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  • 7/27/2019 anti-BHO CIV


    Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross

    from his yard in 1960.

    The boy is his son.

    The key-assertion here is that BHO continues to engage in Reverse-Racism [america-the-divided] to

    maximize Black turnout during the [off-year] 14 Congressional Elections. This explains why he refrained

    from calling victims of black on white crime [Buchanan: 'Interracial violence is overwhelmingly black-

    on-white'] while he and otherBlack Leaders remained Silent on Black-on-Black Crime. In contrast:


    Nick Gass: President [Barack] Obama called Antoinette Tuff, the woman who calmly

    talked down an armed 20-year-old as he walked into an Atlanta-area elementary school,

    on Thursday to thank her for her courage. This afternoon, the president called

    Antoinette Tuff to thank her for the courage she displayed while talking to a gunman

    who entered the school where she works earlier this week, the White House said in a

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    The DbM [Drive-by-Media] have helped BHO fan-the-flames, hiding behind double-standards rooted

    inliberal-rules-for-racism-in-america; for example, Morning JoeScarborough claimed I Don't Need to

    Apologize for Calling Zimmerman a Murderer prior to his conviction and, more recently Zimmerman

    was Described as a 'White Boy' on MSNBC. Always the gentleman, adouble-standard was discussed by

    robert-zimmerman, in reaction to an athletes-death(vide infra). Meanwhile,JESSE JACKSON CRITICIZED


    Recall concepts just discussed on the state-level, as the half-century recognition of the

    MLK-Event in D.C. is now occurring. The political focus thereof appears to have

    descended from-the-march-on-washington-to-voter-id; indeed, true to form, COLIN

    POWELL claimed 'THERE IS NO VOTER FRAUD' in North Carolina [and, presumably,


    Lets review the landscape, invoking the working-hypothesis that a national race-war is being quietly

    promulgated by BHO; aftera senseless-(typically under-reported) murder, some in the family-wondered

    if-it-constituted-a-trayvon-martin-revenge-murder. BillOReilly-trashed-the-cowardly-media-for-failing-

    to-cover-the-beating-of-white-boy, perhaps not recognizing that gutfeld claimed the thrill-kill-doesnt-

    fit-medias-narrative-on-race. Meanwhile, HuffPo claimed Drudge and Rush 'Manufactured RacialFirestorm' Over Lane Killing, despite the fact thatracist-tweets [during the prodromal time-frame, just

    prior to the spree]-were a factor-in-okla-thrill-kill-case; there was an admonition that the clinicians

    not-ignore-race-in-christopher-lanes-murder. Finally, after two Suspect Photos of black-teens were

    Released, aone was Arrestedfor having beaten to death an89-year-old World War II veteran.

    And, to complete the segue from the prior blast by correlating it with palpable racism

    [and progressivism], another political split was manifest when the NC NAACP pushed

    'Christian Socialism' while a Black Pastors Organization Condemned Persecution of

    Christians over Traditional Values. And We now hear Charlierangel claiming there is no-

    reason why a young person should have to pay for a college education; on the

    GretaWire website, this assertion is punctuated by this graphic:
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    By refusing to speak out onMr. Lanes death (vide infra), Mr. Obama has shown conclusively that he is

    a demagogue who plays the race card in order to inflame racial tensions, thereby galvanizing the

    minority electorate. He is ourrace-hustler-in-chief. An additional agitator isFarrakhan, who said things

    are so bad in America, that even electing a black president couldnt help black people;MSNBC's Tour

    claimed Slavery 'Obviously' to Blame for Black Unemployment. [This explains whyBlack Lawmakers

    are giving BHO a Pass on Fixing Black Unemployment.] Here is the set-up from BHOs BFF, Oprah:

    Recall what prompted oprah-winfrey-to-apologize over the-racist-handbag-furor,

    particularly after theDaily Beast defined Memory-Holes in Oprah's Swiss Race Hoax;

    this was enhanced when it was recalled that oprahs-racism-hoax-was-not-her-first

    (because-she-did-the same-thing-before-a 2005-movie-release). Indeed, after thestore-

    owner-called-oprah-over-sensitive-after-crying-racism-and demanded-to-speak-to-her

    (as she predictably declined), this swiss-store-clerk-said-oprah-was-lying-about-this

    racist-handbag-incident. The coup de gras was delivered byGlenn Beck, who took Apart

    Oprah's 'Offensive' Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till Comparison on 8/6/13. (Meanwhile, her

    New White House 'The Butler' Film Criticized Reagan, so much so that a Reagan

    Biographer claimed it Botched his Race Record.)

    In counter-distinction to these events, a clown created a furor for wearing a BHO-mask [recalling that no

    punishment was triggered by the depiction on HBO (Game of Thrones) of Bush-43s head on a stick];

    he later claimed I know I'm a clown, but BHO is just running around acting like one, but doesn't know

    he is one'shortly before he wasBANNED FOR LIFEafter thehead of the MO NAACP Called Clown Mask

    'Hate Crime'and claimed the DoJ and Secret Service Should Investigate. It mattered not thatBHO had

    worn a BHO-mask on 'Saturday Night Live' for, in gross counter-distinction with the Lane case [when

    silence was justified by claiming this first-page on a daily basis for a few days], BHOs PressorSCOLDEDthe clown claiming it was 'Not one of our finer moments.' As this CONTROVERSY SPIRALED OUT OF

    CONTROL, allClowns were ordered to 'sensitivity training,'theAnnouncer and rodeo president resigned.

    Hugh Douglas was fired by ESPN after shouting racial slurs at colleague, per report.

    Reportedly, theracism-card and Weiner Caused 'Irritation' Inside Hillary's Camp, even as

    this generic claim is looking-a-little-dog-eared. AndBlack conservative leaders discuss how the

    NRA was created to protect freed slaves.
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