



oleh: Dra. Hj. Kimtafsirah, MA.


Sudahkah Anda mengerjakan tes - tes formatif yang ada di BBM

sebelumnya? Dan Anda dapat mencapai nilai diatas 70%?

Alhamdulillah! Selamat, Anda telah melalui tahap-tahap pembelajaran

Speaking yang sangat bervariasi, yang telah Anda pelajari dengan


Sekarang, Anda diharapkan dapat menyerap materi BBM 5 ini, yang

merupakan lanjutan dari Speaking II A dan II B. Penulis memberi judul

BBM 5 ini dengan judul Speaking III A untuk membedakan dengan

BBM 6. Jika Speaking III A membahas topik-topik kelanjutan BBM

sebelumnya, artinya, topik yang dicakup masih tentang bagaimana

mencari pekerjaan, layanan masyarakat namun bahasa dan bobotnya

lebih meningkat. Kosa kata yang diketengahkan akan sedikit berbeda,

ungkapan2 yang dilatihkan akan lebih sukar.

Tujuan pembelajaran BBM 5 adalah melatih Anda menggunakan

ungkapan-ungkapan dan kosa kata yang diperlukan ketika Anda

mencari pekerjaan, diinterview, dan ketika Anda harus pergi ke bank,

ke kantor pos, ke apartement untuk menyewanya.



Setelah pembelajaran, Anda diharapkan dapat:

1. menyebutkan arti kosa kata dengan benar;

2. menyebutkan makna ungkapan dengan benar;

3. menggunakan kosa kata dalam kalimat dengan benar;

4. menggunakan kosa kata dalam kalimat dengan benar;

5. menjawab pertanyaan ketika diinterview;

6. bermain peran sebagai penginterview dengan baik;

7. berbicara masalah pekerjaan dengan baik;

8. berbicara tentang perumahan dengan benar;

9. mengenal perumahan di luar negeri;

10. membandingkan perumahan di Indonesia dan di luar negeri.

3. Topik BBM 5 atau Speaking III A:

Unit 1 How to get a job;

• Looking for a job

• Finding a job

• An appointment for an interview

• Duties, hours, salary, and fringe benefit

• Applying for a job

• Calling about a job

• Sample interview questions

• Follow up after an interview

Unit 2 Banking services

• Opening a saving account

• Cashing a check

• My account overdraw


• Getting a loan

Unit 3 postal service




1.1. Text: Read the text, then discuss the information you get. You are

expected to be able to describe the content of the text orally.

In Britain there is special service for school leavers, which helps young

people who are looking for their first job. Careers officers give practical

advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, national

insurance and trade union. This is an extract from a leaflet which is

given to young people by Dorset Careers Service.

The interview

You’ve got an interview for a good job! So, now for the hard work, to do

well at an interview you need to put in some thought first.

The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you’ll be

asked about yourself. Think about it now.

What do I do well?

What are my good points?

Why would I like this job?

Spare time interest?

What is my family like?

School activities?

School subjects?

Previous work?

Saturday job?

What do I like doing and why?


What do not I like doing and why?

You will want to ask questions too.

The job itself?



Further education?


1.1.1. Exercise 1 Vocabulary: Please find out the meaning!

1. School leavers means …………

2. Officers means …………

3. Practical advice means …………

4. Extract means …………

5. A leaflet means …………

1.1.2. Answer these questions!

a. What is the function of the careers advisory service in Britain?

b. What do careers officers give to young people who are job


c. Is interview very important for the company when looking for

the employee?

d. What should you prepare before the interview?

e. Being the interview, can you ask questions like the job it self?

1.2. Dialogues 1.2.1. Dialogue 1


A : You look tired what have you been doing?

B : I’ve been looking for a job for 2 weeks now, but I can’t find


A : Did you check the want ads?

B : Yes, but they all say. They need someone with experience!

A : What about the state employment office? Have you gone there


B : Yes. I went there and left an application.

They told me to come back in a week.

A : Did they tell you about any job training programs?

B : Yes, they said that I could enroll in a training class. I can call

this number for information.

A : That’s a good idea. If you can’t get a job right away why not

learn a new skill?

1.2.2. Exercise 2

1. You look u……………y. Why?

2. I’ve been looking for a job, s………e last year.

3. The want ads is the a……………t………………t.

4. I wrote a letter of a ……………………n to that company.

5. They told me to ……come back next week.

1.2.3. Dialogue 2

Finding a job

A : I hear you got a job. How did you find it? I’ve been looking for

six months now and I haven’t found one yet.

B : I went over to the Ace Employment Agency.

A : That’s a Private Agency, isn’t it?

Doesn’t that cost a lot?

B : Yes 159 of my first year earnings, but it was worth if they

found me a good job that pays well.


A : Wow! That is a lot. Do you have to pay it all at once.

B : No. they said that I could pay them gradually over the twelve

month period. Exercise 3

Use the following words in your own sentences!

1. a) job b) job seeker

2. a) employment b) employer

3. a) agent b) employment agency

4. a) earn money b) spend money

5. a) at once b) gradually

1.2.4. Language focus:

Indirect statement

When you tell what somebody else said, the following verb changes


e.g. She is qualified → is becomes was.

What did he say?

He said she was qualified.

a) Is → become was

b) Are → were

c) Work → worked

d) Tried → had tried

e) Will → would

f) Can → could

g) May → might

h) Must → have to

e.g. :


He said : “Twiggy is thin”

He said twiggy was thin

He said : “They are experienced”

He said they were experienced

He said : “Tom work hard”

He said Tom worked hard

He said : “He tried it well”

He said he had tried

He said : “He will look for a job”

He said he would look for a job

He said ; “I can get a job”

He said he could get a job

He said : “She may come”

He said she might come

He said : “She may come”

He said she might come

He said : “I must work hard”

He said he had to work hard Exercise 4 Now you do the same!

1. She said : “I have been to the employment agency”


2. He said : “My father is a former”

3. Maria said : “I will be a secretary”

4. John said : “I must get a good job”

5. Tom said : “I make an appointment”

6. He said : “I will be interviewed”

7. She said : “I am public servant”

8. James said : “I can be the boss”

9. Andrew said : “They must describe their experience”

10. We said : “We are job seekers” Exercise 5

Read the job ads.

Clerical. Type 45 wpm,

Knowledge of office methods,

Procedures, and equip. Ability

to meet public. Good Sal, fringe

benefits. Apply Marine Corp. exchange.

10-2 Me RD Bldg 16 A

Answer the questions!

1. What kind of job does the company need?

2. What are the meaning of ; “type 45 wpm?”

3. What are the qualifications?

4. Is the salary good?

5. What is fringe benefit?

1.3. Dialogue 3 “An appointment for an interview”


A : This is Personnel, may I help you?

B : Yes, I’d like to inquire about the job opening for a clerk typist.

A : Have you failed an application form yet?

B : Yes. I turned it is last week. I am calling to make an

appointment for an interview, if possible.

A : Your name, please.

B : Mary Green.

A : Would tomorrow at 10 o’clock be all right?

B : That’s fine. Would you please tell me where you are located?

A : Down town in the Financial Building at 5th and C Room 211.

B : Excuse me. Whom should I ask for when I come in?

A : Just ask for the personnel manager at the front desk.

B : Thank you. I’ll be there tomorrow at 10.

1.3.1. Exercise 6

1. Who called? the personnel or the manager or Mary Green?

2. What kind of job does B want?

3. What does B call the company for?

4. What time will B come for the interview?

5. Where should B go?

1.3.2. Exercise 7

Study this : Tell me where you are located.

You : Where are you located?

Now you do the same orally!

1. Describe who he is.

You : Who ……………?

2. Please tell us where the key is.

You : Where ……………?

3. He wants to know why he comes late.


You : Why ……………?

4. I don’t know why she cries.

Why : Why ……………?

5. Would you tell me how many children you have?

You : How ……………?

6. Describe what education is?

You : What ……………?

7. The boss wanted to know why you wanted to work here.

You : Why ……………?

8. The interview asked where I was born.

You : Where ……………?

9. She then asked when I was born.

You : When ……………?

10. The interviewer asked how much the salary is.

You : How ……………?

1.4. Dialogue 4

A : My job counselor informed me that you might have a job

opening for a clerk typist. He told me to call you.

B : Yes, there could be an opening in a couple of weeks.

A : What are the qualifications for the job?

B : You have to know how to type and work a switch board.

A : Is it the temporary or permanent and what are the hours?

B : It’s a permanent full-time job from from 9 to 5, five days a


A : Can you tell me what the salary is?

B : The starting salary is $ 500, 000 including the basic fringe

benefit such as health insurance, sick leave, and paid


A : I am very interested in applying for the job.


B : I’ll send you an application the sooner you return it the

better chance you have.

1.4.1. Exercise 8

Write/say True (T) when the statement is true and write or say False (F)

when it is in correct.

1. A is expecting a job?

2. A is the job Counselor?

3. A doesn’t like to be a clerk typist

4. B is the applicant

5. B is the one who works in the employment agency

6. B is the counselor

7. B is the one who works in the company

8. A asks for the qualification for the jobs

9. The most important for the applicant he/she can type

10. The applicant should not know how to work in a switch board

11. The job is part time job

12. It’s full time job from 9 to 5

13. The starting salary is $ 500,000

14. A is interested in the job

15. The company offers the fringe benefit

1.4.2. Exercise 9 Complete the following sentences by using the word taken from the text,

and by observing the letter!

1. A is a job s…………r

2. The c…………………r of A told him to call the company

3. The t…………t is needed

4. It’s a p…………………t job


5. The employee will have F…………e benefits such as health

i…………………e, sick pay or sick leave and paid


1.4.3. Exercise 10 Complete this dialogue!

R : Have you seen your job counselor?

S : Yes, He told me to …………

R : Did he announce something

S : Oh yes. He informed me that I ………… opening

R : Good. Will you …………the company

S : Yes, I will ask about the salary, the ………… and the …………

R : I wish you good luck!

1.5. Dialogue 5

Job Interview

Interviewer : How long have you lived in San Diego?

Applicant : I’ve lived in San Diego just a few months, but I’ve

been in the US since last year.

Interviewer : How much education have you had?

Applicant : I receive my diploma in 1970 and have taken

several clerical courses since then

Interviewer : How did you work in an office before?

Applicant : Yes, I worked as a clerk typist in San Francisco for

6 months.

Interviewer : When would you be available to start?

Applicant : I can start immediately

Interviewer : If you don’t hear from us in a week, please give us a



Applicant : Thank you.

I’ve taken several clerical courses since then.

Now you do the same!

I’ve taken several …………………………




Have you worked in an office before?

Have you …………… before?

Driven a truck

Managed a restaurant

Waited on tables

Written letters

Done mechanical work

When would you be available to start?

When would you be available to ……………?

Come to work

Write the report

Have an interview

Take the job

1.5.1. Exercise 12 Complete the following dialogue!

I : Why d… you want to w……… in this company?

A : I want to h……… more experiences.

I read in the a…………t, in the news paper, the company will

give c………e to workers.

I : That is true. By the way, how much e…………………n have you



A : I receive my BA degree in 2000 and have taken c………………r

courses since then.

I : When would you be a v………………e to start?

A : I can start as ………n as p………………e.

I : I’ll give you a call later.

A : Thank you.

1.5.2. Exercise 13 Study the picture then answer the questions!


1. What is the man doing?

2. Is he a secretary or a personnel manager?

3. Does he look happy?

4. Who is the lady in front of him?

5. Is she the interviewer or the interviewee?

6. Does she look attractive?

7. What do you think she is?

8. Do you think she is the good candidate of the secretary?


9. Are you allowed to smoke during the interview?

10. If you are the interviewer which girl will you hire as the

secretary, the girl who is smoking or the other one?

11-15 complete the followings.

11. The other girl is …………… (=menarik)

12. She get dressed …………… (=dengan baik)

13. She is …………… (=sopan)

14. She looks ……………(=cerdas)

15. She ……………(=selalu tersenyum)

1.5.3. Exercise 14 and practice. A) Practice: Sit in pairs, ask and respond to the following questions.

1. How long have you lived in ……………?

2. How much education have you had?

3. Have you had any experience in this type of work?

4. What are your future plans?

5. When would you be available to start?

B) Exercise 15 Practice the following dialogue, supplying the appropriate answers (see

the sample).

A : ABC company. May I help you?

B : (Ask if the job for a clerk typist advertised in the paper is still


A : Yes, the job is still open. We will accept applications until


B : (Ask about the qualifications)

A : (Answer)

B : (Ask if it is full time or part time)

A : (Answer)

B : (Ask how you can apply for the job)


A : (Tell the person to come in and get an application and make

an appointment for an interview)

This is the sample interview questions. (Please learn them by heart)

(Anda harus membaca contoh ini dengan seksama, sebelum bertanya

jawab dengan kawan berlatih Anda).

1. Do you have any experience in this type of work?

2. Why did you leave your last job? Do you like it?

3. What hours are you available for work?

4. Why do you think you would like to work for this company?

5. Are you looking for a temporary or permanent job?

6. Why do you think you can handle this job?

7. What are your future career plans?

8. What salary do you expect?

9. Have you had any serious illness or injury?

10. Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?

11. How long did you work for your last employer?

12. What hobbies do you have?

13. Are you willing to work anywhere the company sends you?

14. Are you willing to work over time?

15. Tell me about your self.

1.5.4. Exercise 16 Answer these questions!

1. Do you have medical coverage or workers compensation. Does

it cover anyone else in my family?

2. How much vacation time and sick leave do I earn each year?

3. What is the starting salary?

4. What are the hours of the job?

5. What are the duties of the job?


1.6. Dialogue 6 After An Interview

A : I’m calling to inquire about the status of my application for the

position of clerk typist.

B : Have you had an interview yet?

A : Yes, I was interviewed three days ago and I haven’t heard

anything – The secretary said she would call me.

B : I’m sorry but I can’t find your application. Let me check. I

could have misplaced it by accident.

A : I was told the manager would make a decision today.

B : Oh, here it is. It was on the boss’s desk. I’m glad you called.

He says you’ve got the job. He wants you to start Monday.

A : Oh, what good news! I am so happy! I’ll be there Monday


(adapted from English Adult Competency)

1.6.1. Exercise 17 Please say that the following sentences are True (T) when it is correct

based on the dialogue 6 or say False (F) when it is not correct.

1. The applicant wants to be the secretary

2. B is calling to ask about the status of his application

3. It is A who is the applicant not B

4. A has been interviewed

5. A was interviewed last month

6. The secretary did not say anything to A

7. The name of the applicant is Mary Smith

8. B hid the application of the applicant

9. A is the successful job seeker

10. A or Lee Smith will work on Monday and he is very happy


1.6.2. Exercise 18 Grammar review

Choose the correct answer!

1. Let me (find out, found out, finding out) the solution of the


2. He said he (get, gets, got) the job.

3. She says she (was, is, were) the personnel manager.

4. He had sent the letter of application before he (calls, was

calling, called) the personnel manager.

5. How long (have you been working, did you work, do you work)

in this company?

1.6.3. Exercise 19 Use the following words/expressions in your own sentences!

1. apply for

2. letter of application

3. job seeker

4. personnel manager

5. interview

6. applicant

7. current job

8. fringe benefit

9. employment counselor

10. manager

1.6.4. Tes formatif 1 Choose the best answer.

Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban yang ada pada bagian akhir modul (BBM) ini.


1. The Careers Advisory service in Britain help …………to get the


A. seekers B. workers

C. employers D. school leavers

2. They give …………on interview.

A. exercise B. practical

C. key D. practice

3. Before the interview the applicant should prepare the

information relating to …………

A. previous work B. extra job

C. school teacher D. school syllabus

4. Please check the …………ad.

A. super sale B. extra job

C. manager D. want ad

5. I going to the …………is helpful.

A. employment agency B. employer

C. agent D. employee

6. I want to make a journey = I want to …………

A. worker B. the boss

C. applicant D. employer

7. The opposite of to spend money is to …………

A. save B. deposit

C. earn D. to use

8. He said :”I get the job”


He said that …………

A. I got the job B. he gets the job

C. he got the job D. he was got the job

9. She said :”I have been to the employment agency”

She said that she …………

A. Has been to the employment agency

B. Had been to the employment agency

C. Have been to the employment agency

D. Had to the employment agency

10. You plat it at once. The synonym of at once is …………

A. soon B. later

C. immediate D. one time

11. Please tell me …………

A. what is your name B. who is your name

C. immediate D. who your name is

12. I ………… just now

A. have to arrive B. arrive

C. arrived D. was arrived

13. A : Borobudur restaurant ………… you?

B : Certainly. I am calling about the information about the


A. have to arrive B. arrive

C. arrived D. was arrived

14. K : …………before you came here?

L : Yes, I had.

A. Did you B. Had you

C. Had you worked D. had you working


15. The personnel manager asked ………...

A. to tell her about my experience

B. to cash a check

C. if I will write a letter of application

D. who my name was

Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik


Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif yang ada pada bagian akhir BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi. Rumus = yang betul x 2 x 100 % 3

Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran berikutnya. Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulangnya.



2.1. Describe the following picture! Complete the following sentences

and add some more!

This is the ……………, It is …………… o’clock in the morning and there

……………before they are asked to see the …………… The notice “Wait

here” means …………… there are two tables, one is for …………… and

the other one is for the customer who ……………

2.2. Dialogue

Opening A Saving Account

A : I’d late to open a saving account, please.

B : I’ll get you the application blanks. How much would you like to


A : To start off. I’d like to deposit $ 50

B : Please fill out this deposit slip

A : How often may I withdraw money?


B : You may make three withdrawals each quarter without

charge. If your balance is less than $ 500, each additional

withdrawal costs 50 cents

A : What is the interest rate?

B : It’s 5,25%

A : Just think – if I had $ 100 in the bank I would make over $ in


B : That’s right, it’s profitable to save your money

2.2.1. Exercise 20 Find out the meaning of the underlined words!

1. to open a saving account = ……………

2. the application blanks = ……………

3. to deposit = ……………

4. the deposit slip = ……………

5. to withdraw money = ……………

6. the interest rate = ……………

7. profitable = ……………

8. teller = ……………

2.2.2. Exercise 21 Practice orally! I’ll get you ……………………

a) the application blanks

b) the deposit slips

c) withdrawal slip

I’ll get …………………… for you

a) the application blanks

b) the deposit slips

c) withdrawal slips

Fill out ……………………

a) the deposit slip for me


b) application slips for me

c) contract

d) the paper for the manager

It’s profitable to ……………………

a) save your money

b) invest your money

c) own your own business

2.3. Cashing a check

A : Did you get the groceries?

B : I could it cash the check that Joe gave me and I didn’t have

enough cash.

A : Why couldn’t you? Didn’t you have identification?

B : Yes. I had my driver’s license and a credit card but they said

they couldn’t accept a two-party check.

Joe made the check out to me instead of to the store.

A : How are you supposed to cash it then?

B : I guess I’ve got to the bank if I had known this before. I

wouldn’t have wasted my time.

2.3.1. Exercise 22 Answer the following questions!

1. Have you been to the bank?

2. What is a check?

3. What is the importance of traveller’s check?

4. Where can you cash the check?

5. look at the dialogue, who couldn’t cash the check, A or B?

6. How do you say KTP in English? What does ATM stand for?

7. have you got driving license?

8. Do you need identity card or driving license to open a saving



9. have you opened a saving account?

10. Have you deposited the money at the bank?

2.4. Is My Account Overdrawn

Customer : Could you please tell me what my balance is? I

think my account might be over drawn.

Teller : Just a minute, I’ll look it up your balance is $ 3.23.

Customer : Oh, my gosh, I just wrote a check for $ 25.00 this

morning I’d better make a deposit.

Teller : Do you have a deposit slip?

Customer : Not yet. I want to know if I can transfer money from

my savings account into my checking account.

Teller : Yes. First of all, fill out a savings withdrawal slip.

Then make out a deposit slip for checking account.

Customer : My account won’t be overdrawn, will it?

Teller : Don’t worry. It usually takes a little while for the

check to clear.

Customer : That’s a relief. I can’t afford any extra service

charges this month.

2.4.1. Exercise 23 and practice. Please learn by heart the followings!

I’d better = I had better

I’d better make deposit.

I’d better endorse a check.

I’d better find out my balance.

I’d better get a safety deposit box.

I’ve got to make a deposit.

I want to know if I can transfer money from my savings account.

I want to know if I can cash this check.

I want to know if I can take out a loan.


I want to know if I can sign here.

It usually takes a little while for the check to clear.

It usually takes a few days for the loan to go through.

It usually takes two weeks for the office to process your loan.

I can’t afford any extra service charges this month.

I can’t afford to pay for the car.

2.4.2. Exercise 24. Vocabulary: Put the correct word taken from the box!

a. my balance

b. my account

c. over drawn

d. deposit slip

e. can’t afford

1. I …………to buy a new car

2. Could you please tell me what …………is?

3. Is ………… in balance?

4. Do you have a …………?

5. I am afraid my account is …………

2.4.3. Exercise 25 Role play the following conversation and fill out the form below! (=bermain peran : perankan percakapan berikut ini dan isilah isian ini).

Teller : May I help you?

Customer : (Ask your balance)

Teller : Your balance is $ 2.20

Customer : (Ask to transfer money from your savings into your



Teller : (Tell the customer to fill out a savings withdrawal

slip and a deposit slip)

Customer : (Ask if you will be overdrawn)

Teller : No. It usually takes time for the check to clear.

2.5. Getting A Loan

A : I’d like to get some information about loan.

B : What kind of loan?

A : I need $ 1.200 so that I can pay my dental bill.

B : That would be a personal loan.

A : How do I apply for one?

B : You must complete an application and then your credit will

and then your credit will be checked.

A : How much time would I have to pay it off?

B : That varies, but usually personal loans are paid monthly over

a three-year period.

A : What about the interest rate?

B : The annual percentage of interest adds up to about 17%.

A : Wow! I bought a new car and only paid 12% interest.

B : We have a variety of loan plants, why don’t you come in and

talk with us?

2.5.1. Exercise 25 and practice Please learn these sentences by heart!

(Hafalkan kalimat-kalimat ini).

Your credit will be checked.

Your references will be checked.

Your loan application will be approved.

Your payment will be recorded.

They will check your credit.

They will check your clearance.


They will approve your loan.

They will record your payment.

Why don’t you come in and talk with us?

Why don’t you get a personal loan?

Why don’t you get a home improvement loan?

I need $ 1.200 so that I can pay my dental bill.

I need $ 1.200 to pay my dental bill.

2.5.2. Exercise 26 A. Answer these questions!

1. What is the meaning of loan?

2. What kind of loan does A want to know?

3. How much does A want to pay the dental bill?

4. What is the meaning of interest? (2 meanings, please)

6. Your loan application will be approved means the bank


B. Language focus: Do as the example! Example: They will check your credit = your credit will be checked.

Now you do the same!

1. They’ll approved your loan.

2. They’ll record your payment.

3. The manager will give information.

4. He will withdraw the money.

7. He will pay 12% interest.

8. Maria will endorse a check.

9. I will get a safety deposit box.

10. He will bank his mail.

11. I will write a check for $ 50.


2.5.3. Exercise 27 Conversation practice!

(Anda diharapkan bekerja berpasangan dan bermain peran sesuai

dengan petunjuk)

Teller : May I help you?

Customer : (Ask for information about a loan)

Teller : What kind of loan would you like?

Customer : (Explain what you need for)

Teller : (Explain what kind of loan the customer needs)

Customer : (Ask how long you have to pay it off)

Teller : Usually you pay monthly over a three year period

Customer : (Ask about the interest rate)

Teller : (Tell the interest rate)

Customer : (Say that you will come in to talk about it)

2.5.4. Tes formatif 2 Answer the following questions!

1. Describe the bank that you have visited (5 sentences)

2. What do people go to the bank for? (5 answers)

3. Please ask questions based on the following guidance :

a) Ask for information about a loan

b) Ask about the interest rate

c) Tell the employee that you want to deposit money

d) Ask for information about your balance

e) Tell the teller that you would withdraw some money

Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban yang ada pada bagian akhir modul (BBM) ini.


Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik

Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif yang ada pada bagian akhir BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi. Rumus = yang betul (no.1) X 2 = … (no.2) X 2 = … (no.3) X 2 = … Jumlah 1+2+3 x 100% 3

Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran KB 3. Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulang KB 2.




3.1. Tracing A Lost Package

A : I sent a package to my mother in the Philippines a month ago,

and she hasn’t received it yet.

B : It should have gotten there by now. Did you insure it?

A : No, I didn’t. Would it be possible for you to put a tracer on it?

B : We can try, but I can’t guarantee anything. You should have

insured it.

A : I guess I should have insured it. But I took it for granted, it


B : Just fill out this form, please.

A : I’d also like to send this package to Japan. Can I send it by

the small package rate?

B : I’m sorry, it won’t go

A : Why not?

B : In order to go by the small package rate, it must be under 2

pounds and no bigger than 36 inches in length, width, and


A : Boy, today is not my day-I’ll go home and repack it.

3.2. Vocabulary

To receive =

To trace =

Tracer =

To guarantee =

Should have insured =

In order to =

Length, width, and thickness =


3.3. Exercise 28 Find out the meaning of those words in Indonesian!

e.g. to receive = menerima

to trace = ………… 3.4. Exercise 29 Answer the following questions!

1. To whom did A send a package?

2. Where did A’s mother live?

3. Has A’s mother receive it?

4. Did A insure the package?

5. Have you been to the post office?

(6, 7, 8, 9, 10) : Describe the picture.

e.g. 6. This is …………, there are …………

3.5. Exercise 30 Complete the following dialogue!


Clerk : Good morning can …………you?

K : Certainly I would like to buy ………… (=amplop2) and

some ………… (=perangko).

Clerk : What kinds of ………… (=perangko)

K : I’d like to send express delivery …………(=surat) to


Clerk : Anything else?

K : No, …………to send does it ………… to send a letter to

Indonesia from Melbourne.

Clerk : Around 3 days

K : Thank you.

3.6. Tes formatif 3. I. Answer these questions!

1. What do you need if you want to write letters?

2. What does S.M.S stand for?

3. Do you frequently send S.M.S?

4. Have you been to GPO (General Post Office)?

5. Could you show me the way to the nearest post office/ (please


II. Please translate into Indonesia!

1. The postal service is very good here.

2. We do not have to go to the GPO, there is a branch office


3. The postman comes twice a day

4. for registered letters, you have to go to counter 10.

5. Could you tell me where the mail box is?

Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban yang ada pada bagian akhir modul (BBM) ini.


Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik

Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif yang ada pada bagian akhir BBM ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi. Rumus = setiap soal bobotnya 10 dari I dan II e.g. betul 6 dari I dan II berarti nilainya 60=60%

Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran Bahan Belajar Mandiri 6. Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulang KB 3.



1.1.1. Exercise 1 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban, silahkan lihat kamus) 1.3. Exercise 2

a) To help young people, who are looking for their first job

b) They give practical advice

c) Yes, it is

d) First, we have to dress well, to answer the questions politely,

To tell our experiences, to describe our future.

e) Yes, we can ask about the salary.

1.2.2. Exercise 2

1. unhappy

2. since

3. advertisement

4. application

5. to Exercise 3 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) Exercise 4

1. She said he had been to the employment agency.

2. He said his father was a farmer.

3. Maria said she would be a secretary

4. John said he had to get a good job.

5. Tom said he made an appointment.

6. She said he would be interviewed.

7. She said she was public servant.

8. James said he can be the boss.

9. Andrew said they had to describe their experience.

10. We said we were job seekers.

37 Exercise 5 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

1.3.1. Exercise 6 1. Mary Green

2. A clerk typist

3. Far an interview

4. 10 o’clock

5. down town ………. (see the dialogue)

1.3.2. Exercise 7 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

1.4.1. Exercise 8 1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. F

11. F

12. T

13. T

14. T

15. T

1.4.2. Exercise 9

1. Seeker

2. Counselor

3. Typist

4. Permanent

5. Fringe, insurance, vacation


1.4.3. Exercise 10 To meet him

I could find the job opening

Will you apply for

The fringe benefit and the insurance

1.5.1. Exercise 12

I : did – work

A : have – advert – chances

I : education

A : computer

I : available

A : soon – possible

1.5.2. Exercise 13 (cek dengan tutor )

1.5.3. Exercise 14 (A). (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 1.5.3. Exercise 15

B. B : Is the job for a clerk typist advertised in the paper still open

B : Could you tell me about the qualification for the job?

A : You have to know how to type and to operate computer

B : Is it full time or part time job?

A : It is full time job

B : How could I apply for the job?

A : Please come and get an application and make an appointment for an


1.5.4. Exercise 16 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

1.6.1. Exercise 17

1. F

2. F

3. T


4. T

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. F

9. T

10. T 1.6.2. Exercise 18

1. find out

2. got

3. is

4. called

5. have you been working

1.6.3. Exercise 19 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

2.2.1. Exercise 20 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

2.2.2. Exercise 21 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban)

2.3.1. Exercise 22

1. Yes, I have / no, I haven’t

2. A check is cek uang (surat berharga)

3. a) It is safer b) it is easy to carry

4. In the bank

5. B

6. Identity card

7. ATM = Automatic Teller Machine

8. I.D. card

9. Yes, I have / No, I haven’t

10. Yes, I have / No, I haven’t

2.4.1. Exercise 23 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 2.4.2. Exercise 24


1. e

2. a

3. b

4. d

5. c

2.4.3. Exercise 25 (role play: Anda harus menghafal) 2.5.1. Exercise 26 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 2.5.2. Exercise 27 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 2.5.3. Exercise 28 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 3.4. Exercise 29 (tidak disediakan kunci jawaban) 3.5. Exercise 30

Clerk : can I help you?

K : envelopes and some stamps

Clerk : stamps

K : letter

K : you are

K : how long does it take 1.6.4. Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 1

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. A


12. C

13. B

14. C

15. C 2.5.4. Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 2

1. Tidak disediakan jawaban

2. to deposit money

to save money

to cash money

to ask for money

to ask for information

3. a) Would you like to tell me about a loan?

b) What is the interest rate if I deposit Rp. 80.000.000,-?

c) I would like to deposit some money. May I have the deposit slip?

d) What is my balance?

e) I’d like to withdraw some money 3.6. Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 3

I.1. I need pieces of paper, some envelopes, stamps.

2. Short message service

3. Yes, I do / no I don’t

4. Yes I have / no I haven’t

5. Certainly. Go on until you come to the cross road, turn left, it is in the corner

of the street.

I.1. pelayanan pos sangat baik disini

2. Kami tidak perlu pergi ke GPO, ada cabang kantor pos didekat sini

3. Tukang pos datang dua kali

4. Untuk surat tercatat, Anda harus ke kaunter 10.

5. Dapatkah Anda memberitahu dimana kotak pengeposan surat?



my balance : saldo

my account : rekening saya

over drawn : rekening giro saldonya kosong/kurang

deposit slip : slip deposito

can’t afford : saya tidak mampu


Alexander, L.G. And Kings Bury, R, (1980). Main Line. Longman: Longman Ltd. Departemen of National Education. (2004). The 2004 Curriculum. Jakarta. Habey, B. (1971). Everyday English Conversation. Jakarta: Centre Publishing

Company. Hartley, B and Viney, P, (1983). Streamline, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Keltner, A Howard L and Lee, F. (1981). English For Adult Competency. New Jersey:

Prentice Hall. Long, M.N. and Richard. J. C (1988). Break Through. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Swan, Michael and Walter, Chaterine. (1984). Improve Your English. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. Mulyana, K. (2004). Teaching English Communicatively based on C-B-C.

(Unpublished Paper) Swales, J.M. (1991). Genre Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
