Page 1: BULETIN - APLINDO N0.45/2015, Juni - Juli 2015 Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia Gedung Manggala Wanabakti

BULETIN APLINDO N0.45/2015, Juni - Juli 2015

Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia

Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok IV Lantai 3 Ruang 303A

Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Telp. 021.573 3832 ; 571 0486; Fax : 021.572 1328

Email : [email protected] Web Site :


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No. Uraian Halaman

1. Pengantar Redaksi 2

2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Menurun 3

3. Penurunan Aktivitas Produksi Industri Manufaktur 7

4. Kontroversi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 11

5. Data Industri Pengecoran China tahun 2014 13

7. Workshop Die Design 2015 14

8. Resource Optimisation and Energy Efficiency 15

9. Aluminium low-pressure wheel production end to end Solutions 18

10. Data Kendaraan Bermotor 1. Data kendaraan bermotor roda 4 Di Indonesia & ASEAN

2. Data kendaraan bermotor roda 2 Di Indonesia & ASEAN

33 33

11. Informasi Umum dan Pameran 1. Website pemerintah yang dapat diakses

2. Website Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia 3. Website Himpunan Ahli Pengecoran Logam Indonesia 4. Pameran dan Seminar


39 39 39

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Pengantar Redaksi

Pada edisi 45/2015 ini, membahas data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dari berbagai sektor

industri selama triwulan Ke dua 2015, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara umum

menunjukkan penurunan yang cukup serius. Pada kuartal II 2015 pertumbuhan ekonomi

Indonesia menyentuh 4,67 persen (year on year), menurun dibanding kuartal II 2014 yang

tumbuh 5,03 persen (year on year) dan kuartal I 2015 yang tumbuh 4,72 persen (year on


Demikian pula dengan Ekspor Impor Indonesia bulan Juli 2015 juga mengalami penurunan,

terutama penurunan yang terjadi pada bahan impor baku/penolong yang merefleksikan

industri di dalam negeri tengah terjadi penurunan aktifitas produksi yang berarti terjadi

deindustrialisasi dan industri mulai melakukan pengurangan tenaga kerja.

Dalam edisi ini dimuat data produk casting di dunia yang menggambarkan perkembangan

dan pertumbuhan produk casting dari 31 negara dan data kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia

dan ASEAN.

Selanjutnya kami mengharapkan agar buletin ini menjadi media antar anggota maupun

antar industri pengecoran didalam negeri dan diluar negeri. Harapan kami, seluruh anggota

dapat mengisi buletin ini menjadi kenyataan.

Redaksi buletin APLINDO menghimbau anggota APLINDO berpartisipasi dalam mengisi

tulisan/artikel, data maupun informasi lain yang berhubungan dengan industri pengecoran

logam. Naskah tulisan/artikel dapat dikirim ke sekretariat APLINDO, melalui email ataupun



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Pemerintah Indonesia merevisi pertumbuhan ekonomi hingga akhir 2015 menjadi 5,2%

setelah sebelumnya diperkirakan pada angka 5,4%. Langkah ini diambil karena melihat

berbagai kondisi terakhir yang terjadi di tanah air yang mengalami perlambatan ekonomi.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada triwulan II 2015 tumbuh sebesar 4,67 persen secara

year on year, Pertumbuhan ini menurun dibanding kuartal II 2014 yang tumbuh 5,03

persen dan kuartal I 2015 yang tumbuh 4,72 persen.

Tabel 1 :

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Bila diukur berdasarkan besaran Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) atas dasar harga berlaku

triwulan II-2015 perekonomian Indonesia mencapai Rp.2.866,9 triliun dan atas dasar harga

konstan 2010 triwulan II-2015 mencapai Rp.2.239,3 triliun (Tabel 1)

Tabel 2 :

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Meskipun pertumbuhan ekonomi pada Triwulan II tahun 2015 melambat atau relatif

stagnan terhadap Triwulan I tahun 2015 (lihat Tabel 2), Pemerintah Jokowi optimis kondisi

ekonomi ke depan akan semakin membaik, Pemerintah akan terus bekerja keras untuk

menggenjot belanja Negara, stabilisasi harga, dan menarik investasi untuk mengatasi

ekonomi jangka pendek serta ke depan reindustrialisasi menjadi pilihan utama.

Saat ini struktur perekonomian Indonesia pada triwulan II-2015 secara spasial masih

didominasi oleh kelompok provinsi di Pulau Jawa yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar

terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) yakni sebesar 58,35 persen yang diikuti oleh Pulau

Sumatera sebesar 22,31 persen dan Pulau Kalimantan 8,22 persen (lihat grafik 1)

Grafik 1

Peranan Pulau Dalam Pembentukan PDB Nasional Triwulan II 2015 (Persen)

Bila dilihat dari penciptaan sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia triwulan II 2015,

Industri Pengolahan memiliki sumber pertumbuhan tertinggi sebesar 0,96%, Pertanian,

Kehutanan dan Perikanan sebesar 0,91%, Kontruksi sebesar 0,51% dan Informasi dan

Komunikasi sebesar 0,43% (lihat Grafik.2)

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Penurunan Aktivitas Produksi Industri Manufaktur

di Indonesia

Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), menunjukkan kinerja ekspor-impor menurun,

Nilai ekspor Indonesia Juli 2015 mencapai USD 11,41 miliar atau mengalami penurunan

sebesar 15,53 persen dibanding ekspor Juni 2015 dan dibanding Juli 2014 mengalami

penurunan sebesar 19,23 persen.

Secara kumulatif nilai ekspor Indonesia Januari-Juli 2015 mencapai USD 89,76 miliar atau

menurun 12,81 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun 2014, demikian juga ekspor

nonmigas mencapai USD 78,37 miliar atau menurun 7,55 persen.

Menurut sektor, ekspor nonmigas hasil industri pengolahan periode Januari

sebesar 7,65 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun 2014, dan ekspor hasil tambang

dan lainnya turun 8,84 persen, sementara ekspor hasil pertanian naik sebesar 0,02 persen

Tabel 1 : Nilai Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Sektor Januari – Juli 2015

Grafik 1 : Nilai Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Sektor Januari – Juli 2015


Nilai FOB (Juta USD) Perubahan

Jan-Juli 2015

thdp 2014 (%)

Peran thdp

Total Jan-Juli

2015 (%) Jan-Juli 2014 Jan-Juli 2015

Total Ekspor 102.948,7 89.760,4 -12,81 100,00

Migas 18.181,5 11.391,4 -37,35 12,69

Non Migas 84.767,2 78.369,0 -7,55 87,31

- Pertanian 3.131,2 3.131,7 0,02 3,49

- Industri Pengolahan 68.506,5 63.268,4 -7,65 70,49

- Pertambangan dan lainnya 13.129,5 11.968,9 -8,84 13,33

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Nilai impor Indonesia Juli 2015 mencapai US$10,08 miliar atau turun 22,36 persen dibanding

Juni 2015, demikian pula bila dibanding Juli 2014 turun 28,44 persen dan secara kumulatif

nilai impor Januari–Juli 2015 mencapai US$84,03 miliar atau turun 19,23 persen dibanding

periode yang sama tahun 2014. Nilai impor golongan barang konsumsi, bahan

baku/penolong, dan barang modal selama Januari Juli 2015 mengalami penurunan

dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya masing-masing sebesar 14,10 persen;

20,45 persen; dan 15,66 persen.

Tabel 2 : Nilai Impor Indonesia Menurut Sektor Januari – Juli 2015

Golongan Penggunaan


Nilai CIF (Juta USD) Perubahan (%) Peran


total Impor

Jan-Juli 2015










Juli 2015


Jun 2015

Jan- Juli 2015


Jan- Juli 2014

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Total Impor 12.978,1 10.076,5 104.035,4 84.025,9 -22,36 -19,23 100,00

Barang Konsumsi 1.027,9 706,1 7.134,9 6.129,0 -31,31 -14,10 7,30

Bahan Baku/Penolong 9.773,5 7.681,2 79.911,6 63.567,8 -21,41 -20,45 75,65

Barang Modal 2.176,7 1.689,2 16.988,9 14.329,1 -22,40 -15,66 17,05

Grafik 2 : Nilai Impor Indonesia Menurut Sektor Januari – Juli 2015

Kondisi tersebut disebabkan akibat melemah daya saing industri, melemahnya permintaan

baik dari dalam negeri maupun ekspor, melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar yang

saat ini tembus diangka Rp.13.998,- dan tingginya harga energi sehingga pengurangan

aktivitas (kapasitas produksi) manufaktur tidak dapat terhindarkan (lihat table).

Penurunan aktivitas manufaktur yang meliputi produksi dan permintaan pada Juni 2015

tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia tapi juga terjadi di sejumlah negara dari Asia Tengah, Asia

Timur hingga Asia Tenggara.

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Table 3 : Aktivitas Penurunan Produksi Di Indonesia

Sumber : Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB)

Industri merupakan sektor dalam penopang ekonomi negara dan apabila penurunan

aktivitas produksi ini tidak segera diatasi akan membuat Perekonomian Indonesia berada

diambang krisis ekonomi seiring dengan Kondisi ekonomi Indonesia saat ini lesu dan


Beberapa indikator awal yang menunjukkan krisis ekonomi, antara lain :

1. Nilai tukar rupiah yang terus merosot,

2. Daya beli masyarakat yang semakin melemah,

3. Harga-harga barang semakin tak terjangkau,

4. Terjadi peningkatan pengangguran sebesar 0,11 persen dan

5. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diperkirakan hanya 4,2 persen pada kuartal II tahun 2015


Bila kondisi ini tidak segera diatasi pemerintah, maka Indonesia akan menghadapi ancaman

serius krisis ekonomi 2015, yang jauh lebih dahsyat dibandingkan krisis 1997/1998, karena

faktor keuangan dan perdagangan yang akan membuat pukulan ganda yang mengakibatkan

defisit perdagangan, defisit modal, defisit neraca pembayaran Indonesia dan defisit


Sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi keadaan perekonomian ini APLINDO yang juga tergabung

dalam FIPGB (Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi) terus menyuarakan kepada Pemerintah

Reorientasi Kebijakan Ekonomi Negara bukan hanya Infrastruktur tetapi juga infrastruktur

Industri yang bisa bersaing seperti energi dan pengembangan sumber daya alam (besi dan


No. Industri Penurunan (%)

1. Industri Petrokimia 40 - 50

2. Industri Komponen Kendaraan Bermotor 30 - 60

3. Industri Tekstil 30

4. Industri Semen 5

5. Industri Keramik 30 - 40

6. Industri Pengecoran Logam 30 - 60

7. Industri Baja 70

8. Industri Pupuk -

9. Industri Kaca Lembaran Pengaman 20

No. Konsumsi Industri Penurunan (%)

1. Penggunaan listrik oleh industri menurun (PLN) 11

2. Penggunaan gas bumi oleh industri menurun (PGN) 15

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a. Kebijakan pengembangan sumber daya alam

Kebijakan pengolahan SDA terutama besi dan alumunium Sangat dibutuhkan untuk

mendukung sector infrastruktur dan sector industri karena dengan ketersedian SDA ini,

Indonesia tidak akan tergantung dengan impor bahan baku terutama besi dan

alumunium sehingga tidak menggangu deficit transaksi berjalan Indonesia.

b. Kebijakan energi nasional

Dalam kebijakan energi nasional perlu dibentuk pemikiran bahwa energi tidak

dikembangkan sebagai komoditas tapi sebagai pendorong pembangunan ekonomi, maka

kebijakan yang harus diambil bukan sekedar menjual tetapi mengkonversinya menjadi

nilai tambah seperti bahan baku industri, listrik atau bahan bakar aktivitas komersial


Reorientasi kebijakan industri ini perlu dibangun dan ditingkatkan dengan ketersediaan

sumber energi yang murah dan dukungan lainnya, yaitu dengan memberikan tarif energi

khusus industri, baik gas dan listrik agar industri dalam negeri bisa lebih kompetitif dari

Negara lain sehingga lndonesia akan dapat menghadapi pasar bebas Asean dan akan

tercipta ketahanan industri dalam negeri serta akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi


Hal ini juga telah disampaikan oleh Menteri Perindustrian, Saleh Husein, bahwa dengan

telah terbentuknya pemikiran yang sama dalam kebijakan energi nasional, pemerintah

perlu harus segera bahwa menyesuaikan harga di Tanah Air agar dapat bersaing dengan

negara tetangga.

Kendati Kementerian ESDM sepaham dengan dengan Kementerian Perindustrian terkait

dengan penggunanaan gas sebagai modal pembangunan, namun Menteri ESDM

menyatakan bahwa penurunan harga gas ditegaskan tidak dapat tercapai dalam jangka


Kemungkinan penurunan aktifitas industri khususnya untuk wilayah Sumatera Utara

akan semakin dalam karena adanya penyesuai harga gas bumi yang dilakukan oleh PT.

PGN Tbk yang diberlakukan mulai tanggal 1 Agustus 2015 dengan harga Rp.167.600,-

per MMBTU ditambah Rp.750,- per M3 untuk tariff K1 dan untuk tariff K2 .167.600,- per

MMBTU ditambah Rp.770,-. Kenaikan ini tentunya membuat industri-industri di Sumatera

Utara semakin berat dan tidak akan mampu untuk bersaing.


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Kontroversi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2015)

Pemerintah menetapkan besaran iuran pensiun BPJS Ketenagakerjaan yaitu 3 persen dari

gaji pokok karyawan dengan porsi pembagian 2 persen dibayarkan oleh perusahaan dan 1

persen dibayarkan oleh pekerja sesuai dengan kondisi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dan

tidak akan memengaruhi kondisi keuangan perusahaan. Besaran iuran tersebut akan direvisi

secara bertahap selama tiga tahun sekali sampai 8 persen. Kenaikan iuran ini nanti bakal

terus disesuaikan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Saat ini, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan telah mengelola dana jaminan pensiun sekitar Rp 203 triliun.

Mereka menargetkan pada tahun 2019 sekitar Rp 500 triliun. Sementara itu, jumlah

pesertanya per Mei 2015 mencapai 17,16 juta peserta dan ditargetkan bakal mencapai 64

juta peserta pada tahun 2019. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan ini bakal efektif dilaksanakan pada

tanggal 1 Juli 2015.

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan telah menyiapkan 11 kantor wilayah, 121 kantor cabang, dan 203

kantor perintis serta menjalin kerja sama dengan bank dan agen untuk mempermudah

pendaftaran dan pembayaran iuran. Total lokasi yang disiapkan ada lebih dari 200.000 titik

yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Namun Kelahiran Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan per 1 Juli

langsung menuai kehebohan dengan adanya perubahan batas minimal pencairan Jaminan

Hari Tua (JHT) yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2015

Penyelenggara Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT).

Dalam aturan baru tersebut, pemerintah mengubah aturan pencairan JHT dari 5 tahun

menjadi minimal 10 tahun masa kepesertaan di BPJS berdasarkan UU No 40 Tahun 2004

tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional Pasal 37 Ayat ayat (3) : Pembayaran manfaat

jaminan hari tua dapat diberikan sebagian sampai batas tertentu setelah kepesertaan

mencapai minimal 10 (sepuluh) tahun.

Manfaat iuran pensiun ini baru bisa ditarik setelah 10 tahun dengan nilai 40 persen dari

rata-rata upah yang didapat yakni 30 persen untuk biaya perumahan 10 persen pencairan,

bila peserta meninggal dunia, hasilnya dialihkan kepada ahli waris, yaitu istri, dengan nilai

70 persen dari manfaat pasti yang seharusnya diterima. Peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan baru

bisa mencairkan seluruh dana JHT jika sudah berusia 56 tahun, meninggal dunia, atau cacat


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Aturan tersebut membuat keresahan di masyarakat yang merasa diperlakukan dengan idak

adil dan banyak mendapat protes serta penolakan masif dari para pekerja, terutama

mereka yang sudah tidak bekerja dan mengharapkan uang JHT tersebut cair setelah lima

tahun masa kepesertaan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan yang selama ini, peserta Jamsostek

biasanya bisa mencairkan seluruh dananya setelah menjadi peserta minimal 5 tahun.

Dengan timbulnya gejolak dimasyarakat Presiden Jokowi telah revisi Peraturan Pemerintah

(PP) Nomor 46 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyelenggara Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) dengan PP

no.60 tahun 2015.

"Perubahan peraturan ini dilakukan untuk mengakomodir kondisi ketenagakerjaan nasional

dan aspirasi yang berkembang di masyarakat, khususnya yang terkait dengan pengaturan

manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua bagi pekerja/buruh"

Dalam aturan-aturan baru tersebut, mulai 1 September 2015, JHT bisa dicairkan sesuai

besaran saldo dalam waktu satu bulan setelah para pekerja yang berhenti bekerja, terkena

PHK, meninggal dunia, Pekerja yang mengalami cacat tetap dan pekerja yang sudah

mencapai usia 56 tahun.

Dalam PP No. 60 Tahun 2015 ada dua pasal yang dirubah yaitu :

a. Pasal pertama mengubah materi Pasal 26 PP terdahulu. Perubahan memuat lima ayat.

Berdasarkan revisi, manfaat JHT dibayarkan kepada peserta apabila (a) peserta

mencapai usia pensiun; (b) peserta mengalami cacat total tetap; atau (c) peserta

meninggal dunia. Dalam penjelasan disebutkan „mencapai usia pensiun‟ termasuk

peserta yang berhenti bekerja. Ayat lain perubahan itu mengatur subjek yang akan

menerima pembayaran JHT jika peserta mengalami kondisi tertentu. Jika peserta

meninggal dunia, misalnya, manfaat JHT diberikan kepada ahli warisnya.

b. Pasal kedua (Pasal II) PP No. 60 Tahun 2015 mengatur masa berlaku PP, yakni pada

tanggal diundangkan. Juga mengatur perintah pengundangan. Menteri Hukum dan HAM

Yasonna H. Laoly sudah mengundangkan PP pada Lembaran Negara pada 12 Agustus


Selain itu, PP 60 Tahun 2015 juga menjelaskan soal pengaturan pencairan manfaat JHT bagi

pekerja/buruh yang mencapai usia pensiun, mengalami cacat total tetap dan meninggal

dunia termasuk yang mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) atau berhenti bekerja.

Tata cara dan pembayaran manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua diatur lebih lanjut secara detail

dengan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 19 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan

Pembayaran Manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua.

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Peraturan baru mengenai tata cara pencairan JHT itu menyebutkan persyaratan bagi

peserta yang akan mengambil manfaat JHT adalah apabila Peserta yang berhenti bekerja

karena mengundurkan diri, terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja dan meninggalkan

Indonesia untuk selama-lamanya.

Pemberian manfaat JHT bagi Peserta yang mengundurkan diri dibayarkan secara tunai dan

sekaligus setelah melewati masa tunggu satu bulan terhitung sejak tanggal surat keterangan

pengunduran diri dari perusahaan diterbitkan.

Selain itu, pencairan manfaat JHT dapat juga diambil selama peserta aktif dengan catatan

masa kepesertaan minimal 10 tahun dan manfaat JHT dapat diberikan paling banyak 30

persen dari jumlah JHT yang peruntukkannya untuk kepemilikan rumah atau paling banyak

10 persen untuk keperluan lain.


Data Industri Pengecoran China tahun 2014

Pada Forum Cina Foundry Industry ke-7,tanggal 29

Maret di Shanghai, Wakil Presiden Eksekutif dan

Sekretaris Jenderal Cina Foundry Asosiasi Wen Ping

merilis informasi pada industri pengecoran China

untuk 2014.

Data menunjukkan total produksi industri

pengecoran China pada tahun 2014 mencapai

46.200.000 ton, ini merupakan peningkatan 3,8%

dari tahun ke tahun (Gambar) dan pertumbuhan

yang stabil dibandingkan dengan 2012 (2,4%

kenaikan) dan 2013 (4,7% kenaikan).

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Workshop Die Design 2015

29 – 30 Juni 2015

Workshop Die Design 2015 yang merupakan penyelenggaraan ke-2 dari Lokakarya Die

Desain diselenggarakan di Jakarta dari tanggal 29-30 Juni 2015 yang diikuti oleh 41 peserta

dari beberapa perusahaan pengecoran alumunium Indonesia. Workshop ini dilatih oleh Ueli

Jordi, konsultan teknologi senior dari Buhler Swistzerland yang memiliki pengalaman dalam

proses pengecoran lebih dari 40 th tahun dan diikuti oleh industri casting alumunium di


Untuk tahun 2015 ini, dalam lokakarya pada hari pertama pelatihan diarahkan pada

efektivitas pelatihan pada workshop Die Desain 2014, apakah materi workshop dahulu

berguna dan memberikan beberapa penyegaran materi tahun lalu.

Pada hari kedua lokakarya, para peserta membawa hasil produk dari casting part mereka

dan kami membentuk beberapa kelompok untuk membahas masalah dan solusi dari casting

part pelanggan.

Penyelenggaraan Workshop ini terbilang sukses dan pelanggan yang bergabung pada

lokakarya ini sangat aktif dan tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang proses

pengecoran dan BUHLER berencana untuk kembali mengadakan workshop dengan topik dan

pembahasan yang lain.

Workshop Die Casting 2005 yang dilaksanakan tanggal 29-30 Juni 2015 di Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta

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Resource Optimisation and Energy Efficiency

GIFA – the 13th International Foundry Trade Fair will be presenting innovative solutions for

the foundry industry from 16th to 21st June 2015.

visit the Foundry Trade Journal stand at GIFA - hall 15, stand H16-01

The foundry industry is a vital link in the value chain of the most important industrial sectors

and is therefore a high-tech industry with a sound future. It is estimated that total global

production of castings in 2015 will reach a volume of approximately 100 million tonnes.

Analyses made by CAEF - the European Foundry Association - indicates that there are more

than 4,000 foundries in Europe alone, with over 200,000 employees overall (2012 figures).

Reducing operating costs whilst improving manufacturing capabilities is a top priority for

foundries. Computer-based processes have, for example, become indispensable, for rapid

production of castings. Electronic systems are being used to monitor and analyse the vast

range of processes carried out in a foundry. Optimisation is in full swing in all these areas as

well as in the production and operating materials sector. Traditional casting processes are

being modified and new production methods are being developed by combining processes.

GIFA 2015 will be reviewing these diverse developments and will provide visitors and

exhibitors with an insight into the future of foundry technology.

Innovative future

The foundry industry‟s biggest customers are car and machine manufacturers, plant

engineering companies, the railway industry, the aerospace industry, the power generation

industry, shipbuilding and marine engineering. Manufacturers of data processing equipment,

musical instruments and medical products such as implants also source materials from the

foundry industry. In view of the increasingly exacting demands made on industrial

companies, these industries - particularly the automotive industry - act as „innovation

drivers‟ for the foundry industry. Indeed, the progress made in engine manufacturing is

attributable to a major extent to the developments made by the foundry industry.

Competition and competitiveness

As in other industrial sectors, foundries and foundry supply companies have to face growing

international competitive pressure and are forced to make economical use of resources and

energy to be able to continue operating profitably.

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There is no doubt that those foundries which increase efficiency in this area place

themselves in a position to reap tremendous future benefits. Other ways to improve a

company‟s competitive position are: ensuring the machinery used is always state-of-the-art;

optimising production processes; remaining up-to-date with on-going developments in the

areas of casting materials, moulds, cores and casting processes and; finally, to be capable of

supplying clients with castings that have customised properties. In spite of all the advances

that impact the casting process directly or indirectly, whether a foundry is competitive or not

depends to a crucial extent on the skills of the company‟s employees and, whatever part of

the world we are operating in, it is now an enormous challenge to recruit well-qualified

young staff.

Technical trends

As is the case with companies in other industrial sectors, foundries need to reduce operating

costs, whilst continuing to supply sophisticated products with shorter and shorter

development lead times. Economical use of energy and raw materials for castings, cores and

moulds is an absolute necessity to cut costs and to reduce the impact of casting production

on the environment. Since many other processes - such as production of moulds and cores,

cleaning and testing of castings, recovery or recycling of mould and core sands - are taking

place simultaneously to the casting process, electronic process control systems have become

essential to be able to monitor and control all the production operations. Electronics are just

as vital in the development of castings and the production of prototypes, moulds and cores.

With computer-based processes, operations in the casting process and the impact on casting

quality can be simulated in detail, with the result that castings can be designed rapidly

which are an optimum fit for the assignment in question. Computer-based 3D printing

processes, with which synthetic resin-bonded sand moulds and cores can be manufactured

relatively quickly, are replacing what used to be the very time-consuming and laborious

production of moulds for sand casting. Developments are continuing in the areas of casting

materials and casting processes too. Material manufacturers are, for example, working on

the optimisation of existing casting alloys and the development of new ones, while research

institutes are trying out new processes in liaison with machine manufacturers and foundries

- such as composite casting processes, with which different metals like steel and copper can

be combined with each other.

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GIFA 2015

Foundries need innovative machines, equipment, software systems and much more to be

able to operate efficiently. The international foundry trade fair GIFA will be providing

information about this and the innovative developments that are being made.

The Bright World of Metals

The four international technology trade fairs GIFA (International Foundry Trade Fair),

METEC (International Metallurgical Trade Fair), THERMPROCESS (International Trade Fair

for Thermo Process Technology) and NEWCAST (International Trade Fair for Precision

Castings) are being held in Düsseldorf from 16th to 20th June 2015. Visitors from all over

the world will be coming to the city on the River Rhine for five days at this time to focus on

castings, foundry technology, metallurgy and thermo process technology. A programme of

high-quality additional events such as the World Foundry Organization Technical Forum will

again be taking place alongside the trade fairs. All four trade fairs and the programmes co-

ordinated with them will be concentrating on the issue of resource optimisation and energy

efficiency. A total of 79,000 experts from 83 different countries visited the stands of the

1,958 exhibitors at the previous events in 2011.

Pertemuan dengan delegasi Korea dalam rangka pengembangan industri mesin di Indonesia

Ketua APLINDO menghadiri pembukaan

Pameran MTT 2015 di JIEpo Kemayoran Jakarta yang diselenggarakan tanggal 4-7 Agustus 2015

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Aluminium low-pressure wheel production - end

to end Solutions

Authors: Roger Kendrick, Foseco Europe; Giorgio Muneratti, Vesuvius Italy; Martin Freyn,

Vesuvius Slavia; Philippe Kientzler, Foseco International; Gustavo Martinez, Foseco Mexico

and Eiyu Tei, Foseco Japan

There has been huge growth in the production of aluminium road wheels over the past

decade, with the great majority being manufactured by the low-pressure diecasting process.

The quality requirements of these safety critical castings are as high as any aluminium

component made today and Foseco has developed a range of products aimed at improving

the quality of the castings produced while also improving the profitability of the process.

This concept of an integrated solution package for a particular casting and process will be

further developed in the future.

The application of aluminium wheels on light vehicles has become hugely popular over the

past ten years. The reasons behind this are both technical as well as aesthetic as the

castings are safety critical as well as pleasing to the eye. Aluminium wheels need to offer

mechanical strength and lightness, toughness and rigidity, dimensional precision and style

with a perfect aesthetic finish and so today aluminium wheels have become a technologically

advanced product required to offer a high level of quality, reliability and safety.

The wheel is a safety critical component, which has a decisive effect on the performance of

the vehicle and is responsible for propulsion, steering, supporting the vehicle, braking as

well as suspension. Consequently it must possess characteristics of mechanical strength,

plastic reserve and fatigue strength capable of resisting fracture during the full life cycle. In

addition to this, roundness and balance must also be maintained over time.

Testing will include dimensional accuracy, alloy composition, hardness, grain size and

eutectic structure, fatigue testing and die penetrant inspection after fatigue testing, x-ray

inspection, pressure tightness, crash test, detailed visual inspection, radial load testing – all

this means that aluminium wheels receive as much inspection as any other aluminium

casting and more than most.

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The process by which aluminium wheels are manufactured is almost always low-pressure

diecasting and this process can be segmented into the following process steps:

• Alloy material selection

• Melting

• Holding

• Melt transfer by ladle

• Melt treatment in the ladle

• Transfer into the low-pressure furnace

• Die filling and solidification

• Removal and initial inspection

• X-ray inspection

• Heat treatment

• Machining

• Painting

• Pressure test and visual inspection

The Foseco approach is to develop a range of products and services which can add value to

the foundry in all of these process steps.

Alloy material selection

To achieve the mechanical properties - particularly the elongation - it is essential that the

iron content of the alloy is controlled and so commonly primary ingot is used along with

foundry returns and the swarf and chippings from the machine line. Around 40 per cent of

the as-cast wheel is removed during the process and so, although the swarf and chippings

from machined wheels will have a very large surface area and be the potential source of

oxide inclusions, it is commercially essential that this material is recycled and the value

retained. A separate process to melt and clean this material is normally used and the use of

a powerful cleaning flux, such as COVERAL* GR 6512, is an integral part of this process.

Once cleaned to an acceptable quality level this material can be used, under control, as part

of the alloy charge, either as cast ingot or in liquid form.


Melting in wheel foundries today tends to be by tower melter or reverberatory furnace and

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there are three key properties that are expected from the furnace itself - high melting rate,

energy efficiency and the ability to avoid oxide formation.

In the melting and holding zone there is a strong need for a refractory material that is

compatible with aluminium-silicon alloys, which has good mechanical strength and is non-

wetted by aluminium alloys, resisting the growth of corundum. The lining material must also

have a high resistance to mechanical damage in impact areas and have as long a service life

as is practical.

ALUGARD* CE-S is a high alumina, low cement castable specifically designed for use with

aluminium-silicon alloys and is well proven in aluminium tower and reverberatory melting

furnaces. The ALUGARD CE-S lining will offer a long service life and good resistance to

corundum growth and be easy to clean.

Within the range of refractory products there is also a lighter weight material for the furnace

door, roof and upper walls, TRIAD* 45 AL and BLU-RAM* HS.

For general maintenance and repair DURAGUN* 66AL can be used for application by

trowelling or gunning methods.

The same range of refractory materials can also be applied if the melting takes place in a

reverberatory furnace.

Product selection is vitally important as is correct installation and Foseco can advise and

sometimes supervise the installation of their refractory lining products.

In melting furnaces temperature measurement can also offer advantages if it is fast and

accurate. Highly conductive ISO-PRIME or 3MSILICIUMNITRID thermocouple sheaths can

both achieve these aims with the latter also offering longer service life.

Correct refractory selection and fast response thermocouples can help to maintain the high

quality standard of the aluminium alloy melt, the essential foundation of a sound foundry


Melt transfer

Once melted the alloy is then poured into a transfer ladle in which the melt treatment is

made prior to the ladle being moved to the low-pressure casting machines. This treatment

of grain refinement, strontium modification, cleaning and hydrogen adjustment (degassing

and sometimes regassing) can take around ten minutes and so temperature loss can be an

issue. Good insulation and easy cleaning is therefore an essential characteristic of the lining

material and Foseco has two options to offer.

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INSURAL* 140 is supplied as a pre-cast insert which has already been fired to over 700°C

and when installed within the INSURAL 10 insulating backing will offer excellent insulation

and non-wetting properties. When installed using the INSURAL 140 lining system the ladle

will have a heat loss of less than 3°C per minute, depending upon the capacity, and will also

be very easy to keep clean and free of oxide build-up.

If the service life of the ladle lining is of particular importance then INSURAL 270 offers

good insulation and oxide resistance coupled with excellent erosion resistance. INSURAL 270

will therefore offer an extended service life.

Melt treatment

To achieve the required quality of melt it is necessary to carry out a controlled melt

treatment in the transfer ladle.

To ensure the correct eutectic structure is achieved and that excellent elongation properties

are assured, the alloy is modified with strontium. This can be done by using pre-modified

ingot, which has already had a strontium addition, or by adding aluminium-strontium master

alloy prior to degassing.

In addition to the strontium modification the alloy is also grain refined with titanium and

boron to achieve optimum mechanical properties and to reduce the chances of shrinkage in

thicker sections. In addition to an improvement in elongation and the consistency of

mechanical properties, grain refinement also increases resistance to fatigue, improves

machinability, reduces the tendency for hot tearing and helps to disperse micro-porosity.

This treatment is best carried out by chemical additions, which form fresh titanium diboride

particles within the melt. A tablet addition with NUCLEANT* 70 SS or NUCLEANT 100 SP will

have this effect but best of all a cleaning and grain refining flux, COVERAL MTS 1582 applied

through a MTS 1500 metal treatment station, will give excellent grain refinement, remove

oxides and inclusions while ensuring that a very dry dross is generated thereby reducing

metal loss.

Melt cleaning and hydrogen control can best be done simultaneously and the traditional

method is to add a granular flux COVERAL GR 6512 to the surface of the ladle and then to

carry out rotary degassing with a pumping graphite FDU XSR rotor or a GBF rotor.

The stirring action of the rotor will activate the COVERAL GR 6512 and create an exothermic

reaction while the finely dispersed inert gas bubbles will help oxides to float to the surface to

be collected in the dross. After several minutes of treatment the melt is cleaner and lower in

hydrogen content.

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A more modern version of this melt treatment is with MTS 1500 technology using a more

powerful MTS FDR rotor. In the early stages of the rotary degassing treatment the baffle

plate rises from the melt and a vortex is formed. A specially developed cleaning flux,

COVERAL MTS 1565, is then added into the vortex. The flux is taken down to the lower

parts of the ladle where it can react with the bulk of the melt and after less than 60 seconds

the baffle plate moves back into the melt and the vortex disappears.

Normal rotary degassing then continues but because the flux is low in the melt a much more

effective cleaning process follows. The MTS 1500 process will therefore remove more oxides

than FDU alone.

However for the most effective and automated treatment the COVERAL MTS 1565 flux can

be replaced by COVERAL MTS 1582, which when added using the MTS 1500 unit, will offer

hydrogen control, melt cleaning and grain refinement as well as generating a dry dross low

in aluminium, as shown in fig.6, all in one automated treatment.

To monitor the effectiveness of the modification and grain refinement treatments a cooling

curve can be plotted using THERMATEST* equipment. As well as producing a cooling curve,

where the undercooling of the liquidus and solidus can be observed, the software also

calculates a eutectic structure index; where 5 is the maximum reading and a grain index,

with 9 being the maximum reading. Thermal analysis is a very effective way of checking that

each melt has been correctly treated.

As shrinkage is such a common issue in aluminium wheels it is sometimes advisable not to

reduce the hydrogen content of the melt to the lowest possible level. The overall treatment

time must be maintained because of the need to clean the alloy and so shortening the

degassing is not an option. It is therefore beneficial to degas to a low level and then to

reintroduce a small amount of hydrogen at the end of the treatment. To retain the

advantage of automation and consistency it is possible to programme the FDU, GBF or MTS

1500 unit to make a late addition of Argon-H2 gas for just a few tens of seconds at the end

of the treatment. This will adjust the hydrogen content to an acceptable level, which will not

create porosity but will control the level of shrinkage found in the final casting.

The use of a programmable MTS 1500 treatment to clean, grain refine and control the

hydrogen content of the melt gives the foundry excellent process control and repeatability.

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Melt transfer

After treatment the melt is poured into the low-pressure furnace, ready for production. This

is another critical stage of the process as turbulent filling of the low-pressure furnace can

result in oxide creation and an increase in hydrogen content. A specially designed INSURAL

140 pouring basin to suit the particular low-pressure furnace can help to control the filling


Low-pressure diecasting furnace

As these furnaces can be in service for up to seven years it is vital to select a refractory

which will avoid oxide and corundum growth. ALUGARD A 95 has been used for several

years in these types of furnace and will avoid many of the problems that can be experienced

where furnaces run in production for long periods of time. When ALUGARD A 95 is installed

in front of a highly insulating backing system then external steel shell temperatures can be

as low as 65°C, reflecting a very energy efficient system.

As an alternative to casting the lining in the furnace body it is possible to install a pre-cast

and pre-fired shape in INSURAL 270. This option offers a very fast reline and guarantees

that all combined moisture has been removed before installation begins. A furnace relined

with the INSURAL 270 system can therefore be put immediately into service after relining,

without the need for additional drying and firing.

For the furnace roof, an insulating lining is appropriate and LITEWATE* 80 AL is an ideal

material for this application.

The low-pressure furnace is heated by electric radiant glow-bars in the roof and their service

life can be extended by covering them with a highly conductive protection tube.

ISO-PRIME heater protection tubes ensure good heat transfer from electrical element to the

furnace atmosphere while protecting the element from mechanical damage, metal splashing

and chemical attack during general use or metal treatment and furnace cleaning. They will

extend the life of the heater elements, reducing the running costs of the furnace.

For accurate temperature control, a thermocouple sheath with high conductivity is required

and ISO-PRIME thermocouple sheaths are well proven in the specific application of a

pressurised furnace. Again fast response will result in more accurate temperature control

and less variation on casting temperatures.

To have accurate control of the filling process and to retain pressure for effective feeding

during solidification a pressure tight LPS tube is essential.

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Two materials are offered for this application - ZYAROCK* and ZYACAST - both based on

fused silica and being well proven in these applications. These LPS tubes can be supplied

with a SEDEX* or STELEX* ZR foam filter installed in the bottom to prevent oxide inclusions

entering the tube from the furnace floor.


Above the LPS tube there is the opportunity to apply highly insulating ceramic inserts and

INSURAL 140 is an ideal material for these applications. The use of these inserts allows the

foundry to increase the amount of water cooling in the die, thus extracting heat from the

casting while retaining heat in the feed areas. Casting quality is therefore improved while

cycle time is kept short to improve productivity.

To improve metal flow and trap oxide inclusions, a filter can be positioned in the upper

bush. Foam filters are the most effective at flow control and SIVEX* FC filters are

lightweight and can be remelted from the carrot.

The die itself must be coated to control the thermal balance, ensuring good filling while also

controlling heat loss during the feeding cycle. The aesthetic quality of the casting is also

defined by the surface finish on the main face of the wheel and so a smooth coating is used

on the front face, DYCOTE* 39. For an extended service life DYCOTE 3900 or DYCOTE 3950

can be used.

For the side and top cores a more insulating coating is required and this can be DYCOTE 34.

As service life of the coating is important to retain the insulating properties for a longer

period, a primer coating - DYCOTE DR 87 - can first be applied to the die with the other

DYCOTEs applied on top.

To ensure that the DYCOTE used is correctly prepared a special mixer - DYCOTE CARRY and

MIX - is offered. This mixer will also maintain the quality of the coating during standing.


The important attributes of the low-pressure diecasting process are:

• Productivity

• Energy usage

• Metal yield

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The important attributes of the casting itself are:

• Surface finish

• Mechanical properties

• Soundness

• Pressure tightness

• Freedom from oxides and porosity

• Machinability

The products listed above form a valuable group for the low-pressure wheel producer and

when used together will have a positive impact on the quality and performance of the

castings as well as the commercial success of the foundry. Research and development

projects are now underway to add further elements to this range and to increase the end-

to-end value offered to the industry.

Contact: Paul Jeffs, UK technical manager, Vesuvius UK Limited – Foseco Foundry

Division, Tamworth, Staffordshire B78 3TL UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1827 289999, email:

[email protected] web:



ZYACAST, SEDEX, STELEX, SIVEX and DYCOTE are Trade Marks of the Vesuvius

Group, registered in certain countries, used under licence.

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Data Kendaraan Bermotor

1. Data Kendaran Roda 4

a. Penjualan Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2011-2015 di Indonesia

No. Bulan Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 73,990 76.427 96.718 103.609 94.194

2 Februari 69,591 86.486 103.278 111.824 88.741

3 Maret 82,166 87.917 95.996 113.067 99.410

4 April 60,728 87.144 102.257 106.124 81.600

5 Mei 61,055 95.541 99.697 96.872 79.374

6 Juni 70,157 101.746 104.268 110.614 82.139

7 Juli 89,056 102.511 112.178 91.334 70.263

8 Agustus 73,276 76.445 77.964 96.652

9 September 79,835 102.100 115.974 102.572

10 Oktober 86,342 106.754 112.039 105.222

11 Nopember 67,643 103.703 111841 91.327

12 Desember 80,325 89.456 97.691 78.802

Total 894,164 1.116.230 1.229.901 1.208.019 595.721 Sumber : Gaikindo

b. Produksi Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2011-2015 di Indonesia

No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 70,715 77.036 97.793 104.728 98.869

2 Februari 63,928 86.469 100.491 112.501 92.836

3 Maret 74,308 85.507 89.073 123.007 107.725

4 April 54,556 84.426 101.805 121.114 97.253

5 Mei 54,637 97.367 99.661 94.353 89.287

6 Juni 64,454 94.400 97.939 117.309 91.537

7 Juli 83,591 97.330 106.519 93.613 82.352

8 Agustus 69,107 71.113 77.354 105.259

9 September 77,349 94.488 116.974 119.346

10 Oktober 81,265 100.298 115.533 116.654

11 Nopember 65,686 99.168 110.570 102.423

12 Desember 78,352 77.955 94.499 88.216

Total 837.948 1.065.557 1.208.211 1.298.523 659.859

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b. Penjualan Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan-Juni


1 Brunai 14.555 18.634 18.642 18.114 7.884

2 Indonesia 894.164 1.116.230 1.229.901 1.208.019 525.458

3 Malaysia 600.123 627.753 655.793 666.465 322.184

4 Philipina 141.616 156.654 181.738 234.747 131.465

5 Singapura 39.570 37.247 34.111 47.443 34.087

6 Thailand 794.081 1.436.335 1.330.672 881.832 369.109

7 Vietnam 109.660 80.453 98.649 133.588 91.790

sumber : AAF

c. Produksi Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan-Juni 2015

1 Indonesia 837.948 1.065.557 1.208.211 1.298.523 577.507

2 Malaysia 533.515 569.620 601.407 596.418 327.664

3 Philipina 64.906 75.413 79.169 88.845 45.662

4 Thailand 1.457.795 2.453.717 2.457.057 1.880.007 935.251

5 Vietnam 100.465 73.673 93.630 121.084 78.596

Total 2.994.629 4.237.980 4.439.474 3.984.877 1.964.680

sumber : AAF

2. Data Kendaraan Roda 2 / Sepeda Motor

a. Penjualan sepeda motor 2011-2015 Di Indonesia

No. Bulan Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 667,124 652.601 649.983 580.288 513.816 2 Februari 613,449 670.757 653.357 681.267 570.524 3 Maret 713,672 626.689 657.483 728.820 562.185 4 April 709,177 622.929 660.505 729.279 538.746 5 Mei 709,122 619.540 647.215 734.030 482.691 6 Juni 661,304 550.468 661.282 753.789 588.675 7 Juli 740,121 585.658 704.019 539.171 439.245 8 Agustus 681,444 433.741 490.824 599.250 9 September 723,906 628.739 678.139 706.938

10 Oktober 717,514 634.575 717.272 675.962 11 Nopember 643,271 627.048 688.527 592.635 12 Desember 463,431 488.841 552.408 556.586

Total 8,043,535 7.141.586 7.771.014 7.908.914 3.695.882

sumber : AISI Diolah

b. Produksi sepeda motor 2011-2015 Di Indonesia

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No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 677,356 685.688 662.920 595.636 524.368

2 Februari 621,988 665.570 659.417 659.258 552.543

3 Maret 720,284 606.984 654.760 729.476 593.592

4 April 715,864 619.839 672.370 748.401 563.566

5 Mei 698,427 619.829 644.881 722.192 483.872

6 Juni 645,975 535.621 653.384 761.117 559.956

7 Juli 722,184 577.488 694.492 553.626 428.250

8 Agustus 671,506 428.662 484.428 611.235

9 September 713,061 620.250 683.066 747.992

10 Oktober 725,036 627.352 729.876 686.101

11 Nopember 646,510 625.865 691.115 598.560

12 Desember 446,102 466.573 549.586 512.510

Total 8,006,293 7.079.721 7.780.295 7.926.104 3.706.147

sumber : AISI Diolah

c. Penjualan sepeda motor 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan- Juni


1 Indonesia 8,043,535 7.141.586 7.771.014 7.908.014 3.256.637

2 Malaysia 494.586 537.753 546.719 442.749 202.666

3 Philipina 731.130 702.599 752.835 790.245 382.568

4 Singapura 8.046 9.923 11.650 8.145 3.630

5 Thailand 2.007.383 2.130.067 2.004.498 1.701.535 902.720

Total 11.284.680 10.521.928 11.086.716 10.851.615 4.748.221

sumber : AAF

d. Produksi sepeda motor 2010-2014 Di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan- Juni


1 Indonesia 8,006,293 7.079.721 7.780.295 7.926.104 3.277.897

2 Malaysia 498.076 543.088 549.244 439.907 208.238

3 Philipina 762.947 588.292 729.480 755.184 376.590

4 Thailand 2.043.039 2.606.161 2.218.625 1.842.708 969.500

Total 11.310.355 10.817.262 11.277.644 10.963.903 4.832.225

sumber : AAF

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Informasi Umum & Pameran

A. Web site Pemerintah yang dapat diakses :

1. (Sekretariat Negara)

2. (Kementerian Perindustrian)

3. (Kementerian Keuangan)

4. (Kementerian Perdagangan)

5. (Direktorat Bea & Cukai, Kementerian Keuangan)

6. (Kementerian ESDM)

7. (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal)

8. (Biro Pusat Statistik)

B. Web site Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia (APLINDO)

Kini APLINDO telah tersedia Web site sendiri :, mohon dukungan partisipasi aktif Bapak-bapak sekalian dan

diharapkan saran, masukan, permasalahan dan perkembangan yang terjadi di industri

pengecoran logam di Indonesia. Saran dan masukan anda dapat berupa artikel ke

alamat [email protected]

C. Web site Himpunan Ahli Pengecoran Logam Indonesia

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sekalian dan diharapkan saran serta masukan anda berupa artikel sesuai page yang

tersedia dalam format *.doc ke alamat [email protected] untuk

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D. Pameran dan Seminar

1. 4 – 7 August 2015

MTT Expo 2015, Indonesia The 7th specialised Exhibition on Machine Tools, Metalworking & Precision, automotive Engineering and Related Manufacturing Technologies for Indonesia

2. 8-10 September 2015

11th China (Beijing) International Foundry Industry Expo (CIFE2015) New China International Exhibition Centre - Beijing

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3. 8-10 September 2015 Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals International Congress and Exhibition

the very heart of Russia, Congress & Exhibition “Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals” (NFM) including the XXI Conference & Exhibition “Aluminium of Siberia”, XI Symposium “Gold of Siberia”, IX Conference “Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous and Rare

Metals” and Mineral and Raw Materials Sources Forum will open their gates to the world industrial community. These meetings are devoted to the whole production

chain in minerals and metals production. Gathering elites from the global community and facilitating world class trading, networking and educational activities in the world's most dynamic metallurgy market, the event will showcase the latest

innovations in products and cutting-edge technologies to meet the large demand in Russia

4. 16 Sep 2015 - 18 Sep 2015 International Foundry Conference

Portoroz, Slovenia Two days of technical sessions and networking opportunities

5. 16-18 September 2015 55th International Foundry Conference 2014

Portorož (Slovenia)ation :

6. 27-29 September 2015 5th International Foundry Technical Conference & Exhibition, Teheran, Iran Scope of the Conference and Exhibition: Raw material, Foundry plants, Melting

furnaces & accessories, Refractories, Molding, Pattern & core making, Sand preparation, Treatment & reclamation, Casting Machines & accessories, Die cast

machine & accessories, Knock out & finishing, Surface treatment, Heat treatment & drying, Measuring, Testing, Process control instrument, Material handling, Machining, Automation, Foundry service, Casting manufactures, Robotics, Scrap management,

Transferring melt, mold & parts, Welding, Sandblast & shot peening, Air scrubber, Saving Energy and Environmental Management, Ferroalloy & non ferroalloy,

Inoculant, Filtration, Skimming slag, Investment casting, Centrifugal casting Expandable casting, Permanent casting, Vacuum molding, High pressure casting, Degassing system, Die cast, Ceramic molding, Kiln casting, Graphite casting, lost wax,

Hot & cold chamber die casting, Lost foam casting, Metallurgy powder, silica sand, Olivine sand, Chromite sand, Zircon sand, Chamotte sand, Resin, Foundry simulation & software, Inspection, Melting flow control, Foundry & Market, Foundry development

and optimizing the efficiency, Automobile industries, Jewelry, Pipe producer, Valve, Casting radiator, Ball mill, Cast iron, Steel, Pig iron, Aluminium, Copper, Zinc, Lead,

ingot, Billet, Bucket tooth, Casting parts ,Sculpture, Export, Companies Presentation

7. 29 September – 01 October 2015 FENAF 2015 - 16ª Feira Latino-americana de Fundição, Brazil Fenaf is the largest trade show ot the foundry sector in America, bringing together

the entire production chain of the foundry industry, national and international, and its customers. Over 400 exhibitors and 30,000 vistantes are expected for this next edition, to be held at Expo Center Norte, Brazil.

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8. October 2015 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies,

China, The WFO Moulding Materials Commission will host the Forum where the world-leading researchers in the area of moulding materials will meet. Papers are sought

for the event, see the relevant commission page or email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

9. 21-25 May, 2016

The 72nd World Foundry Congress 2016, Nagoya, Japan, This intellectually and professionally stimulating biennial congress offers you a golden

opportunity to meet fellow foundrymen from all over the world and exchange ideas in

order to develop a common vision for the future of the global foundry industry.

The WFC2016 will have presentations of technical papers and meetings as well as

enjoyable social events.through which you can learn more about traditional Japanese


The WFC2016 will be held in Nagoya,Japan‟s third largest metropolitan region located

on central Honshu. Nagoya is known as one of the centres of the manufacturing

industry and also for its famous historical castle. Nagoya Castle, built by the first

shougun of the Tokugawa shougunate, has a pair of golden shachihoko (carp-like

mythical animals) on its roof, and they have become the symbol of Nagoya.
