Juridical Commission and the Comité Directeur. 2They will be considered

approved if no written objection is presented within the 2 months following this notification. (3)

1All lawsuits initiated by or against an AEGEE Working Group are likely to harm AEGEE-

Europe and all the members of the association, and by consequence AEGEE-Europe should be informed. (4)

1The Comité Directeur retains the power of decision in all cases that might harm AEGEE-

Europe, except for cases brought forward to the Members Commission by official and valid request according to Article 26(7).

2In these cases the Comité Directeur is obliged to co-operate

with the Members Commission by providing the necessary infrastructure and information available. (5)

1The Comité Directeur may decide to terminate the Convention d'Adhesion with an AEGEE

Working Group if it did not fulfill the criteria laid down in the Working Groups Criteria. 2This

decision is subject to ratification by the Agora.

V - Organs of AEGEE-Europe

Article 14: Ordinary Agora (1)

1The ordinary Agora comprises the elected representatives of the AEGEE locals and the

AEGEE Working Groups as well as the members of the Comité Directeur. 2The ordinary Agora

meets twice a year. (2) The required quorum for an election is 50% of the members of AEGEE-Europe. (3)

1Every local sends at least 1 and at most 3 delegates, elected in the local Agora.

2The number

of votes per AEGEE Antenna depends directly on the membership fees paid to AEGEE-Europe. 3The number of votes is distributed in the following way:

10 - 20 members 1 vote, 21 - 50 members 2 votes, 51 - 100 members 3 votes, 101 - 150 members 4 votes, 151 - 200 members 5 votes, 201 - 250 members 6 votes, 251 - 350 members 7 votes, 351 - 450 members 8 votes, 451 - 550 members 9 votes, 551 - 650 members 10 votes, 651 - 750 members 11 votes,

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751 - 850 members 12 votes, 851 - 950 members 13 votes, from 951 members 14 votes plus one additional vote for every 250 additional

members. (4) The number of members of each AEGEE Antenna is calculated by the Comité Directeur according to the membership fees it paid. (5)

1Every AEGEE Working Group sends at least 1 and at most 3 delegates, elected by the

general assembly of the Working Group. 2AEGEE Working Groups have three votes.

(6) The President convokes the Agora. (7) The Chairperson presides over the Agora. (8) The Secretary of the meeting is responsible for the minutes of the Agora. (9) The President (assisted by the Comité Directeur) presents a moral report about the current situation of the association. (10) Every Comité Directeur Member presents an individual moral report about the current situation of his/her activity. (11)

1The Treasurer presents the results of his management and submits the financial balance

sheet to the Agora for approval. 2The representative of the Audit Commission may intervene if the

Agora asks them to do so. (12) The Audit Commission presents its report. (13) The Agora approves the management of the Comité Directeur for the period since the last Agora. (14)

1The Agora votes on the outline of the projects for the coming period and the provisional

budget, as proposed by the Comité Directeur. 2Each project has to be the object of a separate

vote. (15)

1Decisions are made by simple majority.

2The vote is public unless half of the members of

the Agora request a secret ballot. (16) The members and organs of AEGEE-Europe have the right to present proposals to the Agora.

Article 15: Minutes The discussions during the Agora are recorded in the form of minutes in a special register and signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary of the meeting and communicated not later than two months after the meeting to the AEGEE locals and the AEGEE Working Groups.

Article 16: Extraordinary Agora (1) If necessary, or at the request of 20% of the registered members, the President will convoke an extraordinary Agora in accordance with Article 14. (2) The Agora must take place within two months.

Article 17: Election of the Comité Directeur (1) The association is administered by a European Board of Directors (Comité Directeur) composed of a maximum of 7 members from the AEGEE locals: the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, from now on called Financial Director and 4 active members elected by secret vote for a period of one year by the Agora. (2)

1All members of the Comité Directeur may be re-elected.

2The composition of the Comité

Directeur must meet the following requirements: Each candidate, excluding President, Secretary General and Financial Director, should receive a number of votes corresponding to at least one third of the total number of votes. At least four nationalities must be represented. Not more than three members may share the same nationality. (3)

1If more than three of the candidates elected share the same nationality, only the three with

the most votes can join the Comité Directeur. 2The other places shall remain vacant.

3If the

candidates elected are of fewer than four nationalities, one place in the Comité Directeur shall remain vacant for every nationality lacking.

4In this case, the candidates elected with the fewest

votes will not join the Comité Directeur. (4) The President, the Financial Director and the Secretary General are elected in three secret elections of two ballots each. (5) The candidates for the presidency who are not elected are not allowed to present themselves

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for another post in the Comité Directeur. (6)

1The 4 regular members are elected individually according to the Working Format of the

Agora. 2The Comité Directeur elects among the elected members at least one Vice-President.


there is more than one Vice-President the Comité Directeur must rank them. (7) All the members of the Comité Directeur have to present a moral report in case of resignation. (8) All members of the Comité Directeur have to present together with the internal financial report of the association an individual report of the travels they made during their mandate, specifying the expenses of these travels. Article 18: Assumption of office of the newly elected members of the Comité Directeur

(1) 1The members of the Comité Directeur who were elected at the Spring Agora assume office,

and shall act in the name of the association, as from 1st September following the Spring Agora.

2The newly elected members of the Comité Directeur shall receive from their predecessors a full

and complete knowledge transfer from 1st August until 31

st August.

(2) 1The power to act in the name of the association remains vested in the respective members of

the Comité Directeur who are terminating their posts, and the members who remain in office after the Agora.

2Throughout this period, legal representation and capacity remain vested in the

outgoing President. (3)

1The Comité Directeur members terminating their office must present an activity report

covering the period between the Spring Agora and the 31st of August.

2The report is to be placed

online latest by the 7th of September. These have to be voted on at the Autumn Agora.

(4) 1The outgoing Financial Director publishes online the internal financial report over the period

as specified in Article 31 latest by the 7th of September.

2This has to be voted on at the Autumn

Agora. (5)

1In case of resignation of a Comité Directeur member, the Comité Directeur has to make an

open call for an interim Comité Directeur member within one week, who will fill in the position within one month of announcing of the resignation. 2The interim Comité Directeur member holds responsibilities and obligations for the post, receives

the financial benefit of an elected Comité Directeur member but does not have voting rights in the Comité Directeur meeting.

Article 19 : Vote of Confidence (1) During an Agora, ordinary or extraordinary, a group of at least 10 Antennae or AEGEE Working Groups (with a majority of their delegates) or the 2/3 majority of the members of the Comité Directeur may ask for a vote of confidence in favour of one or more members of the Comité Directeur in charge. (2)

1If the Agora votes against the vote of confidence by a simple majority, the list of candidates

for the respective position(s) is reopened. 2The members of the Comité Directeur for whom the

vote of confidence was taken may present themselves for the elections of the Comité Directeur, if they want to hold their position.

3The person(s) elected in are voted upon to finish the regular

mandate. (3) Notwithstanding a negative vote of confidence, the outgoing members of the Comité Directeur are still obliged to provide a full and complete knowledge transfer as provided in Article 18 Article 20 : Resignation of members of the Comité Directeur (1)

1A member of the Comité Directeur who resigns, loses the right of a reimbursed moving out

travel and subsistence costs for the days from his/hers resignation to the day of departure from the Head Office.

2For the transition period when the resigning Comité Directeur member lives in

the Head Office until the day he/she leaves, he/she should perform the ordinary administration of his/her task. (2)

1He/she can get reimbursements for performing the ordinary administration part of his/her task

and to prepare a written, full and complete knowledge transfer. 2

If the moving out takes place after at least 4 weeks and the successor has had at least one week of knowledge transfer period, the leaving Comité Directeur member can get his/her trip 50% reimbursed. (3) In case of force majeure, exceptions can be made on the reduction of the reimbursement by decision of the Comité Directeur.

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Article 21: Powers of the Comité Directeur (1)

1The Comité Directeur is vested with the widest possible powers to act in the name of the

association and is authorised to take any action in conformity with the aims of the association. 2The members of the Comité Directeur have the following competences:

1The President is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Comité

Directeur and for ensuring the proper functioning of the association, which he/she represents in all civil acts and in particular regarding the opening and operation of all bank accounts.

2 He/She orders all expenditures.

3 He/She shares this

financial power with the Financial Director. 4When a vote taken by the Comité

Directeur is evenly split, the President has the casting vote.

1The Vice-Presidents assist the President in his/her various tasks.

2They have no

financial power. 3They are responsible for external relations and specific projects.

4 If the President (or acting President) becomes incapacitated in any way, the

Vice-President highest in rank becomes automatically empowered with all the powers and responsibilities of the President, for as long as the President (or acting President) is incapacitated.

5He/She is then considered to be the acting


1The Secretary General and his/her assistants must ensure a good

communication within the association. 2They are responsible for maintaining the

register as prescribed by the law of 01.07.1901. ³The Secretary General is responsible for the preparation of the statutory events.

4The Secretary General

shall supervise and coordinate the work of the Secretariat and is responsible for the daily functioning of the Secretariat.

5The duties of the Secretariat are more

precisely defined in the Working Format of the Secretariat General.

1The Financial Director maintains the accounts of the association.


makes all payments and receives all money on behalf of the association. 3He/She has the right to refuse to make payments that are not authorised by a

vote of the Comité Directeur. 4He/She has to make an annual budget.

5He/She is

assisted by the Assistant Financial Director. (2)

1The accounts of AEGEE-Europe will be given in EURO.

2The accounts will be examined

annually by the Audit Commission.

Article 22: Meetings of the Comité Directeur (1) The Comité Directeur meets at the request of the President or at the request of one quarter of its members as often as required in the interest of the association, at least once a month. (2)

1Decisions are made by simple majority.

2The quorum is 50% of the membership.

3It is

possible for a member to be represented with a proxy vote by another member of the Comité Directeur.

4If there is no majority, the President has the casting vote.

5Decisions are noted by

minutes in a special register signed by the President and the secretary of the meeting.

Article 23: European Boards’ Meeting (1)

1The European Boards‟ Meeting has the objective to involve Antennae in the projects and

activities of the Working Groups, Project Teams and Commissions. 2The European Boards‟

Meeting finalises the annual Action Agenda. (2)

1The European Boards‟ Meeting offers the possibility to express opinions, discuss and

exchange experiences. 2The European Boards‟ Meeting provides platform for further interaction

and co-ordination for AEGEE locals, Working Groups, Commissions, Project Teams and the Comité Directeur.

Article 24: Audit Commission (1)

1The Audit Commission audits the finances of the association and advises the Financial

Director and the Agora accordingly. 2It is composed of three financially competent AEGEE

members, elected by the Agora, who are not members of the Comité Directeur. 3They must be

from three different AEGEE locals and are elected for the period until the next Agora. 4They can

be re-elected. 5The President of the Audit Commission will be the member elected with the most


6A Financial Director cannot be elected as member of the Audit Commission until both the

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annual financial reports and the internal financial report covering the period he/she was in office have been approved by the Agora. (2) The tasks of the Audit Commission are:

To check the bookkeeping of AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE locals, AEGEE Working Groups and AEGEE-Europe events;

To approve the financial reports of AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE locals, AEGEE Working Groups and AEGEE-Europe events;

To present their findings to each Agora. (3) The Audit Commission must meet at least once between two Agorae.

Article 25: Juridical Commission (1) The Juridical Commission consists of:

2 AEGEE members with legal knowledge elected by the Agora;

1 member appointed by the Comité Directeur from among its members. (2)

1At least two nationalities must be represented in the Juridical Commission.

2The President of

the Juridical Commission will be the member elected by the Agora with the largest number of votes.

3The two members elected by the Agora are in charge for the period until the next Agora.

4They can be re-elected.

(3) The Juridical Commission must:

Assist the Comité Directeur and the Agora;

Verify the conformity of the Statutes of each AEGEE local with the model defined by AEGEE-Europe and the application of the Statutes;

Verify the signatures of the Convention d‟Adhésion;

Integrate modifications to the Statutes adopted by the Agora;

Present a report during the Agora through its President.

Article 26: Members Commission (1)

1The Members Commission is responsible for making decisions in all cases, except for those

mentioned in Article 10(4) and (5), which may lead to disciplinary sanctions against an ordinary member.

2Necessary sanctions must be proportional to the severity of the violation.

(2) The Members Commission shall strive for amicable settlements in all cases before considering further actions. (3) Disciplinary sanctions may be decided for non-compliance with the terms of the Statutes, the Convention d‟Adhesion, the Working Formats or other binding rules of the Corpus Iuridicum. (4)

1The Members Commission comprises of five members as follows:

1 member, the President of the Juridical Commission;

4 members elected by the Agora for the period until the next Agora, with the possibility of re-election.

2In addition there is an observer from the Comité Directeur appointed by the Comité Directeur, not

being a member of the Juridical Commission, in an advisory capacity, without voting rights.

(5) 1The composition of the four elected members must meet the following requirements:

Candidates must have proven experience:

As a member of the Comité Directeur, a Commission of AEGEE-Europe or of the board of an ordinary member, or

As a delegate to a former Agora and a member of AEGEE for more than one year.

At least three nationalities must be represented, and not more than two members sharing the same nationality;

The members of the Commission may not accept or keep any other position in any of the following bodies for the duration of their term: Comité Directeur, Audit Commission, Juridical Commission, Network Commission as well as a position in the board of any Working Group or Supporting Committee, Antenna and Contact Antenna;

Each candidate should receive a number of votes corresponding at least to the following number: the number of open positions divided by the number of candidates divided by two. The percentage of votes needed to be elected

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should be maximum 50% and minimum 25%. 2If more than two of the candidates elected share the same nationality, only the two with the

most votes can join the Members Commission. 3The other places shall remain vacant.

4If the

candidates elected are of fewer than three nationalities, one place in the Members Commission shall remain vacant for every nationality lacking.

5In this case, the candidates

elected with the fewest votes will not join the Members Commission. (6) The Members Commission may be activated by:

Official request of at least two of the following organs of AEGEE-Europe: Comité Directeur, Network Commission, Audit Commission, Juridical Commission; a request cannot come from the Comité Directeur and the Juridical Commission only;

Official request signed by at least ten ordinary members vested with full voting rights during statutory meetings.

(7) The President of the Members Commission will be the member elected by the Agora with the largest number of votes. (8)

1The President of the Members Commission convenes and chairs its meetings.

2If the

President is unable to attend the meeting, the Members Commission will elect a Chairperson for the meeting among its members by simple vote. (9)

1The ordinary members or bodies of AEGEE-Europe calling for a decision of the Members

Commission may appoint a plaintiff fulfilling the experience requirement of Article 26(6), to present their request.

2The Members Commission may refuse the appointment of a plaintiff, if this

is considered necessary for the settlement of a dispute. (10)

1Decisions are made by a vote of 2/3 of the members of the Commission present, the

quorum being fixed at 4/5 of the total membership. 2If a quorum is not present, the decision may

only be postponed once. (11)

1The decisions of the Members Commission have immediate effect.

2Sanctions have to be

ratified by the following Agora. 3The parties involved may request to present their positions at the

Agora before the vote. 4 If the Agora does not ratify the decision of the sanction by the Members

Commission, the sanction will be retroactively repealed. 5In this case, the Members Commission

cannot judge the same member again for the same complaint. (12) The exclusion of an ordinary member results in the termination of the Convention d‟Adhésion with that member and in the dissolution of it. (13)

1The elected members of the Members Commission do not receive reimbursements for the

meetings during statutory meetings, according to Article 18(10) of the General Financial Rules. 2Exception is made only for up to one Members Commissioner in case he has to present the

decision during the Agora following the activation. (14) Travel costs are reimbursed to Members Commissioners only for those intermediate meetings taking place between the activation and the first day of the following Agora. These meetings are convoked by the President of the Members Commission in response to a concrete necessity of working in person on the case. (15) A separate Working Format for the Members Commission is approved by the Agora.

Article 27: Network Commission (1)

1The Network Commission supports the locals and the Comité Directeur with their tasks.

2It is

composed of up to eleven individual AEGEE members, who are not members of the Comité Directeur. (2) The members of the Network Commission are not entitled to act in the name of the association and have no financial power. (3)

1The members of the Network Commission are elected by the Agora for one year.


members of the Network Commission may be re-elected. 3The Speaker of the Network

Commission is to be elected at the occasion of an Agora among the elected members by simple majority. (4)

1The composition of the Network Commission must meet the following requirements:

Each candidate must have been a member of AEGEE for more than one year;

Each candidate should receive a number of votes corresponding at least to one third of the total number of votes;

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At least four nationalities must be presented;

Not more than three members may share the same nationality. If more than three of the candidates elected share the same nationality, only the three with the most votes can join the Network Commission.

2The other places shall

remain vacant. 3If the candidates elected are of fewer than four nationalities,

one place in the Network Commission shall remain vacant for every nationality lacking.

4In this case, the candidates elected with the fewest votes will not join

the Network Commission. (5) The Network Commission can propose to dismiss a member when they consider he/she is not fulfilling the tasks specified in the CIA. The decision is made by a vote of 2/3 of the members of the Network Commission, the quorum being fixed at the full membership, with the exception of the member that is the subject of the vote. The decision will suspend the member voted upon temporarily. The decision has to be presented by the Commission and the dismissal has to be ratified by the following Agora, before it takes full effect.

The member involved may request to

present his/her position at the Agora before the vote. If the Agora does not ratify the decision, the dismissal will be retroactively appealed. (6) The Speaker of the Network Commission must present a moral report and an activity report summarising the work of the Network Commission at every Agora. (7) In case a member of Network Commission is dismissed or resigns, the Network Commission can appoint by open call an Assistant, in order to take over a part or all of the tasks of the member missing till the next Agora. The Assistant holds the responsibilities and obligations of the post, but does not have voting rights. The Speaker of the Network Commission is responsible towards the Agora for the work of the Assistant. Article 28: Vote of Confidence Network Commission (1) During an Agora, ordinary or extraordinary, a group of at least 10 Antennae or AEGEE Working Groups (with a majority of their delegates) or a 2/3 majority of the members of the Network Commission may ask for a vote of confidence in favour of one or more members of the current Network Commission. (2)

1If the Agora votes against the vote of confidence by simple majority, the members of the

Network Commission for whom the vote of confidence was taken may present themselves, if present at the Agora, for the elections of the Network Commission, if they want to keep their position.

2If the Agora votes in favour, the members of the Network Commission voted upon

continue until the end of their mandate. Article 29: Supporting Committees (1)

1The Agora and/or the Comité Directeur may decide at any time to create a Supporting

Committee in order to get support on specific tasks aiming to assist AEGEE-Europe. 2The

decision of creation of a Supporting Committee is subject to ratification by the Agora. 3The Agora

shall only ratify a Supporting Committee that has a WF. (2) The Supporting Committees have to present an Activity Report to the Agora referring to the period from the previous Agora till the date of reporting. (3) Supporting Committees have to have a board containing at least a speaker, responsible for the Committee to the Agora and required to maintain permanent contact with the Comité Directeur; (4)

1The Committee Boards are elected by the Committee members.

2After each election, the

names of those elected must be communicated to the Comité Directeur, who will have to approve them.

3They will be considered approved if no written objection has been presented within one

month following this notification. 4If the Board is disapproved by the Comité Directeur, a new

Board must be elected within one month after the notification. 5The new Board must be different

from the disapproved one. (5)

1The Comité Directeur may discharge a Board Member, if it believes that person has acted

against the aims or principles of AEGEE or the Committee. 2A new member must be elected

within one month after the notification of the discharge. (6)

1The Agora and/or the Comité Directeur may, at an occasion of an Agora, delete a Supporting

Committee in case it is not needed any more. 2This decision is subject to ratification by the Agora.

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(7) 1Supporting Committees can obtain financial support from AEGEE-Europe according to the

General Financial Rules.

VI - Resources of the Association

Article 30: Annual Resources The annual resources of the association comprise the following:

Membership fees from the members;

Income and assets that it possesses;

Subventions and gifts given to it;

Reimbursement of expenses;

Profits from events;

Remuneration from research contracts or services carried out by the association.

Article 31: Financial Year (1) The financial year of AEGEE-Europe begins on January 1

st and ends on December 31


(2) For internal purposes, the financial year is split up in two parts. The first part starts on January 1st and ends on July 31st. The second part starts on August 1st and ends on December 31st. (3) The second part of one financial year and the first half of the following financial year together form the internal budgeting and reporting year of AEGEE. This “internal financial year” thus begins on August 1st and ends on July 31st of the succeeding year and has been introduced to facilitate the work of the acting Comité Directeur.

Article 32: Financial Report (1)

1For each financial year, the current Financial Director must make a financial report.


Audit Commission checks the report before the date of the next Agora. 3The Financial Director

presents the annual financial report at the Agora following the end of the financial year. (2) The approved annual financial report per calendar year has to be submitted once a year to “Moniteur Belge”, after the Spring Agora. (3) In case the Financial Director resigns before the end of the financial year, he must make a financial report for the period until his last day in the office, have it checked by the Audit Commission and present it at the next Agora. (4)

1For each internal reporting year, the outgoing Financial Director must make a financial report.

2The Audit Commission checks the report before the date of the next Agora.

3The Financial

Director presents the internal financial report at the Agora following the end of the internal reporting year. (5) At each Agora, the Financial Director presents an intermediate financial report on the current financial situation of AEGEE-Europe covering the period between the end of the last closed internal financial year and a date no more than 2 months before the start of the Agora.

Article 33: Budget (1)

1For each financial year, all income and expenses of AEGEE-Europe must be estimated in

advance and listed in the annual budget. 2The budget is proposed by the Comité Directeur and

presented to the Agora prior to the start of the financial year. 3It shall be published at least one

week before the Agora. (2) The Agora approves the budget. (3)

1For each internal budgeting year, all incomes and expenses of AEGEE-Europe must be

estimated in advance and listed in the internal budget. 2The budget is proposed by the Comité

Directeur and presented to the Agora prior to the start of the internal budgeting year. (4) At each Agora, the Financial Director presents an updated annual budget and an internal budget. (5) At the Spring Agora only an provisional internal budget is proposed for the period until the Autumn Agora, covering only those expenses following from current obligations and those absolutely necessary to maintain the operations of the association. (6) At the Autumn Agora the definite internal budget is proposed.

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Article 34: Reserves 1A reserve fund may be established comprising the difference between income and expenditure

for any year. 2This fund may be used by AEGEE-Europe for any purpose falling within the aims of

the association.

VII - Working Formats

Article 35: Working Formats (1)

1Every organ draws up its own Working Format.

2The Working Format of the European

Boards‟ Meeting is drawn up by the Agora. (2) Working Formats are intended to cover the various points not mentioned by the present Statutes, notably those, which refer to the internal organisation, management and administration of the organs. (3) The General Financial Rules for AEGEE-Europe are drawn up by the Agora. (4) Every Organ has to submit to the Juridical Commission an updated version of its Working Format one month after every Agora.

VIII - Modification of the Statutes and the Convention d’Adhésion

Article 36: Modification 1Modification of the Statutes or the Convention d‟Adhésion is decided upon by the Agora with a

2/3 majority. 2The quorum is 50% of the AEGEE Antennae and AEGEE Working Groups.

IX - Dissolution

Article 37: Dissolution If the Comité Directeur votes unanimously in favour of liquidation and a majority of 2/3 of the members present at an Agora called for this purpose do likewise, one or several liquidators will be appointed by the Comité Directeur, and the assets will be disposed of in accordance with Article 9 of the law of 01.07.1901 and the Order of Council of 16.08.1901.

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Statuts de AEGEE-Europe Agora Istanbul, Octobre 2010

Traduction française1

Titre I - Forme, Objet, Dénomination, Siège, Durée Article 1: Forme Il est formé, entre les soussignés et les personnes physiques ou morales qui adhèrent aux présents statuts et qui remplissent les conditions ci-après fixées, une association déclarée qui sera régie par la loi du 1

er juillet 1901 et le décret du 16 août 1901.

Article 2: Objet (1)

1L‟association a pour objet de promouvoir l‟idée européenne au sein de la jeunesse d‟Europe,

notamment grâce au monde étudiant. 2Ainsi AEGEE essaye d‟obtenir la stimulation de

l‟intégration européenne, de la démocratie, des droits de l‟homme, de la tolérance, de la coopération transfrontière, de la mobilité et d‟une dimension européenne dans l‟éducation. (2) AEGEE est une association laïque, à but non lucratif et sans lien avec aucun parti politique. Article 3: Dénomination 1La dénomination de l‟association est «AEGEE-Europe», AEGEE signifie «Association des Etats

Généraux des Etudiants de l‟Europe». 2La traduction anglais est „‟European Students‟ Forum‟‟.

Article 4: Siège social 1L'association a été fondée au 41, rue de Liège, F-75008 Paris.

2Le siège social est maintenant

situé Rue Nestor de Tière 15, B-1030 Bruxelles-Schaarbeek. 3Celui-ci peut changer par simple

décision du Comité Directeur. Une ratification de la décision doit être proposée à l'Agora suivant la décision. Article 5: Durée 1La durée de l‟association AEGEE-Europe est illimitée.

2Cependant, les statuts de AEGEE-

Europe pourront être transférés en droit communautaire dès que la législation communautaire le permettra.

Titre II - Membres de l’association Article 6: Membres L‟association se compose : 1) Des membres adhérents:

a) 1Les associations (Sections locales d‟AEGEE)

2 ayant signé la Convention d‟Adhésion

annexée aux présents statuts. 2Ces membres s‟engagent à respecter les statuts de

l‟association ainsi que ses règlements intérieurs; b)

1Les associations (AEGEE groupes de travail)

3 ayant signé la Convention d‟Adhésion

annexée aux présents statuts. 2Ces membres s‟engagent à respecter les statuts de

1 Depuis l‟Agora à Delft (novembre 1992) les modifications des Statuts sont adoptées par l‟Agora en anglais et traduites en

français par la Commission Juridique pour l‟enregistrement à la Préfecture de Paris.

2 V. Art. 9 Sta

3 V. Art. 12 Sta

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l‟association ainsi que ses règlements intérieurs. 3Ils sont dispensés de la cotisation

annuelle. 2) Des membres bienfaiteurs: 1Les personnes ayant rendu des services financiers éminents à l‟association reconnus comme

tels par le Comité Directeur. 2Des personnes morales peuvent être admises comme membres

bienfaiteurs. 3) Des membres d‟honneur: 1Les personnes ayant rendu des services éminents à l‟association et qui ont reçu ce titre du

Comité Directeur. 2Ces membres sont dispensés de la cotisation annuelle.

3La liste des membres

d‟honneur fait l‟objet d‟un vote de ratification de la part de l‟Agora. 4) La liste des membres ordinaires doit être soumise une fois par an à Moniteur Belge, après l‟Agora de printemps. Article 7: Cotisation


(1) Une cotisation, ratifiée par l‟Agora, sera demandée pour valider les diverses qualités de membres définies par l‟article 6 de ces statuts. (2) Le Comité Directeur peut faire des exceptions en ce qui concerne la cotisation. Article 8: Responsabilité financière 1L‟association répond des obligations contractées en son nom seulement avec son patrimoine.

2Aucun des membres du bureau ne peut être rendu responsable personnellement de ces


Titre III - Associations locales Article 9: Définition (1)

1Les associations locales en tant que membres de AEGEE-Europe sont des associations

régies par la loi du 1er

juillet 1901 ou par les lois similaires des autres pays européens. 2Ces

associations ont une implantation locale et se constituent suivant l'approbation par le Comité Directeur, qui prendra une décision lors de ses réunions aussitôt que l‟association respective en fait la demande. (2)

1Ces associations ont pour dénomination «AEGEE-» suivi de l‟appellation géographique la

mieux adaptée à leur implantation. 2Elles seront dénommées «Section locale d‟AEGEE» ou

«association locale» dans la suite de ce texte. (3)

1Pour devenir une Section locale d‟AEGEE, un groupement ou une association doit accomplir

les critères réglés dans le «Antennae Criteria» et signer la Convention d‟Adhésion. 2Les rapports

avec tout groupement ou association désirant adhérer à AEGEE-Europe sont régis par une Convention d‟Adhésion; l‟utilisation du nom «AEGEE» étant permis après la signature de cette Convention d‟Adhésion. (4)

1Les Sections locales d‟AEGEE sont divisées en AEGEE antennes et AEGEE antennes-

contact. 2Leurs droits et obligations sont définis dans le «Antennae Criteria».

(5) 1Les Sections locales d‟AEGEE perdent leur qualité de membre par la termination de la

Convention d‟Adhésion décidée par l‟Agora locale avec une majorité des 2/3. 2La Convention

d‟Adhésion peut également être terminée par les procédures décrites par les articles 10 ou 26 des ces statuts. (6) Les membres des Sections locales d‟AEGEE seront dénommés «AEGEE membres» dans la suite de ce texte. Article 10: Rapport entre AEGEE-Europe et Sections locales d’AEGEE (1)

1AEGEE-Europe essaie de coordonner les projets et d'amplifier les efforts déployés par les

Sections locales d‟AEGEE. 2Le rapport entre les Sections locales d‟AEGEE et AEGEE-Europe

est régis par la Convention d‟Adhésion et le « Antennae Criteria ». 3Le Comité Directeur veille au

4 V. Arts. 1-6 FWF

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fonctionnement des Sections locales d‟AEGEE. (2) Tout litige survenant par ou contre une Section locale d‟AEGEE est susceptible de porter préjudice à AEGEE-Europe ainsi qu‟à tous les membres de l‟association et, par conséquent, AEGEE-Europe devrait être informée. (3)

1Le Comité Directeur conserve le pouvoir de décision dans tous les cas qui pourraient nuire à

AEGEE-Europe, mais pas pour les cas qui sont soumis à la Commission des Membres par requête officielle et valable conformément à l‟article 26 (7).

2Dans ces cas le Comité Directeur est

obligé de coopérer avec la Commission des Membres en fournissant l‟infrastructure nécessaire et les informations disponibles. (4)

1Le Comité Directeur peut achever la Convention d‟Adhésion avec une Section locale

d‟AEGEE, si cette Section locale d‟AEGEE n'a pas payée la cotisation depuis plus de trois Agorae successives.

2Cette décision est soumise à la ratification par l‟Agora.

(5) 1Le Comité Directeur peut terminer la Convention d‟Adhésion avec une AEGEE antenne-

contact, si cette AEGEE antenne-contact n‟a pas remplie les critères énumérés dans le Antennae Criteria.

2Cette décision est soumise à la ratification par l‟Agora.

Article 11: Organisation Le mode d‟organisation des Sections locales d‟AEGEE est défini par les statuts que les associations locales s‟engagent à adopter en signant la Convention d‟Adhésion avec AEGEE-Europe.

Titre IV - Associations groupe de travail Article 12: Définition (1)

1Les groupes de travail d‟AEGEE en tant que membres de AEGEE-Europe sont des

associations régies par la loi du 1er

juillet 1901 ou par les lois similaires des autres pays européens.

2Ces associations sont issues des groupes de travail et se constituent avec

l'approbation du Comité Directeur. (2)

1Ces associations ont pour dénomination «AEGEE-» suivi du sujet dont le groupe de travail

s'occupe, ainsi que du titre «Working Group» (groupe de travail). 2Elles seront dénommées

«AEGEE groupes de travail» dans la suite de ce texte. (3) Seuls les membres des Sections locales d‟AEGEE peuvent adhérer aux AEGEE groupes de travail. (4)

1Pour devenir un AEGEE groupe de travail, un groupement ou une association doit remplir les

critères réglés dans le «Working Groups Criteria» et doit signer la Convention d‟Adhésion. 2L‟utilisation du nom «AEGEE» étant permis après la signature de cette Convention d‟Adhésion.

Article 13: Rapports entre AEGEE-Europe et les AEGEE groupes de travail (1)

1Chaque groupe de travail élit son bureau.

2Les noms des élus doivent être communiqués au

Comité Directeur après chaque élection. (2)

1Les modifications des statuts d‟un AEGEE groupe de travail doivent être communiqués à la

Commission Juridique et au Comité Directeur, qui devront approuver ces modifications. 2Elles

seront considérées comme approuvées si aucune objection écrite n‟a été présentée dans les deux mois qui suivent cette notification. (3) Tout litige survenant par ou contre un AEGEE groupe de travail est susceptible de porter préjudice à AEGEE-Europe ainsi qu‟à tous les membres de l‟association et, par conséquent, AEGEE-Europe devrait être informée. (4)

1Le Comité Directeur conserve le pouvoir de décision dans tous les cas qui pourraient nuire à

AEGEE-Europe, mais pas pour des cas qui sont soumis à la Commission des Membres par requête officielle et valable conformément l‟article 26(6).

2Dans ces cas le Comité Directeur est

obligé de coopérer avec la Commission des Membres en fournissant l‟infrastructure nécessaire et les informations disponibles. (5)

1Le Comité Directeur peut décider de mettre fin à la Convention d‟Adhésion d‟un AEGEE

groupe de travail s‟il ne remplit pas les critères posées par le « Groupe de travail Criteria ».

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2Cette décision est soumise à ratification par l‟Agora.

Titre V - Organes de AEGEE-Europe5

Article 14: Agora ordinaire (1)

1L‟Agora ordinaire comprend les représentants élus des Sections locales d‟AEGEE et des

AEGEE groupes de travail ainsi que les membres du Comité Directeur. 2L‟Agora ordinaire se

réunit deux fois par an. (2) Le quorum exigé pour une élection est 50% des membres de AEGEE-Europe.


(3) 1Chaque Section locale d‟AEGEE envoie au moins 1 et au maximum 3 délégués, élus à

l‟Agora locale. 2Le nombre de votes par AEGEE antenne dépend directement des cotisations

versées à AEGEE-Europe. 3Le nombre de votes est déterminé comme suit:

10 - 20 membres 1 vote, 21 - 50 membres 2 votes, 51 - 100 membres 3 votes, 101 - 150 membres 4 votes, 151 - 200 membres 5 votes, 201 - 250 membres 6 votes, 251 - 350 membres 7 votes, 351 - 450 membres 8 votes, 451 - 550 membres 9 votes, 551 - 650 membres 10 votes, 651 - 750 membres 11 votes, 751 - 850 membres 12 votes, 851 - 950 membres 13 votes, plus de 951 membres 14 votes, plus un vote pour chaque 250 membres supplémentaires.

(4) Le nombre de ses membres est calculé par le Comité Directeur en fonction des cotisations versées par la AEGEE antenne. (5)

1Chaque AEGEE groupe de travail envoie au moins 1 et au maximum 3 délégués, élus par

l‟assemblée générale du groupe de travail. 2Les AEGEE groupes de travail ont trois votes.

(6) L‟Agora est convoquée par le Président. (7) Le Président de l‟Agora préside l‟Agora. (8) Le Secrétaire de la réunion est responsable des procès-verbaux de l‟Agora. (9) Le Président (assisté des membres du Comité Directeur) expose la situation morale actuelle de l‟association. (10) Chaque membre du Comité Directeur présente un rapport moral individuel sur la situation actuelle de son activité. (11)

1Le Trésorier rend compte de sa gestion et soumet le bilan financier à l‟approbation de

l‟Agora. 2Le représentant de la Commission d‟Audit peut intervenir si l‟Agora en fait la demande.

(12) Le rapport de la Commission d‟Audit doit être présenté. (13) L‟Agora approuve la gestion du Comité Directeur pour la période écoulée. (14)

1Sur proposition du Comité Directeur, l‟Agora vote sur les grandes lignes des projets

concernant la période qui vient ainsi que le budget prévisionnel. 2Chaque projet fait l‟objet d‟un

vote séparé. (15)

1Les décisions sont prises à la majorité simple des voix.

2Le vote est public, sauf si la moitié

5 Sont organes de AEGEE-Europe: Agora, Réunion des Conseils Européens, Comité Directeur, Commission Juridique, Commission du Réseau, Commission des Membres, Commission d‟Audit; le Président et le Secrétaire des réunions sont seulement

des organes de ces réunions, mais pas de AEGEE-Europe. Sont des membres ordinaires, les Sections locales d‟AEGEEs (antennes et

antennes-contact) et les AEGEE groupes de travail. Sont des organismes de AEGEE-Europe, les organes de AEGEE-Europe sauf

l‟Agora et la Réunion des Conseils Européens, et de plus les groupes de travail soutenants et thématiques.

6 Ce quorum est prescrit par la loi belge et française et ne peut pas être modifié.

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des membres de l‟Agora demande que le scrutin soit secret7.

(16) Les membres et organes de AEGEE-Europe ont le droit de présenter des propositions à l‟Agora. Article 15: Procès-verbaux Les délibérations de l‟Agora sont constatées par des procès-verbaux établis sur un registre spécial, signés par le Président de l'Agora et par le Secrétaire de la réunion et communiqués aux Sections locales d‟AEGEE et AEGEE groupes de travail, pas plus tard que deux mois après la réunion. Article 16: Agora extraordinaire (1) Au besoin ou sur la demande de 20% des membres inscrits, le Président convoque une Agora extraordinaire suivant les modalités prévues par l‟article 14. (2) L‟Agora doit se réunir dans un délai de deux mois. Article 17: Election du Comité Directeur (1) L‟association est administrée par un Comité Directeur composé de 7 membres au maximum, provenant des Sections locales d‟AEGEE: le Président, le Secrétaire Général, le Trésorier désormais appelé le Directeur Financier et 4 membres actifs, élus par l‟Agora au vote secret pour une période d‟une année. (2)

1Tous les membres du Comité Directeur sont rééligibles.

2La composition du Comité Directeur

est soumise à trois restrictions:

Chaque candidat, Président, Secrétaire Général et Directeur Financier exclus, doit obtenir un nombre de préférences correspondant au moins au tiers du nombre total de votes;

Au moins quatre nationalités doivent être représentées;

Trois membres au maximum peuvent avoir la même nationalité. (3)

1Si plus de trois des candidats élus ont la même nationalité, seulement les trois ayant reçu la

plupart des voix peuvent joindre le Comité Directeur. 2Les autres postes resteront vacants.


les candidats élus sont de moins de quatre nationalités, un poste dans le Comité Directeur restera vacant pour chaque nationalité manquante.

4Dans ce cas, les candidats élus à la minorité

de voix ne joindront pas le Comité Directeur. (4) Le Président, le Secrétaire Général et le Directeur Financier sont élus dans trois élections, chacun au scrutin majoritaire secret à deux tours. (5) Les candidats à la présidence qui ne sont pas élus ne peuvent pas se présenter pour un autre poste au sein du Comité Directeur. (6)

1Les 4 membres réguliers sont élus individuellement selon le règlement intérieur de l‟Agora.

2Le Comité Directeur élit au moins un vice-président parmi ses membres élus.

3S‟il y a plus d‟un

vice-président, le Comité Directeur détermine leur rang8.

(7) Tous les membres du Comité Directeur doivent présenter un rapport moral en cas de démission. (8) Tous les membres du Comité Directeur doivent présenter avec le bilan financier interne de l‟association un rapport individuel des voyages effectués pendant leur mandat, précisant les coûts de ces voyages. Article 18 : Assomption d’office des membres qui viennent d’être élus du Comité Directeur. (1)

1Les membres du Comité Directeur qui sont élus à l‟Agora du Printemps entrent en fonction et

doivent agir au nom de l'association du 1er

Septembre suivant Agora du Printemps. 2Les membres du

Comité Directeur, nouvellement élus, doivent recevoir de leur prédécesseur un transfert de

7 Pour les élections, il y a des règles et procédures spécifiques (v. Art. 17 Sta et WFA).

8 Traditionnellement il y a trois Vice-Présidents.

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connaissance complet du 1er

au 31 Août.

(2) 1Le droit d'agir au nom de l'association reste investi dans les membres respectifs du Comité

Directeur, terminant leur fonction, et les membres qui restent en fonction après l'Agora. 2Lors de cette

période, la représentation légale et la capacité restent investi dans le président sortant.

(3) 1Les membres du Comité Directeur terminant leur fonction doivent présenter un rapport d'activité,

concernant la période entre l‟Agora de Printemps et le 31 Aout. 2Le rapport doit être mis à disposition

en ligne au plus tard le 7 Septembre. 3Ceux-ci doivent être approuvés à l‟Agora d'Automne.

(4) Le Directeur Financier sortant publie, au plus tard le 7 Septembre en ligne le bilan financier interne de la période spécifiée dans l‟article 31. Lequel devra être voté a l‟Agora d‟Automne. (5)

1En cas de démission d'un membre du Comité Directeur, le Comité Directeur doit envoyer un appel

à candidature pour un membre du Comité Directeur intérimaire dans un délai d'une semaine. 2Ce

membre intérimaire occupera la fonction dans les délais d'un mois après la résignation. 3Le membre intérimaire du Comité Directeur prend la responsabilité et les obligations du poste, reçoit

les bénéfices financiers d'un membre élu du Comité Directeur mais n'a pas de droit de vote lors des réunions du Comité Directeur.

Article 19: Vote de confiance (1) Lors d‟une Agora, ordinaire ou extraordinaire, un groupe d‟au moins 10 antennes ou AEGEE groupes de travail (à la majorité de leurs délégués) ou une majorité des 2/3 des membres du Comité Directeur peut demander un vote de confiance pour un ou plus membres du Comité Directeur en place. (2)

1Si l‟Agora vote contre la confiance à la majorité simple, la liste des candidats pour les

positions relatives seront ré-ouvertes. Les membres concernés peuvent se présenter à l‟élection du Comité Directeur, afin de conserver leur fonction. Les personnes sont élues pour finir le mandat régulier. (3) Nonobstant un vote négatif de confiance, les membres sortants du Comité Directeur sont encore obligés de prévoir un transfert de connaissances entier et complet, comme déterminé dans l‟article18. Article 20: Démission d’un membre du Comité Directeur (1)

1Un membre du Comité Directeur qui démissionne perd le droit à un remboursement

pour le voyage de déménagement et pour ses indemnités journalières pour les jours suivants sa démission jusqu'au jour de départ du siège social.

2Pendant la période de

transition, pendant laquelle le membre du Comité Directeur, ayant démissionné, habite au siège social jusqu'au jour où il/elle part, il/elle doit accomplir ses tâches administratives.

(2) 1Il/Elle peut recevoir un dédommagement pour l'accomplissement de sa tâche administrative

ainsi que pour la préparation d'un transfert de connaissance écrit et complet. 2Si le

déménagement a lieu après 4 semaines et le successeur a eu, au moins, une semaine de transfert des connaissances, le membre sortant du Comité Directeur peut recevoir un remboursement de 50% pour son voyage. (3) En cas de force majeur, des exceptions peuvent être faites sur la réduction du remboursement par décision du Comité Directeur. Article 21: Pouvoirs du Comité Directeur (1)

1Le Comité Directeur est investi des pouvoirs les plus étendus pour agir au nom de

l‟association et autorisé à agir pour toute action en conformité avec l‟objet de l‟association. 2Les

membres du Comité Directeur sont investis des attributions suivantes:

1Le Président est chargé d‟exécuter les décisions du Comité Directeur et d‟assurer le bon

fonctionnement de l‟association qu‟il représente dans tous les actes de la vie civile et notamment pour l‟ouverture et le fonctionnement de tous les comptes en banque.


ordonne toutes les dépenses. 3Il partage ce pouvoir financier avec le Directeur Financier.

4Lors d‟un vote du Comité Directeur, la voix du Président est prépondérante en cas de


1Les Vice-Présidents assistent le Président dans ses différentes tâches.

2Ils n‟ont pas de

pouvoir financier. 3Ils sont chargés des relations extérieures et de projets précis.

4Si le

Président (ou le Président en exercice) est incapable d‟exercer ses fonctions, le Vice-

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Président occupant le rang le plus haut est automatiquement revêtu de tous les pouvoirs et obligations du Président, pour toute la durée de son incapacité.

5Il sera, dans ce cas,

considéré comme Président en exercice.

1Le Secrétaire Général et ses assistants doivent assurer une bonne communication au

sein de l‟association. 2Ils sont chargés de maintenir le registre conformément à la loi du


juillet. 3Le Secrétaire Général est responsable de la préparation des événements

statutaires. 4Le Secrétaire Général dirigera et coordonnera le travail du secrétariat et il

est responsable du fonctionnement quotidien du secrétariat sous les conseils et la délégation du Comité Directeur.

5Les devoirs du Secrétaire Général sont plus

précisément définis dans le règlement intérieur du Secrétariat Général.

1Le Directeur Financier maintient les comptes de l‟association.

2Il effectue tous les

paiements et reçoit toutes les sommes pour le compte de l‟association. 3Il a le droit de

refuser toute dépense non autorisée par un vote du Comité Directeur. 4Il doit préparer un

budget annuel. 5Il est assisté du Directeur Financier adjoint.

(2) 1Les comptes de AEGEE-Europe seront tenus en EURO.

2Les comptes seront examinés

annuellement par la Commission d‟Audit. Article 22: Réunions du Comité Directeur (1) Le Comité Directeur se réunit sur convocation du Président ou à la demande du quart de ses membres aussi souvent que l‟intérêt de l‟association l‟exige, au moins une fois par mois. (2)

1Les décisions sont prises à la majorité simple des voix.

2Le quorum est la moitié des

membres. 3Un membre peut se faire représenter en donnant procuration à un autre membre.


cas de partage, la voix du Président est prépondérante. 5Les décisions sont constatées par des

procès-verbaux établis sur un registre spécial signé par le Président et le secrétaire de la réunion. Article 23: Réunion Des Conseils Européens (1)

1Le Réunion Des Conseils Européens a pour objectif d‟engager les antennes dans les projets

et activités des groupes de travail, des équipes de projet et des commissions. 2Le Réunion Des

Conseils Européens finalise le plan d‟action annuel. (2)

1Le Réunion Des Conseils Européens offre la possibilité d‟exprimer ses opinions, de discuter

et d‟échanger des expériences. 2Le Réunion Des Conseils Européens fournit une plateforme

pour plus d‟interaction et de coordination entre les groupes locaux d‟AEGEE, les groupes de travail, les Commissions, les équipes de projet et le Comité Directeur. Article 24: Commission d’Audit

(1) 1La Commission d‟Audit audite les finances de l‟association et conseille le Directeur Financier

et l'Agora.2Elle est composée de trois membres d‟AEGEE qui ne sont pas membres du Comité

Directeur, élus par l‟Agora pour leurs compétences financières. 3Ils doivent provenir de trois

Sections locales d‟AEGEE différentes et sont élus pour la période allant jusqu‟à l‟Agora suivante. 4Ils sont rééligibles.

5Le Président de la Commission d‟Audit sera le membre élu ayant reçu le

plus grand nombre de voix. 6Le Directeur Financier ne peut pas être élu comme un membre de la

Commission d'Audit avant que son rapport financier annuel et son rapport financier interne concernant la pèriode il/elle était en charge a été approuvé par l'Agora. (2) La Commission d‟Audit a pour tâches de:

Vérifier la comptabilité de AEGEE-Europe, des Sections locales d‟AEGEE, des AEGEE groupes de travail et des événements de AEGEE-Europe;

Ratifier les rapports financiers de AEGEE-Europe, des Sections locales d‟AEGEE, des AEGEE groupes de travail et des événements de AEGEE-Europe;

Présenter ses conclusions à chaque Agora. (3) La Commission d‟Audit doit se réunir au moins une fois entre deux Agorae. Article 25: Commission Juridique (1) La Commission Juridique est composée de:

2 AEGEE membres élus par l‟Agora pour leurs compétences juridiques;

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1 membre désigné par le Comité Directeur en son sein. (2)

1Au moins deux nationalités doivent être représentées dans la Commission Juridique.


Président de la Commission Juridique sera le membre élu ayant reçu le plus grand nombre de voix.

3Les deux membres élus par l‟Agora sont en charge pour la période jusqu‟à l‟Agora

suivante. 4Ils sont rééligibles.

(3) La Commission Juridique doit:

Assister le Comité Directeur et l‟Agora;

Vérifier la conformité des statuts de chaque Section locale d‟AEGEE au modèle défini par AEGEE-Europe et surveiller l‟application des statuts;

Vérifier les signatures de la Convention d‟Adhésion;

Intégrer les modifications des statuts adoptées par l‟Agora;

Présenter un rapport pendant l‟Agora par son Président. Article 26: Commission des Membres (1)

1La Commission des Membres est responsable de prendre les décisions dans tous les cas,

sauf dans ceux mentionnés dans l‟article 10(4) et (5), qui pourraient impliquer des sanctions disciplinaires contre un membre adhérent.

2Des sanctions nécessaires doivent être

proportionnelles à la gravité de la violation. (2) La Commission des Membres essayera d‟obtenir des règlements à l‟amiable dans tous les cas avant de considérer d‟autres actions. (3) Des sanctions disciplinaires peuvent être imposées pour violation des termes des statuts, de la Convention d‟Adhésion, des règlements intérieurs ou d‟autres règles obligatoires du Corpus Iuridicum. (4)

1La Commission des Membres est composée de 5 membres comme suit:

1 membre, le Président de la Commission Juridique;

4 membres élus par l‟Agora pour la période jusqu‟à l‟Agora suivante, avec la possibilité d‟être réélu.

2De plus, il y a un observateur du Comité Directeur, désigné par celui-ci et n‟étant pas un membre

de la Commission Juridique, dans une capacité consultative et sans droit de vote. (5)

1La composition des quatre membres élus est soumise aux restrictions suivantes:

Les candidats doivent avoir une expérience prouvée : - En tant que membre du Comité Directeur, d‟une Commission de AEGEE Europe ou

du bureau d‟un membre adhérent, ou - En tant que délégué à une Agora antérieure et membre de AEGEE depuis plus d‟un


Au moins trois nationalités doivent être représentées, pas plus que deux membres ayant la même nationalité;

Les membres de la Commission ne peuvent accepter ni maintenir toute autre position dans chacun des organes suivants pour la durée de leur mandat : Comité Directeur, Commission d‟Audit, Commission Juridique, Commission du Réseau, Bureau d‟un groupe de travail d‟AEGEE, d‟une Antenne ou d‟une Antenne Contact;

Chaque candidat doit obtenir un nombre de voix à au moins le nombre suivante : nombre se positions vacantes divisé par le nombre de candidats divisé par deux. Le pourcentage des votes nécessaires pour être élu devra être au maximum de 50% et au minimum de 25%.

2 Si plus de deux des candidats élus ont la même nationalité, seulement les deux ayant reçu la

plupart des voix peuvent joindre la Commission des Membres. 3Les autres postes resteront

vacants. 4Si les candidats élus sont de moins de trois nationalités, un poste dans le la

Commission des Membres restera vacant pour chaque nationalité manquante. 5Dans ce cas, les

candidats élus à la minorité de voix ne joindront pas la Commission des Membres. (6) La Commission des Membres peut être mise en place par:

Demande officielle d‟au moins deux des organes suivants de AEGEE-Europe: Comité Directeur, Commission du Réseau, Commission d‟Audit, Commission Juridique; une demande ne peut pas émaner du Comité Directeur et de la Commission Juridique seuls;

Demande officielle signée par au moins dix membres adhérents ayant le droit de vote

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pendant les réunions statutaires. (7) Le Président de la Commission des Membres sera le membre élu par l‟Agora ayant reçu le plus grand nombre de voix. (8)

1Comme règle générale, le Président de la Commission des Membres convoque les membres

et préside les réunions. 2En cas de son incapacité de participer à la réunion, la Commission des

Membres élira un président pour cette réunion parmi ses membres par vote simple. (9)

1Les membres adhérents ou les organismes de AEGEE-Europe qui saisissent la Commission

des Membres en vue d‟une décision peuvent désigner un requérant qui satisfait à l‟exigence d‟expérience dans l‟article 26(6).

2La Commission des Membres peut refuser la désignation d‟un

requérant si ce refus est estimé nécessaire pour régler le différend. (10)

1Les décisions sont prises par la Commission des Membres à la majorité des 2/3 des

membres présents, le quorum étant fixé à 4/5 du nombre total de ses membres. 2Si le quorum

n‟est pas atteint, la décision ne peut être ajournée qu‟une seule fois. (11)

1Les décisions de la Commission des Membres ont effet immédiat.

2Les sanctions doivent

être ratifiées par l‟Agora suivante. 3Les parties concernées peuvent demander de présenter leurs

points de vue devant l‟Agora avant le vote. 4Si le vote de l‟Agora est négatif, la sanction sera

abrogée avec effet rétroactif. 5Dans ce cas, la Commission des Membres ne peut pas juger de

nouveau le membre pour la même requête. (12) L‟exclusion d‟un membre adhérent termine la Convention d‟Adhésion et met fin au membre adhérent concerné. (13)

1Comme règle générale, les membres élus de la Commission des membres ne recevront

pas des remboursements, telles que définies dans l‟article 18(10) du règlement intérieur financier pour les réunions.

2La seule exception est quand un Membre de la Commission presente une

décisions durant l‟Agora à la suite de sa mise en place. (14) Les frais de voyage sont remboursés aux Membres de la Commission seulement pour les réunions intermédiaires tenues entre le jour de leur mise en œuvre et le premier jour de l‟Agora suivante. Les réunions sont convoquées par le Président de la Commission des Membres quand la présence physique de certains membres est indispensable. (15) Un règlement intérieur pour la Commission des Membres est approuvé par l‟Agora. Article 27: Commission du Réseau (1)

1La Commission du Réseau soutient les Sections locales d‟AEGEE et le Comité Directeur

dans leurs fonctions. 2Elle se compose d‟au maximum onze individuel AEGEE membres n‟étant

pas membres du Comité Directeur. (2) Les membres de la Commission du Réseau ne peuvent pas agir au nom de l‟association et n‟ont pas de pouvoir financier. (3)

1Les membres de la Commission du Réseau sont élus par l‟Agora pour une année.


les membres de la Commission du Réseau sont rééligibles. 3Le Porte-parole de la Commission

du Réseau doit être élu à l‟occasion d‟une Agora parmi les membres à la majorité simple (4) La composition de la Commission du Réseau est soumise à six restrictions:

Chaque candidat doit avoir été AEGEE membre pour plus d‟une année;

Chaque candidat doit obtenir un nombre de préférences correspondant au moins au tiers du nombre total des votes;

Au moins quatre nationalités doivent être représentées;

Au plus trois membres peuvent avoir la même nationalité; Si plus de trois des candidats

élus ont la même nationalité, seulement les trois ayant reçu la plupart des voix peuvent joindre la Commission du Réseau. Les autres postes resteront vacants. Si les candidats élus sont de moins de quatre nationalités, un poste dans la Commission du Réseau restera vacant pour chaque nationalité manquante. Dans ce cas, les candidats élus à la minorité de voix ne joindront pas la Commission du Réseau.

(5) 1La Commission du Réseau peut proposer le renvoi d‟un membre lorsqu‟il considère qu‟il ou

elle n‟a pas rempli les fonctions spécifiées dans le CIA. 2La décision est prise par un vote à la

majorité des 2/3, le quorum étant la totalité des membres de la Commission, à l‟exception de celui concerné par le vote.

3La décision entraîne la suspension temporaire de la personne sujette

au vote. 4La décision sera présentée par la Commission et le renvoi doit être ratifié par la

prochaine Agora avant qu‟il prenne complètement effet. 5La personne concernée peut demander

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à présenter sa position à l‟Agora avant le vote. 6Si l‟Agora ne ratifie pas la décision, le renvoi ne

prendra pas effet. (6) Le Porte-parole de la Commission du Réseau doit présenter un rapport moral et un rapport d‟activité résumant le travail de la Commission du Réseau à chaque Agora. (7) Au cas où un membre de la Commission du Réseau est renvoyé ou démissionne, la Commission du Réseau peut nommer par appel à candidatures un Assistant, afin de prendre en charge toute ou partie de la tâche du membre manquant jusqu‟à la prochaine Agora. L‟Assistant assume la responsabilité et les obligations de son poste, mais il n‟a pas droit de vote. Le Porte-parole de la Commission du Réseau est responsable devant l‟Agora pour le travail réalisé par l‟Assistant. Article 28: Vote de confiance Commission du Réseau (1) Lors d‟une Agora, ordinaire ou extraordinaire, un groupe d‟au moins dix antennes ou AEGEE groupes de travail (à la majorité de leurs délégués) ou une majorité des 2/3 des membres de la Commission du Réseau peut demander un vote de confiance pour un ou plus membres de la Commission du Réseau en place. (2)

1Si l‟Agora vote contre la confiance à la majorité simple, les membres concernés, qui sont

présents à l‟Agora, peuvent se présenter à l‟élection de la Commission du Réseau, afin de conserver leur fonction.

2Si l‟Agora vote en faveur les membres de la Commission du Réseau

concernés restent en fonction jusqu‟à la fin de leur mandat. Article 29: Groupes de travail soutenants et thématiques (1)

1L‟Agora et/ou le Comité Directeur peut décider à tout moment de créer un groupe de travail

afin d‟obtenir de l‟aide sur des tâches spécifiques visant à assister AEGEE-Europe. 2La décision

de créer un groupe de travail soutenant est soumise à la ratification par l‟Agora. 3L‟Agora doit

uniquement ratifier un groupe de travail soutenant et thématique qui possède un règlement intérieur. (2) Les Groupes de travail soutenants et thématiques doivent présenter un Rapport d‟Activité à l‟Agora concernant la période qui démarre de l‟Agora précédente jusqu‟à la date du rapport. (3) Les groupes de travail soutenants et thématiques doivent avoir un bureau constitué d‟au moins un Porte-parole, responsable du groupe de travail devant l‟Agora et obligé d‟assurer un contact permanent avec le Comité Directeur. (4)

1Les bureaux des groupes de travail sont élus par les membres de ces groupes de travail.

2Après chaque élection, les noms des élus doivent être communiqués au Comité Directeur qui

devra les approuver. 3Ils seront considérés comme approuvés si aucune objection écrite n‟a été

présentée dans le mois qui suit cette notification. 4Si le bureau a été désapprouvé par le Comité

Directeur, un nouveau bureau doit être élu dans le mois qui suit cette notification. 5Le nouveau

bureau doit être différent de celui qui a été désapprouvé. (5)

1Le Comité Directeur peut décharger un membre du bureau élu pour des raisons de violation

des objets ou des principes de AEGEE. 2Le remplaçant doit être élu dans le mois qui suit cette

notification. (6)

1L‟Agora et/ou le Comité Directeur peut, durant une Agora, supprimer un Groupe de travail

soutenant dans le cas où il n‟est plus nécessaire. 2Cette décision est soumise à ratification par

l‟Agora. (7)

1Les Groupes de travail soutenants et thématiques peuvent obtenir un support financier de la

part d‟AEGEE-Europe selon les Règles Financières Générales.

Titre VI - Ressources de l’association

Article 30: Ressources annuelles Les ressources annuelles de l‟association comprennent:

Les cotisations de ses membres;

Les revenus et les biens qu‟elle possède;

Les subventions et dons qui lui sont accordés;

Les remboursements de frais;

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Les profits provenant d‟événements;

Les rémunérations provenant de contrats d‟études ou de services rendus par l‟association.

Article 31: Année fiscale (1)L‟année fiscale de AEGEE-Europe commence le 1

er Janvier et s‟achève le 31 décembre.

(2)A des fins internes, l‟année fiscale est divisée en deux parties. La première partie commence le 1

er Janvier et s‟achève le 31 Juillet. La seconde partie commence le 1

er Août et s‟achève le 31

Décembre. (3) La seconde partie d‟une année fiscale et la première partie de l‟année fiscale suivante forment ensemble l‟année budgétaire et de rapport interne d‟AEGEE. Cette « Année fiscale interne » commence ainsi le 1

er Août et s‟achève le 31 Juillet de l‟année suivante et a été introduite afin de

faciliter le travail du Comité Directeur en exercice. Article 32: Rapport financier (1)

1Pour chaque année fiscale, le Directeur Financier en exercice doit préparer un rapport

financier. 2La Commission d‟Audit vérifie ce rapport avant la date de l‟Agora prochaine.


Directeur Financier présente le rapport financier annuel à l‟Agora qui suit la fin de l‟année fiscale écoulée. (2) Le rapport financier approuvé pour une année calendrier doit être soumis au Moniteur Belge une fois par an, après l‟Agora de printemps. (3) Dans le cas où le Directeur Financier démissionne avant la fin de l‟année fiscale, il doit produire un rapport financier pour la période allant jusqu‟à son dernier jour d‟activité, le faire vérifier par la Commission d‟Audit et le présenter à la prochaine Agora. (4)

1Pour chaque année de rapport interne, le Directeur Financier sortant doit produire un rapport

financier. 2La Commission de l‟Audit vérifie ce rapport avant la date de la prochaine Agora.


Directeur Financier présente le rapport financier interne à l‟Agora suivant la fin de l‟année fiscale interne. (5)A chaque Agora, le Directeur Financier présente un rapport financier intérimaire sur la situation financière actuelle d'AEGEE-Europe pour la période allant de la clôture de la dernière année fiscale interne jusqu‟à une date ne pouvant être supérieur à 2 mois avant le début de l‟Agora. Article 33: Budget (1)

1Pour chaque année fiscale, une estimation de tous les revenus et toutes les dépenses

d‟AEGEE-Europe doit être faite à l‟avance et transcrite dans le budget interne. 2Le budget est

proposé par le Comité Directeur et présenté à l‟Agora avant le début de l‟année fiscale. 3Le

budget doit être publié au moins une semaine avant l‟Agora. (2) L‟Agora ratifie le budget annuel. (3) Pour chaque année budgétaire interne, une estimation de tous les revenus et toutes les dépenses d‟AEGEE-Europe doit être faite à l‟avance et transcrite dans le budget interne. 2Le budget est proposé par le Comité Directeur et présenté à l‟Agora avant le départ de l‟année budgétaire interne. (4) A chaque Agora, le Directeur Financier présente un budget annuel mis à jour et un budget interne. (5) A l‟Agora de Printemps, seulement un budget provisoire est proposé par la période jusqu‟à l‟Agora d‟Automne, couvrant seulement la dépenses concernant les obligations courantes et celles qui sont absolument nécessaires pour le maintien des opérations de l‟association. (6) A l‟Agora d‟Automne le budget définitif est proposé. Article 34: Fonds de réserve 1Il peut être constitué un fonds de réserve qui comprendra la différence entre les revenues

annuels et les dépenses annuelles. 2Ce fonds de réserve sera utilisé par AEGEE-Europe pour

toute activité étant dans le cadre de l‟objet de l‟association.

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Titre VII - Règlements intérieurs Article 35: Règlements intérieurs (1)

1Chaque organe élabore son règlement intérieur.

2Le règlement intérieur de la Réunion des

Conseils Européens est élaboré par l‟Agora. (2) Les règlements intérieurs déterminent les détails non réglés par ces statuts, notamment ceux qui concernent l‟organisation intérieure, la gestion et l‟administration des organes. (3) Un règlement intérieur financier de AEGEE-Europe est élaboré par l‟Agora. (4) Chaque Organe doit soumettre à la Commission Juridique une version mise à jour de son Règlement Intérieur avant chaque Agora.

Titre VIII - Modification des Statuts et de la Convention d’Adhésion Article 36: Modification 1La modification des statuts ou de la Convention d‟Adhésion est décidée par l‟Agora à la majorité

des 2/3. 2Le quorum est 50% des AEGEE antennes et des AEGEE groupes de travail.

Titre IX – Dissolution

Article 37: Dissolution En cas de dissolution votée à l‟unanimité par le Comité Directeur et à la majorité des 2/3 des membres présents à une Agora convoquée pour cet objet, un ou plusieurs liquidateurs seront nommés par le Comité Directeur et l‟actif sera dévolu conformément à l‟article 9 de la loi du 1


juillet 1901 et au décret du 16 août 1901.

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LOCALS Agora Eskisehir, November 2007

Introduction 1The aim of AEGEE-Europe is to promote integration and co-operation in Europe.


students throughout Europe can take part in this process. 3Such objectives cannot be reached

without an adequate structure and the appropriate means. 4AEGEE-Europe wants to be in a

position to be a truly European association, with a multinational executive, the Comité Directeur, elected by an assembly called Agora, which brings together delegates from different towns. 5AEGEE-Europe wants to prove itself to be an association, which is directed by a European

collective whose general assembly is completely independent from political parties. 6AEGEE-

Europe wants to show that integration and co-operation can be efficient without a national level. 7The impact of AEGEE-Europe on student life and on young people in general depends on its

capacity to co-ordinate and manage efficiently local AEGEE groups. 8This Convention d‟Adhésion

will clearly define the relation between AEGEE-Europe and each local AEGEE group.

Article 1 1In signing the present Convention d‟Adhésion, signatories act in the name of the association of

which they are Presidents, thus obliging their associations to follow completely this Convention d‟Adhésion until one of the parties gives notice of termination.

2Acceptance of this Convention

d‟Adhésion gives the right to the cosignatory association to adopt the name ”AEGEE-...(the name of the town)”.

3The name ”AEGEE-...” can only be obtained this way.

4Following this, the

cosignatory association of this Convention d‟Adhésion with AEGEE-Europe will be called AEGEE local.

5The general assembly of AEGEE-Europe and the general assembly of an AEGEE local will

be called Agora and local Agora.

Article 2 1The Convention d‟Adhésion is valid until one or the other party decides to give notice of

termination. 2Notice of termination by an AEGEE local can only take place when 2/3 of the

present members at the local Agora vote for it. 3 50% of the members of the AEGEE local must be

present at the local Agora to pass the notice of termination. 4

Notice of termination from the Convention d‟Adhésion by one or the other party will bring about the immediate dissolution of the AEGEE local in question.

5Notice of termination by AEGEE-Europe is explicitly mentioned in its


Article 3 1In signing the Convention d‟Adhésion, the AEGEE local must respect and adopt the kind of non-

profit-making associative Statutes that have been drawn up by AEGEE-Europe. 2Adopting these

Statutes to conform to local law should involve the fewest possible changes to the original Statutes, and include the obligations as for an Antenna as set in the Antennae criteria of the AEGEE-Europe Corpus Iuridicum AEGEEnse.

The Statutes must be accepted by AEGEE-Europe

before this Convention d‟Adhésion can be signed by the President of AEGEE-Europe.

Article 4 1In signing the Convention d‟Adhésion, the AEGEE local must agree to the payment of a

percentage of the membership fee of each member to AEGEE-Europe. 2The amount of the

membership fee to each local and the part that is paid to AEGEE-Europe is regulated by the General Financial Rules.

Article 5 1There is only one membership card for all AEGEE locals.

2It is sent or given to the AEGEE locals

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after the AEGEE local has paid the membership fee to AEGEE-Europe, sent in the membership list and the financial report.

3The AEGEE local takes care for distribution of the membership cards

to AEGEE members.

Article 6 1To obtain the support of AEGEE-Europe for a project or event the AEGEE local should submit

the projects to the Comité Directeur, including an outline of the project and a financial analysis. 2When an AEGEE local is involved in an AEGEE-Europe event, the Comité Directeur can

examine the accounts of the AEGEE local or request the Audit Commission to examine and check the accounts.

Article 7 1All AEGEE locals must inform AEGEE-Europe without delay of any information that could be of

interest for the association. 2AEGEE-Europe provides all the necessary information that an

AEGEE local can ask for concerning the functioning of the network or concerning the AEGEE local.

3The AEGEE local should use the official logo of AEGEE provided by the Secretary of


Article 8 1AEGEE-Europe reserves the right to deal with the European Union, the Council of Europe and

with any other European or international organisation or institution. 2Before negotiating with

national authorities, an AEGEE local has to ask for permission of the Comité Directeur. 3If the

Comité Directeur has not replied within two weeks, permission has been granted. 4AEGEE-

Europe will assist with all requests from an AEGEE local when dealing with the above-mentioned institutions.

Article 9 1AEGEE-Europe supports all AEGEE locals unless they do not respect the Statutes of AEGEE-

Europe or this Convention. 2Failure to respect the Statutes may lead to notice of termination of

the validity of the Convention d‟Adhésion. 3Financial aid is not automatically given; it depends on

agreements between an AEGEE local and AEGEE-Europe for each project. Article 10 If a board member of a body is elected as president, secretary general, financial director or member of the Comité Directeur of AEGEE-Europe, he has to be replaced in this body by the first elected substitute until the regular elections. In case of lack of substitutes, new elections have to be held within three months.


WORKING GROUPS Agora München, April 1994

Introduction 1The aim of AEGEE-Europe is to promote integration and co-operation in Europe.


students throughout Europe can take part in this process. 3Such objectives cannot be reached

without an adequate structure and the appropriate means. 4AEGEE-Europe wants to be in a

position to be a truly European association, with a multinational executive, the Comité Directeur, elected by an assembly called Agora, which brings together delegates from different towns. 5AEGEE-Europe wants to prove itself to be an association, which is directed by a European

collective whose general assembly is completely independent from political parties. 6AEGEE-

Europe wants to show that integration and co-operation can be efficient without a national level.

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7The impact of AEGEE-Europe on student life and on young people in general depends on its

capacity to co-ordinate and manage efficiently local AEGEE groups and AEGEE Working Groups. 8This Convention d‟Adhésion will clearly define the relation between AEGEE-Europe and each

AEGEE Working Group.

Article 1 1In signing the present Convention d‟Adhésion, signatories act in the name of the association of

which they are Presidents, thus obliging their associations to follow completely this Convention d‟Adhésion until one of the parties gives notice of termination.

2Acceptance of this Convention

d‟Adhésion gives the right to the cosignatory association to adopt the name “AEGEE-...(subject they deal with) Working Group”.

3The name “AEGEE-...” can only be obtained this way.


this, the cosignatory association of this Convention d‟Adhésion with AEGEE-Europe will be called AEGEE Working Group.

5The general assembly of AEGEE-Europe and the general assembly of

an AEGEE Working Group will be called Agora and local Agora.

Article 2 1The Convention d‟Adhésion is valid until one or the other party decides to give notice of

termination. 2Notice of termination by an AEGEE Working Group can only take place when 2/3 of

the present members at the local Agora vote for it. 350% of the members of the AEGEE Working

Group must be present at the local Agora to pass the notice of termination. 4Notice of termination

from the Convention d‟Adhésion by one or the other party will bring about the immediate dissolution of the AEGEE Working Group in question.

5Notice of termination by AEGEE-Europe is

explicitly mentioned in its Statutes.

Article 3 1In signing the Convention d‟Adhésion, the AEGEE Working Group must respect and adopt the

kind of non-profit-making associative Statutes that have been drawn up by AEGEE-Europe. 2Adopting these Statutes to conform to local law should involve the fewest possible changes to

the original Statutes. 3The Statutes must be accepted by AEGEE-Europe before this Convention

d‟Adhésion can be signed by the President of AEGEE-Europe.

Article 4 1To obtain the support of AEGEE-Europe for a project or event, the AEGEE Working Group

should submit the projects to the Comité Directeur, including an outline of the project and a financial analysis.

2When an AEGEE Working Group is involved in an AEGEE-Europe event, the

Comité Directeur can examine the accounts of the AEGEE Working Group or request the Audit Commission to examine and check the accounts.

Article 5 1All AEGEE Working Groups must inform AEGEE-Europe without delay of any information that

could be of interest for the association. 2AEGEE-Europe provides all the necessary information

that an AEGEE Working Group can ask for concerning the functioning of the network or concerning the AEGEE Working Group.

3The AEGEE Working Group should use the official logo

of AEGEE provided by the Secretary of AEGEE-Europe.

Article 6 1AEGEE-Europe reserves the right to deal with the European Union, the Council of Europe and

with any other European and international organisation or institution. 2Before negotiating with

national authorities an AEGEE Working Group has to ask for permission of the Comité Directeur.

3If the Comité Directeur has not replied within two weeks, permission has been granted.


Europe will assist with all requests from an AEGEE Working Group when dealing with the above-mentioned institutions.

Article 7 1AEGEE-Europe supports all the AEGEE Working Groups unless they do not respect the Statutes

of AEGEE-Europe or this Convention. 2Failure to respect the Statutes may lead to notice of

termination of the validity of the Convention d‟Adhésion. 3Financial aid is not automatically given;

it depends on agreements between an AEGEE Working Group and AEGEE-Europe for each project.

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WORKING FORMAT OF THE AGORA Agora Istanbul, October 2010

Article 1: Tasks (1)

1The Agora approves the moral report as presented by the President of AEGEE-Europe.


moral report must, in its definite version, be made publicly available to all members at least one week before the start of the Agora at which it is presented. (2) The individual moral reports of every member of the Comité Directeur must, in their definite versions, be made publicly available to all members at least one week before the start of the Agora at which they are presented. (3)

1The Agora approves the annual and internal financial report as presented by the Financial

Director of AEGEE-Europe. 2This financial report should, in its definite version, be made publicly

available to all members at least one week before the start of the Agora at which it is presented. (4)

1At the Autumn Agora, the Agora approves the activity report of the members of the preceding

Comité Directeur whose mandate terminated on the previous August 31st.

2Question time is

allocated provided that members of the preceding Comité Directeur are voluntarily present at the Agora. (5)The Agora votes upon the future development of the association and on the general lines of AEGEE-Europe‟s policies, projects and programmes (in particular AEGEE-Europe‟s Identity, the Strategic Plan and the Flagship Project) as proposed by the Comité Directeur, AEGEE locals or AEGEE Working Groups. (6) The Agora decides upon modifications of the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe and the Convention d‟Adhésion. (7) The Agora ratifies the decisions of the Comité Directeur subject to ratification according to the statutes, especially those mentioned in the Articles 4, 6 and 10 of the Statutes. (8) The Agora elects the Comité Directeur. (9) The Agora elects AEGEE members to the Commissions:

Three AEGEE members to the Audit Commission;

Two AEGEE members to the Juridical Commission;

Four AEGEE members to the Members Commission;

Up to eleven AEGEE members to the Network Commission.

Article 2: Members (1) The members of the Agora are:

The members of the Comité Directeur and of the Commissions of AEGEE-Europe;

Up to three elected representatives (delegates) of the AEGEE Antennae;

Up to three elected representatives (delegates) of the AEGEE Working Groups;

Up to two representatives (envoys) of the AEGEE Contact Antennae;

Up to two representatives (envoys) of the Working Groups;

Up to two representatives (envoys) of the Supporting Committees;

Up to two representatives (envoys) of projects;

Liaison officers and Liaison agents of AEGEE Europe. (2) All members have speaking right and the right to present proposals via their representatives at the Agora. (3) The elected representatives of the AEGEE Antennae and AEGEE Working Groups have the right to vote for their Antennae or Working Groups. (4)

1Contacts of AEGEE have the right to send two representatives (observers) to the Agora.

2Observers have neither speaking nor voting right.

(5) 1Any member of an AEGEE local, a Working Group and a Project Team has the right to act as

a visitor to the Agora. 2Other visitors may only attend with the permission of the Agora

Chairperson. 3Visitors have neither speaking nor voting right.

(4) Visitors who are also candidates for a position as announced by the Secretary General in

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accordance with Article 3(4), have the right to present their candidature and answer questions about it. (6) The number of visitors per local, Working Group and Project Team depends on the capacity of the organising AEGEE local. (7)

1The votes have to be divided equally among the delegates.

2The difference of the votes

between the delegates of the same Antenna or AEGEE Working Group cannot exceed one vote. 3It is the Antenna or AEGEE Working Group that decides upon the division of votes.

Article 3: Meeting and Convocation (1) The ordinary Agora meets in spring and in autumn. (2)

1The language of the Agora shall be English or French.

2Translation shall be made on request.

(3) 1The President of AEGEE-Europe convokes the Agora.

2The date and the place of the Agora

have to be communicated to the AEGEE locals and the AEGEE Working Groups at least two months before the meeting.

3The Comité Directeur sets the agenda of the Agora with the

approval of the Chairperson. 4The agenda is subject to ratification at the beginning of the

meeting. 5The Agora may change the proposed agenda with an absolute majority at any time

during the meeting. 6The Agora may modify the order of the topics listed in the agenda with a

simple majority at any time during the meeting. (4)

1The Secretary General in cooperation with the Juridical Commission has to announce as

soon as possible if and how many members of the Comité Directeur, the Commissions and the SUCT are to be elected during the Agora to come.

2The Secretary General in cooperation with the

Juridical Commission has to announce also the vacant positions of the Chairperson and the Secretary of the Agora. (5)

1Proposals concerning projects and modifications of the Corpvs Iuridicvm Aegeense as well

as the list of candidates for the Comité Directeur, the Commissions, the Chairperson, the Secretary of the Agora, and the SUCT must be presented to the Secretary General and the Juridical Commission of AEGEE-Europe at least one month before the Agora.

2After this point

and until the official completion of the deadline for submitting candidatures during the Agora as announced by the Chairperson, candidatures will only be accepted for the vacant places (6) The agenda and the names of the above mentioned candidates have to be communicated to the AEGEE locals and the AEGEE Working Groups at least two weeks before the Agora.

Article 4: Debate (1)

1The members of the Agora asking to speak are registered in a list in the order of their

application. 2The member proposing the motion has the right to speak in the first and in the last

place. 3Requests for an increased number of speakers or for extended speaking time must be

directed to the Chairperson who will decide on the merits of each case. (2) Motions on procedural matters (showing of both arms) have to be treated immediately at any moment of the debate.

Article 5: Decisions and Amendments (1)

1The decisions of the Agora are taken as determined by the Statutes:

Simple proposals or motions: simple majority;

Simple amendments to proposals: simple majority;

Amendments to proposals concerning modifications of Statutes or Working Formats: absolute majority.

2Procedural matters are decided upon by simple majority.

(2) 1The delegates of AEGEE Antennae who are not able to attend the voting of the Agora may

pass their vote to another delegate of their Antenna by means of a written authorisation. 2The

delegates of AEGEE Working Groups who are not able to attend the voting of the Agora may pass their vote to another delegate of their Working Group by means of a written authorisation. (3)

1The results of the votes will be noted in the minutes.

2Counting the votes is the responsibility

of the Chairperson of the Agora. (4)

1Amendments to proposals must be presented before the end of the discussion.

2They have to

be handed over to the Chair in written form and voted upon before the proposal they relate to. 3The Chair decides on the admissibility of the amendment.

4However the Agora member

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presenting the proposal can decide to incorporate the amendment without a vote. 5Amendments

cannot withdraw or replace the whole original proposal. (5)

1If there are contradicting proposals concerning the same subject the widest proposal has to

be voted upon first. 2If there are different amendments concerning the same proposal the widest

amendment has to be voted upon first. 3The Chairperson assisted by the Juridical Commission

decides in case of conflict.

Article 6: Elections of the Delegates (1)

1The delegates to the Agora of AEGEE-Europe are elected by the AEGEE Antennae and the

AEGEE Working Groups. 2The delegates must be members of the Antenna or Working Group

since at least before the preceding Agora. 3This does not apply to the Antennae or Working

Groups that were created after the preceding Agora. (2)

1A delegate who is not able to attend the voting of the Agora may pass his or her vote to

another delegate of his or her Antenna or AEGEE Working Group by means of written authorisation.

2A delegate cannot represent more than one Antenna or more than two members of

the Agora. (3)

1The Comité Directeur must receive the names at least two weeks before the Agora.


measure shall be enforced by the Juridical Commission and the Comité Directeur.

Article 7: Elections of the Candidates (1) The election procedure will be supervised by the Chairperson and the Juridical Commission. (2) The list of all candidates will be closed during the Agora where all candidates have the right to briefly introduce themselves orally. Candidates not present at the Agora may do so with the help of a representative or a self-running presentation. (3)

1For each election the AEGEE Antennae will receive as many ballot papers as they have

votes in the Agora according to Article 14 of the Statutes. 2A candidate cannot receive more than

one vote on the same ballot paper.

Article 8: Chairperson (1)

1The Chairperson of the Agora is elected by the Agora for a period of two ordinary Agorae.

2He/She must have experience:

As a member of the Comité Directeur or of a local board, or

As a delegate to a former Agora. (2)

1The candidate who receives the absolute majority of votes is elected in a first round.

2If no

candidate is elected in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes participate in the final ballot.

3The candidate who gets the majority of votes in the second round is elected

Chairperson. 4The candidate with the second most votes is elected Vice-Chairperson.

(3) 1The Chairperson, assisted by the Vice-Chairperson and the Juridical Commission, presides

over the Agora in accordance with the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe and this Working Format. 2He/she opens, suspends and adjourns the meeting.

3He/She does not participate in the

discussion of motions. (4) The Chairperson is responsible for the execution of the agenda in co-operation with the Comité Directeur. (5)

1The Chairperson ensures that time limits on motions and speakers are observed in order to

guarantee a fair hearing to every motion and every speaker. 2He/She is responsible for ensuring

parity of speaking for those both for and against the motions. (6)

1The Chairperson can nominate Assistants to the Chair to help him with his task.


Chairperson, in consultation with the ITWG, may appoint an IT technician for the European Boards‟ Meeting and the Agora.

3The Chairperson shall inform the Secretary in advance about

the agenda of the meeting.

Article 9: Secretary (1)

1The Secretary of the Agora is elected by the Agora for a period of one ordinary Agora.

2He/She must have experience:

As a member of a local board or

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As a delegate to a former Agora. (2)

1The candidate who receives the absolute majority of votes is elected in a first round.

2If no

candidate is elected in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes participate in the final ballot.

3The candidate who gets the majority of votes in the second round is elected

Secretary. (3) The Secretary is not a member of the Agora and is not a member of the Comité Directeur. (4)

1The Secretary is responsible for the minutes, which shall be sent to the Comité Directeur not

later than two months after the Agora. 2If the minutes are not ratified the Secretary remains

responsible for the necessary changes. (5) The Secretary can nominate Assistants to help with his/her task.

Article 10: Comité Directeur (1) The Comité Directeur is composed of a maximum of 7 members from the AEGEE locals: the President, the Secretary General, the Financial Director and 4 active members elected by secret vote for a period of one year by the Spring Agora. 2They can be re-elected. (2) 1If there is more than one candidate the President is elected with an absolute majority of votes. 2If no candidate reaches an absolute majority, the two candidates with the most votes participate in a second ballot, where the candidate receiving a simple majority of votes is elected. (3) The Secretary General and the Financial Director are elected according to the same rules as the President. (4) 1The other members of the Comité Directeur are elected in one common ballot after the election of the President, Secretary General and Financial Director. 2The number of candidates who can be marked on each ballot paper cannot exceed the number of vacant places in the Comité Directeur. 3A candidate cannot receive more than one vote on the same ballot paper.

Article 11: Commissions (1)

1The three members of the Audit Commission

elected by the Agora are in charge for the

period until the next Agora. 2They can be re-elected.

3The President of the Audit Commission will

be the member elected with the most votes. 4A Financial Director cannot be elected as member

of the Audit Commission until both the annual financial reports and the internal financial report covering the period he/she was in office have been approved by the Agora. (2)

1The two members of Juridical Commission elected by the Agora are in charge for the period

until the next Agora. 2They can be re-elected.

3The President of the Juridical Commission will be

the member elected by the Agora having the majority of the votes. (3)

1The four members of the Members Commission elected by the Agora are in charge for the

period until the next Agora. 2They can be re-elected.

3Each candidate should receive a number of

votes corresponding at least to the following number: the number of open positions divided by the number of candidates divided by two.

4The percentage of votes needed to be elected should be

maximum 50% and minimum 25%. 5If more than two of the candidates elected share the same

nationality, only the two with the most votes can join the Members Commission. 6The other places

shall remain vacant. 7If the candidates elected are of fewer than three nationalities, one place in

the Members Commission shall remain vacant for every nationality lacking. 8In this case, the

candidates elected with the fewest votes will not join the Members Commission. 9The President

of the Members Commission will be the member elected by the Agora having the majority of the votes. (4)

1The members of the Network Commission are elected by the Agora for one year.

2They can

be re-elected. 3Each candidate should receive a number of marks corresponding at least to one

third of the total number of votes. 4

If more than three of the candidates elected share the same nationality, only the three with the most votes can join the Network Commission.

5The other

places shall remain vacant. 6If the candidates elected are of fewer than four nationalities, one

place in the Network Commission shall remain vacant for every nationality lacking. 7In this case,

the candidates elected with the fewest votes will not join the Network Commission.

Article 12: SUCT The members of the Summer University Co-ordination Team are elected by the Autumn Agora for one year. They can be re-elected.

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Article 13: Practical Organisation (1)

1The organising AEGEE local is the sole responsible for the practical organisation of the

Agora. 2The budget for the Agora is set by the organising Antenna after approval by AEGEE-

Europe. 3AEGEE-Europe gives a deficit guarantee as specified in Article 25 of the General

Financial Rules. (2)

1All members of the Agora as well as the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and the Secretary of

the Agora participate for free. 2Services minimally required for participation are:

Use of the meeting rooms,

Lodging on the three days during which meetings take place,

Three breakfasts and lunches. 3Additional services offered may be charged with a separate fee as specified in the budget.

(3) 1Exceptions to sub-article 2 are only possible after approval by the Financial Director of

AEGEE-Europe. 2The organising AEGEE local must show the Financial Director of AEGEE-

Europe that it will not rely on the deficit guarantee when balancing their budget in order to guarantee the financial viability of the event, but must prove adequate sources of external funding to cover all costs incurred in the budget.

3If according to the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe

the condition above is met, a fee can be set in consultation with the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe.

4This fee is required to be set according to the procedure described in Article 29 of the

General Financial Rules. (4) The organising AEGEE local informs the network precisely of what is offered and what is demanded from the participants at least one week before the deadline for application for participation.

Article 14: Coming into Force (1) Every decision of the Agora comes into force the day after the meeting of the Agora. The decision about the newly elected members of the Comité Directeur for the regular term comes into force on 1

st of September.

(2) This does not apply to procedural questions concerning the Agora in progress.

Article 15: Exceptions 1The Agora may decide exceptions to this Working Format with a 2/3 majority.

2These exceptions

cannot withdraw the rules of the Statutes.


BOARDS’ MEETING Agora Ljubljana, May 2008

Article 1: Definition (1)

1The European Boards‟ Meeting has the objective to involve Antennae in the projects and

activities of the working groups, project teams and commissions. 2The European Boards‟ Meeting

finalises the annual Action Agenda. (2)

1The European Boards‟ Meeting offers the possibility to express opinions, discuss and

exchange experiences. 2The European Boards‟ Meeting provides platform for further interaction

and co-ordination for AEGEE locals, Working Groups, Commissions, Project Teams and the Comité Directeur.

Article 2: Structure (1) The EBM has as main working methods: - Informing the network about the work of the Comité Directeur by presenting its interim activity report; - Working Groups & Project Teams present their future activities and organise intense workshops

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for the thematic part for Antennae to get enrolled in European activities. - The Round Table Discussion is the preliminary session conducted simultaneously by each body on the European level. They discuss the actions that this particular body will carry out in the coming year in each respective Focus Area. It should also be shown how these actions were derived from the Strategic Plan. - Action meetings aim to finalise an Action Agenda out of the draft presented by the Comité Directeur. (cf. Article 12 of the General Rules). (2)

1Workshops are of a minimum duration of four hours.

2For a workshop to be accepted at the

European Boards‟ Meeting, the workshop leader must hand in a short proposal with an outline of the workshop and the working methods used as well as a personal record showing the level of experience in giving workshops.

3All workshop applications should be submitted within the

deadline set by the Comité Directeur in co-operation with the Chairperson. 4A participant signs up

for workshops when registering for the European Boards‟ Meeting. 5During the European Boards‟

Meeting, each workshop appoints a “rapporteur” who will present the results in the plenary session.

6The workshop results will then be discussed.

7A short summary of the workshop results

shall be provided to the network not later than one week after the European Boards‟ Meeting. (3) The European Boards‟ Meeting discusses the interim activity report as presented by the Comité Directeur and votes upon it by an indicative vote. (4)

1Time can be allocated to an open session exclusively reserved to discuss topics of wide

general interest for the network. 2These are referred to as Network Affairs.

(5) On the first day (not being an arrival day) time is reserved for internal meetings of Working Groups, Project Teams and Commissions. (6)

The minutes of the European Boards‟ Meeting shall be collected by the Secretary of the

European Boards‟ Meeting and published no later than two weeks before the subsequent Spring Agora.

Article 3: Meeting and Convocation (1) The European Boards‟ Meeting takes place once a year, at least six weeks before the Spring Agora. (2)

1The working languages shall be English or French.

2Cross-translation shall be made on

request. (3)

1The President of AEGEE-Europe convokes the European Boards‟ Meeting.

2The Comité

Directeur sets the agenda with the approval of the Chairperson. 3The agenda is subject to

ratification at the beginning of the meeting. 4The European Boards‟ Meeting may change the

proposed agenda with an absolute majority at any time during the meeting. 5The European

Boards‟ Meeting may modify the order of the topics listed in the agenda with a simple majority at any time during the meeting. (4)

1The Comité Directeur ensures that the agenda and preparatory material for each of the

workshops is communicated to the network at least two weeks before the meeting.

Article 4: Members (1)

1The members of the European Boards‟ Meeting are:

The members of the Comité Directeur and of the Commissions of AEGEE-Europe;

Up to three delegates of the AEGEE Antennae appointed by the local boards;

Up to three delegates of the AEGEE Working Groups;

Up to two board members of AEGEE Contact Antennae (envoys);

Up to two members of the Working Groups (envoys);

Up to two members of the Supporting Committees (envoys);

Up to two members of Projects of AEGEE-Europe (envoys);

Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents of AEGEE-Europe

Up to three AEGEE members per workshop with specific expertise on the topic of that workshop.

2A final selection of the participants shall be made by the Comité Directeur in co-operation with

the Chairperson. (2) All members of the European Boards‟ Meeting have the right to speak and to present proposals.

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(3) 1

In exceptional cases, more members from AEGEE locals may have the right to attend the European Boards‟ Meeting as a visitor with the permission of the Chairperson.

2Visitors do not

have the right to speak, vote or present proposals. 3Only the Chair may -upon request- grant

visitors the permission to speak. (4)

1Contacts of AEGEE have the right to send two representatives (observers) to the European

Boards‟ Meeting. 2Observers have neither speaking nor voting rights.

3Only the Chair may -upon

request- grant observers the permission to speak.

Article 5: Chairperson (1)

1The Chairperson of the Agora is also the Chairperson of the European Boards‟ Meeting.

2He/She is assisted by the Vice-Chairperson and the Juridical Commission.

(2) 1The Chairperson is responsible for the execution of the agenda.

2He/She opens, suspends

and adjourns the European Boards‟ Meeting. 3He/She does not participate in the discussions.

(3) 1The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring parity of speaking time for the main opinions on

a proposal or motion. 2He/She can decide to have a speakers list or a speaking time limit.

(4) The Chairperson is responsible for counting the votes. (5)

1The Chairperson can nominate Assistants to the Chair to help him with his task.


Chairperson shall inform the Secretary in advance about the agenda of the meeting.

Article 6: Secretary (1) The Secretary of the Agora is also the Secretary of the European Boards‟ Meeting. (2) The Secretary is responsible for the minutes, which should be sent to the Comité Directeur not later than two weeks before the Spring Agora. (3) The Secretary can nominate Assistants to help with his/her task.

Article 7: Voting (1)

1Each AEGEE Antenna and AEGEE Working Group has the right to vote.

2The number of

votes is distributed according to Article 14 of the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe. (2) In order to accept a proposal or an amendment simple majority is required. (3) Only the voting on the Action Agenda is decisive, all other votes are indicative and have to be finally approved by the Agora.

Article 8: Practical Organisation (1)

1The organising AEGEE local is solely responsible for the practical organisation of the

European Boards‟ Meeting. 2The budget for the European Boards‟ Meeting is set by the

organising local after approval by AEGEE-Europe. (2)

1Members of the European Boards‟ Meeting participate for free.

2The services minimally

required for the meeting are:

Use of the meeting rooms;

Sufficient technical equipment for the production of the workshop conclusions;

Lodging for the days the meetings take place;

breakfast and lunch. (3)

1Exceptions to sub-article 2 are only possible after approval by the Financial Director of

AEGEE-Europe. 2The organising AEGEE local must show the Financial Director of AEGEE-

Europe that it will not rely on the deficit guarantee when balancing their budget in order to guarantee the financial viability of the event, but must prove adequate sources of external funding to cover all costs incurred in the budget.

3If according to the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe

the above-mentioned condition is met, a fee can be set in consultation with the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe.

4This fee is regulated according to the procedure described in Article 29 of the

General Financial Rules. (4) The organising AEGEE local informs the network of precisely what is offered to and what is demanded from the participants at least one week before the deadline for application for participation.

Article 9: Modifications 1The Agora draws up the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting.

2Only the Agora can

make modifications to the European Boards‟ Meeting Working Format.

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DIRECTEUR Agora Istanbul, October 2010

Art 1. Internal Working Rules (1)

1The team of the Comité Directeur 2010-2011 consists of 7 elected members and one

assistant that will be in the headoffice for the whole term. 2During the year more assistants may

get enrolled, depending on our needs. 3Each Assistant will report to a specific elected member of

the Comité Directeur, depending on the nature of his/her tasks. (2)

1There will be four types of CD meetings: Daily Briefing Meeting at 10am, Update Meetings,

CD meetings and Evaluation meetings. 2Participation in all meetings is obligatory 3No laptops

allowed during CD meetings, unless they are needed for the meeting 4In case the result of a voting is tight, any CD member can ask the abstaining ones to reconsider. The request is not binding though.

5All decisions from CD meetings will be made available on intranet as soon as

possible. 6Working hours are from 9am till 5pm.

(3) 1Members of the CD team can have maximum 30vdays off in the term.

2There will be extra

days off for New Year‟s holiday from the 22nd

of December till the 3rd

of January. 3No member of

the CD team can be away from the Headoffice for more than nine days in a row. 4Members of the

CD team have to spend at least three days in the Headoffice between two trips. (4) Every Wednesday is cleaning day. (5) Once a week, all members of the CD team should present a list of achievements for the previous week and their plan for the upcoming one. (6) Every member of the Comité Directeur is required to be pro-active and show responsibility for clarity and openness to the network and for commitment and dedication to the functioning of AEGEE-Europe as a whole. Art 2. Task division (1)

1The following list of tasks and functions describes the responsibilities of the team of the

Comité Directeur. 2The following task division is indicative and can change at any time.


detailed task division can be found on article 4 of the present Working Format. I – President – Emmanouil Valasis

Coordinate the Comité Directeur team internally, by ensuring the work of the Comité Directeur as a team, by supporting members of the Comité Directeur where necessary and by coordinating internal Comité Directeur communication and information flow including preparation of meetings.

Coordinate the External representation of AEGEE;

Coordinate the Internal representation to the network. II - Secretary General – Alla Resheten

General administration of the association;

Administration of the AEGEE Headoffice;

Preparation of Statutory Meetings. III - Financial Director – Anna Petrova

Administration of AEGEE-Europe‟s finances;

Bookkeeping, financial report, budget of the association, membership fees of member organisations;

Control expenditures, especially of the Comité Directeur members;

Assist the European Institutions Responsible with budgeting and financial reports for

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applications. IV. IV External Relations Director & Vice president – Mirosław Krzanik

Information flow from and to the institutions;

Work with the European Commission: application for “subvention generale”, applications for projects, events and


Maintain consultative status towards Council of Europe and work with European Youth Foundation;

Conceptualise Policy Documents. V. Communications Director - Michael Makowiecki

Coordination of publications and AEGEE-Europe promotional materials;

General coordination of result promotion of AEGEE Europe activities;

Contact to the media and information flow to external contacts;

Inform the network about Comité Directeur activities. VI. Projects Director – Thomas Leszke

Support, help in preparation and keep an overview of all European and AEGEE-Europe projects;

Preparation and coordination of Flagship project;

Coordinate the Action Agenda of AEGEE;

Initiate and support new projects/events. VII . Network development Director – Alfredo Sellitti

Contact to locals, updating list of Antennae, Contact Antennae and Contacts;

Administration of activity reports;

Cooperation with the Network Commission. VIII. Human Resources Officer - Miroslava Ganzarcikova

Coordination of European Schools/ Training Events;

Internal Education databases: maintenance and improvement;

Cooperation with AEGEE Academy;

Cooperation with other bodies involved in Internal Education (e.g. Network Commission). Art. 3 The knowledge transfer period (1) The members-elect of the Comité Directeur take part in a knowledge transfer period of one month in the Headoffice, starting 1st of August, ending 31st August. (2)

1Assumption of office of the newly elected members of the Comité Directeur is rendered

effective, from 1st of September, save the exception stated in Article 19 (3) and (4) of the Statutes.

2Until then, they are considered as „members-elect‟.

(3) 1Within the one-month knowledge transfer period, the members-elect shall receive a full and

complete individual and common knowledge transfer from the Comité Directeur members terminating their posts.

2The knowledge transfer period is coordinated by the outgoing Comité

Directeur, and shall include external trainings and teambuilding sessions. 3The members elect

shall publish at the end of the knowledge transfer period an activity plan for the period 1st September – 31

st August. 4Throughout this period, the members-elect shall have access to all

data of the Comité Directeur. (4)

1During the period between the Spring Agora and 31

st August, the outgoing members of

Comité Directeur are responsible to execute their individual tasks and retain the power to act in the name of the association, with legal representation and capacity remaining vested in the post of the outgoing President.

2During the knowledge transfer period, the outgoing members of the

Comité Directeur and the members-elect shall work together so as to ensure continuity of the work and commitments engaged in. (5)

1The outgoing members of the Comité Directeur have to present online the activity report

before moving out of the headoffice. 2Online publication should happen latest by 7th of

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September. 3Th subsequent Agora approves the activity report, in accordance with Article 18 (4)

of the Statutes. (6)

1The outgoing Financial Director publishes online the internal financial report latest by the 7th

of September, in accordance with Article 18 (4) of the Statutes. 2The subsequent Agora approves

the internal financial report, in accordance with Article 18 (4) of the Statutes. (7) The outgoing Comité Directeur members that fail to present their activity report are not eligible to ask for travel reimbursement for their moving out, as described in Article 18 (5) of the General Financial Rules. (8) The Comité Directeur that acts in the name of the association as from 1

st September will

present its activity report on the knowledge transfer period and her activity plan by the 7th of

September. (9) The Comité Directeur can adopt and publish latest 2 months before the Agora a vacancy profile for Comité Directeur candidates. Art. 4 The detailed task division (1) The latest and detailed task division of the Comité Directeur is published on the online system of AEGEE (AEGEE intranet – Document repository of the Comité Directeur).


COMMISSION Agora Warszawa, May 2006

I - General Rules for the Members Commission 1The Members Commission is to be activated according to Article 26 (6) of the Statutes in all

cases that require sufficient and legitimate action to reach a clear and coherent situation for all ordinary members of AEGEE Europe.

2The Members Commission should pay attention to the

following general rules: (1) The Members Commission is supposed to keep the lowest profile in order to minimise the harm to AEGEE-Europe caused by its findings. (2) The Members Commission is expected to strive for an amicable settlement among the parties involved before considering further actions, serving as mediator. (3)

1The Members Commissioners as well as the other bodies of AEGEE-Europe contacted by

the Members Commission during its investigation are obliged to keep strict discretion about available information regarding the cases currently under consideration for not less than six months after decision has been taken, but only if it is not part of the decision to be published according to No. II (5) of this Working Format.

2In case of amicable settlements they have to keep

discretion for one year on request of the parties involved. (4) The Members Commission is obliged to pay full and impartial attention to all issues, evidence and proves brought forward by the parties involved. (5) The Members Commission is expected to co-operate fully with the other bodies of AEGEE-Europe and to utilize their experience and knowledge. (6) The Members Commission is expected to document all cases and decisions under review and to use previous decisions as guidelines for future decisions. (7) These documents shall be stored in the headoffice of AEGEE-Europe and made accessible to the members of the Members Commission and Juridical Commission at any time requested.

II - Procedural Rules for the Members Commission In case of request fulfilling the conditions of Article 26 (6) of the Statutes, the Members Commission should pay attention to the following guidelines: (1)

1The Members Commission informs the ordinary members concerned by registered letter,

followed by any other proper way of communication, the requesters and all other people involved

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in the case by normal letter, or any other proper way of communication, at least two weeks before the meeting about the request for a sentence and the details of the procedure to follow.


logistical means have to be provided by the Comité Directeur (snail mail, fax, phone). (2) The term "meeting" as used in this section also includes chat sessions, phone conferences or any other means of real time communication. (3)

1The ordinary member concerned, informed by registered letter, or any other proper way of

communication, sent out no later than two weeks before the meeting, will be invited to have a meeting with the Members Commission in order to give all the information necessary for the final decision.

2An ordinary member concerned must be represented by the President, possibly

assisted by the Financial Director and the Secretary. (4)

1The Members Commission as well as any other organ of AEGEE-Europe or the ordinary

members concerned in the case under investigation can have a clarifying meeting when this is needed.

2They can request to meet on short notice (then applying Article 18 (10) of the General

Financial Rules) at the place of the Agora at least two days prior the beginning of the Agora. 3

On request of the member(s) concerned, the meeting has to be open to the public audience, but no other than one delegate per ordinary member, one envoy per Working Group/Supporting Committee and Project Team and members of AEGEE-Europe bodies, all without any speaking and voting rights, unless requested by the Members Commission.

4In case of disturbance,

interference or obstructive behaviour of the audience, the Chair of the meeting may decide to exclude part or whole of the audience from the meeting.

5The Members Commission discusses

the content of the request and takes a decision on the case one day before the Agora (Agora following the receipt of the request) in a closed meeting. (5) The decision made in response to the request should be preliminarily announced to the parties and then to AEGEE-Europe and its ordinary members no later than two weeks after the decision has been taken. (6)

1The decision is to be ratified by the Agora as soon as possible.

2In case of decision during

Agorae, the decision should be ratified no later than on the last day of the respective Agora.

III - Sentences to be considered for decisions by the Members Commission (1)

1It is the first priority of the Members Commission to strive for an amicable settlement.

2However, if this is not possible the following advisory part should be considered for the decision

of the Members Commission.

(i) Advisory: (1) Principles to be considered for decisions of the Members Commission:

Balance between considered sentence, the violation sentenced, the circumstances, and the presence of premeditation;

Principle of “in dubio pro reo”;

Coherence with previous decisions in similar cases.

(ii) Advisory: (1) Sentences to be considered for decisions of the Members Commission (not to be considered complete):

Temporary suspension of the active voting rights of the ordinary member during statutory meetings up to one year;

Degradation of the ordinary member;

Exclusion of the ordinary member from participation in the Summer University Project up to one year;

Exclusion of the ordinary member;

Issue of a recommendation statement replacing or suspending an official decision by the Members Commission, in particular regarding the internal relations or behaviour of ordinary members. In case of non-compliance to the issued recommendation, the Members Commission may be called again for a new decision.

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GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES Agora Istanbul, October 2010

I - Membership Fees

Article 1: Local Membership Fee Each AEGEE Antenna or Contact Antenna has to ask for a local membership fee of up to 50 EURO per member per year or has to apply for exceptions according to the Article 5 of the General Financial Rules.

Article 2: AEGEE-Europe Membership Fee 1An annual membership fee towards AEGEE-Europe of 25% of the part of the local annual

membership fee under 30 Euro has to be paid for each current member, with a minimum of 4 EURO per current member plus 10% of the part of the local annual membership fee above 30 Euro.

2The fee has to be paid by every Antenna and Contact Antenna.

3In special cases Antennae

and Contact Antennae can apply for an exception according to Article 5 of the General Financial Rules.

Article 3: Payments 1Every membership fee payment is valid for one Agora except the case of certainty that a local

will not be able to arrange the next payment. 2In this case they can pay for 2 Agorae, which

concerns a year period.

Article 4: Exchange Rate The exchange rate is set by the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe every three months.

Article 5: Exceptions 1Exceptions can be made by the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe on two criteria:

A recent financial balance and a profit-and-loss statement have to be delivered;

A written motivation of the request for an exception has to be delivered. This request has to be confirmed by the antenna and the Financial Director every year.

2The Financial Director presents to every Agora a list of all Antennae or Contact Antennae with

membership fee exceptions.

Article 6: Audit The Audit Commission has the right to check the AEGEE locals‟ bookkeeping and, independently or on request of any subject having an objective interest, to investigate on the financial management of events and projects organised at both local and European level.

II - Budget of AEGEE-Europe

Article 7: Budget (1)

1The Comité Directeur has to make a budget for the next financial year and internal budgeting

year and has to present them to the Agora. 2The Agora votes on the budgets.

3For any major

change of the budgets, the Comité Directeur has to present a budget amendment to the Agora.

Article 8: Project-related Expenses The Comité Directeur decides on project-related expenses, taking the budget as a guideline.

III - Bookkeeping

Article 9: Documentation (1) For any agreement that involves money, the responsible AEGEE-Europe representative

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should make a document where the agreement is described, and he should send this document to the Financial Director immediately. (2) The counterpart should get a copy of this signed document for his own record.

Article 10: Formal Acceptance of Bills (1)

1All bills (and reimbursement claims etc.) that are accepted by AEGEE-Europe have to be

formally accepted, which means that the President signs the bill. 2He can delegate this task to the

Financial Director but retains ultimate responsibility. (2) The following formula should be used: ”checked and accepted by (signature/date)”

Article 11: Payments 1As soon as a bill is formally accepted, the Financial Director effectuates the payment and files

the bill (=receipt) for his accounting. 2He notes the credit and debit accounts on the bill.

Article 12: Journal (1)

1The Financial Director has to list all financial transactions of AEGEE-Europe in the journal.

2He files all accepted bills.

(2) For every payment there must be a bill (or equivalent document) which is formally accepted by the President according to Article 11.

Article 13: Accounting 1The Financial Director does the accounting, using the established account system.

2He prepares

the profit and loss and the final balance of AEGEE-Europe for the last year. 3The profit and loss

has to be detailed enough to allow evaluations of the different projects. 4For all assets listed in the

final balance there has to be a written document. 5He submits every month an updated budget to

the Comité Directeur.

Article 14: Tasks of the Audit Commission (1) The Audit Commission checks whether

The journal is complete;

There is a bill for every payment;

All bills are formally accepted;

The accounting, the profit and loss and the final balance are correct;

There is a written document for all assets listed in the final balance;

The reimbursement criteria were applied correctly; and reports to the Agora. (2) Furthermore, the Audit Commission reports on any other findings that are of relevance to the financial situation of AEGEE-Europe.

IV - Reimbursement Criteria

Article 15: General Rule All reimbursement to the Comité Directeur and Commission members will be made according to the following rules.

Article 16: Exceptions (1) Exceptions to these rules can be made by the Financial Director. (2) Exceptions to these rules can be made by the President. (3) Exceptions to these rules can be made by the whole Comité Directeur with a 2/3 majority.

Article 17: Procedural Rules (1) No reimbursement without a receipt.

2Claims on official reimbursement forms only.


have to be stuck to A 4 paper. 4Expenses are to be claimed in the original currency.


will be made according to the AEGEE-Europe exchange rates, set by the Financial Director. (2)

1An application for reimbursement for a certain month has to be at the Financial Director‟s

within the following month. 2An application must be complete, that is cover all expenses until the

date of the latest expense and contain all necessary lists and summations. 3It is not possible to

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have expenses of two different months in one application. (3) Any requests for reimbursements have to be handled within 21 days, and must be paid within 7 days after a positive decision. (4) Reimbursements not claimed according to these rules can be refused by the Financial Director by sending back the whole application form with an explanation. (5) Comité Directeur members or Commission members put to non-active lose all rights for reimbursement after the end of their active period.

Article 18: Travel Costs (1)

1Travels have to be announced to the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe in advance.

2Travels of Comité Directeur members have to be announced in the Comité Directeur meeting

beforehand. (2)

1In every case the cheapest way of travelling has to be chosen, taking under consideration the

circumstances of the trip and the conditions of public transportation. 2All travels are reimbursed

up to the price of the second-class ticket of the above-mentioned way of travelling. (3)

1The reimbursement for the use of a car is 0.09 Euro per kilometre plus rent and toll.

2If the

car is shared by two or more persons having the right to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is 0.12 Euro per km up to the price of the second class bus or train ticket depending which one is cheaper way of travelling in the country(s) where the trip is supposed to be made. (4)

1The reimbursement for hitchhiking is a maximum of 40% of the price of a second-class train

ticket for the same distance. 2Hitchhiking reimbursements have to be explicitly requested and

approved before the start of the journey. (5)

1Travel costs for European Boards‟ Meetings and Agorae are reimbursed to all Comité

Directeur members. (6)1The return trip home of the members of the outgoing Comité Directeur can only be reimbursed after the knowledge transfer period has taken place.

2The reimbursement for the

leaving members of the Comité Directeur is granted when the Activity Report on the knowledge transfer period is published according to Article 18 (3) of the statutes. 3The members elect are reimbursed for their journey from home to the headoffice if they arrive in time for the knowledge transfer period. (7) Travel costs for the Autumn Agora are reimbursed to all members of the previous Comité Directeur, provided the case they present their Activity Report to the Agora. (8)

1Travel costs for AEGEE meetings are reimbursed up to two Comité Directeur members.

2Travel costs for congresses are reimbursed up to one Comité Directeur member.

(9)1Travel costs for Agorae and the European Boards‟ Meeting are reimbursed to the

Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary of the meeting and the IT technician. (9a)The Secretary will not be reimbursed for travel costs for Agorae and the European Boards‟ Meeting if the minutes are not submitted to the Comité Directeur in the timeframes established in Article 9 (4) of the Working Format of the Agora and Article 6 (2) of the Working Format of the European Boards‟ Meeting respectively. (9b)

1Travel costs to the European Boards‟ Meeting are reimbursed to all persons that have been

approved as workshop leaders by the Secretary-General of the Comité Directeur and the Chairperson of the European Boards‟ Meeting.

2Only one person per workshop may be chosen

as leader. 3For leaders of workshops at the European Boards‟ Meeting the reimbursement is a

maximum of 40%. 4The representatives of bodies having actions that have a direct link to the

Focus Areas should be eligible for a maximum reimbursement of 40%. (9c)The Flagship Project Manager, or a representative, gets a reimbursement up to 70% for two out of three statutory meetings attended. In case the Project Manager can not attend a meeting the Flagship Project team appoints one representative. (10)

1Travel costs to meetings of the Audit Commission are reimbursed to all Commission

members for up to one meeting between two Agorae. 2For travels to Agorae up to one Audit

Commission member will be reimbursed. (11)

1Travel costs to Agorae are reimbursed to all members of the Juridical Commission who are

not a member of the Comité Directeur. 2Travel costs for the European Boards‟ Meeting are

reimbursed to the President of the Juridical Commission. 3For other meetings of the Juridical

Commission, Article 16 may be applied.

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(12) Travel costs to convoked meetings of the Members Commission are reimbursed to all Commission members. (13)

1Travel costs to meetings of the Network Commission are reimbursed to all Commission

members for up to two meetings during their mandate, of which at least one has to be an intermediate meeting between the Agorae.

2To the Speaker of the Network Commission travel

costs will be reimbursed to all meetings of the Network Commission as a whole. 3Travel costs for

network trips in each region are reimbursed to all Commission members after approval of the Financial Director and the Network Responsible of AEGEE-Europe. (14)

1Travel costs of members of the Liaison Agency are reimbursed for up to two travels per year

to the institution/organisation they are appointed for. 2All travels are approved in advance by the

Comité Directeur. 3For other travel costs Article 16 may be applied.

4This reimbursement can only

be paid after fulfilment of the duties as stated in the rules of the Liaison Office and Liaison Agency. (15)

1Travel costs have to be proved by the train tickets, couchette tickets, intercity supplement

tickets, flight tickets, car rental contracts, fuel receipts and toll receipts. 2If a private car has been

used, the number of kilometres has to be provided. (16)

1All travels have to be listed in detail with date and place of departure, destination, reason

and costs. 2If a car has been shared be two or more persons, all have to be listed.

(17)1When sharing a car with non-reimbursable persons the total amount has to be equally

divided among all passengers. 2Only the part of the reimbursable persons will be covered by


Article 19: Telephone Costs (1)

1Telephone costs necessarily made for AEGEE-Europe are reimbursed to all Comité Directeur

and Commission members and to Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents. 2The phone calls have to

be as short as possible and to be replaced by e-mail, letters or faxes whenever practicable. (2)

1Each Comité Directeur member can make phone calls up to 50 EURO per month.


Commission member and Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents can make phone calls up to 5 EURO per month.

3Telephone calls have to be listed individually: date, purpose, duration and

price, receiver.

Article 20: Mailing Costs (1) Mailing costs necessarily made for AEGEE-Europe are reimbursed to all Comité Directeur and Commission members and to the Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents. (2) Mailing costs have to be proved by a detailed list of date, addresses, reason and cost of each letter or parcel.

Article 21: Copy Costs (1) Copy costs necessarily made for AEGEE-Europe are reimbursed to all Comité Directeur and Commission members and to the Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents. (2) Copy costs have to be proved by a detailed list of date, number, reason and cost of all copies.

Article 22: Office Supplies (1)

1The cost of non-durable office supplies necessary bought for AEGEE-Europe is reimbursed

to all Comité Directeur and Commission members. 2Letterhead paper will be provided centrally,

other letterhead paper will not be reimbursed. (2) Office supplies costs have to be proved by a detailed list of date, kind of equipment that has been bought, reason and cost of each single purchase.

Article 23: Subsistence costs (1)

1Subsistence costs of Members of the Comité Directeur are reimbursed to a minimum amount

of 3,5 euro up to a maximum amount of 10 euro per member per day. 2This amount is reduced

accordingly for non-eligible time. 3Non-eligible time is time spent out of Brussels for private

reasons or time spent at events where all subsistence costs are covered by the organisers or time spent on exercising any type of paid activity. (2) The Comité Directeur may decide on reimbursement for subsistence costs for Comité Directeur assistants for a period up to twelve months, in case other fundraising efforts fail. The amount per assistant per month shall not exceed the maximum of the subsistence costs of a

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member of the Comité Directeur. (3) Subsistence costs have to be proved with bills. (4) The overall budget for subsistence cost reimbursement cannot exceed 20% of the general budget of AEGEE-Europe.

Article 24: Payments (1)

1Comité Directeur and Commission members, as well as Liaison Officers and Liaison Agents

will get payments as reimbursements only after all receipts or copies of receipts have been sent in and the Financial Director has checked and approved the whole application.

2The President

checks the application of the Financial Director and signs for approval. (2) Payments will generally be made in home currency of the applicant; Comité Directeur member and Financial Director can agree together to use another currency for reimbursement.

Article 25: Network Commission 1Administrative costs are reimbursed to all members of the Network Commission up to a

maximum of 150 EURO per mandate/year. 2The cost reports of the Network Commission have to

be accepted by the Speaker of the Network Commission and the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe. Article 26: Working Groups Reimbursements to Working Groups are made according to regulations of Article 5 of the Working Groups Criteria. Article 27: Supporting Committees Reimbursements to Supporting Committees are made according to regulations of Article 26 of the General Financial Rules.

V - Support for Statutory Meetings

Article28: Reservation Each year AEGEE-Europe reserves an amount for the statutory meeting-fund high enough to minimally guarantee a deficit guarantee from that fund for the statutory meetings of that year as specified in Article 27.

Article29: Deficit Guarantees and Loans (1) Each organising AEGEE local of an Agora can apply for a deficit guarantee for the practical organisation of 750 EURO, after approval of the budget by the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe. (2) Each organising AEGEE local of a European Boards‟ Meeting can apply for a deficit guarantee for the practical organisation of 500 EURO, after approval of the budget by the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe. (3)

1In case of loss that is proved to be unexpected, the deficit is covered by AEGEE-Europe up

to the amount received, at the discretion and following a decision by the Comité Directeur, acting upon the advice of the Financial Director.

2When such a request is made by an organising local, it

shall be required to provide the Comité Directeur with all financial and other forms of documentation as are deemed necessary by the said Comité Directeur, in order to be able to evaluate and decide upon the case. (4)

1The organising AEGEE local can apply to AEGEE-Europe for a loan up to the amount of the

deficit guarantee. 2This loan is to be paid before the Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting.

VI - Fees for Activities

Article30: General Rule (1) Fees for European events and AEGEE events should be set as low as possible, without

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endangering the financial position of the organising AEGEE local. (2) For different categories of activities specific rules for fees can be set.

Article31: Fee System (1) Fees have to be set in EURO. (2) Before the statutory meetings, the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe publishes a list with the conversion rates to the EURO of the currencies of all countries where AEGEE is present. (3)

1The organising AEGEE local may specify separate fees for participants from different

countries, taking into account the purchasing power of the participants‟ currencies. 2Before the

deadline for application the participants must be informed of what their individual fee will be. (4)

1Depending on the definite list of participants, adjustments to the fees can be necessary after

the deadline for application. 2Such adjustments can only be made after approval by the Financial

Director of AEGEE-Europe and must be communicated to the participants as soon as possible.

ANTENNAE CRITERIA Agora Istanbul, October 2010

Article 1: Contact (1)

1A Contact is at least one person interested in the work of, and in working for AEGEE-Europe

and willing to set up an Antenna. 2In order to become a Contact, the individual or group must first

submit the following documentation to the Comité Directeur of AEGEE-Europe:

A personal or group motivation letter, stating the intention of forming an AEGEE Antenna in their city;

A letter of intention from one institution of higher education in that city, positively indicating that it will support the future development of this Contact.

3The Comité

Directeur must contact the respective institution on this regard. The Comité Directeur of AEGEE-Europe can make exceptions from this criterion, provided that substantial effort has been made to fulfil it.

(2) 1After taking these documents into consideration, the Comité Directeur decides whether to

accept the new Contact. 2Before signing the Convention d„Adhésion, the Contact doesn‟t have

the right to use the name and the logo of AEGEE. (3)

1Once accepted, the Contact must communicate regularly with the people responsible for this

task, according to the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe. 2A Contact is not allowed to call itself AEGEE-

”city name”.

(4) If the Contact does not sign the Convention d'Adhésion at the third Agora following its creation, it should be deleted by a decision of the Comité Directeur.

Article 2: Contact Antenna (1) To become a Contact Antenna, a Contact must:

Create Statutes compatible with the Convention d‟Adhésion and the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe;

Deliver a copy of the Statutes in the original language and one in English or French to AEGEE-Europe;

Have their Statutes verified by the Juridical Commission;

Have at least ten members;

Present a plan of their future activities. (2)

1As soon as these requirements have been fulfilled, the Convention d‟Adhésion will be signed

by the Contact and the President of AEGEE-Europe on the occasion of a Comité Directeur‟s meeting or a statutory meeting of AEGEE-Europe.

2After signing the Convention d‟Adhésion, the

Contact Antenna must officially found the association, have it registered within six months and

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provide the Juridical Commission and the Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe with a copy of the registration data.

3Failure to comply with this criterion results in termination of the Convention

d‟Adhésion by AEGEE-Europe. 4The Comité Directeur can make exceptions from the criteria,

upon receiving written request and explanation by the Contact Antenna.

Article 3: Remaining a Contact Antenna (1) To remain a Contact Antenna, it must:

Pay membership fees according to the regulations defined in the General Financial Rules;

Have organised any events according to the Event Rules, as presented in the General Rules, of a thematic focus where members of other Antennae were invited to participate within the last year;

Maintain active communication with the bodies of AEGEE-Europe, responding to written or other forms of communication;

Send envoys to at least one ordinary Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting in a period of three consecutive statutory meetings;

Have a board consisting of at least President, Treasurer and Secretary;

organise board elections at least once a year;

Have at least 10 members;

Have a bank account, and provide the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe with the account data.

(2) A Contact Antenna can be deleted at minimum two Agorae after acquiring this status and should be deleted at maximum four Agorae after acquiring this status. (3) Based on a written explanation, the Comité Directeur can exceptionally waive one or more of these criteria.

Article 4: Antenna (1) To become an Antenna, a Contact Antenna must:

Have paid membership fees;

Have sent a members list and a financial report;

Have sent envoys to at least one ordinary Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting within the last three statutory meetings;

Have sent at least one of its members to a Network Meeting within the last year;

(i) Within the last year have either: a) Organised a European event, AEGEE event, AEGEE-Europe event or Summer

University. The planning and organisation of the event needs to be announced beforehand and needs to be in cooperation with another partner within AEGEE (AEGEE-organs or Antennae) or outside of AEGEE which has to be approved by the Comité Directeur. This partner can give minimum requirements to fulfil in order to have the event counting towards this requirement;

b) Organised two local activities related to the focus areas of AEGEE-Europe or embedded in a project or Working Group of AEGEE-Europe. In this case the organisation of local events is to be monitored and approved by the Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe, or another partner within AEGEE (AEGEE organs or Antennae) approved by the Comité Directeur; other locals are to be invited to participate, the mode of invitation is set forth in cooperation with the partner.

(ii) The Contact Antenna must report to the Comité Directeur in written form after either event; the partners have to approve the report.

(2) The Contact Antenna, in order to become an Antenna, must have fulfilled the conditions to remain a Contact Antenna.

Article 5: Remaining an Antenna

(1) To remain Antenna, it must fulfil the criteria for remaining a Contact Antenna. (2) Additionally, it must:

Send delegates either to two ordinary Agorae or to one ordinary Agora and a European

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Boards‟ Meeting in every period of three consecutive AEGEE-Europe meetings (Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting);

Send at least one of its board members to a Network Meeting per year;

Submit a yearly financial report plus budget before 1st February or on demand of the Comité Directeur;

Submit a yearly report on their activities and a presentation of their projects before 1st December or on demand of the Comité Directeur;

Submit a list of current members before every Agora;

Organise a European event at least once every two years; (3) When a criterion for Contact Antenna and Antenna overlaps, the one for Antenna is applied. (4)

1The deadline for the reception of payments will be set by the Financial Director of AEGEE-

Europe and will be communicated to the Antennae at least two months before the Agora. 2Cash

payments must be announced to the Financial Director before the deadline, otherwise they will not be accepted.

3Not being present at the Agora does not exempt the Antenna from paying.

(5) In special cases, when written explanations are presented, the Comité Directeur may decide that the fact of not having fulfilled one or more criteria might not lead to degradation to the status of a Contact Antenna.

Working Groups Criteria Agora Leiden, April 2010

Article 1: Working Group (1)

1A Working Group is a body installed by the Agora with absolute majority.

2The proposed

Working Group must present its General Strategic Plan at the same Agora before voting. 3A

Working Group consists of people meeting in certain time-spans to ensure continuous work on defined arguments, on the situation of AEGEE and on topics that decisively affect Europe. Article 2: Remaining Working Group (1) To remain a Working Group it must:

Have organised two events according to the Event Rules, as presented in the General Rules, of a thematic focus within the last year;

Maintain active communication with the bodies of AEGEE-Europe, responding to written or other forms of communication;

Send envoys to at least one ordinary Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting in a period of three consecutive statutory meetings;

Organise board elections at least once a year, resulting in a board consisting of at least President, Treasurer and Secretary;

Submit an annual Activity Plan by October 1st, including annual budget, which has to be

approved by the Comité Directeur;

Submit an annual Activity Report by February 1st;

Draw a general strategic plan with the long-term goals of the Working Group and present it to the EBM.

Working Groups are accountable to the Agora and they have therefore to submit a progress report of their activity plan at each Agora

List of members of a Working Group has to be stored and updated in an online membership system accepted by the Comité Directeur;

After every organised event or project the Working Groups have to present the results to

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the network within one month after the event or project has finished. (2) Based on a written explanation, the Comité Directeur can exceptionally waive one or more of these criteria. Article 3: AEGEE Working Group (1) To become an AEGEE Working group a Working Group must:

Create Statutes compatible with the Convention d‟Adhésion and the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe;

Deliver a copy of the Statutes in the original language and one in English or French to AEGEE-Europe;

Have their Statutes verified by the Juridical Commission;

Have at least ten members;

Present a plan of their future activities;

Have sent envoys to at least one ordinary Agora or European Boards‟ Meeting within the last three statutory meetings;

(2) A Working Group, in order to become an AEGEE Working Group must fulfil the criteria to remain a Working Group. (3) 1As soon as these requirements have been fulfilled, the Convention d‟Adhésion will be signed by a representative of the Working Group and the President of AEGEE-Europe on the occasion of a Comité Directeur‟s meeting or a statutory meeting of AEGEE-Europe. 2After signing the Convention d‟Adhésion, the Working group must officially found the association, have it registered within six months and provide the Juridical Commission and the Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe with a copy of the registration data. 3Failure to comply with this criterion results in termination of the Convention d‟Adhésion by AEGEE-Europe. 4The Comité Directeur can make exceptions from the criteria, upon receiving written request and explanation by the AEGEE Working Group. Article 4: Remaining an AEGEE Working Group (1) In order to remain an AEGEE Working Group it must fulfil the criteria for remaining a Working Group and the following criteria:

Have at least two activities in the Action Agenda;

Successfully organise at least 2/3 of the activities of the Working Group present in the Action Agenda;

Submit an annual Financial Report by February 1st;

Maintain the registration of the AEGEE Working Group when needed, minimum once a year;

(2) In special cases, when written explanations are presented, the Comité Directeur may decide that the fact of not having fulfilled one or more criteria might not lead to degradation to the status of Working Group. Article 5: Financial contribution of AEGEE-Europe (1) Reimbursements to Working Groups have to meet one of the following categories:

Meeting costs (including accommodation and travel costs)

Workshop-leaders, representing a working group at internal or external events can claim

for a partial travel reimbursement, excluding for Statutory Events

PR-material, IT costs

Registration costs (2) Working Groups can obtain financial support from AEGEE-Europe according to the General Financial Rules. (3)The Comité Directeur decides on the distribution of resources for Working Groups and presents it online at latest on 1st November.

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Agora Istanbul, October 2010

I. Events

Article 1: Definition

(1) 1An event is a project or an activity within a project, with a defined group of participants who

remain together in one or more locations for a defined period of time. 2An event is organised by

one AEGEE Antenna, or by multiple Antennae in cooperation. 3Other bodies of AEGEE-Europe

and other organisations can also be involved as partners. (2)

1In exceptional cases AEGEE-Europe may organise events in cooperation with a local

organiser which is not an AEGEE Antenna. 2The Comité Directeur reserves the right to bar all

AEGEE bodies from any cooperation with specific organisations, if this is deemed detrimental for AEGEE as an association.

Article 2: Local Event

(1) 1A Local Event is organised by an AEGEE local.

2It does not need any recognition or

involvement of AEGEE-Europe as long as it is not against the principles of AEGEE-Europe 3The

event can be held in any language most suited to the target audience. 4The event is not

announced in the Calendar of Events. (2) The organising local may take fees for accommodation, food and participation.

Article 3: European Event

(1) 1A European Event is an event as defined in Article 2, including the additional provisions set

out in this Article. It is organised by one or more bodies or members of AEGEE-Europe. 2The

topic is selected by the organisers of the event. 3The event shall be in accordance with the

principles of AEGEE-Europe. 4An exchange among locals is also considered to be a European

Event. (2)

1The event should be open for all AEGEE members, and whenever possible also to non-

AEGEE members. 2The event and the date of the event have to be confirmed by the CD and the

involved European bodies and should be announced one month in advance. 3

After confirmation the event is published in the Calendar of Events as a European Event. (3)

1Accommodation should comprise of breakfast and at least one more meal per day for all

participants. 2This must be provided for the lowest possible fee.

Article 4: AEGEE Event

(1) 1An AEGEE Event is an event as defined in Article 3, including the additional provisions set out in this Article. 2It is organised by one or more locals in cooperation with at least one Working Group, Supporting Committee or Commission, or as part of a European or AEGEE-Europe project. 3The topic is selected by the organisers of the event in full collaboration with the Comité Directeur, the involved Working Group, Supporting Committee, Commission or Project Team, fitting to the actions mentioned in the Action Agenda for any of these bodies. (2)

1The status of AEGEE Event can only be obtained by approval of the Comité Directeur, after

being proposed by the involved Working Group, Supporting Committee, Commission or Project Team.

2The event and the date of the event have to be confirmed by the CD and the involved

European bodies and should be announced two months in advance. 3After confirmation the event

is published in the Calendar of Events as an AEGEE Event and will have priority over European and local events for presentation during the statutory meetings. (3) The event should be open for all AEGEE members, and whenever possible also to non-AEGEE members.

Article 5: AEGEE- Europe Event

(1) 1 An AEGEE-Europe Event is an event, as defined in Article 4, including the additional

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provisions set out in this Article. 2The event is mentioned within the Action Agenda of AEGEE-Europe or part of the Flagship Project and the status of AEGEE-Europe Event must be approved by the Comité Directeur. 3Statutory meetings are also considered to be AEGEE-Europe Events. (2) The event should be open to all AEGEE members, and whenever possible also to non- AEGEE members and shall have at least 50 participants of which 50% from a country other than the hosting country. (3)

1The event has to be announced at least two months in advance in the Calendar of Events.

2The date and topic of the event are subject to approval by the Comité Directeur.


confirmation the event is published in the Official Calendar of Events. 4The event has priority over

other events for presentation during the statutory meetings. 5The organisers are allowed to use

the logos of AEGEE-Europe and, if the case the relevant project. (4)

1Accommodation should comprise of breakfast and at least one more meal per day for all

participants. This must be provided for the lowest possible fee. 2Participants will be provided with

a partial or full reimbursement of their travels, whenever possible. (5)

1After approval by the Comité Directeur, an event contract shall be signed by a legal

representative of AEGEE-Europe, the Event Coordinator and legal representatives of all AEGEE bodies or Coordinator and legal representatives of all AEGEE bodies or Project Teams involved, formalising their roles and Responsibilities in the project.

2The budget, activity schedule and

project description shall be included in the contract. 3

The Contract should include at least the participation fee, the meals provided, the type of accommodation and the different kinds and maximum amount of materials that should be provided from the Organising Local during the event.

4 Contracts of statutory events have to be

signed at the preceding Agora.

Article 6: Event coordination

(1) European Events, AEGEE Events and AEGEE-Europe Events shall not be planned to coincide with an AEGEE-Europe event already listed in the Calendar of Events, except where the Comité Directeur specifically decides that this is acceptable. (2)

1Local organisers are responsible for checking the Calendar of Events before making firm

plans. 2When organising a European Event, local organisers should prevent clashes with already

announced AEGEE Events and AEGEE-Europe Events at all times. 3The Comité Directeur is

responsible for preventing clashes between AEGEE Events or AEGEE-Europe Events with already announced European Events.

4The Comité Directeur, upon receiving request to reserve a

date, is to send a confirmation and has two weeks to make a decision. 5When a decision has not

been made within two weeks, the organisers can proceed as intended. 6This affects only

European Events and their dates. (3)

1Dates shall be considered “booked” for AEGEE-Europe Events only after the event is entered

in the calendar. 2The Comité Directeur shall ensure that AEGEE-Europe Events are not planned

for dates that will have a negative impact on activities already shown in the Calendar of Events. (4)

1Working Group, Supporting Committee and Project Teams are responsible for ensuring that

AEGEE Events on similar topics complement each other and do not overlap. 2Locals are

responsible for contacting the relevant Working Group, Supporting Committee or Project Team to ensure that their plans for European Events do not clash with plans for AEGEE Events or European Events.

II. Projects

Article 1: Definition 1Projects within AEGEE are defined as multiple planned activities with one defined purpose,

coordinated by a project manager. These activities may include one or more events (see Events, General Rules)). 2AEGEE-Europe activities always involve AEGEE members from more than one country. Article 2: European Projects (1)

1A European Project is an international project involving more than one local, which is not

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included in the Action Agenda of AEGEE-Europe. 2European Projects may not use the name,

logo or administrative resources of AEGEE-Europe without the specific approval of the Comité Directeur.

3AEGEE-Europe and AEGEE bodies may participate in projects organised by other

organisations, as long as these projects are consistent with the aims and principles of AEGEE-Europe.

4The Agora, and for a period until the following Agora the Comité Directeur, can bar all

AEGEE bodies from any cooperation with specific organisations if this is found to be harmful for the association. (2)

1AEGEE-Europe may ask for any means of support from governmental/intergovernmental

institutions, foundations and companies for the project or any part of it. 2AEGEE-Europe shall not

undertake any contractual responsibility to third parties for European projects, unless:

A contract, including a budget, a liquidity budget and a fundraising strategy for the project, is explicitly approved and signed between the organising antenna(e) and any Working Group(s) or Supporting Committee involved in the project, and AEGEE-Europe, before any application for funds is made

The organising Antenna(e) and/or Working Group(s) or Supporting Committee agree under the terms of the contract to repay any financial loss to AEGEE-Europe resulting from the project

The organising Antenna(e) and/or Working Group(s) or Supporting Committee shall pay a contribution to the budget of AEGEE-Europe. This shall not be less than 15% of the total sum awarded through AEGEE-Europe but should normally derive from sources of income other than the grant itself.

3In exceptional cases the Comité Directeur may decide to alter or waive the last two

requirements. Article 3: AEGEE-Europe Projects (1)

1AEGEE-Europe Projects, including Flagship Projects, are projects based on the Focus Areas

in the Strategic Plan, and are approved at the end of the planning stage by the Comité Directeur. 2Together all AEGEE-Europe Projects are included in the Action Agenda (see Planning at General

Rules). 3AEGEE-Europe Projects continuing for a second or subsequent year, which have not

been closed, are nominally part of the Action Agenda, but not subject to renewed approval by the Agora.

4The Comité Directeur may also present AEGEE-Europe Projects for separate approval by

the Spring Agora, and exceptionally at the Autumn Agora if the Action Agenda as a whole is not approved.

5AEGEE-Europe Projects presented in this way must be approved by the Agora with an

absolute majority. (2)

1A complete application must be submitted to the Comité Directeur at least one month before

the Autumn Agora.2The following documents are required:

- A title and short description of the project, showing the project‟s contribution to the Focus Areas in the Strategic Plan, and its expected impact; - An activity schedule for the project, including preparation, publicity, fundraising and follow-up activities; - A detailed budget, showing that AEGEE-Europe will benefit financially from the project; - Names and task descriptions of all Project Team Members, as well as a formal personal letter of intent from the team members; - Official letters of intent from every AEGEE Antenna, Working Group or Supporting Committee involved in the project, showing that the body has formally approved its participation, signed by a legal representative.

(3) 1After approval by the Comité Directeur, a project contract shall be signed by a legal

representative of AEGEE-Europe, the Project Coordinator, Finance Manager, Content Manager, formalising their roles and responsibilities in the project.

2The activity schedule and project

description shall be included in the contract. 3This contract shall normally be signed at the

Autumn Agora, but may if necessary being signed later. (4) AEGEE-Europe Projects shall: • Have the right to use the name and logo of AEGEE-Europe • Receive priority for administrative support, guidance and contacts from AEGEE-Europe, and

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especially from the Comité Directeur • Receive financial support from AEGEE-Europe for start-up costs, including an initial team meeting in Brussels, according to the budget of AEGEE-Europe • Be entitled to apply for funding through AEGEE-Europe, and receive support in fundraising efforts from the Comité Directeur • Receive maximum visibility in the online and printed publicity of AEGEE-Europe • Take priority over other activities for calendar planning and fundraising (5)

1An AEGEE-Europe Project is coordinated by a Project Team, consisting of at least three

AEGEE members from at least two different countries. 2Project Team members are committed to

the project for its entire duration, including follow-up. 3The following team members must be

identified: (i) The Project Coordinator shall be responsible to AEGEE-Europe for:

The achievement of the objectives of the project, or revising the objectives with the approval of the Comité Directeur when these cannot be achieved,

The successful implementation of the project according to the plan shown in the project contract, or revising the plan with the approval of the Comité Directeur when this would make the project more effective,

Sending regular updates (at least once per month) to the Comité Directeur about the progress of the project according to its objectives and plan.

(ii) The Finance Manager shall be responsible to AEGEE-Europe for:

The correct financial management of the project,

Informing the Financial Director (and, where appropriate, the External Relations and European Institutions Directors) of all developments affecting the finances of the project

Providing a full financial report including all bills, on dates set in the project contract both during and after the implementation of the project, to the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe, for checking by the Audit Commission.

(iii) The Content Manager shall be responsible to AEGEE-Europe for:

Providing information and suitable materials to the PR director of AEGEE-Europe,

The collection and reporting of all outcomes, conclusions, results and evaluations from the project,

Preparing the final activity report according to the terms of the project contract.

(6) 1The Comité Directeur reserves the right to replace the Project Coordinator, Finance Manager

or Content Manager, or any member of the Project team, after giving due warning, if they fail to fulfil the terms of the contract, or take any action not consistent with law or with the principles or best interests of AEGEE-Europe.

2The project contract shall include terms allowing the Project

Coordinator to replace any local or body involved in the project, after giving due warning, if they fail to fulfil the terms of the contract.

3The Project Coordinator shall both have the authority and

obligation to cancel any event within the project on pre-agreed dates, especially in order to avoid any significant financial loss. (7) AEGEE-Europe shall bear all financial risk from the project, and any positive financial results shall be transferred to the Foundation AEGEE Trust Fund. (8)

1The Comité Directeur may seek any source of funding for the project.

2AEGEE-Europe shall

bear full responsibility for the project and reporting towards the funding organisation, and the Comité Directeur shall have full authority to allocate the funds as it sees fit, within the terms of the funding contract. (9)

1The Comité Directeur shall decide when to close an AEGEE-Europe project, in consultation

with the project team. 2The project and its outcomes shall be evaluated by a person (not a Project

Team member) appointed by the Comité Directeur. 3At the following Agora the Project

Coordinator or the Content Manager shall present the project, its evaluation and its outcomes, and the evaluator shall present their evaluation.

4If the outcomes include positions or opinions;

these should be approved by the Agora by an absolute majority.

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III Activities Article 1: Definition 1Coordinated short-term plans on a defined purpose that do not meet the Criteria under I and II and have a low or no financial risk can be activities . 2AEGEE- Europe activities always involve AEGEE members from more than one country. 3 Activities can be carried out by antennae and WG or individual members of these. Article 2: AEGEE-Europe Activities (1)

1AEGEE-Europe Activities, are activities based on the Focus Areas in the Strategic Plan, and

are approved at the end of the planning stage by the Comité Directeur. 2Together all AEGEE-Europe Activities are included in the Action Agenda (see Planning at

General Rules). (2)

1A complete application must be submitted to the Comité Directeur, the Comité Directeur may

set a deadline for this 2The following documents are required:

- A title and short description of the project, showing the project contribution to the Focus Areas in the Strategic Plan, and its expected impact; - An activity schedule for the project, including preparation, publicity, fundraising and follow-up activities; - A draft budget - Names and task descriptions of all Project Team Members, as well as a formal personal letter of intent from the team members; (3)

1After approval by the Comité Directeur, a project contract should be signed by a legal

representative of AEGEE-Europe and the Project Coordinator, formalizing responsibilities in the project.

2The activity schedule and project description shall be included in the contract.

(4) AEGEE-Europe Activities shall: - Have the right to use the name and logo of AEGEE-Europe - Receive visibility in the online and printed publicity of AEGEE-Europe - Take priority over other activities for calendar planning. (5)

1An AEGEE-Europe Activity is coordinated by a Project Team, consisting of at least three

AEGEE members from at least two different countries. 2Project Team members are committed to the project for its entire duration, including follow-up.

3An activity coordinator must be identified:

The Project Coordinator shall be responsible to AEGEE-Europe for: - The achievement of the objectives of the activity, or revising the objectives with the approval of the Comité Directeur when these cannot be achieved, - Sending regular updates (at least once per month) to the Comité Directeur about the progress of the project according to its objectives and plan and development affecting the finances of the activity. (6)

1The Comité Directeur reserves the right to replace the Project Coordinator, if they take any

action not consistent with law or with the principles or best interests of AEGEE-Europe. 2The Project Coordinator has the authority and obligation to cancel any event within the project on pre-agreed dates, especially in order to avoid any significant financial loss. (7) AEGEE-Europe shall not undertake any contractual responsibility to third parties for European activities, No grant applications in the name of AEGEE-EUROPE shall be made. Involved bodies of AEGEE are entitled to apply for grant applications on their own account for the activity. (8) In exceptional cases, and if a contract is signed, Comité Directeur and Project Coordinator may decide to alter or wave one or more of the above mentioned requirements. (9) At any time an AEGEE-Europe activity can be converted into an AEGEE-Project given that it meets the criteria mentioned under II.3

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IV. Planning

Article 1: Main Fields of Action (FoA) (1)

1Deriving from the Statement of Principles, the Vision, the Mission and AEGEE-Europe‟s

statutory aims, the Agora decides upon AEGEE's thematic Main Fields of Action. 2The number of

Main Fields of Action is limited to five. (2)

1Before every Autumn Agora, the Comité Directeur has to evaluate the Main Fields of Action in

written form. 2This evaluation has to be communicated to the AEGEE locals and AEGEE Working

Groups at least two weeks before the Agora. (3) A modification of the Main Fields of Action of AEGEE-Europe requires a 2/3 majority. Article 2: Strategic Plan (1)

1The AEGEE-Europe Strategic Plan provides a guideline to concentrate the actions of

AEGEE-Europe for a period of three years. 2It is an internal tool open only to AEGEE members.

(2) 1The Strategic Plan contains an analysis on the current position of AEGEE-Europe, with

regard to its identity. 2This analysis results in several focus areas for the upcoming three years.

3Each Focus Area gives a direction where to concentrate the resources of the association.

(3) 1The Strategic Plan is drafted every three years.

2The drafting starts on the Spring Agora. The

Comité Directeur will present the proposed Strategic Plan on the Autumn Agora. 3The Strategic

Plan must be approved by the Autumn Agora with an absolute majority. 4The previous Strategic

Plan remains in effect until a revised plan has been accepted. (4) A presentation of the Strategic Plan is given by the Comité Directeur at the European Boards‟ Meeting. (5) By exception the Strategic Plan can be amended by the Agora with a 2/3 majority. Article 3: Action Agenda (1) The AEGEE-Europe Action Agenda outlines the means of implementation of the Strategic Plan for the upcoming twelve months. (2)

1The Action Agenda consists of actions which belong to a Focus Area as defined in the

Strategic Plan. 2For each action is stated the bodies/groups that have agreed to be responsible

for that action. 3If two or more bodies are working together on one action it is defined which body

caries final responsibility. 4Each action shall be specific and include a clear timescale.

(3) 1The drafting of the Action Agenda is co-ordinated by the Comité Directeur, based on the input

from locals and European bodies on their activity reports and their activity plans. 2Each

body/group that agreed on the implementation of an action will also monitor and evaluate the sections and shall submit an interim evaluation for the Autumn Agora and a final evaluation for the following EBM. (4)

1The Action Agenda is finalized at the European Boards‟ Meeting and must be approved with a

simple majority. 2If the Action Agenda is not approved, a new version has to be presented and

voted upon at the Spring Agora. 3If the Spring Agora does not approve this new version this shall

lead to a vote of confidence in the Comité Directeur. (5)

1The Comité Directeur shall make every effort to ensure that the Action Agenda can be carried

out as approved. 2They may remove actions from the Action Agenda by a Comité Directeur

decision only if cancellation is unavoidable. 3The Comité Directeur may add additional actions to

the Action Agenda at any time where this is clearly necessary, subject to approval at the following Agora by absolute majority. Article 4: Flagship (1)

1The AEGEE-Europe‟s Flagship Topic is the main thematic focus for the following two years.

2The Flagship Topic should be in line with AEGEE-Europe‟s identity.

3The Spring Agora selects

the Flagship Topic once every two years. 4In case the resulting Flagship Project is not approved,

the subsequent Spring Agora will select a new Flagship Topic. 5Once approved, the Flagship

Topic is fixed and cannot be changed. (2)

1By selecting a Flagship Topic, the Agora assigns the task to the proposers to form the

AEGEE-Europe Flagship Project. 2The cycle of the AEGEE-Europe Flagship Project consists of

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the Planning, the Implementation and the Evaluation Period. (3)

1During the Planning Period, the project is drafted from the Flagship Topic as regulated from

the General Rules for AEGEE-Europe Projects. 2At the end of the Planning Period, the Comité

Directeur upon request approves the Flagship Project as an AEGEE-Europe Project. 3At the

upcoming Autumn Agora, the Agora approves the AEGEE-Europe Project as the AEGEE-Europe Flagship Project. (3)

1When approved from the Comité Directeur, the Implementation Period begins.


Implementation period lasts for a period of 3 Agorae, approximately 1,5 years and it finishes at the Spring Agora that selects the next Flagship Topic. (4)

1When the Implementation period finishes the Evaluation Period begins.

2The Evaluation

Period lasts till the next Autumn Agora, where the results have to be presented, according to the General Rules for AEGEE-Europe Projects.

3The technical part of the evaluation, including the

methodology, best practices, reflection of the planning period and all procedural knowledge should be presented to the team of the upcoming AEGEE-Europe Flagship Project and to the Comité Directeur within one month after the end of the Implementation Period.

4At the same

Spring Agora, the next Flagship Topic is being selected. (5)

1When finished, the AEGEE-Europe Flagship Project Team gets dissolved.

2In case the

Project Team wishes to carry on organising activities, a new application to become European or AEGEE-Europe Project has to be submitted. (6)

1The Comité Directeur shall make every effort to ensure that the Flagship Project can be

carried out as approved. 2They may remove activities from the Flagship Project by a Comité

Directeur decision only if cancellation is unavoidable. 3The Comité Directeur may add additional

activities to the Flagship Project at any time where this is clearly necessary, subject to approval at the following Agora by absolute majority.

SUMMER UNIVERSITY Agora Istanbul, October 2010

Article 1: Summer University Co-ordination Team (1) The Summer University project is co-ordinated by the Summer University Co-ordination Team. (2) The Summer University Co-ordination Team is responsible for the good functioning and for the development of the project. (3) In order to do this, it has the power to:

Grant exceptions to Article 28 of the General Rules for Summer Universities upon request of an organising local;

Establish the procedure to participate in the project;

Check the behaviour of the locals involved in the project;

Exclude locals from the project if they do not fulfil the criteria stated in the General Rules for Summer Universities (Article 28);

Propose to the respective organs of AEGEE-Europe (as mentioned in Article 26 (7) of the Statutes) to activate the Members Commission;

Choose how to use its own budget (according to Article 9) for the best development of the project;

1Participate in any Summer University in quality of observer for up to two

days. 2The participation fee will be covered by the SUCT members.


local SU organiser must be notified about the visit one week before. 4The

SUCT has to explain the reason of the visit;

1Reserve up to four places, maximum two in the same SU, in the whole

project, as a prize for AEGEE competitions. 2The prize must be assigned by

a jury appointed in cooperation with the Comité Directeur. 3The fee for such

participation must be covered by AEGEE-Europe, from the budget of the

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SUCT or other resources. (4)

1The Summer University Co-ordination Team consists of:

4 members elected by the Autumn Agora and in charge till the Autumn Agora of the following year,

1 member, appointed by the Comité Directeur out of its members. 2The candidates have to quote the tasks they would like to cover in the SUCT (Article 1(8)).


case one or more places remain vacant, an election for the vacant places must be held at the next Agora. (5)

1The SUCT can dismiss a member when they consider it necessary.

2The decision is made by

a vote of 2/3 of the members of the SUCT, the quorum being fixed at the full membership. 3The

decision has immediate effect and will suspend the member voted upon. 4The dismissal has to be

ratified by the following Agora. 5

The member involved may request to present his/her position at the Agora before the vote.

6If the Agora does not ratify the decision the dismissal will be

retroactively appealed. (6)

1The SUCT may appoint at any moment of the year “SUCT-porters” who are additional

assistants who have to take care of specific tasks decided by the SUCT. 2SUCT-porters do not

form part of the SUCT itself and they can be dismissed at any moment by the SUCT, after internal vote.

3The SUCT must explain the reason of the dismissal to the persons concerned.

(7) 1The Summer University Co-ordination Team presents to the Autumn Agora a moral report of

its last years' activities, a description of the project situation and projections for the future as well as statistical data for use of the SU project and the operation of AEGEE in general.

2This moral

report must, in its definitive version, be made publicly available to all members at least two weeks before the start of the Agora at which it is presented and be included in the Agora booklet. (8)

1The tasks of the Summer University Co-ordination Team are the following:

Project Manager;

Publications Responsible;

Information Technology and Materials;

Public Relations;


Education Responsible;

SUCT-porters Responsible. 2Each member of the Summer University Co-ordination Team can have one or more tasks.


tasks have to be covered. 4No task may be assumed by two or more members at the same time.

5The Project Manager cannot be entrusted with the task of the Financial Director.

(9) The SUCT needs to write a Knowledge Transfer Document at the end of their term. It will be an internal document, presented to the next SUCT. It will contain a timeline for the Project, extended task descriptions, useful tools and documents for the continuation of the project.

Article 2: General Rules (1)

1Each Antenna and Contact Antenna can organise Summer Universities.

2In Article 2 and 3,

“Summer University” has to be read as Summer University, Summer University Plus, Travelling Summer University, during the whole year.

3 The Summer University Co-ordination Team should

publish one brochure a year: one to be distributed at the European Boards‟ Meeting for courses from June to October. (2)

1The presentation of the course should arrive on time at the Summer University Co-ordination

Team in order to be published in the brochure. 2Each AEGEE local should register a Summer

University Outgoing Responsible who collects all applications from its members. (3)

1Each Summer University organising local should decide how to be paid.

2The Summer

University organising local should send to the Summer University Co-ordination Team a financial report after the course and, if requested by the SUCT, further proofs of incomes and outcomes declared in the report. (4)

1The total amount of registration fees has to be used for the organisation of the Summer

University. 2Organisers have to use for the organisation of the Summer University at least 75% of

the subventions and sponsoring received for the Summer University. (5)

1An introductive lesson on AEGEE‟s basics, history, structure, aims, opportunities, etc. must

be held during each Summer University. 2The Summer University Co-ordination Team is

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responsible for providing standard material for this introduction at least in English; it may ask for the support of other AEGEE bodies for its creation. (6)

1Every organising AEGEE local must appoint and register one Coordinator, one Financial

Director and one Incoming Responsible who will be responsible towards the SUCT for the well-running of the organisation of their Summer University, according to the SUCT instructions.


case of a Travelling Summer University or other Summer University with 2 or more co-operating locals, the tasks can either be split or taken over by one local. (7)

1The SUCT can set a maximum amount for optional fees and has the right to check whether

the amount asked is reasonable or not. 2The SUCT can prohibit a local from asking for an

optional fee.

Article 3: SU Applications and Evaluations (1)

1Each member of any AEGEE Antenna and Contact Antenna can participate in a SU.

2 After

approval of the Comité Directeur and the Juridical Commission exceptions can be made for Contacts that are signing the Convention d‟Adhésion at the Spring Agora.

3In order to be selected

by the organisers, the member has to write a motivation letter and send it to the organisers following the application procedure decided by the SUCT. (2) The motivation letters of the Summer University applicants in general have to be made available in electronic form together with the pre-selection list. (3)

1Each AEGEE Antenna and Contact Antenna (as well as Contact for which an exception has

been made in beforehand) has to pay to AEGEE-Europe a fee of € 2.50 for each member that applies to participate to a Summer University.

2Every year the SUCT set the deadlines for the

payment of the SU fees before the starting of the application phase. 3The deadline can be

postponed if the deadline of the application is postponed. 4If an AEGEE Antenna or Contact

Antenna (or Contact) does not pay within the deadline, the AEGEE local is disallowed to submit applications for the Summer Universities of the following year.

5The SUCT can decide, after an

official request of the AEGE local, to accept postponed payment and not apply the previous rule. (4)

1Each participant shall have the possibility to evaluate her/his Summer University. The

evaluations made from participants have to be made available/readable to all AEGEE members immediately together with the number of submitted evaluations for a specific Summer University. 2Evaluations cannot be anonymous.

3 The personal information has to be kept confidential by the

SUCT, if the participants want to. 4Evaluations can contain a field for confidential information for

the Summer University Co-ordination Team. (5)

1The issuing of Open Calls will be controlled by the SUCT.

2SUCT will manage the Open Calls

system, so Antennae that have still applicants on the waiting list will not be able to issue an open call.

3SUCT will ensure that only the members that have not been accepted or have voluntarily

cancelled in a Summer University can apply for an Open Call, except in the case of locals who had fewer applications after the open call than the number of places offered.

Article 4: Summer Course (1)

1A Summer Course is a course of any subject organised by one or more AEGEE Antennae

and Contact Antennae. 2AEGEE Contacts or other groups of students or associations can

organise Summer Courses only in collaboration with an official AEGEE body (locals, Comité Directeur, Working Groups, Supporting Committees, Summer University Co-ordination Team) that will be responsible for the course towards the association.

3Exceptions can be made for Contacts

that are signing at the following Spring Agora. (2) Every Summer Course is characterized by:

A duration between 2 and 4 weeks;

At least 10 hours tuition per week;

A minimum of 15 participants. (3) The participation fee is of a maximum of € 10 per night (equals € 70 per week) for which at least two meals per day (of which at least one is warm), lodging and tuition have to be provided. (4)

1The course should be about main subject/roof topic.

2Classes about related topics are


Article 5: Language Course (1)

1A Language Course is a course of language organised by one or more AEGEE Antennae and

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Contact Antennae. 2AEGEE Contacts or other groups of students or associations can organise

Language Courses only in collaboration with an official AEGEE body (locals, Comité Directeur, Working Groups, Supporting Committees, Summer University Co-ordination Team) that will be responsible for the course towards the association.

3Exceptions can be made for Contacts that

are signing at the following Spring Agora. (2) Every Language Course is characterized by:

A duration between 2 and 4 weeks;

At least 16 hours tuition per week;

A minimum of 15 participants. (3) The participation fee is of a maximum of € 10 per night (equals € 70 per week) for which at least two meals per day (of which at least one is warm), lodging and tuition have to be provided.

Article 6: Language Course Plus (1)

1A Language Course Plus is an intensive course of language organised by one or more

AEGEE Antennae which have already organised at least one Summer University. 2These courses

are officially recognised and supported by the university where they take place and lessons are taught by professional teachers.

3A proof of the teachers‟ qualification and experience is to be

provided to the SUCT. (2) Every Language Course Plus is characterized by:

A duration of 2, 3 or 4 weeks;

At least 20 hours tuition per week;

A minimum of 20 participants. (3) The participation fee is of a maximum of € 12.85 per night (equals € 90 per week) for which at least two meals per day (of which at least one is warm), lodging and tuition have to be provided.

Article 7: Travelling Summer University (1)

1Travelling Summer University is a cultural travel through Europe organised by at least an

AEGEE Antenna and another AEGEE Antenna or Contact Antenna of different places. 2Exceptions to this rule can be made by the SUCT upon request if the organising local fulfils the

criteria set for a TSU. 4AEGEE Contacts can in no case organise a TSU alone.

(2) Every Travelling Summer University is characterized by:

A duration between 2 and 4 weeks;

A minimum of 12 participants. (3) The participation fee is of a maximum of € 12.85 per night (equals € 90 per week) for which lodging for all participants in at least four different places is provided; conferences, workshops and discussions about cultural, artistic, political or natural aspects of the crossed regions are organised and at least travel from the first to the last place mentioned in the programme, lodging, at least two meals per day (of which at least one is warm) and entrances to museums, historical or archaeological sites and spectacles are provided.

Article 8: Summer Event (1)

1A Summer Event is an event that focuses on intercultural dialogue.

2AEGEE Contacts or

other groups of students or associations can organise Summer Events only in collaboration with an official AEGEE body (locals, Comité Directeur, Working Groups, Supporting Committees, Summer University Co-ordination Team) that will be responsible for the course towards the association.

3Exceptions can be made for Contacts that are signing at the following Spring Agora.

(2) Every Summer Event is characterized by:

A specified theme throughout the whole event;

A duration of minimum 10 days excluding arrival and departure day; exceptions for a duration of minimum 7 days can be made by SUCT for organising locals who have not been granted this exception the previous year;

A minimum of 15 participants. (3) The participation fee is of a maximum of € 10 per night (equals € 70 per week) for which at least two meals per day (of which at least one is warm) and lodging have to be provided.

Article 9: Budget (1)

1The budget of the Summer University Co-ordination Team consists of a minimum set to the

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70% of the total amount of last years' Summer University fees paid by the AEGEE locals to AEGEE-Europe.

2To this budget can be added money fundraised by the SUCT or the Comité

Directeur. (2) In any case the budget must be sufficient for the printing and distribution of the PR materials (posters, brochures) and for the travel reimbursements of the SUCT members to at least one internal meeting, which can be held during a statutory event. (2a)

1SUCT draws up its budget.

2This budget is subject to approval by the Financial Director of

AEGEE-Europe. (3) Every decision concerning major expenses must be taken internally by the SUCT with absolute majority. (4) The budget resources should be allocated to:

Publications and distribution of the PR material (booklets and posters);

Travel reimbursements to statutory meetings or internal meetings;

Preparation of Internal Education Events relating to the Project aims and activities;

Reimbursement of travel expenses up to 3% of the total SUCT budget, for participation in Summer Universities (Article 1(3));

Prizes given for AEGEE competitions according to Article 1(3):

Telephone costs. (5) Any expense not budgeted for must be previously approved by the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe.

CASE STUDY TRIPS Agora Valladolid, April 1996

Article 1: Definition 1A Case Study Trip (hereafter CST) is a research trip with the aim to increase the knowledge on a

specific topic concerning a specific area. 2A CST could give special regards to topics like

democracy, youth issues, standards of living and study, nationalism and minority issues and the attitude to European integration.

3The auxiliary aim of CSTs is promoting the idea of AEGEE in

the area covered.

Article 2: General Rules 1A CST is organised by a team consisting of members of at least three AEGEE locals or by a

Working Group or a Supporting Committee on the European level. 2The organising team decides

on the topic, time schedule and area covered by the CST after consulting the Comité Directeur. 3A

financial report of a CST should be submitted to the Comité Directeur within six months after the concerned CST took place.

Article 3: Participants 1The participants of a CST should represent as many nationalities as possible.

2The group should

consist of at least eight and as a maximum 25 participants. 3Participation

in a CST is not limited to

AEGEE members only, however their number should not be lower than 2/3 of all the participants.

Article 4: Selection Procedure 1The participants will be selected on the basis of a motivation letter and their studies.


selection will be done by the organisers.

Article 5: Contents 1The following research methods should be used at different places within the two or three weeks‟

duration of the CST: street inquiries, questionnaires, interviews, collecting newspaper articles. 2Background information will be provided by lecturers, workshops and meetings with inhabitants.

Article 6: Results 1The results of a CST should be worked out in form of a written report within one month.

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2Organisers are responsible for the quality of this report.


Article 1: Liaison Officers and the Liaison Agency (1) Liaison Officers (LOs) are appointed to maintain a link with international and European institutions/organisations. (2) Liaison Agents (LAs) are appointed to maintain a link with governments, EU delegations, embassies, National Agencies, National Youth Councils, foundations, other NGOs and companies. (3)

1A Chairperson for Liaison Agents is to be appointed.

2The Chairperson, together with the

Liaison Agents makes up the Liaison Agency.

Article 2: Appointment, replacement and dismissal of Liaison Officers and Members of the Liaison Agency (1)

1Liaison Officers are appointed for a period of 1 year by a formal decision of the Comité

Directeur, after an open call, and receipt of applications. 2This Comité Directeur decision has

immediate effect and needs to be ratified by the following Agora. (2)

1The Chairperson of the Liaison Agency is appointed for a period of 1 year by a formal

decision of the Comité Directeur, after an open call, and receipt of applications. 2Liaison Agents

are appointed for a period of 1 year by a formal decision of the Comité Directeur, after consultation with the Chairperson of the Liaison Agency, who issues open calls to this effect, following receipt of applications.

3These Comité Directeur decisions have immediate effect and

need to be ratified by the following Agora, following an announcement by the Chairperson of the Liaison Agency. (3)

1Changes have to be officially decided by the Comité Directeur and then ratified by the

following Agora. 2

Exchange and dismissal of a Liaison Officer or Member of the Liaison Agency equally require a formal Comité Directeur decision with following announcement including an explanation. (4) There is no limit to the number of terms one person can perform as a Liaison Officer or Member of the Liaison Agency.

Article 3: Requirements for Liaison Officers and Members of the Liaison Agency (1)

1A LO must speak one of the official languages of the institution/organisation he/she is

appointed to, and be familiar with its structure and information channels. 2He/She should live

close to the seat or headquarters of the respective institution/organisation. (2)

1A LA must speak the official language of the government, EU delegation, embassy, National

Agency, National Youth Council, foundation or company he/she is appointed to, and be familiar with its structure and information channels.

2He/She should be able to have a constant flow of

communication and the possibility to have frequent physical meetings with responsible for each government, EU delegation, embassy, National Agency, National Youth Council, foundation or company he/she is appointed to. (3)

1The Chairperson must have proven experience at the European level, in AEGEE for at least

two years. 2In case of a lack of candidates fulfilling these requirements, an equally qualified

candidate with less experience may be appointed.

Article 4: Tasks and obligations (1)

1A LO represents the association towards a specific institution/organisation, informs the

network or any specific part of it about possibilities of application for grants and promotes, co-ordinates and supports AEGEE‟s actions, projects and applications towards this institution/organisation.

2He/She has to inform the Comité Directeur and the network on a regular

basis about the policies, programmes and the activities of the institution/organisation (especially those relevant for the activities of the AEGEE network).

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(2) 1For each of the institutions/organisations to which LOs are appointed also an individual

Comité Directeur member will be responsible. 2The Comité Directeur member and the LO

responsible for the same institution/organisation need to ensure a good co-operation. 3The final

responsibility rests with the Comité Directeur. (3)

1A LA represents the association towards governments (Ministries of Education, Culture, Youth

and other relevant institutions), National Agencies, National Youth Councils, EU delegations, embassies, foundations, other NGOs and companies informs the network or any specific part of it about possibilities of application for grants and promotes, coordinates and supports AEGEE‟s actions towards them.

2He/She has to inform the Comité Directeur, the Chairperson of the Liaison

Agency and the network on a regular basis about the policies, programmes, opportunities and the activities of the body they are dealing with (especially those relevant for the activities of the AEGEE network). (4)

1The Chairperson of the Liaison Agency expresses a non-binding opinion about candidates for

LAs, periodically reviews priority areas for the Liaison Agency with the Comité Directeur and the network, coordinates the work of the LAs, is responsible for a good flow of communication between the Comité Directeur and LAs, and reports to the Comité Directeur and to the network on the activities of LAs.

2The Director for European Institutions in the Comité Directeur will be

responsible for communication with the Chairperson of the Liaison Agency. 3The final

responsibility for Liaison Agents rests with the Comité Directeur (5)

1At least every two months every LO, and the Chairperson of the Liaison Agency on behalf of

the LAs need to present a written report about their activity, to the Comité Directeur and to the network.

2At each Agora, every LO and the Chairperson of the Liaison Agency have to present

the report of their activities in front of the Agora.

RULES OF THE NETWORK COMMISSION Agora Istanbul, October 2010


1Apart from the Speaker, the Network Commission may elect up to two Vice-Speakers, which

together with the Speaker form the Speaker-team. 2The tasks of the Speaker of the Network

Commission are:

to coordinate the work of Network Commission together with the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur;

to prepare meetings of the Network Commission together with the Comité Directeur;

to present a moral report summarising the work of the Network Commission at every Agora;

to administer the activities of the network related work of the Network Commission, keeping the reports of all network trips and study visits, summarising the results and presenting it to the Comité Directeur and the locals on a monthly basis.

to support the members of the Network Commission whenever necessary. (2)

1The tasks of the Network Commission are:

Enhancing the information flow between locals, the Comité Directeur, Project Teams and Working Groups/Supporting Committees;

Supporting the locals;

Network development, especially measures to help threatened locals and to found new locals;

Supporting the co-ordination of each kind of activities among Antennae, on local and regional level.

Reporting urgent problems immediately to the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur;

Assisting the person in charge of the Network Development of the Comité Directeur

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in collecting information about fulfilment of the criteria named in the Antennae Criteria;

Advise locals on fulfilling the criteria named in the Antennae Criteria; 2In order to prevent the evolution of any new borderlines in Europe a task assignment in the

internal Working Format has to be preliminary and limited to the mandate of the Network Commission.

3The person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur may ensure

that every local is covered by one member of the Network Commission. 4Each member of the

Network Commission has to organise at least one Network Meeting per term and has to support the organisation of one Regional Training Course per term, in cooperation with the Academy – the Human Resources Working Group. (3)

1All members of the Network Commission should report on a monthly basis:

their achievements to the Speaker of the Network Commission and the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur.

the detailed situation in each local they are responsible for to the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur.

2Exceptions can be made only with valid excuses.

3Any member of the Network Commission

who, without valid excuse fails to hand in the monthly report for two months will be considered as having resigned his/her post. (4)

1The Network Commission meets at least four times a year, including meetings at Agoras and

two intermediate meetings. 2The intermediate meetings are hold as soon as possible after the

Agora. There, both with the Academy – the Human Resources Working Group and the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur, a specific training has to be organised. 3Any member of the Network Commission who does not attend each meetings will be considered

as having resigned his/her post. 4Exceptions can be made only with valid excuses.

(5) 1The Speaker of the Network Commission chairs the meetings.

2If the Speaker is unable to

attend the meeting either the person in charge of Network Development of the Comité Directeur or another member of the Comité Directeur chairs the meeting. (6)

1A Network Meeting is supposed to be the meeting of board members of all the locals in the

area of competence of each Network Commissioner, open to all members from all locals in the Network.

2This meeting has an administrative impact and it is focused on best practices, keeping

the locals closer to each other and connecting them with the European Level. 3The program of each Network Meeting has to be approved by the person in charge of the

Network in the Comité Directeur. 4 Specific trainings about specific needs of the locals may be

added in cooperation with The Academy – the Human Resources Working Group, according to the Network Commissioner responsible for the Network Meeting and the person in charge of the Network in the Comité Directeur. (7)

1A Regional Training Course is supposed to be the basic training course for new AEGEE

members. 2It is open to all members from all locals in the Network.

3This meeting has a thematic

impact and it is focused on giving basic knowledge to new members about AEGEE, its structure and its potential.

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LOGO Agora Bonn, November 1990

(1) Considering that

1 AEGEE is a European organisation, it is essential to project the same image of the organisation throughout Europe, 2 A uniform public-relations policy within the network stresses the cohesion of the organisation as a whole, all AEGEE locals and AEGEE Working Groups have to use the same logo as a basic PR tool.

(2) This logo has to show our way of acting and thinking, it has to be our corporate identity.

(In the local logo ”Europe” is replaced by the name of the Antenna/Contact Antenna/AEGEE-Working Group.)

VOTING Simple Majority Simple majority means that a decision is approved if there are more votes IN FAVOUR than AGAINST. Example: 120 delegates, 100 valid votes (34 IN FAVOUR, 33 AGAINST, 33 ABSTENTIONS). More IN FAVOUR than AGAINST: The proposal is accepted. Absolute majority A decision, that requires an absolute majority, passes if there are more than 50% IN FAVOUR of all the votes cast (IN FAVOUR, AGAINST and ABSTENTIONS). AGAINST and ABSTENTION lead to the same result: a negative vote. Example: 120 delegates; 100 valid votes (51 IN FAVOUR, 29 AGAINST, 20 ABSTENTIONS). 100 votes = 100%

100-29-20 = 51%. The proposal is accepted. Example: 120 delegates; 100 valid votes (34 IN FAVOUR, 33 AGAINST, 33 ABSTENTIONS)

100 votes = 100% 100-33-33 = 33%. The proposal is not accepted.

2/3 Majority A 2/3 majority is basically the same as an absolute majority, the only difference is that instead of

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50% + 1 vote, now 66,6% + 1 vote (2/3) are needed for the decision to pass. This is also called a qualified majority.

PRYTANIUM The idea of the Prytanium (Greek term that means „sub-council‟, and was used in the Agora in the ancient Greece, plural = Prytania) comes from the remark „Why having a workshop when the whole discussion is going to be repeated in the plenary session anyway?‟ and from the attempt to make Agorae more effective in their results. Prytania are used to discuss proposals. Usually there are three parallel prytania. In this way three small plenary sessions are formed. Antennae,and Working Groups have to send one of their delegates to each Prytanium. Everybody else is also welcome to participate but does not have voting rights. In the Prytanium the proposal will be presented, discussed and amended. An impartial reporter appointed by the Chair will lead the discussion. The reporter cannot be one of the persons presenting the proposal or a member of the Comité Directeur. At the end of the Prytanium the delegates vote upon the proposal including all amendments. Back in the plenary, the person that presented the proposal will briefly explain it. The reporter of the Prytanium will present both the pro and contra arguments and the final result of the Prytanium. Questions and remarks can only be made by those locals, which could not attend the Prytanium because they had less than three delegates. The floor will then be open shortly to see whether any new arguments, which were not discussed in the Prytanium, are brought forward. Since the aim of the Prytanium is to decrease discussion time in the plenary, anything that was already discussed in the Prytanium cannot be repeated in the plenary. Finally, the plenary votes upon the final version of the proposal. The delegates of an Antenna, Working Group should therefore discuss the outcome of the Prytanium with each other in order to be able to vote in an informed way.

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APPLICATION FORM Candidature for the post of: □ President of AEGEE-Europe □ Secretary General of AEGEE-Europe □ Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe □ Member of the Comité Directeur □ Member of the Audit Commission □ Member of the Juridical Commission □ Member of the Members Commission □ Member of the Network Commission □ Chairperson of the Agora and the EBM □ Secretary of the Agora and the EBM □ Member of the SUCT Name: _____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Tel.: _____________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________________ Citizenship: _____________________________________________ Languages: _____________________________________________ Studies: _____________________________________________ AEGEE local: _____________________________________________ Experience: When did you become a member?_________________________________________________________ European level experience: Have you been active in one or more Commission(s), Working Group(s) or Project Team(s) on the European Level of AEGEE? Which one(s)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attendance of events: Agorae: _______________________________________________________________ PMs / EBMs: ___________________________________________________________ AEGEE conferences: ____________________________________________________ Local level experience: Have you been in your Local Board? What position? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you been active in local committees/teams/working groups? What position? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Non AEGEE Experience: Do you have any experiences you want to mention outside of AEGEE?

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If you apply for the post of Member of the Comité Directeur, which task(s) would you like to cover?

o European Institutions o Human Resources (Internal Education) o Public Relations o Fundraising o Projects & Working Groups o Network Development

Motivation Why do you want to candidate for this position? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task related experience: What is your task-related experience for the position you are running for?

Programme: What would you like to achieve during your term? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ I have taken notice of all related articles in the CIA relating to the post for which I am candidating.

Place, date: _________________________ Signature: Please hand in this form to the Secretary General and the JC well in advance of the elections.

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Loi du 1er Juillet 1901 relative au contrat d'association Version consolidée au 16 mai 2009

Titre I Article 1: L'association est la convention par laquelle deux ou plusieurs personnes mettent en commun, d'une façon permanente, leurs connaissances ou leur activité dans un but autre que de partager des bénéfices. Elle est régie, quant à sa validité, par les principes généraux du droit applicables aux contrats et obligations. Article 2: Les associations de personnes pourront se former librement sans autorisation ni déclaration préalable, mais elles ne jouiront de la capacité juridique que si elles se sont conformées aux dispositions de l'article 5. Article 3: Toute association fondée sur une cause ou en vue d'un objet illicite, contraire aux lois, aux bonnes moeurs, ou qui aurait pour but de porter atteinte à l'intégrité du territoire national et à la forme républicaine du gouvernement, est nulle et de nul effet. Article 4: Tout membre d'une association qui n'est pas formée pour un temps déterminé peut s'en retirer en tout temps, après paiement des cotisations échues et de l'année courante, nonobstant toute clause contraire. Article 5


Toute association qui voudra obtenir la capacité juridique prévue par l'article 6 devra être rendue publique par les soins de ses fondateurs. La déclaration préalable en sera faite à la préfecture du département ou à la sous-préfecture de l'arrondissement où l'association aura son siège social. Elle fera connaître le titre et l'objet de l'association, le siège de ses établissements et les noms, professions et domiciles et nationalités de ceux qui, à un titre quelconque, sont chargés de son administration. Un exemplaire des statuts est joint à la déclaration. Il sera donné récépissé de celle-ci dans le délai de cinq jours. Lorsque l'association aura son siège social à l'étranger, la déclaration préalable prévue à l'alinéa précédent sera faite à la préfecture du département où est situé le siège de son principal établissement. L'association n'est rendue publique que par une insertion au Journal officiel, sur production de ce récépissé. Les associations sont tenues de faire connaître, dans les trois mois, tous les changements survenus dans leur administration, ainsi que toutes les modifications apportées à leurs statuts. Ces modifications et changements ne sont opposables aux tiers qu'à partir du jour où ils auront été déclarés. Les modifications et changements seront en outre consignés sur un registre spécial qui devra être présenté aux autorités administratives ou judiciaires chaque fois qu'elles en feront la demande.

9 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2005-856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 4 (en vigueur le 1er janvier 2006)

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Article 6


Toute association régulièrement déclarée peut, sans aucune autorisation spéciale, ester en justice, recevoir des dons manuels ainsi que des dons d'établissements d'utilité publique, acquérir à titre onéreux, posséder et administrer, en dehors des subventions de l'Etat, des régions, des départements, des communes et de leurs établissements publics: 1° Les cotisations de ses membres ou les sommes au moyen desquelles ces cotisations ont été rédimées, ces sommes ne pouvant être supérieures à 16 euros; 2° Le local destiné à l'administration de l'association et à la réunion de ses membres; 3° Les immeubles strictement nécessaires à l'accomplissement du but qu'elle se propose. Les associations déclarées qui ont pour but exclusif l'assistance, la bienfaisance, la recherche scientifique ou médicale peuvent accepter les libéralités entre vifs ou testamentaires dans des conditions fixées par décret en Conseil d'Etat


Article 7


En cas de nullité prévue par l'article 3, la dissolution de l'association est prononcée par le tribunal de grande instance, soit à la requête de tout intéressé, soit à la diligence du ministère public. Celui-ci peut assigner à jour fixe et le tribunal, sous les sanctions prévues à l'article 8, ordonner par provision et nonobstant toute voie de recours, la fermeture des locaux et l'interdiction de toute réunion des membres de l'association. En cas d'infraction aux dispositions de l'article 5, la dissolution peut être prononcée à la requête de tout intéressé ou du ministère public. Article 8


Seront punis d'une amende prévue par le 5° de l'article 131-13 du code pénal pour les contraventions de 5è classe en première infraction, et, en cas de récidive, ceux qui auront contrevenu aux dispositions de l'article 5. Seront punis de trois ans d'emprisonnement et de 45000 euros d‟amende, les fondateurs, directeurs ou administrateurs de l'association qui se serait maintenue ou reconstituée illégalement après le jugement de dissolution. Seront punies de la même peine toutes les personnes qui auront favorisé la réunion des membres de l'association dissoute, en consentant l'usage d'un local dont elles disposent. Article 9: En cas de dissolution volontaire, statutaire ou prononcée par justice, les biens de l'association seront dévolus conformément aux statuts ou, à défaut de disposition statutaire, suivant les règles déterminées en assemblée générale.

Titre II Article 10


10 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2000856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 2 (JORF 29 juillet 2005 en vigueur le 1er janvier 2006).

11 NOTA : Ordonnance n° 2005-856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 9 : l'article 2 n'est pas applicable aux libéralités pour lesquelles des demandes d'autorisation de leur acceptation ont été formées avant l'entrée en vigueur de la présente ordonnance.

12 Modifié par Loi n°71-604 du 20 juillet 1971

13 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2000-916 du 19 septembre 2000 art. 3


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Les associations peuvent être reconnues d'utilité publique par décret en Conseil d'Etat à l'issue d'une période probatoire de fonctionnement d'une durée au moins égale à trois ans. La reconnaissance d'utilité publique peut être retirée dans les mêmes formes. La période probatoire de fonctionnement n'est toutefois pas exigée si les ressources prévisibles sur un délai de trois ans de l'association demandant cette reconnaissance sont de nature à assurer son équilibre financier. Article 11


Ces associations peuvent faire tous les actes de la vie civile qui ne sont pas interdits par leurs statuts, mais elles ne peuvent posséder ou acquérir d'autres immeubles que ceux nécessaires au but qu'elles se proposent. Cependant, elles peuvent acquérir, à titre onéreux ou à titre gratuit, des bois, for êts ou terrains à boiser. Toutes les valeurs mobilières d'une association doivent être placées en titres nominatifs, en titres pour lesquels est établi le bordereau de références nominatives prévu à l'article 55 de la loi n° 87-416 du 17 juin 1987 sur l'épargne ou en valeurs admises par la Banque de France en garantie d'avances. Elles peuvent recevoir des dons et des legs dans les conditions prévues par l'article 910 du Code Civil


Article 12


Titre III Article 13


Toute congrégation religieuse peut obtenir la reconnaissance légale par décret rendu sur avis conforme du Conseil d'Etat; les dispositions relatives aux congrégations antérieurement autorisées leur sont applicables. La reconnaissance légale pourra être accordée à tout nouvel établissement congréganiste en vertu d'un décret en Conseil d'Etat. La dissolution de la congrégation ou la suppression de tout établissement ne peut être prononcée que par décret sur avis conforme du Conseil d'Etat. Article 14


Article 15


Modifié par Loi n°87-571 du 23 juillet 1987 art. 17

15 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2005-856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 2

16 NOTA : Ordonnance n° 2005-856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 9 :

l'article 2 n'est pas applicable aux libéralités pour lesquelles des demandes d'autorisation de leur acceptation ont été formées avant l'entrée en vigueur de la présente ordonnance.

17 Abrogé par Décret du 12 avril 1939

18 Modifié par Loi n°42-505 du 8 avril 1942

19 Abrogé par Loi du 3 septembre 1940

20 Modifié par Décret n°2004-1159 du 29 octobre 2004 art. 19 (en vigueur le 1er janvier 2005).

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Toute congrégation religieuse tient un état de ses recettes et dépenses; elle dresse chaque année le compte financier de l'année écoulée et l'état inventorié de ses biens meubles et immeubles. La liste complète de ses membres, mentionnant leur nom de famille, ainsi que le nom sous lequel ils sont désignés dans la congrégation, leur nationalité, âge et lieu de naissance, la date de leur entrée, doit se trouver au siège de la congrégation. Celle-ci est tenue de représenter sans déplacement, sur toute réquisition du préfet à lui même ou à son délégué, les comptes, états et listes ci-dessus indiqués. Seront punis des peines portées au paragraphe 2 de l'article 8 les représentants ou directeurs d'une congrégation qui auront fait des communications mensongères ou refusé d'obtempérer aux réquisitions du préfet dans les cas prévus par le présent article. Article 16


Article 17


Sont nuls tous actes entre vifs ou testamentaires, à titre onéreux ou gratuit, accomplis soit directement, soit par personne interposée, ou toute autre voie indirecte, ayant pour objet de permettre aux associations légalement ou illégalement formées de se soustraire aux dispositions des articles 2, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14 et 16. La nullité pourra être prononcée soit à la diligence du ministère public, soit à la requête de tout intéressé. Article 18


Les congrégations existantes au moment de la promulgation de la présente loi, qui n'auraient pas été antérieurement autorisées ou reconnues, devront, dans le délai de trois mois, justifier qu'elles ont fait les diligences nécessaires pour se conformer à ses prescriptions. A défaut de cette justification, elles sont réputées dissoutes de plein droit. Il en sera de même des congrégations auxquelles l'autorisation aura été refusée. La liquidation des biens détenus par elles aura lieu en justice. Le tribunal, à la requête du ministère public, nommera, pour y procéder, un liquidateur qui aura pendant toute la durée de la liquidation tous les pouvoirs d'un administrateur séquestre. Le tribunal qui a nommé le liquidateur est seul compétent pour connaître, en matière civile, de toute action formée par le liquidateur ou contre lui. Le liquidateur fera procéder à la vente des immeubles suivant les formes prescrites pour les ventes de biens de mineurs. Le jugement ordonnant la liquidation sera rendu public dans la forme prescrite pour les annonces légales. Les biens et valeurs appartenant aux membres de la congrégation antérieurement à leur entrée dans la congrégation, ou qui leur seraient échus depuis, soit par succession ab intestat en ligne directe ou collatérale, soit par donation ou legs en ligne directe, leur seront restitués. Les dons et legs qui leur auraient été faits autrement qu'en ligne directe pourront être également revendiqués, mais à charge par les bénéficiaires de faire la preuve qu'ils n'ont pas été les personnes interposées prévues par l'article 17. Les biens et valeurs acquis, à titre gratuit et qui n'auraient pas été spécialement affectés par l'acte de libéralité à une oeuvre d'assistance pourront être revendiqués par le donateur, ses héritiers ou ayants droit, ou par les héritiers ou ayants droit du testateur, sans qu'il puisse leur

21 Abrogé par Loi n°42-505 du 8 avril 1942

22 Modifié par Loi n°42-505 du 8 avril 1942

23 Modifié par Loi du 17 juillet 1903

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être opposé aucune prescription pour le temps écoulé avant le jugement prononçant la liquidation. Si les biens et valeurs ont été donnés ou légués en vue de gratifier non les congréganistes, mais de pourvoir à une oeuvre d'assistance, ils ne pourront être revendiqués qu'à charge de pourvoir à l'accomplissement du but assigné à la libéralité. Toute action en reprise ou revendication devra, à peine de forclusion, être formée contre le liquidateur dans le délai de six mois à partir de la publication du jugement. Les jugements rendus contradictoirement avec le liquidateur, et ayant acquis l'autorité de la chose jugée, sont opposables à tous les intéressés. Passé le délai de six mois, le liquidateur procédera à la vente en justice de tous les immeubles qui n'auraient pas été revendiqués ou qui ne seraient pas affectés à une oeuvre d'assistance. Le produit de la vente, ainsi que toutes les valeurs mobilières, sera déposé à la Caisse des dépôts et consignations. L'entretien des pauvres hospitalisés sera, jusqu'à l'achèvement de la liquidation, considéré comme frais privilégiés de liquidation. S'il n'y a pas de contestation ou lorsque toutes les actions formées dans le délai prescrit auront été jugées, l'actif net est réparti entre les ayants droit. Le décret visé par l'article 20 de la présente loi déterminera, sur l'actif resté libre après le prélèvement ci-dessus prévu, l'allocation, en capital ou sous forme de rente viagère, qui sera attribuée aux membres de la congrégation dissoute qui n'auraient pas de moyens d'existence assurés ou qui justifieraient avoir contribué à l'acquisition des valeurs mises en distribution par le produit de leur travail personnel. Article 19


Article 20: Un décret déterminera les mesures propres à assurer l'exécution de la présente loi. Article 21: Sont abrogés les articles 291, 292, 293 du code pénal, ainsi que les dispositions de l'article 294 du même code relatives aux associations; l'article 20 de l'ordonnance du 5-8 juillet 1820; la loi du 10 avril 1834; l'article 13 du décret du 28 juillet 1848; l'article 7 de la loi du 30 juin 1881; la loi du 14 mars 1872; le paragraphe 2, article 2, de la loi du 24 mai 1825; le décret du 31 janvier 1852 et, généralement, toutes les dispositions contraires à la présente loi. Il n'est en rien dérogé pour l'avenir aux lois spéciales relatives aux syndicats professionnels, aux sociétés de commerce et aux sociétés de secours mutuels. Article 21 bis


La présente loi est applicable dans les collectivités d'outre-mer régies par l'article 74 de la

Constitution et en Nouvelle-Calédonie, sous réserve des dispositions suivantes:

I. - Pour l'application de la présente loi à Mayotte:

1° A l'article 5, les références à la préfecture du département et à la sous-préfecture de

l'arrondissement sont remplacées par la référence à la préfecture;

2° A l'article 6, les mots: "des régions, des départements" sont remplacés par les mots: "de la


3° A l'article 7, la référence au tribunal de grande instance est remplacée par la référence au

tribunal de première instance.

II. - Pour l'application de la présente loi à Saint-Barthélemy, à Saint-Martin et à Saint-Pierre-et-

24 Abrogé par Loi n°92-1336 du 16 décembre 1992 art. 323.

25 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2009-536 du 14 mai 2009 - art. 1

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Miquelon: 1° A l'article 5, les références à la préfecture du département et à la sous-préfecture de

l'arrondissement sont remplacées par la référence aux services du représentant de l'Etat;

2° A l'article 6, les mots: "des régions, des départements" sont remplacés par les mots: "de la


3° A l'article 15, la référence au préfet est remplacée par la référence au représentant de l'Etat.

III. - Pour l'application de la présente loi dans les îles Wallis et Futuna:

1° A l'article 5, les références à la préfecture du département et à la sous-préfecture de

l'arrondissement sont remplacées par la référence aux services de l'administrateur supérieur;

2° A l'article 6: a) Les mots: "des régions, des départements, des communes" sont remplacés par

les mots : "des îles Wallis et Futuna, des circonscriptions territoriales"; b) Après les mots: "16

euros" sont insérés les mots: "ou à un montant équivalent en monnaie locale" ;

3° A l'article 7, la référence au tribunal de grande instance est remplacée par la référence au

tribunal de première instance;

4° A l'article 8, après les mots: "45 000 euros" sont insérés les mots: "ou d'un montant équivalent

en monnaie locale ";

5° A l'article 11, les mots: "en titres pour lesquels est établi le bordereau de références

nominatives prévu à l'article 55 de la loi n° 87-416 du 17 juin 1987 sur l'épargne" sont supprimés;

6° A l'article 15, la référence au préfet est remplacée par la référence à l'administrateur supérieur;

7° A l'article 18, la référence à la Caisse des dépôts et consignations est remplacée par la

référence au Trésor public.

IV. - Pour l'application de la présente loi en Polynésie française:

1° A l'article 5: a) La référence à la préfecture du département est remplacée par la référence aux

services du haut-commissaire de la République; b) La référence à la sous-préfecture de

l'arrondissement est remplacée par la référence aux services du chef de subdivision


2° A l'article 6: a) Les mots: "des régions, des départements" sont remplacés par les mots: "de la

Polynésie française"; b) Après les mots: "16 euros" sont insérés les mots: "ou à un montant

équivalent en monnaie locale ";

3° A l'article 7, la référence au tribunal de grande instance est remplacée par la référence au

tribunal de première instance;

4° A l'article 8, après les mots: "45 000 euros" sont insérés les mots: "ou d'un montant équivalent

en monnaie locale ";

5° A l'article 11, les mots: "en titres pour lesquels est établi le bordereau de références

nominatives prévu à l'article 55 de la loi n° 87-416 du 17 juin 1987 sur l'épargne" sont supprimés;

6° A l'article 15, la référence au préfet est remplacée par la référence au haut-commissaire de la


V. - Pour l'application de la présente loi en Nouvelle-Calédonie:

1° A l'article 5: a) La référence à la préfecture du département est remplacée par la référence aux

services du haut-commissaire de la République; b) La référence à la sous-préfecture de

l'arrondissement est remplacée par la référence aux services du commissaire délégué de la

République de la province;

2° A l'article 6: a) Les mots: "des régions, des départements" sont remplacés par les mots: "de la

Nouvelle-Calédonie ou de ses provinces"; b) Après les mots: "16 euros" sont insérés les mots:

"ou à un montant équivalent en monnaie locale";

3° A l'article 7, la référence au tribunal de grande instance est remplacée par la référence au

tribunal de première instance;

4° A l'article 8, après les mots: "45 000 euros" sont insérés les mots: "ou d'un montant équivalent

en monnaie locale";

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5° A l'article 11, les mots: "en titres pour lesquels est établi le bordereau de références

nominatives prévu à l'article 55 de la loi n° 87-416 du 17 juin 1987 sur l'épargne" sont supprimés;

6° A l'article 15, la référence au préfet est remplacée par la référence au haut-commissaire de la


Titre IV: Des associations étrangères Article 22 -35


Annex 3: French Law of 01.07.1901 about the associations Updated Version 16

th May 2009

Title I Article 1: An association is an agreement by which one or more persons bring together, in a permanent manner, their knowledge or their activities for a non-profit purpose. It is governed, as to its validity, by the general principles of law applicable to contracts and obligations. Article 2: Associations of persons may be freely formed without authorisation or prior declaration, but they may only obtain a legal identity if they conform to the provisions of Article 5. Article 3: Any association founded on a cause or with unlawful objectives, contrary to the law, morality, or which aims to interfere with the interests of national territory and the republican form of Government, is null and void. Article 4: Any member of an association not formed for a specific period may withdraw at any time, after payment of dues owed for the current year, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary. Article 5


Every association that wants to obtain legal qualification as set up by article 6 must be published by its founders. The preliminary declaration shall be made at the department‟s prefecture or at the sous-prefecture of the district where the association has its registered office. It shall make known the title and the object of the association, the registered offices of its setting-up and the names, professions, residences and citizenships of those who, for any purpose, are responsible of its administration. One copy of the status is joined to the declaration. A receipt of the latter will be

26 Abrogé par Loi n°81-909 du 9 octobre 1981

27 Amended with Ordinance n°2005-856 of 28 July 2005, Art. 4 (enforced on 1st January 2006)

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given within five days. If the association has its registered office in a foreign country, then the declaration set up in the previous sub-article will be made to the prefecture of the department where the registered office of the main establishment is situated. The association will be made public only by an article in the Official Journal. The associations are obliged to make known, within three months, all the changes occurring in their administration as well as the modifications made to their status. These modifications and changes can only be opposed by a third party from the day at which they have been declared. The modifications and changes shall moreover be recorded in a special register which must be presented to the administrative or legal authorities every time they are asking for this. Article 6


Every association which is regularly declared can, without any special authorisation, take someone to court, receive manual gifts as well as gifts of establishments of public utility, acquire against payment, possess and administrate, outside grants from the State, the regions, the departments, the communes and of their administrative establishments: 1° The subscriptions of its members, these sums cannot represent more than 16 euros; 2° The premise meant for the administration of the association and the meeting of its members; 3° The establishments strictly required for its aim. The declared associations which exclusive aim is assistance, charity, scientific or medical research may accept the liberalities of living people or made by will within conditions fixed by decree at the State Council. Article 7


In the case of nullity as foreseen by Article 3, the dissolution of the association is pronounced by the High Court, either at the request of any interested party, or by action of the public ministry. The latter may summon, for a fixed date and court, under the sanctions foreseen under Article 8, and order by provision and not withstanding any remedy at law, the closing of the premises and the prohibition of any reunion of members of the association. In the case of breach of the provisions of Article 5, the dissolution may be pronounced at the request of any interested party or by action of the public ministry. Article 8


Will be punished with a fine set up by the 5° of the article 131-13 of the Penal Code for fines of 5th class for the first infringement, and, in the case of relapse, those who have contravened the dispositions of Article 5. Will be punished with three years of imprisonment and with a fine of 45,000 Euros, the founders, directors or administrators of the association, which is maintained or illegally reconstituted after the judgement of dissolution. Will be punished with the same sentence, all the people who have favoured the reunion of the members of the dissolved association by consenting to use the establishments, which they possess. Article 9:

28 Amended with Ordinance n°2005-856 of 28 July 2005 Art. 2 (enforced on 1st January 2006)

29 Amended by Law n°71-604 of 20 July 1971, Art. 2

30 Amended by Ordinance n°2000-916 of 19 September 2000, Art.3

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In the case of voluntary, statutory or court-ordered dissolution, the association‟s property will be distributed according to the articles of association or, lacking such statutory provisions, following the rules determined by the General Meeting.

Title II Article 10


Associations may be State approved by decree from the Conseil d‟Etat (Council of State) after a probationary period of operation of at least three years. State-approval may be withdrawn in the same manner. However, the probationary period of operation is not required if the association requesting that recognition has sufficient resources available to assure its financial stability for the period of three years. Article 11


Associations may do all the acts of civil life that are not forbidden by their status, but they cannot possess or acquire other buildings than those necessary for their aim. However, they may acquire, against payment or for free, woods or forests. All the securities of an association must be placed in registered securities, for which are established the registered references slip foreseen by the Article 55 of the legislation n° 87-416 of 17

th June 1987 about the savings or in guaranteed

securities permitted by the Bank of France. They may receive gifts and bequests in the conditions foreseen by the Article 910 of the Civil Code. Article 12


Title III Article 13


A religious congregation may obtain legal recognition by decree rendered by decision from the Conseil d‟Etat; the provisions relating to congregations previously authorised are applicable to them. Legal recognition may be granted to any new congregational establishment in virtue of a decree from the Conseil d‟Etat. The dissolution of the congregation or the suppression of any establishment may only be pronounced by decree from the Conseil d‟Etat. Article 14


Article 15


31 Amended by Law n°87-571 du 23 juillet 1987 art. 17

32 Modifié par Ordonnance n°2005-856 du 28 juillet 2005 art. 2

33 Repealed by Decree of 12 April 1939

34 Amended by Law n°42-505 of 8 April 1942

35 Repealed by Law of 3 September 1940


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All religious congregations have a state of its revenues and expenditures; it draws up every year the financial account of the passed year and the inventory state of its personal and capital properties. The complete list of its members, mentioning their family names as well as the name under which they are designated in the congregation, their citizenship, date and place of birth, their date of entry, must be at the registered office of the congregation. The latter must present, without moving, at any requisition from the prefect to him or to his delegate the accounts, states and lists mentioned above. Will be punished with the sentences mentioned in sub-article 2 of the Article 8 the representatives or directors of a congregation who has made untrue communications or refused to comply with the requisitions of the prefect in the cases foreseen by the present Article. Article 16


Article 17


Are null and void all acts inter vivos or legacies, at a valuable consideration or free of charge, accomplished either directly or by third party, or by any other indirect means, designed to permit associations legally or illegally formed to avoid the provisions of Articles 2, 6, 11, 14 and 16. Article 18


Congregations existing at the time of the proclamation of this law, which have not been previously authorised or recognised, must, within three months, prove that they have taken the necessary steps to conform with these stipulations. Failing that proof, they are considered to be dissolved ipso jure. The same applies to congregations, which have been refused authorisation. Liquidation of property held by them will be ordered by the court. At the request of the public ministry, the court will nominate a receiver to carry it out who will have during the entire duration of the liquidation all powers of an official receiver. The court, which named the receiver is alone competent to hear, in civil matters, any action formed by the receiver or against him. The receiver will carry out the sale of property following the forms prescribed for sale of goods for minors. The judgement ordering the liquidation will be made public in the form prescribed for legal notices. Property and securities belonging to members of the congregation prior to their entry into the congregation, or which have come due since, either as direct or collateral intestacy, either by gift or legacy, will be returned to them. Gifts and legacies made other than by direct transmission may be legally claimed, but it is for the beneficiaries to prove that they were not intermediaries as stipulated in Art. 17. Property and securities acquired without charge, and which were not specifically made over by gift to a charitable association, may be claimed by the donor, his/her heirs or rightful claimants, or by the heirs or rightful claimants of the testator, without opposition for the time elapsed prior to the judgement pronouncing the liquidation. If property and securities were given, or willed, not for the benefit of the Congregationalists, but to aid a charitable association, they may only be claimed if they are accompanied by the reason assigned to the gift.

Modifié par Décret n°2004-1159 du 29 octobre 2004 art. 19 (en vigueur le 1er janvier 2005).

37 Repealed by Law n°42-505 of 8 April 1942

38 Amended by Law n°42-505 of 8 April 1942

39 Amended by Law of 17 July 1903

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Any action taken to recover or claim must be made to the liquidator within 6 months following the publication of the judgement, or risk foreclosure. Judgements rendered contradictory to the liquidator, and having acquired the authority of res judicata, are opposable by all persons concerned. After a period of 6 months, the liquidator will sell, by court order, all property which has not been claimed or which has not been allotted to a charitable association. The profit from the sale, as well as all transferable securities, will be deposited at the Deposit and Consignment office. The care of any hospitalised poor will be, until the end of the liquidation, considered as the liquidation‟s preferred costs. If there is no contest or when all actions formed in the prescribed period have been judged, the net profit will be divided amongst the rightful claimants. The ruling of the public administration concerned by Art. 20 of the present law will decide, on the surplus remaining after the deductions mentioned above have been made, the allocation, as capital or life annuity, which will be attributed to the dissolved congregation‟s members who are without means of support, or who justify having contributed to the acquisition of the securities distributed by the product of their personal labour. Article 19


Article 20: A decree from the Conseil d‟Etat will determine the proper measures to assure the execution of the present law. Article 21: Arts. 291, 292 and 293 of the Penal Code have been repealed, as well as the clauses of Art. 294 of the same code relating to associations; Art. 20 of the 5-8 July 1820 Ordinance; the law of 10 April 1834; Art. 13 of the decree of 28 July 1848; Art. 7 of the law of 33 June 1881; the law of 14 March 1872; sub-article 2, Art. 2 of the law of 24 May 1825; the decree of 31 January 1852 and, generally, all provisions contrary to the present law. There is no future waiver to the laws specifically relating to professional unions, commercial companies or to mutual aid companies. Article 21 bis


The present law applies to overseas territories defined by art. 74 of the Constitution and to New Caledonia under the condition of the following regulations: I.- For the application of the present law in the Mayotte territory: 1° At art.5, the references to the department‟s prefecture and to the sous-prefecture of the district are replaced by the reference to the prefecture; 2° At art.6, the words: “the regions, the departments” are replaced by the words: “the collective”; 3° At art.7, the reference to the High Court is replaced by the reference to the Court of First Instance. II.- For the application of the present law in Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin and Saint Pierre and Miquelon: 1° At art.5, the references to the department‟s prefecture and the sous-prefecture of the district are replaced by the reference to the office of the representative of the State; 2° At art.6, the words: “the regions, the departments” are replaced by the words: “the collective”; 3° At art.15, the reference to the prefect is replaced by the reference to the representative of the state. III.- For the application of the present law on the islands Wallis and Futuna: 1° At art.5, the references to the department‟s prefecture and the sous-prefecture of the district

40 Repealed by Law n°92-1336 of 16 December 1992

41 Created by Law n°2009-536 of 14 May 2009 - art. 1

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are replaced by the reference to the office of the supreme administrator; 2° At art.6: a) The words: “the regions, the departments, the communes” are replaced by the words: “the islands Wallis and Futuna, the territorial areas”; b) After the words: “16 euros” there are inserted the words: “or an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 3° At art.7, the reference to the High Court is replaced by the reference to the Court of First Instance; 4° At art.8, after the words: “45 000 euros” there are inserted the words: “or with an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 5° At art.11, the words: “for which are established the registered references slip foreseen by the Article 55 of the legislation n° 87-416 of 17

th June 1987 about the savings” are eliminated;

6° At art.15, the reference to prefect is replaced by the reference to the supreme administrator; 7° At art.18, the reference to the Deposit and Consignment Office is replaced by the reference to the treasury. IV.- For the application of the present law in French Polynesia: 1° At art.5: a) The reference to the department‟s prefecture is replaced by the reference to the government department of the High Commissioner of the Republic; b) The reference to the sous–prefecture of the district is replaced by the reference to the office of the governor of the administrative subdivision; 2° At art.6: a) The words: “the regions, the departments” are replaced by the words: “French Polynesia”; b) After the words: “16 euros” there are inserted the words: “or an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 3° At art.7, the reference to the High Court is replaced by the reference to the Court of First Instance; 4° At art.8, after the words: “45 000 euros” there are inserted the words: “or with an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 5° At art.11, the words: “for which are established the registered references slip foreseen by the Article 55 of the legislation n° 87-416 of 17

th June 1987 about the savings” are eliminated;

6° At art.15, the reference to the prefect is replaced by the reference to the High Commissioner of the Republic; V.- For the application of the present law in New Caledonia: 1° At art.5: a) The reference to the department‟s prefecture is replaced by the reference to the office of the High Commissioner of the Republic; b) The reference to the sous-prefecture of the district is replaced by the reference to the office of the Commissioner delegated by the Republic of the province; 2° At art.6: a) The words: “ the regions, the departments” are replaced by the words: “New Caledonia and its provinces”; b) After the words: “16 euros” there are inserted the words: “or an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 3° At art.7, the reference to the High Court is replaced by the reference to the Court of First Instance; 4° At art.8, after the words: “45 000 euros” there are inserted the words: “or with an equivalent amount of the local currency”; 5° At art.11, the words: “for which are established the registered references slip foreseen by the Article 55 of the legislation n° 87-416 of 17

th June 1987 about the savings” are eliminated;

6° At art.15, the reference to the prefect is replaced by the reference to the High Commissioner of the Republic;

Title IV: Of Foreign Associations Article 22 -35


42 Repealed by Law n°81-909 of 9 October 1981

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Annex 4: Information Technology Committee Working Format November 2010

I. Role & Mission II. Structure & Tasks III.Members IV. Board Positions & Rules V. Elections

I. Role & Mission

The Information Technology Committee is the descendant of the Information Technology Working Group, created after the structural reforms that happened at Spring Agora Leiden 2010.

The mission of the Information Technology Committee (ITC) is to support AEGEE-Europe. It‟s primary aim is to help AEGEE with anything related to IT!

Maintain AEGEE hardware, offer support to users, create new features for AEGEE members, effectively use the IT budget, act as a platform for IT-related discussions, consult and support other AEGEE entities (bodies, organs, etc) and so on.

It consists of AEGEE members, who have expertise or want to acquire some in different fields of Information Technology. Divided into different taskforces, we manage and develop the IT infrastructure of AEGEE-Europe.

II. Structure & Tasks

As mentioned before, the Information Technology Committee is divided in several informal Teams that act fairly independent.

However, the ITC board is responsible for the coordination of the different Teams.

The ITC consists of, but not limited to:

IT-related tasks ITC Board

Coordinates ITC Teams, holds the communication flow with other AEGEE bodies and IT bodies of other associations.

ITC Mail Team It is responsible for the mail server(s) of AEGEE that serves the e-mail addresses and the mailing lists.

ITC HeadOffice Team Administrates HeadOffice servers, computers, infrastructure of the headoffice of AEGEE-Europe

ITC Server Admins Team Administrates the Servers of AEGEE-Europe

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ITC myAEGEE Team Administrates myAEGEE intranet and provides support to its users.

ITC Online Membership System Team Developing and supporting the future IT system.


Supporting other AEGEE bodies with IT services (e.g. SUCT's Summer University website) on a per project basis

Assess and manage the IT budget of AEGEE

Write Documentation for the IT systems Other non-IT-related tasks

Human Resources

New members

Current members

Online Trainings

Information Technology European School Public Relations

European Level Newsletter

ITC website

III. Members

1. Members of ITC are the people subscribed to ITC-L; 2. The board is responsible to approve membership applications; 3. The board may decide not to approve or to terminate the membership of a

person in case it acts against the principles of AEGEE or ITC, or in case its presence is not constructive and is not expected to become such;

4. Members of ITC lose their membership status and accordingly their voting rights, if they do not exercise their voting rights at board elections. The board has the right make exceptions to this rule;

5. Members that lost their membership status can reapply to become members; 6. Each member of ITC can propose changes to the Working Format.

The members of ITC have to ratify the changes. In case of objection(s), 2/3 of the members have to support the changes in order to be adopted;

IV. Board Positions & Rules

The ITC Board consists of three elected members and one appointed CD member. The CD member has no voting rights.

The Board positions are the following:

a. 1 Speaker b. 2 Vice-Speakers c. 1 appointed CD member, without voting rights

Rules for the board:

1. The board is being elected once per year, right after the Autumn Agora and its term lasts for one year;

2. The Speaker is responsible for the well-functioning of the Committee; 3. The Speaker, together with the CD appointed member are responsible for the

communication with IT entities of other organisations;

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4. Task Division is performed among the board after the elections; 5. After performing the task division, the board should update the Working Format.

The members of ITC have to ratify the changes. In case of objection(s), 2/3 of the members have to support the new Working Format in order to be adopted;

6. The Vice-Speakers act in the name of the Speaker, in cases of absence of the Speaker;

7. Board members can be dismissed with a 2/3 majority following a voting performed from the ITC board members;

8. Dismissed board members have to be replaced within one month following the announcement of the dismissal;

9. The Board takes decisions based on the principle of simple majority. In the case of a tie, the Speaker has the casting vote;

10. The board holds the responsibility of compiling the Activity Report of the Committee before every Agora.

1. The board has to place an open call for reports from all the Teams of the Committee;

2. Each Team should individually report to the board; 3. The board should include in the AR the names of the people that form

the Teams of the Committee, including the ones that are administrating servers or have access to private data;

V. Elections

1. The Elections Committee is responsible for the Elections Procedure; 2. This Committee is formed by two former board members, or current ones that are

not recandidating, under the supervision of the CD appointed member.

Elections Procedure

i) The board has to announce the elections in ITC-L two weeks in advance; (1) The timeline of the elections and the names of the people forming the Election

Committee should be included in the e-mail sent to ITC-L. (2) in the timeframe of two weeks, after the elections have been announced and

before the elections start, acting board members should: (a) submit their Activity Report. Board members that did not submit an Activity

Report are not entitled to re-candidate; The Elections Committee can make exceptions to this rule in case there is a valid excuse;

(b) present the list of new members to ITC-L for ratification. Ratification happens by posting the list of new members and opening the floor for objections. If there is any objection within these two weeks, a voting shall be placed for the person in question.

ii) The Election Committee should send an open call for candidates; (1) The open call should include:

(a) Timeline of the elections; (b) Board positions according to the current Working Format; (c) Duration of the term according to the current Working Format; (d) Candidacy Template that the candidates have to fill in, including experience,

formal competences, motivation. (2) The call for candidates lasts one week; (3) The Election Committee has to send a reminder in the middle of the week; (4) The candidatures have to be sent to ITC-L;

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iii) The Election Committee should send an open call for questions to the candidates; (1) The open call should be sent one week after the open call for candidates. When

sent, it means that all candidates have been approved, unless stated otherwise; (2) The call for questions lasts one week, in which members are allowed to send

questions for the first five days; (3) The candidates are entitled to answer within the whole week;

iv) The Election Committee should send an open call for votes; (1) Voting Session lasts one week; (2) The Election Committee should provide a ballot & instructions; (3) The Elections are valid if more than 50% of the members have voted; (4) The Election Committee may decide to prolong the deadline for voting only in

case the quorum has not been reached; v) The Election Committee should announce the results. From that moment and on, the

term of the elected board starts; (1) In order to get elected, a candidate should get more than 1/3 from the total

amount of valid votes; (2) All board members are elected as equal board members; (3) The Speaker position is decided after the elections among the board members.

Annex 5: Working Format of the Public Relations Committee December 2010

I. Mission

II. Structure

III. Elections

IV. Tasks

Identity of the Public Relations Committee

1) The Public Relations Committee (PRC) is a supporting committee of AEGEE-Europe and

was installed by the Agora Istanbul. It aims to support the AEGEE network in the fields of

public relations, internal and external communication and promotion.

2) Its mission is to increase the visibility and impact of all actions carried out within the

AEGEE network. To achieve this it serves as a knowledge and resources provider in its

respective fields (as defined in I.2). It aims to directly support locals, project teams,

commissions, working groups and the Comité Directeur.

3) It consists of members with a significant knowledge and experience in the related fields.

4) The role of the Public Relations Committee is internal and does not entitle it to act

independently towards the stakeholders of AEGEE.


1) The Public Relations Committee consists of members that must carry a valid membership

of an AEGEE Antenna or Contact-Antenna.

2) It is being coordinated by the Speaker-team that consists of one Speaker, one Vice-

Speaker and a CD appointed member.

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3) The application for membership of the PRC can be submitted at any time to the Speaker-

team, which ist responsible to approve or reject applications. The applicant has to receive

a decision within 2 weeks. An application may be rejected in case it a serious anticipation

exists that the applicant is going to act against the values of AEGEE and the mission of

the PRC and/or his membership will be a serious threat to the PRC.

4) The subscribers of the PRC-l mailing list are members of the PRC.

5) The membership is not limited by time, although a membership can be terminated by the

Speaker-team in case the member is acting against the principles of AEGEE or the PRC

or is not fulfilling his/her tasks.

6) Members that have lost their membership or cancelled it can reapply for it.

7) The members can start a vote of confidence against the Speaker-team. To start the

motion, the support of 2/3 of the members is needed. In case such support is achieved,

new elections shall be conducted and the respective member or the Speaker-team is


8) Each member of PRC can propose changes to the Working Format; the members of PRC

have to ratify the changes. In case of objection(s), 2/3 of the members have to support

the changes in order to be adopted.

Elections 1) The Speaker and Vice-Speaker are being elected twice a year within one month after

every Agora.

2) The person with the biggest amount of votes is elected as the Speaker. The person with

the second biggest amount of votes is elected as the Vice-Speaker.

3) The Juridical Commission shall be asked to supervise the elections.

4) Every member has three votes; these votes can be distributed among the candidates.

5) The elections have to be announced through prc-l two weeks in advance.

6) The candidates have to present their applications together with a motivation letter on


7) In order to get elected, a candidate should get more than 1/3 from the total amount of

valid votes.

8) The elections are valid, when 1/3 of the members have casted their vote.

9) During the duration of the elections it is not possible for new members to join the PRC-l.

Tasks i) Tasks of the Speaker-team

1) To coordinate the work of the PRC and to ensure the right allocation of human


2) The Speaker is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Activity Report

of the PRC.

3) The Speaker announces the dates of online meetings and presents the agenda.

4) Decisions are taken by simple majority. The Speaker has a casting vote, in case of

equal voting.

5) The Agenda of the Speaker-team meeting has to be published 3 days before the day

of the meeting and members can give feedback on it. The Speaker-team should take

these comments into consideration before taking decisions during the meeting.

6) The CD-appointed member of the Speaker-team is responsible for the

communication between the PRC and the Comité Directeur.

7) The CD-appointed maintains the overview of the actions of the PRC and

recommends new fields of involvement on the European level.

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8) A member of the Speaker-team takes minutes during meetings and publishes them

within a week on prc-l.

9) The Vice-Speaker can take over the Speakers tasks whenever a significant need will


ii) Tasks of the Public Relations Committee

1) The PRC assists the network in PR-related fields upon request.

2) The PRC is responsible for the reporting of statutory meetings online and making it

possible to the Network to follow them online.

3) The PRC maintains the Communication Guidelines and ensures their


4) The PRC maintains the website of AEGEE-Europe ( and the

Facebook page (

5) The PRC takes care of the Visual Identity of AEGEE and ensures its implementation.

6) Each member of the PRC creates a profile of his fields of expertise and publishes it

within the PRC.

7) The members of the PRC can form subteams related to specific tasks. Each subteam

must appoint one spokesperson that will represent its achievements towards the rest

of the PRC.

8) Each member with an assigned task has to report the progress at the end of every

month to the PRC-l.