
Banner Finance

BANNER FINANCE for Budget Managers

Damita Kennedy – Budget Manager Budget Office

Administration Building Room 122 [email protected]


Banner Finance

Table of Contents Logging into Banner………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

What is Banner…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Banner Screen Naming Convention…………………………..…………………………………………………………………… 4

How are Department/Program Budgets Funded 5

FGIBDST – Budget Status Screen (Top Block)…………………………………………………………………………… 6

Navigating in FGIBDST….………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Commit Type……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Org Type/Fund Type………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

FGIBDST – Bottom Block………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….……… 10

Account, Type & Title Column……………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Adjusted Budget, YTD, Encumbrance Column…………………………………………………… 10

Available Balance Column……………………………………………………………………………………….…… 11

FGIBDST – Options…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Options > Budget Summary (FGIBSUM)………………………………………………………………… 13

Options > Organization Encumbrance (FGIOENC)…………………………………………… 14

Organization Encumbrance > Detail Encumbrance List (FGIENCD)………… 15

Options > Transaction Detail………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

How to Find Available Balance for E&G, SAF, & Course Fee Orgs………………………..………… 17

How to Find Available Balance for Cash Orgs (Non Grant Orgs)………………………………………. 18

Helpful Tips - Banner Screens …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Helpful Tips – Terms & Definitions……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

Helpful Tips – Department Website Information…………………………………………………………………………… 22

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Logging into Banner

1. Open Internet Browser 2. Type “” in address window 3. Click on Banner Production

4. A message will appear stating Java was block because it is out of date. You will be asked to select to either Update or Run this time. Don’t update Java, select Run this time.

5. Pop-up message will appear asking if you want to run the application, select Run.

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Logging into Banner

Enter Username and Password, then click connect or press enter

Contact the Information Technology Help Desk @ x2255 if you are not redirected to the Banner General Menu

Use the General Menu ‘Go To’ field to navigate to forms in Banner

Type ’FGIBDST’ in Go To field <enter>

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What is Banner?

Banner is a set of integrated database systems which has been configured to allow the University to perform its administrative functions in a highly efficient and creative manner. UCO has the following modules/systems:

Student System Financial System Advancement (Alumni) System Human Resource System Financial Aid System General System Travel Expense Management System

Workshop Objective

Assist budget managers with becoming familiar with navigating in Banner, familiar with the Banner Finance language as well as Banner Finance screens & forms used to find expenses, transaction details and available budget.

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BANNER Screen/Form Naming Convention

A seven-character name is associated with all Banner forms, reports and processes. Each letter of corresponds to information related to the form, report or process. Example - Banner Form Name FGIBDST Position 1: Primary system owning the report:

F G I B D S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A = Advancement B = Property Tax C = Courts D = Cash Drawer F = Finance G = General K = Work Management L = Occupational Tax M = MICRO-FAIDS N = Position Control O = Customer Contact P = Human Resources/Payroll Q=Electronic Work R = Financial Aid S = Student T = Accounts Receivable U = Utilities V = Voice Response

Position 2: Sub module owning the form/report.

F G I B D S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A = Accounts Payable B = Budget Development C = Cost Accounting F = Fixed Assets G = General Ledger I = Investment Management O = Operations P = Purchasing & Procurement R = Research Accounting S = Stores Inventory T = Table U = Utilities

Position 3: Type of report

F G I B D S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A = Application, input, update B = Base table I = Inquiry form M = Maintenance Form Q = Query form fr/another form P = Process R = Rule/Repeating table R = Report or process V = Validation table view

Positions 4 - 7: Unique four-character abbreviation of the report name. For example,

FGIBDST is named as follows: F = Finance G = General Ledger I = Inquiry BDST = Budget Status

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How are Departments/Programs Funded?

How are Funds Distinguished? Fund The fund number indicates how the ORG is funded. Source (or type) of funds:

State Appropriations/Tuition Course Fee Auxiliary – Profit Grants or Foundation Bonds Section 13 & Offset

Organization (ORG Number) Each ORG number has a unique numeric or alpha/numeric set of six digits. Many departments have multiple organization numbers of varying type.

Example: Org Org Title 010001 President’s Operating Budget A20550 Sigma Phi Omega Student Club S20428 Accounting Student Club 020003 Softball Development

Program A specified number designated for a particular program. A department can have multiple programs under the same ORG number. (Example – Football – Training – Recruitment)

Funding Source Banner Form to find available balance

Fund Type Org Fund Fund Description Banner Form

Does year-end balance usually roll into new Fiscal Year

E&G 01xxxx 100000 Education & General funds (E&G) - State Appropriations & Tuition. Must be spent in the year budgeted FGIBDST No

Course Fee 01xxxx 101080 Fee charged for specific courses for special instruction, equipment use, or special materials FGIBDST Yes

Cash 02xxxx 31xxxx Revenue. Balances roll forward at year end. FGITBAL Yes Hospitality (Cash) 02xxxx 12xxxx Vending Commission Revenue8 FGITBAL Yes Development (Cash) 02xxxx 31xxxx Donations, Fundraisers FGITBAL Yes

Grant (Cash) 02xxxx 32xxxx 34xxxx 35xxxx

Federal, State and Private funding FRIGITD Confer with Grant Accountant

Auxiliary (Cash) 02xxxx 2xxxxx Revenue from goods and services FGIBDST Yes Agency (Cash) A2xxxx 8xxxxx Student club membership dues or fundraisers FGITBAL Yes

Student Activity (Cash) S2xxxx 14xxxx Student Activity Fee collected from students per credit hour FGIBDST

Confer with Student Activity

Fund Budget Manager

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The Budget Status (FGIBDST) screen is the place to find the budget, available balance, year-to-date (YTD) expenses, and encumbrances for E&G, SAF, and Course Fee organizations. (Each organization type mentioned is defined on page 8). Refer to the chart on page 8 for the Banner screen to use to find the available balance for Cash and Grant organizations. The balance for these Orgs are not accurately reflected using FGIBDST. Instructions to find the balance for Cash Orgs will be provide in later section. To find the available balance for Grant Orgs contact one of the Grant Accountants in the Financial Services department. FGIBDST – Top Block Most Banner screens are sectioned off in what is called ‘Block’ format, separated by a dividing line which will be referred to as the “block separator”. In order to access a section of information one block down from the current location of the cursor use “Control + Page Down” keystroke combination. To access information up one block your use “Shift + F7 or the Rollback Icon located on the menu Toolbar.

Top Block

Bottom Block (Control page down to access detailed itemized budget once Org# entered

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Navigating in FGIBDST screen Use the Tab keyboard button or use your mouse to navigate from field to fields.

Tab to Organization field and Enter Organization (Org) number, then press Enter key. Banner will automatically population the Fund and Program number.

Press the Control & Page Down key to access detail budget information by account line.

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FGIBDST Top Block Fields

“Chart” Field (A) This field references the University’s Chart of Accounts (COA). The default setting is “1”. The University has a total of five different Charts. You will only need access to Chart “1” unless you work in the Housing or the UCO Foundation Office.

1 = UCO C= University Commons Residential Hall F = UCO Foundation K = KCSC Foundation S = University Suites Residential Hall

“Fiscal Year” Field (B) The default setting for this field is the last two digits of the year the fiscal year ends. The Fiscal year is a 12 month year period. The State of Oklahoma and UCO operate on a fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th “Index” Field (C) This field is not currently used. “Query Specific Account” Box (D) Use this box to search for a specific account line. However a more efficient query for specific account example will be illustrated later. “Include Revenue Account (E) Checked by default setting include revenue budget with total budget Commit Type (F) The commit type field distinguishes the availability of budgeted funds (Uncommitted) versus funds that have been committed and restricted only for prior year purchases.

Both – Default, includes both uncommitted (available funds &) committed funds Committed – funds committed and restricted to for previous year encumbrances Uncommitted – current fiscal year funds (Change commit type to UNCOMMITTED to view current fiscal year funds!!!!) Change commit type to COMMITTED to view funds rolled into budget from previous year to pay for purchases initiated in the previous year


Organization (Org) – six digit used to identity budget (required field) Fund - field will automatically populate once Org# entered Program - field will automatically populate once Org# entered Account – used to query specific account # (optional field) Account Type - used to query specific account type (optional field) Activity - field will automatically populate once Org# entered Location – This field is not currently used

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FGIBDST Top Block Fields

Organization (ORG Number) Each ORG number has a unique numeric or alpha/numeric set of six digits. Many departments have multiple organization numbers of varying type.

Example: 010001 – President’s Operating Budget A20550 – Sigma Phi Omega Student Club S20428 – Accounting Student Club

020003 – Softball Development

Program A specified number designated for a particular program. A department can have multiple programs under the same ORG number. (Example – Football – Training – Recruitment)


The fund number indicates how the ORG is funded. Source (or type) of funds: State Appropriations/Tuition Course Fee Auxiliary – Profit Grants or Foundation Bonds Section 13 & Offset

How departments/programs are funded Banner Form to find available balance

Fund Type Org Fund Fund Description Banner Form

Does year-end balance usually roll into new Fiscal Year

E&G 01xxxx 100000 Education & General funds (E&G) - State Appropriations & Tuition. Must be spent in the year budgeted


Course Fee 01xxxx 101080 Fee charged for specific courses for special instruction, equipment use, or special materials


Cash 02xxxx 31xxxx Revenue. Balances roll forward at year end. FGITBAL Yes Hospitality (Cash) 02xxxx 12xxxx Vending Commission Revenue8 FGITBAL Yes Development (Cash) 02xxxx 31xxxx Donations, Fundraisers FGITBAL Yes

Grant (Cash) 02xxxx 32xxxx 34xxxx 35xxxx

Federal, State and Private funding FRIGITD Confer with Grant Accountant

Auxiliary (Cash) 02xxxx 2xxxxx Revenue from goods and services FGIBDST Yes Agency (Cash) A2xxxx 8xxxxx Student club membership dues or fundraisers FGITBAL Yes

Student Activity (Cash) S2xxxx 14xxxx Student Activity Fee collected from students per credit hour

FGIBDST Confer with

Student Activity Fund Budget


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Bottom Block FIELDS NOTE – CONTROL PAGE DOWN to populate the budget by account line.

Account, Account Type and Account Title The budget in each Organization is detailed and categorized by account numbers, account type, and account title. Account numbers may begin with a “5”, “6” or “7.”

Account Type “R” = Revenue/Income Account Numbers – Begin with “5” Account Type “L” = Labor/Salary/Wages/Benefits Account Numbers – Begin with “6” Account Type “E” = Operating Budget Account Numbers – Begin with “7”

Adjusted Budget Column The Adjusted Budget Column includes budget allocated at the beginning of fiscal year, budget adjustments from transferred funds as well as adjustments from funds rolled over from the previous fiscal year for incomplete prior year Purchase Order(s). Current Fiscal Year Budget – Funds allocated for labor and/or operating expenses. Rollover Budget – Funds that were budgeted in the previous fiscal year and earmarked (encumbered) for a purchase (PO’s) that was not completed before the end of the previous fiscal year. Funds earmarked to from the PO as well as the PO are rolled into the current fiscal year. The budget for previous year PO’s” will only roll forward one fiscal year. Identifying “rolled PO’s” and the budget for them will be discussed in more detail in Advanced Banner Finance. Identifying funds budgeted for Operating expenses. Funds for day to day operating expenses are budget account codes on account codes that begin with a “7” (i.e. 7200-Travel). Note that funds for operating expenses are budgeted on four digit account numbers, budget on five digit account number are committed funds for rollover PO’s. YTD Activity Column YTD (Year to Date) Activity Column list all expenses paid from July 1 to current date.

Types of YTD Activity Expenses/Invoices paid by Accounts Payable including Pro Card – Charges from the University credit card. PO payments – Expenses associated with a purchase order. Other YTD expenses include Bursar Transactions and Journal Entries Transaction processed by Financial Services.

Encumbrances, Commitments and Reservations (Purchase Request) Commitments column list funds which have been encumbered for potential expenditures. The following are examples of different encumbrances, commitments and reservations - Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Payroll, Travel, General Encumbrance (see index for definition of terms)

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Organization Budget Status – FGIBDST Columns Available Balance Column The Available Balance Column reflects the remaining funds on each account number. The calculation used to find the remaining balanced is

Adjusted Budget - YTD - commitments = Remaining Balance NOTE - Regarding negative balance in Available Balance Column If available balance on a revenue account line (numbers beginning with a “5”) reflects a negative balance it means revenue/refund been added but not yet budgeted. Contact the Budget Office to see if the revenue collected can be added to the budget. If a Labor account line has a negative available balance it means the expenses amount are greater than the budgeted amount. In that case, additional budget should be transferred from to clear the negative balance. If an Operating expense account line has a negative available balance, it is likely a sub-account of a parent account line that does have budget. (i.e. – the sub-account for Office Supplies account line 73614 may have a deficit, however the budget for office supplies is on the parent account line 7360). A quick and easy query can be executed to group the parent account codes and sub-account codes together to determine if the account has a deficit.

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Options - Drilling Down for Details Organization Budget Status – FGIBDST > Options

The budget status form offers three options that will provide additional details about highlighted transactions. The Options feature is located on the menu toolbar. It is a drop down tab with multiple options. In order to activate the Options tab and its functions, the account line details must be populated in the bottom block. The following options are available;

Budget Summary Information (FGIBSUM)

Organization Encumbrances (FGIOENC)

Transaction Detail Information (FGITRND)

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BUDGET SUMMARY FGIBDST > Options > Budget Summary

Use option to find AVAILABLE BALANCE for E&G, SAF, & Course Fee Orgs

Revenue Summary of revenue account codes that begin with “5” Labor Summary of salary, wage, and benefit account codes listed on

FGIBDST that begin with “6” (611150, 611160, 612111, etc.) Direct Summary of operating budget account codes that begin with “7” Expenditures (Direct Expenditures also referred to as Operating Budget)

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List of OPEN ENCUMBRANCES FGIBDST > Options > Organizational Encumbrance

1. Start from the FGIBDST Screen 2. Be sure budget details are populated in the bottom block before next step 3. Go to the Menu Tool Bar > Select the Options tab. 4. Select Organization Encumbrances. 5. All open encumbrances will appear. 6. They will be listed by the encumbrance, vendor, account number, program

number and the amount REMAINING on the encumbrance.

ENCUMBRANCE COLUMN •Encumbrances beginning with a “P” are Purchase Orders. •Encumbrances beginning with a “R” are Requisitions that haven’t been converted to a Purchase Order. (Make sure they fall from list once PO is created) •Encumbrances beginning with an “E” are General Encumbrances (usually used for Food Services and other general encumbrances) •Encumbrances beginning with a “TA” are Travel Authorizations •Encumbrances beginning with a “PR” are Payroll entries. **Payroll encumbrances are salaries only, not hourly wages and not benefits**


• ‘C’ in field means funds are Committed for previous year purchase only

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ENCUMBRANCE DETAILS FGIBDST > Options > FGIOENC Organization Encumbrances

Detail Encumbrance Activity List – FGIENCD The Detailed Encumbrance Activity form provides detailed transaction activity for an encumbrance. Access this form from the General Menu or from Organizational Encumbrance form options (FGIBDST > FGIOENC > FGIENCD)

1. From Organizational Encumbrance screen (see previous page) 2. Use arrow key to highlight the encumbrance which you want details 3. Menu Tool Bar > Options Tab > Select ‘Query Detail Encumbrance Info’


Transaction Details PORD = Purchase Order (PO) created CORD = Change to PO INEI = Invoice payment E090 = Encumbrance Roll from previous year

Use Scroll for m

ore O


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FGITRND – Detail Transaction Activity screen The transaction detail screen provides details about each budget adjustment, year to date and encumbrance transaction posted to the ORG. You can DRILL DOWN to access transaction detail information easiest from the Budget Status screen, FGIBDST. Choose the account line total you any account line paired with any column on the Budget Status screen to DRILL DOWN for detailed information about the transactions that make up the total amount.

1. Place cursor in row of the account line and column of the field you want to drill down into 2. Select Options from the menu toolbar 3. Select Transaction Detail Information, you will then be redirected to the transaction details

for that specific account line

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How to Find the Available Balance for Orgs that begin with “01” and “S2”

FGIBDST > Options > Budget Summary

1. Type FGIBDST in General Menu ‘Go To’ field 2. In Top Block, UNCHECK ‘Include Revenue Accounts’ field 3. Change ‘Commit Type’ field from Both to UNCOMMITTED 4. Tab over to Organization field (Delete all FOAPAL fields before entering Org) 5. Enter Organization number > Press enter key

Fund & Program Code will automatically populate once enter key pressed 6. Press Ctrl & Page Down to populate budget information in the bottom block 7. Go to the Options tab on menu toolbar > Click on Budget Summary Information to

view the Available Balance summary for Revenue, Labor, Direct Expenditures. Revenue is the summary of all account codes that begin with “5” Labor is the summary of account codes that begin with “6” NOTE! Salaries are encumbered, wages and BENEFITS are not. NOTE! Student wages, Hourly/OT Wages, and Benefits are included in the Labor available balance. Direct Expenditures is the summary of account codes that begin with “7” NOTE! Direct Expenditures are also referred to as Operating Budget.

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How to Find the Available Balance Steps to find Available Balance for Orgs that begin with “02” and “A2”

General Ledger Trial Balance – FGITBAL Screen Note: You need to know the Fund Number, which can be found by entering the ORG number in the Organization field on the FGIBDST screen then tab to Fund or press enter.

1. Before viewing the trial balance screen FGITBAL, exit any previously opened Banner screen(s) to return to the General Menu page

2. Type FGITBAL in the “Go To” box then press enter 3. Tab to Fund field, enter Fund Number, Control Page Down

(if you do not know the fund number, exit FBITBAL, go to FGIBDST, enter Org#, after pressing enter Fund will populate, go back to FGITBAL to enter the number)

Your current balance can be found on the Cash – Interfund Account Line under the Current Balance column. A cash balance is available if the debit/credit indicator is a debit and you do not have encumbrances greater than the current balance.

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Helpful Tips Banner Screen Names

Banner Screen Name Description Notes

FGIBDST Budget Status Screen

Adjusted Budget, YTD Expenses, Commitments, and Available Balances – listed by Account Code (611160, 7310, etc.) Use this screen to find the available balance for E&G, Course Fee & Student Activity Orgs.**

FGITRND Detail Transaction Activity

Use this screen to view the Itemized listing of each transaction - listed by date for each Account Code To Access - FGIBDST>>Options>>FGITRND

FGIOENC Organization Encumbrances

Use this screen to view a list of all open encumbrances (Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Travel etc.) To Access - FGIBDST>>Options>>FGIOENC

FGIENCD Detail Encumbrance Info

Details related to specific encumbrance (date encumbered, liquidated amount, invoice payments, etc.) To Access - FGIBDST>>Options>>FGIOENC> Options>FGIENCD

FOIDOCH Document History History by type of Document, for Encumbered Funds - Requisition, Purchase Order or Invoice

FGRBDSC Report screen for printing Budget Status Report Direct Access - FGRBDSC

FGIDOCR Document Retrieval View details of Journal Entry Documents

NHIDIST Labor Distribution Data Inquiry

Detail list of each person and amount they were paid from Org Direct Access – NHIDIST

FGITBAL General Ledger Trial Balance

Use this screen to find the available cash balance for Orgs that begin with “02” (except for Grant Org); Need Fund Number to access available balance. Fund number can be found by enter Org number in FGIBDST Direct Access – FGITBAL

FPIOPOV Purchase Order by Vendor Listing of Purchase Orders by Vendor Direct Access – FPIOPOV

FPIPURR Purchase Order Query View Purchase Order details Direct Access – FPIPURR

FTMORGN Organization Code

Use this screen to look up the Org Manager, Fund and Program Code Direct Access – FTMORGN

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Helpful Tips Banner TERMS and DEFINITIONS

FOAPAL The FOAPAL is made up of the Fund (F), Organization (O), Account (A), Program (P), Activity (A), and Location (L) codes.

The Fund, Organization, Account and Program codes are the primary chart of accounts elements used for classification, budgeting, recording, and/or reporting.

The Activity and Location codes are used to provide more specific performance-related detail for transactions. These codes are not designed to accommodate budgeting purposes. A detailed description of each FOAPAL element follows:

• Fund Code = numeric designation for funding source • Organization Code = alphabetic/numeric designation for program or departmental budget •Account Code = numeric designation for individual asset, liability, equity, revenue, expenditure and/or transfer account classifications. •Program Code = numeric designation for group activities, operations or other units directed to attaining specific purposes or objectives. •Activity Code = alphabetic/numeric designation for subsidiary functional classifications, or short duration projects. •Location Code = Not used

Journal Entry A chronological record of transactions. Journal Entry (Transaction Type = JV or JE) show the debits and credits entered in specific ledger accounts for each and every transaction.

Extraction A process which allows you to export Banner data into an Excel spreadsheet.

Expense Budget Expense budget can be found in the Adjusted Budget column in account lines that begin with “7” of FGIBDST, used for paying operating expenses. Also referred to as Direct Expenditure or Operating Budget.

Revenue Budget Revenue budget can be found in the Adjusted Budget column in account lines that begin with “5” of FGIBDST, reflects expected revenue collection

Deficit Negative balance

% Wildcat key

Adjusted Budget Beginning base budget plus temporary and/or permanent adjustments to increase/decrease the base budget

YTD Activity Expenses paid to date

Commitments Funds committed/reserved to pay for payroll, goods or services

Document Type Code

Abbreviated code related to of Type of Document/Transaction (PRO = ProCard, BD04 = Temporary Budget Adjustment)

Transaction Date Date Transaction initiated

Activity Date Date Transaction posted to ledger

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Helpful Tips Banner TERMS and DEFINITIONS

SHORT CUT Key Strokes Function Key Action F3 From Cursor Location, Redirected To Query next level of information for

Document F4 From Any field in FGIBDST, Redirect to Organization Encumbrance List

of Open Encumbrances F5 Pop Up Direct Access “Go To” Window F7 Initiate and Enter Query F8 Execute Query F9 Retrieve List of Values for field Shift + F7 Rollback to Previous Block Ctrl + Page Down Next Block Ctrl + Q Exit

FGITRND Screen – Codes in ‘Type’ column Code Description BD01 Original Adopted Budget BD02 Permanent Budget Adjustment BD04 Temporary Budget Adjustment JE15 General Journal Entry JE16 General Journal Entry E090 Year-End Encumbrance Roll DNxx Check Payment INNI Invoice without Encumbrance INEI Invoice with Encumbrance PRO P-Card Posting PORD Establish Purchase Order REQP Requisition – Reserve Funds

FGITRND Screen – Codes in ‘Field’ column Code Description YTD Year to Date ENC Encumbrance OBD Original Budget ABD Adjusted Budget RSV Reservation/Reserve Funds

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Helpful Tips Administration & Finance Department Website

Budget Office

Administration Building, Room 122 Ext. 3323

Budget Office Areas of Responsibility

$ Prepare Annual E&G Operating Budget $ Process Annual Budget Allocations $ Assist Departments with Budget Management $ Banner Finance Budget Management Training $ Assist Departments with Budget Development (E&G Orgs) $ Process Budget Transfer Requests (E&G, Course Fee, and Student Activity Orgs) $ Maintain Master List of all University Positions $ Resolve Requisition/Purchase Order Insufficient Fund (NSF) Issues $ Budget Approval for Authorization to Pay forms $ Distribute Current Budget Balance Reports (E&G Orgs)

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Helpful Tips Administration & Finance Department Website

Purchasing, Payment Services and Travel

Administration Building, Room 109 Ext. 3340

Purchasing, Payment Services & Travel Department Areas of Responsibility Assist university department with the acquisition of services & good. Buyers can provide assistance with creating requisitions, issues with requisitions, modifying

Purchase Orders, Cancelling Purchase Orders, and Closing Purchase Order. Payment Specialist can provide assistance with Invoices Travel Specialist provide assistance with Pre Travel arrangements and Post Travel

Reimbursement, Group Travel, Airfare Purchase for University Travel

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Helpful Tips Administration & Finance Department Website

Travel Office

Administration Building, Room 109 Ext. 3340

Travel Specialist provide assistance with Pre Travel arrangements and Post Travel

Reimbursement, Group Travel, Airfare Purchase for University Travel

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Helpful Tips Administration & Finance Department Website

General Accounting Office

Administration Building, Room 124 Ext. 2598

Financial Services/General Accounting will assist you with any of the following services.

• Banner finance training • Check cancellation/reissue • Banner finance security issues • New organization requests • Funds transfers • P-card statement issues • Expenditure corrections • NSF budget issues for cash accounts • Capital projects • Asset tracking • Organizational financial manager changes • Grant reporting/tracking

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Helpful Tips Administration & Finance Department Website

P-Card (Business Services)

Administration Building, Room 111 Ext. 2497

P-Card Office can assist you with the following

• Apply for P-Card • P-Card Training • Lost/Stolen P-Card