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  • 7/27/2019 anti-BHO XCII


    The unabashed goal here is to motivate and to mobilize; it is pursued via a series of blasts that will,

    first, provide an updated BHO Scandal-sheetthen update foreign-policy and explore domestic-policy

    concernsand finally, focus on the transcendent educational effort [If you fund ObamaCare, you own

    ObamaCare!]. As Guzzardi would want to see accomplished [and as he had scrupulously done, over the

    past decade], names are named [without violating confidentiality] as hyperlinks continue to permeate.

    {Astute typographers will note the capacity to evolve becausehenceforththere will no longer be

    double-spaces after a period, as per adefinitive article condemning this practice.} Otherwise, it seems

    there is nothing available on the Internet that undermines the trenchant points contained herein and,

    therefore, it is hoped that the production values inherent within these blasts will enhance the

    message being conveyed. This constitutes an unbashed call-to-action, during Augusts dog-days.

    As BHOs approval has reached a new nadir [41%], its time for good [people] to come

    to the aid of their country rather than experiencing the predictable suppression by the

    BHO-fawning media. The past 24-hours of this physicians existence may serve as a

    metaphor for what others may wish to do, as the priority of the need to organize against

    ObamaCare has never been starker; individual experience must be placed within the

    larger context of societal trends. {Yesterday was spent: power-washing and patching

    the driveway of my parents home, recovering from 5 hours of continuous ambulationby completing the NY-Times Sunday-Mag X-word [and Kenken], providing chemo-Rx,

    blogging a bit, and attending an evening awards-program. Thus were admixed

    professional and personal activities, with the latter combining brain-exercise and

    engaging in gambits with self-acknowledged skeptics; BTW, anyone wondering about

    the trick in the X-word should note emergence of a recognizable-phrase after ah is

    deleted from the long-clues and, regarding the Kenken, tackle first the location of 5.}

    Thus, the reader is requested to indulge the writers intent to elaborate on the database to yield a set of

    behavioral suggestions when engaging on a political plane with ones friends/colleagues/family. Here,

    vignettes are provided with the unblemished intent to prophylax against a media that will falsely convey

    a message [repeatedly] that the absence of rambunctious town-hall events [as transpired in 2009]suggests the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement is going-limp during this crucial moment in

    Americas history. Direct communications with mature forces on BOTH sides is now transpiring, and

    those who wish to rescue the U.S. from BHOs acolytes are cordially invited to get-with-the-program.

    Recall the classic line the unions own the Ds and rent the Rs, and note the need to work-in-reverse;

    the true-conservatives must ID the establishment-Rs andin the process of outing themmobilize a

    sense of unity against the D-enemyall within the upcoming month. Its do-able, and must be done.
  • 7/27/2019 anti-BHO XCII


    BHOs Scandal-Sheet

    Compiled in a video is adelineation of BHOs corruption, and appearing legit are two bombshells: BHO

    fraudulently acquired college financial aid as foreign student and BHO and michele-lost-their-law-

    licenses. A website [beltway-investigations] has been collecting these data, with others opining

    regardingHow to Crack a Government Cover-Up Wide Open and suggesting onlya-military-coup-will-

    remove-BHO; these are included to permit the reader to explore the credibility of their hyperlinks, as

    others try toDeconstruct BHOas they recognizeBHO is rapidly Remaking America's Image. His electoral

    success may be based on his having Wooed the Middle Class [which took painstaking research and a

    ruthless attitude], but it may be based on havingbroken the law. In such articles, notably absent are any

    references to racism, contravening utterances by his allies such asharry-reid; the latter were debunked

    by Senator Tim Scott [a Black whom this physician met two years ago @ the RedState Gathering] who

    expressed the hope that the public grows to recognize that gop-opposition-to-BHO is based-on-

    substance-and-not-the-fact-that-hes-african-american and, specifically blasted-harry-reid-for-

    suggesting-republicans-are-racist. reid-had suggested-gop-opposition-to-BHO-may-be-rooted-in-racism

    [and had alsocompared-tea-party-activists-to-violent-anarchists-who-started-world-war-i].

    Reverse-Racismhas customarily been a stand-alone topic but, here, it is desirable to linkBHOs having linked [through others] his nefarious abuse of what had been a

    legitimate/shared concern; thus, BHOs attacks in this realm are indeed scandalous.

    For example, after a white-child-was pummeled-by-three-black-teens-on-bus ["They

    About to Beat This Boy to Death"] while thewhite-bus-driver-didnt-dare-to-intervene,

    Critics slammed Jackson and Sharpton over bus beating silencebut no one attacked

    BHO for emulating the absence of any expressed-outrage. Nor did anyone even bother

    to wonder why they were silent as Detroiters-beat-the-tar-out-of-an-accused-rapist-

    after-slow-police-response and oprah-winfrey-claimed-racism-kept-pricey-bag-out-of-

    her-hands-at-zurich-switzerland-shop. The mind-reading inherent in these charges is

    palpable, as is obvious when the shoe is place upon the other foot. Thus, BHO is

    necessarily grouped with Sharpton/Jackson/Winfrey as corrupt manipulators.

    Although D.C. is vacationing [and the Senate is predictably inert], theHouse-is investigating-whether the

    fec-and-irs colluded to target conservative organizations; amazingly, the IRS is still targeting Tea Party

    groups [and small-businesses] as inconsistencies in the current record have been distilled. BHOs

    chutzpah was on full-display when a controversial-irs-employee-got-a-promotion; meanwhile, a

    colorado-conservative-group-sued-gestapo-like-irs-over-disclosure-of-tax-docs and ISSA SUBPOENAED

    TREASURY OVER DELPHI PENSION SCANDAL [and, in a related revelation, Two Firms were Accused of

    Using Political Ties (to Ds, including Rendell) to Bilk Medicaid].
  • 7/27/2019 anti-BHO XCII



    During Fridays Pre-vacation presser, the focus was on the NSA, which some claim serves as a shield

    against queries regarding other scandals [e.g., dhs-whistleblower-said-war-on-terror-is-a-charade, for

    the-real-targets-are-american-patriots]; nevertheless, it is revealed to be a stand-alone horror when, for

    example theNSA admits that it 'Touches' 1.6 Percent of Data[which is gigantic, when one recognizes

    the hugeness of the denominator]. It can be politized [e.g.,BHO Meant to Do That: He Killed Detroit and

    Saved Al Qaeda], it can be relegated to state-level behavior [e.g.,police-state-of-delaware], it can even

    be sidestepped psychologically [e.g., somewhere-in-russia-edward-snowden-is-smiling, as BHO asserts

    he is 'Not a Patriot']. It, therefore, is for BHO to disprove the claim that government-surveillance-run-

    amok-constitutes-a-police-state, as per a speech by a book-author @ the Heritage Foundation.

    Front-and-center, however, wasBHO's Cream-Puff Plan to Reform the US Surveillance

    Program, asThe Deferential Press Corps Takes Careful Notes without asking probing

    questions [except for FNCs Ed Henry, of course (vide infra)]. {Compiled, in addition to

    those articulated prior to the event (in a prior blast) were 20-questions-the-media-

    would-be-asking-BHO-if-he-were-a-republican.} For example, after BHO denied having

    'Evolved' on Government Surveillance, he falsely-claimed issuing his plan had beenimminent even had Snowden not leaked, a fact that has prompted some to wonder

    whether the Media will Fact-Check BHOs 'I Meant To Do That' On NSA Reform and

    report accordingly].

    In any case,BHO is 'Comfortable' Surveillance Is Not Currently AbusedbecauseWe're Not Interested in

    'Spying on Ordinary People'; he asserted there is Time to 'Put the Whole Elephant Out There' on

    Surveillance, but it is doubtful [noting BHOs lack of transparency] that this will include clarifying

    troubling revelations [e.g.,BHO meets SECRETLY with tech executives to discuss SECRET surveillanceand

    German Companies to Automatically Encrypt Emails]. Although probing leaks may be difficult [e.g.,

    encrypted-email-sites-used-by-snowden-go-dark-instead-of-aiding-feds], it seems [recalling Orwells

    Animal Farm] some leaks are different from others [e.g.,condemnation-confusion-and-silence-over-al-qaeda-conference-call-leaks]. This then reinforces worriment [expressed via Ed Henrys query] that

    BHOs penchant [via AG-Holder] for selective enforcement [invoking discretion] is again afoot.
